THE SCRANTON TRIBUNIC-SATUIUAY. DECEMBER 31. 1898. l'tililHlied IWIIy. Hieei't Kundnv. b; thn 1 rlliune mi-Hsulm: C'oiiipriu, at Fifty Cent, ii Moulli. I'ir York orHc: .vi N'abivi '.(.. h.h. vui:i:i.vm (oif Afjent for 1 oiclsn Adverll'dtnr. iMititrn ATTitR rosrorrtOE r M-n i.vrox, 1M AHBtCOND-CUSS MAIL. MATTKIt. TWELVE PAGES. SCIUNTO.N, onCHMUUJl 31, 1SUS. OoveinM' tinstlngs will bo Known In history ai tlio sroat iudec-in-iUer. A Forward Step. Tin- V'lunsr Jrn's ClirWtluti nnotl.t tlon lwa tnki'ii ait iikki-roxhIvo foivvaul Mcp In Its w rt U 1y spcurlnp for Its' Sundny nftrinoon meetings! In .limn ar, rohrnaii. March ami Apiil the (iiiiinimllntm Mui-nni tlioutiH. It an iieittni'c a notiitik' Kc-'t of s.m1;ci- ftoin ntiiontl, int'ti pinnimtnl n t.-U'tBnii"i nml liiviiu-n. while- fiotn t" vyiy hi'st jrrum nttiiicilnn which have tin iienicd in liaM i-iucitalnincnt eeiiiti-fs HUltalilo toinp.nileM ti fuitiMi imific ll.ive lll'e'll lle-rle-ll. 'nil's titoRiniinn. ninlilne the ettltl itnn .it tin- It t- tin thi lii'.iutirul with ti..,i ..r Imo tin- (Jud. Tilt inline ! tn 1. 1 nr a hlRli older of t-Me-llenet. nnd ihi- uleliosc- will hi- full "l tl11' virility nml lone which iiuiUe fot a neilile-i niiiii li.infl (Vtttilnly an hour mienl at the l.MMim tin .imiliiv aftcinonn tmdi'i -mil eliuimM-iii' k will 1"' lnllnlle-ly 'inn, iittr.u live ami )itofitalilo Ihnn mi iln "lie t oi In oilier IillciH""1. Uenenil IJionkt would llml y nml rone. Illation lift tor vvciiinn-e for the li duration of (Mlu than .sticnuoim ns v,i ilmi or cticiiKlh. No doubt he nil-ails' w.M in liN now position lull his Inlio ilmtoi nioM-s au illsaiipoliitlin,'. - CiuvyhiR tlio Mails. i;iiUii(i is tapldly .muimil.utiiK l--...n Hi.. 1. ilnt i-nniit !." oilllllitti'i- Willi ll l- ImestlB.UlnK tin- tianspoi tatloii of Hi. nulls, that tho Riiviinmont H ht-ln iMimdly -maki-d" it-, tin- lallwaj uiiii 1. mi. sill this mat ui Sinn- I'.TS lliin I us in on no it-diK lion In tin os-t --f in. ill tranoitatluii. ilmiiKh sdnt that il .t. nctilv i-M-iyfiliiK '1U1' h1H l)e,in it duted In ost on nil avt-inisi -10 per .iu Aiiiithu s-lBiillliaiit f.u-t In tills . oiimctlon ii that ivhllt- an oidlnarv iniKlit cm- oains on .in !ivii.iit emlv $'.1.' a jar, I Uilc Sain 1mh to pay ai. .'micro leiilnl "f ' TM a oai foi oii p..-tal car. In iiddltion to tin eliuiKt' at ound rati's f"i tin m.ill mi'-d tlii'ie In Tin? potnl ( ar of c utirrt? costs more than the aidtnai.v ficlsht c-.ti. Put not mi much nioic na in w.utant this piemt .11 -. rfiitit? In i-ntal ki. The t--puss tiitiipanles not tiaiispintatloii Mr tlnlr stuff at Iroin a thiid to a tenth of tho piicu clmist'd to the ki eminent li.r cartiaKc of the malic The ton tlusion, therefore, is iiu'-lstllik that tin rovci nment is 1iIhb held up and l It d, and it Is pumahh til it II till" eil wue cormted wi ooiild snon hae 1 nny letter po-tn ami niaki a inai Blii of piofit into the hat sain. The nc.v capitnl at ll.u lisliurg, be lt uso of Its e-iilde, lin-llke and le pulslvo iipptauine-e, is a continual topic of Jest among fiequenteis and i.bsctveis of It. Hut It has to be l" riembored tliat htleks eaiitiot be made v ithout stiaw. ' College Pioi'essois. Tn find a collefo pi te-sor who is full blooded and In his ism n lefn-slilng after tin niltneious lecent exlilbltlons which the eountiv has had of academic- eie- g. not. icy. Ot coui-e theio aie plenty .f such pattlotli and laticnal pio.'es. s r-t. nut It hs-s hitlK-lto iieen tm'ii- in's--liie tliat tiie otlur kind lnvo ilg ur il