The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 25, 1899, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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    ''1irW- ' P
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0c cranfon CriBune
I'lihllnliert Dully, Kxpupt Hnnflnr. br thn
Irlbtinol'ublliililnzCuiniitDr, utl'lfty Oenti
JUM orklllllce' 1MI .NrmmiHU
S.H VllKi:i.,VXI),
hole Aacnt for I'orelgn Ailvorllslni.
tATmi I) attiik losiort'trK at ernANTox,
HCJIANTO.W .TAN't'VHY 23, 1899.
Mnyor-JAMKS MolH
TKiiHUici-rilDMAS It HltOOKS.
I'miliollel- V. I WIDMAVnil.
school ninttois - John countim
Momtis. (JKo'tnn it. Hinnrs
AssrsorH-UVU. M JON'US. l'lllMl'
Election Day IVbrtmry 21
It In to lie liope-d that the ncnatorlnl
light will be n-ttli'i' toon It for nt
"liter iinmi than to nllow Senator
l'lliin's Inrvnx to t'ikc a icst.
A Blessing and n Shame.
A tublo was Riven vpstenlnv at I'ln
tlniinil In tin- annual mlilrcst of l'n-s-IiK'til
rieaioh hefmu the National As-s-or-lnllon
of Mnniifm tuteri which Is
InlilllliK when fullv coiupienenilecl. It
ahnus the ginwth of the tot.U exports
ant! of the c.Mioita of inanufnUuierK
from the United States slnte lS.'t as
Kxperts of ln't r'H
Total ot m.uiiifue- In lota!
Year. evports tute- expoitH.
1121 . $ 41 ATI Vtl J r,i..lu77 1.!S
JSil ... lo.'JII ;i"i 10 H" 2i'i 1j.11
1SSG ... W2U;. ST'MT.H I'M
1SS .. . 1W.IVI.4S1 ll.hOi.,3?.! 11.75
JSIO .... lll.taO.Si.l 1I311IW, IJVi
IM5 , !IS 1" ."(I H.WLlUl 17.17
IVffl . -'- CJ1U7 H "7
1W .. IWIUp ".'1 71)1.1" .Mi"
US) .... :in .'i.' us r.i'):7i i
1tj5 .... 2.-ii,n;s mssi,i :i!.it
18T1 .... I" Sis, '11 1 2 2.1 .'VI DOS
1S7S . ."uj-:7fi-N ijn .vi7v. ;: is
in sii.)r "vi v r- :mi v
15 TJi.fsjpli 117 is., 1.', ji.1.!
H'w sri.nh.s ni io.' ws ii'.7
IWi . 7!."').' Vi'i 1.,.Vr.74J 'Jlil
1VI1 v;!24s7 i2!?1"iV'M J. 17
117 l.Cn.'UH V) !!7G PIT V,1 ' .
lS t2m,.")j(n7 2ss7iiri j:s7
No Mieh a growth In exports as Is
ilitUeated In the later vi-nrs of this
table, especially since 1RV). can be cited
In Hie hlstoiy of am other nation, an
cient or modern. It Is a tfiowth tle
pendliiK on no single natuial resouice,
but upon manv lesourees upon the
pioducts of aRiieulture, mining nnd
nianiifaetuie In due and symmetrical
piopoitlon. While the fanners of th
I'nlteil states from their reat hai
ests aie .pmlhiK wheat and corn and
nat.s nnd iji1 mid cotton to feid and
lothe the people of othei countries,
Ameilcan nmnufactuiei i are making
rear l cir Increaulnff qualities of
inachlnerj and other fabileatlona ft
Killed labor to mlnlstei to the wants
of forclKnem, and aie selllnir these
(,'oods dliectl.v In the taie of foielgn
eompotltlon, Noith, South, :'.ist and
Is it not a shame that the ships which
cany this enuimous ocean fielghtnge
aie, foi the createi pait, ships owned
by foielRiiers, operated by foielRiier'i
and lljliiK foreign Hags'
Aguinaldo's ultimatum is not causing
Flteplessnes outside of the coteile of
To Undo Trusts.
