HIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15. 189S. Thlt Vote Not (lood After Oct is. t8t9. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW LUDWIG PIANOS JUST ARRIVED ? We are loynl lo the old rcllnble makes that wo have handled from ten to fourteen yeais. If they were rrnt up-to-date wo would chop tlicrn nt once, but the Knabe, Vose, Urlggs and Lud wlg pianos represent the most pto gresslvc firms In tho world. Buy tho famous RED GUT VIOLIN' STH1NO and tlir McKlnley edition of 10 cent music. PERRY BROS 205 Wyoming Ave. Just Received A new lot of the cclc- T brated Florentine ware J X that will be sold at less x than half the foinier prices. HE GRIFFIN IRI DR, A. A. LINDABURY, Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women Office Hour. . - .n to inn. m 1 to il p. in At Hesidence 7 to S p. m omce IllUnio lliilldlni:, Opi I'ostotllec ftcl(Unco'J 1 o fcoutli Main Avenue COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY CINE BANK BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Mntters -'ollclted Where Others Fnlled. Moderate Charcei MRS. OEO. CARR, Teacher of Piano MR, CARR, Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar. Studios In tlie Now Guernsey Handing Boventb Yenrtn This ("lly. on Musical Fnoulty Wjomlnc Somlnnry. 8 iuulllii Hav-eopened a General Insurance Ofnce In Eeet Block Companies represented. l.nrge ccb especially coUcHcd. 'telephone lBUii. (Hi Role Gameia onJ suppli House Write or Call for Price Ut. KEMP, 103 Wyoming Avenue. Allow Us to Clean Your LACK CUKTAINS, and You III He Pleased. Lackawanna "THE" AUNDRY. 308 Penn Avenue. A. II. WARMAN. The Wilkes-3arre Record can bo had In Scranton at tho r.ews stands of Itcu man Bros. 401 Spruce and 603 Llndsn streets; Mac, Lackawanna avenue. THE PRODIGAL SON. Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce Will De liver a Series of Sermons. Rev. Robert F. Y. Pleice, pastor of the Penn Avenue Baptist chuuh, han outlined a series of sermons for young people, which he will deliver on suc cessive Sunday evenings. The topics are all practical, the general theme being "The Prodigal Son of the Nine teenth Century." The following striking subjects nie announced Oct. 1C, "Piodlgal Sons and Dnughteis," Oct. 23, "Breaking Home Tics, or On the L'dge of the Whirlpool," Oct. CO, "City Traps and Tiappeis." Nov. . 'Counting the Cost;" Nov. K "Memoiles of Home:" Nov. 20. "A Light in the -Wlndejvv for Thee," Nov. 2T. "The Piodlgal's He turn." Mr. Plette has had large experience In the tescuo wot It among fallen men and women In our great cities, and hcj will no doubt stilke at somo ot the sqclal customs of the clay. The homo life, secret sins, modem society en IN, and the dark shadows of city life which cause piodlgalltv, wilt recplvo atten tlon. This popular series of sermons should find many heaiets among the hundreds of oung people of our city. WORK OF AN INCENDIARY. Is Endeavoring to Rid Pittston "of. Her Old Buildings. Tho flrobu,: whq Is endeavoring to deptroy tho old frame building in the alley rear ot' Main street, between Droad and William, Is evidently a per sistent fellow. He was at work again eatly this morning, but fortunately was unsuccessful. About 0110 o'clock the firemen wcro called out by an ulurm from box 15. Tho eldo ot an obi doset located In tho alley rear of I. L. x?ovun's tailor shop, in the Levy block"1. & wns ablaze, but the tinmen had not got much honelwny nnd they weie easily extinguished. An hour or two liter, another nlarm wua Mutinied from tho sumo box, nnd tho firr wns found In tho same locality ns the first one. The side "f Mr. Ikvnn's shop, adjoining the building which had previously been on lite, wns blazing lively. The tinmen wero ex tinguished In nhort oidcr, tho damage being verj small. In fact, the firemen woikcd so care fully that no damage whatevi wan dono to the machines nnd clothing In side thp building. Theie In no doubt In the mind of Chief Engineer Patter on that both fires weie started by an Incendiary. rittston anzette. THE MALTA CONVOCATION. Aiinngements Aheady Under