-.s"4t- - J' , THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1899. JONAS LONG'S SONS . I JANUARY TRADE SALE. JOIAS LONG'S SONS. THE GREAT STORE. JONAS LONG'S SONS. JANUARY TRADE SALE. JONAS LONG'S SONS. Exhaustive Research Extraordinary Merchandise Unparalleled Prices A combination of three mighty and powerful ci.cumstances that makes of this the biggest event of the year. All the machinery of this great business; all the energy and efforts of our corps of buyers is centralized on this cond ry Trade f- Se Annual Janua $eg inning Monday, Jan. 9 nrnTIQIBir1 AtireT AUYEM IJIilU ofHimCJl m,.. AND I I. SlTt -Tr- i 9 ft" I ifc iWWM kl '.ummmsrHT s - rX . X"n C-IWJWR'ftRtn v r v WTT r x i o . i tw-fr" X MrasissssaSsT vPWwte TVIHRilUiJsa4!iiKtinMft-.Bi-- - Ji-SS,-on, s store. Coats and Suits Under Cost Satisfaction On tSie HTHE BARE ANNOUNCEMENT of this v Great Sale will be sufficient to crowd this Big Store to its very doors. Hardly has the echo died away of the sale of one year ago. This one shall outdistance it along every line. There is no competition in city or country but vh:- :'l stand aghast in amazement at the prices we name on goods. Of the qualities you may be sure they're right, else they'd never enter this or money back, every time. BB& This sale shall mark the exit of every Coat, Wrap and Suit in the store. If we could lay the garments before your eyes in place of these absurdly low prices, you'd come in a rush, and be convinced that the bargains are beyond the usual. Women's Tuilor-Made Suits in plain and fancy mixtures; jackets silk lined; skirts are new bell shape, lined in extra quality percaline; t were $15.00 to $17.00. Now 11)." Women's Tailor-Made Suits of best English covert and fancy mixtures. Positively . worth and sold for $20.00. To go at. 1.Z.4- Cashmere Waists, body and sleeves lined. Pointed yoke, plaited back; detachable stock col ar; brown, green or black; were $2. 57. Now 1.67 Plush Capes, 24 inches long, extra full sweep, beautifully braided and jetted ; edged with . thibet fur; were $9.98. Now 0.4 Women's Jackets beaver, kersey, cheviot and English melton all the leading colors; p. rt were $17.50 to $20. Now lU.y Women's Jackets in tans, modes and black. Some half-faced; others lined throughout. Dart sleeve and dove back; were $12.75. Now 0.97 Women's Jackets in black beaver and black cheviot. Some half-silk faced. Formerly $7.75. Very special, to close, at 1 .0" Misses' Jackets of fancy mixed boucle in red, green, blue and brown. Lined throughut. . Sizes 12, 14, 16. Were $7.95. To close at 4.77 SECOND FLOOR. Embroideries araraie Comiieir & UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, full one yard wide, live bales to go at, yard UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, line quality, full 40 inches wide, to go at, yard ELANNELFTTES. for wrappeis and dresses, fleece back, ' go at. yard SKIRT PATTERNS, of flannelette.em- broideied edge-, full width JJxC GREY BLANKETS, full 10-4 size, ex- ti a heavy quality, pair 59C ctd a r Tin ivr. .,.... ,! ,-,,!., -, J I IVn W I ljUlV.l, UAllil UUM JIUlll, s . U4C 2c 6c 5c strong fibie, to go at, yard., Howse Ftmraislhio! UNBLEACHED SHEETING, 2 and 21-4 1 yards wide, woith 12,'jc and i;c, to go at. V2C LIGHT SHIRTING CALICOES, very 7 pretty patterns, to go at. yard 8C COTTON BATTS, good clean picked, . 1,000 rolls to go at 4C UNBLEACHED SHEETS, leady hem- med and full size, to go at 2t vC PILLOW CASES. 