The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 13, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Robbed of Llfo ot Threahold of Man
hood Estimable) Character.
Walton Lcc. son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
K. Leo, ot Belmont street, whose prob
able death wast announced in The Trib
une a couple of dan ago, succumbed
to peritonitis "Wednesday night. Inles
ttnul perfointlon, follow lug a Bevoie at
tack ot typhoid fever caused the liouble
which robbed him of life nt the thresh
old of manhood TJercised was 19 yearn
old and was bom In the houc where
he died.
A few vears ago he learned the lath
ers' trade, but recently he entered Into
the bicycle business. Ho was a young'
man of fine business Insight and unim
peachable integrity, and his untimely
death Is a positive loss to the commu
nity which sympathizes deplv with the
bereaved -patents. One slstei, Mls
Ollvo Lee and n biother, Ijfr.iv Lee,
f Clo eland, O., also mouin his loss.
The latter ho was telegraphed for,
did not tarrive until yesterday. "
The funeral will be held tonioirow af
ternoon at 1 o clotU. Kev. O, A. TJaee, .
Ph D, of the Methodist chinch, will
ofllclate. Interment will bo made in
the Cireenllcld cemetery.
It has 'been, geneially supposed th&t
Kern Hall, Ciysttil lake, which was o
mccesslully managed last season by
Mr. and Mr" William Thompson, now
of Hotel Anthracite, would be conduct
ed by them in 1899. Such, however, Is
not the case The owner of the popu
lar summer report announced yesterday
that Mnitha C. and Mrs. Sylvester
Johnson will conduct the house. There
will be no bar and rates will be made
Waltu's opera company pieseiited
"The Bohemian Girl" to a laigc audi
ence at the Grand last evening. To
night a double bill, embracing the hu
moroiiH H. SI. S. Pinafore and Mas
caenl's mastei piece "Cavallorla llustl
cana." Next week Tommy Shearer
and a company of fifteen artists will
hold forth at the Giand giving up-to-date
comedies. "The Dangers of a
Great City" will be the opening bill.
Miss Kate Glllen, who has been seri
ously ill, is improving.
Mis. Laude Wright, who has been
buffering from grip, Is convalescent.
Miss Jennie Weller is confined to Ho
tel Anthracite by illness.
Miss Finn has returned fiom Scott,
whore she visited her slsier, Mis. Gloa
feon. Mrs. W. II. Olvev, of Darte avenue,
has returned from Horrid: Pontic,
where she visited fiiends.
Miss Mary A. Gallagher, who has
been visiting the Misses Nlcol, of River
street, returned to her home in Scran
ton yesterdoj
Leioy Pei kins, of Wavmait, is the
guest of friends in this city.
Wallace Illstcd Is suffering with the
Dr. D L. Bailey recently called on
Peter Stoich nt the Wllkes-Barro ho
pltal. The patient Is slowly recovering.
Ho was Injured In the Delaware and
Hudson wieck at Mill Creek
Chauncey Feeney was painfully bit
ten by a v iclciis horse yesterday." Dr.
Malawn dressed the injured aim.
Jesse D. Norii", who for several years
has been stepogiaoher Ir the die su
perintendent's ofllce of this citv, has
accepted j. situation under the govern
ment with the inspector of steel at
Pittsburg. He will assume his new
duties at once. Edward Carr will suc
ceed Mr XnrilR at the Brie office.
Mrs. W. D Frank, of Gllbeit stieet,
Is entertaining Mis. . Ker-ren", 6t
Forest City.
Piofessor George Mason, of Wllkes
Ilaue, Is spending a lew elnvs in this
Yesteiday afternoon the team ot
horses belonging to Hemy Soley broke
n.vay from a bob load of r oal they were
hauling up Lackawanna stieet and ran
away along Main stieet a far as
Dunn's ofllce, wheio they nin into a
telegraph pole and weie inptuied. Dur
ing the time of their night the stieet
was ciowded with chilrfreinho weie
coasting down the hill, ancTthe fact
that no one was Injured a lemaik
r.ble. Jermyn conclave, Xo ::S, 1. u H , ms
elected the following officers for the
ensuing eai: Archon, W. J Borgan.
past aichon. J. W. Grant, provost.