Way lor the Big Meeting. Preparations are nliend under way for the annual convention of the Grand fomninndery Knight of Malta, which Is to tnk" place In this city next Mny. At a meeting of the Joint lotnl com mtindeilcs In Malta Temple, on Wash ington avenue, a committee of niinngo ments wns oigHtili'ed with W S I Jar- tell ns chalimau. ". II. DavK llrt Ice-ebnlimnti. D W .John, second vlco-e hnlimnn. F. II. Young, eccietniv; 1- J Thomas, nsslstant secretai, .lobn It Hull, tieaurei Sub-commlttecs wen- nlo appointed to look aftei tho vniicius details Efforts w 111 be made to have the ofl'i ceis of the Supreme commnndeij at tend the convention. An engtoed petition Is to be dinfted nnd nftei It lias been signed by the membeis of the committee It will be presented to the Supremo coinninndcrv oillcets by n committee beaded Itv He.W. O. Welsh, past commander of No. 210. The oomentlon will Inlng to this dtv several thousand delegates nnd vlsltois. THEY BRAVED THE ELEMENTS. Number of Home Managers Went to Harlord. Soveial managers of the Home for the Tilendleis biaved the weather es terdav and ace ompanled Colonel Hip pie to Hnifoid to visit tho Soldleia' Oiphan school. To say they weie de lighted Is to epre-s but mildly tholi encomiums on peihaps the best man aged public Institution In the state. They eloselv observed the economical and pleasing methods In opeiutlun theie and took many mental notes of plans to be applied In modified foim to the Home management. They weie comeved to nnd fiom the stntlon b.v Manager Mathews of the Fchool, and enjoved a bountiful din ner and supper In the lefcctory with the bovs nnd ghls. It wns extremely unfortunate that tho dav was so i.ilny ns a laige number would have taken the trip HlS RIGHT KNEE INJURED. Register of Wills Koch Is Confined to His Home. Register of Wills Koch Is confined to his residence on Cedar avenue suffei Ing from Injuries received Tluusdav night a week ago on a Philadelphia and Heading train, cnrrlng a number of Scranton people fiom Lebanon to Allentovvn fiom the state convention of firemen. Mr. Koch wns hint In tho crush, caused bv the excitement of the pas sengers narrowly escaping a wreck ,the details of which appeared exclusively In the Tribune of tho following day. His light Unco was soveiely bruised, but at the time was not consldeied serious A few davs ngo the injury de veloped to such an extent that the at tention of n phvsldan was impeiathe MR. T.NHAUSER'S FENCE. Street Commissioner's Squad Toie It Down. Street Commlssloiiei O'llovle sent a squad of men to Green nidge yesterday to remove tho picket fence in front of the residence ot Samuel Tnnhnuscr, on New York street. Complaint wns made that it encroached ten feet beyond the fence line. Mr. Tnnhauser was at home when the squad arilved He disputed the light to remove the fence nnd claimed it wns built on his own propeity. The woikmen proceeded to tear It down. He watched the opeiatlon without In terference, and when the woik was completed be started down town to consult his attorney. Annual Fall Excuislon. We desire to lemlnd our leadeis of the New York, Ontaiio nnd Western Hallway company's annual fall exclu sion to Gi eater New York, which Is to take place on Monday, Oct. 21 Tick ets will be sold nt one fnie for the round tilp and will be good lcturnlng for ten davs, that Is on any tialn up to and including Nov. .' This exclu sion has nlwavs been most popular, nnd, from piesent indications, will bo more largely patronized this eai than ever befoie. At this time of tho jear the great metropolis Is veiv nltiac tle. the large stoies nie displacing their full nnd winter goods and all theatres, places ot amusement and In stiuctlon aie opened foi the season. If you have not et seemed a copy of the much talked of "War Sulad" and pamphlet In regard to this excursion, we would ndvKe jou to apply to the nearest station agent for the same at once Remember, Monelav, Oct. 21, Is tho date, and tlckets.good for ten da., will be sold at one fnie for the round till). Low Rates to Omaha nnd Return Trans-Mlssissippl