The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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    ..a-tfw1 f ilr T"
uf , rjttf -i
Mannish Shoes
for Womem
llatlon nnd l.noo,
IVr I'alr.
They nro inr cteeIlcncc the. shoo
of nil nlioes for outdoor wcnr c.
pc-olnllv ile-ilmblo for 1'nll mid
Winter use. They nre nt once tint
latest unci most sensible, the moit
nrtlstl" ami comfortable of nil nu
eloor jihoeB for tdilleii Alto have
them In Jt 00 crude-, nil sizes anil
410 Spruce Street,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Ofilce Hours 0 rum. to l' n-m; 2 to 4.
Wllllama Uuildlns, Opp. I'ostofTlee.
PAY-DAYS. The Delaware and Hurt
pon company paid vesteiday at Us Coal
brook colliery at C.irbondale.
COMMITTRi: Jini:TlNS. The text
book and hlh and training i-chool com
mlttcet of tho board of control will meet
thl3 evening.
11UL1DP' ASSOCIATION. Thcie will
be a meeting of '.ho Soldiers' Kdlef nsj.
elation In the board of ti.ulo room Thurs
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
MnKTING TODAY. IteKUlni meeting
of the Central Woman's Christian Tem
perance union this afternoon ut 3 o'clock.
Subject, "The Union Signal."
KLKCTrON OFKICnrt. - Thcophllus
Bowen was estcrdny appointed Inspector
of the Fourth district of the Fourth waid
to succeed William Hopkins, rehlgmd.
Li:CTCIti;S IN PRKNCir. M. Eilouurd
Lamaze. will, Friday nfttrnoon, tit 2.10
o'clock begin the first of n number of free
lectures In French at the Sctunton Con
servatory of Jluslc.
LKCTPTti: TONIGHT. Tn the Itallroi.I
Young Men's Christian association to
night Colonel H. II. Ripple will deliver his
Intensely Interesting lecturo on "A Sum
mer In AndersonUlIe Prison."
gan. of .Icssup, nnd Mamie A. Lane, or
Archbald; Alexander Retd Maekay and
Grace Elizabeth Powell, of Dunmore,
were granted marriage licenses yesterday.
Smith. 23 years old, wliot-e home Is In this
ity. wan arrested Sunday afternoon on
Penn avenue for breaking a show ca3c
with his fist, lie paid $.5 line yesterday in
pollco court.
Jacob, a barber, was at rested Sunday
night by his father-in-law. Special Offlicr
Armstrong, for drunkenness anil dls-or-derly
conduct ut his home, lie was fined
$1 yesterday by tho mayor.
torney J. W. Carpenter is the commis
sioner who will ti ke the testimony In the
Impeachment proceedings against Alder
many Kelly of the Eighteenth ward. L.
II. Shoch was appointed stenogiapher.
Georgo W. Turner, of Roaring Brook
township, out a warrant before
Alderman Howe yesterday for her hus
band for desertion nnd non-support. The
constable will bring tho defendant in to
moitallty for the week dining S.wurdav
was 2S. Two died from diphtheria and
one from membraneous croup. Thlrtv
cases of contagious diseases were re
ported, of I'lilch 20 nio dipntheriu and
scarlet fever.
staff, foreman at the Diamond mine,
caused the nrrest of two Italians yester
day afternoon on the charge of stealing
coal from tho breaker. They wore cnugiit
In the act, so it Is alleged, and were lakin
to the central police station.
nington will give the third In her series
of lectin es on musical history tomorrow
afternoon commencing ut 4 o'clock In the
Scranton Conservatory of Music. Mis.
Pennington's topic will liu "Mediaeval
Church Music."
Tho funeral of Charles Malla will tako
place fiom his late home this moinlug on
Prospect avenue. At 9.30 o'clock a mass
of icquiem will be celebrated In St. John'.
church. Interment will be made In the
Cathedral cemeter.
rally In tho Interest of the Volunteer work
In Scranton Wednesday night. Oct. 10, at
Grace Reformed church, no doubt will
draw a large audience'. Besldei Colonel
Pattle Lindsay and Lieutenant Colon"!
Fred Llndsr.. Staff Captain Fori est is
ntranglng with local talent to u.ssjsi in to
Joint paving committee of e-ouuclls. the
city englneei and the street commissioner
will meet this afternoon at 3 ei'cioek to
Inspect the vitrllled brick pave on Madi
son avenue, the stone block mi Nonh
Main avenue und u section of the as.
phalt on L'lckuwnuiia avenue. The guar
nnteo on these pave-s Is about to expire.
