V' ju "4 HiP ,'irtfjvMsn THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY. NOYJSMtfER 14. 1S9S. 121 Thli Vote Not flood Alter .'ov. 15. iSo. Christmas Caiit.il.is, Choruses, Solos, Services. Fine line just arrived. Music Rolls, nice variety. "i3c to $i.:i5. HcKinley 10 ct. Husic contains "Last Hope." "Palms," "Filth Nocturn," "Cmny's Stud ies," "Duvemov's Studies," "The Skipper," "Liszt's Second Rhap sodic " and 700 other choice selec tions. Crescent Hcil (ail Strings" strongest In the world. PERRY BROS 205 Wyoming Ave. A new departute at Th3 Griffin Ait Studio, We sue now prcp.iied to fill the wants of the .'imutuei and piofcib 10n.1l. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADI. DR. A. A. LINDABURY, Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women Olllou Uouia . . . . ..II to ion. in I to SI p. 111 At llenulenco 7 to H i m fWlce William lliillrtinc, Opu l'ostolllre. lleeldence 21(1 South .Mi 'n Avenue. COLUMBIAN DETFJTIVE AGENCY LIME BANK BUILDING, I SCRANTON, PA. Maltrrn Follclted Whero Other Knlled. Moderate Charges. .Mrs fleo. Carr pinnn teauuerof lldUU .Mr. Carr MaildOlin Banjo nj Guitar btudlos In the new fJiicinsoi nulkllng, :iki Wushlnplon avc Nev until j car In this cltj. On Wyoming Seml nury Musical I'aciilt. lltiveopenecl a General Insurance Oalcs In initt'iioiittDi, Pest Ktoek Compantn represented Large -uca especially tollclted. lelcplione 18U15. Allow U to Clean Yeuir LACE CURTAINS, anil You Will Be Pleased. Lackawanna AUNDRY. .108 Penn Avenue. A. II. WAKMAN. "OtN Tho Wllkcs-Barro Record can be had in Scranton at tho r.cwu stands of Iccls nian Uros., 401 Spruce nnU 503 Llndiu tteets; Mac, Lackcwanna avenus. HER POINT OF VIEW. The annual meeting "f the Hahne mann hospital piomiscs to be nn event of unusual inlciest tomotiow nlglit. Not i little ot this is because of tha expected pieseme of Dr. William Tod 31cliiiut.il. who Is one of tho loading;. If nut 'io fotemoRt authoilty on home, t-imtlsy In this counti. J. lien Illni miek .vill preside In the absence of Col onel Holes Mis. Homy Bella, jr., and Mist, Richmond and nthets will lead leports. I'mwi'ibhc h'tianton women will be deeply Intel ested In learning tlmt the city lb also to bo hoiioied by tho pies ' me of Mi. Ilelniutli, who will necom lmti her huphand. Mis. Helnuith I" one of the best known and most nil inlied women In Ameilea. Her gieat iutcTst in clubs for women and gills nncl her splendid evcutlvo abilities which have been brilliantly illustrated during her teiinn of ollli e as piesldent of Soiosla and now piesident of Hit redciatlon of Women'n clubs, of .Vow York htate, give her exceptional arid enviable piomiiioncc. The poitialt and sketch d Mis. lloinuith In Ilurpei's Ilazuar. the other day, will bi noiid with now Interest by .Siranton leaders. She is a social leader of many Kilts, and Is also constantly remarked for the. ixijulslto gowns !io mr, Hutlng their stay In this cily Or. and Mis Helrnuth will be guests of Mis. A M. Decker, on Jeiuison iiveiiue. Aprno, of the Hut nilllillll meeting of ho Hulincmuiih hospital, ;n Incident was: luld ; n f-ci.ntion i bidt nt vvh'b In Philadelphia tin other Uj.v that Kiatl .'iniiiPfs homeopatlilsts At the time when Peniisylv aula's sit I; yoHlci i were . omlng i lek In 'ie.it numbers tlv ssoc fated lloniropatlUe 'iospltn.1, of Philadelphia, was among those which op md wide ihelr doois for the relief "f Hie uffer'nr Amonir llio rlrst iiuotii receive d at tliirt liistltutl'in was ii man who. If ho had been allowed n olcc In tho matter, would probably Inm- iifcr-rtcd that lie would pretfr to dio f,jtmwJiorc cUo than to be taken theiv t-j lie eutcd. Ho was u physician of tho other school, mid. an ho expri'-mij it, "io bo dumped In that Uokpitiil was rnoush to dilvo a innii riassv." I io did vmihiiiuialjln vlsoiouh and anmy protcptlnit, but was too helpln to do anything more, and whr held by the enemy liNentually he leiovued and dejuirted with an e KnowleelKed ehuno of ht'iiit u rRUlar or.veislon, to tis his own words. Thli annual mooting is optu (o the public ffiM B5otip5wff and nny person Interested 111 tho work of the hosiltnl Is weloonie to nttend. A the Womun'M Qulld of St. Luktj elntrrli does a laii;e and kiowIiik char itable woik, both In and out of the ulty, Its tueniboin hope tn teplenlsh the tieismy ny u sal" on Tlnusdny. Kildin and Snttndny nfteinoons nf this week In the Hpa'Ions coiner store of tin Mears building, nt WashliiRton nwuue and Spmte street. The llPt of articles Include mam that are nol and d( 1'liable. besides the f"i;ular line tirually M'en at bazaars. AmonB these will he dolls of nil kinds and conditions. The "Rolf diilll.