THE Sr? ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1898. 4 4-f4-4-f-f4-"f-f-f--4-f-f-f-f-f-f4- JAMEB t HOLMSTROM HALLETA DAVIS PEASE "f -f iPIANOSt i t 7 CILDEMEESTER A KROEOCR -f 4. MALCOLM LOVE 4 v riSCHCR. i Finn&Rhillips X "t 13B wrOMINQ AVENUE. WASHBURN GUITAR. BANJOS AND MANDOLINS. EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS X COME AND OET A YIASHBURN TWO-STEP. MCE THIS WEEK. -- DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offlco Hours tin. m In itf.HO p.m, 'J lo I. Williams building, Op p- I'rstollieti SLa SLU -t-t- f f CITY NOTES HHttHttfttttttt school j:mim.ovi:s' i'.v - .imu i-ehool teachus and Janltuih will H-itUc their p.ij todu. MHKTINV, TONIOUT The Kciilon(! i lub will hold a meeting thK et.uhig at Howard JM.Re hull. Wll.b CI.OSi: TOMf.IIT. 'Hie Ilowald IM ire African .Mi thnillt Kplsiopil ihurili fair will close tonight. IIe bod Is Itl lted. l, DONATIONS lti:''IJIVi:D Donattoiis lor the pool will 1 iictlMd lod.n b the Woman s guild ol ril l.uke h dun eh In ihe palish houi lib. Union stie-t, I'AV-DAVS 'lhc tmploMh of the Die k mmi M iiiutiicturlng (oiiipam will he palit tomonow. This a t un , slou mi tht jMrt of the onipan luwaiiK the , m plovts to give them a i ham e to lm thi ll Christmas pit seiiti- wiu. hi: Pitusi:.;i-Ti;i. A.t..r.iu.K tu a decision of tilt i:unhi I'lolettne (ii-ocl.itliiii .ill biitiluis imMug then shops ojiui tin tin .il. "1 IU..II on iitlnr hibtmns ol .N.w .iii ,- i.lll l.c pio-e- tuttrt. t'ONVr.NTION COMMIT I'lli: Time will be a meeting of the miui.iI eoinmlt tie having in ih.ur' tin e'lieitalnmein ot the National Aoi I iti.m ul l.i tu r Car rlcis this evening at C lit I ill lt( public, n dub mom" 1'ilie imlliiliu Waslilngiou iucnm"- 1 l.imiT AND WATCH -The buhl tnd vwiter lommlltet. or stitit nnim-ll will meet tomonow llftt moon 'Ihe lotlinut lte will (onsldei a piopo'iilloii tiom the "elbach romp.iii. wlibh offeis lo n immbi I or experimental gas lights in the subuibs ror S..H each pel e.i-. TWKNTV VlIAltP IV I'llISON -Clunk IhiiMi. n nook unite wi'.l known to the pollie heie. Is Jui In ginning to fie a t 1 went y- ears' turn in jail foi train 10b-I ber. He was nnrsttd and tomidi.l it Virus Calls. Minn. Dett ctlse John Mult lecelved a letter itinl,i from Chief or Vollco M. M (lo. ,,r that dt. Iiifoiming 1dm of Thintrs' hentctu. THCSTS NOT 1 IINKCICIAI. -Thf r(B nlar meeting of the Young Men's l'niinn was held last e(iilng at tlulr moms In tlie Connell building. Tie piogiamme ioisstcd of a red! itlnu b Cud Dodgp i ntltled "To the Young Men of Our Cuuii ti," oiatlon. "Tluodoie Itooseiell," b Isaaellaslam and a on ihe siilijeet "Itesohed, That Trusls Are Hoik tidal ' The debate was. deilihd In faor of tln negative by Judgis ItiteM Kaiirfm.iu and Zimmerman IDENTITY DISCl.OSC.D Tin Y. II. Smith, uotlii' nt win. st iieutb at Tuscon, Arizona, was liiiioinueil b Monday's J. pup of The Tribune Is a In other of Miss Smith and Ml i: I Shuvv of North llvde I'aiU averue end Mis. John Mr JCcevei of Jaiksou street. Diciaved lift Riranton ovir thirtv-flvt vtais ago and has resided In tht w,st foi mitnv vears. Ariangements are b lug uiiiiU for the lu ueial ai'd the it mains will pi nimbly be brought here for luteiment Holly, Mistletoe, Wreath Roping UO Washington avpniie or Claik's an nex. Bargains' In gold and sllvet -mounted pipes at Ganiev. Urown it Co.'p. Cold-plated