CC2 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1898. V?i. , Royal V Absolutely "Pure Absolutely "Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BBrU nim POCHI DEATH OF SERGEANT JAMES KANSKI WAS A MEMBER OF COMPANY , THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. Is Survived by n Wife Who Lives nt Seeleyvllle, Wnyne County He Hnd Been a Member of the Quaid for Eleven Years Remains May Be Bi ought Noith for Intel ment. Boys Saw This Year's First Full of Snow at Augusta Yesteiday. fljitt Lit to tliu Si ronton Tillun Camp .MiicKi-lulf. AllKUxtu, (In., Dec. 8. The Mdhllois' !.ist tut too lmn hvon 1cn ton for mioilti-r iiii-inboi' nf tho ThlitTiiili StiKt'unt .IiuncH Kunkl, nf Conii.iny II, p.hul nw.iy nt lmtC jiust ilvi' n'l-lnck tills) nioinliiK In the JjIvIkIuii liiiMiltnl. Tin' ili'(i'ni'il hud lieui tluiilik-il Willi HilKlttV tlivi-nse foi two i-iiM ami this tom-ther with oilier tpubli's irxulttil In his dentil. Ml wiim luKi'ii lrk ut Dunn Luting mi July in. iiml n month liiU-r went hum 1 a thlit -tl.iy fuiliuiKli. Ih' lotuiiii'il In iltu- tliiii', lint could not iittt'liil to hi- K'gulnr dutU". He Krndimlly wasted away until it le iamL' nifiel a question of lioiv ImiB hi- loulil Minnd It. Kuiy i.in1 was tiikon of hlin. and ll was t'.Npeded that hi' would leonwr. Tin' deceased was well llkoil and well known In tin? ri'jjlmeiil, having lietn In llio guai d ileal ly cIcmmi :taiM. He was ."7 joins of iiri and Ih survived hy his wile, who lives in Seeli-jvllle, Wnjnu lounlj. Ills hiothei, .lo'-eph Kauski, was for twelve yenm a meiti-lii-r of the II?kuI.ii, ntul nt the be ginning of the war m peimltted to Join the HiiukIi Itldeis-, making a splen illd lecoid for himself. ThN Is the ill st death In Company H. Captain Smith has telepiaplied home lor ln ttlui'tiou, and eiy piob.ibly the le umliis will be sout north when Hie. matter of tianspoitailon Is nuaiiKoU. lies! mental Adjutant 1, T Jlnttes, aiionip.inled by his wife, has it-joined the regiment after a two months' Ie.-ie of iibbuiicc'an Hteount of siekness. A SIU.VAI, MONO It A h-lgnnl Iionor has been lonfened on the leglmental band. The major of Augiii-t.i, the i-lty olllelals and all the pioniinent ritlsseus mo i.illlng at imps beadiiuatters, Kummei ville, this ei-n-Ing to pay their lespeets foimally lo Major lleneial Young. The Thli tLcutirrt muslelans hao been lequiht-i-d by the eoips conmiaiuler to be jues ent. The boj.s !-.iw the fall of .snow A Christmas Store, To Be Sure, But not in the accepted sense. You waste no time here searching for the exclusive and unique all are .such. The b.ime intelligent se lection that chooses "wearables" for all the days is used in the pro curing of 'ifty" tilings for the holidays. The counterpart of our display is not to be seen in this sec tion, for many aie imported for this year's holiday selling. If you'll come we think you'll be convinced that yoiu journey has amply paid for itselt. There will be an econo my in shopping satisfaction that is not balanced by the meie eighty five cent railroad fare. The holiday handkerchiefs You cm buy these at home. True. You can buy handkerchiefs almost anywheie. You can buy them of peddlers. But heie you buy with a positive guaiantee no matter whether the price be ten cents or ten dollars that your purchase is ALL LINEN. That's our method nothing but pure linen flax in each handker chiefs sold as such a method that has built up a handkerchief busi ness so large that a thousand doz ens are here for you to hunt among for the sort you wish. Plain White, Pure Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ioc