The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1898, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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    V W
n -
- j,i Tv -r
Closing Exoicises in tho Schools of
This Part of the City-Ontcers
Elected by tho Congiegntion nnd
Sunday School of the Tabernacle
Congregational Chinch - Otllcers
Elected by the Menibeie of tho
West Side Republican League.
Movements ol Woll-Known Peieons
Tin- imunlieis i.f the I'll hi I1i llup
ttst cliuirh Huiiilnv IhwI mid tlu-lt
parents (iiju)cd tin- chi Isim in iei
clses vvhlih wfu In lil lu"l imnliiK In
the nudltoiliini of tin iliuuh A InrRe
Clulstinn.s tii-e vuis pIikvmI upon u ti m
potmy staK1 ntut kiiII il iiiintul.
Vrotind its foot wolf imniiHul th biRs
of randy and fiult MipptluteniU'iit It.
JIurIicm, nf tin Suiiiln.v liuol, ni
Hldpil. nnd JIIhi i:ii ilwtli l.t-w !
niouipnuist Tlii- Hist pjit of the
evi-nltiK's txi'idwi iinuNti'il of tli"
lemlltlon of k lunlnia i-ntltl'd "The
S.intu Cluus Hovs This vwis Klven
under tin- iiiH'c tlmi of Clioiistti I Flush
Vllllruns and was pnilh lp itt il In by
tlw Mlses Elizabeth Ma IIowi-lK
Jliuy William. Ilium tu liio-lev and
A Hughes, llllsvviutli Wllllum T
llURlies Milton nul, Witlkln Wat
Kins. T. Lewis and Kioinomt IIukIiis.
Knell was In full riisttitni-
At the uiiuliiltn nf tin autata
Ml "I Doia Kvuns leilleu (Stnndinu'H
Vailing," and then tho distribution nf
the candy and fruit to the little ones
was cairlcil out.
st'itooi. OBr.riVANOi:
Almost all the public i hools on this
uhle had Foini" soi t of expir-Nos
mark tin closi of the fall turn and
the approach of tin- holldnv season
Some vip short, otheis lonp, and some
voiy elaborate. Jn some instant rs
only one or two looms had exercises
and In othei ciim'i sevoial looms com
hlned thilr pupil" nnd enlovei a pro
Ki inline together
t public school No ID the pupils t
MIps Josephine D Lees, the pilnilpal,
i iriled oui nn eve client programme.
Miss hofs pieslded and Miss Hvans
a' ted nr aicomp.inlst Kecitotlnns
weie given by the MHsps Elizabeth
Uojd, Maiy ruiuuihiRs. Hilda Tair,
I'lslo Hughes Mabel Thmnas Jpsole
Utimbold, Ktliel D.ivK M.ibi I 11 li-in-on,
Hllin Jones, Hum- Stieet, 1.11
nbetli WiddUk md lit hoi Chase and
Master At thin Phillips The Misses
Maine Janus and L.min De Ciiuihy
sang u duet. "I'lulslui.ih .Tov." Intel -hpeisul
tlii.uigltoiit the pingl amine
Meie hours b the pupils In lIiomis
Tho e( ulses wen opened with the loll
t nil, responded to lv e.u li ti'isouwitb
ii 'niemoiv u m " and loiuludcd with
"The Tin ei KiliRi" Im which Ms-is
Tlav Is, .lotus S liuiidt and lones and
MaMcis i;inest UiinilxiW Huliel and
Jmmworlli p.ntli United
At pulilli mIkiiiI No i; of whhh
"VVatlvlns H Wllliiinis. Is plnclpal, .in
claboiate pmgiammt a i an led out
t ". l 3Mstrt it consh-
Miuplc coull
In i ciioiilIi but a
Cough Syrup;
Lhi.iiiic kcjii(;h it dan
' Lcrous 1 ikr nuMce.
use Ur. Unit's Lotigli h rup and be cured. .jc.
Holiday Trade
Sweeping Reductions
in AH Departments
Talk is useless at this late hour. The oue point in
view is to get rid of every item of Holiday Special
ties now in stock, and to make sure of accomplishing
this, we've forced prices away down below the cost
mark in many cases.
The Blackboards at 39c
The finely-made Desks at $2.49
The Drop-Leaf Toy Tables at 41c
The High Chairs, with Tray, at 49c
Tabourettes, in oak and walnut, at..49c
Etc., Etc., Etc.
The List Might
Be Prolonged '
Indefinitely, but what good would it do ? Every
thing holidayish has been turned over by the money
of the bargain hunters, and by Saturday night we
hope to see our fixtures completely cleared of every
thing that was specially bought for Christmas. A
word to the wise, etc.
