THE SCRAOTON THIBUiSIO TUESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1898. NORTON'S Book Store All the desltnble new Hooks, find the standard old Books in single volumes nnd sets In various styles binding, Bultnble foi Christmas presents ut liberal discount from Publlsheis' list prices. Finely Illustiated Books for childicn nnd young tolks in almost endless vailety at veiy low pilces. Books foi Sabbath Schools nnd olher Llbi rules in large variety nnd special ptlcea. Bibles, all sizes nnd styles, iiom 25 cents upward. Ptayei Books, nnd Hymn Books. Ait Cnlendais for 1800. Pocket rind ofllce Diaries, 1809. .Novelties in line statloneiy and everything desliable in the stnndaid lines of stationeiy at collect pilces. Fancy Goods and Ait Goods in large vailety. Games of eveiy description. Dolls, diessed and undiessed, nil sizes and styles nt veiy low pilces. Toys, for all nges nnd pluses in almost endless vaileties. Subsciiptlons leceived for all Peilodlcals at the Publishers' lates. Wo Invite inspection of our stock and compailson of our pi ices, which we think me ns low as same goods enn be had for elsewheie. Come early to avoid the rush and you will leceive better attention than can be given later on M. MORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave. I hi; Note Sot (looit After Dec n, iSdS. KNABE PIANO Hest 111 the woild The New Yoik Sun of Nov ltf, s.ivs 'Tin' holui'-t ")f ptcild ' one ci t wis Ucoiiold (5iielnitk. a liliinls-t .. j .icat merit In manner and H'pIIur lie is verv Hiiiiplp, iiuoif and ninelcst. In Mip s-ettliiK forth of his aitlhtli nlill itlew hi t-poms bound In the hlRhest and l.pst nipthods iiiiloik Is a mout le luiiilc and aKiee.iMe ilner, oiip who gains inoip and nioip fulh pvpi nui-iiii-iit the (onfldPiup nnd sniithy of li'fc nudlcnce Ills leneli'i Ins of the S.ilnt Sams Conceito in (J iitlnot nit a piano, it nia! JuMI 1p said of which the tone was delightful made a ih.untlng In tel luile lietvvpoii the otehestial piece?." (!odovk used the Kn.ibe Piano Perry Bros. 205 Wyoming Ave. .- Alii: VOL LOOKING I Oil 1 Xmas Gifts 1 ;-3 We are showing tlie sr. j-S finest line of sit t goods : iS ever bi ought to the j IS city. '- I HE GRIFFIN il STUDIO f DR. A. A. LINDABURY, Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women- Olllcd Ilomi li to 10 n. in i to :i p. in At Hraidence 7 to rt i. m Mice- Witlltims llulldlinr. Opp. l'ostollha l.ifrldenco "J J n South .Main Vvenne COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY . WE EfiNK BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Mattern Kvllclled WUera OlUer Tailed, llrdcrate Chars". II ve opened a (jenera. Insuraura Onlcs in IS' Pen btoclc ComnanlM iepreentei. I nrga -t etpeclull) bollclted. 'Itleplionu tailil LACKAWANNA Till." AUNDRY ,10K lenn Avenue A. HfftS'Ak'lAS. PERSONALS. I'ay jour B'lh bills today nml save Hie uiMount. i:-luilBe W. li. Jem up pcm Suiuluy well his luinlly lu MoiUiom lolin II Ken, of thu Ontario and Weal cmi i.ilboi'd. was lu SLianlem ve-steidi Mr and .Mr.. Jacob I'fcllTfr. of Oxroid si 1 eel him us Hull MR ft Mbs ClUiiu.i , or New 11k eltj. .Miss i:ileli It. llMimmlei. of N w - lU iIm. 11 niluljuue painter. Is nt the home of Mrs. W P. Hallsteflil. Albeit IlliiK. of NiiuiubiUK, llermaiiv, a Imp merchant, wns yeoteiduy Hie nuesi of Charles nnd August Itnhlnsmi hi tlilr city II. II HiiuIip of I'lttslou, mid lleciite Weaver, of Wlllies-Huiii, two well know 11 btevvcry nifiii. vveic lu this city jf'Hterdny. MhJii' Wlnl, of ihe Tciuli cnv.tliy. v til re till 11 to WiuOiliiRlDii Wedut'Hduj. MuilV of the tltlttiis of Scrantoit have iimiiI- fotrcl n wish to iiiopt the ni.ilm- mid x lend Ihclr e'ciiiKt-ntiiliittonx upon his io ceiwr. from his vciv HTltiiln wound u ioIVimI at HitntliiKu Th eiiH'rtiinll. will lie klwti t ll.ilnli vMtll him nt the Ififf if ilio ntertiiliiiiifiu nt t'n l'i tin Aimiiip iliunlt thin evening ZANO WILL WRESTLE ROEBER. Men Will Moet To-night in the Gaiety Theater. 