The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 29, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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The Cnrbondnle correspondence of The
Trlbnnn has been placed In the hands ot
Mr. J, M. Forbes. All complaints ns to In
rectilnr delivery, etc., elso news (time,
should bo Dddrcsscd to ltoberts & Rey
nolds, news accnts.J
Acted Suspiciously Yesterdny on
North Main Street.
Chief, ot Police MeAtitliew arretted
two well-dressed holmes on North Main
street yesterday morning. Their ac
tions were of ii suspicious nature nud
on account of the many depredation?
that luivo liccn committed of late, the
chief thought he had bettor place llicm
In durance vile. One of then), who
pave hip niinio as Fieed, was lclenved.
ns his storv was a plntiHthle one. and
iiotlilnc was discovered on his person
thut would rnnvlct him. He eluiniel
to be a plumber out of work.
His friend was penrelied and articles
of every description were found con
cealed about him. Ho was placed In
ell No. 1 of the city handle to
Wants to Locate In This Vicinity ir
found Desirable.
There is much tulk of u (Senium In
dustry that desires to establish an
American branch in this vicinity and
its pioprietors are muklUK Inquiries
about this city. It Is said that the
hoard of trade has the matter In hand
nnd will do all possible to have them
locate here.
The Industry will employ over five
hundred hands, and will occupy a piece
of crotind one hundred and llfty by
llfty feet.
Carbondale May Have a Large One
in the Near Future.
J. J. Monahan, of this city, has re
ceived a letter from D. H. Fitzgerald,
of Scranton, stating that the latter may
Jocate it hardware Industry In this
place that will employ live bundled
Bldlled bands.
Mr. Fitzgerald Is favorably known In
thli section, having at one time been
superintendent of the Manhattan Hard
vare company.
"What Happened to Jones." the com
cdy success of these days of municipal
upheaval, wars and tariff results, Is a
pood antidote for thought. Broad
hurst's capital farce- which had a four
months' run at the Itljou theater. New
"ork, comes to the Grand on Wednes
day nleht and Is described by u well
Known metropolitan writer as 1111 "IS
karat comedy without n llaw." Th
company Includes Hert (.'. Thayer. K.
Soldene Powtll, Barney McDonoiigb,
Frank Hope, Philip Culvert, Charles
Cireene, Cora Williams, Flanche John
son, Kleanor Broadhay, Helen Hnr
court. Kate Weston nnd Frances lols
At their meeting In St. Hose hall, tin
Women's Catholic .Benevolent J.eglon
elected the following olllcers: Chap
lain. T. F. Caffery; chancellor, TVresu
Durkln; president, Mrs. T. L. nilmar
tln; vice-president, Klixuhcth O'firady;
orator, Oabiiella Coleman; socretary,
Katherlne Scott; collector, Mrs. J, A.
Uoylan: treasurer, Mrs. T. V, Walker;
guard, Mrs. Margaret Kerwlu; marshal,
fclla Halt.
The loss by the lire which occurred
tin Sunday morning, and was written
of In The Tribune of yesterday. Is over
three thousand dollars. The insurance
amounts-' to a thousand and will leave
Mr. Favlan Schlmuff's loss two thou-s-and
dollars, most of which he may
attribute to the city not being equipped
V 1th a proper lire alarm.
In the case of Andrew Mltzar, who
Htole due bills from a companion, the
hearing was postponed Saturday night.
Itussell M. Shepherd has secured put
rnt lights for u very simple but nt the
wimc time an entertaining puzzle.
Milton Lewis left yesterday morning
fir Philadelphia where he will take a
.out so at a training school.
"What Happened to Jones" Is guar
anteiil by the management of the
.Mrs. Frances Abbott entertained a
number of friends in honor of her
The Surest, Safest, Best
Women and Girls.
It cures the Aches, Pains,
Drains, Displacements and
Irregularities that beset the
pathway of the girl, the wife,
the wither, and the grand
mother. A strictly temperance medi
cine; there is no alcohol, mor
phine or other narcotic in it.