Globe Warehouse
In the main room. The room was nr
tlstlcnlly decorated nnd n, larue Christ
mas tree added to the effect, trimmed,
ns It wii, with presents, etc. The pto
(jrntnme carried out consisted of songs
by the school, lccltatlons by the Misses
Margaret Itellly, Elizabeth Caw ley,
Elizabeth Pcthrlclc, Mary Knrrcll, Anna
Casey and Itay Svvurtz and Thomns
Wutltlns, William Iobey, CJcorfro
Koch and Edward Fletcher. Dialogues
were participated In by Elizabeth Pc
thrlrk, Anna MonoRhan, Carrie Mc
Closltey, Elma Davis, Cecelia Mornn
nnd Minnie Qloason and Masters Willie
Lobey, T Wntkins nnd O Koch Many
parents and fi lends of the children were
At public schools, No. U and 1C, of
which David Owens and C. E Crut
tpiiden are respectively the ptlnelpals.
the pioRrnnune hm printed In enter-
day's Issue of The Tilbuue was car
ried nut In full. The patent and
ftlends of the children weie tqtinlly.
dellKhted. At the latter school the
black boa id deioiatlons weie Rieatlv
admit ed
The committee of (inanRotiienls for
the Plnboiat'' obsenanct of rinlstni.i
bv tin- ineinbeis of the Simpson Metho
dist Sunday "eliool hne completed
their bboi The aft.ili which prom
ises to be as fliii' -is tun l Riven will
lie condilettd In the ihtlieh IteM Mon
day pxcnlnt; The pioRi.iininc will be
a two piit oiu the tlrst pait beliiR for
the pilmarv ilepiitnieiit. the second for
the ndtittH This lutt-t pint deals with
nn Imitation of an oll-titne (liiistmas
CLlehiallou nnd n eiillielv oiiRlnal
with the cotiunlttee The pi ori amnio
is as tollows-
Seli'illmi Onhestta
I'ndLi dilution ol t'horlstei M E.
Woidt n
Chlistmns Ciuol
OpenhiR addles
Miss Ulllan Anthonv
"Rock-a-Bp Unbv".. .Pilnmt Pupils
J illation Miss Maile Ilea eh
Declamation Ma-tei Stanle Florey
Choi ut. "As We Mauh AlotiR.
IJecltatlon . Mlfc" Mai Inn Hall
Wieuili dilll Twelve Olils
Entinnce of Sintn flail"
Cbiistmas fclebi.itlon b Ye old Folks,
of e pleies to br spoken nnd e sour?
to be uiiR at Slouim Hollow. In e
nieetlim hou-e wheie Dominie Sweet
pieaclus Chrb'tmos Monday, Decem
bei ibth. Ill the yen- of oui Eold
I. Muslck b je shiRi is
"Auhl Eans Sjne"
II. A Spoken Pit ee,
Miphionia (Iratitude Fellows
HI Musiik mi Ye Modem liistiuinent.
MunltieetKe Mehltablo Webber
IV. Clin ado. in iIuiirp of
Uansonied Dexleiity Joins
V Instrunii ntal duette
Enduiaiue Jeerlah Uinadn, Juiucb
Cm nta-sl Scott
VI AnutliPf Spoken Piece.
Piles DcIIrIH Sweet
VII Muslck b Two of Ye SIiirms,
Mis Cm dell i lleiievoleni o Knickci-
bocku. Mi. CJ. Palatial Ktuckei
lio kei
VIII. Musiik on Ve Modem Instal
ment Louisa Elected rellows
IX A Sour Iij Ye Mass Slncei,
Et-kltl Eumpklns Acker
X Tableau
XI Musiik bv Ye Women Folks,
Pindenie Hopes? Ackei, CtollRhtly Eu-
nlionl i Heel".
XII. An Ai ted Piece,
Mi. Cordelia Benevolenie Kntckei
boiket. Mis C'hlorlndd Pletv Jones,
Ii'oIIrIuIv EuphPinlu Jones, Willing
ness sti adfast HaRcrnian
XIII Musiik b.v Two of Ye Women
Satnanthy Hilarity Saxe, Linda Tobl
Ilia Hclscr.
XIV. Another Spoken Piece,
Ueulah Frankness IhjwIs
XV. Muslck by Four of Ye SIiirou',
a Worldly Tune,
Liberty Trlphoena Hovvei, Experience
Druscllla Williams, Reuben Josh
Long, Welcome Dellveiancu Jones.
And the follow Iiir guests shall ulo bo
entertnlned: Tranqilllltj Fellows, lteu-
lieti Ohio I'ettlt.Ebenezer WhanRdoodlo
York, and John Snooselbeo Davis.
On Monday eveiilnR npt the junior
members of the First Welh ConrreRa
tlonal church will hold nn enteitnlu
ment. Tin pastor, Htv David Jones
will preside A Clulstmas tree will bs
n feature of the ev'enliiR The pio
Krainnip will be ore of unusual Intei
ist. Tho following will tako part
In sIurIhc Ruth ThomaM, Edith
Wood nt, Owlad8 II Jonei1, Phoebe
Thomas, Llzrlo MoiRau and Lillian
In recltiiiR ltni lid Williams Jemima
Morgan, Veiun Phillips Sarali Dav les,
Gwltuls L. Jones, Hny Wntkln. Mar-
Baret uuniths, Aniv DaMes, Maiy L.
