The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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ITlie Carbondale correspondence of The
Trlbunn has been placed In the handi ot
Mr. J. M. Forbes. All complaint us lo Ir
regular delivery, etc., etno hows Ittms,
oliould be addressed to Roberts & Key.
nolds, news nccnts.
Held Their Anniversary Last Night,
The KnlRhls of Pytlilas have been
making claborntu nrraiiKcments for
many days past for the colubratlMg ot
their tenth anniversary. That nothing
was left Incomplete was shown yester
day when tlm event took place, and
proved to be one of the most onjo
able urtalra ever given In the city.
The lodge work bepan at C.:!0 ntvl
continued till shortly after eight, dur
ing which time the rituals of the or
ganizations were gone through nnil
several new members Initiated. After
this work the local knights and their
vltdtors enjoyed In Burke's hall the en
tertainment prelude. The unnlversary
address of Hon. S. S. Jones was the
gem of the evening.
Mr. Jones' pleasing mode of dcllver
nnee and plciuant and euphonous rtyle
of composition dieted many compli
ments from his audience, which wan
u critical om-. Ilia efforts brought
much applause. Mr. Jones' address
treated of the society and Its work
since its Institution ten years ago and
contained a number of Interesting epi
sodes Incidental to Its work and Its
After the literary course had been
digested and the guests went to Hotel
Anthracite, where a gastronomic treat
had been prepared by Proprietor
Thompson, to whose effort u much of
the success of this part of the celebra
tion Id duo. The menu contained ev
ery delectable edible that one could
desire and the sir knights ate as eager
ly as they drank In Mi. Jones' remarks
a few minutes previous.
The decorations were very nrllstle..
The florist had arranged potted phuns
and cut flowers alnut the dining room
in a profuso and beautiful manner.
The room vus transformed Into a ver
itable flower garden, which enhanced
the general effect ot the whole aflair.
Made a Decided Hit Before a Repre
sentative Audience.
To the representative audience that
witnessed Hid production of "The
Geisha" it was easily seen how this
comic opera, company has scored the
Immense success tbnt It has In larger
cities. The muslr tnrougliont was
very catchy and the singing all that
could be desired, showing the company
to be capably drilled.
Miss Helen Itoyton made a decided
hit by tha graceful manner In which
the handled the role "Omlmoca San."
Mlsd Ashely Is a chic creature who re
ceived much applause for her pleasing
sinking. The trio of comedians kept
the audience In a dccldcly mirthful
mood by their risible actions. The
work of Charles A. Danby was of a
praiseworthy nature.
A Batch Sent Away Yesterday to
the South.
The recruiting officers in the Anthra
cite building are doing a nourishing
business, having examined over some
forty applicants yesterday. On the
11.20 train In the morning the first set
of volunteers were shipped to Hunts
vlllc. Ala., where they will join Camp
iieorge C. Force.
There will be no applicants examined
after ten o'clock this morning. The
names of the soldiers shipped are as
follows: TV. V. l?aker, James Craik,
Matthew F. Kearney, Edward It. Dam
nls. Samuel Scars, Albert C. Cleft,
Illchurd Movies, Kdwurd M. Kenvon,
Dundaff; Ilulph H. Smith, Forest City:
William Healey, Fell township, and
Patrick Farrell, Jermyn.
The City Is Becoming Decidedly Re
ligious. There Is no dearth of religious ser
vices going on in this city. Tomorrow
the union Thanksgiving service will
be held In the First Presbyterian
church, where Uev. Ci. A. Place will
preach the sermon. The offering will
be donated .to Emergency hospital.
Special Thanksgiving services will be
held In Trinity church, where holy com
munion will be administered at S
o'clock In the morning. At I0.S0 o'clock
llev. Rollln A. Sawyer will preach a
sermon and offer prayer. On Sunday
next Rev. Toy, the evangelist, will
open his services In this iurch and
continue each afternoon throughout the
In the First Presb terlan chuich Uev.