Inkstands. Ile.vonlds Iltos. To Sweetheart If jou want to Rive .vour lover a sen. hlble present, one to keep him In ten der, grateful thoughts, of jou when absent from jour side, then make him a Nmas present of a pair of our slip, pers. We have them in evciy stjlo and design. Men's Creole Slippers. JL Men's IJght Drown KM C'icule Slip per, with Klnstle Side, Medium CO Cf) troad Too P.OU Men's Drown KIU or Calf Slipper, with Elastic Side, Mfdlum O 00 Too X.UU Men's niack KM Creole Slip- JC per. Medium Toe ' - rioys' and YouthB' I.euthei 7?r Opera Slippers uu S ijx kiWiwfj r tgJJPbgs,"?""!jiaatai ' 1 1 i km 1 1 ,',',;',' 7 SCHANK SENTENCE IN THE CONTEMPT CASE JOHN GIBBONS COMMITTED TO THE COUNTY JAIL. An Appeal Has Been Taken to the Supreme Court, and a Writ of Haboas Corpus Asked for to So euro tho Keleaao of Mr. Gibbons Pending the Hearing of tho Appeal-Judge Smith Will Give His Decision About tho Writ This Morning, Now, Dec JO 1S9S, tin sentence of the cnutt Is that ou, John (HbboiiM. pay the I'osth of them nrocceilliiKH, ihnt jou pu.'jro t thr enntimpt In width vou Ktninl by niiHWcrliiK tho ititstlous which you have been iltrirtrd to nnswei, nnd ion nre. hcrebv committed tu the county Jill or Lackawanna county, to be there tonfintd until ou shell nliHwit tin ii tlon which vim hive been nnlercil to nn irr ami thiToln ptirui oiuicir of the contempt The above Is the fetitenec of the court In the ennteimit iiioeeedliijrs .is pro nounced on John OIIiIioIium yestetday by JtnlRo Archbnld. An to tho Superior couit was taken at onic and nn nppllrntlon made to Judge V. V. Smith of that mint foi a wilt of ha beas rnrptiH to sectne the I cleave of Mr. Gibbous pending the hearing of the ap peal. Jndse Smith will Rlw bin decis ion at 10 o'clock till mornlmr and In the meantime Mr. (Jlbbon Is at llbcit uniler $1 00o ball Mr. Olhhons was dlieeted by the coutt to answer teitaln qiicnlon in the LaiiKstnff-Kcllv contest and when he lefUFed tn do so he was deelated to be In contempt An attachment was Is sued for lilin and placed In the hands of the fdieilff and olerdav moinlng Mr Clbboiix, ai'( .impnuieil by his at torney I II Hum", appe.UPil In murt In tespoiihe to the atl.uhmont When Mi. fiibbons was dli cited to step be leue the intiit his altoinp addres'-ed tne couit in the riiiinwlng l.iiiRuage: mil mn.vs IlIIMAitKS. If the Kllltt 1I btleflv uli it Mi IKi -it loll, in the ki I Would llk( to statu tt tltll lit (PllSllll I-, iM S Kroiiiid he t.ike In this ni.ittri. mil i mm nnv want of -i spot t to the loint, hut it si-Min-" he h.i. tonsil, if lllllls M tuples ill ICKltd to It. Ills piel tloi . as he tuti it to me mill think I Will lolile lie Milt ol ( nnliilince Is this He h.i ti stlibil In line tl.e i inililu s til it he has dime nothing il. nlid by the -i linn ol the (iiiisiliiitlnii mult! whii i this pto- KtiilnR N iiinie.'hi, In his hi .mi guiln in no l l.iiiiiu of tin pinvM.ins or the ,u l If tli it In tun or ( nil i ll ( i iiOlh IllR In the i'1'i h'll hi- ,k l t loll Is inniethllig llki tills. i:iHoiie Knows as a n ntti i nl f.ui. I it tat (hi tloil liwn i.llow mil (In- e. of nimu tor (i iiniii spu Ith piiipcrs iiiini ei.itdl in the statute, i Viijnne ,il"o knows lb it tliost.' t lit I gs an lot oli-irnl li ,in IhiiI.v. Time U nut an otllcei ill tills Kiuit house Mil. is, vi i In,- lilt pulillc. xWon; ', tlt ,.,,',' . , who has (.oupllid xtiiill.v with