THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1899. fit ,y.ti. NORTON'S I Now ready foi Inspection. Three floors, 25x100 feet full of attincttve and destrnble goods for holiday gifts. THE FIIVST OB GROUND FLOOH contains BOOKS of every description in single vols and sets, in cloth and leather bindings, for all ages nnd conditions of mind including Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymnals, Calendars, Christmas Cards, Booklets, Pocket Diaries and Ofllce Journals. Fancy Stationery and Art Goods, Toilet, Shaving and Smokers Sets, Portinonnalcs and Men's Leather Wallets. SECOND OB, UP-STAIRS FLOOR Photo AlbumB, Scrap Albums, Dolls, Games, Desks, Fancy Baskets, Doll Carriages, Blackboards, Framed Pictures and other Wall Decorations. BASEMENT OR DOWNSTAIRS contains: Toys of every sort, Magic Lanterns, Printing Presses, Steam Engines, Spring Engines, Trains on Tracks, Locomotives, Iron Trains, War Ships, Boats, Soldiers in Companies and Camps, Soldiers' Uniforms, Guns, Cannons, Banks, Stoves, Tool Chests, Ten Pins, Rocking and Swing Horses, Express Wagons, Sleds, Clippers, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Bicycles, Horses with Milk Wagon, Drays, Carts, Chimes, Drums, Wash Sets, Dolls Swings, Cradles, Bedsteads, Jressing Cases, Bureaus, Sideboards, Book Cases, Medicine Chests, etc. Our prices aro right always. Come and see the show and bring the shlldren to Santa Claus' Storehouse. OPEN EVENINGS. M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave. This Vote Not flood Alter Dec. 15, i8o3. ClISlASlUSIC Wc have a large stock of solos, duets, cantatas and services from 5 cents up. Columbia Zither Music All the latest songs and marches for Columbia Zither at 5 and 10 cents a copy. flusic Wrappers From 55 cents to $2.10 the finest line in the city. riiouogranlis. Craiihonlioncs, Gramophones, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30. Over ioo records to select from at 50 cents to $1. Free concert every day from 5 to 4 p. m. Perry Bros. 205 Wyoming Ave. .-$ AltU YOU LOOKING KOIl j Xmas Gifts f$ We arc showing the Sf: 5 finest line of art goods g us ever brought to the s 1 1 GRIFFIN II STUDIO DR. A. A. LINDABURY, Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women Ofllce Hours 0 to ion. m 1 to :i p. in At Residence 7 to S p. tn nnico Wlllluiim Jlulldltiir, Opp. l'ostottlce. Ilehliletu'O 'J J (I h-outli Main Avenuo. COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY l. ME EANX BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Mnltrri Kollclled Wliero Othen Tailed. Moderate Charses. Ilsvtopencd a General Insurance Ofllce In h CrU Stock Corananlei represented,'sa i.n especially lollclied. 'telephone iridLt. Spotless Linen. You alway notice a line looking ililrt front or ii peolully neat collar. Per haps you don t Hiiy any tulnu Just think how nice It looks. 'J'lio next time you notice Nome tinc-looklne linen lust think of our laundry thlnu how ulce your llnuu would look If wu ItiumlrluU It Ll Lackawanna TH E11 A U IN DRY. 308 Ptnu Aenue A, II. WARMAV. Inspection of our stock will coviuce you that you caunot af ford to let sucli "get cash" values, go to some one else. BRONSON & TALLHAN, HJTTERS AND FURNISHERS, A12 Spruoe St, JAMES D. COOK IS IN THE OIT"?. Participated in the Battle of Snn Juru Hill. .lameH D. Cook.who prolinbly lias seen tnoro nctunl service In the Cuban rmnpnlpn than any mun who hits Hlnco he-en In this city, Is ut present vIslthiK hln mint, MIr llunnnh Deacon, on WVbstrr avenue. fifteen men were killed In Mr. Cook's company during tho battle before Sun Juan. Ho was In tho trenches severnl days and It will bo remembered that n. letter written by him at thai time wan published In The Tribune. lie contracted typhoid fever and has b"nti very 111 In CJreene. Musi., from which town his regiment was mus tered. CREDIT VS. CASH. It Is a common Impression that the protlts on the wile of planus ato luree, Generally BpcnliliiK thlB is true, made necessary by tho Kreat expenses In conducting tho business and the Ions time which as a rule dealers ask of manufacturers in buylns anil the ne cessarily Inereaocd price which ulways followH extended payments. It Is ne cessary In order to meet till conditions to bp able