THE SCIIANTON TKIB U IS 13-SATURDAY, JANUAKST Id, 1899. 12 R aV4i Baking jmmA ABSQIVIELYPURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOTH (MKINO )O0EBCO , HtW VOB. WORK OF THE YEAR WASREVIEWED U 'out luilod from I'agt ! Stemsim. $.',0(lf wns left tin- Home. Ittlt lejriil compile atlcitiw In tin- mutter lmc iiilseti, ima It In iinreitnln whether the Home will he benefited. t she In tended. TIiIm, howevei, will not ehiuiKe tlie klmliu- of het desire to hell) the lumeles. wlwp iirluitloni Iny ueur her lie.irt. Mr. Smith was a mint valued member of i'ii mlvlnorv boat d. .tnd c deeply deplnle bin loa. Hy hW vlll the Home ireelved W'O, ho. ewr thotlRbtfUl of the pool and neulected, he has crone to hit rest Mrs. Throop. a life member dnrlnp 14 yeais. and one of the Home's warmest frleniR left us a Ic-irnry of S.'.OUO. all of which Mas anplled on the debt, "this also that, this woman hnfl done shall be told fin a memorial of her." WORK OF COMMITTERS. Our committees have wot keel faith fully in the U months just. The tl Aiinro I'nminltlpe. whose labors hav comprehended n concert which netted jnTM". an wccuia'oii which realized SS3.S." and a chrysanthemum show Mhlch btniiRht in Sir.l "". des-ere IiIrIi jnalse feu their abllilN and rooi! man nRement With our eiilalReil tetritoty the fuel committees tlnd their respon sibilities astl Increased but aie bravely riiiiiiiIIiir with them The bulldliiR committee hurt been conftont ed with mnnv problem" and indiums duties, but hne pnned themeles riiual to any emeiReiu. The Kellir Inus Science committee nolded -17 ttenlces, which were much enloved It Is hoped one mnv be held every Sun day. The committee on Riounds has been unable to show what they could do, owing to the lack of iitnds. but look forum d to the time when ahey shall make our new Rrounds bloom and blos EOin an tne 11 se. The sad duties of the committee on butlals has been per formed w 1th lldellty. The committee on Uefcsoits has piovlded many accept able additions to the Sunday bill of fare. How to mention the Rifts of the jc tr How express our Rratltude to all the friends who have helped the Home Is n dllllcult matter. The annual pamph let will not beRin to contain nil we wish to say. Does a society, a club, a chinch, a Sundaj si hool class have a social RathcilnR. an. aie there Roml things left.' StialRhtway they are Kent to the Home to carry enjoyment there. The cleiR, the iress. the mar kets, the telephone comiunj. physi oiaiib. viorklnRmen. guilds, f.nmers, engineers, women and children hae ontrlbuted freel of theli resources. Were It not for the coal so geneiously given by those owning It, what size would our bills attain unto' Do we nil realize what "he dally," "milk dally," "supplies from (the baketles many times a week," leally mean9 The aiiety of gifts Is Infinite: A barrel of lime, a white apron, u wagon load of inovlsions, a tiee, a slileboaul, a barrel of apples, clothing, cioekeiy, a da's sewing, a scrnp book, a ban el of flour, tickets to enteitainments. two quilts, pieced by an eldeily filend, thus runs the donation list. LOVELY FLOWERS SENT. riom (Mark's Summit and Hamlin Kiii came knely lloweis, biinrrlns with them the breadth of Clod's summer. Fiom a cla-s of voung girls in tlie M. E. chuieh at Dalton and fiom the Hap tlrt church then came two ptetty lllllts; fiom the bioad swiep of the green meadows and sunny hillsides of Elmluust came delicious fiult. fiom AVmerly came s klnd-hcaited fanner bilnglng some of the joys of the coun try, as he thought the childien might like some ficrtii eggs ' Jlere in the busy clt a little coteile of oung gills saved their pennies and bought matei idl out of which five little skli ts were made "for the Home babies." A couise of Bible lectures bi ought In $!.', a pil low sale, $12.',21; a base ball game, $.109.49; the Meiry Woikers, by a sale and a play made JJ'O.O.S so urled are tlie souices by which the Home i sup I)ortcd. On donation day there was a great outpouilng of money and sup jilles. It was with Rrateful heai ts that the managers lowed the results. Late In the afternoon a ham was sent by three young boys, former Inmates, but now wage-earneis, who said when they