THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY. OCTOBER 24". J 808. THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA HON. HAM'Ij W. PRNNYPACKLIl, Judge city rourt, I'lilin.. vu 0: I Imvii examined tlio new Johnson's I'til. trsal CytUipcdla with cm Hint ii.llicl u.provc lit it iilnn nntl the manner In which the woik tiiioti It lias been jilt f mined. Tlio nrtlcles being signed, the ruder knows tlio mitliut Ity for lliu state ments mndo nml tin1 writer Is lived Willi individual lcspnmdhlllty. col. a K At clpiu; says: It la tlii' bcit wink fur leudy iifcrente that wf have union, tlii 111111 lefereuce ln'j' In our newspaper llbrar.v. It w'll bi nt eitiee n-'i-cptcil as tin- Standard. (11:0. i. m i'i'. lUii-iri.iti (iiiiuii col- lege, says: II gins tin shuNest i;illi to "lii- infor liuitliiii wp want. Tin 10 Is 110 ilinibt Unit i Is Urn vn lii-nt cjdoin-ilia lor tho home, oIHcp, Ilbrnrv and sen ial. RICHARD it .leiNHS. 1. 1.. D, luail master, IV1111 Cli.irtei ( linol, mvs. Theie can In no iiuestlon that It H tlio bet cyiliippilla published In till" 111 tiv. HAM'Ij it. 1 1 ti: V. nttv. lit law. prest. of I lie Plillit Hoiml of I'uhlli education: I am siuptlsid that miii hive lit en nble to Katlior tnit tin f such a stulT of wilt !, anil am Mt III more siirprl-fd at Hie scope anil uiciirncv of tin articles themselves, which niii In such ciunpurt form as to Iip Iminedlatplv nvi-ll.ihli to Hip busv 1111111. 1 Htiall litei lo It coustniitlv In ioiili"( tlon villi in. pinfi sslunal woik aul 1 ap nn hisltinlon lo s'lvlng Hint ni, writer, speaker 01 ti.ifliu will In nn iM, r 111 pri p.ualloli ami lii'tli'l ptiilpied f"l Moil; If In- b i .11 1 1 si lo II. IH1N I'llAS H.MORY SMITH 1 ..-l-n.'sii 1 iT.-i pi a1 s i.vs It I." nit mate .mil 1 1 h 1" 1 1 1 I 1 n 1 lc. p II at In ml for icnil iff. 1 nn THE NEW JOHNSON'S UNIVERSAL CYCLOPEDIA .ilie.idv been leceivcd with the greatest satisfaction by our most eminent scholars, and it at once becomes Tilt' .Standard Cyclopedia. Absolute supeiionty over all others in every lespect is positively claimed lot it. u omeis. even n iccenuy sow, aie moie than o veils old, and cannot be le.illv serviceable, for thev do not bv any means meet modem lequiienients. The new Johnson's von will use daily It 'vill nevei disappoint you. All owmmn of Tlio Old Ami-ri ,an, tiu iiii'iiit'i' .loliiison's. or sni) or tin other c)clo)edias should at once teplace them with the new Johnson's It is indispens able in the office and the home. Send for pi 1 Inn 11 p.ispn trio. Sped it Uim nml piii ! .fiiml with tusl copies. I). APPLETON & CO., 121(1 Aivh St., I'liila. TIGERS COULD ONLY SCORE SIX POINTS CORNELL MAKES A GOOD SHOW ING AGAINST PKINCETON. Hnny Lnthrope, of This City, Makes the Star Piny of the Game In dians Scote Agninst Ynle Agnln This Year Pennsylvania Makes n Small Score Agninst Lafayette. Harvard Athletic Team St. Thom ns' Victorious Over Keystone. I'onieli'n pootl hlinuliiK .iKnllist the l'rlneptou TlKeis nt Prim eton was the feutuio of Satin day's Kauii" on tin Rrldlron. Coinell went In lo win and 1 nine mi near to mi onipll'-liliiK their iIcmIkii that the charuplunslili el.ilm nnts mid their suppoiters btentlicd n lilK sigh of 1 fllef when the same was ner anil the sioip showed Pilneeton the winner. The s-eoie was B to 0. The iiiKle mmle after nineteen min utes of play In the llrst half. Princeton puned Itself thP supeilor team and would hue made 11 larner hoii dolihtlcslv but for penalties at iiitlcul times Imposed lor miss-play-. m the part of Individual niemlieis mid the dlsplaj of poor generalship n the I nit of Cupluin UoseiiK.uli 11. Coinell used the old style nt funnel plajs. double passes, ieolvliif? wedges and the like almost i ontlnuously, seldom trylnir the stiulKht pluiiKes at the line, which generally eonstltutcs the wholu game of modem football. Harry La thi one. uf this elty, plajed light end fur I'rlniPton and made the star play nf the game. 11 tarkle that saved n goal. Ynle and the Indians. Vnle, at Xew Ilacn, was mmhviI against by the Indians, Hudsim, the Uedsklns' stai quaiter back, diopping a goal fiom the field. Dining the (list half the liiillans had the best of it. hut a numher of their best men were laid out and Yale then turned the tables, winning by a seme of IS to fi. Iluixnrd defeated the I'hlengo Atli h'tU club at I'ambiidge b 11 seme of ".' tn 0 Dllilee eiiiM-eil the line six tunes for Haraid. Onlv one touch down was nude In the seiond half. Pennsylvania-Lafayette. Owing tn bad passing by llcCluskey. .who took Overflehl's plate nt rente 1. PennsylN.'inin imild oulv make ihlitv two points against !.afa cue's unus ually weak team The QuaKuis pushed their opponents nil user the Held, hut leppsttedly when about to go over the line, wutild lose the ball on 11 fumble. Factoiyville Defeated. The St. Thomas college eleven de feated the Keystone Armleiny team lit Athletic paik Satuiday by a seme of 1J-0. A muddy field and Interference from the crowd, which surged In on the field, mnde the game uninterest ing. Most of the playing was In Key stone's teriltnri'. GAMES ON OTHER FIELDS. At Lewlsburg Bucknell, 31; Swnithmme. IS. At Annnpolls Cadets, 18; 8tate College, 11. At West Point Cadets, 18; Lehigh, 0. SPORTING NOTES. The ban of professionalism has been placed against Charley nilbert, of this city, by the Ainatuer Athletic Union on the charge that ho receives money for playing foot ball. Ho Is 11 member of the Du Quesue Athletlo club ot Pittsburg, uhlch comprises Ttnnsom Klefer, of Yule, and Oppenheliner. of Doctors Recommend Korsfard'sAGidPhosahafe ifsr Nervousness, Dyspepsia and Overwork. 