to sqll pianos on very eusy monthly payments, but this extended time should not be asked of the man ufacturer and cannot without paying long time prices. We could mention dealers who are paying interest on JICO.OOO or more and buy everything on from six to twelve months time. Can such a dealer Bell a pluno at a low price? Yes, In one way. If he can find a dupo who he can make believe a. cheap article is a good one he can. but In no other way. This Is the true picture presented by the long-time buying', heavy expense and large Interest-paying dealer. Now glance for a moment at the other side or cash plan of doing business, which Is our way. AVe owe no man one dollar, no piano has ever stood on our Jloor over night without being paid for since we adopted this plan, thereby saving from $2.ri to $.'0 on each piano bought. We employ no agents or canvassers, pre ferring to offer inducements which will bring customers in without the great expense and many times to the cus tomers annoyance of hauling them in. Our expenses are reduced to so low a point that they aro hardly worth mentioning, thereby saving from $25 to $50 more on each piano in expenses nnd Interest. AVhat is the result? Simply tills, we propose to give the customer these two items and quote a few prices In proof of our assertion. We have a few Schubert pianos In stock, manu factured by Patrick Duffy, of Now York, that have been sold by long-time buying and large Interest-paying deal ers at from $400 to $450. Our price on tho Schubert Is $250 on installments, with a nice discount for cash. Wo also have a cabinet grand Upright piano, full Iron frame, Uoston fall. ",. octaves, Mahogany finish, fully guar anteed by the manufacturer, and Is really a nice piano, better than many wo know of being sold for $200. Our price is $125 and a small advance on Installments. This piano cannot be ap preciated by reading about It, but must bo tried before just judgment can bo passed on Its merits, nnd the better the expert who tests It the more amazed will ho be at the price. In order to reduce our expenses to tho lowest pos sible point we aro doing business on the second floor, rooms Nos. 7 and 8, 15urr building, nnd ask our customers to come up one flight of stairs, for which we -will give them $." discount for every step. Will this pay? If so come up and see the piano business, conducted on commercial lines, the same an the grocery business. Don't forRet tho number. 132 Washington ave nue. Itooms 7 and S Burr building, Guernsey Brothers. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. The Seranton Business College Is not only n credit but also a benefit to the city. It supplies1 business houses with trained help, and the 124 out-of-town students put much money In circula tion here. The night school Is, in every respect, the finest In the country. This is fact. Every vear hundreds of men ana wo men who cannot get an education In any other way are greatly benefited by attending tho evening session. The charges are very low. The only place to get a thorough huslneps training Is at a well-equipped business college. No other school can give It. The demand for K. B. C. gradu ates has nlways been much greater than tho supply. Christmas Railroad Rates. For teachers and students of schools nnd colleges, leturnlng home to spend their Christmas' and Now Year holi days, the New York, Ontario nnd AVest ern railway will soil tickets on the basis of a fare and one-third for the round trip. These reduced rate tickets will be sold lo teachers or students pre senting proper Identification to ticket agents that thev are teachers or stu dents, between Dec. 15 and 24, and good to return up to and Including January 10, 1S99. Further information can be obtained from the nearest O. & W. agent. Our Canoe. Our stock Is smull. But we care not at all, For our Miles can man We pay spot cash, a crow. And when others crash, We'll still paddle our own canoe. This is Guernsey Bi others' canoe, at 13:! Washington avenue, Burr building. Abt, the Great Mandolinlst, will give a recital at Perry Bros.' music store, Wyoming avenue, Tuesday even ing of next week, assisted by John A. Footc, guitar, and the Angelus orches tral. Admission, 50 cents. Tickets for Hale at Perry