IA THE SCRANTON T1UBCWU-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER J, 3808. 91 CARBONDALE. IThe Carbondals correspondence of The Tribune- has been placed In tho hands of Mr. J, M. Forbes. All complaint na lo Ir regular delivery, etc., plso nows linns, should "b addressed to ltoberts & Key od news acentH.) WHAT HONESDALE EXPECTS. It ilofts not efni to us that rullwny fHcilltles between Honcudnlf mid Ciir tiondiilo will uvcr lie abandoned. The gravity system nr planes and stationery engines may bf too expensive to opcr-. ate for, trip currying of pnssengeiR and f might, but It does not seem as though tho Bhort section of It that run over the Moo!!- mountain, In oonnertlon with a, loeomotlv rnntl between Wayinarf and Honeadale, might be continued as a good pay ing entcrpilsp. Th" Krlo ecrtnlnly could make Farvlew u popular point for New York city exrutalonn. Wo Imvo no thought that a road and Kindlon of rountry that have become so popular and far-famed for beauty and hcnlth fulnesa as the gravity and Farvlew will evr be entirely abandoned. Wayne Independent. WEDDED YESTERDAY. Dr. W. A. Spencer wns united In iimr rlage yesterday afleiiioon to .Miss Nel lie M. Woodward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S. Woodward. The ceiemony was Performed at the home of the bible's parents on Sptlng street by Uev. Char les Lee, of the First Presbyterian church. None but Immediate friends were present. After the i eremony r wedding dinner was served in the din ing room, which was tastefully decor ated 'with cut flower and potted plants for tho occasion, lloth bride and groom are well known, (lie foimer especially, through her musical and llterarv tal ent. The doctor ts one of the city's most prominent, citizens and has a large number of friends, who wish him con nubial bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer left t 2 ,0 a for a ueiidlng trip. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Past Commander llnwltm; and Wil liam Buckingham. f Jerii.vp. Castle, No. J. Older of the Knights of the My. stk Chain, paid a fiatermil visit to Pioneer Castle, No. 'MTi, of thU clt, last evening. The ladle who deslie t , secuie tiilt ets preparatory to enteihm- the pilze contest, to be given by (he Mitchell hose company, can secure tickets from P A. lllvcnbutg or T. K. Spntulle The Indian Juniors and the llone-dale foot ball eleven-! wlli tr. onclusloiis at Alumni Park on Saturday after noon. A hot contest is anticipated. Miss Martha Singer entertained a number of young ft lends at an nfter- noon chocolate Wednesday atteinoon at her homo on South Main ftrcel. Mrs. N. II. Hlllcn will give a thimble tea to a 'lumber of friends this after noon Miss Mnrv Mm nurd, who lias spent the summer at the home of her bioth r, S. F. Murnntd. has left for Hones dale, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Daniel Megan, of Forest t'lly. Is the guest of ft lends In thl ellv Mr. and Mrs. c. V. Kstnbrook ate the guests of friends in town. Misses nrace and .Will,- Pod erty. of Mllkes-Harrv are "pi-i'rtintt a slioit time in town. Miss Jnsli- Mv.'M of numnore. Is the gutst of ber buithti'. A. K Mycis, or rtindaff street. Miss Uottl Davis of Xo. 4. N visit ing friends ir. X-w York eii . he will be nbhint fei -ever.il weeks. Mis. Joscpn Mu'pny pt nf yont'idnv .it Si-ranton wln-r.' j.1. attended ill" teachers' institute Nelson Kafmi 'of WMkes-Hanv. N the guest of Ills In oth-r. C. a, Kafka, on Salem tiwuue Dr, and Mis. J. A. Kelly luv- re tinned from their wedding tout. Miss Mvrtle petry, of Seianton, who lias bee-i I he Rtiest of JJI Har riet Holies, tor some time past. re. turned tii hei home in Scrnntot e.. terday. f'hnrles Law. of plltion. I n gtti-st at the home of Oorj:t' W. Oion, mi Laurel street. Mrs Jaines; ltobinson spent V"(int" day with Serantoii friends. Miss Famile Decker, of Clifford, U visitlncr et Hie home ot Mr. nr. Mrs. Thomas Kvnn, on Salem avenue. Mrs. Daniel ltobhi'-on lsiting friends at 1 enox lib Mrs. F. W. Slmmrell and daughter. Uraeo. are spending a few days in S'Tanton. .Mr". Sweeney and daughter, Kath ryn, haw i etui tied home nfter a month's visit with ft lends in New York. Mr. and Mis. F. :. Hurr are stiend Ing a few days at Uolu-ster. x. Y. Mrs. Longstreet and Mrs. Haynor. of Scrontoh, spent yesterday with Mrs. :. W. Kviu.y. Msss Stella Hathaway is home for u tfev days' vWt Miss Katherine K. Mctlale. of Fall brook street, Wednesday, in Ser.uito'i. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The Ladles' Aid society of St. Jaruci' Knlsconal church met at the home of Mrs. 15. T. MaNwell, or. South Main street, yesterday afternoon. Mlra Delia Haker and Miss Margaret Davles are visiting friends in Scott. 1. D. Stockor left for Philadelphia vesterdaj, where he will spend a few day?. Itev. Mr. needier, of Archbald, was a caller In town Thursday. Mrs. H. Clarkson, of Archbald, vis ited friends In Jurmyn on Wednesday. Miss Hilda Swlck lt visiting .Mrs. C. W. Northup, of Scranton. Henry Lapcman. who works In the Delaware and Hudson colliery, received a painful Injury to one of his eyes on Monday. Ills partner won turning a drill about, when one of (he points caught and lacerated 'the optic. P A. Carroll, of Carbondale, was a caller In town yesterday. Mlss Tctsie Flannican left Monday to enter Dr Thompson's hospital at feratiton to become a nurse Mlss Kdlth Davis Is stiendlng a few days with friends in Scranton. Thomafl Rich, who has been seriously III, IK Improving slowly, but is ntlll con fined to his room. Through the kindness of Richard Jones, electrician for the Jcrmyn Light company, the Misses Jennie and Lizzie llattenberg, Cora Hill. Mary Hwlclt and Oertrude DavitfB were shown through tho works of tho Jerrnyn Klectrlc Ilght, Heat and Power company last evening. Mrs. Cooke, of Salem, i visiting her son, Sidney Cooke, nf Main street. AVOOA. The Dominican Fathers will eondyct uv at tho Blewed Virgin's sodal ity reception op Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jorin LaRus Hnd eon are visiting frlnd in HackettHtuwn. The marrlHge of Miss Sadie Hollas to Thomas Hldgell wae solemnized on Wednesday evening by llev. T. K. Wll ron. lit. llev. Ulshop ltobnn was a visitor at the parochial residence this week. Miss Mary hnughrcy left yesterday for Morrlstown, N. J where she will tcslde. T. .1. Newton, Fowler Curl, John La line, lien and Harry Webb, Thomas Morahnn, William Kane, John and Thomas llouHto'i lme icturned well Inden with the bounties of tho forest. James McKcnzle and sister, Mrs. M. 10. Howell, of Rt. Chtlr, have been sum moiied to the bedside of their mother. Mrs. MeUenzle, who lies critically 111 of typhoid fever. The Children's society of the I.ani cllffe church are making active prep arations for thelt annual bazaar, which take place on Tliankrglvlnk eve. The Karsfleld Literary society Jmi completed arrangements for a bazaar lo be held In their new building, begin ning Nov. 21. A number of fine articles havu been contributed and the mem bers arc working earnestly to make It n success. A heavy debt remains un paid nmJ the people should contribute u liberally as possible to make It a success, The contest between Solomon Deeble and Thomas McLaughlin, of Ureen ItlUge, will not be decided until Jan. i.'. ICrnest Ilulsler and sister, of the Noith Knd, are critically 111 of utilnsy. Night s( hoids will open In all the buildings-' next Monday evening. A reception was given at the par sonage last evening by the members of Mrs. X. K. Hosklns' Sunday school class, ltefieshments were served and a neat sum realized, which will be do nated to the pastor. TAYLOR NEWS. This Evening's Attraction To Or ganize a Foot Ball Team Other Notes of Intel est. A grand entertainment will be held in tho P.tick Methodist F.plscopal chinch, of Old Forge, this evening, un der the auspices of the Ladles Aid so ciety. The young ladles have been hard at work and have succeeded In getting together an excellent programme, vl.:i-h will consist of anthems, chor uses, quartettes, duels, solos, recita tions and drills. Admission is only 10 and 15 cents lespeetlvely. for children and adults. Frank Sanders, of Intnmore, was a business visitor In this place on Tues day. MlnooUa Tilbe, Xo. L i7. Improved mder of Uedmen. at Its meeting on Wednesday evening worked the degree on one