Peter Speichei . pi elate, T, U. Moon:
secretaiy. r. II. Tennis: linancter,
Hen Morgan, tieasuicr, Joseph Ten
nis Iiibpcctoi, Price Davis, waiden,
Patrick Malonev: sentinel. Thomas
Mnish trustee. John McCartv
Mapteis Porcv and Reginald Hough
ton entertained a number of tiled
oang fiiends ut theli home on South
Main stieet Wednesday evening. Those
present weie Misses Maty Siottigue,
Kthel Ilnkei Floienc Slalns, Grace
Townsend, Louit Caiglll. Edith and
Floienee Manaid, MilUied Haiber and
Flunk Pondered, Aloiuo Davis, Pies
tou Badger, Jospph Caiglll, Harold
Davis. Peicy. Beginald and Harold
Mrs Louis Ciutnet, uf Bmou stieet,
entertained the mcmbeis ot htr Sun-'
day school class last evening.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Flist
Baptist chuich will give an entertain
ment, entitled 'A Bachelor Advei Us
ing for a Wife," next Wednesday even
Ing. The price of udmisslon will i.
twenty-five cents, which will Include
nn oyster stew.
Mis. W. L Rogers, ot Second ptieet,
is at Hethany attending the funeial of
her undo, Bev E O Waid.
Mine Foi eman Davis is leroverlng
fiom the grip
From the number ot candidates in
the field, the locnl pilmary election
promises to be more than usually ttpli
Ited The Second wuid Republicans
will elect a ticket this evening In En
terprise hall.
A horse attached to a sleigh cieated
no little excitement In the vicinity of
the Deavvaie and Hudson depot e-
terday afternoon by lunnlng away. It
was captured near the Ontario and
Pull Btrenith. health, tons
and dereioumaot to every
portion ot the body, fctfrcta
, oi cUseuu, overwork, worry.
wo jumcv ui jrouwi nuu ex.
reUM ol manhood nuirtlv
' cured, Appliance and rra.
edlei tent on trial. No
tnonry in advanct, Sealed,
particular! free, Corre-
CfrtnilpnrA rnnflrC.t.t(al
KTn All. I
uru J
The triumph of a great week of business; the zenith of bargain-giving; the accumulating desires of our buyers to put forth their
best efforts will give to our generous public
TWO Ooprecedeoled Bargain Days Today aod Torciorrou)
This January Trade Sale is making a name for itself among the trade events of the year. Already it has eclipsed our efforts of
one year ago. It makes dimes do the work calculated for dollars.
You will be startled by the money-saving opportunities that confront you here. Fact.
Every line speaks volumes for the goodness of the stocks and the unparalled littleness of the prices.
Western crossing. Xo damage was
done to the outfit.'
W. F. Ketchum 'was a Visitor at the
Electric City yesterday.
Icju fourteen, Inches th.Icli is being
hat vested on the miniature lake located
on John Grlsdale's farm.
Tfle sidewalks on Main street are
used by the youngsters to skate upon.
Pedestrians prefc? to use the sttecta
on account of the ley condition ot the
walks. We have a borough ordinance
to remedy It, but the road commis
sioner does1 not enforce It.
This Evening's Event Receptions
Tendered Personal News.
The entertnlnment and supper which
Is to be held nt the Methodist Episco
pal church this evening promises to be
a first class affair. The young men
who have charge have? pared no leas
onable effort to obtain good results
The purpose of this undertaking Is to
asqulre funds with which to replenish
the church treasury. The following Is
the proginmme: belcctionon phono
graph, male quartette, Messrs. Ev'ans,
Watkins. Tubbs and Dibble; solo, Rich
aid Watklns, selection, male quai
tette; solo, William Jones; selection,
phonograph; solo, J. E. AVatklns; duet,
Evans and AVatklns, selection, male
quaitette; solo, Charles J. Dibble, selec
tion, phonograph; selection, male quar
tette; solo, John F. Tubbs, solo, J. E.