Bros." To the Voters of the Ninth Ward. I beg to announce myself as a candi date for the ofllce of common council man. Yours respectfully, K. M. Tewkesbury. Three Pounds of Pork Chops, 2.1 cents. Sweet's market, IIS Franklin avenue. Chickens 10 Cents Per Pound, Sweet's market, 118 Franklin nvenua. Gold and silver-mounted brier pipes, the best make nt low figures. Garney, Brown & Co., court house Mtuure. A Card, We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho money en u 5'J-cent buttlo of Urecne's Warranud Syrup ot Tar It It fulls to cure your cough or cold. We ulto guarantee u 25-cent bottle to provo tmtls factory fir money refunded, J. G. Bone &. Hon, Dunmure, I'a. ; John l Donahue, (jcrunton, Pa. STORE OPENED ONE YEAR AGO TODAY CELEBRATION AT THE BIO DE PARTMENT STOKE. Bauer's Band Gave One of Its De lightful Concerts Last Night in tho Store of Jonas Long's Sons, Which Was Crowded with Vis itorsPresentations to the Firm nnd to Employes of Store Second Year Has Been Ushered In Most Promisingly. Never since Scrnnton's greatest store that of Jonas Long's Sons w as opened lo the public, has It contained such a mass of people as congregated there last evening to celebrate the linn's completion of their first your of business In Scrnnton. The ewnt had been heralded for several weeks and was much prepared for, consequently when the doors of tho Big Store opened at 7 o'clock, after having been closed for two hours to make final prepara tions, there was a great midlewo wait ing to pain admittance. From 7 o'clock until 10, there was one vast throng of people parsing to and fro through the great building. At S o'clock two special excursion tarins from Wllkes-Bnrre brought 11 delegation of over a thousand. Includ ing the entire force of employes of tho Wllkes-Barre store. Mayor Nichols ac companied the Wllkes-Barre party. The building with Its big rotunda of whltu and supported by mnsnho col umns, afforded much opportunity for decorative art, and it was made tho best of by tho twining and lnt"r-twln-llig of roped evergreen. Near the main entranco to the store on Wyoming avenue sine was another decoration that attracted much Interest, being In the form of n Gondola built out of white handkerchiefs, In which was sealed Columbia, gem of the ocean. Tho effect was heightened by the ad dition of several clusters of I'h'ctrK lights. Thl wa.i only one of several decorations that helped to add fo the Interest of the occasion nnd to tho store'is attractiveness. KXCELLF.NT CONCKUT. The conceit given by Bauer's band augmented by the Schubert quartette, was one of the finest ever heard in Seranton. Both organizations were seated on a raised platform on til" s2cond balcony, and the music could bo heaul to a nicety throughout tho building. One. of the most pleasing feature of the evening was tho presentation by the employes of the Seranton store to tin members of the linn of 11 mag nificent floral anchor, on whlih wns Inscribed the word, "Success." The employes gathered around the firm just previous to the evening opening when Floor Manager George W. Dunn ad dressed them In a few well chosen words and presented them with the store, emblem. His remarks were re sponded to by Mr. Louis Long, who snld In part: Had tins manifestation of good will come from our Wilkes-Ilaiiu employe . with whom we have been associated lor many years, it would have occasioned no suiprlso. But coming from those who have licen gathered In our circle for tho snort space of ono iur, we cannot tell you how wo aro delighted and pleasod. That you should strp to remember us In the holghth ot your busy holiday prepa rations gives color to more than words can express. Wc have been employes and employers togctlicr now for ono year with no fault to find of you. You liavo dono well the tasks ast Igncd to jo", and by your efforts of devotion and attention to duty havo laid the foundations of lust what this tribute typllles "Success." lllght here I wish to tell you, and proud ly, that our business has been a suc cess beyond our most bangulne expecta tions; we have reason to be thoroughly proud of the rccoid we havo made, a largo proportion of which Is due to you. and In looking into tho future ot the new year before us wo can but