and Interna al Exposition. On Oct 3, 10, 17 nnd 21, the Nickel Piute load will sell excursion tickets to Omaha and letuin at rate of J2S.73 from Uutfalo. Tickets sold Oct. 3 and 10 arc good to return within twentv one davs, while those sold Oct. 17 and 21 nre good to return until Nov. 3. If vour ticket agent cannot give you In formation deslitd. addiess V. J. Moore, geneinl agent, Nickel Plato road, 291 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Men's Overcoats, Tho most completo lino ot nobby and up-to-dato overcoats for men and boys in this cltv can be seen at tho new store of ltlclmids, Whth & Lew 1b, 320 Lackawanna avenue. Night School Teachers. Applicants for provisional certificates to tcuch night school will bo ex-nmlned In the common blanches Wednesday, October 19. at 0.30 n. in., In tho Hoard of Control rooms. Dr. W. E. Allen Has moved his offices to rooms 20S and 203 Connell building, Washing-ton ave ORGANIZED HALF A CENTURY AGO ANNIVERSARY SERVICES THE FIRST CHURCH. IN During the Yeais tho Chutch Has Been Prominent In the Religious Development of the City It Has Had But Five Pastors Kov. Dr. S. C. Logan, One of Them, Spoke at the Services Held Last Night In the Church. The fiftieth annlvetsnry of the Klist Presbyterian church occurred yester day. It Is a great event In tho hls toiy of Scranton If the fact were real bed for our elty Is yet too new to wit ness many such celebrations for some, time to come. The teal celebration w III however be positioned until Nov. 20, when It will be llttlngly observed. Th organisation of the Elist church wa made In a little hall near tho Lackawanna lion and Steel company's store, but neatly fifty years ngo the present cliuich wns built, although m my changes have taken place In the edifice since then. It was dedicated in 1S"2. A few charter members yet re main There have been but five pas tois In ill these jenrs which Is a some what lemnikable lecoid. One. how eier, dually loved Dr. Logan, occupied the pulpit for half tho church's history. Tim riKST PxSTOlt Tho fiist pastor, itev. Dr. J I). Mitch til, lemallied live vents. H" wns fol lowed b Itev. John llakei, vho-.e stay wan but two jeiim' duration. Kov. Mlln J Illnkok succeeded him nnd si iv eel foi twelve and one-half years, when Itev. Dr. S. C. Logan came In ISC. The present pastor, Itev. Dr. Iams McLeod. was Installed In 1S9 J. It Is a c lunch whoso iccord is a no ble one and doubtless the next half centui.v will chioniele wonderful 10 Hidts when the magnificent new edifice hhall h iv been elected. The meeting of th congregation last night was largely attended. Itev. Dr. Logan of feied iir.c which wns followed by an eamei-t address by Dr. McLtnd. lie spoke of th Jubilee next month when In connection with tb chinch hlstoty its spliitunl growth w 111 be recounted. He thn pioceecWI to give the piepar atenj Ice tin e for the communion mi v Ice which will take place tomorrow. His theme was) "Wnlt on the Lotel " In the couise of his lemarks he elicit ed fiom .1 lettei of n former elder of the church, W. H. 11 tt, which con veyed many expiessluiis of felicitation on the occasion. DU LOGN'P llILMAIUCf Dr Logan then spoke bile lly. lie lefeuod to the early hls,eny of the or ganization when It had to struggle for an existence. JJefcre him sat the fli.st man leeched into the chinch, then a oung man, now old God has planted this church as the vestibule of the one chinch not made with linuds, eterral in the ho'ivens. A better appreciation of it will be gained by the ieall?atlon of what a host spoke of a letter he lied Just icccHd from 11 man '.it jears old, saying that the wrlfr askcl a blessing on the pastor of this church. The service dosed with the benedic tion by Itev. Dr. Logan. FATHER STILL PURSUED THEM. Young Couple from Moscow Disap pointed a Second Time. John Lewis and Lizzie Scott, from out Moscow wav hoi effort to se cure a mairlage license fiom Clerk Daniels Thursday morning, was fius tiated by a telegram from the girl's fostei -father, rreeman Lamed, met a second and similar disappointment In the