ST. LUKE'S DAY -At SI. Liiko a
church, this motr'tig. holy communion
will he. lecelved Is being St. Luke's
day throughout tin Episcopalian
of the laud 'The seniles will be at .: i
nnd 10 'M o'clock. There will be u parish
meeting this evrpli g nt 7.30 o'clock, at
which repot is of the guilds will be Inward,
nnd tho work of the parish assigned for
the ensuing car.
curred yesterday nt'leninon about 1
o'clock at the e-orner of Monroe avniitn
nd Linden street between u buggy driven
by Charles Ruffe-It and a blevcle ridden by
Joseph Howe, son of Alderman Howe,
Young Howe was thrown under thu bur
cv, the hind wheel of which pusyrd over
his left leg, Inflicting severe bruises but
foilunately not breaking the limb. The
blcyclo was pretty well demolished, and
imm $3.oo
L N. v9VvQpT.k
will rwiulrc considerable repairing to bo
iiBuin Hcrvleruble. Neither party iitfacncs
liny blumo to thu other.
CI.OSIJ OF Till: MlinTlNaS-I.ectuter
WIU J. McConncIl closed his meetliiRR I"
Orccn IUdfjc Inst nlsht with IiIk rally t
vvhlci wna prcw lit one of tin; largest mi
dlencen of the hnlvx. He. William J.
l-'ord. of thy llree-ii UMfie llaptlst church
conducted thu divotlumil exercises aim
Mre. It. T. Jnjno lenilcied a solo. 'in
lilRht Mr. MtCounell he-rlim u selle- ut
leeturei lit the lVcltvllle Jlctln-dlit
HAD A Si:riU:T-A yiiiiniJ 21
years old, glvln-- hl niinio. ui XV. O. Ntch
olsoii, and his occupation that of supct
Intendent of mine tlmberltiK. was plc't'il
up on Wvomlnc avenue lnit Sunday night
I In n, helplessly drunken condition. He told
.Major H.illey yesterday in pome conn
tint he could Rive n cootl leuson for belli1
found that way, hut he wanted in keep It
MTiit. The mayor did not ti to lluil nut
the secret und lined him J.V He I'aM.
roiiTY noi'ns 1)i:votion -in st.
Viiut'ie Catholic chili eli, (Ireen llulti".
Nuinlu at the lO.yi' o clock mu"t forty
hours devotion to Hie Miered heart ot
Jesim wete begun. At the evenltiK ser
vlctt itev. A T llrodeilik, of West
Ser.inton. pleached. Last nlRllt Ite. I).
.1. Muidoldrlrk. of St. Peter's eiilhedrul,
olhihited, and tonight ltev. John I.oiirIi
t iit. curate ut Hi." eliureh of thu ilolj
Cross. Helltvue, will preach.
TltHUU IN ONK DAY.-Thtee niiil
vIiikfs were peifmmed III the olllee it
Clerk of tlm Courts Daniels yeteld.iy.
Alderman Mion Kasson, of the Ninth
wnul, olllelutlns lu inch case. Tile con
truttliu; paitles were Thomas Dorun, cr
Wvomlntr, und (.Ituce (iialmm, of JIoole;
Henrj I.. Williams and Bella Smith, of
(lieu I.j mi. Ktank Whlto and Miuy J.
l.atic. of Old Koit;e. TIicfc make twenty,
three nintrtaKi") that Alderman Kahson
hat. performeil since tnklni; his ollke in
SIM:s TOR SWJtM Letter Cuirler llar
r K. VhtH lutltuted jiroceidlngs ef
tenko to leeoxer f'AOeO from tho Sci. 01
ton Hallway companj for the injuries lie
licelMd in tlie lunawav on Mulberry
street hill August 8. The car on which ho
was lldlnc not boond tho control ot tne
motorman comliiB down tho hill and ut
tho turn on ,Iefferon avenue such a
lurch thut ho was thrown acainst the
scat and then on the floor sustaining In
juries to the spine that will, he alleges,
disable him permanently. 12. W. Thaer
and O'Hrlen and Kell) arc his attornejs.
violated Atiui:r:.n:NT.-A bin in
equity was yesterda tiled by AttorncH
Vosburg fi Dawson on behalf of Dr. J.