hope that the same measure of success may come to us. On behnlf of the tnemljers ot tho firm of Jo nas Look's Sons, I again thank ou. OXK YKATl AGO. Jonas Long's Sons opened their Seranton store just one year uso this morning for business. Some people looked upon the enterprise as a big venture and not to b" preraged with success. Prediction of the few, how ever, gave way to the conildcnce of the many, and today theie Is no more suc cessful Institution In Seranton than its Great Store. The firm has been enterprising and aggressive from the start: they have Introduced methods Into their business that have "r.umhl" with the people. They havo furnished instruction and amusement through various mediums, bringing to Scianton a modern metro politan department store in nil its de tails. That their future here is bilglit goes without question; from now on tlvi Great Store cin be considered as one of tne city's natural Institutions for the public good and public profit. Tho members of tho firm, all of whom were present, are Louis Long, and Har ry Long, of New Yoik; Bernard Long, Charles J. Long and ICdward Long, of Wllkes-Barre, and Arthur Long, of Seranton. Shortly after the Great Store closed at 3 o'clock last night, the buyers for tho firm nnd many of Its employes gathered In the spacious millinery pur lors. Within their circle on n tablo rest?d a magnificent solid silve: desk service. Supeilnteiulent Hawthorn fol lowed by Colonel Arthur Long, the . tCOURSENJ Is Headquart ers on CANDY, 15 Special lines Fancy Choc olates, etc., at iSc per pound X t E. G. GOURSEN I 4 - - resident partrler of the More, tittered th charmed circle, nnd the former presented to the latter tho scrvlcu on behalf of the buyers of tho huu;. , COLONMH Bl ItTH DA Y. It was Colonel 1ong'r birthday and he was taken completely by Murprlse, but no more 10 than was Superintend ent Hawthorn, when Advertising Man ur Campbell piesent"d him on behalf of the employes with a very handsome gold-headed cane, and also Mr. Dunn,. who received a very line umbrella from the employes In recognition of his ser vices. Tlrj Great Store Is 1 no happy fam ily, and never more thoroughly dem ed than hist night. KELLER JURY STILL OUT. No Agreement Wns Reached Up to Adjourning Time. No ngtcenient hud been readied In tho Keller murder trial up to udjoum ing time yesterday afternoon. Judge I'dwnrds, on leaving court, In formed tho tipstaves In charge of tho jury, that he would not lake 11 verdict before morning. It was reported that the Jury stands eight for manslaughter nnd four for ac quittal. COMPRESSED AIR MOTOR It Has Been Installed In the Leg gott's Creek Mine to Do the Work of Mules Descrip tion of Motor. In the Leggett's Creek mine of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company it is proposed hereafter to do the greater pnit of the underground haul ing of cars bv means of compressed air motors. Some time ago the com pany placed several ot these compress ed nlr motors In the Coal Biook nil no at Carbondale which havo proved yo successful that It was decldpd to US' the system of haulage tn other mines. It is now practically installed In tho Lnggett's Cuek nnd the trial trip, which took place yesterday was very satisfactory. The motor Is used In the Clark vein ami Its test yesterday demonstrated that It Is capable of do ing tho work )f foity mules. In np penrance the motor somewhat resem bles an ordinary mine "loklo" but hns three boilers or cylinders. The two largest arc about eight feet long and eighteen Inches In diameter and have a capacity of SOO pounds pressure. Be tween these two largo cylinders Is u small ono 10 inches in diameter that carries a. piessure of 120 pounds. This is the boiler of tho engine. lioween tho lnrjjp nnd small cylin der there Is an automatic valve that allows tho large cylinders to keep the pressure In the small cylinder at 120 pounds Along the side of the track and at a height suitable for connecting to the engine there runs a five-Inch pipe car rying SCO pounds pressure, with taps at intervals where the engine can con nect and get 11 fresh supply of air. This feed pipe has been laid along tho vein. 3,010 feet. Near the head of the shaft and In close proximity to the breaker a largo engine