The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1898, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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0e Iscraitfcm CttBune
l'iiblllid Dully, Ktcqpt Snndiir. bv Ilia
lilbmiol'unllsulnc Company, al Fifty Centi
.New YorkOIUco: inilN'nn St.,
bote Agent for Foreign Adverlltlne.
Tlio public will doubtless nsrco with
Ouiiornl Miles that experiments with
embalmed beef should be made upon
Bomeoiio other than tho soldiers.
CoL Boies on Army Reorganization.
We Kindly mirroiuler jpacc this morn
Inn to a most Interesting and timely
contribution by an eminent fellow -tow
nsmau to the general fund of sug
fjestionM concerning the Inevitable re
organization of tin- nation's mllltaty
forces and methods In the light of tho
cpei It'iiees of our latest war. The
author of this paper does not aigue
over what might have been; he iccog
nlzes plain conditions and proposes to
piepare for them,
Klryt, he wunts a regular army that
tihnll bo Al In every respect save size,
if "I'tranized with a minimum of prl
atrn but with a maximum of trained
ntlWi'is. an nimy TS.COO htrong could, he
think in an emeigcncy speedily be ex
panded to 130,000 without set ions loss of
olllclency pending the "whipping In" of
tho new I eel lilts' The veiy sensible
Hiige-ption ht added that the command
ing general of this permanent force
tOinulcl be authorized to nominate his
chief of staff corps und his aitny and '
corps geneials, these in tuin to name
their next lesponsdble subordinates and l
ho on down to colonels of regiments, all '
commanding olllcern having the privi
lege of choosing theli own Muff officers.
This arrangement would do away to a
large extent with the political pressure
for mllitnr.V honors or preferinentwhlch
Is one of tho standing scandals of tho
times., it would also enable the presi
dent consuls and people to know ex
nctly wheie at nnv time to locate le
sponsibilltj for lcults. The general
loinm.iudlug would be inoie tlian a
flguiehead, ho would be, as lie should
be, the woiklng manager of the mlll
taty oiganlz.itlon, the "boss."
Secondly, Colonel Holes' plan content
plutos the oiganlzatlou of a
guai il which hill be national In fact;
which shall be a genuine national te
seive. His nigutnents foi the Hltch
coik bill would suffer b abridgement;
l"nd them as lie gives them. Heie,
again, the controlling Idea Is to get as
near an possible to piacticul military
conditions; to dlscoutage any thought
of play Mildlotlng, but to make the or
ganized militia an essential and elllc
lent part of the nation's defensive
equipment. This Is the only possibles
view of the subject If the teaching of
jeeent experleiue It. not to be culpably
Colonel Hi .van's futiue undoubtedly
depends upon the hatching of a new
Ism "
Next Week's Legislative Caucus.
With tair allowance for tho unfore
seen In politics, there is today eveiy
icason to expect that at next week'3
caucus of the Republican membeis
elect of the incoming house of repre
sentatives Hon. John 15. Fan, of this
tit, will be nominated for speaker by
a laige majotltv If not by acclamation,
and that his election will follow In due
I'pon this ieult Mr Tarr, the city
of Scr.inton, Xoithe.itern Pennsylvan
ia and the commonwealth at large
will bo open to congratulatlor. Per
sonal! v it will be no small ttlumph for
the vigilant and Industrious member
f i om thi Fiist district, who by acces
sion to the ipeakei's chair will ciown
a legislative caioer of notable activity
and usefulness. Fiom the standpoint
of localitv such an outcome of the
.speakeishlp canvass would be gratify
ing since it would be the 111 Kt lecog
nitlon of the Mud that Hcianton and
Lackawanna eouutv have won, and
since It would undoubtedly nssute for
the peculiar and often complicated in
teiests of the authtucite mining In
dustry intelligent consideration In leg
islative circles
l:ut more especially would such a
choice be fottuuate in its notification
to the whole state that the power of
the spt akei.shln Is to be used duilng
the ensuing session for tho luu mould
ing or factional dlffetences and for the
expedition of nece.cs.aiy public business
without extiavaganco oi scandal. Mr.
Pan Is pledged and the paity Icadcis
biblnd him aie pledged to this pro
gramme, and by means of his election
they will be In position to enfoice it.
