The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 17, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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f v rf 'Wl'W
Book Store
All the desirable now Books
and the standard old Books
in single volumes and sets
In various st l 9 binding,
suitablo for Christmas presents
at liberal discount
from Publishers' list prices.
Finely Illustrated Books
for children and young folks
In almost endloss variety
at very low prices.
Books for Sabbath Schools
and other Libraries in
large vatlety and special prices.
Bibles, all sizes and styles,
from 25 cents upward.
Prayer Books and Hymn Books.
Art Calendars for 1800.
Pocket and office Diaries, 1800.
Novelties in fine stationery
and everything desirable in
the standard lines of stationery
at correct prices.
Fancy Goods and Art Goods
in large variety.
Games of every description.
Dolls, dressed and undressed,
all sizes and styles
at very low prices.
Toys, for all ages and purses
in almost endless varieties.
Subscriptions received
for all Periodicals
nt the- Publishers' rates.
We invite inspection
of our stock and comparison
of our prices, which we
think are as low as
same goods can be had
for elsewhere.
Come early to avoid
the rush and you will
lecelve better attention
than can be given later on
322 Lackawanna Ave.
This Vote Not (looj Alter Dec
Host In the world. The New Yolk
Hun of No 19, IMS, f.i.
'The pololM of .ve.sti'Hiaj's concert
was Leopold Oodowskj, a pranlst of
great meilt. In manner and feeling he
Is ery simple, Mnceio nnd model. In
the petting foith of Ills aitlstle abil
ities he f.eenis bound by the highest and
best methods GodnwpKy Is a mirt le
h.ilile and agieeable plajer. one who
gains nioio and moio fully every mo
ment the loiitlilence and empathy of
his audience Ills leildeiing of the Saint
Snens Conciito In O mlnoi on a plnno,
It may Justly be said, of which the lone
wns delightful mode a dimming In
terlude between the orchestinl pieces"
Godowpky used the Knabe Piano.
Perry Bros.
205 Wyoming Ave.
1 Xmas Gifts I
r$ We are showing the sr
i5 finest line of art goods &
vs ever brought to the
12 city. i
Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women
Office Hours ntninn. m
1 In il p. in
At Residence 7 to H p. m
ortlce William Itulidlnsr, Opp. I'ostolllco
Residence "Jio houtli Main Avenue.
Mnltern Follclled
Mcderate C'barRCt.
liero Otlieri rnlleil.
iii a
Unfoiened a General Jusmance Ofllea In
I!et Hloclc ComrnnlM represented. Lnrjo
-lcs especially solicited. Ueleplionu lbtKt.
jo8 Penn Avenue. A. U. WARrtAN.
Officers for 1800 Are to Do Nominat
ed Monday Evening.
Business calculated to attract a laigt;
attendance of mem' rs Is announi3d
for Monday night meeting of the
board of trade.
Ofllccis for 1899 are to be nominated
ond the manufacturers' committee will
recommend a supper as a part of the
nnnual meeting In January. Quito a
discussion will probably be moused
over the question or renewing the con
tract with R. G. Dun and Company.
Theie will bo two Important committee
The applications of Frank Sllllman,
Jr., R. K. PrendergtnBt, J, George Huf
nagel and Isadora Krotosky are to be
voted on.
Latest Card Engraving. Reynolds Bros.
Partially Deranged John Gllmore, of
South Scranton.
John Gllmore, of South Scranton,
running nbout tlm streets of that Bee
tlon yesterday, caused much excite
ment An Investigation of his pecu
liar actions tihoucd that ho was a vic
tim of la Brlppc, a malady that each
year affects Its lctmis differently. Tho
past few days Gllmore has been con
fined to his homo with the ailment and
lias lcrn under the caro of a physi
cian. Yesterday his mind became dcranKcd
and he leaped from his bed. lie dress
ed hurriedly and scantlly.BPttlnK awny
from his home before ho was noticed.
Friends found him and ho was taken
home. A careful Match lias been exor
cised over him clnco.
Dr. It. J. llltz, In speaking to a Trib
une reporter on tho grippe subject,
stated that tho effects of the disease
changes every year. Last year people
troubled with It, have suffered since
with diseases of the heart. This sea
son the persons attacked suffer with n
muttering delirium nnd Imaglno most
gruesome happenings are taking place.
