2N THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1898. A SCHEME FOR THE RULE OF HAWAII "ILL FO.tt TERRITORIAL GOV ERNMENT REPORTED. Changes Mad6 by tho Senate Coin mittco No Color or Nationality Lino to Bo Drawn in Citizonship. All Persons "V1mj Were Citizens of Hawaii on Aug. 12, 1808, to Bo Citizens of Unitod Statos-aualifl-cation of Territorial Senators. Washington, Dec. 21. The senate commltteo cm foreign relations totlny concluded Its revision of the Mil pro viding a territorial government for Hn wnll, nnd Senator Cullom. reported tho changes to the senate. Tho most Im portant of the change are as follows: The section defining citizenship was amended by striking out the word white" and the explicit reference to Portuguese and was left to read as fol lows: "That all persons who were citi zens of the repr.'bllc of Hawaii on Aug. 12, 1S0S. are hereby declared to be citi zens of the United States." The reiuc?t of one-fifth of the mem bers of the territorial house of repre sentatives Is made sulllclent to demand the ayes nnd noes, the original require ment being one-thlrtf. The provision In vtgard to the quull tlcutlons of territorial senators Is changed so m to require that the sen ator shall be a male citizen, thirty years of ace, that ho shall have leslded in the Hawaiian Islands not less than three years and that ho "shall he quall lled to vote for senators." the explicit property qualification being stiicken out. lUWAHDUN'O MEMBRHS. A like change In made In the pro vision regarding members, of the house who are required to be qualified by the changes to vote for representatives. Section 43, allowing" one bouse of the legislature to legislate after the other has adjourned, was stricken out, as was nl the provision requiting that each bill should receive the written approval of three members Ix'tore being intro duced. Tln provision authorizing tho territorial Supreme crwirt to pass upon the qualifications of members of the legislature wus not cbur. ged and it was left as recommended by the commis sion. The governor is required to send his estimates for appropriations to the legislature as i whole and not to the senite alone as originally required. The following restriction on the issu ance of bonds Is Inserted: "Nor shall any bond or other in strument of any indebtedness be Issued unless made redeemable In not more than five yars and payable In not ni'ire than fifteen years from the date of issue thereof." The provision that no retroactive law shall be enacted Is stricken out. In the qualifications for voters for territorial representatives the word "tnderstandlngly" In the educational (nullification is stricken out. requiring simply that they shall "read, write and speak tin- Kngllsh or Hawaiian lan guage." No change is made in tho qualifications for voters for senators. The provision In regard to the regis tration of Hawaiian vessels was changed to read as follows. "That all vessels carrying Hawaiian registers on the 12th of August. 1S9S. shall bo entitled to be registered as American vessels with the benellts and privileges appertaining thereto. BAILEY RESOLUTION ADOPTED. The Right of Congressmen to Enlist Will Be Investigated. Washington, Dec. 21. The last ses sion of the bouse before the holiday re tess lasted tut an hour. The Iiallev resolution, directing an Investigation of the rlsht of the members who volun teered In the Spanish-American war to seats in the hoiirt?, wns adopted and heveral bills of minor Importance were passed. Mr. Wheeler (Dem., Ala.), Mr. Colson (Rep., Ky.), Mr. Robbins (Hop., Pa.) and Mr. Campbell (Dem., 111.) are the members of the house who volunteered for the Spanish-American war. None of them were present when tho Inves tigation was ordered today. Hoth houses adjourned until Janu ary 4, 1833. NO QUORUM IN SENATE. Only Houtine Business Was Tran sacted Prior to Adjournment. Wushlnston, Dec. ?L The absence of a (unrum of the senate today saved Senator Proctor's resolution providing for the appointment of u committee of senators to Investigate the conditions 'n Cuba and Porto Jtleo during tho np lirnaehins l"ii)' recess of congress from ilnt'Mx 'feat. An eft'oit as made by Mr. Daniel, of Virgin!!', to obtain consideration of the resolution but his motion mustered nly eight of the thirty-right votes cast. No busliuss of Importance was; disposed of nt today's session. Only some routine business, Including the passage of a few private pension bills, was transacted. WHEELERIS SILENT. Has No Comments to Make on Bailey's Resolution. Washington, Dec. 21. Chairman Hen derson, of the house judiciary commit tee, says the Inquiry Into the right of a member to hold two ofllces ordered by the house today will not be taken up until after the holidays, It Is ex pected that Generul Wheeler, whose status la Involved In the inquiry, will lie given every opportunity to present his view of the question.. Genoral Wheeler stated after the In quiry resolution was ngieed to by tho iiouse that he had no comments to make on It. SECRETARY OP THE INTERIOR. Mr. Hitchcock Is a Descendant of Colonel Ethan Allen. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 21. Hon. Ktlian Allen Hitchcock, vho was today ap pointed secretary of tho Interior to succeed Secretary miss, wns u former wealthy lawyer of St. Louis. At prefe cnt ho Is In Russia as United States ambassador, .. which position Presi dent MeKinley unpointed him in 1898. He Is a great puTonal friend of the president nnd is a iineal descendent of Colonel Ktlian Alb n, of Tlconderoga fame. The Freight Association. New York, Dec. 21. Tho executive com mittee of the Middle States Freight asso. clution htVl a meeting In this city today. Chairman Uullom sold uftorwurd that tho mooting had been for the purpose 'if transacting routine business In connectl'in with western freight. BENT TO THE WORKHOUSE. Mluorablo Flight of tho Marchioness of Donogall. London, Dee. 21. Tho Marchioness of Doncgall will cat her Christmas din ner In a London workhouse. Ill, mlre ably clad and apparently In acute de stitution, she npplled yesterday for ad mittance to tho Great Northern hos pital, from which place she wns re moved to the Islington workhouse In firmary. Sho explained that she was homeless nnd not willing to communi cate with her wealthy friends or with her husband, who la suffering from pneumonia. Thostoryof thellfo of the mnrchloness Is painful. Sho left her husband In 1873 and In 188'J Instituted separation proceedings, In which tho counter charges of misconduct were made. Unsavory details of their conjugal life were also bandied about. The marchioness failed to obtain alimony and has since received assistance from her friends. Sho wns lust heard of In May of the present year, when she broke her leg In a hotel elevator and wns taken to the hospital. The marquis has had a troubled fin ancial career, llu was declared bank rupt In 1SS9 with liabilities amounting to JCCIS.SIC pounds. He then said he considered he was justified in raising half a million of money, In view of the fact that he had prospects of suc ceeding to an estate of 50,000 a year. Hut owing to the entail he only suc ceeded to X1S0 pounds a year. He was mixed up In a flnanaclal affair this year, when he lent his name to a company prospectus, which caused the Star to criticise him as " n peer with a record of disgracing the order to which he belonged. TROUBLE ON GRAND TRUNK. Situation with the Telegraphers As sumes Threatening Aspect. Montreal, Que., Dec. 21. The situa tion between the Grand Trunk tele graphers nnd the company has again assumed ti threatening aspect. When General Manager Hays agreed to rec ognize the committee representing tho men It was thought that a great step had been taken towards an amicable settlement of the existing difficulties. The commltteo has had several con ferences with Superintendent McGuig gan but they have been fruitless. In fact Grand chief Powell states that Sir. McGulggan has destlnctly declined to consider any proposition looking to tin Increased rate of pay and a reduc tion of the working hours. As tho whole case of the men Is prin cipally based on these two demands, the committee has no further hopes of effecting anything through Mr. Mi Guiggnn and will now make a final ap peal to Mr. Hays. IN THE PLAY HOUSES. Engagement Cancelled. Manager Harvey Long, of the Acad emy of Music, last night cancelled tho engagement of the New York Stock company, which Is playing a week's engagement at the Academy of Music. The company was unsatisfactory, Mr. Long said, and not up to the standard he hns set for the house. Persons who have purchased tickets for the remainder of the week can have their money refunded by calling at the Academy of Music box ofllce. Adelaide Herrmann's Dances. Dramtlc authors, as is well known, at times take their ideas from novels. Dramatized they have made the most successful of pluys. Adelaide Her mann, who Is always up to date, litis taken Rider Haggard's weird heroine "She" for the subject of one of her famous dances. She calls It "The Witch," or "The Resurrection of She." First she appears clad as an old hag, copied after Charlotte Cushman's fam oue character Meg Merrlles, and amidst thunder and lightnlning, accompanied by realistic dramatic music, she is seen tottering around the stage. Feeble with age, she falls to the ground, struggling to gain sufficient strength to reach the enchanted lire, which Is seen smoldering In the distance. She reaches It nnd rises erect with out stretched hands toward heaven, as if imploring the Almighty for youth. A terrllllc crash is heard as she falls In a shapeless mass into the Homes. They suddenly burst Into a furious blaze nnd In their midst stands the beautiful danseuse, arrayed in ether eal attire, smiling and contented. Her hopes have been realized and the sought for youth and beauty has re turned. This Is only one of the four beautiful dances to be presented by Adelaide Hermann at tho Lyceum next Monday night. "TJps and Downs of Life." Oliver Hyron and Kate Byron, sup ported by an excellent company, will be the attraction at tho Academy on Christmas matinee, presenting tlvJ "Pps and Downs of Life." Oliver Doiul Byron lias long been recognized ns the foremost actor in the coined drama line, and has probably more friends among tho theater-goers than any oth er actor who presents that class of at tractions. Ills play, the "Ups mid Downs of Life," Is written on the best of melo-dnimntlc and comedy lines. Kate Byron Is nn nctress who has made for herself a line of comedy peculiarly her own. Mr. and Mrs. Byron have n stronger company this senson than ever before, and they usually have a strong one. At the Gaiety. It Is customary for leading actors to have an understudy, but such a thing as a dog having nn understudy Is something hardly to be thought of, hut It Is a fnct nevertheless, for "Fritz," the singing dog who appears with the Bruns and Nina High Class Vaude villes, has nn understudy In caso he should feel indisposed to perform his act, but -which has not yet occurred. "Fritz" gives a correct imitation of tho singer in the gallery and knows his cues as well ns the rest of the artists with tho company nnd seems to enjoy tho applause bestowed upon him by the audience. Tho company will he at tho Gaiety for the remain der of the week, beginning today. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. Tho genuine lias L. B. Q. on each tablet. DB. AUNLWH CATAHHUAL POU-DHU.-Hcv. W. II. Main, jmbtur of the Baptist Emanuel Church, lluiTulo, gives strong testimony for and Is a linn nt llever In Dr. Agnew's Calaniiul Powder. He had tried many kinds uf remedies wlti -out avail, ".ftnr using Dr. Agnew's t'u tnrrhnl Powder I wns benefited ut once," arc bis v.iii iU. it Is a wonderful remedy. It relieves lnstuutl. Sold by .Mutthuws llros. und W. T. Clink. 37, THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Dec. 21. Tho market was strong most of tho day, particularly In tho lato trading. Fractional gains were general. In tho railways whllo tlio advan tage In a number of specialties renched considerable proportions. Most stocks un affected by special developments or for eign quotutlons were freely offered by tho traders but this cnusod little moro than a period uf hesitancy nnd u shading In railway quotations. Federal Steel stocks wero bought confidently by tho minis par tics who have recently been large pur chasers nt tho same time they emphat ically denied rumors that Federal Steel was about to absorb another largo con cern. Totnl sales were 81.',ti shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALLIi"! & CO.. stock brokors, rooms "05-700 Mears building-. Open- Illch- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Cotton Oil Co. . 33 Am. Sugar ltcf. Co..ll!5i 12fi 12IU 12S Atchison lflla 1!' 1" Wt AtchNon. 1'r. .. riL'-, Kl, liU-H "", ..H1U lll'i 139V4 HO.'i Am. Tobacco Co. . Am. Spirits Hnltlmoro & Ohio Brooklyn It. T. .. liny State ns Ches. & Ohio Chic. & a. West. . Clilc. Northwest. Chic. II. & O . 12-S 12 12U n't 72'J 72 Mi . 70',, . 72Va . r, . 2l?i 35 I J1 1 7(1 71!U 2171 21 .. 1511 151 134 K.- .1lli 11171 HH4 lll'i ,121'i 1221 121 122H .117"! 117s' HOT, 117-v, .11X1',. lltn- 1094 110 Chic, Mil. ,t St. 1' Chic, Hock I. 1' Chic, St. P., M. & O. 01',i IC'fc 81 Mi f'2'4 Clove., C. C. & St. L.. 44i 41'i IS'!! 11 con. (jas Del. cfe Hudson C. F.rlo Gen. Klcetrlc Co. Int. Paper Co. ... Louis. & Nasli. . Munhattan Mot. Traction .... ..lflO lMU ISM 108 ..IOP.j - - 10P2 .. 144 - - - .. 4124 0.1'i !23i 0! .. 59 C1U DSMi 00 .. Kl'i, C27k OaC'l .. 0071 !7i M"j t'7s4 .. 10271 JD27S, 102 10. Mo. Kan. & Tex. Pr.. S7i Mo. Pnolilo 1311 Nat. Lend Co 37i ;;?',! :iiiai ;nvs 131,, 42',b 43 3S 3S SS i. . .-. as iiuuson..i.'j"t izii'i i.i'x i.u N. V., O. & W 17 17H 17'.i 17U .North. I'actttc 4l'.fc w 41Mj ' North. 1'nclflc. Pr. , T'ac. Mall S. S. Co. People's Gas , 7(1 ,' 70H WTi . 4314 ,i 42n 43 1074 10S71 1074 ins?; Penn. II. H ..IZlVz 121i 121i 12P.4 Plilla. & Heading .. 1!) Phil. & Read.. 1st Pr 4Gi Teun. C. & I. It. It... "0 Texas nnd Pacific .. 37 Cnion Pacific 40', 1'nlon Pnclllc, Pr.... 72,i 1 S. Huh. Co lli C. S. nub. Co.. Pr...lll'4 C S. Leather Co.... ", 1". R. Leather Co. Pr. 0:1 Wabash Mi Wabash. Pr 22'i Western Pnlon 1)2 40s,i 40s; 4ij Sfili SO SOU IS'i l'i -S'a 427i 40' b 4274 73 72i 727i 43i Hi J 4l'i MU 221', 23U S3U r2"8 S" CHICAC.O EOAnD OF TRADE. Open- High- Low- Cloi- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Inc. May Wi t!Si l!", fiSi July CJ1 Ci, Ci'i Gfi coun. May rsu Sfi"i P.Vi 3i July Xfii SH'a S.VJS 3G7 OATS. May 2iVi 27 2Gi 27 July 247s 2474 2l7i 2l'i 1'OIIK. January 0.12 9.42 !U2 0.42 May U.07 P.7S 0.C7 9.72 LAttD. Junuary H.O; 5.10 n.07 5.10 May 5.30 5.33 5.30 5.32 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Scranton & Pittston Trac. Co 20 First National uanit Elmhurst Boulevard Scranton Savings Pr.nk Scranton Packing Co Lnrka. Iron & Steel Co Third National Bank Throop Novelty Mfg. Co Scranton Hallway Co Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank Economy Light Heut & Pow er Company Scranton Illuminating, Heat & Power Company Scranton Forging Co Traders' National Bank Locka. Lumber C Lack. Trust & Sufo Dep. Co.. !i00 235 ioj 95 25 3b3 so 1G3 45 &5 iao 10) 150 80 150 Mooslc Mountain Coal Co Scranton Paint Co Clark & Snover Co,, Com 400 Claik & Snover Co., Pr 125 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Hallway, first mortgage, duo 1020 People's Street Hallway, first mortgage, duo IblS Peoplo's Street Hallway. Gen' erul mortgage, duo 1021 .... Dickson Manufacturing Co ... Lacka. Township School 5.. City of Scranton St. Imp. ti.. Sit. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction C bonds... 115 ... 115 ... 115 ... .. 100 ... 102 ... 102 1U0 105 Philadelphia Grnin and Produce. Philadelphia. Deo. 21. Wheat-Firm and Vie. higher. Com Firm and lc. higher; No. 2 mixed December. oll, 4094a4lc. ; De cember, new, 3Dal0e. Oats Firm; No. 2 white clipped, 33!