Their aim Is to have a shoit session,
a 'lean session and one chai notarized
b Industiy and prudence. Tho people
will not fall to accoul to such a mo
gramme unmistakable evidences of ap
pieclation and suppoit.
The man who celebiated Clulstmas
propel ly will have no tired feeling In
his head today.
The Need of Economy.
A current Interview repiesents the
governor-elect, Colonel Stone, as as
serting in emphatic terms the need of
ilgld economy In the appropilatlon and
disbursement of commonwealth funds.
Ho Intends In his Inaugural addrtss
to speak plainly on this subject. There
must either bo decrease In expenses or
Increase of revenue, and the colonel's
pieference Is for tho former.
In the interview Just alluded to ha
Is made to say: "The entlro revenue
of the commonwealth Is nppioximately
JXl.000,000, and of this sum approxi
mately $7,000,000 is upptoprlatcd for
publlo and normal schools, Institutions
for the feeble-minded, etc. School
houses aro being erected everywhere,
and tho obligations of the state on this
score nro rapidly increasing. Now do
not misunderstand mo. I heartily favor
the broadest possible educational scope
consistent with nu honest und enult
able administration of publlo affairs.
Pennsylvania Is now appropriating for
tho conduct of her school system double
the amount devoted by any other stato
for tho same purpose. Personally, I
wleh wo could doublo or quadruple tho
bchool allowances If such a course
would result In corresponding benefits,
but the bare, blunt fact stares us In
the face that to do so or to maintain
the present scale the state must do
Injustice to other Important charges."
Whether theso words are an accur
ate representation of the rjovcrnor
elect's views will appear after the pub
lication of the Inaugural address. It
Is a fact that tlio present method of
apportioning the school fund Is open
to severe criticism; It probably Is true
that If the method were revised so
that no community could get fiom the
state for educational purposes more
than a sum equal to its own collection
for school purposes a spirit of self-re-llunco
would be engendered and tho
stnto would receive n better return
from a smaller distribution of money.
Hut It Is doubtful If a proposition to
cut the school appropriation would
muster a majority In tho legislature
even though thero wera urgent need
of such reduction. The plea for eco
nomy Is Impregnnblo In theory; but
In practice the danger to be feared Is
another hoist of state taxation.
The heioes of the late war have the
advantage over tho patriots of '70 ond
'01. There are nowada3 mote news
papers, magazines and women who are
anxious to bo kissed.
The remarks of Sir. William II.
Campbell, advertising manager for
Jonas Long'o Sons, last evening nt
Wilkes-Hane, befoie the Shoe Uealers'
association of Northeastern Pennsyl
vania, upon the subject of "Ad vei Us
ing," reprinted In full in another col
umn, merit perusal by every leader of
The Tilbui'e engaged In tiade. They
embody in short compass the best phil
osophy of a fHUlculi but necessary icl
enco. They are the advice und testi
mony of an expert.
The business built up by the fit in
with which Mr. Campbell Is connected
In one yearvln a new teirltory which
already was experiencing sharp com
petition Is a practical demonstration of
tho value of Intelligently directed ad
vertising. Of course ndvertlsing was
not the only factor in this quick rue
cess; but it was the indispensable
foundation. Goods on shelves will not
sell themselves. Tho people must bo
Infoimed concerning them. Special
bargains must bo exploited. Consum
ers must be encouraged to look about
them; to draw comparisons. Here Is
where advertising, intelligent advertis
ing, the establishment of a fair ac
quaintance between buyer and seller,
comes in. As the speaker well said.
"The man who does not take advantage
of the product of the pilnting press
take advantage of all that thought and
feclence and Invention have evolved
cannot hope to meet the competition of
him who ncqulres for his own use these
business tieasures. It is as necessary
for the man who Is manufactuilng for
the people and merchandising for tho
people, to put himself In touch with
them, to make them know him and
have confidence In him, as It Is to
light tho lamps within his stoto when
twilight comes."
Advei Using, to be successful, must bo
wisely used. It Is less necessary when
people aro buying freely than when
they are not. Just before Christmas
ev erybody shops. After Clulstmas, tho
man who advertises the best Induce
ments dr.iwsi to his establishment what
buyers thero are, and peisuades folks
to buy who otherwise would stay at
home. The best testimony to the efll
cacy of advot Using Is supplied by the
fact that the leaders In tho business
wot Id continually spend millions of
doHai" In advertising and employ In
pieparlng and in supervising this ad
vertising the best skill that high sal
aries can command. They don't put
out these immense sums of money with
the Idea that It doesn't pay.