James, Ulodwen Lewis, Maiy Davles,
Jennie Evans. Sadie Rowland Maiy
Evans, Huth Davles. CSeitrude Evans,
Vhdii Haines, MnyI.lod Viola Evans,
Johnny Davles, u, j Walkins Albeit
Llod and Aithur Davles
Chailes Sweet, son of Rev. and Mis.
J. U. Sweet, of Noith Hyde Palk av
nue, is home fiom colieRc to spend
the holidays.
Mis J McDermott, of Hampton
stieet has returned fiom a lsit In
Philip J. D.ules. a student In the
University of Pennsvlvanla Medical
department, Is home for the holidnys.
William Davis, of Anhbald street,
is visltliiR In Syracuse
John Jones, of Eynon stieet, and
DaId Davis, ot Aichbald stieet, me
visltitiR In New York cltv.
Arthur J. nnd Thomas Reese, of
llaltlmore, ate lsitiiiR nt the home of
Thomas S. Davles, ot Mori Is court.
Henry Luft, of Readlnjr is visiting
fi lends lieie.
Miss Anna McGee, of runkhannock,
Is the Ruesr of Mr. nnd .Mrs. M. M.
O'Neal, of Meridian street
Mis. William May, of CI irk s Sum
mit, Is the sliest of Mi. Hany May,
of Luzerne stieet.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, ot
South Lincoln avenue, have as, their
Riiest, Mrs. Kate Swingle, ot ItridRO
port, Conn
Mis P. Davis and sister, Mls nna
Evans, of Jackson "trcot, aie visiting' In
Mrp. John Frank, jr. and family, ot
North Hyde Park avenue, have le
nioved to Factor v llle
Mrs Samuel Penvvnrdcn, ,,f 1")2
Washburn stieet, Is beilously ill at lit r
Edwnrd Jones and Fred Clnrk, ot
South Main avenue, aie home fot tho
holldas fi nni Yale.
OllUors for the cnsiiliiR term were
icienlly elpctid by both the ioiiric
R.itlon and Sunday school of the Tab
einaile C'oiiRieRntlonnl church For
tho fonnei the oflkers elected aie.
Samuel RoReis.Davld Robeits, deacons!
Samuel Rorci.s, treasuier, flnanaelal
sccictary, David M. Jones, reiordl'iR
secretaiv, Evan O. Reese, cborlstei,
HurIi Jones, iRanlst, Howell (1.
Reese, weik nlRht orRimlst, MhrrIc
Evnns Foi the Sundav Mhool. Super
intendent T. J. Williams, n&islstaut
superintendent, William G. Reese; sec
letary. Miss Annie Derbv; treasuier,
Thomas Thomas; orRanist, Miss Map
Rle Evans, Ubiarlans, David nnd Mor
gan Jenkins.
Word has been lecelved heie an
nouncliiR the death ot Mrs. Rlchuid
Owens nt her home In South Gibbon,
Pa., Thursday, Dee. 22. 1S9S. Deceased
Is ery well known here. The fun
eial services will be held at tho Clifford
church tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Inteunent will be made at South Gib
son. Every member of St. x'aul's Pioneer
corps Is lerpiested to attend the ipr
ulai meetlns which will be held tomor
iow afternoon in Masonic hall, on
North Main avenue. Ruslness of im
portance will ooue up for considera
tion. At the conclusion of the bus
iness nieetins u short social session will
be held A committee comprlslnR Dan
ill Lenahan, Frank McLain and Harry
Gibbons have the airanRlng of the lat
ter affair and have completed their
The lenulnr observance ot Christ
mas by the Jackson stieet Baptist
ihurch will be held Monday evenlnR
at the church, exercises to commence
at 7 o'llock sharp. The audltotlum
will be decorated for the occasion.
A special meeting ot the Independent
Republican dub of the Second district
of the Fourteenth ward will be held
Wednesday evenlnR, Dec. 2S, ISIS, at
Kneirlm hall. 110 Noith Main avenue
A meetlnR of the Christian Endeavor
society of the Sumner Avenue Presby
tPilan church was held last evening: nt
the lesldenc- oi the pastor. Rev. L R.
Foster. M A., of 12"3 Noith Lincoln
acnue. In addition to other business
consldeied, officers for the ensuing
teim v. ere nominated as follows Presi
dent, Rezaleel Rrown vice piesldent,
Ira Davles secutary, Miss Helen
Davles, treasurer, Miss Emma Morse
At a regular meeting of the West
Side Republican league held last even
ing", the following oillcers were elected
for the ensuing let nr President, Wil
liam V Gtlfths, list vice piesldent,
W. J. Thomas; second vice president,
W L Campion, lecording secretary, C
E, Daniels; tlinnclal secietary, W. A.
Phillips, tieasurer Gilfllth T. Davies.