An Interextlng antl-tiust law is un
der consideiatlou by the geneial as
sembly of Indiana. It is intcieritlng
lor the lenson that it seenifl to be de
signed with caie atiu skill and to have
possibilities of enfoi cement. Tot this
leason It met its attention
The bill defines a trust to be a com
bination of capital, skill oi acts by two
or inrm pel son.. (Inns, pat tnershlps,
eoipoiations or associations of persons
to: 1. Cieate or to rairy out lesttlc
tions In tl.lde ol comnieice. 2 To
limit oi uduce the pioduttlon. or in
eiease oi i educe th. puee of meichan
dlso oi any commodity 3 To prevent
competition In inanufactuilng, tians
poitatlon or the sale oi pin chase of
meichandlse, ptoduce oi any commod
ity. 4 To llx at un standard oi flg
in o, wheieby its pi ice to the public
or consumer shall be in any manner
contiolled or critablished, any article
oi commodltj of merchandise, produce
i coniineice Julended foi sale, barter,
uc oi consumption In the state. 5. To
make oi entei Into or execute or cm
ly out any contiaets, obligations or
agieenients of any kind or description
by which they shall bind themselves
not to sell, dispose of or tianspoit
any article oi any commodity or any
ui tide of trade, use, merchandise, com
nieice ot roiihumptlon below a com
mon stanUaid llguio or llxed value, or
by which they shall agiee In any man
iiui to keep the pi lee of such aitUle,
commodity oi tiansportatlon at a llxed
oi giaduatcd figure, or by which they
shall In any manner establish or set
tle the. pi Ice of an aitlcle, commod
ity or tianspoitallon between them or
themselves and others, so as directly
or Indirectly to pieclude a free and un
lestilcted competition among themsel
xes or otheis or any purchaser or
consumeis In the sale or transpoita
tlon of any such article or commodity:
or by which they shall agree to pool,
combine directly or indirectly or unite
nny Interests that they may have with
the sale or transposition of any such
urtlclu or commodity, tlmt Its prico
might In any manner be alfected.
Hvery such trust Is declared to be
agalnat public policy and unlawful and
void. In case of a violation of any of
the provisions of the proposed
law, It is made the duty of
the nttorney general or of the pros
ceutlng attorney of tho proper county
to Institute suits or quo warranto pto
ceedlnga In the court of competent Jur
isdiction in any of the county seats
of the state In which the corporation
In question does business. Tho attor
ney Is nlo authorized to bring suit
In the circuit or superior courts of
Marlon county for the forfeiture of the
charter right of any company that vio
lates tho law nnd for tho dissolution
of the corporation oi association By
the provisions of the hill every for
eign corpoiatlon or association for
'felts Its right to do business In the
ttute by violating the provisions of tho
law and It Is mndc the duty of the
attorney general to go Into court and
seo thut tho charter of nny offending
foreign concern authorizing It to do
business within the state Is forfeited.
The net futhermoro declares that any
lolatlon of either or nil of the pro
visions of the law may be declared
ti conspiracy ngnlnst trade and pro
vides that any person violating the law
may be lined In any sum from J300
to 5,000 nnd be Imprisoned not lewi
than sK mouths nor more than one
year, or both by fine and Imprison
ment. Kneh day's violation of the act
Is to constitute n separate offense. Tho
bill fuither provides than In iirosecu
tlons under the net It shall bo buIH
i lent to prove that a tiuit as dcllned
In the first section exists nnd that
tho defendnnt belonged to It, oi acted
for or in connection with It, without
proving nil the meinbets belonging to
It, or proving or producing any arti
cle or ngrcement, oi nny written In
stalment upon which it may have been
based, or that It was evidenced by any
wiltten Instrumentatall. Tho character
of the trust or combination may be cs
tabllshed by proof of its general repu
tation ns such.