1'Ii.ules '.nun, the wrll-linovvii athlete and limpiletor of u enfe on Linden hi led, will lonlRht tiy in win ?"J fi"in Ituelier, tllu VMewtlM, who I now lit I Itifr tin (iiKiwenient nt the Ouli'ty the ator. Uiielier has n stiuidlntr idler nt $J to any loeal wiesllcr he cannot thioiv In llfti en minute", (iraeco-lhi-man &t le. Xnvg saw Id'ii wie tie yesterday and bellevefi he i nn ruu'tit lioiber f'on-throning- lil it i fnt iiru-eii minute. He H a yoiuiK man of powertul phylqiio who Ii.ih won local fame as an all lotinel athlete lie was one of the Ur member ol the Hoianton foolh.ill le.ini vvhli h foi two seasons vns niu nt the rtiottgpHt football oiKiiiils'atloiH In Hie (ountiv Mtnli doubt Is iNpie-sMl about Z.iuk's ability to prevent Koebei fiotil throwing him in fifteen minutes, hut X.uiB nuletlv Pays he Is wlllliur to iv' lim'jei an nppoitunlty to do it If Koeber thnmi hi 111 In 111 teen minutes he villi have to work haul to do It Zanij Is no Mil lee on the e.upet and will assuiedlv nlve itoeber one of the llvelv tunwulK of his eaieer. Murli Intel -est has belli till likened bl the all nouiii einent that the men aie to emv tOBelher tonlirht and Haim'i fllinds air. ulieiiiiK mono, that ho will win Hoe bei s ;n. BESIDE BONNIE BRIER BUSH. Lecturo-Recital in Guernsey's Hall on Fiidny Evening. Miss .lenti Mom Noli, of IVitli, Seeit Iniid. will Rlvo a lectin e-iecltal fioin Ian Muelnien'H piosc-iluli In tiuein sey's hull on Pridav. Dee. :.!. nt S p. m The follow Ins not lie Is ftoin a Into number of the VIHce--lVun Times l'vciv suit 111 the iouiiB Mm- Clais tlnn tiHsurlatloii lei tine ronni was tnkm lnsl tvtnliiK nt the umiIIiiijh lioin 1)1. Watsiin'tt vvoilcn bv Mi's Jean lluvvi ,nii, anil evcrj one piitfiiit iw nt homo ildlglit . il Ml I low Noii' iliinulatlon Is 111 that iiiulil be desheil mul her Seciieli eii.i lul Is i-impb nfrislilnc At times siio li id in inj lu lnr .lliillelico jlnuist eem-vul-ed with l.illKlitei. and Hull, nv intio iIikIiib n -torv In different vein, the ni"" 'rhiu'iit subsided and pnou tuns weie mvii lourtlliK ilovvu ninny chciUs. I'urtlclil.uU was this the ease when uhe nl.itid tlio I nidi. I and p.ithelli Htol.v ut Annie .Mlteli ill. who was III nlwli unto iK.ith and vvlioM- sweet life was spared throiiRh tlie . ffort of the nueeus Milgion l"otnui us she eloes from Perth, Smtliiiiil, which Is but ii few miles distant fioni Diuni toihtv tin home of Jamie Souliir. Ditun--lieiiKli Mi- Mad'aviUn and Dr eehiin MncLure, and liehiB famill u Willi thoi' now world-f.until and luman- lu locnlltleH Miss llovvleiii seems 10 w- i- the ptiullm povvir of ilolhiiiB her I le.ullim's In the plctiireilie almosplue ill IllO-P pi.lCCS .1, IIU11'V l.lllllt OIIU1 piillioilll Mieuieir piiiin-.. n. n nlle whllo ll-tcnliis to lur, she Is auin.ilnted with the village, mul the nii thor who broiisht It 'nto prominence, h nils an addition il i li inn to her rend-Ihk- and espitla'Iv hi to those who lead ll iindei stand tho Scoteh brogue, l'rom the warm reception she was ae corded 1 nt evetiliiB the piedlitlon li- wau.ilitod that Miss llouison will nlwavs be a welcome lpltoi to thi.s 1 1 . At the Fnir To-night. The te.ituies of tonight nt the fair of St Johns chinch on FIr ptioet n few doors above Pitt-ton avenue, will he the attendance of a male e bonis vvhli h will lender a cood pioeiamme The Lndles' Cntholle Benevolent nsso eiathiii l)iiinchei of the idly nnd adja cent towns will bo laiKelv