saw the notice In the paper. Heie It Is! I'ny has been good and they were Rood to iu We'll send something." The special Thanksgiving onleied by Gov ernor Hastings In October neaily re sulted in the ruin 1 1 the leputatlon for tiuth possessed by one small boy who, fortified b the leeolleetlon of last j ear's experlent e, had dilated on the gloiles of a MMianksglvIng dinner at the Home, in which turkej and cian berrles occupied a conspicuous place. When, therefoie, the juvenile jiait of the family found themselves on thlrf October Thnnksgh lug confronted by an ordinal y week-day dinner, so many weie the reproaches heupeu upon thu head ot the unlucky jnojihesler of a feast that he lied to the matron to be reassuicd "Don't 1 tell the tiuth? Don't we have tut key and cranbetiles on Thanksgiving-'" Hard as was the disappointment the thientened loss of reputation was hardei Toitunatelv, the real Thanksgiving came In due time, to the leseue, with nine chicken", and nine turkeys, headed by ex-Sheriff Itoblnson's thirty pound ulrd, nnd a perfect halo of cranbeuies to rejoice waiting he.uts and vindicate an Im pel Hied name. A HAPPY FUIILY. On Christmas eve no happier family In the. city gatheied aiound Its spaik ling tite than that In the Home. Old and young were alike enchanted with their gifts, and nnu deal little girl, te ceutly lescued from honlble sunound lng.s, actually piled for joy at the thought of a Christmas ttee It was something she had never expected to have. Could the Christmas donors have 'witnessed the Joy their offeilngH gave they would have felt themselves rich ly rewarded. Early in the jear a fam ily of several children hud been brought us vvhosu existence it could scarcely be called life beggared description. Their mother dead, left to their own devices, their clothing a few filthy rags, their bed tho eaitheii floor, nu old lamp doing duty for both flic and light, their food of the scantiest and most revolting description, it was almost in credible that finch conditions could ex ist In a civilized community. The In fluences of a ChiUtlan home have worked wonders, and tho transforma tion Is marvelous At the head of the Joyous little procession on tho Christ mas eve matched the youngest of theso children, solemnly and carefully car rying It his arms a doll. He took his position directly In front of ithe tree, and after a prolonged gaze, laid his roll down under tho protecting branches, then folding his Httlo hands he rocked to and fro In pure delight, utterly absorbed In tho radiant vision t!uut tilled his soul. His eyes glowed, his breath carae shore and quick, For long time he said nothing; then, as i fleeting manager went by with both Powder hands full he caught her dress and said, with u gaep, an he pointed at a trinket on tho 'tree: "Oh Missus! Won't you give mo dat little fiddle?" "Are you Rolng to say your jirnyers tho same tonight?" Inquired one viva cious spit It at bed time. "I'm not I'm going to thank Ood four my Christ mas piesents, and because we're going to have tutkey tomorrow." Ah, the poor little denied lives, the stunted conscience, the dense ignoiance, the Pitiful canes that tho Home's foster ing care receives Very quickly, In most Instances, comes the response to kind, gentle treatment and mild, but firm discipline, such ns most of our chniges have never known. Some one recently passing n gioup of the chil dien oveihentd the conclusion of the whole matte! . Said one learned lit tle person "Ood mnde all of us, but we've got to mind Mrs Walker." To which, after due reflection, the ehoiun assented. "That's so," Their attach ment lei the matron Is pleasant to wit ness, and she Is quoted as hlRh authoi Ity Not long ago vwien tho boys' dor mitory was full ot happy childien pre pailng for their nights test, It was suggested that they tun a race to see who coul.l first get to bed Presently, from a little white nest, came a elation voice, "lni in bed first. I've beaten everybody, oven Ood" "No jou haven't,' was the rejoinder from some one of superior knowledge. "Ood nev er goes to bed; he never sleeps. Mrs. Walker says so," which was an un answerable nigument McfitthoiouKh y Is the comfort of tlie old