mnli,- Vf kWtoHfcwitfk mmmSI k Tt hltlYf TO I DAY MORNING, JANUARY 381)9. TWO CENTS.. , f i j?j;sEZWJ.ntwt!&imwwim ' vwisssitst 55iwi - Ar a Jy1k TWO CENTS. -J SCK ANTON, PA., MF&- .e-vn v-v w I THE FEIPSWd WILL RESIST Aguinaldo's New Cabinet Claims to Mean Business. LIST OF THE MEMBERS The Yellow Statosmcn Who Are Ex pected to Opposes Americans A Despatch from tho Seat of Action to tho Filipino Junta, at Paris, Announces That tho Landing of Armed Troops by the United States Will Be Resisted by Force of Arms. Mabini Will Not Consent to Ro leaso of Spanish Prisoners Except on Certain Conditions. Pails, Jan. fi An nfllcial telegram received by tho Filipino Junta here, dated Manila, Jnn 4, says that Aguln alrto hnr gone to Hollo nt the reciuest of the insuigents there to place him self at their head with the. view of their possible fighting with the Ameil cnni. The dispatch also slves u list of the members of tin new Filipino cab inet, with fne t ns to iheli antecedents. The following have definitely accepted olllce- President of the cabinet and minister of foielgn .iliulis, -Mabini Minister of the Intel ic. Teeioro Snndico a chll engineer, educated in Hnglnnd ami Pelplum, and taken to Manila from Hong Kong by Hear Ad mhal Dowo Mlnlstei nt wai. General Haldomero Agulnaldo, i cousin nf Agulnaldo, th jueslilent of the Mi-callcd rillplno gov ernnient and -i le.nlei of the Insurrec tion fiom the beginning Ills descilb ed ns a Inure land owner nf Civile. Mlplster of Finance lieneial Trias, ii ilo'e allv ol gulnildc Ml'llslei of public woik Giegotico Gunz iga, u luwyei. until lecently the Filipino agent at Mom? Kcuim. and tor mi I Iv Spinish attorney general In the Tho cabinet Is desei Ihed as homo genous, evei.v menibei lining pledged, according to these advices, to resist the Ani"ilcuii military occupation of the Philippines X member of the Filipino Junta hero explain", that Agulnaldo did not run I awnv, but Mi ft .Manila foi th moun tainous retlon behind Calte, In older to make seeiet airaneoments ioi his vovnge to Hollo." fimpin'O's will ltrsisT. The Filipino win. fuinMieel this in foiuiatiou also oategoiic'illy and speel flcnl v ifseitR that the latest tele graph i advices declnie that if the Amei leans lnWt upon the occupation ot the inlnilpal itles by the Ameil ean trnrw the whole o" tho niiplnos will "resist i.v rnri-f of arms Senor Tuasi.n, if 1ms bei-n appoint ed Filipino ugem at Pails and London, Is expected to nirho heie snortlv. The membris (,f the Junta assert that the niw cabinet will bilng for ward the "most eneiegotic policy" Mablnl il apnea rs, claims leuu'id tlon of tlu Independence of the Philip pine islands and will not eorrent to the release of Spanish pilsonors, but, it Is added, he Is willing to tome to nft undei standing with the Amei leans 'as allies" lor the surrender of the Sparish military and civil offlclals and other which will onlybe made on tho following conditions I The negotiations to be opened foimnlly between Spain and the na tional Filipino government. Spain nominating a delegate therewith. .' An exchange of pilsoners and Spain to lepatrlate, liistly. all the Fil ipinos' held prlsoneis foi having been dlieetly or indliectly lonnected with the Insuirection: secondly, all pilson eis of wai condemned as tiaiton, ie voltets or deseiters, or for having In any manner seconded the Filipino movement dining the piesent centurv, this fui render to be made before the Filipinos lelense the Spanish pilsonera and Spain to giant amnesty to all Filipinos and Spaniaids ucciv-ed of complicity in the insunectlon :: Spain to defray all the expenses of repatriating the Filipino pilMinits and also the cost of maintaining and tepati latlng the Spanish pilnoneis held by the minimi, such payment being considered a war Indemnity; the na 'tional Filipino go eminent consents to jia the expense of repatriating those Filipinos captuied In formal action al though, It Is added, "as a mutter of fact the Filipinos are also entitled to demand the payment theieof by Spain." CASH OF THi: FIUAIIS. Filais token pilsoneis, it is fuither asserted, will not bo Included In tho exchange, "seeing that they nctd as papal agents duilng the wai, but their sui tender would be made on the con dition, llrstl, that the apostolic dele gate will ask their liberty In the name of the pope, secoudb. that all bulls and pontifical decrees granting special iMi'pc? to the lellglous ouleis, be ie voked thlidlv. tiiat all iltes of the sceulai cleigv be lesiiected, fouithly, that no friar hold any p.ulsh, cathe dral, episcopal or diocesan piefeiment: fifthly, that all such piefei meats be held hv native oi naturalized Filipino cny. and sixthly, that uiles for the elei tlon of bishops be llxed " Washington. Jan. .'It was said at the war department today that no wold of any