In other words, tho question "is It a
tiust?" Is a question for the Jury to
decide, not a matter for legal hair
splitting If trusts can be checked at
all by law they can be checked In this
waj, by forclnf, their managers to 50
befoie lurles.
The bowling antl-lmpcrlallsts cer
talnlj are demonstrating that In som!
Instances the woik of American civili
zation nt home has been a failure.
Evangels of Commerce.
The National Association ot Jlanu
factuiets, now holding Its fouith an
nual session In Cincinnati, Is a good Il
lustration of the adaptability of the
Ameilcan people to new conditions. It
was callrd Into existence by lecognl
tlon of the fact that an export tiado
requires more in Its building up than
consular reports and long-distance
talk The gentlemen behind this enter
prise. In reviewing tho foieign fields
which held lnvltntlons to Amerlcnn en
tuince, peicelvcd xery early that de
tailed study of foreign markets was
ssentlnl ifheadway was to be made
In trade extension. Hence they set
lorth to make such a study and to fol
low It up by a Judicious display of
samples of their own manufacture.
In 18GG, in ucceptlng the office of
president of the association n position
jet held by him with signal ability
Theodore f. Search of Philadelphia,
sounded the bugle note of a general ad
vanee by snylng "I believe that wo
manufacturers ought at this time to
cease standing on the defensive. What
we need Is a policy of aggiesslon that
Is sufficient to maintain our pilnciples,
conduct nur own business and keep
us In filendly relation with the world
at laige. Only let us have that coin
age to meet all these questions open
handed and open hearted on a fair Held,
and we shall push tiie Industry and
business of this nation all over tho
woild "This," adds the Philadelphia
Lodger, "has been the keynote of Ills
policy fiom the beginning, the exten
sion of Uncle, and what this organiza
tion, in common with other lnlluences
of like aim, has attained In this direc
tion is abundantly shown In the recent
epoit stntlstlcs of the countiy. It can
tmthftillv be said that tho National
Association of Mnnufnctuiers lias not
been the lenst of these Influences which
have been at woik to effect this great
economic transtoimatlon In the United
The same paper thus teviews the
most notable achievements of this or
ganizatlot during the four years of Its
existence. "A commercial mission to
South Ameikn, a mission to Japan and
the establishment of a sample w ale
house In Caracas, Venezuela. The mis.
slon to South Ameiiea was undertaken
In IfcPG by membeis of the association.
A numbei of manufactuiera, lepreseiu
ing different lines of Hade, made up a
paity which was abroad for seveial
month". They tlist went to Hnglind.
and theie embarked for the IJhvr
Plate, travelling through the Argen
tine, Uiuguay und Brazil, afteiwaids
maklngroportsuponthesubject for the
benefit of the association. The mission
to Japan was In charge of Bobeit P.
Porter, superintendent of the census.
He also made a icpoit upon the In
dustilal advances In and the commer
cial possibilities of the Held which he
visited The Caiaeas sample w.uehouso
Is an Important entei prise, acting un
der a direct concession fioni the Ven
ezuelan government A laige bulldlnn
has been secured in the centrnl part
ot the Venezuelan capital, nnd horo
samples of the goods manufacture! by
the members of the association nre ex
posed. It Is, In fact, a permanent e
posltlon of Ameilcan manufactuied
merchandise, open to the public of
Venezuela, who may visit It when they
like, and forwnid their orders to the
HriPH dliect or through the medium of
the management locally In charge The
warehouse was opened last spilng In
(he presence ot President Audrnde, of
Venezuela, his mlnlstei s and many of
the leading people of the city, together
with a considerable party ot Ameri
cans. It is expected that this will bo
but the first of a chain of warehouse
to be established by the association
In foreign countries" The work of tho
association very obviously Is only in
Its Infancy, but the field opening be
fore It will be a continual inspiration,
and the results will constitute an am
ple reward.
Orator BourUe Cockrnn states that
"Kngl&nd hates us" ns much as ever.
