(THE SCRANTON TRI13UNJ4-FRTDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1898. Iff NORTON'S Book Store All tho desirable new Hooks and tho standard old Books in single volumes and sets in various styles binding, suitable for Christmas presents nt liberal discount from Publishers' list prices. Finely Illustiated Books for children and young folks in almost endless variety at very low prices. Books for Sabbath Schools and other Llbiarlos in large variety and special prices. Bibles, all sizes and styles, from 25 cents upward. Prayer Books and Hymn Books. Art Calendars for 1800. Pocket and office Diaries, 1800. Novelties in fine stationery and everything desirable in the standard lines of stationery at correct prices. Fancy Goods and Art Goods in large vaiiety. Games of oveiy description. Dolls, dressed and undressed, all sizes and styles at veiy low prices. Toys, for all ages and purses in almost endless varieties. Subsciiptions received for all Periodicals at the Publisheis' lates. We invite Inspection of our stock and comparison of our prices, which we think aie as low as same goods cnn be had for elsewhere. Come early to avoid the rush and you will receive better attention than can be given latei on M. NORTON, 822 Lackawanna Ave. This Vote Not (leioil Alter Uec. 21, 1S11S. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -AT- Perry Brothers Millie rolls fnini to $J 10. e'nlunibl.i zltheis 1 ' up. Autoh tips from $? Tin up " Killns from Jfi up to $iin'). iiiilinis from $4 00 up to $'3 00 M indolliii fiom -' V up to $'3 00. H 1110s fiom JIM up to JJ'O'l Mei-it liots from fine up to $13 CO. ( hfiln mult books Me to $2 30. Mum stand, 7'e. to $2 "3 1 Hi llute I'ltolos -,(. up fiiAins fiom $20(i up to JmXiM I'lnuos fiom Jiwooiip to JiiOOi Washburn Waldo Kin State and oilier Instmnieiits at khiu'n leduted prlcts. Perry Bros. 205 Wyoming Ave. lil)i)A))Ailiil)i ."$ AKUiOl' LOOKING KOIt $; j Xmas Gifts I r$ We are showing the $: j-S finest line of ait goods t .S ever brought lo the jj; ' city. : -i J mmm I IDE GRIFFIN HI (ixixfxtM-JwowwdXfMO DR. A. A. LINDABURY, Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women Otllce Houra . - 0 to 10 a. m I to :t p. m At Residence 7 to K p in Olllce Williams llulldliicc, Opp l'ostolllco Residence '.'1(1 .South Main An en 110 COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY l Kb BANK BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Mnltfru i-olleltecl Whero OtheH railed. Moderate. Charces. UtTtopencd a General Inmrancs OOIca In liiiieiniieMBii, UfH Stock Corapanlen -ccf. especially coddled. represented. I,nrge 'ielephoae 1803. l: ACKAWANNA "Tim" lAUNDRY 308 Perm Avenue. A. IS. WAKHAN. PERSONALS. Attorney T. P. Wells was In Honesdalc jesttrdnj. Attorney J. 12. Watklns lb on a business Mslt to Philadelphia and Hairluburg. D U. Ta) lor and C. L. Hill, ot this cltv, (Nile rcclsterod at the St. Denis, In Now York, this week. Miss Kuthcrlue Thornton, of Xoith Scranton, lues gone to Nebraska to visit relatives. Sir. and Mrs John J. O'Hara, of Dmmet street, have gone to Chicago, whore tl.ey win rcmuin two weeks, W. S. Uingstutl went to Washington, N. J , yesterday to attend the funeral of his nunt, Mrs. Dinlly Langstaff. Thomas Thomas, of Hucknell university, Is spending the IioIIcIijh at tho homo of his parents ou North Muln avenue. Attorney Homer Oreone, of Honcsdnie who came to the city to attend tho New Kngland dinner, Is the guest of A, 1', Law. II. P. Baldwin, of New York city, gen- prill pndscnKor npent of the Central Knll road of Now