THE SCR'ANTOX TRIBUTE-FttlDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1808. SI V JONAS LONG'S SONS. IMPORTANT MR. RIPSOM. REPRE- ANNOUNCEMENT, scntinq mr. c. c. SHAYNE. THE OELEBRATED FURRIER. WILL HAVE ON DIS PLAY HERE MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT A MAGNIFICENT LINE OF FUR GARMENTS. IT IS UNNECESSARY TO ADD THAT MR. SHAYNE IS THE MOST NOTED FURRIER IN THE LAND. MR. RIPSOM WILL GLADLY TALK WITH YOU CONCERNING THE REMODELLING OF YOUR LAST SEASON'S FURS. SECOND FLdon ft ifcBRI fell i u&imkw vMmwwBiMvk3& iirfai i. l "i v aaiacz.Yll' I l..i M J.i. a V5M 1 i 1111:11 mr f tzmMe&mvmi I'll til I ..-TP-es' ' i.' "' Vl dat?!- Something About This Clothing Store for Men Type cannot taiilv tell you of the efforts we nuke to diess men well at liltle cost. In fumibliings we have always been leadcis; and now we are icady to talk Overcoats. Thcv came in a week ago and many ot them have already lound owneis. You may be sure it's the Overcoat chance of the year. The entire leseivc stock ol four manu facture! s is here and we can safely piomise you coats at less than half what otheis chaige. Do these orices intciest ou r CO no lot miiii- i liolu ot 1' Htlt. In W'SO thrtfi hfielo' of liglit rovits, blue black or bro.vti We it or Ihifil mil Kerne , bhich Irish I'liee Miif 01 blown Chinchilla M'lilo with I rlaii taili... s.itln piped; lust ttllo warp Hull, m limlv IIMur: silk velvet toll ir.Killii sleeve lln lnc, made In two h iigUii medium and tia long We otieht to got ?lj for this A'L'HV SI'L't'I Mr- On S.iturdiv milv e oftrr 2i', pulrs of (Vmliiiuv Knee I'nu'H for bii s it .( cents the pair SUc ! to lj ve.n Wot 111 T cents Wen's Furnishings These loin items ought to piove in tciestinp; readme to men foi Saturday. These values will not be duplicated in anv .stoic in the countiy. Xatuial wool liuilctwrdi ot Ions clefi notirrd wool, properly 'woven Into tlt b-st Jlttlni,' ami moot duiuble' tin- prke linn been a dollar. Sitliiili 1111K 7f( they u l.dUlideied white chills with mit!n. d Mihei patent back bultonholi. The Air. T" Mud: Sitiirtlii only . 'rOU .cvv hlilitu tm mm mo-t m - iii rut. -Mil .win tans 10 in. uiu At 1 eus tuif.s the prke would be flfi,. JI n Here S.ettirc)a . . . VOL IV rfr 1 ii'lebi.ited l.lnrn 'olui. npi 11 10 ,iu ,u iiu.iitei, licit' 10c Trimmed Hats for Children Some daintv conceptions in ("hildtenV H:iK that hae been $i.oS and S i . 7 , , o on sale tomoriou at 75 cents anil 98 cent. You may be sine they aie the worthiest bargains ever offered by anv millineiy house in the louiuh. Along with them WINGSAH coiois. weie 25c: now 12'. QUILLS All coiois, were sc; now ic each TAYLOR NEWS. David J. Davis Instantly Killed. Cioss Walks Badly Needed Per sonal Notes. A mr .relci'iit mi mi nl 111 this pluio M!-terd.i inortilnr when OuMd J Ha ls'. one of Tnior mot puimlar oiiiib men, met with n ft-ittul dentil while at hl oiIv In tlu T.wlor mint, w licit he Is rmplovi d as n I'mnpttiiv hand The :mel uiolileni oieniioil at nn laily.hom ji. TXivH and hl M low woiknian Josi'ph Hnll. won about tu timber t,oni' old wotkinp.s and with iit a moment's warning ho was ,i virt lin The lattn est aped but u tjuitP .ilousl hiiuipii. while Mi Pnvl, Ipim and nick wue InoKiu and death i.ime tns'tanih. r.irrtal announcement lal- IT Sllc j;va .MuhHoli-uiii. who h,ii been hllliiK at the liono ot lsi Oiaeo Lurttv til Xoith Meln .nctine has in tinned home Tin cnteituhimi'nt and oilul under t I.-w nUHpliex of tin Viiuiik Uul!is o fiotj ot the i", liiptlt I'lutrrh on Wcdnesdnj txenlnr; was wi pati.m ized The alfah was airauiifd and fullv iuiitd out with one or two x-eeDtion-. Tlit' Went "ide soil'il dub will ton. dint tholi ifulai im-c1.1v s-oiiui in W'tiT's tin), thin ownlny Min .lnhn 'iU'liilif. n' Mvdc rails, as the ni'.i of lui Hiuihii. Mis lioblilii" ot Union struM on Wt due. da ll-tK' .'Mul j.miis. ot iJj.J l'.llh, WIS n busin. .- lKltor In ihl pluee ,fMtei tlaj lutiiiiib'. .'