sr THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1898. KK.K.KKKKKKKKK.K..K,'.HK',KK.KKK, ' V K V U V V V V V A ft' V V ti V ft ft &s ft ft" ft ft' ft ft ft ft ,V ft' b" V ft ft" ft' ft ft ft ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft V ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft t' ft ft' ft' ft ft ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft' ft' Store Open Evenings Scranton Store 124 Ifi Free packages of Sachet powder Thousands of them all day tomorrow. One to every purchaser at our perfumeiy and our hand kerchief counter. Regular ten-cent packages of Rosins Sachet. Ask for one with your put chase. Holltlil) We h.ive been umbrellas compelled to en l.uge tins de partment in ordei to meet with holiday demands. Some veiv good Guistmas gifts lieu at veiy m ill puces. SDK gloilu "nibi din "0 liu li nlth tn ti 1 i irdwuml hundlis, "ucl itiil rKiil.i prlie Jl "., no- .pi'iii.i . voc SDK gliuli un luclliis. mill H Mill l iiualltj than ii.)i with both lunev ami n itm i wood handles fur liulli - iiihI ki tegular CI in pi in $,Mmi spi i . p i.t v Another lot with imported noveltv handles, tine quality silk from $2.48 upward Books Some RI:A1. bargains ill U'h in these. All of them are suitable lor Chi gifts. I landsome 1 bound. Good paper and good punt Sli ikesprate-In 1.' liuiulj Mil ium bound in lUiIIi Kilt C") cn tups ltl.l llllllll. p.ipif VitW hli.iKi spt.up I Miliums, en ilntli limiml Mod papei lfzr i nnpi r ." Milium-" lust 1 nn titles l.UVI Hulvvti Lvttnn is volumes bound In ilntli imil "timipofl A 1C In gold t.AO Sh nklcwli i- i vidimus including Uiin Vndls 'llu Deluge Fan Mi- inn I .mil With Tin t ei .mil Sword l.ou Lebeck VIM A 'A A -A A A A t H 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A A A IN THE PLAY HOUSES. Hopper in "Tm- Charlrttnn." Pi Wolf Hi ip"l '' iIiiHBUtnl 'Hi tii-pleip of iitimi'Mi ,- nunli opfi.i lon- ( Hunt, th. I.wpuin I. in ulK'it in yous,i ami Kit- i luct npuia ' Th" t li.ul.ildii ' Tin- upei.i whs puiilui i'il hi .i suniptiicus ni.inni'i Tlipip .is .i 1 ukp. wt'll-tmlppil iiunp,iii. ihp liu ins initiiiiii (i tiiin jijciI xoiii's ami tin. i ostiiinos ami Meiieiy iomliliioI to lliHkp lieaullllll stiiKi' piilllliK lloppci's iimlat it in Si iniitiiii wi '1 niiintiat'"! nv tin ninth nf ItH i ii'piluii. AftPi jIip Heiuiiil mi t In luul ti mnki' n spi', h whii h was in tli' ll.lliK ItlWtll 1 1 i i i win It kept niili s i h iint; (ici the f.ifi s in In lis-te-HIS ill a va llint wile Khimi til see II U tllpll Sllllh Wl'M kIU'IIIiMI ilK'll" uii-1 niiln until he alnpist li.ul ti pleiid 1 i inpi( Floppi'i - wink ilim.t i h.iiii'c lui l In heti.'i lie js num. the inudiau mil less th, luiiiDun than h" litis been in tin- past ami ilep, inls upuii his head nitliei than his pi fm sm -i i-hs Ni'lln llHireiiK vnli w us hum! ! iiilvanlarp r iIip mle ut np.i, tl s i nuns Pi mi ... iliaepfMl anil ' lopihiiM P"riiii,i tipiKMrnin i- sl'i. ili-iii-Inll.v i hum- ii put f thf lentil' ea' tin- st.itfi as lu'i'owi. .Mniuiiil Stun U i the tpniii uf the oiupun., iiu-1 Mi- ItiiNoii as Kalilnl.a iiiiue In iir en MP ol till' llll01. ill lll -l- i it UmiII IHtlc Allied Klein in tho .) al.- mil th pinviikei ol tin ('Hill I mi l tlnit'i las1! nielli he ( ii'ivtllseil le .iinlli'lli'H Rip Van Winkle." Tli. i inn in lor that lui been .ilnnvit iiipiitallzeit b .lu .It' ff oi Min "Hip an Win). If, ' win- pnitiavod nt the ' iiiliinv of AlllWi lat nisht b Ilolx U Jtatiiioiii, ol the N''. uik Stork nitn- I am It wn.s tin Hist night of th( t niii in "w enuaRt'iui'iit In this city ami llw huiIIpim e wus liu t,i and ei pii-ilHii-iuytlt hut ihe splendid null UK' i in whh h the toi (if the dellKhl fill .ii .iabiinil wan picspiitt'd lij Mi Itunwnu The iinipatn fiiipuit- ,4 lit 111 tel - itlHfUftOIJ. .1 l' Kiitli dw as Deih '.in li.'.'knian and Aim Hanson as !( hen i oinliiR hi fm a 'aiKo shuip it iui.ililo pinnmpiit I I mil thot in the nudlHtitt Hetweeii t lit- urtH pntPttnlnliiK p' iHltleu wen- liituidULtd by WlltiPd I,u i.ih a ei, pleasing bail tune idnnei, Iiulhp pL-nte, a vivacious suiibiotti' ami Hainld C. Flint, a ienll muit. ou vhlMlci. Thh- aftei'iiooii tho coin nam will pi('s.ent "The VaRnlinnd r.i'li-i and this oeiilnrr "Over thp ll'l s Athletic6 at the Gaiety. I-ovei'o of athletic spoils found niuch to ilfllhr tlipni In the iierfoiinaiKCt L'li'ii by the KtiK'sit Itoebot and I'uino lliotlieis' Vaudeville comimm u tin OfllPt thoali'i ycKU'i-dio aftttnoon and evpnlntf. Tho tioupe w.m reeled lit Ullfi ,nn' lien In whl.'h tlUP Hp'ilt Inr oliiml ifl to pieilnnillliltP Itoi i . r end lil.. writ- Mi n partner, f.eo Par i llo g'np a in .si ,ltliiR exhibition ii n llftpen-ii ., duiliiK wllirh tlilr - uiK-'h . airuscd Ktoat nthuslaHm in ihp 'itidbn. In tn imolallj feiuun of the enteit ilnnient ho 'rano PiothPfH In thnlr oilphml iK-.illiin 'The Muiltowr, Uuhfi.." and Vft and WlllliiniH Mltv-.'lnt' ffinu'dliuiH ipi uIpii hearty upplauto V Iraiit, the coniedlaii. pi't'i'ted n 'if li best