to 19c each. Plain White, Pure Linen' Initial Handkerchiefs I2c to 50c each. Pure White, Pure Linen, Hand and Machine Kmbroidered Handker chiefs i2K-c to $2.98 each. Real Lace, Duchess, Point Lace and Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs 98c to $15.00 each. KISAAC LONG, 73 ariej 78'1'ubllo jm-j, . WXUCIflJ.BAUUI4 I'.V. CjLeuzJ&pf &AKING Powder fO , Ut VOBK. in the South at 4 o'clock tills after noon. A lieavj hall storm is now in progress. That Institution known ns the pri vate ennteen must bo. Its death-knelt has been sounded and its life In and uround this e.itnp is of short duration. The canteen is an Institution, indigen ous to the atmj', which is little under stood by the outside world, but as run by inhale individuals for their own pei.sonal puln, It has become undesir able nml u detilment to tho men. Ruck ranteens rarclj' oIimjivo any modern lion, and not only soil prohibited Intox icants, but what they do sell Is unfit, In mnn Instances, for consumption by a human being. This abuse is to be stopped fotthwlth, and in the ftitiiie onlv leglmentul can tcuis, whose leeelpls shall go illiectly to the men foi exfius will b" allowed to exist liHd" of camp lines. Their kecpeir shall be amenable to the stiltt est xlgllance und military discipline. Those pei sons who mil canteens nil' tide of (amp lln-s tun. of wuiise, keep open despite this order, but theie Is unotlier in' thud of oveicomlng that dllllwdlj. Though tlvy cannot bo piohihlted hy the mllitaiy nuthoiltlcs from keeplnn such places open, th" pioMist gin rds have received positive instiuctlons to not allow nnj' s-oldler to enter such Institutions for tiny pui pose hntsoeei. In this way the in tended lesult Is fccompllshed. The Thliti-uith is at piesent fast re gaining Its liTi-totoie em lahle leconl on the iiuestion of health. Those who wer home on sick fin loughs are 10 tinnliiR ilallv mid the number of pa tients hen- in the leglmentul hospital ate eij- few. This morning only four out of the ten beds were occupied, and i'Umi those four mm an- sulfcilng fiom no very seilous ailment. Headquarters Kiist Division. Second Ainij- Conn, l amp McKonzte (3a., Dec. S, ls-ji. (it not al Outers, No. .'- Tho division commander has obsuwd with much satisfaction the good londurt of the men of this command sliiru their unlval at this camp. Willi ei. few cm options It has hpon exempla rs and of a iliauidei to reflect c-odlt upon tho linlfoim we wear as well as upon ilm states lepnsonteil In the illvl slon, and wliich has leeched the ap probation of the public press. All ottl (ers and inllsied men are cnloinid to do nil la llielr power to merit tho continued good will of the citizens of Augusta :u.d h hilt v. This tinier will be pilbllsbod to eacli or ganballon ol the command at the lnvt p.iiadii follow Inr; Its ledlpt. Hj command nf Htlgadler liencial rjobiu. 1 S Strong, As-.i'-tant Adjutant (leneral. sohDii:i(s wi:li i.iki;d. On icvciul oecislfins lieietofore it has hern noted with what u llvelv gooil will thr boj., in blue have been wel comed hen- by the people of the citv of Augusta, and of the sut rounding count!. Tills Is hy no means due to infie i ramus of busli.css or of meie policy, but lo an cntliel.v higher mo tie. The people of Augusta, independ ently of iinv selilsh inteicsts, have iHitl'ing Ian good words and i win m friendship lor any soldier wno iiop i'il conihuts hlnis'ir. That the boys hat been doing ibis h well kutivvn and is luitlier i-vldi-uwd bj a letter frtini Oeueial (Jobin whiili tullj u llect.s the opinion cillei tallieil