THE SCR ANTON TIN BUNIS-TUESDAY, ITECEMBEK 13. 1898.' EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCR ANTON DAMAGE THAT IlESULTED FROM THE TWO FIRES. Amount of the Dcpos-lts of tfoo School ChUdicn OHlcej! Cliosen for St. Broaden Council. Y. M. I., unci Ladles' Blanch 07. 1. C M. U. 0111 cera for Dewl Snnc Lodge. Older of American Ivotltcs. rinccd in Nomi nationNo Clue to the Thief. IMvrnrtl Kan, of it l.uiUavviiniia nvfiiin-, wlm own" Hi- ilmililf fintne iluullliiK linifi- ul 4III-1IJ Ninth Main avenue, wlili h mil l.mllv iliunaKi'd 1 Hit' oails riterdav innltili'U. Htat.-d tn a Ti Ilium- lopit-ivntutlvt- i lint tin- nue to tin- duelling1 would piolmldy i each $.100. Tin- iliumme t.i Mi. t.e-vvlt. wlin ni'i-upli-tl No 110. will ii-.uli $Jll on furiilluieiinil clolhlni,' N Knpliii, who occupli-d So. 41". "Ill piolmhlv lop.' nearly $"M, also on ftu nlture. elnthliiir, etc. TIiuh tin- timl lo-e-c will vai be tween $S00 anil tl.nini. Min-. I-"iiii- and levvls hold Milliclt-iit liftiiaiiii-. but .Mr. Kuplln's loss will In' total. Mr. Karr iiltitluttoH tin- inii"i- nl the tin- to the dofeetlvone.s of tin- e hiin-ni-y. The elivolllni; wan i-ieetoel over foily yiar.s iikh and Imp he-en In con utant ue i-vi-i- ulneo. lie thlnU tlio bnttom of the chliunev lllleil up with foot, which took, the iltuliiii the liln'it and the Intcnv ln-al lunlteel tin- wood work In the lower Hooik It h.ul sained lon-ddernblo headway hefoiv 1th IHc-iiv-ny. The prompt U"-"poiio nl tin- tire department pie-vented jimhalile total los to all concerned and full her spiead of the Ihe to adjacent bulldiliK--. At Mu'-Rrave's phauu.irv. coiner of Ninth Mnln avenue and .Inelcon htieot. In the Mot'Kan'i block, whole i fire iii-aily tlestro.ved the Intel lor eail Sun day mornlUR, Messrs. MusRiae and JIorKans, ilP-tNted liy cleiks, vvote lmi alt dayyesteidayestlmatliiK the amount of clainam-. 11. (1 MoiRan. who owns the building, thinks that SJ.10 will re pair the Intel lor elefnc lnir. and he has Millldeiit lnsuraiire to pioleet him from loss Mr. 5Iuciave Is uiialilo ein to ap Piovituuto his damage. u It falls heav iest In the patent niedlelaes. driipw and ihemlcaN, and It will leciuito two or three days to .urlvo at aii definite unioum. Yi:sTi:nuAY's wi:i:k iw ntiPosiT-s. Uepohlts tin th" week etuliniv yestei d ly weu- made at the West Hide bank of colli i-tlnns made at the thiee public f hnoN whereat the -.ivIiiks fund Idea is In voaue. Tills week's deposits ale not as lame as last .veek's. but ate v--ry fair, I'uiilio ihoul No. l'.i, of which Miss .loMe I). I.oe-c is piineipal, lm the laiK'St nmoum The total for the tlliee i $!ls- Tie- ilenolis in- ai li loom in i. ii I- - lie I - as follows: I'm lull-In -iImmiI n. ,, U.nitl Ou. n . prtnclpil $.'0ii. Ml. Mnilii iti.iis. it .rnis, AIKi i:ii.i I,, wi- nl. . llv .llie i:.uis. M (7. Ml H.i-ln K.-hv :, I III-. M1--S NVI1I, K. IP 7' I III.. AIlsv N-Ul- ltldi.i .1- .' ' !(-- 1'itli.llii- IJ , Speedily cure whoop. iui;-imiKii. viuuji uiiu r'niltrll VPlin"1"'""" Mother joh vUllgll OVI llJv ltl as relvcti it Children like it. l)0Mmc, small I'lict; feilb Globe Warehouse Santa Glaus A Has Made His Home For the holidays right here store, and well he might, where else has to lind gifts many expectant That's Why There's A Holiday Carnival ill plogn SS .11 day now, ami timings llli' In stitam and go choice gifts for at smaller cost the wh In a awaj their than Stole eVerV the happy continuous laden wllh lriends. ami they even dreamed was possible. There's a Gift Everybody In the vast c ollectlmi nl holiday specialties now opened fm jour In spection. Tin- piattllng hade, the stolid, Well-to-do husband, the giddy Kill, ni the staid matron, the budding belle, or the daiidv dude fill can ho suited, because we had all of them In iniud when we visited the uuiiki-t to make our st Icetlon. Bring Children to hen the elldltSrt assortment Of Dolls. Games, Toys, 1 looks and pietty playthings of every Uebciip. tlon. :KR5 Globe Warehouse The Kidneys lllter thu blood nml sift thu rtclilH and impurities from II. Wlien tins ItlcliiuyH nro tllsenecl, llio liloml becomes impure, and then rheumatism, dropsy, uremia and other dlseaes follow, To euro the kidneys, they bhoiihl bo Htimulated with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters lttheklilnc arc not kept licatlhy, inny uttac' tliem, i-i nun- it cut. i.nlH. MIhs Small Miss Maiv llairls. MUs i:iln I'riu. -n Mi Dnimlil !M eeiils, i.! i"iil; uiaml tetul. ?1'.'