Wilkcs-Haue court house. It appeals that after they left heie they decided to go to WIIkes-Barre tn quest of the desired license. The gill's father had anticipated tills and sent 1 telephone message to the Lui-eine clerk of the comts, similar to the message he had sent to Cleik Daniels. When they appealed the clerk was prepaied for them and after they had filled out an application setting foith that they wero both over twenty-one and that they resided In Pittston, the clerk pro duced a docket showing that the girl had been indentuied by the Luzcino couits to Freeman Lamed, of Moscow", in 1S91 and that she was then only thliteen eais of age. There was no getting around these facts and the couple had to leave without the much coveted license. What subsequent coiuse they pursued has not as jet developed. - CLERK WAS PARTICULAR. Refused a License to a Colored Man and White Girl. John W Johnston, coloied, of Win ton, and Sophia Cullen, white, of Peck vllle, were refused a marriage license bv Cleik of the Courts Daniels yes leiday because of the girl's Inability to satisfactorily prove her age. Johnson Is a native of Moscow and claims to be 25 yenrs ot age. The girl alleged she was bom In Wales twenty three yeais ngo Deputy Clerk Elmer Daniels, who hns charge of the mar riage license docket, wasn't disposed to take the gill's unsupported testi mony regarding her age, and ufter con sulting his chief, told her she would have to bring ono ot her patents to coiroborate her. Tho couple depaited Farinose, 13c, 2 for 25c Shredded Biscuit, lie, $5.00 case Coursens entire wheat Flour containing: all the Gluten, 3c per pound, 75c per bag;. E. Q. Coursen saying they would return on the mor row with the required proof. The girl's father lives on the West Side. Iter mother died twelve yeais ago, and for 11 number of years she hns lived npart from her family, work ing as n domestic with a family In Peckvllle. Tho gioom Is a son of James W. Johnston, of Moscow, who, he says, wns the first coloicd man from this region to volunteer in the Kedeial army. A STONE AVENUE EPISODE. Shocking Conduct Alleged Against James Bums. James Burns, of Stone avenue, wns arraigned before Alderman Knsson ves'torelnv nfteinoon on a shocking charge, technically called assault and battel y. The prosecutor wns Michael Mellnlo, grandfather of Hums' 3- ear old stepson, Tommy McIIale. Tho younaster Is a son of Mrs. Uurns by her llrst husband, who was a son of McIIale. Strange to say the only evidence on which the defendant could be held and was held was given by himself His wife was an eyewitness of the occur ences upon which the charges nre based, but under the law of this stnte a woman cannot testify against her husband. The lest of the testimony was given by nclghbcns and was hear say, which Is not ndinlssable either. Hums could have kept quiet at the hearing, and then the case would have to be dismissed, as n defendant Is not obliged to Incriminate himself, but he made nn admission that caused him to be bound over In the sum of $200 for his appearance tit coutt. Tho nelghbois nre icsponslble for the arrest Mrs. Hums vvas noticed ciy Ing about the house for three davs In suctession, and when they began to Inquire In a neighborly way about her tioubles, pin? Is alleged to have ac cused her husband of beating Tommy fiequently nnd otherwise misusing him The Einnelfnther hcaid tho story and took action. CONVENTION OF DRUGOISTS. John J. Davles, of West Scianton, Will Be a Delegate. Pharmacist John J. Davles, of South .Main avenue, lrnvs today foi St. Louis Mo., whoie he will leprtsent the retail druggists of this city and vir tually of the count, at the fltst un nunl convention of tho Hetnll Drug gists association. Tills nssosclatlon Is rational, theie being no local oiganl-i-atlons, and each rlty or section will be lepiesented on the basis of one dele gate for cveiy hurdred druggists, or fraction thcuof, membeis of the nsso c latlon The pin pose of the convention Is a paitlcular one Indeed, being no less than an Intention to consider wavs and means to