suit, had been leceived fiom lieneial Ot'n' since the Inst published advices. The Paris dispatch on Agulii dido's movements was lead without comment, and those in authoilty io. fused to s.ij whether any ucdeiue was placed In It. or whether any fieah niUlceH had been sent to Gcneial Otto. INSTRUCTIONS TO OTIS. President's McKinley's Proclamation to the Filipinos. Washington. Jan. C Tho follow liic Is he text " - General Otis. In command ot tho United States foi cm in the Philippines, to be proclaimed to the Filipinos as expres Mve ot tho put poses of the United States with respect to them: Adjutant General's Olllce, Washington, Dec. 27, 180S. General Otis, Manila: By direction of the sccretaiy ot war, T have tho honor to transmit herewith institutions of the president relative to the admlulstiatlon of aftalts In the Philippine Islands: "ttxecutlve Mansion, "Washington. Dec. 21, 189S. "To the Secretary ot War. "Sir The destruction of the Spanish tloet In the harbor of Manila by the United States naval squadron com manded by Rear Admlial Deuoy, fol lowed by the reduction of tho city and the oiii render of vae Spanish forces, practically effected the conquest ot the Philippine Islands nnd tho suspension of Spanish sovereignty therein. With the signature of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain by their lespective plenlpoten tlaiks ot Paris, on the 10th liwtant, and as the result of tho lctorles of American arms, the fiituie control, dis position and government of the Philip pine Inlands are ceded to the United States. In fulfilment of tho rights of sovereignty thus ucqulred and the le sponslble obligations ot government thus assumed the actual occupation and administration of the entire group of the Philippine Islands becomes Im mediately necessary, and the mllltaiy government heretofore maintained by the United States in the city, haibor and bay of Manila, Is to be extended with nil possible despatch to the whole of the ceded terrltoiy. "In performing this duty the mili tary commander of the United States Is enjoined to make known to the in habitants or the Philippine Islands that In Micceecllng to the sovereignty of Spain, In severing the former polit ical iclatlons of tho Inhabitants and In establishing a new politlcnl power tho authority of the United States is to be exerted for the socuiity of the pers-ons nnd pioperty of the people of the Islands and for the continuation of all their pilvate rights and relations. It will be the duty of the commander of the forces of occupation to an nounce and pioclalm In the moet pub lic manner that we come, not as In vadeis or conqueiors 'v'it as friends, to piotect the natives n. Ir homes, in their employments and In their per sonal and lellglous lights. All per sons who, either by active aid or by honcet submission, co-opeiate with tho government of the United States to give effect to these beneficent puipoes will recehe the lewaid of Its support and piotectlon. All otheis will be brought within the lawtul rule we hae assumed, with firmness if need be. but without severity so far a maj be pos. sible " Within the absolute domain of inllit.ii y authority, which necessaiily Ih and must lemaln sum erne In the ceded territory until the legislation of the United States shall otherwise pio Mde, the municipal laws of the teirl toij. In respect to pihnte rights and property and the lepression of crime are to be considered as continuing In force, and to be ndmlnisteied bv the cudlnaiv tilbunals so far as practic able. The operations of civil nnd mu nicipal government are to be pei form ed by tueh officers us mav accept the supiemaej of the United Slntes bv taking the oath of allegiance, oi bv olllcers chosen as far as may be prac ticable from the Inhabitants of the Islands. " 'While the control of all the pub lie ptnpeitv and the levenuis of the state passes with the cisslon, nnd while the u and management of all public means of transportation are necessaiily reserved to the authority of the United States, prhute piopeity, whethei belonging to individuals or corporations is to be respected except for cause ilulj established The taxes and duties heretofore payable by the inhabitants to the late government be come p.nuble to the authoiitlep of the United States unless It be seen lit to .substitute for them othei leasonable rates of modes of contribution to the of government, whether gen eral oi locnl If piivute piopeity be taken for mllltaiy use, it shall lip paid for when possible In cash at a fair valuation, and when payment In cash Is not practicable icieipts aie to be ghen. " 'All ports and places in the Phil ippine Islands in the actual posses sion of the land and naval foices ot the United States will be opened to the commeice of all fiiendly nations. All iroodB and wares, not prohibited for