S. Saunders, of Wilkes-Banc, against Dr.
it. r. Tivlor, a dentist of this city. It
Is alleged In th bill that the plaintiff pur
chased the defendant's good will and
equipments and thut tho defendant agrl
not to practice dentistry In this city or
Its adjoining towns: but that the de
fendant has violated his ugieement by
opening an olllee in Green Itldge. An In
junction Is asked for to restrain the de
fendant from vlolatit'g the ullegid aieo.
men I.
O'Reilly council, No. 111. Young .Men s
liihtltute, will conduct u book teceptlon
tomonow evening at the Institute looms
on Lackawanna nvenue. Among those
who will participate in the entertalnmi nt
programme nte Mls Kate lit union. Miss
Minnie Mooie. Mls Lizzie Gllbilde. Will
lam Spellman. Peter Snvder, Frank
O'Hara, William Lvnott, Thomas C in
niry, Peter MeLniu'hlln. Sydney Hugh-,
James Moran und M. J. Coyne. Addresses
will be delivered by Rev. J. J. B. Feclev
and the instituto pteldcnt, Attorney John
J. Murphy.
circle. No. SS. Companions of
the Toresters, i'ompoed of a member
ship of women, conducted an entertain
ment last night In tho new Guernsey
building. Mrs P. "d. Harlow was prcId
ing olllee r. A programme of vocal nnl
instrumental music began nt S o'clock anil
was kept going until 0 30. when prepara
tions began for the cake walk. Two hun
dred couples joined In the walk. Tho
march began at 0.10 and lasted ten min
utes. An alarm clock was set to strike
nt flDO. and whoever had a small llag that
was passed from one to tho other when
the clock stiuck would be the winner cf
a fine cake Ralph I.nwood, of Dunmore.
and his llttlo daughter were tho luckv
couple. The affair was concluded witli
cake, coffee and leo cioim. It was a semi
annual event.
In the electlcn contest yesterday the fol
lowing witnesses were examined: Thomas
Gllbrlde, John Sheridan. Rlehaul Cough
lln, Muthlus Flesh. John Dlskln. John T.
O'llole Mnthlas Thiers, John Astilnger,
T. J. Mullally, Mathlas Imrrershult, Dan
lei Cavanuugh, Patrick P. Madden, of the
First district of the rirtc-cnth vvuid, Mi
chael Corliss, Timothy Cotter, Southv.eht
district ot Lackawanna township: Will
iam Nalln, Stephen Ilealey, First dlstilct,
Second ward, Dunmori . Anthony Ger
tlty James Carroll, Second district. Sixth
waid, Scranton: Thomas McCornilck.
Fiist district. Fourteenth ward: John
Sheridan, Sicond district. Fifteenth waul.
Michael Coillss, of Lackawanna town
ship, was shown to have been voting .a
number of years on a declaration of In
tention to become a citizen, believing It
was a n iturallzntlnr. paper.
M'ALL MISSION.-The Jlrst nnnu il
meeting of the McAll mission was held
yesterday at the handsome new name of
Mrs. J. A. Price on Clay avenue. A l.uge
number of inanageis. members and
friends were In attendance Mis Price
presided and the oidlmry routine of nus
iness was pursued. I.etleis were lead
from Mrs. Emma Lynn, vho- summer
nbioad was chlelly devoted to visiting
mission. She wrote entertainingly of the
McAll wotk and Is prepaid! to give talks
on the result of her visits. Mis. Seidell
Blair nnd Mrs M. II. Holgate icud ar
ticles on the work. Mrs. D. A. 1-UtUf)
gave the socretar's report and Miss Ada
Clark lead the leport of the treasunr.
Mrs. Price urged all to secure at least
one new member. Refreshments vw-e
berved to the guests nt the close of iho
mooting. The November session will
probabl.v be held at the home of Mrs. S.
P. Hull in Green Ridge.
teachers' committee of tne board of con
trol will meet tomonow afteiuonn at ih
elty hull at shuip to visit No. 20 and
No. 21 schools and deilde the question t.t
Issue between Conirolluix Leonard and
Francois At the lust met ting of tho
board Superintend! nt Howell
mended that an iinni-v be provided ut No
21 school. Mr. Francois. In whose ward
the school If. made a blalement in Hue
with the KcniiimPiiddtlun that twenty
or twenty-live pupils have been turned
uwuy this teirn trom No 21 fiom lack i-f Mi. Leon'iid arose- with a paper
In his hund put porting to contain the
names of Iwentv or mote pupils ol the
Twenty-first wind that are going to No
21, und he elalmed that hit. waid was the
one entitled to t!i- annex To settle the
question the commiite-H will visit the
school elterneon Tho ininmlttee will
school I ho . ommlttee will
meet again at 7."V) In the veiling to take
ration on opening night school- whnev.v
petitions have been piesented loi them
promptly relieves tho cough, stops
the tickling in the throat, and in
duces quiet and refreshing sleep.
