THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY. DECEMBER 2G. 1808. STRICTER WATCH ON INSURANCER1ETH0DS (Coiirluiled from IMro 1 I wna tmlotoil, nml It ns tlloeovored tlint Insurnnoi lunl tiff" written In n millibar of unllceitril loinimiili. una vvi"rniiti won- kwojii nut liv mi em looi uf the ilopiutmont mialnst uev ors'l of tho 1iioUoi or neiMit who luul violntiil the law. vvliloli resulted In con- lotion A it ooncotiuonoe of tltose oon lotion tin tinimllv Iihkp itum lior of nffonts tumlo uppllcntloiis for tiroKoio' lloono nml wild tholi feon, wlillo cevenil foroli?n linMirnnec com lnnlo, wliU It lui.1 liorototoio evnilotl ihr lnM of tin Mute ami nvoliloil tin' I iivinont of tnvois. promptly tii'tilo np plloutlon nml i aino Into the state to tin lniiliiP!" loKltinintoly. FonmciN swi.Nni.nus. Anot lior losult of this supervision 1ms lioi n the larKo falling off of tin- busi ness Uono li wmtliloh' I'onipiuilia fioni . tlioi states When an iiri lit Is brought fnoi to fan with tin fact that a lire would that pollolPi had boon vviltten In ooiiipaiiloM. and tho departtnont not identic to punish, It ipqulU") voi iiinptliiB inducement!1 on tho pait of smh lompnnles to pro cuie an agent to place pollcloH with them. This IW-lf N an ltnniene ncl vutit.tKo to tho Instiling public In pio uctlon against finuds Tho Insured, In nine t linos out of ten, take the word of an agent na to the standing of an Insmlng company, and where the agent l dishonest the Insured finds himself lifter a lire without pioperty or Indem nity Incidentally this has nho lesulted In mi liicieaso In the ioenues of tbo state lj hilngilig In ta( s on excess lines of Insuianie as piovlded for un lei tho Alt of April 2C. 1W The num ber of applications for excess Insurance was annually Iers than a dozen, but since the developments of the Pitts burg Hie, this number hap I.irgelj ln itinvil, as the broken will not take the risk of pl.ulng exciss lint a In un llrnved i.iinpanlrs without the ptop uty owneis making due application lor ueh excess, and palng the li pet lent, tax upon the piemlum as pio- lded by law KXFOKCINO Till: LAW. I'veti licensed companies from other slates wore not aerse to doing busi ness in a way to avoid the pament of their pioper fees and taxes in this stnte. Tills fait had been known to the depaitmeiit, but the lemedy was not so appaient. Finally, at the In stigation of the depaitmeiit. an agent lesldlng in New .leiaey, was auosuu In Noithampton lountv Pennsjlwinlu, for uolng busliiPbs in reniiHjhanla without a license j he companies foi which he did business Weie all prom inent, all licensed to do business in this state, but In no case 1 etui nine any pi (Miliums on the policies written by this agent. The lesult of this arrest was that over .1 uoreu loading com panies each pioniptly sent In a. list of twelve 01 111010 agents who resided outside of the horde! h of the state, and who did most of their business In Pomi-yhania These applications for agents' woic piomptly fol low eil by supplomontaiy lepoits of jiromlums, whlih the companies nsilve lv announced had been oei looked for vntiou lauses. One company, after toi making a leport of sexual hundiod dollais of piemlunis loiehed at tho New Jet spy ageiK y. .subsequently made a ropoit of ovei seen thousand dol lars premiums toothed thiough a New York agent, which agent was m tested In Pennsylvania some time aftei the arrest of the New ,Ieise man nnd for tlii same reason These at tests, and the fact that the dennrtment has the oompanlos undei sttlet sill velllanie, has tesulted In a neat inciease In taes received, which will be more manifest in the f unite. It Is also .1 t-evoie blow to outside agents who hae been writ ing business In the state without pay ing fees 01 repotting ptomlums for taxation in one case recently, where a pollov had been written on a Petin shnnla pioperty by a New Yoik llrm of brokers, the attention of the Insur ing compans was called to the tact that said agents had not been cei titled here, when the lompanv piomptly dis avowed it lathpi than fate the pen alties. I'XPOSINU FKA.PDS Then are u numbei of alleged biok 01s In New Yoik and Chicago who an constantly Hooding this state with long lists of companies and olteiing double commissions to agents for nn busi ness. Not nin in a bundled of these companies Is wolth mi tiling, and the agents or mninigeis of them have no Intention whatever of paving losses .Some months ago the question was asked of the depaitmeiit as to the standing of the Atlas File Insuianie ompan, of Columbia H. c and the Intel lor File Iiisniance toimianv, of West Virginia, both finudulent. This led to the arrest ot the Pennsylvania ngent who had placed the policies, when It was found that the cotnpunles weie pait of ,1 uunibei ropiesented by Frank W Anthony, ot lirooklyn. N. Y. This man had been a nototlous violator of the law and as It seemed almost Impossible to got him Into the 1 latches of the Ppnnsjlvnnla coutts, an nppeal was made to the postotllc o depaitment of the T'nlted States to punish him foi liaudulent use of the malls. This lesulted In the an est of Anthony, bis Indictment by stand Juu, and his being held for tilal under $10, unn ball The depaitmeiit nl-o discovered that several life Insutance companies doing business lit tho state weie teally not whnt they claimed to bo. but weie liable to taxation, the tesult being that several thousand dollais of back taxes were collected, and taxes on theli pre miums will be