l'J-JLE SCKASTON TlUBUiNJ-FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1898. i r f f CRRBONDALE ITIip Cnrbondnlo correspondence of The (Tribune has been placed In the Imndh ot Mr. J. M. Forbes. All complaints ns lo Ir. regular delivery, etc., Plto news Ituns, should be addressed to Hotierts & Hoy noldS, news agent. AS TO THE LIBRABY. City Teachers Aie Cnlled Upon to Give a Statement. Tlicro litis Ijocii much talk ut noun of thu recent cchcol bnattl mpetltiRt peMtitliiltifr to the question (it who owiih the public llbinry rind wlmt should the f uih'.h be usfil for. The fornu r mnn-l3-tn of the lionrel who -wore instm mcntnl In orpnnlzliiK the llbriuy nmo c Intlon have lontir-ntcil n HtutciiiPiit of the fumlH from the touchera who mo Hiipposed, nnd do own the library, ul tliotili some. parties believe that th- Alumni association have some capital lupsted In It The city superintendent of schools has piepared a stnU'tiieni of the expenditures and the amount letllzcd through ellffment colliers for the maintenance of the btillilliu. The statement shows that since Its Incorporation the llbraiv has cost fi.t01.ST and durlntr that time meme have Imen realised from 1 1ff etent ven tures to the amount of 2,'r.L'. IS, leaving a balance of $1.1. RS In the tieapury, whlrh ns yet Is unexpended The state ment lt timely nnd Is Itemls'ed. Thp petition nskln'j the teachers for a statement its signed by S. A SU -Mullen. II. II. Wilbur. P. M. Campbell. .Mai tin Flntan, James V. Iloyluii, John J Collins, Patrick F. Coopran and M I" Norton. These men are all lepre sintntle citizens and It is doubtful If such were not the case that the teachers would have troubled them selves In regard to the .stutement. DIRECTORS HOME. Emergency Hospital Needs Weie Ar gued for in Philadelphia. K. S. Jones and AVilliam Walker, of the Kmerfiency hospital board of di rectors, returned home esteulay fiom Philadelphia where they uiKtietl the necessity of an appropriation tor that institution. They requested a main tenance fund of twelve bundled dollars and a sum of three thousand foi ac cessories. Thera is muni talk about the woi thy institution and i Is to be sincere ly hoped that In t hi i.e u futitii the residents will tr.k' meie Inteiest and fchow nt least a little vinpathy with tli directors woik. Tl rse gentlemen hav- winked until incly and hae nut ex en the thanks of tin people to show lor their l.iboi. Should the appropti ation full I'meiseiKy hospital will live in nipmoiy onl. A SCRANTON CHOIR. Entertained at Prof, and Mrs. Hay den Evans' Home. A lolly lot of vlsltois fiom Hcranton i. line up to this city on a special tialu and took possession of Professor lluy-el.-n nvan.s' homo on Laurel btieut. Tliy liuirtily enjoyed themselves until a -.easonable hour in the morning when th-y teturned to their homes. Itefiesh ments were served and hIiikIiic was u nalii featuie of the rvenlnpr's enjoy mnt The following persons weie present: Hisses Loui.se Oppei. llfll Tholme, Kliitna Hennett, Maud Ciowell, Nettie Stone, Oaisy Miller, Maiy But ham. Sadie IMwaids, Mary AVjinan, l'lla MiKiie, Jlir Ibundase, Mr?. William HeeK .Messis. Jane, John Uleesou. Wilbur Whitman, Kiai.k Mcliowim, tieorge Kellngei. William IJei k, Floyd HeberllnK. e'linrlcs Pierre. William Kvans, D J. Held, William raver. EVANGELICAL SERVICES. The Rev. Toy Compliments the News papers. The evangelical pen lies now belnt held In this city are gieeted nih night with huge crowds owing, He-,. Toy declaies, to the excellent notices the mwspepeis liave been giving them. The Uv. Toy, however should keep some of the glory to hlmuelt as he Is a pKising speaker and would maw on his own met Its. l'l.e t-lnging of Mr. V.oberts should not go by unnotlcej, as It is a ieatine .it every service. The services aie icindt'cted ut the P.aptist e-huieli li the evenings and at the Tilnllv In th aftei noons. Theie was it slight falling oft in the attendance last night, and thc pnHors ask that the church" be iiovvded to the doois this ufteinooii an I evenlni,. MUCH DISSATISFACTION. The Residents of Sixth Avenue Want the Stieet Opened. The lesldents of Sixth avenue ch elate that they will rise In their might and open that thoroughfaie for public pafl'c If the city does not take om sou of action on It In the near futuie. The city engineer says that he believe all woik on impiovments should be suspendfd until spiing. It such Is th case, nnd .Mr. FiUk's opinion should be of some valit". then something hould be done toward le-opening this avenue which Is almost completed. A piomlnent leslclent of the blocked stieet said- "I am Hied of the present state of afialis and fi'jr to submit Miiich loniror. To put a ton ot coal in at present costs mo live dolhus. and If tli stieet isn't opened soon I II open 'c pivself." LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The Fortnlj-htly club met last even ing ut the homo of Mis Urace Hath nwav. The young ladles lefieshcl themselves with excerpts from the Ullthesdale lor.iance and other mote Mlbstuutial viands. Miss Isabel li.