mllltnry leasonq by due announce ment of the military authoiltj, will be admitted upon payment ot such duties and other chaiges as shall be In foi ce at the time of their importation. " Finally, it should be the earnest and paramount aim of the mllltarv ad ministration to win the confidence, re spect and affection ot the Inhabitants of the Philippines hi assuring to them In every possible way that full meas uie of Individual lights and liberties which Is the heritage of fiee peoples, and by proving to them that the mis sion of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation, substituting1 the mild sway of Juutlce and right for arbitral y uile. In the fulfilment of thin high mission, supporting the tem perate administration of affairs for the cie.itest good of the governed there must lie sedulously maintained' the strong arm of authority, to icpress distill banco and to oveicnme all oh stacles to the bestowal of blessings of good and ptable government upon the people of the Philippine Islands under the free llag of the United Stutes. ' 'William McKlnley.' 'Acknowledge lecelpt. "II. C. Coibln, Adjutant-General." CONSULAR APPROPRIATION. A Slight Reduction on Last Year. The Posts Omitted. Washington, Jan. 5 The diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was re potted to tho house todav. it cariles about $1,700,000, or a slight l eduction on lat year. The following consulates general, consuls, etc., In Cuba, the Philippines und Porto Itlcn aie omit ted for the first time. Consul general at Havana and con suls nt Matanzus, Clenfuegos, Santi ago, Haiacon, Manila, San Juan, Sagua la Grande, Caidenas and Neuvltas. The usual oppioprlation of $12,000 foi a United States mlulatcr to Spain Is made and for consuls In the Spunlsh peninsula. Mexico appears for the ilifct time with tho rank of embassy, the halaiy of the ambassador being JlT.fiOd. Other changes inadu by the bill are: Salai,y ot consul at San Juan del Xoite, Nicaragua, Increased fiom $2,000 to $2, COO; consul nt Munich fram $1,500 to $.'.000; consular ugent at Heme made a halarled ofllco at $1,500. Deficiency Bill Approved, Washington, Jan. . Tho pieuldenit 1ms approved the, uigeni drllclency bill cov eting tho deficiencies in the iiimy and imvy CONTENTS OF THE PEACE TREATY FULL TEXT AND OTHER DOCU MENTS MADE PUBLIC. Interesting: Correspondence Between tho Dopartmonts of Stato and tho United States Consuls Pratt and Wildman Admonished to Bo Cauti ous in Dealing with tho Insur gent Leadors Roport of Consul Williams Mado Before tho Out break of tho War. Washington, Jan. 5. The full text of the peace treaty, the protocols of the confcience of the commissions and oth er documents associated theiewlth, have been made public. Articles I, II anil III, categoilcally lelate the cession of Cuba, Porto Hlco and the Philippines. Then follow tho details of tho lights of Spanish ship ping In theise watcis, the lopatilatlon ot Spanish troops, the evacuation of the colonies, the relinquishment of In demnity claims by both governments; lellglous fieedom; legal Jurisdiction; municipal contiol, etc., the chief facts of which have already been published. Accompanying the treaty Is a mnss of cntrcflpondence, making a printed volume of 673 pages This In cludes among other things nil of tho credentials of the Amciican commis sioners to Pails and tho piotocols which are the recouls of the dally pio ceedlngn of the commissioners that lead up to the final treat of peace, embodying necessaiily all of the piop osltlons and counter propositions of the past printed in both languages, Ungllsh and Spanish. Fiom an Inspec tion of these It appeals that tho prcrss reports fiom Paris during the proceed ings of tho commission, set these out with a remnrkable degiee of accuracy, considering the secrecy which was slip pered to overhang the pioceedlngs. Included in this couespondence Is a letter from M. Thlebaut, the French charge, protesting against the continu ance of the operations of the Insur gents In the Philippines which he as sumed wns with the knowledge and consent of tho American commanders, and suggesting that the Spanish tioops captured at Manila be allowed to light the Filipinos. To this Mi. Moore, acting secietaiy, leplled on Sopt Ci, that upon investigation he had found that most of the statements weie gioundless There wns a sort of a suggestion fiom the Fieneh chaigc to the effect that the families of the Spanish odlccn who weie cautuicd at Guam were suffeiing. There Is Included all of the cones pondence that pas-sod between the du paitment of state and the United States consuls at Manila, Hong Kong and Singapoie. lelatlve to the Philip pines CONSUL, WILLIAMS' UIPOIIT. Consul Williams at Manila before the actual outbreak of the war. le poited a seiles of most honlble out rages by the Spaniaids