nuinol'i'.iufi .m-L. s'r wu m thp flalety -ita-? Air Uiant tvlls new X . X X X X X X X ,t x x x . x .1 x X , X X X X X X X X X X X .1 X X . .1 X X . . X s X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .1 X X X X X Ml - 126 Wyoming: Ave. Holiday Gieatest in Haiiilkci'cliieP) assortment as well as pi ice. I landkei chiefs of all kinds, with or without boxes, lor use or for gift pur poses. Special values for to monow: l.mlli's mid gentlemen i. In m stiuhul mill olored bonier liainlktrrhlefn cMiaoidlnuiv cc allien .... '" Ladles' In mstltolied anil scalloped edge tmbroldered Imnilkei- l(. ihlof, mil nlue 1"(, spulnl "- I. lilies' extra nualltv cmbroldcted idgo ami hemstitched 16c I )ir ami hemstitched grade Hpetlul . .. . Ladles' hanilki i chiefs line E. quulltj 2Jc grade spciiul "fc Lndles' srulloptd i dge unil em broidered hiindki rehltls, real OCf. alue X,c spcclil Atfk. Flvp hundred mi n h silk muMleri (if tveiv description from C") 4V to V' linADHHSTS-Twint.i-tlvp doen Iimil rests Si-cent grade OOr" Hporl.a . . '' IMa Cushions Five hundred fancy pin cushions, hand painted, from 25c to $2.5o ap'ece Holllla) Big sale of ladies' Jackets and misses' jackets now, in older to close out out stock while it is still new We never cany any garments from one sea son 'to another. Excellent values here leal woith mg fiom $s to $30.00, at 5.3.98 to 1 9. 98 X X X X X X X X X X H X "At & Cor in A A A 'A A A 'A A "A 'A 'A A 'A 'A 'A A 'A A JuUih and knows liow In relate them, and his elfoitH wrre thoioiiRhly ap pieil.lteil While in the 1 lt 5Ii Hoebei or hli paitnei, All. Paitlello. will met t any wiestleiH In a 1 ontest ut tile tlniety and ofttr libeial tiiins to any athletes wim will make a nial Cliailes 55antr will niei t Hoebei lonluht Hermann the Magician. Adelaide llctniiinn the 1 hai niliir, wife uf the late Alexander Hermann, and at the pieent time appealing In in.iKle with het nephew. Leon Hei inaiiii, l 11 kk at admit it of dumb an imals and tattles with her on the road a niiiiibei of pets, besides the birds, dmes, ,t(, use, in the pel tot niancex A put 1 ut and an Austiallau tnaKple which Mis lleuniiiiu has in net col let 1 Imi fiequently on aslon much nilith. This pai rot Is a wondei and speaks foiii lunuuiiKiH, Unpllsh, (lerman Span sh and rientli SpanWh was tohoned with the Aincitinn-Hlspano war lnnke nut. inutii in the paiiiitK smptlsc. Ho iniild nut iiudei stand wh when he iiinmenteil 10 Hpeak the lauKtiam' 111 width .Mis Hermann had ptevlously taken siith a iIcIIkIH. the st.iKe t .11 pen iii shuultl abuse liiiu the waj he did. Hut it did nut take him lonK to le.uu ilial ininethlm? was MriiiiK. and thn Spanish laiiK'iiase has nut been utll i."'i b him latel One day Airs Her mann made a teium k in Spanish to Leon Heiin.iuu and the pa 1 rot luinie illa.i'lj 1 1 led Luuk out you'll pet it iiuw." When nutlilnu was tin own at hei lie was KieiitH suipilseil and mur llleled tu himsell soniPthlliff wioiikp, -.tuiifiiiiiiK ttnuii; int joki was ex plained to Mis. HeiiiMii. who Kieatly enjojeii Ii. The pin 101 ip now being tuucht niiiKh. and callers on 51m. Her inaiiii need not hi suipilsed in ihe fut uip Ii the patrol should pull silver out ol iheli hull in uii) other In tdilKhl of hund, wlilih lm sees lilRlitH perfuinied. TIiIh will be the attiaitiuii at the Lieum theaiei Xmas nuitlnee and intniut;, Alunda.v, Uec. 2fi. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. .Mltll.iel I'Huiik itiiulued f ,n 1 lltlons mlMlilcf lust we. li was -eiitem, d b JikIrl- IMwiihIh In pa a liin ut $11 md 1 usls An appeul from the rtwaid of .ublu.uo, 1 was taktii jtsterdat In Uk case ,it i;iUu. In Hi IMmuiiils ayalnst James mil MiiiBiinl Mai K Owliii; to the iibMine ol witnesses UiDio was no session 01 the cletiion , on test leulnj. Tim examiners will met t at in o clot k this morning. t'elioid Pudlailch tomlurd ol helllns lluuui wllhoiil u license laat wttk was seiiltneed esteula by JikIko Aifhbald 10 ii.ij a line 01 1ii, rots. ami time inuntlis in thn touiity 1 ill I. II Powell & Co, Npstenbi) iiliialnrd w litis of upleiln to retoici plimot, now In tin possisslon of 51tp J Loltus and Satah OiimeUi. whlili It Is aliened are the piopiil.t of Powell & Co 51a riaK llcens-s wpip mound osici- I i hi C'lik ol the Coutis Daniels to (lalii ciallt and Ustell.i 1 oro, of cai bii.iilnli, John .1. Prlti Jr.. .unf 51m v Alliu of IVijItn. William 51nlilen, 01 Suaiitun, and Helen Kukusuii. ul Aloca, Iteasoiis 1111 a new tilal wei died rs lerday by Talm A: Lewis u the case of Vlncituy 1 f Dunmore, who was uilivltte.l lust will, bi'loie JildKe Yokes uf pol il Iiik (lie aims The loasons and 11 trim nrlpl ut Ihe tuse will li, sti.t lu TinUi' JI 1''''. .. .tlJ tliriVfelil. th. I 1..I l.x.....i, L. 1 ii (- 111 (nr iiniur hi iim iI'kimh 11 Voiy Fine Holiday Pieuonts Sli I ubtallied at ll.uldow Hrnn., Ml" mi' eia mil best stoi 1. in s-dert In th i lly 227 Laoltawanna lUt'lllll. Until Christmas. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Now York, Dec. 19,-Tlio tnatket todiiv moled lrri'Rularly and ruMilted In trlxod cliinaci' In prlepK The RPHPfal market lind a koikI iitulfrtoim but wax .lavold of luteroxtliiK frnturen. t.lttln ui done In ilui Htuiidiiiil Htotks niiil the luditutilala oM'cpt SiiKnr which brokp neatly 4 points and rallied fractionally, l'rlces wero well held until the IiihI hour when Ihcie was u break In Atihtsou and tho Oranger Trailem worked for a decline on the the ory that Mich a moxtment wus usual b foro tle Christinas holldnMi. Active built piofrsiipd f-rntlflratlnn at the oontlnuance of outsldo Interest in Hip maiket whlrli was rellected In the undue prominence of Home of tho mtnoi Htocks In the tradln.r. Total pnlec were Wi,Vi shareH Furnished by V1I,1,1AM 1.1NN AI.Lt!."J & CO , stock brokers, rooms "Oo-IOil .Mcars bullrtliif Open- Hlch- Low- Clos Inc. est. est Inc Am. Kuit He I! Co . KI 124 12fli J.ll'i Ateh. To A- H. Kp .. VI Vl'S, 1S 1SH A T. A- S. !'.. Pr .. 51H Hi's SC, HP', Am Tobaceo Co ....1IJ HJi, 141 lll'i Am. .Spirits U'i US 12 1J Halt. At Ohio r.ia i" rit'H .-, Hrook H T T2't. W, T2 T'-i Hil Stale i Jus ... . ,"' - - Can Hmtthern . M'S 5'v " " N J. Cent I at 91 - Chrs . Ohb SVt, 2V 2'. 2 Chit K: (1 W . . 14'n lVa 14 II Chic N. .111 111 Ht H0' Chic, K &Q . 122'4 122'. 121Jj 121S Chic, 5111. & St P . 117 117 11fi, 111', chic , n. i & p . .ioiia no urn-, iot, Chle St P 51 K. O. W l sP 'il". C. C. C. Ht I. . 4J ll'i lt'4 4i Con. Oas l'U 1'ifi 152 19fi Dclawuru & Hud ...10U 10ij 101'4 101'i N Y I. i: & W .. 14-i - Ocn. i:ieetrlc 'H "U W !.25i Int. 1'aper Co r.S'i C'JH MVt &' Louis. & Nash .. .. fil fil', fiTi. W, 5tunhnttan Klo ..17 17 IV Wj 51et Ti action Co ..1UH4 lll'i ltPi li; 51 K. & Tex.. Pr .. 3S Sn .17'i T7', 5Io J'aclflc . . . 4 : n'3 4Jai 12 Nat Lend . . 37i "7j TT'i 17'1 N Y Air Hrnke. ....lilil N Y Cditral . ... 12H- 11 K2l 121 Out &. Wtst 171,, - North Pacific .. . 4l'i. 4I'4 41 IP. Nor Pacific Pi .... 70 'h "h'-g 7fi'4 7h'i Putlflc Mall 42', 41 42 '1 42", lVoplc's Has IDS', msTj, ioh-i, m-,1 Penn H. H 122 122 121 'J 121'i Phil & Head 11 V 11 H P A. H . lHt Pr . . 47 47"i 40 11, Southern It. H 10 10 l(i' lO'l Southern H. H., Pi.. 42'i 42 42 42 Tenn . C & Iron . . R3 I'fi'S; "11 1M. Tcmih Ar Patllle ... Ifi'. 17 lfl'b H"-! t'nlun Piultlc W, 11 '.'Hi 40 Cnlon Pac , Pr i 721 !, ll"H ,1-j 41 P S Kiihl-ci' 1 11 V S. Hilbbcr. I'r ..111 V S Leather Pr .. hi t.i f t R wan.itin. it .ii .e. -t J'Ji West t'nlou llls 01 91'i !!- W l L 11 ti i Ii h'4 Vabnnh. Pr Si-'j - CIUCAOO EOARD Or TRADL". Open- Illsh- Low- Clos- WIIHAT lnR. est est. I11X 5Ia I.7". 7 1.7 1.7's Jiilv OJiJ 0; 6.- 0."i COHN. 5iay .v,i; .r.i, svi r, JliH ''i'i "." ."."'i .0 5Iav Wi 2ii 2'.H 2i, POHK. Januarv 1 f 41 1 10 "10 5Ia 172 9 71 9 67 9 (.7 LAHO. January 112 fill .1 12 12 5lay 5 17 ", 17 1.11 G .15 Scranton Board of Tiade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Scranton & Plttston Ttac. Co. ... 20 1'irst National Hank iOO IllinliuiHt UouIeard 1(W Sciatitou Savings I'r nk L"Jj Scianton Patklne Co 93 Luik.i lion S. Steel Co 21 Third National Hank 33! Throop Novelty 51f Co SJ Scranton Hallway Co 2.1 Dime Dep & DIs. Hank 163 Hconnmv Light Heat A- Pow er Companv 43 Scranton Illuminating, Ileut ,i Povvir Company S3 . . Scriutuii b'orRltiK Co 100 Tiaders' National Hank 1M) Liuka. Lumber Co 139 l.iiek Tills! .t Safo Dell Co.. 130 5looslt Slountaln Coal Co 11114 Sfianton Paint Co VI Clark A: Snuvtr Co Corn 400 Clark A. Snover Co, Pr 123 HONDS Scranton Pass Hallway, (list 11101 Ikiikc due H20 . . . Peopli's Street Hallway, Hist mortKace. due IMS . ... People's Street H.illwav tlciv 1 1.1I mm tK.iKe due 1121 Dickson turiiiK Co .. Lntka Township Sthuol u'c. Cilj of Scranton St Imp Gc . 51t Vtinon Coal Co Scianton Ale Works Suanton Tiactiou l. bonds... 113 113 ... 113 It') 102 102 bl . . 100 Plillodelphia Gialn and Produce. Philnlelpliia Dec 19 -Win at-I'lrm and 'tu IiIkIhi, tontiatt ifraile Dnembir. 72l2i72'4i Corn-Advanced c. and ruled 111 111 No 2 inltfd, December, old, !'i 1 10c, ; list ember ntw .lfil,r.2'lc Oat I'irni, No 2 white t lipped, ,I2ii2Ic . No. .! do do . 32'vi , No 2 mixed cllppul, 32'-..e I'loin -I'ntliatiKeil Hutter-Kiim fant vtestttn cleanup 22t , do. pi hits, 21c I'Kiis I'll m, tresh nearbj, 27c , do. west trn, i'lC do suuthwtsti in 23i ,d south VMstiiu 21c do. southern "3e Chtcsc I 111 hiitiKcd Hellnid Suiru -I neh.iliBtd. Culloil Steudv Tallow Dull, illv ptlme, 111 hogsheads lt , tountiy do, lo . b.u li Is 2e . daik do ',(. takis, e , mease iuT-c ns to coloi Live Poultiy Dull and easy, fowls tavc : old ioottrs. r.ii3'i , spiini,' ilikkens 0a7c . diuks, 7a V , Ktese, 7aSc , tuikevs. .lalOc. Dressed Poultrt rimi and fairlv active, fowls thulLt 8aSe do fall to uood, 7'.aSc ; old roustcis i,i spiini cliitltens vvist (ili 1 holce, liiiiff, l.ilOt do fall to rfoud, 7l5iiS'(.i tuikevs holie. 