candidate. Their N much talk about town of oi.f.mlzlng n foot ball team. H is sail that an association to Include between luie and Lackawanna will he started In the near future and that If the or ganization of the association Is perfect ed ll'nt a CIPI will lie nut on uml ,-oti- j U-ed for. Hv all means let the mni. culm- young men of the borough get i togethoi and we feel satisfied Hint a team of Taylor's lepresontatlve men would 11ml a few If any superiors. Mr. Michael Clynn. of North Tay lor, who has been confined Vto his home with sickness for the past &lx weeks. Is slowly recovering News Items for The Tribune can be left with our agent, T. A. Kvans, in the Cobleigh building, where they will receive prompt attention. Miss Montjoy. an accomplished young teacher of flieenwood. formerly of Morris county. X. J., has organized a high school for females and will begin tin lift sc-don on November 7 Invinclbl commandery. No. 2.".2, Knights ot Malta, will meet this even ing in their rooms in lleese's hall. Misses Mary Harris and Susie Grlf Iltlis. of tills plnce, who have been vis iting lenitives !n Nanticoke, have re turncfl borne. Miss Kvn Mussu'nian. of ftnnsoni. is visiting at i tie home of .Iiss nrace J.owr. of North Main street. Mr.-. Ceurge Taylor, of Scranton, is visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. Rlelmid Davis, of North Main street. Miss Martha Lewis, of this place, is visiting In Proldonce for the past few days. Mis. 1). C. Williams, of Hancock. N. Y., Is th guest of Mr and Mrs. Robert Llewelyn, ot I'tiloe street. Mr. D. Pattef.on. of Avoca, was a business visitor in this place yesterday. .Master Jnines Xash. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Nash, of Cnlon street. Is rapidly recovering from his recent sick ness. Mis. Lowry. of North Taylor, who nus necn visiting In New Jersev. h-is returneii home. Mr. Jesse t'Jangwer ha fullj ivcov ered from his recent sickness. Mrs. C. Wal'sh, of South Scranton wi-s the guest of friends in this place yesteiday. A rumor I curient to the eftect that Private Lewis Reese, or Company U Thirteenth regiment. Is sick at Camp Meade. The funeral of JCddle, the little Son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Little, of Grove street, took place yesterday nf. ternoon. initial was made In the For est Home cemetery. The funeral of Willie, the lfi-inonlhs-old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Good, win, of Main street, occurred yesterday afternoon. Serviced were held In the house. Rurinl was made In the Forest Homo cemetery. Master Thomas Alleood. of Hyde Park, was the guest of friends in this place yesterday. Miss Hannah Phillips, of this place, who has been visiting friends in Klngs (on, has leturned home. 'Squire- Doles and Councilman Weber have returned home from their hunt ing expedition to the Reech with a nice lot of pheasants. The eleven. hour system went Into ef fect with the Delaware, Iacknwonna and Western company yesterday. A Desperate Remedy. 'HcnwiiiH on witli. old mini! Wh,- iti j Mm shuve off our mustache?" "Well, my wife happened to cateli me tvhen I got home ft little too much so-.. a few nights ago and 1 hai' to do something to give her fomthmg else to think and talk about." Xew Yolk WeiM. Evaded. The I'ulleeman V'liat's jour trjde',' The Suspect An ironworker. "Is that so? I'll see what you know about It. I used U be In the trade my. self. "I T mean in a laundry." Indianapolis Journal Warlike. "Chnllle Is all right, but I think his ca. bles Imvo been cut, "Cables cut?" 'Ydi. He bus no Intelllgenco." Indiun. a polls Journal. jTfe D'ew,y cugn and risk i r wonderful remedy lias LOUgh i5VrUDcure' oU,, and will o Pcureyou. It cromnttv rur tbrot and lung truublti. Prtca ZEii, AN AIMLESS LIFE. Andrew' Icnch was one of those mor tals who are so unfottunale as not to be dopendf nt upon tlielr own efforts for support. Having graduated ut coIIcku lie pasftwl two years abroad and returned to his native land uncertain whether ho would be a physician, a lawyer or u minister of the gospel, for nny of which vocutlons he deemed himself equally adapted. For "business' ho nad no inclination. As he laally