The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 19, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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The annunl meeting of the Scrnnton
Endeavor union und rnllv of the En
deavor forces will take iilnce Monday
cvonlriR next In the J'rov Monro Prm
liytorlnn church. Rov. o. V. Guild,
the president of the union, will pre
side, the North Kurt choir of seventy
olces will assist In the singing and
ulro render special anthems. Repot li,
election of oHlce-m, nddrcset and fie
votlonril cxerolsoij will innkp up the
fccrvlco of the evening, A speclnl In
vitation to attend Is extended not only
to endeavorers, but also to all yountc
people of tin churches, of the Kpivnitli
LenRue and BaptlBt Unions and Chris
tians In general.
The first of a proposed serlps of threi
sermons upon "That Daughter of
Mino" will bo preached tomorrow ev
ening at the Washburn utreot Presby
terian church by thr pastor, Rev. J.
P. Moffatt. The thtmp for this first
sermon is "Hereditary Influence, l"!ar
ly Surroundings and Development of
tho Child's Life."
Tho Union Sunday Fchool Teachers
class will meet today In the looms of
the Younk Women's Christian nssocl
atlon on Washington avenue tit four
o'clock. Ilov. Gonrge L. Alilch, of
the Grace Kefoi inert Dplscoptl church,
will tench tho lesson and C. O. John
bon, the blind musician, will have
charge of the music. Last Saturday's
meeting was attended by superinten
dents and teachers fiom all parts of
this city.
Tomoitow being the Sabbath imme
diately proceeding our national thanks
giving, the services in tho Providence
Presbyterian chinch will be given
something of a timely character, espec
ially In the evening at tho anthem of
thanksgiving sen Ice. In tho morning
a, tlmelv theme fur the day will be the
subject of "Worship," tho pastor, Rev.
George 13. Guild, occupying the pulpit
In addition to the usual music tho
choir will by request repeat tho an
them "Autumn" of last Sabbath eve.
At 6.33 tho Hndeaor Foclety will have
a special ThnnU-niv Ing spiv Ice. Pam
phlets of th" service will bo distribut
ed to all the present. At 7.33 the ser
vice will be entitled "Anthems of
Thanksgiving." The nervlcp will con
slat of devotional exercises by tho
pastor and prnlso by the choir and
congregation. Tho evening music will
be ap follows:
Oigan Pi eliule Mls McDonnell
Anthem, "Pear Not. O Land."
Unison Dnvscfc L.irile' Voices and Pull
Anthem. And God wild "Let the Unrth
lirlns Porth Knilt "
Mis Acker, Mrs. Mulley nnd Pull Choir.
Anthem, "Rcjolto In tho Lord."
Mls Smith, Mrs. Prcis, Mr. John nnd
Full Choir.
Duet "With Cheerful Note Let All tho
Miss Smith and Mr. John.
Anthnm, "Give Unto tho Lord the
Glory Due His Name."
Grand Chorus Pounded Upon the 21th
Organ Postlude
The fiftieth anniversary of the Pirst
Presbyterian chuich will ho celebrated
Now HT and 28. Invitations have been
Issued to the reception which will take
place In the church and church parlors
on Monday evening, Nov. 2s. The re
ligious services on Sunday will be of
a reminiscent ch.u actor, in which sev
eial clergymen nnd members long Iden
tified with the church will participate.
It will bo a united seivlce of the Pirst
and Second Presbyteilan rongiegiuions.
Among the spenkers will he Pew Dr.
N. O Parke, Hew Dr. S. C. Logan,
Rev Dr. Jnmes MeLeod, Judge Alfred
Hand, Messrs. A. W. Dickson and 13.
13. Sturges. Messrs, T. A. Archbald
and Spencer C. Dickson, theological
students at Yale and at Princeton, will
nbo make addresses.
A V. Power will give his third lec
ture on tho "Life of Christ," illustrat
ed by stereoptlcon pictures, at the rail
road depaitment Young Men's Chris
tian association Sunday afternoon at
3 15 o clock. Railroad, people aie le
questcd to come early In order to get
a good seat. Last Sunday the house
was crowded and some had to be
turned away,
The Thanksgiving set vices in the cen
tral city will be conducted as usual.
The First and Second Presbyterian
churches will unite and the congre
gation of Dim and Penn Avenue
Baptist church will hold a union ser
vice In tho latter edifice. At St. Luke's
and Grace Reformed chuich tho pas
tors will conduct the services of tho
Migimis News Notes
Rev. Charles Lee will begin a series
of special services in tha Pi eshy terlan
church, Carbondale, next week.
Tho members of the Court Street
Methodist curch will hold a fair next
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
At the Baptist Minlsteis' conference
next Monday morning, Rev. T. i:. Jep
son, of Carbondale, will give an exe
gesis of John, ill.B.
All women and girls aio Invited to
tho Sunday afternoon gospel meeting
at 5.45 at the Young Women's 'Cluls.
tlan association. Good music.
Rev. James, of Wales, will occupy
the pulpit of the South Main Avenue
First Welsh Baptist church nt both
the regular services tomotiovv.