Attended by a Large Number of Her
The funeral of Mrs. Samuel D. Price
was very largely attended from her
late resldonco on North Washington
avenue yesterday afternoon. Many
friends were present from Wilkes
ltarro and PIttston, as well as from
beyond the state. Quantities of flowers
filled the rooms and told of the affec
tion In which the dead wife and moth
er was held.
Hpv. I. J. Lansing conducted the scr
viees which were brief. Her. Dr. N.
O. I'nike, a former pastor of the do.
censed, assisted In the lellglous oxer
clscs. The bearers were: Judge Arrhbald,
Messrs. W. O. Parke, W D Kennedy,
Townsend Poore, It. K. Hurley, II. C.
Shafer. Interment was made In tho
family plot nt Dunmoro cemetery.
Among the out nf town friends pres
ent were Mrs. Strophe, Dr. Cole Price
and William Price of Pranchville, N.
J., nnd Robert Price, of Morristown,
Given by Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. Stanley,
of Jefferson Avenue.
Mr and Mis. r D. Stanley, of ,W
fi rt-on aenue, gae a dancing and
euclne p.uty at their home Thursday
e enlng In honor of their daughter
Mabel'.s twentieth .ithday
Those piesent were Mr. and Mrs C.
D Stanley. Mi. and Mis L P.. Cos
ton, the Misses Minnie liojee, Ger
trude EWton, Huth liiooks, Mnbcl
Stanley, Daisy Cailton, Jessie Stoims,
Messrs Fied Stanlo, Chailes H. '"Vis
ton. Thomas Fan man, William T. Wal
teis, Dr. F. 1. Wale, Wilkes-ltaire,
and Dr Trod Montgomery, of White
llaicn, Ii.
It Is On Exhibition in Several Local
Diug Stores.
In of the drug stores of the
city the Mum on Inhaler is on exhibi
tion and an oppoitunity afforded the
public to wlti. ess demonstiatlons of the
etticacy of the Inhaler which contnins
svi ral alunble Ideas neer before
used in the constiuctlon of such an ap
luiatus. It I ery beneficial in the tieatment
of colds, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis,
hoy fever nnd tin oat and lung dls
cases. Commencing Monday, Dec. 19,
t'ntil Christmas we will present each
purchaser with a eiy handsome cal
endar wall pocket. Bo suie and make
jour put chases eatly and leeehe a
beautiful souvenir. See them In our
window. Opt n cenings until Christ
mas. Ciiaud Union Tea Co.. 311 Lack
awanna fienue and 110-lls South Main
axeinie Hjilo PaiK.
Holly and Mistletoe.
cliilstmas will not And us unpiepated
to supply the lloral dccoiatlons in such
gieat demand upon that clay. Every
thing in designs, bouquets, loose llow
eis, holly nnd evei green wreaths, laur
els and pine roping nt
Marvin & Mulr,
Corner Spruce and Washington ave-
nue, Mears building.
Gold Pens and Pencils. Reyonlds IJios.
The Young Ladles' society of the
First Presbyterian church will be
pleased to lecelve orders for any kind
of cake at any date from now until
after the holidays. Ordeis may be ad
diessed to Mis. P. L Wntpon or Miss
A Gieat Vaiiety of Tea Sets,
Fine rieklo Castors, Bony Dishes,
Cake Dishes and Butter Dishes, gieat
bargains; call and seo them. Davl-
dow Bros., 27 Lackawanna ave.
Clark's annex 117 Spruce stieet for
Chtistinas tiees. 120 Washington ave
nue for Clieen Palm, nnd ordeis taken
for oveiy thing for Xmas. Older caily.
G. II. Claik & Co.
at the Scranton Wine nnd Liquor Co.'s
stoic for your holiday goods. U'9 Penn
avenue. Telephone K612.
The Large Purnlturo Warerooms
Of Piothoroo & Co. will be open eve
nings until the Holidays.
John R. Shear's
Our navy In ho late war, Beldleman's,
ZOi Washington avenue, below Tilbune.
Teachers' Oxford Bibles. Reynolds Bros.
Gold and silver-mounted brier pipes,
the best mako at low figures. Gnrneyj
Brown & Co., court houso square.
Go to Lane's for your meals, 020
Spruce street.
Don't bo too into in making your
eholco of Christmas trees, 417 Spruce
street, acant lot. G. It. Clark & Co.