The ointor's piomlscuous use of tho
woid 'us" in his tirade against about
the only nation that Is really friendly
to tho United States, conveys the sus
picion that Mr. Imagines that
ho Is tho entire show. As n Demo
cratic convention speaker Mr. CocUran
U bomethlnc of a success, but when
he attempts to tulk around tho earth
his utterances become less impressive.
Opeiatlons of the little snoak thieves
have recently demonstrated that It is
not safe for Scranton to follow tho
Hawaiian fashion of leaving doors un
locked. The methods employed by tho
boys who stool Into unlocked housed
at all hours Indicate that they have
been "coached" by older heads and
that the utmost care must he exercised
In ilimllnc with them. The nnenk thief
nuisance Is one of tho most difficult to
abate, ns It is not easy to prove that
the tisunl story, that tho intruder has
made a mistake, Is false. Unless tho
unwelcome visitor can be found with
plunder In his possession tho House
resident hns no redress except to eject
the party uspected. Uternnl vigil
ance, however, will nccompllsh much,
and it Is probable that ns In tho cas
of the clothos-lltic thieves, the culprits
will be discovered In good time.
The senatorial belligerents who nre
waxing wroth over the rival rlalms of
Messrs Sampson nnd Schley overlook
one thing. The partisans of Sampson
who contend that Schley Is no good
Insult the administration which hns
promoted him to be rear admiral! and
the partisans of Schley who allege that
Sampson lo no good forget that the
lecords show that he is. The best way
out of the contioversy, therefore, is
to drop It and pass on.
The Chicago Times-Herald says It
hns authority for saying that Admhal
Dewey Is opposed to the annexation ot
tho Philippines. Inasmuch as Dewey
has put In writing tho hope that "the
entire archipelago will be retained by
tho United States" It Is up to Mr. Kohl
saat to produce his authority.
Pi of. Cleveland and Col. Bryan are
again prepared to drink from the same
canteen. How pleasant!
fJUn Prannli r.rlata la nvlflnntlv In tiepcl
of an application of army beef picserv-
ing material.
Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus,
Tho Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe Cast 3 21 a m . for Wednes
day Jai uary 23, ISM.
& &
A child born on this da will notice
that tho senatorial plum Is beginning to
assume the proportions of an egg plant
In tho ej.s of the insurgents at Harrls
burg. If Artist I'. Hopklnson Smith ever be
holds the Scranton reproduction ot his
features ho will probabl bo obliged to
talk through an asbestos t peaking tube
for a season.
Tho recent succos of Chnuncev Dcpew
should console ex-Clialrmun J linings 03
an Indication that all oiators generally
get there In time
Tho Vlscajas and Tagals of local po
litics expect to assert thtmsclves on Feb
ruary II.
The man who wtltes pcetrj generally
finishes up his love-making before ma--rluge.
All will bo willing that tho ininmaker
should have a long hoilda.
The conospcindence which accompanied
the tte.ity of peace between Spain and tlio
t'nlted States, sent by tho president to
the senate and slnco lellcved of the veil
ol secrecj, has, savs the Washington cor
respondent of tho Boston Transcript, ul
ready leaked out lu parts, but by no
means whollj Some tit tho papers In tills
volume .ire so characteristic and full of
human nature that the history of tho
Philippine Incident rannot bo properly
epitomized without reference to them
The sharo tho American consuls in tho
Orient hud In tho Philippine business has
been suspected, but never before set fonh
In lull, and It is now possible to under
stand win 12 Spencer Pratt was super
seded nt Singapore, why no encourage
ment Is given to tho Idea of tho pro
motion of Oscar V Williams In our for
eign service at Manila or elsewhere, and
why bomo slgnlllcant prophecies
been made in high quarters that Rounse
villo Wlldman's semi-dlplomatlc career
at Hong Kong will soon bo ended "Wo
cannot read the consular correspondence
of Mr. WiMman without feeling assured
that It was he who did all that brought
about the victory of Admiral Dewey and
the capture of tho Philippine archipe
lago, but when we dip Into Hip corre
spondence of Mr Pratt we aro con
vinced that our flrbt Impression must
have been wrong and that Mr. Pratt did
It all. Tills Impiession remains vivid only
until wo hive read the correspondence ef
Mi. llllams, nnd then we have no longer
nn doubt that both Wlldman and Pratt
usurped credit which belong to Wlllftims,
nnd that Williams was the one only and
original and all-inclusive Imperialist in
tho group.
