THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1898. I'iiMIMic1 Oiilly, Kept suntluv. In tho Tribune IMiiltililiif Company, al ' Cent n Month. fevv Yorkuillco" iftti NnnnHt, ... H H. VltKl:liN1), tole Agent lor I'orclsn Advertising. IMHtFI) AT Till: 1 OSTOFFK'1'. VT xmAVTO.V, J'A., AS fcFCONI-CLAH1 MAI!. 31 ITTKU. TWELVE PAGEvS. SCHANTON'. NOVIIMIUUI 2C, 1S03. Tho no.t mayor of Hrranton must bo a man bit; enough and brave enough to own liluiKCll. Sccietmy Long's lloport. New light is blied upon the Sampson Schley episode by the tletnllod story of the navy's work In the war nnrrat id In Secretary bong's report, vvlilrh la liberally aumiuarlyed elsewhere. Viom oinclal documents tlieie pre sented It nppejxs not only that Schley did not locate CVrv era's stiuiulron as ni ut one time supposed by the pub lie but ulho that after he had leeeUed explicit ordeis to remain in blockade outside Santiago harbor be statted to return to Key Wist and but for the i nergetle stepi of Admiral Sampson, vim appeared on tin- svpiic and took rommand In person. Orvoin probably would have escaped and the war with Spain would have bten prolonged in (Infinitely. The lefercnce In Iboiepoit to the sui llnesx of Geneial .Shatter at Santiago in refusing Admiral Sampson's lequest loi lepresentation tluiing the negotia tion'! for Santiago'!! sui lender is made In the fotm of a statement of fact without foinmeut: but It ! evidently n raw npol among n.ivnl men. It de ceives to be s.ild In behalf of Shafter. liowfvei, that all (lit' lettltnonv as to hN eonduct after the landing of his fotces nt D.tliiulri tends to support the theoiy of both phvslrnl and mental lr iespnnlbllity. Hi Insult of Sampson wiimlmplv on a pai with his tieatmeut of evoi vlioilv else with whom lie ame in cuntnci mid it is thai liable t. take tli view that bis condition at this peilnd not noimal. In tb light of Secretaiy Lous' m ie port, wltlt Its coiroboiatlng ofllcl.U dis Is obvious that public opin ion lias done gnus Injustli e in Ad miral Sampson, ami as one of tbe of fender In this i-espott The Tilbune of feis apology without 1001 vo. The son sltlvciipss til p'ibllt npinton over an imagined slight of Schle, though crul 1 unjust to Sunip'-'in, wan prompted b a initio in piestlge ami bv a splilt of what was belles ed to be fair pln which even Admiral Sampson himself must appitclate though for a time foiced to stiff ei by season theieot. The hecietui's leconimendatlon that (ongiess levlvp the glades of admiial and vice atlmlial nlivlouMy has In lovv the promotion of Dewey to the lit wt plato and Sampson to the si com). Pop ular atiiilescenee in such a it-ward for Sampson would be no more than justlte to this painstaking and efficient ollleer who, though misjudged for a tljne, will evidtntly not suffer longer fiom popu lar misconceptions. The plra of the stcietnry of tho navy for an ineieascd numbci of mod em battleships nnd fast cruise! s will meet with a icatly l espouse from con gress; but what congiess needs to do llrst of till Is to ghe Its cordial ns sent to the well-considcied legislation which tho navy depaitment proposes tor the enualUation of lewaids and piomotions and the leorganbatlon of the ptisonnel or the nnvnl heivice. I'lom the dav when the Hist Yankee ship put to sea witl' the piesent the iiiaulmod of the Anieilcan navy, wheth er In peace 01 war. has been one of the bilghtest Jew Us In our national diadem, ,et today lb" biac men who by their nlir. chlnhy and pi ,u Ileal gpiiiun have confined impel Wimble gloiy upon Ameileon hlstoiy ate stag gel Ing along under an nntitpiateil set of laws, aie 111 rew aided and noorlv paid, and In numbers aie Insutfltient for the weak wlilih they aie reoulied to do The tliin has come when this condition ot iiffulis must bo lemudied, A guileful ami gem-tons people will not longei tolerate the nlggaully and unnecessary damping ami cheat ing of the best and Inavct sailots and flshlei.s that eei tiod ship-deck. It Is well to temeinber that but for Iinmocintli thliuble-iiging In couu c U the asphaltetl stieits could have been repalied