THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1808. 8 EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON BIRTHDAY PAHTY IN HONOR or MISS CORA SNOW. Willlnm rhllllps, of Inndis Street, Injured in the Bellevue Mine. David Walters Fell and Broke Two Small Bones in His Right Hand. Caucus of the Republican Voters of the Fourth Ward Will Bo Held Today Minor News Notes and Fersonnl Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Snow, of 322 South Hyilo I'nrk u venue, entertulneil last evening In honor ol tin nineteenth nnnlvcrbiuy tit their ilnuuhter MlM rtora'n blrthduv. Tin- i minis of her resldenro wort- til tlhtlr illv decorated with flags and llovvcis in honor of tho occasion A lnrgo nimibci of Invita tions were Issued and tin- nffnlr was a complete nil prise to Mls Snow Mr3. Snow was nscMfted In receiving by Mrs. J. C. Mover, MIssi-m llertha Snow and nnima .cfcoi Tin evening was spent pleasantly In the inlojment of vocal and lnstiunientnl inuu-. Solos wore sung by the Mls-es i:iln Cii tllltli nnd Henrietta CJieenvvood. MuMi was provided for dancing. Mlcw Snow was tendered sevial beautiful blululuv piesents. Tito guests present vveie' Mi. and Mrs. J. C. Mover, Misses Doi.i .loues, Gertrude Svvonzel, i:ila Dils. oil, Hnt riet and Helen Joseph. Ruth and Mary Edwards, K. May Hauls, Nerthu and Nettle Snow, Maigaret and l'tla Grif lltli, Esther Pecklns, Henrietta (Ire-en-wood, Hertha and Hlhi Jone", Klsle Carey and Daisy Rhlnehait, of Tay lor, and MIjs Emma Acker, ol firook lyn, N. Y.: Frank Stov.iut. Rent Ish, Charles Stewart, AVillla Sweet, John Howell, How aid AVIlllam, Harry Drown, Robert Alexander, Karl linker, Frank Beavers', I'otter Clarke. HEPUBLlCAN CAUCUS TODAY. The Republican voters of the Fourth ward will today select nominee for-'thc-ward and respective district oillees, by voting at the caucus which will be held nt tho polling plates between 4 and 7 p. m. There aro thieo candidates for each of the ward oillees, iz.: Alder man, constable nnd assessor. One or two of the districts will alfo have more than one aspirant for a single oillce. That the contest will be spirited, there Is no doubt, as all aspirants have made a thorough canas. The men aspiring are as follows: Al derman, Owen D. John, John E. IevvI and John T. Jones; constable, John J. Davies, John R Neat and Ctlf Pi lee; assessor, Daniel E. Edwards, Henry Gieenwood and Morris T. Wat kins. TWO SLIGHT ACCIDENTS. William Phillips, of Eandls street was painfully injure 1 in the ttellpvuc mine j ester duy morning while at work. In handling his tools he rtrnek his left wrist against a sharp edge and cut one of the arteries. He Immediately left EM D. all? Clues coii-tunt cough LlaDllll Slnf- A. simple cough n . JT ' liidtuoiiKh. but a LOllvMI SVriin11"0"10 -uk'' Jan- U6c Dr. JJuU'i Cough bjriip and be cured. .25c ...mmi '.AiJiwtfiwi Globe Warebodse SRS Glove Selling Is one of the leading features iu this store these days. No doubt the weather iu part accounts for this, but the effect of our superior stock on public opiniou cannot be underestimated, for nothing like it has ever beeu seen in this city. Gloves for Everybody Arc seen at their best here. My lady, who sets as much store on a perfect fitting, rightly made and accurate match in her gloves as she does in the style of her dress, never meets with disappointment here, while the laboring man, who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow, may also be suited with the rough, strong pro tection for his bauds against the elements which bis calling requires, aud there isu't a single link missing in the long chain of makes, degrees, materials, prices, etc., that run betweeu the daintiest gloves for evening wear or dress occasion and the commonest leather mit teus, where comfort is