V. F. Gibbons, of Dunmoro, occupies
the pulpit each evening this week. The
services attract a large number of per
A pretty afternoon wedding took
place yesterday when Miss Julia
Healey hecamo the bride of Mr. Mar
tin P. Walsh. Roth parties are ex
ceedingly popular in the circles In
which they move. The ceremony was
performed by Uev. J. J. Griffin in St.
Rose's church at -1.30 o'clock. Miss
Elizabeth Chine and Mr. John J.
Walsh, the groom's brother, acted as
bridesmaid and groomsman respective
ly. The ladles were handsomel at
tired, and as the bridal party marched
to and from the altar they presented
a pretty scene. A reception was held
at the bride's home, on Dundaff street.
Rev. and Mis. William Miller, of
Factoryvllle, called on friends In this
city yesterday on their v. ay tu Port
Jervis. N. V.. where they will spend
Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs.
C. N. Skinner.
Mrs. Elmer Charles, of Warsaw, N.
Y., la visiting Mrs. Maurice 0. Watt,
on Lincoln avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kehrunt-, of For
est City, will spend Thanksgiving with
Mr. Kent-ens' parents In Seranton.
A district council of tho Improved
Order of Red Men will bo held in Lack
nwanna Tribe's council chambers on
Salem avenue, on Tuesday evening,
nee fi.
The many friends of J. J. F. Moran.
who left this city early In the month
J)r iMiaroot pTonio Tablet UiecrMt 1'ur
Ulan rerneiv.WB Guaranteed euro for tlia
J)rlnk Hai'lt: alio nervouiuen and melnu
chol.v caiiod fry over-lnduJitoncc.
lttDlriiy thi Appetlti lor Alcoholic ud
all Intotlcttlnir lleverueoi, uml leave uinii
lie nbrviia lie. it can be administered
without t be knowledge of tbe patient where
ncccieiry. Hand for pamphlet.
U." O. Clark, Pt Av. ;,-......, u.
for Colorndo to recuperate his falling
health, will be pleased to learn of his
excellent condition, the result of thnt
slate'H Invigorating climate.
('. W. Fulkcron and wife are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. Samuel linillcy
and niece, and Miss Mnrlo Putler, ot
Newburg, N". Y over Thanksgiving.
Mrs. William Fllley, of Seranton, Is
visiting friends In town.
Miss LIezIo Davis, of Seranton, Is n
guest nt the home of Mall Agent John
T. Roberts,
Henry Gallon, of Seranton, called on
friends In this city yesterday.
Mrs. J. W. Knton Is visiting rela
tives In "Wnymnrt.
Miss Lizzie Wade, who has been vis
iting friends in this city, returned t
her home In Seranton yesterday.
Tho Misses Remsen, of Lackawaxen.
Wayne county, are tho guests of Mrs.
A. Fowler, ot Cannnn street.
Fred llevcrley spent yesterduy In
The l'.rothcjrhood of Locomotive En
gineers', of this city, will hold u grand
ball In the Watt building this evening.
Jerry Clure. of this city, was among
tho taxpayers who ivcre examined nt
Sc-anton Monday.
Mcsdamei A. O. Fldlun and George
Squleres are attending the C. and M.
A. convention at Wilkes-Iinrre.
Miss Itc-na Dnlley, who has been 111,
Is somewhat better.
The Floieneo Mission will meet Fri
day at three o'clock In tho Methodist
church. All ladles Interested In the
work should attend.
Cottnge prayer meeting was held nt
the home of Chailes Cushme on Rel
mont avenue last night.
Frances Park, Mho hos been visit
ing In this city, has returned to his
home In Jersey City.
Miss Elizabeth Roberts, of Seranton,
Is a guest at the home of J. T. Roberts,
of Ninth avenue.
lrs F. II. Hewitt, of Park Place,
Seranton, attended the Wnlsh-Healey
wedding yesterday.