.7n Kill- plllillc i linn No. Ecphllie l. I.ct H. prim Ipal Akiu-h Muriu.x. $1 ."Vi." .Miss t'i MIhs .lo in i ntx, Miss Norma Nli-h- lleamlsli, !S nllrf, 7"i coats; Miss Nell! cults; .s M irp-n. fl c-.-nt- Allss KImiii, ?lti"ii Miss IMiiii Ki lit. 2d lit-. Miss Aij nis Kmuik. I.'H. MI"s Wuile. 10 nuts; Mls Mlilih, 1.BJ. Mls I Villi I' PArilis. SI milHi Mis. Kit hi r, l.i" miiiid totnl $1 1 :-'. Tor pulille si h. ill No ",. II I. .Mornnii. S-'.iM; Miss Lewis, ft cents, llss Vallf.ll mi, V! cents; Miss Mulli n, ii.. i-i iiIh! Miss lliuldv. Ml cents; Ml t'arpenti r. W cents, Kland Intnl. $ls. Y. M I. OKKICKIiS. At the it-Mllai meetlnc i ' St. llien den'c council, Yoiuis Men'.s Institute, last evenltif, nllheiM for the eiisultiK teun weie elected. A committee was appointed to pienatc fin the i otint-U'fl ntmiial social, whlih will be held In Meals' hull. .Iniiunix 'I. 1S!IH. Daniel JHCaffery and .Insculi t'aiev wel'e limned as pte-ldtnt and stcretai., ie MiectlVely. of this committee The rilll'-eiH elected W'eie Pieslileilt, .Tnhn 1'. Dm Kill . Hist lce-piesdpllt, Tlmothj McCoy s,.( nlid Ic e-piesilent, 1'. K Duffy, leeiiidlnn-coiiespondinij M'C'ietni.t, IMwaul K Huist. linaucial secietnr. .losenli (iaynoi : tieasuier. I'll It U k inaiu)iii, Amos Ktnei. tilistees, Kr.iiik .Mcflalll, John Mullen. Daniel McVaflYiv. l'eter McCoy and Thomas Walsh outside sentinel, John Mc I-'aiUleii: Inside sentinel. Hubert .Dully. Picsldent-eleet Dm kin has been iileiitilled with the council and Its n teie.slt, since Its riiguulxatioii Heeial of the membet. telldeiel Piesldent-elec t Durkln a serenade at his icsidenee on Ninth Hebeoa ae Tl lie Intel In the cwnliiK. VOCAL COMPI'riTION Dewl lodse, C)uU-i of A'nieiUun Ioiltes, met last evenlliir In Co-opeia-tlve hall, mi Ninth Main avenue. The attendance of meinbeis was laine and theie wen m. li-y vsttiiR nieinlieis from Itobeit Mm I If- Indue, No , 111 del" True Hollies. A oi al contest was nriMiliicd. lleiirv P. Davits acted at-' ailjuilli atol A AVels-ii selts tint- was delKUated and D .1. Davits. David Jenkins and Will lain J Davis (onipeteil D. Jenkins Won. These same thlee then competed on "llliaeth ' D. .1 Davles was the iiiieslu onek lleinaiks Weie made hv I) .1 D.ivie-i. Di. cl. I!. Ueildoe. C. i:. lloli.ithaii. and J. H. f hllllps. of the Hubert Mollis Indue Molllltc tl Utile er S T. Dxer was called upon and n sponded with a tlnelv jtlvtm WeKli ad-dii-ss. If it'll llutthes leelteil "Cm feu" Shall Not HIiik: ToiilKh ' Ciy.iis wen iM'sed In addition to the aliove, noininatiops ot otliieih' till tin eiisuiiiR term weie made as tollows President Jeiemlah Jainui 1 ve e-ptt sideni Dav id Jenkins; in our for no chance he as good a that will please his votaries. 'W'VAK'W'WVS'Vvj'W Come Yourself and etijo.v a hall' horn's stroll thioiigii many depaitiuuiits that aie loaded with delightful thoughts and t amies tor the holiday senton. We Can't Tell You .niv thing about the attr.u timis an- bought for oin pleasuie mid pi olll. Seeing is the only method bv which thi v can be fully under stood and iippii'chitcd. But Do Not Delay lloliila.v Hoods aie like no other class of ineic hnnillse, mice a line Is sulci out, it Is gone for good, and as some of the new ideas are going fast they won't stand the Htinlu of quick buying much longer. From Now On till I'hilstmns eve. the gieat mum ilooiH of the stoio aie what may bo teinicd a peoplu'n public piomen HiK'. r.veijbody Ik welcome, buy or no buy. May we on pec t to see vou there'.' rnrresHindltiK secretary, DaUcl D, I.cwIh, llnanclal secretarj, Keesc Sam uel, trcasini-r, ThomiiH Carson, ilmils ter, ThomiiH D. I.cwIm; Hteward Joshita Kilns; Inside RUitid, Theophllus llowen: lepresentatlNi- In Kiand lodue, John J. MnrKaii, nltei nates, Alfied D HtiRhes and Wllllain S. Dials, tiusties for three yearn, John J. Morgan nnd Will lam S. Mormin. on-'icnns ov uiiancii it. At the last rcKtilai- inec-thiK of I.adleV bianeh y". lilsh Catholle lU-nevolent union, held