12 il Ir ; do fair to Kocid, i.illc , ducks 7asi UetelptH lloiu IWi" baiiels and S,4mi SHiks wlieHt, 7 17S bushels, coin. 10.41 bulieis oats 2, 2i'S buslit Is Shlpmt nts WIuul '17 HI bushel-, tin 11 fiu.uul bushels, uats I'oli, bushejs NewYoikGiain and 1'ioduce Market. New York. Dee l" -Plour .Moderulply active and steadier Inlluirued bv the ail viiiut on whe it. tilling Hi in Wh(. it Spot dull No 2 led 77V , f. o b No 1 northern Duluth 7ti't . f. o b. alloat. No 2 noitbern Duliilh 71c., f o i) . uftoit, Nu 1 lioilhou New York, 73c. spot, options opmed iibnui tt hlghei cables being fiivorabk and speculation null egeneral Ini hiding god lorelgn de niand tor 51av tontiaits, latet Hie ma ket sold o ui'dir liquidation following an liiciease In the visible supplv but agulli rallied on covering and uriewed luvis' meui buvlng, uHsisttd 1 III in iitLOtuits fiom Chltago, tin close was steadj, a i net hlgbpr. Dicfmbet, 71a74t . closed 7lc . 51aich 75a7.1c . clostd 7,'c . Slav, 71 11-lii.i'J 11-lu dosed 72c. Coin Spot dull but llrm, No 2. I2( 1 o b . ailout, options opened nominally ue higher with wheat but wall rattier neg lecttd by speculators, fullow'td the lluc tuiitlons In whe it with a llrm iiiiilertoue liupaitPd by tables and ilos-ed i net higher Decpnibe closed 40t ; May, 4ua liu p. closed 40'i.c Oats Spot dull. No. 2. 12f No 4 JlV8e ti ink whlti, .!luJ7c No. 2 white. 21t , track rnKtd weHtcrn. C2 o32'i;e options dull and nominal. Heef Flim Hut ter -Firm, westcin rreamerj, 13a21e do futtorv, 12al4'sp.; Elglns. 21e . inn (reamei. Mal'c. . state ilalij. 1.1 nlKf . do ciean-erv 11a 19c Eggs Firm; stato and Peiiuslviinlii, 2',a'27e western fresh 21c , southern 22i2.!e Chicago drain Mat ket. Chicago Die 11 -Wheat was strong all 1l.1v today and clostd at un uiHauto of t. ovei Satunlav s Until price Strung tables, smaller woildW shipments, unfa vorable weatliLi and a large tasli busi ness kipt shoils on tho anxious seat. Civil closed i higher and uut c. higher Provision are piacttcally un changed 'ish ipiolatlous weie as fol lows; Flour 811 ad No, Gl'iiiirc, No. 2 red 06e . No t com. 'I4c . No. 2 villow. Hi , Nn 2 oats, 2t,a27',c. , No 2 .vhlte SJMiuISii , No .1 white. Ua '."(' . No 2 51aMV , No 2. f o b . baile. liaise No 1 flux seed, 31 04'sal 01; prime, tlmotb) seni tl'M; mess pork, IS.10 11KII, lard. 1 0214111118; short ribs. side. Sifi'iul'S: drv saltpd slumlibrs, Piiilt ; shoit tlear sides $1 S2' 5. whlskev, $1 lii New York Live Stock Narkct. v. v York, Die. I'.i Calves-Steady ti, . v 1 Slow, gfiod steers htiady; bulls ami rows, weak to lower1 hi.pis, JI.IO.ilV); oen mrt slugs, tlul V, iiulls, $2 SIill 30; tints 17.rrt)5 70 C.ihi.- Illblier; veali, ",i7i.; tops. IS 13; 'uinatd and fed OB1' . r l2iiTnl.C0: fed do riheu I filov , piimu fcttaUi , nvuluin lower; The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSC for the Benefit of All Who Ilnvc Houses to Rent, lionl Kstate or Other Property to Sell or r.xchaiiRc, or Vlio Want Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word lixcept Situations Wanted, Which Arj In serted Free. FOR RENT KOH HKNT-3IX-I1005I KLAT, VIIHY modern Impiovements; readv lor 01 tii- nancv. Cull "Ol Mulberry street, l-rul C. Hund. iiMrti:NT-nT:Tiiioo5t oh shahi: , of offices second floor front, Coal Lx chance. Coll at room 13 KOH HUNT - BIXICND Qulncy l'LOOH, T01 FOR SALE rem s?lk-sixT'i:h chnt. sii5U-an- nuul Bold purchnso bonds for sale. No statu tax Qllt edse In every particular. Full Inlormatloii chrcrluliy bIvlii, wl and C02 5Iears Hutidlru; KOH 8ALI1-A HANDSOMH. PAST liottliur horse for $2.J; uetually worth JiOO, standurd and reglstertd, slltd by Hcd Wilkes, dam Nillj McOreRor. bv Hub ert 5IcOriRc,r, seven veins old, 15 hands hlch; vvelchs 1030, Ioiib tall and mane; styllsli uppearance; fearless elic trlcs or locomotives; trotted private Uials In Kentucky when purchased last sum mer In 2.17, 210V4 and "2.1b; hns no record; must be seen to bo appreciated. Guaran teed In ever way sound and nentle and to trot Pull Mile Iletter Than 2 23 or no salt, ovvntr will allow rcspotilblo pur ehuer 20 days to test his speed, sound ness and gentleness. Further Information fiom owner, 110 West Mil St, neur Col umbus ,iM' New York City COHNKH LOT, 15IPHOV11D, CHNTHAL citj Hursain, pood Investment Ad dress 1530 WoshinKtou avenue ron salh-a .'ihst-class piano at a verv low price, it must bo sold. Address P o. Uox 217, Scranton FOK SALC-TKN H-I-P-A-N-S FOH 5 cents at drugglstg. One mves relief. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTI1D-GOOD SKCOND HAND CL'T ter; stutc pi Ice. Address Ttucj, Trib une. FURNISHED ROOMS. LAHOi: ITRNISHHD FRONT HOOM for rent In orlvuto lamlly. Address 1 ti , Tribune otllce. foh ih:nt-di:sihali: furnished front room, 107 Sladlson avenue. FOH HKNT-PLKASANT FUHNISH11D rooms, conveniences Hooms from 1.W up, 522 5Iulbcrry street. LOST. LOST-ONH LADIIIS' DIAMOND screw earring 111111 caiat. liberal il ward if left with owner at 512 Stone ir.e. JZOLITICAL.. I Hi;Hi:HY"A'NOlTNCn"51-ni:LI'' AS A tandldate tor the olllce ot Citv Con Itoller. Subjict to the Republican pil man election. JOSEPH ANSLin, JR. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALH-MY RHSIDnNCE AT 233 Colfax avenue; Just a mulcted All modern Improvements Hordwood Ilnlsh, sanitary plumbing, electric lights, etc. Pi ico reasonable. Address Frank T. Okell, 220 Uioadway, New York city. MONEY TO LOAN. 510NI1Y TO LOAN AT 4 PL'R CENT, on hUllicIent set urltx Oktll .m Dunn, Atlorno.vs, 5 Coal Hxeliange SCALP TREATMENT. M-VVVVVVVV ss-sw MRS L T. KHLLHR, SCALP TREAT ment. 50c shampooing 30c , taclal massage, mauiiuilug, 23c, ihhopody. ,01 gulncj. CITY SCAVENGER A D BR1GGS CLEANS PRIVY VACL1S and cess pools, no odor Improved pumps used A HItlCCS, Piopnetor Leave 01 tiers 1100 North .Main nvunue. or Elcke'H diuu stole, coiner Adams and Mulben Tekphone W40. nholei, l.nmbs. linn: olhers sttadv. shetp. common to pilme 2Kutii0, tlioln wi th us, JI75, culls. 12, lambs, Jla71. two t Us tholt'e, $lV)ao SI culls J414..U. Caiuid 1 lambs. $1.311.1.1.73. Hugs Slow u $1 .lijaJ 75 Buitalo Live Stock Mai ket. East Huftnlo N Y Dec. 1'i-Cattl ood to best smooth lal epou tattle, $.121 Hj 10, good t best. I171a5, ehou bulls U a 1.21. good tu choice butiheis stetis. $150 a4 73, lommon to good bull hu bulls. $li a 10, good tu best fat hellers.'JI; htot'kiis, cholio tu ttia, 171i4, coramon to good do lltilalM. JciK' stofkera I2; block htiftrs 10; fi filers good lo itru. J.;7."a120, llisl town t huleo to extia, S.Via'J. good tu tholct', J.13 i5o, ship, ping tows 12 10, spilngeis lanid to i Hit tfl ill, calves iho'cp to etr 1 iMi", good tu choice Juaori, hcuvv lid iileiis, 1. lives, good soloi $4 5Ual hln 1 p Cholte lo extra. J1 75, good to cholie $1 llo Hogs, Stiong, VotKirs sold gem rally ."! Hi; medium and htavv $1 lla'i.'Hi, 1 hoi e selected, $3 ViuJ S3, pigs, SIM Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago Dei I'l. Cattle Strong, beef i.ittlt Jl.l.lallu. tepillng tutlle, I ,)al 4'i Hogs Stronger . $3.11 lor heavy and :.3a :', '13 for light weights, pigs $ia21 Shtip and Lambs Lower lambs $4 7",.ii'.'l, earllngs, II 10.14 10. she. p 2 V, Hictlpls -Cattle, UUHi head, hogs 4" 1W00 luiul. shetp, siioni bead Oil City. Oil Ct. Pa Dt'i. I'l-Ui'illt b.ilauii ., Jl lit no bids foi teitillciles shipments 12n 1H barrels, runs si K.0 lianel PROBABLE MURDERS. Body of Jean Bantiste Colin Found in a Cellai. New York, Dec 19 Jean Raptlste Collins, 07 euis old, a lloilst, was found dead In a cellar in West Twenty Plghtli stiept today with a jaggPd wound In Ills tin oat and spveial scalp wound" Collins occupied tho cellar both as a vvoikshup and living quar teis. The polite leganl the case as one of piobablo muidei Mis. Luke Cauol was found uncon scious in her home In Harrison, N J . today. Her skull was fractured nnd she was ill a dving condition Her husband was arrested. Nelglibois al lege that ho brutally boat his wife. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative IJ101110 Quinine Tab lets. All duiKKlstx lefuud the money If It falls to cure. 23c. The genuine lius L H. Q on each tablet. Robbery at Wilkes-Bane. WIlKes-Hane Dtt 10 Frank Poll tula, a Oernuin peddler, and his wife wcro bounr and gagged tu their home at 5Ialtbv lust night by time masked men. Two tituikii and a buieau drawer weie bioken open and $127 taken. Thete is no tine to the lobbcis DONT STARVE YOI RSEl.l" 10 cure Dispepslu Eat heatttlv, and take l)r Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets Thev us. slst Natute In peilonning In r functions und lu un Impel ceptlble time disease and rulfulng vanish and old time good health, comfort .11111 youthful buouney reign, and life puts on 11 new and Itopcful phase S3 cents Sold by 5luttlievvs Hius. and T. Cluik-K WANTED. WANTED-CAHE OF HAD HEALTH that R-I-P-A-N-S willnpt benellt Send 5 cents to Rlpnns Chemical Co, New York, for 10 samples and 1,000 testi monials, AGENTS WANTED. CIOVKHN.MENT POSITIONS - DON T piepare for any ilvll servlio ocamlnn lion without seeing mil Illustrated cntit loguo of Information Sent free. Colum bian Conespondence College Washing ton, D C HELP WANTED. PLEASANT HOME WORK FOH 5(EN or women, day 01 evening, $i to 11.1 weiklv, no canvassing or iNperieiiie lieided. plain lnstiuellons anil work mailed on application llrnzlllan 5Ifg Co, New York Cltj HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED - RESPONSIHLE FHIM wants olllco manager at Scianton, sal ary $1,200 j par, $C00 cash nnd best tpfei ences required, commenHl reference fur nlshed Address Postollleo Hox 312, Phlla. HELP WANTED-FEMA LE. WANTED-A LADY HOOKKEEPEH, must be experienced and well retorn mondiil, Iddicst, Hox 74, cltv LEGAL. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE in laws tho arnual mietlng of the Ainer Itan Mutuiil lndtmnltv Compare will bo held nt tho olllces of the cunipanv. Tr.ul 1 rs Hank Uulldlng, Scranton, Pa , on Tuesday, .human 21, lvej at ten o clock a in., for tho purpose of electing directors loi tho ensuing jear T. R HHOOKS, Secrctarj. IN THE COURT OF C05I5ION PLEAS of Latkaw ilium count v Notlto Is luicby given tl. it. the unde" slgned, an auditor appointed bv laid court to distribute the fund aiising from tho Slicilff's sale of the peisonal propel Iv ol II, E. Leunaid, ut the suit of H. P. Conuollj, to No 47s Novembei Term, tW will attend to tho duties of his appoint ment at his olllco In the Commonwtultli Uulldlng, In the city of Scranton In said countv, on Tucsdaj, tin 27th ilu.v of De cember, lb'.ix. ut ten o 1 lock a m , ut which time and place all parties having tlalms on. said fund must appear and pnseut theli claims or be foiever debarred coming in upon said fund THOS F WELLS, Audita! SITUATIONS WANTED A MIDDLE AGED .MAN WANTS WORK at drlv lug team Addrets, W A SIS Cediil avenue S1TFATION WANTED - WASHING, Ironing or any kind of house clcuiln by the day, or will take washing home Side door, 120 Franklin avenue SITUATION WANTKD-WORK IN A groceij stoie or market dining ttie holldav trade b nn epi rli 111 ed man win can give good lefutnie Aildnss R II liiiks, 401 East Dilnkei street Dunmore I'a SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNC1 man to drlvo 01 take chip o( Iuhsis. has experience best it luencis Addus I. II , 2ul South 51aln nv-nii" SITUATION WANTED-HY A 51AR- rled man, of good chnractei as steam fitter, statlonuiv 1 nglneei ilnmauor iin kind ot m.uhinlst work tan liuulsh hist of references. W II. Jones 1ij5 E lion St SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNC. ladj ns steiiogiaphtr iil'd ivpewrltel, had foui veals pxperii net und tun tur nlsh best of 11 feienie Addtess 11. 51 ! , No I Aicade building, tltv SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNO man to drive lot a piivute family or stole; is sober and reliable, good refti tute and must have work at once Aci dless D H. Wl Pilte stieet. tltv SITUATION WANTED-HY A CO.MpI". tent boowkeeptr, would 1111 vuta.lcv thtough good tefercuce, wugt's no object Addiess lu ;ui2, .Moscow, Pa 5.1TUATION WANTED - WASHLWi liunlng or anv kind ol Ilium cleaning bv the djv ot will take washing liunn 5ls l.eo, side dooi. 42e FiaiiKllii uvi line SITUATION WANTED-HY AN El der! lad as housikit'pei, Hist el iss wushei and liontr Addtess 51 ,v 1 Tilbune otllie, cltj SITUATION WANTED - AS OFFICE boy 01 nut otlut Idnd of woik. two veats oxperlinit in shoe, stole, ago 11 Addiess T J H, 221 Dei ki 1 s itiuit, Scianton, Pa SITUATION WANTL'D UY A YOUN-1 lad) as stfimgiaphn, Upeuiu.r .111, 1 bookkeipcl , best lefeunccs t-lviu ,. tlrcfs N. 51 Tilliuup 1 lib e situatk)n"wa"nted-hy a comph- tint gill to ilo genual liuuscnoik In a small tiimity 01 will go out l. ihe d.iv Call or addiess .in Noith IIip" ave. MTUATHiTNvrNTi:D '- To '(id OUT sewing bv Hie ilav ni at li.une Cad 01 addiess .43 .North lljde, avenue SITUATION WANTED IIY At NO man li .viars or agi is stciiogiaplier, best rcfPicnce, k.i1ui nooojc.i Addiess II. A. K . IU7 Chesinut stuet. iltv PROFESSIONA L. ARCHITECTS EDWARD II DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Council Building, Scruntou E. L WALTER ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of COti Washington avenue LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT, 4(5 Spruce St cor Wash av Scianton FREDERICK L. HROWN, ARCHITECT Price Uulldlng. 120 Washington avenuo. Scranton T. I LACEY fc SON, ARCHITECTS Traders' National Hank vt x i ) d vli ( W i 0 "5 r1 f"S ;is coats. Everybody talks ?5 this chauce. fiEEl(4 kffiT wm fHHl -i RH A 1 iaw I GRIFFIN k COLLIN 223 L4CKAWANNA AVENUE. PROFESSIONAL. oBvrors DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PHI vote Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. 11. F REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C LAUHACH, 113 Wjomlng nvc. WELCOME C SNOVER, SSI Wnshlngton avcrue. Hours, 9 to l.nnd 2 to 5. HAT MANUFACTURER. TOLLES?409 SPRUCE STREETrsiAKES your hat to order and they lit. HOTCLS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Hates reasonable. P .HOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L & W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan VIC'IOH KOCH, Prop LAWYERS I HANK E. HOYLE, ATTORNEY AND CounKcllor-nt-Luw. Hurr Uulldlng rooms 13 nnd 14, Washington avenue. WI LLA RD. WARREN &. KNAPP, AT torupjs nnd Counsellor ii-at-Lavv. He publican Uulldlng, WubhliiBton avenue, Scruuton, Pa. Jl.faSUP A jj:ssitp. attorneys and V.0l,ln,s.eIIot s - at - Law. Comnionw caltli Uulldlng. Rooms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W OAKFORD.ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Rooms 514, 515 nnd 516, Hoard of Trade Uulldlng D H. REPI.OCiLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on leal estate sccurltv 51cars Uulldlng, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JAS J H HA5IILTON, ATTORNEY-at-Law, ,;oi Commonwealth Uulldlng, Scranton EDWARD W THAYER. ATl'OHNEl Rooms P03-PW, Bth lloor. 5Iears Uulldlng. L. A. WATRES ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. 