t. - .-7 THE RCK ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1898. JONAS LONG'S SONS. imsiw Women's Coats and Suits At Anniversary Mark-Down Prices. designers. Wulivn T.illm JIiuli' Suits In rill-wool fancy mlMiuc. .Tuckets ale mitin-lliii'il iliionuhmit. Hktrtx .111 muck- with t'io now fan linrU ami Hii-mI with kim1 qtl'il ll prrtulliif. Previous prlii Ci C7 $lu'i, Mink-clown Price .. . !"." Mli" .laikots" of fuiicv IioupV, luown mid black, liiittoni'i IiIkIi niMk, an i-x- iptlnnul Kiinnoiit fop -i:liool wv.ir. PhUoiix pihr $.'..r.u, Mark- 1 AH tlouti Pile- O.tJ fitni'iis T.illnr .Muilc Jiickftf. m.iili ill in HmjliMi kpr-xn". nny, ,iitor, tan ir lilat'k li'W clait hIpi-wm, ui'ltiil st'.ims ml iluM' li.ii'k. llxi tptlon.illy Htlsll. 1 rovlmiM pikf, Jl.'.Vj; .Mark- 7 07 li.wn 1'ilre ,,y' 'inn 11 .s l'lii-li t'iipo. I'ttr.i full hwpep, tml and hialdi'il ami trimmed with ni iin.ility of Tlilhrt lui; lined A Wonderful Maze of Toys. It's woith .1 dav's journey to see the children enjoy this toy store. M.my things in toys here that they've never seen before nor anyone elsi for that matter; novelties that came Irom the tov centeis of the Continent. You'll not find them in any other stoie, eithei. Some special prices (or today. 1 1- Iniludlntr intlrl 11m 1 lntlu-i '89c line Him L'l.it . 1 K with ilihniiej, pi el il pilei 25c Anniversary Sale Some one asked us yesterday if all the Handkerchieis in town were qu.utered here. One would think so fiom the stock. Here aie some Anniversary Sale puces: VonOTs pine limn, handsnmeh J1.1111I 1 mtirolilentl Initials tho stvlNh '.-huh hi in -a lull assortment of letter". Oc. AnuUerary Sale, each " " 'j-dozen Ho at fl.J". unit n s hautlomu embroidered and I.tco (dees on sheer linen a litKo varletv of patterns, the cheapest In tho lot Is woith double what wo ask. Annlvoisary 9 r Salu Z,l" Women's r mlii oldc red anil lm e edKes a t holee variety nt p.itteins; vulues; up to i'e. Anniversary SalolOIr. cuh 12 1 t-dozen, Cc. Women's prlntetl Holders, embroldtrtd dces lace edpe. lacu corners and em broidered corners; woith 10c. An- Cp nlvcrsary K.ilo Slen's silk Initial, handsomelv mbrold- red worth TTio. each. Annl- CO en xcrsary Sale, one-half dozen.. '' w Men's silk Initial, extra tine quality, full assortment of letters: worth :. each Aniiiersary Sale, out- 1 ic half dozen l.&O Two Day Bargain The items Prices on h,erc n Holiday Books. S'the'lat est novelties shown in New York. We give you the lowest New York price, and our special two-day price. Surely, they're a great bar gain here. Oxford Plush Hound UlbleH, covered with best ciuallty of silk plush In maroon, bluo and purple, lined with whlto satin moire. Dhlnlty circuit, complete with maps, concordance, reference texts, etc. New Voik price. M.19, our ") an special price p.o fct Elmo, Holiday Edition of Ausnsta Kvans, most thannlim storv, bounil In two ohuncs, rlfhlv embelllslud with art decorations, l'llnted 011 timst cal endered paiier, with llfty ait proof etch Inus. New York price per set. C 5 ?n $5.23 our special price . ... '.' IllKh Art ISookB, with poems nnd highly colored full-paso illustrations. Hub Jects include Fair Women of Today, Cluster of Gems, Tho Woild Awheel. Size flxl2 Inches. IJeautifullv bound. New York price, $1.7.1, our special flr prlco W n t 0 r o d Silk Vol umes, bound in best uallty silk moire, h solid Kilt cdKes. s include lllack y, Undo Tom's