Watklns; declamation, Arthur Stone;
solo, Richard AVatklns; selection, phon
ogi aph.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Smith, of Pond street, was the scene
of a social event on Tuesday evening,
when they had for their guests a par
ty from Oladn Tannery, who took ad
vantage of the beautiful sleighing.
Those who composed the party were
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Vens, Mrs. John Howells,
Mr. and Mrs. George Stall, Mr. and
Sirs. David Aston and Messrs. Thomas
Jones, AVilllam Jones, James Jones and
Mrs. Mnrgoret Smith, of this place.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
deied Mr. and Mre. James Tlbbs at
their home In South Taylor on Tues
day evening by their many young
friends. Music, games and dancing
were the amusements of the evening.
Refreshments were served and at a
late hour the parly departed. Those
present were Misses Ada Lang, Anna
Bright, Bettha and Emma AVIlllams,
Emma Owens, Mary and Olwen How
ells. Satah Curdett, of Scranton;
Mary and Sarah AA'llllams, Emma
Owcna, Annlo Roland, Xellle Cook, Jen
nie and Barbara Gruver, Mlnne Huf
fered, Jennie Barley, Emma. Marsh,
Slaggle Evans, Alice Franklin, Messrs.
AAr. Jefferson Hasklns, AA'llllam Grlf
flths, AVJIllam Daniels, Frank AVIl
llams, AVIllam Morgans, Henry Powell,
Henry Lewis, Daniel Ash, W II. Xich
olas, Garfield AVIlllams, David R, Da
vis, Robeit Slmerson, Oscar Gruver,
Henry Reese, J. T Jones, Percy Owens,
AVilllam Beynon, John Secoie, Harry
AVilson and Frederick AVllson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins and Mrs.
Thomns and Mrs. Margaret Edwards,
of Edwatdsvillo, visited Mrs. E. J.
Evans, of Xorth Main street, yesterday.
The funeral of James Kerr, of Slb
lej, will take place this afternoon from
his late home. Services will be held
In the house ft 2 o'clock. Builal will
be made In the Presbyteflan cemetery.
Invincible Commandery, Xo. 232,
Knights of Malta, will meet this even
ing In their rooms In ReeFe's hall.
The employes of the Taylor, Pyno
and Holden collleiles received their
monthly earnings for December yes
teiday. Theie Is much talk of conducting a
baoheloirV ball In the near future.
Mis Evan L. Davis was the guest
of her dcugluer In Green Rldgo on
Slis. AV AV. AVatklns, of Grove stieet,
Is slowly lecoverlng fiom hei leceut
The tunetal of Ida AA'llll.tnih took
place jesterday.
m -
Mis. Giles Gieene, mother of Homer
Gieene, Is seriously 111 at her homo at
Lake Ariel.
The tuneral of Mi Tamile Frankel,
who died Satmday evening at the home
of her daughter, Mrs L Fareth. took
place Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. E. O. AVaid, for many veais a
resident of Bethany, died at his homo
In Bethany Tuesday morning He Is
survived by one son and one daughter,
Mr. E. O. AA'aid, of Xewaik, X. J., and
Mrs. Di. Reed Bums, of Sot anion. Thu
funeral services weie held Thursday
afternoon at i.' o'clock from the Beth
any Presbyteilnn chmch.
By a proclamation Issued by the
sheriff, the voters of Arayno lountv nr.j
on Tuesday, Fob 21, to cast their bal
lot for ot ugainm a county poor house.
A letter addiessed to the Scranton,
llouesdalo and Eastern railroad is ad
vertised In the Honesdale postofTU o.
It Is otllclally announced that by
Monday wt the Gravity track will bo
(hinged to a wide gauge.
Rev. R. M Rhodfrlek has accepted a
call to the Dunmore Baptist church.