-fi" nie said to he exa t ie piodtittlonn in miniature of well-known local players. This featuie alone will ntnait nst tlnoiiKs to the sale. The potn pillow deiiartincnt Is be iineainph.Mi In the profusion of beau tiful cushions of all sizes A Inriro as Miulmunt of embioldeiles for Chrlst ni'Ja Klfts, kitchen papery of nil kinds. nkes baked for each day and home made canib will be ntnoiiK the varied inunction. The Joiinmr ladles of tho KUlld hip In chaiKe. among: them beliijr Mis'. CJcorRe M. flallstead, Mis. i:eielt Warien. Mis. Avei, Mrs. lluniiell, Mis. Henoie. Mis. I'ioss. Mis. S. Oeiman, Mis Walter Ulekson, Jits. Hand, Mis. .lennjn. Mis. H. W. KIllRsbuiy, Mis. I C! 1 .ti I Jar. Mi ?. Mott, Mrs. Hobett sun. Mis Kiiiulcisori. Mis. F. .1. K1II1 man, Mis. H. 1J. Wnio. A Toiiioiuiw the chissniithemum show for the bciiellt of the Home for the Kiieiitlless will open In the bljr stole In the CoiiiiII luillillner, which lias been lontrlbuti d foi the occasion. Fiihiman was at woil; there it.umday ileeoiatlns for the .1. i asiuu. width will be one of Kieat Itiieipft. Todai tho lloilsts of the iitv will mi th looms -w t)i tho duein i.f autumn, and a number of pri vate owneis will ivIfo exhibit beautllul specinii ns Tlie plants sold will be do lHeied at once. In order that lhy may in.l surier from the h-nt of the loom, while the will be )Pilnied from le-f-ere stoi k, .n that the exhibition will not be depleted. Tho beautiful exhibi tion is anticipated with imitli c.icei ness by all (lowet-lo ctrt for It is leallv a si on I ptivlloBo to look ujion such a miiKnlllcent dispiaj. Popular admis sion of ten cents will be ehaige'd. .T.Ttl. Chain o save a pupils' lecital In his studio last Wedneda nt lei noon nt i o'clock. The follow Ihk PIori aiumo was well icndeied: (jtiartoltc for two pianos, 0eituiv des Mailcnette? litlllltt Misses Jtuth Ifanley and Mary Oeni- hait, Mesrrs. Cliailes Doersam and .1. M. Chance. ri.mo solo, lieuelii-e Chopin .Mr. Hnn-ey llosait. I'iano solo. The 1'utteilly (UleR MIs Marj (leaihart. l'lano solo, Hpiinpr Sour .Meinbd-.-'-ohii MbM Hutii Hanley. l'itno solo, KlKoletto Liszt Miss. Mabel llennle. 13uo for two pianos Oveituiv to Hgnicmt Heethoven Mt-ssis Cliailes Uoeisam, J. 51. Chance Tho past two days hae been K.iln ones nt the Home foi the Fileiidloss because of the unexpected advent of a number of fi lends who Milled thf intinotpny In a most dellRhtful tashlou. Ill the 111 st place the ehlldieil weie all Kieatly excited over the gilt of a dozen umbrellas fiom Mis. J. i:. L'nini. ill's Sunday school class In the Church of tho Good Sliophei cl. They had never possessed umbrellas heroic and these made them Kind Indeed. Last evening they hoped for rain today, so that they might use the new acquisitions Vesterday afternoon Uov. W. J. Foul, nccompanled by a huge number ot membets of the Young People's society of the nieen Hidge Paptist ehuieh held a brief service that gave gte.it satis faction to the matt on. the old ladles and the family In general. While they were there a paity of young ladles from St. Luke's chinch came to sing for the Home people and their efforts weie gieatl.v enjoved. (In Saturday Miss Chile Ite Holds seived tea to the old ladles, and Miss Kevnolds. of W omlng avenue, played a number of se lections on the mnudollu. To say thai the old ladles weie pleaded Is to ex press their delight but mlldli. . The lliteiesl In the tloudollers Is dally Inei eased by the enthusiasm ex hibited on the pan of the perroimers who enteitain theli Immediate families with so many comical snatches of H bietto and oateh bits of the scene that curiosity Is pUiued to an unusual de gice. The spectacle of one young man