Retiring Pie-sident James Levshon pre
sided, and c z, ner and John R.
Edwaidh r-cteil as tellois
The Sunday behool of the Welsh Con
gregational chunli have elected the
following otlkciH for the ensuing year:
Superintendent, Ksnu Pi Ice assistant
superintendent. Hvan lleeso seiretai,
Sidle Jones: llbiarlan, W Evans or
ganist. Anna Pi ice. They have decided
to hold their entertainment Monday
evening The otlicois for the Dutch
flap mission are Superintendent, T.U
zle Williams: assistant, John I.loyit.
secietary, Maigarel Dav Is. tieahuiei,
Thomas Davis, oiganbt. John It.
Dav is.
Kor coughs and colds take Cheiry
Halm Cough Syrup. No cure, no pay.
Divls, the Druggist
Mli?s Mary Dunn, or ttlock street, U
Mty low with dlphthcrlu
The ChilHtlan llndeuvor soclot has
ch.uge ot the services In the "Welsh
Would uso Kemps lkilxam for the Ihroat
and Minus. It is cm ing morn cases of
Coughs, Colils, Asthma, lironchltla. Croup
and all Throat anil I.ung Troubles, thnn
any other medicine Tho proprietor 1ms
authorized un diugiilst to tslvn sou a
Hample Hottle Vreii to convince you of
the merit of this great remtdy. Price 25c.
urn! Cflc.
It is far wiser to keep
disease away than to
flcht it after It comes.
-wr j An occasional
VV 1 rlOlTI 'low of Hos-
YY lUHA tetter's Stom.
nctt Hitters mokes people hungry at
meal time, nnd gives tho digestive
npparattts power to get full nutrition
out of food.
Thui bodily
strength it
the blood kept
pure, and dis
ease can'tlllnd
a loothotJ.
Baptist ihurch on Market street tomor-
Tin Methodist chut ill has made ar
rangements with tho Schubert Glee
club for a concei t on Feb. 22.
The King's DauRhters of the Presby
terian church nro distributing goods
to the worthy poor.
The Welsh Baptist church held their
Christmas exercises last evening. A
very pleasing programme was rendered.
The Wayne Aonue Welsh Baptist
ehuuh held their annual entertainment
and Clulstmas tree exetclses last even
ing. Fine perfumery, toilet artlilcs and
statloneiy at Henwood's drug store, on
the quat e.
The Welsh Congiegatlonal church
will hold n, tea party on the evenings of
Jan. 2 and 3. The ladles have vvotktd
hatd to make this tea a success.
John T Evans was elected last even
ing as deacon In the Welsh Congrega
tional church.
The Piesbvtetlan Sunday school will
hold their Christmas exertlses on Mon
day evening.
The PeckvlIIe and Providence foot
ball teams will meet todat at 2.43 on
the Driving Park grounds.
The Heptnsophs will Install their ofll
cet.s for the following year on Jan. 16.
Tho pupils of St. Mary's academy will
hold an enteitalnment on tho evening
of Jan 0 In St. Mary's hall.
Work will be commenced nct week
on the front of the armory. A huge
entrance hall and office will bo built
Fine Chocolate Bon-bons In half and
one pound boxes, at Davis' Drug
"The Rough Riders, " a comedy
drama, will be played by tho Kevstone
Dramatic society on the evening of
Jan. 2. The pioceeds will go to the
NHgara Hose company.
Hyde Park encampment ot Odd Fel
lows, meets on the evening ot Jan. 3
to Initiate new mcniberr.
The Cajuga and Brisbln mines are
working short shifts this month. Tho
piospect is that they will start full
time tho first of the ear
John Rolrn will spend the holidays
In New Yoik.
Mat how Mackev has moved into his
new home on Main avenue.
Miss Viva Grlflln, of Claik's Green, Is
visiting friends on Deacon street
Miss Sarah Jones is visiting lrieuds
in Taylor.
David Williams, who has been at
tending the state noimal school, lb
home foi the holidays.
Miss Eertlm C Watklns is home from
Ruiknell unlversltv spending the va
cation with her patents, Rev. and Mis.
W. G Watkins.
Have you seen our line of tino Per
fume!' for Clulstmas piesents? It is
lompleti. Davis, the diugglst.
The Celestial lodge of Rcbekahs hell
their monthly meeting last evening.
David Clatk will s-pend Sunday with
friends In Benton.
Miss Sullle Dlesnck will spend Christ
mas with friends In Wllkes-Barre.
George Seid will go to Sunbury to
spend Christmas.
Mrs. Pinch, of Capouse avenue, will
spend Monday with frlendu in Benton
Tuesday afternoon the history section
of the Women's club will meet In the
Hairy Dunning, formerly employed
by T. E. Cair & Sons, has accepted a
position In Jackson's market.
Robert Ward will spend Christmas
with his parents at Duryea.