IirownlnR'H I'ov. . I. o w o I I'm I' o e 111 s. Tales from Shakespeare. New York J r I e e, . Our special AOr prlco js Edition do I.uxe, "l.lt tlo Minister," bound hi white leather with surface portrait of Maud Adams. Print- oil on super calen dered paper, with nearly u hundred Illustrations, Now Yoik maKiilllcriit price ...?2.f:... .....T.0!?! $2.19 ill l mi laumU I to w.ih 'i"""VrJ sp ini p. in HeR ffSSgpjj Jonas Long's Sons JONAS LONQ'S SONS. An unusual event at an unusual time. Right in the midst of this great An niversary Sale ; right in the heighth of this holidav season, we inaugurate this wonderful Mark-Down Sale of Coats and suits. We do not wait until Januaiy when the natural trend of things lead tn "Bargain Sales" on such apparel. Wo give you the benefit of January prices right NOW. Many Garments at Cost and Less, And all of them at prices to startle and amaze you. All are of this season's manufacture, and represent the finest products of the best makers and throUEliuut. Full 1 liulu In luiictli. Previous pi In-. Jlu, Mark-down A j."7 I'llco U.H Wntmn's Hl.ii'k Ki-im'.v fapi'p. ili.i full sweep, ciri.ameiitnl with ven rows if Mltrlilnp: llmd throughout with bi.ivl: (dtiii. No iiiore nt.vlNh ciipo at imv prlio. Prvvlnus pi Ice, $., C n"J Maik-dnwii I'llio a.i M Women h Velvet WuNts In different shades of Kieen and brown, and Maek, initio up with det.ieh.ible utook cnllirn. Mime liraltl trimmed, otlH'ix perfeetly ldaln. lt lniiH 111 Ice. . Maik-down " Vrlco " Clilliln n'w Iteefris hi fancy mlMun , haniNumi 1 t'lmmnl with lir.ild; nUot 1. to i yiatc llnttoiieii liluli to ne I; ,1 R.nnient made to look wdl and wear well I'h Moil" piice, l..,u; T nn Jlark-down Prlco second floor. I'aipet Sneepei". tile genuine HN"I1" Sweepi iopi rales Jun like llio 111,. hlB kind Special pi lee " Trains of Oils. Including i'IirIin tender and three car: nlct l painted, J Qr slroni; and durable. Speiialp'lie Jy tJalsi'y nxpriH- Curls, sold nil oer sr tho ilty at 30c; heio tmlav at . . 'w Tin Pin", T Inches hluh, nlcelv Mrlpeu, sold all over at heie today 15c at JJrcfsi d Doll with sailor suit", pretty; bold all oxer at l'Ji.: lit ro at Spelling Cubes 'mboRhnl ami -oll all over at 10c; here ttslay at.... Star Drums; wild all oer the ci .it Sjc; here today at 11 y 25c 5c 19c BASEMENT, of Handkerchiefs. f4EfijejilSEF; Men's .lacnneite, f.incv bonlers. looks llko silk and wcais liku silk, woith 1 fir. 2.1c. Anniversary Salo IUU. Men's and Youths' fancy pilnteil holders, fast colors; woith Ifte, Anntvcr- c ary Salo , OL, Colored Silk Mullkrs all handsome new 1 patterns; extra law sire and heay 1 qunlltv of silk: woith up to UM. flQr. 1 Anniversary Salo VOL Cups and Saucers, "An unusual Were 75c to $1. 25, statement, Your Choice, 35c. tb J0 Beautiful imported cups and sau cers, with extremely delicate decor ations. Have sold readily all sea son at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Your choice ot them today for Thlrty.fivo Cents. There arc all shapes and sizes; some of them severely plain, others with intricate colorings and deft lines of gilt. An ideal gilt at a marve'ously little price but no more when these are gone. BASEMENT. Today's A little better Menu 25C Dinner confronts you lor to day's dinner; but we delight in giving you special treats of this kind: MENU. Consomme Do Volatile. Asparasua a la Cieme. fillets of IJltio Fish a la Bordiloulse. Croquette D'Hlz au Frulte. Ribs of 1'ilme Uecr, uu Jus. Chicken J-'rlcasslo Maiyluml Htjle. Mashed Potatoes. """ Gieen Peas. Stewed Tomatoes. Mince Pie. Sweet Potato Pie. Hussion Puddlns. Cafe Nolr. BASEMENT. Yi-ifCWi."