the pto- t Now li tilh- tiritiu ill I iii liil umii.i iiiiiiiuii lit tli. ... j. ()f lv,; Illt h(. u w(, .,,.,. , 'thlswin It w.i- lift as thmiH'li fi irlelil ))f mlll(1 W1( ,am,lll(. f( ,,!,, a,i(l I i w is n aiiNlouv to li,ii him divteil tliotlRll lie luliliRiil to the opposite inllt l il ).ut to wl'lill 1 did, but ll 1U.J m llittutliill to stippoil ti 1 111 Now I ' i to a man anil s-.i . tu him: "I would like to have win uf oui liillu due and ileote a little time toward-' heliiliu; nloiiir (he laiullihiti that I am 1 iippoiling, notwithstanding he belongs to the opposite p,ul M nnnii tput' That is all liuht. bill I'm a pool mall and i.m't afford to spend the time." to whlih 1 annuel "Km wlutevei time ve,u spend I will piv vou. 3o till vour lileiuls what kind of a man this iandli''ite is, tint ou Intend to support him. an I on pit i linn dnv do the same thing around the polls, I will pav jou for vour trouble." why in: 10 tki.u Now, the thought might ociur at o'i e that time Is no harm In telling that. Tne man Is Milium Hue n candidate ot the t p- poslte puty, and. nituiaiiv lie noon i want It understood that he eloe- it for moiifv Therdore Mr (Jlbbons thinks It is a matiei of hornr with him not to dve the name, of those to whom ho pa,d the inonev for suili services, noiwith si mil It was right and popei thai sue ll persons should In sti u numerated. He thinks that the Riving out of these nanies v ould be to sublet t these petsons to more oi le's odium among their own partv as soi iatts Mr. Hums fmtlier argued that Mr. Gilbons luivlni, fully answereJ and de .Hed his gul't of anvtlilni.' against tli pmvlslons pf the oonstltUiton Ills vite could not be thalleiiRed now, taken out ot the billot bo, even under tho view tnken bv the couit. Any other ques tion as to whom monev was p.ibl would be 'liPiely to gratlf pomebodv's curiosity or as a means of venting their spite. Judge Archbald leplied that Judges do not make the law nnd cannot modi fy It "V can onlv inspect and en foice It," continued the judge. "An entoicement of the law iceiulies that the questions which have been directed shill be nnswered. So lunf; us the rp-(lmiiili-nt tefuses to answer he Is In contempt. Iiiht as soon as lie answer ho pmges himself from the ronteinjt Tin only thing we have to do, then. It to i nforce our order, by a commitment, until It shall have been compiled with. We might Impose a line, but wp will not do nt: that is to say, wo might iniposo a fine In audition Wo will, how c vet, content out selves with dolnt that which should bring about a ienn plianco with the older." Judge Atch babl then Imposed the sentence noted above inn! remanded Mr. Gibbons to the custody of Sheriff. 1'rjor. AI'l'HAIi TAKEN. An apppnl to the superior court was at once enteied with Samuel Stevens, prothonotai v of the superior ootut and the appetil having been formally filed with the clerk of the rouit of qtuutcr sessions of this county tho tJIbboni contempt proceedings vvete then before the fcupprlnr. The appeal dltects that the ense shall be heard on the second Monday of lanuaiv, 11)00, In this tlty, the return el.iv for heating the appeal nt the term In this tlty next month having passed. Judge P. Smith Is In the city now nnd homo tlmp after Mr. Gibbons was remanded to the custody of tho sheriff Judge Smith went on the bench In tho superior court room and Mr. Uums presented a