on tills qui stiun. The niombcn' of the Thirteenth, not without if-,son, feel that not a llttb of this mnlso is, due thein. There is icttainlj no other leglment in camp nioie talked of. 01 bettei or iimio favor ably known In Augusta than it is. Colonel Com sen Is .still seivlng as a tin inber of the dlv isiou court-innrtlal. Piivuto J'eter JlcCiea, now a fever path nt in the Lackawanna hospital, lins been gi.intcd a thltty-dity cxteii tuon of Ills sick fm lough. At his own icquest Dilvato Ham Hlchaids, of D, has been irtuiued to Ills company fiom the bilgade bakeiy, I'livato Swan, of the sumo company, has been detailed to take his place The Y. M. C. A. tent Is quite mi ac commodation to the members of Com pany II. It Is midway between them ami the eighth leglment. und they llnd It finite n convenience- to go there to lead the latest magazines, to play dlt feient games, or to wilte letteis. Corpoial Lowly H. Carter, of A Com pany, Ih serving this week us stenog rapher for the division couit-martlal. Aitltlce-r IVny rsowman, of D, who returned lccentlv fiom sick furlough, brought back with him a huge box of choicest eatables, which ho lias liber ally shaied with ills friends. tSAVi: AN AT HOME, Last night Coipoial Wlllard Lathrop, Artificer Heniy Hoftnian, Heglmental (lerk AVIIIIain Dei ker mid Privates Hany C. Jlouic, Adam Nlebllng and Krank Hender, the Inhubltuntu of "Shack No. 7," on A street, gave an "at home." to which Corpoial Krank Mallut, of II, and Seigeant Claic-nce Luthrop and Pilvate James ,1. Corbett, of C, und The Tilbune coiiespondent were Invited us cuc-sts of lienor. Coi poral Lathi op was -'nilno host," and e-ntertalni-d the- hoys loyally. Itefresh incuts wcie seived and a pleasant time was spent. Inipiomptu t'pe-eches weie S THE CHEAPEST SHOE STORE, ej JB"fv (ViYER DAVIDOW, mado by the host, by SerBeant Lathrop, and by Corporal Mallot. Sergeant Scott L. Shaver has been once more appointed quartermaster of Company P In place of Sergeant Will lam It. Newman, who resigned that position. This was Sc-rgeant Shaver's old position, till he asked to be relieved of Its exacting duties In order to be able to return to active duty with his companj. Illy return affords much pleasure to the boj's. Private J. Donald Hull has resigned his position as chef for Company A, and his place is now filled by Private Thomus Lewis. Tho nnme of this camp Is now spelled MacKcnzlo. Richard J. Bourke. TEAM OF HORSES KILLED. Hoof of One the Horses Became Fast in a Crossing. A fi eight tinlu on the Delavvure. Lackawanna uiul Western rnllroad, Thurpdiiy, ran Into u buy wagon be longing to a. H. Clark, the florist, of this city. The horses were killed and the wagon was wrecked. The driver had a load of Christmas tiees on, and when passim; over the road nt the Tllllnghast cioss. Ing the foot of one of the hoises got caught between the mil and the plank ing. liver' effort wuh ninde to release the atilmul, but it was futile. One hot so was can led about eight bundled feet on the engine pilot, and subsequently cut In two. The dtlver escaped with the least Injur". HOOD'S COUPON Calendar 1899 is a perfect beauty, patriotic, up-to-Jate. Subject : " An American Girl " One of the handsomest pieces of color work Issued this Lithographed, with border of army and tm y emblems embossed in k1 J. 1 eave your name with your druggist and asklilm tosavevou a copy or send 0 cents in stamps for one to C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, .Was. Mention tbli paper. Remember Hood's Sarsaparillu is America's Greatest Medicine Tor the Mood and the Best tiiat Moncj Can liny. Hence take only Hood's. iiil'S $0 Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER ffilOffililSL Telephone Call, 2333. ! 