! AGENT HAMMDK IS POUND GUILTY JUDGE OUNSTEK SENTENCES HIM TO 1'AY A 250 EINE. His Attorneys Fotthwith AniJenl the Cose to the Supiome Court Ueorge WickenhotTer Rehearses the Story of How He Found Some of N. 1J. Levy A: liio.'s Mlcsinp: Diamonds, Which the Levy's Positively Aver They Delivered to Wlckenholler to Be Escpiessed to New Xork. As was eeitetl. 1 enllit of Kllllly was M-iiiiii"tl. josteitlay moinltm', against V. I., llaipnier. leprcentiitivu of the Old Wiiyiio liiMiiitticu coiniinny. The illume 1111011 which ho was con vlettil wit (he tli Ii I count of Hie In illet'iK'tit, uleitlslii(j hliuu'lf ns nRcnt of an unlicensed Insurant" (.oniputiv. .ItttlKo (Ittitstet "eutetiLi'il him lo pity a fine oi $J.Vi ami usts. iHtutnpanylii!; the !ni'i.sltlt,n of S'liti'nee with the ro nintk that tin IIiuHiik of the Jurv mih eertalnlv a pioper one. I. iter In tha duj ViihtiiK A: Dawson, tittotneys for llanunti. appoaleil the case to the su perior eiuiit. Aldeiniati M.uon Knssou liecanie boni.,'-iii.in for Hammer in tho mini of J"i00. (ieoiire liki'llhofler, aciuseil of til thelt oi r iiii-Kimi ol Jewell y from N. II. I.ey .S. llio, wits called to tlhl before .IiiiIki IMwiuds esterdny liloiuiUK on ept S last, the Jewtdiy ill m made up u puektme lontaliilntf seven small tllntnonils und two koM riliifs, oin nl l In-lit. the piopetty ol t'. 11. -'".irs. of iireen lilili'e. havli't; a diamond s, tlliif; The jim kiiKc was dlutttd to N" w A'oilc city mid wnn Klxtn ti a. 1 epies laessniKer. A wetd. 01 so later word was iccciied from New Vork that the paikite hud lint .ll'lilid. The l"We1eis releileil to thelt hunks to ilinl out liv which i"c-iii-r lomp.niv lib- p it lj,ti!i had hi en selll anil tn tlii'h suiptluo dkeovoie'l that liny h.id :tt t;lti ti'd to h-ive thu i"ciue..niaii slirn fin it tiii:y iNvi:sTiiATi:i. 'I'lleli best teeidleetlon wils that tho pat kiitfe hail befii hllletl In tho Adams i:iievs 1 oiupanv and that U'iek-eiihot'-fi r was tip' nosTiiKci to wboni It was IfliiHi 1 To iiinKr -Hie 111 it their lueiuoiv was not ,u fa, lit they mad" the lilllllds nl the otll"! tples, o'.'ltlS to usevi tain If the p-i'-l'ilKf lllld been Klvtll to tl) of them, but It del el opet' none of thin had leieixet! it. This toiilli mid tladr Ik lief that they had elicit tb" pail.ano to iekenliolfer and he was ialli'd upon to answer for It. lie sali" If Mm u f mi' the paol. iiko voti lmt. my lotelpt for it.-' This answer v.itMI-d the l.-s that It was to Wlektnhi Ifer the hint Riven tin' imok.iKe and .1N0 1 .uised theni ti su.s li t that he had nppiopi latetl it to his own nsi, Deteithe ,'ohn .Molt was si''ii the ease in ii mil mil allei r lew il.ijs search foum. tin- Seur's iln and two of the diamond. in ,1 loml p uvn shop. He also tlisini. ii'd that It was Whk-enhof.-i- win, had pi. ilffe-1 tin in and that lie did so under an n.Miineil nain Wiideiibnlfei' was .'nested and harcrel .-itIi the thelt lie admitted that it was he who had pawned the iv cmeivd fewidiy, but duil.