lnules looked aftei. llltthday gifts and dalntv teas fall to their lot, and the sunshine of loving care brightens the itw light of their lives Do we need a motto for the new joai'.' "The greatest of thc-e Is love''" Do ve require an Incentive' "Inasmuch as ye have done It unto one of the least of these my biethren, ye have done It unto me " As we take up the burden, not knowing what the future has in store lor us to each one would be bring Keble's vvoids: "Then ciieeiily to vour work again With hearts run braced and set To lun. untlred love's lilessi d race" Anna It. Moffat Recording Secietary, Home for the Fiiendless. At its conclusion the chairman sug gested that a vote of thanks be tend ered both ladles for the a dm liable wav In w hlch they presented the work of the j ear. CHANOn OF BY-LAWS. Mis. H M. Boles suggested that a change be made In the by-laws l elat ing to the duties of chief manager and mation, and after some discussion a by-law prepaied by Mrs. Kennedy was presented, which was intended to avoid abolishing the ofllce of chief manager. Mrs. J. A. Robertson and Mrs. W. D. Kennedy vvote appointed a committee to arrange the matter to lay befoie th next quarteily meeting. Mm W. D. Kennedy made a biief address, embodying the feeling of the board in Mis. C, P. Matthews declina tion to again be president, and ex juessed the strongest appieclatlon of her untiring vvoik In that ofllce. A vote of thanks was tendeted Mrs. John C.onter for her faithful and ellleicut seivlce for jeais in the office of chief manager, a post which she had ex piesfly declined to continue Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Mrs. C. P.. Scott and Ml. E. F. Chumbeilln, the nominating committee, piesented their repoit, which gieatly facilitated the woik of the day. The folowlng olllceis weie duly elected- Mrs W. D. Ken nedy, piesldent; Mis. W. D. Tajlor, vice-president; Mrs, H. S. Moftat, sec ictaiy, Mts. Cot a Merrltleld, chief manager; Mis. C. R. Penman, torie spondlng secietary; Mrs T. IT. Dale, treasurei The following weie elected as man agers for thiee years; Mis. John Gen tei, Mis W. H. Peiklns, Mis. R. M. Wlnton, Mis. N. Y Leet, Mis. E H. Ripple. Mts. A. D. lilac klnton, Mis. C. P. Matthews, Mis. R. O. Rrooks Miss Emma Richmond was elected for two veais Mrs. L. R. Stelle for one eat. DH LOOAN'S ADDRESS. Rev. Dr. Logan made an addiess, containing leminiscences of the jeais In which he had been Interested In the Home. He said that theie aie no fiiendless people heie In this commun ity. Theie Is a demonstiatlon of Chris tian vvmk in this city und its envlion nient. The splilt which emanates fiom It Is of even greater value than the actual aid given the needy. Rev. Richard Hloins followed with a beautiful tribute to the work and to it he tender affection existing between the matron, Mrs. A. K. Walker, nnd the children. His frequent islts gave him ample proof of the noble results nchlev ed. At the conclusion of these remaiks, a vote of thankn was Riven Judge Knapp and the board of maiumeis of tlie Young Women's Christian associa tion. The new l -elected president. Mis. Kennedy, stated that at a meeting next Ftida afternoon In the same place, announcement of the stnndlng committees will be made. The session then adjourned BASKET BALL REVIVED. Scranton Players, Who Onco Were State. Champions, Reorganize. A party of joung men met last evening at Chailes Hang's cate on Lin den street and leorganlzed the Scian ton basket ball team, which held the championship for 18jC-'t'T, under the management of Edward Coleman. This jear Mr. Coleman could not give his time to the game, and so tho team's management will be in ciuilge of (leorgo Nelson Teets, un old-time play er und manager of the team in '93. Ho will be assisted by Charles Zang a captain. They will havo full control of the players. The following players havo been se lected. (Mimics SCang, Wnllaco Molr, Edward Hire her, Theodore Fahrenholt, Julius Posncr, (lemge Koch, Joseph McDonald, James McGoldilek, Cleoigo Tuttle Hi ill, Adolph Helsnei, Henry Heidenbach nnd Delslng. Mcssis. Teeto nnd Zang will arrange to meet the manager and captain of tho Noith End Stars at Mr. Hang's cafe, 316 