moie hugely and lieqiiently in pi'iii. Tin- thanks ot ins guild nru e-er-tamlj owliiL- to 1'iolossor Grosvenoi ot Amboisi college le.r a piper read by him on Thin 'day beloio tho Ameiican Ki onondc and association c .livened at Nt-w Haven. Conn, -on-c inlmr "Ameiican Diplomacy" which i' has been the habit ot the Mugwump frilernily to iidiciile and llout Professor flrosvenor took nn opposite point of view .'ompaiing tin lesults of nur niu'-h doildod ellplnmallc ser vile with those of far luoiu highly rnied nations he tound the balance by nn means in out- disfavor, "t mako no c lolni." said he, "that nur diplomatic serviie Is pei lee t or that ell Ameiican nrcigu ministers, linve been siints or MB'. Snnietitn.s we luvo had ioef tlniiit, Mime times tlmie'. sliuflllng men. hot what Woodfotd said of himself was the iceorel of Ills iol letgues: 'When your minister rtneheel S.,iln he wns absolutely direct and flunk In his dealings.' In sell darly . ulturc nui diplomatic icpie.sent.itlves have sin passed thoe of nny other land No foielgn country has summoned to its sin vice such a host of hl.stotlsins, political ceonomlbts, poets., orators, Jeuinallsts und educators of tveiy ilis-s. I am well aware that many ate for tho adoption of the Hu i opt an syvte-m of diplomacy. Does Vmeilt'iin diplomacy ofter onlv an un-ti-ltuln title anil piomise nothing of rent ai eompllshininl? The immensity of Its achievement covers the whole nine teenth century of Intel national law. It bus biokon the caste shackles of birth, hits buceessfully asserted tho right of expatriation, has declared the seas and "trails and continental llvei.i 'Ood's highways,' destined to he fice for man. It has compelled tins lights of neutrals U bo lecognlzed by every civilized stale. Now It It building tho scaffold ing for achievement no les Kreat, the exemption of private pronuitv from capture on iea as it Is exempt from capture on land. This year tlneti lu mens universities held a rcgattc. Onj ciew towed u foreign stroke, one a s.ri.Ko half lorclgu. unci the I'-i'id ono American. In the van finished tin boat jHopc-lled by tho American 'itioke. In Ponornble nearness follovvel tlio boat with the stinko half foreign nnd halt meilcun. Tho enw taught with tho foielgn tinlnlng was left behind The Aniiilcau itiokti Is tho for us, vvheither on tho Thames, thei Stlue, the Tlbor, tho rSpieej ot tho Wehu And that not because of provluclal jyvju - dice or national pride, but became of the facts of history." Ah illmiices co Aliiherct ciIIcrp, whoro PiofesFor Clrosvenor lioldiJ forth. It not far rt-inovttl from the more ven erable inrtitutloiis) at Cniuhitdco and New Haven, which boant tin Ir Xortoti! ami their 'Violseyn: but in tin scale of practical inspiration the H"paratlon between there two typei of collcslutc instruction la liumt-n-jurnble. JCow that the nay Iiuh practically o.losed its war accounts It Is found that while mc ate nilniiH the Maine, we have twelve tiophlen In tho wuy of captured tn jccoveroil .Spanish wai-HhlpH live llBht draiiBht Kunboat" veiy useful In police woil; amuiiB Island"; tlueu Himill ciiiImci.s, two ttiBc one transport and one loiiieilo boat. Tliefp ships will all fit In handily with our new duties und neci'MHitlesi. One Year Ago. Who would hnw thought one year llfio That war would hae been dedal cd between the I'nlted States and Spain? That t'nclt -s.un would own th- lhl! Ipplnoj. Jlawall, 1'oito Hlco, Ouairi and Wake Inlands ; That then would lie tall; of an Anrtlo-Aim-rkan Alllnuit-.' That (jt-m-ial Kite Inner would re el, ilnt tile rppei- Nile ituliin. That I'ltsliient MeKinley'w picture would lie applauded In Havana? That the Tliiitcenth leKlinent would he bulled in amp while le-s upei-It-metl men wen allowed to aclilexe Bloi. at the tionl? Uobson would Kiss 10 1 Chicago W 1)111011 liosttiiii ould becaim th' ilii.uteix of ajitl-linpetlallsts? That .inv ot the aciiiM-is of n-vyfi.s would lonunit KUicide.' That Colonel Itoo--eilt would hi? kov oi urn of New Yolk'.' Thai William .TtnnliiK Uijan would liei nine a uddloi'V That Coiliett and Sh.ukey would liBht .' That the U and II. Kiavity s-enlie would lie uitaili il .' 'I'hnt W. 1 HallMead would so foon he pit-sldent of tho I., L. and W. .' That tlieie would UBaln be pioujiects lot hall in S( l.uiton'.' Tliat Siiautoii councils would etr iniike a nunc towatds leiialiliiB the asphalt paM-mentsV Who inn bui-s tin- dtiIopnifnts of tin- ii-.ii about to lawn" An incut -don of base ball Is tlncat ened in tin- Philippine Islunds. If Agulnalilo .oi""n't oine to time he nilBht be M'ntemed to sunt- as one c the unipltes. Foreign Municipal Lessons. The extent to which socialism is en tetlng Into European Ideas of govern ment ma.v be gui-ssotl from the circum stance that the London county council, th governing bodj of the world's laigest c-itv, has Just decided after pin nacled dl-vuss-lon to invest municipal funds talsed bv genetal taxation in i svstem of model tenements for the pool, which .lie to be tented bv the city at less than the cost of e onsuuetion, in let el, supcilntendence and lepalrs. In other wot els, the city Is to tax the well-to-do and llcli In older to give shelter to tin- pool not necessailly to th holplesH pool but to all who are willing to enjoy public bounty In tents. How ever much is to bo said for this pio ginmme on the humane side it must be admitted that tin the legal side it in volves rank class legislation. A better view of foreign municipal prngit-s.s is alfordod in the expeilment begun last oar by the palish ofShoie dilih, a put of London. Print to 1897 tliat parish lmtl paid JJO.OOO a viar to have itsi stteot lefuse swept lip, carted to the Thames, put aboard a gaibage boat and dumped Into the sea. Tho idea then oi tuned to It to utilize this waste Accordingly $60,000 was invested In a ii.u Ish electtic plant. Tills plant has- been running for a year and results ate now aceesMble. Tho street refuse supplied nil the fuel necessary to run it except Jil.' worth of coal. Tho total expenditures- for the first year were $111,070 for wages, toies, supplies, in stil ami, lepairs and other purposes. The Intel est, sinking fund, rents, and the ordinal y allowance for the depreci ation of tho piopetty weie $10,20.", malt ing a total of $J9,275. The groH re el ipts for the sale of light and power, including u tedit equal to the average pievlous for street lighting bv gas. wine I5.2U", thus leaving n net profit ot $15 'MD for the benefit of tho parish treiiEtnv, which will be used In eiilatglng the plant. Aiiangements nio now being made to use the escaping sti am to heat the water of a public Iftith, Instead of allowing It to go to waste. In iiddltion a flee system of gaibage collection among ptlvnte icsl tlences has been Instituted, a service hitherto clanged for. Much Is to be learned by Ameticnns through study of foreign municipal les sonsmuch to imitate, some things to avoid. Tile eiuestion is. How long will Ameiican pilde nnd ambition lent con tent with seeins Ameiican municipal methods