The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1898, Morning, Image 1

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Many Problems for the
National Legislature
to Solve.
Many Itnpoitant Questions Slay
Fiess for a Solution A Law Giv
ing Teiritorlal Government to Ha
waii May Be Enacted Earnest Ad
vocates Aie Heady to Favor the
Passage of Numerous of
Moie or Less Impoitance Tho
Bill to Inciease the Standing
Aimy of the United States Will
Be Among tho First for Consider
ation. Washington, Dec. 4. The curtnln will
llnjr up toniuiiow nt noon upon the
dosing soss-lon of the rifty-flfth con-gio-s
Tho war and tho finite of tho
A mot lean vlctoi) can) In their wake
many pioblenis which the national
legislature must solve. But though
men) questions may press for solution,
tilt brief spate (oeiod hy this session,
which eplies by limitation March 4,
piptlmle-- the possibility of much being
nt lomplishcd 1)C)oik1 the passage of tho
itgular money budgets, tho legislation
foi the Int lease of the regular aimy,
whhh the administration deems neies
siiiv to meet Hie obligations Imposed
up.m the isue by the lesult of the war,
ami ptohjhl) the enactment of si law
to give n in rmaiiPiit teirltoilal govorn-
liien' u tlie Hawaiian Islands. This
covets all the Impoitant legislation
wlih li the tongic-sional leadeis expect
to u i enacted at this session. It Is
almost tlic unanimous sentiment of tho
It mil is that no attempt should be nuide
tn legislation ciineeinlng the posses
sions .iiiiilitl b the war with Spain
at tins stiii Theie mo vainest nd
vi ids .1 r the Nleaiaguau canal bill
who will itilvo to secmo Its passage
now mil they nin possibly be suci ess
f til lull neltliei it nor any one of the
nthd mens lies like tho pooling bill,
nuti s, inis bill, etc , which hac
'tioii4 iil nils will bo allowed to in
terfeu with the bills, the passage of
which Is ilictntd absolutely neic.ys.iry
to pit Mit mi etin issinn The lead
eis at both ends of the tapltol have
put thili hi ails tugethoi and the woik
ot tin session Is to be enteied upon
with the lib " nf UMildlng an extra t s
s in With tills put pose in ew, the
appiupi i.itlnn bills an- to be given the at both nds of the eapitol and
pi i ssecl thioiigh with ull possible haste.
Two sub toiunilttees of tho appio
pii.itlun i miiiiltlte h.ive been at woik
foi a wi" k The deficiency bill, to meet
thi c Nti.ioiilluaiv expenses of the army
and iiu) dining the sis months fioin
Jitmiai) 1. IS'.'S to July 1, Is icady to be
hiibniltted to the full committee tomoi-
uiw and the icgular Dlstiict of Col
umbia nppiojniatlon bill will bo ready
b) the end of the week. It Is neces
saiy that the fotmer should become
a law befoie the holiday iccess, which
this )eai is to be shorter than usual,
and Chuiimnn Cannon hopes to see It
through the house and Into tho senate
befoie the end of tho piesent week.
The Demounts of the house have not
dlselosid their position, but It is not
believed that they will seek to obstruct
an appiopilatlon bill necessary for the
maintenance of the army now In the
field Should theie bo a disposition to
opt n up nnd pt dlons a debate on the
conduct of the war upon this bill. It
It safe to assume that the committee
on tules will be Invoked to bring In
nil older to close debate.
Intense Interest is manifested in tho
piesldent's message, which will be sub
mitted to congtess tomorrow, on ac
count of the great Importance of the
many questions it will have to deal
with, and no presidential message In
yeais, it is safe to say, has been list
ened to with the eagerness and Inter
est with which the leading of Piesl
dent McKlnley'B message will be heard
tomorrow. The leading of the message
will occupy piobably two hours. The
fli st thing In order after Speaker Reed
calls the house tomorrow will be a call
of the j oil to determine the presence
of a cjuorum. Concerning this there
lb little doubt, as the members are ai
rlv Ing by every train and the hotel lob
bies aie alieady thronged. A quorum
having been developed, committees will
be appointed to wait upon the piesl
dent 'ind the senate to inform them
thnt the house is rtady to proceed to
buBlnes Pending the nt rival of tho
piesldent's message several new mem
bis ileit'd to fill Vacancies caused by
dentin- or leslcnatlons will be sworn In
and liiirut dlntly after tho reading of
tin ni'-'age Is completed the house
will iiillnuin out of jespect to tho nieui
nrj hi Missis. Love, of Mlsslsslpl. and
Noithuny. of Ohio, who died during
the iccte.' On Tuesday or Wednesday
nt the latest, the house will plunge In
to Its woik Chairman Cannon will
have tho deficiency bill lPndy and It
will occupv the attention of the house
to tho exclusion of ovorvthlnsr else for
the remainder of the week.