Sunday eveiiliiR 111 St. I.en'i rooms, on Ninth Main uveniie, olllcet-J for the enstllim' lenn of 1S!)3, weie elected They ale up follows: Past ptudrleiit. Miss .Maty Mellale. piesldent, . Mls-l Small McDonald: lltst vice piisjdeut. Mis. Mary II Tialner: fecond vice president. Miss Kiln McDonald' lennd ii', Mlsh Ulna J. t.aiiKan. assistant tv-coidei-, Miss Kate haiiKiin; llirinelal secretin-;, , Miss Mary Mollale- treasur er, Mls MarKaret Tinlnor inaishal. Mrs. Kllen Cunlcui. Kliard. Mis. Mary Mulrov; trustees fm two eais. Mis. Kmlly Doud, Mi. Maiy Mahnney anl Miss litldKct J. JlldRe; deleirate to the biennial eumentlon at AslniM I'.uU, Miss Maty K. Mcllate: alternate. Miss Lizzie Caiey. PUHSONAL MKNTION I'.vnsi S. Jones, of Corbett avenue slowly lecoveiinir from an attack is of facial paralysis. .Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Chase, of Ninth Hiotnlry avenue, have ns their Kllesti' the Misses Chilsllna Mm tin and I.lbh'e Jones of Plttston Miss Maine Triton, of Tenth street, has as her guest Mls Laubach. of lleutou. Columbia counly. Andrew Conlln, of North Kllmore avenue. Is visiting in New York city. Thomas Vaughn, of InlCM-inati, is the guest of West Scranton ft lends. Thomas Jones, of Plttston, has re turned home fioni a visit heie with friends. MINOH NIOWS NOTHS. The reRUlar monthly meeting of the West Side boaid of tiado will bo held this evening at the usual time and plac e. No substantial clue has as vet been obtained ns to the identity of the thieves who entered John Thomas' res ilience, at :Ws Fotii teentli stre-t. Sun day evening and stole over $7(1 Mr. Thomas has almost decided that it will be Impossible to ever disi over them. The funeral of Olive the veiling ilaiighterof Mr. and .Mis. Men c Miles, of 11112 Oxfoici stteet. will he l-fld fiuni the family lealdenee this nftnriioon at 2 o'clock, lnteiment will be nuide at tile Washblllll stlei't eemelerv. The meinbeis ol the Washbiiiii Street Piesbyteilaii Sabbath seliool ate ie quested tu attend tin session which will be held in the lecture looms tomoirow i veiling. The annual election of niliceis Will be held. The tegular meeting of tin Chris, ikm lhide.ivor society of the Plji-ioutl, ( ongiegatlomil ihurili will be ii.ld tills evening in tin- icctme loom and meinbe.s m leiiuesied lo atte'icl A. C. Dynun and Ihuivs Jns"p'i had. DUNMORE. the Di. Antimii, Mi nmiiu I!, of Spkiiici sti -it a l.iliniti tinpliiMil in the No. ." mini o! the l'euas.lvanl.i I'oal companj, met wtt'i a veij ii.dlillll aiililent while at his woil. vtstiniaj miiinins. .vlildi nni -i-snlt hi III! les of his lighl lllill. lit W.I. 11 III" nl of.spiiigiiotng ii i.,i vlt, n In miimei his feoi l,t i una eiiiglit ami ln tuie ho could Iree it. the c.,r li.,d pu'til ovir the inembcr. snin.-lilni- It in a u r iblc in.imici lie -l tjwi home .-iitl mitllial tiM-l'-'taiice i th it in whn an. lining all In their puw.-i u- save 111- uieinbi-i. Mi- an old la-lv of I)nukr stmi Spnii mil. met with it ilMit-Mii.; utrirl. in Siiinl iy n-iinlng while m In i to .ilt. ml divine W!-ish!i in St. Miii.v - ti in li .Mis 1. injr.u-. whn 1 1 . t ill- liilstnitiiiit; ol litlui, l-lliiil, ,an bring lek-u tn llu c lunch by her ilaiiglitcr. slipped nn the In and Icll, laiaKlng her iiiii. Slit hi lug well adviiim-cl in vuir.s Hi.- -Inn 1, iic-.lvc-d vi hiu failing will inn line hot to her linme Inr --nme limr- Mi- Millet, ot Siinit 1111. I- suileilnz Irnm tile effn-ls ol h liinken arm caused b.v falling upnn the Ice dajs ago The Junior lu.gue of ilm M- ihodlst Kpinopal church will conduit a bell .it tin' home nl Mis. J. v. I'.tntil llue on (Jreeii ltldge licet liiinnirov.' evening tn which all are Iiivitid to at tend. A piogi. untile ha been .uiaiigetl for the accii-lini. til -Istlng of lecitatlniis musle. both vocal and iiistiuuniuai and di dngues. .M.islir Stew .lit S'li,1e ul i:im street, who tins h.ul his eve stviich- Injun il while pl.i.viug a gi nn- t-f "sniune.v" wuh a number of i omp..ulims on the mouiitalu about twelve dais ago, is able lo be mound again without the bandages ovei Ills Dennis McDade ami ). Hlgl!n aie being mentioned as candidates for stliet coni-mls-lonei In the Miihg election on tin I'tmocratic tic kit. Ilotli aie