and lesults lagging on tho average so far behind the methods and results In most of the titles ot tho old world? The New Veuk Sun, with more ttuth than politeness, calls attention to the provincial tcne of Canadian public opinion us rcllecled In Dominion join nallsm, notes the lnck ot Interest which wide nvvnkc persons on this continent take In Canadian affairs, because theso In the main are petty and looked at by Canadians themselves l-i a belittling fashion, and adds. "Canada will never amount to anything until it yields to destiny by Joining in tho procession of Ameiican progress by entering Into the American Union" The American who has tiuvoled in Canada nnd no tlced the contiast between the appear ante of things on the Ameiican nnd n-i the amdlun side of the boundary line will nppit'clnte the euttlut; accuracy of thu Bun's assertions. Tlie PhllneltlpliU Tress, fiom a ftiat eglcal standpoint, has put up n htronrj flBht on Senator Quay pet liapH tlio ablest newspaper uttuck, conwlduietl tactically, that liaH ever been lintela upon any Ameiican In public life. I-'nlr- 1 uw-J Xv.i--3 Uii? uiliulJpae Tho fuct that ho seems to be abundantly able to nurvlve It lei a new'proot of his uuperlor (aguclty, Tho Media T.dffcr calls upon Factory Inspector Campbell to innl'.u nil Invts tlBatlou of the alleged lolatlon In th" AVannmakcr ntore in I'hlladclphla tif the law lOKtilatlng tho employment i women nnd Klrli In factories and Btoieti. This law provide, anions other things, that no minor mule or fcmnlo or adult woman shall ho employed In any mcicantlle Industry for a lnnp,er period than twelve hours In wuy day nor for a longer peilod than CO houri In any week, also that the cniploylnu Jltm shall provide sultabl' stat-j for tho uss of glil and women employes and penult them to rtst when not other ,Ipo engaged, tho niaxlmum penaltv for violation being $300 for every estab lished o'fenco The dger Is Informed that this law Is fieqtiently violated by the WniuimaUor compiny and thoicforu Us tcquest for an Investigation Is lea sonable, but in lew of Mr. Wj.nmnak ei's public piott-nslons It Is fair to as sume that he Is Innocent. Quoting the opinions of dead states men on the expansion issue is lnteteHt Ing as a historical pastime but not necessailly detlsle. The American people have a good habit of solving their uilou ntoblems of government eui h in its tin ti In the liBht und by tho guidance of collateral Information and belief luthet than lit n iilt It of false trust in meie tiadltton. The t-Htlinutcd lost of the Nlcaiagua canal aicoidlng to the istlmate of the Walker I'onimlsslon Is $121,000,000, a mlnoiity tepoit says 20 per tent, addi tional, or $14S,soo,000. The commission s.o the canal piosents no Insuperable eiiBlneeiing dilllcultles and Is as fcas llile n it is tlcsli.ilile. It must lie built. The iutioductlon of foot ball, base ball, boxiriB tournaments and watd politics at Havana ought to furnish Hiilllclent amusement for the spoil-loving citizens of Cuban and Spanish sen timents to Induce them In refinln from hhooting and hacking e.uh other when ever tin y meet. Killpe Agoncillo has decided to camp tit Washington this winter in the In tel est ot the Philippine insut gents. AKonclllo's names of sucicss will be stiengthcned if In does not get too Killpe. I'neasy saffron Journals aie having considerable dllliiulty the'C days lix Incf the salatii-s of the. American peace coniniisslonei.s. Thoy foigot that tin picsident does that. Now tliat the college professors ate