Tllrt ytnri hapu nf "! rsinn Tl .IA tnJA
nf Vrn ,li LrZ . nti, in , .
of Heptasophs went to PeckvlIIe last
evening to assist In the Initiating of
twelve new candidate They were
present at the banquet which followed.
The Capouse works mission will hold
their Clulstmas services this evening.
Rev. I J. Lansing will be preant nnd
speak to the children. Superintendent
I. T. Keene has done his best to give
the children a good time.
Spruce Xmas trees, sweet Jamaica
ornnges and candies nt J. V. Hangl's store, on Dlckton avenue.
School Controller B. T. Jayne will be
a candidate for one of the board of six
C. W. Thompson Is able to be around
again after a severe illness
Miss Hicks, a teacher in No. 2S school,
vv ill spend Christmas In New York.
Monday evening the Asbury church
will hold their Christmas exetcises. A
tree and suitable programme will help
the scholars and friends to enjoy the
The pupils of St. Paul's school held
a pleasing entertainment Thursday
m i
The funeral ot Walter, the 8-year-old
son of Patrolman Smith, of Prospect
a'venue, who died Thursday afternoon,
will take place Sunday afternoon at 1.S0
o'clock. Hov. Mr. Ilubeck, of the Metho
dist Kplscopal chinch, corner ot Pios
pect avenue and Blrcli street, will con
duct i-ervices at the house. Interment
will be made In the Mlnooka Piotesiant
Dast night was St Irene's night at
St. John's church fair, and u goodly
crowd assembled In their honor. Tho
St. Irene's society of the parish noted
an the entertainers' of their sisters and
produced un excellent piogramme of
enteituinment During the evening i
number ot urtlcles were chanced off
Tomorrow evening lelng Clulstmas
eve, a large crowd. Is expected, and tho
entertainment committee have seemed
the best poa-lble entettalners for thooc
caslon The lontest between P. W. Gal
lagher and M. J. CuMck Is being hotly
waged, and both paitles have enlisted
the services of a countless number of
ft lends to assist In their soliciting.
The mllitaiy ball held by the St
John's Total Abstinence and Uenevo
lent society at their hull last evening
was a great fuciess both llnanclully
and soclall. The music was furnished
by tho Stut orchestia. Dining the
evening tho society gave an exhibition
drill and were hlghl applauded.
At the dlffeient churches tomoirovv
fitting exeiclses will be held At the
Qed.n Avenuu Methodist Kplscopal
church, ltev. P. P. Doty will pi each at
10 30 o'clock. At St. John's church the
Ilev Father Wallace, S. J., will olllcl
ate at tho 10 00 mass. Special Christ
inas music will be rendered by the
choir, accompanied by Cuslck's orches
tra, Ilev. Mr. Nordt will deliver a
Christmas sermon nt tho services at
tho Hickory Street Methodist Episcopal
church. Sperlat preparations have been
made by the choir In the above church.
John Gavin, a student at the Lehigh
university, Is spending his holiday va
cation with his porentH on Prospect
avenue. ,
Tho Welcome Social club will hold
their tegular monthly masquerade at
Germanla hall, Jan. 11.
George Freuhan, n student In the
medical department at tho University
of Pennsylvania, has returned to spend
the holidays with his parents on Cedar
Mlns Jennie Flannelly, of Dunmore,
has nccepted a position as cashier at
Mcllet's meat market, on Plttston ave
nue. Patrick Wulsh, of Omaha, Neb., has
returned to spend the holidays with his
parents on Plttston uremic.
P. II. Coyne, of the county treasurers
olllce, has announced himself as a can
didate for delegate to the Democratic
city convention fiom the Fhst district
of the Twentieth ward.
Miss Jennie Golden, ot Dunmore, vis
ited! friends on this side estorda
Rev. E. J Melley.of St John's church,
Is 111.
A novel piogramme has been pre
paid! by the Ladles' Aid society of the
Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal
church for Clulstmas observance.
Theie will be a special Christmas
seivlce at the Y. W. C. A. rooms,
1021 Cedar avenue, Sunday afternoon,
Dec 23, nt 4 o'clock. Miss Emma Hnys,
state secietaiy of Pennslvanla, will be
present and will given an address.
Tho singing class, under the dliectlon
of Prof Dei man, will render the
Christmas anthem, 'The Loul Is
Come." and an echo song, "Shepherds
Watching.',' Spjocial music will bo
sung throughout the service All wom
en are Invited to come.
Tho South steel mill, according to th
recent custom, will start up tomorrow
evening and continue work for the
week. As was expected, the mill will
not be idle Monday, owing to the num
ber of ordeis on hand. This is the flit
time In a number of years that tho men
have been compelled to work on Christ
Sci vices at tho Presbvtoilan church,
ltev. W. P. Gibbons, p-istor, tomouovv.
are ns follows Moining sermon, 10.30
o'clock; Sunday vihnol at noon; Junior
Christian Endeavot, 2.30 p. in ; Senior
Christian Endeavor, C.30 p in.: evening
sermon, 7.30 o'clock, subject. "God's
Verdict on the Whole Matter." Thlh
will be tho final sermon to be delivered
by tho pastor on a series of "Life's
Choices and Temptations," which he
has been preaching upon for the past
nine weeks, on Sunday evenings All
seats free at evening seivlce. Young
people especially ate in gently Invited
to bo present.