The union Thanksgiving set vice nt
sunrise will 1p conducted by Miss Delia
T. Evans. The service will bo held
at thu Simpson Methodist chuich.
Rev. R. P. Y. Pierce, of Pcnn Ave
nue Baptist church, will give the ad
dress at the annual meeting of the
Scranton Endpavor union on Monday
The North Jfliln Avenue 'Bn'ptlst
church lias placed Its property In tho
market aa a change of location Is con
templated when a new structure will
be erected.
Rev, Mr. Hannon concludes at Oly
phant Presbyterian church tomorrow
a series of two weeks of special services
In which he has been assisted by Rev.
Mr. McDowell, of the central part of
thn state.
Tho Presbytery committee on evan
gelistic work among people of foreign
tonguo In this vallev will meet at tho
olllce of Colonel II. M. Boles on Mon
day afternoon. Colonel Boles Is chair
man of this committee, und Rev, Dr.
Logan 1b superintendent.
The Scranton Christian Endeavor
union will hold their annual meeting
Monday evening. Nov. 21, in the North
Main Avenue PreBbyterlan church,
llov. Guild paBtor. Rev. R. P. Y. Pierce
will be the speaker of the evening. A
largo attendance Is expected.
Tho union meeting of young mon will
he held tomorrow ufternoon at 4 o'clock
a, tha Sumner Avenue rresbyterlan
church. Rev. J. P. Moffat, pastor of
tho Washburn Street Piosbytcrlan
church, will conduct tho service. All
oung men arc cordially Invited to at
tend The union seivlco for the English
sneaking chinches In West Scranton
will he held Thanksgiving morning at
the Simpson Methodist church, nt 10.30
o'clock. The sermon will bo preached
by Rev. J. P. Moffat, pastor of tho
Wushburn Stteet Prerbytcrlan church
Tho pnstois of the other churches will
The union Thanksgiving service for
Noith Scranton will bo held this year
In tho North Main Avenue Bnptlst
church and will he In charge of Pastor
W. U. AVatklns. Tho set mon will be
delivered by Rev. Hornce Peckovcr, of
the Puritan Congregational chuich.
The other pastors" of the North End w III
nlso participate In the services. The
choir of tho church, under Mt. Roesp
Wutklns, is prepnrlng a special and
attractive musical programme for tho
The Presbyterian cleric at tho meet
ing Monday passed a resolution recom
mending that all churches of the de
nomination observe the tegular week
of prayer with special services In a
united effort. It has reevntly been
tho custom In several churches to post
pono this annual observance which Is
fixed for the first week In January,
until a tnoio convenient season when
less festivities prevail. It Is considered
that the Influence of such delay Is not
for the best Interests of church ad
vancement. ' Services
St. Luko's Parish Kcv. nosers Israel,
rector, Rev. V. J. Il.iughton, senior cur
ate, Itev, M. II. Nash, junior curate. Sun
day next before Advent
St. Luko's Church 7 30 a. m., Holy
Communion, 6.V a. m, morning prajcr
and sermon; 7.30 p. m , evening pi a, er und
St. Mark's Dunmore. S a. in., Holy
Communion: JrtSn a. m., morning iirnvor
and sorniou; 7.'0 p. in , evening prayer and
sermon; 3 p. in., feunday school and Bible
List Lad Mission Prescolt avenue. 3
p. m., Sund.iv school and liiulo class; 7...0
p. in., evening pr.ior and sermon.
feouth Hldo Mission Pig street. 2.30 p.
m , Sunday school and Bible class.
St. George's Olvnliant. 2 30 p. in.. Sun-
diy vehool. and Illblo classes; 3 o0 p m ,
evening prajer and sermon.
Church of tho Good Sliopheid Corner
Mousey avenue nnd Green Rhine sticet.
Holy communion, 8 a. in.; nminliig piay
( r, litany nnd eormon, 30 30, Sunday school
at 12: Biblo classes at 2 ',0 p m ; evening
Maer and sermon at 7 30; Tlinnksslvl.v;
set vice. Thanksgiving Di, 10 JO. Offer
ing for St. Luke's hospital.
Evangelical Lutheran.
Twcnly-foiuth hiiiduy after Tilnlty;
gospel, Matt l, 1 -X, epistle, Col. 1, 9-11,
vestment color, r. i n,
St. Mink's Washburn nnd Fourteenth
streets. Rev A. L R.nncr, Ph. I) , pa
tor. Services, 10 ,u i. in, nnd 7 p m ;
Luther League, Op 1 1 ; Sunday school,
12 m Morning Mibjeot, "Jesus Our Help
In Sickness nnd Death;" evening sub
ject, "Tho Hoik of Salvation." Thanks
giving service, Tluusday, 10 30 n. m.
Holy Trlnltv Adams avenuo and Mul
berry stteet. Rev. C. (3 Spikor, pastor.
Services, 10 30 a. ni and "...0 p. m.. Lu
ther League, 6 30 p. m , Sunday school,
U m.
Zlon's Mllllln n venue. Rov. P. P. Zlrel
matui, pastor. Services 10 10 a. m , Sun
day school, 2 p. ni.
St Pain's Short nvenue. Rev W. ('.
