THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TCESD AY, NOVEMBER 8. 18l)S. m JONAS LONG'S SONS. Election and Prediction Todav wages the battle of ballots." Tonight, the crisis; tomorrow the recovery. Ev ery aay is elec tion here for we elect to please. You mav live in ?9 A v o c a or l' it :.. riU.Mi - muusiL.i-Miiuii or Jermyn our delivery wagons reach all those points and a hundred others, We save you money on what you buyand deliver free. We predict the biggest fall busi ness, ever known to Scranton; store and stock is ready for it. None other to equal it for a hundred miles around. Come. See. Men's Overcoats and Why They're Here. A small army of men have said to us "Why don't you keep clothing for usf We thanked them lor the suggestion and the overcoats are here. After manufacturers had supplied the or dinary wants of others we stepped in and took their reserve stock at a third its value thus coats are here at $3.39 and up nnd this one tor a leader Blue, Mack or brown Covert: Oxford mixed or west of IitiRland Kersey; maR nlficently tailored and worth en no $20. Just now they're . . . py-'o Two items in Un- Oneita derwear for Women style com at 39 Cents. Jt ecru and silver grey; the ideal gar ment for warmth and comfort; all sizes and worth 50c. That's one. The other is natural wool Vests and Pants, in all sizes, that you'd shop around to buy at less than 09c. This week they're oc here. $7.50 Taffeta Bring your dress Silk Waists at !"aker h,ere; ' niT, &a ac her see thequal- Only $4.45. ity of siIk' jn these waists, the dash of style they have, and ask her what she II dupli cate them for. Dollars to buttons she'll say $7. so or $8. Fancy nlaids and stripes, and a few in .Ao'id iolors. $4.4-is -their moving price. Half Price for New Things in Laces and Em broideries. The laces are tine Creme and White Oriental, Chantilly, Ap plique and fancy cotton, woith up to 25c a yard Then there are lilty new patterns ol Embroideries. 5 to 9 inches wide, worth up to ssc vard. Take them at 12JC the yard. and consider yourself fortunate in getting such a bargain Just now. Muslin Gowns at 29c. Corset Cov ers at 18c. The Gowns were 4)c be fore the price axe struck them: trimmed, lull, wide skirts. The Covers wci e cqc ' -and A most lien- "". pic thought them cheap. High ami V necks very ptetty. Outing Flannel wo essentials Skirt Patterns at 29 Cents. are their's warmth and style and they're dressy, too. Come in a great vaii ety of patterns, fleeced on both sides. They were cheap when we got iOc for them. Little Things at Basting Cotton; Little Prices. l)0,1,'1 ,lj without it alter this sale. Sold jooo spools yester day at a half cent a spool and there's ;ooo more spools lor oday, along with these Nirkcl-t'UteJ Safetv Pins, u lor 4c j Jo?. Swell Hooks ami Eves, ic. 4 spools Ucldins's buttonhole Twist, . Genuine Muttermilk Soap, per cake, . Cjcnuliit Cutlcur.t Mup. ptrcike, 17c. Dags for Shopping and Chatelaine Bags. Leather Shop- PII1C Bags that you'd ordinal ily a quarter for are yours this week' at i5 cents cncli and handsome Chatelaine Bags with outside pocket, button clasp and nickle frames that were ;oc. will go a-llying at 2 1 cents each. They're both samples ol the many bargains wc'ie offeringincluding some extraordinary ones in Piuses, Pocketbooks and Calling Cases. JONAS LONG'S SONS WK'JS VVJVN- .1 1 'Z&& V uaiN. ivtf! wr My rj YAIM -NHK-vWl -, I i;Nl "0 r3 Mk & w mH 1 CMBOIMLE ITlic CatbonJnlo correspondence of Tho Tribune Iuib been placed In the rmmli nf Mr. J. M, Korbcs. All complaints uk In Ir rccular delivery, rtc. do news llunn, bliould lie uildirssecl to Koucrts & ltcy nolds, news recent. A BAD CAVE. A House Goes Down Almost Out of Sight. The mound on the Koutli Side lms lietit cavlnt; In nurncioiiH placet for Miinu tlnio prist, but till yesterday morning no building hud been ilurn nired. Yesterday rnornlncr the home of Slrt. Winifred O'lli-yni- sank pomt twelve fuet, so that the top of th" hoiiMo In nlmoHt level with thu ground about It. The Iiiiufp Ik a two Vtnry structure mid Is situated hut a shoit distant"1 from