Great Chiefs of I. 0. R. M. Coming.
To Organize a Dramatic Club.
Personal Items.
The great chiefs of the Improved
Order of Red Men will visit this place
and hold a district council and confer
the past sachem degree at the Mlnookn
tribe chamber yi the evening of De
cember C.
Professor Davy, of Green Ridge, wan
n. business visitor In this place yes
terday. Mrs. Samuel Sheldon, of North Main
street, Is visiting her daughter, .Mrs.
Daniel Jenkins, of Plttston, for the
past few dnys.
All arrangements have been com
pleted for the tea party which is to
be held in tho Calvary Baptist church
thls and tomorrow evenings. The
ladles In charge of tho affair are pre
pared to serve an excellent repast
and tho party promises to he one ot
the most delightful events ot this sea
son. The latest talked-of man for council
In the First ward Is John E. Davis, of
North Main street. When asked if ho
was a candidate he replied It was
the only office that he would take.
A grand ball and supper will be held
In Weber's rink on December :0 and
.'II, under the auspices of the Tnylor
vllle lodge. No. 462, Knights of Pythlns,
of this place. Committees nro hard
at work on the occasion. Posters are
being distributed about the town. A
prize of $;.f,0 for the successful contest
ant hi the waltz contest.
Mrs. Martin, of Seranton, was the
guest of Mrs. James Whlteford, of
Main street, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas) Eagan, of
Hyde Park, were the guests of the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Prendergast, of Depot street, on Mon
day. Dr. J. S. Porteus. of this place, was
a caller In Seranton yesterday.
Several of our popular young men
of this town arc talking strongly of
organizing a dramatic club., ir or
ganization Is affected the club Intend
securing the services of a competent
Instructor and Taylor may look for
ward to a club svrond to none In the
valley, as this town has never been
excelled In anything It undertakes.
Mlnooka tribe. No. 217. Improved
Order of Red Men, will meet this even
ing in their rooms on Main street.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Samuels, of North Taylor, are Improv
ing from their recent sickness.
Taylorvllle lodge, No. 4G2, Knights
of iPythlus, will meet tills evening In
their rooms in Reese's hall.
Mr. J. Decker, of South Seranton, was
a business visitor In this place on Mon
day. Mrs. Emanuel Owens was the guest
of relatives in Plymouth on Monday.
lieatrlce, the 7-year-old child of Mr.
and Mrs. Ebenezcr Cirllllths, of Grove
street, died Monday after a brief ill
ness of diphtheria. Tho funeral will
take place this afternoon. Rurlnl will
be made in the Forest Home ceme
tery. Revival services are being conduct
ed weekly In the Primitive Methodist
church of the Arehbald mines. Evan
gelist Charles Plancer is in charge ot
the meeting. The services' are being
largely attended. All aro cordially In
vited to attend.
Mrs. William Evans, of Providence,
wan tho guest of friends In this place
on Monday.
Report com-'8 from Dorrancetown
that Foreman Sidney Raker Is much
Improved from his recent Injuries.
Miss Mary Jones, of Arehbald mines,
is visiting friends In Wllkcs-Rarre.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell who
have been vlfltlng relatives In this
place, have returned home.
In 1SS7 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh of Al
leutown, Tenn., had an attack of dysen
tery which became chronic. "I was
treated by the best physicians in East
Tennessvo without a cure," ho says.
"Finally I tried Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Dlurrhoca Remedy. After
using about twelvo bottles 1 was cured
sound nnd well." For sale by uli
Druggists. Matthews Rros., wholesale
and retnll agents.
The damage suit brought by Mrs.
Dcurle ngainst T. C, Manzcr, which
It was expected would be tried at
Montroso this term of court, has been
put over for trial until the February
Henry F. Aldrlch and J. Frederick
Wellbrock aro in Now York city on
A grade has been established on
Main street, but thus fur progress has
Mopped at that point.