-d stoutly that ho stole It 01 that lit liad lecelvod tho packaue in tiuestlon lioin I.exy ,v. Mm Ills slut. v uu that on tin morn Iiik- of Sept. :i. while Kline into I.oh innnn'H lestutnant, which is next hut ont to the Tl .Kiel's' Hank Imllillup w hero . I. i'ro.'s iitlleor in... tiA iounu ;i plain einiliipe m the K'ltler. near the eiirh ontniHiie the Niir and two dlamontl; wrappetl r, tissue papt r le realizeil that lie should liav s-uiKht to llntl the iihiui, bur his Impoverish ment due In a loin' vH,. ,,f bllcness prompted him t . k- his timl to him self and pawn the j..v,.iiy. THE TWO STOKil.'.S This is the stoi n told by the wit nesses on both sides Tin. Lews were positive that it rs to Wli l.enhoifer they deliveied the paeitase and he was 111010 than positive in hir statement that they weie mistaken. He told hl-i htory in a stialKhtforwnrd. unhesltat ini? initnner and could not be tnpncd up on cross-examination aithmiKh the nttornevs for the pioMX'iitlon stitne their utmost to do so. Mr. I.owrv, who was eounsel for Wlekfithofter. aifjued that while Wlols enhoffer'.s storv at first sieinetl impiob nlile It was by n,, means linposihlf and (onsidetlni the pievlous excellent ehaiaeter of the defentlant. us ntte.sted by a law number of witnesses, the jurv should be dispell, to doubt his Built. Mv. Vldaver. wi assisted Mr. Hairi.i on the eoniinoiiwt alth's side' contented himself with an evp0son of what he tcune.l the rklic nlous in e.insisteticle.s of Wlcu'iihoffer f, story WkUenhoffcr wtib probably an honeiL man j-ovlou. to this oltene, he .said but the temptation lo take the dia monds came upon him when he s-,w-that the l.eiys had neKlcfteil to h.ne him receipt for them ami belleviii" he could not be eonvlctetl decld-d to ap piorrlute the diamonds and if nwlU ,.. take chHiices on puttliiKr his veiaiitv iiBalnst that ot the Lew n, MUrtf of Justice. JudKf Kdwartls In i,K tharse to tho jury said that if Wleijenhoffer was a: honest man ho would have emle.n ore!' to llml the owner ,.f the ai titles ho picked up, or at least when the I.evya Aeu Inaulilnt" fiom him for a pack ase of diamonds and two rliius which they claimed they had lost, he would lime informed them that he had found some jewelry of that description ami If they could Identify it they nilKht have It. Tho Juiy in the rase retlied just pie vlous to adjournment. rui,u:rt found ouietv. "W. V. Fuller, u Curlxindalo matket mnn, was found uullty of stealim thirty pounds of frozen lish fiom a box in front of Commission Men hunt Itoh'. 01 ts' place on Lackawanna avenue. He was caught in the act of carrying the llsh away la a basket and dumplnp It Into n bairel placed somo distance down the street. When halted he claimed he was welRhlng it as ho took it away and intended, of course, to pay for it. When asked how much he had already weighed he said thirty pounds. The barrel was captured and weighed nnd It was found that It contained twice that much Huh, Tho embezzlement case of Alex. Glass YOU ARE IRRITABLE Your nerves need food. Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate Take no Substitute. against lcwls Itlch wnn stricken from the list, neither party having appeared for tho last two terms. A nol pros, was entered In tho ns sault and battel y cape of A. L, lingers against Oeorgo Hammers. Itcv. Ludlmer Danek, of Finest City, wns declined not guilty of the Inieeny charge preferred against htm by his housekeeper, Anna l'opnlyak. It de veloped that Ills offense wns that of drawing more than Ills share of the money which wns deposited In a com mon fund In bank and for which there was 11 bunk book made out to both of