Y2$ut y2 Price.
C&ieirg Peciopai
They Contemplate the Taking Off of
Certain War Taxes; Recommend
tho Completion of the Nicaingua
Canal; Favor Permanent Contiol of
Conquered Colonies, and Urge
Amendments to Financial Laws.
Interesting Address by A. B. Dun
ning on Steel-ttack Wagon Roads.
At the retruhir meeting of the Imatd
ot trade last night Colonel P. L Hltth
cock and Oitntnlti V. A. .May wete
elected delegates, und Luther Keller
nnd Colonel 11. M. Holes altet nates to i
the national e'liiiventlon of boards of
trade to bo held In Washington Dec.
13, nnd Insti notions were given them
to present for consideration the fol
lowing icsoliitlotis:
Resolved, That const ess b,. asked to
repeal the l nvenue tux on piomlsory
notes, the mortgages und bonds accom
panying them, ptotests of bank notes, .mil
all conveniues bv shciifT, Biniogute or
orphans' ejouit; also, that tho act be
iimende-d so ns to require express, tele
giaph nnd telephone companies to pay the
ta Imposed upon bills of lading, shipping
receipts and messages, and lulllctliig a
penalty for collecting the tax fiom the
shipper or sender.
Resolved, By the national boa id of
trade, that It Is the sense of this board
that the Interests of American trade and
commerce In the far east, and ever eon.
side ration of humanity, and civil lib
erty, u well as gor.d faith with the people
who became our friends nnd allies In the
war against Spain, demands that our
government retain permanent con-trol t
tho Philippine, Caroline and Ladrone
Island and their dependencies, at least
until such a government has been estab
lished ns shall guarantee to the peoples
the ame rights of civil nnd religious
llbert as nio enjoved by out selves.
Resolved, By tho national board of i
trade, that reainrmlng Its utterancec for
the past five yeas, it lespectftillv. but
earnestly urges upon congress such ac
tion ns will secure tho Immediate com
pletion of the Nicaragua canal, under the
absolute control of the United Stat-M.
That the building of this canal 1- not onlv
a commercial and milltai.v necessity in
view of our Interests In the middle Pa
cini nnd the far east, but Is demanded
bv every consideration of common pro-
iletiie for the protection of our vast coast
lines upon both the Atlantic and P.iclllc
no' mis.
Resolved, That thp national board of
trade hereby reaffirms Its action adop'.-d
it Its annual convention held In 1V)7. upon
the banking and currency questions, and
urges upon congress Immediate leglsi i
tlon In accordance therewith.
Tho first resolution was offered by
Sol Goldsmith and the last three' by
Colonel Jlttchcock. The last resolu
tion refers to the recommendations: of
this monetary conference which
were approved by the national hoaid of
trade. They contemplate n gradual
withdrawal of the United Stntes notes
and the establishment of national banks
in smaller towns.
A i evolution trnnsmltteel by the Phil
adelphia board of trade looking to the
Increasing of the Ametlcan ocean car
rying trade by eongiesslonal action was
The resignation of Slyer Davidow was
accepted, Charles W. Schank was elect
ed to membership and an application
for membership was lecelved from A.
C. Dunning, Jr.
A vote of thanks was tendered to e
Presldent John M. Kemmerer for the
present of a life sized portialt of him
self. The request of the loyal knights
of .Malta that the boutd of trade join
In Inviting the supreme conimandery
to come to the convocation In this city
next May was compiled w Ith.
The following tesolutlons on the
death of cx-Secictary It, W. Luce vveie
Whereas, By the Providence of the Al
mighty we nro called upon to moutn the
loss of our esteemed fellow membei and
i'X-secietaiy, 11. XV. Line. Theiefore,
be It
Resolved, That by the death of R. W.
Luco tho Scriuton boird of trade has lost
an active and enthusiastic member, one
of IH original number, who, in the early
eais of our city's hlstoiy, did much to
waids Its advancement and who serve d
the board with lldellty and honor In the
several positions to which he was elected
or appointed.
Resolved, That this boaid feels keenly
the loss thus sustained and hereby ex
tends to his beieaved wlte und children
Its sympathy and condolence In this their
gieat grief. And further
Resolved, That this preamble and reso
lution be recorded upon the minute book
of the board nnd a copy sent to the fam
ily of the deceased
(Signed) D. B. Atheiton. XV. II. Peck,
II. E. Paine, committee.
At the conclusion of the m?eting the
members listened to an nddiess by A.