petition nsktng for a writ of habeas coipus to secure the i dense of Mi Gibbons pending the hearing of the appeal. Tho petition Is as follows: The petition of John Gibbons respect fully leptesents, that he Is a citizen of the ptate of Punnsvlvanlu and Is held and unlawfully u-stt allied of his llbeity by the sheriff of Lackawanna county, under circumstances us follows; In a contested electloncase now pend ing In the Quarter Sessions court of Lackawanna county for the olllce of county treasurer, he was summoned tu appear ns a witness before two exam iners engaged tn taking testimony. He was usked questions' substantially as appear In the annexed transcript of the ( Don't lose sleep. ( i Take Ayer's POOR BOARD CASE. Is to Be Argued Befote tho Court Thursday Coses That Weio Heard Yestei day Ac tion on Rules. On Thursday the tule to quash the writ of quo warranto In the poor boatd case will bo heard bv the couit. The wilt was granted at the instance of John J Murphy, who at the election In Tebruaiy last was decteil a dliector of the Scr.mton poor dlstilct from the old south waul ot Scranton, nnd was directed against V. h. 'IVippe, who, when the wilt wa issued was setv ing bv appointment as a director ftom that ward The t nli was In the uigument list fot two let int. but was not i eat lied nnd when the list for thu pieseiit teini was made up It was left off. Attorney I. H. Hums, who represents Mr. Mur phy, called the attention of the murt to the fact that the t use was not un the list and Hint It was time the mat ter was heard and disposed uf in soni" manner. Judge Edwaids tailed Mr. iJiiins at tention to the f.ut that Ml Teippe lias leagued and that theie Is now no one to dlrei t the writ against. Mr liurns suld this did not altet t In fact that Mr. Muiphy dalnis the olllce and Is t-ntttled to have his claim passed up on. Uy the time a wilt is obtained against Mi. Te-ippe's Hiit.ces.or he too might ilpteimlne to iesgn and b.v fol lowing out Midi a policy aiRUiueiit on the itile might be postponed indelln ltel. After some fin titer atguinent mint (111 et ted the case to be placed on the additional aigument list foi a heating on Thutsday In aigument eouit yesteida.v the tol lowlng cases weie henid odole the thiee judges. AiRiied. A L. Hhotles agalns O. E. VauRhan. rule fot a new tiial Annie Choplinskl against Louis Vesneski. .id lniulsttatoi'. A. U Hi own against FianU E Piopei. mle to stiike off appeal dlilmiged. Esthei E Stone against Andiew C Mahoney mle to open judgment, D K. Oakley against M II Thompson, et al . mle to substi tute admlnlsti.itor, George W. Klltst against William Keen, judgment ie-ver-ed; e lt of Sctatiton against Doia Koeh and otheis. ceitioi.iti, pioceed Ing teveised. Itlee. Lew and Com pany against I. O Ives, mle to dissolve attachment made absolute. Maty Me- jNiilty aiiministratil. iuie to open Judgment, Weston - il compaio, mle to strike off appeal dlsehaiged. In the case of Maty E. Metiers against John E Metteis, tub fot a le (lee in dlvoice was submitted by ngteement of tounsel We Have All Gtades and brands of whiskeys. Seinnton Wine and Eiquor company. 