reclined In an easy chair smoking u fragrant cigar his eyes fell upon the. following "ad" In a paper of that day's) Issue which lie had been reading: Wanted Intelligent young man, of pleasing address, to canvass for the sale of a domestic article on commis sion; references required, but experi ence unnecessary. Call upon or address Drown & Co., 15 st. For a few moment; he remained silent, and then mutered: "I am not destitute of intelligence, and think that 1 can be pleasing In my nddress," smiling ns he spoke. "1 won der if It would not be advisable for mo to confer with Drown & Co." tie rose ftom his seat, started from the house and wended Ills way to 15 street, where ho learned that the article was n kerosene lamp appllnncc which Increased the volume ot light at the some (line that It decreased the quantity of .oil consumed. He easily Indeed, greutly to tho satisfaction of Drown & Co., when they had acquainted themselves with hltf antecedents secured n sltuutlon ns lanvasser, and the next day left the city on his bicycle. The first place he "worked" was a thriving village, where his sales weie few, and, despite Ills' uniform courtesy, he was subjected to the repulsive treat ment which agents are wont to receive. His next venture was In a rural district, where the houses were far aoart, and ho "wheeled" many times about with out bplng allowed even to show what ho wished to dispose of, an ho was usually confronted at the door by some one who said: "We are not i-'-epared to purchase anything of the kind today," or simi larly. "I declare, 1 pity the por.r fellows whose hread and butter depend upon work like this." hr frequently remark ed to himself, laughingly. Quite late one showery afternoon ho reached a hamlet where there wns no hotel, but h.- llnally secured entertain ment In .i private family. As he sat on the veranda of the house where he was temporarily domiciled the first evening of his stay in the place the tones of jorae one singing to the ac companiment of a piano were audible and addressing bis host. Thomas Marsh by name, with whom lie had been conversing, he asked: "Who Is possessed of such a won derfully fine voice'.'" "It l tho dauchler of the man who lives in thnt house," Mr. Marsh re plied, indicating with his linger the house nearest his own, "who Is fitting herself to teach music." "I should think her already fitted to teach It vocal music, at least," French observed. For a few minutes he sat without utteiipg a word, ami then he inquired: "Aie you willing to go with me a little nearer her housu.' I wish to hear her more distinctly, and were both of us-hi en by any member of the family I sl'ould not be deemed so im ptrtlnent ns otherwise I might." "1 will conduct you Into the room where she. is." "Will she not be offended If v. e y;o there'." "She is not the kind of a girl that is so easily offended." Ten minutes later French had been formally Introduced to "JItss Stella Held, "by Mr. Marsh, who said: "Mr. French heard you singing from my veranda and desired to hear you at a less distance, ho I invited htm ov er here." "That's it," she rejoined, a flush suffusing her countenance. "Now, please to favor us with one of your best eseleetlons," Mr. Marsh remarked as he and French seated themselves. Without a word of objection she play ed and 'sang several pieces, for which her visitors complimented her. " Do you sing or play, Mr. French?" she inuuired. "A little of both." was the reply. "It will be no more than fair for you to take my place at the instrument," she observed, leaving the piano stool, "I make no claims to musical ability, but I will reciprocate your klndnesr, as well as I can," Taking the vacated stool he played a fantasia so sklllfuly that she ner vously said: 'I believe you are a pro fessional." ", "I assure you Hint T am not," lie re Joined. "Now you must sing," she said. In n mellow tenor he sang a selection from Mendelssohn so pathetically that tears filled the eyes of his hearers, four In number, as his unknnwn voice had drawn her parents into the room. "You mny 'make no claims to musical ability but it is yours." Mr. Marsh tremulously observed, "and having it, I do 'not