Mis. Zellner Acquitted,
Philadelphia. Dei. 4 -Th tiiid of Mrs.
Mnr) L Kellner charged with the murd'r
of her iigi'tl husband, Jleuben Zellner, by
poisoning, ended ut five minutes betoio
midnight last night by Judge Wlltunnk
insulating tho jury to lender a venlttt
of uiqiiitttil The Jury without leaving
the hot lendcied a vtidlct of not guilty
und Mm. Xellner was discharged from
Steamship Arrivals.
New York, Dec. J Arrived: La Gas
toanc, Havre. Queenstown Sailed; Urn.
brla, New York. Antwerp Arrived:
Westernland, New York.
Repoit of a Committee In the Burke
Dellenbaugh Case in Cleveland.
Cleveland, Dec A The icport of the
tilal committee of the bar association
on tho proceedings to disbar Senator
Vernon II. Buiko weio piescnted nt
n special meeting of the association
yesteiday itf let noon. The tepoit a)s
in pait:
Wo find that Judge DellenbauUi, wlillo
acting as Judgo of said court Introduced
and sent to Mr. llurke Mr. Edith .Man
ning, that Mr. Utirke performed services
for her In loniuctlon with a settlement
of a ilnlm nsscrtcd by her against a wo
man for alienating the affections of her
hiis-bund, and In connection witli tho
pit p.untlnn and hearing of a dlvoiie case
aguinst her husband, and that Mr
received fiom Mrs. Mnunlug for these ser
vices about $3D00 $1 1("J of which was pild
by him In Judge Delli nbaugli, as follows:
$1,000 on July 8, ';, nnd $1"0 or- Jul) IS,
The lommlttco finds Mr Buike. guilty
of misconduct In his conduit as an uttoi-
ney at law and In his lelatlou to tlio
Cleveland Har association. In that ho
wrongfully connived nnd conspired with
Judge Dtllcnbaiigh to procure a dlvorco
for Mrs. Manning in an Irregular maunT,
contrar) to law- and without piopcr ovi
iknie, nnd In that he wiongfullv (in
spired with Judge Dcllenlnugh to falsify
a record of the court of common pleas of
Cuvnliog.i count).
The committee made the following
i ecommondntlons
I'll st TlintVei non II Uurl.e be expelled
fiom the Cleveland II ir nssocl itlciu.
Second That the seen lav of the nso.
elation be elliciteel to pi (sent a copy of
these llndlngs to the committer of invest'
gallon, to be treated as a complaint in
writing, authorising such tuotccellngs
against Prank E. Dellenbatiglt as they
mav deem proper.
Thlid Thatthe see-et it v of the associa
tion be tilt ec ted to present u copy of this
repni t to the ehtult eourt of Cuvihoga
county for such nil tin In the premises
as tho colli t may deem piopcr.
British Steamer Angers Biings in
the Ciew of tho Water-Logged
Schooner Harry B. Rltter Ctew of
the Buffalo.
New Yoik, Dec. 4. The Tiiltlsh
steamer Angels in lived in pint today
In dlstiess, having eniounteied teirlfic
gales on the Atlnutli She also In ought
eight Hhlpwieekeil mailiiers, who weio
taken fiom the dismasted and watei
logged Amotion, llarr) II,
Illttei, In mid-menu
Tho Angers left Norfolk mi Nov 20
for London, with a taigo of Hour,
Thieo d.i).s later in latitude W,.Ui, longi
tude 70.11, the dlsmastid hull of the
schooner was sighted and eight men
could be seen on her decks The un
fottuuatc men were tninsferted fioin
tlio wreck The Hitter, (oiuinnudcd by
Captain Clink, was bound fiom Fer
uaudlna foi New Yoik with a full caigo
of yellow pin" lumber Captain Clink
repotted tint his vessel had met tae
terrific huiileane of Nov. 27 unci had
become a total wieck. Tho masts vv te
swept out of her bv the tenlble rtai
nnd winds. The decks were Hooded and
tho boats weio smashed. The vessel
tilled up and became waterlogged and
unmanageable Till gale continued
with unabated fuiv tliioughnut the
2Sth and 2Dlh and the ciew was com
pelled to lash tht inselvet to the wreck.
Tho Itlttei was built at Moiilstown,
N. J., In IS7S and ipgMeicd 5S7 tons.
Her home pint was Philadelphia.
Glouiestei, Mass .Dee 4 Tho schoner
ProL)on, Captain Stanley, niilveil to
day fiom the Oemgis, with the crew
of the Uulfalo baige Poller, loscucd
Tuesday night, two cla).s aftei the barge
had parted fiom the yte.imer Aiagon,
which was towing her with two other
barges to New Yoik The baige being
light, lode out Sunda) s gale and, set
ting her two, small sails, cndtavoied to
run for some poit. The Piocyon was
sighted Tuesday moinlng und stood by
until night, when the barge's crow was
taken off. The Potter was under char
ter to the Atlantic Transportation com
pany and was on the way from Buffalo
to New York.