make 11 counter movo to one icccntlv made by the nnnufnctuieis of dings and medicines This move is really an echo of ' our late difference" with Spain and emanates lrom the Im position of the tax upon patent medi cines, etc 1'iactirally the inanufae tuieis theieot have so ai ranged that the letall diugglsts must pay the tax and In some, en many, Instances near ly four times as much Tills Is the "bone of contention " Tho convention will open Monday nf teinoon. Oct. 17 The meeting of drug gists of this ciy and suburbs for the puipose of selecting a jcpiesontative wns held last Monday nnd was attend ed by nenilv every letall diugglst heieabouts, which Indicated universal interest in tho matter at hand. Mr. Davles was the unanimous choice of the local druggists and it is a just compliment to the gentleman who, though still .1 voting man, is nlieady well and favorably known throughout the di ug v.orld. He will, In addition, lepivscnt the wholesale dealeis and pioprlctois heieabouts who aie mem ber) of the other two assoc lutious con vening In St Louis HELD A SECRET SESSION. Board of Health Retired to Discuss Ciematoiy Contract. Three memLers of the board ot health, Hi Paine, Dr Hcntlev unci W G. O'M illey, constituted n bai' quorum at last night's special meeting of the board of health. What was done wns clone in the private office awav fiom the Inquisltoual glances of news paper repoitirs Some tew months ago the boaid let the contract for the repair of tho gar bage ciematory to an out of town firm. The contiact pi ice was $1,121. The Job was completed, and the crematory is In opeiatlon, but theie nie several men who weie eirplojed by the contractor, and they have wages due them for the past three months. The excuse tho contractor gave was that he hasn't te celved his pay from the board Two hours were spent by the board In looking over bills for the woik It Is alleged that pajment has been with held because the woik was not satls factoiy. F. A. Hlssell, of Green Hldgo, who acted as supervising agent for tho film that had the contract, was pres ent and vvas culled into the private room to shed some light on the ques tlon. A half dozen of the hopeful em plojes lounged around the conldoia awaiting foi cheeiful news. BEER COMBINE MEETS. The Pennsylvania Cenlial Brewing company held Its second annual meet ing In its ofllcc in the Coal Uxchange, Wllkcs-Barre, yesterday. Charles Rob inson, of this city, wns elected piesl dent to succeed H. M. Hughes, ot Pittston, W. G. Harding wns ic-elect-ed secretary, and A. J. Casej, tieas uier The now dlieetoiate consists of H. M. Hughes, Pittston; A J. Casey, Charles Hoblnson, Augubt Robinson, James J. Crogan. Hdwurd Robinson, Scranton, George Weaver, AV. G. Relchait, Wilkcs-Haue, Hoinco Hard ing, Philadelphia, C. M. Warner, Syra cuse, Mr. Jacobs, llazleton. Tho, number of dliectors was ln ci eased from nine to eleven. This and tho deuth of Mllo T. Wilson neces sitated the election of three now mem bers, W. G Relchait, August Robin son nnd Jnmcs J. Ciognn are the new directors. The reports of the flist v ear's busl mw wero very satisfactory, It wus given out, and the company sees be fore II u promising future. SPORTING NOTES. The St. Thomas College foot ball eleven will play tho Stroudsburg State Normal eleven todav at Hast Strouds burg. Train leaves tho Scrunton Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western de pot at 10 05 o'clock a. m. The Original Jolly Eleven accept the challenge ot the Manhattans ot the South Side for Oct. 16, at 2 SO. on thp Original's grounds. John Mortimer, munngcf; per Ash. SMOKE IS PROVING A GREAT NUISANCE -.... LARGE CITIES TRYING TO RID THEMSELVES Or IT. Use of Soft Coal Is Responsible for tho Dirty, Smudgy Appearance of Many of Our Large Cities Action Taken by Hon. John E. Rocho to Rid Scranton of the Smoke Nuis ance Is In Line With Similar Ac tion in Other Cit es. Tho action of Hon John H Roche In Introducing In select council a meiis 111 e to prevent the use of soft coal In this, tho heart of the authiaclte coal region, has caused no