Dr. Daniel Dwyer was among tho
Form City people In Seranton on Mon
day. A number of sidewalks on Forest
City's main thoroughfare encroach on
the (Jtrout. The council notified all
property owners to place the sidewalks
where they belong, Some obeyed; oth
ers did not. Taking Into question
from-bcnutlful appearance. The walks
should all be moved back nnd tho Htreet
given as nearly ns possible Its proper
Levi Patterson, of Carbondale, was n
visitor In Forest City on Monday.
The waiting room on the Electric
road ut Tannery switch, hetwocn hero
and Carbondale, was burned to tho
ground early Monday morning, It Is
supposed thnt burglars looted the place
which was well stocked with candy,
tobacco, clgnts, etc., and then fired It
to hide their crime. There was an
1 mm ranee of $1S0 It Is said.
Although much Improvement has
been made In the sidewalks this year,
there are still stretches that aie In a
very poor If not dangerous condition.
Now Is a good time to repair such
places before lee nnd snow make the
work impracticable.
John Lewis, a former resident of
Vnndlln'g, has returned to that place,
after trying his fortune In the West
for several months,
Don't forget the turkey supper nt
tho Prcsbyterlnn church parlors on
Thanksgiving evening. Prlng your
friends nnd have a good fenst on tur
key. The Union Temperance Lengue will
meet on Friday evening at the Pres
byterian church. Come and join us.
We will make It pleasnnt for you.
Joseph Mllburn is visiting telnllves
in New Jersey.
Tho time of the striking breaker boys
nt the Ontario hns been fixed up sat
isfactorily and the boys resumed their
labors yesterday morning.
Ofllce hours of tho Peekvlllo post
oltleo Thursday, November 21, 10.50 to
11.30 a. m., ;' to I p. m.
The self-confessed burglar, William
Marks, Is still confined. In the borough
lockup. Th" boy's parents are negoti
ating with Mr. lilacs for n settlement.
Mr. and Mts. Klzer, of Wayne coun
ty, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Darius llco.v, of Honesdale. Is
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ranett.
Gilbtrt Taylor returned yesterday
from a week's visit Mlth relatives In
Scott township,
Lyman H. Hoffetker, of Jermyn, was
a business caller In town yesterday.
A rfpccinl invitation lr extended to
the young men nnd women to attend
tli revival meetings now being held at
the M. E. church. The pas:tor. Rev.
Slinpklns. Is putting forth special ef
fort and those efforts are being crown
ed with success. Many have come for
ward to the altnr. The meetings will
continue during the week.
Mrs. W. J. Rroad and Mrs. F. L.
Taylor called on Seranton friends yes
terday. A union Thanksgiving service will be
held at the Reptlsl ehurch tomorrow
at a. m. Rev Dr. Noon, of the
Presbyterian church, will preach tile
sermon. All are coidlnlly Invited,
Tomr.rrow evening an entertainment
will be held In tho Baptist chinch. A
free will offering will be taken for tho
Sunday school. Ate are welcome.
Last Monday night a number f
young people met at the Baptist par
sonage and organised an Industrial
class. The following ofllccir! were
elected: President, Mrs. Lizzie Peck;
vice-president, Miss Jennie Williams;
secretary, Miss Jennie Dikemau; treas
urer, Mlsc Reta Ham.
A wreck occurred on the Delaware
and Hudson road about half a mile
above Avoca station last evening at 5.30
o'clock which sufDcnded trainee on
both trncks for several hours. The
local freight was about one hour be
hind time and was running at a mod
erate rate of speed. When rounding
a sharp curve the fast freight In charge
of Conductor Kelpper collided with the
caboose and threw It and two other
cars diagonally across both tracks.
Luckily Conductor Howard, of the lo
cal freight, was on another section
of the train or possibly fatal results
would follow. Tho passengers were
transferred from trains on opposite
sides of the wreck and carried to their
destination. The wreck occurring dur
ing the business time of the day caused
the blockade of seven passenger trains.