sought, instead of elegance. Even the Children Of both sexes cau find what they waut here iu gloves, and while their coldweather U22.U htv biit am ply provided for, gloves for dress occasions aud social functions have also beeu provided for the rising gen eration, with no sparing hand or stint in style. Extra Special This for Today Only 50 dozen Ladies' Suede Kid Gloves, with all the latest fashion touches, full length aud new two-clasp fasten ings shades, modes and tans, the dark brown. Value, such as sells for $1 in most stores. The size list is complete. x - Price Today OoC a Pair. Globe Warehouse You Can't Be Sick II you keep the blood pure, the ncres steady and the bowels healthfully reg ular with Hos tetter's Stom ach Bitters. It will make your muscles strong, our head clear, your sleep rcst tul Try Hand and sej. M CELEBRATED 0 fcffift his work and went home. Coroner ulaet Hobcils dressed the wound. David Walteis. of North Uromley avenue, met with a bovcio nccldont last evening while on his way fiom tho house to McCann h store on Not th Main avenue, where ho is employed as a tiaveling Halsman. In turning the corner ftom IJvomley onto Svvetliind, he slipped und lell. He broke two of tho snnll bones In the light bond which will cilpple. hint for some titiv. Dr. G. II. Reynold was enlled In. GRAND UNTHIITAINMRNT. The ladles of the Hlinp'on Methodist chinch have nvHlined u pottioti of the thinoh debt us tin obllgitlon and nie arranging tc obtain funds towards meeting their voliintatv Inilehtedncss. One method whlc'i thev have -elected is tii give an up to dale entertainment. Mls Marguiot Glhbs was asked to as sist anil slie teadllv 'indented The programme Is alteady nearly piepaied and the arfalr will be given at the chun h i.el Thursday evening. l'ERSONAI Edwaid Thomas MENTION. of Division street, Is home im'n a busneM trip to Slat- Ingtein. John Uoseiuinnz. of Tunkhannock, has returned home from a visit with friends hen. Miss AVInirle Gibbons, of Ninth Grant avenue, Ii.ih leluuied from a visit in AVIlkes-Uuiie. Miss Kebecc.i Jones, of Eynon street, has letuincd lroirr a visit in New York city. Thomas Joins, of South Main avenue. Is borne from a visit In Easton. Miss Al'te Gullacher, of Division street, l visiting In Wilkes-Kane. Mis Ma Jone. of Eandis street, has as her guest Miss Mae Watklns, of South Gibson, Pa. Mi 1). T. Davis, of CMrbondale, N visiting lelntlvis here. MINOR NEWS NOTES. The of the late Miss Ell?i Joru s will lie In Id this afternoon from the lesidmie IT." North Hde Park avenue Set v bos will be held In the First "Welsh Congiegatlonal church at L' JO u'llnck. lntei merit will be made at the Wasbbiun tu-et cemeteri. The Continental Mine Accidental fund met In regular se"son Thursda v even ing in Cu-opiratlve hall In addition to other business, nominations for olllcers fur the ensuing term were made as follows- Piesident, John P.. I.avelle; s-ec-ietui, Thomas I'aii , tieasirrer, I II, Williams JeuKin Jenkins, a member of Com lan I rirst VolmiKer Engineer coips, gave the members ol Evde Paik lodgf, No. "OC, Knlclils ol Pv thins, a tre.u at the legul.u meeting in Masonic hall, last evening Mr. Jui.ins recounted his experiences as a soldler-ennineer l f'VU1 v from enlisting dty until return. He Is an Interesting speaker nnd told several good stories In addition to tho stalls tics ho gave. AVIIlard, tho Nouns son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Harris, of North lliomley avenue, Is suffering a ("light ntlutk of bronchitis. Tho Saint Agile chapter of Saint David's church will Rive a Mother Goose maiket In tho Sunday school rooms on Monday and Tuesday even ings. Admission will be 10 ejnts. There will be a largo quantity of fancy and useful ai tlclcs for p ale. There 111 ulso be refreshments on