..i.!in,iiidio . No .','. Knights of 'Malta, will inert this '. eiiitie In th"ii loom, in Iteohe'x hall. Mih. Tl'cma. Ji-nc. of Iiellu. wjb the cuait A - paienlM. Ml and Mr. Thoiiian M, Davis, of Main meet, on Wedne-nlfv. Ml Oilftlth Tl.i.'iui:. of t'lMHou. va Die KtiestH ot ldntivoii In thin ulait? on Wednesday. The wooJal ot thoYountr I'uninV mi e'ety of th" W.Ip1i (.'ontfitK.M'onnl (hliuli or Wednesday 'v.i vvell natroii. ized Hol' Thoinan 1. .Inni'". of Main Hlivi't. limed tile hoinn ho'd ff ft tji to Olvnh.iiit mi WVdnt'Hday Mic, "Hniiifl Sheldon, of N'tiitliTay l"r, is I)tlmr hfi daiiKhtr. Mm l.m lei Jeuflptt. or FltlHion. for the ...u-t U l'rlvotp Wtllam Tubus, of romxriiur JONAS JONAS LONG'S SONS. ,M - -I. ! 1 ftoSZLZi ?:- I hUM n Q.A 0. f01 ltiRl('-liluitKl llv fiont I'T'-'O OvirroaW In blue Kiue or Oxford urey. velvet cullni k(' l"tl tnrlni?. nlcelv lined. A tint ou'il p.i js for an. win i" MAfl for Yonllih oiiioit. 11 to 13 "O jcaix, of u mw I. liue In ilnik l)lur he aw walo. nuiiU full It 114th. vilvet i ollnr llni'Iv lined anil hancNciniclv trimmed Would lie a b.iiptjln If we ald $7. ci 7c ro a child s hki:fi;u in i?4..i. llii"e foloi. ik n v.iiioi rollir or teumd iir well llntd and fln lhe cl ieKtll.lll !,".il SCCOND FLOOR. Women's Hosiery one hundred and Underwear Jozc,n , wo men s heavv ribbed tleece lined underwear, equal to any .sold at -o tents, we offer tomo'irow at 23 cents the garment. Vests tiimmed with pcail but tous and silk tape; pants, cut lull sie. And this ot the hosier : Women h Hn llormpiloif iIm. full xuular 111.11I1 with double r-oles" hlU ipllceil heels mid e.t!.i line kiiirp .Mmvt ftit and fanc ilron Mtltihes. equal to ri.itutdiiv at coin eisewai it .11 .1.1 lent!? J inro ll m K W Pork Loins, Tint vou Fresh Shoulders, '"?y know Country Sausage iTefSr! we make special cuts on pi ices for Saturday, finis ou get Fancy Pork Loins, 3 lbs, 35c Fresh Shoulder:, lb, 6 3-ic Country Sausage, lb, 9c We positively cannot sell these goods at above puces except on Saturday. Satin and Gro- Sold a lot oi Grain Ribbons. I.ibb"s v.tei- day despite the lain. Mote heie tomonow; all the new hades, ?'., and j inches wide, to go Satuiday at 19 ctntsths yard. Shop until you'ic tired and you won't equal theii goodness at wc. LONG'S SONS U ThliU'i'iuh iip-inent who h. i been Nltlnt!- Ills biotlur John F Tubli.. of thin nine has letutned to Join his company at Camn Meade Tin imiilojis ot the Tnloi. JMie and Iluldin lollieiles u-etHed their ..iy for Oi tober on Wednesdaj. The benefit dinvlnj,' foi tin wldow i.nd tamlly of the latt LWcImi Uv aiis. of Ciiecnunod. which is to bt held hi Llewelyn h hall di".ciye the pa tronage of fioiv poison In this town and ldnit. We ire all 'iwme or .Mi i:ini. mlsioitune and whlih u sulteil in iiIh leath. The th kits for th oyent an Hclllni; eiy lapidly and .u f only ;". nuts a chance. Th fair ioinmtt'e ol tin Walsh CuiiKiiKatioual thatch met on AVej. ucsd.o cxenluff and tinnsaittd home Imnoitaiit l.uim.. The lerldents of Ninth .Main street .uu about (Unstinted waltliiK for the (loss walks which have hcen piom Ived tin some tiim if ,)m. was laid at the intellection of J. I. Davlw,' lively establlshinent It would lie high ly appi eclated by the pedestrians who hay occasion to i acs that wav. .Mis. 1. li.iifi was tin uuesl of telatlxes in ll.vde 1'uk on Wed nisd t: MAKSH BROOK. l!e. Mr Watcrlnii, of Xh liolnin, will pieach In the school linte nest Habballi at 3 oVloel, Thomas ('aiperitt r took , luad ,,f potatoes to Hciaiitou M'siiidu. lit lecelted i"i cents pei bushel tor'lhcm. hevciai faimeis ftnin this plate woie m .Simmon M'sicida, .imoin.' iieinj? ('oinellus (.imiaei, JIan (luniner and U. i:. I'lmnmei Youiik tieoiuo I.. I'lumiiitr has fcaio to OI pliant to woik foi the wlutoi htt'Ven Cdipentei. an old time vnH dent of this place. Is T.'i o.u old. Ho I" rfettlns tiiltt) feeble, lie decs m home and hi, dattehter. rjdna, Is keep. IllfC lioiire fMf hlui I'haUit. Wallale Is IIvIiik lomrurt. nhh In a ulco new liouse bulli n iVv .lls UK... In 17 Mr Thomas Mclnt nn. . Ii'lltowu, Teiin.. hud an at lack of dys elitel) which beeame lirnnti. "I wits tieattd by tin