8 HIE SCRANTON TJR I JHJN U-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IS, 1890. GATHERED IN SOUTH SCRANTON ELEVENTH WARD REPUBLI CANS MAKE NOMINATIONS. Charles Stono Named for Common Council nnd John J. Schneider for tho Solect Branch Other Ward nnd District Candidates Wore Nominated -Selections Will Give Strength to tho Faity in tho Eloventh Funeiul of Mrs. Eliza beth J. Mayors Held Yesterday. At Cli'ininnlii hall, on Cedar itvenue the Itepubllcntis of the llleventli mud assembled In caucus Inst night, mid the Intc-tost hli.h ureviillcd Is Indi cated hv tin- 2.!" votes cast for the candidates for tin' (oniinoii council iiniultiatloii. 1'iomptly at S oclock, Jiilm .Sehtiitk, wliiilcvilo mot chant, the ail committeeman, opened the meeting, llmll Uoini, deputy cloik of the courts, wus chosen chairman, and School Con troller I'eter Nc-tils was elected secrc tary. Chairman Uonn, In assuming; IiIh position, made an Interesting speech Up lofcitcd to the i umnalgn of three eais ago when the e rv of the pie-seiil itv ndmliiKtiittlon was lefonn. The reforms" made hi the ptcunt gov- ilimctlt won Riven itllejtttontlnli 1V Mi llonn. lie closed hlsromniks b asking the fi lends of the many candi dates to lemeinlier that for ench olllce only otic candidate lould be (lw.cn, and In the event of their iiartlculai holey not being successful, he hoped their rutty at dor would not lie damp ened. Joseph Meyers placed In nomination Henry liaettehet and I'liillp C.inf nominated Chtnles Stone Tho letailt of the voting was In Mr. Stone's favor, he receiving: 19'J veto to Ills oppon ent's his. 'In 1111 the unevplrcd tcltn of Unbolt Ttiihllisoii, ilercfcd. In s-o-lect council, John J Schneider anil I'liillp Wlith. the "ptesent common councilman, ue-te nominated Fred. Schumann did the humus foi .Mi. S hneltler and Charles Mhtz for Mi Wit th. The forniei was nominated hv a vote of VIS to fi5. For constable. Jacob Kun. Find Mink and John Fink weie consldeicd. It was nccts-vtiv to take two billots fn decide on a nomlliei . Mink and Kimx were the candidates nn the .sec ond ballt.it The fonner won, he buy ing lecelved SO to Kun.'s 7S votes, citoige HucMier was elected by accla mation the paitv's i hob t for ward ns-H'"-ore. Tho voters of the tlllee dlstllets met nfiei the selection of asi'Ssor to mini liiatc district inndldates The lesnlt Is appended First dlstiict, lenister of wiler", I'liillp Jim tnnn Judge of dec -ilmi, William Chthitidt- Inspector of lei Hon, Adam Fruekhtl. Second dls tilct Peter Xc ills, u-glster of voters in lgo of election, I'liillp IS pi, Inspee ini of election Fled Hover Thlid dis trict, Adam Ycnilug leglstcr of voters: iiidge of elec tloii IV me Kastmnn In spector. Trcd Kemp" The selection ot Mrssm SchneldLr SJ- Wlllciire Incipient con S 9 sumption, brcmcliltis f, t c Bnpp., annum cumuli Ulljjll Ol llfccllons wlti,out fill You cau alwaj 3 rely on it. 1-nce only 5 ccutb, Great Opportunities Silk Skirts, Black Goods, Fancy Goods. Some Eijtra Good UalUes This Week. One of the most interesting events of the season opens at the store this morning in the form of Great Special Sale of Fancy and Black Silks, Silk Underskirts aud Black Goods. These are not old timers, nor is there any un just reason to make us unusualy anxious to get rid of any one or all of the lots offered. Most of these represent little snap bargain lots picked up at a big sacrifice from regular prices, while, in one or two in stances, we have temporarily cut prices on desirable lines in order to make this sale more worthy of your attention. Our chief aim is to please, aud, if possible, gratify the desires of our patrons. The offerings de tailed below will amply verify this statement. Silk Underskirts Nino distinct stles to select from In tho handsome nt productions of tho i-ca-mn. The weaves are mostly lrrldcscent. Taffeta Hllks in cverj ccmeelvable color combination, also novelty stripe cftects that luivo moro tliun an ntdln.iry bhovi of prettlniss to recommend lliom. Price Redactions Are ns follows: $ uOO Silk Bktrts me now .$ 2 v, 7 50 Silk Hklits ure now .. . CM s.ih) Bilk Bklits me now cm 1JO0 Silk Skirts are now ... 8 ;5 VilO Silk Skirts nic now uso UW Silk Skirts (it ti now looo It! (10 Silk Skirts are now ... 