The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1899, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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About the County
Both Branches of Councils TrnnftHcteil
City Business Last Night.
Solect and common councils held
meetings lust ovmlng. Little Interest
wua mnnlfested In tin' (lollies of tli-s
lower house, but n number of enthusi
astic firemen wro oiesvnt to witnem
the effort of momtierb of the nulect
body to nilsc lilt? of common rounell
No. 4. which provides fur th" main
tenance of Hit- deportment. This oitll
tiancu has been tied up for nbnut six
months and thosu who favored it made
up their minds to hno It passed or
killed. .Messrs. Swltrcit and Thomp
son, of the lire rutninlttoe, i eported tin
favornblv find Mr. Mannlon submitted
tt favorable mlnotlty it-port, which
Chairman HwlRert allowed to be acted
on first out of courtesy. A tie vote
defeated both reports, the ballot stund-
ln? Nealon. lattle Mannlon to r the
oidlnnncc nnd Swh;.;rt, haton llion, p.
Mill Ui;ilinL 11. nun uirimrv-n ..L m.-
measure. whltli iirovlded an expend
llure of f:S5 a month for the Mitchells
and an equal amount for Columblas,
t-i bo used for the caie and mainten
ance of horses.
The Columblas aie without a ttrun,
but proposed putchnslnK one as soon
ns this ordinance should become law.
They are fully determined to not In
est nny money In a team until some
provision for Its keeping Is made bv
the city.
Chairman Swluert called attention to
the fact that common council is respon
sible for Inaction reardlnc lire nlartn
system. The upper house will be pow
erless in the matter as loop ay the
commoners neglect to pass a bond or
dinance providing funds. TJond ordi
nances liuve to originate In the lower
Hoth branches adopted the following
resolution: That life city clerk and
light, fire and water rommlttco be au
thorized to purchase the horse blank
ets as per requisition of Mitchell Hose
Chief of Police McAudiuw reported
Hhortnge of electric street light of 279
hours In November and 47S hours !n
The following bills were otdered paid
by both councils:
John ilienn.ui. $11.75; A. K. Tiffany,
S33.41; Electric Light company. $470.60;
N. Moon, $.1; street department, J35.3G;
John MoIIltt. $17.50; James Pidgeon,
$47.50; William Peel, $10: muyor's court
expense, J1.G0; Mills Brothers. $4,20; U
J Burns, $16.
The Grand Opera houso was crowded
last evening. It was the occasion of
the first appearance of Wnlte's Comio
Opera company. "Fra Dlnvolo," was
hling In n very acceptable manner. The
stage settings and costumes were all
that could have been desired. Last
evening's business augurs well for the
week. "Chimes of Normandy" will be
the attraction at today's matinee.
Mrs. Martin 'McDonald, of Hospital
street, died Sunday morning at 11.30
o'clock. She was recently removed to
her home from the iCnrhomlalc hospi
tal. Deceased was bom In Clinton,
Wayne county, twenty-eight yeais ago.
She Is survived by a husband and two
children. The funeral will bo held this
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will
he mnde in St. ltose cemetery.
The Germanla band of musicians has
mustered out and sold its Instruments
to the MayfleJd footers. The Germanlas
have played a prominent part In locnl
musical affairs for many vears, but
leccnt lack of interest necessitated tho
move. Manv of their friends hope the
time may boon come when they shall
he able to reorganize.
John Bailie, of Cleveland, Ohio, is
spending a few days w 1th hi sister,
Mrs. James Rutherford, of Wuyno
street. Mr. Bailie wnn formerly the
popular chief clerk at the Globe store.
He left heie live years ago and many
friends are glad of this opportunity to
renew his acquaintance.
Mrs. Wallace Copeland ami son,
Dunion, o Canaan street, an isltlng
friends in Nineveh, N. V.
A. U. Jones, of Scranton, went yes
terday in this city, owing to the seri
ous Illness of his mother. Her condi
tion wns somewhat Improved last even
ing. Trinity guild will meet this evening
nt tho reetorv.
Edward Hurko left yesteiday for
Niagara university.
Stanley Maxwell, or Wllke.s-Barre.
spent yesterday with his paivntHlu this
Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. M,i havu moved
Into their new house on High stret.
Arthur Sahm left yesterday to enter
Selgler's preparatory school at Tarry
town, N. V.