1-lf.MntlotiiV... Sold onlj In butt !.. (JOHNSON'S UNIVERSAL.) This new Cyclopedia cov ers the field heretofore com passed by both the Apple ton's American and the Hor ace Greeley edition of John son's, which were the two recognized American Stand ard Cyclopedias of the last decade. The name of the .Johnson's is ictnincd because the plan of that woik proved to be the most admiiable ever used in the make-np of any reference library; but the new woik in every feature is as great .111 impiovenient over both of its predecessors as American learn ing, ingenuity and enterprise could accomplish. Notice v.inip of its snporlor anil dlstlne tlM fiatiin -. 1 lnii..i,l of Ibp usual oiip or iwo pill tors. It h.n a cuips ot Hi (liiiiioiit M'holais, piiib as ulltor ol n distinct ib-partnii tit of learning 2. Tin' lending original nitidis wive con tilliutPil by mere than l,l""l specialists. !. Tlio urtlilcs mo signed liy tbi'lr 1111 thois, 1 nabllng tlio miilor to Uppiiiil upon tllO Statements 11 UllP. I Hiich tuple Is trp itnl unilpi Its own heading nn liuloN 0I11111P Id iippcxxarv. ltv Its lomplrto system ot cross rct iriiins ono muy pcli.iutlply t-tinly -11 v ili t ill of am ulij''ct. ii It W moie tlinii LiJ ypars l.itpr than nnv otbpr. 7. It mat" "iJOOO hiibjectx ustly more than anv other. S 1.pi urtlelc lit" been roinlirelien Hhilv wilttcn for the gem ml re.nlii. fi i:ertlilnK In It it thoiough. new. fn "li anil up to il.itp. 10. Its llliislratlon. nnpi ami pinto aie suppib. 11. It N eompully bounil In eight net i o olumps nfiiMr'nn p.iKP'' e.u Ii. 1J It lostw li'is than half us mueli n the li.ulhiK olil ejiloipillas. i:,isy pajinpuls the l'!ilerslty of Pennsylvania. Tle union has po.-ted the Du Quesne club in the piofeslonal (lass. The cliuige against the club was made by a Pitts burg man. Unless the ban is lifted C! illicit and the other college plnyeis named will leslgn fiom the club lath er than foiflt their ainatuer standing. Tom Sh.irUiy Is tiainlng for bis com ing match with James .1. Cnrbclt .it Hay Itldge He has big Jol Arm strong, of Chicago, and lack .MeCor maok, the Philadelphia wrestler, as sisting him in his woik. Ill, .-hint period of training has alieadv put him in good condition. Ills eyes laiiH mailde with health and his skin is smooth and fiee fiom blemish. Noth ing In the lino of exertion seems to tut h!m, and those wdio have seen him say he is a glutton for -work He puts tn p. dally routine of ppar'rliig. wrest ling, running, wheeling Itnel Helgln llfting anil U still liesh at, the,' finish. Miaik" has Imprinotl much since h fnusht Muhe- In Xew Vojl; a vear ago. Then Is more style about his spaning than theie u-ed to he. He has made somewhat of u study of ducking and he continues to get under most of the solhi smashes that the bully I'ob jimsliong sends at him. A ery Intel 1 sting game of foot ball was plaed on Mullen's Held ye.stunlay bv the Aleits, of the West Side, and the Jolly nieen Juniois. of the Cential clly. The game was full of sensation al features, especially so when the Jolly l.leven were within three inches of their opponent's goal when time was tailed for the Hist half. Lnrena and Campbell weie espei lulh nolle cable In their fierce lushes around thp ends. The Aleits played good ball but the Jolly nicest showed their stipnjicuitv notwithstanding the faet that they weie initwclgheil. The game htootl 0-0 nt the call of time In the last half. Walter Campbell, manager; U. Kirk wood, captain. The OlMiipIc foot hall team, of Pine I. look, defeated the liiownlcs, of South Scranton, on the (ilymplc's giounds yesteulny nfteiuoon by a score of fi to 0. The Olympic had the ball almost all the time, and at no time were the Hiownits ilangeious. Neither side sioied In the llrst half. In the second, howivei, the Olympics, with a guaids hack foiniatlon, passed the ball to iiiilgan. who after a nice liS-ynrd urn stmetl a touihiliiwn. Culkln kicked the goal. Atii.ut two minutes befoie the eiiil of the ;nmo the Hinwnles. after the ball was tlead and on a forwaid pass, 'mill or which are against tho rules of tin game, 1.111 up the lipid, and touching the hall down, claimed a touchdown. The piny was, go ridicu lous t'ip the teferee, nor In fact any lil on Hip Held sanctioned It. The Seine. Iherefole. stood C to 0. m THE PLAY HOUSES. Week's Engagement. Tills 1 enlng the Xew Hnglaud Stock l'rnmnllc coiupuny will open a week's engagement at the Academj or Mu sic. In the list of eleven plays to bo presented theie aie no two alike. Tho repcitolit laiiKes fiom the lilgheHt typo of society ilrania to the wildest fnice, and Manager Dave Woods makes the confident asseitlon that this company Is eeiually at home In every play. "Mas ter md Man'" will be the bill for to night. Ladles will be ndmltted on a paid ir. cent ticket If userved before G p. in. Monday. - The Seldl Orchestra. This evening the much anticipated concert by the Soldi orchestra will bo given nt tho Lycoum. Wherever the orchestra has been heard this season tho pi ess has boon very lavish In Its pialse of tho conceits