L. Liner, pastot. Services 1ft 10 'i m.
nnd 7.30 p m.; Sunday school, 2 30 p. m
Christ Cedar avenue and Beech stre t.
Rev, H. P. Llsse, pistor. S rvlces, o.vj
a in. and 7 30 p m Sunday school 2 p in
St. Peter's Pi c-rott nvenue Rev J.
W. Randolph, pjstor Services, 10 30 n
in. nnd 7 "0 p. ni. ; Sunday school, 2 p. in
Emmanuel Reese street Iti-v. John
Kovvala, pastor. Services, 10 30 a. m.;
Sunday school, 2 p in.
Grace Chinch Comer Madi
son avenue and Mulberry sttiet. Rev.
Poster U. Gift, pastor. Services at 10 '.0
a. ni and 7 X) p. in. Morning theme, "A
Peculiar Work of a Peculiar People "
Evening Theme, "A Pingcrous Poo Ex
posed." Methodist.
Elm Park Church Prayer and praise
servico at 9 30; preaching at 10.30 a. m.
by tho p-istor, C. M Glflln D. D ; Sun
day school at 2, and Epvvoith Ltauuo at
C.'O p. m. At 7 30 the pastor will con
Lludo the. scries, topic, ' That Boy,"
"What Shall Wo Make Him "
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
Church Rov, Jjmcs Titnnlngoi pastor.
Services tomorrow ns follows. Punching
at 10 30. Subject, "la What Should Wo
Gloiy" Clas at ll'N. Sunday school at
2. Junior league at 3 Epworth league at
(130. Evening preaching service nt 7 3')
Subject. "Compassion." A cot dial invi
tation to all.
Ashury Methodist Episcopal Church
Preaching servico 10 30 a. in , by pastor
Rev. A. P. Chaffee. In tho evening tiv
Rov. II. D Smith at 7 30. Hundiiv siliuol
at 2 30 p. m.
Court Street Methodist EpUenpil
Church Class. 10 n ni Pi culling, lu 30
a. m. Sunday school 11 30 a. m Junior
league, 3.10 p. m Epworth league 6 ',0 p.
in. The Junior league have the 7 30 nu.
vice. All aio welcome.
Howard Place Aftlcan Mithodlst Epis
copal Chin eh -Rev. H. A. Grant, II I),
pastor. 10 '.0 a. in mbject. "Holy Sons
from tho Psalter," 2 Pn, Siimlav school,
7 30 p. m, subject "Tho Pot trait of Je
sus." At 2 pm. the p.tstnt will preach
nt tho African Methodist Episcopal
church. Wllkes-l.ano, Pa. All nio in
vited to any of these services.
Moscow Methodist Episcopal t'l.mrh s.
Guy Snow den. B D , pastor. 0 30 a in.
Sundav school: 10 4li a m preaching by
tho pastor, subject. "The Family Altar;
12 m , class meeting; 3 p m , Junior
league; 7 p m . preaching b the pastor,
subject, "Cm True Happiness 15c Found
In Devotion to Business"'" s p. m, Ep
worth League Thursday 7. 'Op m , praV.
er meeting, Sut.dav, 3 p m.
Turnersvllle, Monday to Frldaj, 7.S0 p m.
Methodist Episcopal Church Clark's
Summit Rev. Frank W Young pnstor.
Sundav school, 10 a m ( Inss meeting 12
m , Epworth League, 0 41 p. m, led li.
Ostium Fitzgerald; preaching bv the pas
tor. 11 a m. nnd 7 30 p. tn : mot nlng theme,
"Holding Up Henvj Anns." evening
theme, "Tho Moip Excellent Wuv " Re
vlvil meetings In this church cvety ev
ening next week. All are Invited to at
tend. Presbyteilan.
Fli st Picsbterinn Church Sot vices,
J0.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m Dr. Robinson nnd
Dr. MoLeod will exchange pulpits In tho
mornlrg Dr. MeLeod vvll occupy his nun
puplt In thn evening. Tho I'list and Sec
ond churches will nnlto In tho Thanks
giving servico next Thursday to bo held
hi tho Second church. The seiubcenten
nlal celebration of the organization of
the First Presbyterian rhurch will tnko
pi ice on the 27th and 2Sth of this month.
Second Presbv, terlnti Chuich Rev
Charles E. Robinson, D D , pastor Ser
vices, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in The Rn
James MoLeod. D D., will preach In tho
morning In exchange with tho pastor. Tho
pastor will preach In tho evening. All
vs'elcotno nt all servicer
Washburn Street Presbyterian Chu ih
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services at
10,30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Bible school at
12 m. Young Peoplo's Christian Endenvor
at 6.20 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
at 7.30 p. m. Tho pastor will preach
morning and evening, In tho evening ho
will preach the first of a scries of three
sermons on "That Daughter of Mine. '
This series will bo given on tho evenings
of Nov. 20, 2S and Dec. I. The subject for
tomorrow evening being "Hereditary In
fluences, Earlj Surroundings and tho l)c -vclopment
of tho Child Lire." A cordial
invitation Is extended to nil.