&u3!c.; No. 3 do. do., "2'sc. ; No. 2 mixed, do., 32c. Hutter Steady; fancy western creamery, 22c.; do. prints, 21c. Eggs Steady; fresh, nearby, 27c; do. western, 21c ; do. southwestern, 25c. ; do. southern, 25c. Cheese Firm. He. fined Sugars Dull nnd granulated 1-ltJe. lower. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow Steady; city prime, In hogsheads, S',c; country do. do., barrels, IIV:,; dark do., s'.fca; caites, 4c; grease, 2aa'.c, as to coior. Live Poultry Dull and barely steady; fowls, CaSc. ; old roosters, CaS'c; spring chickens, 0a7e.; ducks, 7uc; geese. 7aSc. ; turkoys, (in 10c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, choice, S'ac. ; do. fair to good, 7Ha Sc. ; old roosters. Co.; spring chickens, western choice, large, PalOe. ; do. fair to good, TliiiSM-e.; turkeys, choice, Hal3c. ; do. fair to good. Oallc. ; ducks, 7aSc. Hecolpfs Flour l.ooo barrels and 3,000 sacks; wheat, 4,noo bushels; corn. 137.0O bushels; oats, 9.000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, lH.OoO bushels; com, 25,000 bushels; oats, 11,000 bushels. New York Grain and Produce Market. Now York, Dec. 21. Flour-Firmer with business checked by advancing prices. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red. 77?ic f. o, b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. TCV'. f. ii. b. afloat spot; No. 2 do, do., 74?,,c. f. o. b. afloat spot; options opened easy with cables; for a tlmo holiday dullness and depression prevailed, but on a late bulge in com shuns started an excited buying movement that advanced prices over n cent a bushel; the closo was strong, ?fea Pic net higher; December closed 74'kC ; March. "Zc. ; May, 72lc. Corn Spot firmer; No. 2, 42Ha42?ic. f. o. b. afloat; op tions opened steady nnd subsequently de veoped great strength on Increased specu lative demand, firm cables and big cear ances, leading all other markets, closing l'tc net higher; December closed 41c ; Mny, 41;e. Oats Spot firmer; No. 2. 32i.e : No. 3. 32e. ; No. 3, 33e. ; track white, 31a37''2C.; No. 2 white. 31'ac. bid; track mixed, western. 32'sa31c. ; options dull but llrm. Butter Firm; western creamery, 15a21c; factory, 12al llfec. ; Elglns, 21c; imi tation creamery , 13al7c. ; state dairy. 15a ISc; do. creamery, ISalO'.fce. Eggs Firm; stnto nnd Pennsylvania, 26a27c. ; western fresh, 26c; southern, 22a23c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Dec. 21. Corn overshadowed everything else on 'Chnnge today both in strength and activity. Continued heavy cash nnd export demand drove shorts to cover and resulted In un ad vance of iic. The strength of com Influ enced all other markets. Wheat closed !Ualse. higher; oats advanced ?c. Pro visions closed SHuBc. higher. Cash quo. tatloiiH were us follows: Flour Firm; No. 2 spring wheat, tti'sc. ; No. 3 do. do., 61 u6li$c. ; No. 2 red, foaCOe. ; No. 2 corn, 35-a 2ic; No. a yellow, 3fa3'4c. ; No. 2 oats. 2'jVi a2CS,c.; No. 2 white, 23.,a2s?4c.; No. 3 do., 2Sa2Sic; No. 1 flax seed, 51.05; now, SMO'J nl. 11; prime tlmothey seed. $2.30; mess pork, $S.15aS,20: lard, 5.05a3.10; short ribs, JI.C0a1.S0; dry salted shoulders, 4,inViilf.: short clear. $4.8.-,a4.87H: whisky, Si.ffl; su gar, cut loaf, J5.93; grunulated. $5.33. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Dec. 21. Good to cholco ma tured beeves higher and active at $3.80n 5.C0; canning cattle, J2.20a2.25; primo helf. rrs $l.r,Oa4.75: calves. JfaG.70. Hogs -Stronger and higher at $3.15a3.17'.i; heavv, U30.l3.42W J light. U23U3.35; pigs. J3a3.20. Hhpep Weak nnd In poor demand; iambs, higher for good heavy weights; lambs, Sl.75a5.15; yearlings, $4.40al.5O; common to good sheep, $3.35a4. Receipts-Cattle. 9.000 head; hogs, 33,000 head; sheep, 10,000 head. New York Live Stock Narket. Ni'W York, Dee. 21 Breve--Moderately active: good beeves, wtendy; common nnd medium steers lower; bulls and cows, steady to firm; steers, $Ia5.25: oxen and H.igs, $J4.75; hulls, $2.7"..i:l.C5; cows. 41.70a 3.05; extra fat cows and bulls, $la4.25. The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for the llcucfit of All Who Hnvc Houses to Rent, Real Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Wnnt Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent ti Word, Six Insertions for 1'lvc Cents n Word Except Situations Wanted, Which Arc In serted Free. FOR RENT FOR RMNT-LINDR'S HOTHL. OLD KS tabllslied house. First class location. Address Llnde's Hotel, Archbald. Pa. FOlt RKNT-EKEK KOOM OR SHARK of offices second floor front, Coal 1.x- clinngc. Call at room 15. FOll RENT - SECOND Qulncy. FLOOIt. 701 FOR SALE t.'ntf RAt.t' atv IM.'U ('RNT. SE.Mt-AN' nual gold purchase bonds for sale. No stato tax. Gilt edge In every particular. Full Information cheerfully given. bOi und C02 MeaiM Hulldlngj CORNER LOT; IMPROVED; CENTRAL city. Bargain; good Investment. Ad dress 15.10 Washington avenue. FOR SALE-A FIHST CLASS TIANO at a verv low price; it must bo sola. Address P, o. Box 247. Scriinton. FOR SALE-TEN H-I-P-A-N-S FOR 5 cents at druggists. One gives roller. FURNISHED ROOMS. lai ii n rTnHsTTETTTHONTTi? for rent In private faintly. Address I'. '.., Tribune ofllce. FOR RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms; conveniences. Rooms from ?1.W up. 522 Mulberry ktreet POLITICAL. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS A candidate, for the olflco of City Con troller. Subject to the Republican pri mary election. JOSEPH ANSLEY, JR. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-MY RESIDENCE AT 235 Colfax avepue; Just ci mplcted. All modern Improvements. Hrrdwood finish, sanitary plumbing, electric lights, etc. Price reasonable. Address Frank T. Okell, 220 Broadway, New York city. MRS. L. T. KELLEH SCALP THEAT mont, 60c.; shampooing, 50e.; facial massage, manlcuiin0-, 25c; chiropody. .01 Qulncy. CITY SCAVENGER A.B. BR1GC.3 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. BRIGGS. Proprietor. Leavo orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcko'a drug store, corner Admits and Mulberry. Telephone C010. Calves Active and firm for primo stock; veals, 5aS; yearlings. $3u3.72V4. Sheep Dull and lower; good lambs, firm; others steady; sheep, $2.50al.50; extra. J1..j; lambs, medium to choice, $.'i.S'ali.b0: Can nda lambs, J5.50.i5.75. Hogs Firm at 3.50a 3.70; common pigs. $3.40. East Liberty Cattle Market. East Liberty, Pa., Dee. 21. Cattle Steady; ectra, 5.30a5.15; pilme, Si.WaS.L'O; common, $3.20.i3.G0. Hogs Steady; heavy 2.V) pounds und upwards, J3.2.r,a3.50; best mediums, $3.40a3.15; best Yorkers, $3.30u 3.35; comomn to fair Yorkers, $3.25a3.';0; common pigs nnd skips, $2.25u:i.ir.; roughs, I2.25a3.10. Sheep Little doing: choice wethers, $l.40a4.5O; common, $2.50a3.50; rhnleo lambs. $5.20.i.1.35: common to good, $3.50a5.10; veal calves, $G.50.i7. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo. Dec. 21. -Cattle Receipts light. Hogs Very dull; good to choice Yorkers. $3.40a3.15; loughs, J2.90a3.1 pigs, fair to choice, :i.25a3.S0. Sheep and Lambs Very quiet; lambs, choice to extra, $5.25a 5.40; culls and common, $'S.75n,; sheep, cholco to selected wethers, $1. lOuit.SO; culls and common, Sl.75a3.25. Oil City. Oil City, Pa., Dec. 21. Credit balances, $1.10; certificates, no bids;, sales or offers; shipments, lli.Giil barrels; runs, 159,727 bar rels. MILLIONAIRE NEVER SLEPT. Death of Man "Whom Orchestras and Billiard Clicks Soothed. Kenosha, "Wis., Dec. 21. Millionaire Ed. Bain, president of the Bnin Wagon company, whose death of pulmonnry apoplexy at the nge of seventy-five was unnounced from Pasadenn, Cnl., was familiarly known as "the man who never slept," and it is doubtful If an other case like his exlstn. It is virtually a fact that for the last sixteen years he did not sleep an hour In his bed. Constant devotion to busi ness was the cause of his sleeplessness, lie having been known to remain in his factory up to sixteen years ago as late as 4 and C o'clock In tho morning, and when he would seek rest he found It impossible to sleep. For the greater part of tho past ten years he lias taken dully trips to Chi cago to pass the time away in street car riding and driving during the day, and at night In a theatro or billiard hall, which were the only plnces where he was able to get a short nap, the music at the theatres and the clicking of billiard balls alone affording him short spells of repose. LEAD TRUST FORMING. Hanna and Rockefeller Said to Be in tho Deal. St. Louis, Mo., Dee. 21. It Is reported that negotiations are progressing for the consolidation of ull the lead com panies In Missouri into one mammoth corporation. As far as can be learned the promoters of the deal are capital ists interested in the National Load company.controlllng nearly every white lend plant in the United States1, about fifty in number. With the St. Joseph and National companies as a nucleus, the capitalists expect to bring In big corporations do ing business In the Missouri lead fields. Senator Mark Banna nnd J. Wyman Jones ate large holders behind the St. Joseph Lead company, nnd they are backed by John D. Rockefeller. NO CHANGE IN THE NAVY. Secretary Alger States That There Is No Foundation for tho Report. Washington, Dec. 21. Secretary Al ger is authority for the statement that there is no truth in the report of a change In the head of tho navy depart ment, lie said that he was with Secrfl tnry Long n great deal of the tlmo dur ing his visit to the south with tho president and heard nothing to Justify the report that he contemplated leav ing tho cabinet on account of 111 health or for any other reasor.. Secretary Alger said that lie wag perfectly satisfied that there was no foundation for tho report. Work for Canal Committee. Wushlngton, Dec. 21. Senator Morgan today secured tho passage by tho senate of a resolution authorizing the Nlca raguan canal commltteo to investigate the alleged efforts to obstruct the construc tion of the Nicaragua canul. WANTED. WANTED-CAEE OF BAD HEALTH that R-I-P-A-N-S will not benefit. Send G cents to Rtpans Chemical Co., New York, for 10 samples and 1,000 tcstl. monlals. AGENTS WANTED. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DON'T prepare for uny civil service examina tion without seeing our Illustrated cata logue of information, Sent free. Colum blan Correspondence College, Washing ton, D. C. HELP WANTED. PLEASANT HOME WORK FOR MEN or women, day oi evening; Jii to 15 weekly; no canvassing or experience needed; plain instructions nnd work mulled on application. Brazilian Mfg. Co., Now York City. HELP WANTED-MALE. v ,i,i i. v. u uuoruiiQuujr, r iik.n wants olllco manager at Scranton; sal ary, $1,200 year; JGOO cash and best refer ences required; commercial reference fur nished. Address Postolllce Box 312, l'lilla. II. . itmnn it . ,,.,i,Mn , .. . , limit HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED '-GIRL FOlt GENERAL housework; small family; no children. S2S Mulberry street MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 4Vi PER CENT on sufllclent security. Okell & Dunn, Attorneys, 5 Coal Exchange. MISCELLANEOUS. saxonYabusi'" and th ton DEVEl oper. At all drug stores and Baby Bazaar. SITUATIONS WANTED A YOUNG UNMARRIED MAN WHO understands hoi ses thoroughly, speaks English and German, wants a position as coachman or hostler. Can give best ref erences. Apply Dave Strauss, No. 020 Dlx court. SITUATION WANTED-CAN FURNISH first-class reference; and position of trust; age 32. U. A. M., 1213 Diamond avenue, city. A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS A place in small family as housekeeper Address Mr. Daniel Damloand, 417 North Main avenue. STUDENT, YOUNG MAN (20). WOULD like pleasant homo in city for winter, to work for board. Address "Ambitious," Tribune ofllce, city. A MIDDLE AGED MAN WANTS WORK at driving team. Address, W. A., 818 Cedar avenue. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING. Ironing or nny kind of house cleaning by tho day, or will take washing home. Side door, 120 Franklin avenue. SITUATION WANTKD-WORK IN A grocery storo or market during tho holiday trade by an experienced man who can glvo good reference. Address R. B. Hicks, 401 East Drinker street, Dnnmore, Pu. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man to drlvo or take care of horses; has experience; best leferenees. Addiesa L. II., 203 South Main avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MAR rled man, of good character, as steam fitter, stationary engineer, ilreman or any kind of machinist work; can furnish best of references. W. II. Jones, 1005 Eynon St. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lady as stenographer and typewriter; had four years experience and can fur nish best of reference. Address G. M. G., No. 1 Arcade building, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man to drive for a private family or store; Is sober nnd reliable; good refer ence and must have work at once. Ad dress D. B., 901 Price street, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A COMPE tent bookkeeper; would fill vacancy through hollduys; good reference; wages no object. Address Box 392, Moscow, Pa. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING ironing or any Kind of house cleaning by tho day, or will take washing home. Mrs. Lee, sldo 10 uoor. 120 franklin avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EL derly ludy ns housekeeper; first class washer and Ironer. Address M. A Y Trlbuno office, city. SITUATION WANTED - AS OFFICE boy or nny other kind of work; two years experience In shoe store; ace 15. Address T. J. R 325 Decker's court, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lady us stenographer, typewriter and bookkeeper; best references given. Ad dress N. M., Trlbuno cilice. SITUATION WANTED-BY A COMPE- i.in kiii iu uu Kuncrni Housework in u umnil fftmllv nf it-Ill tm n... i .. . Cull or address 519 North Hyde Park ave. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YQl'NG best reference; salary no object. Address ii. i, i mi v-nt'Biiiui street, city. PROFESSIONAL. ARCHITECTS EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHlTTxS5" Connell Building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, av., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price Butldlng, 125 Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY & SON, ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. 4 Jl i d d i l i d 5 coats. Everybody talks .- this chance, I GRIFFIN & COLLINS, 220 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. mmnmmmmtm9m PROFESSIONAL. Vtf'NAANA00V4SIA DBNTIST3 DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON Pnt vato Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 Wyoming avo. WELCOME C, SNOVER, 331 Washington avenue. Hours, 9 to l.nnd 2 to 5. HAT MANUFACTURER. TOLLES. 400 SPRUCE STREET, MAK your hat to order and thoy lit. HOTEL3 AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLBH, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropenu plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWYERS FRANK 1J. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-nt-Lnw. Burr Building, rooms 13 and II, Washington avenue. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys and Counsellors-at-Luw. He publican Building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - ut - Law. Commonwealth "iiimiiic. Rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD.ATTORNEY-ATJ Law. Rooms 514, 515 and Dili, Buard of Trnilft Tl. ti. ii """i ijumilllK. D. IJ. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mcars Building, corner Washington avel'"e and Spruce street. JAS. J. IL HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law, sot Commonwealth Building, Scranton. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 903-901, 9th lloor, Mears Building, L. A. WATRE3. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 502 Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Bank Building. C. COMEGYS, 913 REPUBLICAN Building. A. W, BERTHOLF. Attv.. Mears bids. MIDWIFE MRS. GABLE, GRADUATE MIDWIFE lol8 Washburn street, Scranton. En gagements solicited. Rooms and bent attendance for a limited number of pa tients. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. C. L. FREY, SCRaV'I ON "SAVINGS Bank Building, 12i Wyoming avenue. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D., HOME opatbist, No. 228 Adams avenue. DH. W. E. ALLEN, ington avenue. 512 NORTH WASH- DH. R. THAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Olllco hours! Thursdays and Satur days, 9 a. m. to C p. m. DR. L. M. GATES. ROOMS 207 AND MS Board of Trudo Building. Offico hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 3 and 7 to S p. in. Resi dence, 309 Madison avenue. DH. C. L. FREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting nnd Fat Reduc tion. Ofilce telephone 1303. Hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DH. S. W. L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 339 Washington avenue. Itesldence, '.318 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and gcnlto-urlnary or gans a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. W. G. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs trented. Hospital. 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2C72. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pu. Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opens Sept. 12. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann, LL. D., Walter IL Buell, A. M. SEEDS G. R. CLARK & CO. SEEDMEN AND Nurscrjmcn; store HC Washington ave. nue: green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone, 7S2. WIRE SCREENS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR ull LACKA wunna nvenue, Scranton, Pa., manutac turer of Wire Scrcns, MISCELLANEOUS BAUER'S ORCHESTlLV-jn7sTcFOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms, adress It. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGAHGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue. Scranton, Pa. RA ILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad System In Effect Nov. 13, 1S9S. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. vnr Philadelphia and New York via D. A 11 R i" , at C.43 a. m., and 12.0J, 2.1S. V.l Black Diamond Express and 11.30 p. m. HnnHfiVH D. ti 11.. 1"A. ''4s ' m For White liaven, Hazloton. Poltsvlll.-. nnd nrincipal points In the coal regions, S k D & II. H- " c'43' 2',S nml Vil ' " For' Bethlehem, Easton. Heading, liar- ruiiiire aim tii,..i.. -. -iu ni.v tions via D. Ac IL ," ", , a' "is 4 "7 Hlack Diamond Expn Sundays. D & H-. 1-5S, 7.48 p. in. Ssllliuajn. ; v. rpnwnilrl m. 12.0). 11. Sit ress, For TunKiiuiiiiufij, iui.uiiuu, uimira. ... -. - ,, .,. -...wi ... . Uhaca. aneVu u '--- "erine. uto stations, via D L. & W. For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag. nra Falls, Chicago nnd all points west via D & IL". " 12-(?'J-W Ulack Diamond Fxnress, 10.41 and 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. a. II 1L4I n. m.. 7.48 p. in. Puilmaii parlor and slipping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars on all trains betwem Wllkcs-llarre and New ork, Philadel phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge 1 ROLL1N If. WILBUR. Gen. Sunt . South Bethlehem, Pa. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen'l Pass. Agt., 20 Cort- landt slieet, New rlc. A. W. NONKMAC1IBH. Division Pasj. enger Agent, South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations npply 309 Lackawanna ave.. Scranton, Pa. iS v d i i ii i d li A . s Christmas Gift . , . . Ii Everybody owes him- C; self a Xtuas gift, and g could not pay the debt in a more profitable way than by getting one of Griffin & Collins' Oer- about them. Don't miss tT. UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERJ, MUTTERS A ID FdMISHERS RAILROAD TIME TABLES. tAMMA rii-iii iiju-u-q i. 'VWMsivwvVai Scheilulsln Effect May p, i8o3. Trains Uavo Wllkes-Barro as Fol. lows: 7.30 a. m weok days, for Sunbur Hnrrls,bVr?', P'liladalphla, Baltt. moro, WashinRton, and for Pitts. burg and thaWost. IO.I5 a, , in., wook days, for Hazloton, tTa '?' ,no?7"nE. Norrlstown, and Pli ladelphla; and for Sun! bury, HarrlsburR, Philadelphia, Baltimore,, Washington and Pitts! .burg and tho Woat. J. 12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris. oui-K. Philadelphia, Baltimore, tho W0ns1. ' and P,ttsburK anti G'OO I p. m., weok days, for Sunbury. Harrsburg, Philadelphia and Piltsburg. J. B HUTcmNSfRP'Jl 0en'1 Pa"- Aeent Jl 0N' Uen"al Alanajcr. Del., Lacka. and Western. Effect Monday, November 11, 1S93. i.'nlna Ic.?vo Bcraiitou us follows Ev. ?40 ?PB w"!i 1.T01 k. w,d." PoSil" Kiit. 3.X( p. m? ' U"d UM u' '"' KM ni Express for Easton. Trenton ii,n.t.i ions at SmV-Vf 'V- '!akl!,B close eoniieo. NorthweML0 i? "..!!" n,s "' West. Washington nceommodutioii, 3.40 n m B iighanituii mid way stations l.oS n m a!fei:f.1nWl?,ln,chnc,d8P"B-. .WKA?3, 9-.w ?' "? "d 1.55 p. m, iw.r J,ltllU'berlaiid, Pittston, Vllke. Pane, Plymouth, Blooinsbuig And Don' J making close connections at WoMh! nmiVielu.,,d ,f..r Wllllamsport, Ilnrrlsburg Ba til lore, Washington and tho South, ..Northumberland und Intermediate sta Uons, COO. 10.05 a. m and 1.55 and 5.40 p Nantlroke and Intermediate stations 8.08 and ll.io u. m. Plymouth and lnlcri media o stations, 3.35 and 8.50 p. m. Fo? Kingston, 12.55 p. m. ' nii,exmrae"s",rrab';s?,,d 8'CCplnB COaches " tnVRT. dln"cd '"fumiatlon. pocket time !ai .e3l.0t0" amly to M- '- Smith. DIs trlct Passenger Agent, depot ticket of- Delaware and Hudson. ". ?u"da'-, ?,llly 3rd- trains will leava berantoii us follows- for Carbondale-.M, 7.53, 8.53. 