Jersey, wan In the city jev tenia,. Chin Ic Wllllim Tiler, of tho facultj nf Cornell, who wns oni of tho 'peake-! nt last nlKht's New l'ngliitid clliinr, la tho Buest of Colonel aeorse Sanderson. Cards limo been receUcd In lliln city an nouncing tho miirrltiKo on Tuesday, Jnn u iry 10, of Jtlss JTlmn J, Mycru, of Chi luro, to Alliirt N. Kriimor, of this city. Tho Alliuny ArRU i nuthorlty for tho statement that tl.o npproachliiR miirrlnKO of Miss Mary KkkIcUoii CuMnniin, of tint clt, to UtorKo I.oeklmrt D.irti, Unite el Btittoi consul nt Mnrtlnl'iup, W. I , 1 nn nminetd, nnd that the leremonj n 111 take Plato nt tho reside nee of the bride Thurs day December 20, follow by a reception MIsm Cuihmnn li n direct ileec ndant ot the Brtat Itobert CiiMwun, partly thiouRh whoso efforts tho Ma11oii was char tered and tho rnlonv of I'llRrlmri fotmded nt 111 mouth. Sho Is nn onlj grandchild of tho late Kobe rt 8. Cuxhhiiin, one time Hiireor of itlstoniM. TIhhikIi bom In Itlchmoud, Vu , MIm Cushnuin bus rt slded In Alhanv for a number of jeni, wheio sho has main friends. She Is pen sessed of unusual talents Consul Darto Is will known here, beliiK the onlv Hon of lion I, C. Darlc, of Ilkis-U.ine Ik Is a Kraduate of the Ptilverslty of Pollux",! nnla and Is posses-swl of Breat cxfdiUt'a ability, which was displaced to mhniit ne durlnvr tho late troublous times In the. st Indies. The Dartes are also dl lect descend ints of the. I'lirlliiiis, tiaclnir tlie ihdln back to John and l'rlsellla Al den. IN ARGUMENT COURT. Cases That Came Up for Considera tion Yesterday. One of the InteiestltiR' eases lieaiil In aiKunient eouit tsteielu um that of Charles II. Welles against Arthui riothliiRliuin nnd others, lule to open JudKinent. Attorney James II. Toney uiBUed In liehnlf of Mr Wells und At toiney 12. ('. Xewiomli foi the defen dants. The follow In if dlNoue ases vei Hiiliinitted. (.narks Muiku iiKalnst Mni K. Mfiikei, Jlenry V. t-Hwltliiif iiBaius't niln .1. Hurtling, lleinnn S.mi UBiilnst Helnn Haul" Ca-es nrRtietl were Homy I.. Rhlf fer ngnlnst (JeoiBe Jacobus and otheis mle for a neNN tllul: John AVnteilleld iiBalnst the itv of C.uliondule, mle lot a new tll.il. II. A. Ilaruaiil iiRulust T Hunt Hi oik, nile fin a new ttlal In le-lunaey of Pet" r Ciimev mle to sfll leal estate was made absolute. The lulo to Mi Ike olt appeal was lnailu iiliwiltito In the cum of John r.nns iiK.tlllt Kttsene Call The win of James It Kclser against. William ' l!iou-on and otheis, wlilih tame liefuii the louit In the foim of u mle to dh soho .ittiie hment, was discontinued. LECTURE-RECITAL TONIGHT. Miss Jean Howison Will Ee Heaid Tonight in Guernsey's Hall. Ml-s Jenn ITowhon will (lelher lier leetuie-iecltal In e.iiieine's hall to nic, lit on Ian Mac lai en's pi ose-( lassie, Meside the lioniile Hiier Hush ' The NeNN Yolk .Mali and 12piess sas "MNs Jean Huuisnn, of leith Hcot lancl, has ciptiueil mun an A met lean nudlence b tho mate and 1 li.n 111 of her platform effoits The gifted Scott h ladv Is both 11 lecturer and .111 elocu tionist. II r l.lNoilte platfoim topic Is Itobeit liuiiis, ot whom In common with Scotsmen unci Scotswomen on either continent, Mie Is an enthusiastic admirer. Slip Is lai self .1 natho of I'eith, but 11 tew miles distant liom the now w 01 Id-famed DiumtoUily, and knows both tho n Hinge and the author, "She has Just enough of Scotia's de lightful biogoe to give .1 Bvmpathetle and entei mining presentation of Scot land's latest jnose classic, and to make to liNe aneNN the almost historic llgures of Jamie Soutai