-t-kt-, of niugliamton. in the guest of Miss Grace Tnllinun, on HUr-tt street. Mlra KHtt Pilidv lias returned from a visit villi f i lends nt Klmlrii, N V. ,Mis. tiecngp v. Dowe Ie In Xew forlf. cit Mi nnd Mis. PrnmiPl Hundley and niece, Miss Hutlor. of Xew lung, who have been tie Quests of Mr. nnd Mis. I V. FulkcisDn. cm' Salem avenue, have returned tc their Immra. Mrs. S. S. Kline, of Hcranton, called on frlendr In this city yesterday. Mr and Mrs. M. J. Biown. of Do troll. Mich., have returned homo after a visit of so-ne time with the founei's rNter. Mrs. v. 1.. Thompson, of Motel Autlunclte. Miss Lauia Hchrvver will leuve for Cohec ton, .V. V.. today foi a brief visit. Mrs. II. W. Harrison Is In Hcranton. t m -S3 I S5r CuJ n coueh or cold Ur.CSUll ' S " ?"C day f Jl U the tin one day I It U trie bckt couefi remedy for I child rcul Cures whoop- Cough Syrupfu-lccv;,o0u,p without fad I Doctors recomiueucl it. Price j$c. where she nltemlcd the Clmtlesvvorth U'lneko wedding josteiday. Miss Hetty Wlltox left ycsterdily for Mlllcrsvlllo ftato Normal sihool. Miss Nellie Flynn, of Hcranton, Is the guest of Miss Kute ltyrne, on Wash ington street. Miss F.dlth Moon. Is the guest ot her Foster, of Seiaiilon of Terrace street, sister, Mis. F. F. Miss Corn W'lleov, of StiFquehnnna, Is the guest of her cousin, .Miss Jennie Puiplo. on 1 liver stieet. Miss .Maty Itrldgelt Is visiting Hcran ton ft lends. Mts Ueoige Honton spent yesterday with fi lends In Forerl City. Mis. John Walker nnd Henlamlu Morgan, of Mavlleld, called on fi lends In this city yesterday. The Misses Kit and ltarbara Mang visited Hcranton fi lends yesteiday. Mrs. Potter Is visiting friends In Wllkes-IJatre. V. J. McOam has resigned his po sition with the Postal Telegraph com pany, to accept a more ltlcrat've one with the Tnith's Carhoudale depait nient. David L. Walsh called on Olyplmnt fi lends yesterday. Mr. and Mis. John Morgan and Mis. Fled Mellngor were guests nt the ie cital given nt tlm home of Professor Hayden I'viuis. Mrs. H. n linker and Mrs . W Sampson spent yesterday in Hetanton. John Hrown.of (ilvphatil. Is the guest of his mother in this city. James I'nrly has accepted a position with a Hcranton clothing Unit as liav cling agent. Heniv Hemmelilght, of Jeimvn, was a lecent visitor In this city. TAYLORNEWS. Puneral of Chatles Guaid Price Library to Meet Personal News. Tile funeral sei vices over the ie mains of the late Chillies (iu.tid took place fiom his late home In West Ml nooka. ycsteiclnv nfternoon at ?."') o'clock. Impressive services weie held In the house by the Itev. J. M. Lloyd,, of thp Welsh iinptlst church Intci ment was made in the Foirst Home eemeterv. The Ihnblem division. No. r,7. Sons of Tempi iiince and Tavlor castle, Xo. L'lir. Knights of the eiolclen Kagle, attencled the funeral in a bod.v 1'.. Pateiscn. of Mo'islr was a busi ness lsltor in this tilace yesteula.v. Invincible cotnmnndciy. Xo. l'.j2, Knights of Malta, will meet this even ing In their looms In Ueese's hall. KPhaid Hawkins, employed as a driver bo In the Aiclibald mine, was painfully Injured while nt his woik veufiday afternoon, being scpie-zed between the lib and the car lie was taken to his home in Hyde P.nk. Diugglst lbeit Davis, ot Finest Cllj,, was the guest ol' his bi other. Diugglst Jos, nil Davis, ot this place, esteiduy. The Pi ice Lllnaiv assoclatlem, a woitliv institution of this town, which closed its looms in October last, will again open its 10 mis this evening to the public Hvuiybody Is eouliallv lu iteel. riling your fi lends along. Mi. John Davis, of Westmoi eland, Pa., is the guest of .Mr. and Ml. Phil lips, on Taj lor stieet. Mrs. Thomas chniles. of olvphant, was the guest of n-latlves In this place jcUeiday. The tnlr and festival of the Xeb Congiegatloti.il chuich ot llendliani, which was held In the- church auditor ium on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes. daj evening" of thl.i week, wnsn giand success, Tii0 ilifl'eient booths ven handsomely dec oiateel and no doubt the chuich leallr.ed a snug sum of money. Miss Jessie Atkins who has been visiting fi lends in this place for tile past tew cUivs. win leave for hei home in Philadelphia touioirow. The choir of the Calvaiy Itaptist church will lehearse the cantata. "Mel -ty Mill. Maid." in the class rooms this evening. I'lefessor David loi es is in .lunge. The Myille Social club or Hvele P.uk will conduct their icgulai weekly soclul this evening In W-bei's link. Admis sion only 1." e ents. Ml. Hovvaid Dibble, of Selln's giove, Pr.. who has been visiting Ids lnothei In this pluc has leluined home. J. Miltoul Moigaus, of Main street, Is recoveilng tiom his lecent slckness The fuueiul of the oiing son ot Mr. and Mis. Swaits oecuticd e.sieiday afteinuou Huila1 was made in Hie Forest Home ceineteiy. The latest news comes f.