Yesterday afternoon Michael, the 7-year-old
son of John MrCague, a sec
tion boss on the cut-off near Smlth
ville, was struck by a passing engine
and hurled several feet from the track.
He was removed to the Plttston hospi
tal where it was found necessary to
amputate the foot. The little child
had been running away from the house
keeper when he playfully ran through
the garden and heedlessly in front ot
the engine. About a year ngo, Mrs.
McCague died leaving three small chil
dren. Michael being tho oldest. His
Injuries may not prove fatal.
The large concourse of friends that
assembled at the funeral of JamcM
Jennings yesterday morning was sig
nificant tribute to the memory of the
deceased. At 0 o'clock tho remains
were taken to St. Mary's church where
a requiem mass was celebrated by
Rev. M. F. Crane. After the mass
Father Crane voiced a tribute to the
life of the deceased that was truth
ful and deserved. He spoko of his
lofty character as a man and Chrln
tlan ,tho devoutness and strict legu
larltv with which he always attended
to his church duties and the care and
devotion he always exhibited In his
duty to his family. After services tho
cortege moved to St. Mary's cemetery
where Interment was made. In the
sanctuary were: Revs. G. J. Dixon,
P. J. Lavelle and Greaves, of Pltts
ton, and Rev. J. J. Curran, of East End.
The pallbearers were: Patrick Me.
Keon. John Curran .Edward Glbbonn,
Patrick Derail, James Nealon and Wil
liam Walsh.
The mnrrlage of Thomas Clark, ot
Plttston township, to Mis. Mitchell,
There will be a union Thanksgiving
wrvlee of the Primitive Methodist,
Methodist Episcopal and Prcsbyterlnn
congregations at tho Primitive Melho
dlst church tomorrow morning nnd
( sftjj $jfYiiff&0al& v s
Corner Lackawanna
Closed all day Thursday, "Thanks-
giving. Open this (Wednesday) even-
i inp- until to o'clock
of Main street, which was solemnized
several weeks ngo, has Just been made
public. Rev. Russell, of Miner's Mills,
performed the ceremony. Mr. nnd
Mrs, Clnrk are domiciled at tho Mitch
ell homestead.
The popular place for enjoyment dur
ing the week In the Snrslleld fair.
On Monday evening a very lnrgc crowd
was present and on last evening, de
spite tho storm, about threo hundred
The children's society of the Lang
cllffe church will servo a turkey sup
per (his evening. They will also offer
for srtle many Useful articles1.
Miss Nellie Rltchens, of the North
End, Is seriously III.
Tho Uduridy party, who recently re
turned from Dawson City, were fortu
nate In having with them, a photo
grapher, and the views taken by him
have been, developed by lrofcsso'
Rurdlck aiid will be U3ed, with others,
to Illustrate tho lecture to bo delivered
Thanksgiving night by Mr. Roundy In
the Methodist Episcopal church.
Wllllnm Walker Hose company held
a meeting last Sunday afternoon and
elected olllcers as followp; President,
Chnrles F. Qulnn; vice president, John
M. Forbes; secretary, J. M, Callaghan;
financial secretary, W. J. Rergan:
treasurer, E, F. Edmonds; foreman,
P. 11. Rergan; assistant foreman,
Michael Murray; plpemen, Bryan Cog
gins, Michael Burke, John Cuff and
Frank Forbes.
A supper will be held In the Con
gregational church Thanksgiving night.
Postmaster Hendricks was nt Avoca
yesterday attending the funeral of the
late James Jennings.
Mrs. Clarkson, of Arehbald, and Miss
Helen Nelmeyer, of Green Ridge, were
In town Monday calling on friends.
Mrs. Mary Osborne, who last Satur
day was taken seriously III, Is Improv
ing. Frank Slockcr was In Seranton yes
terday. PRICEBURG.