An Insane Yeoman's Attempt at
Suicide Colon Cannot Be Saved.
New York, Dec. A. Among the pas
sengeis who arrived today on tho
Waul line steamer Seneca from bouth
side Cuban ports weie Surgeons
Byrnes, of the United States steamer
Cincinnati, and II. A". Vanlay, of the
United States steamer Glacier, having
in charge W. W. Seymour, engineer'!!
yeomen of the Glacier, who Is suffering
from insanity. He will be taken to
the naval hospital at Washington. Dur
ing the voyage he Jumped overboard In
nu attempt to commit suicide, but was
Among the other passengeis were
Surgeon II. 31. Patton, of the Fourth
United States Infantry; Captain Fiost,
Colonel Borup and Lieutenant Clarke,
of the Third United States Infantry.
Three employes of the Merrltt and
Chapman Wrecking company, who
have been working on the Spanish
warships sunk nt Santiago, were also
on boaid. They expressed the opinion
that the Crlstobol Colon cannot be
be saved.
Died While Boxing.
Ashlrnd, Pa , Dec. A. During a frlond'v
contest at Mahanoy City last night be.
tween John Cull, ased 23, and William
Paust, aged 21, th'J tormer sank to the
floor nnd died lu n fiw minutes. None of
the blows exchanged was of very great
force and it Is believed that over exertion
was tho cause of Cull's death. A post
mortem will bo held tonight.
The Helena at Gibraltar.
Glbialtir, Dec. !. Tho United St.vss
gunboat Helena, Commander W. T. Swin
burne, which left Bermuda on NovLinbtr
JO, for Madeira, has arrived hero and Is
coaling. The Helena Is on th way to
Join thn Tnlted States suuadioti unelor
Admiral Dewey nt Manila.
Number of Carlists Arrested,
Bllbon, Spiln, Dec. 4, The local papers
report the discovery of KW iitlcs carefully
secreted under mound. A number of
CaillMs havo been anestcd on charge of
being collected therewith
Newlands in the Race.
Wlnnomucca, Nov,, Dec. 4. Congress,
man Newlands, en route to Washington,
in an interview yesterday stated thut ho
Is a candldato for the United States en-
Flist Day's Session Will Be Given
Up Almost Entirely to the 1'iesl
dent's Message and Gieat Intetest
Is Manifested in tho Forthcoming
Document The Nicaragua Canal
BUI Liable to Be One of the Most
Fiominent Subjects for Discussion.
Washington. Dec A. Senatois cx
pios a dctu initiation to take up the
woik of the session vigorously in the
beginning with the hope of having It
well advanced before the holidays and
they aie counting upon taking up til.'
nppi epilation bills .it a very eaily date
foi the putpose of pi eventing an e
tin session due to any failure of p.ut
of the national budget It Is expected
that the n ni) deficiency bill will icich
the senate luilng the piesei.t week,
the understiiiidliiT at the noith end
of the cipltcl being that the house will
dispose of It within u Vel) few days
after assembling. The committee on
appropriations will bilng It In eaily
for the double puipose of having It
passed qulckl) and of testing the feel
ing of tin senators on questions con
nected with the wai.
Tho lirst du)s session will be given
up almost entirely to the piesldent's
message and theie is gieat inteiest
manifested In healing the minutest de
tails of tho piesldent's recommenda
tions. After the reading ot the mes
sage, the sennte will adjoin n until the
next da). All plans for legislation of
general scope await trie promulgation
of this document and ns a cons-equence
one hears far less thin usual of meas
ured to be intiodue-cd.
It Is Impossible to say what matteis
will iccupy the week utter the disposal
of th3 message, but It Is probable that
some speeches may bo dellvoied upon
the policy Indicated bv tho message!
and also that the calendar may be
taken up. Theie are many measures
wliU h have been lcportcd und theie
will be no dllllcultv to find empl lymeiit
If the fetii.ito Is disposed to s-ottlo to
loutlne so eaily In the se-islon.
Dining the cloying elu)s of the last
session Senntor Moigau gavt notice of
.his Intention to call up the Nicaragua
i.inul bill at the beginning of the pies
out session. He unquestionably will
i cdeem this pinmlso and would doubt
less seek the flist oppoitunltv but for
the possibility or eti.nme of Hentlment
in favor of having the government
undeltnke the entile lesponsllilllty of
building the canal. All the indications
aie that tills question will be one of
tho mo't piomiuint subjects under eon
hlcleiiitloii iluiing the session.