Uev. Mr. Whalen has, c,n account of
Illness, not entered upon his duties as
pastor of the Honesdale Baptist
Thu new year H heie and to Is Hones
dale. Passengers are dally taking their
lust ride on the Giavity railroad. The
little locomotive tailed to make tlmo
last week, but this week Is on time.
All of the students who were home for
vacation have leturned to school, Thy
firlp hus not Intei fered with our grad
ed schools, which aro lunnlng with a
full quota Business N running In tho
usual order. Some of tho buslne!
men aie so busy that they havo no
time to remove the Ice and snow from
tho walks In front of their stores.
Danclntr U the order for the evenings
nt every turn, on sidewalk and on tel
phone pole you are confronted with a
Women's Fleece Lined Jeiscy
Ribbed Vests. Veiy i
Special at IX2C
Women's Fleece Lined Pants, the
ac kind. Very Special 4 .
at 17C
Misses' Fine Jersey Ribbed Vests,
always 25c. Very Special
at 19C
Women's Fine Australian Wool
Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants,
Oxford cut, always? 1 and e
$1.25. Very special at.... 5UC
Boys' Natural Grey Shirts and
Drawers, always 25c. Very
Special at 1C
Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear,
never sold under 25c.
Very Special at ZAQ
Jonas Long's Sons
notice Inviting you to a dance. Sleigh
ing Is excellent" lumbermen and other3
are enjoying It. A laige ico crop has
been gathered, which was never bet
ter. Business nt our opera house is at
low tide, hardly know we have one.
Our young soldiers are much elated by
tho prospect of a trip to Harrisburg at
tho expense of Uncle Sam. Eggs are
scarce, but pickerel fishing Is good.
The Delaware and Hudson pavmaster
was a welcome visitor yesterdav. The
next pay In Honesdale will be very
light Tho shoo factories that have
been idle for tho annual Inventory aie
starting up this week. Special services
are being held in the Piesbvterlan
chapel this week. The glass cutting
shops have resumed woik.
The Exeter Club Reception and Ban
quetThe Elks and Their New
Home The Sewor Problem, Mar
riages, Deaths, and the Local Grist 1
of Yesterday About the City.
One of the most brilliant social
events that has ever occurred in this
city was the (list leceptlon held by the
Exeter club In their handsome building
on Luzerno street, on the AVest Side,
last evening. Upwnrds of two hundred
guests arilved and took possession of
the 100ms. Previous to the arrival of
the first delegation a largo canopy had
been erected from the club house to
tho curb, while the front of the build
ing was Illuminated with hundreds of
Incandescent lights of every hue and
color. The Intel lor showed the handi
work of deft hands In lloral decora
tions. Tho reception hall and the ad
joining apartments weie bowers of
beauty, while the grand staircase was
entwined with festoons of evergreens
and potted plante. AVhen tho guests
arrived they were received by the re
ception committee, and they quickly
accepted the oppoitunlty of an inspec
tion of the membeis' cozy den. At
ten o'clock Oppenhlem's orchestra en
hanced the interest of tho occasion
with delightful music, and until mid
night the lovers of teipslcore glided
over the glassy surface of the floor in
the beautiful ball room. Dora Lee
served a buffet lunch of the most ap
petizing kind and this, was followed
until an early hour this morning with
nn excellent proginmme of dancing and
music. Tho costumes of the ladles
weie creations of loveliness. The
guests present besides those fiom the
east and west sides, leptesented Xew
Yotk, Philadelphia, Scianton, Carbon
dale, AVllkes-Bane and m.'tny other
towns up and down the valley
The Elks of this city aie busily en
gaged tmnsformlng the Butler House
block, which they have leased for a
teim of years, Into a paiadle, and the
"don," as they probably will name it,
will bo most of the most elaborate
and cozy places of meeting In tho city.
The memberships ho compilses the bus
iness talent of this plate, will leave
nothing undone to add to Its attrac
tiveness and enmfoit. The hoiirJp
vvarmtng, which will take place about
Feb. 1, will be a tun prise of tho agree
able soit to those who will be favored
with an invitation Sterer Hnhn will
be placed In cluugo of the piemlscs
when the Improvements ate coinploted.