tepiesenled, It beliiB s-d aimtt as "L C tl. A. night '" The fair is tin attrartlw -pot to spend a feiv houis' in the plensant- e-t enjoyment " Smokers' Ai tides. If von wln to nnke n mtuha-o of -moll' at tide's It will bo to jour nd Miiitatfe to IMt the Aletiopolltati Cigar toie, MT AVyomlnc avenue. (iood? will be sold U'Br.iillo-s of cost ns we wish to close out our entile dock of Pipes cIrui Iloldei.s, Clgnr nnd ClB.netti' C'iet. etc i:ach cis tomei will le elve a pien-nt. "!lve us u call " The valuable Unci of land eon tninltiB f"4 ai'ies, in Don am e town ship, I.ueine count. midwn between Wllken-Harre and Hasdeton, the ptop eit of the estate of John II. Hleliu, deceived, will be Hold on the premise's bv the hehs on Thuis-d.iy, Dee .', ISJiS, nt J p.m. This is u line oipoittinity tor Investois Art Sale. The exhibition nnd sale of r.ilntlliK' in the MeaM' bulldiiiB w ill be open this week fioni n a in. to 0 Ml p. in. 13 suu" and see these plc tuies beloi" ott select I'niii rhilstnias Sift Caid of Thanks. I heieby take this mean of tluinkiiiB Mi. Davis and othet emplojes nf the silk factoiy for their kind assistance In m late beieavment death of my ihuiRhtei Don't Know What to Buy for u Christmas Present P h. a palm, .1 fei n. or any nice plant will always please Make jour eholie cnilv ! I. Clink iV 'o '.'01 WashliiBton avenue The Mnnufactuier of the celebuited CJueeii Uos(. peifuint Invites the ladles lo call ut .Mellaiiah .t Thomas' duiB stole and obtain u fiee sntnnle ol Hull peifuine, Baiber Shop Open Evenings. Webber's Baiber shop. 31! W.ininliiK ..... ., nv mil-, win e ..,..,. eve,,,Ks muns lilt' JIJITCUI iit- vtlllll . l' I IUIIV, lll'IJ houi Juter than us ml First-cluss Alaun Clock, Gu.uanU'fd for one jeni at b'J cents. Dh virion 111 Or Hold nnd sllvei-iiiuunted bilcr pipos, the best make at low llMurs. (kunev, Unmii X Co, ci)iit house miuuje. lOe, 15c, 25c, flOc, 75c, $1.0C Feins. Perns lot these pi lies, nl . i aw Clnint- nias lenifiiibiniices, at "'links. Cignvs by the Box. Olliuasilgji store, ui Spruce ti ff t The Wllkes-Harre Itecoid can be Had In atranton ut, tho i.ews Htandx of Hew man Diua, 40t Spriiee and 603 LliuJ:n rwcet'. Mac, I.ackcw'Hium uveiiue. A Caid. We, tho uuderslRiied, do hereby abiee to lefund thu money cu u LVJ-eent bottle of (Ircenp'n Wnrruntcd Hyiup of Tar it it fulls to euie your rough or cold. Wo also cuuiuntco u Vu-eent bottlo to prove satU taetoty 01 money refunded. J. Ci. U0110 i. Boh. Dimmore, I'd.; John V. Donhu, Seranton, Ia. OFFICERS NOMINATED FOR THE YEAR 1899 BOARD OF TRADE'S DATES. CANDI- It Was Decided to Have a Supper in Connection with tho Jnuunry Meeting of tho Board -Now Con tract with Dun & Co. Agency Authoiized, nt n Figuio Much Less Thau Formerly Boat cl As sessed $200 by the Anthracite Association. Ollieet.s for 1Sm(, to bo balloted feu ut tie- Jniittaiy nieelliiB. weie liiimlu.iteJ nl Inst ulRht'H letjiilnr meetliiK of tho bentd of tinde. It was ilecldid to have a puppcr as u feutuio of tho J.intrity ineut'UB. The lioiultiatloiH we.ii' lis fnlliivs: I'lesldenl, I.uthn Kellei . v li dcnls, John T. I'cutei, A. . IHcUmui, T. U. AV.itklns; ticnstuer, 1 W. Oak foul sectetat.v, l 15. A Hum ton, ttus tee, Wllllnin Connell. Coninil Scluoe dti was also uomlmileil for vie- piesl dent. but he deelliitd it. A. V Dick on was ilondnnted for titnstiict. Mo has ceived In that taparlty fot twentj one iiais. but eatly in the evenliiB I' lephoned to Seeietaty Atheiton nvk liiB. 11 he was nominated, that Ills name be wlthdiawn. Ills ieiiuet was Biant ed Colonel H. M. Holes was appoint d to succeed hlniselt as the I'o.iid'n upie. sentatlve as tlilstce ol the ec iMtltotl public llbraiy for dvo jeais ltom Jan. 1, 