When you feel as if you
had lost all Interest In life
overworked run down
have no appetite when
your sleep Is not sound and
restful, then take Johann
Hoff's Malt Extract. Its
effect is Immediate.
Malt Extract
is a certatn tonic and Invig
orator and supplies force to
the weakened body to resist
Dr. Daniel Thayer of Boston,
writes: " I have tried Johann
Hoff's Malt Extract, and believe It
to be a valuable tonic. 1 recom
mend It to patients needing a valu
able help when suffering from de
bility or overwork."
Johann HofPs
Malt Extract
Gives Strength
Downrm ot Imltallonm
guest, Mrs. Charles. The membets of
the Young Ladles' Cooking club attend
ed. lames Walker, of New York city, Is
the guest of South Side friends.
J. A. Stark, of Blnghnmton, N. Y., Is
a visitor In this place.
Mrs Kllzabeth Scott, or New York
city, Is spending a few days In this
On Dec. , Dr. W. G. Weaver, ot
AVllkes-Barre, will be united In mar
riage to Miss Abbott, of this city.
Mrs. J. S. Berry and daughter. Har
riet, have returned from n visit to
Mrs. C. Jugger. of Port Jenis. Ia
spending a few lny,s with fi lends in
this city.
Miss Isabelle Watt returned yester
day to Hye semlnarv, itye, N V
Mrs. 11. W. Harrison, who has been
111, Is Improving.
Miss Mary Snow, of Scranton, spent
yesterday with Mlt.s Kutle Kennedy.
Til" announcement Is made of the 'ii
Kagenicnt of William K. Williams, of
Peckvllle, to Miss Maggie Adams.' ot
this city.
Mrs. W. W Watt and Mis. James H.
Paul vltilted friends in .Scranton yester
day. Miss Frances Moses, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss
Martha Singer, in this city. Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .fumes Mlssett, of
S.-henectady, N. Y.. ale visiting rela
tives In this city.
Mr. and Airs. V. list ibrook. of Juek
Hon. Susquehanna county, are spending
a few days in this citv with relatives.
They weie called here on the death
of Mrs. Hutbaway last Saturday.
Mr. and .Mrs. D. Madlgan returned
home yesterda from a visit with
friends in Cod. ecton, N. V.
Henry 15. Singer, esii., of Xew Yoik
city, spent the past lew days' ilth his
parents in this city.
Hev. J. II. Whalen, of Matawan, N.
J., has received a unanimous call from
the Honesdale Baptist church to be
come their pastor.
Miss Grace Stiles, of New Yoi! has
been the guest of Miss Itena iCeen for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuaeiie . i mi. of
Scinntoii, spent a pint of last week at
the home of Judge T. J. Ham.
Bev. and Mrs. J. J!. Sunnier, of Wa
veiiy, Ii spent Thanksgiving with
their daughters, .Mis. Tolley and Mrs.
( 'rossle .
.Miss I tebe. ca Thompson and Miss
Ki'.ltll Torrey 'were home from school
for the Thanksgiving vacation.
Hev. J. I'.. Bone, of the Methodist
church, und Hev. W. H. Swift, of the
l'resbvterlnn church, gave their con
gregation a surprise by exchanging
pulpits on Sunday morning.
Itev. W. H Swift's Whin class will
hold a birthday social In the chapel
parlors on Friday evening.
A notice in the postofllce calls f'.r
bids for c.uiylng the mull between
Honesdale and Carbondale, from Jan.
J, to leave Carbondale at T a. in. and
llone.-dule at I p. in. dally, except
The Wayne County Fanners' Insti
tute will be held from Dec. 1 to Ie. 7
Inclusive, at the following places. Sher
man. Stnrrucca, Wlnwood, Pleasant
Mount, Aldenvllle and Hethuny.
it Is to he hoped that the meetings
of the committee from the Honw-dule
board of trade will be the means of
building up the manufacturing inter
ests heie. If there is anything done in
that lino It must be done through their
efforts. It liuti been done in other
towr.s and tun bo done here.
nic-d Saturday morning, at 1 o'clock,
Mrs. Dorothy Dlttrich, !!) years of age,
wife of Mr. Fred Dlttrich. Sho Is sur
vived by her husband and four chil
dren, Fred A., Henney, and Miss Jo
sephine, ut home, and Mrs. h. .1. Sel
bcker. of Scranton. The funeral sit
vii'es were held from the Presbyterian
ehuieh Monday afternoon. Itev. W. H.