them lolntlv. The court took the case fiom the Jur Kdwaid nnd Putt It k Jordan, charged with malicious mischief in hi caking a crossing gate on the l'elaware and Hudson toad nt Mliiooka. weie allowed lo go ft pc, the eoinpany not wishing to puifveuto. Albett I.udka was found not guilty of embezzlement as t lunged bv ('hallos Klrsl. l.ndkn It wiif alleged inKip propi luted S.U11 of the finals of a Hotltli Side Polish soiletv. of which he was trciisiuor. Klrst was his bontlman. HOAIK OTIM'.U (.'ASKS A erdlfl of guilty wns letunied in th assault and bultety case or Michael Viable, of Olyphant. against his boarder Michael Maiaschuek. Joseph Ftank and Frank Sldler, J-. of ''treeiitield. wete atiUltted of the chuige of stealing turkeys from Ol.i.' eme Vail and i.uthet l.ee. Heniy X lander, of the South riid , chat get! with aggiavatetl assault and battery on Polite Lieutenant Peter Zang ami Patrolman Ijonimlik Holantl, was adjudged Insane ami sent to the Hillside Home. He tiled to use a knife on the tdlleeis when they at tempted lo 'ii rest him William L.Miiis ami John Nealon. charged with assault and batlei.v and rohbeiy bv William Itudd, weie ad judged not guilty of anything except simple asMtult and weie leeommeud eil to the extieine meicy of the tourt. William Duiklu, who was charged with being one of tin- ttlo which nib bed Aithur (liegon near the dxfora breaker, was letunied not guilty. John Walsh ami M leant 1 Toole, who skipped otil. It was alleged ate the leal eul ptlts. VIllMd White, ol the Nol th Kntl, was on trial befoie Judge (Ultister at ntl Jtiui'iilng time for obtaining gootls un der talse pief'tises liom (iincel yiiian Mejtrs, nl' Pioviih lire, lie said, so Miyus alleged, that he Ljd luO in the bank anil that II be couldn't meet his bill leglllall out ol Ills wages tie would di aw on his bank aetounl. It th eloped, when suit was Inuught to renner for a sninn bill, that White iieiet hail iinv intuit In the bank. Daniel ll.iiisti-in wa- aiialglletl be foie .Itltlge Veil.is lm laiteny and re ceiving Mis L. Pine, of Petirsblllg. being iioseetitil lie Is her tenant and falling to pu his lent had his ".oofls ilistressed. The t unstable sold enough of tin in to iiivei the H-nt and llaiisteiu. witlioiit waiting on toiinal Hles, entetetl the iieniies and took what was left. Judge Vetkes as much as told the jury to bt Ing in u eitllct of not guilt. The Juiy letmncd at ud jouiuing time. HERPOINT OF VIEW. The tuin-stlle stoini-doui (iitnblun tlon In tin- cnnm huildine, is the Mitiici of many amusing u.tl occasion ally enibair.is-lng itu.ttloiiv. s'ald an employe yesleid,. who'e dllllts fie l lently call him to th; big. handsome t'tuiitltii - "Tne women aie the woist. Most alwas the want lo turn It tho wi'tiim v ay You know the thinr al ways moves ft urn the ilcbt hind go ing out or coming In, but ou inn 'fum ble on the piospett that eeiy woman will elioo"e the wiong sitle and will ivt mail when she Unds Ii hard wont to push. Cienei.illv there's somebody In the other tide Industiiousiy pushing !n the othei dliectlon. Then there Is lun exct.pt for those who can't go cut or In until the match Is deilaied oft". Monday an ollleer was trying t B out so n:is a woman on the other anil of coins.- on the wromj side, just as the contrary creatines alw.as are. lie pu?hetl the tuin-stlle ami the wo man who win so big and stout that nho almost lllletl up her t tuner, did the saint. She couldn't itn. lei stand the tumble and giew ver.v rtd In the fate. Finally she .