and I)i miisheiigh, of Mis MacPajden and Dr. Weeluni Mac hine " We Are Selling Our entile' htoe k of maiuifactuied goods JeW pallor suits, jou touches, odd pieces ite. These goods are nil mnile up In Hi st class shape, ou will never git another suili opportunitj. Sale at 111 and JJ4 Venn aNcnue, this, afternoon ana eNening Collins anil Hale Mnuulnt turing company. Smokers' Ai tides. If lou wili to mike n iuinlii-e of smokcis, ai ticks it will be to join atl antagL to st tho "Metropolitan Cigar store, 207 Wyoming uenue (loods -NNill be told legpidless of cost as we wish to t lo-e out our entile t-tock of Pipes cigar lloldeis, cigar nnd Cigarette Caves, ,-tc I'ath t us tomer will ietele a pres-ent. iIIno us a call. Painted Calendais. Uejnolds Hios. Secure a Wntch for 10c fiom the Circulating Watch company Poi particulars call upon or ncldiess the Ciiculatlng Watch compam oill ces in Connell building. Stnnley x. himrell, general manager. Don't bo too late In maktnj choice of Christmas tiees, 11 stleet, Mifunt lot. O 15. Cl.uk ' 011r Spruce c: Co. Cut Pi ices in Books, f.0e to 41c, 4Se to 41c , RSc. to 81 nnd 40c. to 23c. Kaslly the gieatest book bin gains In the cltv. Heldlemen's, .!0 Washington avenue Taney Opera Dags. Itevnolds Ihus Tho Store of Davidow Bros, has been c toweled with customers, that shows tho appt eolation of tho low prices they are offering to the public. Davidow Uios. Goff Capes Chiistmas gifts. make good Clone's. Huy nt Gold and silver-mounted brier pipes, the best make at low figures. Garney, Dtovvn & Co., court house square. Holly, Mistletoe. Wreath Hoping. l.'O Washington avenue, or Clark's annec. Free This Week, A complete novel free with purchase at our Spruce street lieldlemun, 437 Spruce stieet. everj store Don't know what to buy for a Chiist mas piesent. Why a palm, a fern, or any nlte plant! will always please Make jour choice early. G. It. Clink & Co., 120 Washington ne. Calendais, Booklets. Heyonlds Hroa The Wilkes-Barre Record can bo had In Scranton at the rews stands of Itels man Uroa, tot Spruce and D03 Llnujn CVectn; Mac, Lackawanna avenue, A Card. We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho money en u W-cent bottle ot Orecne's Wurrunltd bjiup of Tar It it falls to cure uur couuh or cold. Wo also guarantee a 23-cent bottle to prova satis factory or money icfunded. J. U. Done &. Bon, Dunmore, Pa.; John 1', Donahue, Scranton, Pa. BOND ORDINANCE ROUGHLY HANDLED ITEMS CUT OUT OF IT WITH AN UNSPARING HAND. As tho Ordinanco Now Stands It Provides for a Viaduct, Sowois, Parks nnd Opening of Wyoming Avenue, and tho Total Amount Is Under One-half a Million or Dol-Iai8-Counoilmnn Grier Led tho Pight Mado Against Amending tho Oidinance. Common council 1 educed the bond ordinance to the meiest skeleton of Its former Keif at last night's meeting After the members got through amend ing It nt 10.30 o'clock the following Items lemiilnt'd: Viaduct, West I.ickuwnnnn ac nut flfi7.'2i ii Opening Wjonilng avenue 1,0000 w l'ajlug tlt s portion of cost of fcwcrs ZIOSOSM Park purposes I' :V M Total JlsT.cuhJ ou When the ordinance was tailed up for thliel it ailing It contained Itnmi that made n total or $9S1,900. Mr. Cal pln. of the SKth wuid, moved that count I! go Into a committee of the whole for the impose of umendlng tho mensiiie, and this being agreed to Mr. Calpln iifieied sweeping amendments that left nn measiue In the I'm 111 out lined ubove. In ofleilnghls nmeudmeuts Mr. Cal pln said that, as the oidlnunce stood when the committee of the whole took It up