Swift olllciatlng.
Mr. F. P. Wooduaid, of Dunmoie,
was In Honcfdnle yesterday.
For a number of years nearly alt of
the murders conunltted In Wayne
county have been followed by the fuI
clde of the murderer, as was the cube
of the murder near Hethany last week,
thus saving the county the cxrense of
board i.nd prosecution of tho criminals.
Very few prluoncrs, occupy tho county
Jail and the lawyers have hut llttlo
criminal practice. This has favored
the taxpaj er& and allowed tho county
commissioners to reduce tho county In
debtedness. Tho evening entertainment for tho
county Institute nro ns follows; Tues
day, lecture, "The New Woman and
the Did Man," Colonel George W. Bain;
Wedncsdny, humorous, John Thomas
Concert company; Thursday, lecture,
"Dixie Jieforc. tho War," Dr, A. W,
Lamar, of South Canaan.
Fortunate; Escape from Death The
Anniversary of Duma.
Mrs. Iltirke, mother of Oliver llurke,
of the Susquehanna House, had a very
narrow escape from death yesterday
morning, when she mistook the head
of the stairway for tho hall, and fell
headlong to tho bottom. The nolPo at
tracted others of the household to the
spot, and she was conveyed to her
room anil n physician summoned, An
enxmlnatlon showed that while no
bones weie broken, she hud received
severe bruises upon the nrm nnd hips,
and a severe shock to her nervous sys
tem. The old lady Is 76 years of age,
and this considered, It Is providential
that the accident was not of a more
serious nature. Last night she was as
comfortable as could be expected.
On Tuesday evening next nt the hall
of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion, our Scottish people nnd others
who honor nnd revere the memory ot
the Immortal hard, Itnbert Hums, will
have an opportunity of llptenlng to
Miss Jean Howlson, of Perth, Scotland.
She has appeared In nil the large cities
of the stntes and Canada, and the voice
of the leading Journnls nssure us of
a treat seld' i afforded here.
Superintendent Motile, of the Water
company, yesterday tested the lire
plugs about the city and found several
of them blocked with mud. They are
now nil In good working order.
Mr. Greenwood has purchased tho
Hechtold property on Hutler street and
will remove hlf family to his new homo
on Jan. 1. The Kilts, were to have oc
cupied the Oreenwood building, but
have reconsidered this action.
The clergymen of the several churches
met yesterday morning at the parlors
of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion for the purpose of considering the
possibility of dispensing with Sunday
funerals. The matter was discuwed nt
some length and It was finally agreed
to hold another meeting nnd invite the
undertakers, and It Is expected that
with their co-operation this much
needed refoim will be effected. The
pastors claim that when In attendance
nt a funeral on the Sabbath they are
forced to neglect their Bible class and
other duties. The pastors present yes
terday were Fletcher, Simpson. Har
shaw, rjeorge, Harrington, Langford,
Kttwien, Fisher. Cody, Arthur, Mc
Arthur, Holiliu'on and Thomas. The
next meeting will be held on Tuesday
uf let noon next at 4 o'clock, in the lec
ture room of the Presbyterian church,
M1ss Lena Howltz, of the West Side.
Is recovering from n severe attack of
typhoid fever.
Chart" Hanks, a slate picker at the
Stevens colliery, had a narrow escape
with his life yesterday afternoon, when
he fell into a coal chute Just as the
l?ver was pulled to load a car. He
was drawn Into the center, nnd the
coal covered him up, and luckily his
feet had reached the exit Just before
the operator had shut down the lever.
Hrt was quickly pulled out, and was
found to be nearly suffocated. Dr.
I'nderwood was summoned and today
he has about recovered.