Fountain Pens. Reynolds Bros. '
Tho Wllkes-Barro Record can be had
tn Scranton at tho r.cws stands of Itels.
man Bros, 40i Spruce and V)3 Llnd:n
rrceu; Mac, Lackavvunna uvenue.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money en a 50-cent buttle
of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar ir It
falls to cuio your cough or cold. We also
guarantee, u 2-cent buttle to prove satis
factory or money refunded. J. U. Bone &
Son, Dunmore, Pa.; John P. Donhu,
Scranton, l'a
Now and Determined Effort Will Be
Made to Get a Pavo nfe tho Earl
iest Possible Moment Petition Al
xeady in Circulation Which Will
Receive, It Is Claimed, the Signa
tures of rt Big Majority of tho
Property Holders Some Expres
sions by Leading North End Men.
Resolved, That I'rovldcneo roiil nnd
North Mnlu avenuo to the city lino ought
to bo paved.
UpmiKod. That l'ro Idenco rood ana
North Main avcuuo to the city lino can bo
pa cd.
Ilcsohod, That Provldcnco road and
North Main menue to tho city lino shall
be paved.
These resolutions were unanimously
adopted nt n mass meeting of ProvU
dence property holders In Company It
armory last night. They bepenk the
sentiment which prevailed at the meet
ing and which permeates the whole
North F.nd.
The meeting was attended by the
very best men of that portion of tho
city and was a very business-like af
fair. It was called, primarily, to de
cide whether or not another nnd deter
mined effort should bo Immediately
made to get a pave and to select the
kind of pavo to be laid, if it was de
cided to give the project a fresh start.
C. II. Von Storch, chairman and A.
A. Vosburg, secretary, briefly and for
mally stated the purpose of the meet
ing nnd that was all there was to It.
No one even thought of w listing time
on a motion to proceed with tho pav
A petition to bo presented to councils
asking for the pave and Indicating the
choice of the petitioners ns to the kind
of pae wanted wns on the chairman's
desk and while efforts were being made
to talk the few klckeis Into line, tho
ptoperty holders present, whoso places
aio on the line of the proposed Im
provement, were going up on their
turn and signing for brick pavement.
A letter from Colonel George
deison regretting his Inability to bo
present and expressing bin earnest
sympathy with the movement, evoked
from Major Fish some caustic com
ments on the absence from the meet
ing of the North F.nd councllmcn, Mr.
Finn, of the Second ward, being tho
only one present.
The call for tho meeting. Major Fish
said, was general to the taxpajers nt
the North End. Other questions beside
that ot paing were to bo discussed
nnd tho councilmen should bo present
that they nnd their constituents might
exchange ideas. The people of the
North End, he continued, propose to
keep an eye on the city olllcers; they
will be encouraged In evety laudable
elfoit, but no delinquencies will be tol
There was some discussion on the
question of widening and nan owing
dllferent poitlons of tho street. ex
Postmaster Frank M. Vnndllng making
a lengthy ppeech against any varia
tion fiom the present lines, evrepl to
save shade trees. He was particularly
opposed to narrowing "the square."
When the corners are paved ho said It
will be a big boom to propeity there
abouts. Real estate on and adjacent
to tho squni" sold last year for 30 per
cent, of what was asked for It five
years ago. The condition of the stiects
was to blame for this, he said.
Touching upon the opposition to the
pavo eunced by those who contend
that a sewer should first be construct
ed, Mi. Vandllng called attention to
the fact that no sewer can bo built
under the recent ruling of court un
less tho city contributes two-thirds of
the total cost, and the city airesent
can not contribute a cent, owing to the
fnct that It already taxes the full limit
of thirteen mills for curtent expenses.
The sewer being an Imposslbllty, It Is
useless, he argued, to think of it In
connection with the pae. The pae
can be secuied and will be a great Im
plement. The course of wisdom would
be to make the best of It and the con
stiuctlon of the pave would be doing
John Hawks, speaking for himself
nnd some of his Bull's Head neighbors,
said they were opposed to surface 1m
piovements until the sewer wns built,
Mr. Finn, after lemlndlng Mr. Hawhs
that the sewer was an Impossibility
unless the property holders would pay
tho whole expense, asked Mr. Hawits
If he and those he represented would
be willing to pay for the whole co it
of the sewer. Mr. Hawks did not think
the people he represented would be
willing to wnlve the benefit given them
by tho law. "The fact of the matter,"
said Mr. Finn, "Is that you don't want
either the pave or the sewer."