-om Heading hospital lo Hie elle-ct that Pilvate Lewis lloi'a is in a cilthal condition. Chaiubei Iain's (."olle, Chol-a and Dlarrohoe.i Kemedy can alwavi' be de pendeel upon and Is pleasant anil wale to take Soil by all iltugglstn. Mat thews llios., wholesale and. letail agei.ts, FOREST CITY. Wedni'sdav evening at T.I'.u o'clock In th Methodist Lplscopal chuich. .Miss Jessie Stone, doughfc of .Mr. unci Mis. John A. Stone, and sister, ot the Itev (I. H. Stone wa.s united In nrnilagc to Fiedilelc Itussell. ol Scianton The biotbei ol the bilde, assisted by lU'V. A. .1. Vnn cett. ot Dunmoie, and Itev. D. D. Jenkins, of Cnle "lelale, pertoinied the ceutnony thai mack them man and wife. The bildesmuld was Miss Ituliy Yost, of Dumnoie the gioonismaii, Mr. John West, of Dumnoie, and D. Stan ley Kviins. ol I'oicst (ily, Olepn Hei -ling and F. C. Heiilng. of Duninoie, acted as uslieis. The chinch was tastefully decorate'l with palms and chrysanthemums. s the in HKil paity enteied the choli buns a maiilage limn, and the oiganisl. Mis ic h AI iliich, played sofll.v dining the service. The bude's costuni v. as of c leatn lans. downe. with point lac and poail tilin mlugt). Th" bridesmaid was diessed In oigaudlc- ovei .Nil.- gicen silk, and e al lied pink chiysuithcinunis. The male inijnibns of the party whip the con M'ntlonnl bluck. A leiepiiou was held at the home ol the In bin nf'er the mairlnge ceiemony, wimio Mi. nnd Mis. Itussell received congratulations, standing undr a canopy of huge dags tilinmed with funis, bout slcty guests weie present fiom a dlstaiic-. The icccptlou ended nt 10 o'clock and the hnde ni'd grooth left here on their wedding tout1 on -the Delaware and Hudson train gclng smith, at U". p. m Mr. and Mis. Itusrell will leslde in Ne.vnrlc. X. J M.s Jl Halting Ir the guest of fi lends and lelatives at HoneseUle this w eek. Jlr. David Itlehaid HiiBlics and Miss Mm j A. Wilkinson, two popular young Forest City people, will be Joined in lire! I Inge on Dec. 22 I 'tlsb Aliicilcun lodge. Son of St. O-juiaV. has elceted the following oIl crs: Piesldent, ThomaK Hoblnson; vleo piesldent, itui-or Halley; secro tnry, Janios t;, Aj(is; irt'iisiH'er, Jcdin Ti. Hudd; mnishal, John Oray: finan cial secietary, William Halley; trustee, Samuel Jta. runeral of Mis, Dobble Changes in Valley Coal Company Important Meeting of the Elks, The funeral of the late Mis. John Dobble took place yesterday afternoon from the fnmlly home on Uutler stieet and wns ntteneled by a Inrgo concourse of sympathizing lelatives and friends of the family. The services weie con ducted bv the Kcvs, X. (1. P.uke nnd J. J. K. Fletcher, nnd a quintette- fiom the Knst Hide Presbyterian chliieh Bang, Jlr. Fletcher dcllveied a sermon nppioprlute to the id occasion, and Jlr Paike, who baptized the deceased In her childhood, made an addres", which was a leviovv of her excellent Chilstlan life, and'vvere winds of con dolence for the alllieted imients and young husband. There were nuineioiis lloral gifts shewn upon the casket, which weie mute and beautiful tokens of affection fiom son owing friends, and the long line which followed the remains to the Plttstoti cemetetv. where Intel nient took place, attested to the esteem In which Mhe was held. The af flicted ft lends have the sympathy of all In theii nilllctlon. JIis. Hurke, who was seriously In jured by falling down stalls at the lesldence of her son, Oliver Hurke, Is getting along its well as can lie looked for. considering her advanced age Henry Martin. John JInloney, Hugh JIcDonald. Ttobert Clelland and John Wallace will conduct a gospel meeting for the nilneis on Sunday ufternoon next at the looms of the Young .Men's Chilstlan association In Scranton. This Is a new depaiture, and no doubt they will be accorded n large attendance. On next Tuesday evening there will be n literary treat at the Young Jlen's Chilstlnn association hall, when Jllss Jean Howlson will give a lecltnl, which will Include Inn JlcLaien's "Upside the Iionnle Hilar Hush." Stephen Oliustend nnd F. J. Weeks have l etui ned fiom like countv, and were so successful that the latter will serve a vcnlsou slipper to his friends toinoiiow night. Thete was a huge gatheilns of fi lends last evening at the lesldence of JIis. Hllyabeth Williams, on Fulton stieet. In honor of her seventieth blith elay The stieet commissioner of the West Hide will, with a foice of men, piocped to c lean the sudewalks of those w ho are not in the habit or doing So. When the woik Is completed he will pioceed to col'ect his bill, which will Include the