T. N. Chestworth yesterday captured
a wild duck in the river below the de
pot bridge. The bird had been w Inged
by some hunter and was tillable to es
cape. iiarles Tripp has sued ex-Mayor Ma
loney. Alderman Jordan and Joseph
Tigue for damuges amounting to Sl'.'i,
OO'l, for false imprisonment. The case,
If It comes up before court, will be
one of much Interest to many in and
about the city.
The inquest that was to have been
conducted yesterday afternoon at the
olllce of Deputy Coroner F.vans has
been postponed for two weeks. This
is the case of the explosion which ue
currred In the Schooley shaft of the
Pennsylvania Coal companv ten days
Many of the sld-walks yesterday
were allowed to remain in a very dan
gerous condition, owing to lie and
snow. It seems that the stinet com
missioner, whose salary goes on no
mutter the condition of the weather,
should coniptl property owners und
merchants to attend to this Important
On Sunday evening John Poylc, of
Water street, slipped on the sidewalk
and badly injured one of his limb
About two eais ago he reiehed a
compound fracture of the knee, at the
Itethlehem station when attempting to
board a mo lug triiln. from which he
was permauenttv disabled, and the In
jury sustained Sunday evening was to
the name limb, lie is coiulned to his
room and will he for some time.
The reinnliis of the late F.uoch Couit
rlght, who died at Vlnelaud, '. J., ar
rived here yesterda.x, and the funeral
will take place this afternoon from his
former home on the Wi't Side, and
will be titloiidiil by the n. embers of
Keystone lodge. Sunn ( St. Ceorge.
A portion of the furnltuie lu the res
idence of Frank Moon, on Philadelphia
avenue, caugnt lire In some mysterious
manner yesterday, but the Humes were
(Uncovered and subdued and the lirtl
cles carried out b 'fore other damage
was done.
Frank Webb, prhate In the Klevetith
fulled Stntea volunteer infautr, died
at the United States gtiierul hospital
on Nov, 17, after eight days' illness,
of typhoid pneumonia. Deceased was
a son of Mrs. Webb, of South Main
street, and was 'Si years of age. On
June -I He enlisted for tlnee years' ser
vice and was at llrst stationed at Fort
McPherpon, afterwuid a( Santiago, and
finally ut Porto lllco. The sad mes
MiU .relative to his (Until was received
by Fowler Curl, foreman ut the Avocu
Silk mill yesterday moinlng. The at
tending physician llndmg it letter from
Mr. Curl in younir Webb's pocket took
this ineailb of Informing the deceased's
mother on the death of lwr son. Since
boyhood he developed a fondi.ess for
rllle practice ul his aim became so
accurate that he was populurly known
as "Colonel" Webb. Ii seemed quite
natural that he would choose the llfn
of a soldier, and while on the held ho
still held a prominent place among tho
more skillful marksmen. A tew weeks
a;u lu wiote u letter home in which he
(omphilned ot u pain In tile side and
expressed a desire to return home for
Chrlbtmns. Tho fnmlly is prostrated
with grief on account of tin sad cir
cumstances surrounding his death.
The bazaar conducted by the ladle's
of the PjimltlVD Methodist church dur
ing tlje past week nutted for the trus
tees ttai.
William Peterson and friend, tier
trude Wlldonei, of Plttslon, spentlast
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Me
Pnerson. The Ladle' Missionary society of tho
Presbyterian church will meet on
Thursday afternoon at tho homo (t
Mrs. D, ii. Cleorgo on Thutsday uftor,
noon. They will leave here on the
p. m. train.
Tho free reading rooms will hereaf
ter ho In the S.irslluld 'building. Tho
growing bushier of 'the Argus necW-
a new dicovery which is worth
that Much .
To Any Ono Allllctod With I'll en.
The Pyramid Pile Cure, tho new,
palnlcsu remedy which has been so re
markably successful In curing every
form of piles nnd rectal diseases, liar,
recently been placed on sale at drug
gists, and It Is safe to say that when
Its extraordinary merit becomes fully
known, there will be no such thing as
surgical opetatlons for the cure of this
obstinate and common trouble.