pulling i-acli othei's lnir over tho ex pansion pioblem, perhaps the issuc hvutiug politicians cun take u few min utes fin i est. .According to all accounts, Santiago must now be a cleaner city than Sciun ton. Palhei- Time of the 9 laand is mov ing tow aids tho edge of the calendar. The season for goods has at lived. barging In winter TWO POINTS OF VIEW. New- 1 oi 1. Commercial Aelv ertlser. Two elilfecnt points of Uw. horn w'hlih tho ptoblems of Amerii in ex pansion are. appt cached, are well tcprc .entid bv Dr. Woolso's article in the iintint Independent, and by Prolefso Hadliy's New Haven address Hoth of .liisi) public tenchcis were opposed to the war with Spain, ai.d dpit cued tho In tro t e ol our ltiticnil losponsiblllttts which was its r. result, but they contiont its consetnjeuevs in a vtty tlil-fc-'int spit it. :o. The oltlcr man seis only in ait of national folly, which has borne fiuli.iv ot a depiesslng dilemma Ho dots n it yet despair of loss of the natural ltuin ol tlio war by sclf-den-.lng : ejection 'if tlio peace treaty by the senate, or b re fusal of tho hcuso to appropriate tlu money it callc for. Should it ho ratified, he sees only discouraging pioblcms of co lonial admit istration and national policy, questions of trado and government, but elens of taxation and duties of education of Inferior races, before which his spirit emails. Ho Is content to state these problems in their mest unptctnlsliig torm nnd to leave mere ccuiagcous, if less ex perienced icadtrs, to reflect on their so lution. They Inspire htm to no nrtlor of attack, to no employment of his broad learning and ripe Judgment in tho serv ict of Ills cnuiitijmcn in tlio serious sit uation In whidi ho conceives thev have rlaetl themselves. lie leaves tho rats guided nation to stew in its own Juice. -o. The lounger piofeshor, nt ono Willi Dr, Woolsey as to tho policy of the war it self, approaches its consequences ill a bolder anil moie hopeful spirit. He por cilves first of all tliat Ameiican expan sion is inevitable unit that its responsi bilities must be met soberly and leso lutelj. Par from Ijlng down htlplessly befote tho new problems, ho Is loused by them to new cneigy of labor In his chose Ik Id of economies nnd Invites all earnest students to join him In placing their tat e its and learning at disposal of the American people. Ho sees In tho in evitablo changes expansion over seas must make In our sstem of government a school of tt .lining for the people. In which fruitful labors wait for public teachers llko himself. He is icatly man fully to do Ills part to bear new bunions, to olvo new pioblcms, meet new icspon-Fihiltlc-s, to do nil tho things which mako fittong men and stiong nutlons. ntith nltltudes nro repiesenlatlvc, tho first of a despondent class most volublo In barren discussion, but most impotent tn Influence, which 1ms set Itself in the way of Inevitable national development from tho Hi st, without suggesting any alternitlvo to tlio course It opposed; tho other of a class nt once doubtful nnd reso lute, uncertain or divided nt Hist ns to Ihe wisdom or Inevltnbleness ot expin slon. but most hopefully and firmly deter, mined to mako tho best of whatever out comc nnd abs-olutely confident of tho American people to deal with fitturo prob lems ns they have dealt with past It la growing fvldent very fast now that tho class Professor Hntllcv represents In cludes nil of the American people it Is needful to tako Into account, except for students of roclnl pathology. RANDOM