Wr- - THE SCKAiNTOJN riUBUNJfi-M'KUiNlflSDAy. DECEMBER 21, 1898 LETTER WRITTEN IN PONCE, PORTO RICO STRANGE HAPPENINGS THERE ON EVACUATION DAY. At Noon, When tho Stars and Strlpos Wore Unfurled, the First auartcr of a New Moon Appeared Directly Over tho Colors, and Beneath tho Lower Point of tho Moon a Single Star Appealed Something About the First American Paper. Several h-tton written by Soieeant (foiniPily nnpornl) W. 10. Rufter, of Company I. I'ltt leRlment, Vnlt'd StntPH Volunteer i'nt-lni'er corps, hae ljunn mibllsht tl In The Tilbunc, to tho great Interest of his many filetulH anil the ntimeioiis, i cadets of the paper. Probably one of the most Inlete-Ulnc written by hint la one receive tl by Oeorgi P.infnith, seietary In Hon. "Wlllttim Connell s coal olllres. Connell building Mr. Danforth lias lilntlly con sontfil to It-i ue anil It lu pilnteil here with. It was malleil at Ponce, l'orto Hlco iiboth Nov. 12, 1S9S, Just pievlous to the teglment's departure tor tho states, iigeant Hnfter snld- 1 bhould liavo answered joins of the 2Uh nit before now. but 1 wan (1oaii with malaria fnl two uieUs and jour lottur df a Kre.il convolution to inc. I can as sure j ou. We h.ie belli ordered to pink all our loue camp eiitilpmeiits tor our hoinewaid tili and expcil the arilsnl of our ove-conts and ltitr underwear this week It seems too bad to so honm now to i old Ameiicii iih 1 Mtep heic now without imf-rlng of unj wilt and It seems queer to read about lillzz.mH tte. It Is amu-hiK to go thioiiRli our camp nnd hee the mascots the liovs have leath ered for the lioniewu'tl ti In. Donkeys, wi7.orb.uk hog, parrots, llzaids and dogi nnd blids of a ilnxen dlflereiit species. I hmo a few soum nlrw i far and will inembei ou when wMiir them out. Ilao a large number of canes In the numb, innltlnt: of twtnt different kind- of na llo woods I will lluMi them up my nelf during in fin lough. STItAMli: llAl'IT.N'INli. U i bad ,i strmiRe buppi nlm? hue ou t .u'ii,itlnn d,i r.s.n Ih at iiucin wlvn tin i hi ion 'oil il and the glot Ions' St us mil Stilp k wen unluiled on all public b'lllilhiKs the ir-t qu. liter of a iuw mnoii ippinteil dlitillx oMihiad and dliectlv bin-.itb tin lown point was a most lulll lu'i star as iIioukIi "iispendoil IbereftOiii. It MU.iliied lu vlsjht .exerii1 luiiiiK eou-!- mm li eotniri'iit Horn all who vn tia iinaii i iinuuh to witness It. 1 iliK of iiatlx.s Wile e,i ilee 'y linpi"--il b the -lulu A n impii---I- lelemom in (line I List .Monilnv i'"l II v. iller ilrf".!- i,m ule when wi pi i sell' ed l.liiilenalit I'ulnni lloilue- with a h linNome i.old w n li. the gift ot the men ll tin ' alike, lu eoll-llh l.lllntl ol 111.111 ',(iri In ink teudiien foi tin If benetlt. Il W li 'Ci uveiioine Willi ellliltloll til It li ould linidl reu ti In lmiri notiish to ih.iil: the lins lui tin i.lfl. The ntlli I ll phot ihi ipher look seeinl ewe of the eiemom and m iliu'lil tl will be pio 1 ii i il In '-cine papei late Mule millc m ill) imllie.ihli on tho tints .-.i dp Wi lini several Atmilcnn Ink'- Met. now and to isiv , ire oltilug iiinne 1 diawlnn 't ,lt tbe i.m liuiilH "iipp'- tin iliin.ind a lib -i. I luii inn ii oiiinteil to -iiKiant an I foi evi llnirh pioilil nl It as It also in iii mi lii nii-i' of 1ii per inuiitb Our li rd iiiii .Hi o'liu all iiiiiieit ill .he n'117. it I mi Ynesdj; cveiihu; will h w I I Ml I I Itl d T1 Si . S.mgli(' Itannei" is pViMtl e , . t.iilim it diess p.irnl" and "The St ii - ,i it Snipes i'iiipvi"" at guard uiiiiliii mi i lie lin lie leellmr ptiiililej of old IP' i ' than 1'icr in'foie uvMjnvr ix piiii.adiii.imiia ('plain i;iis.eiu i'llirott and Klisl I.Imi ii mt, I limri Miuv in bae Invited the invs nl 1'ump in I l" a h.iiiuet in I'lill ulillihla (lining tlieii tuiloimh. and I iiilnk all tin .Se iiutoii hove will accept at tiat 1 wIT 'tin oilliers h.iv span duo pains in IniikliiB a'tei the meinheih of i'ompuii I M all times. i)t,i e.ipi.ilu Iris Killid fo" Wat-hlnmoii. I C. to submit hi- map