1M!. The follow Iiib tepoit of the in.iuufac t liters' eominlttei? wan lead and Its in oinniendutluns adopted: co.i.mitti:k ki:pout Your m.iiuif.ii Hirers committee bog to submit the follow Iiik itccmimcndatioiis, to wit Plist p recommend lhi nnmliiatliu mil eOritliui of 1) is. At'iKitou as m Cre tan ol ll.e IiojiiI ol tinde fot Hie en suIub veal, at tllu same .4 ilut a l.i.t veal SlcoiiiI We iccoirmrnd Hint a loll.itlon be served the men be r- of tlie boani of trade, at the annual meetlne to be hel I Jaiumrv li, IMi, and that the bimiuet inmmlttie he liistiiuted to m iki all mi. i h,iry in ranm ment.s foi rami'. We nNo bes to repolt tint nt n joint nicetbiB of Hie IcKlidiilliiu i nd taxes enm inltlie and the U'amifac.tiile.ts loiuniitfe lu Id llecembtr '!. HeoiBe S.indcisoti w and It 11. I'.itteiMin. esii . wete thetid delcB.ites to leptcseiit Ihls orBiiiilzation at th" ballot reform convention It O. Dun ami company submitted a new pioposltlon foi the URtur Mlb MTlptlon of the boaul fioni Jim 1 and In substitution for the one now in pio Brebs The new contiait pi ov Ides for the use of the Rencial book, new vol iimei. to be dcllvoied quniteily and "00 leports for $200. The contract does not piovide for any allowance, as fonnei ly, oil the iCBlllnr subset Iptlon of the bonid members for individual service It was eplulned that menthol who had pieviously piolltted bj lecelvlliB a special rate on account of the bo.ud Huhscriptlnn would not stiffei, as they would leeelve seivice nt ptactlc.illy tho old flginc The pi lee made to the boaid Is $100 less than foimeily. The speclnl .100 leports mentioned hm pint of the new contract, It was stated, would be fuinlsheil to membeis mcnidlntr to nn appoitlunment to be designated by the t-ettetaiy. CONTItACT Al'TIHltl.KD. The contiact was authoilzcd on rec omniendatlon of the finance committee. Theie wn wnne debate1 in favor of a company wlikh lecently established an ubciicj In Pcinnton and whose specialty wa in milking special lepoits It was decided, however, to use only the Dun service Mr. Ilenshaw, of the public safety committee, to whom was lefeired the duty of luriutilnsr Into the police pio teetlon of lesldences and a number of lecent lobbeiies lepotteil "pi obi ess." He was nsked by Piorident Kellei If pioBtes.s meant nioie thett Jli. Ilen shaw leplied in the nlllimatlve. He s.ild a vacant house neai his lesldeneo was enteied Sunday nlBht nnd snipped of about evetjthliiB of value it con tained. The house N owned b Swift bioHieis. Fiom Y. K. of Mt. Caimel, seeietaty of the Autluaclte associa tion, was lead a letter In part as lol- lows; Wn .lie now leadv to ihiicolcI li ill I the Intel state eommeice livv ;allv mi ll ipnt tieiKllt Iiib the unjust dlscrimliiaHiiu in lates on authracltu coal The i tllro.ul olllciuls have retusi il to i onti i with oui luiimiiticc on ralhoiils, and we thcnfoii. have to icacb them lu this wnv l'rnctlcallv foi two months past they havo been bullion lo tldcw.ite- at a leasonablo fiebdit late, but at theli lute inn thiB Hies dec lib d to i e tain to the old si.-tem ' 'I he matte i Is in join hands. our committee Is lead In act It .von wUh them to lo ahead they must have Hindi- They have ono ol Hie most ca pable l.iwjtrs in the state uaily to take up the work and have not been idle about 1'iillei liner facts nnil limit. w. lint tlil flisi of the Midden nceiN funds It is no hlld s play to at Thomas Hlei-el. i oipoiailons ami hiwcis ipniuty the klllll lllfism 1 O'llle 140111I lees A.M01 nt m:i:im:i) e will lii'id y.'i") 01 $luui to eullj the Wink to 11 tllllsh and out bualil ol tiade I Mini e In pioiioitlon woiibl be .'n) Will ,vou plcdBc jouiself fm UiIh iiiuiiiinl one hall to bo iuImmI