Xo. C school house, which It Is said rests on an unrobbed pillar. The cave extended to the road unci caused n sufpenslon of all trallle on that thor oughfare and It will bo some time be fore the road will be repaired. The DelawuiH and Hudson already have KaiiRH employed In filling: up the de pression, which Is an extensive one. While the house Is gvutly damaged, no one was Injured. INDUSTRIAL MOVEMENT. There Is n movement on foot amoni? the business' men of the city that may net some new Industries for Cnrlion dale, which badly needs them. On tomorrow night the flist meetl rigor this tempoiary Uoaid of tt.ule will be held In the council rooms, when u number of plans w ill be discussed. The move ment should and probably will meet with tlie hearty co-operation of every perron In any way interested In the city's welfare. ANOTHER KIRMESS. Columbia, No. .". Is discussing Hie advisability of giving klrmess Is'o. 2. Their first attempt in this line was attended with cieat success and un doubtedly tho holding of another one would net more for the company than their initial attempt did. The com pany is badly in need of a team of lioises, as they aie almost helpless without them and each citizen would help the plan along. The members have not as yet definitely settled on the idea, but a meeting In the near fu ture will be held to make a limit de cision as regards it. "SHORE ACRES" LAST NIOHT. One of the largest audiences of the season witnessed an excellent presen tation of the greatest ol pastoral dramas, "Shoie Acres." at the flrand last night. The company is an excel lent one and their efforts were follow ed by gicat applause from the appre ciative persons present. The parts of i'lule Nat" and "Martin Horry" and "Helen" as portrajed by the members of lat night's cast could not be bel ter played by the members of the original company. FUNERAL OF A. K. FULLER. The f uncial of tho late A. K. Fuller was held from the home on Terrace Mtreet yesterday, the remains being inteircd in Maplcwood cemetciy. Ite. C. A. Place, of the Methodist Episco pal church, preached a fitting eulogy over the old gentleman's remains. The choir waf in attendance and tendered several solemn coleetlons. The tioral offerings were many and beautiful. The pall-bearcis weie C. II. Lee, Edward Aungcr, S. A. Dilts, 0. W. Humphrey, G. W. Reynolds and William Williams. GRAVITY FOR SALE. The Ciinlty railroad Is for yule to who ever is willinc to pay the prh o asked for it, so says Lewis E. Carr, of Albany, X. Y., the general attorney of the "Delawaie and Hudson Canal company. Jlo added that If the road Is not sold It certainly will bo abandoned as It has been losing from wventy llve to one bundled thousand dollars a year tor the company. There is no hope that the tanal in Honesdale will be continued for many days longer. EDDIE BALD COMING. Eddie llald will bo wen at the Grand supported by 11 strong company In 11 Twig of Laurel" on Wednesday ev ening. The play is an excellent one and the company Is made up of twenty skilled nrtlsts. The plot centers round the bicycle race, which Is exceedingly realistic. Several local rldeis will ap pear In the line. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The session of the Presbyterian church has invited W. r. Gibbons, of Dunmoie, to prerch here during the week beginning Xuv. -jl. Miss Muule's pupils will give a re cital at her studio on Gailleld ave nue tonight. George Attnger is expeited home fiom Camp Mt.ide ilio latter patt of this week. Mr. i. C. Chuke, of New York city. Is visiting Mis. C. T. Alexander and daughter, Helen. T. F. Walsh, the popular rhno dealer of Green llldge, made a pleasant call on i'i lends li. thls Ity yesteiday. Uomrdck Uanvtt has accepted a po sition In Scranton. Ernest Uowntoi,, nf Philadelphia, was In this rlty vertcrday. Mr. mid Mis. Charles Pel kins have returned from theii weddlnc tein. A niuslei'l ptogrimme wi,s mnied out at the nu'ctlni' of the lijy's Leagiin YOU CANNOT CURE PILES Ily Intel mil ltemcdle. The onlv way t ure plle in every form Is to lite u leuicdy like the Pyra'. mid l'lle Cure