J. J. Jordan said ho would be wilting
to pay the full cost of a sewer In front
of his place if by that means he could
get a pave. Mr. Vosburg, Major Fish
nnd a number of otheis signified their
willingness to do likewise.
Mr. Vandllng said this was all use
less, as they could not build tho sewer
even if they would be willing to pay tho
full cost. The law does' not permit it.
Ho advised dropping the sower nnd
getting down to the simple question of
John Mitchell, ot Itockwell place, an
nounced nt this Juncture that tho peo
ple dow n his w ay had signed for a pave
when the petition was previously In
ch dilation, but now they are deter
mined not to nlgn tho new petition un
til a sower Is assured. His remarks
occasioned no comment.
A committee consisting of W. B.
Christmas, George Benedict nnd J. J.
Jordan was appointed to circulate the
petition. It was also urranged that
Mulley's store was to bo tho repository
of tho petition when the committee did
not have It In hand.
Theie ls no question, tho pavo boom
ers say, but that a big majority of
property holders will blgn tho petition
and that It will be unanimous for brick.
Leather Card Cases. Reynolds Bros.
Guernsey Brothers
Have no mortgage on theirs, they buy
for spot cash and havo their expenses
reduced to the lowest possible point.
This Is why they are so far below other
dealers In prices,
First-Class Alarm Clock,
Warranted to keep good tlmo for ono
year, 09 cents. Davldow Eros., 227
Lackawanna avenue.
Holly, Mistletoe, Wreath Roping, 120
Washington avenue, or Clark's annex.
What Candidates for Admission to
Par Must Prepare to Meet.
Following Is tho schedule for tho ex
amination of candidates for ndmlMton
to the bar which will bo observed next
9 a. m., to 6 p. m. Ulnckstono's Com-
tnintnrles nnd Property.
S.30 to 9.30 a. m Quusl Contracts.
9.30 to 10.30 n. in. Lew In on Trusts.
10.7) to 11.30 a. in. Common Law Plead
ing. 2 to 3 p, m. American Commonwealth.
3 to 5 p. in. Statutes Relating to Crimes
nnd Ci lmlnnl Proceeding.
S 30 to 9.30 a. m. Crimes mid Criminal
9 30 to 10.30 a. m. Ejectment.
10 SO to 11.10 a. m. Torts.
11.30 a. m. to 12 30 p. m. Corporations.
3 to 3 p. m. Agency.
8 30 to 10.30 a. m. Contracts.
10 30 a. tn. to 12.30 p. m Evidence.
2 to 4 p. in. I'ractlco nnd Proccduro In
4 to C p. m. Equity.
S 30 to 9 P0 a. m. Sales.
9.30 to 11 a. m. Bills and Notes.
11 a, m. to 12 30 p. m. Elementary Law.
2 to 3 p. m. Domestic Relations.
S.30 to 10 30 a. m Kent's Commentaries,
10.30 a. m to 12 m Decedent's Estate.
2 30 to 3 30 p. m. Constitutional I,aw.
3 30 to 1 30 p. m. Partnership.
After Considerable Suspense a Mis
take Was Detected.
There was a suspected theft and a bit
of lively excitement In Purcell's bath
establishment last evening. A clergy
man had finished his bath and called
at the desk for his watch and money,
which weio found to be missing.
Police Sergeant Ridgway wns first
summoned nnd then Detective Molr,
but they could not account for the man
ner In which tho valuables had been
removed from the safe. Tho boy on
duty nt the desk when the clergyman
deposited Ills watch and money was ic
lleved by another attache befoie tho
supposed Ictlm of the theft entered
the place. Boy No. 1 was brought from
his home and found the clergyman's
envelope where ho had placed It In the
safe among some private papers be
longing to the proprietor.
Tho boy was new to tho duties of the
position and had placed tho envelopo In
a compartment of tho safe which Is
never used by pations.
Professional Cake Walkers and
Music Specialists Appeared.
Some novel talent furnished enter
tainment at last night's smoker of the
Scranton Bicycle club. It was the first
smoker of the season. Otheis will be
given monthly during tho winter.