"On Dec. 12 wiites John T McCutch
eon from Manila, "a strange looking ves
sel with sides reddened with rust and
with onl one mast stnndlng steamed
ga ly out of Car.ocao hay and dished
merrily out ownrd tho China, sea. It
was the orotected cruiser Ibla do Cuba,
which had been sunk M.i 1 and was suc
cessful! raised n, -short time ago. Now
sho Is off under her own steam nnd quite
nlono for tho repairs she is to get at ilia
Hong Kong clock. She wus tho first
Spanish ship of thoro sunk last spring to
bo raised bi Naval Constructor Capps
nnd Mr. Jack of a Hong Kong construc
tion cumpaii, and was soon put In condi
tion for her trip across the China sen. It
Is remarkable that In suplte of tho fact
that her engines wero under water for
seven months they were found In excellent
order and needed only a little cleaning be
fore tho cruiser struck out for a 700-mile
vonge alone Tho Isla de Luzon, a sla
ter ship to the Cuba, and the cruiser Don
Juan do Austria also havo been success
fully raised and will soon follow (he
Cuba to Hong Kong for repairs Theio
three ships were tho most modern of tho
Spanish vessels hero In the east, and, al
though not nearly so big as the Camilla
01 llelna. Crlstina, they aro more valu
able It will cost about tGOO.OuO to put
tho threo ships in perfect shape, but when
this Is done they will bo worth over .',
000,000" Since this was written all three
of tho ships have reached Hong Kong in
Santiago, writes a Chicago ltccord cor
respondent, has no means of street traf
fic save by ancient carriages or hacks,
nnd a stieet railway undoubtedly would
bo u pa lug Institution, Tho climatic
Influences aio sich as to innko tho In
habitants laz, no matter whether they
havo lived thero loi g or not, and they all
detest walking It costs fl to ride In u
carriage to nny part of tho city, no mat
ter if tho distance Is one block or twemy
blocks On account of the hills nnd the
hot climate a street railway would neces
csbaril havo to bo operated by electric
ity or other mcchunlcal power, n'ti It
would bo Impossible for mules or horses
to pull tho cars up tho grudes. There. Is
only one railroad running In or out of
bnutlago It is the Snbtutlla and Marota
rnllwa, and runs from Snntlugo to San
Luis, a distance of 20 miles, A rail
road across the Island of Cubi ftom Hnv
ana to Santiago, touching 'lcnfucgos and
other principal points, will doubtless be
among tho first evidences of American
According to Sir Robert Ball, the Biit
Ish astronrner. wo now know tho exls:
once of y),O00,00O stars or suns, many of
them much moro magnificent than the
ono which gives light to qur system. Thn
majority of them nre not vlslblo to tho
eo or oven rerognls'nblu by the tele
scope, but sensltl7td photographic pluto
havo revealed their exlsttrccj beyond all
doubt or question, though most of them
are almost Inconcclvnbly distant, thou
sands or tens of thousnnds of times as
fnr oft ns our sun. A tcltgrnphlo mes.
sage, for example, which would rcncli
tho sun In eight minutes, would not reach
somo of these stars In 1.S00 years. An av
urnge of ten planets to each Bun
Indlcntes the existence within tho nar
row rango to which human observation Is
still confined of nt least 300,000 000 of sep
arate worlds, many of them doubtless of
gigantic size.
Tho Home Magazine for February will
contain what nromlscs to bo onu of the
most remarkable mngnzlno articles of tho
veur. on Keeley and tho Keelcy motor.