Opposition Is developing to the bill
which tile Hawaii, in tomiulsnou will
In Ing In and for wliiih eail) tonslder
utinii will be nskid The-ie l a (onsld
el.ible (oiitinginl in the senate opposed
to constituting the Islands Into u ter
lltory. becaust ot the uppiehenslon
that it may be tonveited Into a state
and dcllbeiato t onsldeiatlon of the siib
jtt't vill be nskt d
While it If quite too eaily to leach
a definite conclii'-Ion, tlieie aie decided
indications of a disposition on the pait
ol the sennte to t online the session's
work to lout Ire measure and the ap
propilatlon bills', and It need surprise
no one It the close of the session would
demonstiate that this geneinl policy
had been put sued.
Believes the Peace Treaty Will Be
Signed in Due Time.
Washington. Dec. 4. Advices from
Judge Day, of tho Pails peace com
mission, received dm tug last night's
cabiueti meeting are of n gratifying
character and hopeful of signing tho
peace tieaty within n reasonable time.
Members of tho cabinet express satis
faction nt the progtess being made
and say negotiations aie progiesslng
Theie are various details, however,
concerning which the chairman deslies
to leatn fully of the piesldent'3 wishes
nnd It was an Inquiry of this character
which formed the burden of the latest
communication from Pails.
He Has Applied to tho Court of Cas
sation for Release.
Paris, Dec. 4 Colonel Piccniart, now
in custody and waiting trial on a
charge of having communicated to his
counsel documents that had come into
Ida possession In a military de rtment
of secret sen ice, has applied to tin
court of cassation, now engaged with
the Dreyfus affair, to declare whether
ho is amenable to mllltuiy or civil Jui
lsdlctlor. Ills application is based upon various
articles In the code of ciimlnul pro
Sixty Soldier3 Removed at Phila
delphiaOthers too 111.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4. A government
train loaded with convalescent soldiers,
who had been under tieatment In the
loial hospitals, left hero today for
Foit Meyer, Va, Tho train was in
chaige of Major Rk hards and Captain
Shaw und about sixty soldiers wete
Over one hundred still lemaln and
these will be removed as soon ns their
condition will penult.
Ellis Chlldors in Jail.
Muskogee, I T.. Dec 4 -P.llls t'hlldors,
ev-trtasuier of the Crtck nation, was con
vteted In the United States couit at Wag
tier today In tho celebrated fraudulent
vvurrant caso und wais brought to Mus
kogee and placed lu Jull. Tho Issuing of
JJJ.TOl ot fraudulent wan ants ot tho na.
Hon was charged against Childcrs and his
Life Imprisonment.
Fraukfoit, Ind,, Dee 4. Mrs. Siuah
Shenkcnbarger, charged with poisoning
her, was elccland guilty
by a Jury )estcid.iy and sentenced to life
The Cabinet Displeased at the Spec
ulation on tho Bourse
'Madrid, Dec. 4. The government has
not reached a full decision regarding
the Philippine und Cuban debts, but
tho ofllclal Gazette today publishes the
announcement that tho drawing for
the redemption of the Cuban bonds
will occur on Dec. 10.
The speculation intheCubanundPhll
Ipplno debts on the Bourse has serious
ly displeased the cabinet. The rise in
those securities Is attributed to the re
port thnt th government will devote
the indemnlt) ictelved from the Unit
ed States to the colonial Indebtedness,
legal ding whlth no decisive resolutions
have been taken by the minlsteis
An olllclnt dispatch from the Vlsayas
Islands In the Philippines announces
that the Insurgents ate ledoubllng their
nttaeks upon Hollo. The government
advices saV
"The lebels have now their guns
tialned on the t Ity and lire on the de
fenses nightly Our troops maintain n
spiiited defense unci have killed laige
numbers of the enemy.
Annual Statement of the Factory
Inspectoi Laws Amended by the
Last Leglslatuie Have Proved
Beneficial and Justified Their
llurrlsbtug, Dec. 4. Factory Inspec
tor Campbell tiansmitted to Governor
Hastings the annual report of tho fac,
toiy department for the fiscal )ear
ended Oct. SO lust. The Inspector says
the factory laws amended by the last
leglslatuie have proved beneficial and
justified their enactment. He tecom
niends that the department be empow
eied to entente tho fire-escape law In
lespect to hotels, opeia houses and pub
lic bills, and that the "sweat shop"
law bo amende d to give the department
power to lonllsoato goods niaelo In un
lawful und unhealthy plates and dis
pose of them In such n manner as
would best protect the public health.