Tho long talked-of llremen's fair will
bo opened this evening undir the aus
pices of tho Independent Hose company
No. 1 and John B. Smith Plre company.
No. J, in Washington hall. The special
features of the evening will be the
opening of the led. white, blue, pink,
yellow booths, which have been artis
tically arranged around the loom, giv
ing It a pretty appeal ame. Also selec
tions by the city (lu.utctto who do not
need an Intioductlon to the people ot
Dunmoie. The committee in charge
have left nothing undone to have the
fulr a giand success, as could be seen
by the pieparatlons they have made.
The funeral of Michael Flannelly,
the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Flannelly, of Spring street, w ho died
Thursday after an illnet-s of a few
days, took place from the home of his
parents yesterday afternoon. Inter
ment was made In Mt. Caimcl ceme
tei y.
A large number of scholars gatheied
In the high school esterday afternoon
when the pupils ot Professor Gray's
room rendered tho piogramme as print
ed In this column a few days ago.
The principal feature of tho afternoon
was the speech of Mr. Tred Ehrgood,
formerly of the flag ship Now York,
who took part In the bombardment ot
Porto Elco.
The newly elected officers of the
Senior Christian Endeavor society of
the Presbyterian church metl at tho
, ,',-., T .,, ,-,
home of Mrs. J. G. McMillan, of Fifth
street, Friday evening and appointed
the following committees to serve the
ensuing term: Lookout committee.MIss
Fannie Smith, chairman; Inez Irey,
Frank nogart, Jr., Fied W. Dodge, Gil
bert Close. Prayer meeting committee,
Mrs. J. G. McMillan, chairman: Graco
Chamberlain, Anna Bishop, Mrs. G W.
B. Allen, Mr. Fred W. Dodge- social
committee, Harry A. Smith, chairman;
Anna Planning, Bessie Sheppard, Mrs.
I.. Spear, Earnest Close. Music com
mittee. Miss Tlllle Thomas, chairman;
lhnma Pono, Anna Hi v den, Graci
Chamberlain, Clinton Biydcn. Mis
sionary committee, Mr. Gilbert Closo,
chairman; Ltllle Warden, Ella Bod,
Mrs L. M. Smith, Edith Ripley. Flow
er committee, Bessie Sheppnrd, chair
man; Bessie Bone, Mai ion Br den.
Teiesa Cook. Dr. E. E. Carty. Visit
ing committee, Mrs G. W. B. Allen,
chairman; Dr. G. J. Chamberlain, Mrs,
D. jr. Smith, Mis. J. G McMillan, Mr
L, Speck Junior committee, Miss
Grace Chambeilain, superintendent;
Miss Fannie Smith, assistant superin
The Christmas exerclties of the Sun
day school of the Tilpp Avenue Pres
byterian church wore held last evening.
A handsomely decorated tiee, well
laden with gifts, was a featuie of the
affair The exercises began with tho
ringing of carols b the school and
solo'i by Miss Florence Robertson and
D9NT li&lHiCTi
"" "Ti i m. n
A healthful
table bev
erage for
the whole
family, old
and young.
1 1j len.iln l miil b
The GrnMri, I'uro 1 ouU I
I-llojr. N.Y.
Hold by rocer Tfirrnncre.
V Laaaaaaaaaaam 1 II l!l 9 Hk
Dnn't taV Imlt&tlnnf
x mmUUNDim A RCIS, Lesseel.
II. ft. LONU, Marnier.
Commencing Xmas Matinee Dec 26
Oliver Byron
supported by
Hrs. Kate Byron
uutt tho ramoui Uyrou ComcillnQH, vvltli n
Mrong Company, Introducing
Xmaa malltiee.Tiloi nlguttiud Wed mntlnee
Xmai nlRht nnd Tuesday tnnttnee
Wed night a pmnd trlpla bill, Including
Kvenlug Prices J5e, 'J",c, tile, 60c.
Mntlnee Prlces-lSc, V!0c.
Regular evening prkei vtlll pro v nil Chr nt
tnAs Matinee
little Ethel Biady. The presents were
distributed by .Santa Glaus Ilev. and
Mrs. It. It. Bulgln ench received a. purw
of $50. A largo basket full of piesents
was furnished by the school for the
worthy poor. It was announced that
at tomorrow evening's exerciser theie
would be n stercoptlcon exhibition and
singing by Miss Robertson
The oung men who had such a good
tlmo at tho night school held In No. 1
building, Tuesday evening, have been
arrested and will bo sevciely dealt
vv 1th.
The follow Ing young people were
shown through the South steel mills
lqst evening under the guidance of Mr.