The Traction company stockholder
held their annual meeting' yesterday
morning nt the power house at May
Held. The following dlrectois were
elected: It. M. Janney, x. w. Janney,
Philadelphia; J. W. Altken, I). U
Humphrey, i A. Judwln, of this city.
The directors then elected Hon. !:. E.
Hondrlck president and It. A. Jadwlu
Hecretnry and treasurer.
Cards have been received In this city
announcing the marriage of Jud.son
Bennett, a former resident here and
originally of Wnyinart, to Miss Jennie
S. Brnemer, of Amsterdam, N. Y
which otcurred at Albany, Dec. 7. I,
Val Holienback, of this city, acted as
best man, and Miss Jenulo Giles, of
Amsteidnm was brldesmuld.
The machine department of the llun
dtlck woiks will bo operated heieuftor
by a (separate coiporatiou. Tho plant
Is shut down for a day or two, but
work will be icumed on Wednesday,
as soon as the uiiuuul Inventory now
v being taken Is completed. The present
employes will be retained.
The funciul of tho lute Jlis T. J.
Howard was hold johterday moinlug,
the procession leaving ihe house short
ly after 9.30 o'clock anil proceeding to
Horsford's Acid Phosnhaf e
taken before retiring quiets thenervool
ana causes reireamns Bleep,
lane no substitute.
St. Ilnw church, where n high mass of
requiem sui said over the remains.
The lloral offerings that docked tho
bier of the departed were many and
appropriately beautiful. The rites were
attended by many people from out of
town. The Interment wixs made at St.
Uwp cemetery.
William Ooyno, of the First ward,
announces himself un a eandldute for
the nomination of constable at flic
coming primaries.
Tho Pcckvlllc Gun club aie airarig
Ing for another pigeon ohool In tho
near future.
Mrs. William Budd is 111 at her homo
on Main street.
A regular meeting of the Wilson Klro
company will bo held at their rooms
this evening. The meeting will bo of
great Interest. It being the annual
election of officers.
K. M. Barnes, asslstnnt engineer of
the borough electric light plant, lfi con
fined to his home by Illness,
The condition of Mr. 8. D. Klngs-
, ye8turuay wnB Bl,BilUy ,n
hp ,a at tlanKerohusI ,,,.
At the annual bushiest) inOtitlnir of
the Pockvllle Baptist church the fol
lowing officers were elected: Oloik,
Mrs. Cella Ayres; treasurer, L. F.
Tuekeri financial secretury. Miss Mat
tie Pickering; organist, Mls Mottle
Pickering; assistant organist, Mils
Louise Mace; chorister. Professor W.
W. Watklns; trustees, H. Cole. Francis
Hnm, Illchaid Bartlettc, L. F. Tucker,
XV. J. Oermen; ushers, L. F. Tucker,
John Richards, Harmon Slttgroaves,
C.arlleld Thomas, Frank Bryant. Honry
Obcrts; auditors, ri. Cole and Francis
Installation of Officers-Lighting of
Our Streets Porsonal Nows,
On Friday evening Washington camp.
No. 492, Patriotic Order Sons of Ameri
ca, held nn Important business meet
ing, nt which the installation of olhcers
was held. Tho ceremonies were per
formed by District President William
S. Nyhan of this place. The following
olllcers were Installed' Fast president,
Frederick Stone; president, Charles
II. Atkins; vice president, Henry Har
lowe; lccordlng secretary, J, L Dalley;
issistant recording secretary, Harry
Kulp; financial secretary, Samuel Har
lowe; treasurer, William S. Xyhart;
master of forms, William Bundle; con
ductor, William Harlowe; Inspector,
Palmer L. Nyhart, guard.WIlllam Coo
per; trustee, Henry Harlowe.
At a meeting' of the directors of tho
Forest Home cemetery held on Satur
day evening, a dividend of $10 was de
clared for each of the eight societies
Thomas Leonard, of South Scranton,
was a caller In this town on Sunday.
Mis. Samuel Powell wns the gue3t
of relatives In Hyde Park yesterday.
Thomas V. Reynolds, of the Fourth
ward, is a candidate for council In tha
above ward. Mr, Reynolds Is a staunch
Republican and his election to the
council would be a wlso move for tho
Republican votcis In the Fourth ward.
Professor John T. and Druggist Wil
liam Watklns, of Hyde Park and Peck
vllle, respectively, visited their mother,
Mrs. W. W. Watklns, of Grove street,
on Sunday.