REMARKS. Sums fcc'.ioolt turn out neaily a i in iny loom ui tliej receive. The onlv liapplneni some) people) Know In the relation of their mlieilcf.. Tlie latest de.'lnlllon of "ilobson p cholei-" i "ICIm mo quirk or (jo." The penny of the wise and tho pound of tlio foolltdi oflen buj equal amountt. of tnerctiuiiellto. Tin Plan who ham seon Ihe world with olhr preiple'ie ren a woil at with hU own Is indeed a learned man, Sumo men seem to live ouV to brush specks of dirt oft their clothes', others, to cairy urotind a pointed moustache. We havo jet to Hud an uiitl-exp.inslon editor who did not inv aside his political eriul while ho at i bin Christmas turkey. When people nr happy marriages nie plentiful That neutuutH for t'io laru iiumlnr of weddings nioiiiid Clirlstmus time. Aiiartlilsim Is n hot-bed wied. Mow din 11 Wo eiadlnite it? Cleanso the hot beds of vice are recking In our huge cities. Where Is the hlsteilan who will time to wtlto his country's history without par tiality and up to date? Let lilin pioclalm himself today and tomorrow ho will die. Modern scicntlKts think they uio coon t'.olng to atuttle us with something new tekgntiilihig without whes. Lovers hae been practicing the ait for nearly M thousund years. Pnless our "war IiiM-sllBatlon" N cur tailed Miluutecrs will bo liard to plot lire when our next war oieilis. The nvoiagc soldler would nitlar faio tin c-ngnKf meats than one InvcstlKntlDii. Prlcelitir lias a Raloou-ket-jier who wnnts to bo a constable. Next, Presi dent Vcrk, ot tin ChlniMi Ttaellon sjn dlcate, will want to pitslde at all unit- lugs ot the Chic igo (ildeiuien. The latest progiiostlcatUms are Unit he fine tho c lid of the centuiy we shall m e Oon Callus on the Spanish tin one, Napo ltnit V on the Ultimo of I'taiice and a ptesldont-tmpeior In the I'nlted Slates. What a. womlt-tfiil saving of time thcto vxoiild ho hi our conns It attornivs vm-io allowed to ask, and wltnessts cotnptlli'il to tiiithfultv answer "loading questions, ' We might then, too dispense with Jtlties, Absent-mindedness, kleptomania nml thievery nio sjnonv mous turns, accord lap to a ptomlneitt New Haven doininle that Is, in his case. Wonder if a luiy can lit liiuuil that will tonobouite his lcws.' The "Long Aim" of the re lc hinted do tdlve stoiy of that title lias ht-n tin own Into hopeless hislgniiitunti- b the nuir doious long aim of the Ilotklu i iso, vflucli stiotched with tle,idl ffei t from Calitoi nlii to New Jers:i. Pndtr the lelme of a lofcteinluiii II Is not Ulcely thete. will be any wns ngnltist ilepaitment stoics, co-opeiatl.'o stnio or ticket sctilpi rs. Advocates ot tin-so win tlo will. th. tofnif, to hasten the lefoiotiilum and then the liilllumlum Thosi- westein .nliton who h.ibltu.illv wiili dull. us Insl.ail of tnits wlion de stribing thn woaltli of the Klondike hive now Undertaken to woil tlio same ota le vllli the ilimate. In a little while wo n.ay to ho told that the Oanl.'ii of IMcn has at last been found in AI tslc.l Ilete's a small p.itetl ol mlxeil m"ta phius sitpptistil to have i)lllo tiom a well-known Su-ipti-hanim sciiht it smacks of Clnlstmiis iluir: "The old dies that's a l.c-tnut. Itlng In the new that s unotlur. Hut iverv mile stone thus passed brhiBs us nearer the fruition ni tho eternal smash ot all life s i.lrv i. .sties," Not long igo a male teacher of a mlxid class It, ui oeeasiim to -hj out a oung inn n on his desk and adminis ter an olil-fasliinned spanking. A von lg l.nly pupil of the eliss so far fotgot tin rubs of ilecoium