Vailous in ess opinions indicate that
Hobson's rocket sticks aro coming
down near the printing olllces.
Tho Remedy.
In the Engineering Magazine Aithur
Warren charges that the American
warships off Santiago, in the morning
befoie Cervera's Ineffectual attempt to
escape, and for days pievious, wete
unptepared for a fast run because
many of their boilers were uncoupled
and the ollleers on the Uiidge would
not giant tho request of the chief en
gineers to keep all machinery in icad
iness for forced dtuught. Mr. Wunen
excepts the Oicgon and Gloucester,
which neglected no piecautlons, and
which, in consequence of this thought
fulness, weio enabled when the emei
geney came to outdistance all the oth
eis In quickness of attack and pursuit.
An assertion of tliU nature teculres
confirmation, but even if true it would
not nigue Inefllcloncy. The Spanish
ileet was destroyed with tho loss of
only one American sailor. That showH
that the precautions taken were ade
quate. No doubt thero was friction
between the line and tho engineeis.
Theio generally Is. This Is not tho
fault of Individual ollleers, but of an
anomalous system, which cieates two
dynasties aboard fhip, each of which
Is bound to conflict in some manner
with the other. Other navies have
remedied this anomaly. The American
nation will as soon as congress reaches
the tubject and enacts the legislation
with reference to It which naval au
thorities without exception recommend.
Tho naval personnel bill, now beforo
congress, offers tho solution. This bill
amalgamates the two departments, re
quiring all engineers to bo navigator
and naval fighteis and all navigators
and naval fighteis to bo engineers.
When the captain on the bridge Is a
practical engineer, understanding fully
the principles and use of the machin
ery which moves the ship, and when
the chiof engineer in command of that
machinery is a also a trained sailor,
appreciating the flno points in naval
manoeuvers and tactics, this friction
will disappear and the American navy,
ship for ship, will be the best afloat.
It Is again announced that Don Carlos
refuses to abdicate. Hy this It Is pro
binned he intends to remain ooncenled
in n position of safety In tho under-
One of tho queerest railroad in tho
count! y is tho Nantucket Central, whlcn
makes round tilps during tho summer
season between Nantucket nnd Blnscoii
set, Mass., u total distance of sixteen
miles, Tho ronductor Is also general
manager of tlio road, train dispatcher ond
illusion HiirtTrlntomlent. Tho engineer Is
master mechanic, chief of transportation
mid overseer of the roadbed. Tho fire
man drives tho express wagon between
trips, keeps the books and distributes Ice
A round-trip ticket for tlio sixteen miles
costs SO cents for the passenger ond an
other W for his trunk. A Becond trunk Is
carried for CO cents and a tlitrd for 20
cents, but os the schcdulo allows
for only threo trunks, tho conduc
tor ruled last season that at tho
fourth trunk he must begin over again at
SO cents. Twice during tho year, owing
to tho absent-mindedness of the engineer
In not taking on coal enough at Nan
tucket, tho passengers wero forced to
walk along tho beach and pick up drift
wood enough to steam to 'Sconsct. One
trip was missed, ns tho conductor, who
does not like cats, refused to carry the
fellno pet of a departing family. A nov
elty introduced has been tho entire aboli
tion of tho steam whistle, partly becauso
of Its waste of steam and partly because
It frightens tho blue-fish oft shore.
Tho inventive genius of the Yankee Is
not declining. Says tho present commis
sioner of patents, Hon Charlea H. Duel!:
"Our total number of patents now ex
ceeds COO.WC. In JSQ7 it was 074,369, to .iU.
osl for Prance, 232,000 for Greut Britain.
lUSSt for Geinmny and 1S9.74- for Hei
glum Connecticut continues to bo tho
homo of Inventors, and last year cot ono
patent lor every 7Sfl of her Inhabitants.