best phj slflans In Kast Tennessee without it cine," he j,i. Finally I tiled Clwuibei Iain's fyllc. f'holiia and niaiihoea Itemecly. After ih-Iiik about twelu bottles 1 was curwtl sound and well." For hale by all dttiK Hints. Matthew Hi otheis, wholraalt and tetall agentR. IAPPARITION. By Ouy de Maupassant. Th- stoty which I ont abmit to till oit has attsi'd me mieli aneuish of mind, such trouble "so nn, found, so m.vstiloti!, yo ineMillcabli Uiat t lmvo neer hen able ti, relate it. I have kept It hid Ion In the innermost rectsies of my woul, tip one hides ills ti'esslni; seirels, those which ate slutli.enil, ot unioiifesseii weaUiiessis. I wll' tell jott of my ndentutc. uHli out atteinptlmr to explain It. It was lr the monili of Jul. 1"2T. t was stationed at Itolteti. On.- day, u.i I was wt.ll;lnp alone; the qu.i, 1 met a nuiti whoi fate sicm ed familiar, and ytt I could not teeall tvir l.avInK know i. The strans: ir "ooKcd a' mc, ttibhid tow aid me pun titU'W himself In my eiiu. II.' was a ltiPiici ol rn jouth whom I had dejily locu. I h'td not steti lirp In Use yiats, but in that tlntf l.c had listed lialf r. ceiituty. His was entirely white, and he was b nl cud almost ikcropit. lie aw my si r pilFt mil' related his Ktory to me. A tcnlhlt misfortune had befallen hl'ii. lie Iiad become enamoied of a j'otuiK Kill whom he had mauled In Cleat haste. Aftej a year ot utmost lp. enly el-lenct. she died miv ttd- liflll.N. Jlo had left his ihatcau on the day iof the funetnl, and had established l.lnise'f In hi" hottso In Rouen. Theie ho ltd a Military, tnlseinblo llf', ioii ruiitcl with Ktief. art! mi d.'ipeiato that he thought only of suicide. ' Xow that 1 hac met you. I am aii.Moui to a"k a favoi of ou; It is in po to m.v tli.ileau and lithn.; back to nn it pail. ape o" papcis whieli you v IIS Hud In n desk in my loom -papers which l need cn much iiidnO. I catmuot tend a .subaltern or a lawyer loi them, bi cause It will letiulte the ncatc-t discretion end nbolult a-1 1 into. As foi me nothlncr in earth would Induce me to enter that hiHi-e. "I will give ou the key of the loom v h Ich I locked when I came awu, and also the key of th desk. I will viltt a i.ote to the old mirdener who will oim the house for you. Come r.nd hi i ak fast with mo tomoirow, and w will talk it oer." I pinnil"d to ilo what he asked. It was only a tew le.ieues out of Rouen, am1 l could go theie on noish.ick. 'I he l.ext day wo bieakfastccl tns-cth? c r. lie seeni"d veiy pie-oecupleil and th i ply moved. een mrltntec1. H t x plained Ju.t the erviee he ictiuircd of Hit". He wished to obtain possps- f Ion ol two packages of lettei', and ci huiidlt of impels which I v.'otil I llnd hi the liist ilght-hand drawer of the desk. "1 need not ask jou not even to iat ottr tt on the papers " 1 was almost oflonded at thesi) .'ciils, and made en abtupt menement. Re hastily btBcd mv putdon. "if ou know how I Hitttei : ' ml he leffnn to weep A'aour one o'eloJc 1 statt I on mv jcuint.v. It was a biaufftil daj-. and t antii ipaled a ilellslit'ul lie".' In tine time I t cached the ihate.ui. I hiiultd thiotiRh my pockets toi tin h'tiei which 1 had bioiiRlit lo the gar e enet Iniaj,'lne my astonishment when I found it sealed: I was sur ptlsetl ami t ncty, and was about t' tuin about and eg back without ae eoi'iplishiiiK my mission. Rut a sec ond thought icrtinlneei me. My lriend hatl thouiihtlessly scaled It in his state of mind he had not no ticed what he was doing. The chateau looked as It it had not bet n oi copied in a -coi" ot jeais. Km i .thin? was koIhr to mm: th" lawn was knee-deep with weed-. Th. uuNe of the loud and ieoiin Hiir blows which I dealt upon .t ihutt-T bitiuphl an old man to a side entiente. Re sc. med jtnpc lied at sight of mo. J dismounted and sap him tlu letter. "Will! what do jou want'" I ansAPied bruscpiel, "v'oii know .ry v ell. dn c jensr master has Klvun you his ortleis. I am boIiis into the house." lit- teemed tick. "And ou are qohiB to to hs ittn)V" he stammetid, Paibleu' liut what business Is it of oms to