popular and .well known m-n. and wllh either on til th ket the Democrats aie -me of winning. The linn ilnnri nn Dllnlcer stieit aio n tin causing cmislile i.thle aniety in l -clestrl.ius wlio aio obliged m walk on that side of the stieet. Dining the l.e-t fall of snow, a gentle man cos-l:.g over tlem fell and la ike sevnal lib- The doors nte plain sheet lion mi. s and when the least bit wet ale as sllii-ty as a piece of glass nnd unless known to pei'sons go ing ovei tin m tiny Will lie sure to re ceive a haul lull. Mr. and Mrs llmberi renter, of Maell sonville who have been the guests of Mi. and Mis Thorn is Hi Ink. of North Apple stie-M for sevelal days, have 10 tin lied hiiiin Miss r.tilhu Svvhl'ile. of Tlllld stieet. is Indlgpo-ccl at her home John and Misses iilla and Iles-i i j lier. of Avoca. called on friends aim I da tives in town .vesierd t The mnnv friends of Mis. llarr.v Kli", of rouith stieet. will lie pleased lo lien or her leiov i fiom her late illness The Chllstllli Ihlduivoi sneiety of the Presbyterian chinch will conduct a social at the mansn on lllin stieet neM Tuese'iiy evening. Toinoiinvv ivtiilng I'.iplaln Jniae. T. Long's allegoileal pioiluctlnn of the battle- of Clotlvsbuig, will be shown III Odd Fellows' hnll untie r the auspices of I'e- epipst Ii llu- No 317. Impruii-i! CJulri or Hi-el Men Three hllinlred Mewi ot the battle will be shown bislde- many others lMvvnid McDade. of Apple stint, lins been appointed deputv grand president of the Veiling .Mill's Institute of the I'enn svlvanlii juilsilliilnu. His distill t will comprise- the tcitltorv Ivlng between Scianten ami Finest City. Webster Wlntrtstiln o' Ninth Hlaki-lv stieet. a lire man einnloved on Ihe Ki le nnd W'viimhu, allej met with mi incident jesCiilii;, inninlng while nt his wink, which will conliue him to his linmit for some tine . All the winks and mines of the I'enn svlv.tnla Coal cimpin.v will sto ul mum ' id iv- to allow tin nn a to iittcud the fu neral of the late iulrevv Allen Siho-il iiuaiil and council ni"etlngr to nluhi Mr nnd Mis ii r 1'ii h and t units, THE HOMELIEST MAN IN SCRANTON Ah well as the hmidriouiest, and other aie Invited to call on am cliitggisl and get a fie ei tllal bottle of Kemp's llalbam lor the Throat unci Lungu, a remedy that Is guarantee d to inre ami ullcve all riiionle and Aiutu Coughs, Autlmia, Bronchitis and Consumption. Trice 25c. nnd Mc DUFFY'S PURE HISKEY FOR MEDICINAL' USE NO FUSEL OIL Die nnly whUkey ncknowlcdjeil by tits Cinverniiisnt u a mcillclne. Admitted bv doctor nnd clentlt to he the recncnUeil cure for cclilj, clillM, pneumnnli anil con 5uniptlnn, It takrn promptly nnil In time, bend Inr pamphlet. 1)1)1 FV AtALT WIIISKKV CO, UOCIIIiSTim, N. Y. William Itecse. of l'lttslcin. Is ppi-naiiuf n few dan with lis pjimti cm i.'liriry Htleet or Wllkts-ll.irre. have tnketi up tln-lr leslil, tiei wllh their scm-lii-1 -vv, Mr. Will iam A. Stelller, of ISrnok strict. Night sclirol opened In No. 2 blllliltng lust evuilnc with Jllss Lama O'llor.i, of ltliiutn and c'hurih streets, ns teacher, nnd hud n large number In ntlrniWrir-e. W. A. Sterner nnd family, ot llrnnk strei t. will shnrtU move into their new home on North Hlakely uttcrl. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Two Men Injured by Being Tin own ftom Wagons Items About Sectet Societies Notes of a Peisonal Nature. Two men were erlotisly Iniurei this p.m of the t-ltv yestculay in by being tin own fiom wagons they weie ill 1 Villi'. Wllllnm Imsteecl, ol "is'evvton town ship, i-iitne lo this city yesterday to get a load ot coal. Ills horse which is jioiing and somewhat flighty, became f lightened bv the and lan nwuv. thiowlng Uniti-cd nut. He .suttnlned seveial s-veri scalp woundi". The ln luied man v as can led Into Dr. Ifod hain's olllee whcie his Injuries receiv ed attention. IMwaid Mm tin. who drives a wagi n for the Aiitlii.ielt- Hi owing eompaio. had his let, biuken Saturelav by being thrown fiom ill" feat of the wagon. One of the wheels went Into a tut In the ini'd, ihiowlng .Mai tin to the giound Ai the same time a bnui-i tlllid with ale was tlitown fiom the wagon and till on Mai tin's leg. break ing it TOM i IN A J-'FW MNt Tho nnnunl lair and fellval of tin Piiiltan t'om-K-gatloiial ehiiiih will b" held In Conipany If aimoiy this e-v-etilng and 'Iluusday e-Veiilni' Theie will he a number of handsomely eieicu iite d booths lor the sale ot fane v ar ticles landy and things .suilaiile for Clulsimas piesents Siippci v ill be sm veil on both evenings. AdnilsFion ".' i cuts. Mine thkets li.ive 1 -en sold tor tie -e i veilings than was '-vei- be-foi-i' known in the chin en's hlstorv. 