which l itppllud dltectly to the parts affected and its wonderful healing effects are felt on the llrst ap plication because the medical proper ties are uipldly absorbed by the sen lOtlvo membranes of ihe tectum and the cuie Is speedily made, and al.nost be. fore the n.ulent Is aware of ji, e-ry tlaee of pllei has left hlin. This Is one reason wiiy the i'MumlJ Pile Cine has been so siucessful. It In applied directly where is Is needed and whire H will do the most food. .Not by the rorndabout way of the stomach nor b the huifh, barbarous methods of various aurckal operations and no called yystcms. Its adiantaiares over all othei pia cut os are theo: It cuios without lain, the euro Is lasting, It contains no polwn nrd U the quickest and cheapest euro yet found. Jt Is made by the Pyramid Prug Co.. of Marshall, Mich., and cold by all drngplsta at one dollar per package. of the First I'lesbyterlan church last night. Jtrs. Frederick Korbee has returned to her homo In Reianlon after spend ing two weeks ut her parents homo lr. thlx city. Ml. .1. . lleynolds, of Terrace street, was the guest ol' lv;r sister, Mrs. V. (', Uieo. nt Hi-mntoti Saturday. I!' J'iiu A llouin, of ycranlon, 1 in ft lends. '... J. Iwls ol Forest City, .ht.-rday In this place. . . .Mary Mills, of Sernnton, spent Sundry In tlilf city. Miss Laura Malioney, ol Hcrnnton, Is vlwltlntr relatives In this city. MNs .Mary Kitei ton, of r.luilra, N Y., Is expected to arrive In town to day. She will be tho guest of Mrs. Crane, on Lincoln avenue. James Collier and daughter, Mil, have uturned to their home lit IMtts ton nfter a brief stay In this city. Mrs. W. (i. Stephens and daughter, Maude, of Salem avenue, sper.t Sun duy with friends in llonesdale. ISev. and Mrs. William Eilrjar, who were ciiests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Humphreys, on Salem jivo ntie, have teturned to their borne In I'rovldence. P. A, llrennan has accepted . posi tion in New York oily. Isr-ar Slngi r pent Sunday In Scran ton. ''niruicl Lewis left larl nlsht for Cump Meade. PITTSTON NEWS Ten Funerals in Ono Day Amazons of Plttston Township Met with Axe nnd Butcher Knife Personal Notes. Yestcidav was one of mourning In this city, us no less than ten funerals took place, and these Included seven of tho victims of the West Plttston disaster. These mournful pioeesslons came from the West Side and fiom the North and South and the East Side, and after services at the Polish and St. John's churches. the leinalns were conveyed to their respective cemeteiles followed by laige eoncouises of people, 'when; Interment look place. John Wlnslow, one of the victims, who was taken to the hospital, died on Sunday, and his funeral will take place today. The other two who were taken to the hos pital also It Is thought will recover fiom their injuries, nnd when It Is considered what they experienced It Is nothing short of a miracle how they escaped III the manner they did. The cotoner and Mine Inspector McDonald will conduct a rigid examination to ascertain who Is responsible for the sad affair, and an inquest will be con ducted on Thursday next at 2 p. m. at the town hall, In Exeter borough, and for this purpose has selected tho fol lowing Juiy: E. J. Mnckln, John Walsh, P. J. Kelly, Joseph Showdock, Thomas P. Mackln and S. L. Geddis. John LutK, Jr.. yesterday leielved one thousand dollars on a policy due to him upon the death of his fathei, John Lutz. sr.. That was a dtsgiaicful affair that took place In that unlet poition of Plttston township and known as lnk erman on Saturday afternoon, when two women, who for years had leslded next door to each other, allowed .1 long lasting feud to come to a focus when they met at the fence Hue, and with an axe and butcher knife as the weapons of warfare sailed into each other in the most up-to-date Spanish fashion. The one that flouiislud the butcher knife was too agile for her opponent, and early succeeded in mak ing an Impiesslon wlwn by 0 well- directed lunge with the weauon sliced olf the largest portion of the nose of her victim, and this was lollowed by