Misses Ada Lang and Lizzie Davis,
of Hyde Park, spent the Sabbath as
the guest of Miss Lizzie Owens, of
North Taylor.
t last the borough council has come
to some agreement and we are to have
our borough streets lighted with elec
tricity. The contiact has been awarded
to the Lackawanna Electric Light com
pany for ttn arc lights and ten incan
descent lights. The prospects are meet
ing with general approval.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hannon, of Ran
som, were the guests of friends In thl'i
place yesterday.
William M. Evans and son, Milton,
of Hyde Park, were the guests of tho
former's mother, Mrs. E. J. Evans, of
North .Main street, on Sunday.
Mrs, XV. XV. Watklns is quite sick nt
her home on Grove htreet.
Mr. William Jones, of this place,
called on friends In Hyde Park yester
day. Mrs. Michael McDonald, of Main
street, received a telegram from Arch
bald on Sunday, announcing the death
of her father, Mr. James Gilgallcn, a
well known resident of that place.
Mrs. Lizzie Browntleld, of Main
street, is indisposed.
Mr. Tallle W. Jones has withdrawn
from the contest for justice of tho
peace. This leaves the present Incum
bent without any opposition.
The ".Merry Mllkmall," which Is be
ing rehearsed In the Calvary Baptist
church under the dliectlon of Profes
sor David E. Jones, will bo performed
next month by the united choir of the
Calary church.
Lackawanna lodge, No. 113. American
Protestant association, will meet this
evening In their rooms In Ileese's hall.
The breaker boys of Taylor colliery
weio treated to a sleighildo by Fore
mnn J. P. Cooper yes-terday.
Next Saturday evening Teniplo of
Love lodge, No. 7, True Ivorltes, will
Install their officers.
Mrs. J. M. Lloyd has returned home
from her visit to Point Pleasant, N. J.
An exciting runaway occurred on
Sunday In the vicinity of North Taylor
when a man, whoso name could not be
learned, met with u tiiilllintr experi
ence, ne was tiuvlns a young and
very spirited horse and In descending
tho hill nt Taylor lumber yard, tho
cutter upset throwing the occupant to
the ground. The horse started to mn,
and after dragging the driver some dls
tance, got loose. The horse continued
his wild gait until near Leltlner's farm
before he wns caught. The daimme was
We .ire authmlzed to guuuuiho ev
ery bottle of Ohambei Iain's Cough
Remedy to bo as lepresented and If
not satisfactory after two-thluls of
tho contents have been used, will io
fund tho money to the purchaser
Theie is no better medicine made mr
la Bilppe, colds und whooping cough.
Price lift and fiOc per bottle. Try It.
Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail
The funeral of John Murphy, r., who
died ut the home of his daughter, Mrs.
ThonuiB Logan, of Carmalt street, on
Thutsday, wan held Sunday ufternoon
from tho homo of Thomns Logan. In
tormont was anado in Olyphant Catho
lie cemetery.
Tho employes of Storrs' mines wero
paid Saturday.
At tho recular monthly meeting of
the teachers und officers of the Primi
tive Methodist Sunday school, on Sun-
day aftcrnon, tho following olTlccrs
woro elected for tho ensuing year:
Superintendent, ISdward dreatrlx; as
sistant superintendent, William Perrls,
sr.; treasurer, William Wilson; secre
tary, Frances Moore; assistant secio
tary, Frank Perrls: librarian, John
Moore; neslstant librarian, William
Scutt; organist, Lily Palmer; assistant
organist, Maggie Gray.