as to laugh at the novel slRht, and the tencliri so far forgot the conttol of his tongue as to say: "Now, Alice, if on don't stop laughing I 11 seivo von the same." The stotv tarries Its own moral. Thomas hotindv. ENGLAND'S POSTAGE STAMPS. Tor the Imprilal pcitn, postage to come Into operation on da-, tt is not Intended to produce, any special stamp, and Sometsct House cm meet the in cicutiI cli ma nil out of Its l.uge i serve. The eonti oiler is authntl7ed b law to kiep a stock of tln.mOONi wnrtli hi the various strong ttioms on the Thames em bvnkment, and, lost the outhioak of Pro should hj anv mlschnrte desttov the slock, thej are divided ainon sev rnl stp aiateparts of tho building, lust -is it is usual to separate a stock ot gunpowder Into sow la I snnll detainments. The explosion of a powder magazine would cre.tto hardly more topsv-turvviug in the world around than a genetal ll.ue up of our whole stock of postage stamps. Post age stamps ate. not made ut Somerset House, though nt one time they were all In ought Hurt to be peifoi.ittil. Do la Hue .t Co, ate the contractor'. Our pie sent set of damps were adopted in January, lT and nn forgeries have evr jet been known. Loudon News. ui Boli- LHE Blaek Books tat; Office and Pocket Bssfc Cakitas. BEIlLEMAWfes ioskman 137 Spruce Street. Holiday Goods . o c Ttoal are gmi all tte year aroni G. W. Fritz has the best and largest assortment in his line. All suitable for presents. Among them will be found the follow ing: Harness $6 to $2so. Fur Robes $5 to $ 50. Plush Robes $2 to $65. Sleigh Hells 35c to$4.;o. Trunks 51.25 to $40. Traveling Bags.. ..40c to $50. Shopping Bags.... 75c to $12. Chatelaine Bags... 25c to $1.3. Dress Suit Cases. 1.65 to $25. Telescopes 25c to J10. Ladies' and Gent's Traveling Cases, Mani cure Sets, Writing Cases, Music Rolls, Cuff and Col lar Boxes, Pocketbooks, Card Cases, Purses and a host of useful and orna mental goods too numer ous to mention. 41(5 Lackawanna Araie GfllMMMS Our Cleartag of Cloaki It begins at once. over; no use hugging" about ended, and then But now, right at mand is the greatest, we shall cut the prices on every garment in the stock. There'll be no hall-way measures either. No "sending a boy on a man's errand," as it were. It's a wise loss and we'll take it cheerfully. All the more cheerfully because it gives you a chance to own a handsome, stylish garment at a fraction of its early season's cost. Ready for Yom Ladles', Ladies', Ladies', Hisses' Hisses' Hisses' and and and Ladies' Jackets and Capes Were $7.98, now $4.98; were $9.98, now $5.98; were $10,98, now $7.98; were $14.98, now $9.98. NEWYEAR'5 GREETING Lewis, Itellly & Davits wish the peace ful honcht P-ople of the world a happy New-Ye-ar. Wo iirti tittiij because wo live in one ot the most piotperous cities, In one of the best countiles, lit one ot the laigest slates ami the greatest country that mm is privileged to live in. Among the e Itles. towns, etc . that wo wish to re-n-imliir in .1 particular way are tho fol lowing: Wilkes-Bun e, Clioigotown, Kingston. 