12.ro 1000 Silk Skins cue now U.w Black Dress Goods Advance) spring tles In New f'repons nro now ut hand I'he Introductory prices ningo from 4Sc U $1.75 Vtr Yard. JO pieces lii-lnth pure wool nllk It ill h t Henriettas. Itlue or jet HhadoH enp The best OIc quality for onlj 4"- K pieces all-wool and wool nnd Mohair limeades in elegant new sptlng effutt A splendid 120 cloth. During .19' this sale for 'tl Globe Warehouse and Stone ns the nominees for select and common council, respectively, was n master sttoke In ward politics, and, It Is believed, will undoubtedly result In that f tronghold of Democracy swing ing to the Republican column. Not since Fiecl Sw hone It, of thu postnlllcc-, retired from councils, has tin- Third district of th" ward li'id n councllmanlc cniidldalc until now. The district Is heavily Democratic and the sttong per sonal follow Ins of Mr. Stone will bring nbitit vlctoiy for the ticket nomlnnted last night, of Jolin Schneider, who llvs In the First district, little need be said. For many yais he has been a bUFlncss man mid a lending South Side cltiren. Theic will bu n huge foico of prominent men, Irrespective of paitv nlllllatlons who will sllppott bis can dlilucy ri'NMUlAl OF MItS. MEYI3US. The litneral of Mrs Fllsmbeth Mcy eis was held eteiilav ufteuiimn from bet Inline, 111.' l'lttston av mile. llev. fleotgo 1. All kit, of the Ornie llo fenmed L'plweopul church nfllclntcd He was a-slMcd b llev. F. V. Doty, of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal 1 hllich ltcv. Ml. Alrlch pteaehed the funetiil sermon llev. Mr. Doty off eted a fcivent player and made llttliHT le matks The choir of his church -anp two sekctlons lntciiueut was made at Dnnninie cemetetv. The pallbear eis were. ('Italics Stone. Uenrw Sdt.intr. Chuilcs Dwlght and Joseph Shortan. .N'FJiS OF N i:VS. i:ieitilc city council Hoyal Arta miiii. will meet In Stints' hall tomorrow nlKht. The InteicstliiK featute of the llieetlliR will he the Installation of olll ceis, elected a month npo. District Dcput O. T. UiiK'ilcn will olllcl.ite at tin. celeinoiilcs. A social M'SmIiiii Villi follow. The funeral of Otto Schloss, of MS Alder street, the tiartlcnlaiH or whose death appeal In The Tt Ilium obituary lolumn, will bo held tioni his late home this afterniiiiii. The icmalns will be Intel rtd In Duumoie ccineteiv. Tin Installation of lecently elected olllcus of Comet lodge, KnlRhlH of l'thlus, which was to take place last nlKlit. was tinstuoned one week At last nlBlifs meeting of I'attlntle council. No. (:.', (fnltid Order Amcil ian Mechanics, two candidates were Initiated to mcmbcishlp. The Democrats of the Twentieth waid will caucus at Dante's hull to nlKbt. Thomas Donlau will pieslde, and candidates for waul npspsMii and inlnoi ollices will lie chosen John StnnibnwHkl. of South AVash Inaton avenue, and Jacob Hinisiath, ot Locust street uiu c-olillned to their homeJ, sulfeiiiiB: fiotn accidents. The foi mer was Inlincd at the South mill of the Lackawanna lion and Steel company .vesterdav A heavv piece of plR lion fell on his left toot. Mt. llnus i.ltll, while descendlniT the outside Jteps, ut his home1, misled his footing and vias pieclnltated to the hard sul fate, landing mi his face Sevcial cuts and bllllt-es wele lllllicted b the fall. l'eter McCov, of the Seinnton Axle woiks Is nt the Mo.ves Talor hospital. An opciatlon was peifoimed jestei dav foi the lemoval of an abscess ftoin his left lt'tr Vcibatim, l'uB'niit' Sav did vou tell llnsklll Hut 1 w is an liiveteiatc liui'" I'.iMilt "No J'utniot "Well its 11 goiiil thlllK joil 1I011 t l'anil "N.i I h.ilil 'chronic' ' Ni w oik V orid. Rare Silk Bargains Not tho tnll 1 nd of seasons' stocks, when nothing but undesirable styles oro offered, but tho choicest of tho prettiest effects and colois that heait could wish for. 8 piece's new Pekln Strlpo Tnffeta Silks Iaght shadings In naval cumblu.i- ca tlons. Salo piko OVt 10 pieces latest I'lald e fleet TatTctaH Jf In search of something new, th. he will till tho bill. Dxtlii spe.cl.il Aiv value at V. OvC 6 plccws Ju-lnch Black Taffotu Silks, lhluht llnlsh 111 high iiistllng cnuil- 1 It. A decided bargain at "Ot 13 pieces Ulack Sitlns and Taffntn Pllks with novel effects hi eoloicd stilpeB etc. 