lot totisltleiatlon It would n Mlii'dl. be killed by the oteis. The thing to do thetefoie was to eh e t items iiiovlillug foi geneial iinpiove lncnts foi which theie is u. cijIiir ni teuslt filtlP.lfS AltC.r.MHXT .Mr lirler s.ilel the people In the su Imiban waids aie tnp.ieis and 111 o elc-orving of letognltion. If they do not get It the.N will not vote foi the oidlnunce and he and other suburban louucllmcti will itfuse to give the oid inance their Mippoit Captain Moll, piesldent of the hodv, who leliniiulsbeii the cliali to Joseph Oliver when the council went Into a. committee of tin whole, said that the position taken bv Mr Calpln was the sensible view of the m.Utei. If al lowed to stand In the shape It was then It would tall of its own weight If judle iollM. amended the people might appiove It, although they .lie now gioanlng undu the weight of tax ation. Mi. Keller was of the opinion that the people will not look with fnvoi on anv kind of .1 bond ordinance at tills time and that It is 11 waste of effoit to tinker with it. The plan to elect u viaduct on one side of the stieet is but .1 makeshift ho thought, nnd If built In that way the people will me it within live eais. He favoied a plan that -v 111 pust the viaduct clear aciovs the stieet and 1 lo'e up the c loosing entiielv AMI'XDMi:.'TS ADOPTP.D. After Mime tuither discussion Mi. Oiler moved that the amendments be laid on the table. The motion was lost by the following vote: "N, cas He eve, Clllil, fiillON, Coleiuin, Keller, Noittm-C -s,ic,rimth. Wnlkei, Culpiii, Zlzol inaiin, Molr, Monoglinn. Jue kson, Oliver, '1 P. Mnnls-9. Tlie motion to adopt the amendments was then put and adopted by the fol lowing ote: Yens fJrimths Walkei, Calpln, .. i"l m inn Moll, Mnnoehan, Jackson, Oliver, Keller T P Moirls-10 Nuns Hec-e Oiln lilhoy, Coif nnn, Nivrton 5 The committee then aioe to lepoit nnd Mr Coleman moved to adjoin 11. The motion was lost, and Messis. Oll loy, Ciller, Keest, Coleman and Nor ton left, with n view to hi caking the quorum. Only ten members lemalned, but the question of cjttoium was not lal'ed and the leport of the committee of the whole was acctpted, nfter which council ndjouined, LABORER ZOLOKER KILLED, Buiied Under a Mass of Coal in No. 1 Pennsylvania Mine. John Holoker, emploved as a labom In tho , 1 mines of the Pennsyl vania. Coal compan, was instantly killed jesteiday moinlng by a fall of loof. Zolokei und Ills miner, William Xnim, were at their woik when the loof fell, bui.lng Zolokei. He was dead when the coal was removed from his body. He was taken tei his home on Hast Diinkei Ftieet In the company ambulance. WORDS OF PHAISD bestowed upon Hood's Snrsapaillln by tnose who have tnken It Indicate that It Is restoring health to thousands of people, and that It will help ou also. HOOD'S PILLS ate easy to tnke, easy to operate, cuie biliousness, in digestion, itc. Holly and Mistletoe. Christmas will not find us unprepared to supply the dotal decorations in suili gieat demand upon that d ty. livery thing In designs, bouquets, loose flovv cts, holly and evergreen wieaths, lajr els and pine roping at Marvin & Mulr, Corner Spruce and Washington ave nue, Mears building. m Pancy Olllce Haskets. Hcjnolds Bios. Christmas Holiday. Tho best Chiistmas present Is a box of "La Paloma de Scranton," or "The Court House" These are tho best tlgurs mado In this city by the Court House Havana Cigar Factoiv P Ar mengol, Prop , 217 Washington avenue, Pancy Stationery, Hejnolds Hios Coo the hpeehil line of L'AMi'ltAH I Olt at'-' IIOMUA! UIFTH