given. This ev ening's concert will bo ono ot the musical events of tho season, Joseph Murphy. Joseph Miuphy, tho colebrated Irish comedian, will be tho nttiactlon at tho Lyceum Theater Tuesday and Wed nesday nights. This favoifto actor has been beforo the public for so many years that It In only necessary to men tlon his coming and the public know what pluusuru is in start for thtra. He will present the "Kerry Clow" nnd ".Shniin HluiiV' "My Friend from India." It has always been considered fatal to shift 11 play from one theater to an other dining the height of Its success, but in the case nf "My Filcnd fiom In dia" all traditions have been shattered, It was not only shifted, but to 11 house that ilemniiiled higher price foi- ad mission. It was (list seen In New York at the HIJou theater, where the best scuts wen $t.f.o and went to Hoyt's, when the entire lower floor Is held for $.0) This did not even deter lis business In the least, for when the ptcple niu given what tht wnnt any leasonaMe pilco Is no object. 'My Kilenil frnin India" will In seen ut the i.vcuin Thuisday night. Glnd Hand Burlesque at Gaiety. The C.alpty announces two pi; strong nttiacllons for this week. To night we me to have for three nights and two matinees Weber and Kleld a "C.lael Hand Hiulcsiiueis" In conjunc tion with nn cm feelingly stiong niule lllle fiilcitatiinieiit. "The Olad Hand" inn all of last season at Weber and field's popular Iliondwnv Music hill, '"W nk. and ls success In New Yolk has been eitiully as strong on the road. There ate thlity people In the cast. The 1,'ui openn 8en-ntlnn HurlPsquers is tho attraction booked nt this house for the Inst three nights of the week. This company conns veeomnicndi d ns on of the best of Its kind now on the toud and somewhat dlnViont that the gen eial run of such organizations. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. The lumber III in of J. jnsley & Hon, of Sci anion street, lccently shipped lle car loads ot lumber and fin ishing mateiial for dwelling homes in course ot erection on the Woodlawn Land company's tiact, at Clatk'a Summit. All tin blacksmiths' helpers, and enipeiitciH In and ubollt tho Sloan and Central tolllerlcs expect to be Intel olf fimn further work about these col Merles on Saturday next. This would Indicate that the prospect of these two mines lesumlng operation again In the near futuie Is not blight. John Henoie & Son, lumber merch ants, wen iccently awaidtd the con tiaet for the finishing of the Interior of n residence being erected on Jeffer son avenue, corner of Oicen Hldge stieet. This contiact will amount to Meial thousands of dollars. When finished the lntciior woik of this dwell ing will far exceed anything of n slm illar untitle in the city. Poor Use for Brandy. "Von will ngrie witli me, sir." snld the thin passenger with the shiny coat, "that II Is wicked to put brandy In mince pies." "I!y gad. sub." said the portlv pus-en-gcr with the shining no, "it If It Is good lii.indx. Is positively saiie'lglous. ' Cin cinnati I'll'iUllCI'. THE MARKETS. Wall Stieet Ileview. New Yink, Oct. 22 The stock mar ket -hovved Itt-elf again Independent of the dcpu-sslng tn Mucin e of London and Ijiuope, exi ept at the opening, when a few ot the international stocks were allowed to full btlow the London par ity. Tin Mlllng of stocUs on loielgn account made up a considerable pro portion of the day's business and was well nbsoibed at advancing in ices. The bouyancy of the wheat mnikct made tho grain tnirving loads piomlnpiu in the movement, the bujing of jUchlFon secuillies, paitlculiuly the piefeired, again nttiipying a conspicuous place. Hut the stocks of all the western loads were well bought nnd advanced In pi Ice. Sale-, liin.fiOO shares. ruinlshcd by IM.IAM LINN rtljI.n.N & CO , stoik broUcis, rooms, "CC-TOG Meais building. Open- High- Low- dol ing, est. est. lug. Am Cot. Oil icis 3,,.8 :!,JN ;j.8 Am. Sag. lte'g Co .111', 11. lip, uji, Atch.. To .V S. )' . l.'i4 l.'i, 121, vjij A.'l.AS l-'.Pr . Iir-a J.-.1, ,!i4 .. Am. Tobacco Co ....IhA, ij.m, nB yt, Am. Spirits 111.. hi, nvj IP. Halt. A: Ohio 1P4 4l, IP4 v Illtiok. rt. T ii; a t,-, (,-! N. J. Cintnil M,i S7V4 vt)K. Si4 Ches. .; Ohli ii, K ji7 ... Chic. .. 11 W i-;i4 ip8 !. hi chic. 11. & ii m hi: n:, ji Chic, .Mil. A: St. P ..10,i8 HM8 lusi lost. Chic, it. J. & P ....lUFa M. pip, 10.. I'lllc. St. P M. A: O. !)U MJL. SO sou '.'. c (V St. 1 ;;',i4 ,ii4 oi, :i.,iJ 'on. Gas 171, its 1771, J7j. Uclawaie .V llud . .HC, lul lejj 7 kll " " I- & W HP UlU up, mi; Oen. Hleclrle 7Hi 7s". 7M. W-j lot Papei Co S3i M4 ,v;i4 6J14 Louis .V Nash r.3 Kit, :, Djis .Manhattan l.lo . . 'i73a 97-ig '.11,' y; .Mel. Ti action Co ..liiw. w jvjii. iviK M. I.-. & Tex.. Pr .. .11 3.. jit; -J .Mo. PacJIlc .! ti) j.ij, ;11 N. V. Central 11.'4 li:a4 n,-,iK 11314 North. Paclfli 1J'4 11,1 . nu 401. Nor. P.icillc Pr .... 7.V4 7j'-3 7.V4 7M, Paclllc Mall ?, X2 :tjM ;,:8 People's O.lH TOI'. lffi! liGifc whH Phil A: P.iH 1G'8 iip; v,th P. A: It. 1st Pr . . .. .1S7,, ,a ;;sl8 ).) Suuthiin 11. H. l'r . 31V-.. ..p., rt.ii :uy Ttnn.. C. & lion .... 27'( ,7'4 271J :7i4 Texas & 1'iielflc ... V.j Ui. pjUj 1 pi. l'lilon Pacific tji4 rrja, jji4 5.1; I'nlon Pjc, Pi Blifc K15, ml. w r. t. iiubbcr is .2,Vs si' " :i , I'. S. Hublier, Pi . 10.' 102 Ju2 lii.' I'. S. Leather, Pi .. t.l 44 i;i i.pj Wnhash, Pr !!U ji ;ri .n West, rnloii UJ 'in,, f p.a- w. Ij. u ." 