little comment. This measure Is in line with the ac tion of bodies that hnve In charge the making of laws for many ot our Inige cities, where the smoke which Is pio duced by the use ot soft coal, has pioved an Intolerable nuisance. The board of health of New Yoik has put Itself squarely on recoul against the use of soft coal In that city nnd Is doing what It can to stump out tho nulrance. The New Yoik Tilbune, which has t then nn nctlvo part against the In cienMug smoke nuisance In New York, says, lelatlvo to the promise ot the Long Island lallroad to use hard coal: "The larger use of bard coal on the Long Island lallroad is to bo (Com mended, and n hope expressed that one of thpse days hard coal will be used altogether on not only that load, but on every road that carries passengers tint! pretends to give nn.v thing like flist-cliiss accommodation. No doubt It will cost the roads more to use hind than soft coal No doubt, ulso, It costs more to ptovlde cushioned seats than II would to piovhtc wooden benches It costs more to nuke passpngeis coni foi table than to leave them In dlscom foit. Hut there Is such a thing ns ad ditional cxpendlluie that Is In the end n source of profit And there nre such things as common comforts and de cencies that should be assuied to the public by law if they can be In no otberwaj " In an edltorlnl the Morning Tele graph, of New York, has this to say. 'Theie Is an evei lnci easing number of muiky sti earns of soft coal smoke observable all aiound Gi eater New Yoik The dense, thick smudgy smoke blackens and defiles all that It touches. Time was when theie was no soft coal burned in' New Yoik The icmaikablo clear, iildescent ntmosphere vvas one of the city's most famous attributes. Ii Is so largely still. Hut, if the burn ing of soft eonl continues to lncicaso as It has In the past few jeais, then the famed clear atmosphere of New Yoik will become a moie tiaditlon, Theie are ordinances against the bum In of soft coal unless n proper smoke consumei Is used. The oidlnance com pelling all burners of soft coal to use these consumers Is one which should bo nfcieed tn the letter. If these Piter hiiodb are attached to chimneys, then tho ral'unce of the soft coal Is abated i,ienti.. It Is a pity that the greed to save money has brought soft coal Into such geneinl use In a city where It .is unknown. Hut ns such Is the sad f ft. It lemalns foi the authoiitles to see that evciy piovlslon be cairled out to abate the nuisance as fai as pos sible." DECLARED A COMMON SCOLD. But Her Daughter Now Alleges She Is Insane. Catherine Wnlther, of Petersburg, who was on Wednesday convicted of being a common scold, is nlleged to be Insane nnd on the application of her daughter, Henrietta Hohnsteln, court esterday appointed Attorney Clarence Bnlentlnc as a committee in lunacy In th3 case. Tho petition was represented by At torneys Vosburg & Dawson who de fended Mrs. Walther In the common scold case. THE MISSING BRIDAL COUPLE. Now Quite Certain That There Is no Mystery About It. It now appears that the missing bridal couple from up the valley are neither lost, strayed or stolen. Tho generally accepted solution of the mvstery Is that Williams and Miss BIglin had a falling out and that the A Good Set or Teeth lor... $3.00 Our Best Sets of Teeth 5.00 InclJJInj the Painless extraction. DR.S.C.SNYDER 331 Spruce Street, Opp, Hotel Jermyn Money Oil and TELEPHONE 622. 141 to 149 Meriaidn Stmt, Scranton, Pa. BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. PAINT DEPARTMENT. --Pure White L,ead, Colors and Varnishes. No. 406 Lackawanna Avenue. That's our store number. The candy people have moved into 408 (The Old Kerr Store). We retain the upper floors .ind have cut door ways on every floor so that we still have the largest carpet store in Scranton. A few little odds and ends seem to have no place in spite of our big store. These we wish to close at once. Card Table Just one Oak Card Table with green baize tops, worth . $10.00, for D) Japanese Table Finely Lacquered Tea Table, must be seen to be appreciat- A