etc snow fell. Dieylus Knight-Errantiy. Wo are not. we hope, wanting In s in jiathy with the olhitl made In 1'ianeo to have the sonleiuc passed upon Cap tain Albert Dicifui! ieersed and the man himself icealled to bis military duties or at all eents restoied to civic 11 fo and civil eltl.eiishil. We liollevo he bus bei-n the lttlm of as villainous n conspiracy as It ever enteicd the mind of limit to conceit. Wo beliew that in tho ordlnniv coin so of human affairs he will live to see his enemleo hoist with tin r own dastaidly pet ards. One of them. l-Wteihazv, Is al ready a fugitive from Justlte; tleiiural Mercler and Colonel I'uliy du fljin, the ono tho Instrument ot his U"unr,ill an I thu other tlm author of It, aio lirolj ably less ti be enied tlinn een Uroy fu hlnisell. This being f o hope the gushing FtntlmentallstH wlio have oigaiii.ed themselves Into a IJieyfus 1'iopagauda society in H.iltlnioie will be emphatic ally lepudlated by tho people of this country. Such an oiganlzatlou W an inexcusable rellectlnn on the course of Justice In a friendly republic, as well ns an unnetesasry exhibition of eMI nesp. This species of morbid sym pathy lth the alleged victims of the laws of other eouutrjus has often be fore placed our nmbustmlois abioad and our government at home in a eiy unvnvlable and embarinsslng position. It arousis tlie iot,entineiit of foiolgn era, who begin to think that out mis sion In the wot Id 1h an Impertinent in terference wltn their affairs. Liroyftts Is not ii "hero-attillorist." Thero was nothing heroic about his downfall, taking for ci mi Wit its undoubted pathos. Ho is simply the victim of an infamous eonspliacy ,xs any mun may be, and untold numbers bavo been. There was nobody In France or out of it who did not believe at the time of Dieyfus' conviction that he was guilty, 13 en bin eo-rellglonlpta vcre humili ated by hla downfall, without their questioning until afterward the Justlte or validity of IiIm sentence. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, has been invited to speuk nt the banquet which the Haltlmoio society will give on the otenslon of Dreyfus' "evoncra tlon mill complete vindication by tho court of cassation." Unfortunately for these enthusiasts the court of cassa tion has neither tho power nor the Jurisdiction to economic or vindicate Drejfus. it can revise his sentence, re call him, and demand another trial, but that Is ns far as It can go. Thero Is not the slightest probability that Drey fus will be vindicated or exonerated in the sense In which the foolish propa gandists of Ualtlmore anticipate. Drey fus will be brought back to France and liberated, hlle the world will vindi cate him as best It mny without the aid of the French War department or the mint of eastutluii. This ould be the ordlnniy cotuse. Hut If tho echo of such an agitation as that set on foot in Haltlmote roaches France, as of couise It IU, It may arouse the subsiding paslons of Fienchmen, and Drefus again may bid farewell to lib erty. That Is the danger, ithoiit a shadow ot tangible tompeiisatlon. The name of Senator Morgan coupled with such an undertaking ould give It an odlclnt sanction In the eyei or the I'lencli people hlch would Indlssolu bly, although of course unjustly, con nect It viitli the admlnlstiatlon. Kieiichmen know little enough of the political phenomena of their own gov ernment, let alone outs, to understand how little the senator from Alabama Is Identified with the teptesentatlve offic ial sentiment of the 1'nlted States. Concerning Corigios-sninn 'Williams' defeat the Philadelphia. I'lecs thinks the cause W "something' of the nature of that which lost the Ki publicans six other disttlcts in the stnte that ere cnirled two o'its ago." PiecWely, Wannmakei Wm. The Territoiy of Hawaii. The announcement Is made that the commission which was appointed by thu pitsldent to recommend a foim of government for the Hawaiian Islands at. .1 pan of the United States lias agreed unoti the main features of lt icpoit and that it will advise a lcgular tonitoilal fm in of government, with a governor, a