Mif J. P. Klrbv Is entertaining Airs.
James Lindsay, of Wnjmart and Mrs.
A Simpson, of Atlantic City.
The telephone exdungr hu just
health is Wealth
Is cold under posUIto Written Guarantee,
denes, Nervousness, Lutsltude, all Drains, Youth,
tul Krrorc, or Excusaiyo VJto of Tubnocu, Opium,
or liquor, which leads to Miser, Consumiition,
lueauity and Death. At etoro or by mail, tl a
boxi six for tv, with written guurnutco to
care or refund money. HnniplcpacU
age, containing tho dajn' treatment, with full
instructions, KS cents. Ono eaoiple only sold to
uacu persuu. avmutuuruy uiuu.
earned Label Soecial
JmS Extra Strength. 1
1 th.aAB I Jifil RdmlinAJ I
Btenllty or iJarrenneas.
11 a ixxi 011 jor 33, wmiv,
lit ten . auariintevzd
t SiS ft" iiinnrnln 4 rntM. Arfilflfnfl
iQEPOREor bvPinll. AfTEn
PorSuleby William 0. Clark, Ji6 I'cnn Av
Scrunttin, t'u.
Inn rriij-J
na HP' 'Ok
tl "Vfll X
Cut Prices
California Hams, cured in Scranton, per lb 53ic
Sugar Cured Hams, weighing over 12 lbs; per lb 814c
Dry Salt Bacon, very lean and fine ; per lb 714c
California Truiics, large and solid; G lbs for 25c
Comb Honey, from selected hives; per section 10c
American Sardines, very choice; 7 cans for 25c
Choice Rice, large flaky kernels ; per pound 6c
Rolled Oats; clean and very choice; !) lbs. for 25c
Very superior Laundry Starch; 7 lbs. for 25c
Choice hand-picked Tomatoes; one dozen cans 90c
E. & J. Peas; sweet and tender; one dozen cans 90c
Fine N. Y. State Sugar Corn ; one dozen cans 90c
Peaches; fine luscious fruit; per can 12c
Bartlett Pears ; very choice ; per can 1 2c
Cream Crackers; choice; ." pounds for 25c
Jonas Long's Sons
placed a new switch board of the mod
ern sort In their ofllce on Water street
and now four hello operators are at
your service.
An open space between the two
bridges lino a smooth sheet of Ice on
tho West Side nnd numerous skaters
were enjoying the afforded pilvllego
yesterday afternoon.
Charles Gibbons and Miss JesMie
Smith attende the opera "Iolanthe"
last evening at Wllkes-Darre.
The Forest Castlo brewery 13 putting
a thousand tons of Ice in their large
houses. It Is brought fiom Harvey's
lake by railroad.
The employes of the "Deep Rock"
factoiy enjoved a alelghiide last night
to Plymouth. They were accompanied
by their wives and the other girls, and
arrived home at an early hour this
morning, thoroughly pleased with the
hospitality of the Shawneeites.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Maria
TIgue will take place this morning
from the lesldence of her son. Coun
cilman Tlgue, on North Main street.
"The Factory Girl" Interested a very
good-sized audience last evening and
the excellence of Its production was
veilfied by the frequent applauna which
followed many of the inteiestlng situ
ations of the play Tommy Shearer Is
a good comedian, but his speeches be
fore the curtain are veiy tiresome.
The sum ot $340 Is all that has been
paid by property holders the past year
for connecting with the sewer. This Is
a meagre allowing, when tho city has
Invested thousands of dollats toward1
placing the city In a good sanitary con
dition. If wo mlbtake not, all propeity
owners are compelled by oidlnance to
connect with the sewer when It Is pos
sible to do so, and that it Is tho duty
of the sanitary officer to bee that the
ordinance is compiled with, and If this
Is not done, what were the seweis hullt
foi, and what is the above officer dolnr
towaids earning his salarj ?
The late election of ofllceis In tho
fire department could have been iiu
pioved upon, and no one knows It bet
ter than the old vetei.ins who x'oi
many yeais inn with tho old machine
All the mine. of tin Lehigh Valley
Coal company will be idle today and
tomouow, hut will lcsume on Monday.