3 ..i4 :;i, V. A; L. Pj., J'r 17? 171 17i 17 CHICAGO OHAIN MAltK'HT. Open- IIIkIi- Low Clot. WII13AT. lug. est. est. lag. Ueeeiubcr Ii7? Ih" h l,7, May tbTg ui tS'.. (jvtH COltN. IJi'ieinlicr sj :j".g s si May 31 sn ;! jpe OATS. December sa'j 211.. .Zi'i "in May -M'S S( 2P4 L'p- Dcumbcr 7.3.' 8,w 7,;u "f,1 May ii.2i) i.i a.j-, iu' 1-AHO Dcccinhir 4 !i7 1,37 1 3.' t.x May 0.03 SeiJ f.oo ,vj. Scranton Board of Trnde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS Bid. Asked. Scranton & PlttHtun Trac. Co. . , a) First Natlonul Hank goo niinliurnt Hoi'levard J Scranton Suvlnga Hank 225 Fcrunton Packing Co 'jj Lacka Iron lc Steel Co 25 Tblid National Hank 3S.3 Tin op Novelty Mfg. Co "j Bcranton Hallway Co 25 Olnio Hop Uls. Iinnk 103 L'cononi) Light i lent & Pow er Compiniv 15 Bcrnntnu llPimlnntlng. Heat & Power Conipanv S3 Bcnintnii Korsaig Co ,.. 10,) OraOllll Sco"',t'mPt01 Tliis n 1 r vvoudetful remedy lias LOMPll SVIinc"re1 othetn tnf will """o", J "HcntB you. It piomptly cures throat aud luuj; troubki, Price 35 ccuU. The People's Exchange. A POPULAR GLKAKINO IIOUSI2 for the I.cnofit of All Who Have Houses to Kent, Heal Kstatc or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help These Small jilvortlHCincnts Coat One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word I.x:cpt Situations Wanted, Which Arc In sorted Free. FOR RENT norsns no?, oai.fl.11 ron-st court, be- twpcn Wroniltnt avenue anil Hrlo tie pot Hent $U STOIli: - (IOOI) WINDOW, STHA.M , heal; ebctile nnd gas llxtuics. run ning water, tine cellar; told storage vault; prlvato toilet. Jones, :ill Sptuce stieet. I'OH Itl.'NT-rnSK TtOOM OH rillAHl. of olllces secrnd Itonr front, Coal i:.t chnnge. Call at loom 15. t'OIl UHNT - S17CCND yuliicy ri.oon, 701 FOR SALE Toil' SALIVA SOH.N'D, rTrNnTKiNi) 'end nil-round good horse, lb Imndi lilgh.vvclKht, 1 2ik) pounds. Call at sta ble, 1V13 Capoue avenue. 1'ou saliva shcond-IiTniTpayni: fi..?0"!1'" "auk blgti speed eniilno in i!?., c",,, condition 1'or further par uciilnis npplj nt tils olllcc. r(-lt SALIj'-'tkn-h-I-l'-A-N-S KOll 5 cents at tliugplsts One gives lullef. FOR SALE OR RENT. rou' hi:nt " oil sai.T-ijTmmili: houses. Sl"i.xi7 corner yuhn v iimiiii" and Mjrlle sttppt, and lils-'Li) Mvnle slrect; steam bent T J Duggan, Libra .v building. Wyoming nvinup REAL ESTATE. I'Oli SALR-MY HRSlDRNCi: jT 2;; Colfax avenue: Just 0 mpletcd. All modern linptovemeiits llcidwood ilulsli, saiillaiy plumbing, electric lights, etc Price icasonalilp jtldicss Prank T. Oltcll, 220 Hioadw.iy, New York city. FURNISHED ROOMS. rcmltirfs-TPU . ASATrTi-HNdsn iTd looms, lonvrnli nces. Hooms from fl.5J up. t22 Slulbcrrj street. Traders' National Hank 130 ... Lacka. Lumber Co 130 Lack. Trust & Pafc Dep. Co.. 1.7) Mooalc Mountain Coal Co 1131,4 Scranton Paint Co SO HONDS. Scranton Pass. Hallway, first mortgngp, duo 1D20 115 People's Street Hallway, first mortgage, duo U'13 115 People's Street Kaiiwuy. Clen- cial mortgagp, due 1WI 115 Dlckton Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Tow 1 ship fcliool 5"i . ... 10J City of Scranton S Imp. C 10J Mt. Vernon Coal Co !5 Scranton jxle Woiks 100 Scrantcn Traction 0 bonds... 103 Philadelphia Provision Maiket. Philadelphia, (let :2 Whc it-I'lrin and ",p highei ; gr.idi . October, 7ii,n 7ii'.c. Col 11 Klrm No 2 lul.M'il, Oetoo, r .n.i'l'Uc Oats l.'iim No 2 wlilte elipin t.. '.Ua.'OVsC. ; No. ,1 vvhitu clipped. is'j.i'J'li , No. 2 mUctl lIIiuhiI. 25.i2!1je. Hutler Stead.v ; fancy western ciiiintiv, '..c tlo. pilnts, 2.!e. Reg I'll 111, fresh, in- it -b.v, I'M:, tlo. wcslcin. lie ; tlo. southwest ern, 17alc. ; tlo. southern. r,c. Choi s Dim. HelhiPtl Sunais (Juiet but stady. Cotton I'm hanged Tallow Dull; cil prime. In hogsheads Sp. ; cciunliv. pilme In brtircls, :P,c: tlarl;, ""tr ; eike-, -It , mease, lie Live otiltrv Dull , fowls, .i' 1 10c ; old looslcts, 7c : sptlng chit kens, y.. alii'-.c.; tuikpv., n.tlOc ; hoc PalUc ; duel.s, ; . Hrcs-ed Pmdti. Stead , low Is, choice, 10'iallc , do. fall to gout, Vic; old roosters, fl'jt : spring chlckciK, wt stern huge, 1 la 12c. . sin ill and scald pil tlo, 1.1PV ItccPipts riour, 2,'jOO lmr uls and 2"eti; wheat, th.iwj IuisIipW. coin, 7'! VXi IniFliPls' o.tls l.'.OOO liusuU. Slnpmpiits Wlipat. 7V000 bu-liels; coin, O.WO bushtls, oats, .00(l bushels. Now York Produco Harket. New Yolk, Oct 22. Pltiiir I'limer out Ulel; Minneseitti giateuts. $4al.'15, do. balCLis. fl KmJ 4e. winter patents, f.t t.'a 4 10; elo. stinlshts. $1.iiU.i.: 7.',; do. extras, ?2 !s'ia'J 15, winter low grndiH. 52 25a2 fi. U heat Spot steady; No. 2 lid, 7kC . f. o. b, atlont; No. 1 noithein Diiluth, T.U , f. o. z, options opeind stiong on war eporls and an unexpected advance m cables; they weie sustained all the mom lug bv a shoit demand and close el l'i 1'sC. net higher; No 2 red, 7ia,jc.. closed 7(.'sc.; May. 73 !)-lC.i73't .. rlnsul 7.!Ti ; Utccmbei. 7! 1 .-iri7fii4c , do-id 7iic. Col 11 -Spot tlllil. No 2 3" c . f. o. Ii, options ixperle'iicPd a strong undertone all the forenoon on a sliaip rl-e In cable-, the stiingth of wheat and coveilng, clmctl c net higher, March, l'iVi..9V ' JIn' 3'J l.liiiiSI'.c . clo-ed 2i Oats Spot film; No. 2, 20c. No. .1. 2'.e . No Ii while. N'-c.; No. 2 white. ISM-allc . u.itk mixed, wcslein. 2a3iic : track white, westcin, L'l a",4e. : trapk white, state. 