'lhewo mo fashion's latest nnd Ar- wonderfully chtup at OJC 10 pieces iiMnch Hlnck Oros fjrain Silks la bundnnme llguio effects thut will be very popular as tho season act- ar vunccs. Special during sulu at ... OW EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON TWO YOUNG BOYS AIUIESTED FOB A DARING THEFT. Funeral of Late Mrs. Robcjtt Evnns. Services Weio Conducted by tho Rov. J. D. Swoet Willio Lewis Arraigned on n Chargo of Larceny. Members of Electric City Wheel men Hftvo Decided to Move Into Apaitxncnts in thu Chirk Building on South Main Avenue. J W Hunnell, the well known nier (hant of South Main avenue, for the past two weeks hiut been tumbled vvlth bo s who have been relieving him ot at tides which wcie displayed hi front of his stun. Vestetdny afternoon as Mi Dunucll wus standing near the dooi of his store he faaw bos whose lieu VM-ie 11! nnd 14 yeats, sneak up and tuke two palts of gloves fiom th" Htll'lll. When the younRsteis had seemed the rIovcs they started to tun, but .Mr. Uminell and Futiolmnn David I'any, who happened to be on the othei side of the street pave chase and captuicd the ouiiKsteis. The weie Riven a heat Inn last evening bofote Alderman Moses, or the Fifteenth Wald, 111 the station house. Attoiiiev C I:. Daniels lepieseiilc d the accused He made an eloquent plea for his clients Aftr heating the evldeim In the case, the aldeiman held the bos In JJOD bail. In the meantime the ca-e will be tc fened to the chief for reUlement. rnxnnAi.s or a day. TIip esteem In wide It the late Mis Unbeit Ivans was held was attested bv the huge eoncniujie of people that attended the funeral which was held f 10m the residence on N01 til Sumiui' n venue .vesterday afteinonti Piofessor William Jones and sister, MM Mar gin ct Jones, sang several appioprlate selections. llev. J. H. Sweet imstor of the Simpson Methodist i:pifccopal church, condinted the -eivices The Intel inent did not take place- ns tt dispatch was iccdvcd about noon f 1 inn the foil, Cecil ge llvun. who le sldes in West Vnglnla, suiting that he oulil 1101 nnlve In time loi the funeral. The icinains will be taken to Km est Hill cuineteiy nt 0 o'clock this miunlng foi Intel muni. The funeral of the late Daniel .lone', who died at Neath lliadfoid county took place vesterday afternoon. Hei -vices weie held in Hi,. Welsh Cnhlnls lic Methodist chinch, the jiastoi, Uev. Hugh Davis, oIIk luting. Aftel the ser vices, the lentnius weie conveyed to Wnshbuin stieet ceineteiy, wheie In terment was made. The pall-beat ers weie William It Williams, Henjamln nilUllhs, Daniel Miw.u nnd Mr. l.lo.vd. CARD riF DAHCnXY. Willie Lewis, a bo fouiteen eiu , age, was at rested iesteidaj on the dmrge of stealing eight Jais or catsup from the icsldence of Hecundn liorla.on South Ninth stieet. The patties In question live nect dom to each other. The boy was h-iu Into the cellar of his own home for mi article, and while then he calnecl access to the Hoill residence and stole the above llien tloued nt titles. At a healing before Aldeiman Moses last evening, Lewis was held In Jl'oo b ill. William Gibbons, of Tenth stieet, ciualllled as bondsman. di:cidi:d to movh. The mcmbeis of the Klcctilr City Wheelmen held a special ineetlng at the rooniM on Jackson stieet, last even ing. I'lcslilent S. Menis occupied the c hair. Aftei .nine discussion, the members decided to move to n suite of rooms In the Olaik building, on .South Main avenue Steam heat and othei modern Impiovements will lie placed In the building lor the convenience of the inembeis The expect to occup tin Ir new quintet s on Maich 1 The icasun for the wheelmen vacating their pies ont quartets Is because the owner of the building, I'lielettakei I', W. Tague, oe cup lng tile liou'. After the meeting, s-electiuns on the lihonngiaph weie given by Guy A. Itelph, and lefiet-lnnents weie seived by the committee. PHltSONAL MD.NTION Miss Ptench. of South Hyde J'aik avenue. Is lecoveilng liotn an allneuc. Miss Hattle Sheflei, or South Hvde I'ark avenue, bus letuined fiom a visit with lllends in Hemlock Cteek. Miss Dettha Williams, of Notth It--bec ca avenue. Is cm the hick list. William Talmage. of Stioudsbuig, has loturncd home fioni a visit with f 1 lends on thta side. Miss Sndle Hooley. of New York city, Is visiting on this side. Mixon Nnws noti:s The annual congiegatlonal meeting of St .Mark's Lutheran chinch will be held this evening at ".CO o'clock. Theic will be the election of oflkcis whose terms c spire, together vvlth teports of cilllceirt. Mothers' clay will be celolnated by the punlls nf No 19 school on Krhlav afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Yoke fellows band, of the Itnll toad Y. M. C. A., will conduct a nu lug nt the Scranton Stieet Haptlu church tommiow evening. Joseph Harrison, of T.allioad