Mr. Campbell thinks some ot the sick
ness In the aimy during the war with
Spain came from uniforms manufac
tured In unsanltai) places containing
gums of dlsi ase He says the "bake
shop" law eiiin ted by tho last general
n'seinl)ly has been a blessing to those
who labor lu bakeilcs nnd to the puh
lii ut 1 irge Ho thanks Attorney Gcn
eial McCormick for the set vices rend
ered the department tho past )oar und
commends the gov ci nor for the assist
ance he has given the depaitment the
past font )ears, and the llnuness with
wliiih he has upheld the Inspector In
the enfoiiemen of the laws and the
perfoi manic of his official duties. Dur
ing the )ear lh.l'lIS Inspections weie
made. Ot the four bundled und eight
thousand, nine hundred und seventy
nine, two hunched and nlnc-ty-slx
thousand wcte lepoitcd as natlve-boin
and foil) -five thousand, six hundred
and fhlrt)-tluee as uatuialized, and
foi t) -five thousand and eight) -six ns
There weie one thousand, seven hun
ched ami ilftv-fiitit accidents lepoited
this )enr: seventy-thrco weio fatal,
eleven of which were due to caieless
ness. and one to Intempei.inci'. Three
hundred and twenty-seven weio seri
ous, one bundled and fifty of which
were due to carelessness. Thirteen hun
dred nnd four weie less serious, six
bundled of wliiih weie due to cmeless
The Magowans Make Use of a Ruse
and Disappear from Eiie, Pa.
Hrle, Pa, Dec. 4 Frank Mugowan
anil wife have betiayed the confidence
placed In them by Hrlo fi lends and
have run away fiom the city, taking
with them Hditb Reryl Bui lies. Tho
child was In the custody of Mr. N. J.
Whitehead, having been lemanded
thete by Judge Walling until Dec. 1G.
The Magowans were the guests of tho
Whiteheads and a mse wns played up
on their unsuspecting hosts. Mis. Ma
gowan was called down town ostensibly
to talk to her sister, Mis. Wynn, of
Toronto. She took the child and, leav
ing Mis. Whitehead nt the telephone
olllce, went out In search of her hus
band, whom Mrs. Wynn had called for.
She was Joined by Magowan, und the
two. Jumping into n hack, were driven
to the station Just In time to catch a
west-bound ttaln. It lb believed that
they w ent to Toronto. ,
Mrs. Whitehead, becoming alarmed,
inured a search to be made for her
recreant guests, but they had flown,
Today in court Mr. nnd Mis. White
head made a statement of the case and
were absolved from blame.
A Family Row Ends in Fratricide on
the Cars nt Girnrd, 111.
Glrard, 111., Dec 4. William Kent met
hN bi other, Noble Kent, on a Chicago
and Alton train hero at 0 o'clock last
evening and shot him dead. Both men
were farmers, living near this city.
About a year ago their father died,
leaving the bulk of his estato to Will
iam and disinheriting Noble. Six weeks
ago tho disinherited bi other uttempted
to kill William. Ho fired through a
window in William's house with a shot
gun heavily charged with buckshot, in
flicting a wound that has made his
brother a cripple for life. Noble then
dlsappeaied.but was arrested at Spring
field, and William was notified of his
ai rest, for which ho had offeied a re
ward AVllIIain went to Springfield yester
day and paid tho luwaul, and Noble
wns tuined over to an ofllccr.w ho start
ed with him to Giraid. William re
turned o'i tho samo train with his
In other, but Noble wns unawaio of his
piesenee. As the train stopped here
the two met. William drew two levol
vers. With one he pi evented the dep
uty sheriff In iharge of Noble from in
terfering, nnd with tho other he swnt
six bullets into his bi other's head. Ho
has disappeared
Death of a Princess.
London, Dec. 4 A dispatch from Ktutt
Bart announces tho death there yesterdiv
of Pilneess Auuufta of Saxe-Wolmar.
nco LndyAugUBta Lennox, daughter of
tho fifth duke ot Richmond und Mordon,
und sister of the present duke.
Awful Work of Flames
Among the Sky
Conflagration Starting in the Rogers,
Peet is Co. Building Creeps to tho
20-Stoiy Edifices Where it Is Im
possible to Reach the Flames with
Water Postal Telegraph Com
pany's Offices and United States
Life Insurance Building Burning
at Midnight.
New Yoik, Dec. 4. riio that bioke
out tonight In Rogers, Poet and Com
pany's retail clothing store, occupying
a. five stoi y block at the southwest
corner of Wan en sticot nnd Broadway,
utterly mined the building and Its
contents in a short time. Then the
flames attacked the sky-sctaper build
ing of tho Home Life Insurance com
pany adjoining to the south, and gut
ted the upper ten stories, the firemen
pcemlng utterly helpless against the
flames so far fiom the ground. Next
the upper floor of the big Postal Tele
graph company building at Munay
street and Hroadway, one ot the hand
somest In the city, buist Into flames
and at midnight was still burning
The loss Is at least a million dollars
alieady, and the fire In tho insuiance
and Postal buildings is unchecked.