Tho author, William Mill Butler, has had
access to tho Innermost secrets of Keo
lc's workshop and also to the records
of tho Keeley compnn. Tho result Is the
first authentic published uceount of what
Keeley really acompllFhed. Keeley, It will
be remembered, was the man who
claimed he could develop enough cnejgy
out of a few drops of water to run tlio
machinery of the world for a century.
Ho experimented 23 years, made 150 differ
ent machines, spent half a million dol
lars, and Just before his death last No
vember, completed n working model rf
an engine which ho said was the realiza
tion of all his dreams. A largo machlnn
Is now being constiuctcd from this model
and with It Kecley's successors expect to
revolutionize the Industrial woild Tho
article Is Illustrated from over n eleven
photographs of Keele's different ma
chines, nouo of which his ever beforo
been published.
The event of the literary year will be,
undoubted, the gieat novel upon which
"oiint Tolsto litis been laboring In order
that ho may devote tho proceeds to tho
transportation to Canada of threo thou
sand Russian Quakers. It Is generally
believed bv his friends that this work
will probably mark tho conclusion of
Count Tolstoy's literary career. It Is a
profound study of the life of man and
woman, nnd treats of tho three phases of
lovothnt of tho outh, that of tho young
man, and that of tho man In mature uge.
Tho Cosmopolitan Mngazlno announces
that It has secured the solo right of pub
lication. Tho lack of u comprehensive book for
travelers, Investors and others, devoted
entirely to Porto Rico, will Insure a wel
come for "Porto Rleo and Its Resources,"
b Frederick A. Ober, tho well known
traveler In tho West Indies, which Is com
ing from the press of D. Appleton c Co
Tho aim has been to produce a work that
win answer all questions likely to arise
lu connection with tho acquisition and
occupation of this new tropical posses
sion of ours, nnd to this end Mr. Ober hns
availed himself of every opportunity of
adding to his stock of Information ac
quired during tho rnst eighteen yeais.
Among the revelations In Senator
Hoar's article on "Four National Conven
tions" In the February Scribncr's, Is tho
truo story of how Blalno lost his chance
for being nominated for the presidency
In 1S76, by an occurrence when Bristow
visited tho Blaine house to express his
condolences upon Mr. Blaine's sudden
Illness In June. Senator Hoar also ex
presses his firm belief In tho absolute
honesty of Mr. Blaine, nnd Indignantly
repels the charges made against him
w hen ho ran for the presidency.
Bdwln W. Harden, who went with Ad
mlral Dtwej'a licet to tho Philippines and
remained there until a month or two ago,
when ho returned home to make somo
special reports to the government, villi
glvo In tlio February McCluro's an ac
count of Dewey nnd all his operations In
Manila down to tho present time. The
article will be fully illustrated, mainly
from photographs taken during and soon
after the b-vttle at Manila by J. T. Mc
Cutcheon, who was also with tho fleet.
The managers of Barnuni & Ballcv's
greatest show on earth, which has been
In tho I'nlted Kingdom the past enr,
have Issued a handsome souvenir of tlio
tour through England and Scotland lu tho
form of a mnp of tho territory Indicating
the routes The Immense caravan was on
tho road ISO das and visited 71 cities, re
maining from ono day to threo weeks ac
cording to the locality, and traveled 2,970
miles. The Harnum &. Bailey show Is
now at the Olsmpla London, where It
will remain during tho balance or tho
winter season
In the February numler of the Century
General Shatter will tell the stor of tlio
Santiago compalgn, and Lieutenant Hob
son will follow his account of the sinking
of tho Merrlmao with a nairntive of his
Imprisonment In Morro Castle.
Palpable Defect.