prominent in society engaged in Indus tilously going over his mlo with the pet dog of the family as the chlel per touner, Is a scene thai has edltled and cotivulwd a ceitain hoii'-ehold tn an extreme deree. A ft t'lltll aflet the plodui tloil of the tSnll dolleis. the Ueimau lectuios by Ilev. Mr. J'.audolph, at the Conservatory of MuIc will be postponed. PERSONAL Colonel and Mis. II. M. Uolcss will leave this afternoon for i ideago. Jlert Altiej anil Haiiy rr.incls spent tteidnr In Wllkes-llaiie. Miss laia Lewis, ot N'orih .Vpilu uvc mie, Is x Islllnp In Xi w York ell. Mls llesslu I.micIi. nt Wilkis-IJane, speui tliu Sabbath with Miss .loble .Million, of Mulbcll j stieet .Mm O. Mm-I.f nn. ol liallluioii . H v.. lung her sou. William .Mncl.ean, i,ii Wiishhistou av uue Mr. and Mrs. P. L. i iiiimi' aiinoinno tin enuaKcmeni of their dinishtcr, .Mill) , to Air. .1. (J. Arki'imiin Mr. and .Mrs. C. H. Simpson will go o New Yoik toiilght io attend the woddhu of u school fllend of Ihelr dnilglitel. Anion, the .Seiantoiilan, who wil ni sscd Hie Ynle-1'illjiolon game wen Misses Atchl'iilil. .Miss Helen Hand. Mls Llliel lloio Miss Slmi'suii mil Mr. J. II. llrookii. JoCili A. Wimnr, who enlisted wlili thii engli i cr corps and has been serving 'i P.nio Kluo. ban lien dlnhnred lroni lie htvpltiil aft.r a nveie altiiek of u Pholti fevn. 'i'li- folluubu.' Si iju.tunluns wile leg ist red at the Hotel Albert In Now Vnik Ibis weh: U. A Kllknitri,!,. VV. .. Jlcsfnid. II. H. Leonard. Will lu,.i. MUs IJ. IJiglbi. Winter Clothing For young and old. Tho iluest line nf suiifi unci overcotus mi uxhlbltctl In thle city. Hveiy gaiment mndo In the latoxt fabhloii, only III sl-c lass mater lab', and tho ptleos less than you pay eU ii here for very Infoilor gootlH. P.lchaids, Wiith & Lewis, a-.'fi Lackawanna avenue. The Nash, Olio bine); fiom Siliaie, has two looms with boald; pilecs modi late. Fi intern' Ball, Nov. 10. Snovet's hall, Penn nveuue Law. icnce oiihi'Htia. Tickets .10 cents. Hmolm the Poiniltir Punch clgarv, 10c. WARRANTS ISSUED FORDYNAAIITERS FATHER OSLOWSKI HAS SWORN TO INFORMATION. , Evidence Said to lie at Hand to Connect Jack Doynrt with Frldny Night's Outrngo nt Duryea Wnr rnnts Hnvc Been Sent to SherllT Martin to Servo People of Duv yca Live In Ocnornl Fear of tho Outlaws Who Seem to Hcslttito nt Nothltip;. No evi nt of rcietit yeais has so wioughl up the peoplo of l)ureii as the two explosions of ilMinuiite v.hlch oceuned Iheie lust Friday night. One or the explosions the (list, badly damaged the limit of the lesldenee of Adam 15nitukl, one ol the most prom inent Polish citizens ot Dili en. and the second evplosloh. which oceuned twenty minutes later, was nt the resi dence of Jlev. Father Orlowskl, pastor of the Polish Catholic ehuieh. The poich or the latter was blown away, the ftont doors wtccked mid the ehuieh, which adjoins, was badly damaged, nhnost every window In It being w locked Mass was i elebi.ileil In the ehuieh .Msteiday and Father Orlowsk' ml dtessed :i few wolds to his cotlgiega tlon about Filday night's outrages. He regietted ih.it any peison should so wantonly destiny piopcity and endan ger human lives. Thai pail of the pinpeity It was sought to dcstro.v Is eonseeiali'd to tho sen Ice ot Cod made the clime If possible moie heln oil". diffi:isi;xci; of opinion. Then Is n elllfeieiice of opinion In Liiuiea as to who Is leaponslblo for the explosions. The generally neccpl cd theory Is that the desperate out laws who have committed luntimeiable lawless acts In tho neighboihood dur ing tin l.il two yeais have added another to their long list of tiansgios felons against the law. Since thev caused the wieck on the Lehigh Valley tallroad nt llabvlon bleaker there has been a veij active offoil io html them down and tln-v an cois(lou of this Jaet Father Oi low ski. It Is sold, realises that the numerous offenses of these ilespeiudnes aie being ehaiged up to hts country men and he is unwilling thai they should bear this stigma. With a view to making the i oinmu nlty whei, he lesldes mine safe- ami law-abiding and seeing Justice meted out to tin lawbioakois he- has lent such assistance as he could to the oflleers who