sale. At 8.30 p. m. Mother Goose melodies will bu sung; at 9 o'clock thcie will be Mother Gooso drills. NORTH SCRANTON ITEMS. Necessity of Electing Councllmen Who Will Remember This Fart of the City News Gathered in Church Circles. Election will soon be here and with It conies the question "Who will bo the best man for councllVThe men we want now are those who will see that this end has a shale of tho city's taxes expended In this section. Our needs now nro a new station house, now btldges and moie olllceis to patrol the hill. This section is neglected Inasmuch as councils expect seven patrolmen to patrol the whole of Gieen Ridge nnd Providence. This is lmposlble. Re member the men who will icmembor Providence when they tfet into otllce. NEWS OF THE CIU'RCHES. The Presbyterian church fair was well attended last evening and a neat sum was netted. The ladles have done their utmost to make this a success. Sunday morning Pastor W. G. Wat kins, of the North Main Avenue Bap tist chinch, will piench on "Destroy ing God's Wold." Tin evening sun Ject will be "A Mother's Advice to Her Son " Special music w ill be rendered by the choir. The Rev. W. F. Davis will occupy his pulpit nt the First Welsh Baptist church, Wayne avenue, tomorrow morning. Ulble school at 2 p. m., W. J. Thomas, superintendent The Rev. AV. F. Davis will preach at the Christian church, on North Main avenue, tomorrow evening On next Tucsdav and Wednesday evenings the ladles of the Puritan Con gregational church will hold a fair and festival nt the Atnioij The nntlphonal choir of young gills will meet Piofe.ssor C. 1', Whlttemore In the Presbjteilan church Sunday school loom this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Professor Walkenshaw, of Edenbor ough, Scotland, is visiting his brother, John, of North Main avenue Miss Josephine Medway and Miss Phoebe Smith tendered some choke solos at the Presbj teriun fair last eve ning. L. A. Roberts, Vaughn J tie hauls, David Gravel, David Evarrs arrd ltv. W. F. Davis were at the semi-annual conlerenee of the Welsh Ilnptlst (huich, of Noithoastern Pinnsj.vanln, lit Id at Wilkcs-IJane Tuesdav and "Wednesday They leport that a pro test had been passed i.t the cs rrfeierrco Wednesday moinlng ugalnst the action of the Abington association last Sep tember, at Cllfloid, in admitting the people worshipping orr West Maiket strett in membeishlp SECRET SOCIETY NEWS The Heptasophs of tills place will hold tilt Ir regular meeting Tuesdaj evening of next week, when ollliers for the ensuing jear will bo elected Lincoln lodge of Odd Fellows will hold a smokei on Monday evening Mai quelle council will bold an en tertainment on Dee. 1!. A liveh de bate will take place on the subject "Resolved, That Dunmoie should be annexed to the clt.v of Scianton." Durham lodge. No. 'Jfl'J, Sorrs of St. George, will hold their regular meet ing next Tuesda evening, when the olllccrs for the ensuing jear will be Installed. A banquet will be seived after the meeting. Camp 25, Pntilotic Older Sons of America, will hold their annual enter tainment nnd banquet next Tuesduy evening. ODD MENTION. AVIIllam Naven was ai rested by Of ficer May for being drunk and dis orderly. Alderman Roberts fined him JJ Constable Da Is is serving sub poenas for the defendant's witnesses In the OIUigan-Moian murder case, Thlrty-flvo witnesses aie on tho sub poena list. A week ftom today the primaries of the Second waul will be held. A benefit ball was held at St. M.uj's hall last evening for John McOraw. Miss I'ndeiwood, of Mlsjoutl, and Miss T'rrderwood, of Cotno, are the guests of E. S. Jackson, of Holllster avenue. Miss Loul&e Kolfer, of Honesdale, lias been visiting filcnds here, has letumcd home. lTo III Hiowu'h luadaclie cure Sum cure. All diugfilsts. . - GREEN RIDOE. The following miiieis of Reittlco lodt'c of Uebfkah. were instnlltd last nlsht by Distih t Deputj Jits. I'hoebo Skillhoiu. Noble grand. Mis Sarah A. Colvirr: vite riand. Mrs. Uli e (Joidon; secretiir. Mis LMi. Williams, assist ant seiretaiv. Mi. Lucy Kemp: treas urei, Mrt.. Ann Von Stoiih H. s. V C,., Mrs. Kate Tu-ver tun 1 S.Mis Satah Atkln; R. S. V. '5. Mis. Saul Fidlum: L. S., Miss I'e.s-Ie Lewis. Inside guar dian, Mrs. Sisco, outer gueidian. Mis, W. II Tieverton Alter the Installa tion refreshments vvete served. 