917I . t "GREAT SNAP" i fl l L444f4h4?4e44S4ale This big sale comes in the nick ol time for holiday shop- Y pers. HOLIDAY SLIPPERS, special low price this month, From 49c Up. $2.50 Men's Welt Shoes, $1.98 A A Splendid Winter Shoe. r . j," -inv "i vviiuci jjuuus ai cut. rates, several a, X hundred pairs ot Misses' Shoes, n lo 2. lirrht nr hwrn -.r V A 98 Cents. These goods are worth from Standard O HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITr. Myer Davidow 307 Lackawanna Avenue. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES FOR EVERYBODY PRICES WAY DOWN. The TEN YEARS AGONY FROM ECZEMA CURED BY CUTICURA For ten years I Buffered untold agonies from Kczcma, my loner llmln being bo swollen and broken out that I could hardly go about. My brother, a phjilclau of thirty j cars' practlco, and other physicians nf splendid alilllty, tried iu v alu to effect a. euro and signally failed. I became absolutely disheartened, ud hail lost nil hope, when a frtend Induced mo to glvo eJuTicniU. Kemedirs a trial. I used two calces of CCTiccnA SOAl' anil two boics of Cutii-URi (ointment), and it resulted In an absolute and permanent eure. DAVID M. BAtM', Plymouth, III. Srtinr Our TiTutTroii am Shit ikdIilood llmoRt, itiiii l,an or lliii. VTarm lulhi with Clti rctASoir, RrnllinolntlnRf with ClTICUBA, And mild llolM Ot ClItlClEA UfOtTkT. Sold thronthout th wnrld Cor., Solo t'ropi , Hoaton. ' roTTlftDtroAVnCnihl. Iloir to Curt-Kelt iDA,fi. New York Aunotmcement. Horner's Furniture, Reasons why you should buy it in preference to any other. ilj, Booausoltis tho beat Furniture that can bo produced, both la medium and Quest grades; (2). Uocauso our assortments nro unoquallodj (3). llsonuso our prices nro tho lowest nt which goods of standard quality oan bo sold. Novelties for theHolidays. These comprlso thousands of ar ticles, from the inexpensive. Rooker, Easy Chnir or Writing Desk, to tho most exquisite Dressing Tnblo or Cabinet. Those cioslrousof selecting useful, handsome and over vrolcomo Holiday Gifts, will llnd nmplo choice in our vast stock, mid at all prlcos, plainly marked. R.J. Horner & Co., Ftirnltiire Mnker und Importer! 61 -65 W. 2d St., New York (Adjoining Eden Mtiaee.) Hornps Co ' estsMUhmont Iroiio of tho sluMs ot New York. Newspaper Comment. THE DICKSON M'FG GO,, bcrunton nml Willco-llarro, I'Jt Manufacturers of LOCOIuOTIVES,STATIONARY ENGINES lioller.c, tlolstlnt anJ Pumplnz Ma:'il,n:. y, Cleneral Office, Scrnnton, 1 A DUTIFUL GIFT BOOK. 4-f 4 4-f -f 4 4 -f -f -f -f -f -f 4- . . I . 4 ta S7fl tiivcnh-ee j BOOK OF to eioli person inter ested In Hiibscrlblnc to the;eiin I'lolcl oniiuieiit .Souvenir l'und. Hubscrlho am amount Ueilred. hiili scr ptioui ns low iih SI 00 will entitle tho touor to this li ind sonio volume (cloth hound, Hill.- us it MMivenlr i'1-rtlilcnltf of -ulm-rlptlon to lund. lljok cfinliilns ii si'lec tionol l'leld heslii id nioxt representative worlts nml Is ready for delivery. Hut for the nolilo contribution of tho vioild's greatest ar tlht this book i-oiiM not have beeu maun- ! FIELD'S Ilnndsoniv ly illustrated In- thlitv-two of tlie-VV'orlil'n in atcst Ar- ll"tH. fiii-turpil for less than S7.uu. Tho l'liiidi-reated Is divided rrjunlly lietwi-cn the family ofthaluto I.iiKenn llildandth l'und for tin) bull line of a monument lo tho memory of tho belov eil poet of childhood. Address Eugene Field Monument Soimnir Fund 180 Monroe St., Chicago. (Also nt Hook .Stores). If you nlHo wish to soml postase, enclose 10 cents. 