121 Penn avenue. Telephone CG12. Eanty Olllce Haskets. Heynolds Hies. Don't Be Too Late in making your choice uf Christmas tiees, 417 Spruce stre"t. vacant lot. G 11. Clark &C Cigars by the Box. O'H.tra's cigar stole, 411 Sptuce stuet Davidow Bros, headquuiters for is the presents. llilllil.1V Sleillng Desk Hlotteis. He, uolds Urns Cherry Pectoral S and lose that 1 f ' couh. Sugges We are showing fine assortments of Handkerchiefs Initial, Silk and Fine Em broidered. Gloves Kid, Dressed Mocha and Suede. Mittens Wool and Silk. Umbrellas, Purses, Pocketbooks, Chatelaine Bags, Fancy Supporters and Garters, Cushions, Pillow Shams, and Scarfs, Aprons, Mufflers, Ties, Suspenders, Toques and Jersey Leg gins, Fur Collarettes, Table Linens, Silks, Dress Goods, Etc. MEARS NOTABLE GUESTS AT PATRIOTIC MEETING VETERANS OF MEXICAN, CIVIL AND SPANISH WARS. They Attended tho Gathering Given Under tho Auspices of Fenn Ave nue Baptist Sunday School Last Night Major Wint, of tho V. S. Regulars, Shot Through tho Thigh at Santiago, Was tho Real Lion of the Hour Honor Also Bestowed on Dr. Heath, a Moxican Voteran, A voteran of the Mexican war and an ofllcer of the regular United States army, who was wounded at Santiago, nnd several veterans of the Civil war, participated In a patriotic meeting giv en last night In the lecture room of the Penn Avenue Baptist church under the auspices of the Sunday school. The Hon of the evening was Major Wlnt, of this city, an ofl'cer of the Tenth United States cavalry. Scranton people have nlteady been made ac quainted with the ilrcnmstanccs which brought him home, u gunshot wound from a Mauser bullet which went through his thigh and put him nut of the lighting at Santiago. Dr. AV. H. Heath, of tin West Side, was the other honoied guest of the meeting. He is the only Mexican war veteran known to be living In or near this city. Ma jor E. M. Dunne!!, of the West Side, dellveied th" chief address ot the even ing. He talked about "Tho Hoys Be hind the Guns." his lemarks t elating to the Civil VMir. Mil. PAINE PRESIDENT. II. E Pnlnu called the meeting to or eler and Intioduced the chairman, Rev. Mr. Scott, of Elmhuisl, who Is chap lain of GrlfSn post. Each of them made a blief address. The Anthtaelt" Glee club sang a splpctlon and Major Huniiplt delivered an rddress leplcte with Intel cstlng ati"cdotcs and Inci dents of the Rebellion. S. N. Callendar sang two vvai'-tlm" songs nnd Arthur E. Collins teclted soint otiglnnl versos "Them's Men." The sublet t matter l elated to the brav ery of the coloied tioops in tli" Ileht lng nt Santiago and was suggested by a conversation which the author had with one of Roosevelt's Rough Riders on u Terry boat while en toutp from New York to Eong Island tlty. Major Wint was then intioduced. Though attenuated and ftneed to un u cane In helping himself about his looks indicated that be wa we'll on the load to health and stiengtb. Owing to the lateness of the holli lie spoke for less than two minutes. He lemailcul that anvthlng ealou l.i teil to instil patiiotlsm In the bicasts of the young end to petpeluate the glory of the American aims was good. He thought It wise that unusual steps should be taken to Inculcate In oung Ameilcans the piinclplts of his national government just now when that government was on the tlueshold of vwiild-wldo activity. MAJOR WINT'S REMARKS. Major Wint remarked that the un-glo-S ixon was a leader of men, a leadu of all otluu nations. His cap acity ns such had been shown In the gi.ind lesults of Client Hillain's tol ouiitl system. The United States bad found itself Involved in the same re sponsibilities and Its success depended laigely