of sill vi s ol tilt Island to tho iii'hurltles We as a leglmuit, wei l U'hlv loinpllniented In a eiiei.il older from I'une il Uroo';e loi tne nianuil In whiih wo pc I fni mid our duties and In ur 'pparaiKi on tin streets and in camp. IK condiides bis lettei with a dc s. rlptlon of ctiaril duty at the general hospital and commends the care of pa-tl-nts It was at this hospital that the So anion bovs wcic c.neil for and all lecnveied. lie aKo writes of havinc? tut key foi dinner Sunday? and quaintly asks "If that is uood tieatment." Enclosed with 'ds letter was a copy of the first American paper published in l'orto liko. The paper Is styled "The Journal " "A Daily American Paper" Is the sub-head, and the llrst number was b'sued in 1'once (cltj ), l'orto Illco, on November 5. 189S. It is it four-patje sheet, SU Inches by 11! Indies In size and thice (2'i Inch wide) columns to each paKe. unXKUAl. DirtKCTOllY. On the first jiaRe, left-hand column, Is found a ireneial dhectory of I'layi county of Tonce, and Ponce City. The other two columns ate full width advei tlsenicnts of dealeis In dry Roods, rio ceiiesi, etc. A "notice" on this pane leads "Iost My son, aged 12; will the Ameiican solilieis and others please notify me should any como acioss a white bo looking as one that has rim iiwny'.' He answeis to Slxto Hulz. (sJiKiieil) Haitolo ItodtlKUCH, mayor of Guadeloupe. (This latter is the laig est of the Leeward Islands and Is i French colony. The boy probably was Isltlnpr In Ponce and sot mixed up with the soldiers.) Tho second pase and pait of third is devoted to edltotlals, etc. Albert Cor dova (not the one who used to be here) In proprietor, and Irvy Hart, editor, thereof. Subscription rates, $0 per year, etc., and three cents per single copy, being Issued every day except Sunday. The leadlnc editorial Is n column In length and Is signed by the proprietor of the paper. It Is headed "To the Anietlcnn Citi zens," nnd deals with tho papei's bow to the public and bid for consideration. Such announcement as "we must also salute Generals (3. W. Henry and Urooke," nnd "we hope to r,ee this a prospcious country, etc.," ate noted. After a discussion of his (the propri etor's) absence from Porto Hlco for several years, and hln return at this time, lie says: "Today we feel happy when wo see the streets crowded vltli Americans, etc," Tho article concludes "with your kind assistance, we have no doubt that we will succeed In our eutet prise." JDITOKIAL UTTmiANCKS. The other editorial" nie headed "Americans In Porto Hlco," "Our In tentions" (brini? four such), and An Appeal to Our Citizens." One Item headed "Petsonnl" bears reproduction. "To Geneial Heniy: Out of piitllntlni and enthusiasm for progress, we offer our columns, fiee for nnj shoil gov ernment notice, or nny othei short pub lication bj olllclals, that Is tor the bene fit of the public at large" Tin te lunlnder of the thlid page is devoted to shoit notes on Foreign and Local Xevvs, The fourth page Is devoted to full-page udvei Using. Anent llrst editions of Ameiican impels lu our new fnr-ofl pi, "session, the following should also be Intetesting. A. Flunk Canlck, of Wllkes-Hane. a former borough engineer In this alley, now In Pnlumplt, Luzon Island, Philip pines, foi warded a copy of the flint edition of "The Manila Times" to the Wilkes. Uune Tlmev, with the follow ing comment: "I em lose volt a copy "f the llrst paper published In the Kng lish language in the Philippine Islands. It ban been followed b seveial otheis, some published In Kugllsh, sonic Span ish, foine Tagala (the province native language), and one a mixture of nil tluec. Suielj for a population of sav ages on a Pacific Island we are blessed with peilodlcaK some twelve or four teen now being published in Manila." The Time ( Wllkes-Haue) thus de si llbes the paper lecelved by them; "Volume One, Xo. One, of the JIanlli Times was published on Tuesday, Oct. 11, lS'is, b.v Chofie & Co It is a foui page