2i.iile: options neglected. Ilepf Steady; family, V 5o.i lii.f.0; exti.i miss, JS..-.U; beef hams, fib .Via l'; packet VutiW; clt extra India mus. $llal5. Lard Kasy, wcslein steanieel elo-ed J.'irjiy. city, J5 05, October clo-tel f5.H2'.... Poik Quiet. liultei I'll nr cre.iineiy. I." : factory, ll'.iilt'jc . Rl gins, 2!c : imitation cie.imcrv. 12al7c ; stale tlalr Italic ; cieamery. 15a22'.e Cheese QuiPt; large while. s'2c ; large colnt cd. Mc , small tolorcd. Oc. ; sin. ill white, '.ic. llRht skims, i.iin.c: part skltns 5'ijrtCo.; full skims. 2'inP'iC stit and Pcnnsjlv.inl.i flc : western fr.'sh. 2i'e. Pitioleimi Sliong; unlt'id closed. 111 maiket; lellned New Yore J7.10. Philadelphia and Haltlniore. $7.5'i: do. Ill bulk $1 S5. Chicago Pioduce Market. Chicago. Oct 22. An advimro of i-iin-'d. In 1 he price ol wheat In Liverpool nnd im ilolewoith decline In consols mi.tlt a de C11lc.cH tailing end hlglur inatk't tor wheat here at the optullig. .J.ilis lot DLcembor w.-ie lal'4c. higher at ti7Ajai!.e. and thero was u further gain of '4c slieii ly ifteiwaitl. Shoits were foiccd 10 cover and tho lluetuntlons of Deeembei. th greater pui'ltiii ot the day were fiom 'i .'4 . lA'.c. Tlvie was a liberal volume of In.x mini done 'i Hie pit mid '.'.t'.lKfl b 1 1 1 s No. 1 nrat'iern wneat win leporti'd ells posed eif feir export. Near the end the war scale lost some of Its influence wlien It was found that continent markets weie nil oner and Hiltlsli cou-ols higher and the pi Ice nf December leaded lo hVi (j77c, which was the clo-lng llgure. Ons'i quotations wer ns follows. Plnur Klrm; special spilng brands. $1 '.'I; haul pa cuts, $:.10,i3.7O; soft patetits. Jl.t 'all 5); straights, $,.10a3 20, bakcts, f2 20a2.IO; No 2 spilng wheat, C7c ; No. 3 spring wheat. nCatiTc; No. 2 reel, G5'4c; No. 2 corn, 32a liMe.l No. 2 vcllovv corn. 32'4e.; No. 2 oatu. 2Jiia2.!4e.: No. 2 white. 2ti't.a27c: No. r do.. 2,?4n2CHc; No 2 rye, M'sc.; No. 2 barley, a&il'c-i No. 1 (lax seed. 05c , N. W 1; prime timothy seed, J2,l"i; pork, J7 50a7,1; lard. Jt.07i,n3; rllm, Ju.lOa., 'LV shoulders, 4i!.aOit' ; slant clear aides, $V)0 a540; whiskey, per galon, $1 2'ij sttgnis, cut loaf, $161; granulated, J3.ll. Chicago Lives Stock. Chicago, Oct 22 -The Miml! supply of cattle today was disposed of at unc liitngrd prices Prices 1 ro about PMlJc lower than 11 week uzo except for the bent dioves. Choice stecis. ." ria5.'V. medium, Jl.fflnS, beef steers, Jlat.75 ttockcrs anil ftedeis. JUall. bulls, )2.t0.!l.l,; cows nnd helffiB, J3.r-)al.2"i; calves. Vt.VMl.W; vvHt cm lungers, J.lKa4.;o, western ted steels. Ilnf, 50; Tca gicss si eels. Hogs Showed nn nvnnge decline of 10c. some droves taking a tumble (if 15c.: fair to choice,; packing lots', JJMa lacMnery MouMers WANTRIi. APPLY IIV LRTTRH OH IN l'HIC-ON T TIIR Snow Steam Fnimp Works Buffalo, N. Y. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. wanti:d-jV (JiHtTFrTmrTiTJiAL bouscvork. Iiinulrc at 2l Main street, Dunmnre. WANTED wantrd-caim: op had iiraliu that H-l-P-A-N-S will not benefit. Send r. cents to Hlpans Chemical Co., New Yoik, for 10 samples and 1.000 teatl monlals. CHIROPODIST jVj 'uju-vu'vvrN-'v j, f-Sjk KCOHNS. Ht'NIONS AND lNtlHOU'lNO nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advice given free. R .M 1IRT.RL, Chiropo dist, "TI Lackawanna avenue. Ladles at ten led at their lesldiiiLi! If desired. CIi.iii,ps moderate. SCALP TREATMENT. WVWVAWVVV cvj-VjtXj-W Jilt! 1. T KRLLRH, SCAI P T1IRAT- ineiit, u'V sh imp iijlnr ui'e . massage, inuiili uilng, .jc , c bin podj . .01 etuncy. Sl'PRHPLt'OrS 11A1H, WAHTS AND moles removed by electricity, palnle.e.i, peinianiut, th.irges modirute, eoii-iilta-tlnn flee llebn Huclianun, Dermatolo gist, 312 Washington avenue.. CITY SCAVENGER A.H. HHlllOS CLLANS PIUVY VAULTS nnd cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps used j Hlllt.CS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North -Main avenue, or Plcke's eli up stoic, loiuci jdams and .Mullierrj. 'Jtlepliinie Win SITUATIONS WANTED WANTRD - POi-ITlON AS 1I(H'."- Itetper bv elderly Ain. lu.m vvlnor, 110 laind. jVddit ss hous 'Iwo Pli. 1 i.'iiiih . SITUjVriON WANTKD WA-'lliN'l Ironing or an kliul of hou-i elennlin; by the d.i. or will take v. ashing hum. Side door 12) Vrmil-lln avtnili. SITUATION WANTRD-HY A YOUNG wtmiaii at housework Can furnish lefctentp.. Adtllcss 2011 Vane nvcniip. Sti.inlon, Pa. SITUATION WANTKD-U1HST CLASS cook, hotel 01 lestuuinnt. 2,5 Pesin avenue. SITI ATJON WjVNTRD TO DO WASH Ing and iiuniug at home, and ko out by the 1l.1v. Call 01 address L. 11. 131 North Sumnet avct.up. WANTRD-l'OSITlON PY LICRNSRD engineer, undersuinds tlectilcal nu- chliits and lighting, good steam litter and handy on up.ilis. LlctiKud, Tribune.' SITUATION U ANTRD-UIUST-CLASS all-iound cook, hotel ur lestauiaul. 