aveiuie, lind his hand slightly lnjuicd while running the paper cutter In the Col llery Tlnglnecr building yeslerdny. Miss Claia Uoss recently entertained a few f 1 lends with n ilashllght party at her home on West Lackawanna ave nue. Miri. Krank Powell, of Tenth street, has teturned fiom Moses Tayloi hospi tal where she successfully underwent an operation for a tumor. Miss Ma Iliowntng. of Von Storch avenue, and Mr. David Williams, of Tliliteenth street, will be mnrtled this evening M J Halney. of Luzerne stieet, nn nnuueet himself ns n candldato for delegate to tho coming Democratic convention from the Second district of tho rirst waid. Dlstiict Deputy John Kvans. of the Noith Dnd. Installed the nfllcers nf Hyd Paik Castle, No. ns, A. O. K. of M D . In Co-operation hall Monday evening They aie- Sir knight P ', H. Morgan- S. K. c . W Jones, g. K. V. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT And ench day nnd nlht ilurlng this week ou can get ut any druggist's Kemp's Dal. sum for the 'lluoat iiiiel Lungs, ncknowl edged to bo the moat successful remedy ever sold for Coughs. Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption, flet u bottlei today and keep It alwuvs in tho house, so you can check your cold nt once. I'rlco 23c. and SOc. Sample bottle free. OVERWORKED WOMEN. Lottoro to Mrs. Pinkhtun From Woraon Who Ilavo Boon Hclpotl From SicknoBB or Ilonlth. The ordlnnryovery-dayUfcofmostof our women Is nccnsclesstrondmill of work. How much hurduV tho dally tasks beeoino when boiuo derangement of tho fcmnlo orguus makes every movement keeps tho nervous system unslrungl Tho following letter from Mrs. Wai.tki; Sparklll, N. Y tells tho story of tuauy and shows them how to get relief: "DkaiiMiw. l'l-NKtiAM : t cannot thnnk cnougli for nil LydinK. Plukhiim s egctalilo Compound has done for me. When 1 wrote to you I hnd suffered for years vvlth falling, in lluminutlon and ulceration of tho womb; my back ached, nnd I was so much distressed I could scarcely walk. I was n burden to mjhclf onel d) not earo whether 1 lived or died. "I havo taken five bottles of your medicine nnd it has dono wonders for 1110 as all my friends can testify. 1 can now do my own vvoik, and do not know how to express my grntltttdo to you for the good your mcdiclno nnd advice have done me. I owe my life to Mrs. l'inkham." Mrs. I'inkham's counselisoiTercd free to ull women who need ndvlee about their health. Her address is Lynn, Mass. Mis. P. II. Hi tliict.okt, Kel lcrton, Iowa, tells hero in her own words how Mrs. I'inklittiu helped her: "Dr.vit Mas Pi.nkhav. I was in a very bad condition before I wrote to you aud began the use of Lvdia 15. I'inkhnm's Vegetable Compound. I did notkuowvvhattodo. 1 buffered terribly every month, when on rav feet would have such a bearing-down feeling-, was very weak, womb was swollen, back nched, appetite wus very poor, also had trouble vvlth my head. I hnvo taken several bottles of jour Compound and cannot say enough iu its favor. - It helped more th in all the doctors." LydlaE.PinUliam'sVcgctalilcCompounajaWoman'sRcmctlyforWomaii'sIlls ('.. L. Coslett. S K M. K Walkct , S K. C, II. r.vans; S K J ? . J. It Uoehe, O. 15. W. Hinge. S K. V. S. D. Dvans. S. K. It. S, M. Devan, trus tees, C! Walker, T. Davis and William I? urge. The funeial of the late William Pry will take place tomoi low afternoon from the home on Hale street. Ser vices .will be held at the Hampton Stieet M. i: chinch. Interment will be innele In Waslibtltii (street cemcteiy. Jtime.s Haircy. of the Second district of the rifteepth wmel Is a candidate for delegate to lepresetit his district at the elt '(invention of Deiiu ciats. NORTH SCRANTON. The Piovidence Pre sb terlan people will have for the subject of their meet lug this evening "Chinch Privileges and Chinch Duties ' The rcciuest has been given out lot the attendance of all the membeis ol that 1 Inn ill. The Anlluaelte Wheelmen held a I piano lecitnl lnt evcnlg In their club I rooms on Ninth Main avenue. Mrs. II. Schlndel Saundeis played nnd was tis "isted by Miss IMIth May Martin nnd John llvaus. snluM The following piogrammo was tendered: Sonata Tilth iiecthoven la) Alleglt tin. lb) Alldunie. (cl Allegio. Supiiini) Solo, Indian l.ovo Song, De Koven Allxs IMIth May Martin. Core si isintlini. Sptmller N'octuiiii (I'llihl .... Leylmeh Tenor Sulci "Ac ross tlu Hlicam," J. ItiMCket Mr. John Uvi.ns 'Poets I.BHI Thought". . .. .llliene