Joseph Cicatrix Is confined to his
homo by Illness.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Primi
tive .Methodist, church will meet at tho
home of Mrs. McLnlne tomotrmv nfter
An elstetldtod will bo held in the
Welsh Baptist church on Susquehanna
street Wednesday. March 1, under tho
auspices of tho llmlyn lodge, No. 49,
American True Ivorltes. Tho following
Is the piogramme: For choirs not less
thnn 30 In number, Aberystwyth
(words) "Jesus Lover of Mv Soul"
(Stevens & .hues), prlzo $25; Juvenllo
choirs, not over 15 vears of age, num
bering not less than 30, allowing eight
adults, "Lead Mo and I Shall Not
Stray," by Professor T. W. Watklns,
prize $1"; double quartette, "Redemp
tion," from Cospel 'Hymns Nos. 5 and
C, page 10, prize. $3; duet, "Two Sail
ors (Dr. Parrv), prize $2; duet (so
prano and ulto), "O Morning Land,"
Gospel Hymns No?. 5 and 0, page 13S,
prize $1.50; soprano solo, "But Is That
All," Gospel Hymns Nop. C ami (. page
130, prize $1.50; tenor solo. 'Pins Go
gcrddau." from Songs of Wales, Eng
lish or Welsh prize $2; baritone solo,
".Morfa Rhyddlau." from Songs of
Wales, English or Welsh, prize $1.50'
solo, for children not over 13 years of
age, "Miller's Daughter," from Songs
of Wales, prize, given by William
Reese, $1. Recitations und literature
Recitations lor adults, "Yr Ystorm"
(Hwfa Mon), $1.'.0; recitation, for chil
dren not over 1C years, "Little Jim, or
Tho Collier's Dying Child," first prize
$1, second prize 50 cents; impromptu
debate, English or Welsh, $1' history
of tho Sunday school from Its com
mencement In Wales up to tho present
time, Welsh or Fnglish, not to exceed
four sheets of foolscap paper, piize,
given by D. E. Lewis, $4. Conditions
No prize will be awarded without suf
ficient merit, tho adjudicators to havo
the power of withholding or dividing
prizes. The number of competitors to
be on tho eisteddfod stage shall be de
cided by the adjudicators and commit
tee. AH competitors are expected to
sing with accompaniment, with the
privilege of choosing their own accom
panist, or sing with the accompanist of
the eisteddfod. Names of all competi
tors to appear in tho hands of secre
tary on or before Feb. 23. Names of
all competitors of History of Sunday
school to be presented to the secretary
on or before Feb. 20. Tho following are
the adjudicators: Music, Professor Oli
ver Rhyddech, Providence; recitations,
Revs. George Hague and Peter Rob
erts, of this place. Chairman of tho
afternoon session, XV. II. Davis; chair
man of tho evening sesslon.Dlstrlct At
torney John R. Jones; conductor of
both sessions, D. E. Lewis; accompan
ist. Miss Maggie Williams. The after
noon session begins at 2 o'clock, and
the evening session nt 7 o'clock. Ad
mission for both sessions, 35 cents; sin
gle session, 2" cents; children under 12
years, J5 cents. For nny information
address. Samuel Parry, corresponding
secretary, Olyphant, Pu.
A watchman's shanty has been erect
ed at the foot of Dunmore and Scotch
streets, near the new railroad which
runs from Grassy Island breaker to tho
Olvphant breaker.
Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Providence,
spent yesterday with Dr. and Mrs. W.
W Jenkins, of Lacknwanna stiet.
James linen n, of South Dakota, is
visiting relatives here.
VII meinbeir of the Heptasophs are
iequeste-1 to meet In thui&l'ooms this
afternoon at 4 o'clock to make ar
rangements to attend the funeral of
John M. Morman tomorrow afternoon.
Miss Maine Moian, of Philadelphia,
Is visiting her homo here.
The choir of tho Holy Cross church
of Bellevuc enjoyed a sleigh ride to
this place yesterday afternoon. They
were entoitalned at St. Patrick's con
vent by the Sisters.
The Traction company stockholders
held their annual meeting yesteiday
morning at the power houso, Mayfleld.
The following directors were elected:
R. M. Janney, N. W. Janney, Phila
delphia; J. XV, Altken, D. W. Hum
phrey, R. A. Jndwln, Carbondale. The
directors then elected Hon. E. H. Hen
dricks president, and It. A. Jadwin,
secretary and treasurer.
Tha Inatnllntt,,,, r U .n
Tlhn.fvln,!.-,. 1-. 1,, r. , w
I.lbeity lodge, Knights of Pythias, has
Deen postponed fiom last Friday and
win tane place at the next meeting on
Friday evening.
Tho Clulstnias offering at Hacred
Heart church amounted to $UG3.75.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horton, of For
est City, spent Sunday hero with
Mine Foiemnn Davis Id 111 at his
home on Second street of grip.
David Games, jr., of Providence, is
visiting relatives here.
Alouzo Fills, of Mooslc, was a visitor
here on Sunday.
The Delaware and Hudson company
paid their employes at tho colliery heie
yesterday afternoon.
Attorney Cnrey, Stephen Whltmoro
and C. n. Itelmes wero at Scranton
yesterday on the Boyer suit.