AT KKMI'H Htll dlo and Hollcluy store, ut '1 fillet', the Hutter, bprucebtrcet. iC3lHK . SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Somo of St. Thomas' Collcgo Boys Will Participate. John Nallln of St Thotras' college, will deliver his Interesting recitation, "Seeln' Thing",' dm lug the cntettnln ment nt tho Scranton Huslnnss college tomori-oN evening. Dudley Tlcrney nnd llobcrt Gatdlncr, also of St. Tliomis' collcgo, will lavot tho nudlence with a rendition of their touching descriptive ballad, "Hreak th" News lo Mother," which was the ob ject of so much well deserved com mendation ns rendered nt their own cntertulnment on lost Thutsdny even ing. Thcge bojs owe their ndmlrnble training In ti grout measure to Itev. Ill other Pabrlclnn, senior professor ot tho college, whose otiual In ability to develop this class of talent It would be dllllcult to llnd. DIED IN PORTO RICO. Parents Apprised of tho Death of Their Son, Private Barrett. Mi and Mis. Kdvvurd Hnriett, of Mill Cieek, have been Informed of the death of their son, Joseph Iiarrett. ut Pome city, Porto Ulc o, August Ji Har lett was one of the I eel lilts enlisted by Lieutenant Dentler the latter pint of Jul. He wns assigned to 11 com pany lu the Dleventh Pnlted States In fnntiy and was In the detachment sent to Poito Hlto. SI101 tlj nftel landing he was wound ed in a skiunlsh with the Sn miauls nnd elletl at the hospital fiom the ef fects of his wounds RESPITE FOR VAN HORN. Members of tho Boaid of Paidons Told His Attorney to Apply to Goveinoi for a Sixty Day Repiieve. Attorney CJecnge S. I leu 11 leturned 1 1 0111 Haiiisbuiy vestoiday. wlule, with Attorney 11. W. Thajei, he ap pealed bofoie. the boarel of paidons In the behalf of Geoige K Van Hoi 11, who is under sentence to be executed Jan 10 for the killing of Mis Josephine Westeott. Van Horn's ease vas tlie last one consldeieel bv tin boaid Wediiesdaj, and when the, learned that insanity at the time of the commission of the cilme and at piesent was one of the 1 caseins whj a commutation ot sen tence is akecl, it was decided to lefcr the matter to the lunac, committee of the state lioattl of ehaiities, who will have Van Hoi it examined bj ex pet ts Dlstiict Attotnev Jones i-ald be bad utllduvils fiom phv sit Inns who had e umineel Van Hot 11 VNlilch het fotth that he Is Insane. Thev s-ald they would allow the boaid of chailty expeits to pn-s upon the tase They would not want to see a man hanged If he Is insane Mr. Hoin said he had other teasons besides insanity to uige for gtanting 11 commutation of sentence if It is de cided that Van Hoi 11 Is sane and he would like an opportunity ot ptesentitig them to the boaid The membeis told him to apply to tin goveinoi for a sixty day icsplte unci In the meantime thej will cut If the facts In the case to the chief executive. Mi Ilenn will make his application todnj It Is not llkelj that the boaid of pat duns will meet In Ja;iuar and Van Horn's case will theiefore come up for consideration In Febiuaij. A Large Stock of Silverware of the best make, such as 1S47 Itoger Itros , Holmes and 1'dwaids, Heed anil Harton's ,etc. We will s-ell them at gteat baigalns. Call and .see them. Davidow Hios, 227 Lackawanna ave nue. A Beautiful Christmas Piesent. The U0v.1l Sttoll" The subsctlp tlon pi Ice Is $'00 o.ii spec ill pilco $3.ri0. No family should be without It. Do not fail to tee it. Willi 11ns & Mt Anulty. Don't Forget the Auction sale of pallor suites, couches easy t hulls ett , ut 111 and 1H Penn uve nue. Sale this nftel noon und evening. Christmas Trees Roping, Holly, etc., at Clatk's. All Kinds of Champagnes and other wines on hand at the Scran ton Wine antl Liquor company, 129 Penn aNonne Telephone 0012. A Baigain. 