tittistion me?"' Xo! no! .Monfifi but It Is it is -that It lias not been opened hlucc, since the death If jou will wait ho KilnuiPd, 1 will bo and seeso and se" .1 i aninilv intciiupted lilni. ' li' so and see." what aie ou RlNin1,' ni-.' Row inn ou go In tl do, wiini hire Is the key"' He had r.ethintr mole to sa. "Then, Monsletn, 1 will show jou the .n " me the slaucase and leave me 1 shall find my wa ny well without oti." "Hut Morsleui how " "Hold you I toiittue! or I shn'l make Rouble tor .Mm." I i tislied bin one side and enleiod the house. I i lossed the kidiien anil It ei small t.ioms which the old man and ills wife ti 1 1 pled. I enteied the hall and mounted th" staltens-p. I casll tound the door which m fiiend had deseiih ee' 1 unlocked it mid t nteied. Th loom was so dark that at llist I could sec nolliliiK. I i-topped, civei come by that heavy iiiiuscnui, musty odor pi'cull a tti tlrsetl looms and tUath-tliambcis. I.lltlt by little mv iM's beiau" a. eitsiomed to the dnikhos, and 1 was able to distinguish the objects about me. I saw a large loom In ureu dls Mdei. u b"d without eloililnj;, the jntiiiiits and pillows uiieovcn d. and one ol the pillow j M'emcd to hae a d'jit In It, ai if someone had btn it aiiiiij.. nn elbow on it I saw. at the i pposltn side of the loom, a half-open doc i. which belonged, io doabl, to a I went at out e to the window t i opei tie shutters and l't in lisht and air: 1 tit the bolts wen -o lu-Hfd that I could .ioi move them. I tiled to bteak lliynt witli nn sword, but nuM ma I was aiiKiy at these iisils eitcnts, and ii. itiv iilik llnil now bernnii. ti. . ii toiinil iv thu t'.uknest. I del"''inlnid to try to llnd hut I had come lo suek. I seated myself In li out of the de..k. pallid douu the top. and iioeiitd tlio dia.M'i It .as full I was to talw lliifp iiaikages. winch 1 wis to Know l.y e.-italn wiillnB'on iMm 1 btguti to uuiuh foi them 1 .ui sill'. In to diclphitr tht; su p. I'fulpllons. whim I thouulit 1 heatd, in lather felt, n rustling behind me. 1 paid no attention Co it, ihlukhig' that a .inn 'lit of ale had sillied somctlilug' mi the loom, llul aftei a moment, nn oihei nioX'Mnent, jiiok distinct, made ,i ivi dlt-ami.i-.ihii uhlxer pnsF ncr in It was s. stupid tu Ijh tiiiubiut .t it uioeiii'.iit. t-rt if eM i so lit ti ti.U I would not tin i. annual for . "i itliutiif I hail louiii. in ui Uie I u li tl U-.-i ' iiapeis, and was on the lot-it "I .ilcklng up the thud, whin a I ra iii.ii pitiful sIkIi. lust holili d my shtxillllei lliadi me lllllllil Ruilil lllj nlH.i. 1 turned tuuiy, my hand on my sword, and sunly. If I had not felt It at my sld;, I should have fled like u toward. A tatl woman clothed lit white stood directly behind the chair In which I hnd been slttlnp. V second shudder ran thiotiRh all my membcis. Oh! no one can comprehend, unless they have cNpcthnced them. ,,ueh hoirlfyltm and stupid terrors. One feels as if ono was difsolvln? Into nothltiBnes-c. one's heart stops hrallug; one's body be comes as soft as a wuige. I do Hot hell"M in phantom: oil. well! 1 almost nwoonsd tindir the hideous fear of the tiiad: and I RUf feicel, oh! 1 suffeied foi roim In Hunts moie tlmn In nil m life, nn lr lislsttble aBu'ij of sttpit natural ter lort. If flu- had not spoken 1 should have died of fear, pethats. Hut slio spoke, she spoke 111 n voice so sweet and sad that it made m nencs ciulvci' X date nit sa. that t teeovered nivselt." tiot what I did, but u, certain pride made me, nt least, piesent ti bold frcnt. I lemembered evcrythlnr: later, but I assure you that at the time I thought of nothing I was afraid I Ma said, "Oh! Monsieur, jou can do me a Bieat service'" I tiled to answer, but 1 could nol speak a word. A vague sound came froni my throat. She continued: Will jou? You can sae mc cure mc' I suffer fearfully. I suffei, oh, I suffer" and she seated heti'elf in m ihali. She looked eager ly nt me. "Will jou'" 1 nodded "Yes," fot 1 was Incapable of speaking. Holding out a shell toilet coinb, she murmured: "Comb my hair! oh, lomb my hair! that will