Miss Julia GUI, of Main street, who
has been suffeilng with grip, has had
11 relapse and Is now threatened with
The Powder Mill company have com
menced hauling Ice from Lake Chap
mnn. licit Iloes, of Fourth stteet, Ih 111 of
Mr. James P. Sampson and daughter,
Kate, of Second street, aie victims of
the grip.
Miss Jennie Talford, of Olyphant,
spent Sunday hero with friends.
Mie. Ilogers, of Ilarfotd. Is visiting I
nt the home of her son, Professor Rog
ers, of Second street. I
David Games announces hlms, if i
a cnndldato for the nomination of eon
stuble of tho Second ward. I
" - i
Four Tersons Badly Injured Near denoe.NarvouneeB,Lr.mltudo, all Drains, .Youth
.,. i ' ful Errorr, or ExeeesivoLUo of Tobacco. Opium,
1'lttflburir. Jan. 9 A MonuriRahela
traction car lierume uninnitugeulile
netir Duqutsne, Pu., todny and went
over ft twenty-flvp-foot embankment
near llnnkln brlilgH. When the car
tnimletl over the Btovu upset ami sev
eral pasneiigeis weto burned
ThoHo xeiloiiHly hurt weio: Charles
McCullnuRh, coiiduutor; W. J. Dally,
Mrs. W. J. Dally. Peter I.udl nnd An
ton Ludi,
The Injured vi taken to Uraddnck.
All will recover.
ryrainitl Pilo Curo, Cures Pilos
Quickly, Painlessly, With
out Danger.
People go along for yearn suffering
with piles. Then try this, and that and
the other thing; from earning a
buckeye to getting treatment from a
physician. They obtain tempornry re
lief, maybe, but they nro never quite
cuiod. A little strain in lifting, ex
cessive fntlgue, n little constipation' or
n little tllairhoea and the piles come
They don't secin to amount to much,
but they banish sleep and appetite. No
position Is comfortable. There in lntenso
local pain and that dreadful feeling of
weight In the perineum.
Maybe In the early wtages Homo of
the many salves on sale will afford
temporary i oiler. If the case Is of long
standing, there Is only one speedy and
sure remedy. It Is Pyramid Pile Cuio.
Even lu light cases It Is the safest
thing to use. Other applications may
cure und may not. Pyiamld Curo Is al
ways certain, always reliable, always
brings comfort at once. Its prompt use
saves mouths of severe suffering. In
extreme cases1 It will save surgical op
erations and their nttendant dangers
and discomforts. It Is better than a
knife. Will t me easier, quicker and
safer. Thousands have used It. Thous
ands have been cured by It. Tho cost
Is trilling compared with what It
docH. The price Is GO cents. Most any
body would gl.idly pay ten dollnrs to
be rid of piles.
Druggists sell Pyramid Pile Curo. If
yours hasn't It he will got It for you
from the Pyramid Drug Co. of
Marshall, Mich, (solo manufacturers.)
Joseph White, who has been spend
ing tho holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James AVhlte, of North Main
street, will return to St. Ronnventure'a
college, Allegheny, tomorrow to icsunio
his studies.
On Suturday next a teachers' Insti
tute for tho district, comprising For
est City, Unlondnle, Herrlck Center
and Herrlck township, will be held In
the school houfe nt Unlondnle.
Mr, Julius Froedmnn has been ap
pointed a notary public and has opened
an olllce in the Fleming house.
On Decoration Day, May 30, an eis
teddfod will be held In Davis" Opera
houso under the auspices of tho local
branch of Ameilcan True Ivoiltes. The
committee in charge of the affair Is
composed of John D. Jones, president;
Jonathan Dai i' s. treasurer; John L.
Morgan, conespondlng secictary; John
R. Hughes, flnantinl secictary; Thom
as O. Jones, Jonn W. Jones nnd David
R. Hughes. Theiu will be a prize of
$100 given for the best mixed chorus,
nnd a prize of $."0 for a male chorus.
Ten dollais will be given to the leaders
of tho unsuccessful choruses.
Tho attendance at the Forest City
graded school Is so lnigo that more
room Is necessary, nnd tho board Is
considering tho advisability of build
Ing an addition to the present struc
ture. Another plan discussed Is the
purchasing of a lot nnd tho construc
tion of a building to be used as a pri
mary school. A committee will look
up the cost of both plans nnd repoit
nt the next meeting of the board.
Tho cantata, "Belshazzar's Feast,"
will be produced In DuWs' Opera house
In this borough on the evening of Feb
22, under tho auspices of the Vandllng
Congregational church.