Sumner Avenuo Prcsb terlan church
Corner of Sumner avenuo and Pileo
street. Rnv. L. 11. Foster, M. A., pastor
Mottling servico nt 10 30 o'clock. Pleach
ing by Licentiate Henry A. Pardons. Sun
day school at 2 o'clock; evening servico
ut 0 o'clock, preaching by tho pastor,
theme, "Tho Natuto of tho Workman h
Work." Young People's Christian En
deavor service at 7 p, m , Voting Mens
servico nt I p m., led by Rev. J. P Mof
fatt, pastor of tho Wushburn Strce t
Picsbytorlnn chuich.
Provldcnco I'resbv terlan Church Pas
tor Rev. Georgo E. Guild. Morning
theme, "Paul's Pr.iver." Sunday school
at noon Junl r Endeavor, ' o'clock. Sen
ior EnflonvotcvM will havo a special
Thankglvlug servico nt C.30 o'clock. The
ovenlng sci vice at 7.J0 o'clock Is cntlt.'il
"Anthems of Thanksgiving. " Tho service
will mainly consist of praise, spccli l
music by tho choir. Rev. Mr. Klusak's
service at 13ft a. m.
Green Ridge ProOivtcrlar Church
Isaac J. Lansing, pastor. 10 30, service of
wot ship with serninn by the pnstor. 1
in , Bible ichool. (1 30 p. tn , Chtistinn En
deavor. 7 30 p m, sermon by tho pas
tor. Subject. "Prner and Medicine," the
ttuo docttlno nf healing as
tniight In James v, U-l". Pome and wel
come. Tnvlor Presbyterian Church TaIo",
Pa Rev. L R. Foster. M. A., pistol.
Morning service at 10,3ft o'clock; pi caching
by pastor, Sundav school ot 11 CO o'clock;
Young People's Christian Endeavor ser
vico at 7.30 p. tn.
Pcnn Avenuo Btptlst Church Preach
ing morning nt 10 30 and evening nt 7 :o
by the piistnl, Rev. Robert P. V. Pane.
Tonlo of mpinlng set mon, "Tin- Rout
.rcitlon of Hope." Mninlng prners lu .ha
vestry at 9 43. Sunday school at 2 o'clock
2 W, annual Bible day services. Society
of Chilstlnn Endeavor at U U. Topic of
i veiling sermen, "A Light in the Window
for Thee," the sith in the selles of ser
mons nn the ' Pioillgal Son of Tudi." A
btlcf after meeting will be held In the
lower temple nt which tho p istor vvll
uso cravon sketches In presenting sav
ing truths. At tho Amermnn Jleniotlil
Tiibernaclo Sinday school nt 3...0 p. in.
nnd preaching services at 7.20.
First Baptist Church- Scinnton street
Rev. S. P. Matthews, pistor. Subject for
morning will be "Largeness ot Hi ait I
Kings Iv, 20. The usual pleaching iier
vlco lu tho evening Sunday sch ol, I p
in.; D-. Pi eldiii', s ipi rintenilcnt. Youii't
Peoples prajer meeting, C p m., led bv
John Owens Regular wieklv praer
meeting Wednesday evening 7 33 o'clock.
Industrial school Siturday nfternoon at
2 JO p. m. All nre coidlally Invited.
Jackson Sueot Baptist Church Morn
ing prayer meeting nt 9 u Btother
Mathevv Hollev. leudu; pi i aching set vice
at 10.3U by the pistor, Rev. Th Unas de
(Jruchy, topic, "The Sympathy of Hea
ven," Sunday school at 2 p in, George
Nichou, superintendent; evening sctvl-e
at 7 shuip, pi also and song service lol
lovved by annul t sermon, topic, "Kindness
ind Sympathy." Tim 1 nge nttend.ime to
this meeting evcrv Sundnj night nttlesN
Its popularity end ucfulnc The sttang-
eis aie all welcome.
North Main Avenuo Baptist Church
Rev. W. G. W'atklns pastor. Pleaching
at 10 30 and 7 30 Sunday school nt 2
o'clock. Morning theme, "God Waiting
to Be Gracious and Men Waiting to lie
Blesied." Evening subject, "A Ptodlg-il
King's Return." All are Invited to theso
Shlloh Baptist C'ni'c h 3dj Center Fliet.
Mornlrg, 10 0 a. m., pi caching. Sunday
school, 2 p. m ; Young People's union, 7
p. in. Evening vubjeet, "Churches' In
crease" All nro welcome. Rev. J. 11.
Bell, pastor.
Graeo Reformed EpNclipaJ Church
Wjomlng avenue, lxlow Mulbcrt. sticet.
Piajcr and praise service- at ' V) a. m ;
ellvlno worship at 10 !o u. in. and 7.30 p. in.
Preaching by the pistor nt both services.
Morning. "Divine Love." Zepaniali, 3.17.
Evening, "Studies In Daniel, tho Thre-o
Beast Empires.' D inlel v 11,1-0. Our Sab
bath school nt 12 o'clock noon Voting
People's Society of Christian Endeavor
at C.30 p. m. Seats ull lrco at all services
Strangers nlv ays welcomes Special ser
vice on Thanksgiving Daj at 10 JO n. in
Tho Union illble elu-s will not meet until
December 1, when we will take up a chatt
study of the Groat Pi i amid, at the eloso
of tho lesson studj.