Much disappointment Is felt among
business men. owing to the monthly
pay of the Pennsylvania Coal co'mpany
having been detened until Satuiday of
next week. This makes IHo weeka
since the latt pay day.
It would seem that the holding of In
quefUs upon the fatal accidents which
betel James Uriel and John O'Hoylu
aie nothing 11101 e than puiely a faice.
Bath accidents were aioidental, and
theie was nothing that bhould call for
an Investigation by tho coioner.
J. P. Uelehunty, bi, who Is down In
Noith Carolina on a hunting expedi
tion, bends woid to his fiiends lime
that game was never moie plentiful,
and Is enjoying his tiip Immensely.
Mr. Delehunty, although advanced In
yeais, is a vetetan sportsman, and Is
yet a crack shot.
Theie has been $10,000 subset ibed to
wards the election of a cut glass fac
toiy on the West Sld, and It now looks
as if the project will be a success.
U. W. Tennant, bookkeeper at tho
Stevens colliery, and Miss IUhel Behee
were mm 1 led yesteiday at tho home of
tho brldo's paients at Chase, Pu , by
the Bev. Dr. Mills, of Wllkeh-nane.
and will make their homo on AVanen
stieet on the West Side.
Yesterday morning ncmiuud tho
death of Mis Ueorge P. Deudle, at
tho home In Oregon, and her sudden
termination of llfo Is a sad beieave
ment to tho afflloted family. Tho de
ceased was attacked vlth the grip a
weelc ago, nnd on Monday had tho nils
foi tune to full down a stairway and
fractured ope of her arms. Later pleu
ilsy, and then pneumonia set In, tnd
she died as above stated, Tho funeral
will tako place on Sunday afternoon.
Her age was 51 years cud a husband
on Groceries:
It is u quick tiip from this
giocery store to your home
and you're sure to get the
best there is.
All our canned goods are
put up in the canneries to our
order. They must be right
or they do not enter here.
Try this grocery once and
you'll be it's friend at all times.
About yards in the
lot. When they are gone, no
more at the price. It's a
chance lot that straggled in
very cheap.
Single and double faced Satin
Ribbons in black and all of the
leading shades.
No 2 NO 3 NO 4
NO 5
4c yd 5c yd
NoT No 9
8c yd ioc yd
No 16' No32
I2C yd 14c yd 18c yd
There'll none left after tomorrow.
Jonas Long's Sons
and several grown up children suivlve
The bieaker boys of the different
mines are enjoying the fine sleighing
to the utmost thiough the generosity
of their employeis.
The Coicoian murder case and Its
piobable outcome in the present inves
tigation was tho one toplo discussed In
this city yesteiday.
Mrs. Walsh, of Poit Griffith, and
mother of Anthony "Walsh, ticket agent
at the Junction for the Lehigh Valley
coinpunv, and who suffered a paralylla
stroke a few days ago, htlll lies in a
piecailoub condition.
Is headquaiters for sleighing paitles.
Ladles' dining pailois, elegantly ap
pointed, and meals served on the hhort
est notice day or night. Lunches of all
kinds and ojsters in any style a spec
ialty. No. 10 South Main btieot.
T. D. Brltlgan.
Attorneys James B. Fiear, C. A. Der
Hhlmer, .TaineH AV. Tiatt, E. J. Jaulen,
W. B. Llttlu, C. A. Little and Chailes
B. Teiry, of tho Wyoming county bar,
are In attendance nt the session of tho
superloi court In Scranton this week.