usual line. The same could be copied with piollt. und to the accom modation of jiedesttlaiis. If the stieet commissioner un the Last Side would do llkevv Ise. Joseph Lot? leluined hum u ei y successful hunt in the Jlonslc moun tains. The Lehigh Valley Coal company has made seveial changes aiming Its mine foi emeu, und among them is the tians rer of John 15. Kesslei, of the West Pittston Lxeter i olllcty. to Jlaltbv, and this vacaiuy being filled by llobeit Xesbltt, of the West Side, who for eais has been a ti listed employe A lamp exploded last night In a double- house occupied by Polish fami lies on Seaiie stieet and an ahum of Hie- sent In biought the Lagles and Xla gaias cm a Jump The flames weie subdued befoie the anival of the liie inen and the damage was coveied by Insurance. The contest belween the HegulaiS and Hough Kicleis ns to which would succeed In obtaining the laigest num ber of names fen nu mbeislilp to the V Jl. c. A. closed last night, und was won by the 1 earner, by a scene of Is" to 10 for the Hoosevelt bovs. This makes an addition t ::tl to the mein beislilp. which Is n good showing. The new sewer on I'l'oncl .stieet Is iapldl neailng completion and many of the piopeit.v liolde-ts tile- alieady making the neiess,u. cmnectloiis, Thomas Jlaloney. Jl X. Donnelly and Jlls.s Josephine Poweis uie III lSllig haintou. attending tile funeial of P .1. Xeville. who was :l founei leslclent of this nlaie. JIis. Mow mnn, of Pittsbuig. and a fennier leslelent of this place. Is visit ing her biotbei. C. L. Hunt, of South Main stieet Thomas Thomas, n tailor for Hairy Pi und, is in the hospital, suileilng fiom veiy seilous wounds, which he leceived by aecldentallv falling out the back ilooi of the Coli'ee house, a distance of tweiity-tlve leet. Heslclcs being In juied Intel nullv he leeelvc-d a laige gash netos.s the foiehead that had to be sewed lip. Last evening at the lee tin mis of the Hast Slcb- Presbvteilan chinch an Innovation was Intioduecd when all the families of the congiegatbm whose names e oinnieiice Willi the Hist four letteis of the alphabet, came together foi a social time, and with the object In iow to become better in quainted with each other. Theie weie seveial musical und vocal selections unci ie fieshmints of the light oide-r served, unci the i"xp"ilence was sue h that tin new Idea will bear lepeatlng Tllt-so o ecrions will he lepented monthly un til the whole mmbi i ship has been cov-e- -I Itev. John Finnan has i etui ned fiom Philadelphia, and Is at piesent conllned to his room. The- semi-annual m-i vices wen- held this week nt the Hansom Poor house, for the Catholic Inmates of that insti tution. Last evening a huge audience wai piesent at the West Side Methodist I'plteeopiil chuich and highly enjojed the concert given bv the Hubert, Kulrf cr, Iteynolds ennipt'iiy assisted by the i hulr ol the above ihuieh. The nuin beis on the piogl.uunie were of the c lassie al ordei. and every one piesent wne ninie than pleased by the united efioits of those who weie l expansible tor furnishing such a delightful entei tainment A. A. lit den, of the Jllneis' bank, Is in Xw Yoik city this week The Hughes biewety hnve Just coin pl"ted an atteslan well, after boring a sl.mh hol'i a distance of 20 feel. Th undei taking proved highly suc cessful, us ti stream of excellent water has been tapped and will be used for manufacturing put posts. Since Father Qulnniin elellvered a lec ture to the paienis of the joung glils who frequented tlu many social hops, and conducted themselves In an un becoming manner upon the public thor oughfaie. a chatijr has occurred that is quite u-fieshlng. The same advice could be admlnlsteied to niiinv of the our.g men of the city and Its subuibs, who conduct themselves In such a manner occasionally that would not be tolerated In anv other town that wr know of. except Dutjoa. And still we have a police force. Patrick Hoot ,an employe of the Le high Valley company, hud the misfor tune ypftordiiv to have the (higeis of one of Ills hands smashed, and went to the hospital to have the dnmago ie pnlied, Charles Aivldsoii. wife and son. who U William JlcKlnley, Jr and who has the honor of having In his possession a letter fiom the president, when he vvni named after hhn a few months uro, returned yesteiday from tho me tinpollre. Young Mae Is not a year old yet, hut ho hns that letter framed, Just thp same, and when he grows to man hood he will no doubt prize It highly In honor of his lllustllolis namesake The r"lkR held un Important meeting Inst night, which Included the exer cises to be held In Jluslc halt next Sunday evening In memory of their de parted biotbeis This is nn ntinunl event, and n suitable and Interesting programme has been urrunged. The Fue-lpt' hfls Just leased the Iliitler House block nnd It will be