collected In the futille. Another source of revenue lias been found In giving vitality to an act not pteviously enforced, requiting agents of assessment life compinies to have leitlllcates of authority. A number of mutual Hie Insurant companies which claim the light to Issue cash policies under their chaitets have been compelled to pay tho fees tequlrod by law to the state, nnd their cases reported to the auditor general for settlement of taxes on their gross piemlums In accordance with the de Islon of the Supreme com t In the case if the Commonwealth vs. Lycoming Valley Mutual Fire Insurance com pany. A IIOAKT ON LACKAWANNA. During the Jeai a number of com plaints have leached the department In regard to unpaid plaints by the Old Wayne Mutual Life association, of In dianapolis, Indiana. This company has never been licensed to do business by thl dop'trtment has no authotity to opetato In Pennsylvania, and from all reports It Is a company otganlzed to do business nuclei the plan of what lh known as tho "graveyard" policy. In some of Its classes It does not Insutu parties under sixty yeais of age. In tho coal regions of Pennsylvania It has done u veiy large business, tho Inducements held out by tho company to pursuado people to insute tho Uvea of old poisons being too gieat to be withstood Vuiiants were gvvom out for the ainst of a number of agents, tho proof of tht ii having transacted business being pofeitly plain, yet in Lackavvnnnu countv in each case vvheie thu ugent vvns a lesnlcnt ot the county, tho grand Jury Iguoted the bill, al though a truo bill was found In the cuse of an olllcer of tho t oinpany, who was a non-resident nnd who Iioh since been convicted. The grand jury evl dontly thought that the Insuring of lives was In tho light of a gamble which was perfectly legitimate. Later u vvntrant was Mvorn out for the arrest of an agent In Scliujlklll county which case is not yet up for trial. Thc'i fl,Bt '. w" really turns out to department has made every effort to bring the parties doing this business to Justice. Tho plan Is very nllurlng to many people, who think that by tho payment ot a small sum, they will receive a large one from tho company, but In every Instnnce they find them selves cheated after the manner of peiflons who go to buy counterfeit money of sharpers. Tito shrewd word ing of tho policy of tho company would deprive the parties of tholr expected lettirn oven If they could get a stand ing In the courts. LKOISLATION NCHDHD. The whole fabric of Insurance lecls Intlon greatly needs revision. Much of the existing law Is In conflict with Itself, and In somo particulars with legislation under other titles, its In the mutter of licenses, for Ulustintlon. The Act of 1873, creating the in nnnce de partment, makes It unlawful for nny cltj, county or municipality to Impose or collect anv license foes or tax from Insurance companies or tholr agents atithorlreil to transact huslnesR under that Act. Tho Act of 1SS9. for the gov ernment or cities of the third class, authorizes such cities to collect a 11 1 onso fee from Insuiance agents, and In some of said cities such fee Is ox acted. Tho confusion which such a condition of the laws must nocessurllv create could not. of course, have been Intended bv the legislative authority Tho Act of 1S70, to ptohlblt the Issue of unauthorized policies of Insutance. the constitutionality of which Act has been declined bv the Supienio court, fdiould be extended to include life, acci dent, credit Indemnity, marine and In land Insutance. Tito Act of 1ST0 has hud the wholesome effect of protecting the state from the irtosponslble Lloyds' Flte Insurance associations, and the people ought to bo equally safeguard ed In the matter of every other kind of Insurance ASSnSSMHNT COMPANIES. Tho present .statutes relating to the organization and conduct of assess ment, life, and accident companies are entirely Inadequate to the existing re quirements. The charactet of the as sessment business has wholly changed In tooetit yoais. It Is no longer le gal ded as practicable to conduct an assessment company on the basis con templated by our laws, that of making assessments upon surviving members to pay death losses. It has become tho practice of all these companies so far as my experience goes, to accept a level premium, and In most instances it Is a premium so small as not to be a nfe amount, even If n. proper pto portlon of It were carried as a te serve, to piotoct the nintuiing obliga tions of the company As a matter ot fact our ptosent laws not only do not require a lesorve, but distinctly say distinctly say that a reserve Is not necessaiv The assumed secutity of these oompanlos Is In their power to mnke assessments, and although It Is ordinarily represented to the insured at the time his llsk is solicited that no assessments w ill be made. It is in evitable under tho low into of pre mium usually taken that sooner or Int er there must be assessments, and that means, In tho case of a latge percent age of the policy holders Inability to pay an amount In addition to that nl teady collected by tho lompany, and the loss ot tholr Insuiance. As the policies of these companies have no llxcd value, the loss Is a total one when the member drops out II those com panies ate to be pel milted to accent a level piemlum, it seems to mo that it will be neeessarv to roqulie them to Keep a tesetvo, and that the laws shall give tho sunoi vising authority of tho state the power to Insist that a pie