at once and the bahilu l-v next Pebiuaij. when we have mr heM conv 'lltlllll Till pi cm lit pollev of iMiibltililt luliillt ehaiBis villi desllov tin life of tile I lie wholo lUlthlililte leBloli 1 W. A. Muv objected lo the ment of the assessment by the board. Ho said the coiisHttltlim would not pL-iinit an exiiendltuie of this chaiac ter. It wns finally decided, oil motion, that 1 i ,.lv,,lellt Keller should nppolnt a eon, mil tee of tluee to solicit subsiiipilons tiom lueichants to the amount niiiued. on this cominllle.' weie appointed If 1:. Paine, ilinliinien A I! niianliig and L. .1 Williams The following iv v in. iiihn h we-io ii.ilid I'ia k Hlllliiuni Ji I Oeoig- llulnngel It V. Pi nnd Isa doie Kiotoskj rue pplicatluns of GioigeV Oii'IUiisniid Italpli P W'eks Wiie loielved utld action vias oj nile, C the Special lino of t V.MIlltV.s I Olt -"-c- 1IOI.IIIVV UIHH MM. MI'S sin. I dlo and llnllila. stun-, ut I ollea', lh llittter, isprneeHliciu 1 r . I 11 II ..i. . ... . T 1 . f dtf lied Until tho ii- xt tegular meet lutr DEATH OF ROBERT ROBINSON. He Wns Select Couneihnan of the Elovonth Ward. llobi'lt liobltisilll. "lie of the well know 11 (b'luuni family of that num.? Illld st.eit 1 illlli lltnnii ftoin the lacv entli wind, died yesleidav motnliiK ut his homo, ins Aldet sttcet. He had lu eu 111 Horn he'iit ttcuhle about two weeks and Wis tluitlKht to have been iiupiovltiB dtltltiB the hift few dllVH but his eottilltloil hcrntlie eiltluil ssniuluv I'vi'tiliiM. lie Biadiii'lly Blew wore unci. leplti the effotts iniidu to save his life, died ut '. o'elocls jc'sleiel.iv nioinlliB. lie was I! yeim old 011 ,umlii. Pen a vcar Mr. ISobliisun bad not been well. He had fl'MUent ill tutus but none wan of u setlmis untitle until the Until ullntk of hei'tt ilNene which e.iiisecl his death. Mr Itoblnson Is ui,lvri bv 1 Is wife mid one ehllil MalBiuel. by his Hist wife, vi ho was .MIm Mntauret Hiiub. The iii''''iit MtH. Itoblnson was Mls.'i llessle limes of the West Side. HI I mother Is Mis. Minn KohliiMin of th" M. llobltl'oti hieivety Theie nie thri'e suivlvli'B hrolhem and one sister l.d- wiild. e lt- ccilit 1 cill"! . I'hlllp, Otto nlld Miss keiia. Ilobltisoii. The deceineel served two tetnis In common cumuli before belnB elected to the select lirnnc It He exeitcd nmie than 11 little Inlluelice in local Demo cintle politics Tor one so jotniB, M.I. lEobluson had a litre InsUht into busi ness nil" ills, and was thouRht lo have had 11 viv pionilshiB futttte. He was whole-souled. Beiilal and geneious and made manv fi lends. AinotiB th" many organizations of Willi h he w is a member aie the fol low Iiib Si hlller lodBe Kiee nnd Ac cepted Mrsons- Ncy Aub tribe, Im pioved Older of lied Men, Cimp HO, I'attlotle Order Sons of Atnetle.i: lec tin' City council Atennum. the S'lenBeiiunde- Scianton Athletic club, of which he wns liensiuei, and Ctys Hose- comiunv, he beliiB an honoi aiv nember of the latter otsnnlz.Ulotl The funernl will be held Thursdnv afteinoon at 2 o'clock ut the hous . Ilev. M'. A X 01 dt. of the Hlekoiy Stieet T'lesbjteilan chin eh, will olllcl ate. The Interment will be in tho IMttston avenue eemeteiv. Announcements have been made for meetliiBs toniBht ns lollovvs of otfnni 7atlons to tnke action on Mr Uobln- son's death Select council. ycrunton I Athletic ilub Hlec tile city council, Aie iiuiin PIANO RECITAL THIS EVENING Mis. H. Schmidt Snunders Will Bo Henul at Finn & Phillips'. Mis H. Schmidt S.iundei.s, of Ninth Seranton, will slie a piano lecltul nt the music patlois of Vlnn & Phillip? this evenhiB at '50 o'clock. Mis. S.iundeih is n talented pianist nnd .1 Bi.uluate of the Philadelphia Coiisi'i vatory of Music. The programme will be ns follows: Tiio, lmpioinptu, Op PJ Pianz Schiibcil (a) AUcbio. (b) Andante Dspie.