'I'hls ivi-niiig a specrel meetlnt.' of St. Velonlia - Tenipeiain e t.tii-ii'i-, will lie held, when Itnpoilant business will be disclosed. Miss ICatliTllle Mailer, of St M cue's I.adlep Tenipeiaii'-e so eietv. of South Seianton, will address the meet ini.' on tho subject of "Tein peiaine Among Voung l.adle.s." After tile talk nominations foi mllecis will take jilac e and e-veij meniber l ie eiuesled tu lie prcseiil James Walsh was enininltteil to Jail In delimit ot vm bail hefou- Aldennan Uobetis le-t evening on a ehaigi of embezzlement pu-fi-n-ed by ids laboier In the mine, who claims that Walsh ii-o'ivcd th- pay and did not luc-oni-li' nut- him lor his labor. The N'oit'i i:nd Stars ilcfeated the (Jle'II t'lclge jCevstetnes last eVi lling ill a game of nasket ball. Seoie !) ti .!. After tin- game a s'oclal was enloyec'. ha-t evening Patiolnv-n Sainy and I'alniei weiu called to I.uke-n's -aloon lo Miiell a 'llstui bailie. l"!-lai lender Michael Sucoli was nirested for being chunk and elisoideily. Simile claims that I.nkens owed hint lor pn-t sei -vice- He was held fot a healing at police court this moinlng. The fount! y club hold i., a.wco Wednesday evening at St. Maiv's hall. SIU'HKT SOCIKTY XKWS This evening l Ik second clegtoe will be confiMii-d at the meeting of lieseue lodge. Xo :i7J, Knights of Pythias, In Ostei bout's hall, on Miuket street. A candidate was initiated in tho thlnl degree at the me-etlng of t'olestlal lodge, Xo. fi!.!. Independent Older of Odd Fellows, Inst evening. St. Vincent ele Paul society will hold a business meeting AVeelnesday even ing. Picividence Conclave of Ileplnsophs will meet tonight in riiappel's hall to elect cililcii.s fm- the ensuing year. Lincoln lodge, Xo. I9J, Odd Kollow.s, held their smoker last evening. A social evening was enjoyed. Speeches and singing weie pait of the programme. This evening the ollleeis of Dm hum lodge. Soim of St. fieorge, will be in Mulled. A banquet will bo seived after the Installation. PKHPOXAL 1TK.MS. -Miss Kdn. i Jones, of Hill sited Is very 111 with diphtheria. A pair of twins a boy and a gill, have come to brighten the home of Ml. and Mrs. Pntilck Con bony, of West Maiket street Pr. William Donne is very III at his home on Wayne avenue ThomiiH Corcoian, of I law lev, Is vl-it lug at the hoine or Mnileairh r John .1 Hlggins, of Putnam stieet. Miss Caroline Thuiiiut, of West Pitt ton, retuilied homo ycsteidav aft-r spending the last few ilayn with Miss Margaret Vlpond, of Throop stieet Patiolmau Itotham, who has been dl with sciatic rheumatism, s slowij ic.. cm ei lug. OBITUARY. Mist. C. It. Mavraicl, wile ol O M Ma--li ird, died yesteulay atlcinuuii ut th. usi dcin of tier duughUr, Mrs. Nyillliiin H Cowli-u, of North Main avi-inic Tin f.i in ral will be he-Id Wednesday at 1 ei Wuck Intirnieiit at llrandt, Pa. Mis. D. X. Ilnbcris died Suudav Ulglit at hi r home. IWl Wjoinlng avenue. Sh had been 111 several miuulm from pm nljsls of tho brain. Mis. Kobutu was 02 iais old and had tisiduil twenty ..ers 111 (lieen Hldge. She Is suivivrel h litr husband and four children. Mrs WUlmm Mollltl. Mrs. Hobeit Taylor. .Mrs W. H Thoiium ami William L. ltobtrtH. Tho tmicral will bo held at 2.30 o'llock to morrow afternoon nt tho house. The In torment will bo In Purest Hill cemetery. sMrlTW ' 'f6S2jij3 GATHERED IN SOUTH SCRANTON ENTERTAINMENT 0V AUXILIARY, NO. LADIES' 2. Held in the Hall of St. John's Chut ch Those Who Participated in tho Entortalnment Mts. Ed ward Stcimlcl, of Irving Avenue, Had Her Foot Badly Cut Edwaid Eord Injuted In tho South Mill. Cases Heaid In Aldciman Lcntes' Couit Nubs of News. Ladlec' nuxlllarv. No. 2, of the An cient Older of lllbeinlutis, conduiteil an entertainment Inst night In the hull of St. John's church. It wuh a highly successful affair In every sense, and the