mlum shall bo taken which will bo suf ficient to meet the fututo requltenients o the company, also that tholr ,iol Icies be valued on the same basis as those of legal toservo companies CONCHUNING MUTFALS The law relating to the organization and conduct of mutual lire insuiance companies also needs ladlcal lovlsion These companies have had a pittty thorough overhauling and sifting In the last two or throe years by the de partment, and the danger to the In suied public In the speculative and ir tesponsible mutuals Is not what it was sevetal jeais ago. These companies ought not 10 be permitted to operate outside of the state vvheie it Is dif ficult, and In many Instances Impos sible to collect assessments fiom their membei.s It would Indeed, as had been recommended in a lecent report of this depaitmeiit, be wisdom to con fine their operations within a llmPod teitltor.v It was obviously the inten tion of the Invv nuthotlzlng the oigan Izatlon of these companies that they should ptovide merely for nelghbotltood insutance, not intended to opetate ov t an extended territory, and not Intend ed as a means of making money for a few officers. These are some of the most aggta vatecl defects of the Piesont laws, but it tequliod but little expetienf to convince an one of the necessity of ,1 revision thtoughout Such revision oannot be made b a commission com posed of those who are Ignorant of the technicalities of insurance, w bother they bo membots of the Ieglslatuie or not A competent ievIson could be made onlv by a commission com posed of those entiiely familiar with tho subject, who ought to reprosmt the vatlous sj stems of Insutance, and the attorney geneial of tho comtmn wealth and the Insurance commission er obviously should be members of such commission I am confident If the l"g Islatute would tnke action intelligently in this direction, that a sjstem cf Insurance legislation would tesult that would assure far gteator ptotoctlon to the people making it less difficult for the depaitmeiit to eradicate fiaud, md lie less annoying to the toputnhlo eor potatlons, which the commonwealth can have no deslio to hamper. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. The Herrmanns. A novel entei tnlnment comes, to iho Lyceum today, performances, after noon and evening, In the form of magic ns given by the prince of magicians, Herrmann. "Vatlety has boon said to bo the spice of life," therefoio the en tei tnlnment should be doubly welcome, as It has been quite sometime since m entertnlnmpnt of this kind has been given In this city "Hetrmann" has always been n name Identified with the master of this form of amusement. Leon Heirmann. the nephew of the late Alexander, who has by his mntvel ous skUI succeeded to the fame of tlm Heirmann following will nppenr In this city foi tho first time today. Leon Is not the only Ileitmann who enter tains vou, for Adelaide, the widow of the late Alexandei, also performs many feats of legerdemain. For many vears the constant companion of the Gioat Hertmann, she has acquired many of his most famous ttlcks, be sides Inventing some of her ow 11. Ad elaide Herrmann is tho only known picbtldagltatrlce In tho world, and as such has oieated no end of favoiahlo comment She will also bo seen In her famous dnnees, which are a most ip maikahle combination of poetic mo tion and biilllant color effects Tho Byron's Tonight. At thi Academy at today's ciitlat- ra'us matinee will be seen Olivet Hron, Kate Ilyron and tho famous company of Uyrons comedians, In theli play, "The 1'ps and Dawns of Life," The eoniidy element Is supplied by Kate Ilvton as an Irish domestic, imiKqup lading ns "Lady I'lfrlda." She tiles 1 iiipluio Line! Alfonso Jlmmtstoail- bo a grocer's clerk In disguise, nnd they successfully fool each other nnd when the deceit Is discovered tho fun Is uproarious. A laige number of sing ing and dancing acts aro Introduced by specially engaged vaudeville enter tnlnois, while the scenery nnd cos tumes nre all now and handsome. Tho company will be nt tho Academy for throe days. "Tho Highway man." DoKoven and Smith's latest comlo opera success, "The lllghvvnymnn," will bo seen for tho first time hero Tues day evening, Jan. n, at the Lyceum. The now effort of the vcrsntlle collab orators Is ssild to equal In merit their last success, "Robin Hood," nnd In It both the librettists nnd composer nto credited with having done tholr best work. The Ilroadwny Theatre Opera company, headed by Mlw Camllle D'Ar vllle, which presents ll.e opera, was or ganized by Andiew A. McCormlck, the mnnagor of tho Broadway company of that piny house, and the principals and chorus wore selected from tho best of lyric material. At tho Gaiety. The "Sporty Widows" will hold forth at tho Gaiety for three days commenc ing matinee todny In two Jolly ex travaganzns which aro said to be both unique and remarkable. The scenery Is magnificent, nnd the costumes have been designed with a view to display the sylphlike forms of the wearers. There will bo a special Chtlstmns mat inee todny, Monday, Doc. 2Cth, for which seats nre now on sale for both the matinee and evening performances. No Increase In the prices for the holi day. MOORE JURY DISAGREES. Tho Lady with Hypnotic Eyes Will Have a New Trial. Now York, Dec. 2ii. After twenty- four houic' deliberation the jury In the rnvne Sttahan Moore robbery trial failed to render a verdict nnd reported tho fact of their disagreement to Re corder Goff nt 1015 o'clock this morn ing nnd woro