'lire ipworth League of tho Asbury Methodist Episcopal church held nn enjoyable enter tntnmerrt last night. Mik Joseph aiiroy and Miss Anna Rooney had chaigo of the entertain ment. To the Republicans of the 13th wind: I hereb announce my candidacy for con stable, subjcit to this i.ftcrnoon'M priorit ies. If nominated mid elected 1 will Klve my entlro time ni.d attention to tho duties of tho olllco notwithstanding all stories to tho contrary. Joseph II. Sewnid Three new tases of diphtheria aro re ported. The urcon UUlge minuet, v. II. Sliedd, proprietor Is now located at his prop crl., IK') 1'enn avenue VOTE FOR CHARLES V. NOAUK for constable of Thirteenth ward nt Re publican caucus to be held December 10, nt polling placo from 1 to 7 p m. A SENSIBLE MAN Would uso Kemp's Ilalsam for the Throat nnd Lungs. It Is curing more cabes of Coughs. Colds, AHlhmn, lironchltl, Croup und all Throat nnd Lung Troubles, than any other medicine, Tho proprietor has nuthorUed any druggist to give ou a Humph) Iiottle Free to convinco jou of tho merit of this great remedy. Price 2ic, and 00c. GATHERED IN SOUTH SCRANTON FUNERAL OF JOHN ROTIIMAN LARGELY ATTENDED. Services Were Conducted by Rev. F. W. Zttzleman nt the Spruks Resi denceInterment Made in Wash burn Street Cemetery Effort to Bo Made to Securo Better Appar atus for the William Connell Hose Company Party in Honor of Mro. Michael Fueller's Birthday. From his late residence at tho home of Thomas S. Spruks, 812 Prospect ave nue, tho funeral of John Rothvvan took place jesterday afternoon. Tho servi ces were held nt the house and were conducted by Rev. F. W. Zlzlcman, pastor and friend of the deceased. The revciend gentleman paid many glowing tributes to the meory of Mr. Rothvvan. Thev were close friends, and Mr. Ziz leman spoke of him ns he know him. The sei vices closed w ith an eni nest for the happy repose of old "Fncle John's" soul. The procession moved to the Washburn street ceme tery, where the remains weio interred. Carpenters' Union, No. 412, attended the obsequies In a body, and ftom the society's ranks were chosen the flower and pall-beaiers. They were Vincent Wenekler and Theodore Straub, llowtr benrersandEmll Gesslch, Albert Herb stcr, John MIchaly, Paul Schneider, George Smltllng and Alexander Glamcr pall-beaiers TIip floral pieces were many and beautiful. Fiom Messrs. Thomas, Sto pheii, Henry nnd Charles Spiuks, hU emp'overs, a large scroll surmounted with a dove was sent. The Carpenters' union presented a pillow Inscribed "Our Brot'.er." IMPROVEME T NEEDED. A meeting was held last night In Pie Wi Ham Connell hose company's house of the membcts of the compnn and o large number of citizens. They met Tor the pin pose of discussing and devising the most feasible pains to i for the company needed Improve ments. A eonrmittoe appointed at a lccont meeting tocb;'w up nn nddress to 1,0 lead al last pirht's moetln ;ui fllled their duties. The address, which was quite lengthy, was iead, and In It were many practical Idea and suggestions. It was pointed out deal ly In the paper the imperative necessity of affording to the company the demands made. In the tenltoiy which the "Connells" are assigned are the largest industrial and manufacturing plants In the cltj, . Iz the