45x;b in., hemmed ready for use, to go at 5C INDIGO BLUE CALICOES, stiong dye, 1 very pretty patterns, to go at, yard 02C 'A 14c Domestics anndl Blaekefc Coffee and Tea Pots, and I quait: uur choice Rice and ( at .Meal Cookers 2 quart sue 9c Man land UoaMors 19c 10 and 12 (Juan Tin Dread Racers 19c Agalc Fning Pans, each.. IOC Your choice of finest Claret, Champagne and Whiskey (jlasst": finest gla?; never sold under $ 1 .0.1 do.; this sale $1.10 Toilet Sets of Six Pieces: good patterns $1.10 Mr. Potts' Sad-irons, .set with standard 69c Wood Chopping Bowls, large size 4c Clothes Line Rope, yard.. 1c I2-Quart Galvanized Pails. 10c Ml Pieces of Fancy China, former prices on which were 75c, 08c and $1.25. Now 48c Good Scrubbing Brushes . 3c BASEMENT Leather Women's F'inc Seal Grain Combination Pocket Books, to go at 21C Women's Fine Alligator, Seal and Morocco Pocket Books, mounted and un mounted; were $1.00. Now. . 81 C Chatelaine Bags with Dou ble Pockets; in this lot arc some for children 21 C Blacking Sets in Leather Cases with Clasp 43c Very Heavy Black and White Leather Belts, all at. .. 37c Fancy Silk Roman Striped Crushed Belts, with Fancy Buckles. All at 43c Fancv Patterns in Satin Belts with Buckles 17c Six Piece Traveling Sets in Leather Case 69c MAIN AISLE Calicoes in Dark and Med- 1 Fancy Flanuclute Skirt Pat itun Stjlcs, jard 3j'C tern: ucre 10c. N'ow 29c Drapery and Furniture Blown Pillow Case MAislin, Prints, yard 5c 15 inches wide, yard I'lc Plxtra Ucav. Yard-Wide, White Cambric Muslin, full Unbleached Muslin, yard. ... 5C ard wide. ard 4C Apt on Ginghams, very best Fine Dress Ginglianis. all qualitx, yard 4C new styles. ard 5c Pillow Cases. l.'xM, Best Slieets, 2x21 yards, full Ctica Muslin, each 10c Bleached; Hemmed 33c White Shaker Flannel, yd. 3c White Blankets, ICxtra Grey Wool Blankets in 10-1 Heavy. Wool Finished: pair. 98c and J 1 -1 that were $2.50 pair. Extia Hca. White Shaker To go at $1 .89 Flannel, yard " 6c MAIN FLOOR. Cmirtaiinis and Draperies Two to five pairs of a kind and the biggest bargains of the New Year. Toilet Wood Backed, Strong Sewed Hair Brushes, were 98c 59c All Sizes in Rubber Dress ing Combs to go at 12C Pears' Unscentcd Toilet Soap, per cake 9c Harrison's Talcum Powder. 9c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder. 15c MAIN AISLE The Attraction of Our Store Is the Low Prices. Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 'M inches wide, 'A yards . long; were 7."c pair. Now... 45c Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 'A yards long, Plain Swiss Ruftle, were KSc. pair. Now 79c Irish Point Lace Curtains 'A yds long, !H inches wide, on IS Point Net with 12-inch Borders; were ?5.00 pair. Silkoline in very pretty Patterns. To go at, yard 41 C F'igurcd Art Denims, 'Ai in. wide; l."c. and 18c. kind, yd.. 11c Silk Drapery Fringe, yd. . . 8c Nottingham Lace Curtains, full width; 'A yards long; were $1.;.-, pair, "xow 98c Saxony Lace Curtains, in very beautiful and novel de signs; were !?:i.00 pair. Now. $1.98 Tapestry Portieres, full HI) inches wide, 'A ards long; verv heavy quality; were ?2.75 and $2.DS pair. Now $1.98 Curtain Swiss, in Two Pat terns; 10c kind. To go at, yd. 6c Curtain Etamine, with Handsome Colored Stripes, yard 8C Brass Rod, per foot 3c THIRD FLOOR. Footwear for Everybody You'd know that the Clearing Sale had struck the Shoe Store for sure by these prices. Women's Cloth Top Button and Lace Shoes; Roxbury and Brookliuc Toes; Patent Tips; were $3.00. Now $2.20 Women's Dongola Kid But ton and Lace Shoes; Heel and Spring Heel; were $1.7."). Men's Harvard Calf, Vici Kid and Box Calf Lace Shoes; Double Soles; Hand Welt; were $4.00. Now $3.00 Boys' Satin Calf, Lace Shoes, New Toe Shapes; Solid Leather; were $1.50. Nov..97c Women's Vici Kid Button and Lace Shoes; all styles of toe; B to E; Cloth and Kid Tops ; were $2.7."5; Now ... $1 .98 Women's Kid Button and Lace Shoes; Solid Leather; were $1 .50. Now 97c Men's Winter Russet and Box Calf Lace Shoes; Excel lent Wearing Qualities; were $..00. Now $2.23 Men's S. Calf Lace and Con gress Shoes; Solid Out-Soles; were $1.25. Now 89c Notioos Coats Crochet Cotton in White and Colors. 