upon the Filip inos. He declares that ." pei cent, of the latter were lojal to Spain. He complains of being s.un minded by spies everwheie. saving that even his con sular olllee Is not safe fiom them. Consul Wildman at Hong Kong on Nov. .1, telegraphed that Genera! Agoncillo nked for aims to aid the rebellion. Acting Secietnij Ci idler, Dec. 15. reolied telling Wildman to 1 Pivlse Agoncillo that the United j States does not negotiate treaties and lit is not possible to foi vv aid aims. "You .should not encourage any ten dency on the pait of Agoncillo to I communicate with the depaitment" A long lettei of date July IS fiom Consul Wildman defends Agoncillo as a man who has been systematically blackened. He says1. "According to his own statement ho has been ap pioaehed by Spain and Germany and has tempting offeis from the Catholic church " Apiil 2S Consul Pratt telegraphed fiom Singapoie: "Agulnaldo gone my instance Hong Kong niiange with Dewey co-operation Insurgents Ma nila." CAUTIONED BY SHCnr.TAHY DAY. Juno 20 Secietary Day telegraphed Piatt among other things "Avoid all negotiations w Ith Philippine insur gents." Piatt milled that he had no idea of negotiating. Soys lie. "L'ft that Dewey who de.siies Agulnaldo come." Secietary Day ngaln admon ished Pratt to be cautious to create no impression that might embarrass the government and lend to misun derstanding in its future action. July 2 Pratt repotted to the depait ment that the sultan of the Sulu isl ands was negotiating at Singapore foi the annexation of his gioup to llrltlsli Horneo, which lie said should In watched. All of the statements mi'de by Gen eral Merrltt before the American com mission at Tarls appeal In the docu ment. In substance, he Fald the in surgents would fight If tho attempt was made to surrender Luzon to Spain; Spain could not subdue the Islands un alded. Asked whether the lnsui gents weie capable of government, he 10 plled that it would take time, thev would havo to be educated up to if Senator Frye asked If tho natives would enlist under the American flag and If Agulmldo could be given n com mand, he leplled in the affirmative to both questions. Fuither ho said that Major Hell's repoit shoued that the lnsui gents had 39.ri00 arms Agulnaldo had $300,000 In b'lnk nt Hong Kong hnd $J"0,000 of public funds in Bacoor. Ma jor Hell expressed tho opinion that If tho United States should govern tho Island for a year Agulnaldo would have no army left ghn. cnnr.NF.s statement. General Gi cone's statement Is also produced. Ho said thole was 13,000 Spaiilnh pilhoneiB In the Philippines, Including -100 oitlceis with 22.000 aims and 2.',000,000 lounds of ammunition. Ho describee! Agulnaldn's character and said much tact would ho lequlted In dealing with Agulnaldo. In his opinion that chieftain did not com mand the suppoit of a large body ot Filipinos. Then it must bo leinom bored that the Insurgonts weno nil Tiigaios, oniv one or the tnirty races spoke none of the 2,000.000 Vlrciyas, a people ot equul abilities had taken any pint. He was asked what chance thcie would be for native government, to which ho leplled: "No nntlve gov ernment can maintain itself without the in live1 silppoit of a strong foreign government. It Is elifllcult to heo how any forelcn government can give this protection without tuklnz such nn ac tive pal t In the management of af fairs n' ti practicably equivalent to Its own lump. There Is n nst amount of other matter Included In the papers, extracts fiom newspapers, long spi'clal leports on the mineral anil other resouices ot the Islands, historical treaties, statis tical statemeiitH of the values of Im ports nnd exports and In fact they comprise an encjclopcdla of tho Phil ippine Islands. MESSAGE ON THE SEA. Bottle at Foit Maitland Contained n Lottor. Halifax, N. S , Jan. C A bottle wus picked up on the bench at Port Malt land breakwater. Nova Scotia, last Tuesday containing a slip of paper on which was written the follow Inij. Nov. 28, UOs. Our ship Is In shoal water about twentj miles nit 'iurmouth cape The wind blowing a hurilcane and our ship lust broiklng up In a few mlnutos sho will be no in re the captain and wlfo am sick; he leipie ts me to write fare well to his folks Mis. Stewart Is past speiklng. Tin v belong to Nova Seitl.t. .'Signed) Thomas Hiking, First Olt'.cer. A boat and a bioken spar were picked up not far from tho bottle, and it Is believed ti it the message came from the sinking esel. THE BLAME FOR BROOKE'S ORDER Cubans in Havana Held to Be Re sponsible Anxious to Sustain tho Spanish System of Centralization of Funds General Wood's Depar ture -An Enthusiastic Ovation Ac corded tho Military Governor. Santiago de Cuba , Jan. 5. The ex planation of the war department at Wti'hlngton of Its Intention regarding the transfer of customs nvelpts fiom