Lackawanna Woolen mills, the Sauquolt, Simpson aird Meadow Rrook "Ilk mills and the Sctanton Button f.utoiy. The committee further states Unit the four hundicd nnd fifty feet ol hose used by the lompany Is unfit for use. The i ompany, the committee fur tlier said, should be equipped with 11 chemical wagon, ladders and life belts The lepoit, or addtess, was adopted. It was decided that the councllmen of South Scianton be sought and have done their .ery utmost in bringing about the securing of tho needs of the company. The committee appoint ed foi that purpose Is composed of Philip Toy, Richard Fnrrell arrd Thom as Jim lei STOLE A SLOT MACHINE. The fact that a few piactical Jokeis dlil not lome to grief Thmsday night was line to their change In the ur i.iiigeinent they can led out in their work. Charles Kae&tner, the hotel man, had In his bar loom until a few dajs ago a slot machine of the most reient design. He decided to have the machine 10 iniive from his place, and had it 10 moved to one of tho back looms, Eatc Thursday night three oung men well known took the machine from the loom. When Mt. Kuestner learned of the theft he untitled the police Eater he was told that the men Intended to re turn the machine and leave it In the back yaid The enraged hotelman loaded his double-barrel gun and took a position at a rear window, and awaited their return, but they came not. Mr Kaestner states that had the fellows leturned he would have fired at them. Yesterday the machine was returned. R1RTHDAY PARTY. Mrs. Michael Fuclloi, of 71S Cedar avenue, was forty-six ycais of ago yes terday, and In honor of the event she gave a dinner and dance at her i evi dence last night. The guetus were her nclghbois. A goodly number of pres ents were given the esteemed Iad. Tlie merry paity was made up of Mr. and Mrs William Koch, jr., Mr arrd Mrs J'eter Rotar, sr , Mr and Mrs, Jacob Oelger, sr., Mr and Mrs. Charles Eengler, Mr andMis Christian Flekus, Mr, and Mis Jacob Hartman, Ml. and Mrs. John Mcers, Mr. and Mrs John Demuth, Mr. and Mrs. Mathlas Schnei der, Mr. and Mis. Eeonaid Hclntz, Mr. and Mrs. William Filtt-th, Mrs. HU schcl and Mis. Lottie Hartman CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. Patilck 'Walsh, of South "Wyoming avenue, was painfully injured while at wink at the South mill, Thuilay. His right hand was caught between two cais loaded with mils und badly bruised. Ho was taken to his home and attended by Dr. John T. MtCrath. It was nrcessaiy to amputate the second finger. John Aldeman, of Stone avenue, fell from a tree jesteiday, landing on his knees. Ho was unable to Use from that poi'itton, nnd was lemnved to his home. Dr. "Walsh was called and dressed the injuiles, consisting of cuts and biulses. NCRS OF NEWS, Annie Conrey, of Maple street, w bile preparing to retlie, Thursday night, met with a seveie accident. She stepped on a damtng needle that was pointed upwards?, tho Instrument making an In cision of three inches In her foot. Dr. Walsh vvns summoned and removed the broken portion. Miss Coniey suffered greatly from the wound. Steps were taken dining tho past few dajs to prevent another occurrence of tho awful fatalities which have so often taken place on the Delaware nnd Hud son railroad at tho Sauquolt silk mill, where Mugglo Rygiel vvnu killed, Mon day It is intended to have switch tracks nt that point removed, If pos sible, which will glvo moro protection to lives at tho crossing. Mis. Henry Armbrust, sr., of Elm street, Is recovering from a long Illness, A sorr was bom to Mr. and Mis. John Michael, of Hickory street, yesterday. The meeting of the Loyalty tlub of tho Young Women's Christian associa tion was unusually interesting last night. MIsi Emma Haves, the, state I John Drew 1 Tfcil I iBBaB.nn.o.,,..nflKflDIBimSBa