-aught siglit of the police man thiougb the thlik glass and Im inet'.Iatelv decided that it was a con spliaey and threw her whole weight against the pntitliui. The oJIHer put his shouhlei' to hi" side of the arrange ment but neither got out. Then the woman brandished hit umbrella at him and each untie a new st'irt. By this time thete was a eiowd of other peo ple leady to bet on the llnlsh and they simply howled when the weinan at last gave a. despeiate shove anil nl most landed on her fate on the tddo walk while the man In the other box got a s'liieezo that he hadn't counted on." H w Tho letters to Santa ('Kins, which wore not Intended lor piint and which will piobably never teach the pat ion s.ilat of Christmas, are the letters which would most touch his heart There was one w lit ten bv a little lad the other day, whose name imfoitu untidy Is tirl nown and theiefoie can not be given the Children' Friend tluough this medium. "1'eni Sai.ta Clans, " it said, "I do want a piir of shoes so much T am ten yeuis old and r do wish ou could hnd our house this year. You have never been here." Ten ytars old and never had, a islt from Santa Claus! Tn all this lleh, great city are there not many eyet- that grow misty at the thought of the little lad and his pathetic request, at tho thought of the small feet that may go very cold theso bitter winter days? Secretary Atherton is expected to re turn from his state military tour with a cholco collection of Pennsylvania, Dutch dlnleet stories for the Home for the Friendless minstrel show GALLAGHEIt-CUSICK CONTEST. It Is Being Waged Enthusiastically by Contestants and Friends. The contest for n violin between Mr. P. "W. Cialngher, of the Scianton Trac tion company, and Councilman M. J. Cuslek, of the Twentieth ward, will b the talisman by which humlieds ot dollars will be icallzed for the fund for the proposed new chuich of St. John's congiegatJon. South Scrantoii. The violin to be awarded was donated to the fair by Colonel U. II. Hlpplo and t a very vnluablo Instrument. Another contest to be decided at tho church fair, which opens Saturday ev ening, Is that being waged between Miss Julia Donnelly and Miss TUlle Mcdee for a diamond ring. Carpenters have erected booths In the basement of the church nnd the fair committees are gathering tho ar ticles that will adorn the booths, In- m AMEUA BINGHAM i is it is 4s fS "The Queen of Beautiful Women" WRITES: "I am using the genuiue Johann Holls Mali Extract with the most satisfactory re- sults-" -li &-,&- Johann Hoffs Malt Extract Makes Flesh and Blood Improves Appetite Aids Digestion IS s IS s Is JS As i JOIIA JOHANN HOFP: New York, L teiest In the fair among the wotkei.s for the coiniolitle tables is at whit heat. Jlany of the schemes for moiie. maying ( ontelved by the dlffeient com mittees antl that will be tried, have been isent a .secret. THE SOURCE DISCOVERED. Water Main Laid by the City Caused the Trouble. The source of the small stream of watei that has bubbled tluough the pavement In Center street, near Wyo ming avenue, ban been discovered. Thl.l stteam of water caused a coating of ice to cover part of the asphalt pae where .'untie joins Wjonilng avenue, and ic sulteil in Sunday night's accident by which .Moigan 'Williams, of West Scrantoii, wns Injured. An excavation has levealed the fact that