cuio me, 1 must have my halt combed. Look at my head. Row I suf fer; and my halt it makes mc ill'" Her hall was unbound. It was very long. ,ety black, and as she sat In the chair, it swept the gtound Row could I liae done it" Row could I. een while shuddering, have taken that comb nnd gathered up In my hands those long loiks which goe me a sen sation llkp that of handling serpents? Row could I havt done IK I know not. I can still feel that sensation, and 1 shuddei when I think of it. I took the comb. 1 handled. I know not how, that m,i of hair' I twisted it up, I hound nnd unbound It: I braid ed It. She sighed, diooped het head, and seemed happs. Sudenly she- -alel Thank jou1" snatched the comb ftom my hand, and lied thiotigh tile dooi which 1 had no ticed standing lnlt open When I found mji-vlf alone, It was some moment before I totild collect my thoughts. I was like ono tijing to lueak the bonds of a nlghtmaie. AVlien 1 had recovered mjsclf, I ran to the window and biokc open the shutteis with a fuiious blow A stieam of light lushed in. 1 inn to tlie door thtough which the phantom had disappeated. It was cloed and locked. Then leiror seized nij- soul and 1 was1 tilled w Ith one de"lre the desire to get away from that haunted place; the de sire became a panic the panic one p. perlemi's sometimes In battle. I snatched up the thtpp bundles of papeis. I lushed miots the loom. I leaped down the stalls thiee or font at a time, and at l.n't tound inielf In tilt open air. I tpilikly mounted m home, and lied fioni the plate at a bieakneck gallop. I did not eli aw icln until 1 leached Rouen and my lodgings. 1 thiew the bridle to ml oidtih and enteied my loom, wlicic 1 --at down to leflect on my atUenttlte I asked mjself, again and again, If I had not been the victim of, an halluci nation. Surely. I hail experienced one of thoM" incompielienslblo. Inexplicable teiebial distuibaiues which engendei mliacles, which gives the its pm ei. I had Just decided that I had seen a Mslon. an apparition, whin 1 went to the window to look out Ry chance 1 looked down at nij- wah'tcoat. The limit was iciveit'd with long hairs. Which weip twisted alound the but tons. I tut t tlieni off, one by one, and thiew them out of the window. My flngeis tiemhled o that I could seaitely use them. Mj iiPivcs wpip too shaken to allow me to visit nn fiiend that daj. Moie oevi, 1 wished to lelleet on what I should saj to hlni. I tailed my oideily and sent him with the bundles of paper. Mj' fiiend at'ked many questions. Tim jottng man Did hlni that 1 was nut well, that 1 must have had n smistioko, or some such thing. This siemed to make hlni tmeasj 1 went, veiy eaily the next daj, to his house 1 had it solved to tell him the tutth. He had gone- out the even ing befoie and had not yet letuined. I wen the nest day. 1 received the same answei. I waited a week. Re had ' ot ictmnecl. Then 1 consulted the autlioiltips. A thoiough watch was made, but no tiace tould be found of hlni. The chateau was also searched. Noth ing1 suspicious was found Theie were no signs of a woman having been con cealed theie Xoiv. after llfty-slx jeais, 1 know no I mnie limn I did then. 1 have never been able to ppl.iln my ndventuie.--Tiaiislalul by Mis. Cailton A. Kings hut j' ioi tlie Rome Magazine JEHMYN AND MAYFIELD. HoKattli'x band oiniiicil their fair last cvpiiiiii; In niitftinlie Hall, but owing to tlio Ini'letncncv of the u rather the attendance was not as laiRe iik It would hae been if the weather had been fair, but tha-e who weie time hicnt a eiy cnJoMible ewmint- The Muytlcld band rtirnlt-lied ihe entertainment and tenil eicil tMnii choice Hclectlmih. Tlie prniiliivex ot Hie Delawate and llndsoti ccinipanv weie iiald yesteiday. If ii'iiciits aie ttue, theti are a pair of poopli In the Thhd wind that xlioulil be ill a' i with ecMicli It Ih lainied llni a li nineteen or aise swore In his vote on Tuetdaj The Huuner an example I inaili ot nuth chaiaitetH, and the men who au theii wltnwet1 the biioner we will have clean woilt at the polln and houeht