delegate In congiess and a legWlatuie. Tlie legislature will be elected by the qualified oters of the Island, but there will be piopeity and educational qualifications Imposed on thocc who ote for membeis of the unper house of the legislature. The franchise M not be extended to the Japanese or Chlnesp in tho island, but the Poitugucse w become citizens will not be excluded under the icstilc tlons imposed. Tile s stein of import ing labmeis into Hawaii under eon ti.ut will be abolished; the experiment of employing white labor In plantation woilc will be tried. Tlie form of government thus pro posed for Hawaii does not necessarily Ii,ie any healing uion tlie problem of go fining the Islands won fiom Spain in tlie AVest and Hast Indies. It is to lie lemembeied that the people of Ha waii are alieady living under a ell established and thoroughly organized lepubllcan form of government hlch, as ore of them wiltef, W "the out giowtli of long expei lence and wise ile llbei.itlon." Their "political and social sstem Is thoroughly American," and does not lequire to be assimilated. This writer, a Honolulu contilbutor to the Washington Star, takes pains to em phasise tills point. "Occasional articles appear in your papers," sas he, "which indWirlmlnatelv lump together Hawaii and other expected acquisitions of ter iltory, such as Porto Itlco and the Phil ippines, as all calling for similar deal ing. This Is totally enoneous. Hawaii has been for eighty ears under Ameri can influences, and has become thor oughly Americanized. All the leading and ronti oiling elements In Hawaii are eomplttely Ameiican. The daily news papers are all thoioughly American. The sihools are all Ameilcnn.and eveiy child and outh In the group Is le qulied to be taught In the nngllsh lan guage, with Ameiican school books. The churches anil the courts are all Ameiican In form. Thus Hawaii Is not a community lequlilng, like Porto Itlco, u long couise of AmeilianUntlon before being safely tieated as nn American tenitoiy. Ameilcaulsm has become uatuiallzed in Haw nil, and the people largely assimilated thereto. There in e, of touise, limitations anil qualifications to such a statement. So thero would be n a similar statement about Musa ihusetts, as In the case of the French Cunadlan elenunt Uta in both places tlie elements whlih aie partially 01 not at all Ameilcanlzed nie not influential. They me dependent elementc ot socl et Thev ilo not mateilally Influence the tone of society or the conduct of ntfniis. In dealing with Hawaii, con gicss has to deal with a thoroughly Ametlcnn tenltory, for which no paral lel exists in Poito Itlio or other prob able appendages to the United States." It is tho belief ot many Ameilcans that Porto Itito 111 Ameilcanlze ery l.ipldlv; that with fiee schools Insti tuted there nnd teaching Hnglish lan guage and Anglo-Saxon principles, nnd with American capital opening up new souices of wealth, It Ill be not longer than a generation befoie that snug little Island will bo ready for a gov ernment such as Is now pioposcil for Hawaii. This, however, Is a matter for the futuio. In all the teirltory wrested from Spain the Immediate pioblcm Is not id much political In chnrotter as It is economic. When tho Inhabitants of those Islands are taught to woik and to sue, and aie glen oppoitunlty to do both, it will not be difficult to provide them with a satisfactory form of government. Tho bane of Spanish rule eci where bus been that It utter ly Ignored the civilizing value of a con tented and ptospeious laboring class. This Is tho true seeiet ot its Ignomin ious downfall. , Congiessman Italley says he has no fenr of being deposed from tho Demo cratic leadership In tho house. He vlll certainly ha'o the enthusiastic support of every Itepublicuu, An lncieaso ot $6,000,000 In this year's postal business over that of the year before shoxs-s vhlch ny tho vlnd la blowing. An Increase of Jin,S71,5l5 In tho amount of money orders Issued shows It Btlll more clearly. Congressman McMlllIn sn's: "I am opposed to taking the Philippine Islands because I believe In tho ability