atfalr, about quarter the size of tills paper. The pilie is one nickel and no iidvettlseincut" appear. Theie Is a page and u hair of news, all telegraphic but no local icportsi." It will he noted that this papei appeared neailv s. month befoie "Tin Journal" of Ponce Cilj, Poito itko. CAPTAIN HIGGINS IN CUBA. Work the Members of the Signal Corps Aie Doing There. Pioni the Havana i oriespondent of the Philadelphia r.venin Teli graph eiuiies a veiy eompliinentaiy lefeienie to Captain Ambtose Illgglns, of Pitts ton, who has elmige of a. United States signal eiups which Is now stationed in Plnai ik! Itlo piovlnce, Cuba, In charge of the tPlgsnaph lines. Captain 'jllggins Is well known In this city, whete his brothel. Flunk lllgglns. now a ptomlnent Philadel phia physician, was employed seveial ye.us ago In the Postal Telegiaph of llce. Captain Hlggins himself oik e bad chaige of the above coiiip.inj's Plttston office. The col lespondetit of the Telegiaph Wlites. "It will be In tel esting to Phlladelphluns and IVnn s.vlvaniaus to know that the Fllteeiith Pennsylvania Signal i orps, aieoni p.ining the iOid Xew York will have the distinction of being the first Penn sylvania tioops to bind in Cuba, and Captain Ambiose Higgins, their coni inandei, the fust Pennsylvanlan to set foot on Cuban aoll as pait of the Unit ed States ainiy. In an interesting chat with Captain Higgins he stated that out of the flfiv-flvv membeis of bis coinpan, whiih hud been iccrulted In Philadelphia aid sunoundlng cotin ti, foity-llve had made the ttlp, the other ten being absent on fill lough and sick leave. Ills ( ompany, contain ing manv skilled electricians and me chanics, has i hai ge of all telegraphic and telephone communications In the western part of the Islund, the men having had conslileiaule experience in Ibis direction at Montauk Point, Wash ington barracks and other places. Tho men aie In the best of health, barilng the inconvenience of wealing heavy clothing with the men in y hovering In the neighborhood of 85 degries and they aie looking forward to a winter In Cuba with a great deal of pleasure. THE TRUE STORY OF THE Coiidillii Woniiiii, (lie Cynical Man nnd (lie ISonrdtMl Lady. The srene Is a lomfot table sitting room. Mr. Lovegood Is hurled In a book and his wife Is scanning the ad vertisements In the evening paper. Suddenly Mis Lovegood says" 'Pay! dear," In a olci that makes Mr. Love good utmost ill op his book. "Wcll.whut Is If" he says with n laugh, "another real genuine baignln offer'.'" "I don't know that ou'cl call It that," his wife replied. "Hut, j.es von might," she con tinued, "for It Is a bin gain offer of free medical ndvlie" 'Let s hear all aliout It, mv dear " alu bei husband. "Hut of one of the best medical Institutions In the world,' There'B nothing new about this free consultation by letter, my dear, It has been a feature of Dr. Pierce's practice for years; In fact, for more than a qtiartcrof a century. 'Write to him because you'll get the best ad vice and no string tied to It. so to Hpeuk." "Hut," queried Mis. Lovegood, "do you think even though Dr. Pierce Is a qualified physlcUin. and ranks so high as a specialist, ho ran treat disease by correspondence?" "I don't see why not." answered Mr. Lovegood. "Medical science lg wheel ing Into line with everything else, and dropping the hocus-pocus of thb' middle age. The 'divinity that hedged !' the priest anu physician is a thing of the past. A man Is taken for what he J" and what ho can do Of coutse, thi members of tho profesnion who ate not specialists would naturallj light un In- jrW jNs HIS SILVER JUBILEE. NO FAITH CURE ABOUT STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS- They Cure Stomach Troubles and In digestion Anyway, Whether You Have Faith in Them or Not. Merc faith will not digest your food for you, will not give you an appetite, will not Increase jour flesh and strengthen your nerves and heait, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, because