Next In order ale Massachusetts, one to
every 1.1S0; District of Columbia, ono to
every 1,316; Now Jersey, one to every 1.T77;
llhodo Island, one to ovtiy 1,121; Now
York, ono to even 1.PS3. Tho fewest pat
ents wero grunted In propo-tlun to tho
number of inhabitants in the following
states: Seuth Carolina, one to every 17,
397, Mississippi, ono to eveiy 16,1 J); Ala
bama, ono to every 15.D9S, and Georgia,
ono to every 14,133. Tho fear that these
labor-saving Inventions, which have rev
olutionized industry, would deprive peo
po of emplov rr.ent has not been realized.
On the contrary they have opened new
fields and created a demand for labor that
Is unprecedented. In manufacturing In
dustries tho capital Invested increased
over 120 per cent, from 1SS0 to 1S90, or from
J2,7iO,7C0 S93 to $C,13i,3D7,7S The number of
employes increased from 2,7uO,7J2 to 4.
47C.SS4. Tho nvcragc yeailv wages of em
ployes, which in 1R:9 was but $2o7, In
creased to $429 In 1S90. I believe that tho
next census will show even a greater in
crease during the present decade "
Prance, tho source of novel vices, has
devised a new kind of dissipation, petro
leum drinking. Savs a Sun correspond
ent: "Tho Frenchman has gono ono bet
ter, or worto, than tho Irish drinker of
methylated spirits and seeks delight In
petroleum. Tho habit has mado consid
erable progress In Paris already; doctors
havo already christened it 'Pctrolism' and
its victims 'petrollnucs. Tho neighbor
hood of tho Castillo Is tho chief urban
center of the new vice, and there aro
many of its votaries on tho outskirts of
tho capital. The medical men have not
jet had tlmo thoroughly to study tho ef
fects of petroleum drinking, but their ex
perience has been wldo enough to allow
of a good many features being deter
mined. As usual with all such vices, tho
tasto grows upon the vlcUm until It de
velops Into an Irresistible passion. Tho
intoxication produced by peti oleum Is of
a melancholy nature. Tho drinker Is sad,
discontented and despairing, rarely quar
relsomo or pugnacious. His sleep at night
would not beem to bo very injuriously af
fected by it, and, according to some opin
ions, tho general health Is not so rapidly
undermined as by nlcohollc drinks usually
taken to excess. On this point, however,
opinions differ. Soma doctors hold that
the gravest organic changes aro caused
by tho uso of petroleum, nnd that tho
germs of mortal diseases aio called into
Rev. W. IT. Sloan, agent of tho Ameri
can Baptist Home Mission society, after
a canvass of tho situation In Poito Rico,
says: "I think there will not be tho
slightest troublo about Protestants get
ting a llim foothold in tho Island within
a very short tlmo." Ho adds: "Tho
first servtco I held In San Juan I got a
congregation by going Into tho park,
mounting a seat nnd beginning to read
tho Scriptures. In other places I had to
tako tlmo to advertise mself. After tho
people were forbidden to go to hear mo I
found myself known everywhere, nnd the
people Hocked In great numbers to hear
me. I do not ottrlbuto tho great out
pouring of peoplo to hear mo to any
ardent religious tendencies, but rather to
their curiosity and their desire to honor
nt. American The people nro very grate,
ful to Americans. Their lojalty to us is
qulto remarkable."
Governor-elect Stone is quoted as say
ing: "There Is not tho slightest doubt
In my mind of tho acquittal and re-election
of United States Senator M. S. Quay.
Tlio obstacles to buch a result, being
based upon nothing moro substantial than
tho deslro of political enemies to wreak
personal revenge, will bo swept asldo and
the peoplo of this commonwealth will be
permitted to understand that Mr. Quay
Is tbo object of political persecution un
paralleled." "Do j ou bellevo that tho
supremo couit will sustain the demurrers
filed on which tho stay was granted?'
tho colonel was naked. "I do. As a law
Mr I am unable to anticipate any other
aitlon, and believe that, assuming all of
tho charges to bo true, they do not con
btltute an Indictable offense."
England never stops to count the cost
In a muter affecting her control of the". Pour thousand men are engaged
today in making Gibraltar ono of tho
greatest coaling stations nnd depots for
the refitting of wnishlps In the world. It
will tako two or three ears et to carry
out the plans for extending the docks and
other accommodations requited for tha
repitrlng of naval vessels and to securo
perfect protection fiom outward attack
for the vast quantity of coal that Is al
ways kept In Hock at that great station.