of the people to govern themselves." If tho Filipinos can show this ability nud save the United States trouble there will be no happier man than Wil liam McKlnley. Down In Santiago General Wood may lme been n little short on Thanksgiving turkey but he ran take consolntlon In the fact that he Is not forgotten by his counttymen up North. They tegard him as timber suitable for higher honors In the days to come. In Eomo counties In Pennsylvania, nccordlng to Superintendent Schacffer, public school teachers last year ob tained less salary than it costs to maintain n pauper. Missionaries should be dispatched to these counties at onto. It Is something of a 110 city in pub lic life to see how faithfully Colonel ltoosevelt Is trying to redeem literally and wholly every promise mado by him before election; but the American people appreciate the Innovation. In commemoration ot Its sixth an niversary the Olyphant Ilccord on Thursday Issued a handsome special twelve-page edition ivhlch leflects creditably upon Its resources. The Hccord Is a good local paper. More than CO per cent, of Pennsjl 'anla's revenues gres to the support of public Instruction. It Is high time for local communities to brace up and bear a larger share ot the burden. Dr. Parkhurst opposes expansion be cause he savs the Amerlcnn people are unlit as yet to go'ern themselves. If this is true It is funny how ell tliey manage to get along. The lepoit that Picsidcnt McKln ley will decline to see Geneial Gaicln. Is Incredible. The president lll see any vorthy man who has business wor thy of his attention. Talk of deposing Tom Heed has sub sided, but It is hardly to be expected that the mischief-makers can surren der this topic for long. They 111 soon 1 hew on It again. Soldiers In Cuba are less needed now than hoes, ploughs nnd seeds. The greatest foe of Ameiican pacification ot Cuba Is the inexpressible po-erty of the people. Admiral L)ewey sas he vould soon er be In tl" top notch among Ameii can naval ofllceis than be president of the United States. In .1 little time he ill be. The fault with Schley, according to Seerctaty 1-ong's lcport, stems to be that lie was tioublcd with a tempor al y attack of Muttering Judgment. NEWS AND COMMENT line Is a bit of recent testation) before tho war Investigation commission which stiikes closclv homo to the real cause of much of tho sufteiing among the volun ten tioops. e quote trom the icport In the Sun: James S. Siucrs a private of Company K of the Seventv-Ilrst regiment, testified that after the sui render of Santiago his company had more food than before, but even thin, he said, tho eoffeo was not good. Some of It w is gicci. and tho nv 11 did net know how to loast It. "Did jou expect to lliitl eoffeo lonsters hi the trenches'' ' asked General lieavci. "The men of the had then " "Don't von know that the leason why green coffee was riven to jou by the gov ernment vviis that It wished jou to have tho ei v liiht' ' "I've heird th it. but our officers' did not glvo us a chance to hOp ourselves like the legulnis did ' "Thin the main reason," said Captain Howell "why uu did not get enough footl seems to be that )our officers were lneflielcnC"' "Yes. sir. Theie seemed to bo enough food, but our ntilcers did not know how to get nt It. The .Sixteenth. SUth and Twenty-tourth regul.ns hud plent) of food while wo were nearly starving. Tho icgulars wne not ordered to throw away their havei sacks, but wo were. Tlioso alio olioyed were dependent for food upon the men who did not " "Then" Inquired Colonel SeNton, "Is It truo that whllo the regular ofllceis vvcro looking out lor their men )our volunteer olllocrj vvcro looking out for themselves"' "Tint's about tho bia of it," nulled Saui is. Chicago Just now secm to be setting the paco in scientific exploration. In ad dition to Waltei Wellnidii'M North Polo huulli.g paity. which hud Its inception In the Windy Clt), two new expeditions nro about to start trom th it cltv. One, under command of Di. Chailcs r. Mlllspaugh, euiator of tho botanical department of tho Field Columbian museum will pass threo