on political education. The canacltv to govern and administer was Inhcient In the Ameilcan boy. he said, and he hoped it would be nuiluied, as he would have, occasion to make usa of his talent In a few eais. the s line kind of talent that was possessed by the English. At the conclusion of his lemaiks, the audience anise and gave Major Wint the Chautauqua salute 'it the sugges tion of Rev. Robett U. V. Pierce, the pastor, who occupied a seat em the platfoun Dr. Heath spoke bi lolly and the meeting ended. Upon Its conclusion an opportunlt.v was afforded to meet and sdiake hands with Major Wint. Hi J command, the Tenth Unite J States cav alty, Is In quatters nt Huntsville, Ma., but has been oi del eel to be In leadincss foi dutv in Cuba. It will pi nimbly lit sent to the Island In a tew weeks. Major Wlnt is on sick leave. He goes to Washington today to ,ee his phvsl rl.m. He hopes to be able to join his command In the spiing. COLLISION ON THE CUT-OFF. One Freieht Train Dashes Into Another. A collision occuned at 3 o clock es tud.iy morning on the ''mountain cut off" blanch of the Lehigh Vallev l.iil ioad which extends from Falrvlew to Coton. a few miles northwest of Pltts ton Urleght trnln 511, In charge of Conduttor Gallagher, of Mauch Chunk, tions for Christmas. & HAG EN, CVvvvarVfe.. Millar & Peck, 134 Wyoming Av. "Walk In and Look Around.' and Engineer Van Huskltk, too, of that town, crashed Into train 539, also a freight, at Oliver's Mills. Hoth trains were westward-bound, and when leav ing Falrvlew were on schedule time. Descending the mountain, Engineer Van Huskltk lost control of his engine, owing to the slippery condition of the rails. The train came down the bill at great nieed. At the point noted, train 511 tan Into the caboose of 53.9, demol ishing It and three cattle eai.s In front of It that were empty. In the caboose vvete Conductor Joseph Mackin, of Wllkes-Harte, and Utnnk Htady, ilag nian of the train. Mackin will tile from the In juries lecelved, his lower limbs being paialyzed as a icsult of the acci dent. Hrndy, It Is believed, will re cover, but will lose the sight of hit left eye. He was hurt principally about the head, riienuin John Evans, or truln 511, who lesldes nt Maucli Chunk, was seveiely lujtited. Engineer Vun Hus kirk escaped injtlty. The collision eaused a delay of seven bouts, and dut- lng the dealing of the tiaeku, tialns weie sent over the main line by way uf Plttston and IN HONOR OF THEIR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Silvorstone Enteitained Last Night. Mr and Mis David Sllveistone d -light fully entertained a number of guests last evening at their home or. Kianklln avenue. In honor of the en gagement of their dntightet. Miss Ray to Sam Dembo, of this city. The looms weie deioiated with loses nnd potted plants nnd Mis Sllveistone was assisted In leeching by Mis, s. H. Hauls and Mis. R. M. Mveis. Vocal M-lectlons weie lendeied by Max Rlue and A. Lewis, of Huffi!), X Y., which were much enjoyed. Misses Ru.v Sllveistone mid Heitha Krotsch veil' heaid to good advantage In a dud. Piano solos weie given bv the Misses Ellllau Illume and i,t:hi Kiotsch. Miss Ray Sllvoisto'ie was presented with many beautiful and 'nl unble pit'sents. At a seasonable hour refreshments weie set veil Among tho-5e prcent Mr and "lts. David Silverslo'ie, Mr and Mis. Hutlvltz, Rev and Mis. Di ick, Mr. mid Mis. II. Silvei stone. Mrs C. A. Uaulkiier, Mr. and M's Mcc Hlume. Mr and Mis. S H. ns, Mi and Mis. M. R Mjeta, Mr ard Mis. E'Sllveiman. Mr and Mrs. Joe Htoek. Mr. nnd Mis. Kline, Mr. and Mis. Connor, Mr and Mrs Hrindwlne, Mi. and Mis. Caplan. Mr. an 1 Mis. David Sehloos, Mr. and Mis A. Silver, tu t! the Mls,ses Ray Sihetstmo Es thei Sllveistone, Ellllau Uluni" Flora Silvei man, Heitha Kiotsch, Ht.'