Flist Church of Clulst (Scientist)-
Adams nvei.ue. Sunday services, 10.10 n
m. subject, "Ancient nnd Modem Nccro.
mancv. or Mesmerism and Hypnotism,"
and 7.J0 p. m , subject, "Mann-cli s Re.
pentancc and Reformation ' Wednesday
evening meeting at 8 o'clock. All wel
come. Fiist Welsh Congregational Chinch
South Main nvenue. Rev. David Jones,
pastor. Soivlees 10 a. in and 0 p. in
Tho pastor will oerupy the pulpit nt both
services. Morning theme, "Mark of Tru-
Christians." Communion set vice. Even
ing theme, "Thoughtlessness," n thanks,
giving seumon. Sunday school nt 2 p.
in. All welcome
People's Prohibition Church Rev D-.
Bird, pastor Time will be tegulat
priMchlng service on Sabbath evening at
7 20 p m. In Co-opentlve hall, No.'th Main
avenue, Hdc Park, subject, "Is Chtis
tlanlty on tho Wane"" Every one wel
come. All Souls' Unlvet saUst Church Rev F
W. Whlppen. pastor. Morning FUbJee f
"Thanksgiving" Evening subject, "The
Pilgrims and Puritans "
United EvLngelleul Church Capouse
avenue Rev C. D. Moore, pastor S ib
bath school, 9.43 a m. Preaehltv, 10 41 n
in ai d 7 30 p. m. Kej, stone league Chus
tli n i. 'cavm. C30 p. m. Junior Chtlstl in
Fit' Tver Monday evening 7 o'clock
Pi.p or meeting Wednesday evening " a
o'clock Providence council. No. 0"iH Jun
ior Order United American Meeh.iiuis.
havo nrranged to attend tho evening m.i-
vlco In a body. A cordial Invitation is
extended to the public tnntlind thesp sei
vlces Rescue Mission 211 Franklin nvenue
Open every evening. Good singing. Short
talks. Interesting testimonies. Every
body welcome. John E. Heudsey, supe. -Intendent.
Adams Avenuo Chapel Corner Adams
avenue and New York street. Preaching
at 7 I" p m by A V. Bovver, esq Every,
body vvel-ome.
Where Bernhnidt Wrote a Pass.
A story of Saiah Bernhaidt Is told
by a bookseller. Ho writes: "I ie
msinber a funny thing which Sauih
Bernhardt did In our shop when she
was here last, hho dropped In oin
morning, and, of course, all wcro ex
ceedingly nnxlous to wait upon her.
Finally It resolved ltsclt aa my duty
and I sold her aulte a pile of hooka. I
showed the great fcticss cvety atten
tion, nnd she seemed plensed. Just as
sho was going out shn took bold of
my pencil and asked mo auiiuthliirc in
Fienelt which I did net unelei stand
"Seeing that I failed to catch her
meaning, she looked about on tho
counters, but apparently did not seo
what sho wanted. Then, us quick aa
a flash, befoie I could comprehend her
aim, she took up a volume of one of
tho ery best eets of Scott In the
placj, bound In tree calf, opened It at
tho center, wrote something quickly,
calmly tore out the leaf, handed It to
me, smiled and went out. On looking
at tho leaf, I saw that she lind written
a pass for two to her performances
that evening' But sho did It nt the
cost of ruining one of tho best sets of
books In the shop,"
Sho Was an English Blockade Run
ner That Tried to Creep Into
Charleston Harbor Under Cover of
Darkness but the Vlgllnnco of tho
Blockading Cnptalna Prevented.
The Stoiy ns Told by nn Eyo Wit
ness. Written for Tho Tribune
It wuirt my good foituno to bo on tho
United Stales gunboat Unadllla on
.tan. 29, ISM, when wo ccptmcrt the
Irrgo English steamer "Prlnci'ss
Royal," and this Is how It hnppcmd
Wl U orn fill,, nf flip ltl.nllV veadeta nf
th fleet which was blockading our
Atlantic const, and nnd been atatloned
oft Charleston, S. C, sevetnl weeks,
untrOiInn fiw lilnnlrnilii timnera 'I'hn
weather dining the winter of 'C2 and
(i,i nael been as boisterous ns usual,
and as we lay at anchor on the bar,
whole the water was 20 to .'0
deep, we got along very well until nn
ctra 'blow" came on, when wu hart
fo "Uelirb nnrlinr" nnd leei fnr
deeper watei, whtre we would not
oiitnp on ine uounin, until me wind
and waves subsided, when wo would
nsume our station In lino with tin
other vessels
It was lather monotonous that win
ter, ns but few pil'os vvoie captured,
and ns we had no opportunity to fight
tho enemy, we had tn put In time as
best we could. Every night ull tlu
vessels occupied lb Mr regular places
cettaln distances apait. with no light i
visible. Tho licet was composed of
tho United States sloop Housatonlc,
gunboats Unadllla, Huron, Powhatan,
Mnrblehend and aide wheel steumots
Quaker City, Ko. stone State, Mer
cidita and Memphis, and pilot boat
Blunt. These vessels founed a seml
clrclo reaching about 10 miles above
and tho s.imo distance below Cluules
ton, with the Blunt nt tho extreme
iiJtthctn end.