Ddward Hoist. Aftei the programme the time was filled with dancing nnd social Inter com so. Court linbln Hood No 7 and Court Young Itoblu Hood No. 10, foresters of Amerlcu. will hold a joint meeting Thin sday night In l.emntd's hall to de-i clde on n future meeting )lncc. Their lodge mom was In the burned Aich bald bullclltiL. Miss Julia Noon, of Oak estieet, has a seveie attack of grip. Mis Adam Winegnul and hon, Geotge, ot Depot stieet. are veiy III. Geuige P.enecllet, si'., Is confined to the house bv nn attack of gilp Tin home of Mi and Mis. D. J. Kll legher, of Dean street, has been bright ened by the aiilval of n, baby bo v. Mi. and Mis. 0-1 nr CaNon. of Me.ulo avenue, an icjolclng ovei the at rival of a baby daughter Mis. Jane Mentis, of Wllkcs-Uai le Is visiting friends on Daniel's stieet. llev. John Uvuns, of Korest City, was a visitor in town yestoida. James liiady has icslgned his peml tlon as manage! of the llllss silk mill. Miss Maine Davis, of Tayloi, called on fi lends In this section Monday. William Lvnott and Miss Margin el Thomston had a pioiulnetit part In tho (liteitalumeiit given at Jet m 11 Mon day evening. The Junior Ladles' Aid Moelety of tho Welsh Paptlst church met Inst even ing. Thin sday aftei noon the Senior so ciety Is lequested to meet nt .M o'clucl: to tians-act impoitnnt business. Miss Llz-sle Wllllnms, of Now Haven, Conn. Is visiting her lster. Mis. W. J. Klsher, of Jones' street Mrs John J. Loftus, of West Market street, spent Monday with frlendfl in Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. William llnston hnve returned from their honeymoon nnd will reside on Grow street Sumuel Lewis, the mine fmoinan burned recently in the Starrs' shaft, Is testing ensj. His tecovery has been assuted fiom the time of tho accident. Clnt?s 10 or tho Jlethocllst Hplscopal Sunday school Is requested to bo pios out net Suntlav as a nioetlng will bo held at the 1 lose of the school to net em buslnehs or Impoitance. Giles Decker, outside fmemnn nt tho Cayuga collleiy, Is confined to his home by n severe attack of gilp. John McCarthy, of Stanton street, died Tuesday 11101 nlng nt 0.30. Tho de ceased leaves a wife and small child, Kunoral notice later. Patrolman Palnior Is confined to his homo with a sovero attack of grip. DUNMORE, A very Jully ciowd of oung people of Llttlo England, and a fow of their young f 1 lends, onJoed a very pleasant slelgln Ide to WImmers last Saturday evening, where they were tho guests of Mr. and Mis. Milton Dlrel. Gooigo Sehioeder, of Peteisluug, conveed the imrty. Duiing tho even ing, music, dam lng and games of all kinds were enjued until an euily hour, after which a pleasant lepust wo jiur taken of. Those that composed tho mi-try crowd were the Misses Sadie Swingle, Dlnna Mltcholl, IJeFslo and Geitle Tciuilllgei, of Scranton; Mirud Masters, Muigurot McLaughlin. Dmnm Klzor. Minnie Mitchell, Cora Swingle, Mis. Soymour ISnslIn and Mrs. Kmmott Mitchell, Mosars, Henry Pllgor, Mlohaol Urncey, Fred. Koster, John Klzer, Kd- painful and . Zfi S. Uanta, women, you wind Geoige, Ch.nles Klzet, Thomas Mutiny and Kied. Steli. of I'etersburg Politics are reaching a fevet heat In this town and men who nic- desirous of being Humiliated ate lotnlng foi -ward. Again, thete me men who-e fi lends aie urging tbeiii onward. Among these Is J. L. .Med way, whose ft lends vould like to see him nonil natcd for council. The many fi lends of Mi. si Samuel 1. Infold, a feu mer icsldctit of this town, now of l'lttston, will be pained to hear of liei death, which occuried Monday evening after a short Illness of pneu monia Samuel Willis of Chestnut stieet, who was arrested Sunday bv OfHcer Saw v ei for being diunk, vsns given a heurlng befote Uurgess Powell and fined $:; and costs. Filday evening the Neptune and Kleetilc Hose companies villi celebiatc the at rival of their new outllt's by a puiade. social aud ball. The paiade will statt fiom the Neptune's looms on Wt st Drinker s-tieet at S o'clock sh.it p. The Neptune, Uleetile. Independent, John n. Smith and A D Speiicet com panies will pai tldpate In the pitade. After the parade the will assemble In Ke.v stone hnll. on South lilakel stieet. wheie the lelliulnilei of the evening ill be fpent lit dune lng iinuil social eschnnges Onl flu men and their lady fi lends will be admitted. A cordial In vltution is eviended to nil 111 emeu to be present on this occasion. Mr and Mr Arthur Hlack, of Cai -bondnle, have n turned home uftei a visit with ft lends in town P. D Mauley and daughteis, He-'sle and Catherine and Miss Knte Serey, of Chestnut stieet, left lust evening 11 bout 5 o'clock for San I'raitclsco, Oil., where thev will spend the nest few months The employs, eif the A. D. and K. M. Spencer enlllci iccelved their monthly wages yestetclay Mis John Webber, or Haiper street, who has been confined to her home with Illness foi the past month, Is Im proving slow I, Mis William Punly. of Apple stieet, who has been the guest of tt lends nt l'lttston, returned home Inst evening. , rumen Deibv, of Cnrbondale. spent yesteiduv with Mi and Mis. John Col lins, or Hast Dilnkei stieet Miss Minnie Snxton. of South Illdkely street. Is routined to hci home with ill ness. Miss niltel Keublor.of Mnuch Chunk. Is being entei tallied bv Mr. unci Mis. William Mlllei, of I'rook stieet Last evening, the last one for tin- flic men's fait held In Washington hall. 1111 det the auspices of the Independent and John H. Smith lite companies, is one that w ill long be lemembeted by those who weie in attendance Th evening as on ten met- occasions was given to enjoyment and c banc lng off nf many in tides, except that It wat. In tel mixed with the pioductlon of the diama entitled "At the Picket Line," by the Picket Line Dramatic company, under the uirectlon of John T. O'Neill. The play was tendered In a itedltable and Satisfactory manner as was shown by the heaity applause- given at tho cloe of each ae t by the uudlene c Tho hall was crowded to the door, stand ing room being at a picinlum. Dining the evening the following ni tides weio chuneed off rive tons of coal, P. II. Lden: bicycle, Charles Wilds. $13 15; Harry Morahun. S3T.20 Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Tlerney, or Walnut ftreet. nro receiving congratu lations upon the at rival or a young daughter. !. W. II. Allen, of Dudley stieet. an nounces himself n candldato for audi tor for three years, aubjeet to the decision of the Kepubllcan convention. Huuy Hurper, of North Illnkely and Harper streets who has been confined to his home with the gilp, is able to bo aiound the house again. Louis Mui can, of Spenret street, win wns Injured In n street car wieck three weeks ago and sufltulned n dislocation of the right hip and broken leg, nnd who hns bten operated upon by Dis. rinburg unci dunsier, of Si ranton, Is Improving nicely. Although the leg wns badly ertislud no fear Is entertained ns to any serious results. GREEN RIDGE, Thuisdny evenlm? will bo ouservexl ns Ladies' night by the Men's union In the Presbvteilnn church. The evening will be devoted to the celebration ot Robert Iltiius' Mi Unlay Mi. Moore will speak on the life (if limns. Oeoige H. David son will rend a paper on Scottish liter ature: Thomas Dauowmau will lend a paper on the birthday of Ruins, nnd Unwind Puller will declaim from Mar inlon. t th" closo of the ptogrnnimo Captain James Molt- will speak. Tho If you have a ColJ or the try .Mnnncr.s' Grin Tablets. Grip, MANNERS' PHARMACY, 920 Green Illdqo Street. 'iiitflr: .W v Swk mm zmmmwMmm msi mm is&b&tmmsiiWA vmi ft&m mwjpw&mmm. &m Men's union has been thinking for some tlmo of devoting one evening to the ladles, and on this evening all tho lady friends ot the members are rcciuestcd to attend, St. Katharine's guild. Church of tho Good Shepherd, will hold an Hastcr sale ot fancy articles, Haster novelties, cake, etc , at the (lullcl rooms on the Satur day before Kaster. The ladles of the Oulld are tanking preparations for a good time and eveiy one will bo Invited to nttciul. On Monday evening the Clrccn Hldgo Ileptasophs Installed their ofllctrs for the ensuing enr. There was a large turnout, and nn enjoyable evening was spent. Deputy Supreme Archon D. Yi. Necld wns the installing officer. The olllceis were: Past archon, John L Wolfe" archon, John TT. Hopewell; pro vost, J. S. Addvmon: prelate, K. A. Urleg;' secretary, J. K. ltnngl; finan cier, J. W. Carpenter, treasurer, H. G. Stevens; Inspector, J. O. Oelser, war den Lester J. Thomns; sentinel, Chas Drolsbaugh: trustees, J. K. Hangl, W. D (Sreeley nnd TT. D. Husse. Two can didates were also elected. After the Installation ceremonies a bounteous re past was served. Mis. Knbcrt Sewell, of Jadwln street, spent yesterday with friends In JJlake ly. Mr Jntnes Sanderson Is again about after a severe Illness. The General Phlnney Klrc company will banquet