a largo gash across the face that took some time for the surgeon to sew up after tho fracus was finished. If it had not been for the Interference of those who weie attracted to the scene we would, no doubt, have been called to record another murder for Luzerne lounty. The panics Implicated In this dlsgiacoful affair, were previously known ns (pilet and Inoffensive peo ple, and just how it became possible to culminate In sinh an unfortunate manner will, no doubt, become known when the usual hearing lakes place before an alderman. Lewis Reese, of Wilkes-Uarre, was the guest of fi lends in tin- city yes teiday. S. P. Pennett, who executed sever al very desirable favors to the mem bers of Companies C and H when they weie at camp, and who desire 10 show their appreciation of his kindness to them, have Just piesented him with a beautiful and valuable gold-headed cane. There was several very compli mentary speeches made on the occa- S'o" The Tiibbish that has unpe.ired In tie Telegram ff.r the past few weeks, :?'. jc ting on the chaiacter of the nuyor. Is no', much to the credit of Its author. The charges are nil without foundation, and iw one knows it bet ter than the wtiter himself. The ofllclals of the Newton Coal company are still fighting the (Ire In the Ravine ihaft, nnd up to the pres ent time tin- outcome Is no' v-rv promising. Yi'atei is still being poured Into tho ill-fated vein, ind should any of the walls give way fiom the pres sure of the water, the wmk that has thus ti.r been accomplished will be in valu. The Pennsylvania Coal com pany Is er. mu'ii Interested In tho outcoine. as No. ! and in shafts aie ccnnectcd with the Ravine. Sex oral gloss stained wlndu". s have lccentl.v been placed In the chapel of tho Sisters' new convent on Williams Sltett. Dolph Gleimon and sister have been called to Rhode Island on account of the serious Illness of a reluthe. Rev. J. .1. McKilplu Flitelnu mado a specl'il address on Sunday exenlng lo the youthful numbers of lis 1011. grtgatlon. Ids subject being 'Thy Young Life ol Chjlfct" The Ue. Fletcher, j-Iiko ho has became the pas tor of the First l'rcatij tvrlun Omul), has y.mxeedeu In stlnlnir up consider able Interust In tho several young peo ple's societies which meet throughout the week, an.l the letult Is 11 large In crease In the attendance of the Sun day ei vices. The old Forge baft and Eweii bieaker ol the Pennsylvania Coal com pany will In Idle for tho bilance of the week. The Erie ai.d Wyoming ralhoad em ployes will iccelve their monthly pay lomoirow and tho mlnets of the Penn sylvania coal company will be paid u.. Stiturda.1. P. F. Burke, William. Callahan unci T. J. Klynu. Josonh Vnlh wer up at ticranion yesteida:.. Those who were fortunate onuttvh to ho included in the exclusive com pany that enjoyed the namci supper at the Reehtold hotel cm fa'ati'i'd.iy even luff, have only the most plearnnt thinge to day nf the spread. Louis Selble and Paul Mohan wuro up to the Plttston district hotl yes terday In Ransom nnd attended a meeting of the poor directors. In boring an nrteson well nt the Hughe' brewery, the gas struck nt 11 distance of CO foot lies been over come, and nrriingomentr hnw been made to go 100 feet furthc. Mr. and Mrs. William McCawley have re-turned from their wedding tour, unci were the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. James J. Ilryden, Jr., on Sunday Tlu will make theh' future home ni Westmore land place. Wllkf-Burtp. Tho Sinclair hous has Introduced steam heat throughout the building and that hostelry, undo popular by Its new proprietor. M. L Hushes, Is enjoing a large business. We ure not sure, but It looks very much as it the public aie forgetting their first lnsti notions, a? for the past week the corner loafing fraternity have tesunied their old haunts, and they are ubotit us numerous as before. Plttston township will distluirulHh It self today by vot'ng early nnd and olteil. While It Is -i Democratic sttonghold. It wil' be a surprise die large oto Senator Vaughan will qet In that particular district. Election tcturiiH will be rereled