occupied by them on .Inn, 1. The Intel lor of the building on the- second floor will be altcicd and so nriiineed that, licsldes the lodge room, theie will bo hllllnul parlor and dining rooms, nnd the whole will be In charge of u chef anil Janitor. The Pittston Klks are nothing f not progressive, and for n " oung lodge they show that they aie compuscd of the right kind of stiiff. MOSCOW. Jlr nnd Mrs. F. n. Onidner gave i P'uty Saturday evening In honor of their son. Daniel, It being his twentv-th-st blitbdnv. The hotio wns beautl full decoiate-d with lhodnelendrons, smllax and potted plants, ("lames of vailous kinds were Indulged In dining thp ivptilng. Heficshments weie solv ed nt 10 o'clock Among those present weie Jlr. und Jtrs. II. L. tlalge, Hpv. H. Cuv Snow den, the Missus JIabel Dovvitt. Messle" Pyle Oince Travis, Vnleda Wilbur. Agnes Watts, Jlnynie llhodes. Llzle Hal Helen, Flotenco Can non, Lottie George, Lizzie Blown, Xel ile Holllster. Messle Yeager. of Jlns cow: the- Jllsses Pari er, Met"! and Gardner, of Wyoming semlnnr. the Jllsses Jessie and Cm lie Smith, of One ontn. X. Y.: the Jlessrs. Horry Devvitt, Bert Hlcseckei, Jl. F. Iliown, Vincent Jlegnrgel. A . A Harbor, S. Jl. Watts, of JIoscow; Fie-el Tuinei, of Brooklyn, X. Y. Marcel Frame, of Sweet Volley: M. L. Wile ox and Friend Uhodes. of Hlmhurst. Professor S. . Hoitiee, of Damascus Pn. Jlr. Gaidner was the recipient of many presents, among which wus a beautiful set of Dickon's woiks, picseiued to him bv Ids gen tlemen friends Tempeiance Sunday wus observed In the .Methodist llnlscopal church Sun day evening. The pestor pt cached a special set men on the "Law and the Liquor Tia'Ilc." The l.'pwoith league mooting was under tne leadeishlp of Mis. O. K. Vaughn. Mi" J. H. La Tunc he died on Friday evening aftei a long nnel painful ill ness The- funetal was held at her late home Jlondnj at 2 o'clock, Hev. H. Guy Snowden cdl'ci.itlng. Inteiini-nt was made- in the Mi.scow cemeteiy. Jlr and Jit John Hdwiuds ce-lebrut-ed the twentieth anniversary of their ni'irilagi- on Jlondu.v evening, Nov. "S. A good time was enjoyed by all thnsu piesent. Jlr. nnd Jlr. Hdwaids weie tli icilpients of m.m beautiful ptes ents Mr. and Jlrs. J W. (iouse entei talli ed .Miss Ilullistit's oi chestt a Monday evening, it li-lng the tenth uiinlvei)-ary of t licit mailing" Th Ladles' Aid society of the Jlcth odlst I, pise opal chinch will hold a rain bow fall in Hie Odd Fellows' lull, Dec. II and 1.". .Major If. II Herdeishot and son. ot Chicago. III., assisted by local talent, gave an eiileitaimneut In the hide- p ndelil Outer of Odd l-Vllovv .Vs hall Tllesdaj evcilll-g. Jllss Agnp- Walts Is spending a few weeks In Pittston. The Jllsses Parker and Metz. of Wy oming semltuiiv. vne the guests of Jl! and JIis II L. Galge Sunday. Jlr. Fied Till pel. of Miooklyr, X. Y, visited fi lends lu town Sunday. F. W. I'osten Is on a I'msli-ess tilp to Xew Yoik city. Jllss Ituth Giudliiei spent a few days last week with her patent'. Stanley Hoitiee was the guest of his father. L. C Meutiee. Sunday. Mlciek Wilcox, of j:imhuist, vl-eltt-'il fi lends hcie cm Sunila. T W. Posten Is spending u few eluvs In Stioudsliuig. Louis Lutoiii he and w ife attencled the funeial n Mis. ,. s. Latoiielu-, .Mon day. -Mr. and JIis. T. M. Cut diner gave a pally, Sutiiiduv evening, Xov '1, In honor of theli son, Daniel, the event being his twe-nty-flist blithdav. Tho-a piesent vvei e Miss Hetts, JUhs Pniker, Jllsses Smith, of Woming seiulnuiy; Jlr nnd Mis. H, L. Galge. the Jllsses Floienee Cannon, Me-S"ie Pj Ie, Nellie Holllster, Giace Travis, Until Gaidlnei, Valedla Wllbui, Nellie Hinds, .Mabel DeWItt, Lizzie Mi own, Lottie Geoige, Messle Yeiigei , Lizzie Hainden, Agnes Watts .Minnie Hhodes, the itev. S. Guy Sliovvden, Jlessis. Stanley Hoitiee, Samuel Watts. Filend Hhodes, Hairy De-Witt, I'.ucel Fiance-, Vincent Jlegni gel. Heit P.lesedtoi, Milton Blown, Jesse Gaidlnei-, Fied. Turne-i, Miock Wilcox, Aithur Gaidlnei, Win ten Har bor Mis. .1. S. L.itoue-he died Fiielay even ing, Xov. .."., after nu llluetM of about a ve-ai. A husband, one son and two daughteis nioiiin her loss. The funeral was hold from her late home on .Mon day. All meinbeis ()f the He-hekah lodge uie ipquesied to meet In the odd Fel lows' hall, Jlonilu. Dec. S, at 2 o'clock. AVOCA. Teiesn. the "5-year old claughter of Jlr. and JIis John Cuib-.v, died on Wednesdaj iiioi ulng after u hi lot Ill ness ol ine-nibraneous e inup Deceased was a blight little child and the prldo of the household. The funeral will take place this uftetiioou. Interment will be In Hi. Jlarv's cemetery Jllss .Man Gnidon has accepted a position ns clerk in McLaughlin's gio eery stote, L. B. Coillell. of scianton, spent Wednesday evening with Heibeu .lone. Udwaid JlcCaithy. of the- West Side, was pnlnftillv