-slo. (e) Alk'Kretto. Noitiiine, .".th Op. V.2 t.ejbiieb Sjlphlnde, Op vo Xills Hade (b) 1111 Walcli (in tlie vvoucis). Niels C.acle 10 Polonaise. K Minoi. Ot Si Hamlet lb) Melodv in P. ..Anthony Hubensteln Vulse Uiilllante, Op ) Choplu Holly and Mistletoe. Clnlstmns will not find us unprepared to supply the lloial decorations In such Si eat demand upon that diy. Kvoiy thing II. deslpiis, bouquets, looto llow ers, holly and eveiioen wieaths, laur els and pine toping at Murvln & Mulr, Coiner Spiuce and Wnshlnetoii ave nue, Menis building. Chiistmns Holiday. The best Chilstmas piosent Is n boc of "La Villoma de Scianton," or "The Couit House". These aie the best citjnrs made In this city by the Couit House Havana Cigar Fnctoiv. P. At mengol, Viop. 217 WashliiBton avenue. Never Befoie Have wo offeied such .1 gleat stock In iholco patterns of line holiday goods n? we do now tin the comliiiT Chilstnias. We have the llnest -lock of holidnj piesents, too numerous to mention We Invite eveijliodj" to call. Davldow Hios Oiiental Rug-. The finest piesent Is j linnd-iome Oiiental Hug. somethliiK that never losc It s value nnc' is always nppi ecl ated In a house Call nt it Washing, ton uveiiue nnd see 0111 bai pains In P.llgK. Clark's Annex 417 Spiuco Stieet for Clnlstmns trie 1.20 Wn-hlnBtoii avenue tor gteen palm, and rideis taken leu evei vlhlng toi Xmas mil. r e.iilv. O U I'laik iV- Co Dainty Caleiulats, Poimtaln Vcn-, I.eatllei lioods. Pane llo Papeis, 0 loid Hibles' illld I'layil Hooks. Viell deiBast, l.atkey nnd Uushnioii, .T17 W'n-hlngton uveiiue. To the Voteis of the Ninth Ward. I beg to announce m,vself as a candi date foi ihe oflh e 01 common council innf. Yoiiih lespeetfullj. l: M Tewkesbui'. (in lo Lane's Splllee .stieet. foi j our meals, ajij HEADQUARTERS Fruits, Nuts, Confection, Fancy - Groceries, and Cigars. G. CQURSEN, E. Wholesale k Itetall. W. F. IIALLSTKAD FOR PRESIDENT MAY BE THE NEXT HEAD OF THE D L. & W. ROAD. In Now Yoik, Where He Now Has an Office, He Is Ficely Spoken of n3 tho Successor of Samuel Sloan. Annual Elcctiou Will Take Place in February, When Thoio Is a Possibility Thnt Mr. Sloan Will Rotiie on Account of His Ad vanced Age. About this time of the vent Ihe le tliement of Sam Sloan f 10111 the presi dency of the, Lackawanna nnd Western company nnd the neec'svion uf sonic mine vlille nnd llgBlesslVe mull to that cxlieiliely ltll pottimt position liinkes the lotinds of the lliiunclnl papeis. As jet this year tin mutter lui not been public lv touched, but It Is being cpilte iteucinlly dlscuused lu New Yoik and will doubtlessly develop a news paper stoiy in th" mettopolls befoto many elajs. When the stoiy does come It will have (icucinl Manager and Second Vlee PieWilent W P. Hnltslend, of this e lty, us Its pilnclpal ehaiacter. Ml. llalNtead nnd no one else Is being talked of foi the position, nnd If In Is not pie'slrieiit of the Delaware, kawauua and Western company next Pebiituiy, the stotv goes, It will be because be eloes not want It. w hv si.oax m:.M ixi:n. That Mi Sloan bus not been snip ptanted befoie this is because of Ills unwillingness shai ed by the dircetots -to rcllnciuMi the place when 110 fit ting slice es(). villi? In sight. There wns sonic talk last jear uf W. K, Twcmiblev. u Vundeibllt son-in-law, Bolng Into the place us u llaure held, the Vundiibllts to be the uctiml ese rutlvcs This did not meet the np pi oval of the cithei dliectors, and when the time came Mi Sloan wu continued. Since being ninde second lco-pio-Ident, less than a jear ago, Mr. Hall stead has spent much of his time In Xew Yoik and of late has had an olllio at So 2G, 