235 Pcnn avtnue. VOUNCJ lUTCItRH. AC. 15 IS, WISIlRri employment, ", ears' is'uuiieii. e, wishes 11 steady po-ltlon, an all around workman ami hive llisl-iliss ufcrtnees Call or address C. A. (J. i.'J C.ipouar ave nue. C.iro Ktihl. WANTRD - W'OIlli HY TUR DAY washing, noiilng, ole-.inlng or cooking. .Uldiess Miss L. R.. 4J0 South Uth stroi I. WOniv WANTRD IJY T11K DAY. wasbliv. el' . I i nilildle-.'ged, col ored woman. Mis. Colema: , WO Linka wanna avenue. irrujvnoN wantld-hy rxpkuY- it need man .itteudlng lo boiler or lie leioni. jdili-b John cjiaiivlllc, M Wasn illgton avenue SITUATION Yv NTRD-HY A Olls'C. man. driving ic un 01 dellvv.t wagon, well nctiuitinieil with cltj ; good tcfer enecs W. A . Tilbi'no oflice SITUATION V.VN'lH,D-A hORRU AND Indu-trlous man wants .1 situiitlun as n house link her. an a No. 1 wotkiaan. jVdeliess Workman. Tilbuno otllcc. SITUATION WANTRD-UY A YOUNG man, has had expel lunce driving. Inun tliv wagon, canvassing and (national y en glueur, can glvo gootl letuuine Ad dress Y. 11. Jones. 100", Rvnun stlcot. SITUATION WANTRD-DOING GRN erul housewoik. jtlrtre63 A. C, Tiib imc. SITUATION WANTRD-HY A YOUNG as bookkeeper with four years' epo rleuce; ean give gootl left rmcts or lecuiii nn ndatlon If litiulicd. Adtlrcss R. It. W., Kit Spruce street. WANTRD-A POHITION AS CLKHlv OH shipping cleik In sioie. iluiiituc,u.. Addiess K. L.. Hoe 2, jilel, Pa. SITUATION WANTRD-TO GO OUT 11 V tlio ela washing, honing ur any kind of houso cleaning or will lake washing lug home. 420 Pinnkliu avenue, eldu tlooi. SITI ATION WANTRD-HY A J1AK rled man ns llreman. stationary cngl lifer or pump itiunci ; also thoroughly uu. elei stands el.t.tilcl ami 1 ot rigeralor Ice machines, ts well uxperipuceel and can give gooel lefeientes. J. D. W.. U.,7 Pcm live nuc. ,i.t5; blltcheis, j3.4ir5, mixed, SJ.Hu 3.i.2-j. light. $3 10a3.s5, pigs. $ .MM J 1.5. blietp Poor to prime. $2.2).it75. western Lingers, 3al",0; eholte yeaillngs. $4 75j"i. common to choice Iambs. H.50uj.M), feed eis, 5a3.1u. Heeelpts Cattle. HK heutl, hogs. 40,CkU held; Fheep, C.OT0 head. Philadeliiliin Live Stock. Philadelphia. Oct 23 - Receipts Sheep 7M5 head. hni,s. S.W1 head Ueef Cattle In good ibiii'iiid and film, ctia 3'4..'.'.. gootl, I'siil'tc. , inedlum. 4"u4:'1c , com mon, I'lal'.c Sheep In lai'i r supply, easier dpmnnel; extra IV' "c; gooel, 4'i 4'jc. ; medium, 3,i,4r ; common, 2'4u:1.e , lambs, liai,4( tlogs .ctlve and Mini nt 8aiiCe. foi best western and S'ia'.V for otheis. iovvs 1 at 1 nws in good de mand ut S'jaec ; thin cows stead ut ssu 23: vcnl calves tutlvfj at Sai1 c mil h cows sold well at ST. I'm. East Llbeity Cattle Maiket. Rast Liberty, Pa., Oct. 22. -Cattle Receipts light; extta, $5.23a5.10; pilnic, i ii5.15; common. i75al. Hogs Slow ani lower; pi line medium. J'1.00a3.05; heavy hogs, JJal, best YmkerB. S.LS5; common to fair Yeitkcrs, t3.7.".a3b0, jilgs, J3.S0a3 to, skips. i2.tyi.t3 2..; roughs. $2r.)a3.30 Sbep -Steadv , prices pilme, fl.twut.ii). iem roon, $3.a3.75; choice lambs, f5iiUiii.73. common to good, $i.Goa5..W, veal ca'ves 7 .17.23. New York Live Stock. New Vnik. Oct. 28. Hccvph -No tvatlli T, feeling steady. Cslven No trading: nom inally steadj Whet p and I.ninbs She. p steady: god Inmbs. sternly to llrm: com innn and medium, week, lui'p. vi l.imlis, 5nt: 12'j. Ilogx Nuiiii for salt; iioiuiuall llrm at 51 luul 25. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa., (let. Si Ciodlt balances. 51.18, cortilluatcs. 11.11 blel for cash; kiIus. tliite otisb at Il.lli : shipments, bl.WJ bar rels, rum., UJ,"l barrel). PROFESSIONAL. ARCHITEOT3 RDWAItD II. DAVIS, AHC111TRCT, Conncll llulhllng, Scrnnton. 12. L. WAI-TRH, AHC11ITRCT. OKl'lCR rear of COO Washington avenue. Licwia nANcdcicTjit, AilciiiTPcr! 435 Spruce St.. cor. Wash. av Scranton. PHRDRniCIC L. imOWN. AltCUITRe "I l'rice Hultdiiig 121 Washington avenue. Scrnnton T. I. LACRY & SON. AHCIUTU.iTf. Traders' National Hunk. DENTISTS Hit. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON Pitt vate llospltal, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DH. II. P. HRYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. HH. C. U. LAUHACU. 115 Wyoming n-r WRt.COM R C, SNOVRIt, Ml Wiislilngton nvtriie. IIouis, a to l.and 2 to 5 HAT MANUFACTURE!?. TOLLR. 403 SPHUCR STHRRT.TtAKKS your hat to oreler and the lit. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS TIIR RLK CAI'R. 125 AND 127 l'HANK lln avenue. Hiites leusonable P 5.RIGLRH, PiopriPtnr. SCHANTON HOUSK, NRAH D, L. i W. pabfenger depot. Conducted on the Ru ropean plan VICTOR KOCH. Pi op. LAWYERS l'HANK R. HOY1.R, ATTOHNRY A.ND Couiibcllor-at-Law Hun Hulldlng, rooms U and II, Washington avenue. OKR1.L ,i DUNN, AT'l"OHNRYS. 5 TO 11 Coal Rxchange Hulldlng, Scrnnton. WILLAHD. WAHHRN & KNAPP. AT torncs and Counse.Ilor-1-at-Law. He publlcan Hulldlng, Washington uvenue, he.i anion. Pa. JA.MKS II. TOHURV. ATTOHNRY AND Counsellor-at-Liw Hooms 41J and ill commonwealth Hulldlng. JHSSUP & JRSSUP, ATTORNRYS AND Counsellots - at - Law. Commonwealth Hulldlng. Hooms I, 20 and 21. JAMRS W. OAKPOHD, jVTTOUNRY-.VT-Law. Hooms CM, 513 and 510, Hoard of Trade Hulldlng. H. H. HRPLOGLR. ATTOHNRY-LOANS lipgotlutPd nn real eslale security. Mtars Hulldhi'i, comer Washington avenue and Spmce street. J AS. J. IiTIIamTijTON. ATTOUNU.Y-nt-l.avv, ;'01 Commonwealth Hulldlng, Scrnnton. RDWjVHD W TIIAYRH. ATTOHNRY. Rooms l'03-'i0l, 0th Hour. Hutldliig. L A Pu. . WATRRH. ATTOHNRY-AT-LW, Hoaul of Tr.iele Hulldlng, Sci.mloii, C. H PITCHRR. jTTOHNRY-jT-LA'. I'onimouwcnltli Hulldlng. Uerr.titon. Pi PTTU.HSON ,tWnT'ON, tiiadlu National Unnk Hulldlng. C. COM ROYS. Hulldlng. 0-13 HRPUHLICAN A. W. HRUTUOLP, Attv . Alears l.l.'t IAIDYJIFE MHS. GAHLK. GHADUjTR MIDWIKR 131S Washburn street. Scranton. Rn gagements solicited Rooms and best attendance for a limited number of n i tlents. PHYSICIANS AND SO?CCOVS DP.. C. I.. FHRY. SCHAN'ION SAVIMt'J Hank Hullillng, 122 Womlng avenue. MARY j. SIIRPIIRHD. M. I). MOMI-j-opathlst. No. 22S jXelams avenue DH W. R. ALLRN. 