i'lmiYAnnrSrVWvvWW secretary, was present and gave an en tertaining tnlk on her visit in China. Rev. E. J. Melley, pastor of St. John's church, spent jesterday at Ashley. Alderman Lentes will spend the Sab bath In New Yoik city. In the basement of St. John's church the Ladies' Auxiliary, Division 2, of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians will give nn entertainment Monday night. The programme ananged for tho af fair Is excellent. Addresses will lw de livered by Rev. E. S Phillips, of Haz leton, and Attorney M. V. Conry, of this city. An interesting meeting of the Fif teen will be held at Hotel Rest to night. A good attendance Is desired. The Scrnnton Sangerrunde will have a rehearsal on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Natter's hall. The gospel meeting at the South Side Y. W. C. A. Sundny at 3 43 p. m. will be led bv Miss Esther Rolands. All women mo Invited to come. The new music will be ud for the singing. DUNMORE. l'liiinbois arc at work placing s,lean heat In tho school (lit t torn' room In No. 1 building. The I ist meeting of the di rectors was held In No il room on no count of the cold and failure to heat tin lr room b hot ah The steam hi at svstriti was Introduced bv Dltcdor llinrv Web ber and was plans! In No. 1 building dat ing the sumcnii vacation Tho st. am ss tem bus been given a fair trial during the past few davs nnd proved to be satlslae toiy, kt fplng the looms, hlcn are heated bj steam, warm and comfortable Master John Riifwn ol Wind nnd II ir per streets, who won shot in the leg bv an Italian on Chestnut tlmt tin davs ago for throwing snow bills nt him, i able to be about again and Is npp.iu ntb all rlsht except for a slight limp The ltnl lan who dlil the shooting has not been seen since tho nffnlr and iiiinoi sa be has returned to Italy. Services at the 1' teriun church 'ho Rev. Willi mi F Gibbons pastor, for sun day will be as follows Morning i-ermon, 10".') o'clock, Sund.i) siliool at noon. Jun ior Christian Endeavor JJlp m . Senior Chrlstlin Endeavor, l ." p m , evening seimon, ' o'clock Subjei t tor evening sermon, "Tho Temptation to Den God This Is the tenth of a series of seimous preached on successive Siinilav evenings bv tho pistor on "Life s Choices and Temptations ' oung people are espec ially Invited to ittend the evening service. Durrmoin Methodist Episcopal Church ltcv A J Van Cleft n istor. Services for tomorrow uro as lollovvs: Pleaching services nt 10 30 a, m. and " p m ; Sundnj school, 2"') p. m SiibJet for morning sermon, "Gideon and Ills Armv." In the evening the Rev Van Cleft will preach to the child! en, the sfiinon will be strik ingly and impressively illustrated. Tho public Is cordially invited at all times, Seals freo and gentlemanly ushers The Rev. R. M Robe rick. Ph. D. will preach hi the Dudley Street Biptlst church Siinilij morning and evening, Dec. 11. Dr. Robwu'k Is a very able man and comes will lecomemnded. All are Invited to attend all tho sen lce The following voung pel sons, composing it skating part had an enjojuble time at "Bird's Eje' pond last evening: Misses Eva Montgomery, Lucv Ellis, Mumt, Mvrtle Burns. Anna Pow ell Blanche Hal per. Emma Ludwlg (iaia Collins Clai.i Menard. Delia Ross. Bessie Benjamin. Margaret IMen Jennie llie- seikcr, Messrs Ale Thompson ( l.irciico I)i How, Hiinv lint per, Thomas Hughes, ' Chic" Colemn l and lieim iu Ludwlg. The following otllce is were eleeted to serve a term of six months at tin legii lnr nionthls meeting ol tin Senior Chris tian Endcnvoi hebl list evening In the eliurch p.ului President. Charles Smith, vlre pre Hide nt. Miss Glare Cham bullii treasurer. Fuel Dodge, sicretarj, MUs Ellin Smith, corresponding secrc tai. Miss uUh Close. The iourtciiith annual toui of Captain Janus T Long's alhgoilcal pi eduction of tho Battle of G msbiug will bo shown In Odd Fellows' hill on Wodnesdav evening, December II, under the auspices ol Pe ijuest tribe, No. J37. Improved Order of Red Men. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hi Ink, of North Applo slice t. veil ngieeably surpitseei by a largo number of Madisonvlllc friends last evening J lie ineny ciowu n m blelKhs and li id a most delightful time, returning home at a seasonable hour. Mr. and Mrs. Brink, although taken by com plete Hirrpilse pioved cipial to the neens. Ion and Impressed their guests as to their ability is host and hostess. Tho party was comi osed of about thirty couples. Night school will open In Nos i, 5 G and S buildings Mondiv nlBht with Misses Itelrdon, O'llara, Hoffman and McLano ns teachers. Tho Junior lenguo of tho Methodist Episcopal church will conduct a bell so leal nt the homo of Mrs. J W. Easteihno on Gieen Ridge street Wednesday even ing, December II. A programme Is being arranged for the occasion. Strent Commissioner Jackson should look at Calvin street. During the past few dnvs the street has been uoooeu wmi vvnter for tho lack of ditches, and is now a mass of Ice. Mrs Willlnm Hnrgis and daughter. Iks. sle. of Chicago, are being entertained by tho former's sister. Mrs. M. E. Cham be rlln, of outh Blnkoly sttect. John Hammeis, of Clieity street, who has been confined to his homo for tho rast six months with nn attack of uphold fever, Is able to sit up a sort tlniu each day. Tho employes of the Pcimsvlvanla Coal company will receive their monthly wages today. Tho Scrnnton Btovo works will pay its emploes tcday. Tho funeral of Mary, tho Infant daugh lor of Mr. und Mrs. Patrick Murphy, of iDrlnktr street, fiuort HIU. took oUco es- WRITES: xx "I find the genuine s Mohann HofFs Malt Extract very beneficial for brainworkers. It exalts the energies and stimulates the nutritive powers without ex citing the system." Johann HofTs Malt Extract Makes Sound Nerves, Gives Renewed and Immediate Strength, Inorcases Appetite and Afds Digestion. vvvvivvnmiyvnvvvniMvvvj AMUSEMENTS. A CADEMY OF MUSIC Xi- HUROUMIHR & UCIS, Uss:i It. U. L.UNU, Manager. Balance of Week SHEA-M'AULIFFE Company. rillCES-Matlnee, 10a Saturday Matineo ltie, 'Jltc riUCES-Kvenlup, 10c, UOonnd !10c. cSSSiKa Monday, Dec, 12 With Dally Matinees Ucglnlng Tuesda). Cameron demons Company. Iu rcpeitolro of populnr plajs. MONDAY LVCNINU, Shadows of a Great City I.iidles' ticket will be iiiued lor Monday eveulns Evening Prices 10, 20, 30 cents. Matinee Pi ices 10 cents. tcrdny afternoon nt t oMeiek lrom the home of her pircnts Intel ment ill St. .diii.v's cc mete iv Club K, of Aichbald was the gui'st of the Young Amerle m Social club last fVi !- 1 ig Dinelng was Indulged In t' I'aJ tliu time uwa. OBITUARY. Anothei of tin early residents of Scian ton has passed awa .VIis Olive Ingalls Carter, widow of the late Pulaski Otitic i. of the Cnpouso Works, died at the family resldencu at HO o'clock Thursday e veil ing. She wus born In Cinttburj, Wiud linni eolinlv, Conn, Novenibci II, .M'J. Shu was the ilaughtci' of Mai v In and Amelia Spauhllng Ingills, both or Puiltin ancestrv. She was marilcd to Pulaski Cartel August IS 11" Ilu entire- miir lled life vvns spent 111 this clt. nln li is luen an Invalid for marly thlrts eais so that her civile t life of path nt sufleiing has been known to tew outside her Inti mate' f i lends. She was a woman of un usual strength of rbin.icter and Intel lect. During the evulli r ears of her resl dencu line, she was well known aud i,reatlv bclovid bv those In tho vicinity In whlili she liven, lor ner main acts 01 kindness and sjmpathv to tlie ueeib an I dlstiessed. She was liom eirlv girlhood a. member of the Christian church, be ing a charter member of