502 Board of Trade Uulldlng, Scranton, I'a. C R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth Uulldlng, Scianton, Pa. PATTERSON WILCOX. TRADERS' National Rank Uulldlng C. C05tEaYS, 9-11 REPUBLICAN Uulldlng. A W nERTHOLF Attv . Menrs bids MIDWIFE JIRS. GAHLE, GRADUATE MIDWIFE 1513 Washburn street. Scinnton En gagements solicited. Rooms and best attendance for a limited number of pu tlpiits PHYSICIANS ANO SURQEONS bit C. L FRE, SCRANTON SAVINGS Uank Huildlng. 122 Wyoming avenue. MARY A. SHEPHERD. 51. D, HOME, opathlst, No 228 Adams avenue. DR W. E ALLEN. 512 NORTH WASH Ington avenue. DR. R TRAPOLD SPECIALIST IN Dlsea&cs of Women, corner Wjomlng avenuo and Spruce stieet, Scranton Olllco hours: Thursdujs und Satui days, 9 a. 111 to ti p m. DR L. 51 GATES. ROO.MS 207 AND CIS Uoard of Tiade Uulldlng Olllce houis 8 to 9 a. m , 2 to 3 and 7 to S p m Resi dence 001 Madison avenue DR C L FREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Olllco leli phone 13SJ Hours, (j to 12 2 to 4. 7 to 9. DR S W LA5I0RI;AUX. OFFICE .V9 Wnshlngton avenue Residence -"is Jlulberiv. eiironie diseases, lungs heart, kldnevs and genlto-urlnaiy or gans a spcclultj. I louts, 1 to 4 p m W. G. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon Ilorsis, Cattle and Dogs In ited Hoopltnl 121 Linden stipet. Scranton Telephone 2072 SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF 'HIE LACKWAN. Scianton. Pa. Couises puparatory to college, liw, medicine 01 bush ess Opens Sept 12 Send for catalogue Rev Tbonvis M C111111, LL D., Walter 11 nuell, A 51. SEEDS r,. R. CLARK & CO. SEEDMEN AND Nurservmen, store 116 Washington ave nue, green house. 1150 Noith Slain uve nue; Htore telephone, 782. WIRE SCREENS JOS KUETTEL HEAR 511 LACK A wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa, nmniitui -tuicr of Whe Scicii MISCELLANEOUS HAI lilts ORCllESTHA-511 Sic" FOH balls pleuli s, paitks, tectptluns, dings and concert work f mulshed For ttinis. adress H. J Uauu, tonductoi. 117 Wjomlng uviniie, over lltilhert's liiusli store SIEGARGETrHHOTUFHS PRINTERS'' suoplles. envelopes, pa pel bags, twine Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue. Scranton, Pu RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley RAilriiaU System In Elfect Nov 13. 1MK TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON For Philadelphia und New Yolk vhi D A. II R It, alii 43 u 111 , and 121)1, 2 Iv 117 I Ulatk Dlanioi.d Expic-s and 11 V) p in smiihiVK 1) .v. 11 '' i'1 ' Foi White lluven. Iliilutnii PottMllle mil niliiilpal points III tll mil legions, v! D i! 11 H R.bIS '2 14 and I 27 p nt Foi lJtillilehem, Eustoii, Hiadlng li.u rlsburg and principal liiteriiudiuto si , lions via D e J' ,' ' . '3 a in. 12U "is 4 27 Hlack Diainund Evpitss j a Sundajs D o- II 1 5S, 7 IS p. in ri Tunklianuock. novvuiidu Elmhii, Hliaio, Gtniva and iiiliilpal Intirmedl aio btutlons. ki l.. L .c . n It. svj a ni 12 53 and -1.1.1 p 111 Foi Citlteva Hucheslci Uuffaln ., lfr. mu Falls. Cblt.igu and ull points wist via v ! .' 11 n(R. V,,n!UJ ni'"k wmu.!d EMU tss, 10 41 and 11 SO p m Sundavs. D a, H 11 15 a m 1 4s p 111 Pullman pallor and sbejilng (. ioiagh Vulley pallor cais on all iiuiiih bitwi n Wllkes-Ilarto and New Yoik Phlladel nha, uulfulo und Suspension Hrldgt V ROLLIN II WILHUR, Gtn Supt . t,.,. ,.s"1,,!, Hethli hem Pa CHAS. h LLL. Gen I Pass Agt 2.J Curt- landt slieel Ntw loik A W NONE.MACHEH Division Pas. pnger Agt lit South Bethlehem Pa For tickets nnd Pullman reservations opply 509 Lackawanna uve Scrar.ton Pa S nd , v v - A & Christmas f. Gift ....?: i Kvcrybody owes him- i 'self 11 Xmas gift, .uul S; could not pay the debt ei in a more profitable wav C than by getting one of j Griffin & Collins' Over- !T: about them. Dou't miss si UP-TO-DftTt CL0TH1ERJ, I HATTEclS AND FdRuSHEIS Y RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA "v 5chedutln mift m.i .o. Trains Lcavo Wllkos-Darro as Foi. 7.30 n. m weok days, for Sunbur Harrtuhupn- oi.ii..i.,, i r.....' ,-'iii uiiauuipiiia, uaitl. more, Washington, and fop Pitts in ii?urR and tho w". Pn,im,!l.we ds for Halolon, H "di ?' .H6??1" Norrlstown Baltimore, Washington and Plitv i 10 H ana ,M0 wost. bu' m ' dp!'r' fopSunb"rVi Harris. va.-Ti ,"""uijiiui uuiiimoro, ihS W1 ' "nd Flltsbur an:5 00 p. m., vvook days, for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburp;. ji o iiuitlll.NbON, lleneral Alanajer. Del.. Lacliu. atul Western. Effect Monday, November 14, H3S. prcJS'fni 'nAS LUil,l,J", follows Ex. Vm SV ' , fvvioik and jili points Ea-.!. 3.33' P. in. ' n"a WU3 " '" ' 1L''5i '"i Eiprcss for Eastou, Trenton. Philadpl. mv,,d,vvubwu,l5i&'': lonsn ul m" ';nk",K '' cotmeV. Nh'aiSo M, llsn" ne""il'.edatlon r. 10 p m 2 r;?9. K'W ""-""cuispinigs, !''ac"' 2 33. 3 00 a ni . and LB" p m. 11,, or N1,'r,huml)Crl "1(1 Fitlston U'llkP. Hnrre. Pl mouth. Hloomsburg and Dan" '- mnklng cIosp connections at WiTuh. V.miV.erla'"1 ,for Wllllamsport, llarrisourg ""J1"""1" Washington and the South .i,'Lrt .l!i,me,lan' nna Intermediate sta Hops, 0 00. 