H. Dunning Jr. on the Good Roads
patllament held in connection with tin
Omaha exposition, nnd to which he
was a conimlsslnnet fiom this state.
He gave an exhaustive history of the
good loads movement and a sketch of
the paillament and then blanched iff
into a discuss Ion of the steel toailwny
lie exhibited a model of the steel
wagon track made by General Hay
Stone and u blue print design of one
vciy similar, embodying the Ideas of
Hon. Mat tin Dodge, tho present good
lends commissioner. The lulls ot the
traeic aie of steel one-fourth of in Inch
thick and In the shape of an Invented
tiougli Eight Inches wide on the top.
with a ll.ingi of three ituhes ctendln,?
downward o'l eithei side and a llang.
of ime-l'ouitl of an inch high oxtetul
Ing upwind on the outwaid side to
keep the wheels on the tail.
Scranton has been made an experi
mental stutlon for Investlgailns tho
piaetlcal worth of the new fangled
remel and th- Ablnglon Turnpike coin
punv. Mi. Dunning said, had eoneittded
to la: mile of double ttaik for an
A vote' ot thanks was tendered Mr.
uuiiiiinK iiuei nre uintiii gave its hii-
)lma, r tht, slylo , , k k.,,,,,.,,
I ' ... nodireV ileslLm
, ,,n 1s.e H design.
Piobablllty That Century Hose Com
pany Will Be Off Duty for a Time.
Tempotarlly. at least, it seems that
the Century Hose company, or Pitts
ton avenue, will be musiered out of
the service. On the tour of inspection
of the Centurv. Neptune und Cumber
land houses yesteiday ufttinoon by
Mayor Bailey. Chief Hiekey. Building
Inspector Nelfon anil Councllmen
Wude l.'liui, Simon Thomas, T. (. Mel
vin, and F. W. Zlzclmann and District
Chief Wlrth, the quartern of the Cen
tury company were found to be in such
a dilapidated shape that the building
Inspector said the building would have
to bo condemned Immediately, Tho
upstairs floor Is sagged several Inches
from Its place, tho side walls arc IhiIb
Iiir out, and It would take very little
to pull the structure down and muko
a pile of debris of It.
At the Neptune house some chances
wetc suggested that will be canted
out. The sleeping npurtmentH upstairs
w 111 be fitted up in front and the par
lor anil meeting loom will occupy the
rear. Thu reverse of this was the flist
Intention. A sliding pole will be pur
chased and new sptlngs will be put em
the ftont doois. These were not hid.
vlded for but the councllmeu who tep
t twitted the lire committee authotlzed
these Incidentals and a few othei min
or accommodations.
The visit to thu Ctltnbpi land's iiunr
teis found things In good shape. The
new building It almost ready for oc
cupancy. As soon ns It l the old build
ing will be moved to the rear and titled
up as a supply mom.
Casket Containing Soldier's Corpse
Was Mlssent.
The remains of Cot parol John Ktl
Inger, of Company D. who died In Lan
caster Sunday, did not urtlve as ex
pected ut his father's home In Stiouds
burg yesterday, and lnquliles failed
to locate them up to a late hour last
Judge Edlnger, the dead soldier's
uncle, was In telephone communica
tion with Mnjor Stlllvvell last evening,
and was told that the remains vveie
started all right fiom Lancaster with
a detail In charge. The patents also
started down to uccompany the le
malns home. It Is thought that In
changing cars nt Philadelphia the re
mains vveie put on a vviong train.
Sixteen Year Old Lulu Walter Com
mitted Suicide by Taking Car
bolic Acid Wants to Be
Buried in Night Robe.
Lulu Walter, the Ifi-yenr-okl daugh
ter of Mrs. Mary Waltei, of 91G West
Linden street, committed suicide last
evening with an ounce of carbolic acid
Her mother Is a widow nnd came homo
from her woik In Goldsmith's Bazaar,
wheie she Is employed, nt C.JO to find
her only child In her bedroom partly
conclous and moaning fearfully with
Dr. McKeajre was the nearest physi
cian and was huriledly cilled. A little
later Dr. Hall was sent for, and both
worked with untiring effort to antidote
the terrible poison. The girl was be
yond recovei v and she died nt ! '.
An ounce bottle labeled carbolic aelel
was found In the loom empty. It had
been purchased duilng the day at a
central city drur store.