they are com posed of the elements of digestion, they contain the Juices, acids and pep tones necessary to tho digestion and assimilation of all wholesome food, Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets will di gest food If placed In a Jar or bottlo In water heated to 98 degrees, and they will do It much more effectively when taken into the stomach after meuls, whether you have faith that they will or not. They Invigorate tho stomach, in uke pure blood and strong nerves, In tho only wuy that nature can do It, and that Is, from plenty of wholesome food well digested. It Is not what we eat, but what wo digest that does us good, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro sold by nearly all druggists at DO cents for full sized package, or by mall from the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Celebrated by Rev. Felix McGuckin, of Nanticoke, Yesterday. An Interesting event lu the pi lost hood of Itev. Felix McGuckin, who was appointed from this city In February, 18SB, to the parish of Nanticoke oc curred yesteiday at the latter pl.ne. Itev. McGuckin celebrated the close of twenty-llo veais or silver jubilee In the pilesthood, almost thirteen of which was spent in .Vantlcoke. 1U. Rev. Hlshop Hob.in and forty-live prominent pi tests were present. The order of the meaning service was the celcbiatlon ol a mass at 10 o'clock. The oltlclattng pilests wef: Aich pi lest, Re. Father O'Malley, Kingston- dcaion. Itev. Father Jordan, Old Forge, sub-deacon, Rev. Father O Itellly, Vv'llkes-Harre, master ot ceremonies, Itev, Father 'Winters. P'v motith. After tho services dinner was served In the pntochlal lesldencr. In the afternoon the children of the paioehial school gave an entertain ment, after which refreshments were served them. Itev. McGuckin Is very well known heio and highly respected. He Is a thorough and able man and during tho thirteen years ho has been in Nanticoke he has built up a flour ishing congregation nnd lias erected largo and commodious buildings. CONSUMERS' ICE COMPANY. Stockholders Elected Directors nnd Latter Organized Yesterday. The following board of directors was elected yesterday by the stockholders of the Consumers Ice company: I. F. Megargel, "William Connell, A. D. Hlucklnton, P. J. iornn, i B. Sturges, Hubert Reeves, R. G. Rrooks, J. II. Steele, C D. Jones. The directors organized by electing Mr. Megargel, president; Mr. Connell, vice-president; Mr. isiacklntou, treas urer; C. H. Schadt, manager, nrtd John A. Schadt, secretary. The Root of Evil, should tho millionaire bo con- "Why demned?" "I don't know." "IJecauso 11,000,000 Is sum," such a naughty you kn iu 1 a, i ltttl. dubious about jour baigalii'. Your swnns so olten tun, Htr to be tjeese, 'Well, then, It's an olti'i In a woman (phvsleluio to give free ineiliful nilvlc, b letter and It says it's beltei to wiite to n woman because a mat can t uiulei stand a wo inun, Jti" beiau-i he's a man. anil It says, too, that Its- Just revolting to go ton man ph.vsielan unjhovv " And Mis. Lovegoo l Htoppru because she vva.s out ot hif.itii "I hi" 1,011, ' . ild her husband, "that the aihei tlsenieiit don't say he s a wo man phjslcian' "Why, jes it does," said his wlfi as she looked at the ud titiseniciii "Well lie, I guesi it .doisr.'t sa.v -he c. a phvhtoii, but It means tin s.niv thing, tm It sas that "I; i' a v urn. in whose expeiicnie In tieatirv women'' dln-ases is greater than t lmt hi ar j llvliq, phjslclan, male or (ensile .Mi, Lovegood i buckled and alil That's what 1 love about ou, my d ii You aie so leadv to be lieve without qui stloii when theie's a baigaln in vb' If joii weie a little fls-h, I'd catch ott eveiv time with a lubber vvoi m if I put a baigaln sign above the hook." "Oil! do beVseiious lor once," cited Mrs. Liivegond. "Then, to be seiious," he leplied, 'this woman doesn't ihilnr to bea ph.vsc,ui. She would claim to be a physli Ian if ulie i mild, because she is tijlng to dimes the linpiesslou