house has been erected and a high pressure, Norwalk, double-compound engine set up. This engine, al though of very high pressure, being capable of compressing to 1,000 pounds pressure to the square inch, only occu pies a floor iipaco of 5x21 feet. The engine feeds through a R-lnch pipe which runs through a fifteen-foot boiler of water to purify tho air, and thn through the engine nnd compres sor which is lined and filled with run ning water to keep the air cold. A noticeable tiling about the process of cimpression Is felt at the compres sor. When the air is first taken In the jiljie becomes very hot, but after pass ing through the automatic valve Into tli.' pipe which leads Into the mine it passes the freezing point, and in tho mine, if water is poured on tho pipe It turns Instantly into ice. The compressed uir engine is fast coming into use as 11 means of hauling mine cars and In a few years, from presjnt indication?, mules will be tin unknown quantity in the mines. FATHER MOFFITT SELECTED. Will Have Charge of the New Par ish at Taylor. Bcv. J. A. Mollltt. curate of the con gregation of tho Church of St. John the F.vangelist nt South Kcr.uiton, was yesterday assigned to the pastorate of the now Catholic church at Taylor. As was stated In yesterday's Tribune It was decided by Bishops O'llara and II oban to create tho now parish. The site of the church fmd parish Home have been secured, and work will be commenced at once on the erection of the church. Father Mollltt's selection to this iu-w charge will be welcomed with pleasure by his many frlendb. He was 01 dallied to the pilesthood sixteen years ago. and celebrated his first mass In the church of St. l'.oso at Carbondale, his home. Ho has been assistant pastor of St. John's for the past seven years, coming there from St. Mary's church ut AVilkes-Barre. To the Republicans of the City lot Scrnnton. The following city olllces are to bj filled at tho February election: Mayor. City Treasurer. City Controller. Three City Assessors. Two School Directors for 3 years. Any Bepubllcan who desires to be come a candidate for any of the above olllces must file his application with C. V.. Chittenden, chairman of tho city committee, on or before Dec. 15, 1S9S. Tho notice must state the ofllce for which the writer Is n candldntc and tho postolllce address must accompany the slgiuituie. C. 13. Chittenden, Chairman. Tho Young Ladles' society of tho First Presbyterian church will bo pleased to receive orders for any kind of cake at any date from now until nfter the holidays. Ordeis may bo ad dressed to Mis. B. 13. W.itsHui or Miss Hunt. Steam Heating nnd Plumbing. F. & M. T. Howley.531 Wyoming ave. 500 Rabbits, 10 cents each. Sweet's market, US Franklin avenue. Bargains In gold and silver-mounted pipes at Garney, Brown & Oo.'a. The Wllkes-Barre Kecord can be had In fcjeranlou at "l0 i'w utauds of lte-U-mun Bios., 401 Bpnice and DOJ LinUsn rrvccti Mac, Lackawanna uvvnue. PINKERTON MAN BEGINS TO WORK HE IS HARD ON THE SCENT OF AT LEAST ONE CLUE. One Gang of Men, Undoubtedly Guilty of Burglarizing i.e Cigar Store of John Rice in This City, Disposed of Somo of Their Goods at Mooslc and Are Relieved to Re Identical with a Party of Four Men Which the Pinkerton Detec tive Is After. Ono of the best known of the Pinker ton detectives has been In Uuryen and neighboring towns and has got 11 start on ut least one clue which may lead to establishing tho Idcniity nnd possi bly the arrest ot the men guilty ot the Corcoran murder. The Tribune has been unable to learn whether the de tective Is at woik on his own uccount for a Pinkerton agency or for ono of the several organizations or olllclals whose Interest It is to detect the brtltnl crlmlnnls. It Is nlso unknown whether he Is now working through agents or Is himself actively engaged In the de tails of the ease. It Is 11 peculiar coincidence that facts recently developed Indicate the quite Plausible theory that the men who rob bed the clgar'and tobacco store of John lllce at the corner of Lackawanna and Washington avenues, this city, nearly two weeks ago, n few nights preceding the Duryca murder, may connect the latter crlmo and the Seranton robbery with one and tho same gang of crooks. After the cigu,r toro was