aie endeavoilng to inn down the lulpiils. In this woik he has been assisted by Adam Uailuskl who Is a momlueiit member of bis congiega tion. For the purpose's of Intimidating them against giving fiuihcr assistance and to tevenge past aetlvlt the out laws diteimlned to stilke a destieiate blow. That the destruction of pioper ty was not gi eater and that no lives weie lost iseeitalnly no fault of thelis. ANOTHHIt THKOHY. Some maintain that the explosions weie the woik of disaffected members of Father Oilowskl's eongiegntlon who cue endeavoring to establish nn Inde pendent Polish ehuieh In Duivea. Hit ter feeling has been engendered by this split but the preponderance of sentiment In Duryea is ugainst clang ing these people Willi the explosions. Theie Is talk of an organized move ment on the part of the people of Dut.vea against the law -breakeis who aie giving the little hamlet a l imputa tion not sin passed bv the flee and easy western mining towns Waiiants weie issued bv Justice of the Peace (Jllboy, of Duiyea. Satin day atteinoon at the instance of rather Oi low ski for Jake Dogait and two (illicit) of the famous Wassal gang. Attorney W. 11. Gillespie, of Plttstou. lepieseuted tile piiest in gettlm; the wan. ints. Dogart lives at the Austin Heights, whole the olhet two suspects also leside. The waiiants were sent to Sheilff Maitin in Wllkes-Llane lor him to have seived and the at rests made. At this wilting the Infot mu llein was not obtainable whether or not any of the tluee weie caught. Theie Is said to be ample evidence to connect Dogait with the explosion. He vvns seen .Hound Duiyea late In the ulteinoon on the public stieets and two nun ,r' lepoi'ted as having lie-ud him arranging the plans for the ex plosion. These two do not wont to be known through fear of having ven geance w leaked upon them, miles the. at i est of Dogait and one oi two iitheis of the mine desperate nienibei.s ol the gang aie caught. fkau ls oi:ni:isai. So gie.it Is the tenor that this gang has caused that a prominent business man ot Dui.vca. who was asked why the outlaws aie noi arrested, said he has knowledge of many things that would send seveial of the gang to the penitential v. but he Is afiald ir ho gives It out and Jlguics in the witness box ho may not wnke up some morn ing. They poisoned a horse belonging to him iccentl. When detectives weie aioiind Satur day looking up the ease, they visited the people living close by Haituskls' lesldenee to asceiliiln If an.v of them saw the fiends before oi after the explosion. Some of them denied having heaid It at all, although it shook eve r window In the town and was heaiil Fine Bon Bons and Chocolates Mtulc expressly for the finest trade, perfectly fresh. We offer a tine mixture at 25c, value 40c Fine t 13ou 13ous and Choc olates, ,35c, value 50c. Finest Bou Bons aud Choc olates, with glace fruits 50c, value Soc. Florida Oranges, Grape Fruit and Cal. Grapes. E. Q. Coarsen Wholesale and Retail. over In Avoca. They do not mean to shield the outlaws by their dentals, but they nie afraid to speak. Theie In nothing less than a reign of terror among them. LIEBSON ESCAPED FROM JAIL. He Is Insane and Was Arrested in This City. Abrnni Llebson ewaped fiom tho Wllkes-Hnrre Jnll Snttndny evening while he wan being detnlned theie pre paratory to his removal to the Hillside Itfiuie iisMiim. Hi' waB an ested at tho Delaware Laikawalina and Western station In this illy at - o'clock ester elay niornins by Paliohnan McMullcn. Llchpon li -- eins old. He belongs to it wealth Jewish family of Wllkes H.me, anil bei'iitne Insane recenlly. Ills vanities aie in tin- Inventive channel. He thinks he bus Invented many useful articles but duos not share the piollt, and the thought of his being swindled liiaken him violent nt times. He wus diessed only In Ills trotiseis when ho escaped fiom jnll. When he gut to Sciauton he had n small hat. an (iv ei eont and a pair of shoes. The Wilkes-Hill ie polite notified Sergeant Delict , who le allied that Llebsmi was using the telephone at the Delaware, Laekawaunu and Western station and the sergeant dispute lied Patrolman Mo Mullen eiulekly to attest him. He was cute enough to tiy lo hold the door of the telephone booth shut when the ortl cor came. A Wllkes-Parre ollleer arilved yes teidiiy teitcnoon and took him back. BI-ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Conducted in This City by the Priest hood of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The bl-ai'i.ual Minfeieine eif the priesthood of tin eluneli of Jesus Uitlt of Latter liy Silnts. 