The Improvements aro to cost $16,000,000.
As showing how a strike of oil affects
tho valuo of real estate the fact Is noteJ
that six months ago, near Parkersburg,
W. Vn , a farm known as tho Drake prop
erty was rented for $.J0. The man who
leased the place lost confidence In the ter
ritory beforo any development was mado
and offered it to an oil land speculator
for $110 His offer was refused by this
speculator, but was taken by another. A
few dajs ago the leai-o was sold for $100,
100 nd tho owner of tho lai.d has an In
come from hts rovalties and lentals of
The nccuiar;- cf 30ino of the political
reporting dono on tho Philadelphia pupo s
may bo surmised from the f'ict that on
the fsrao day that tho political writer
for the Publlo Ledger charged Congress
man Council with opposing tho Fnrr
speakership boom tho Itecord man pic
tured him ns being heartily in favor of
Mr. Parr's selection.
So many of the Western Union Telo
graph company's operators In New York
aio ill with grip that n large number of
tho day foico had to be kept on duty
last night. It is said that a hundred or
more operators aio III In that city alone.
Jlmlnex Costellanos, the last Spanish
captain general of Cuba. Is tho 124th Span
lard to hold that position.
Tho research Into popular beliefs Is an
absorbing und not a profitless study,
ficarcely a day passes that wo do not run
across somo pleco of superstition that
dates, In ono form or another, from a far
antiquity. Salt Is spilled nt table, nnd
wo Jest with our neighbor over tlio pros
pect of n quarrel, half believing In tho
sign, though wo may not know that tho
rtomnns did tho same. A clog howls at
night, and wo recall tho widespread be
lief that tho howling of u dog forotolls
death, but forget that our early Aryan
nncestors assigned to tho dog tho ofllco
of messenger from tho world of spirits.
Tho even -day custom Is ns old as hu
manity; tho nursery Jlnglo mny bo tmceel
back to an origin In tho world's baby
hood; tho familiar fairy tale which do
lights nineteenth century children Is found
In vnrjlng forms In all countries, point
ing to a common origin In a remote age,
cmbodjlng old Aryan myths, nnd giving
us interesting Information of the concep
tions of our nncestors regarding nnturo
and human life. Llpplncott's.
Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus,
Tho Trlbuno Astrologer.
Astrolabo Cast: 4 OS a. m., tor Tuesday.
December 27, 1S98.
5S &
A child born on this day will bo of tho
opinion that It Is better to conceal Ignor
anco than to display wisdom.
There Is something wrong with tho wo
man who does not care to know tho
ptlco of her Christmas present.
A good many self-made men havo been
obliged to steal tho pattern.
Crawford "ounty tules aio supposed to
give the amateur politician opportunity
for ti star engagement.
Ajacchus' Advice.
It Is better to glvo than to receive es
pecially In a prlzo fight.
A clergyman who was interested In ev
ery mebmer of his rural flock and who did
all ho could to promote the happlnes' of
Ids chargo called on a pious faxmor who
had caused a sensation by preventing tho
marriage of one of his daughters to a
worthy young man. His object was not
to secuie a fco, but to mako his young
friends hanny.
"Is not tho jouug man worthy and well-to-do"
"Oh, jes," replied tho old man, testily.
"Ho's a good man "
"And Is not you" daughter old enough
to be nlowcd to mairv?"
"i'cs, yes. She Is 32 pit. Hut ou
don't understanl, Pho's the only ono of
my women tolks that understands how
to feed calves tight in tho spring, and
If she leaves me 1 II have to go back to
raising hogs, and tho bottom has fallen
out of tlc price of pork." New Yorit
At evening on tho platform stood
A hero, reveling in tho hour
When he, a kisser stout and good,
Might show tho world his power.
In dreams ho saw his line mustache
Worn stubbly by tho lassos rash
Who rushod to his embrace;
In dreams ho heard tho tramp of feet
As girls arrived, nil nlco and neat.
In myriads for salutes so sweet
From Ids exalted face.
At evening men with muscles strong
Paused to expostulato in vain,
Tho hero bade them pass nlong
Ills ardor they could not restrain.
Said lie, "You must not Interfere
With patriotism so sincere
As tills they now display.