robbed, the police at once reached the conclusion that nt lenst three and probably not less than four men were concerned In tho Job. This view wns held because of the large quantity of goods taken and because of the central location of the store right under the noses of two of the best police patrolmen, which must havo made It necessary for two of tho gang to havo "watched out," one on Lackawanna avenue and the other on Washington avenue. To fol low the case Intclilgently the following paragraph from the Tribune of Wed nesday should be read: 1113 WAS TALKATIVK. On tho night before the murder .1 sample gang of toiighs which have infested the valley were in Butler's hotel at Mooslr. They were boisterous and one ot their number was very drunk and talkative. After showing five watches und remark ing upon tho ease with which they could bo secured, he was hustled from tin place by his ct nipanlous. There were five in tho party. Tho local representative of the Lor lllard Tobacco company on reading the above attached Importance to It. as the plunder secured from the cigar store Included watches and other goods, which tile Lorlllard company owned and which were given ns premiums. He went to the Butler house and Identified a wntch which one of the gang had given to the son of the proprietor and learned that another watch which the bartender had purchased from the same crowd had been peldged for $5 with a bartender at tho Grand Central hotel In this city. This watch was found in in the possession of the Grand Central bartender and It was also Identified. All trace of the five men Is lost at the Butler house, Mooslc, but efforts to trace a gang of four men who were seen that night and Inter In the vicin ity of Avoca leads to tho belief that the mini who talked loo much nt the Butler house was dropped from the combination or shipped away to where he would not Interfere with any oper ations which might bo in view by the party, which became reduced to four. The four were In the Cottage hotel, a saloon kept by a man named Mc Andrews, at Avoca, on Thursday night, the night before tho murder at Dur yca. They were there again on Fri day night, the night of tho crime, and were later In Wlnklclleld's saloon, which Is between Avoca and Duryca. In the Cottage hotel they displayed more money than is usually' carried by patrons of the place, and, upon their last visit '' .re, the night of the mur der, spenc about $13. 313SCIUPTION SKCFIII3D. '..- Pinkerton man has secured the mofct minute description of the quar tette. They appeared to be fond of music and sang a number of pongs In the Cottage hotel. The description obtained by the deteeUve includes even the titles of their faor!te ongs. the kind of a mended rip in ono of their A Good Set or Teeth roi..$:i.OO Our llest Sets or Tcctli 5.00 Including the Painless Uxtractlon. DR. S.CTISNYDER 311 Spruce Street, Opp, HotelJermyn usiiiiiEiimuiiKimiiiiiiiiiiiiimmm re 1 I All Alone i M MM Mi M 5 when it comes to introducing new, g 5 criminal anJ popular fashions for 5 men's wear. There is a gathering la our show S 5 window of the newest tilings in Silk S a Mufflers SHU, Linen and Initial Hand- 5 kerchiefs Walking Sticks, Suit cases, C 5 and Umbrellas. S Christmas 5 Neckwear, striking patterns, a irresistible color a combinations. a a Rorli Mst men lile to be a . . , , , , , , comfortable round home, a - RODCS ferry cloth Hath Robes 5 In pretty stripes, washable colorings, a I Percaie ,kinJ in ,cr,,ss 1 S ci f stripes and plaids, a a ailirtS beautiful assortment, a colurs to please every taste. Know S K they are "right" if a I HAND & PAYNE I turn mm S Sells them I Mi MS Ml Mi I 203 Washington Av3, nimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiti overcoats nnd a number of other strik ing details calculated to lead to detec tion If any of the persons who possess the descriptions come In contact with Hip crowd. Whether this party nf four was Iden tical with the party of live: whether either wns guilty or not, the belief pre vails that they are not now In the vicinity of Dtiryen. They either left there late on the night of the murder or next day. In a group or separately. In the latter case the dlfllculty nf landing them will be In Increased. May be the