In eveiy other vvn than by a dliect i lalm thai sin Is a ph.vsielan She Is not theiefoie a phjsklan and can never have pinethed uiedlciiH. Yet not bc 11114 a phjslcluu and theiefoie never having piaeticed niedklne. she claims to have bad vspeileiK e In Heating1 wo men's diseases, gi eater than un living phj.sk Ian." Xow tin question Is, since she never piaeticed medicine, when: did she get that expei ience'.'" "Well, lh.it is so," Mrs. Lovegood somewhat teliu tautly admitted, "but the'i slit b a woman ' "I'm not s, nun about that even," said hot hus band. "It look-: to me as it some man was 'winking' I be women with the 'heatded lad' act ' "Heariled lad .hi' Do you mean to say that thev have din e museum lreaks for doctois.' Wh you must lie fool ish, or elsi .unanlng'v piejuillieii," died his wfi. "You aie too literal, mv deal," said Mr. Lovegood. "What I mean by the 'heal ded ladv' ait l that s imr man Is posing as a woman. viitlng ove a wo mans sigiuiiuie in using a woman as a stalking hoise, asjuinlng a woman's ihniacter to mislead. The bearded lad.v' of the show Is always a funk and generally n fiaud The point in this advertisement we aie discussing is that you aie asked to 'write to a womun,' the Implication being that the wouin? hi competent to give and will give you qualified nnd valunble medical advice. nut us ii isn . specified tnut the 'wo man' Is a physician theie's no Infrno tlon of the law The piobabllltles am that there isn't a qualified doctor" mound Hip place, and the whole so-called 'medical coirespondence' Is dune by a lot of giil cleiks." "Oh!" Mis. Lovegooe interjected, "that's what It meansi then when they say that 'only women see the coire spondence.' " '-Kxact!. my dear." continued her husband, "and suppose tho woman In the advertisement is n real woman and not the "beanled lady.' there's your dressmaker, who Is also a woman, not to npeak of Mis. Flonnlgnn, the cook's mother, who is a really excellent wo man. If a woman's not a docto:, then one woman's as good as another and It's foolish going to a stranger hun dreds of miles distant for the sympathy which friends nt home can better sup ply. And asi for a man not understand ing woman's diseases because he's a man, that Is the cheapest soit of clap trap. Who havo done the doctoilng In the past two thousand sears? The men. Where must the modern woman phy sician go for hep knowledge? To schools taught by men and books written by men. If this woman, who claims men don't understand woman's diseases, Hhould ever take to the study of medi cine, she'd have to be taught everj' thing she knew by the men who don't know anything acccndlng to her opin ion. Tho problem Is, how a man who don't know anything about woman's diseases caw teach a woman to know everything about them. I give It up." "Then s'ou wouldn't wiite." said Mrs. Lovegood, doubtfullj'. "Write; what for?" said her husband. "Write to a woman? AYhat's the use of writlnir to a woman? If you want to write, write to a doctor. The first question In sickness a not a question of sex but a question of medical abil ity and qualifications. There's no sex lu medicine, nnyhow. If you want to write, why not write to a man of medi cal Btandlng, a specialist like Dr. R V. Pierce, of Huffalo, N. Y. You know he's a regularly graduated doctor. You know he's a good one and at the head of a great medical institution. You know he's had thirty years' experience, and has, with the aid of his stuff of nearly a score of skilled specialists, treated more than half a million wo men, who freely confided in tho Integ rity of the man and tho skill of tho physician. President Garfield once said of Dr. Pierce: 'Ho in one of the best men in the world, und he is at tho head Christmas. Christmas shoppers will Hud an interesting line of China and Glassware Novelties in our stock, from all parts of the world. Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets Tea Sets, China Clocks, Fern Dishes, Jardinieres and Pedestals, Tobacco Jars, Pipe Racks, Etc. Call and examine our stock. No trouble to show goods. novation which took aw us their pa tents and their prollts. Hut when a new IdiM. makes for public good it can't be destroyed. They used to say no steamer could be built to ctoss the At lantic. She louldn't eiury coal enough. One prominent Englishman, then leader In the House of Commons, in the heat ol a debate, declined 'that If ever uliy steamer crossed the Atlantic, he'd eat It. machlneiy and ull ' 1 take It that the objections to treatment by coire spondence have as little foundation in fact as the objtetlons to the possibility of steamships! dossing the Atlantic. "It lemlnds me of that stoiy about the man who bad been anested for sonif offense. He sent for a law's er, who.when h bad heaid the stors', said: 'Why. man alive they lan't an est sou foi that!" " "Hill," sjj the pri-iuii'i, "tlies've done ll." "It does not "vein any use to argue about the possibility ot being lieated Hiicic-srull.v by ( oi lesponilence Willi Dr. Pletce when theie aie thousands of people to stand up and s,ji 'We have been suLcessfullv mated, we have been uitlrely Hired b Di. Pleice and hi" stnfl of specialists.' "Then," said his wife, "it doesn't fol low that any and everybody could treat stiicessftillj b.v (oiiespondeme. It is a movement in advanie of ui dinar ptue tb e, b those specially quulllled who have given Hpeeial studs and speil.il effoit to some blanch of medicine. Is tluit your Idea'.' ' "Pieclselj. ins deal,' Mr. Lovegood answcied, piepailng to lunliuue bis reading, "You have got the whole thing now. It No t because some one udvei Use? to give medical advice bj (oirespondence that ytt iau necessatlly assume the advice will be valuable or htlpful. Ansbody i an make such an offer. It is wise to go behind the pi util ises and the ilnlius made and see if tiles bear Investigation lu Dot tor Pierie's (use the closer the examination of his i lulni' and leconl the greater the confidence whli h he will iut'plie. Dr. !!. V. Piene is at the head of the In valids' Hotel and Singled Institute, at Hulfabi, N Y., a medical and singled Institution. whii li In It'- scientific equip ment, its laboiutor.v. its stafl of neaily a iicoie ol experienced physicians and singeons and Its vatlety of daily prac tice, is ou a footing with ans medical and single ,il Institute In the count! j." And jus heie the int.int heir of tho house of Lovegood Milled a message to a woman who was in evei.v way quiilifbd to give him Hie desiied atten tion, which she piomptls did. THE CLEM0N8, FERBER, O'MALLEY CO. 422 Lackawanna Avenue. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Just Received One of the Finest Selections of DIAMONDS Fine Gold and Gold Filled Watches In the city; also a lull line of Solid (iold Kings, Pendent Chains and Sterling Silver Goods. All Goods Wat i anted as Repre sented at the Reliable. Established 18S7. C. LUTHER 107 Wyoming Avenue, Ready For the Rush Christmas Gifts Are Here in Abundance AND KODAKS, Bicycles, Skates, Sleds, Games, Sweaters, Athletic and Gymnasium Goods For the Holidays. f-5 Diamonds, Rings, Pendants, Brooches, etc., Solid Gold and Filled Watches, all the best makes, Rich Cut Glass, Fine Decorated China Lamps and Globes, Porcelain and Gilt Clocks and 1 Bronzes, Gold-Headed Canes and Um brellas and a large and handsome line of Sterling and Silver Novelties and Ouad ruple Plated Silverware. All together it makes the most attractive array of useful and oruameutal Holiday Gifts to be found iu any store in the city. We invite shoppers to visit our store, as it will prove interesting as well as profitable. We arc authorized agents for the Eastman Kodak Co., and carry a complete line of supplies for the amateur and professional photographer. A. E. Rogers' Jewelry Store 213 Lackawanna Avenue. MR. ROBERTS WAS KIND. But His Kindness Was Bestowed on An Ingrate. John Alun'so, a ,oihIc-1i()iiii'i llvlnt; up at ' Xo. 