01 L'nst 0111 Pennsylvania JuilMllctloii vv.is eon ducted In Co-op"iatlve hall, Ninth Mam aveiui', Satiuday and osteida. There are eighteen inembeis eiC the pilesthood vv oiklug In the Lasl-'in Pentisyh.inl.i -nlsslon and all were pteenl Piesldeiu A. P. Kesli. of the caste in states missions, was also pieseiit. With the exception ol the Siluiduy inclining meellmr all sessions weie open to tho publle and weie well ult'Mided, eMpeelallv last i veiling's sei v lee. The .onfei enci' had (wo puiposes. Flist, to have lepoit and be le-a.islgned. Sec ond, to slve the gcneiul public an ojipni tunlty lo hear for tlienisi Ives wlnt the Latter D.iv Saints have to offer The s"sln is weie pii'slded over by Confeicnce Piesidi'iit Joseph Wull'ice. The lepoits at i-etuielay meirnlng's lniesthood e.son were all very en eeiui.iglng. .The elelers were ie-as-slgned and were instriietcd in the work by Pi evident . I . Kefsler. The ells tilcts and lliose Ii. ehaige aie us fol lows Lack.u1 anna county. Inseph Wallace, J. T. Fllillnsivi. J. D. Lewis, J. A. Harding, Siiantoii, (ieorge Hiinkeihoff and liiilip Feirin. Cai bondale inn1 Wnvne lountv. IS. C. Han Is and W. P. Iorgan. Suseiue liatuia coiintv . Liu'"ine eounlv J J. Henne'lt anil 1. i:. Maveoek, Plttstou to Wan lor Pun, and J. V. Chamber lain and J. P. Ilobeits. rest of Limine and 'ill of Cm hem count v. David Klni'hom and J. IJ Cuu'ner, Wvomlng and Sullivan counties; F F. Tweedy and F. 11 Pick. Mradfoid c unit .1. I!. Wiilelnm and Hdvvaid Skldmoie, Sehuvll.lll and Columbia counties. Satin day afternoon the nubile ces sion was addressed bv several of the ehleis. esterda iiioiulng it 10 10 o'clock, iift.Mtionn nt 2 o'clock and evening at 6 o'clock sessions weie also held. The ulteinoon sc-slon was rul dicssed bv Hlders .1. S Finlinson. J. allace nnd I'lcsldenl v. I'. Kesslei. P-eslde nt K"?slor spoke upon "Whv I sun -i Mormon" Let evening's session was address si bv Kldeis W. It. Moi gan. F CI. Tweede and President A. P ICessler. This ended the conference until six mouths hence. Meetings aie held eveiv Sunday at 1X7 outh Dveiett avenue by the V. eis heie Moinlng i'civice at 10 o lock and evening tervice at 7..!ii o'clock An afteinoon "ivlee Is also held at 'J o'clock at 11 V AlbiighL avenu-. It Is expected thai a church will be opened heie enil next ear by the Saints FUNERAL OF MRS. FITZGERALD. Interment Was Made in the Cathe dral Ccnieteiy. The funeiul of Mis. D. 11. Fitzgerald was held yestedn aftenioon fiom the iHinlly roslilenie mi North Main ave nue. Followed b a laige concourse of ft lends the it-mains weie iiniveveil to Holy Rosary chuirh whole impies slve services were conelueted by Rev. N. J. McMainis assisted by Rev. J. J. O'Toole liileimeut followed In the Cuthedtal ceineleiy. The imllbeaieis weie James riynn, William Leonaid, P. J. Ituane and John McLaughlin. The munv b.nutiful lloial tributes laid on the cas ket weie silent testimonials of thcVJk'gh icejalel In vvhle h the deceased was held by her fi lends. OPINIONS HANDED DOWN. Mattel s That Weie Passed Upon in Them. Judge Aiehbald handed down three opinions Satiuday. In the case- ot John O. Scovell against W. II Wtlght the opinion states that time is enough to ki) that' us between Wilght and Siovell the sale which brought the Vftituif to an end was collusive ami I'l.iudulent, and Scovell Is oidcied within ten days to pay Into court tho i opt of the audit amounting to SJ7fl.li!! and Hit- lepoit nf the uudltor I? cou- i llrmed. , The auditor's ic-poii In the suit of (leoigo 11. Piyor against !:. U. Lloyd was also continued. In the case of Me gin K1 p Coniiwll vr. Waltz n nil" for a new tilal in lefuscd. New Engines Received, The thill) (..IO) new freight loioino ihes oideieel by tho lecehers of the Xlilltlinole and