discharged. The jury were locked up at 2 o'clock this morn ing It was rumoied at that time that they stood nine for conviction nnd thro for acquittal, and It was also rumored, though It cannot bo authoritatively stated, that at tbo conclusion tho jury stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal. All night long the twelve men argued, sending out communica tions twice to lind out the nccordlng penalty and also to stale thoy could not agree Recorder Ooff then locked them up and nt 9 o'clock this morning they went to breakfast, the foieman send ing word to Recorder Goff tlint they could not loach an agreement and that they wore utterly worn out. Recorder Goff came to the court house at 10 ir o'clock and Immediately sent for the juiy and discharged them with thanks. The recorder icmandod the de fondant until Tuesday morning nt 10 30 o'clock, when, after n recess until then, tho date of a now trial will be set. Tho prisoner a taken back to the tombs. THE PLAGUE IN ENGLAND. Sufferer from the Dread Indian Dis ease Landed at Plymouth. Plymouth, England, Dec. 25. On the arilval bete this evening of the Dilt- Ish steamer Golcondn, from Calcutta, Nov. 19, v la Mediterranean ports, for London, it was reported that there was a case of bubonic plague on board, the patient being one of the cabin passengers, an officer In tho India com pany's service who was coming home on leave The sufferer was attacked by tbo dis ease the day aftei the steamer left Marseilles, and he was Isolated as soon as the nature of his disease was learned. He was landed hero. Upon being taken ashore tho sufferer was conveved to the floating hospital. 1 RUMORS FROM PARIS. A Military Coup Alleged to Be Plan ned for Wednesday. London, Dec. 25, The Paris cot re spondent of The Weekly Sun usseita that he has knowledge of a nillltaty coup planned for 'Wednesday next, but does not give the names of those In volved or details of the plot. The Sunday Special's ootiespondent in Pat is hints ut .similar knowledge. adding that the coutt of cassation on Thursday w 111 give judgment against Dioyfus The Judges, the cot respond ent aveis, yielding to the government's plea of "rulson d'etat," do not date to pionoumo a decision which would result In the downfall of the republic. WILLIAM SLACK RETURNS. Supposed to Have Been Drowned in the Delawaie River. Tlentoii. N J. Dee. 25 Atcllltoct William M. Slack, who was supposed to have been drowned In tho Delaware tlvoi about two months ago by the upsetting of his boat neur White Hill, toturned to his homo today. Slack's w hereabouts had boon known to his ft lends for some time, and it is said he wns In an institution for mental treatment. No other explana tion other than this wns given for his dit-appeatance. Ills domestic relations wore pleasant, nnd he had no financial troubles other than his business was not paiticul.uly piospeious. Slack Is now with his wlfo and chlldien. THE MARKETS. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Dased on Par of 100. STOCKS Bid, Asked, Scranton & Plttbton Trae. Co. First National Bank Elmhurbt Boulevard Scranton Savings Pr.nk Scranton Packing Co Lucku iron & Steel Co Third National Bank Throop Novelty Mfg Co Scranton Railway Co Dlmo Dep vV. Dls. Bunk 2i) S.00 100 235 ... 93 25 3K SO 1C5 Feonomy uigui jieai a row cr Company Scranton lllumlnutlng, Heat . Power Company Scianton Forging Co Trudois' National Rank Lacka Lumber Co Luck Trust & Safe Dep. Co.. Mooslo Mountain Coal Co . . Scranton Paint Co Clark Ac Snovcr Co., Com Clark ii Snover Co, Pr BONDS. Scranton Pass. Kullwuy, first nioitgugc, due 1920 People's Street Rullwny, first ninrtirncre. duo IMS 43 85 . . ... :oo 130 . . 150 150 . . 115Vr 80 400 125 .. 115 ... 115 ... 115 ... 100 ... 102 ... 1U2 &5 100 Pcoplo's Street Rullwny, Gen- erut moriKUKv, uuu j'.i Dickson Munufiicturlng Co . Lucku. Township School V?. Clt of Scranton St. Imp. Q. Mt Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scinutoti Traction C bonds 105 Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Fir 21 Butter I'n ehanged, funcrJKCI! creamery, 22c; The People's A POPULAR CLCAUING HOUSE for the ncnetlt ot All Who Have Houses to Rent, Real Kstatc 01 Other Property to Sell or Lxchuuuc, or Who Want Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent u Word, Six Insertions lor Five Cents a Word Kxccpt Situations Wanted, Which Aro In serted Tree. FOR RENT Fort nnNT-nneic iioom ok bHAUk of ofllces secend floor front, Coal Lx change. Call at room IS. FOIt RENT EECCND Qulncy FLOOR. 701 FOR SALE Wi. ' nnstRAULi: lots on colfax avk- nuo. For particulars undress IJox ij, Scianton, I'a. FOR SALH-SIX 1BR CENT. SUM1-AN-nual gold purchaso bonds for sale. No stale tax, Olit edge In every pirtlcular. Full Information cheerfully given, wl utid C02 Meats Hulldltig. FOR SALL'-A FIRST CLASS PIANO nt a very low price: It must bo soiu. AddresB 1'. 0, Uox 217, Scranton. FOR SALU-TEN R-I-F-A-N-S FOR cents at druggists. One gives relict. FURNISHED ROOMS. LaiGir"FtJRNlSnED FRONT ROOM for rent In private family. Address h. 'A., Trlbuno olllcc. FOR RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms; conveniences. Rooms from ?1OT up, h'ii Mulberry street. POLITICAL. 1 HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS A candidate for tho olllco of City Con troller. Subject to the Republican pu mary election. JOSEPH ANSLEY, JR. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALC-MY RESIDENCE AT 235 Colfax avonuo; just ci mpleted. All modern improvements Hordwood finish, sanitary plumbing, electric lights, etc. Price reasonable. Address Frank T. Okell, 220 Broadway, New York city. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREAT ment, nOc. , shampooing, DOc : facial massage, manicutlng, 23c, chiropody. V01 Qulncy. CITY SCAVENGER A.B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps used. A. BRIGGS, Proprietor Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone C010. AGENTS WANTED. AGENT'S'SELLERS-A FULL LINE, Including Famous Glass Lamp Burner. Secure territory now. Monarch Novelty Co., Minneapolis, Minn. AGENTS-JIAGIC SWAN 15C. WON derful Ball luc, greatest selling novel ties, tho two postpaid 15c. C. N. Co., Chi cago. MISCELLANEOUS. SAXONIA BUST AND THIGH DEVEL oper. At all drug stores and Raby Bazaar. LEGAL. OFFICE OF SIMPSON & WATKINS. Scranton, Pa , Dec. 2J. 1S0S. Notice Is hereby given that In accordanco with tho provisions of the inottgagc of The Mount Lookout Coal Company to tho County Savings Bunk and Trust Company Trus tee, that bonds of the said Coal Company, numbered 125, 122, IS, Iti and 14 h ivo been designated by lot this day for tedemption. and will bo redeemnl at par and Interest upon presentation at tho County Savings Bunk and Trust Companj The lnteiost ceases on the above numbeted bunds on Januarv 1, ls'ij Tho Mount Lookout Coal Company. By C. D SIMPSON, Treasmer. do. prints, 21c. Esgs Steady; fresh, no ir by, 27c., do. western, Sic , do. southwest ern 250 ; do. southern, 23c. Cheese Fit ni. Ri lined Sugars Unchanged Cotton Steud.v. Tallow Dull, city prime, in hogs heads, SV.c, countty, prime, In battels, :r.c, dirk, do, S'sc . cakes, 4c ; grease, 2n3i;0, as to color. Live Poultij btind . fowls, ihi'ijc. ; old roosters, CaiVjC, spring chickens, ta"c ; ducks, 7a.c. , eeso , turkeys, MalOc. Dieted Fuultrj.- Un changed; fowls, choice, Mc. , uo fair to good, 7asc ; old roosters, be. suing cliick ms, western choice, latge, SalUc. do. tali to good, TaSc. , tuikovs, holce, llul2c, ; do. lair to good, b ilOc . ducks, 7oSo Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Dee. 21 -Receipts of cattle wete even smaller than usual on Satur day and the market was almost entiiely a nominal one Yesterduj's pi ices pre vailed In the few transactions reeoidesl. Buyers of hogs took hold brlskl ut ad vances of alOe Hogs sold at an extreme range ot W 2a.l 05 for thu pootest to tho best, largely at U 45a3 0). Tho lato mill -ket was weak and lower und soma hogs, for which $3fi0 was bid early sold lor S5JV" Packets ate counting In liberal lecelpts next Mondav. Too few sheep and lambs vveio rect-lvid to make a market and prims were ptetty much nominal. Sheep bold nt $2a2.50 for tho poorest, to $ n!25 for tho best Yearling sheep were quoted at S4il'.0 and lambs sold at JJ5ua 4 for common up to $5a5.P for choice lambs. Receipts Cattle, luu head; hogs, 17,000 head, sheep 1 1)0 head. Philadelphia Live Stock Market. Philadelphia, Die 25-liievcs, 1,1'jO head, shiep, 5 2S7 head, hogs, 5,&0 hi ad. Beef Cattle In light supplv and with only a light demand, pilees who a shade eas ier, extra. 5itu5'c , fcood. 5"hu3'c ; me dium, Iulc ; common, 4?8a458c Shuep Inactive though steadily hi Id, lambs wero a trio weaker, extia, 4a5c , good, 1?4u5o , good. I'tiitCjO , medium. Julc . common, 2'aJ'i.c , lambs, 4Vsale. Hogs In fair demand and stead , best western. SaVic, others, 4Va5o Cows Fat cows dull ut Wi a3V.c . thin cows neglected at JSalS Vial calves weak at 44a7i New York Live Stock Navket. New York. Dee. 21 Beeves Receipts. 414 head, feeling stead,. Calves Feeling dull, city dteshtd veals, J9al2 Sheti Al most unsaleable, lambs, steady, sheep medium to fair. S175.U, lambs, good to 1 holce, $3 iA)a5.75, Hogs Nomlnallv steady ot $)40a3GO Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, N. Y . Doc 21 -Caltle-Quict and dull Hugs Fairly activo, good to choice Yorkers, iMViaJW), roughs, Jl.lOa aa. Pigs, fair to choke, JJ35a3 10. Sheep and Lnmbs About steady; Iambs, choice to extra, J5 23u' 35; culls nnd common, Ji 50 ar, sheep choice to selected wethers, $1 JO u4 40, culls und comotnn $1 75.13 25. East Libeity Cattlo Market. East Llbeitv. Pa, Dec. Sl.-Catlle Steudv, extra ").IOa5 43. prime, Jt.fl0.i5 20. common, l20ulC0. Hogs-Stead. , prime beavlts. $J43a!60, best assorted mediums, ll.40a.143; luuvy Yotker.s, 3.13U.1 40, light YorKers, i.JU.Uu), cihhhu mini. w.i . rommon pigs and skips, U 25u3 10; roughs, J2 25.13 10 Sheep Slow , choice wethers, $4 40 ilW), comornn, tl 50a3 M. choke lambs J5.15a5 30. comotnn to good, $3.Ma5 20, veal calves. .50a7. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa, Dec. 21 Credit balances. Jl.ll; no bids or olfeis nt the Oil exchange toduv. Her First Biscuits. He My dear, what do you suppose mnkes theso biscuits so much llko bul. lets? She I don't know unVs It's, bi cause tho baking powder dln't make thorn go eft right. Which only proves again the uiuettuln. ty of woman's aim. Exchange. t WANTED. SW WANTED-CAHB OF RAD HEALTH that R-I-l'-A-N-S will not benefit. Send t cents to Rlpnns Chemical Co , New York, for 10 samples and 1,000 tcstl monlals. AGENTS WANTED. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS'- DON'T prepare for any civil service examina tion without seeing our Illustrated cata logue or Infoi niutlon. Sent free. Colum bian Correspondence College, Washing ton, D. C. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. ailUrWANTED FORLldHT ilOUSl work. Call at r,2l River street SAMPLE DISTRIRUTORS E VER Y whero; both sexes, steady employ ment, S a thousand t Inclose stamped in velopo for reply. Acmo Importing Co., Philadelphia. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL housework. Must havo experience. Applv today before noon It possible. Mis. W. W. Davles, 205 S. II vile Park avenue HELP WANTED-MALE. EXPERIENCED PORTER ut St. Cluules Hotel. WANTED GOVERNMENT POSITIONS - DON'T prepatu for any civil servlco examina tion without seeing our Illustrated cata logue of Information Sent free Colum bian Cortespondeiice College, Washing ton, D. C. WANTED - RESPONSIBLE FIRM wants olllco manager at Scranton; sal ary $1,200 year; Jc00 cash and best lefer ences required; commercial reference fur nished. Address Postolllce Box 212, Pbila, ALESMEJJJVAJNTED WANTED "SALESMEN FOR COM pleto lln lubricating oils and greases, straight or sldo line. Diamond Oil Co , Cleveland, Ohio. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOFNG mnu, 21 years of age; something that ho can raise up at. Address M. M. '. , Mayllcid, Pa. A YOUNG UNMARRIED MAN WHO understands hoises thuiou,?hlv, speaks English and German, wants a position ns coachman or hostler. Can give best ref erences. Apply Dave Strauss, No. G20 Dl court. SITUATION WANTED-CAN FURNISH tlrst-class reieionco, and position of trust, ago 32. G. A. M., 12U Diamond avenue, citv. A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANT? A place In smull fumlly as housekeeper Address Mr Daniel Damlranil, 447 North Main avenue. STUDENT, YOUNG MAN t2n). WOULD like pleasant home in city lor winter, to wotk for board. Address "Ambitious," Trlbuno olllco, city. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING, ironing or nny kind ot house clennin,; by tho daj, or will take washing home bide door, 120 Franklin avi nue. SITUATION WANTED-AVORK IN A grocery store or mnrkot dining the holiday trade lj an experienced man who can glvo good tpfereneo. Addiiss R. B Hicks, 401 East Drinker stteet, Dunmore Pa. 3ITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG maii to drive or take eaio of horses, has ccppilenie. best referencis. Addtess L. II., 20) South Main nvonu. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MAR rled man, of good character, us steam llttet, stuttonnty ongtiuer, tlreman or unj, kind of machinist vvoik, can furnish bi st of references. W. 11. Jones, iou5 Ejnon St. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lady as stenographer and typewriter, had four oars experience and can fur nish best of leference. Address 0. M. G No 1 Arcado building, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man to drive lor a private ramll. 01 store, Is sober and reliable, good refer ence and must have vvoik at once. Ad drebs D. B., lul Price stieet. city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A COMp"f7 telit bookkeepet would fill vacancj through holldab. good reference, wnes no object. Addt ess Box 302 Moscow, Pa SITUATION WANTED WASHING Ironing or nn kind of house cleaning bv the da. or will take washing home Mrs. Lee, side door, 420 Franklin avonuo. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EL derly lady as housekeeper; first class washet and Ironer. Address M, A. Y , Trlbuno otllee. eltj. SITUATION WANTED - AS OFFICE boy or an, other kind ot vvoik. two .cars cxpeiUnee In shoo ttot , m,o 15. Add! ess T J. R., J23 Decker's couit, Scranton, Pa SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lad as steiiogiupher, typewriter and bookkeeper; best references given. Ad dress N. M Ttlbuno office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A COMPE- tcnt girl to do general boubowoik In a small fumlly or will go out by tho das. Cull or add! ess 319 North Hde Putk avo PROFESSIONAL. ARCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Connell Building, Scranton E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COO Washington uvenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St , cor Wash, av , Scranton FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT. Price Building, 125 Washington avenuo, Scranton. T.' I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS. Tradeis' National Bank d d d d d d S'. r- w Xn hfiwtf I GRIFFIN & 00LL1N 223 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. PROFESSIONA L. IMMWWMVWVWW OBNTI8T3 DILI. 67 LYMAN,"CRANfoN PHI vnte Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUI1ACH, 113 Wyoming nve. WELCOME C, SNOVER, S3 1 Washington avenuo. Hours, 9 to l.nnd 2 to B. HAT MANUFACTURER. TOLLE8. 4C SPRUCE STREET, MAKES your hat to order and they flt. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIQLER, Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. A W passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWVER3 FRANK K BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Burr llulliliiitf, rooms 13 and H, Washington avenue. WILLARD. WARREN A. KNAPP, AT tornejs nml c'ounsollors-iit-Lavv. Re publican Building, Wabblngton avenue, Scranton, Pa. JLSSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND c ounseiicrs - nt - Law. Conn Commonwealth Building, Rooms 1, 20 nnd 21 JAMES W. OAKFORD.ATTORNEY-A'l-Law. Rooms 614, 513 nnd &1C, Board ot Irudo Building. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mcars Bulldlm?, corner Washington avonuo nnd Spruce street. JAS. J II. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law. 301 Commonwealth Building. Scranton EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY, Rooms D03-50I, 9th lloor, Mcars Building. L A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, E02 Board of Trade Building, Scruuton, Pa. C. It. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth Building, Scranton, I'a, PATTERSON & WILCOX. National Bank Building. TRADERS' C. COMEGYS, Building 0-13 REPUBLICAN A. W. RERTIIOLP Atlv Mcirs bide MIDWIFE MRS. OARLE, GRADUATE MIDWIFE lolS Wnshburn street, Scranton En gagements solicited. Rooms and best nttendanco for a limited number of pa tients. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. C. L. TREY, SCRANUON SAV1NUS Bank Building, 122 Wyoming avenuo. MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D, HOM"lT opathlst, No 228 Adams avenuo. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 NORTH WASIN Ington avenuo. DR. R. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, coiner Wyoming nvcnuo and Spruco strcot, Scranton Office hours; Thursdujs and fentiu dajs, 9 a. m to 6 p m. DR. L M. GATES. ROOMS 207 AND 20S Board ot Trade Building. Otllee hours, 8 to 9 a m , 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p in Rsi denco, 309 Madison avenue. DR. C. L FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture Truss Fitting nnd Fat Rodia tlon Olllco telephone 13oJ. Hours, 10 10 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 3. DR S W. L'AMOREAUX, OPTIPE C"ri Washington avenue. Residence, '.'lb Mulberry. Chronic dlsinses lungs heart, kldnejs and genlto-urlnaiy or gans a spcclnltj Hours 1 to 4 p in W. G. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon. Hoises, Cittlo and Dogs treated Hospital 121 Linden street, Scranton Telephone 2C72 SCHOOLS school- OIIHE lacTFawanna Scranton, Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or buslress Opens Sept 12 Send for catalogue Rev Thomas M. Cann, LL. D., Walter II. Buell, A M sreos Q. R. CLARK & CO, SEEDMEN AND Nurscrjmen: storo 14(5 Washington ave nue; green house, 1H50 North Main ave nue; store telephone, 782. wire screens jos. kuettelTkear 511 wnnna avenue. Scranton, Pa tuier of Wire Scicns LACKA-manutac- MISCELLANEOUS BAUER'S ORCHES'IRA-MISIC FOR balls, picnics, patties, lecuptlons. w.d- iIIiies nnd concert work furnished 1 or Inns. nuress i a W.AM.-1, vy,. ,..... 117 Wyoming music store. uvenue, over llulberts MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS suDDlies, envelopes, paper bags, twine wfuehouse. 1 !0 Washington avenue Scranton. Pa- . LehiKli Valley Kailro.ul System In Effect Nov. U 1593. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON liucVDIamond Exoress and 11..0 P. m Ju.?iLttX?.J I 'nuv en ilalelol. Pottsv Hie. ,i rrinelual points In th- 10.11 legli a?dnPLli 11 R , 6 2 IS und 4 27 p. 1 1iv-3it.hlelicm. Easio.n. Reading, 1 x ... .-.--- , ill 11 H a. m . . is P " , t'ulimau parlor and sleeping or Lehlnh Vniiev nalloi cars on all trams between vvMlkes-Uarro und New York, PhlladU lil , Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. 1 UOLLIN H WILBUR. Gen Supt , UUI South Bethlehuni l'.i fllAS. S LEE. Gen'l Pass Agt , 2c. Cott- hi nil t stiett New York AW NONE.MAl'HER, Division Pasj- cnger Agent, South Bethlehem, Pa For tickets nnd Pullman reservations npply 200 Lackawanna nve Scrnr.ton, Pa. S v d d v i? i x l x f What You I Want to Know For thi ChriJtmis g And the New Year, g put it curtly and S: To pleasantly, there is one . store where au every day si man caui buy the best of & Clothiug aiid Furnishing & Goods, ready to put on and look and be thoroughly T: well dressed, Go to X! UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIER i, 9 HftTTERS AiO FURNISHERS riiiinrc und principal mtcimcdiatu st.i f! 1!U fn I). ii II R R . u 15 a m , 12 oj, tlons v'' ,. ni.imiind Express. 11. m ". ior"i liTll . 1 58, 7 4S p. nt. tal"or Tunkhaimock. Towunda i:lmlrn. i.T mii Geneva und principal Intermedl U.llai ntlons. via D, L .v. W. R. U, Si,3 i-,-iiind 1 3.1 P in Vor GUio". Roehe-tu Buffalo. Nl ig ... 1 rills Chicago and all points west U t II It. -w '10J 1,Uok Ulamond vvies-. WR ul'a.n0 " "' Sundajs, D RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WWlS.I1WMW p. - - --- - - - iivnvwwvmAj Sclieduleln IJIIect May jo, i8)S. Trains Leavo Wllkos-Darro as Foi. lows 7.30 a. m., weok days, for Sunbur Harrlbtir5, Phlladalphla, Baltl. more, Washington, and for Pitts. burg and tho West. 10.15 a. in., wook days, for Hazlaton, Po'lRvlle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Pti Indolphlaj and for Sun. bury HarrlsburR, PhlladololiI";., Baltimore, Washington and Pitts. . uu'h anu 11)0 WOSt. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris. ""K Philadelphia, Baltimore. thWc and F,Usbur a':, G'OO p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J 11 HiiTcimicril01;! aen'' p""' A'tnl Jll. HUTCHINSON, Ueneral Manager. Del., Lucku. und Western. Effect Mondny, November 14. is-JS. DiwS'rm 'S??. c",nuV" follows. L. ,?. .. oi Nuw ork and 11 1 iiolnts Pati 3:S3' p.Win? H " W U"d WW "' "' ' 15 ""'ci Express' for Easton, Tnnton. Philn.1.1. K VffiV.!? ??! i1"- sw na waTA. -- . (v o 00 U 111. Northe.t "ami Bouthit. '" '" We8t' w asltlngton accommodation. 3 40 p. m B InelHimtoii nml way stations, 1 05 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 5 10 p. m, 2 5jTu.S, fn0mlUitlrC5ap!,,,;i,,1"C"ncld 8pr"ISH' Ithaca 2 33, 9 00 n. 111., and 1.63 p m. nF.or NI"tl'umberlnml, Fltlston, Wllkei. ?mreU,iiJ1n,0l,,,h- nioomslmrg and Dan- vine, making elosn connections at North. umberlund for Willlnmsport, IlarrlsburB. Baltimore, Washington and the South Northitmheilinil and Intermediate sta- tlons, COO, 1005 n. m , and 1.55 and 5 40 p. Nnntlcoko and intermediate stations. 