The gill was employed In the Scran
ton laundry on Washington avenu",
and wes not reoulred to be at work
until 10 o'cloik on Monday mornings
When her mother left in the morning
at .?0 for her dally avocation slip was
There Is a family living upstairs in
the house, but none of its members
took notice of the gill's presence dur
ing the day Theie was a note on the
table In the bedioom which read:
Dear Mama. Forgive me. Vnder my
pillow Is m pav. Ilury me in ni nig it
eh ess. 1 am son but 1 was tired of Hie.
The week's wages minus the amount
necessiity to buy the poison was found
as directed. Mis. Walter wc.s unable
to account for her daughter's ulcide.
She had no troubles that would weigh
upon her mind so as to dtlve her to
take her life It is not more than a
week since they moved to that house
from Penn uvenue. Both of them vveie
regularly employed, ind got along well.
Coroner Longstieet was notified and
he villi investigate the case todav.
Undertaker Pi Ice took charge of the
lemalns awaiting the m rival of the
Sensational Pass in Lackawanna
Township Indebtedness!
All the books, papeis and everything
In the shape of reeoids ol Lackawan
na township that were In the hands of
the township cleik, James Lynch, have
been stolen and piobnbly destioved.
Lnch lives near the Aichbald mines,
and to save himself the trouble of
catrylng the books, etc., to and from
the meetings of the auditors, which
are held lu Minooka, he oftentimes
leaves the books In the care of some
responsible filend In the latter place.
On Monday last subpoenas weie is
sued for the township auditors, James
Langnn and Michael Lyden. summon
ing them to appear before Commis
sioner John V. Quitman, who Is enter
ing upon an Investigation of the al
leged foiged oiders which have been
discovered in the marshaling of the
township's Indebtedness, Clerk Lynch
hi ought the books to Minooka and left
them over night In the care of a man
named Bowen, who Is a i lerk In Mei
tln McDonuugh's general store. The
next day when Lynch went to sectue
the books he discovered that they hud
been stolen.
The Relatives of John Weir Aie In
quhed for.
The following letter was lecelved
ye-etJte!a by Po.itmaster Ripple and is
self-e xplanatoiy:
Ceutial Cltjt S. D., (hi ', IMS
To the Posttnastei, Scranton. P.i
Dear Sli: John Weir, an old timer und
pioneer or ine iiiaeK mils, was. on 'u-i
moinlug of August 11, accidentally shoi
and killed while hi the act of rescuing u
friend from Imminent dangei
111 u i-'haulln-f his elfecls no tiace of
his people eoiild be found, but some I lino
befoie his death he mentioned to me tint
he oiic-t- u sister and brother who
lived at yutn pluie but that they Were
now dead and thut he had friends anil
lelatlvns still living at Seianton.
.Mr Well' ostute Is III good hand" and
It uould nffoid Ills main fi lends .treat
pietism e to know that his heirs become
posst sed of the nme.
It 0ii have any know bilge ot his peo
ple please lefn this letter to the chief
of police at voui place. Anv Informa
tion us to the wheieiibouts of his people
will be gieatly uppieclated by youia
tiul. Matt Cat roll.
Box. SO Central City.
Sruth Dakota.
SWIIT. In Hcianti.n Oct
in. tiubilella
Bleck Swlfl. widow of
1... 1 .,.. 1 ..!..
lllfin pnlu. v,..w ... , mi- ,mr ut'Mit
Swift, and ilaiiRiitcr of th- late Wlllla-n
III cell, of this citj I'unerul ut St.
Luke's chuich Wednesday afternoon nt
S.'W o'clock, Interincnt private at For
est Hill cemetery,
we are always giaa
2j to have you visit our store, :uul will be please'd to show
g5 you around without importuning you to buy.
5 Now is your oppoitunity to see the finest displav of
! Lamps, Cut Glass, Rookwood Pottery, Havil.uid China, Sec.
Walk In und
Case Will Come Up This Morning
Before Judge McCluie or Judge
Love Number of Verdicts Ren
detcd in Minor Cases Kiker Pleads
Guilty of Horse Stealing and Bur
glaiy and Goes to the Penitential y
for a Year and a Half.
The ttHl of Kdvvaid Kenny fm the
killing of M-utiil lleule. In Vf'lib.ilfl.
In Apill lust, which was marked for
yesteiday, went over until today, ow
ing to the fait that Judge McCluie
Mini Judge Love, one of whom wiib to
tty the case, both failed In leach the
elty In time. They vveie expected to
at rive here at noon, but telegiaphed
that because of it i.illioad delay they
eould not get hole until late In the
Pending the calling of u Jury in the
minder tilal the lurois weie utilized
in disposing of some of the minor eases
on the list.