Ohio nilhoad about tlneo uionths ago, twenty ot which aie fiom the Daldwin Locomotive works and ten fiom the Plashing Lo eemotlve wolks, have been elellvere.J and mo now In seiviee. These engines uio the biune type that have been veiy successfully used on the Second division between Cunihoiland nnd Hal tlniene and over olio bundled of them (lie now In seivice. They are the Con solidation type with l'lx27 Inch evlln-eli-is and weie t onstrut teel fiom de signs tuiiilshcd by the motive novver department of the llalilmore nnd Ohio lallioud. ' Cull for the Pnpulur Punch i.igdts, 10c. TO TUNNEL THE P0CON0 MOUNTAINS VANDERBILT IS SAID TO CON TEMPLATE SUCH A SCHEME. D L. and W. ls Now tho Shortest Rond Between New York and Buf falo and n Tunnel Through the Pocono and n Straightening ot tho Rond in Places Would Put It in tho Lead of All Competlto's for Diiect Western Trade. I'olUl'lltlS Vlllldlllllt ll'lll KeVltl friends paid n bilef visit lo Monroe county last Friday. The visitors ur tlved on a special tialn anil li-tepected th" Delaware, Laek'iwunna ant' Wei ern road. It Is mid, however, that the teal visit of Mr. Vanderbilt was In connection with n sehemo to tun iiil the Pocono minilitalns iih a nieiins of shorti'iilng the time between Uuf falo and New Yolk. . "It has long been the plan of the Delawnte, Lackawanna aud Western ti.llroad to pel foi m such a feat," says th" New York Heinld. 'William K. Vaneleibllt some yeais ago dlenveied that the Delaware. Lac kiiw anna and Westetn was by forty miles the short est mute to Iiuffalo. 1'pon maltlni: the discovery he Instructed his most cap-ible civil englncei to so over the road and caiefully obkeive If tunnel ling and stirdghteiiliig of curves would not shoiten the distance many miles moie. Th engineer gave much atten tion to the mntltr and lepoited to Mr. Vaneleibllt that neatly lorty miles moie blight be saved. "Mr. Vandetbllt bought ."..on) share's of Laekiiwanna stocl; at a very low in Ice. Tho feasibility ol the eoiitem plaled Improvements In the Lackawan na has fiecpiently lieelved local coi roboiallou. I'iofessor Howell, of Scranton. lecenllj showed nn an lm piovlsed diagram how Hie load could be sborle ncd twr miles. .leremluh K"gan, of Lai Uawunnu, cone luslvcly showed Hint with proper attention lo gi.ide the Lackawanna could be short ened seven miles between rfeianton and Uinghiiiiilou. "Pioleusor Stutuuit. of Oxford. X. I satlsi.ed hliustlf unci many oiheis that the tunnelling of the Pocono mountains was u comparatively easy piece of englneeilng, which. If iceotii pllsl ed, VMinld reduce the mil ellstuuee betwetn New Yoik anil Sei anion many miles, SOFT COAL SMOKE NUISANCE. People of Plttsbuig Are DeUrmined to Get Rid ot It. 'J'he following tioin the Plttsbuig Dis patch Indicates that vigoious steps have been taken In that city to abate the smoke nuisance due to the exten sive use of soil coal. "Pioseeiitlons fur violations uf the finoke consuming ordinance in this city will soon be In ordei. Dliectot Hlgelow has given these law-breakers about all the time that he tonsleleis necessary to apply apparatus to theli buildings for the consuming of "the caiboulfctous clouds that almost conrt.intly toll fiom their smoke-stacks and give the city Its notoilously dull ami murky appeaiance. He has Instiue ted Smoke Inspector . I. J. Urcmuin to prepare a llt of those who neislst In icfus'lng to comply with the law. This list Is In com so of prepara tion and the ciusade will begin as soon as It has been submitted to Dliector Hi;elow. There are about sixty lltms in the down-town diMtiict who will come under the ban of the law. "Inspector Urennun said yesterday that theie ate many smoke consumers In opeiatlon in the down-town dlsttlct. and that nil aie doing the work thoi oughly The e ry of many manufactur ers tint they cannot get a consumer tbut will operate sticcessfullv will not go uny longer. Tn the Lewis block, the Pennsylvania lalhoad oillco building, ami the plant of J. I!. Haiuen & Co , at Tenth and Llbeitv stteets, smoke consiliums aie In operation and do the woik for which they are Intended al most petfectly " -- . ARE THE SEASONS CHANGING. A Scoie of Years Ago