undei stand how you came to be selling" "Sh!" fell from French's lip, and tho sentence was not completed. He rose from the stool and was in tioduced to Mr. and Mrs. Held. "How long shall you remain in the place, Mr. French?" Mr. Reld inqulied. "I cannot say exactly was the an swer. "While you are hear I hope that you will come In to sing and play us often as you can," fell from Mrs. Reid'a lips. "You must, Mr. French," the daugh ter enjoined In an eurncst tone. "Thank you: T shall be pleased to do o," he replied. Soon after lie and hii host left tho house, nnd on their wny to the bitter's home he explained how lie chanced to bo following his present vocation, causing Mr. Marsh to laughingly ex tlnlnr "Well, 1 decline'" After breaHfast the next morning he said to Mr. Marsh; "I should like to remain here two or three weeks' can you conveniently accommoilute me for that length of time?" "As well as not," was the cordial reply. "Thanit you very much." For two yes, nearly six weeks he was a member of Mr. Marsh's house hold, during which lime ho dlrcontln ued his canvassing and puy sod most of the tlms with "Stella, ' ns ho soon catne lo address her. while he to her became "Andrew." They sang Bhe to him, lie to her. or together; they played for each other or duets, often having quite an audi ence. They rode, rambled, read to. gether until what?" Phe wh acquainted with his ante- ccdenla nnd had been urgently cn treated to Bhitre lil future with him. Responding to this treaty, she, said: "If (hers is anything which 1 have always held In contempt it Is an aim less life, Buch ns lias, confessedly, been yours. I think thnt my affection for you Is pr strong as yours Is for me. As soon as von tue Independent of your fnther'M assistance and hnvo Bomo visible means of support 1 shall not hesitate lo say yos." Within thtee months thereafter he had secured a situation ut a teacher on a liberal salary. Then, in her home, at her request, with the hearty consent of her parents, they wero quietly married, After tho ceremony, grasping htm by the hand, Mr. Marsh said: "It wns turned oul exactly us t thought It would, Andrew, when you two flist met In this joom." Chicago Times. MENTAL CONTROL OF SLEEP. TUo Extreme Folly of Reviewing tho Day in Bed. Dody and bruin need exerclso and ro poso in rhythmic alternation; sleep Is tho natural restorative of both, snya the New York Post. Medical doctors, according to their relative conscien tiousness, administer n dozen worthless substitutes for natural sleep from the stimulant, which they say will nil the exhausted frame with new vigor nnd postpone the need for slumber, to the narcotic used to benumb excited nerves and Induce a kind of counterfeit ve po3e. When "that tired feeing" comes on, Instead of going for a dose of kola, on nhould go to bed. "Taking some thing" in the nature of a drug, when what the brain and body need Is sleep, is a crime. If the conditions of urban life make It Impossible for men or wo men to rest when rest Is called for, and they feci that they must continue to work for several hours after being tired out, those conditions are all wrong and ought to be changed. The fancied ne cessity Is one against which men in stinctively rebel, and they would glad ly eliminate it from the pioblein ot ex istence if they could only trust one another and act unanimously. Howevor, a greater amount of work can be accomplished In a given time, and with less fatigue, when tho hours given to sleep ure really hours of sleep. Many persons on retiring, nominally for the purpose of resting, give them selves up to a process more wearisome to the brain than the active work of the day. Jnstcad of going to bed to sleep they go to bed to think. Well meaning moralists taught our parents that they ought not to close an eye In slumber before reviewing all the transactions of the day and setting them down as the debits or credits In a Frnnkllnesque sort of mental book keeping. They must also Impress upon their wearied minds nt that time facts they desired to remember texts of Scripture, demonstrations In Kuclld, addresses of acquaintances, Latin dec lensions or French verbs. Particularly mist they