Theie has been no loss of life so far
as known.
Recent Appointment Made by the
Postmaster Geneial.
Washington, Dec. I. The postmaster has dliected the division ot
United Slates Into seven districts, with
one agent or moie In eath ot them, for
the better aiianceincnt of the
flee dellveiy s)stem. Tho agent or
ngents In each dlsttlct will have gon supervision of tho dellveiy
woik within Ills' jurisdiction. Including
tho Investigation of all petitions and
the inauguration of the work in all
places where it Is to be mulct taken
The grouping of the states, with the
agents usslsned to each gioup, is as
The eastern division compilses the
New Unslnnd states', and New York
and Penns)lvanla, with S. O. i:dtson
ns speilal ngent.
Tho Ohio division, Ohio, Kentucky,
West Virginia, Pennsylvania nnd the
lower peninsular of Michigan, T. G.
lllaikinan and A. B. Smith, special
The Maryland division. Mar) land,
Delaware, Virginia nnd the two Caio
llniifci, M. S. Plummcr nnd F. V. Bach,
special ngents.
The Indiana division, Indiana, Illi
nois, Missouri and Kansas, Francis M.
Dke, special agent.
The southern division, all the south
ern states except those named, and In
dian nnd Oklahoma terrltoiles, W. B.
Galtrce and Roger Murphy, agents'.
The Wisconsin divisions, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, the two Dakotas, Iowa, Ne
braska and the upper peninsula of
Mlehlgnn, James Houston, agent.
Pacific coast and Rocky mountain
state division, all the western states
nnd teiritoiies not already mentioned,
Thomas II. Houpt and S, B. Rathbone,
Jr., agents.
Louis Base Ball Magnate Is
Again on Easy Street.
St. Louis, Dec. 4. Chris? von der Ahe
was toduy ic-elected president of Sport
man's park and the base ball club. Mr.
Muckenfuss, the club's lecelver, did not
attend tho meeting, nlthough he was
Invited. Mr. von der Ahe was Immedi
ately elected to tho board and also to
tho presidency.
The presence of Edward Becker at
the meeting was a great victory for
von der Ahe. Becker and von der Ahe
are the chief creditors of the club, and
tho fact that they are pulling together
indicates thnt Chr!s Is going to have
matteis pretty much his own way.
Disaster on New York, Susquehanna
and Western.
New Yoik,Dec.4. A landslide bi ought
on by the tain and melting snow caused
n bad wreck on tho New Yoik, Sus
quehanna and Western railroad near
Swartzw ood, N, J early today. Three
trainmen weio badly lnjuied and the
road is blocked to tiafllc and It Is piob
able that It will be morning befoie the
tiaclca aio cleared, as dynamite will
have to bo used.
Knglneer Herbeit Wayne was thrown
down the hill und sustained Internal In
Juiles and Fireman Jerome Posten was
badly scalded.
Porter Denouncus Rochefort.
Paris, Dec 4. Henri Itochcfort. editor
of the Intrunsigeant, having di elated in
that paper that General Horaco Porter,
United States ambassador to France, re.
cently said Dnghiud had financed the
Dre)fus s)ntllcato with a view of dividing
nnd weakening Fiance, General Porter, on
being sliown tlio paper, replied tint
Itochofort's statement was a fabrication,
pure and simple.
Weather Indication, lodayi
rnlr; Decidedly Colder.
1 Gcnerat-Closlng Session ot tho Ptfty-
Plfth Congress.
Ungland and American Kxpniislon.
Annual Statement of tho Puitory In
spector. Forecast ot Work Dcfore tho Senate,
2 Local SU Thomas' Team Wins at Foot
Financial and Commercial.
3 Local Tho Klks Lodgo of Sorrow.
Senrch for the Dur)ca Murderers.
Dftects of tho Storm.
1 Editorial.
Comment of the Tress.
5 Local Ilotclkeeper Murdered at Dur
yea. Mr. Hums Sprung Another Surprise in
Court in tho Gibbons Case.
Local West Scninton and Suburban.
News Mound About Siraaton.
General Llfo of Our Soldiers at Camp
Letter from It. C Colborn.
Tho Riders Called to the Sciatch at
12.05 This Morning Contestants
Will Be Examined by Physicians
New York, Dec. G Thlity-onc men
started In a six-day blc)cic lace nt
Madison Square ut five minutes past
12 o'clock this (Monda)) moinlng. The
starters nie all in excellent physical
condition and the plank tiaek, ten laps
to the mile, ! in perfect Older. The
attendance ut tho stmt was not huge,
owing to the stoimy weathei.