Lin den stieet, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, to make arrangements for u series of games between the two clubs. They will also tty nnd nrrange games with tho West Side, South Side, Green Ridge und descant teams. Is Eureka a Synonyn for Coal "Kureka!" The cry hurst jubilantly from tho bur tilctr. Ho had just opened tho jewel case nii;l found coal secreted tlitro. New York Journal, DISCHARGE RUMOR WENT THE ROUNDS SOLDIERS WERE HIGHLY ELAT ED FOR A SHORT TIME. Non-Commissioned Officers Havo Or ganized a Mess Scheme Is Work ing Admirably Successful Opera tion Performed on Private Martin Howloy of 0 Company-Team from tho Thirteenth Played Basket Ball in Augusta - Somo of the Late Gos sip of tho Camp. Sptilul to the Scranton Tilbune Camii MacKonzle. Auuusta. (la.. Jan 13. If anybody ever had any doubt as to the sentiments of the membeis or the Thirteenth on the question of be ing mtlPteretl out, thev would soon be definitely settled, if he had heard the yells of delight which went up from all jiarts of the cump. Wednesday night, when a lather jiremnttiro state ment was read In the Augusta papers to the effect that the regiments of the Second army coi ps.whleh were to leave the seivlce, would be mustered out at the enmps in which they tire now es tablished. This at first wan misunder stood, nnd the leport was snt afloat that, ns a matter of fact, tho entire corps would be mustered out. It was then that pandemonium reigned, and the boys showed with what delight they would hall the news of their being mustered out. Theie ure nlioady npparentlv well founded tumois of approaching changes going the rounds. The tucmbeii? of the Flist Man land are positive that Gov ernor Lowndes, of their state, will eventually succeed In inducing the war depaitment to muster them out and It Is confidently hoped, on the lepresen- tatlons of their congressmen, that thu men of the Fifteenth Mlnnesotu will be at home with their families before the middle of March. If these expected changes should take place, both bil gadeci, and, In fact, the division and the corps, would bo pietty well bioken up; and It Is not Improbable that they would huve a direct bearing on the prospects of the Thli teenth. They are now looked forvvnrd to with more than usual Interest. CHANCE Or WEATHER. After a long term of tho most de lightful weather, there has come a change nt last. For the past twenty four bouts It has been mining hard and all outdoor mill tai y exercises have been suspended. Little, or no, Incon venience has been enured by this change, except to those on fatigue or on guntd. The wind blew part of the tar jiaper off the ioof of C Company's mess hall, and the rain came tluough to such an extent that the men had to quit the jilace, and eat their meals in their tents once more. The membeis of Company E, which has returned from provost duty, have had to sus pend work on their mess hall, as they had only the meie framework elected when the downpour set in Lieutenant Elanchard, of the hojil tal corps, has peifonned another very successful operation for an abscess this time on Private Mnitin Howiey, of C Company, who recently returned fiom a long sick fui lough. Dr. lllanc li nn! feels elated over the success of the operation, but not any happier than the long-sufteiing patient, who has been sick plnce the middle of last Aug ust. Pilvate Howiey Is a highly es teemed member of his company, nnd his many trlends will be glad to know that since Joining the leglment heie, he lias Improved much in health, and will soon be as stiong ns ever and able to attend to bis tegular duties. Pilvate Lnn Adams, of A, is In the leglmental hospital, suffeilng from some slight wounds lecently sustained while engaged in foot ball practice. He fell und spinlned the ankle of his light loot. The Injur, while painful. Is In no way seilous It Is now being ed dally, and It Is expected that Pri vate Adams will be all light in less than a week. Some time ago. Battalions Seigeants Major Lattlmei Reepe and William S. Your friends may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Hood's. lt Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER MWUNHOIIIMJO. Telephone