2chatiKO Place, vvheio ho spends at least halt of everv week lie not In elallj contact with the people at hcadquat teis very long befoiv be began to attract attention. "And t little while" he began to in vite study and ptovoke comment In the elltec tens' 100m. Now he Is being discussed openly and unieseivedly as the man the com pany hns lor jeat" been lasting about for. IIALLSTHAD THH MAX. One of them declined S.ituidny to a Seranton man "Your neigh bor, llnllstead, Is going to be the next pieslclent of the Delawaie, I.ackavvau 1111 and Western company He Is the mnn thev have been looking lor at L'6 Hchange Place." Nothing of a definite uutuie can lie said at this time on the subject, but putting together this nnd thnt Infoimn tlon coming Into the possession of The Tribune now nnd ngaln It enn be snld with no little assurance that Sci .niton Is very ltkelj going to supply the long lnokecl for successor to Sam Sloan as picslrient of the gtent Delaware. I.nck nwuiiua and Western Itallioad com P.inj. To the Republican Voters of the City As stated In it ptovlous communication In the morning papeis, I announce my self as a candidate for the nomination of mayot at the comliiB primaries. It j oil t-ee lit to nominate mo nnd I am elected I pledge myself to u clean, con servative and business like administra tion. Ueorge Saudeison Wo Have a Very Good Watch, conect time-keeper which we sell fot $100. Davldow Hios., 2J7 Laeknwann 1 avenue. All Kinds of Champagnes a nil other wines on hand at the Scran ton Wine and l.lquoi company, 129 Venn avenue. Telephone COIL. Call at the Scianton Wine and I leiuot Co.'s stoie ioi j our holldny good?. 129 Venn avenue. Telephone 1.012 Palms and Other Plants lor Chilstmas piesents. Xothlns bet ter. At ciuikVs. Cigars by tha Box. te Haul's e Ftoie, 111 Sptuce street Fine Sterling Silver Holiday Piesents Davldow Hios JONAS LONG'S SONS. Today's 25c Dinner Feeding .1 good many people here these days, every day, and none go away disappoint ed. Today's menu 'ha a pala table twang to it and it only costs a cjuaiter to enjoy it. Ready to seive at 11.0. menu : chicken a la millinaish. consomme clear, baked sea trout a la vendig. croquette jambone aux tomat. ribs of prime beef au jus, maryland spring chicken fried, sauce supreme, mashed potatoes, green peas, stewed tomatoes, mince pie. apple pie boston cream pie, cafe noir. II li's is li A tiuoil Set or Teeth for. :.)() Our Sets or Teeth .1.00 liicUdlnK the I'alnlccj I'xtrKilun DR. S. C. SNYDER jii bpriKcMrect, Opp, HotclJcrmyn APPEAL IN THE KELLER CASE Will Probably Bo Cairied Up t .c Supioino Couit. The filcnds of .loeih Keller b' H Pint his coiivletloll Was .11 iei-'ii- 1 of Itistlce and propose to h iv case curried lo thu Ktlpleiiie 1 mil 1 It Is probable thnt an uppenl v taken nt 1111 enrly date and In the of Its being gt atiled Keller will b leased on bill pending the illio'lll 1 of It. Sh"ilfr 11 .V 111 does not intend to luk th" pliiiolieii' 1 onvic led at the last fun to the 11enltcnll.11 v until after cjnlst in.iH which will give the nttornev 1 week to Wink befoie the elate of lik ing Keller to the peuileiitlim to neiv his live nnd vein teim. A Great Santa Glaus Exhibition will be ulveil lu out dtj (roods de pal tmeiit evei ilaj until fin Istnuis fioni 10 In the 11101 niiiK until '. lu the evenlnc Do not fall to brliiK the c Illicit cu to see It, ns theie never was auj thing 111m it in S'eianlon befoie. Kneli ehlld iiiroiupnillcil bv its patent eit some gtovvti-up peisou will be filveti a coupon flee of c liaise, which will entitle It to u ihanee on two beautiful piesent", a mnKtilllicui dull nnd an elegant locklnpr home, which aie both on exhibition In our eliy Roods depiut