Theie were only tluoe cabes to come
up fiom this county at this teim Chai
les Allen vs Betsey Frost, tiespass,
fiom Not th Branch township, Myitlo
L Llndeay vs. Susquehanna Mutual
FIrse Insurance company, assumpsit;
fiom Factoryvlllo boiough, In which
theie was a verdict for the plaintiff for
the full amount of her claim; and com
monwealth vs. Fied L Jnyne, In which
Solomon Tut nor Is the piosecutor. Tho
latter case giew out of nn altercation
duilng the 1SU7 fair of the Wyoming
County Agricultural society, where
Jayno was acting as a policeman and
Turner as a buck dilvor Tho pios
ecutlou was for absault and batttMy,
and at the trial there was a veidlct
of guilty. Tho Wyoming county cases
came up an Thtirsduy morning
The Seventh leglment, N. G P. has
lecelved ordeis to parade at Hauls
buig on tho occasion of the Inaugur
ation of Onvoinor-elect Wlltam
A Stone. K company, of thtw
place, will lrave Tunkhunnock
on the 618 train Monday evening, te
poitlng In tho armory at Wllkes-Buue.
Major William N. Reynolds, Jr., of
the Third battalion, as formerly first
lieutenant of K company, and II. D.
Dean, of Tunkhannock, Is sergeant ma
Joi of the same battalion. This will
be the first appearanco of the leglincnt
since oiganl7utlnn,
Anlza Haimon, day operator at the
D., L, & W. station at Factoiyvllte,
mm.m.mim. mm m.m.m. m. m. -
The Boy Must Have Clothing
Why Not at These Prices ?
We defy any manufacturer to make Boys' Clothing
equal to the kinds mentioned here at the pi ices quoted
by us:
1 for Sailor Blouse Suits,
.O sizes 5 to 10 yuars, three
patterns in navy, grey and brown,
nicely trimlned, pants have patent
waistbands, always $3.25.
3-.Q for single-breasted Over
."O coats of all wool Irish
frieze, 8 to 12 years, made with
velvet collars, plain lining and full
back. Only a few lelt and posi
tively worth $5.50.
I Qrfc for Double Breasted Chev
l.Oy iot Suits, 8 to is vears.
Would be a very gieat bargain at
Men's Furnishings Uuder Cost
Men's Fine Camel's Hair Under
wear, very nicely made,
worth 39c, to goat joC
Men's Velvet Fleece Lined Un
derwear, never sold under
50c, to go at 35C
Men's Natural Wool Underwear,
always sold at 75c, to go
at 50C
Men's Fine Camel's Hair Under
wear, always sold at 89c,
togo at 59C
Men's Fine Flannel Wool Shirts,
extra good quality, prices
$1 and $1.25, to go at....
Men's Fine Linen Bosom
reinforced front and back,
always 50c, to go at
Men's and Boys' Percale
with two collars, easily
worth 75c, to go at
Men's Heavy Sweaters, .
75c kind, now lyC
Men's Silk Neckwear,
50c kind, now 3yC
Your choice of Lonsdale, Fruit
of Loom,, Hill's or Langdon '76
Muslin during this sale at . 1
yard 4-2C
Jonas Long's Sons
and Mlhs Deulah Travis, accompanied
by II. M. Travis, diove to tho count
seat on Wednesday, obtained a mar
riage license nnd were man led by Uev.
U. II. Wilbur. They took the Lehigh
Valley tialn east and will visit Phil
adelphia, Batllmore and Washington
and then ieturn for a short stay t Mi
Harmon's old home at Moosh.
Frank J. Spauldlng, of Foiktown.
was in town on Wednesday.
Mis. A. J. Motelock, who has been
HI at her former homo at Hose, X. Y.,
has recovered sufllclently to ieturn
Theodoie Stieeter, who has had a tun
of sickness, Is able to be mound his
James liunnncll died at his Iiuiiih
hero on Tuesday inoiiiliig after sev
eral weeks sickness. Mi. Bunnell was
bnrn ut Bunnell Hill on the 10th of
Apill, IBM. He moved to Tunkhan
nock In 1S73. He i survived by two
sons, F. G. and N. 0. Bunnell. His
wife died lust August.
Agnes Shuw has been in ehaige of
a physician for tho past few das.
Mrs. J. S. Tin 11. of Scranton, who
has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Al
hert Townsend, for a few dajs, re
turns homo today.