Mrs. G. W. Wieland and children,
Beatrice and Stanley, were visitors In
Seranton yesterday.
Mrs.' Robert Blrkbeck and son, Rob
ert II., made a business trip to Seran
ton Monday,
All members of the Odd Fellows
lodge nro requested to be tt their
meeting on Thursday night as there Is
two candidates to be put through their
initiatory degree.
The members of the Ladles' Golden
Eugle lodge held a grand ball and so
cial In Fred Kiefer's hall on Monday
The employers of tho Johnson col
lieries were paid Saturday.
John Oakey, one of our well known
nnd respected 'young men, has joined
the army boys at Alabama.
The Curate's Slip.
A certain curate was of a painfully
nervous temperment, and In conseque
ence was constantly making awkward
lemnrks Intended as compliments to
the bishop nnd others. Having dis
tinguished himself In an unusual de
gree during a gathering of clergv to
an afternoon tea at the bishop's pal
ace, he was taken to task for his fall
ing's by a senior curate, who was one
of his companions on tho way home.
"Look here, Bruce," said the senior,
decidedly, "you are a donkey! Why
cannot you keep quiet, Instead of mak
ing your asinine remarks? I am speak
ing to you now an a brother "
Loud laughter Interrupted him nt this
point, nnd for the moment he wondered
why. Baltimore News.
Taking the Census Again.
"It will be necessary for you to state
your age." "You'll have to excuse me
until I onsult my mother." "Don't
you Know your own age?" "Ye-es, but
I'm not quite sure about mother's."
Cle-.elund Plain Dealer.
Xew York Announcement.
"Oor American Itomei and How to Kurntili Them
Horner's Furniture
The Best in the Market.
All who desire to buy reliable Fur
niture, whether in medium or finest
grades, will find our stock the most ad
vantageous to heleet from for these
reasons: if. represents the produc
tions of flic best makers only, and is
tho largest nnd most varied in Amer
ica, while our prices are the lowest at
which goods of similar quality can
possibly ho sold for.
Tho complotonitsiot our assortments can
be-t bo understood from tho fact that wo
exhibit more tlinn fit huntfifd different llcd
rtwwi Stt In Hvery vurletv of wood, over 70
patterns of Urans Bedsteads. n woil ax ond
les llmm of Parlor. Drawing ltoom. Library
Mid Dining ltoom Furnlturo of tho most
nrtlstlo styles, and ranging from the modest
nnd inexpHtislvo to tho most cluboratoly
carved and Inlaid.
Entlio floors dnvoted to Venotlnn Cnrred
Furniture nnd other l'orelgn Productions
from 1'nris. London and Vienna.
Send for our Illustrated Hook.
Helpful tn nil who coH'miplnta fiirnltliltig In whole
R.J. Horner & Co.,
Fitrntturr Maker nml Importers,
G1-G5 AV. 2',id St.. Nnv York
s a preparation of the Drug by which Its
Injurious effects are removed, while the,
valuable medicinal propel ties nro re
tallied. It pospegscs all tho sedative,
nnodyno una untl-spusinodlo powers of
Opium, but produces no sickness of tho
stomach, no vomiting, no co.stivencsis, no
l.cs.dathe. In acute nervous disorders It!
Is an Invaluable rennd, and la recom
mended by tho best physicians.
fERRETT, Agent,
tTj I'rnrl St., New York.
and Wyoming Avenues,
ToDigbf from 7 Until 10 O'clock
Great Bargains for 3 Hours Only.
The Big Store will be closed tight all day tomorrow out of re
spect to a day befittingly observed.
But tonight we celebrate by offering goods for three hours at
prices ridiculously low. At the tap of seven the chance is yours,
and there shall be such selling as to make memorable this Thanks
giving eve.
You will be here, of course for you have come to know that
when we promise bargains they're here.