tonight. OBITUARY. Mm fella Case Shlpmun was bom In t-ianklin, l'a , In 1S71. Left nn or phnn In Infancy she wan adopted Into tho Tnmlly of Mr. Case and there affec tion was lavished upon bur by lovlns hcnits that pcarce ever knew that the Kentle, lnvlnir, child was not their own by birth. Hubflequent to a sad bereave ment she, vvlth her mother, moved to the town of Susquehanna and heie her nitlstlc taste was cultivated, for an ar tist bv natuic, 8he aided nature with the best cultivation possible. Her work wns soon In demand and vvlth her brush she helped to make home bright, happy and prospeious Two ears oro, Hollcltcd by friends, they temoved to Scranton, taking up their abode at 20.2 North Main avenue. Hen a wider opportunity for the use of hei nitlstlc tulent nt onco presented itself and she was kept busy with biusli nnd scholars. Many of her palnt Inifs have been on exhibition nnd at tracted wide attention and most favor able criticisms On the 2nd of May, J'JS, she- was united in mairlage to AVetdey .Shlpman, of New Jersey Movlni; to Noith Lincoln avenue their lives scorned to he HowltiK In tvth-nik- cadence, vlth happlnehs and love At Christmas time she was taken ill, typhoid fever developed, and though watched and minlsteicd unto, with all the dev ol Ion and love which a mothei could Rive, she died on Mondav morn ing, Januaiy Ifi. Mis Shlpm m was a ouiik voman lespectcd und loved by all who knew her. In disposition as sunny .tri June duy. .She made friends by the bilBhtuess of her life and kept tlit-tn by the pine, tine womanhood she aluavs icvealcd. She and her mother, united bv lettei, with the Simpson Methodist episcopal e-hutch, of which they have been active, faith ful, consistent and alwavs helpful membeis. The funeial services will be held In the Simpson chinch today at 12 o'clock (noon) Intel ment at Jack son. Susquehanna countj. Mm Ann Muldoon. died nt the home ot hei son, f'ontiac tor r.itiick Mul doon, 12'5 I'oiiti avenue, (lieen Hldce, yestelday moinliiB. She had been ill but one week. The deceased was 87 jears of age, and for the past SO years she was a tesideiil of this eltv. Her icsldence lu-io with the exception of one eni was at Oieen Uldge Her husband Anthony Muldoon, died eight jenis ago She was a woman who held the esteem and good will of her ac quaintance Tlnee chlldien, Mis. Thomas Kllcullen. Miss Mary Muldoon, and I'.ittlck Muldoon, survive her. The funoinl will take place tomorrow mm nlng. Services will be held at St raid's chinch nt 10 o'clock Interment will be made in the Oathedial ceme tei .v Jtto Selilosj! died at his residenee, 'tis Alder stieet, Monday, after an ex tended Illness He was SI vears of age and one of tin most popular young hipii of South Hcianton. His untimely death Is deeplj deplot cd by n wide circle of fi lends. He Is urv I veil by his wife, two small children, Kdwntel and Mary: slstet.s, Mis. T'eter Schneider and Mrs. Jncob Hlnes, nnd Henry Schloss, a In othei. The deceased Is a son-ln-lavv of IMwnrd Klos, of Piospect avenue, a former merchant, now a foreman nt the blast furnaces of the T.acknwanna, Iron and Steel company. The funeral will be held this .met noon. Services will be held at tin house and Inter ment mndo at IJunmoie cemetery. THE POPE'S VALET. Tho Signal That Will Tell of tho Pontiff's Death, riom the l'.ill Mall (l.izettr That wonderful old man, I.eo XIII, has leally made another recojfeiy. It was onlv this moinlng that, turning to Ills peisonal attendant, he said, with a sweet Millie. "Well, Plo. I won clei what they vlll say now, those clever persons w ho have killed and bulled me so often In the last twenty ycnis." Pftv Plo c'entia, the privnto st vnnt of l.eo XIII. halls from Caiplne lo, the blithplnce of his master. He Is mote even than n faithful und privi leged servant, he Is a constant com panion. This Intimate connection with his holiness dates back even before the ascension of Leo XIII to the papal throne. Plo Invntlibly Meeps in a small chamber next the bed loom of the pope, nnd thcie Is between the two so thin a partition that ho can even hear tho pontiff's breathing. At all times ho Is able to keep surveillance by the aid of a little glass window, which Is at tho bead of bis bed. With tho telephone he Is put In constant communication with the pope's doctor. Prof. Utpponl, who lives out of tho Vatican ltesldes this eminent phy sician, there ate two assistant doc tens, who live In the