to night nt the Eagle hotel and the Sin clair house. The former place wilt be headquarters for the Republicans, and our Democratic brethren will learn just how It happened at the hitter. As they vole up at Ccnk Lane for the balance of the week, there will be no returns due fiom that locality before next Sunday. From New Zealand. Reeflon, New Zealand, Nov. u:), IS'JG. 1 am very pleased lo state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines tin sale lias been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold moro of thU particular remedy than of all other makes for the previous live years. As to its ethcacy. 1 have been informed by scous of persons of the good re sults they have received fiom it, and know Its value from the use of It In my cwn household. It Is so pleasant to take that we hae to place the bot tle beyond the roa h of the children. E. J. Scantlebury. F r sale hv all diugglsts. Matthew Prothors. wholesale and retail ogents, v, t H . t n . .K a &' t; a w v ' &" V w Si u ti ft" a it f V & 2p' Scranton Store 124 U WEKSSa Tf7 B35n "PCSTr hJn ti?VYEf?5! tVW fiFv a $231 sft 11 Hh wm rans mL,, ffcWUvSrs 111, aim Alteration and Rebuilding" Sale. Thousands thronged the store on the first day of this gie.u sale. It was an ideal opportunity for the bargain seekei and every one of them bore home the evidence of our stupendous money-saving chances. Look here daily for just as good as you found on Monday. This sale wifl last until we are compelled to close lor alterations. Alteration sale of ladies' and children's underwear Coiiililliutloii Stills Ladies wool combination suits in white, giey and black, Alteration sale price: ?vOo Suits $2.50 2.0a Suits 1.59 1.50 Suits 1. 19 V V a t u i &" K &" I. U i. .V V V ti it K V a a X" V &' V v f ti V V i, i,' &- u a a K W K ti ' a Jersey Klhl'ert Vests white merino Jersey ribbed itv. hicrh neck and hhoit sleeves, recular mice. " ifC 50c. Alterati jii sale price Children's Itibbed Underwear One lot children's grey jersey ribbed vests and pants, at the following prices: sie.s -ru is 'jo -J-2 ' 1 -'ti -js :iu sty :-. i TfCKUlarpric-P lU'.je l,-e JHo -.'10 -Jle '-'He Ute H.lo llfiu Uoe Allerallauprlee 8c IJc 13c 16c 19c 22c 25c 25c 27c 23c Children's Wool Underwear One lot children's grey wool vests and drawers at the following prices: Mo .in -ji 'ji ' :io a-. :u pi let- '-'Ti' llllc lib I lie .-i!lo .Mle lllle Altcuittuit price 5c 29c 33c 39c 43c 49c 53c Children's Merino Underwear One lot children's white merino shirts and drawers in odd sizes: Mes -Jit 'J-J m -Jii 'J.s :iu :i-j ; lietlliir price 'Jlle -j:i- ,.".r vTe -JOe :iiio JI5e Itfie Altemlloii piles. 12'js 15c 17c 19c .1c 23c 25c 25c Alteration sale of muslin underwear Muslin Gowns One lot Ladies' Muslin Gowns, em pire or Mother Hucbard style.excellent value 39c, alteration sale price .'.'.. 39 C CoiNCt Covers One lot of ladies' cambric corset covers, in odd sizes, regular price 'oc, alteration sale price 2lC One lot ladies' line cambric corset covers, in odd sixes, regular price .ic and 59c. alteiation sale price 33C Muslin Drawers One lot ladies, muslin t i drawers, regular pi ice 17c, alteration sale price. 12C One lot ladies' trimmed muslin dr.iweis, e- cellcnt value lor ioc. alteration sale price 25C One lot ijdie.s' muslin drawers, excellent value foi (x)c and 79c alteration sale price 49C Muslin -Skirls One lot of ladies' muslin skirts, double ruUU', trimmed witn embroidery 01 lace, ex cellent value lor 6qc and 79c, alteration sale price 39C ft s ft ft' x.' ft ti X a a v ft . s,' ?; v ji ft' ft" V V a ft ft Alteration sale of hosiery 'and corsets. Coloreil Hose One lot ol ladies' fancy col oicd hose, good value for 25c, alteration sale price 1 OC Model Form Corsets One lot of model lorm cor sets in the following sizes, as, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Regubr price has been Si. 00 and $1.25, altera- t:on sale price 5 VC Lebeck '4 'A 'A 'A A 'A A 'A A A 'A 'A A A A A OLYPHANT. Kort' devotion was com menced at St. Patrick's church Sun day mornlrir at S.30 o'clock with 11 high mas, Rev. J. M. Smotilter