.e Sil-v- Messis. MjiT Cohen. To Cohen, Ilnirv Jlyers, Joe Jlyers. Prejitil fm. i out of town weie Mr. and Mid. II. Sll veistone and son, Monioe. ot New Ynk. Mr. .ind Mis J. M-'yeis, of Eos 'on, Abe Lewis, of Rufi'ab.. N. Y, and Abe and Hen Mven, of E.i-iiuoie-. RECITAL LAST NIGHT. Mrs. Saunders Was Heard in Finn & Phillips' Store. In Finn and Phillips' nuislo store Inst evening Mrs. H. Shlndell Sdtin ilers, of North Scranton, gave a tecl tol befoie an audience that tlepaited high In Its maise of Mrs. Saunders as a pianist. The programme contained selections rM W..II1- I the best remeilv fur Urt"5lll'SbioticIilli; Itrclfeves Jv , ?T tlietroul)!ciomecoiiRli ( .OllOril VIlin "' ouce, eflectn an eaty cures in a few da) s Price 35c at alt druggists, Ladies wishing to pur chase Dry Goods during- the holiday season will find our store a desirable place to shop, as we are giving all our attention to our regular lines of goods, assuring all of the polite attention of experi enced clerks. 415417 Lackawanna Ayenue Economical Christmas Buying 1 j those who nro looking for Clirlntiiiiis Present that tiro useful, nud within tho menus or n, modest purse, wo men tion h few articles, which inuy bo or value: 10(1 Piece Dinner Hets, hpt t-ombvitreoui porcelain, tnnty decorations; all colon, $7,C(. More elnlKirnte dftcorntloaH, not better coodn, however. ?l.tW, fil.UO, ?U.OU. LAMPS To live IlRht, not mere ornnnientn. Wp com bine lioth when buying. Ilcst center draught, neat deoora tlons, with Blmilonor Rlobc, 9'2.nonncl ?o.oo. Low Ivuip", hantbptlnteil, with l()-liioli globe", exact coplcn of S'Jn.Uti lamps for Sr, 00. UtintM'ulutfd l'rlnccs l,ampi, with Rlobei, r0c. TOII.UT SBTS We won't take time to enumerate them nil, ns the line l too large. Wo will dimply suy vo huvo thoni from ft. unto tllO 00. If jou vruutit Toilet Hot, wo can milt ou unto stylo ami price. sILVHUWAUB-Te Hetn, $n 00. All other pieces pro j.ortlonately low in price, ('alee and Trull IlimketH, Crumb nnd llrusli Travs, Knives, l'orks, Spoons, CliUil'n 8eH, Kto, All Silver sold by us hnflour pcrsonil suarantee. OPEN EVENINGS. from a number of the masters and proved that Mrs. Saunders lias gieat versatility as well as a mastery of the piano. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. 'William V Vailgluin jesterday regis tered as a sludent-nt-l iw In tho otlico of his father, Senator J. C. Tho report of tho viewers in thu matter of grading Oordon street In the Seventh ward was continued ntal by tho court. Marirlago licenses were granted vester dny to Samuel II. Coster anil Mrs. J, Evans, of Carbordnle; John II. Singer and Uertha Johnson, of Newton; l'attlek McDonnell and Annie M. Callaghan, nun more, William Alcswnrth and Helo Kane, Scranton; Henry Evan and Han nah J. Hopkins. Seinnton; Iknry llinko and Susie Tunder, Tluoop. Imported Cigars. The old tellable Metropolitan Cigar store, 207 Wyoming avenue, has lecelv ed a. fine lot of Imported clgats They are the ngent? for a fine Imported