Wednesday evening of this week all
who nre Interested In the coming bor
ough election nre Inlted to moot at
the rooms of the Forest City Athletic
club. The meeting will bo called at
7.30. Thus read notices posted In va
rious places about town and signed
"By Order of Committee."
Candidates for borough offices are
lather backward In announcing them
selves this year, with the single ex
ception of those who would like to se
cure tho olllce of Justice of the peace.
The term of XV. J. Maxey, tho present
Incumbent, expires this spring, and a
justice will have to be elected from
tho Flint wnid to take his place. Tho
vote will bo concurrent, and as the
town Is now about evenly divided be
tween tho Republican and Democratic
I'""' thC, Wl be 1X ,lVeI' flSht
L.,orn ,. ,,,. to ,, interest.
There also promises to bo an Interest
lng skirmish In both party caucuses
for the nomination. Tho candidates
who have thus far announced them
helves are, on the Democratic side,
John D. Jones, Joseph Ackerman and
Joseph Stephens On tho Republican
side, Thomas Itlchards nnd William P.
Jones want the nomination. Hut there
will bo otheiw. It's for five years, and
really tho only olllco In the town
worth looking after from the "reve
nue only" standpoint.
J. Frederick Wellbrock, of the D.
vls house, anil Ileniy K. Illefer aie In
Montrose on court business this week.
On Monday evening, Feb. 13, th. For
est City Maenneichor will hold If an
nual masquerade ball in Davis' opera
house. These annunl .Maenneic-hur balla
aie usually the event of tne season In
that line and the nit mbers of the s j
ciety aie preparing to make this the
health is Weallk
Is eold under positive Written Uunrnntce,
byauthorlzeil agonta only, to euro Wcalc Memory,
IJiizinrwa. Wakefulness lritd, IhfiUrin, QiiicK.
rntii Nlcrhfc IrfMHtw. Kvil Dreuiun. Ijiek ut Conti
Vf AilllUWI, milk II iVU. W 'l.IJI VMI.BUM.,M."M
Insanity and Death. At etoro or by mail, SI i
box; eix for tti with written Rtiuraiiteo Iff
euro or reruntl money. huuiilo illicit
nito, containing llvo duya' treatment, with full
Instructions, 25 cents. Or o f amnio only Bold to
eacu person, aiiiorooruy uuui.
t3J-ncd Label Special
MkBni Mini ntrtj un . ..!
TRfFor Impotency. Loss otwHM?
iijm Mtnriltltt nr narrnunASii
.'' i nTraw iiiki. ninri mi, hi. : i
Al. n lion nix for 5. witH
JJiWltten (fitaruntei Sfs3ta
'IV .,. In :AiUt,. AtElnrnTfllrR V
OBFOnEorbvmMi AFren
For Salcby William U. Clark, J6 Pcnn Av
Scranton , Pu.
r-u ! .,..-'
wirriii ' " '''
most successful one yet held. Thoso
who enjoy tripping tho "light fnntnstlu
toe" nro looking forward to tho event
with much plenure.
Mitchell O'Hara, who has been dang
erously 111 with typhoid pneumonia nt
tho homo of his parents, on Depot
street, Is slowly recovering, and It Is
thought ho Is now out of danger.
Daniel Allen, who has been very 111
with typhoid fever, Is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W, Brown epent
Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Brown's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Smith,
of Stnrrucca.
Stephen Spnnye, who has been 111 for
almost a year with consumption, died
at his home, on Main Htreet, Saturday
morning. His ago was 38 years. Tho
funeral services wero held on Monday
In St. Anthony's Lithuanian Catholic
church, Rev. Father Kuras officiating,
and Interment was made In St. Agnes'
cemetery. Deceased Is uurvlved by his
v Iff.
Tho Daughters of St. George will
meet tomorrow evening.
Thr Ladles' Mlsslonniy society of the
Langcllffo Presbyterian church will
meet on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Belinda Dempsey spent Sunday
nt the homo of her sister, Mrs. James
Connolly, of Dunmoio.
A little dnughter of Mrs. F.ustuce, of
tho North Knd, is critically 111.
Tho murrlago of .Matthew McAndrew
to Miss Mary Barrett, both of thU
town, Is announced.
John and Sarah Taylor, of the West
Side, are suffering from a severe at
tack of grip.
Miss B. Shaughnossy, of Williams
pot t, Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs.