4444444 444444444444444 Mention this paper, as advoitlscmcnt Is inserted as our contribution. $1.25 to $1.50. Shoe Store, I 217 LACKA. AVE 5 A THE CHEAPEST SHOE STORE, $ Cheapest Shoe House, .307 Lackawanna Avenue- i-Asc-...-ftfctl ' Jy'lbfi mlf 1 1 A Glove I Opportunity 1 For Men. . . CONNOLLY I OF SCRANTON. Special Attcntiem Given to UtisU ucss unci I'erdoiuil Accotmta. Liberal Accommodation F.x (ended According tu Balance and Responsibility. 3I'cr CeuU Interest Allowed ou Interest JJcpodit. Capital, Surplus, $200,000 400,000 WJI. CONNGLli, rresltlent. HENRY BKU, Jr., Vice Pres. W1LLIA3I II. PECK, Cashier The vault of this bank is pro. tcclcd by Holmes' lilectrlo Pro tective System. THE COUNTY Savings Bank and Trust Go. 506 Sprue; Stmt, Scrailn, Pa. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus 55,000.00 Pays Interest on sav Ings depntltf. Acts as Trustee, Administrator, OuarJIan. L. A. WATRCS. PreslJent. O. s.JOrlNSUV, Vic j I'reilJent. A. II. CtlRISI V, Cashier. OIKUCTOK3. Wm F. HolMtcaJ. Kverett Warren. August Robinson, I;. . Kingsbury. John I'. Kelle). O. b. Johnson. U A. Watres. Once More... WE WISH To call your atteutiou to the fact that we repair umbrellas. No doubt after the sad blow of Sunday you have a job for us. Bring it in and h?ve it ready for the next gale. FLOREY & BROOKS 211 Washliistoi Ayj. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS. . -Rfi vzzZ. ,W -t t'AX v Not often that real good dollar and a g-; half Qfloves are sold for an even dollar. That's the case here now, We were for- ; tunate in securing a lot that were sold : under the hammer. Somebody's loss is 3 your gain. They are positively the best J; glove bargain for men ever shown in J! Scrantonhigh grade goods, suitable for g: driving, street wear, or dress wear. Jgj Only a Dollar. j? & WALLACE, Carpets and Draperies. We invite an inspection of our superb stock of Carpets and Dra peries, believing it to be the largest and most carefully selected in Northeabtcrn Pennsylvania, and at lowest prices. Wilton Axminster Velvet Brussels Ingrain Window Shades, Rugs, Furniture Coverings, Wall Papers Everything to be found in a first-class Uphol stery Stock. WILLIAMS & ficANULTY, INTERIOR DECORATIONS. LACKAWANNA LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF sun am i. white hemlock a hardwood wed Hill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Wine Rail sawed to uniform lengths oonBtantly on hantl. Peeled IlMnloclt Prop Timber promptly rurnlahed. MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on tb Buffalo and Susquc. hanna Hailrond. At Mlna, Pottor County. P., on Condors port, und Port Allegany Railroad. Capaclty-400,000 feet per day. GENERAL OI'FICE-Uoard of Trade Itulldtng, Scrunton, Pa. Telephone No. 4014. WASIITi VIA I Is the most attractive short trip at this season of the year. Express Steamships of the OLD DOMINI LINE Perform Dally Servlcj. Through tickets returning froiii Washington by rail or water. For full Information npply to W. L. PRYOR, Lehlsli Valley Railroad, 309 Lack. Ave., SCRANTON, PA. M . f&&K& feiFfltfa ,27 aDsl2t0 Avenue Renaissance Irish Point Brussels Tambour Dresden LACE CURTAINS 129 WYOMING AVENUE Steam and Hot Water HEATING Gas, Electric And Combination FIXTURES Electric Light . . . WIRING Charles B. Scott, 119 Franklin Ave. r Just Received at GILLETTE BR05. 3J7 Washington Avenus. A JOB LOT OR LADIES' AND MEN'S SHOES that will be sold cheap. A full line of Watches, Jewel cry, Musical Instruments and Sporting Goods always on hand r