months In tho Interior of 'iueatan, hunt ing lor tare botanical specimens Tho other, led by 1'iofe.s.sor SUiri, of tho University of Chicago, will visit sctiral Islands in the Gulf of Tehuiintcpec, Mex If o. Inhabited bv tilhes of savage In dians. Proficsor Starr will attempt to visit nn Island where nro located the s tcretl eaves w 01 shipped by the natives. Jn addition to tho usual explorers' sup plies, Professor Stair will take i.wt pounds of plaster, with which to malto casts of tho natives and a completo photo graphic outfit. Dr. Yb llllam P. Scnslb.augh, n dentist of Pent II)ion, HI., in in a seiinus condition us a icsult of pranks pln)ed upon htm while being initiated In a fraternal Insur ant c loelg- In Unt village. During tho In itlatoiy ceremonies he, was blindfolded nnd given scveial slight shocks fiom a live vvlie. Ore of tho Initiating team, see ln,r the candidate was about to cvndo the wire, guvo him a llttlo shove, which un fortunately proved sulllclcnt to throw him oft his balance, and ho fell hands down upon tho battery itself, recilvlng a shock which lendered him unconseloiii After working over him for two hours and fin ally levlvlng him It was discovered tint his rl.dit mm hung limp nud looee, ami In this condition It bus remained ever since. Ono of the attending ph)slclans si)S that paralysis of the nerves Is threatened, In which event the sufferer cannot live. Some wondnful needlework is done by the nilplno women. '"I hero is a cloth here," writes John T McCutcheon, Ma nila correspondent of the Chicago Itecoid, "which Is miinufactiued ot plueapplo fibie, nnd Is called plnas cloth. Tho tex ture Is ns dellcnto as a spider's web ami In the hands of the women Is fashioned Into most wonderful designs I hnvo been small handkerchiefs which tout lvi apiece. When a Philippine lady or tho better class gets married she sometimes wears us her wedding dress a costume 1 f native manufacture that 1 caches In vuluo up Into four figures It takes months to moko a handkerchief or n slccvo or n neckerchief, so microscopic nnd dellcato Is tho fabric. OoliFlderlng the costliness of the finer kind of native needlework, It Is Inrdly probable that the soldiers will tnko homo many trunkfuls for exhibition purpoces," John W. Keely of "Keil motor" fume who died tho other 1I11V vns o-lglnnlly a circus performer ami slelglit-of-haiul man. ills mvHterloiH "motor" whim never nioi oil. except on special, occasion, W'lix re built by him ?) times, and piobnbl Ji.iKU fix) altogether was wnsten upon It In credulous Investeis who liavo tin Ir stock coitltlcntes for souvenirs, lake 1'iofossor Coles' "Klcctrle Uve." It was one of Ihosa things which become mnldtnly lutmiglhlo Just ns thev are beginning til become scr.. satlorally Interesting. A peculiar Initaiice of canine nffcctl m Is reported at Mulilrlnlr. N. J. As An tonio Ctnrllli, nn Italian teamster, was driving along one of the streets or that town his horse Ml and broke Us lcq Currlllo lrlt it lvlng bv tlie roadside, but Currlllo's dog remained beside the vNOimd em licking Its face nnd howling so that the nttertlon of tho pollee was attracted anil Currlllo was anested and fined fV-nil due to the dot. Senators Hnnna, Fornkcr. Allison. link er, Carter, Allen, Kjle. Klklii". Turpte and Fairbanks were nil burn In Ohio Senators Mtirphv, Piatt. DivW. Mason, Gear, Tidier nnd Hark nre nn lives of New York. Pennsylvania, too Is the birth place of numerous United States penatms. Including Senator Harrow s ot Michigan, nnd Senator Shoup, of Idaho, besides her own two senators. A lively dnlrv business ought soon to develop in Porto lllcii Iltretofoio all tho butter In that island hns been Imported from Dcnmaik and Holland nnd costs BO cents a pound Tho Susquehanna countv product ought to roll will In Ponce nnd Snn Juan nt DO to T. cents a pound wh"ii Americans get things going. The extraordinary gold production of M. as estimated by the director or the mint, exceeds evcrv record that Ins pre ceded it In nil the past In M the wnrll produced WIT.OOO.CV), which was tho great est up to tlint time but