The night of Jan. 2S '01, wns not
cold, but waa cloudy und vety daik.
The fleet lav then as usual, without
a sound to be lmaid or a light to hi
sein, but upon eveiv deck was tho
vigilant olheers and watchmen, look
ing for a locket which should an-,
nounce the approach of a blockade
rtintmr. Thus the hours were passing'
iiwu.v, ev rr u'mi v Lisp, .umm iiMeejj,
dti'auilng of linmc and sweetheart", of
wnr and prices, until 3 a. in. of the
21111, when suddenly a locket fiom tho
I lunt shot through th darkness,
pointing towaids ChaileMon, which
was a signal that ,i blockade-runner
had entered the northern chinned and
was steainlng fur Chatleston.
Our officer of the deck saw It, awoke
Lieutenant Cumniniider S. II, Quack
enbush, our i iptnln. who at once pav
oulers to slip the anchor (to which a
buov was attached) and beat nil hands
tn ciunitoiH. Now wo had 3 minutes
ac cot ding tn the i tiles to get to our
places, and It can bo Imagined pat tl
allv tlu scumbling that took place
to get to the afotoMild positions. We
had been "fooled" .o often, however,
that we expected our usual luck tliin '
morning. Th or lrs were to steam!
straight tnvvards shote, to Intercept
the enemy In tho channel, ns alio was
coming down. As we nlvvava hnd
steasn up, It onl took a few moments
to get under way.
Tho datkness was Intense and noth
ing could bo foen, until we got Into
tho channel, ciunitcr of n mile fiom
shore, when tho "lookout" etled out
that a daik object, like a. vessel, was
coming dose to us. Ciders weie given
to tire a shot ncros3 her, which nt
once "hi ought her to," ami a. sho
stopped h"f engines she swung close
enough for our captrln to cll to her
commander "rttop your anchor or I
will sink jou." It Is linneeessaiy to
say that th rattling of her anchor
chains was Instantly ben'd by n, a
light showed both on hot bow and her
sic in, nnd she was ours. Two of our
ofllcers weio ordcrel to man a boat
f& In constant pain when onf?)
$ your feet ? v
Is that dragging, pulling K
sensation witli you from morn Fj
till night ? V
Why not put tho medicino t
exactly on tho disease ? Why t
La not apply tho euro right toi
EtVhn mint, itsolf ? 'r
) You can do it with
Immediately after tho
Plaster is applied, you feel&ft
it3 warming, soothirg in-Xtj
jijflluoncc. its ncanng remedies
tf quickly penetrate down deep
K into tho iniiamed tissues
B Pain is quieted, BorenesB is ro
p lieved and strength imparted.
No plaster was ever made like It.
No plaster ever acted t quickly
and tliorouglil). No plaster ever
bad such complete control over ell
kinds ol palo.
Placed over tho chest it 13
a powerful aid to Ayer'u
Cherry Pectoral ; relieving
congestion and drawing out
all inflammation.
roa Sim nr eir, nntraanTfl
J. C ATRU CO.. Lowell. Malt.
sack Me?
NOVEMBER 19, 189S.
and tnko possession of her They
stnrtort for her nnrt learned on their
nrrlvnl on her deck that the cantaln
and other officers had quietly slipped
away In a boat on the opposite sldo
nnd were no doubt safely on shore.
Pnjllgut began to creep over the
waters and we had the proud satis
faction of seeing that we had raptured
a largo Iron Htenmer, apparently new,
und In flrst-rlnss condition. Tho llag
idtlp Housatonlc now signalled us to
bring her nlongslde she laying about
12 miles south of us, a distance giving
us n fine chance to tent the prize's
speed, which proved greater than that
of any of our fleet.
W had ordeis to follow, and had
proceeded but a little way, when we
heard llrlng oft Charleston, and soon
discovered that a rebel ram had come
out of the haihor, and was engaged
In a duel with the flagship. It was a
bright, clenr morning, and as we heard
the shots, and saw the smoke puff up
fi mt the guns, the bhella as thoy
ilecnehetted, spouting the wnter In
their course, in tide a, sight novcr to bo
forgotten This duel kept up for an
bom or ninie, neither vessel having
been tnlur-H, when the rain steamed
slowly back Into tho harbor. We
learned, however, upon J caching the
llagsltlp, that two rams had previous
ly attacked the btdo-wheeler, Mercl
dltn, killing I luce men bj a shot In her
bolleis, and that n shoe In the steam
drum of the Keystone State had killed
21 men besides wounding 13 more. Af
ter firing llteo shots tho ram had left
them and moved tip the channel where
one had stopped to engage the Hou
The two vessels were then towed to
Port They were formerly coast
steameis In the merchant service and
hud nothing but signal guns aboard.
We afteiwaids learned that tho ram
hart enmo out to recapture the "Prin
cess Royal" her captain having re
ported In Clint lcston that sho had en
gines and steel plating for rams
which, of course, would bo of great
vnluo to the rebels.