200 yards 3c Good Pins; 12 papers for 9c Curling Irons, all sizes 4c Shears, Hard Steel, Strongly Tempered; all sizes . ". 1 9c Jet Mourning Pins, oz. 4c Canficld Dress Shields; No. 1. 15c; No. 2, 20c; No. 'A 25c Japanned Hooks and Ees, 12 doz 5c Silk Stitched Whale Bone Casing; !( yds. for. 7c Horn Bone, all sizes; dozen 7c Feather Stitch Braid; 0 ards 4c Machine Jil, Filtered and Stainless; nottle 3r Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding; 5 yanF 12jC NEAR ELEVATORS Groceries Xeu Buckwheat Flour, sack 65c Sugar Cured Hams, lb. 8 Jc Pure Leaf Lard, lb.... 7c Rolled Oats, ! lbs for. 25c Laundrv Starch, 7 lbs. for '. 25c Solid Packed Toma toes, doz. cans 90c Fancy X. V. State Corn, doz 90c f'altiniore Peaches, can 1 2c Mexican Coffee (Fine) pound 23 Choice Mixed Teas, lb. 25c BASEMENT Menu's Wear 5,000 yards of Cambric Em broidered Edges, finely worked and pretty patterns; wa's 5c. yd to go now at 3c 4.800 yds. of Embroideries, 1 to (5 in. wide 100 pat terns; was 10c. yd to go at. . 7c 11,050 yds. of Cambric and Nainsook Trimmings exqui site patterns for dresses and under garments was 2:$c. yd. to go at 15c MAIN AISLE Best Double Extra Super All-Wool Ingrains; was 05c. yd. to go at 45c and 50c Granite Ingrains, warranted fast colors were u5c. now..25c Wilton Velvets, with bord ers to match made, laid and lined; was $1.15 yd now....90c Smyrna Rugs ;0 inch 20 inch 21 inch Haedkerclh'fs Women's Unlaundered In itial, handsomely embroid ered; also plain and printed borders; were 10c now 4c Dress QoodsSillk Double width F"an cy Plaids in many designs, yd 5c Double width Nov elties and F'ancy Plaids; also armurc effects, yd 8c Choice Cashmeres and F'ancy Plaids, (I UG :.7-incu black Jac quards; also ItS-incli Boucle, yd 1 9c Novelty W a i s t Silks pure silk yd 09w Assorted lot of best Novcltv Silk, worth $1.25 to $2.00 now 98C 50-inch extra heavy Mcltonette in black and colors, yd.39c Waterproof Lcn tina Dress Fabric new and nobby col ors, d 59c 7,000 yards of Di ess Materials in widths from I7 to 10 in. All-Wool Black Cashmere, Black Jac quards, Worsted Cre pons. Storm Serge, etc. Positively worth :50c to 50c. yd to go at 25c All pure Silk Black Satin Duchessc. posi tively worth 75c now 49c Women's Lace and Em broidered Edges; big variety of patterns; were 22c. now.. 10c Men's Printed Border $1.35 Handkerchiefs, nicely made 1.15 and fast colors. .Never sold 85 under 15c. to go at 7C THIRD FLOOR MAIN AISLE Hosiery Uederwear Boys' heavy fleece lined Underwear; all sizes, at 22c 5c Men's black and tan seamless Hose, pair Women's drop stitch and plain black Hose; also black with Maco feet, pr.12C Women's velvet fleece-lined seamless black Hose, pair...!2JC Men's seamless wool Hose cash mere, F'nglish Meri no and heavy wool; your choice 1 5c Women's seamless fast black Hose, plain and fancy ribbed, pair 7c Men's black and tan seamless Jlo.se, double soles and high spliced heels, Willi Ou Children's ribbed fast black seamless cotton hose, pair.... 5c Men's heavy blue wool Shaker Socks, pull I G Children's seam less double knee fast black Hose, pair. ...11c rtasMiit Underwear Men's Unlaundered White Shirts, reinforced over shoulders and down sides; cut full size, all size necks 25c Heavy Cheviot Work ing Shirts, cut full size, yoke backs, neckband, collars and double cuffs, were 50c Now 29c Hygienic Wool F'leccc Underwear; positively worth 75c. To go at. . . 