The Introductory feature of the even
ing was u cake-walk by colored artists,
men and women. The "walk" was the
real thing and not of the show variety.
After supper the entertainment was
furnished by Mis. Van Osten, wife of
Manager Van Osten, of the Gaiety the
atie, nnd four others. They gave n
musical specialty which will bo pro
duced by them at Keith's In New York
next week.
Tho committee who arranged the af
fair were: II. A. Pierce, chairman;
John F. Broadbent, Charles Crothamel,
Frank Wettllug and J. W. B. Coleman.
. . i .
FELL FROM: A POLE.-rrank Rey
nolds, of Hemlock street, a linennn In
tho employ of tho Central Pennslvanla
Telephono company, fell while starting to
climb a telephone polo estcrday and
fr.ic tuied his arm. Ho was taken to tho
Moos Taj lor hospital.
-MILL HAND HURT. Adam Mlsevkow.
sltl. of 1216 Washington avenue, slipped
and fell whlto at work In the South mill
jistcrday and severely strained and
bruised tho muscles of his back. He was
taken to tho Moses Tavlor hospital.
John Corner, 20 years old, a section hand,
had his leg fiactured while unloading
tails on the Delaware and Hudson road ut
Mooble yesterdav. Ho lesldes In tho
Twelfth ward. Ho was brought to tho
Lackawanna hospital.
Pay some of the large lnteiest pay
ing, long time buying dealers $200 for
a Piano that Is no better than tho one
you can get of Guernsey Brothers for
Fancy Offlce Baskets. Reynolds Bros.
Holiday Cigars,
Special prices. ICey West, $2.23 and
$3.00- Imported, $5.00 box; Domestic
Cigars, $1.75 and $2.00 box E. G. Cour
sen. A Bargain.
25e, 60c, 73c and $1 Palms at this
pilco for Cliilstmas remembiances are
lino, at Clnik's, 201 Washington avenue.
Fino Skating at the Driving Park.
Band will furnish muslo tonight.
Sknting Sunday afternoon.
Calendars, Booklets. Reynolds Bros.
Ladles' Fine Diamond Rings,
Weigh nearly one-half a carat, white
stone, $12.00. Davldow Bros, 2.'7 Lack
awanna avenue.
Gold-plated Inkstands. Reynolds Bros.
' Fancy Hand-Painted
Packages, Holly Bas
kets, Etc.
We invite the public to
sample our fine line of Bou
Bous aud Chocolates, nearly
one hundred varieties.
Fancy boxes 25 and 39c
Fine Candles nt 15c per lb
Mixturo at 8 and 10c per lb
Holly Boxes (1 lb filled). .35 and 00c
Florida Oranges from... 25c per doz
Phone, 2512.
E. Q. Coursen
Pennsylvania Company Was Second
nnd tho Alcatraz Company, Which
Is Dehlnd the Present Injunction
Proceedings, Was Third, or 858,
858.23 Higher in tho Ten Years.
Only 105,445 Squaro Yards to Bo
Repaired Next Year, as Against
218,040 Ynrds in 1003.
In view of the preliminary Injunction
granted by court yesterday and re
ported In another column restraining
further action In executing the con
tinct between the city nnd tho Barber
Asphalt Paving company, whereby the
latter Is to keep tho city's asphalt pave
ments In repair for ten years, figures
recently compiled in the ofllco of tho
city engineer may be perused with
much Interest.
According to these figures the Barber
bid was the lowest nnd the next In or
der wero the bids of the Pennsylvania
Asphalt Paving company, the Alcatraz
Paving company (which Is back of tho
present legal proceedings) and George
McDonald. The compilation of figures
shows that 103,31" square yaids are to
bo kept In repair In 1&90: 171,507 yards
In 1900; 1SS.89D yards In 1901; 201,213
ynrds In 1902, nnd 21S.049 yards In 1903.
The respective expense that would be
Incurred In each of these yeais Is shown
In the following table:
McDonald. Alcutiaz.
J1S.700 00
1S.7U0 00
1S.7W 00
1S.700 HO
1S.700 U0
J17.520 00
17.K0 00
17,320 1)0
17,5.'0 'M
17.G.M U0
$ Ui')l 00 $ 10,011 G6
J, il Vj
2S,J3t S".