us celebrant. At ".SO o'clock In the even ing devotions bcgim. Rev. Father Moilltt, of South Scranton, preached un interesting ana edifying sermon. Yesterday morning musres weie rend at T, S mil 0 o'clock. Thny were largcl intended. At the service last evening Rev. Father McOoff, from St. Peter's cathedral, Scranton. delivered n very eloquent sermon. Charles Hathaway Is home from Yule college spending a few days with his parents In Blakely. Miss Sadie Cummlngs of Caibon dale, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Fallen. The Ladles' Aid society, of tho Presbyterian church, will rere n tur key tipner Thanksgiving evening In the Sweeney building on Laokawunnu street. Miss Kate Gorden and Richard Hurlce, of Scranton, were the guests of Miss Kate Propan on Sundny. Hurley Taylor, of South Gibson, Is a visitor ut the residence or Attorney and Mrr. J. J. Manning, of Punmorc street. Mrs. Alfud Hnlncs has leturncd home after it visit with relatives at West Plttston. , Wo lis on the new pave Is progress ing rapidly. A large force of men were engaged In laylnrr concrete Sat urday night and Sunday, and several hundred feet have been laid. Peter O'Brien Is Inspecting the lob. Mrs. Matthew Grey and daughter. Miss Sallle Grev, spent Sunday at Green Ridge. Miss Myrtle Ensign was tho piiest ot friends at Providence on Sunday. Charles Haltinger, of Patterson. N. ' J who has been spending a few days with friends in town, has returned home. AVOOA. The dt nth of Mrs. Ann MeKenzle oc curred vesterday morning nt the old homeslrnel on the West Side. Several dnvs ago sbo was taken suddenly III and her symptoms gradually elu eloped into Ivphold rever. Her itlends did not 'in '.bljutc serious r-sultf and when the final . K K K . . V. , t i f. . K . ". K . ., 5 .1 if - 126 Wyoming Ave. 5 X ! ft s . ft ft s ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft One lot of ladies' vests.excellent ciual- fti ft ft ft ft ft ft X ft X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X V X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X & Cor in 39 AAA A A A 'A 'A A A 'A 'A A 'A 'A A A A A A amnions enmo the members of the fam ily were Krlct-strlclccn. Dscrasid wn a noble Christian lady, endowed with all lliu Virtues I'urrlltuls true l.c.a.i hood. Hio was 71 ycers of agp and Ua.t been a rclilcnt cf Avccr. dunng tlm paat twenty si-i years, hh Is survived by the Mluhintf c lillcircu. Mrs. Hush Uoodcun fimythc. Interment will be In Lanst cemetery. Tho funeral of William T. Davis led: plueo jciterduy after r.0011 from the resi dence of his sister, Mrs. David D.ivK of York street. Services were conducted In tlm Welsh Coiu;iegatlonal chinch at Hydo Purk, Interment was trade In Wuuhbitrn strict ccmeter. Night schools opened Inst evening In Nos. 1 and .'I buildings. Tho liouid will meet on Wednesday evening to appoint a teacher for No. 2. Electric light? huvo been placed In all the buildings. Edward Gibbons, W. H. Holllsler, T. J. O'Malley, John MeKenzle, John neup and Thomas McAndiow have beep drawn to swerve as Jurors In common pleas court. Miss Nellie Cmrk Is the ginst of th; Misses Diirkln, of the South Side. Miss Ella Qiilnu bus retained home af ter sever ul weeks lslt with her rlster at Newport News, rW . a Xiioeb What do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee, Try Grain-O; it will make them strong. Ot tho Genuine indu hy The Oe neoe Pnre KoJ Co., Sola by grocers everywhere. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER 3 435io455N.Nininsi.. scronion,Paj Telephone C-ill, 3333. GIVES THU BPTIiGi1T WdRL? 4ND!5A&59iyTELy5AfE FOR SALE BY THB ATLANTIC REFINING CO SORANTON STATION. rHHH GREAT ROCK ISLAND asiEzmncg ROUTE LOW AlliS ON OIjH PIJVSdNAUI.Y con UUC1UO rOUKIST LXCUKMONS ! Lcavi- Huston and New fcnglaml points evcr x c ne-.Jiy viu Chicago, ColurjJo bprl -IKK and Scenic Koutc i Uniilllp t 0inli Iaiiliij lliitriii ninrt M riti X tljy ilaChlc.iito, Kunsai City l:t Worth unci i X I I'A I'asu to Li Angilci riissc Hxciirslon Cur ure attached to fait Pasauniser 1 rains, and their popularity U cvl. j dilicc