23c, COc, " and $1 Palms at this pi lee for Christmas lemembrances ate fine, at Claik's, 201 Washington ave. Gents' Gold Filled Watches, guutantecil foi twenty jeats, with Elgin and Wattham movements, fiom $7.50 up. Davidow Hios., 227 Lacka wanna avenue. Palms and Other Plants for Chiistmas ptcscnts. Nothing bet ter. At Claik's. Terithets' Oxford Bibles HenoIds IJtos Cigars by the Box. OHaias clgJi stoie, 131 Spruce stieet. Our 25c Bon-Bons and and Chocolates NOW 20c. Fifteen cents a pound buys Candies sold elsewhere at 20c. Fancy Boxes 25c and 35c each. Huyler and Alligrette fresh every day. Florida Orange, Grape Fruit.Kid Glove Oranges.Assorted Salt Nut Heats, Almonds, Etc., Etc. G, GOURSEN, llest Goods Tor Least Money. Reduced it ADDRESS BY MRS. BALLINGTON BOOTH DELIVERED IN PENN AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. Owing to tho Unfavorable Weather tho Audicnco Was Not as Largo as It Otherwise Would Havo Been. Mrs. Booth Spoko of Her Experi ences with tho Churches nnd tho Warm Welcomo Sho Received from All Denominations Address Con tained Many Helpful Thoughts. Tho unfavorable weathet Inst evening plevented the assembling of the huge audience which usually gtcets Mis. Unlllngton Hooth on her very welcome visits to this city j ne meeting was held In the Penn avenue Haptlst church and while It was attended uj lepic sentatlve people It was scaicely jib scarcely us clouded as had been untl cluatcd. Mrs. Hooth tame In the geneial s place, and her delightful pei.sonalit and rate gifts of speech held tho snme charm for her listeners as of old. Sh is undoubtedly the most fascinating woman speaker before the public to day and much of this is due to her intcnstl, of pin pose and unshaken be lief In het mission. Her rich, pene tiatlng voice, with its pietty accent nnd her familial, gentle mantlet of addtessing an mullein c cntranceel het llstcnets She spoke on the Ameiiean volutiteeiH nnd Intel spetsed her te miiiks with miny personal Incidents that itlNii,s add to the Inteiest of lie r addresses. Tlinilt CHIP.P AIM. She pin tie ulaily emphaslea the fact that the Volunteers' chief iilm is to be an auxiliary to the chine lies and lneldelitally stateel that the mistake made bv the Salvation ,111m Is In en deavoring to hold those whom It 1ms helped Instead of advising them to unite with some chinch. Tlie leslllt Is that a vast number of their con Verts, who llnd the Salvation aimy methods not answulng to theii spir itual needs, di f t nwjj into theii old sins, whin, hail thej ueen eneouiaged to Join some 1 lunch of their choice, the might have beioine useful mem beis of s-ocletj The Salvation .11 mv is not in p. 11 tic ul, u .sNtnpath. with the chin e lies and does not leganl the s.ie lameuts as impoi taut. While many who Join tin Volunteer movement become enthusiastic winkers In It and deslie to devote theii lives to its aims, others tlnil the conven tional methods of .some denomination mote lu aieoid witli their svmpatliles nnd the Volunteers believe In allowing them the full pilvlllege of following the dictates of conscience, and the man who leels that Clod calls him to be a Haptlst Is sent thither with hearty good wishes, or if ho wants to be an Hpls copallnn he is eneouiaged to unite with that sec t. HHIt OWN r.XPl'KIHNCF. Mis Month Hit 11 spoke of her own delightful experiences with the churches, that