512 NOH'lII WASif Ingttiii nvenne. DH. It 1RAPOLD bl-r.iMAI.lbT N Diseases of Women, tornei ,vmia 11 venue anil Spruce street, tl'ruit.oi Otlle'o hours. 'Ihiirstlavs ami Sti .11 tlajs, 0 a. m. to 0 p. m. DR. L. M OATRS ROOMS 207 AND : ' Hoard of Tl.tde Hullillng. Olllte li s 8 to !i a. tn.. 2 to 3 and 7 to S p. 1.1 H'vl. cltlice, 301 Madison aveiiii. DH. C. L PRRS. SPRCIAI.I.-'T IN Hupturp. Pitting end Piu Hdue Hun Oflit-p le b phont lUil. Hours, 10 10 12. 2 to I 7 lo 0. DH. S W l.'AMOKHAI'X. OPPI'M: o Waslllngton nveliue. Resldeuc.-. . . Jlulbeltv Chronle illseusps. lungs licnrt. 1:1dm s ami genllo-urlnnry or gans a specialty Hours. 1 to 1 p m W. G. HOOK, VRTKHlNUlY sl'lf gcon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs tientel Hospital. 121 Linden stieet, Scitintou T leplione 2072. .crrn n. H. CLARK & CO, f-KRDMRN jVNU Nuiscomnn, stuio 110 Washln-Jton ave into; sicca house. 1210 North Main ave nue: store telephone. 7S2 CCHOO'-S ShFoO I "0 1 ' TTl R L.VcTc W A N N Scrnnton. Pa. Onuses pi.paiator to tollej,i, law, medicine or hiiMr.cks Op'.is Sept. 12. Send for catalogue Hi V. Thomas M. Culill, LL. D, Wultel 11. Iluvll, A M. WIRE SCRSZN3 JOS. KURTTRL, RRA1J 511 wanna uvenue. Serunton. Pa , tuicr of Wile Seie ns LACKA 111 tuufae. AfCCCtS.IV'T'JUS LATRST PHUM 1'HILIPPLMJ 1S- lanils. llreatcsi .-suvui raitic. Shoes UlllllS. eireuteat j-,...,., . ueiu-. UOiS all blown to pices uud landed In Nci llcton's Shoe Store, Washington avinn. t.i,. lmtltm slliu M. 1 nuu. t . .. , tlongola, cost 52.5". at Jll'l, ladle-' ;nlt. $2 00 shoes for I'-c, Indies oitfoiils tost $1.50, tor 7'ic. nuns U Si t ulf and m, shoes for $1. PJ. UOO shoes tor $1 'is, , u UjVURH'S OHCIIRSTHA-MI SIC 1 urt balls. ptinliH. paitl.' leeeplloiis, w,,. dings nud Toniert vv 01 ic fiunlslicil P..r leitns udus It J llauir. LontUicioi 117 W.vomlno- uvenue. over iiulbiii iniisle stoic jMRGAHGRR HROTIIKHS. PHINTI.R.S supplies, envelopes, paper bugs, tv.lno Wurohnuso. 1W Wiislilngton aven'ie. Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Del.. Lacka. an J Western. Rtfcct Monday, Juno 20, U9S. Tialns luavo Sunuton as follows: Re press foi New Yoik utul nil puliils Rast, 1.40, 3 00, 5.10, t.00 unci 10 03 u. in . 12.55 and "nxi'i'ii-H-i for lesion, Tiinton, Philadel phia nml the South, 510, t.0U und lO.Oj a. 111 . 12 55 and 3.33 p m Tobyhanna urcenimeilutlon. r, 10 p. m Rxprcss for Hliiglinniluii, Oswego. L'l mini, Coining, Hath, Dansvllle, Mount Mmrls nnd liuffuln. 12 1 1 2.35. y w u m , 1.55 and 5 5.1 p. in., milking close copint tlons at Huilalo to all points In the Went. Northwest and Southwest. Hlughumtciu und wn stations, 1 05 p. m . at uir vIMo act ommoiiailcn. loo uad Nicholson actommi.duilon oou p m. RxpiebS for file .1 ami Hlchlltld .Spilui,M 2.35 11. m.. nnd 1 " p in Ithaca. 2. '5 0 00 a m . Hid 15, p m Km mil. Plttstou Wilkes. Pane. Plvmouth Illoomsbiirg and Dm villi, making 1 lose ituinpcllous at Nmih. uiabuiland for Wllllnmspoit. lliirilsbuiR, llHlllinoie. Wafhlngion utul the Soulli. Noilluimbeilanil ami Inieniieill it,. h. .ions, lion, 10 OT, it. Ill . and 1 55 and 5 In p i'i. Nnntkoko und lute 1 mediate stutloas SOj and 11.10 a. m Pl.vniouth ami Intel meo'iito stations 3.'I5 ami .' p 111. For Kingston, 12.53 p. 111 Piilliiau lot and sleeping coaches 011 all OSP'usti iv.ilns. Pot tltiiallttl liitnrmatlon. pockeftlmn. tables, ut'i.. apply to M. L. Smith, DU. trlet Pnsuc'urtr Auciu, depot ticket office. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Sclicettileln I'.lltct May 19, 1S9). Trains Lonvo Wllkos-Barro .13 Fol lows: 7.30 a. m.i week days, for Sunbury Harrlsburfr, Philadelphia, Ball), more, Washington, and for Pitts burg nnd tho Wost. I0.IG 0. tn., week days, foi Hazloton, Potlsvllle, Roadlng, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pitts hllrtr nnti tl.n VAna 3.12 p. m , dally, for Sunbury, Harris ""re. riniaaoipiiia, uaitimoro, Washington, and Pittsburg and tho Wost. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. . ., ...,TJ-'H wot" fien'l as. Aticnt. J. II. IIUTCIII.NSOS!. Oeneral Alana(er. Lehigh Valley Syatoin Aiithtaclte Ccal Used, Rnsurlng Cleunll ness anil Comfort. Mr In Rffect Jin 15, 1WS. t- Ti,fN.S.,:L:AVU SCRANTON. I or Phllatlclpbla and New York via D. ..," .".' nt 6-a il ' n"d 12 03, 2.18, 1.27 (Hlnck Diamond P.xprcss) und 11.30 p. m. 1 or Plttston nnd Ilkes-Harro via D, Jnn AV H " CM " I0 " B. 3.M. COO p m. Kor Whlto Hnvpii, Harlclon, Pottsvlllo, a id principal points In tho coal region Via 1) & II, K- H., 0 45, 2.1S an.1 4.27 p. m. I or Hothlchrm. Raston. Heading, Har r sburg and principal Intel inctlluto sta- il!o".Ma D r rt , o ir. a. m.. 1205. -18. 4 27 (Hlack Dlamcnd Rxprci,s), 11.50 Por Tuiilihannock, Towanda, Rlmlra. Ithaca. Geneva and principal Intermedi ate stations, via D.. L. & W. II. It.. 8.0J a. in , 12 15 nnd 3.'(5 p m. I' or Geneva. Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara I-.ills, Chicago and all points west via & II. II. Il , 1203, J 33 (Hlack Diamond Lxpress), 10 2S and 11 1.0 p. m 1 ullmiin parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh valley parlor cars on all trains between V Ilkcs-Hai re nnd New Yoik, Philadel phia. Ruffato nnd Suspension nridge ROLLIN II. W1LHHUH, Gen. Supt. CIIAS S. LRR. Tass, Agl , 28 Cortlandt street, New York. A. W. NONRMACIIRR, Division Pass enger Agent, South Ucthlchcm, Pa. Delaware nnd Hudson. On Sunday. July Sid, trains will leavt Scranton us follows Per Carbonelalc-b 20. 