Pinkerton people are following one or more of them singly and defer ring any nrrest In hopes that they will unite. In which case alt four could be bagged. They are certainly eluding de tection whether guilty or not and have undoubtedly separted. If they were to gether they would have been caught ere this. Saturday. December 10. will bo the Donation Day for the lunch room of tho Young Women's) Christina Asso ciation. All eatables that can bo stor ed will be thankfully accepted, sugar, coffee, tea, flour, dried fruit, canned goods, potatoes, onion?, turnips, etc., etc. ' In tho Connell building a num ber olllces ure specially adapted to lawyers' use. A feature of tho build ing Is a complete law library, the free uso of which will bo for tenants of the building. Apply to J. L. Connell, Con nell building. I hereby announce myself ns n can didate for common council In the Thir teenth ward subject to tho uctlon of tho Bepubllcan primaries. " Alfred Harvey. will be Riven In our Dry Ooods De partment, for the children, beKin nlnpr Friday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock, and In the afternoon from 2 to C o'clock. IWiftf'WrOT to avoid any accident every child must he accompanied by its parents or some Brown up person. During tho Sant.i Claus exhibition each child will be Riven n coupon ticket which they will leave with Santa Claus. This will entitle them to a chance on a beautiful present. One present for the girls and another for the boy. These coupons are Riven free of charge, the only thing necessary Is that every child must he accom panied by its parents or .some grown up person. Do not fall to bring the children to see this exhibition, as there was never anything like it in Seranton before. We would ad vise ladies with small children to come In the morning between the hours of 1U and 12 o'clock, when they can tret chairs. Will be given every day from Dec. 8 till Christmas WHAT A r i, I IIM Pi if1 fw n OS yell Santa Claus Exhibition complete assortment is at SMITH'S EXCLUSIVE GLOVE STORE 437 srruce: HONEY OIL AID TELEPHONE 622 141 to 149 Meridian Strejf, Scranfo.1, ?i Mm AND L0BR9GATIN0 OILS, PAINT DEPARTriENTV and Varnishes. Cut Prices oo Carpets and Oil Mis We're a little bit overstocked on certain Carpets and Oil Cloths, aud to move them quickly we make special prices for one week: VELVET CAKIMJTS-Good Quality Velvet Carpets, worth 1.15, about half a dozen patterns go at S3(! a yard. TAPEHTUY BRUSSELS A special drive on soc grade of Tapestry Brus sels Carpets at .'55c a yard. 1N0KAIN C.VKl'ETS Regular as-cont and -so-ccnt Ingrains go this week (or itlc a yard. LINOLEUMS Good Quality, 2 yards wide. iiOc square yard. OIL CLOTH The 25c grade of Oil widths, but the price has been I SIEBEOKER & WATKINS, lackKave M i 11 S20 Lackawiuiu hie, ScrantoaPi. Wholesale uml Itctntl DRUGGISTS ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZINC. Ready Mixed Tinted Paints, Coineuleut, Kcouomlcal, Uilrab'.a. Vnrnlsli Stains, piodnclng Perfect Iinltntlouof HxpomlTI Wood . Reynolds' Wood Plnlsfo, tspeulntly Designed for tntldo Worlc Marble Floor Finish, Duniblo uad l)rlo (Illicitly. Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PURE UNSEED OIL ft3 TURPENTINE. Ae Sell Underwear. bell&skInner Hotel Jcrmyn llulldlnc. Arc anxious to be economical and saving. Wc ull like to Rrt along In the world. We all like tn get tho most for our money. Thnso people who buy "Snow White" Hour AHH cmnomlciil and get tho most for tliolr money. "Snow White" May be a Utile hlRher In price than home Intcilor brands, hut the final cost, when compared with cheaper flour, 13 less. Your grocer pell it, "Wc Only Wholesale it." THE WESTON MILL CO Seranton. Carbondale, Olyphant. THE IBOSIC POWDER II Rooms 1 1111112, Com'llli BTd'g. SCRANTON, Pa. Mining and Blasting J.lailoat Moovie mid Knslidulo Work!. I.AI'MN & RAM) POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER J Li-trie Ii.i'tuncs, Klootrlo Ktplodon. lort'Ap odiutf bl'il .Salcty ino und Repauno Ghsmlsil Ca's 111(111 nxpLobivn? . I Most ! People V k Is nicer than a pair of Gloves or Mittens for a Xmas Present? And the only place to find a STREET MANUFACTURING CO. Pure White Lead, Colors Cloth we have in and cut to 17c a square yard. 2 yard