45r F'inc Wool and Cash mere Outing Shirts; Some in the lot worth $1.50, and none less than $1.00. All to go at 75' WYOMINQ AVE No trash, but dependable garments nicely made and at prices lower than elsewhere. Night Gowns, with high neck and tucks; to go at 33c Umbrella Drawers, with Drawers, good cotton, nice ly made with tucks to go at.12ic Corset Covers, made from good cotton to go at 7c Corset Covers, nicely trim med with embroidery to go at 124c ruffle edged with lace to go at 29c Empire Gowns, with epau lettes and pretty insertion to go at 59c SECOND FLOOR. Li miens and Towels , . yard for your choice of bleached and unbleached or Tur 24C key red table damask ; worth 35c yard Table Cloths, All Linen Brown Crash, yd.5ic Checked Glass Toweline, yd 3c Best All Linen Crash, yd . . . 9c All Linen Bleached Da mask, great value at, yd 39c Hemmed and Fringed Tow els, worth 124c. to go at. ...10c Large sized Bed Spreads.. 69c 24c Fringed Table Cloths, 2i yds. square 89c Table Padding, 00 in. wide, yard 39c 10 inch Bordered Lawns, for aprons, yd 1 2 Jc Fancy Striped and Check ed Muslins, per yd 12$C LACKAWANNA AVENUE. MAIN FLOOR. Box Stationery 1,000 Boxes of Good Qual ity, Smooth Finish Stationery; 21 Sluci. Paper and 2t En velopes. To go at 3o Fancy Perfume 200 Bottles of Fine Perfume, All Odors, put up in Fancy Cut Bottles, worth 25c bottle. To go at 15c l,:i50 Volumes, ;!00 Titles, Bound in Linen Cloth, Silk Corded Cloth with Gilt Tops; some in Half Leather; bran New since Xmas. Published at 40c, 50c, 75c. Your choice 15c 2,100 Handy Volumes, 12;? Titles; Printed from Large Type on Good Pa per; Elaborate Bindings I) styles some with Dresden Covers; Pub lished at -10c. and (iOc. Choice 19c MAIN AISLE Fine Table Silverware Each for very choice and tancy patterns in Butter Knives - 30C and Sugar Shells oUC Dessert Spoons, set of fi..$1.23 Table Spoons, set of G. . . . 1 ,38 1817 Rogers Knives, 0... Medium Forks, set of 0. . . Dessert Forks, set of G... 1.38 1.38 1.23 Coffee Spoons, set of (i. .. .79 Ice Cream Spoons, set of G .89 Orange Spoons, set of G. . 1.65 Oyster Forks, set of (. . . . 1 .05 Fruit Knives, set of G 95 MAIN AISLE. Gloves 750 pairs of Women's Fine Kid Gloves, absolutely worth $1.25 pair to go at. . . .59c Women's fine Mocha Gloves in tan, grey and black. Were $1.00 now 89c MAIN AISLE Corsets Your choice of any of our famous dollar makes of Cor sets, including the Kabo, R and G, Sonnet and Warner, during this great trade sale at.89c SECOND FLOOR Jonas Long's Sons Laces 5,000 yards of machine r made Torchons that will wash and wear big variety of edges and insertions; was 10c. yd now 5c Net top Oriental Laces, Applique Laces and Yenisc Bands in cremc and white; Chantilly Laces in black and cremc. Worth up to 40c. yd now 11c MAIN AISLE Hillieery Felt Hats that were 9Sc and 75c, go at 15c French Felt Hats that were $2.25 and $1.75, go at 39c Trimmed Hats that were $.'1.00 and $2.1!l, go at 98c Trimmed Hats that were $3.75 and $:J.50, to go at 31 .25 Trimmed Hats that were $G.00, S5.50 and $l.0S are all to go at $2.45 SECOND FLOOR Fimriiiiitiuire 7 pound Feather Pillows in fancv ticks 98o Two piece Mattresses with S cotton tops $1.98 Jardeniere Stands, were $1.00 to $2.00 all to go at. . .98c ' 8-ft. Extension Tables, bolt ed legs, rub finish to go at. $3.50 .'-piece Bed-room Suits of finished antique oak; bevel mirror 22x28; was $10.50 i"w 11.50 i-Drawer Chiffonieres, of )lid oak to go at $4.50 5-piece Parlor Suits, uphol stered in figured tapestry to close at $20.00 FOURTH FLOOR Other Houses Giving Credit Cannot Compete with Us.