T. I'. McGriel.
Misses Knto Reardon and Mnrlo Kll
coyne, of Scranton, spent Sunday with
Miss Agnes Morahan.
James McICenzle has returned from
Pottsvllle to take up his residence
again In this town.
W. S. Hutchlngs, of Mooslc, left a
few days ngo on an extended trip to
tho Bermudas.
J. J. Mornhan has been appointed a
member of the mine foremen's exam
ining committee.
Miss Margaret Buddy has returned
home after a few days visit with
tiiends In town.
Mrs. William Hopkins, formerly a
resident of this town, died on Jan. 2 In
Providence, R. I., after a brief Illness.
She Is survived by a husband and
grown-up family.
Rev. F. F. Carmoily Is suffering from
There's a sweetness In tho air
When tho sun Is low.
anil the sky is Hushed and bare.
And the light winds blow;
While the shadows come and go
As tho nlcht doth lull,
Along tho misty moorland where the cur
lews call.
There's a lady full of grace
Whom I loved of oie,
And the lovellght on her face
Shlncth evermore;
And I long as heretofore
For the nlirht to fall
Along tho misty moorland where the cur
lews call.
Dear love, can 1 forgtt
Through the Hying years
Thy fuco ntnld tho tret
Of their pains and teurs;
Nny, my heart remembers jot
AVhcn tho night doth full
Along tho misty moorland whero tho cur
lews call.
-Frnest A. Newton, in Pall Mall Maga
zine. Happy marriage,
lieann, Energy
anil Long Lite.
A magically effective
appliance and a month's
course of restorative rem
edles sent on trial and ap
proval, without expeiur.
tin j retulit are known to
p natUni.
jma aouar n;ca uepaui
end achwwltdoei 6y the patient.
Hie Erie Jfetlleul Coiunany'
11m Erie Medicul Company's Appliance and
Remedies have been tall oil o( mid written about
till every muu has heard of them
1110 lilgheit medical tuthoi
have lately commended tbem.
Tho highest medical authorities la the world
They Dosser marvellous rawer to vitalize, de
velop, restore, and EUitala.
They create vigor, healthy Ussue, now life.
They ttop drains that bjp the energy.
They cure all effects of early evil habits, ex
cesses, overwork.
They give full stronpth, development, and tone
to every (ortlon and orxan of the body.
Failure Impossible, age do barrier.
No C. O. D. tchemc. nor decectlon: no eirxvmro
j-a clean buslneM projualtlon by n company of
bljli financial and proebftloual
111111 nnanriai ana proieuiowu tun
ndtng. Write
lor sealed Information.
tor seuiea inrormauon.
Erie Medical Go..BuffaIt.N.Y.
At Retail.
Coal of tho best quality for doiueslto una
and uf ull sizes. Including Uuckwbeat and
Illrdueye, delivered In any part ot th
city, ut tho lowest price.
Orders received at the office, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. 0;
telephone. No. SCSI or at tho mlno. telo
phono No, 72. will bo promptly attended
to. iJeuleru supplied at tho mine.
Saves Work
Neglect should never be laid nt the door of a housewife.
It may be she works harder thnu her neighbor, but.doesu't
go about it in just the right way. Her neighbor uses
and keeps 1
tnc ciiort.
given many
4- Ln
i ijui-cu ui
3 TI1K 5. k. t'AllintNK COHl'A.Nr, Chluro.
ww 1
Mm vsimw , JR.
A lady 43 years of age. residing at I'crrysville, Ohio,
says : " Any one who saw me about six months ago never
thought 1 would be alive to-day. 1 looked like a ghost, and
1 couldn't eat or sleep on account of having malaiiu so bad.
I had chronic indigestion, was dizy about all the time.
Medicine did not help me any. I spent so much on doctors
1 was clear discouraged. A neighbor told me about
so 1 bought a package at the drug store. I got better from
the first dose. Nmv I am able io do all my housework mvself.
I tell everybody to use Ripans Tabules anil save doctor bills."
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York.
Opp. Orace Church. European Plaa.
Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upward.
in a modest aud nnobtrnslvo tray there ara
few better conducted aoteU ln th raatropollj
than the St. Denie.
Tho great popularity It mi acquired can
readily be tracod to iU unique location, It
homelike atraopUern, tho peculiar oxcelUno
of its culsluo and service, and It vary moder
ate price.
Cor. Sixteenth St and Irving Place,
AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per (
Day nnd Upwards.