No Ice at Thanksgiving Disappointed All. "The men of today, who giew up heieabouts, leuiember that, when they were boys, theie was keen and natui.il disappointment if Thanksgiving Day did not hi lug with It good skating," says the StiouiH'buig Times. "The boj.s of today are- glad If CluWtmas gives them the chance to go on the Ice, and pi nimbly under It, Ion. "Theie seems to be no doubt that the seasons have peieeptlhly changed within the past thirty or foity imis. and that the cold lasts later and comes later than fonneily. The same thing is demcinstiated these recent soft even ings Not so many eais ago It usee! to be possible to sit upon piazza or lawns during tho long evenings of eaily summer. The cool weather, which had begun outlier In the season, had setved Its time and given way to wanner. "Now we do not ventutc out until the longest das, those of June and July, have pasted and the evenings begin io lengthen. This Is atoned for by the piolongutlun of the summer wenther Into the fall, which gives us tho most delightful pait of the year late In Sep tember and Oi tober. Appaiently tho whole procession has been carried foi ward or baekwaid, ns you please. The result has not affected the growing o' the cropi', but simply shifts the time for heat and cold a month or ho along " ONE CLAIM INVESTIGATED. Mattln McDonough's Ordeis Proved to Bu Valid. Claims pi i seined b Mai tin Me Dun ough, of Mlnooka, against L.uknwuuuu township to the amount ni JUCa wire Investigated Srituiduy by Attorney John P. (julniiiiii ns cuniinlsrfoncr nt till' llldtbtedness of the township. Ai lorney T. P. Hob in n niesenied Mr Mi'l'iiiioiigh and Attorney fiooige M. Watson the taxpaoif.'. The iiaini of .Mr. McDonough was made up ol sev eial oideis, some drawn to himself for hall rem and nihoix to Thomas Lough ney, Anthony Hart aud Thomas Mui pliy. These gentlemen were examined and cei tided that they did the woik lepieseuted by the oulers and unsigned them to Mr. McDonough for value ic celved. Mr. WnlMn objected to the oidua drawn by the auditors for hull lent on A (Jootl Set or Teeth lor... $3.01) Our Best Sets or Teeth 5.00 Incl.iJInn the Painless Uxtractlon DR. S.C.SNYDER 311 Spruoe Street, Opp. Hotel Jcrmyrt the Plea that they have no power tn Issue orders for themselves or for that purpose, but Mr. Qiilnnun allowed the claim. Supervisors Toole nnd Qulnii and AudltoiK Mungun and Lvdon, ex Clerk Henry Casey, nnd cx-Audltor Hognn weie also examined lo veilfy Mr. .McDonough's ordeis. Pi nick Dug gan. of Mantle, presented u dnlm of $S for work done on the township loads. Theie weie no developments. Attorney M. J. Donahoe, township solicitor, was present nlso. The next hearing will be on Thursday, beginning at fl o'clock. RECRUITS FOR THE ARMY. Batch of Twenty-Five Lelt Satur day for Huntsvllle, Ala. The first sejuad of lccrults for the icgulur in my enlisted by Lieutenant Slviter. left at noon Satutday for Huntsvllle. Ala. They will be assign ed to the Fit si Tnlteel States Infant! y which was one of the flist leslnients landed at Cubu in the it-cent war. Twenty-live applicants will be exam Incd by Dr. Lackey today. The men who went Saturday ate; J. K. Kelly. Scranton, J. J O'Mulley, Olyphuut: L. tllllen, CKibondale; H. Heishel, Scranton: o. F. Hates, Cai bondale; AV. R. Pinker, Catbondale; J. F. (.lenity, Sci.intems O. .Sweeney. Olyphnnt: J. a. I'lbutcet. Seiunton; II. J. Ililtke, 13. (Itlcr, 13. McCurtv, K. A. Duff, A. HIJoik, Mnyliclcf; O H. Lnnce, liurk's Sunitnll; .1. .M. Klein. Scinnton; F. O. Thomas, Tay lor; A. Haan, Scinnton, J. Mitchell, Dunmore. KENNY MURDER CASE. Arguments for a New Tilal Will Be Heard on M;ndiy. Judge Love, of Center county, will be bete on Monday afternoon next to hear arguments on the applliatlou for n new trial for lvdward Kenn, found gulltv nf manslaughter nt the int term of colllt for the killing ol John llealey, of Archbald, mi April 'J. The Juiv wus out foit-elght liciUf. Reasons for a new trial were tiled bj the defendant's uttoiue.vs. John .1, Mutiihy. M. F Coniy and J .1 Man ning. Smoke the Poioim Clgui. ,r, eelits WHiTDOTHE CHILDREN DRINK? Don I slve them lea or coffee Have ion tried the' new