Mrs. M. C. Hlnkly, of C01 Mississippi
St., Indianapolis, Intl.. nays: I had
been a terrible slllterer front plies for
1C years und no remedies heuellted me,
until I miw an ndvcrtlsonint of the
I'yn.nild 1-lle Cure; 1 got it puckago,
also n package of Pyramid Pills und
used both according to directions. I
was astonished ut the Immediate re
llcf obtained and I now honestly be
lieve the Pjramld to be the only certain
cure for piles.
Tnnt you may realize how bad t
wan, I will fay that I wub connned to
my bed and Went before the college
physician here, who s.tld my cane was
it new' one to then1 and wanted seven
or eight hundred dollars to undertake
a cure: the great pain had brought
on a liipture, and 1 knew an opera
tion would be death to me on account
of blood poisoning. Nearly ovciyono
heie knows of m terrible suffering
from piles nnd I feel that I cannot
praise the Pyramid Pile Cuie enough,
and the Pyramid Pills n!so. Mv hus
band will Join me In highly recom
mending the Pyramid, my dnughter
was cured by one box only. For sev
eral years f weighed but .ibout nil
pounds, now I weigh 1 50 and feel In
perfect health.
This seems to be the universal test
imony of uveiy sufferer from piles
who have ever tiled the Pyramid;
It Is the safest, most painless pile cure
yet discovered; contalnH no opiate,
morphine, cnealne or any poisonous in
gredient whatever, has a soothing,
healing effect fiom the llrKt applica
tion, and the moderate price places It
within the reach of everyone needing
treatment. The Pyramid Pile Cure Is
sold by diugglsts at 50 cents and $1.00
per package and the Pyramid Pills af
2." cents tier box.
Send to Pyramid Co.. Marshall Mich.,
for free book on cause and cure of
sltated Its remoMil from that building
Mr. Holhster. has kindly furnished th"
rooms during the past few months.
Joseph O'lhlen, of Jermyn, Is spend
ing a few days with friends In town.
The supper ctnductui by the ladles'
society of the .Moosle Presbyterian
church on Thanksgiving day netted
Thomas MeNally. a miner employed
In Old Forge, collleiy, sustained a frac
tured ankle on Saturday afternoon.
Hubert Campbell, of drove street, of
fers his house for sale or rent as he
expects to remove his family to Scran
ton In a lew mouths.
Thanksgiving was celebrated with a
union servlc In the Methodist church.
Air. Will AlcConnell gave the address,
whUh was ery appropriate to th!
oecasioir. and of profit and pleasure
to all who vrre present.
.Mrs. Dr. liiirduei' and son. Hubert,
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Sarah
Airs. Krnesl Synder Is again very 111.
Air.' nnd Air Wesley Deishlmer cel
ebrated their twentieth wedding nn
nlvcisur last Friday evening. The
home was beautifully decorated with
bunting, evergreens and potted plants.
A large company of friends enjoved
a good musical programme and other features ot the evening. .Mr.
nud Airs. Dershlmer were the reci
pients of several fine gifts.
Tho many friends ol Hev. J. i Lea
cock will be glnd to know that his
sou, Mi. Ailhur l.eacock. who came
home ill from Harvard Is convaU-.s-cmit
Mr. Will AlcCilnuel Is conducting a
temperance revival In the IMptist
The Junior Kpworth League of the
AI. K, church enteiialued the Kpworth
league In the church parlors last Wed
nesday evening. 'J he address of wel
come by Third Vice-President AII1
rtred Smith was most excellent, as
was also the rershinents which fol
lowed lattTr In the evening. The Juu
ierjt proved their ability to give a
mot enjoyable reception.
AlUs Helen Suntee is spending her
vueutiou at home.
Miss Wesley was home fnr Thauks
glvliig and Sunday.
The high school furiiHhed an Inter
esting, d'jbiiln und the primary depart
ments .in entertainment last Wednes
day afternoon.
The harvest festival service con
ducted III the Primitive Methodist
church Sunday night was well rend
ered, The contributions of fruit and
vegetables wen; small.
Aim David Chapman was a visitor
lu Scranton Saturduy night.
Agnes Alcljugh, of Nnnthoke. Is
spending a few days with Alame Knupp,
of Alain street.