At the meeting of the town council
on Tuesday evening the regular rout
ine burilnets was transacted. The bill
ot tho Klectrlc Light company foi mak
ing some changes in tho Incandescent
electric lights was reduced by them
from $"5 to J'O, and at that
llgure was paid Tho bill of the same
company for lighting tho boiough for
the month of December, 83.UJ, was
presented and ordered paid. A. H.
Hqulet, manager of the company, was
pietent und made a proposition to light
tho borough with torty-ttve lucundes
cent lights for ?300 or fifty for $1,000.
The last year's cntruct was for twenty-two
Incandescent and eight aiu
lights, The council took no action in
tho matter, but adjourned to meet on
FUduJ evening.
Qeorgo A. Skinner, foreman of the
Triton hose company, uppeared befoie
I the council at the last meeting on be.
j, - .rirtjJ.J j-u-L-nru-fpj-u--nj-ir-J-u-
ry pair for Boys' Knee Pants,
jioC of strong navy blue twill
cloth, 3 to 15 yeais, always 49c.
I for 3-piece Vestce of
I .Oy mottled cheviot, collar
edged with cloth and four rows of
soutache braid, vests tiimmed to
match, pants finished with bow
and buckle, always S3.25, sizes 3
to 8 years.
Z.yO years, choice of velvet or
4 inch Jack Tar collars, garments
that were $3.98, $4.50 and $498.
Some sizes missing, but not many.
Men's Fine Natural Grey Under
wear, never sold under i
50c, to go at 37aC
Men's Hygienic Wool Fleece
Lined Underwear, always . ,
75c, to go at 45C
Men's Finest Quality of High
Guide Wool Underwear, fine cash
mere, will not shrink, elegantly
made, always sold at 1.75, ,
to go at p 1
Men's Unlaundeied White Shirts,
boucle back and front, al-
ways 39c, to go at 2tDC
Men's 1900 Linen Bosom Shirts,
bodies of Wamsutta and New York
Mills Muslin, 09c kind, .
now 45C
Men's Cheviot VVoiking Shirts,
!&W 29 art 3Jc
Men's Wool Sweaters,? 1
kind, now OPC
Men's New Style Puffs,
50c kind, now 2yC
Bargains in v
China and Glass
ed bands, line qu ility glass, never
sold under ,c each. For ,
this sale...". 1 5C
PLATUS Dinner, Pie and Fruit
Plates, in a Luge vanety, never
sold under ioc. For this
sale at OC
LAMPS Fine Glass Lamps with
shade to match, stands 22 inches
high, decoiated in brown, blue and
pink, always 29c. Foi this .
sale at 14C
FINK GLASSKS Your choice of
the finest Claiet, Champagne and
Whiskey Glasses, finest Hint, clean
and cleat, nevci sold uiulei $1.11;
pel dozen. Foi this
sale at $1.10
Jonas Long's Sons
helf of tho company to ask for tho an
nual uppropilatlon Tin borough
gives $100 a j ear to the company to
help pay tho espouses. This inntteB
went over till Fiiday evening.
Hon. A. J I. Sa,iilei, lepipsentatlvu
from Wjoming county, ie turned to
Haiilshuig Tuwday, to be piesent at
the sesslun of tho legUlntme.
Mlhs Mutlou Metcalf has leturned
to thu i;imlta college.
La Oiippe Successfully Treated.
"I have Just recoveteW fiom tho sec
ond uttadi of la gilppe this year,"
savs Mr. James A. Jones, publisher
of tho Leadct. Moxla, Texas. "In tho
latter ase I used L'lminbet lulu's Cough
Jtemedy und I think with lOiiMdetable
buc-ces. only being In bed a little over
two da s agaliibt two days for tha
former attack. Tho second nttuck I
am satlslled would havo been ecuiHlly
as bad as the 11) st but tor tho use of
this lemedy oh I hud to go to lied In
about six houis after being 'struck'
with It. while in thellist case I was able
to attend to business ubout two dava
befoie getting down.'" For balo by
all druggists. Matthews Bios, whole
sale and retail agents,