cd, worth $5.00, for O.OU India Stools 1.25 4 colois. SIEBECKER & WATKINS, 406 Lackawanna Avenue. wedding vvas declared off. She was ashamed to make this known nnd pre tending thnt she was going to Scran ton to secure a mnrrlagc license, went to visit some relntlves to hide her mor tification from her family and neigh bors, Williams Is supposed to be keeping out of the way to iivold an Intel view with the'glrl's friends. Brond Stieet Conservatory. Philadelphia, Pa. July 11, 1S0C. The Virgil Piaetlee Clavier Co Gentlemen I heartily endotso the Viigll Practice Cln'Mer v hen used cor rectly In connection with the System. I hnve ued It successfully In both Clncs and Private teaching for yeat, being Director of the Hist schoot in Philadelphia to adopt Its use. I do not cngngo nnv teachers In the Plnno De partment who hnve tint studied the S.vstem, so thoroughly am I convinced of its Kuporioilty. The only antagonists of the Clavier, I find, are those who hnve not thor oughly Investigated its mails. Gilbert H Combs, Pmpiletor nnd Director, Htond Street Conscrvatoty of Music. Omuha Exposition. Only J2S 75 from Huffalo to Omaha and return, via Nickel Plato road Tickets sold good going Oct. 3 nnd 10, good returning within twenty-one days, and on Oct. 1" nnd 21 goocl to return until Nov. 3. For Information, call on your ticket ngent, or address F. J Moore, general agent. Nickel Plato road, 201 Main stieet, Huffalo, N. Y. See Our Overcoat Display before buying this fall's garment. AVe have everything now and correct In st vie nnd price tight. Hlchntd, Whth & Lewis, 320 Lnekawanna avenue. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. How loy,231 Wyoming nve. A WINNER. 7f S ? The intilnslc merit and winning qual ities of the American Lady Corsets are evidenced by the largely increasing sales. Over 1,000 pairs hero to select from. This Is the best Corset for tho money In the world. The Ameilcan Lady Corset Co. were the original designers ot a genuine French Gored Corset to retail for $1.80. You will find our stock complete as to sizes, styles and colors. The American Ladv Corset Is Just like all Ameilcan ladles. They have no superiors In any shape or foim. Tor sale at YOU WANT WHAT'S Al UP TO DATE? SEC OUR HATS, SHIRTS, NECK WLWR, LTC. BELL& SKINNER Hotel Jermyn Hulldlng. Manufacturing Go. Childs Reed Rocker Very fine and well made nr lilt fhnii nnf rrocli high therefore it's cheap at . . . 2.00 Centre Tables A few Centre TabI- es, to go at 1.35cach Hassocks Regular soc I iassock to go for a week at 25c A, (8 it? M.Uni. i 7tfrjr7r-rrTS7 M 1 18., S20 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pj, Wholesale nnd Retail DRUGGISTS. ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC. Ready nixed Tinted Paints, Convenient, Kcouomlent, JJurablo. Varnish Stains, rroduclncl'crfect Imltntlonof CxneaslT Woods Rnynotds' Wood Finish, Especially Designed for InslcU Wort Marble Floor Finish, DiiruWo nnd DHcj Quloltly Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PUR; UNSEED OIL AND TURPENTINE. KNOX HATS For Ladies and Gentlerrun, FINE NECKWEAR Hand & Payne 203 Washington Ave. Flour Bin May need leplenlshlng. It so, we invite jour attention to the fact that our "Snow White" Flour Is a great favorite, and is giving universal satisfac tion. Theie nre hundreds of families who will use no other kind Theie nie others who would use no other kind it they once tried "SNOW WHITE." YOU ought to try it. All Grocers Sell It. "We Only Wholesale It." THE WESTON MILL CO Scranton, Carbondale, Olyphant. I11 order to introduce my new line of Kimball Pianos and organs I will pay FIVC DOLLARS to any one who will send me the name of any par ty who will buy a piano or organ of me. This will be paid when first payment is made on the instrument and to the first one who sends me the uame. If you know of a. neighbor who talks of getting one send the name in. Address George H.Ives No. 9 West Market Street, WIlkes-Barrc. OF ANY KIND. Straight Business, Cash or Credit. Houses Furnishid Complat, BARBOUR'S HOMECREOIT HOUSE 425 LACKAWANNA AV5. X-