7.53, S.53 10.13 a. m ; 12 noon; 1.21. 2 20. 2.52. 0 25, ti 23, 5 57, 0.15. 11 00 p m ; 1 10 p. m, Por Albany, Saratoira. Montreal. Bos ton, New Rutland points, otc 6.20 a. m.. 2 20 ii m Por llonesdaler.20, S.57, 1013 u. m ; 13 noon, 2 20. 5 23 p. m. Por Wllkes-ltarre. 0 45. T.4S. S. IX 1.38, 10 13 n. m . 12.01, 1 2t, 2.11. 3 3.1, 4.27, S 10, 7. If. 10.11, p m Por New Yeuk. Philadelphia, etc., via. Lehigh Valle Hailioad (i.4" a. m., 12 0J, 121 4.27 p m.; with Diamond Rx pr. .is, n ;o p. in Po Ppunslvanla Railroad points, 0.13, 0M ii. in . 2.1S, 4 27 p in. Ko- Western Points, via T.ohlgh Vallev Ilnllmntl 7 II a. m 12 0.1. 3 31, with Hlack Dimmed Ppres. '10 II. 11.30 p. m. Trains will airlve in Scranton as fol lows. Prom Caibonilalp and thp North fi 40, 7 11. t IN, 31 10 ,s 11 31 n. m . 1.2J, 2 15. 3.23, 1.23. 5.4 J. 7.11. 10 TS. 11 27 p. m. Prom Wllki s-H.nre anil the South fill. 7 IS, 5.45, mm n r- ., m ., 2.11. 341. 5 20, (121, 7",". tier, ion. i m : 1.11 a. m SUNDAY TRAINS. for Cm bund lie 107. 113.1 a. tn; 151. 3 52. 5 51 r. i p. in Kor Wllkes-llaric-DIS. 11.45 n. in.; 151, r 2s, r. '". 7.1. p. m. Lowest mips lo nil points In United Gtatcs nnd e'nnndn .T. W. HUHDICK G P. A . Albany. N Y. II. W. CROSS. D. P. A. He union. Pa. Central Knilroiul eif New Jcrqcy (Lchlgh anil Susquehanna Division ) Slillnns In Now Yolk Pool nt LlUcr siieeft N. It., and South Pcny, Whitehall ntr. el. Antliruolt" ccul utcd exclusively, Insui liig cltniillness and LOmforl. I I iKTAHl.K IN RKKRCT SRPT I i, .SIS 'iL.iiis I. .vi tuuiilon foi l'lttsto). Wlltcem-li.ii i e - 't.. at . 30 10.10 a. m , 1 .'U, 2:"i, 3.20, 7 10 p. in. Sundajs, y 00 a in, I ii.i. 2.15, 7 M p m Ior L.ikewoiid u'ld Atlantic 'll, i ,0 i m. Im New ...Ik N walk anil Rllzabe Ji. J vlXpie.M 11 111 . I 20 ItNpUhS). 3...0 t press, p m Sund.i). 2 15 p ill. Tnul leiivlir' 1 '.ii p. in . unlvcs at Philadelphia Kci ..nig 'ie.rnii.Ll. IW p. in. and Nv oili , u5 p. in. Pot Mil a e 'hunt:. Mlentown. Il"ti. -hem KHstou n nl l-till iileiphla, N X) a n, 12il. 3 20 p I'i bniii'ii) 2 15 p. 111. Kor i'll'inio-e and Waslllngton, n I puiiin trol'l'i anil Wet via Hethleht " 8 o. in . l.'ii P m. Sundays. 2.15 p n. Por Long Munich Ocean Grove, etc it 8..U a m. . cd IS' i m ,.,.,, Por Ktuid g. Lei unon nnd llairlsbui" ill Allentt.wn SP0 n. m., 120 p. m. Sun day. '-'.15 P i i Fur Pottsvllle, S Wl a. in . 1 20 p. in ltrtui.i'nr. I'He N vv Yoik. toot of Lln crie stree. Nouh lllve-, at 1.00, 0.10 .ex press! n. m.. 1.30 eospitss) p. m. Sunda, 1.10 a. in. l.eav New Yorl South Kerrv, foot Whlteliall sin it at 0 'is i m.. 125 p m. pnssen,Ters nri'vlp- or d.-paitlng from this lermlnal 'in council uniler cover vltli all the elt vni .! iiiilitudii. Broadway rnbln ears nnd lei lies to Itrookljn nntl tllaten Islanels. unking k transfer to and from t.ini.d Central depot and Leig Island r.ill'nad. Leave I'hlludt Iphtu Heading Tcimlli'l, y.2i u ni.. 'I c"1 P- "t. Hiiinl ly. o 15 u. in Through liedtils tn nil points Rust South anil Wcet at lowest into ut thu Million. fllllioii. J. II. ilLUAUfUV. Gen. Supt. II. P. HALDW1N. Gen Pas.. Agt l.ric and Wyotniii'; Valley. Time table In ctreel Sept. Huh. IM. Trains have Scranton Im New Yolk, Niwvbuig nnd Intel mediate points em Ri'o i.tlli ..ui. al tor lliwle ulitl Ituitl points at 7 t a in and 2 23 p m Trains nulve at S i. ml. ni 1 1 ubove paints at 10 UJ a 111 i lid 15 nod I'M' in SCItA IVl'OV DIVISION. Ill i:ffeel Sept. J5tli. 1SUS. .ortIi Hound. siin.uoslaoir ' i"1 i- i Nouth Hound. 202 2II 120B hssga StaMons Arilvc leuvc, N Kinnl.llii sr Wci.t street vv eeitawlNen An tvo leave ii o .... S3 .. 10 .... Ml" M t ,ia Hi 431 22 4 41 31! tr 41 13 01 SO 5 14 St' 62 16 6 88 (9 6 14 a ur i uiloifa llnncucl; MarlUlit I'i rston I'arlc VVInwood l'o.Tiitrlle nraun I'le ,sant Mt. I'liloi'dni- loic. riiy cm bo Ja e Vih te Hi hi je o IC 610, o J-, 0 35 50 11.16 70V 7 0S: 3 7 .It, 3 7.14 3 19 641 31 6C4 7 37 11 .IS 6 56 43 6 01 45 6 0.1 M 09 54 614 .VI IK jeiaviaia Jl'llllVll 4.' 13 7 44 ArclilbaKI liiitni I'cckvllle OlM'liant rilceutirtr Vlirooji I'mvltlHiice l'oik 1'iaco t-crau'on leavo Airlve 7AU 7M 7f8 Rl'Jl S(H 8 0b, ft 10 0l 811 Oil 6 l'l 10 6v7 )4 0.11 81 17 KM 1J, i ii r 20 118.1 US M t Hiii'iiay oniv f siitiiirtes that trains stop no tdf-nal for i& tcnRcis 1 lalns !X)3 and 200 Sunday only, other trains dally except humluj. (fcurii rates via untarlo a usttrn before puicliatliii,' tickets and save money lirmi.h Mairnei tmrftt sleeper and free re. elluuiir choired New vorlcto t'hiejjo viithout :liansc. l'Ji.iiicrrr iciilea Itetliicetl lu lve (Vill-. 3'cr .11 He. , , J.C.Aiidctsnn, den. rass Agt. T. Klltcroft, Dlv. l'ass, Airt biranton, ra. nSS A Mw k m i m p it '.'.'.'. ' vTc, 'too n r n p ' 10 45 ,' in 10 (0 111 Hi 1 O'l foriiufo M'.'l 6 00,1V eG M 15 5 f4 IS 40 10 II j Ki;,!! 21 MM Ml Itf 14 0 40 51(11213 ') 0 BS6II fP 8 2. S'iJII'S 'IK 5 Oil. 1 1 31, 907 I 'TflTO tll'l '1 01 in. sM t I- II -' bol 44111 IS. h-iii 4011 13, Sill 4 1011 II1 MJ 4 Jl II Iff N4II CVS 110, S !H 4 .' 11 0J, 8 3H 1 22 II III1 Ml J 4 1IW.7 810 IIS 10 M t m r U A M