Injured at Simpson t Wutklns' iolll-iv on Tiiesciny after noon by being Miueezed between two en is. In. Merge was summoned nw attended to his Injuries which are not com Idol eel dangerous. Jllss Nellie Dougheity Is lerlously III ot pleuiisy. The membeis ot the St. Aloyslus Lit eiiuy society and all members .lie re quested to meet In their looms this evening. Miss Jlatlldu Jlui tin. of Semiitein, Is the guest of Jllss Xettie Druffner. Di Fulton, president of the Luepn wiuiiia liorpltnl made an ofllclal call In tow i, this week John Lune.v u nninbei of the I'nl- Fullitrc-nctli. health, tnnn odc elevclui ment to every eniiuuui iiil'umi), j.ueeca of ditt'iuc, ove-rwork, veorry, i the follies of outii uml ex. crscs of mniiliexKl cmirVlv 1 cured, Api-lliinc mid rcra edles tent on trial. Sn moneu in adranet. Boslcd particular tree, Corre spondence confidential. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUffAlO, N.Y. ffrn am I , MFU M PECULIAK POISONS. GENERATED IN THE HUMAN BODY Tho Kesult of Imperfect Digestion of Food. Hvery living thing, plant or animal, contnlns within Itself the germs of cer tain decay and death, in the human body these germs ot disease and death (called by scientists J'tomalncs) arc usually the result of Imperfect digestion of food, the result of Indigestion or dyspepsia. The stomach, from iibtie. weakness, does not piomptly and thoroughly di gest the food. The result Is a heavy, sodden mnss which ferments (the first process of decay), poisoning the blood, making It thin, weak and lacking in red corpuscles; poisoning tho brain, caus ing headaches and pain In the eyes. Und digestion lultutep the heart, causing palpitation and finally bring ing on dlsense ot this very Important organ Poor digestion poisons the kidneys, causing Mrlcht's disease nnd diabetes. And this Is so because every organ, eveiy neive depends upon tho stomach alone for nourishment nnd renewal, and wcuk digestion shows Itself not only In loss of appetite and flesh, but In weak nerves nnd muddy complexion. The gloat Hngllsh scientist, Huxley, snld the best start In life Is a sound ptomnch. Weak stomachs fall to digest food piopciiy. because they lack the propoi quantity of digestive nclds (lac tic and hyeliochloilc) and jeptogenlc products; the most sensible lemedy In nil cases of Indigestion, Is to take after each meal one or two of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, because they supply in a pleasant, harmless form all the ele ments that weak stomachs lack. The icgular Ube of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets will cure eveiv form of stomach trouble except cuncer of the stomach. They Inciease flesh, insure pure blood, stiong neives, w bright eye nnd cleur complexion, because all these lesult only from wholesome food well di gested Nearly all druggists sell Stuait't) Dyspepsia Tablets at CO cents for full sized packages or by mail by enclosing price to Stuait Co, Jlarshall, Mich., bUt ask your diugglst fbst. A little book on stomach diseases mailed free. Aeldiess F. A. Stuait Co., Mm shall, Mich. ted Htates uivving corps, Is home from Poito Illco n a sixty-day lur louzh. Jllsses Jlaiv Heap. M Heap, Agnes Cliiford nnd Lliz.ihcth Dougher attend ed th- production of "Dael's Gill" at the Lyceum on Tuesday evening. Jin. John Gllmaitln, or Long Hiunch, X". J., Is visiting li lends In town. Mi. nnd Jlrs. C. Druffner aie enter tuiuiug Mi. and .Mis. Chillies Bteginal er. of Wllkes-Mane-. A plentant siupilse party was t n eleied Miss Jfvitlp Smith at her home on WoelnoMlav evening. He fieshments were icivod and seveial games wie indulged In The Ladles' Jllssioimiy soclet.v of the L'uigcllffe PiesbyU'ilnn chinch com bined business with pleasine yester duv end toe k a nip to the home of Jlr. und JIis J p. Geoige, of Lnllln. After the regular business was tians ae t-d a sumptuous lepast w.-c sciveel and the evening happily spent they re turned home nt 8.40. The levlslon of Avocu borough Into wauls, giantlng piavei- of petltlonois, which w.is to have been aipued In eoutt on Monday momlng, has been postponed. On account of the legal dlllliullles ex Istlng between the- meinbeis -if both be.iicls, the teacheis have not leceived any compensation since the beginning of the toim nenily lliiee mouths ngo In such cases the (ourts should be moi e pic. nipt In acting. JIis. John I.ally, of Ol.v pliant, Is vis iting 1 1 lend 4 in town, llev. J. ,T. Mi CnliH was the ipoaker of the evening nt a tempeiance tally at Kingston on Tin day evening. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. T. Jl. Hart and A. Jl. Place have a car of ver fine western potatoes on the Jluvfleld switch. M. F. JIae, of Xew Yoik. was In town i-steidu calling on friends mid visiting the school. Jlr. Jlaxey thiee e.us ago was on of the teicheis in the giaded school. JIis. II. A. Williams und claughter, Jliuidaue, attended the Jeimvn-Dow-ney wedding at Scianton .e.stetdny. Jllssps Jllblied Johnson and Jlary Swlck uie at Honosdale visiting .Mr. nnd JIis. It. Jl. Stockei. The boiough Is at woik putting walks fit toss .Main stieet tiom the Windsoi hotel to the Sweeney house nnd ac loss the alley between Flist and Sec--one! stieets, on Macon stieet. After having been Idle for thiee- das, the Delnwiue and Hudson colliery was btaited o.steielay on thiee quat tor time. .Mis. Helen Nicholson, ot South Jlalu stieei, Is at Paisons visiting fiieuds .Miss Jluiy Speltigue, of Ceinetei", stieei. has lotuiiieel fiotn Hazletoii wheie she has been visiting f I lends. Jllsses Kate Hovels and Alamo Ken nedy, of Plleebuig, ill i visiting fi lends in town. The council will meet this evening CLARK'S SUMMIT. .Mis. llowaul Wolf and ilaughti I KranclSi have leluined Jiom a few weeks visit at Buffalo. N Y. Mis. Jonas ilniuin is improving fiom ' hei lecent Illness. I H. P. Wlltox, of Nicholson, was a caller lu town this vvee-k. , Kied Walket has leeoveied fiom ' his lecent Illness. itev. tl. (1 Smith died at his home on Highland Park vvednesiluy ut noon I.',, ,.,! ,.1,. ... in .,-,.l,.l. r i',i(it-,t,l iuim-i v w , nun iitiiii nil- liiiiih, Interiiinol n t Vf.ivtrtn .Mis. W H. Pinker Is visiting her pin ents at AVaveily. J'mc-iy Hrovvn has letuiued tiom He huylklll county, where ho bus been working foi some time. Mosquitoes Capture n Florida Town. The past few days hnve fin nibbed an expel lone e with mosquitoes In this sec tion seldom equalled and never kui passed. The vlcioim Insects have come in a cloud, Infesting eveiy nook and corner and attacking eveiy living thing from which a ell op of blood could be drawn. Men have been foiccil to quit work, hoises and mules have had to be protected, dogs had to be taken Into dwelling houbos. and poultry se-uuwked during the night hours lilio prowling beasts had seized them, All outdoor vvotk Is largely suspended unr, Indoor the fumes of burning Itifccct powder Indlcntes the porslstent defense agalns tho Invading poets. The long months of Immunity are being mado up to us now, but It is hoped that this crop will be Bhoit lived. Cocoa, Fin., News. n ; ! "Great Snap" J See our Men's Patent Leather Shoes, on ij Cq T the newest toe pl.W w This is a "corker" black or Heavy Sole Welt Shoes Felt Boots and Overs. $2.25 Fell Boots and Overs, $2.50 Ladies', Boys' and Girls' Goods Equally as Low, Standard Shoe Store, HANDIEST STORE IN THE CITY A DISHONEST MERCHANT. Honesty the Be3t Policy This Mer chant Lost His All by Trying to Defraud His Creditors They Swooped Down on Him nnd Gobbled Up His Stock This Great Snlo Will Commence Today at 9.30 n. m. One of our leading clothing mer chants was closed up by New York and Philadelphia credltois and was forced to suspend business, und failed for $9.,000, on uccount of hnid times, bad debts nnd the scarcity ot leady money. Met chants In New York uie panic stricken over this fniluie In clothing. Pelng unuble to agieo Vitth the cred Hois as to the liabilities it was uiiunl n.ously decided to sell the stock at once bv the assignee. Vox this great sale the laige store loi-'n. 124 Penn avenue, a few door.s fii'ir St. Chailes hotel, Scianlon, Pa, his been touted, and all must be sold In twenty days. Without uny exception this Is the "veiy ilnest selected stock of high grade men hunt tailor clothing" ever l-.aced on public sale In this country II you want to secme some of these wondeiful bargains you must "come Innnediateh," as the time is limited and the as.slznee will sell the slock at no matter how great the sacrifice and cntltelv legaidlt-ss of loss or value, in order to settle the liabilities of the bankiupt flim as "quickly ns possible." This Is 11 "inre chance" to obtain line clothing at a men tillle of Its teal ac tual woith, and should be taken advan tage of bv eveivbody, whether i it'll or poor, and no matter even though you live hundreds of miles from .Scian ton It will moie thnn repay you to icnne to this gient hale of clothing ut 11 tail. I'lfty per cent less than actual cost price. Save this price list, lit lug It with you, und leiueinber thete are thousands of other bargains b.Mirs these, all In this gieat sale now going on at retail. ,",000 men's business Milt-e. woith $12, at Xt.LTi. ,-.uOO 1-Muit fa'l oveicoats. $ 9S. woith f. J wln'er overeoais, ;;",, woith ."l'l. Mens Scotch ,-ievloi sack suits TT.". woith $lb.5o Silk loll stylish tail nvoico.r.p. St.uO, vvoitlit.S Double bie is'-1 c he v Idt suits. $8.7". woith J.'.". Three. button i iitnvvuv e' nt suits, " ", v. nth ..' Cost quail y ctiRxliueif (ro-k suit", S ",0 wen til T1 ."-IJ. Silk mled wor-ted die-fs Iiants. : 7", woith 7..r.rt. Pi luce Al beit", silk unci satin line-1. $117",. woith U (.indue hoinesnun s i. k bull C .'