the leak was in an old main laid b the city to carry water from 'Wyo ming avenue to the station house in Centre stieet Several property oMiets In that stieet have also connected with the main since it was laid. After the pipe was laid bare yester day and ic palled, it was found that the water in it was frozen and It had to be thawed out. As a tesult of the leak the Centie stieet station house hnbeen without water for two d.is. CHENOWETH INJURED. Fell fiom the Scaffold of a House on Which He Was Working. John Clienowlth, a caipenter, em ployed by the Ninth Hnd Lumber com pany, met w 1th an accident Tuesday afternoon that will piobably confine him to his home fur the remainder of the winter. While engaged at work on a scaffold ing he lost his footing antl was precipi tated to the giound, Fcllow-woikmen hurtled to his assistance and found him to hiue suffered a severe fractuie to Ills leg. He was iemoed to his home on Wavne avenue, wheie he ictelved medical attention. This is the thlid accident that has befallen him within a short period. For Hurried People. Tinvellers usually want lo "get theie" In the shortest possible time, nnd on journeys between Uuffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, Toledo and all w ostein and southwestern points should travel over the Lake Shore V.. 11 . to make the quickest time possible Its fast mail ttaln leaves Huffalo at T.-5 p. m., arilvlng at Chicago at 7..10 a. m., and Is well known among Hav eners generally for Its speed and fine equipment. It uins fast day trains leaving Uuffalo at 0.40 and 9.33 a. m., airlvlng at Chicago at $.43 and 7.39 p. m., lespeetlvely. Not only do you save time bv traveling over this route, but you will Und Its tales as low as any. i m i Oxford Hibles. Heynolds Hros. NKXT JIINl'Ti: MAY MIIAN DKATH. If tho heart flutters, palpitates or tires I easily, ou may be next door to sudden I death and not 1I v It. Vr. Agncw's Cine for the IK. a i gives instant relief 1 nnd tines. "The pains ubout my heart were so sevcio I could haitlly breathe. 1 I thought I must die. One dose of Dr. Ag ' i.ew's Cure for tho Heart gavo mo perfect relief Inside of 20 minutes, a few bottles eiiietl. I tlrinly belliAo It saved my lite.'' I -Mr. John Jnmies-on Tata, Out. Sola by Matthews tiros, and W. T. Clark. M. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo of tctfc&4i THE SALE ORDERED TO BE CONTINUED All Restraints and Injunctions Have Been Removed Creditors Now Have Full Sway nnd After Hold ing a Meeting Decide to Close Stock Out as Rapidly as Possible. The creditors who havo seized tho stock of tho merchant who tried to de fraud them, have won their caso so that all lestralnts and injuctlons havo been removed nnd the stock Is now fully theirs, and the Mile will be con tinued at 124 I'enn avenue until the entire stock Is cleared out. Fifty per cent, less than actual cost. 5,00 men's business suits, worth $12. at 1 23: 5,000 elegant fall overcoats, J.C.9S, woith $1$; men's Scotch cheviot sack suits, $3.75, worth SIG.EO; three button cutaway dress suits $7.23, worth $20; all wool pants, $1.89, worth $4 50; nobby youth's suits, $3,23, worth $15. -on't bo misled by signs und banners other met chants may display to decelvo the public. Ho sttro you are at tho credi tors' snle, 124 I'enn avenue, a few uoois. from Kt. Chailes hotel, Scrantoii, Pa. During this salo the store will b kept open until 3 p, in.; Saturday