charge tho mind with the time chosen for waking In the morn ing. If, after mi hour, lying on his back In strenuous cerebration of this sort, your father found that he could not go to sleep, he might think of In terminable processions of sheep Jump ing one by one over a hedge, and count them as they Jumped: or he might count his own heart-heats, or the tick ing of the clock on the stairs. If still unable to sleep, he might sit up nnd read for un hour or two, until his eye lids felt as If lined with sandpaper nnd his feet were like Ice. Ry this time the clock would be striking one, and he would begin to count the hours till time to get up, nnd then, after de termining to have the satisfaction of declaring in the morning that he did not sleep a wink all night, he prob ably fell into an uncomfortable, dream plagued slumber. Now, that Is not the way to tieep. Instead of taking cares to bed, one should dismiss them the moment one begins to undress. The bed should be sacred to t'.lec-p, and ordinary waking thoughts should not be permitted to invade It for a moment. If the usual working day proves too short for the business that has to be considered, let the gas burn all night for once, and sit up to work it out; but do not ko to bed to lie awake thinking. Some per sons declare that they cannot cease to think. When the light Is out, and there are no external objects present to JIvert the attention, the mind be gins to act with extraordinary persist ency nnd refutes to stop. They aro at Its mercy. The best they can do is to set It to counting silly lural sheep, instead of calculating the movements of bulls and bears on the "street." Nonsense! Thinking is voluntary. Tho current of thought can be stopped by an act of the will as promptly and almost as mechanically as the water can be turned oft at the bath room faucet. The troubb with us when we say wo "can't stop thinking" Is really what we do not want to. Like the self de luded victim, of bibulous indulgence, tho man that cannot stop could stop if ho would. Ho that goej to bed simply because It Is 10 o'clock, with out at once and detlnitely dismissing though!, is an unconscious hypocrite. He docs not sleep, of course, and this is vhy it Is better to sit up and work, so long aw tho impulse (or need) to wont lnsts, until ono nequlres the power to suspend thought ns well, Till? can b cultivated it must be i the brain Is to do Its duty. Tne man that cannot slop thinking soon falls In with the popular Ideu that Insom nia is a disease, nnd therefore beyond his control. Disease that magic word that gives self Indulgent weakness re spectability and removes It from the Umbo -if responsible Imperfections! There Is no limit to the power of an Intelligent will. Humboldt could live and ba sit.no and iibeful on nn allow ance ot two hours' fclcep out of the ill Fallson once remained awake for 72 hours In order to complete n mental tusk. Such feats, however, are but Ilttln harder than that of going to slc-p at will, which Napoleon, with Europe on his shoulders, was able to do. Almost any business man would pronounce them easier, but sleep, be ing normal, should be far moro readily enjoyed than dispensed with. BRITISH LANDOWNERS. It Is Estimated That They Own 20,- 000,000 Acres Here. Frcm Tlt-Blts. How much properly do IlritUh subject own in America? Tho aggregate, buaud on absolute facts, Is known to bo at least 20,000, OOH acres. The largest of all Is probably (he Tuxas pusMesslun of thu syudlcuie which In cludes In Its membirehlp the Dukes ot Beaufort and Rutland. Karl Cadogan and the Daioness HurdettContts. Thn total amount o( land laid liv this association is 3,200,000 acres. It Is, as ts the caso with most of the Texas laud, largely cemposed of what is called rang country; that, is, land that Is butter adapted for cattle rklslng than anything else. Cattle and wheat Rie what the Hrltlsh JONAS LONG'S SONS. A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient There's always those who believe in shopping around thinking to reap a benefit thereby. But how much more satisfactory to buy where you know that goods, qualities and prices are right; where you are bound to be