8 03 and 11.10 a. m. Plymouth nnd Intcri mediate stations. 3 35 and 8.50 p. m. Fo Kingston. 12 55 p. m Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on nil express ttains. For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., npply to M L Smith, Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket ot. flee. Delaware and Hudson. On Sunday. July 3rd, trams will Icava Scruuton ns follows1 For Carbondale-6 20, 7 53, 8 53 10.13 a. m,V Hoon: 1-"'' 2:0- 2-M. 5'a 6 2 5.57. 0.15. 11 00 p. in ; 1 16 p. m. Tor Albany, Saratoga. Montreal. Bos ton, New England points, etc. 6 20 a. m . 2 20 p. m. For Honesdile (I 20, 8 53, 10.13 a. m.; 13 noon; 2 20, 5 23 p. m. For Wllkes-Bano, C 43. 7.18, 8 43. 3.38, 10 43 n m.- 12 03. 123, 213, 3 3.1. 4 27, 5.10, 7 IS, 10 41. 11 CO p m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Vulley Railroad fi 4" a. m , 12 03, 1 2S, 4 27 p 111 ; with Black Diamond Ex press, 11 20 p. m For Pennsjlvanla Railroad points. G 13, 9 38 n. m, 218, 4 27 p m , , ,, For Western Points via Lehigh Valley Railroad-7 48 a. m ; 12 03, 3 S3, with Black Diamond Express. 10 11, 11 30 p in. Tialns will arrive In Scranton as fol lows Fiom Carbondalo nnd tho North 6 40. 7 11. S 31. 9 II 10 3' 11 5S a. m.. 1 23, 2.15. 3 25, 4 21. 5 13 7 41. 10 33, 11 27 p m , From Wllkps-B.irre and tbo South-6.15. 7 41, 8 48, 10 03 1165 n m; 118. 214, 3 41. 5 20, 6 21, 7.53, 9 03, 10 05 p in : l.W a. m. SUNDAY' TRAINS. For Cnrbondiile 9 07. 11.33 a. m.", 163, 3 52, 5 53. 9 53 P. m. , For Wllkei-nmre 9 28, 1143 a. m.; 151. 3 21, 5 41, 7 41 p m ... tti.. Lowest lates to all points In United States nnd Cnmdn J W BURDICK G P. A . Albany, N. Y. H W CItOSS, D P A.. Sornnton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey (Lehigh and SusqT,ehnnna Division.) sirttlons In New York Foot of Libeity sti eel! In? l". and South Ferry. Whitehall MAntliiaclte coal used exclusively, lnsur Iiil' 1 loanllness und comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV 20. 1898. TrnlnV leavo Scranton for Plttstoii, Wilke-s-Barre etc . at 8 JO. 10.10 a m , 1 0, 2 15 3 20 710 1' m bundajs. 9 00 a. m. UFoi2 Lakewood "lid Atlantic City. 8 50 " For Now Yoik. N-waik und Ellzibeth, s JwVxiiicss) a. in ,1 2u (express). 3 20 (ex- u u .-- Uiiiui iv ?i. 11 m Train press, l- , , .r.,H .it Philadelphia, 111 .IU1.U..J. ... - -- mailing Toi miaul, 7 03 p. 111, and New Vm It . Uj 1' "' . Sundays. a o .,. A,, 1, fn.m f.tnvt. nm. kl For I.011B .- ' V Jll Tl 11 10 uuv, -- ;'--".. 1 i For i """,? via Allontowli u" " :: ..n. 1 ..i.innii nnd Harrlsburg. k ;,0 a m , 1 20 P. m. Sun- dav, 2K..J' F. 1 ',,, U 1ft U m , 1 20 p m !"' l."J... ave New Yolk foot of Lib, . o 11 iieuii ""-,,, 1, uner. nt 100. 110 (e f.Vl.. .. ni. ISO (expicbb) p Sunday, i,....-, - """ New ioik souin if Jl-i-tlniilniit can connect 'und; 'ill. V11 the elevated rulhoads I i-." " . 'V. oik South Fern, rooc i.eavu v- . . nn m . 125 p. m. rtlng from di 1 cover 1 I fft ll ILI It i.i. ,11 the eicvuitu reiiiuui- ....... .. .lth .111 me . , t llmnlllvil mill inble lV,,..N miking quick muster to 'island ."J.Wunrtt lpUla. Reading Termlml, Leavo 1 v!rt , in Sunday, u 15 u. in 9 21 u. m. oWI m p i all points Eust, Sorimd ,;e5sttSu.,,.c.west,rato at tho s,?Uu" OI.11AUSF.N Gen Supt J- 11 V BALDWIN. Gen, Pas Agt. Uric and Wyoming Valley. 'luuo tuble In elfcct sept. I'Uh. lS'JS .' W,a s.Vilae,.,,.iifatre la Jorok- 'jr'lV'e ut Sir..n..m. fron,-above points at 10 2a m and 113 and 9 03 P m I obv hiiiina aicommodatlon, G 10 d m ml"rV?s r.or Ubighamton, bwego, i':i. K r'V,c,Corl'1"B. I'ath. Dai Mllle. Mount 1& "'.'A1 f,CoP.- i'- making close conneo IIU1I1 UL llllllll In t r .ill ...!.... 1-- at L. .,1l,ll. A III'IIIIIW II UeLllILT !,... Fuston and Philadelphia, t, 30 a. m.. ,.'''00111 Sunifavs. 215 p m li'.,i" uiltiuioio and Washington ami ,,: ?' 'sou" and West via Bethlehem, pouts oiu" Sundays. 2 15 11 m. s ju SC'll. VIM'S ll ISII.. Ill i:ile C Mi lulinr illllli. I MIS. Xortli Hound. hutilli lluiiinl. 505 ,HI I 0l,I00 1 H! lai Zu p uAirlvo TeaTe ,a mi rX V Franklin M . 7 1iL... .... 7 10, West 4.'nd street, .. 7 55 1. , 7U0 WfeUawKen , '810.... a" tv p h Arrlv 0 leave' r iir m 1041 il 1 1 adosia siiiTt8H 1040 ..ins1 llancocu .... nil, 1ST 1031 .. 'urn starlight . siit 44s tottl .. U'4fi l'rcstoa Pat k .. s!3! im 10 15 18H ttlnwood ... a4i Kin loin .... usjy 1'ojntelle .... 26 ill M...ii'ii oraon I tfss 023 940 .. 'uia l'leafcant Mt .. are 6 an 1 a.... ,115' Unlondale . ai) r. si 9 K.. .1140, l'orest City . 3 19.641 t in ..nil, t'atbmdale . 834' Hi 9 07 (iro1 V into llrlllKB .. f3S8 6 6a 00) Ifiuv .Mnynild 34S0I HM ... 11J3 JirlllIl .. 34S' 603 861 .. 11 IS Archibald . 361 IN BML... 1111 Wimon .... SM (112 846. ..1111 1'CCkvllle .. 369,1B S4.'l 11m onrUaDt .. loiesi Mil..,, liiu 1'rlreburg 407 611 8 3t. II (M Throop . . 41W 6I1T 811.... 11 (" rrovlilftice . 4 14' Hit . flcWT rark 1'iaco .. 14 171 6 J3 6S0.... 10M l-cranton . 42w3o a al a h Ltrtve Arrlvo r mp h t Hutidaj only t sljfDltles that trains stop on signal for pas sengers. 1 rains iav and sw BuDday only other trains dally except Puudav. hecure rates via Ontario & Western befort purcliasliiK tickets and Bave money lirouwli Wanei ouffit h -xt and free re. cllnliiif cbalr cur Now York to Chicago wfhout rbatce. I't-jjciiirrr U. tjj ZX.Ci.ccd l 'uo t'riiln I it Mile. J O.Audcrcon, Oen. rasa Affl T, Flltcrott, lilv, vas, lei, bcrautoo, I'a,