eleetlniiw. This Is a caw foi tlio county detective to look up and he t-limild do li at on e. Ue V. A. Uecehei. of AtLhliald, will pteacli In tlie CoiiKieKatloiwI 'Inn ch net huuday afternoon at .: o'l luC k. li. C. Wheelei, who teccnl))' ivtuiji ed fioni the KlondiKc. has ojiniiec' a Hhoci hho in the I'Vlli", bui .iinv mi .Mala btioet. Wallet Moon and Hlstei. MIh i;m llla wete In Waeily WediKHday at I'.tiilitiK tlie eddlnK' of Jllsi jmi blone and Samuel Hall. Mix. Thomas and dauuhtei, Joseph. Inc. ot Tunkhanuock. aio vitdllti; hei brother, 1'iank Wilch, on Xon:i iuin vtlctet MehSis. Cd. Can ami Albeit I. ail;. tt, of ('aiboiidalc. Hpent hiht owning li. tci'i-n ltcivival wl)lciiH aie ntlll eontlnulnu I In tlie Mflhodlst 'Iplscopal church. THE LEADING AND LARGEST MILLINERY STORE 413--Lackawanna Avenue--41 3. Exquisite Fall flillinery wB-KarAMousASMAKBRsop A hat from hero win touch your whole dress with "style. Beautiful Hats Your triends wil1 compliment you on its "becomingness," and you, yourself, will be more than pleased whenever you catch a glimpse of yourself in the glass. The money you save will double your satisfaction. THB collection of TRIMMKD UAl'S now in our show room sonic the work ol the leading foreign milliners, some ci cations of our own skilled trimmers in New York and Philadelphiais one that those inteiestcd in handsome Tiimmed Hats should see bctoic purchasing. This season we have outdone all previous elforts, and it will ceitainly pay .all economical persons, all seekers alter beautiful styles, to visit us. TRIMMED HATS $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, 6.98. AUL UNDER USUAL RRICE. Ostrich Feathers, Fancy Feathers, Wings, Birds, Aigrettes, Quills, etc., etc. RETAIL. AT" WHOLESALE PRICES, Velvets, Silks, Crown Ornaments and illinery Trimmings of every description under regular prices. Anything Bought from Us Not jrucli interest Is inalnfested. and main hiuc been conerted "c Mi Cooke, of Newark Valle. is aslhtlnK the pas tor Kev. C A Ilcnjaiuln this .wck Mrs HemeltlBht and Mis. Frank HemclilRlit weie lsltlnK friends in 'Vedneslla. Mr. Walter Moon and sister. Kmma, attended Hip Hall-Stone weddlnff at AVavcily. Pa, AVedne-day eenlnu AVill Osboinc. of Main stieet, called on fi lends at flieen Hldije Wednesday eeninc. Mi. and Mis. Stephen .Miller ot Thlul Ftieet, weie in Sciantou jesteulay Miss Josephine Davis, of Powder Mills, letutned home Wednesday alter spendlnB hevcial dajs with her sister, Mis Albert Kerr, of Scrantou. Mrs. Jofceiili IJtadley, of Cailiondale. t-pent Tuesday evening in Maylleld. Dr. W. J. Uaker, of Carbondale, was stieet. weiu in Scianton Wednesd.i). Mlsu Hertha P.ell entci tallied a part of ft lends at her home on Third stieet. In town Wednesday eenliTg Miss Maipaiet Daics, of Second stieet, who has been isltlns ft lends in Scott, letutned home Wednes-dav. Mis. Satah Wateis. sr.. Is UUIiir at the home ot her sons, James C. and Alfied Waltets, of Foi est CIt. AVOCA. Tlie buiuuRh council will meet in ad join nd sc&slon tlili eenlncr Mlhs Agnes Gibbons has been ap pointed to teach nlnht chool in No I! building; .Mat Rat et Healy has been tiansfetied to Xo. t. and Nellie Calla han to No. ' building C K. Hall has accepted a position on tlie Scianton Ttactlon line. Upeiator Kaufman has been ttan ferrcd fioin Mauch Chunk to the c ut ff cm the West Side 1'. T. McOowati, beltiR the lowest bid der, has ht en crantc d the conttact of futnibhlnK fuel to the school IuiIIcIIiiks. Miss Kate Connolly has been added to tle coiiis of teachers in the Coire spondenee sohool at Pcranton It li lumoied the Ilontn Rla-s winks have been put chased by Pitlston capi talists and that In a Mioit while they will icsaime opciatlons. Attorney John SutHfTe died at the home of his i-ls-ter. Mis William Stev enson, ot MoofIc, on Tuesday eveniiiR, after f-veial weeks' Illness of typhoid fecr. Deceased was bom In Connecti cut, but had been a resident of Moosle since boyhood. Several -jeais ago he was admitted to tlie bai and until a year upo practiced law in Lackawanna