Call, 3333. I SO Gould, Quartermaster Sergeant Isaac Hroivn, Color Sergeant Charles Heed, Hospital Stewards Clatk, Klstler and Gillespie, First Sergeant Watrous, ot G; Sergeant Clarence Lalhrop, of C, Coiimrul Pntrlck Whaleli, of 11, nnd Private Waller Loomls, of the hospi tal cotps, fotmed for themselves a "non-commissioned ollleers' mess." They pay 10 extra cvety month, nnd with thla they not only hire u special colored cook, but obtain all the (Mias which thev need. The scheme has worked inimitably so far, and now most ot the non-coms" of Company t ate taking stcpn to wards this same end, with tho differ ence that 'thev will admit any pilvato who deblres to Join. They are to pay 2 cxtia per month, In ndvance, and have calculated that, with their legll lar rations added to this, they can live very well. Twenty have already sub scribed their names, nnd tho boys hope to make It such a success that many more will Join, nnd thcioby better themselves, Instead of spending prob ably double the amount nt tho canteen for eatables that give no satisfaction. A hastily constructed team from the Thirteenth went to Augusta Wednes day evening and played a game of In door base ball with tho Cathollo Library association. The score was 11 to 9 In favor of the latter. Tho band did not go on nccount of the bad weather, nor wore theie many mem bers of the regiment present. The regular team will go there next week, nnd make things lively once moic. CAMP GOSSIP. Corporal Willard Lathrop, of A, Is nrelstant quartermaster sergeant of his company, und Is kept busy trying to please the boj s. Private George Dolph, of A, has been detailed to act as cook for that com pany for ten days. Pilvate Mai shall, of C, and Blake, of E, are orderlies today. The Thirteenth's foot ball team has had Its picture taken. Sergeant Waitcn Colvvcll, Corporal Arthur RIdgwny, and Privates Joseph O'Hara, William Mack and James O'Malley, of R, weie entertained by Augusta friends yesteiday. Company li has a plnnochle team, composed of Privates Helm, nines, Znng and Raker, and Private Robert Wlrth, of A, who has been made an honorary member. The pass-word of the club Is 'Home-nlt!" Sergeant Harold L. Gillespie, of the hospital, has Invested In a very fancy overcoat. Richard J. IJourke. Sly little six-months old girl hail Ecrems. Wo used all klnda ot remedies, but slio kept getting woro. I used to wrap her hands up, anil to dross her, hid to put her on tho table, I could not hold her, sho would Kick and Ecrcaiu, and, when f lio could, slio would tear her faco anil arras almost to pieces. Pour botes of CcmcuiiA (ointment), two cakes of C'tTicuiiA Soai; and ConccitA Resoi,vi.t cured her, and nu traces are left. Fch.7,'03. Mrs. G. A. CON'ItAD, Lisbon, K.II. SpKEnr Cctr Trfatwext. VVirm bitht with Cm rmomF, gentle .nmntlnci with Cuticlk A foiQlmcnU, iaI mild doitiorCiTicusA IUsoltkht. FfM thmtuhiMit the world, rnrrrii naon Ann Cum. 'i v , I'ropB . liottou. liow to Cure btln DUfetiei , tree. i NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York, Opp. Orace Church. European Piss. Room $1.00 m Day and Upward. In a modest and unobtrusirs way there at few bettor oonducted hotels in tho motropolle thin tho St. Donls Tho great popularity It Lai acquired oaa readily bo traced to its unique) location, IU homelike atmosphere, the peculiar excellence ot ltu cuisine and service, and lta ytrr moder ate prices WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, for. Sixteenth SI and Irving Place, NEW YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, $1.50 Per Day and Upwards. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. x-:-x':X"X-:X"&"K For Business Men A. T..t..l i.tiL. 1..I ll.l.l.l iu mc ucanui inc wuuicsaic uisbtltli For Shoppers 4 juiimict walk, iu nnnaiuaitcrs n O 1 it a tit t. r. min rna in aicnsi nsif a inn cirr l!ay of access to the ureal Dry Goods : Stores. For Sightseers. Oncbloclc from 11'wavCars culntreasv 1 Hotel Albert, 1 uuipuriauou loon poinisoi interest. t NEW YORK. i ,- u m w I & t y , COR. 11th ST Sc IJNIVKRblTY PLACK, Y f Only One Block from Broadway, V JjRooms, SI Up. RESTAURANT . FRICC8 RIAGONABLt .' HX"XMX,WXKXK HERCULES ASBESTOS PIPE COVERING Effactivsmss anJ Diirabilll SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR MINE WORK Warren EhretCo., 321 Washington Avenue, Scranton, I'a. THE DICKSON M'PG CO,, bcrantoii and Wlllton-Ilurre. I'a. Manufacturers of L0C0IYI0TIVES.STATI0NARY ENGINES Uoller, MolitlnzanJ I'uniplnj Ma:!injry, General Office, Scrauton, i'a. ON otitiollvSWallact r12TANiia vf WLSHENGTQN AVENUE.V' The Last Call on Coats The greatest reductions ever made in Fine Garments The whole stock oi Ladies' Jackets must be closed out at once. Are you interested in these prices ? $1.50, $3.50, $5.00 All $5 Coats, Choice for $1.50 All $7.50 Coats, Choice for $3.50 All $10 to $12.50 Coats, Choice for $5 All $15 to $18 Coats, Choice for $7.50 All $20 to $30 Coats, Choice for $10 Connolly 127 and i OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Itttsl ncss and Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodation Ux. tended According to ltaluuccs uuJ Responsibility. 3Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital Surplus, $200,000 400,000 VM. CONNELL, President. IIENKY BELIN, Jr., Vice Pres. WILLIAM II. PECK, CaslllCP The vault oi this bank U pro. tcctcd by Holmes Electric Pro. tcctivc Sjystem. A Husband v,a tKUe-f to ha tho riirht kind of bread should take pains to cupply liW wife with tho ilRh kind of Hour. llo should cet "Snow White" Plour t-o she in havo the net materials handy to do (?ood work. A workman can't do GOOD woik with poor ma A woman can't mako GOOD bread of poor Hour. Get "Snow- White." Tho best cooks use It. "We Only Wholesale It." THE WESTON MILL CO Scranton, CarbonJele, Olyphant. r Steam and Hot Water HEATING Qas, Electric And Combination FIXTURES Electric Light . . . WIRING Chas. B. Scott, 119 Franklin Ave. jm-t , $7.50, 129 Washington W Lace Curtain Bargains January is our clearing-up time. We have some 300 pairs of fine Lace Curtains, two and three pair of a pattern, All these little lots must go at once. Cost not considered. We want the room. These goods are all Fall importations and this sale offers you an opportunity to furnish at a sav ing of from 25 to 50 per cent. Irish Point, Brussels, Point de Calais 0 & FURNITURE COVERINGS. ' WILLIAMS & HHcANULTY CARPETS. LACKAWANNA LUMBER GO, n&UUFACTURERS OF Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Aline Ralls sawed to uniform lengths constantly on band. Peeled llfctnlocU Prop Timber promptly Furnished. MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co., on th-t Buffalo and Sttsquc danna Kullroud. At Mina, Patter County. Pu., on Coudcrsport, and Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity-400,000 feet per day. GENUUAL Ol'FlCE-Uoard of Trada Building, Scranton. Pa. Telephone No. 4014. Going uut ot Business And our entire Slock of Footwear will be closed out at a fraction of their value. Now Is Your Opportunity. We shall 4 A turn this stock into cash within the shoitest possible time. Our Great Sale Prices will sell thousands of shoes. SALE COMMENCES JAN. 4. Do not throw this chance away. He early while the as sortment is complete. Come in the morning, if you can ; if not, come whenever convenient, but come. We carry only good goods, as you know. The Prices Will Convert You. Standard HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITr WHEN IN STRONG cfa M S7 ."j 1 mill I iyyoW JJneiianJVatiescelo,Atropny.c. AIinlN 1 fiK&A'S' ZZitV&f10 1hcyc!caMhbrin,ttiiuthtn nUMIIl T nmNW7?t the circulation. mik dismoo v$'dlZs& vigor to tha whole being. All drain, and lotiet are checked ftrmantntly. Unlets patients are propetly cuied, their condition often worries them Into Insanity, Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed, Trice it perbos; 0 boats, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the money, ( oo. Send lor (re book. Address, PEAL MCDICINE CO,, Cleveland, 0. For Sal c Dyjuu i. l'liLiiirai iud Spruce Btreet. $10. 00 asifA Avenue, Tambour, Renaissance, Nottingham. TAPESTRY CURTAINS. - .- WALL PAPER. t Shoe Store, 217 LACKA AVE !4 DOUBT, TFtY They hire itood the tettofynri. aim nave curea ei Caies of Nervous Ditcasei, tuch II Debility, Ulliiaen.Slceplf it- netted, and uncart a bciltUy I'mu'inujisv, cor. wyoinins nvonuo