Mai tin E. Vandlce, nnd Third Assls
tarn Engineer It. II. Thurston (now of
Corn. 11 unlversltj) were ordeied to
tnko chaigi of tho prize, and proceed
at once to Philadelphia, whero she
would be condemned and yold nt auc
tion, fho was found to bo a now first
el iss Iton screw Htenmer loaded with
machlnety, iron plates, powder, cof
fi o. Honors, dry goods, drugs, etc.,
all of which wen' greatlv needed by
tho lebels. n Interesting feature,
was the fact tint Llndsas & company,
of London, owned her, ind Mr. Llnd
r.ay, of that 111 in, u member of parlia
ment, hr-d moved v.hllo In his seat. In
the previous veur, tint tho British
government should no longer acknowl
edge the blockade because of its alleg
ed Inofliciencv. The 'vessel and cargo
brought $3s"i,000, one-half of tho net
proceeds golrg to the government, the
othr half to all olllceis and men who
weu within signal distance at time
of c.intuie, their share being propor
tion! rt nccotdlng to their wages. It
was irtliir a singular thing that all
vc-sels caught tunning tho blockade
(luting our civil war were of English
ownership. Nctwltlistnndlng the vig
ilance of Uncle Sam, many valuable
cat gees slipped Into the confederacy,
whllo ninny valuable cat goes of cottnn
eluded the blockading fleet, and were
taken to the English factories whero
the1 demand was so grut W. II.
Ttlpp, pavniastet'B clcik, for George B.
Tripp, pav master, both of Scranton,
As They Will Do.
"Ever notice," asked tin- stove,
"what a modest cieatmo the clock Is? "
Retelling. I picume," said the
wood box, "to her holding her hnnds
before her faco?"
"Why, no. not so much that as to
her habit of tunning herself down."
Indianapolis Journal.
Your name Is largo em every sea,
And .voitr kccK lmvo underscored
Tim title deed.
That tho win Id mav heed
How the elcd i uns, word for word;
No Und so far, no piss so steep,
Hut tho thiei told erofs wins through;
Yet we of tho West,
Wc love ou best
Por tho ou dare not do.
Others thoro he who have strewn their
m id
With tlio ihut of a deathless dead.
Piom tho South, lrom tho North,
'Ilielr feet went forth,
And the blood they spun was red;
Honor was thelis ill tho hurvest ela,s,
And tho pralc of tho Just rang true;
Till ono b one,
Th v have du led and done,
Tho things that jou dnro not do.
The talk In tho North of a sword laid
Of n pl.uo with a world-wide lease;
Hut what of the men
In tin oNlles' pen
Wheie death alono brings peuco?
The "pi ai ii on eaith" with a Jew was
Tiny hi. vi- spurned from tho kind tho
And dark nt their gate,
The rpectics wait,
of tho things jou dare not do.
I'liey talk in tho South cf the lights of
m in,
Thev have dono with the robe and tho
Put Justice piles
t tho cladi. In her scales,
of tiu sword that weighs them down,
Thev look ahio.iil for tho leaves of bay
To i over tho sprays or rue.
And thoy drown, with tho drums,
l he sh uno thnt comes
Crnm tho things you dare not do,
Whit seed 1 this for tho lands that He
To the first stout rim rich prey?
What II lit of hopo
Por the j curs that grope
To the verge of a taidy day?
"Shaie." Is tlr cry, "and share alike;'
Hut your Firm g so, s ask of you,
"Is It well to shnro
With tho rands that daio
Tho things the t jou dare not do?
"Tho hopo of the jrnr.s Is tho blood wo
Aio we tine- to cur breed, to our salt,
ll we lenvo undone
Tim v nrlt begun
Through tho North nnd the South cry
Thn fm row n wo draw are straight and
And 'truth' Is the seed wo strew,
With tho hr.nd to tho plough
To turn heck now
Is a thing we daro not do!"
Tho blood of tho West Is the blood of tho
Of a mingled Btream come we;
Put tho blood-that tells
Of our hearts' best cells
Is tjio blood wo ovvo to thee.
Wo stand to pay, when tho need shall
come, ,
With tho best of tho strain wo drew,
I.OBt tho world "hark hack,
On an outworn track,
To the things yois dare not do,
Itnbort Cameron Itogcrs, In London
..... ----! ir. ,-,-,- -
Biggest Toy Store -in Northeastern Pennsylvania,
The Best Show of Holiday Goods and Novelties
The children will be here, of course.
They need no urging from us for they know
they're welcome.
It's to the l'old folks" we want to talk
more particularly.
A day or two hence will find this toy store
very busy. But it will be busier yet as the
weeks roll on. We want to impress you
that the most leisurely, comfortable holiday
shopping is to be done right away.
Toys now are new and fresh variety
is at its best. The assortment of Books
for you keeping them safe from soil 01
harm till you call for them.
Men'S OverCOatS We have ex-
At Half Cost R!a,nede
the reason lor
this great selling of overcoats for
men and hundreds have profited
by our explanation. Our assort
ment is still at its best, for we had
vast resources to draw from. Judge
by these for today and tomorrow.
CI lO fur short lenstb 1 oat of rough
PO.OV Chinchilla; deep storm collar,
Aluuting pockets on brcti-t; lltmnel lined
throughout. Cheap at $r,.UO.