the ellffeient ports in Cuba to Tinvana Is met here by statements fiom the Cubans that the plan is similar to the one adopted b.v the Spaniards, when requisitions on Havana obtained less than six per cent ot what the lequlsi tion called foi The merchants, business men and fi nancial people heie say that Havana has glow n ileli and prosperous at the expense of the balance of the island, and th Cubans and government offi cials; nt Santiago sa that the Cubans of Havana are i sponsible for Major General Hrooke's order Thev add that the Havana Cubans are anxious to .sustain tile i;ame system of the cen tralization ot funds which wns in force before the Annnii an occupation Dr Castillo and Mayor Hacaidl have prived trii" in the ci'sls and have uiged the citizens to remain peaceful and to await tho lesulis of the visit ot General Wood and Dr. Castillo to Washington Genet nl Wood, accompanied bv aide do camp, Lieutenant Hanua. nnd Dr Castillo, representing the metchants and buMr-ess men of the city, left fo New Yoik today on boaid the United States transport Mississippi They were accoided nn enthusiastic ovation on theli departure fiom the palace aid dm lug ihelt pasnge down Mnrlnn street to n wlmf The Municipal band preceded Geneial Wood, who wns accompanied by the major of Ids staff and huge numbeis of oflleciN and Cubans, who walked the entlte distance amid ccntlmious ap plause and cheers for General Wood The latter was moved eleopi Ile tweon 3,000 and (I.OOO persons weie In the piocesslou and the women wept anil w Ished the general bon voyage. Cuban gratitude was never expressed more clearly Men w ho only a few weeks ago weie nntagonldic to tl.e Ameilcan commander were todiv nmong his most enthusiastic support eis. Tne members of the supieme rouit and the band of the Fifth regular infantry wpr- on board the auxillaiy gunboat Hist, which Fainted the Missis, slppl and bade her farewell In the usual manner. Tho Mississippi, which was decorated brilliantly, was also saluted by the I'untn Oorda battoiles. Though the situation is critical. It Is doubtful whether any overt act will be committed Immediately, unless the populace is moused by further Initnt ing ouleis from Ilavuna BEDFORD IS SAFE. The Sinall-pox Epidemic Now Under Control. Uedford, Pa., Jan. 5 At a meeting of tlu local phjsiclans today a ie lioi t was made to the municipal board of health, signed by oveiy practicing physician in town, saving that of the IS cases lepoited as pmall-pox or vai lolold within the boiough overy ca?o was fully lecovered excepting one, who was now convalescent and couhl soon be lepoited well. That the pre cautions surrounding those who have had the disease are such as to lender it entirely safe for people to visit Bed ford and for the svhools and chinches to be opened. That no new cases had been lepoited In this town for over two weeks and that the conditions of the surrounding country nie most encour aging for the disappearance of every iase of the disease from tho county at an early date. A icsolutlon was adopted by tho local boaid of health endoisiug the lepoit of the phvsltlans and leanest lng the ptato board to fprwaid tho action of tho local boaid and the io port of tho physicians to the pioper postofllce authorities ot the govern ment. Mrs, Botkin's Case, Snn Urnnclsco, Jan. C When Mis. Cor delia Ilotktn. convicted of tin- minder of Mrs. John P. Dunning appeals for sen lemo In Judge) Cook's point Saturday It Is thought that hor nttornevs will ask for a delay ot a wick to pirinlt them to prepnre an appeal to tho Hupiomo loiut. What feim their ' ' MR, CAFFERY TALKS ' ONJME CANAL HE REPUDIATES THE CHARGES CONCERNING OPPOSITION. Dovotes His Remarks Especially to tho Clayton-Bulwcr Treaty, Assert ing That tho Bill Sought to Do by Indirection What tho Treaty Pro hibits Doing Directly Houso Pro ceedings. Washington, Jan. 5. Little business, except of n routine character, was transacted by tho senate today. A resolution offered by Mr. Hoar, of Mas sachusetts, directing the committee on foreign relations to repoit to the sen ate whether the tienty of Paris makes any piovislon for the claims of citizens of the United States against Spain, which weie In exl?tence before the present wnr anil the status of such claims after the ratification of the treaty, was adopted Mr. Caffrev. of Louisiana, continued and practically concluded his speech begun before the holiday recess, In op position to the pending Nicaragua can al bill. Mr. Caftiey devoted his ic marks especially to the Clayton-Hul-vver tieaty, asserting that tho bill cought to do by Indirection what tho treaty prohibits doing directly. Mr. Caffrey said it was his opinion that If the United States should build the canal under tho pending bill In tho fnce of the treaty the canal would be absolutely neutral and Great