couit, when he Rave up hl olllce at Scrantou to accept justice of the peace In Lackawanna township He was a devout member of the Piesb tetlan taltli and alwas inteieftecl himself In Christian Kndeaor woik The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Intel incut will bo In Marc) c emetery. Tlie V. M I. wll! meet la adloutifd pitdon on Friday evening. The Pcnnt-ylvntiln Coal company will pay their emplojcs tu this sec tion on Satuitlav niuinl'iK Cleorge Shales, of Lincoln Hill is suf fciltiR fiom n soire attack of iheu matism. Mr. and Mis James lohn and Mrs Coxe, of VaiullIiiR atteuUtcl the Me Kensle obsequies Wcclnesday Mis J li. Clulstiai. Is lecovciltiR after a soxeio attack of jauiullce. Mi. and Mis William Laird enter tained a patty of Juveniles on Tues day tvenltiR in hon'ii or the sljh biithday of their daiiRhtei Jennie After a few bouts spent in pleasant pastime tlie following sat down to sup per: 1'dlth and Mai Klock-Andei-son, Nora and Maty Fiuslmmon Antics Moitou, l'llzabetli and Nella Newton. MailRi' Snyder Mabel .iohu sou, Lcili, William, Allnn and Huth Laird. I'. I. u'.Malley has utuui"l h-ni" afb-l u stvi ral weeks' st nt New pott News. Mis. Nellie McCilyun has icUitii'U home alter u few elays' llt in Phil adelphia. The Chlldien's soiletv of the Pls bjtei l.ui chuiih, are busily eiiRaRed ni.tklnp aptons of eety desalptlon whi h they will toll cai ThankstjtvlnK eve, after their annual cupper has been seived. Mr. and Mit. Ilmiy Oiror?e iutc i -tunud Icj Mountain "lar after a few clays' lst with Mi. and Mis. Waltei Andti.s'jii. The vast conconse 01 1 1 lends Miat assembled Wednesda) afteinoou to pu tlie last tllbutf of Jespect to the late Mr?. Ann McKenzie was a fittlntr ttl btlte ti the tespei't nnd esteem In which he was held. Lour befoie the appointed l.ciui, hunduds of people passed befoie (he lemaiiis which weio encased In a handsaiiic casket entile ly I'ovcted with llowers. Sen ices at the lioiico weie conducted lo Ilo D. T. Stnyllie assisted by the Piejb) teilan choir. The lloinl liihtites w tc tinny & Satisfactory Can Bs Exchingad or You N' j 413 Lackawanna Avenue and included sexetal tastv d-slRns The pall-beareis were Janus am ham, William Uiown, I'ben'ver F'tie Ch:rles VIkman, Flank Kane and Pat lick Cannon, lntennent was made In Lansc liff e ccmetei v. The ladies interested in the S.irsfleld bazaar aio working enineatl) to mak the ecnt a sacrc-s. They have solicit ed man) handsome and costly u tic lest Tnev will conduct the clccorumK of the booths and will liao them as at- Itacthe as t)ot.siljle. An entertain ment will !" Riven each night. Mi. William Pennett and Mis. Flank McHurIi, of Wvomini', wun Isltoi.s at Hie Alexander lesldence Wednesday. PECKVILLE. Jiif! Mali -1 Plunimer has letii'li'd fiom a ist with lelathes at Uiael fcid 111 MI.-" Conii'lla Kn of PeteisbiiiR, is IMt!nK hi.' slstei, Mis. Miles Male GcorRe Dulf.h, a member of the Thli teenl'i regime nt, was a caller In town Mondav F. M. Haines, who was elected as one of the cnRlneeis foi the boioush elec tric HrIU plant, has seived sen en veats as an engineer and has mn , dna mo foi the past four He has taken a con i sc In eleetildtv at tin Ii.ti'i rational Cone.snjndeuce school, of Scianton, wlieie his avenge standinR for tlie cai was SS per cent. nv one wishing thelt homes wlied foi clectlie IIrIUs II tliev will drop a postal eard to Mi. F. P. UenJ'unli', of this plac", it wlU be to their 111 -teiest. Fstlmntcs clieei fully furnished and all woik uaianteed to give satis faction. PRICEBUEO. Don t fall to buy a ticket for tlie Thanksgiving turkej supper to be held undei the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of the Pilmltlve Methodlrt chinch on Thnnk'-RlvliiK night. Tick ets, 21 cents Miss Isabella Ilaisln-ck, who lias been spending the past s months with h-1 Riandpaients, Mi nnd Mis. John Wilghtson will ii tm n to her home In FIttsbuig on ratiliila. health is Wealth, DR E C WEST'S NERVE AND 'BRAIN TREATMENT THE (JKIt-.t.AL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Issoldundorpositivo