Herbert Ellis: Mioses Penrl and Bes
sie Austin, of Ithncu. N Y., Lucy El
lis. Maile Webber, Helen Benjamin,
Messrs. Walter Ellis and James Ellis.
Born, to Mt. and Mrs. Edwaid Mc
Glll, ot East Drinker street, a daugh
ter. Tho ladies of the Arlington double
quartette conducted their fht annual
niasiiueiade social in Odd Fellows' hnll
last evening. About flftv couples were
upon the floor and participated In the
grand march. It was a pronounced,
Miss Helen Benjamin, of Holllster
llle, who has been visiting her sister
Btssie, of South Blakely stieet, will
leturn home today.
Fiank Manlev, of Sacred Heait
school, Long Island, is spending the
holidays with his parents on Chestnut
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What Is the use ot making i better
article than your competitor if you
can not get a better price for if
Ans As there Is no difference In
tho price the public will buy only
the better, so that while our profits
may be smaller on a single sale they
will be muih greater in tho aggre
gate. How can ou get the public to know
our make Is the best?
If both articlea are brought piomln
ently before tho public both ire cer
tain to be tried and the public will
very quickly pass Judgment on thcni
and use onl the better one.
This explains the largo sale on
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The
people have been using It for years
and found that it can always be de
pended upon. They mav occasionally
tpke up with some fashionable novel
ty put forth with exaggerated claims,
but arc certain to return to the one
remedy that they know to bo re
liable, and for coughs, colds and croup
there Is nothing equal to Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. For s lie by
all druggists Matthews Bros., whole
sale and retail agents.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
A Short Time Is Left Such a Chance
Seldom Comes Don't Delay, Como
Quick, If You Value Money By
Order of Assignee All Must Bo Sold
in Seven Days.
The great sale will last only s-even
das longer. If ou value money, ou
can't ufford to miss this chance. Chil
dren's coiduioy knee pants, worth $1.23,
for 48c from 1 to li! years; fifty per
cent, let." thnn actual cost pi Ice Save
the price lift, bring It with ou, and re
member theie are thousands of other
bargains besides these, all In this great
salo now going on at retail. B.000 men's
business tmlts, woith $12, at $1.23, 5,000
elegant fall overcoats, $6 9S, worth $18,
5,000 winter overcoats, $5.75, woith $16,
men's Scotch ihevlnt sack suits, $5 75,
worth $10 50, silk loll stjllsh fall over
coats, $6 50, worth $18; double-breasted
cheviot suits, $S,75, worth $15 tluee
button cutaway dress suits, $7 25, woith
$20, best quality casslmere froik suits,
$8.50, worth $22.50, silk mixed worsted
dress pants, $2.73. woith $7 50, Pilnre
Alberts, silk and satin lined, $10 75,
worth $30. genuine homespun sack
suits, $C23, worth $17 50, silk lined
"Vicuna" fall overcoats, $9.60, worth
$28. full evening dress suits, silk lined,
$11 75, woith $, all-wool hah line strip?
pants. $1 89, worth $1.50. nobby stiaight
cut jouths' suits, $3.25, worth $15. Cuir's
best Melton overcoats, $9 75, woith $J2;
Importid gray Shetland ulsteis. $7.75,
woith $23.50, blje and black beaver
overocats. $8 50. worth $21. genuine
"Sihnabel" chinchilla overcoat", $9.2",
woith $27 50. blue pilot cloth leefeis
and vests. $1.50, woith $11 homespun
and ihevlot cape overcoats. $7 50. vvotth
$21.50. ilno "Klislan" fur beuir over
coats. $10, woith $28 73, silk lined
"Frenoh kerwy" overcoats, $11 50,woith
$J3. stylish genuine "Montagnae" over
coats, $75, woith $26 50; llnest black
Melton dress ulsteis, $9, worth $25.
Cut this adveitlsement out nnd bring
It with nu. He Mire you are at the
right place. Don't lie misled by signs
and banner other mei chants may ills
pla to deceive the public He sure
you are at the creditois' sale Look
well befoie ou enter and lie sure ou
are at 121 Venn avenue, u few dooivi
from St. Chuiles hotel, Scranton, l'u.
During this salu the store will be
kept tien until 9 p. in., Satuiday until
11 p, m.
-- PUIS & IIUKUUNUI'.R, Letieei.
II. K. I.ONU. JHanazcr.
Christina Matlne; and Night. Dee s6,
Tho Orlglnut IU.UVI ANN Till: UltKATCa
I leaded by tho I ninoiii
a,,,on HERMANN
l'rcHentlng the (IrntideU nnd Mont Mya.
tlfylni I'rozrniiwno of Mimic Ever
iscen L'pon Any singe.
The riaicl of The Hoon
A benutlfnl oun Inly vvnlks. dunces nnd
turns aonicisiiults In inld-nir without nny
vlsllilosnpp Itt
Allclilliln lleriiinnii 4 Vl(tl,l . I.'niiinii.