A fifth member for the patty that
will accompany Sheilff Pryor to Cher
ry Hill next week was found In the
person of lluny Hiker, who plead guil
ty of horse stealing and burglary. He
was ni tested last spring for stealing
a bear skin overcoat from Horse Denier
Waldion and was sentenced by Judp.e
Kdwatds to thirty days In the county
Jail. On the night of the dav he was
leleased. he stole n horse and can luge
belonging to Albeit Wicks fiom In
fiont of Thomas' hotel on Lackawanna
avenue, diove to Dur.vea with It and
robbed John A. Wood's general stoic
He tiled to sell some of the stolen
goods to Fred Naylur, whose place of
business Is only a few doois below
the scene of the robbery and was tak
en bv the .Scranton police' a few min
ute's later while dilving back towaids
Sciauton. His iccoid, aecoidlng to the
police archives, also shows that he
served a term In the Luzerne county
pilson for stealing and that he Is want
ed in Plttston for a similar offense.
Attorney John F. Mat tin mude a
plea for leniency, alleging that Rlker
Is not of sound mind nnd fuithcr that
he Is the only support of a widowed
mother. He paitltularly nsked that his
client bo not sent to the penitential. v.
Judge Ciiinster was lenient, but not
to the extent praved for by Mr. Mai
titi. He sentenced Rlker to one year
and six months In the Eastern peni
tentiary In the burglary case and sus
pended sentence In the other.
Deyganbert Stenhenson plead guilty
of stealing two Dolj"are and Hudson
exclusion tickets from the show case
of Hair Dnlph's store In Cnrbondale
and was given thirty days In the coun
ty jail.
The malicious mischief case In which
Michael Leonard was charged by James
J. Gallagher with teaiing down a fence
was settled, upon the defendant pay
ing the cost.
Similar disposition was made of the
ease in which Frank Lowry was
charged with attempted criminal as
sault upon Raiah Ann Moirls.
Simon Neiushns and Albert Sudan
asked pei mission to withdraw their
counter charges of assault and batterv
and It was allowed them.
The Jury in the assault and battery
case of Stephen Sheiwock against Peter
Jawensky ieturned a verdict of not
guilty and divided the costs The parties
engaged lu an altei cation at a Satur
day night dance In John Blelsky's hotel
In Jermyn and after It was over Sher
wock on his way home was assaulted
by some one who had laid in wait for
him behind a coal shed. He was pos
itive, but the Jury only half believed
Miuy Moian was mulcted for tivo
thltds of the costs In the assault and
buttery ease she ptosecuted against her
nelghbots, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mnck
Mis. Kate Naugliton was letutned
not guilty of the charge of stealing
$14 from hei friend, Mrs. Ann Galla
gher, of the Noith End. Mrs. Galla
gher alleges that she hid JH under
the cnipot of her fiont loom and that
Mrs. Naughton, who saw her conceal
ing the monev, sneaked in latei; and
stole It. She fuither nlleges that when
she accused Mis. Naughton of the
then, .Mis. Naughton gave her back
$S. Mts. Naughton denied the whole
accusation and explained that she did
not give Mrs. Gullagher JS, but that
Mis. Gallagher met her one day when
she was out shopping und grabbed Iter
purse, containing 18.
A Jury went out Just befoie adjoin n
ment on the case of Ray L. Smith,
chaiged by O. l Gunther with as
sault and battety. The piosec-utor Is
the old Fleetvllle fanner who secured
a wife Inst June by advertising in the
New Yolk papers. Tho bos of the
iielghbothood tendered him u "horn
ing" one ni&ht shortly after his mat
llage and during the exetclses some
one linen a stone, width hit the aged
btldegroom on the head, inflicting a
painful wound.
He elalius he leeiiguizetl oung
Smith as the one who threw the stone,
but a number eif witnesses fot the de
lenso swine that at the time the hoin
Ins was on the Smith boy was nt tlie
village gioe-ery stote.
Another cuse between Mjggie Dliulet
and Ida Swart'!, In which the foinier
accuses the latter of keeping a house
of 111 repute and selling liquor without
a license, was ulven to the jur dur
ing tho afternoon, bin no vet diet hail
been reached at adjournment. The
Dimler woman was on Satin day sen
tenced to sU months in the county
The bet remtdy for
S vliooptiij.coiigh Ulve
me c 11 11 11
Or. llull'H
I niifYM Wiienn Coiichsvnui.rellefvTlIl
sufferer n ill toon be cured, Price only aj cti.