the church of that denomination In North Scrnnton. She Is suivlved bv her thieo children Pu laski P. and Marvin P. Carter and Mrs. W. D Kennedv. of Green Ridge. A broth er nnd sister also survive her. Walter A. Ingalls, of Norwich, Conn., and Mrs. Wil liam Moore, of this city. The funeral services will take place at 2 o'clock Mon day afternoon. Mrs Louis i Kcsttr. of Prospect nvcnu died jesterday ufternoon nt her homo Horn the effects of a piualvtlo stroke she, suffered Thursday. Mis. Kesleu was f.b jcars of ago and is survived by tlie fol lowing diiughtus Miss Lena Keitei, Mrs. Peten- Boht, Mrs. Pet r W'elici Mrs Jacob Michel)', Mrs Nicholas Lester and Mis. AVIIllam Smoth Tho will OUR GREETING IS Christina s They Are Many, They Are Desirable, They Are Reliable. OUR choice selection of new Holiday Goods are now ready for the iuspectioti and approval of all Avho know a good thing when they see it. Come in aud be pleasautly surprised. Nothing now to hinder you from having a me.-ry Christmas as you cau get the presents you want for the person you Avish at a price you cau afford to pay. We have new novelties in nice but inexpensive goods. We have choicer and more costly gifts, ranging upwards in. paice as high as you can go. Iu all grades aud at all'pric es we cau supply you with the uicest aud most appropriate gifts for the little aud big, old aud youug. We want you to come in aud see th ; bsst ; we waut you to know how much there is of it aud how cheap it is at the very reason able prices Ave ask. We have a merry, satisfactory and mouey saving Christmas and make your holiday purchases of A. E. ROGERS, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 213 LACKAWANNA AVE. Diamonds. Watches. Clocks, Jewjlry. Silvarware, Novelties Eta Vt j '.1 . AMUSEMENTS T YCEUM THEATRE Lessesi. II, K. I.OMI. Manager. Friday, Dec. 9. DENHAN THOHPSON In the Old Homestead 'llio JliHt appenninre In t lie city of Mr. Dcniniin Thompson's orlglnul compan. PRICKS- 2J, W. TJ and 1 W 0N5nl-Tt Wed. Dec. 14 As Immortal :u the Modulation of Inde pen lent AL W. MARTHM'S, big Speetiieiilui and I i umi'le Pioihictlon, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN I lie only lcgltlmitoo-zitiilutloii now piou eily picsentliu thlhlileiil Vnailcaii plaj. 'iho Eminent Mlnstieh Slur, MILT G. EURLOW, In lili great liiiper-omitlon I ucle loin. iD-i'hnpLi'i'x nn m v(.i.-oo. IMlCEs 'j.-,o :i.-i, ,Mii, TV Gaiety Theater ONE SOLID WEEK Dull) Matinees Coni-.i-ncln ; Vbi . l):e 5 Hurtig: & Seaman's BIG BOWERY BURLESQUERS 40-STR0NG-40 llcailuil bv MISS TRULY SHATTUCK Ilnn'tKOiuiHt vconiiiii 011 tlm ta,u nnd tint Indian I'lliness Ve IV KM hi.. I'oitlvoiy the heat ottlie h isou terim nt will bo made Catholic cetneteijul No In ihe German Michael Knlb. died nt Beech sire it )esi. ilnv a long sligo ol asllimu of ago and a in 111 of Ills li-sldi nee 13 it 1 n 1 lock fiom lb w is j )earn main a .uitiablo traits. The manv who ki.nv htm enter tained for him the depest lespui. Ht wife, two sens nnd ,c diu'khlri survive. The f uncial nutirgeincnts will be .11 ido toil i. Mis. Margaret Dal), wlfi of Patrick Dal), died Thurdav iillenioon at tho (fnn.llv roldi-iroi , 2"Jl Llincv avenue, nged 40 )c us. She Is survived b) a hus b ind, four children and one bi oilier, Thomas A"ulh will take- place tomorrow afternoon at J o clock Patrick J. Rognn dbd at his icsldenco nt Elk Lake, Susqin liuim.i eountr Tliurs dnv night. Ho was a formn- ielilent. oC North Scranton The funeral will lako place tonionow afteinoon Interment will bo made In Aubuin cenuteiv. llnltle. the H-)i.ii-old dniiuhti! of Mr. and Mrs liniiv Scluiell dii d vestenlay nt tho residence, 4Ti North Ninth street. Tho funeral will tnki pine Simd iv l ternoon ntSocloik Interment In Wash ington avenue ce meter). fc'T- Bargains