Btltaln would have every right to use the canal In time of war. He thought the tieaty should bo abrogated and that the United States should construct tho canal independently of the mailtltne company. Dining his speech Mr. Caffrey allud ed to the statement which had been repeatedly made that the opposition to the canal was fostered and maintained by those who weie behind the trans continental railroads ns supporters. This chaise he repudiated and he de clared he would seoin himself If lie could be supposed to be guilty of It Mr. Caffiey practically had concluded Ids speech when Mr. McLauiln (S. C.) raised the point of no quotum. A call of the toll developed the presence of only 2!) inembeis, seventeen less than a quorum. HOUSE 'PROCEEDINGS. The house devoted today to the con sideration of bills presented by the committee on judicial v. The bills weie first considered In committee of the whole. The llrst bill called up was that to create an addi tional circuit Judge In the sixth Ju dicial ill cult It is this Judgeship with which rumor has connected the name of ex-Secretniy of State William It. Day. It was laid aside with a fa vorable lecommendatlon. The hout'e then proceeded with, the consideration of the bill for the eoell ileation of the laws of Alaska, which came over fiom jesteiday. Several milieu amendments were adopted and at 4.53 p. m., after com pleting .'1 pages ot the bill, the house adjoin ned until tomotrow. FILIPINOS WANT THEIR RIGHTS. Leading Representatives at Hong Kong Insist That the Insurgonts Have Not Been Treated Fairly. Hong Kong. Jan. C Leading repre sentatives of the Filipino Junta in Hong Kong in the course of an Inter viiw with the coriespondent of the Associated Press today, declared that the seilous ciisls in the Philippines Is due to what they designate as "overt, unfair tieatment of the Filipino, by the United States." Thev said that de spite the known fact that the whole of the Visayas group was In posses sion of tho Fillpi'ao foices, General Otis was oideifd to take possession of the entile aichlpelago nnd dispatch tioops und warships to the southern Vlsavns. The Filipinos, according to the Junta lepresentatlves, are deter mined to pievont the landing of the Americano at Hollo, and may, as n last lesoit. destroy the city for strateg ical puipotips. The Junta Insist that a rupture of the fiiendly relations now existing be tween the "Filipino national govern ment" and the American executive Is Imminent, and that hostilities aie piob able unless what they characterize ns the "unreasonable, unfair and over beaiing policy of the Americans" is modified. They say tho Filipinos "would deeply i egret such a rupture, but would accept it as Inevitable." In concluding the Interview the spokesman of the Junta representative said: "The Filipinos appeal to the American people to uphold tho rights of mankind and to avoid bloodshed, nssuilng tho Americans of our deslro to compute a friendly settlement tluough an Impaitlul commission of Inquiry." "The Filipinos loyally sunnortnl tim American nation to fulfill the piomlses made to Agulnaldo at Singapoie bo fine ho pioceeded to assist Admiral Dewey All the Filipinos nsk Is tho truest and best rights of mankind." INSANE'S WOMAN'S ACT. Fatally Cuts Hor Throat with a Razor. Lyons, N Y.. Jan. C Mis. Chailes Hogeis, aged 4J years, of Pueblo, Colo., who was visiting William Reynolds, committed milehle near Junius yester day afternoon by cutting her throat with n razor. She was demented, and physicians were to niaku an examina tion yesteiday to elcteimlno her sanity. Yesterday while Ml. He-ynolds was shaving hlmsen she watched him. When he put tho razor upon the shelf she took It and went to her room, wheio hIih wus lund two hours latin with her head almofct severed fiom her body. Mr. Dingley Still Improving. Washington, Jan, 5 After Ilia consul tntlou of ph)slclann nt 2 o'clock this af ternoon It was iiuiiiuinieil that Hepm sentatlvn Dingley vvn. veiy much hotter nnd that It wns likely that ho will con tlnuo to Inipiovc, T1IE NEWS T1IIS M0HNINU Weather Indications Todays Rain) Colder. 1 General Ulllplnos Will Resist Amcrl can ne-ciipatlmi. Another Move In tho Quav Conspiracy Cases. Uulet Day In Congress. Contents of the Peace Tieaty. 2 General and Commercial. 3 Local Annu il Message of Mayor Bai ley. Coray-Jcnklns Equity Suit. Clever Forcer's Srraiiton Victims. Uond Orellnarce Is Dead. 4 Editorial. That Senatorlnl Caucus. 5 Lccnl-Counclls Defer tho Soft Conl Oidlniineo. Why the N. Y W and V. It. P.. Will He Constructed. Frightful Dcatli at Cayuga Shaft. (1 Local West Scranton nnd Suburban. 