30.HC 73
3-',7u7 33
19.7J1 30
21,7 l 3S
2.1,111 IS
23,073 01
MiLTMCO J103.GSO 00 jr3,500 00 J37,f) I")
The foregoing totals show the cost
for the flist five yeais. The total
for ten years would be as follows:
McDonald. Alcatrn.
J HI. 750 if) JKSj.wU (b
103,530 ,3 1J3.37S 17
i'Vw oo
PT oW iH)
J N7.UW Oil
s.i ww in)
1303 293 33 J J31.0M 2) JlOOOO) SI73,2UI 00
Futthor simple figuring Indicates that
In ten yeais the Barber proposal Is
411,800 less tnnn the Pennsylvania pin
posal, $38,83S.23 less than tho Alcatiaz
and $130,093.35 less than McDonald.
In detail the proposals wero as fol
lows,: I'.arlcr Per jear. J17,rr0; new curb, per
V,iim1 foot, 10, 23, 53, M cents; complete
pave, J2 50 per squire yard.
rennsjlMinla l'cr ar, $1S,7uO; new
Mb in p lineal foot, 10, 23, 53, !S cents,
completo pave, $2 00 per square .nd,
Alcatra:.-Per e.u (seo first tablei; ne.v
curb, per lineal foot, 1", 33, CI, 97 cents,
completo pavo, $2 50 per squire jard.
McDonald Per year (see llrst table);
new curb, per lineal foot, 23, 2. 00, $1.10,
completo pavo, Jl.ns per sqiuio .ud.
Scranton Bicycle Club and Century
Club Teams to Meet.
An Interesting contest nt bowling will
be seen at tho Scranton Bicycle club
bowling alley tonight. A team of live
fiom the Century club, of Philadelphia,
will compete with a team from the local
club. The membcis of tho bicycle club
team are J. B. Coleman, x.. G. Woulen,
L. L. Van Wormer, Geoigo Koch and
William Roper.
Tho Scranton team has developed
considerable skill and they nie expo t
ed to show good lesults In this match.
No doubt a laige number of the -dub
members will be on hand to w Itness the
Charged with Having Taken Pait in
a "Badger Game."
New Yoik, Dee. 16 William A E.
Moore, accused of having robbed Mar
tin Mahen, the pioprletor of the New
Amsterdam hotel, on the night of Nov
4 In tho Globe hotel In a "badger
game," In which Fajno Mooie, the do
fendant's alleged wife, was charged
with having taken pan, was convicted
tonight byn Juiy before Rccoider Go'f.
This was Moore's second trial, tb"
Jury having idsagreed In tho first and
has continued for live days, Today
was occupied In summing up, District
Attorney Gardiner making the closing
speech for the prosecution. The jury
returned nfter being out about throo
houis with the verdict "guilty of i jb-
very in the lit st degieo as charged In
Indictment, with a tccommendntlon of
moiey to the court."
Moore maintained the samo stolid
Indifference that has characterized him
during the entire tiial. Sentence will
probably be pmnounced on Monday.
The tilal of Fayno ..looie, tho co-de-fendnnt,
wns set down by ti.e recorder
for Monday at 10 a. in.
' -
In tho Connell building a num
ber ofllces are specially adapted to
lawyers' use. A feature of tho build
ing is a complete law library, tho free
ue of which will be for tenants of tho
building. Apply to J. L. Connell, Con
nell building.
To the Voters of the Ninth Ward.
I beg to announce msolf as a candi
date for tho oillco of common council
man. Youis icspecttully,
E. M. Tewkesbury.
Richaid Hniding Davis'
History of tho lato war, Beldlonian's,
303 Washington avenue, below Tifbune.
Christmas Holiday.
The best Christmas present Is a
box of "La Paloma do Scranton," or
"Tho Court House". These nre the best
clgais made in this city by the Couit
House Havana. Cigar Factory. F. Ai
mcngol, Prop., 217 Washington avenue.
10c, 35e, 23e, 50c, 73e, $1 00 Ferns for
these prices, nlco as Cliilstmas remem
brances, at Claik's.
Catholic Piayer Books. Reynolds Bros.
All Kinds of Champagnes
and other wines on hand at the Scran
ton Wlno and Liquor company, 123
Penn avenue. Telephono 6012.
Painted Calendars. Reynolds Bros.