'ii 1111" aliove Mo.scnw, wan biouglit to tht? county lail. Smut (lav nlghl, to uwnlt ii jury's dijudication as- to Alietlior hu Is u deep base Inirrate or just aliment mlnUiil Fom wppU- uso lie npiHMrpil at V. D llolii its' lumber ramp or tho moun tain four miles east of Olyphant, and applied for work, hloli was t;lpn him Klvt- days later word came from his home that his wife win, very siek. His employer, out of the goodness of his heutt, drove the fellow as fat as Dun inore advanced him money to huv Krocei lea and pome nourishment and then moved htlll further to pity, let him take his hor.se and carriage to go th rest of his journey, It appearing that he rould not make a train that night that would take him to the bed hide of his sli'k wife. Alouo was to ivtuui on the follow ing Mond.iy and It he couldn't return back. He did not neither. A consta ble from Olyphant was put on tho track of tho missing man and property. It was known that he lived some where near Moscow and after a week's fceaivh In that Indefinite region he nnd the hoiso nnd eaiilage weio found. lie avers that he Intended all along to return the property, hut his wife continued sick and ho could not leavo her. The fact that ho had piomtsed to send back the Iioimo and carriage If ho could not return himself had escaped his mind. m THE OLD WAYNE AGAIN. Defendant in an Equity Caso at Elmira, N. Y. The following from tho Hlmira Ad vertiser of yestnrday has teferenco to the Old Wayno Mutual Life Insurance company, which many persons here abouts remember with sorrow. An agent of tho company was convicted in auartet sessions' court hero last week. The Advertiser Hays; The Old Wayne Mutual Lite IriMiranco atsociatlon was tho defendant in an ac tion brought against them by Unnnah J. Hungerforil, of this cltj, in Supremo couit yesteiday. It was an utility caso. Thero was no uppc.ir.inca fur the detenu ant. Attorney J. John Hassett uppeurcU for tho plulntlff. Ho nslted that tho action proceed to trial before court. This was ordered nnd after hearing tho o-,Idenco of tho plalntlT, Hannah J. nungerfonl, and Sheriff John hon Little, Justice Smith, In the absence of opposing testimony, gave judgment for JlCI.iy, the amount clatmed by the plain- FLORET & BROOKS 211 Washington Av3. Opposite Court House. L OF SCRANTM A Neat Pair of Slinners -. . rK Hakes the Most Appreciated of Christmas Gifts We have an elegant assortment, Prices From 49c Upward. Special Attention Given to Busi ness nnd Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Ex tended According to Balances aaj Responsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, Surplus, $200,000 400,000 W5I. CONNELL, President. UENKYlii:LIN,Ji., Vice Pre?. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier A beautiful Calendar for 1899 and a "Peter and Patty" picture book given with each sale. These books are just out and will please the little boys and girls immensely. ,$, Standard Shoe Store, HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITY. 217 LACKA. AVE $S44V The vault oE this bank is pro tected by llolinea' Electric Pro. tcctivc bybteni. tiff. ThN Is only ono of several actions brought asalnst tho Old Wayno associa tion icccntly. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora ami DIarrohoea Remedy can ahvay? bo de pended upon and Is pleasant and safe, to take. Sold by all drugqlsts. Mat thews Bros., wholesalo and retail agents. I Can't Find it ! Yes you can by calllni? at Davlilow rhos'. JJ7 Lackawanna ave., as their assortment Is tho largest In the city. -" I jM,PM' CHARLESTON gQg 00 FIRST jjl V 'Iw Intermediate Cabin, S24.0O Jfl I i-l-W 7HE0.G.EGER, Traffic Manager, WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Q I 6 BOWLINQ GREEN, NEW YORK. 1 I-., A. P. LANE, New CnQlind Pattenger AQtni', 201 Waihlngton St., Botlon. 1 CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature- of C&tf m Book Binding Neat, Durable Book Binding:, is what you re ceive if you leave your order with The Tribune.