7 News Hound About Scranton. S Local Ma or Halley's Annual Mes sage (Concluded ) Councils Defer tho Soft Coal Ordi nandi (Concluded.) GR0VER BECOMES VERY SARCASTIC Tho Ex-Presidont Gives Some Advico to Imperialisto That Is Cutting m tho Extromo. I'lincoton, N. J., Jan. S. Ex-President Cleveland in reply to the reniust of a representative ot the Associated Fie,"-s for an expiession on the ouestlon ol expansion and annexation said: "I do rot care to repiat i y v lews concerning the prevailing epl'.emlc of iiiileilullsm and terrltoiia! nansUm. Assumoig. howevei, that my ideas on the mbject are nntleiuated and un-eult-ed to these piogresslve elaja. it In a matter of suipriseto me that the r fusal cf e'eitnin natives of our new possesions to aceiuicsce in th benefi cence of subjecting them to our central and nianngement should In the lenst dlstui b our expansionists. This phase of the situation ought not to have been unanticipated nor the Incidents nctur ally glowing out of it ovci looked. The remedy is obvious and slmpl". Tho misguided Inhabitants of our annexed tenltoiv who prefer something differ ent than the plan for their control which we propose, or who oppose our designs in their behalf should be slaughtered. The killing of natives has been the teature of expansion since expansion bes'an and our impel lallstic enthusiasm should not bo checked by the prospective necessity of destioying a few thousand or a f.'W hundred thousand Filipinos ThU should only be regai ded ns one stage In a trail scendantally great movement, a meie Incident in Its progress. Of couise some unprepared souls would then be lott before we had the opportunity of Chtlstlanlzing them, but surely those of our clergymen who have done so much to encourage expansion could manage that dlfllculty" MR. HAYWOOD'S CONDITION. Visited and Cheered by Very Many Prominont Republicans. Special to tho Scranton Tribune Hairisburg, Jnn. ." Ex-State Treas urer Haywood Is still confined to his loom, but has been able to keep closely In touch with the oxcltlng events of the week tluough the medium ot hun dreds of fi lends who have tluonged hi J looms on Sixth street. It has been a gieat satisfaction to hlni to see the many visitor? who have hastened to tender their wishes for his speedy le c overy and Mis. Has wood stated this morning that she believed hint to be bettei and In moie chceiful splilts b -cause of being thus sunoundeel bv such a multitude who hive known and respected him dining tho ninny yeais of his public service. Senator Quay was one of the Jlist to visit him In the midst of his own bus lost moments. Senatoi "Pin is" Mageo appealed yesteiday morning with u. gorgeous basket ot roses-, which Is one ot many that gladden Jio ?lck man's e.ves. 'Dick" Quay was one of his latest vlsltoit' last night and ho left the loom with emotion showing In ev eiy line oi his earnest face. tnong the others who called In the pjst day or two weie Congiessman Connoll, General Mlln, Itlclnul A Glenn and tho most prominent men In the state who gatheied nt the capltol. On Wed nesday night the life-sized, cl.-gantly framed portrait of Senator Quay which had been In evidence at the headquar ters wns sent to Mi lfavvood as a pleasant surpilse It Is hoped that he will be able to return to I1I3 olUce In the course of a few days. SANTIAGO BOOMING. A Surprising Growth Under Ameri can Administration. Washington, Jan 5 The trade of Santiago Is nlreaJv 1 how lng a sur pitslng growth under Ameilcan ad ministration. Geneial Wood has sub mitted an inteiestlng repoit to the war depaitment on the subject. U? states that the policy of non-dlscrlmlnatlvo Intel couise extended to tho vessels of all nations In Santiago piovlnce has greatly faeilitatrct Hip re-establish, ment of commercial iclatlons. jt also, he says, has been one of the chief featuies In the restoration of com parative prosperity in commeice, in dustry and jgilc uliuie. Outward cargoes of sugar and either products nre being gradually found for shipping but txportatlons from the mines eif the piovlnce have e (in stituted the bulk of the exports. ' 'Tho fnrt." tavs General Wood, "that the mines were put in operation at an enily date alter the capitulation of Santiago was Impoi.tant 111 that the employment of large numbeis of na tives during a crltlcnl period was stimulated by th facilities affonled for shipping rrei." Tho Electric Trust. Tientem, N J, Jan. 5. The Llectrlc company of America filed tod ij with the of state a stjles of Incoipoia tlon. The company has an utitlioiUeil capital of JM.ooil.C'OO, Steamship Arrival. Queenstown, Jan. Ii. Sailed: lleimanlc (from Liverpool), New Yoik. Amsterdam-Railed: Auu-tordum, New Yuik. QUAY FILES REPLICATION Another Move on tho Chess Board with Attorney Graham. STATEMENTS PREPARER Renewal of tho Original Petition and a Gonoral Denial of Aver inonts Set Up in tho Answer off Goorgo S. Graham, the District) Attorney Petitioners Assert That Fair and Impartial Trial Cannot Bo Had in Courts