.",, wortn " "0 SllklliT-1 'Vb mm' fall over, o.ils. $9."0, woith HH hull evening cici-s suits, j'lk l!n I, III 7. woith $!.'. -Ml wool li'ilriiiie stilpe pants, Jl.Mi, woith $4..'.0. Nobby stt.iight cm youtlu suit", $".'.'". vvoiUi jl. Cm's best Melton oveicoats, J!'. 7.', Avoith J JJ. Impoited 11 uy She-tlund ulsteis. J7.7.'. woith t'y.'M. nine und blaek beavei oveicoats, $S "o. woith $.'4. Genuine "Schnabel" chinchilla oveicoats, $;i.2,', woith $J7 "ill. Blue pilot e loth leefe-i.s and vests. $4 r.o. woith $11. Homespun and cheviot cape oveicoats, $7.r0. woith JJl.r.n Klue "niysian" fur beavei over coals, 110. woith IJS.7.. Silk lined "Kieneli keisey" overcoats, $11. RD, woith I'!.' Stllsh gelfillne "Molitug iinc" oveicoats. $S 7."-. woith $2C."i0. I'in est black Melton elies ulsteis, $9, woith $'-'.".. rut this iidveitisenient out and bilug It with ou He sine ou aie at tin light place Pon't lie misled by signs and b.iniiPis, othi-i moi chants may display to deceive the public He suit you an at the eiedltois' sale. Look well befoie JOH enter and bo sine Voll aie at 124 Penn avenue, a few doois from St. Charles hotel. Scianton Pa h'M i DR. E. C. WEST'G NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE (JRIG.'.AL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Isaoldundor positive) IVrlUcn Ciuarnntco, uiuuiuuii. f JlUlnOSB, . nnriti. Niffhfc donee, reervoueneee, ijaeoi iuuo, bi i uraios. i ouio. ful Errorc, or KxceBsiyoUfo of Tobacco, Optiim, or Liquor, which leads to Miter)', Consumption, Insanity and Donth, At storo or by rand, $1 n box; eiz for $; with written aunrnnteo to euro or refund money, Hiiinploiinclc OffO, containing livo dnys' treatment, with fn instruction!, Zi conts. Ono sample only tola each pereon. At storo or by man. I'WtS'ncd Label Special !.'! Extra Strength. Vj ??jvy For Impotoncy. Loss olljfl''y In I'flwur. Htprllitv op narrannefin., "v joec iuuuuewci, t,$l a boxi iix for ?, withAV' 'Kwrlttca KtiarnnteesaJTcO tXK.B.rne.'""'?,r'" " "- 'net'. iwcc wiiburiivmiii. ii t I'orSoleby William 0. Clark, 326 Penn Ai Scranton, I 'a s Wealth HJU'W . WHEN IN DOUBT, TnY SIHUKIi G mm$&& If -suriel $kS& -)-ff aii1 vigor to the whole b'inf. All dralni und lostet are cheeked ftrrnaninHy, U nl en patients are properly cured, their condition often v-orriex them into Imanity, (Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price it pefboxio boxes, with ironc)ad legal guarantee tn cure or refund tho money, is 00. Send lor free-tool.. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO,, Cleveland, 0. Tor Sale by JOHN II. PlllJI.I'S, I'lld bpiltcc btrcct- .bhoe bale. tan Men's & $ AQ 1 at P " grade $1.69 grade $1.89 & 217 LACKA. AVE Seamless and Soldctless i8-Kar.it Wedding Rings. Also the New Tiffany Style, 25-Kar.it FINEST WEDDING PRESENTS In sterling Silver, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, etc., Diamonds and Fine Jewelry. Stone Rings in endless variety. THE MOST COMPLETE lock of Watch FROM $2,50 TO $150, Mr. Adams, our Optician, will fit any cases of defective vision at .1 veiy reasonable price. BCEWC01ILL 130 Wyoming Avcmir. At Last We Have It that will do first class work for CALL AND SEE T FLOR 211 Washington Ava. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PIL ffilONJiSL lclcplione Call, 3333 E I At Retail. Coal of tlio best quality for domestic us and ot all telzcs. Including Uucltwticat ami lllnlsejo, delivered In uny part of th cll at tho lowest price. Orders received at the office, first door. Commonwealth building, room No 6; telcphono No 2C24 or nt the mine, tele phone No Vi will bo promptly attended to Dealers supplied at tho mine. W. T. SftlJTN. IVIADE W A KV1AIV1 AJAX TAniXTS VOSITIVCLY CDRK otj, I mtotenc7 Hler ledonesi, etc . cause.! Lt ALu-ta or tit Lor l-'rcoaKD unci lnJi-v yfcL crotiotn. 'Jftrit itnlrfJir ami turtlir f rvHtoro Lost Vital Uy Id oMoryounc.an i niomuaiorHuaj, nufiaetisor marrtajn. l'rfvnt. 1 iMlnit flnn fri'iuti mrt !em , f iHoa in Lime, lueimt siiotrs ia.medlaut itrprorc ineutarjii ellocU n (.UKH rhtro oil otc fail In citt upon liavitiB tho Knuiao Ajnx Tublctft, They fcr.vi cured tbouJEDdnanU lilcurejou. Worfrnapo . itiTo vrritten Kunranfo to elfocf u cura Eft fYC i rachcatoor rofumltLo money PrlfwUV Soiptp 'arkaAi or ii pksea vfull treatment) for $-W. ly mail, in plain wrniiftr. upftn rAciiptotrriro. Circular AJAX R12MEDY CO., ".Sf.V.W' Tor fnlo In Scrantcn, Pa . by Jlatthewa Kios uml II C Sanclcricn clnipRints. They have itood the ten ot j fin. dim nave cured tiiouiinds 01 cases 01 tteroui Diteakci, uch a Uebililv, Diiiinei,Slceple-! nen and "'mcocclcAtrontn Ac. They clear the hrauc, ttreiigihen the circulation, make digettion nerfect. and imn.itt & healthv Pluiriiuwlst, cor. Wyomluj; nvcmic P,ei5e Ill's " - fklA