A pod Set or Teeth for... $3.00
Our llcst Sets or Teeth 5.00
Including the Painless Uxtractloa.
331 Spruce Street, Opo. Hotel Jermya
To tho Republican Voters of tho City
As stated In a previous communication
In tho morning pnpers, I announce my
self as a candidate for tho nomination
of mayor at the coming prlmurles. If
you see fit to nominate mo and 1 am
elected I pledget myself to a clean, con
servative and business like ndmlnlstin
tlon. Georgo Sanderson.
Fancy Opera Bags. Reynolds Bros.
Christmas Trees Roping,
Holly, etc., nt Clark's.
A Great
Santa Glaus
will be given In our Diy Goods De
partment, for tho children, begin
ning Friday morning fiom 10 to 12
o'clock, and In the afternoon from
2 to C o'clock In order to avoid
any accident every child must be
nccompanled by Its parents or some
glow n up pet sou. During the Santa
Claus exhibition each child will bo
given a coupon ticket which they
will leave with Santa Claus. This
will entitle them to a chance on a
beautiful present. One present for
the glils and nnother for the boys.
Thef-e coupons are given free of
chaigo, the only thing necessary is
that cveiy child must be accom
panied by Its parents or some grown
up person. Ho not fall to bring the
children to seo this exhibition, as
there was never anything like it
in Scranton before. We would ad
vle Indies with small children to
come In the morning between tho
hours of 10 nnd 12 o'clock, when
th'ey can get chairs.
Will be given every day
from Dec. 8 till Christmas
Will be open evenings
until Christmas.
Hats, Caps,
Silk Mufflers,
Gloves, Neckwear,
Silk and Linen
412 Spruoc St,
U " Oil
Ml i irrftti
Don't Know What to Buy?
Then buy gloves no woman ever seems to havo enough gloves. Men
same way. We have everything good that's made in gloves, we ara
manufacturers, that's why we can sell cheaper than other stores. We
can save you from 25 to 50 cents on
141 to 149 Meridian Strsat, Scranton, Pa,
PAINT DEPARTriENT.--Pure Wliite Lead, Colors
and Varnishes.
4 - 4 - 4 - - f4 - - - - f - f - f - f - f4 - - -
The Present
Here's some hints to help solve it.
And we've a store full of others just
as good or better. We help you
doubly in your Chistuias buying help
you select and save you money.
We show two samples of our stock
of fancy furniture.
You w.ill be surprised
at the number and va
riety of useful pres
ents to be fouud at
Fancy Ta
ble, like cut,
only $i.35
-K t - -
inns u,
c20 Laekavuatu Ara, Scrantoa it
Wholesale and llctutl
Rendy nixed Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Bcouomtcnl, Durable.
Varnish Stains,
rrortuctncl'erfeet Imltntlonof ISxpeaiUt
Rnynotd9' Wood Plnlsli,
Especially Designed for Inalda VVorlu
Marble Floor Finish,
Durable and Dries Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
sominc Brushes.
Xmas Gifts
Bath Robes,
Suit Cases,
Hufflers, Etc.1
Hotel Jermyn flulldlne.
Ucranton nnd WlUcei-IUrrs. l'a.
Manufacturer! of
Boiler, MoUtlne anJ Pumping Machlner j.
General Ofilce, Hcranton. fa
I Gift Things Everywhere.
m m
I rien's Furnishigs
5 Multitudes of the most ap- 5
s propriate and elegant of all 3
5 the new fancies the sorts '
suitable and sought after for S
5 Holiday Gifts. 5
m J mm
s Index of
g s
s Holiday Gifts
s; For him that can be secured 5
s here in the accepted fashions, s
5 of good quality, moderately s
I priced
I Neckwear, Dress Shirts,
S Mufflers, Underwear,
S Handkerchiefs, Jewelery,
i Umbrellas, Suspenders,
s Gloves, Canes,
I Bath Robes, Salt Cases, S
E Holsery, Ladles' Walking Hats
3 "
203 Washington Avenue.
s Store open evenings until I
s Christmas. 3
every purcnase.
Ati spuuen STREim
factory; Johnstown, N. Y.
4 - t - - f4 - - 4 - 4f4 - 4 - H" - f - " - f - f
This hand
some writing
desk only
Lackawanna Avenue.
Ill !
i t tti