she Is wannlv welcomed by all denominations, speaking one night In a Piesbtctlan church, the next in ,1 Congiegational pulpit and thus on thtough the list ' Hverjbody is so good to me" she said, with sweet slmpllclt that caused lur heateis to wonder how ovujbody e oulel be any thing else A little incident which le tounted her experience in an HpKeopal chin ill was chatacterlstltatlv told. She steioel In the lofty pulpit among the tlih carvings nnd elaborate details of a chinch very high in its tendency, the choi nils, tne Intoning, (the Mirpllied c holr, the soft liarmonv In music and suiioundings nppalled hei as she heard her own volte In the conveisa tlonal tone ulwa,s employed in her public addresses Suddenly their came to her the tia ditions of an Inhet Ituni e of eentuiles dining which her uncestors had been cletgjmen of the church of England Het father left no son, but It was fit ting that she, as his only reptesenta tlve, should tut 11 up In an Episcopalian pulpit after all Tlie temalnder of htr remarks wete Illled with Intei esting, helpful thoughts and gave .1 dear understanding of the beautiful woik undet taken by the Ameticau volunteers. 10c, l'c, 2"c r0c. 73c. $1 00 reins for these lit It es, nice as Chiistmas lemem bianccs, at Claik's. Ladies' Solid Gold Watches, heavy weight, fiom J' 00 up. Davi dow lit os. Sterling Desk Blotters Reynolds. Bios Just tetelved a, carload of Sthllt Milwaukee lagei beer foi holiday trade Bottled fresh eveiy day and delivered at shoi t notice Older early. Tele phone 2011. A. W. Sehrader, 72G Adams avenue Haik's annex 417 Spruce btteet for Chiistmas trees, 120 Washington ave nuo lor Green Palm, and orders taken for eveiythlng for Xmas. Order e aily. Ci It. Claik & Co. Sterling Letter Seals. P.ejnolds Bros. An Opportunity of a Life Time. Auction sale of parlor work at 222 and 221 Penn avenue this afternoon and evening. Solid Gold Baby Kings, heavy, light, CO and 73 cents, dovv Bro.s. Dav 1- Childrens' Fur Sots, lino at Crane's. Novv Call at the Set anion Wine and Liquor Co.'s stoie for nur holiday goods, 129 Penn avenue. Telephone C012. Cigars by the Box. O'Hata's cigar stoie, 4J1 Spruce street Solid Silver Thimble3, extra heavy, formeily 50 cents, now 2."i tents, Davidow Bios. Christmas trees a eholte lot, 417 Spiuce, ,acant lot G It Clark .. Co. Cold-plated Inkstands. Hcjonlds Bros A Good Set or Teeth tor... $3.00 Our Best Sets or Teeth 5.00 IncljJIni: the Painless LUtraetlcm. DR. S.C.SNYDER 331 bptuce Street, Opp, Hotel Jermyn CORNELL ALUMNI. Association Will Havo nn Informal Social Gathering in January. At a recent meeting of the locnl Cor nell Alumni association the following olllccis were chosen: Piesldent, Pled J. Piatt, vice-president, Charles It Sanderson; secretary, Homer Cox, rep lesentntlve to athletic committee, G II. Dnvldson, llnnnelnl secretary. Louis Grambo. It wiih decided to have nn Informal social gatheilng in Januaiy Instead of the usual uuminl foimnl dinner The following committee was appointed o nrrange for It. George Hiooks, O U Davidson and Louis Grambo. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P, P. & M. T. Hovvlcy,231 Wyoming nv Pountnln Pens, llevnolds Hios. Cigars by tho Box. O'Hara's cigar stoic, 431 Spruce street A Great Santa Clan Exhibition Will be given in out ell, goods de- p.irtment oveiy da until Chllstmns fiom 10 In tlie mntniug until !) in the evening. Do not fall to lit lug the children to see It, as then nevei was anything like It lu Sitantoti before I'ach child accompanied In Its patent ot some gi own-up pet sun will be given n coupon flee nt eliutge, which will entitle It t c haute on two beautiful piesent ,i magnificent doll and an elegan locking hoise. which ate both on exhibition in our cliv e,oods depatt ment. We would advise ladles with Htnill childiett to come In the illuming between id und 12 u clock Tons of the largest and finest stock of Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks and Geese in this city at Special Prices on Bath Robes. $n no Itobes for 7 OO ICobps foi (I 00 Holies for r 00 Itobes foi 1 OO Itnbcn for ?it oo I "in I '.!- :: r,o :; oo BRONSON & TALLMAN, Agts., flutters, and riifnislicr-,, 412 Spruce Street Clarke Bros COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Xmas Gloves anc Mittens In Ladies', Gents' nnd Cliildreiis", SMITH'S EXCLUSIVE GLOVE AND MITTEN STOR:, 427 Spruse St MLOIY OIL !1D TELEPHONE 622 141 to 149 Meridian Stmt, Scmln Pj BURNING AND E0BRI0AT3HQ OILS. PAINT DEPARTnENT.Ptire White Lead, Colors aud Varnishes. Last Call giving and receiving. We wish you all a very Meny Christmas. Hope it will be satisfactory in every way. We assure voit that presents bought here will give cntiie satisfaction. Ueie aie a few more sugges tions for you who have not yet made up your mind what to give. Bamboo Music Racks A new lot of these just unpacked. Pretty and suitable presents for musical folks. $1.25, S1.65, $2.25 and S3.00 Bamboo Tables A variety of these at various prices. 8o"c, $1.60, $3.50 and .1.50 Bamboo Book Racks Some nice ones at $.3.00 each. SIEBECKER & WATKINS, 406 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 ti 61.. 20 Lackawaooi Ave., Scraatoa Pi Wholesale ami Kctnll DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC. Ready nixed Tinted Paints, convenient, Kconomlcnl, Durabiu. Varnish Stains, riocluclntjl'crfoct linltiitlonof HxpamlTS WoocU Reynolds' Wood Plnlsh, I speclnlly DchikiiccI ror Inildo Wori Marble Floor Finish, IJuuitilu nml Urlostlulckly Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PURE LINSEED OIL ANT TURPENTINE. Ideas lOR Xmas Gifts Canes, Umbrellas, Bath Robes, Suit Cases, Neckwear, flufflers, Etc. BELL& SKINNER Motel .terms n UnlUI1 1; (111 N PA I IM.s THE DICKSON M'FG CD,, beiHiiton nml V IlKes IJauo, t" u Maiuifiie'tuieri ot L0C0M0TIVES.STATI0NARY ENGINES I lljl!or, llulttlii; unJ I'cimplii: Miclilier y. e.enoial Olllce, Si ruiitou I'l U3lKEIIII!llligiimfIIII9IIIIIItlF Gift Things Everywhere. I mm z Dependable E MM mm s Hen's Furnisliigs S s Multitudes of the most ap- s 2 propnate and elegant of all S s the new fancies the sorts r: S suitable and sought after for s s Holiday Gifts. S s Index of 5 Holiday Gifts mm s I oi him that can be secured s 5 here in the accepted fashions, 2 5 of good quality, moderately S 5 priced s ! E Neckwear, I Mufflers, S Handkerchiefs, I Umbrellas, S Gloves, Dress Shirts, Underwear, S Jewelery, Suspenders, E Canes, S E Bath Robe, Suit Cases, E Hoisery, Ladies' Walking Hats S "ON 1HH SQUARE" 5 urn m 203 W?siiingtoi Avanus. s sjoi'o open cuMiini until S X ( livisiiiius. f. FMNUFACTUR1NC DO. Yon must do your Christmas shopping now or not at all. Sat urday night the buyer's duty ends. Then comes the pleasant p.ut. the Rocking Chairs A full and complete line of fancy rockers now on show. We lue them in various woods and colors, some bcautitul oak and mahogany finish rock ers, either plain or up holstered seats and backs. Some, too, with cobbler seats. In fact our line contains everything desirable in fancy lockers suitable for Christ mas presents. HAND & PAYNE I