Why thus they do wo cannot know,
'Twould bo ns hard as 'tis to show
What made tho lamb love Mary so
Wherever sho would stray."
Publlo opinion fniled to teach.
Its voice he would not hear.
And still tho echoing shout he Inula:
"To arms! Thoy'io here! Tho girls!
Tho girls!"
They couldn't stop him. Still he'd reach
Across tho rail, mid spinster screech
And giddy giggling far and near.
And when they'd falter In their zeal
He'd shout the pitrlot's appeal
With that alluring smile,
"Smack' for tho glory of tho free!
Smack! for our country and for me'
Smack! whcio tho wondering world may
For this Just buits my stle!"
Washington Star.
'. -
Booklets, Calendars,
Cards, Diaries:
lielow Tribune Ofllce.
Goods o
That are gmi al
year arotumi
Q. W. Fritz has the best
and largest assortment In
his line. All suitable for
presents. Among them
will be found the follow
ing: Harness $b to $250.
Fur Robes S3 to $50.
Plush Robes 2 to $65.
Sleigh Bells 55c to $4. 50.
Trunks 1.25 to $40.
Traveling Bags.... 40c to $50.
Shopping Bags.... 75c to $12.
Chatelaine Bags. ..25c to $15.
Dress Suit Cases. $1.65 to $25.
Telescopes 25c to $10.
Ladies' and Gent's
Traveling Cases, Mani
cure Sets, Writing Cases,
Music Rolls, Cuff and Col
lar Boxes, Pocketbooks,
Card Cases, Purses and a
host of useful and orna
mental goods too numer
ous to mention.
410 LackaYaana Avemiie
Unexpected '
Gfadstmnias Gifts
Desiring to return the compliment will find it to
their advantage to consult us because this will
be the grand closing out week of our entire stock
of special holiday goods. You will find a merciless
cut on every article. It is against our business
policy to carry over any stock of holiday goods.
Everything must go at some price, it matters not
how great the loss. The largest Christmas
trade in our business career enables us to be
liberal in dividing this week's sacrifices with
our many friends and customers.
Is Coming
So Is S;
His little friends, and big
ones too, will be happy in
our shoes.
Lewis, Rely k Mvles,
Wki Yoe Are
looking around for your
Gifts 0000
remember our stock of
Fine China,
Cut Glass,
Brie a Brae,
Dinner, Tea,
and Toilet Sets.
4 22 Lackawanna Aveuuo
Soap Clips,
Towel Eacte,
Sponge Cases
We have a nice line of
the above goods.
UIO Adunu Ave.i Opp. Court Ilouib
Gold Atents (or Iticbardton-lioyntoa'i
lurnaces and IUdkoj.
Mill & Connell,
321 Washington
Have an unusual largo nwortmont of
Chairs and Rockers SSf,on
Ladies' Desks lnaiuuewooi,.
Parlor Cabinets
and Music Cabinets
lu JIaliogany and Vcrnls-Martln.
Pieces of Bric-a-Brac,
Tabourettes, a large
selection : Tables, In
endless variety.
Hill & Coneell
321 Washington Ave.
Various styles and
bindings. The larg
est assortment in the
city to seject from for
office and pocket use.
Rey molds Bros
Heating, Plumbing,
Gas Fitting, Electric
Light Wiring, Gas
and Electric Fixtures,
Builders Hardware.
434 Laekawaisia Avenue
We are prepared t
show a finer assorted
stock of
than on any previous
occasion. We make
special mention of the
following Hues, viz.
Real Lace Handker
chiefs, Scarfs, Collars,
Jackets and Collarettes,
also Laces by the yard.
Spanish Lace Fichus
and Scarfs.
Fine Silk Petticoats.
Ladies' and gentlemen's
Fine Silk Umbrellas.
Kid Gloves and Mittens
for men, women and
Gentlemen's Fine Silk
Mufflers, Neckwear and
Fine Table Linens.Table
Setts and fancy Centre
Fine line of high grade
Perfumeries, etc.
510 and 512
General Agent for tha Wyomlaj
liiulns, matting. Hportlnc bmoko'.wi
und lutj Ropauno Uhemlo-ii
tafcty fuse, Cips und Kxplodaci.
ttooiu 101 Connell Uulljlu;.