ment. We- w mild mil Ise ladles with small I'hlldien to come in lh mciiiilniT between 10 and li o clock. The Largest Grocery Store in the State Heie are a few Holiday Leacieis for early buyeih: I pounds finest California It.ilslns 2'c 'i p.T k.lges rmuy Seeded llulKlns ""ip raney Clustered ltaisins, per lb . Mlt 3 packages Oold Cleaned Cut rants " IC Ue 10e lie Jlc I'.'i 10e Kle 10e KxtiaFaney l.cRlmin Clticm.pei lb Ktra Fancy Lemon Peel, per lb... Fancy FIs.s, jier lb 3 pounds Fancy JIKed Nuts Walnuts, ptr lb Pecan Nuts, per lb llrazll Nuts, per lb Fancy Calces for Xmas, per lb .... 3 pounds Chilstmas Candy 4 pounds Fancy Mixed Candy 'i pounds Chocolate Diops I.aiRe Jamaica Oi mines, per do . 3-lb. package Piepared Iluckwheut 1-plnt Unttle Maple Sjutp 2-lb. Can Mince Meat J.lC LMe ilc UK 10e 10c Special Prices on Bath Robes. S.II il'l Kobe for 7.IIO Kobes foi II IKI Holies for Kot.os for 4 III) Itobc-i for 11 no I '! l.'J-i i rid :s no BRONSON & TALLMAN, Agts Ilattui's .tiul rui'iiislicr, Clarke Bros 412 Spruce Street !t!IEl(!!IKIi:iUigi9t!l?ilEI3gillI!!Illii1 Don't Know What to E3uy? Then buy glove, no woman tet L'enis to h ie ciiniiiih gloves. Men same way. We have evciything good that s m.uL in glove-., we arc manufacturers, that's why we eau sell eheap.-r than othei stores. j can save you tiom 2, to o cents em evei puuh.isj SMITH'S EXCLUSIVE GLOVE STORE .a..S,.8 v. ILOIY Oil, AND TELEPHONE 622 141 to 149 Meridian Stmt, Scranloi Pj. BURNING AND LUBBiCATIN! PAINT DEPARTnENT.--Pure White Lead, Colors and Varnishes. What Shall N that what.s piuling ou r It so we'll be pleased to help yoti out. btoie teems with holiday hints. And gifts bought havo double advantage ol being both suitable and useful. Book Case and Desk I his is one ol i nicest pieces o nittiie we've seen, hands carved in mah hea y beveled miirois. This Hire does not be. raD' f i T 3 J r il to suggest its km I only $5.50 Alter seeing it you 11 beautv. Onlv!'l7.00say it's worth 7.0 at least. SIEBECKER & WATKINS, 406 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 IS IS., Ml- 20 Lackawanna Ave, Scranloa Pi. Wlmlcsiilc tuul Kctiitt DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC, Rcndy nixed Tinted Points. loiivciiliiit, i:couoiulcul, Uuruh'.a. Varnish Stains, riodueliiBlVrfe'Ct I inltntlonof HvpanilT Wooih Kayuolds' Wood Plnlslt, Erc?e'lillJ De"i8neil for linlele Wort. Marble Ploor I-'Inlsli, Durable mul llrlci CJuloltly Paint Varnish and Kal sominc Brushes. HIRE LINSEED OIL AND TURPENTINE. Ideas l'OR Xmas Gifts Canes, Umbrellas, Bath Robes, Suit Cases, Neckwear, Hufflers, Etc, BELL& SKINNER Hotel .Icnujti llullcll g OI'PN l. HMNC.s THE DICKSON M'FO CO,, bci anion unit Willies llano, I1 c .Miiuufuetuicrs of LOCOMOTIVES.STATIONARY ENGINES Ualler-,, lljlstlii; anJ Pnuiplnj ,M:,iln:.- y, ftriiprnl Olllcc, Seranton l' UIIHEH!!!(!fi(tiaigtiiil!IS3!SIIII!l!!U 1 Gift Things Everywhere. mm Hi 1 1 Dependable E Hen's Furnishigs E Multitudes of the most ap- 5 s propn.ite and elegant of all s 5 the new fancies the sorts E E suitable and sought alter for g S Holiday Gifts. 3 Ml M 5 Index of S Holiday Gifts 3 E I'or him that can beseemed jjj S here in the accepted fashions, 9 E of good quality, moderately 3 E priced 3 S Neckwear, E Mufflers, E Handkerchiefs, E Umbrellas, S Gloyes, Dress Shirts, Underwear, Jewelery, Suspenders, Canes, E Bath Robes, Suit Cases, 3 Hoisery, Ladies' Walking Hats s E "ON IIIK SQUARG" 3 n mm 203 Washington Avbmij. E .sSoit oiit'ii Honintrs until 3 E ('lirisimas. 3 WIANUFACTURINC li I Reed Chairs Our line of Keed Chairs and Kuckeis is very i omplete. There's hardly a desirable style or puce wo eannot show you. We sell a hand chair like cut fur . Bun vSyS-ii 1