1005 a. in., and 1.05 und G 40 p. snmDrnm0"'1 'njcrmcnlnlo stations, ?n,iM 5 11,,1?i" 'i J'lMi'outh and Inter., media e stntluns 3 13 and 8 DO p. in. For Kingston, 12 il n. m Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on all exptcss trains For detailed Information, pocket time tnljlea. etc . apply to M L Smith. Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket of- Delawaro unil Hudson. On Sunday July 3rd, trams will leavs bcranton as follows1 1'or Carbondale-6 20, 7 53. ioi. 10.1S a. " ; noon; 123. 2 20. 2.52. 5 23, C 23, 0 5T. 9 15, 11 00 p m , 1 10 p. in. . 1 or Albany Saratoga. Montreal. Bos ton. New Enginnd iiolnts. etc 6 20 a. ni . 2.20 p in For 1 lonesdalc-f. 20. S 53, 10 13 a. m : 1J noon, 220, 5 23 p ni I or WIlkes-Hanc. 6 4",. 7 4S. 8 41. 3.1s, 10 43 a ni . 12 03. 1 23. 2 18, 3 JJ, 4 27, 6 10, 7 IS, 10 41 11.30 p m For New York. Philadelphia. Ptc Vli Lehigh Valley Hallroad-fi 4". a m , 12 03. 121 4 27 p in : with Hlack Diamond Ex press, 11 ';o p m For Pennsylvania Railroad points, 6 13, 9.5? n m , 2 IS. 4 27 p ni Fot Western Points via Lehlsh Vallev -7 IS a. m . 12 03 3 r, with Hlack Diamond Express, 10 41, 11 30 P m. Trains will arrive In Scranton as fol lows Fiom Carbondale nnd the North 40, 7 43 S 38. 0 .11 10 31 11 5S n m.. 1 23, 2.15, 3 ?a, 4 23, 5 43 7 43 10 T8. 11 27 p in From Wllltes-Harre and the South fi 1J, 7 4S 8 11 10 OS 11 53 n m : 1 18, 2 14, 3 41, 5 20, 1; 21, 7 51, 0 fl-,. 10 03 p in . 1 13 a. m SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondale-9 07, 11 3J a. m : 153, J 52, 5 53 9 53 P. Ill I'm Vllkrs-Haire-9 3S, 1143 a m.; 161. 3 2S. 5 43, 7 43 P 111 , ...... Lowest lates to all point In united StatPS and Canada. .1 V HFRD1CIC. O P. A , Alhnnv N Y. 11 W ("ROH p P A Scranton, Pa, Central Railroad of New ,cry (Lchlgh and Susquehanna Division ) btutlons In New Yolk-Foot of LlUcity stieet. N ll and South Feny, Whitehall Anthiaclte coal used ecluslvelv. Insur ing tltnnllutss and comfoit. TIME TAHLE IN EFFECT NOV 20, WI. '1 rail ib Uavu Scuinloli for Plttston. Wilkcs-Haiie, etc., at S 30. 10 10 a in . 1 20, ."f, jji, 710 p in Sundus, 3 00 a. ni , T ini' ""13' 7 10 P m Foi" Lakewoud und Atlantic (It, 810 Foi1- NVvv nk Newaik and Elizabeth, 6 0 teMuess) a in . 1 2o (express). J 20 (ox. iiipssi 1. in Sundaj, 2 15 p in Train 1 Mi," 1 "! 11 in , nrilves at Philadelphia, nf.iillng Ttrinluul. 7 0J p in. and New Yl!r 'MJiuih" Chunk-. Allentnvvii Bethld htm E.V-1 on and Philadelphia. S 30 a. m. ! "11 ""On m Sundaj s. 2 15 P in i".ir"Haltlinoio and Waslilngton, and 1,1 Its South a ml West vl v Hetldehem, t ,m 19 1' "' Sundaj P. 2 15 p m. Foi I ".ni? Uianch. Oiean Oiove. eic , bt t"iJ-,!l i"'i I'dli.K "Lebanon and Hnrrisburs. via Allenlowu. S 30 1 111. 1 20 p. in. Sun- a'l.V..aisVllle, 8 30 a. m . 1 20 p in ,lll1, .Vr ave New Yoik foot of Lib .m iiree t Ntulh Hlver. at 4 00. 9 10 (ex piessr.t ni. M (eNpif-s) I' Snii'taj. 4 if. U. mNew "l South Fenv. font ivi.w.iiiiif strcit, at 6o3 11 m , 1 25 p m isinKC s urrtvlPi. or departing from .,?i fiiiiilnal tan unmet! iiiulu cov.r "V.I ,.n ihe elevated lalhoiids. Ilioadw iv "," , iil fen Its lu Hiotiklyn and lii'u en IsUu "l" "'akhm uulek tr.inj.fei tn ami from "und depot and 1 o ig l"a"' ' imVuh'V. lplilu. IteadhiR Tirmli. .1. Jltr'an.! -: l'-t'.-t- at th. H,ntllT Ol.HAFSEN Ceil Supt ' jl P IIALDWIN. Orn Pass Agt Krlc and Wyoinlni; Vnlley. 'rime uble in ellcct Sept IStli. 1W$ Tialns leave St 1 union for Nevy ork. Ntiwuiiil, aiid luteimeillute points 011 Vi?e 1 lioad also for lliuvlcv and local noints ut70i, m and 2 J5 P m Trains niHvo 1" Ktnui.m from above points at lo" ? n. ""' ' 13 nnd 9 OS P m st'it.t.vriiM ui vision. Ill lUfccI Ol lober .lOlli. 1S1IS. orlh Hound. Koutli nuund. j SIM2II0 :nr, t y(i! a h w Stations 5 ir h Arrive leuve .A M "41 . ,. 7 53 .. 810 . I' Mr m rsN V Kranklln ht 7 10 West 4ind street1 ; on vveebankeii 1 A M 10 4- 10 40 . 1031 .. 10 211 10151 10 0! ..... S0... S40 0'6.... 0.M .... 1101 . 9 07 9(1) hW ... 8 53,. RM . K16' p MArilve leave 1 1 15 I 109 urn U40 U'.'V is 11 U.3 ii.w ,11 w 11 34 f lll'i) III.'. II vl 11 Is 11 n 11 11 raaosia Hancock :.'i6 an 1! M 4 5;, 1!2S 4 4V fi 4M .'41 I, IV, 2 51' R 14 S5S B21 hlQIlltllt 1'iestoiiparU V lnwnod I'ojntello Orson l'leihant Mt I'ulonilale Foi 1 si uty Cart) inrlale While llrldge Majllfld .lei 111 j 11 Archibald Wlntiin 1'etkvlllo (lit pliant I'rlct burg 'I In oop Providence I'.iik Plate 1 J f 0 5 .30 aim nil 319 541 S34 M4 fISfi (,!,', 13 48 8 01 H 45 UO-3 3 51 f.OJ .3 54 tU S59 ll 4 04' A ill 4 0:' D2I 410,f,7 4 14 681 14 17 r.u laou, 8 4 .'1 I IT N40 .... 01 8 31 11 Ol slJ . Si." 8 20.. A Hi 110.1 11057 tow K'lanton a u I eave Arrive r m i' u t Siiimlnj onlj f tlRiiines that trains slop ou signal for pas. teugers '1 rains 205 nnd 200 Sunday only other trains dull) ixcipt funday t-ecuro rates via ootaiio 4 western before purcuasinij tickets and save money U1011.I1 Wagiri onffft sper and free le cllulnffcliatrcarIeworl to chlcif-a TiKhout ilianee. (Kweiisrr IE ijj "i Cz 'jl 10 fl'tio C'iit 1 fr.llllr. J.C.Andeicou, Ocn. Pass Agt T.KIItcroft, Dlr IVss.ift borantgM.