These for tonight but from 7 until 10 o'clock only.
Turkey Roasters, 29c
360 of these roasters to go in 100 minutes.
Pretty fast selling but you'll buy quickly for they're
a tremendous bargain You need have no fears for
the turkey in one ol them he'll brown to a turn.
Their actual worth is 65 cents.
Fancy Pitchers, 14c
Fill one with sweel cider for the dinner tomor
row. Pretty to look at, (or the decorations are
unique and handsome. Nearly a thousand of them,
the regular price ot which is 35 cents.
Handkerchiefs, 5c
Men's and women's. The men's have fast
color printed borders; also i-inch hems on pure
white. The women's are half inch hem and abso
lutely pure linen; also embroidered initials all let
ters. Any of them would be cheap at 15 cents.
Newest Books, 89c
Think of it! Less than cost "for the newest
books. Here are some of the titles :
tii Di: . i:ovi:i swift.
I' or . mii. iiori:.
Tlln, castm: inn wkyman.
a (iOMicv sounow root,.
llEli LAllVllIle'd M.U!'IIAXT
r.vnKR mrtvr.v at m nii.a.
mri'KKr or iiexrAU hock.
JIUHH rVNSB-TWO voi.umi:'.
Women's Kid Gloves An im
69c Pair, Prter ,of
Should Be $1.00 nemens
Gloves, about to retire from busi
ness, asked us to take some of his
BEST Gloves off his hands. We
knew him by reputation and
many of you are wearing his gloves
Of this lot
1863 Pairs Are Here.
Two-clasp, jn colors of tan, gold
en tan, mode, fawn, steel grey,
green, oxblood and brown.
They go on sale this morning at
69 Cents the Pair.
To be at all fairly priced they
should be one dollar and most ol
you would think them cheap at
All Grades and Prices.
Largest stock in town
at the Leading Bicy
cle and Sporting Goods
House in Seranton.
211 Washington M
Court House Square.
..., ..rrrvu. J'lfeat0 railing JUCOl
otr, lmpotencr. hlojilMnes, etc, caused
t Abuia or other l.ireitcs onj Indlj
cretloci, ThtU'iuUkly and lurtln
rontore fet VUolllr la ol J or joonir. aaj
St a mna f or ttudr, t;u tmxior rarrloc.
Prevent InKjtnttv nm rv.n.m..lA.. ..
tuli. ,n , TK&t. ..a.. C .. ... .ll-.
mentsnd U(;tn CUKE whero nil etLir fail la.
lit upon hTtna lh. srnuln. AJ TfUoL. Tb
hsru cared tbouiandi tad nillcururoa. Wsilrasuos.
itlfo written BuarontM to effect a euro Cfl HTC In
eacneueor refund ttie moner. t'rice ull U I Oner
racX'f"! or.uli rkan (full treatment! for J2.W. U
For iale In Scrantcn, P.i by MatUiewH
Hrfm nnrl l( C Knndprron. dmcciHtG.
Women's Kid Gloves A-Great Bargain.
Groceries, Turkeys and Chickens Cheap
Needful Things to
Brighten the
Thanksgiving Table
Mince Meat.
Home made mince meat, pre
pared from an old New England
receipt with the choicest meats,
fruits and spices; all raisin seeds
carefully removed ; guaranteed ab
solutely pure.
5 lb. Wood Palls. 53c
5 lb. Glass Jars, 70c
Condensed mince meat, pkg... 8c
Seeded raisins, lib' pkg yc
Cleaned Currants, i lb pkg .... yc
Four crown muscatel raisins, l lb 8c
New California prunes. 14c, 12c, 8c
Leghorn citron, 2 lbs for. 25c
Fancy lemon peel, 2 lbs lor.... 25c
Figs, small box 5c
Evaporated apples, lb 12c
Manufacturers of
Telephone Call, 3333.
A clillil 1'iin frost n oako In one mlniitf.