Uncle Silas "l tell ou, we've got lh3
grandest und most glorious government
on tho fnco of the 1 arth. You can rail
ngainst ll purty casll, but I defy ou to
produce a slnglo defect In tho hull sys
tem "
I'ncle Hlnm "Look here, SI, we'vo got
twentv ofllcc-hunters for ever ofllce,
nn' tho population growln' nt a tearful
rate!" New York Sun.
that we will close out
At Cost
This is a chauce to get a
good lamp for little money.
tie clmons, mm
42'.! Lackawanna Aveaua
325 and 327
ut Tliiree
e Days . 0
For our Thirteenth Annual Clearance Sale, Thurs.
day, January 26th, positively the last day. Every
promise made by us has been fulfilled to the letter.
Dry Goods never were sold so cheap before and pro
bably never will again. The advance guard that
was here to find out sent thousands of others to
verify it. Cost or below cost it makes no difference
to us, everything goes with an unstinted hand. We
are glad that so many hundreds of dollars have been
saved to the buying community, and feeling that we
have done you and ourselves good, prices must re
sume their normal state after
TSiiuirsdayo Jantmary 6thQ
Stand more kicks than
any other shoes made.
Levis, Eeilly & Davies,
mum k omie ix ca
Heating, Plumbing,
Gas Fitting, Electric
Light Wiring, Gas
and Electric Fixtures,
Builders Hardware.
434 Lackawanna Avenue
out fuifnlE
boys9 InliyJE
dz FJcia&&JHKB
mm wMfizMS
Zrfifm &W& Wm.Wss57fi
Hwm mfflwrnwrz
mmmsm iMms3.
HM5"i t t-ti- ny n ..SMiwk s-
s J m 8fifiK6
zWl KH rr-., :
"TRtsil. s
Traveling salesmen must take their meals whenever,
'nnd wherever they can get them. They bolt their food
one minute and hustle to catch a train the next. Hasty
meals and continual jolting in railroad trains bring on in
digestion and dyspepsia. A druggist at Bridgeport,
Conn., says he has long had quite a trade for Ripans
Tabules among traveling men and it is becoming a prac
tice with them to carry a supply in the grip. One of
these men takes two a day and declares they have helped
him a good deal. After an evening session with jack
pots, tobacco and whiskey, nothing clears the head in the
morning so early or so thoroughly as a Ripans Tabule
taken just before going to bed, no matter how late the,
retiring hour may happen to be.
A new stylo p&cktt ccntatninflr Tiw iutan tadulk
4mw i7rt-roit Kiru ckwti lliUlutr irKtMikirt lJtut ndl lur the poor hjiJ Vmtviomlenl Utti dozen I
4 th nv&eul c4rtuQi a)ubulen) can Iw liiwl by unit by wind In? forty-4;Ut muiu u thv Kiritf t'UXJUOifc il
Ooxrur, ho. M arw fea-wt, hnv lork-or asiau iirwa (tu iimvlz) will U Mut fur Ut ccuu, -
'CLJS. la
I ., ! ,
You cannot think, no matter how
hard you try, of n more convenient
and better equipped 'stationery stoiv
than ours. In addition to the largest
line of ofllce supplies In Northeastern
Pennsylvania. We hnve Blank Hooks
of cveiy description, Typewriters' Sup
plies Draughting Materials, Letter
Presses. Postal Scales, etc. We are
agents for lldlson's Mimeographs nnd
supplies, nnd tho famous AVernlckl Sec
tional Hook Cases.
A complete line of Kauftman's Coi
poration Hooks in stock.
130 Wyoming Avenue.
Can be made
If you use one of our
Gas or Oil Radiators,
Just what you ueed iu
cold weather.
32? f3
.-i .
'-7w:if -arrj- -f.'s:
- . . ;?:.:7 w
f fl c?
In a pi tvr carton O itb ut
HnowforrUaat tomi t.
We will
510 and 512
General Agent for ths Wyomlai
Mlnliis. Wastlnc Hportlnj,
uud lua Hupauuo Cueruiji.
tompjuy 1
tufety fins, Cap and Uxplodui.
Kooiu Hll Connoll UalUloj.
Til OH, FORI), rittMO
JOHN lt.aMiriIA4'JN rivmauth
z3jj f.
W . E. MULiLlUAX, VllUe.Barri