Dancei, 11 rovclntlo 1 In poatle niotlou, lolm
nnd splendor,
l'rli m v'ftc, "Hie 7 V. l ou
3 Days Only.
Friday & Sat.
ommeneln: Tlinmliyj leo isu.
High Class Uaiideuille
Itl-AII-Stnr Ad -hi MI.I.K. NINA,
Omit Kteetrlcul Picture Dancer.
Spuinl I lulHtinni Mnt Mnudny, Dec, 20.
"111!! M'ORTY WIDOWS.'
New York Announcement.
Horner's Furniture.
Reasons why you should buy it
in preference to any other.
(1). 13ocftuse it Is tho boat Furniture
that enn bo produced, both in m odium
and llnoBt gtades, i'Ji. Uocauso our
assortments mo unequalled; CD.
liocauso oif prices itro tho lowest nt
which goods of stniuinnl quality can
bo sold.
Novelties for theHolidays.
Theso comprise thousnnds of ar
ticles, from tho InexpensivB Rooker,
Easy Chair or Writing Desk, to tho
most oxquislto Dressing Tnblo or
Cabinet. Thosodoslrousof selecting
useful, hnndsomo nnd ovor woloome
ITollday Gifts, will find ninplecholco
in our vn,t stock, nnd nt all prices,
plninlv mnrked.
R. J. Horner & Co.,
Fnraltnr Wnltrrs and Importer,
G1-G5 W. 2cl SI ., New York
(Ail)nlnlnuc TMn Mutt,)
TTorn .V Co 'mutnh.Mmiont Uonw of the
ftfehts of Now York. Xowttparp Comment.
Train . . .
Will opei.ite between New Oilcans,
Los Angeles and San Francisco,
Col., during tho xeabnn of 1S93-1899.
Through without ihange fiom tha
Cresient City to the Golden Gate.:
CS houts to I.os Angeles, 73 hours
to San Fiancisco Tine Southern
route for Winter travel Write for
E. HAWLEY, A. G. T. M.,
L. H. NUTTING, E. P. A.,
340 Broadway or i llattery Place,
109 South Third Strett,
Hot House Cucumbers,
Hot House Tomatoes,
Green Beans, Lettuce,
Cauliflower, Egg Plant, Salsify,
Strictly Fresh Eggs,
Creamery Butter,
Grapes, Oranges and Fruits
Pierce's Market
.s n prcraratlon of the Drug by which its
Injurious effects are teinovcd, while th
valuable medicinal properties aie le
talned It possesses ail tho sodatlve.
anoilvno anil antl-spasmodlo powers o J
Opium but produces no sickness of tha
utnmach. r.o voicltlng no costlvencss. no,
hecdache In ncute nervous disorders Iq
Is an invaluable remedj, and Is recom
mended by the best physicians
PER RETT, Agont,
,17 Penrl St., New York.
9 Cklehtitcr' FoiUih Diamond llrui.
V liyib iiUUV ruuaiiit rimmtv prrt
Cfild by &11 Local Drugitita. I'll I L1)A., 1'A
fMiiFiiii mim
IThe liar Capanlf aar
rnt In IH hour without
inconrenlenrr, nncrtloosi
IU vtnCH t opmum v it
ueba uutl lulectluna fall.
AI.T,timou$ JltteaictYaMct Mm
ory, loipotuncr. hiMpleiiBMi, eto . ctuseJ
bx Abute or other i zcao9 BDd Indlt-
crttlom. Thru and turtlu
rNtore vxt Mtnlllr In olJorronE8,nl
ni a man lor tiuar, oaioeu or marruc.
rravent lonanttr and Ooniampllon It
m. xukirna iiiavi ia raeaiain imDi
Thtlra showt ia medtata Iinprof-
Iia( 1IKP. nliara all nthrr fail Tn.
meolanil eBecta n C UllE nliars all othrr fall.
lit upon bftTina Ihs c?nu1no AJax Tablets They
achoasoor relund tho moner, Prlco wU U IOipr
rrctaj or U pkgtn
:t nan irMimenti ror vi-W. uj
r mxin rocript ot rrlr. Plrcaltc
mall, ia lain inmr mxin rocriptoxprlr. riroaltr
,"0 AJAX KliMKDY CO., 'Kl'ZCin.
Tor imle In Scrantcn, Pa., by Matthews
Dros. and II. C. Sanderccn, druggists.
LiTijLii "i
Tv Original ind Onl Ucnulnc. A
AJ CM Uruflit fur Chichitltrt hnglitK Vi j
fcrfitS5vmffr(l C rdJ la Urd D4 OoU artkUloVVflr
"V 4ubei" f!J ithfclQ ribbon ToVe7
ffftiontandxmitationt AlUrsccUd tfMillfc
w JJf la itimri fur jitrtlauUn icitlaatfcU t
, -r m (iiri imp i niM.-inicitfr r rnira
tjtkn"in tin