of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Jan. G. The uttorneya for Senator Quay and his cm-defend ants In the pending conspiracy cose, today llled with the piothonotnry oj the supieme court the following replU cation to the answer of District AN torney Graham to their application tot a. healing before the supremo court. And now ccmo tho petitioners und clc fondants, M. S. Qua, It. It. Quay and U. J. Haywood, not admitting tho right of! said district attorney to fllo said answer in this proceeding, und without waiving their right to object Uiereto, do hero unci now ienew onei Insist upon the aver ments contained In their original petition, filed in this matter, and Join Issuo on anil deny ull tho avetments to tho contrary set up In the answer of Georgo S. Gnu, the district nttorney; and they cw pecially deny that tho dato of trial iul fixed in the comt below was thus llxed at tho leanest of defendants' counsn-l themselves in open court, or was ovein suggested b them, except by way ot protest against forcing defendants to an Immediate triilj and they idro deny that the defendants secured three- ments and that said postponements wero such ns an ordinary offender would not have been petmltted to havo: nnd tli-it the decision of tho court fixing said dato for trial, was In 1 espouse to tho rocjuest of tho defendants' counsel that nn early elite might ho llxed for tho trial of tho case, and that every hearing In the casa thus far has been named by tho de fendants, and that tho defendants did not nsk for addltoinal time in which to in vestigate the books of the Peoplo's bank. On tho contrary, petitioners reassert Ith, Nt they wero unduly nnd unfairly foiced and compelled to plead In tho court below, and that sulllelent time was not plve'n to them for tho preparation o their defense, and tbej again lelterato nnd assert that they are willing and anx ious that they should have a speedy, fair nnd impaitlal tilal on tho Indictments found against hem, but that such fair and impiitial hearing and trial cannot now be had In the com t of quarter ses sions of the pence of Philadelphia county. The (use will come up on Saturday. SPANISH MAGAZINE EXPLODES Eight Persons Seriously Injured at Matanzas. Havana. Jan. C A Spanish maga zine blew up yesterday at Matanzas, seilously Injuring eight pcisons and damaging many dwelling in the vicinity. Seventeen bodies have been dlaln teried on a plantation at Amistad, near Gulnes, In every case tho skull va.i cleft in twain. Two membeis ot the United States: patiol appioaehed a negro Inst night at the coiii"r of Galiano nnd Lazaro stieets, who was acting tuspiclously, and whO'e movements hail been called to their attention by the Sp inlsh. Ho diew his dagger and tried to stab ones of them, whereupon the other shot twice, one bullet passing tnrough tho negro's heart. Several small collections of arms nnei ammunition sel.-ed by the United States; patiol In piivnte dwellings havo been pui chased bv the Spanish. night political prisoners havo been) found in the Havana Jail, but they seem to have ro friends who would uige their lelense. Geneial Hiooko todav abolished till transport system throughout the Isl and. Ho will make his temporary lieadniiarters at the Hotel Tiocha. Senoi Kocldo Ainauta y Hernandez, editor of 1.1 Reconccntmdo. issued to day a fouith attack upon his old ene my, Senor Carcarlaus Hiesnes. whom, with thtei others, he accuses of blow ing up the United States battleship Maine This statement, like Its prede cessor, contains rbsolutcly no facts legal ding the explosion. HAD FAITH IN THE MOTOR, Mrs. Bloomfield Moore Died of Grief Over Mr. Keely's Fate. London, Jan. 5 Mis. Jlloumfleld H. Moore, of Philadelphia, died at hep London lesldence on Great Stanhope stieet today. She was 73 years of; age and had been HI for several month from heait disease. She had lived for the past twelve years in the most fashionable (iiiaitei of London and Is nuclei stood to have left a large for tune Although the dentins give heart dis ease as the cause of death, hor filendi agree that Mrs Mooie reallv illed oC a bioken henit due to her gilef over tho death of Mr. Keely. Heniy Dnm, n well. known scientific writer and her literary executor, says "I know that when Mr. Keely died she would not Mlve long. Her whole life) was centeicd In his work, to tho exclusion ot all other intciests and liopep. She had the most profound faith that neither Mr Keely nnr her self could die until the invention hud succeeded." After receiving the cabled announce, ment of Mr Keels 's death she began to sink rapidly. Her ailment seemed more mental than physical. f-ftf-f-f M-4-M.-r-H-H- f -HM- WEATHER FORECAST. Wellington Jan r, True cast for I'liJav, Tor (DHtein Pennnylva- -f nln, ruin: colder; light northerly winds In coming nnithausterly. 4- ttttttTtttttttf-H-t-rtttH'