Allss Alice lIuw.kliiM, of Peckvllle,
spent Sunday with her parents on Hal
stead avenue.
J. A. linrron Is erecting a line dwell
ing house on AJbert htreet.
The Ladles' Aid sotlety of the Pilml
the .Methodist church will meet at the
home of Airs. John Palmer, of Carmalt
street, tomorrow ufteinoon. All mem
bers are requested to be present, as the
election of otllceis will take place.
From New Zealand.
Heefton, New Zealand, Nov. I'll. 1SU6.
I urn very pleased to state ttfat since
I toak the agency of Chamberlain's
medicines the sale has been very large,
more especially of the Cough Hemedy.
In .two years 1 have sold more of thl.i
particular remedy than of all other
makes for the previous five years. As
to Its elhcacy, 1 have been Informed
by scoic.i of persons of the good re
fills they havo received from it, and
know Its value from the use of it in
my own household. It is so pleusant
to take that we have to place the bot
tle beyond the reach of the children.
K, J. Scantlebury.
Kir sale by all druggists. Alatthew
Prothers, wholesale and retail agents,
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
This Is Your Christmas Store
Be mindful of our careful preparations to supply your
' .. holiday wants. Know vou
' o
both be right. You must be
Toys and
There are pretty toys
here for a lew pennies
and prettier ones here
tor a few dollars and many thous
ands of them at all
prices between.
There are Drums
and Pianos, Wag
ons. Sleds and Go
Carts, Trolley Cars
in all miniature,
just like the real ones; iron toys of
every description and Dolls till you
can't rest. And all of them at a
third less than in any other store.
Lilien aild The kind that baby
TOV BOOkS cal1t tear, as little
in price as 2 cents
and by easy stages up to two dol
lars. For the bigger children there
are picture books ot all sorts, chat
ter boxes, fairy geographies, Mother
Goose there's no place to stop.
Some of the prices:
Chatter Box lor 1898 90c
Fairy Geography 50c
Pansy Sunday Book 49c
Black Beauty, illustrated. ..59c
Mother Goose, complete... 55c
Cat and Dog Tales 25c
Fancy Painting Book 10c
Christmas Kach volume in a
Books, 30C box- 9o.ver,s :ire,in
pretty Dresden de
signs of silk cloth with white vel
lum backs, stamped in silver titles
like these and many others:
Lady of the Lake,
Lucille, Marmion,
Tales from Shakespeare,
Hiawatha, Evangeline,
Bacon's Hssays.
Publishers thought them cheap at
75c, 'Less than half that buys them.
The Christian,
39 Cents
We oiler today
and tomorrow a
limited quantity
of Hall Caine's famous novel, "The
Christian"' hound in paper at
above price. Never before sold
under $1.1 v
SOIlie Lamp Up on the second
Cheapness 'l001' the lamPs lel'
their own story of
beauty and cheapness. Among
them are about sixty, brass footed,
with 10-inch decorated globes in all
the new tints. These go today at
A Dollar l-orty-Nlne.
And you may be sure their equal
is not to be found under $3.71.
Jonas Long's Sons
Kriitti tlu lionie ut her xon, Jaini-s
V. o'Hrieii. Hit- funeral uf Mrx. Ann
O'HiIhii took iilure yesti'iilay illuming-.
ll was very luifjply uttemlt'il. Tlu lv
niullis vrrt ronvoyed to St. Patrick's
church, whoi ou tv(uiriu maws was cc
chniteil hy Itev. .1. M. Hnioultcr. vim
also preached the funeral senium. In
terment was niiule In St. Patrick's cem
etery. The imll-lieai't'is were: Jlessis.
William Kouun. Hush O'Huyle. John
O'MulIey. John Daley. Martin Walsh
ami Thomas Kelly. Among those from
out of town who attended the funeral
were: P. J. t'asey. J. J. O'Hoyle, t'oun
ty Treasurer 0. Holand. M. J. Kell.