fond diink called OIlAlX-O'' It Is dellilous and nourishing nnd takes Hie pliei of coffee Tin more Cliuln-O v;iu Klve the ililldrni th. inou lu.iltli veil illstiibtite thioiigh IIhIi sv'stPtns. Ui.iln-O Is ininle of piiic males, nnd when proi,- il prepared tastes like the ehnli e Kr.ules nf ioffee but costs about ' as tnui h. All grocers sell it ijc ami !lc IIIIIIHHIIIIIIitlllKllllllllllllitilllStt Knox Hats 1 1 Are the Sellers I 1 This Fall 1 5 2 ; Hveivouc who seis the Call 5 ' Knox' likes li. li is the pru- tlest of tliu $-,.iii kind eiovrn S S nleelv louiiiled. nilthei tapering S en- exttemlty full--., V4 and .V, S Inches deep brim well lolled up 3 on sides with heavy Vlnch ru-1 S 3 sllghtlv and gi ucfully drop- S plug tionl and iciu. eulois, rich S lutioiis lilaik and llrovvn S S 'Knox" Silk Hats In Fall block. S 5 The exti.e Mood iiuullty of " baud nnd bhullng add to tho "" S lleii lustioiis bluik that can S 2 milv be prodiicnl tu fiom flrt S n ouallt stock useel in "Knox" S Hats. Ladies' "Swell" Walking Hats, I "Knox." 1 2 and nihil in. ikes in the r.iMi- inn.ilile Sh.ipt '. very rlih nnd IS ikgniii Sold hi Siiantoii on!j S S hi u a a wm I Our "Pearl" Alpine mm mm " with blue 1; band is a hummer " . in fa. I It N tin mil soft hill S Z on this lull S s "Men's Belongings" W MM (HAND & PAYNEl 203 Washington Ave. imiiimmiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiBiimiiirc Owin2T to lle arffe stock of Ladies' Moclia Suedo Gloves, the salo will continue for a few days only. The assortment is complete and . Q positively the best value ever offered at 4oC pail SMITH'S GLOVE STOKE, 427 SPRUCE ST. (MONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. TELEPHONE 622. 141 to 149 Meridian Street, Scranton, Pa. BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. PAINT DEPARTnENT.-Pure White Lead, Color and Varnishes. WEE One solid week of riijj bclliujr. During which wo will show some liuiulsoine, new patterns ami offer tlicm at tho fulrcst of prices, iiutlity cousitloreil. Iiemember tlieso are not trash.i goods for bar- gain advertisine Smyrna Rugs Uxtni heavy grado .Smyrna's in some new and handsonio patterns. llxl (ixl) ix( $21.U( Oue lot of rugs mado out of cai pet roniiiauls, Tapestry, Wiltons", Moquottes and Body linisaols. Thcso wo will sell for less than tho carpet in thorn would coil. Xo charge for making aud finishing. SIEBECKER k WATKIN Tho eminent Turkish Hug collector Wm. A. Tufoiikjiam will bring his slock heie in a few days. Watch this add for exact dato, Ik c"0 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pi. Wholesale ami Kclall DRUGGISTS. ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC. Ready nixed Tinted Paints, Convenient, Economical, Uuiabla. Vnrnlsli Stains, rrodueiuc Perfect lmltiitlonoflSTpaattTt Wood! Reynolds' Wood Finish, lrcclnlly Designed for Imlda Worlc. Marble Floor Finish. Durable and Uriel Quickly. Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PIIR LINSEEO OIL AND TURPENTINE. Ac Sell UJricderNAcar. BELL& SKINNER Hotel Jermn llullJIn. A Clean Mill Is applet l.ited li) most peoiile. 'I hey like to know that Hie flour ihev use iselian Thev like to kn ivv that It Is handled bv clean men In u clean mill so that theio Is no thulice for dirt or other foitigu sillistanees to get Into it Few people like to nt ellit. nnd a great manv peoplo knowing that "Snow White" lioiir Is m nie nnd tint up In the ileal) kind ot a mill pietei lo use It Instead ot other hiunds they are nut nitahi about. C.ioicrs sell it. 'We Only Wholesalo It." THE WESTON MILL CO Scranton, Cnrbondale. Clljphnnt. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO. IJooms 1 ami 2,Com'lth BTd's. SCRANTON, rA. Alining and Blasting POWDER Made at Moosn and ltustidula VVorlu. I.A11.IN & HAM) POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric: llattorlei, Llectrlo exploders. loreipioainc maw, naieiy riiso ana Repauno Chemical Co's uxp&,.s In T- 06 SELL NO These aro all high giuilo and worthy of confidence. F-inc Wilton Rugs Extra heay Wilton Uugs in now designs I It. ix7 ft. li... 12.00 15.00 feamo as aliovo in retsiau pat 1.00 tern, 7 ft. (ixlu ft. (J $32,00 406 LACKAWANNA AVE , (