C4 Oft for your choice of dark blue or
Pl-'VO Oxford Gray Il'nver, cut full
length, velvet collr, Iron-clad sleeve
llnluu nnd ilnuhlo warp Berjo body lin
ing. Cheap iv 3B.0O
Ci OR for choice of!12conts In blue,
4JU.VO black or brown Westminster
Kersej; elceip rlo h faelne, silk velvet
collar; Italian cloth body llnlnr. Cheap
at a 111. 00.
7 iO for choice of 10 conlB a few
t""0 sUes missing In blue or
tilnok, fti.t color Kersor. They're worth
fei'J. Ifyourstze It here, thoy're a bar
TWO Items In The little fel-
Boy's Clothing SSSSSS2
tention as well as the men and
thes bargains ought to be of in
terest to mothers and fathers who
want their boys to have good
wearing clothes.
f 1Z for double breasted Itcefer,
p.XC wjtb deep suitor collar orthe
new round velvet collar; live patterns to
eliooce from;slie !1 to 10 years. Regu
lar price 53 60.
O Oft for double brea.ted Iteefer
'0 with storm oollur; ft to 15
vunrs, made of rough Chinchilla an
Ideal garment for outdoor vicar. Worth
Sensational Sell- Toy books
ing Of BOOkS. and holiday
books are
hollowing lor room. Only one
way to give it to them close out
certain lines; so here it goes and
at half actual cost.
3 Or- volume for
y' tho regular
91.50 edition or
cloth bound
boots by Marlon
llarland, Julie V.
Smith, Mary J.
Holmes (only a
few titles), May
Agues I'lemlng,
aud several oth
ers. And along
with them 100
cent Pansy Books
choice books for
the holidays.
J9r volume for the famous Arundel
' Edition cfoth bound; good, clear
t.vpc; ISO titles. Published at 36c.
07f, for Oxford Teachers' III bits, flexl--,,w
ble morocco covers; concordance
maps, texts, lesson helps, etc. Actually
worth f'J,
The Duchess May
$1 Real Kid Glove.
tJnder an
other name
this clove
is sold for $i in the most exclusive
glove store in America. Through
our arrangement with them, you
get the same glove at the same
price. They're not $r-50 gloves
for a dollar, but they are positively
the best $i.oo glove on tne mar
ket. All the leading shades and
Pork Loins, Fresh While we are
Shoulders and "ot , tc
Country Sausage Hrsynt
when we are able to furnish our cus
tomers with the "best" and save
them money, we do so; hence this
Saturday chance but Saturday
only, remember.
Fancy Pork Loins, 3 lbs. 20c
Krcsh Hlinuldcrs, Oolb.
Country Uuusage, Do lb.
Jonas Long's Sons
1 - - - -I-,-,- n - i- - -i -H- i-n -i .
is extensive nearly 20,
000 to choose from.
Thousands upon thous
ands of dainty white hand
kerchiefs. Myriads of
novelties in silver, china,
art and glass.
Buy now, and we'll
tuck the presents away
Regular 10c Cur
tain Swiss 6c
From an
unexpected Q
source this
Curtain Swiss came to us at a
price less than the import cost. Wo
offer it today and tomorrow only at
Six Cents tho Ynrd,
and do not hesitate in adding that
its equal cannot be found under ioc
Our 25-Cent
Neckwear for Men
Some ex
ceptionally choice ef
fects in silk neckwear for men
are here for twenty-five cents
about half what you'd pay for the
same patterns in other stores.
Alongside them we show the famous
brand of
Peyser's Collars for 10c.
that have no peer for a quarter.
Try the Peyser brand once and
the difficulty of obtaining collars and
cuffs to suit you will disappear.
Half. Price on Chil- We
dren's Trimmed Hats ive
taken a
lot of Children's
Hats that were
fairly priced at
$1.50 and S1.95
1 and cut the price
A ngnt in two for
today and tomor-
1! row. bo while
they last take
them at
75c Cents and 98
If you can't
come with the
child, send her alone. We'll take
every pains to fit her becomingly.
19 Cents a Pound
for SO-Cent Candles
The only
the candies we sell at 19 cents a
pound and those you pay 50 cents
for in other stores is that no fancy
name is attached to ours for which
you have to pay. A bit of sugar,
a dash of honey, pure chocolate
and the Bon Bons are yours, as
pure and delicious as one could wish.
Hosiery Bargains ; Two
Men's and Women's ,
Bargains are here for you today
and tomorrow, and a chance that
you can ill afford to miss.
The Aien's Are lie Pair.
Tho Women s Are 9c.
The former are natural wool half
hose in medium weight, and woith
by all standards 20 cents the pair.
The women's are guaranteed fast
black and seam!es, about wha4,
you'll pay 15c for elsewhere.
A Chapter About
the Restaurant
We serve a
25-cent din
ner that is the
talk of the town because of its ex
cellence; and a Saturday night sup
per that can't be beat. We've the
best oyster cook in the city, ready
to serve you at all times and in
any style to suit your palate, Just
try this restaurant of ours.
Lf&Hmi V'THfM