JI. F. HlBKlns. Daniel Campbell, .Mr
and Mis. John I'. Kelly. Mrs. P. J
llealy. Misses Laura Million auJ Affiles
Orossln, Scrunton. Mr. Van Dosen and
Kdltor Phllliln, of the Archbuld Cltl
ypn. F. M. KulRht. the obliging salesman
at the Heady Pay store, had the mis
fortune to fall from a step ladder lu
the store yesterday afternoon, severely
spialnliiK his ankle. Dr. J. J. Price
buiuluKt'il the wounded member.
Tho home -of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorue
Hurbort Prownltifr. of .Icssuii, was the
scene of a pleusant social gathering
Saturday evening. The affair was lu
honor of Mr. Urownlne's thirty. sev
enth birthday. An elegant rockniB
chair was tho Rift of their friends,
Games und dancing; were Indulged in
until tho hour of mldnlKlit, when sand
wiches, cake, coffee and fruit were
served by the hostess. Music ih fur
nished by Scnnlon and Burnett's or
chestra. The following guests were
present: Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hrown
lug and family, Mr. and Airs. Fred
erick PrownliiR nnd fnmlly, Mr nnd
Mrs. ('. U. nurnett nnd family, Mr.
and Mrs. James Nichols, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Dayhl Mcelroy. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fagen, Mr.
and Mrs. Kdward Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Miss A. Clark. Mrs. h. rtleh
arils, Miss Lena nurnett, Albert
lirownlng und Krnest nrownlng.
J. H. Ferguson and John Lally havo
returned front a trip to New York.
ThnnksBlvlne services were held nt
that more Christmas presents
are gathered under this big
roof than in all other stores
Toys and Games, Linen
Books and Picture Books,
Handkerchiefs and Gloves, Art
Goods and Porcelain Ware,
Novelties in Silver and China,
Pictures and Furniture no
end to the list.
Through it all, there's satis
faction for you in the choos
ing; goods and prices must
eternally satisfied.
now are com
comnlete so
anticipate your wants and buy
now. Some great prices confront
you today women's hand em
broidered Irish linen initials; em
broidered swiss and lace edges;
worth up to as cents each. t
Today lUC
Misses' and boys' embroidered
initial linen, white and fancy bor
ders: put up 3 in a box;
complete for. JiOC
worth double.
Men's silk handkerchiefs, hand
some embroidered initials; also
fancy silk borders in all the latest
patterns; 2sc each, or
half dozen for 1.2,0
50 Engraved Our stationery de
CardS 75C partment is in
new and perma
nent quarters, just below the main
staircase. That you may know it
better, we offer for this week only,
your name beautifully engraved on
fifty line bristol cards for 7s cents.
A suitable and useful holiday gift.
Pictures and Work that calls for
Framing careful attention in
detail you get
here. And these specials in Pic
tures for this week:
Colored photo medallions Q
9x14 inches, This week.. 9oC
Free hand pastels, panel shape,
matted in gilt frame, .
12x24 inches .Z.4V
Veiy pretty Medallions. ,
7x9 inches JtDC,
Same size, with fancy
corners ,. 39C
Novelties in ' - Christmas is nut
Sterling Silver s far au.u
that you can
afford to miss a chance of this kind.
There are nail files, shoe buttoners,
darners, tooth-brushes, letter open
ers, blotters, curlers, etc. Take
them at
4c each
and know that you are getting a
big bargain.
the Susquehanna Street Baptist chunii
Sunday evening.
Miss Maine Campbell, of Srranton,
visited friends lu town Sunday.
Davlil Lloyd, of Hell street. Is ubli
to be out again after being confined !
the house three weeks.
health is Wealth
theoric.nal'all others imitations,
Iieoldundor positivo Written flumrnntce,
hyantborized ngonts only, to cure Weak Moranry,
Dizziness, Wakefulness, l'itt, Hysteria, Quick
new, NiRut Lcb608, Kvll Dreams, laclt of G'onti.
deuce, Nervousness, Laacltudo, all Drains, Youth
ful Erroie, or Excestttvo U of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, wlili'h loads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At store or by mail, ) a
box; six for t with tvrittcu cunrantee to
cure or refund money. Hnniplopuclc
nee, containing fivo days' trentment, with lull
instructions, ii cents. Ono eamplo enly cold to
cacu person. At storo or by man.