Written finar&ntce, by authoritcxl neonta only, to euro Weak EJomory, Dizziness. Waltfulnota, Fitw, llrstena, (Jiiick rieos, NiKht Losses, Kul Dreams, LncU ot Contl. elenoo.Norvyusiiets, Lnssitcda, all Drains, Yontb tul Errorc, or Licossivo Ufo of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misory, Consuniitioc, lasonity nnd Death. At store ur by mail, $1 a bor; em for f5; with wrltteu punraiitoo to euro or i-el'uuct money. SJamplo imcu ago, contaluinB Cvo cbjs trcttmeiit.Tfith full inetructions, 25 cents. Ono aiinplo only Gold to cacti poreon. Alston or uyinrui. tS"rted Label Special, Extra fiirennlii. For Inipotency, Lo?s otv Prtwnr. r,ofc Atfinhonil. Htenhtv ur Barreonosa ! l n Wit p.It fnr 1. mtliWfO ,7Jvrltteiv BuarantceSf"lfctv, SBFOREor bvrn'-Til ' Ar-TER Tor.Solehy llllam i. CUrk. jjh Penn Ave bcranlua, I'a At Retail. Colli ot the bent cjuallly tor (ioiiieMttv u.-u nnd ul ull nlies, IneluUIng and Uirdsoye. delivered In any part ot th city, nl the lowest price. Oiileis received at tho otllee, (list Hoar, Commonwealth building. 100m No tl telephone No. 1624 or at the mine. icle Phono No. S7J. will be promptly nttoudcJ to Usaleta btippllrd at the mine W. T. SA1ITH. WHEN IN STRONG anjaarffl I f BBBBSBVVBBBBnlffxIul 1 i ' i i fVvSJk fW& . X-.'-ViVMl WL e"y5 ' n r ' 8 fl 4vL.L mg AGAIN! rni vaS,ll0''tcthelioIe beiur, All drain na lostet artitrM'iffrinanmltv, Unlets patients J rt. " Propetly cured, their condinin often uiirriei them iniolniami j, toniumplion or Dealh. "??ix:3 niaueu icaicu. rncc 11 per do, o uoxei, uun irnn-cun ii-sai Jiuranicc locureorrelundtne mon-.Jjoo. fctDd tor Irer boot.. Addrri., PEAL MEOICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. I'm Male by.lOIIX II. PIIliLI'S, nd bpniccbtrcct. UNTRIMMED HATS 39c, 48c, T3c, 95c, $1.23. Can Ge! Ycur Money Back. GREAT ROCK ISLAND massssssmM ROUTE LOW HAins ON OUR HnvSONAl.LY CON. UUCIUDIOUKIsT L'XCUR' IONS. Leave ISojton and New nnglamt points ecry Weilntsdny via Clilcago, Colorado bprlnc and Scenic Route. Southern Route leaves loiton every Mon. ilv via Kansas City ( t. Worth nnit I.I I 'a jo to Los Ar.sele! These L'xcurl in Car are attached to favt I'assenifcr 1 rains, and their popularity Is evi dence that we olterttu best. Write for handsome Itinerary which gives full Information and i evv map, sent Ire;. Address V. J. LUAIIY, III N 9th St, I'll II delphla, Pa. JOHN SHKASTIAN, 1 P. A , Chlcaeo. Lager Beer Brewery . Manufacturers of OLD STOCK OS! 435 10455 N. Niniii Si., Scrnnion, Pa. Telephone CM, 3333. WANTED. Sciap Iron. Secoiul-l Liiid Machin ery. Old Metals, etc. We sell sec-oiul-luuul Boiler Tubi's, Stack.. 'Iankb, etc., wi He us lor anvtlung in this line. ill SUPPLY ffl KM, CO. 700 NNest LaCAawJinu Avenj J THE DICKSON M'PG G3 iianton nurt lll.of-llirie I'u MnniirHc'tiiiernoi L0CflFf10TIVES,STATI0NARY ENGINES Holler, liobthi" uinl I'lunplnj .Mi. 11 Mr y, c-cneiiit Ollke, bi run to .1 I'a A3ADE ri A SVSA A JAX TAULU S POSITIVELY CURK ctj, lmpotont, bloeptcussui, oco . ctueJ bj Alius? or other hxcetui nni Iodfi- crwiDDs. jjpv yuicKiv an 1 turriy rosiore LoAtiielti7 in oiil orrounir. tnlJ .'tauiauforntuJ)-, tu inrs-ior nidrriiffa l'rrTni ImauJiv nn (1nntiftitvtlftn if taui in titur, 'ihetrMO tljoKi la medTntj fmcroTf. meat ana eliotta n i'UHH nboro ell other fall In 8l.t ujicn liavlnx (ha cnn'r.o Ajax Tat lati. They oarocurodtbcusaDdi ami will euro yoa, Magtveapos UtreTviittoncuaranteo toeffectaruro EHrTC in racticaMiOF refund tho monev. PrlmuUuluiMK ' IQCkau;ej or i Ik pkcoj (full irtiotmenti for I-W. II j 1 nan, in pn wrorrr. uton rts.tlptu(rrire.(ircLlar j AJAX REA1EDY CO., ',,Sjg-y1fr I Toi sale In ScranUn, I'a bj Matthew: Uios ami II C Panderren, diuKgists, DOUBT, TRY Ihev hveitood theteitofnrf. ..uu ua.c luicu iiiouianui 01 cievof "vervoui Iliseakti. men li Dcbiluv. Diizineis.hlecDlevi- ceil and Varicocele.Atrophy.'ic. '1 hey clear the brain, Urcnjlhcn Ihe lirculation, make dijeilion , titff.rr. ind Immrl n hxlthv 1'liiirnmcUt, cor. Wyoming nvcimc ill's Si I 1 2? 1 bf i -&iSfc. w w W w J