134 Womlng Avame,
Look Around."
Jail for stabbing the Swum woman
with a si Issors. nnd the lattei was
lined $1 foi asault and buttery on the
foi mer.
A line of tl and costs was Imposed
on Alice I'llhv ami William Cotmiin.
of Pllfebtlig, who weie . ovleted Sat
uriid of assault und battet upon
Mis. Chut let Stunton.
Wife Is Named nt. Sole Heir and Exe
cutilx. The will ol the late Or John Rtltliett
wasprobatedyestetdav andletteis test
amentni.v vveie gianted to his widow.
The w Ife Is made snip belt und execu
trix and guatillan of the ehildien. The
Instrument was made within tlie past
year and Is witnessed by Hon. P. P.
Smith and Frank 1'. Ryan
value of Hood's Saihiiparllla.
It Is
constantl accomplishing wonderful
cuies and people In nil sections take It,
knowing It will do them good.
HOOD'S PILLS elite all liver ills.
Mailed for f. cents by C I. Hood & Co .
Lowell, Mas."
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature o
A Fine
Cannot be in every
line Piano or Organ
that without worry
petite to even people
home, but a
may be. and
or great e.
with tnos'
inodei ate Incomes.
We sell every kind ol musical in
strument known to the i-IvIIIzmI
woi Id on the closest tonus known
to the trade, for -pot cash, or buy
ers may arrange most advantage
ous tenns for small monthly pay
ments. Or perhaps
A Second-Hand Piano
In ns good condition as ti new one
would rult your purpose. If so we
have two .splendid upright grand
Instruments on view today at very
special bargain prices.
J. W. Guernsey,
iill nnd :UG Washington Ave.
IlitabtlJheit itJ66.
Seal Capes and Jackets,
Fur Capes or Every Description,
Cloth Capes and Jackets.
The Only lixclusivc Cloak
Ami I'm House lu the City.
Misses' and children's PI
sets. Fur ttimmines of all ti
O All goods are made and
O repaired .it my stote.
Work done at the low
Q est piiies.
u. 201 Washington Avenin,
1 ir "ii'riu-e tii'et, fei'iud Mtur.
Mt, Pleasant Coal
At Retail.
Coal or the best c-uulit for don-esUc una
ami ot nil sizes, Including tuclcvvhe&t and
Dtnlsoyo, delivered in any part of tin
city, ut the loweat price.
Oiders received at the ofilce, first door,
Commonwealth building, room No. C;
telephone No. 2624 or ot the mine, tele
phone No. 272. will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mine.
Good value. Any
these sell everywhere
from 5c to ioc. Oui
drawing number is
4 Cents
for any of these belovj
S-Quiit Milk I'.ms.
Large Wnsli Bowls.
Brass Candle Stick.
it and n Inch Pot Covers.
Large Tubed Cake Pan.
3-Quart Retinned Sauce Pan.
q-Inch Enameled Pie Plate.
i -Pint Sue Coffee or Tea Pot,
Painted Comb Case.
Double Mincing Knife.
2-Ouart Tin Cups.
2-Quart Covered Bucket.
j5-Qiiart Pieced Tin Dipper.
i -Quart Funnel.
i vinch Silvcrine Trays.
P.xtr.i Large Grater.
Large Sieve, 12, 'J in. across top,
i t-lnch Pie Tins.
Mining Lamp.
Black Iron Dripping Pans.
All Size Stove Pipe Collars.
Any of the above worth 5c
to 12c. Our price
310 Lacka. Ave.
Buckweat Flour.
New Honey
MapSe Syrup.
Home Made
The Standard
No Winding. No Springs.
No Weights. No Repairs.
No Trouble of Any Kind.
At Small Cost.
i:.Miii:u i.Asr; v.vitir.s oni.
Mercereali & Connell,
sole A gouts tor this Toirltory.
run 1. vital r nu pinkst stock
130 Wyoming Avcnur.
I'lifklnd Unit In rati v eiiurantc"1 1 llytt
I vie Mm urn InveanoUier hut wlt'iout
I coit if It dou not rilie c-iitlrositliUctlou.
LaCka, Avenu
Pears, Grapes,
Quinces, Oranges,
Figs, Apples,
New Buckwheat
Flour, riaple Syrup
Blue Point and
Rockaway Oysters,
Turkeys, Ducks,
Game in Season.
Pierce's Market