(5TRcd Label Special
Extra strength.
For Imnntency, Loss ot"
I'ower, ijost oianiioou,
Hterillty or narronnnss.'
ii n doz; Bix tor to. win
urrlttpti cuarnntrf'
tn.itmlnlVlniiiH. At ftnm
tQBFOREor bvmail.
For Saleby William U. Clark, Jj6 Penu Ave
Scranton, I 'a.
( itV ,AwRiVv . h
'iAV .1 WMi v fll Xj"lh llVall
Wkti ' ' Til
Nt P3 T
BomeiiXBU neoisa reliable, snonthly, resnhtlnc nudlelte. Only ntrmlue&4
tne (iuret drugs should b useJ. lljou wuii the best, g
Dr. PeaB's PetiiiyB'oyaS PMs'
Tbsy are prsmpt, safe and certain In result. The canning (Dr.' feat's) nerer dbia.
nolnt. Bent anywhere, 81.00. Addrwi fiiLiltrjciBBCo., Uoreland.O.
For Sale, by JOHN H- PHELPS, Pnarmclt,,cfejv Wvomlna svanue and
oPruoo atroot-
The St. Denis
Oroidwoy and Eleventh St., Ktw York.
Opp. Urace Church. European Plan.
Koomi Si. oo a' Day and Upward.
In a Diodsat and unobtrtnlvo way tbr ara
fw bettor conducted txotelM la ths notropoili
than tlio Bt; Dxnla.1
The great popularity it hoa acquired on
rendUy bo'traboft'to its tiiiliu location, lu
bomolikn atmosphere, tho peculiar excellence
ot Its oulslno and aerTico; and Ita Terr moder
ate prlcca.
Tin ' '
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
Day nnd Upwards.
Day and Upwards.
For Business Men ?
lu the heart of the wholesale district, y
For Shoppers !
3 inltmtr walk tn Wn11.11t1.1Lct: 8 !
inliiulet to 8iencl Cooper' tilt; Store.
liany of accc to llic great Dry Goods .!.
Stores. A
For Sightseers. J
Hue MocL front U'wny c3r.Rivltiir cnxv .t.
transportation toall (toiutaof Interest." A
Hotel Albert j
Only One Dlock from ilroadway. Y
' . -. mm. V
Manufacturers of
435 10455 N.Ninlh Si.. Scmnlon. pp.
Telephone Call, 333.
.M.M , IIIIIUI.II .Mill ! I V.J
At Retail.
Coal of the best ipjullty for domestic uss
anil of ull sizes. Including llucltwlitut and
HlrOteye. dellvoreU In uny part of til
city, ut the lowest price.
Orders received at ths office, first floor.
Commonwealth bulldlnir, room No. 6;
telcphonu No. 2C24 or at the mine, tele
phone No. 272, will be promptly uttended
to, Dealers supplied at tho mine.
sMM4&trvota jJUeaBca l-muns Mam
017, lpi potency, Hlofplefiiec, etc.. caDl
tj Aduao or other Kiceiwa and Jndls
credoos 'JTieu QuicKty anti turelv
roetortt Lost VitaUtr la old or jouncD"!
fitainaa farfttuJv. buficMior tnarrJact.
aaJBi'vut Insanity uod Coneamptlon it
takttaiuuuifl. 'Ihelrms uhonti itcmcdlato (mprova
laoutantl eETccts a CUltr, whore all nthtr (all In
eUt upon LuviDtf the ccnutno Ajar Tftbleta. The 7
hoTO cured thousandiaud will cure jrou, Wor1v upon
itiTowrlttoacuaruntee tociloctacure Cf PTC fn
each caw or rofunil the roouey. 1'rlcawJ U I Oipr
rnrkauei or tlx )kce (full IrcMtnentl tor 2.G0. Uy
mall- la plain wfu,fr. upon rcirt ot rrice. Circular
'" AJAX REA1EDVCO., V8t,br",V.,lM.'
For snlo In Scrantcn, Pa., hy Mntthcwa
Dros, and ii I' Kandcrrcn, ilniRgists.