that we otter 111 hit. , Wntr lur liandiuine lilnerary which (jives i full Information and rcw nun. se it fres. AJdrrrsW. J LUAIIV, ill s. olh St, Ihlla- I delphla, I'a. JOHN SnilAhllAN, U. P. A .Clllcajo. THE DICKSON M'F'fi CD,, fcetuuton nnd WIII;u-!liiri'o. i'x Mini if.icturtr of LOCOIYIOTIVES.STATIONARY ENGINES llolleri, and Pumping Sa; li nt I crtiera. OClcc i-rauto.i, i'a rlfK OWZy .Mri. Jt.mcs Walker nnd John, or inn town; Mrs, Charles Smith, of Lurksillle I Mrs, M. I. Howell and James McKvuzb-, 1 of St. Clair. The funeral will take place I on Wcilnctuloy afternoon. Services will L bo conducted at the house by Ilev. U. T. I i SO fewA' lis nr (ll'W, C:s:TllBaneilitTt:iH.,rre5tVT,Ttrr:.'.:';s'; -aC!c!fo. Oa'jr rAnaleta 23 thopnuilclrijiltiii Lj si. lryau virjtko eovj" That us priapt, 'o z4 e-iiltin ! rwrit, Ti: i ibc Or. Tt'i) ari3l. '4' For SbIo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruoo street. fKQi BICYCLE MM IBIS All Grades and Prices. Largest stock in town at the Leading Bicy cle and Sporting Goods House in Scranton. FLOREY & BROOKS 211 Washington Ava, Court House Square. Seamless and Solderless iS-Karat Wedding Rings. Also the New Tiffany Style, 25-Karat ; FINEST ;WEBDING PRESENTS In sterling Silver, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, etc.. Diamonds and Fine Jcweliy. Stone Rings in endless variety. THE MOST COMPLETE Stock of Watches FROM S2.50T0 $150. Mr. Adams, our Optician, will fit any cases of defective vision at 4 very reasonable price. 130 Wyoming Aveini;. The St. Denis Broidway and Eleventh St., New York Opp. Grace Church. European Plaa. Room $1.00 a Day and Upward. la a modest and unobtruilve way thnra art tw butler conducted hotels In the metropolis (o 1110 qc uenis. The treat popa arlty it has acquired oaa y 10 lie homelike atmosphere, the peculiar excellence snue of Its cuisine and service, and tta Terr modr oi us cuisin Kte prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOIL WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth- St. and Irving Place, IMEV YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, Day and Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, Day and Upwards. S3.50 Per SI. 50 Per I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. -' :-xx-x-W"X:x:':":-x::- For Business IVleri In His heart of the wholesale district For Shoppers 3 niiuutrs mMl to Wannmakcrv 8 minutes to Sir- cl Cooper's llijr Storr JUsy of ucccsj tu tin a" J' -'y GocxN htorc3. For Sighiseers. Otic block Irom Il'ivay Cari. f, mg cay iniiitpgttatiou t-j nil pom!-,oi luttro-t. (.AilVTVA din Y Y NEW YORK. I OK Utli ST S. I'NT.I.lrsTTV 1'I.ACI' uniy one J.ioca irom litcaun . : ! Rooms 1IId rcs-aorant .;. c-x-x-x-jx-x-C'-x-X''X"-"'-: TPLEASANT At Retail. Coal of the best quality for Joir.estlc uss nml of all hIzos. Includlne Uucuut.cut ami Ulrdsejc. Oollvcred In any part ot tlia illy, at the lowest price. Orders received at tho ofllce, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. 6; telephone No. 2631 or at the mine. telo. phono No 272. will bo promptly attended to. Denlcrj supplied fit tho mine. W. T. SMITH. IV1ADE MK A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CORK l.u jst rr out iic'rt i aiilog Mem orxalror-otcorj-, bltcp'Ossrmri.eto, eauitil b Abuto or oiUit KxcetMt eoa Iudd cretloof. TAfi quirk In ami $nrclit 1 N tlvi cretiODi, jney q'tirn ff ri3ro Ioet Vitality In 1 v5s- Ctfktiaaforftudjr. bu I I YlvaTj rjeut lutauity an taVnninnnr Thlrrn cb'TTi (r a mil nrTnnnff. anil . infuor miniac. Consusicittoa it fnefliatii In tin roTe Montana o3)c;a a luiiu wncra an rxutv Sail in. is: upon linrin; tho r'uulro AJuz Tulioti. They harocr.rltlojuindsau'l Militureyou, Uoclroapos itiTOTiritrout'jnrauu tocflBcta'.ura EHpTiJ la cr;ciciocr isiuaa ito raqney, inuw viuijur cr.t'iciwor lafund tbonancy, I'rioS "ucsj'iBi ur ft jHriCB uuii wtfuiwuuu tar f.uu. uj Fit or fix iiirea tiuii iraarmonii o plain viT&piw r. uvn rvt ipt oi pric. Circular Jax rekHdy CO., "K'Tit?5 Tor fnt in Sctantcn, Pj , b Matthena worn 5 11 FharmaaUt, eoft Wrcmlno Gwwta o4 - .-. - , !? Haim fi WN I