this jear tho product will bo ?2T"i W) otl The Mills hotel for the poor In New York, where good looms nnd bom ii' can be hid for verv small price compared with the usual rates nr New York hotels, has In Its Hr it year nld a n per cent divi dend. This practical charity Is described as 11 completo success The lato llnrold Frederic became editor of the Allianv Kveidng Journal at tho ago of Si Tho Journal editorial chair has rratliinteil spo:il other noted men, In cluding Chailcs Kmou Smith, Coiwies miin Southwlek and John A. Slclchcr. The flrt American newspaper to estab lish i peiinnneut olllre and dellverv scr vlro In llnvnn.a wns the Chic igo Iteeoiil. The lsecord Is surpiWlng evervbodv tluo davs by the breadth and libeialltv of Hs management. llnvo you noticed tint since Charles A. Dana's death the. New York Sun has gained wonderfullv in stability nnd con science'.' It now for the llrst time carrier In Its utterances the a-smaiice ot sln terlty. Adelbert Dewej, one of the ndmlial's m inv lelntlvcs, dcllveied a lecture in Krooklvn the other day In the course of which he said that the ltor of Manila wns a direct lineal descendant of Alt red the Gnat. It wis 11 stroke of genius on the part of tho New York Times to secuie Ilenrv Norman ns Its I.oi tlen corie-pnndent lit place of Harold Frederic, deceased, X01 man's letters are the meatiest in print. If repoit be true there Is need of a few Dr. Swallows In Japan. It Is slid that one-half tho voteis of tint thtlftv island empire mo puichasablo and make no secret of thel- civic tlceneracj. THE QUAY TRIAL. Fiom the Phlluddphli Inqulrci. With the tilal ol Senator Qu ly about to begin, we do not piopose at this tlmo to discuss the lcttns and telegrams and evidence- that vvcie sprcatl before tho public at the timo ot tho niaglstintu'a hearing, and which seemed to have been given out at that lime as one step in a political game. Now that the case is to be called, it W to he hoped that tho tilal will bo n thoiough one, and that the pub He will be j, hen full lufoimallou. :o. For Instance, the public would like to know, umong other things, what persons, If any, had uccess to the Peoples h bank before tho bank examiner took chaise, what person or persons, If an) gathered up tile securities, what became of tliuso securities, and whero nio the) today: wtiv ex-Audltor-Gcner il Mslln nnd c-v-Stiuo Treasurer Haywood, who as prlavte In dividuals had borrowed something less Hum tuO.flOtJ upon moio than ample se curities, have been unable to effct t a set tlement Willi tho bank beeause they havo been lefused tho uturu of their sceuil tles; whit papeis, If anv, were photo giaphed, and what purpose, political or otherwise, tbeso photographs wero ex pected to seive why prosecution was de la) ed lor six months, uiilll tho veiy height of a political campaign which waged arountl Stnalor Quay as tho stoim center. o Receiver Harlow had full lnlormation concerning tho bank's condition and the mlvato papeis of Cashier Hopkins lor full) sl months. Them Is evciy itason to bellevo that Judge Goidon also hid exact Information Piobibly other pei sons had, too, and )ct the attention of District Attorney Giuliani was not called to tho matter until within twcnt)-four houis ot tho issuance of the wan ants, Ilo Ins so declared time and time again, nnd there is not tin sliglittst leason to doubt his word. Tho wairants wro based upon the liifoimatton ot an uiiiIt ling In his olllce who could not have hail any original inform xtion whatever. This constable, or whatever l.o Is, s not tho prosecutor. Who Is tho utor, or who nre tho prosecutois.' Why have their names bun so carefully guarded fiom the public? ;o. The answers to these questions doubt less would make ci) Inteit sting reading It Is most certainly to bej hrpod that we shall have tho full btoiy nt last, it Is certainly high time-, mid moiu than high time bv moio thin seven months if tho case has any substantiality. Fp to dato pnitlsm nnd niMlguunt politics have in. doped tho charges. Qua) has bent de nounced In most outi age ous langu.igo by ejuay haters in tho