jiroui amine carried out was of tho most entet tabling natuie. C. T. Ho lund presided, and Ills opening nddress he paid n llttlng ami eloquent tilbut" to the laudable efforts of the women connected with the Ladles' auxiliaries. The good accomplished by them la of Inestimable vnlue. A delightful feature of the occasion was nn address of Hcv. 12. S. Phillips, of Hazleloii. He dimmed his hearers with an Interesting narration of his ttlp thioilgh lieland a few- years ago. The other numbeis itf the entertain ment weie vocal solos by Misses Matle Ollgallon and Lizzie l.aikln. Miss Agnes A. C'allalinu was the reclt.i tlonlst of the evening. IMwaid Wnlsn. William I.ynett, William F. Ilurke and Michni 1 liuike sang pleasing selections. Thomas Hundley gave a declamation, and nn Instrumental qimitette com posed of Miss Kate Reunion, M. J. Coyne, l'eter McCormlck and Thomas Savage comprised the an ay of capable talent. FOOT HADLY CUT. Mis. IMwaid Stclndel, of Irving ave nue" and Fear street, was seilously In jured at her home yesterday. She was carrying a bucket of ashes from the kitchen to the yard when she stepped on u broken brittle, the point cutting the sole of the shoe and making mi incision to the bone. Dr. John J. Walsh was sent foi nnd found his patient In a state of ex haustion fiom loss of blood, lie stopped the How and diessed the injuiy. Mis. Stelndel will recover, but it will be many weeks befoie she will regain her strength. FOOT lN.IFHF.D. IMwaid Foul, of the Flats, Is at the Jlii-i-e Taylor liosnllal suffering fiom the fiaetuie of his left foot, .sustelntd in the South mill vesteiduy. Fold was engaged at the lall bank u' the mill, his dutv being to assist In loading cdis with tails, when one of the heavy pieces fell sti iking his toot. iv jruon i,i:xti:s' conn'. John Stoebei-. :. teainsli-r, was nirest ed .vi-teidey on a warrant issued by Aldi-inian Lcntes ihaiglug th" defen- t tlmit Willi obtaining goods limler falsi pretenses. I'li.uliH Hoffman, a coal and lion policeman in the employ of the Lackawanna Iron and Stt.-l min, was piii-ecutor. In the Infoi illa tion lodged -villi the magi-fate it was alleged that Sto-b-r pun mod Hoin the sand bank of the c ompanv at the cow lull" llfteen loads , it s-and by stat ing to the foieman at thr s-intl hill that he was rent foi the -and hv John Hmtmun. of I'lttstmi avenue, the well known contiactor. When M: Htutman was sent the bill lor the t- mil It was then leained St icber made mls lepieseiitatlons. At the healing last night he admitted lie was gulllj of the charge In default of lall he was sent to Jail A vvnnanr was is-unl vestenlay for the aric-st ol (!eoige Kis-MIng, of Mead ow avenue, ehaiged with huvlpg c emi inltted a"sault nnd battery upon his mother. He will b" arraigned today. N'L'IIS OP XKvVS. The Kleetiic Citj e nunc II. He val Ar 'iiuuiii, at a tegular meeting to lie held Thuisday night will nominate mid elect oflicois tin the yeai appto idling. Peter Holnlng. .lr. was thlily veins of age Sunday and in honor of the event he gave u dinner at his home on Cedar avenue. Tin atlalr was attend ed bv a eotelie of his Intimate friends. The I'ointh annual masiiuer.'i.le ball "if the Sunsi-t base- ball dub will be held at Xatlei's hall tonight Fredeilck Mink Is a candidate for the Kcpublliun nomination Tor con stable of the Hleventh waiel. Tin- X'eptune engine company lecelved its new hose wagon ve-teidav fimn the wagon shop ot Cum ad Piel. GREEN RIDGE. E-Amvx. The (lie en Kldgo Piesbyten m clilltill has engaged Lvaugillst Hnlieit Wilson to take ihillgc of the C.ipui.-e Work's mi sloii About a .veil ago I. T. ICtile ot llie Pnsbjterian chuich, oigaulzecl a nil-sion at this place with a small mips of tt n-li-tis in' tin mother i lunch who, bv tlnlr iiihistaklug can- hnve built uu the mis sion until It now has a membership m ISO Ml. Ktitie has been a fui'.hlul w inkers and It is to ussl-t him in thu wotk that Hev. Mt. llsuii was nii.iii,ed. Pinfessor Wolh mi Clarke will iLituiu on "I low to lnipiove the Jleniory" hi the l.iluaiv Thliisdiiv c viuliiK H. M. Cole expects In open a b lilt i- of llce of the Xntlonal i:press company at his iltug stole on Cnpoil-t avenue. Moll, y in den Will be sold Jlld express p u kagc