palace nnd have th- caro ot tho health of the 300 bouls who tompilbo the population of the Vatican. In iho dnys of Plus IX thero wero many more who made their abode theic. Hven now that tho pontile is so old, nnd far from feeling lobnst, he Insists on tlslng in ly. About C o'clock Cav. Plo I'ontia knocks at his door, enters, opens the shutters, and retires Imme diately, as his holiness has never liked nssUtanco iu Ids oidlnnry dro-fltig, but lately he has bad to give way some what, and his valet returns to buckle his shoes nnd tlo the whtlo sash ho weais with his wlilto robes. At night voty llttlo military watch Is maintained. There Is only a Swiss guard at tho door of tho papal apart- AMUSEMENTS. iMAMAMAMAMMMWMi TYCEUM THEATRE, - RCI5 & nURuUNDBR. tttiees. II, R. L.ONU. Munascr. Thursday and Friday, .Innuary 19th and 20Ilt. Howe's Wargraph, Original and Vivid Pictures from Life. rmcK.s-2oc, nB&Tnoc. SATURDAY AflR,,V JAN. 21 MR. HENRY LEE In Koatancti I'lay of the Century Cyrano De Bergerac. 90 PCOPLB IN THU CAST so. llieGrnmleit Scoulc 1'rodiiotlon oftksAgt I5VUJCINO I'IlICnS-23. CO, 75, Jl.OO, $1.80. MATINlin lRTCi:8-23, GO. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, x- UURdUNnKR & REI3. Leiseel. II. K. LUNU, Manager. ONE SOLID WEEK Commencing Monday, Jan. 1G Alatlntea Dally, except Monday The Brosnahan-Jackson Comedy Go. Uniformed Band and Operatic Orchestra, In n brilliant rcpertorle of comedies nnd clrnmni. Helloed spocliUtlei between eaoti net of every piny. A continuous perform unco. IlVnNl.NO PltlCL'S-lOc , 20c, SOc. .MATINUE-10 cents. ONE WEEK JAN. 16. Commencing; with Monday Matinee. AL. REEVES Famous Big; Co. 25 WHITES. 25 BLACKS Regular Matinee Tuesday, Prlday, Saturda 3 0 Jk Ol' Rich and Costly Oii Hi, Wednesday, Jan 18 At 10 0'cbcka. m. At the private residence, 833 Quincy Avenue This hale eomprUes the entire content of tho houe all of which was purcliaso.l within n vcar, nnd Ik thuefore up to date and comparatively new, and Is to be sold posttlvcl-, without reserve The linuso contains, In part, elegant carpcthSthroitRhout rich pirlor suite cov ered In silk embroidered v clour with polished cherry frame, Inlaid vvlth satin wood and pearl, one solid marble center table with top Inlaid with onjx (very rare1; superb couches, beautiful upholxt creel and rattan roekeia fancy tabk'i In oak and cherrv. qnuiteied oak. pol ished extension table, oak sideboard with, litrire Trench hoveled .nlrror back, oalc illnliiK cli itrs, rich l-'rench plate mlrroi with Ilorentlno frnmu In gilt, white en amel Iron and brass bedsteads curled hair mnttresch, pillows, blankets, com lnrtnhles, rich white enamel dresser vvttli vi-rv t.UKe bevel pinto mirror and wasli Miind to mntch dressing table, onk clilf lonlers, rich polished oak chamber sulto, c urtnlns, chades, brlc a brae pictures, portiere, china, ulnss ware, cutlery ele nunt whltii mountain urand re frlecrator. kitchen utensils etc. Tim whole formlntr a collection that is rnrelv seen nt auc tion Tho house will be open at 0 o'clock and sale will beKln at 10 o'clock sharp, and all will bo hold by 3 o'clock. A nice lunch will be served at 11.30 to all present. N. 1 J. Deposits will be required of all purchaser.-,. It will pay to eomo a lone dlstanco to this sale, as overj tlilnir will bo sold to the hlBliest bidder. No postponement lain or shine Hear In mind that thu hnle boRtns at 10 o'clock and will be over by 3 p. ni inents tho gendarmes In the court yniel of San Damnso, nt thu foot of the staircase leading tip to Leo Kill's nuattets, a detachment of firemen and a Swiss Kuard at tho famous bronze door. The watch Is perhaps mow bti Icily maintained outside by thi Italian police all uloiijj the Vatican walls. Hy an arrangement between the po lice nnd the papel authorities, a win dow next tho papal uppartments Is kept open durlntr tho day, and closed ut night, but vvlth a lighted lamp behind It. The shutting of tho window In tho day or the putting out of tho light at night means that something unusual has happened, and that help Is needed. In case of tho lllnees of the pope this singula! sign would moan that he li ! dead. An Italian sentinel Is contin ually watching the window. How ever, this did not prevent tho mistake of General Dellu Uocca, under secre tary of state at the home oltlco In tho Crlspl cabinet In 1878, who unnouncedl In the house tho death of Piu IX five, hours before It took place. iiBl fc .!