stiletij all-Havana cigar called "Lit tle Kllu" e'o the tellable "Matcello."' Christmas Trees. A choice lot, Spiuee, vacant lot II. Clink it Co. Remember Davidow Bios., For gieat baigalns. Fines wines and 320 Spruce street. cleats at l-ane's, DIED. SMITHINfi In Milwaukee. is , 1'ee, 1", Charles Smithing, nged IG vuirn, for meilv u lesldent ot Scranton. Don't Forget To go to Weichel's Jewelry Store for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -IN- Diamonds, Watches and Novelties. House Phonographs, $25.00 Records 35c, 84.00 per dozen. 205 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Opp. D. L. & W. Depot. (( r Delight exports and pi play, ore. (( Captlvato their heaters evety time. ft WALDO" GUITARS l'osiess a tone that s all their own. We control the sale of theso famous Instrument!! In fom counties.. We be. llevo hi th( m as. Implicit as Hi do In Sohniei I'i.iuos, and as everb3dy hereabouts known Gnemsev's niniei and fame has been linked witli these lor moio than a decade now. Come and Hear the Waldo liaujoj, Mandolins Uultars this, week. Price. $4.00 to $40.00. tin J Guernsey Ha 311-316 WnslihiKlon Ave. Christmas Attractions We guarantee the finest display of diamond in the city. Beautiful goods at low prices. Jewelry, silverware, watches, scarf pins, rings of every description, silver novelties, opera glasses, etc. Our stock embraces everything in the way of de sirable and appropriate Christmas gifts for young and old. We can supply you with an elegant art cle at little cost. Call and examine our stock and you will see that we have just what you waut. Ghristmai China Mentionings Plate Set French China, three color decorations, with heavy gold band, worth . 49c As long as they List. 24C Milk Set Ct earner. Howl and Plate, all worth 75c to $i,oo. They must go be- , foi e Christmas at 4yC TctC-a-Tcte Set Two Cups and Saucers, Cream er, Sugar T e.i Pot on Tray, was $ 1 .00. Now 5l)C Dresser Set Two Bottles,2 Trays, 2 Boxes, all neatly occoiated, woith $2. 2,. While thev last they'll . A be $1.49 Toilet Bottles Bisque finish, all hand decorations, with gold tracing, weie $1.00 and $1.2 per p.m. .. Go at ....... 75c Brush Trnjs New decoiations, with full gold tiace, were 50 cents each. Heie now at 39C Hair Pin Boxes l-'incst decora tions, all tints, were a; rnt Wlul,. they last they'ie 21C THE GREAT 4c 310 LacUa. Ave. joiin ii. la own;. iti. ESTABLISHED 1866, F. L. Crane, For lettable Fin Ciootis tall examine out stoi.k. ami HanrtMiinc Seal tiarmenh Trnm SU0.00 to $225.00. Electric Seal Jackets for 3r.00 and Baltic Seal Tor Siloi). Persian Lamb Jackets from $125.00 to S1S5.00. Also a full line or Lailic;' and Misses Cloth 0'armenls. FUR REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 324 Lackawanna Ave. 5 Quarts Cranberries ? lbs Fancy Seeded Raisins. . . lbs Fancy Cleaned Cm rants 2 lbs Evaporated Peaches. . . . 2 lbs Evaporated Apricots... 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 3 Cans Fancy Tomatoes 25c 5 Cans Fancy Corn 25c 3 Cans Fancy Peas 25c 3 Cans Fancy Pumpkins 25c A. R KIZER 12( Washington Aicniie. PIN THIS IN VOUR ME.MORV. TRV ICEALINE THE NI!T TIME VOU IIAKfl A child can frost a cuke In one rutliute. Ask Your Uroeer for It. Price 10 cts.j HyMalli5Ct5 ICUALINEMFO. CO . llol)oke. Mass, STORE 317 Lackawanna Avenue. 401 Spruce Street. IContlnuid on Page 10. OPEN EVENINGS, s Diamond nerchant.'