satisfied or your money back every time. That's the maxim of this Great Store quality first, then price con sistent with it, but always a little less than in any other store. Conveniences are here for your comfort large and roomy reception room, elevators from basement to roof : elegantly appointed cafe, and a store full of interesting things. To the Teachers:Spend your idle moments here; you're as welcome as the sunlight. hosiery and Underwear No need to urge you to travel nfter these bargains, hnough to say you'll find them exceptional. The lots are not unusually large, however, and we cannot promise any of them beyond Friday night. Women's Seamless Fast Black Hose, with double heels and toes; - 7 cent kind "- Women's Fine GuaRe, Pull Ncgtilar .Made Hosiery, with double soles and high-spliced heels; plain black.black with white feet and black with split o feet; never sold under 25c pair nnd In many places 35c; while they last Women's Hxtra Heavy Fleece Lined Vests and Pants; vest trimmed with pearl buttons and tape, made with patent inserted sleeve; positively - ,, worth 35 cents; while they last at ail Oxford Bibles-Friday 82c One day only Friday we offer to the lirst two hundred pur chasers the Famous Oxford Edition of S. S. Teachers' Bibles, bound in levant morocco, gilt edge; 1.000 pages of bible proper, 400 pages of helps, silk sewed and w. so. t-nuay only The same bible, with patent reference, worth $3. so. Friday Jonas Inventors senna to think money !lioiilil ho made nn In the rnltcu States. That in why tho Hymllcato represented by tlf Ilritlxh capitalist, Incent Scully, owns 3,flOO,ioo nerds of lanrl In Xotirutfka, Iowa and Illinois". This property Is ultnatert In the heart of tho wheat-crowing sec tion. Two American clrls who now wear, by virtue of tholr marriage to Kngllt-h pecrx. two of the hluhcst British titles the Duchess of MarlboroUKh and Lady Ran dolph Churchill aro Interested with ijir Edward Heed In a syndicate that owns 2,000,000 acres situated In Colorado, Wy oming nnd New Mexico. This Is purely a cattle country, and on It raiific thou sands of head of live stock. There la another syndicate which In cludes among Its rrcbers the Karl of Dal houslo, as well as Viscountess Cross, I.ady Hamilton Gordon, the Marquis Cholmondclsy and several others. Hero Is a holdinu In u still different part of tho country, for the lands of the syndicate comprise l,&00,0o0 acres In Mlts. IsMppI, including cotton plantations, acres and acres of sugar cano and enough swine to stock a thousand farms. Lord Tweeddale Is n syndicate In him self, nnd owns 1,300,000 acres. Like nwn Individual land owners with larse hold ings, his property Includes a vast terri tory which, like that of one of trie syndi cates spoken of, includes Immense tracts of grazing lands. Nearly all of this Im mense possession is devoted to live stoc.i. In 18&7 Mr? Thomas Mcintosh, of Al lentown, Tenn., had an attack of dys entery which became chronic. "I was treated by the best physicians in Kast Tennessee without a cure," he says. ' Finally I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Itemedy. After vjlnp about twelve bottles I was cured so.ind and well." Kor sale by all drug gists. Matthew Brothers, wholesale und retail agents. A Tragic Situation. Crlm and gaunt, with a wild llvsht In Ids eve, lin stood towering above tho shrink ing little woman, tho glittering steel eliitehfil in his right hand. And she? She dared not open her meuth. Slowly Mink, In the west-by-northv.'est, tlie glolu-o and Incarnadine sun. And still the tooth remained undrawn, for reasons explained In the second para graph. Indianapolis Journal. MAN AND WJFH IN DISTHESS.-lf'V. Dr. Hoehror, of Buffalo, says: "My wife and 1 were both tioubied with dlstres3 lug Catarrh, but we huvo enjoyed free dom from this aggravating malady since the day wo first used Dr. Agnew's Ca tarrhal Powder. Its action was Instan eoiis, giving the most grateful relief with. In un minutes after tho first application. .Sold by Matthews Bros, and W. T. Clark. -IT. Health is Wealth. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE UHlli.NAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS. Is sold under positive Written Ouarnntce, dence.Nervousnoes. Lassitude, all UrulnB. Youth. ful Krrorc, or Kxcessivo Ufo of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, lruaaity and Death. At storo or by mail, tl a box; ix for IS; with written cuurautco to euro or refund money. fSaruplopark nice, containing fivo days' treatment, with full inBtructioni, "5 cents. One ramiile only Bold to ixvu yttiDuui aidiuiour vy uiaii. tSTRcd Label Special txtra btrenpih. s For Imcotencr. Lobs ot' i,.- r ... ttri , Hterdity or mrrennoM.'. fit it box: six for 5. with written Kiiuranter-Sj fiBFOnEorbTm-ll. AFTER n nnra in giimvi. Mr irnr&j i ill l-orSoleby WlllUm a. Clark. ji6 Pcnn Ave Scranton, Ha. MADE Wd A AJAJj : TABLUT8 POSITIVELY CORE A.4.,mi mw nc fining Altar orr, Iupot.ncj, UWcplecin.ra, etc.. ocici bi Abut, or oilier Uio.iui sod Iiiilii. erenow. Shuu quicldu airi titnlv rnrtcni Lwt ViiaUljr I n, old or loan, anil (Hainan JonUJir, bit Inauor tnartlo.. ufc.nin lima. Th.lrui. tliowe la nedlata Impror.. met tin em ana aacia a uutti. itntra all other fall In. nana mo c.atiln. A Tub ati. Tbtr pq. IB pack mat I. ui.i or ,.U I'Vcei (lull trulm.nll for fc'.M. Hi I. In plain wrariT. iip.u raorlnt of orlc. Circular rai For ale In Bcrantcn, Pa., by Matthews Bros, nnd II. V. Sandfrccn, druuslsts. 1 5JO "JL M 'U,UIULL laJHfiKDIS IvrO-JlV mm Wr i gP THE GREAT STORE. silk finished; positive value 0, 82c thumb index, for ready $1.15 Long's Sons (&MSmy SHOE interest in creases now with the arri val of the smart styles for Fall and Winter, which have been com ing, coming, coming, there's no object in your waiting longer. . We study shoes unceasingly. Nothing but SHOES, SHOES, SHOES how to pro duce the best qualities, the most pleasing styles and becoming prices. The present stock is a fit example of our earnest efforts as usual none but the champion makers represented. Our $3.00 Shoes for Men. They are built according to our own ideas and they are hard to beat. j Sole Agents for J, A. Banister Co.'s Newark Shoes, (Bw0Ms ALL GRADES Corner Lackawanna All Grades and Prices. Largest stock in town at the Leading Bicy cle and Sporting Goods House in Scranton. FLOREY & 211 Wasl.li.gtin Avi. Court House Square. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRUG (? AGAIN !0 0 nm vigor ta the whole being, All draini and lone, ate checked firmanintly. Unlets patient! ai properly cured, their condition oflen worriei them into Insanity, Comunpllon or Death. Mailed lealed. Pticost cernono boxes, with ironclad l.aal suarante. la cur. or refund th. moaey.fj.m. Send for free book. Tor Hal e hy.lOlIN U. IMIULI'S. l' lid Spruce street. JONAS LONG'S SONS. Do Your Eyes Give Or any, for that matter." If they do, come with them to us, and thev'll be care You ritich Trouble ? fully looked into. We make a ( specialty of fitting glasses to yum eye 111 a .m-iuuiiul- man lier nothing for the fitting, and lowest nrices in the citv for lenses and frames. Our Famous Are the kind to take home withyou, for they'll out Dollar Kid Gloves wear two pans 01 any other two pairs kind. We call them the "Duch ess May," and vsc have them in all the newest shades. A School They're of Fine Vici Kid or box calf, lace or but ton, and will comfort and abun We guarantee them Shoe for $3.00 , give solid ilant wear. to be the equal of most $4. so and $5 shoes. This week only they're priced here at $3.00. A Common Sense Din Must have fed a hundred or more teachers here yesterday and they ner for 11 Quarter all went away happy. The fin- est dinner in the city, you may be sure, and the price 25c. READ" -rO SERVE AT 11.30. For Ladies Foster & Go's, Jenness Miller's, Delsarte, OF FOOTWEAR, and Wyoming Avenues, l Hi's a Lager Brewery Manufacturers ot OLD STOCK PILSNER ffilORiiO!l!,Pl. Telephone Call, 2333. Thar faava ttood the tett of year, and have cured Ib.utandi of caici or Nervoui DUcases, nicl, at Sebdily. Dliilsets.Sleecliui ne.i and Varicocel.,Atr(pby,&Ci They clear Ibe brain, ttrtnttbtn the ciiculatioa, make dlgettloit nerferf. and lmn,,l . hl,h Add,rs, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleielind, 0, Phurmuciitt. car. Vvnn,l., nv 4 I