10.13 a. .' n o ro e .,- n .,- r . -w V. III. For Hnnemlnle 41.20, 8.E3, 10.13 a. m,: 13 noon: 2.20. s.?k i. m irt .. For Wilkes. Bane. For Pennsylvania Railroad points, 6.13, 9.3S n. m., 2,18, 4.27 p. in. For Western Points, via Lehigh Vnllov Railroad 7.48 a. m.: 12.03, 3.M, with Black Diamond Express, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrlvo In Scranton as fol lows: From Cnrbondalo nnd tho North fl.40, 7.43, 8.38. 0.34. 10.38. 11.58 a. m.. 1.23, 2.15. 3.i, 4.2.1. 6.43. 7.43, 10.38. 11.27 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and the South fi.15, 7.48. 8.48, 10.08. 11.65 n. m.! 1.18, 2.14, 3.48. 5.20, 6.21, 7.53, 9.0.-,, 10.05 p. m. I 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale-9.07, 11.33 a. m.; 153, 3.52, 5.53. 9.53 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 9.38, 11.43 a. m.; 1.58. 3.28. 5.13. 7.48 p. m. ... ,. . Lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada. .1. W. Bl'RDTCIC. G. P. A., Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa. Central Railroad of New Jerssy (Ifehlgh a;id Susquehanna Division.) Stations In Now York Foot of Liberty street. N? It, and South Ferry, Whitehall SlAnthraclte coal used exclusively, lnsur Inir cleanliness und comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 20. 1898. Triiiw leavo Scranton for Pittston. Wllkes-Barie. etc., at 8.30. 10.10 a. m.. 1.20, 2.33. 3.50, 7.10 ! "' Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1 For2'Lakowood and Atlantic City. 8.U) A' ID - . v..b XTAtifnflc nr1 WllTnl0l S "0 fexiu'ess) a. m., 1.20 (express), 3.20 (ex nrasslP n Sunday. 2.15 p. in. Train eavlnc 1.20 P. m arrives at Philadelphia. Readme Terminal. 7.03 p. m., and New YiVnt Mauelimchunk. AUentown, Bothla hem Karton and Philadelphia. 8.30 a. m.. 'ff'.K m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. '""JJnr lli tlmoro and Waslilnglon. and Ji yoUth and West via Bethlehem. ?-Ant m l"-0 P. m. Sundays, 2.13 p. m. i?r l one Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., tit I Or JVJHr rt 6"SAa." ueadlng "Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via AlU-n'town: 8.30 a. m 1.20 p. m. Sun- d4V' MBviiic. 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. m. J'V,.VShiK cave New York, foot of Lib .treeL'North River, at 4.00, 9.10 ex press) S?Vu...30 (express) p. m. Sunday, 4,:?vmNew York. South Ferrv. foot wm Bifnll street, at 9.05 a. m.. 1.23 p. m S'lLners arriving or departing from ?!aiS, luminal can connect under cover thm. oil ie elevated railroads. Broadway wUil a).!,rl and ferries to Brooklyn und ?,V nn isfands. making nulck transfer to n,l.d f?om Grand Central depot und Long island ramoau. Sniltl Bt?Ull" OLHAVSEN. Gen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen, Pass. Agt. rrla nnd Wyominc Valley. Time table In elfect Sept. 10th. 1893. "fHr!unlnVanVrn"mT luriveot Scranton from above points at 10.23 a. m.. and 3.15 and 9.0S p. m. NCIIANTON IJIV1SION. In f.f feci Of tobrr flOtli, ttSOS. Norfli Hound. houtli Hound. C.43. 7.48. 8.43. J.3S. 7 i in'i,m;i IP3- 1-:3' 2'18' 3'33' -1'27. G1- T.4S, 10.41, 11..10 p, m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-6.4.-. o. m., 12 03, 1.28. 4.27 n. Ill will, TllnMr nhrnnnH T0v- inhia. Readlnc Terminal. m ., m 3 oo i". Sunday, CIS a. nv r,i,u' "Vi, tickets to all po nts Last. ThrOUgU. ll?''e.la...1 ,u.rnlo nt Ihi, i and wcm i ,u,.o. 2is iaoii ieo4oo J g g- Stations fe ' ' H 'a I 15 a 'S a m ! M'Arrlve Leave a m 7S3,N. Y. Franklla HI. .... T 10 .... 7 10, West aaa street .... 7 as . .. 700l Weeliawken .... 810 .... x m ! m Arrive Leave f inr m lol's 1 15 faaobla s e&. 30 11140.... l Hancock .... an 43s 1031... is to btarllglit .... 222, 44 mat.... 1240 l'rcston rark .... 231 4 lift 1015.... 1440 WlDVfOOd .... 41 6 0.1 10 00.... la Si Poyntelle .... 250 614 OftO,.., IS 14 Orson .... 258 sa 040.... isos rieosant Mr, .... .ice 030 958.... 11 sa Unlondale .... 309 esi 9S-I.... U4H l'orestcity .... 310641 Olfl. .. list ('arb)nda'.e .... ast 564 DOT (liso White bridge . .. 13 38 6M 90'.... iiisil waytieia 1343, am 85S... ill 23! Jerinyn .... 3 45' 001 853 .... 11 lh' Archibald .... 3 Bl 6 00 8B( ft 151 Wllltou .... 8 541 S U 846.... Ull 1'ecUvllle .... 36,l 842 nor tilyrhant .... 404821 H40l.. 110J l'rlceburff .... 407 624 83S II Oi! Throop .... 410 67 8 351.... 11 ool rroldenco ., 4 14 6 3t S3-;. .. host park 1'iaee .... fiir'oas 8 so.... 1055 i-'cramou .... 4ao!H3. 1 Ml a u Leave Arrive r m'p m t. Sunday only f. signifies that trains stop on signal for pas. senders. Trains 20 and son Sunday only, other trains dally except rundoy. hecuro rates via Ontario a Western beforo purchasing tickets and save money. ihioush Wagioruunet s'v.'pfr and free re. cllning chair car New York to cntciro vit'.hout change. l'U'iauucrr H.tjj IlJoucctl to fl'wo 'enl I erMlle. J.C. Anaercon, Oen. Pass Agt T, Flltci oft, Ulr l'r.es, .gt.boranton, I'a,