When the numbers of the riders were
dlsti United, the lefetee could find no
one who would take "IS;" lilsh, Hng
llsh, American, French nnd Ilusslun
rldeis seeming to be afiald of It. Hence
no IS will be lepresentcd on tho track.
When at one minute after 12 o'clock
tho riders were called to the scratch,
the following responded:
Charles W. Miller, American and winner
of last year's six-day race, Joseph It.
Hlce, American, tecond man lu tho la'e
of Inst year and tho previous )ear, 1'red
Sehluel, German, third in last jnm nice;
Teddy Hale, Irish, winner of tho li9ii race;
Pietlerlck Mlclitl, Swiss (tiding under
iiiimo of Frederick); Theodoro Jotux,
Kiinih, Frank Cistae, Fionili; li)sso
Munochan, Swiss, holdct of Kranch iiu-
paced 21-hour reeotd, Dtltiiio Steplmue,
Fi each ; Frank Wallcr.Gci man, Frtd Fors-
ti r, German, Burns Pleiee, Nova Scoti.iu;
Frank Albert. American, Louis Clrnni,
Geiman, John I.ivsou, Swede; Ostur
Julius, Swede, Farl D. Stevens, Ameile in,
A. IJ. Hliven, Amcrlcnn; Maligna Gross
German-American; Charles Neat, Amci-
lenn, James A. Icnffeity, Amerlian, Jack
Burke. Irish-American; Oscar A. Arson,
Swcele; I.ouls J. Klnsc, American; Henry
lilkhiKton. lilhh; J. W. Navln. Irlbh,
Stephen Fallon, Amtrlcrn: Charles Tin -vllle,
Ameilean; But Leslie American;
IMwaul Beacom, American, U. C. Smith,
Millir, the winner of last yeai's six
d.i)s' raco was the favoilte among the
spectatois befoie the start was made.
Little betting was done and theie Is
likely to be little until tho riders uie
well on their water later In the week.
To avoid the disagieeablo scenes ot
last ) car's nice, when some of the con
testants became temporuiily deianged
from their exeitlons, tho management
say that medical examinations will be
made of the contestants every 21 hours
by competent physicians nnd that any
man showing signs of becoming per
manently lnjuied by tho contest will
bo ruled olf the tiack.
As No Warrant Could Bo Shown, Sho
Trenton, N. J., Dec. 5. Adele Loclotr.
a New Yoik actress, was arrested here
yesterday to await tho ni rival of a
vvnriart fiom Now York charging her
with the larceny of $230 from Joseph
Blown, a New Yoik bicycle dealer.
The woman had been stopping at a
Trenton hotel several days. Brown
came here last Wednesday nnd finding
her, reported the nintter to the police
and returned to New York to swear
out a warrant for her arrest.
Tho police kept her under surveil
lance and yesterday morning, when she
wns appaiently going to loavcxown.
ai rested her. She was permitted to
rennln at her hotel under guard. She
demanded n henring nnd last evening,
when no wan ant had arrived tiom
New York, Justice Hurrison otdered
her release. The women left town
shortly after for New York. Shortly
after her departuie, Deteotlve Barrett,
of New York, anlved with tho war
rant but he was too late.
American Commissioners Deny Sev
eral Baseless Rumors.
Pails, Dec. 4. The United States and
Spanish peace commissions held pri
vate sessions today. Afterward jepre
sentatives of bcth bodies predicted
confidently that the tieaty would be
signed within a week, unless unfore
seen complications arise.
Tlio American commissioners assert
that there Is no foundation for the io
poits, til ciliated in the United States
and cabled back here, that President
MeKintoy ha3 forwarded to the Amer
lian commlsslcneis fiesh Instiuctlons
to Insist unyieldingly upon a coaling
harbor In tlr Caiolino Islands and that
thu Spaniards are, cndcavoilng to re
new theii opposition to a cession of tho
Both commissions ueogiilze that tho
latter tiuestlon Is settled.
Electric Lights Extinguished in a
Wilkes-Barre Church.
Wllkes-Barre, Dee. 4. The AVyomlng
Vulley was visited by a ten Ilia rain
and wind storm this evening Between
7 and S o'clock II" wind blew a, gale.
Very few opli ventured out and wi
vices In many of the c hint lies were cut
short or not held nt nil.
At St Stephen's Epheopal chinch
the eleotilo lights went out In the
midst of tho services. In tho mini
dlstrltts outbuildings weie demolished,
trees uprootsd and fences blown down.
British Press Unanimous
That Expansion Isthe
Proper Thing:.
The United States in Future Destin
ed to Be Closely Associated with.
England in Interests and Sym
pathies The Anglo-Saxon People
Drawn Together in Hnimonloua
Woiktng Relations America Ha3
Taken Her Place Among tho Great
Powers of the Woild.