D,y 0a Vvmrda-
For Business Men
t' In the heart of the wholesale district
For Shoppers
d minutes walk to watiamukeis S
minute to Slcgel Cooper s liift store.
Hnsy of access to the great Dry floods
For Sightseers.
One block from B'wav Cars, ciilnireasv
traiivporlatiou to all poiuttuffuteteM.
', l OR 11th ST fit rNIVI'RSITY FUACK
f wuij uur liiocikiroiu nroaunav.
Rooms &1IIn restaurant X
Train . . .
Will opetaie between New Ork-aus, i
T..os AiiRt'Ies nnd Han VrniielHt-ti,
fal., duiliiK the season of 1S9!-1S09.
Through without channe fiom tho
C'rt'stcent City to the tioldcn (late.
PS hours to Lost Angeles, 75 lioiitH '
to San Francisco. F'luu Southern
route for Winter travel. Wilte fur
E. IIAWLEY, A. O. T. M.,
L. H. NUTTING, E. P. A.,
,)4Q Itroaduay ur I llattery I'lacr,
11. J. SMITH, AQT.,
109 South Third Street,
l"llll.AI)l!LI'IIIA, I'A.
vigor to the whole beinp. All drain
te properly cured, their condition
tailed icaiea, rnce tt perooi, o
mouey, Jj.oo. Scad tor frer took..
l'or Bale hy JOHN II. IMIULI'S,
1'iiU Spruce htreet.
f WJl
M ,A J W M M
J -s igjJSSS1
and Worry
Washing ?oWd&
er house twice as clean vith half
uoltl Dust Washing Powder lui9
n woman the reputation of being
iiouscKccpcrs. no you use itr
yiuKM. i:ii:.iugc greatest economy.
St. loal). lew YtL. Cdlloa. ThlUMfiU.
Alanufacturers of
, 435 10455 IIHI 81., $!, Pi
Telephone Call, 3333.
Ilooms 1 ami 2, Com'ltli BTd'g.
Mining and Blasting
ilailoat Muosl,' u ii a I'.iitticl.ilo Worm.
I.AFI.IN (i KAM) l0Ui:l( CD'S
Kltclric Il.Utern-t, Kloi'lib- KtplodoM,
lor cxiiluJins blasts, af.ny Knso und
; Repauno Chemical Go's
bcruuton and WUUoa-Il.irro, t'o.
Munufuctmers of
Uullers, Hoisting un J I'umplni Machinery,
Ceneinl Ottli-o, heranton, I'l
A Ail, Amrtoua i)lirrrt, ralllDii Ucm
' 2-i ory.lmpotuucy, bloej lonueui.eto., cauiiti
T by Abuio or otUer Kxcesbea and India
fVvu crunucn, irw fuitiiy tint Murtty
l rwwtora LMtYlt&Hty in olt! oryoaDrf.cul
fZ Mtamaurorhtudr. buiin.4or morriajo.
r, uuun.4or morriajo.
tiiin'la i line Iholrnne kUowa ittmeJiuto inirrot
v um liiniurnniinn ir
in's is
xnuniuna euecis n t-um wnore nn ctntr luu in
Ikt upoa hitinc tb cnulno Ajax I'rtiMi. Tliey
havvcorpu thoatandtao 1 wlllcururou. Wentraapac
UiTBwrltUaruuruiitfH torl7ctaiurB rnpTC la
l ruchc&Mjor rotund th moasj. rrlcovUU I Oijr
laciuco; or mix phiif (full t-eMiront Tor $2C0. Uy
mail, In plain wruiucr. utfon rntiptof rrlr. Clrcuttr
'"AJAX RGA1EDVCO., "cSSKriii,w
For snlo In Bcrantcn, Pa., by Mntlhewa
Bros, und II c ennderrcn. dnigflists.
1 bey have stood the ten of years.
aud have cured thousands of
g r7 k
cafcet of Nervous Diseases, such
as Debility. Dunnes. bUepless
nek aud V aricocele.Atrophv.f.u
Thty clear the brain, strengthen
the tirculation, make digestion
nstfect. and imnait a healihr
and losses are checLedrmjn(rrv. Unleu patients
oitcn worries them into Iniinuy, Coniumptloa or Ueath.
do tea, w un iron-cua lean tuarintte to cure or reiutuitai
Addrex, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.
I'lmruiiuUt. cor. Wyoming uvoauo
V 1