until II P. ra. Berlin, Vienna, I'arli. s5T!CC:'5 arn .. r. K K . H K . K . K K K it tt V w V V ,' Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. Scranton Store 124 V &' .' K V ,' .' H V V ' a; v X" tt ti X V V ar V K V K a." v a V w ti w w ti ti K Si h ti a ti a," a a v ti X X X X X X X X X X X X X h X X That sale of sash curtains A manufacturer's sample line every pair perfect at a re" duction of 60 per cent, from actual value. This was an impor tant transaction lor you as well as otu selves. The prices marked on these poods aie fctu.illy less than half of the real value a chance that does not come verv often. Every pair is 1 x,i yards lonr. and the styles include Brussels, Cordoman, Fishnet and Mecklen Rennaissance. Their retail value is from 5 to $4 per pair here during this sale 65c, 75c, 85c and $1.25 Pole and trimmings free of charge Our customary offer to furnish the pole and trimmings holds good on every sale of cui tains, no matter what the price mav be. You may even have your choice in the selection of the pole white enameled or wood finish any color. Nothing more appropriate for Chi istmas gifts than a fine pair of curtains: We have them at all pi ices and of every pop ular textuie. 59c to $75.00 pair Carnival of Christmas gifts on second floor Thousands of useful things suitable to every household. If you are undecided, come up here and you will find many good suggestions. Umbrella Stands, solid oak fancy design S1.49 up Hasels in oak, adjustable rest .' 59c up Easels in white enamel, adjustable rest 69c up Music Racks, all styles 3.98 up Foot Rests, wilton tops 98c up Hassocks, wilton tops .19c up Hassocks for children 29c up Pictures on every conceivable subject and style and coloring of frames. Medallions, popular subjects 35c Fish and Game Pictures $1.25 and Si..q Etchings by well known artists 1.25 and 1.49 Floral Studies 1.49 and 1.98 Pastels, Lithographs, Photogravures in great profu sion at little prices. RUGS Angora Rugs, pure white $2.98 Chamois Rugs, white or grey 1.98 Smyrna Rugs 1.39 Ax. Moquette Rugs 1.98 Wilton Rugs 3.98 Angora Baby Robes, with pockets 3..19 Lebeck 'A' U A A 'A 'A "A 'A "A "A "A "A "A 'A 'A "A 'A : "GREAT SNAP": 217 Lack, o Shoe f This big sale comes in the nick ol time for holiday shop pers. HOLIDAY SLIPPERS, special low price this month, From 49c Up. $2.50 MenJs Welt Shoes, $1.98 A Splendid Winter Shoe. All our large stock of winter goods at cut rates. Several hundred pairs of Misses' Shoes, 1 1 to 2, light or heavy, at 98 Cents. These goods are worth from . I Standard w HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITY. SO UASV A CHIUI CAN DO IT, frost yourcaUoln one minute by uluc ICEALINE TlieNevrKroatlng. Ilcqulrcs uelther sucnr nor llnorliiE. Costa loo pUgj by mall, jgc AbU you tracer for it. J IUUAUMK Ml'U CO., Holjoke.Masfc oBpL , SJ t:t . K ... . K V. K . K . . K 1 v. . .X .X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X r, X X X X X X X X X X X ,T X X X X X X X ,T X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - 126 Wyoming Ave. & Conn 'A'A A "A "A A 'A "A 'A "A 'A A 'A A A "A 'A "A ux Ave nil a, Sale. -M-4- 4 $ 1.2s to $1.50. Shoe Store, 217 LACKA. AVE s$o n Cliche.!.!. r.iUih Diamond IIrn. rENNYROYAt PILLS ff. tlt rWt.bl. LftblLv til bruffjtlil for CMchttttrt tnjlUK . I -.w -Itn VIMS IIWUVN Hk6 fliMi ,IH hlfjifLHi lltl.B..l.i. . k A dm 171 JVJj 8-14 j &U UcU Prguuu.1"' c" UuTuVSl