London, Dec. I Tho successful is
sue of the lnbois of tho Peace commis
sion continues to supply tho Fngllsh
press with Its thief topic of current
discussion. The dominating note lsi
the hlstmlc Impoitance of the entrance)
of the Putted States upon u new ca
reer, in which It Is destined to be close
ly assoclat'ci with l.ngl.iud in lntcicsts;
and sympathies. The nation whlili
has been steidlly enlniglng Us eniplro
by a series of annexations beginning
with Jeffersrn's gieat pint base and
ending with Alaska and Hawaii, and
tiUoexeulsIng an effective piotcetenate
over tropical Ameilca in the Mo iron
doctrine, nnd exempting the Western
hemisphere liom the Fuinpean scram
ble going on In Atln and Afiicn, has
been doing a good ileal of woik In tho
modem Woild. Th's work has not In
terested Hngllshmcn, because Ameil
enns have acted Independently of them
on IIiilm ot tnelr own.
The essential featute of tho now ca
reer ot expansion Is the fact that It la
not one of splendid Isolation, but tho
Anglo-siion peoples have been draw it
together into harmonious working re
latione. S) nip.ithies have displaced
Jealousies, iMid theie is a correlation of
tho Htmngest forces of civilization for
piomotlng the ends of peace nnd pro
gress. The war with Spain began nf
ter Hngland bad thwarted an unsuc
cessful attempt to establish a European
conceit on the Cuban question, unci It
has ended without the 'lightest effort
on the pait of Oenvany to create a Eu
ropean eoncei t on the Philippine ques
tion. America has taken her placo
among tho gieat powers nf the woild,
nnd England and Geinmny aro both
acting with her, ai'd expecting her as
sistance and mural support In their
diplomacy in tlio Far Last. Ilnidly a
single English jotunal falls to lay
sticsj vpon this assurance of the fu
ture co-operation of the Anglo-Saxon
race ,in tho greatest result of the war
with Spain.
iProof.s of this tominon uetlon aro al
ready found lu tho probable adoption
by Ameilt.i of the "open door" prin
ciple In tho Philippines, the possible!
purchase of the Caiolino Islands by
Geimany, and the ultimate consent of
England to modify the Chi) tan-Bulwcr
tieaty so as to enable the United States
to eonstiuct and control tho Nicaragua
canal under guarantees of neutrality
similar to those maintained for tho
Suez canal. Today's Spectator again
advocates the nbrogntlon of the tieaty
by England, with the single condition
that the Amei leans shall complete tho
cannl within a definite period; but
signs are not wanting to Indicate that
the Ptnte depaitment nnd the foreign
office will find It more expedient to
mend the convention than to end it.
While the attention or the English
people Is now centered upon the work
of tho pence commission, now virtually
finished, as m.nklng a now landmark
in the woild's histoiy and disclosing
tho tiend of future tendencies und
events of far-reaching Importance to
the fortunes of the Anglo-Saxon race,
theio Is also a feeling of genuine com
passion foi distracted Spain, which Is
losing Its last colonial stronghold In
both the East and the West Indies, and
is eonf runted with civil war nnd bank
ruptcy. It Is not considered piobablo
that a countiy which has been able to
send out 200,000 regular tioopti within
two yeais to its colonies can bo In seri
ous dangei fiom a revival of the Carl
st movement In the noitheiu prov
inces. One theory Is that the Madild
government Is exaggerating this men
ace of civil war In order to give em
ployment to the tioops now returning,
and also to ellveit public attention from
the loss of the colonies and the na
tional defeats abroad.
Admiral Sampson Designates Stores
for Shipment.
New York. Dec. 4 Admiral Samp
son has cabled to tho Cuban general
lellof commission ndvlsing that lellef
supplies be pent foi dlstilbutlou among
the deatltut" old men, women und chil
dren In the vicinity of Sanctl Spirltus,
Accoidlngly the following list ot
stores has been ptepared for shipment:
40,00'J pounds ilee, C.000 pounds beans,
10,001 pounds bnion, 8,000 pounds cod
fish, 150 bairels hard biead, 1,000 pounds
coffee, 200 enses londensed milk, 5,000
suits women's and thlldieii's clothing.
H.OOO yaids lOtton got ds for making
cljthln,? and a quantity of salt, uplces
and medicines
Deaths in London.
London, Dee I U.ittil Stuait ElsklllC
thllteenlh Fill of liuc'im. died jester
duy In his cIkIUv touiili )ear. Arthur
Stilling, tin well known uctor, Is dead.
-Mt-H--H- -f-f-H-M-M-
Hutdilugti n Dec. 4. Forecast for
.Monday. For cistern IViinsjlMi.
ula, fair; diildtdly coldor; norlh-
cuvleny gales; hurricane on ooast.
4rt-H"t- -H-H-t--M-M--M- tfttttH