1 law lev, Uennett, llouesiliilc. l'orty Koit, Wtimart, Wjomlng, r.lmhurst, Parsons. Jlostow, Miner's .Vlllls, f5iiulilboro. Mill Crock, Tolijhanna. I.allln. Mount Pocono, Yatesvllle, l'oe-ono Summit, I'lttston, e'resio, Durve.i. Ilenr.wllle. Lackawanna, Spiagueville, Tailor, I'mtl.ind. Ave c-.i Stioudshurg, Mooslo, Water (Sap. Mlnnoka, Dehivvale, i lam ot k, "lanunka Chunk, Kt.irlight, I'lostnn V.ik, Conklln. l.nke Conio, ( llentl, I'oviitclle, Ntvv MllfortI, ltelmont. Alfonl, Pleasant, Klngslejs. I'nlondile, rosur, I'orest City, Nldiolson, t'arbouiliile r.irteiryville. While Hi Idee, I-i I'lumo, .lormjiu n.ilton. An hhald, (ilciibuin. Winton. Clark's Summit. l'eckvillc. Chinchilla, Oh pliant. .Mnfle id. Dickson Cit, Nay Aug, 'I hroop, Duninore, Soranton. Wlmmers. r.lnghamton. Maplcwood, Conklln Center. Lake Ariel. May thoy live long and prosper is the wish of Lewis, Itelllv t D.iv les, the hon est and most ctotislvo dealers in hoots, shoes, lubbers, etc. in Northeastern l'e nnsvlvnnla, Nos lit and lib Wyoming avenue, Soi.inton, Pa. Wi: II AVI! A N I'MllKK OF PINE Oil WHIPS that we will close out AT COST This is a chance to get a good lamp for little money: TIE CLMONS, Wm OmtlJEY CO. 422 Lackawanna Avenun THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Drop Lights We have made a re duction of 25 per cent, on our line of Drop Lights as we wish to close them out before in ventory. These are all new goods and bargains at the prices we have marked them. F00T1E & SIEA& CO, J 10 WASIIINtlTON AVli :- - Tie Mime Almanac Will be on sale Monday morn ing. Copies may be secured from Carriers and Newsdealers. S-CL. lsK Sale No use waiting till profits until the demand for c)1 letting go. the very height of Whee Yom Read ThJ Children's Jackets, were Jackets; were Jackets, were Children's Children's For C!hr3tma Hill & Connell, 321 Washington Avenue, Havenn unusuul large aisortmontor Chairs and Rockers Scscription Ladies Desks inautiie woods, Parlor Cabinets and Music Cabinets lu Mahogany and Vciul-j-.Vlorlln. ArEwcHotcn Pieces of Bric-a-Brac, Taboui'ettes, a large selection : Tables, in endless variety. Hiic&Coinieell 321 Washington Ave. fl Various styles and bindings. The larg est assortment in the city to select from for office and pocket use. ReyeoldsBros STATIONERS nod KXGRAVERS, THE k COME Li CO, Heating, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Electric Light Wiring, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Builders Hardware. 434 Lackawanna Avenue Manes F 899 EAZ4AI the season i i out IS winter, when de te & . $3.93, $4.98, $5.98, now now now $1;98. $2.98. $3.98. k IWiU Great WiediogUp Sale on Faecy Silks To make a completes clearance on all lines that have been broken up by our holiday busi ness, we have arranged our entire stock of Fancy Silks into four Hues, as sorted as follows: Assortment 1 All of our Fancy Silks that are suitable for waist, petticoats, dress and coat linings, etc., etc., and woith from S-;c to i. Now Assortment 2 Everything in our stock of Fancy Silks worth from $i.oo to -?I40. Now 38c Assortment 3 All Fancy Silks ranging in from 1 . 50 to $2. 00. Now $1,00 price Assortment 4 A few choice things Brocades, etc., mostly lencths ol from two to in Fancy in short six yards each; were $2.30 to $3.50. ingat $L25 Clos- The first three lots are in lengths ranging from four yards to twelve and fifteen yards each, aud we unhesi tatingly say that, so far as silk values are concerned, this is an opportunity rarely to be met with. Flail 5H0and512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE HENRY BEL1N, JR., tjencjul Acent for ttn Wi'omlaj District tVi.' Jllnlns, Ulastlnz.Sportln;. Hmoltelotl uud tho Hepiuino CUemlou Louipnny' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. tiifrty lfne. Capi nntl Explodar. Itoom ml Coniiolt Uulldlu;. tjciuutao. AUUNUlUi iiin, rorm JOHN1J.HMI1IIAWX, V.iiMUl.UU.V.V. Plttlta ri mouth VVUUe-BacfJ ' "si -VT V O T r 9 DUP01T8 PIIIEI. 0 y 1