s taken for shipment Ctiinp i' l'.itilntle nnlti" S--ns c t Ann r lca hold the It haunts t Ibis evening In- Happy marriage, Heaiiii, Energy and Long Life. A maglcalh effective appllmueuncln inDiah's course of rt-tlonith e rem cdli i H-nt on trial mid ap proval without expense. Jn'ut a ttuUiir lurilbtjiaid tinlll rrxiittA are Lnim-n tn end acknou!Js(d ly ttw patient The Erie Modle-ul I'ommnv's Annltance and Remedies huvu U-en tolLi-d of uud written about till every man hat heard of them . ino niEii llio highest medical authorities la tho world have lately commended them, Thev nokse&4 iniirvcllniis tiovvcr Telop, res.tore.uiid sustain. lhey create vigor, healthy tbsue, new life. They stop drains that iaii the cuenf)'. They euro all eilccU of early CTll habits, ex ccses, overwork, They giro full t trength, development, and tone to every i-ortlou hud orKiui of thu tody. Failure llimosalhle. act no bnrrler. 9tp 2jCy fl No CO, I) fcheine, uorclecfptlotii no exposure a clean bulnem propasitloii by u eonipaiiy of MkIi financial and professional standing. Write for f calctl Information. Erie Medical Co., Buffalo. H.Y. Ii rS ?.Tl V Fm? ffff: AMUSEMENTS. A CADEMY OF MUSIC, " HUROUNDI'.R & RUIS. Usscei. II. K. l.UNl). Munaucr. ONE WEEK Gommsnclng Monday, Dec 12 With Dally Matinees licelnlnR Tuesday. Cameron Clemons Company. In rcpeitolro ct uiputnr M0UAY CVnNINU, Shadows of a Great City Lnilics" ticket will bo 1-euied lor Monday cvcnlns Evening Prices 10, 20, 30 cents. Matinee Prices 10 cents. ft l cad of last evening as stated in " terda s Ti Ibune. Horn To .Vlr. and .Mis. li. S. llolllster, of I'enn avenue, u elaii.:hter. Horn To Mr. and Mis. 1-'. J. Peck, a daughter. Hum To Air. and Mrs. Pert Mavu-ml. of Nay Aug avenue, a son. eCJorgi! St'ld Is spe nillllg a few el t.vs with ft lends at llloomsliiug. C. II. Shedd anil family spent Sunday with Mrs s. .). Shedd at Mo-cow. T. II. Ilawley spint Sunday ul Heii4il; rente r. .Miss Tvler. of Onennln. X. V., who has been vl-lting lilends licit has it-ttuiitil home. Mis-, lltittle Cnoelwili ol llouesit.lle, who has been vi-lting Mis. Minor fair, of Dickson avenue, has returned hoiiu . .Messis and Quick ol Latliiop township and Overlielil Cole mini, have gone to lieu lik (Villi r ii -i hunting nip. Hubert C Waul ot II -ngi's store, his i etui mil fiom Dm .via, white he- has bt-i u v lilting his patents A vouiiff son of Ml c'lo-i. ol I Ji-t r n ltldge stieet. Is veiv 111 with illphtheil.i Mrs. Thomas Dunn, of Djbeiiv. is vis iting het sun, P. II. Dunn of Ituulcvunl avenue The Ladles" Aid society of the Asbui.v i lunch will hold a -upper this evening The -eltliill of the Women 8 club will mtet this iilti-inoem In the 1.1 biar. A Htciiiiptliiiii entettalument was In Id III the l'llmtlve Metlioillst ehuiih last i Veiling. The King's Daughleis nut at Mis. .Vlai tln Kays' last evening. The Wurkeis" b-ind will met t at -Mrs. P. I.. HPchtock's this evening. The Ameilc.iu Alcchailics will hoM -i biiuciiict tills ovc nlng in tlitir hall mi icl. miii avenue. Sutcches will be dellvereil and a good time will b.i given to all who nttciid Tho Odd IMiows aie making Kieit piep ar.Ulons for theli b.iiiuiiet Tliurscla.v evening. The "lark's Summit lodge -s expected to lie nn sent. The (lle-ea Hlelgi ln.ukit. ('. II. She-del. pioprlctor. is now lutitnl in his piop erl. Hi-'tJ Penn avenue " INDUSTRIAL NEWS NOTES. Cliaih-s 11. Webster, for 'It tec. n vvaii chief civil engineer lor the L"hlt:h Valb-v Kalltoad conipany. of K.istem. hns leslgned. the leslsnatlon to take efiect on Jan. 1 next. Mr. Webstei's leslgnallon. like those ot many of ilie heads of ilepaitnients who have left the company's service since the iie-w management tool: chiilfe ol afl'uiis, it Is stated. im not voluntrry. Tlie lesignatlon of Superintendent McKelvy. of the Xew York plid Sueitie. Iianna railroad, is cntiouneed In rail road eiu-les at llai'ton. Mr Me-Kelvv. It Is understood, was not aked to ie sign. A mammoth stoic house Is (o lie built by the Lehigh V.illev co'ii'ianv at OUR GREETING IS Christina C J They Are Many, They Are Desirable, They Are Reliable. UR choice selection of new Holiday Goods are now ready for the inspection and approval of all who know a good thing when they