hipocrltlcal disguise ot rcfouners. He has received thus far abuse, vilification and mi) thing but Jus tice Now that ho Is lo go Into court, things will be dirfrient, and If the truth concerning his real pioseciitors Is brought out tho history of Pennsylvania politics will bo enrlclictl by nn exceedingly lively chapter. Beamtifiuil NU W YOUK, LONDON, I'Altl.i, I.1IAVK YOUltbUJWCUII'rtO.NB .NOW. SKCiUHE OUH UI.Ull ItATKs. BEIDLEMAN, "WW HT A C0L6SM nn KM Olovej No article in merchandising requires closer attention in order to obtain the bast results than Kit Gloves, therefore we import all our Kid Gloves, enabling us to get the best skins and always have the latest novelties in the Glove line. Hence the great popularity of our GloveDepartment. Gloves with hooks, buttons or clasps, can be found here. This is the only store in the city where can be found the Gen uine Foster Gloves in both Williams and Fowler qualities. The latest glove novelty has jeweled hooks. The hooks are inlaid with Turquoise, Amethysts, Emeralds, Sapphires and Garnets. Special sale of Genuine Lambskin 2 clasp Gloves, in tans, browns, blacks, reds and slates. The regular $1.00 quality at 75 cents a pair. The celebrated Mignon 2 Clasp and William Five Hook in all the new shades at $1.00, every pair guaranteed. ALWAYS MJSY Easy Shoes Easy on your purse. Easy 011 y our feet. Easy to be thankful in. Our Store's easy to trade in. You are always welcome. Lewis, Reilly k lavles, 11 I AND 110 WYOMING AVENL7K. WSiei Yei Aire Out looking around for your Christmas Gifts 0000 remember our stock of Fine China, Cut Glass, Brie a Brae, Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets. TIE CLEIQNS, EEEiEE, MALLEY CO. 42! Lackawanna Avenu A Yom Keow HOW CONVKNIKNT A OAS HA DIAroil IS TlIKbi: COLD DAYS? Vi: AltH HIIIiI.lNO Gas MMob, Gas Stoves, Gas TuMu& OUU MNi: OP 1IKATERS H vi:uY t 'oMi'id'n:. it'h roii youu IN'lCTU'sT'IO KXAMINi: F00TE & SIEAE Ca IIP WASHINGTON AVt WOLF &. WENZEL, 'JloAdauu Avo, Opp. Court Houis. Eolo Agents for rticbrdoa-noT nton'4 i'urnacw nud IUnets. ffS .IS 1898, Fall ExWWt. 1898 HILL & CORNELL'S TT 0 A lliiiTlrTlTITi0 1L JiJ ISr litill. V H No such inagnltlcent display of furniture has ever been shown In Scranton as that now presentee! In our Fall exhibit. Nowhere can caual cholco or equal values In Furniture bo found. Latest designs In Bedroom, Parlor, Library, Dining room and Hall Furni ture. Furniture to suit every taste and prices to suit every purse, with tho satisfaction of knowing that what ever may be selected will be the very best In the market for the money. Inspection of our stock and prices solicited. Hill & Coeniell At !2i North V'asUlnstoa Aveuua. Scranton, Pa. The Largest Assortment of iT celsior JLLf For 1899, Can be found at our establishment. Now is the time for your choice, as we have EVERY style of diaiy that is made. Reynolds Bro STATIONERS and H.T, RAVERS, ltJO Wyoming Aveniu. The Larseit UnaofomcaSuppllJilu Nortu eastern 1'enmyHimliu THE mm & CORNELL ca Heating, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Electric Light Wiring, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Builders Hardware. 434 Lackawanna Avenue Y Danes BAZAAM HNLEY We have just completed a purchase of over One Thousand Yards Fancy Suitable for eveuiug, recep tion and street wear as entire) Costumes Or Waists The lot cousists of Handsome Plaids, Stripes,. Ms, Brocades, Etc., IN Taffetta, Gro Grain AND Mcliesse Effects Kvery number is new, bright ud up-to-date aud we have no hesitation in pronouncing this The most superb line of Genuine Silk Values ever shown in this city. We place them on sale SATUEBAY MORNING and solicit an early inspection SlOand 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE HENRY BELIN, JR., General A sent for trie Wjoiula; Uiitrlctfj.- lllulnz, lllnitlns, liottlns, HmokoliMI uud tlia Itcpauno CUonilcX Loini)ivny' mm explosives. tiifety' Kino. Cnp nnil Hxplolerl. Itooui 101 Connell llulUlui. bcrantoa. AUliNOlU TIlO, FOHP. nttitl JOIlNlt-BMiriUtiON. riyraouti W. E. MULLIGAN, WUIces-Uortt Silks DUP0ir8 POWDER. I y