AhU Your U racer l'or It. Price in ct$.s
Ilulyuke, Mass.
ii's so
.1..... .1... i..,-1., ... jTT..
are properly cured, their
ailed sealed. Price it perboii 6
money.lj.oo. Send lor free book,
Tor Hnl
by JOHN II. llIi:uS,
iMiil Spruce street
Table Cutlery at Cost
If you haven't plenty these prices will help
you tonight. They're 1847 Rogers Bros.'; knives
are plated on finest crucible steel; forks on 18 per
cent nickel silver.
Half dozen knives, worth $2.00, for $1.38
Half dozen forks, worth $2.00, for 1.38
Half dozen teaspoons, worth $1.50. for.. . .98
Half dozen dessert spoons, worth $2.25, for 1.69
Half dozen tablespoons, worth $3.00, for. 1.96
Satin Ribbons, 19c Yard
For the Thanksgiving ball or party to help
brighten the new gown. Satin Ribbons in all col
ors and black , . and .Yz inches wide, Any
other time but tonight you'd think them cheap at
59 cents a yard. lackawanna avenue.
Table Doylies, 8c
They're double damask can be used as napo
kins if an extra guest or two pops in on vou. Pur
white, nicely fringed or white, with interwoven
colored borders. We sell them regularly for I2c.
Carving Sets, 2.69
Three-piece sets with genuine stag handlesf
finest quality steel hand forged; sterling silvel
ferrules. Kach set in a handsome case and positive
ly worth $s.oo. Not until another Thanksgiving
and maybe not then will such a Carving Set
chance be yours.
Only 50 sets all told so come early.
Everybody's dinner is a special occasion on
Thanksgiving Day the best possible things
are wanted. So come here for your groceries,
turkeys and chickens, and you'll be sure to get
the best.
Comb honey, lb . 10c
Pie crust (fine), pkg 90
Cape Cod cranberries, qt 9"
New nuts, assorted, lb 12c
Hardshell almonds, lb 18c
Paper shell almonds, lb 29c
Black walnuts, qt 5c
Hickory nuts, qt..,,. 10c
Richardson & Robbins' English
plum puddings 23c to 63c
Selected herbs, sage, thyme and
marjoram, per pkg , 3c
Turkeys and Chickens.
Our preparations for supplying
our trade with Turkeys and Chick
ens have been made on an extensive
scale. Don't buy till you get our
prices positively the lowest in tho
Savings Bank
and Trust Go.
506 Sprucj Stmt, n, Pa.
Capital $100,000.00
Surplus 55,000.00
Pays Interests on savings depostt-
Acts as Trustee, Administrator, (Juardlan.
I. A. WA1RR&, President.
). s. JOHNSON, Vies I'reildent.
A. II. CHRISTY. Castiler.
Wni P. Ilallstead, Kverett Warren.
Ausust Robinson, I!. P. Kingsbury.
John P. K'elley. o. S. Johnson.
L. A. Wat res.
At Retail.
Coal ot tho best quality (or domestic us
mut of nil sizes, Including liuckwlieat end
Klnlseyo. dollverod tn any purt ol tin
city, ut the lowest price.
Orders received nt the ofllce, first floor.
Commonwealth building', room No. 6;
tt'lcphono No. 2624 or at the mine, tele
phono No. 272, will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied itt tlio mine.
They hive itsad the ten ofyeri,
and have cured thouiands of
catti of ft ervout Imeaics, tdch
a Debility, Diuincts.blecpleif
nei and varicocele, Atrophy.&c.
They clear the brain, strengthen
the circulation, make dieetllen
r rjx r w j
f. All drains and losses are checked firmanrnlty. Unless patients
ir condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death,
.. .. ... v' ""."(.:! " "" x
boxet, with iron-clad lecal cuaranieetncure or refund Ibe
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0,
IMiarmacIst, cor. Wyoming nvcnuo