see it. Come in aud be pleasantly surprised. Nothiug now to hinder you from having a merry Christmas as you cau get the presents you want for the person you wish at a price you cau afford to pay. We have new novelties in nice but inexpensive goods. We have choicer aud more costly gifts, ranging upwards hi paice as high as you cau go. In all grades aud at all pric es we cau supply you with the uicest aud most appropriate gifts for the little aud big, old and young, We want you to come iu aud see thi bsst; we want you to kuow how much there is of it aud how cheap it is at the very reason able prices we ask. We have a merry, satisfactory aud money saving Christmas and make your holiday purchases of A. E. ROGERS, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 213 LACKAWANNA AVE. Diamonds, Watchas, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Novelties, Etc. Healthfulness of the bath depends largely on cleanliness of the bath tub. Court health aud shun sickness by using G? Washing PoWd& for nil household cleansing purpose?. Largest package gi cutest economy. Hold every v. here. Mndo only by THE N. K, FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. At. IaiuIk. Doiton. new iorK. l-ailaaolphla. AMUSEMENTS w T YCEUM THEATRE, hi:is . it ik(Iu.niii:r, usss II. U. I.DNtl, .Manager. OMJ MOIIT ONLY. Wed. Dec. 14 s Iiiiiaoilnl nn llin liec Inrntlonof Inrls- p. II lolle-t! AL A. MARTIN'S, Ullt Spcetncu'iii and I iinniitlc l'roihictloii, UNCLE TOAl'S CABIN The onlv lejllliu tie o gnnlntlon now- props erly presonlliu lids Vuieiii-an piny. I ho r.inli.i nt Mlii'tri'lv Mnr, MILT G. BRLOW, In liupt-r-oiinlloii t'ui-le 'loin. tlti-Pl.cil-l.l ns- nn- s t.i: tin. ruirin ".Mc, uric, ai.-, T.-.i- Gaiety Theater One Week, Commencing Monday, Dec. I 2 Regular Matineci Mint. lues. l-rl. Sat A tilumpliiiiil trust in u I tutnus rainy tlietci-u- leil Mru uu i7n extant JERMON'S BLACK CROOK L'vtruvnua zi WtSlhllig old but the title I is t i urn v .V l'o -Pouirii or -I niin j sni'i More novel fontur.'s Mote lnuer.loin idem Moroeipalile t-oiutvll nn Vluru linndsoma wo on Mint- uiilinrite i-imiiiiiuh Mora i-n-li oiiiluv M no imiishs in lo time tun i iiiiyslmlliii- (ii'iiiul itiou on lli-roul t'n-eli-i tlioelliei-ll r Ha Id 1 1 die Have you tried the ,New I'riistlnn ? ICEALINE. 'Villi tl you ciiii liot miiii rnKo In oilB minute. No muni- en ilav.i.- u-eil, simply ICI-ALIM!. s, ,,t w ,,.,,. f,- M,r ,U , i,y mull, l.-.c. lcl.vl.IM VII 11 C.I.. II loe. ,Musi Patkeitoll en, tin -He ul the sioi-.irjp bllllilillF ilestio.v-i bv tin tivn vt-irrt ago 'Then- I" inn an i ugint idh i-n thu ni'iln line,' sait! 'I'ieiinia-t' i (lallus of the Plilladelnlila iitnl Ui-.iillni i illio-iil last evening. In un-wn in i iniesti-ni ns tn the touilltiiin e.i i n .-oil r-usin -ss. Tl:eii conttiiiilng. Mi cLillps We a 'v hauling largi t .-nal tri'i-s lr m Palo Alto and Mine Hill i r. nn- In D'-ceMnbtr than we did In .lulv and August when tin- wc-uliei P u -nl mil ralhoatliug l.s snppien-u t I- n ts lies t. lively engine is In um mil n re could be usid If we h."tl tVl-- i S i,i mnkln h. UUIIll'l I- of Del tvv.lle, I, I, , Mil um nnd Western employes at Hlnuri and Hath, some of them engineers, 'uu been dlscliuip.ed Im stealing coal fi-nn tin- company. Mr. Hardin XouN. eleik of tl bug stoieol H. SIloeliK'ke I. P.-ii v. Ill vs "'A man canie Into mil lme He uhei" il.iv anil seld: "I a Imtiii of ?h.i Stnll thill raves ehllelien's -tves 1 lead In the Xews about It Th ihllel ilieu may get sit k when we an not get the dm lor iUh ellolig!- p Is the medicine von -ill fur i uuip ' II al luded to Cha'nbei Iain's iVuieh tt weiiy and Iiought a bottle befoi In- I- It thu stoic, l'or .'ale by all 'In,;: is-- Mat thews Hum., wholesale -n-i r.niil agents. WOMAN W in "-Vou hivi i..n Piiuplcs-. Ihnplliilis Di-colol iileii- W liy ie"oit lo cosmetics and povvdii li ihiIm the eiriclx? In- Agiiew's Lev i r PI.1 t ,. ul.ite tin system and i-eston- in the clink the healthful rosy bloom and pe.ieh linwh of voiith. Pi mil one tn tvvn pill- i elnsi will clailfy and purli.v tin i mnpli Mini In short order, pic fen fmiv dosn, So.el by Matthews llio- uinl 'I Clerk .'J CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of & Bargains