Il-V f , t jfikt 8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1898. DAY'S DOINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON "UNITED CHOIR BEGINS REHEARSALS. S. Hinerfeld, o Penn Avenuo, Brought Beforo Alderman Roberts on Complaint of a Woman Charg ing Assault and Battery Recep tion to Morgan Powell, of Com pany H, at the Homo of his Par entsBase Ball Game Today Per sonal and News Notes. The North End United choir met In rehearsal last evening In Arehbuld's hall. The main contest In the Schubert alee club eisteddfod In Company H ar mory on Thanksgiving day, which the choir will strive to win was sung with excellent proficiency for the llrst time. There was a law attendance, among them the best of the local singers In this end, were conspicuous. The conception of the muslcnl piece was grasped readily. The blcnillngs and harmony cxlslttng warrants the prospect of the choir being n. formid able candidate for the honors. Prof. Glynn Moslals, leader of the organiz ation, was favorably Impressed with the Interpretation of the peace and Is confident of landing first prize. RECEPTION TO A SOLDIER. Morgan Powell, a private of Com pany II, was tendered a farewell re ception at his home on North Main nvenuo Thursday night before leaving for Camp Meade. The party Indulged In games nnd other pastimes appro priate to the occasion. This soldier was bade a hearty God speed and n safe return. Those pre sent were Misses Lizzie Davis, Carrie Bergen", Louise Davis, Mary Steven son. Mary McCollock, Lizzie Davis, Mary Howell?. Millie Davis, Stella Mc Collock, Minnie Wntklns, Minnie Gluclcs, Maggie Oliver, Lizzie Jones, Mnggle Davis, Messrs. William Hollies, Thomas Wntklns, Pen Gruesst, Joseph Lloyd, David Kensle. William Powell. James Morgan, Joseph lteese, James Jones, Frank Gluenlck, Phillip Wil liams. James MeAnk. Robert Edwards, Morgan Powell and John Davis. SOME RAPE HALL. ' Championship base ball will he play ed at Athletic park this afternoon, when the Eurekas will battle with it central city team composed of local professions. The batting order of both teams Is as follous: Professionals M. O'Nell, pitcher: J. O'Nell. catcher. Logan, first base; Brooks, second base: Nolan, centerlleld; Kell schmrf shmh Dean, short stop: Coughlln, third base; Gaughn, right field: Nolan, center field; Kellet. left field. Kurekns P. Regan, pitcher; Cannon, catcher; Kenelian, first base. Gallagher, second base; Burns, shortstop: Cleary, third base; McDonald, right field- Kelly, centrefield; Hastings, left field. A SCRANTON MERCHANT. S. Iflnerllcld, a Penn avenue grocer, was held In ball by Alderman Rob erts yesterday for assaulting nnd threatening the life of Lucy Jnckovitz. The prosecutrix testified that Hlner feld became Incensed while trying to Globe Warehouse f Your outward garments wish for, but if your un derwear is not Just right what the luxury of being well dressed means. Oneita Combination Underwear For ladies' gentlemen and children fully meet the highest re quirements of comfort, faultless fitting and perfect hygiene. In fact, the one price underwear that clings tiimly yet easily to the figure from neck to ankle, without a crease or a wrinkle, not only imparts grace and elegance to the figure, but affords more warmth and luxurious ease, than anything that mortal man has yet devised. Oneita Combination Underwear Comes in the finest Egyptain combed and carded cotton yarns, in soft finished mixed wool weaves, and in all wool weaves from the lightest warm weather zephyrs to the heaviest cold defying weights. We have all the grades now on view for men, women, children at prices ranging from sou to .2.50 for each single piece suit. See Window display. Shaw Knit Hose for Hen Honest American made Hosiery for honest Americans at honest prices. No imported Hosiery entering this country can match it for hard service, and no half hose made are better finished. Globe Warehouse collect a bill nnd loft her. In leav;' lng her homo" he mnd'e threats against her and she was afraid that ho might execute them, so she caused his arrest. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. James Blackburn, of Deacon street, was slightly Injured Thursday while alighting from a trntn of cars in Nay Aug. The funeral of Tnllcsnn Davis takes place this afternoon from the. homo, of his sister, Mrs. Evan Oabrlcl, !on Church avenue. Rev. Dr. II. H. Jones will officiate at the services, commenc ing nt 2 o'clock. The employes of . the Cayuga, nnd Urlsbln mines received their pay yes terday. Miss Mary Flynn, of West Mnrket street, Is entertaining Miss Josephine Coyne, of Plttston. David Dnvls nnd Edward Sinclair leave Saturday for New York city where they will take passage on the steamship Eturla for Wales. Frnnk White, of Parker street, was seriously Injured nt his homo on Par ker street. White, while nscendlng a pair of back stairs nt his home Wed nesday night lost his balance nnd fell to the ground on his head. A physi cian examined him nnd found a serious Injury to his spine In the region of his shoulders. Thomas Davis has returned to Join Company II ut Cemp At pad o nftcr en Joying a seven-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Davis, of Spring street. The Leggelt's Creek was Idle yes terday owing to a break In the machin ery. Celestial lodge will Install their newly elected officers Monday evening. Mrs. G. M. Wntklns, of Philadelphia, was the truest of her aunt, Mrs. T. S. Morgan, of Church avenue, the past week. Mrs, J. B. Alvord, of North Main ave nue, Is slowly recovering from an at tack of pneumonia. Hon. and Mrs. AV. J. Lewis nnd son. Wilfred, left yesterday on nn extended trip west. G. A. Dlckerson and wife are visiting his parents nt Flanders, N. J. C. R. Hopewell spends Sunday nt Camp Meade. Mr. and Sirs. T. J. Davis goes to Camp Meade today to visit Musician Samuel Davis, of Company II. Last night's Ingathering meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary soci ety in the Providence Presbyterian church wns the occasion of real pleas ure for every one present. The pro ceedings were filled with Interest, nnd the entertainment given was Inspiring. The excellent programme, printed In yesterday's paper, was carried out and created much appreciation. Ontario and Western Annual Fall Excursion. Monday, Oct. 24, Is the date of the Ontario and Western annual fall ex cursion to Greater New York. Tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, and good for return up to and In cluding Nov. 2. This will give our renders a chance to see the great met ropolis In autumnal garb, and the foli age changes through the valleys of the Delawate, Neversink and Beaverklll will be at their best. Also, an oppor tunity to visit the Peace Celebration. Philadelphia. Oct. 23 to 27. for which very cheap excursion tickets will be Bold. If you hav.- not already secured copy of the ' Wnr Salad, "address J. C. An derson, general pasrenger agent, N. A"., O. fr W. railway, r,G Reaver street, New A'ork. ;C3ji5523355K LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON RECEPTION BY HON. AND MRS. JOHN T. WILLIAMS. Chief Qurrcll Appears to Prosecute Two Young Men on Assault and Battery and Malicious Mischief Charges James Crano Squeezed Between Cars Forty Hours' Devo tion Begins at St. Patrick's Church Tomorrow Minor News Notes and Personal Montlon. Corporal Palmer Williams, of Com pany F, Thirteenth regiment, Is home on a furlough nnd last evening was tendered a reception at the residence of his parents, Hon. and Jin. John T. Williams, of G12 South Muln avenue. The affair was arranged and carried out by a party of his young friends. Mrs. Williams was nsslsted In receiv ing and serving by Airs. Roderick Jones, Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. John T. WIN Hams and Mrs. Benjamin Williams. Afusle, vocal and Instrumental, dancing and other enjoyable diversions wore provided. The guests present were Air. and Mrs, Roderick Jones, Air. and Mrs. John T. Williams, Air. nnd Airs. George Jones, Airs. Benjamin Williams, of Neath, Pa., and the Allsses Sarah Hughes, Edith Jones, Jennie Price, Gwen James, Jemima Thomas, Bertha Kelly, AInrtha Davis, Grace Acker, Alary A. Harris, Reba Williams, Gertrude Levy, Cather ine Price, Rnchel Williams, Norma nnd AInrtha Williams. Jennie Jones, of Plymouth; Ely Harris. Dr. Tallesen Phillips, Harry Davles, William J. Da vis, Thomas J. Davis, William Hutton, Councilman Edward James, Jr., David J. Davis, John Howell, Roy Williams and J. AI. Powell. TO ERECT A CHAPEL. Everything Is now In shape for the contemplated erection of a chapel 2."x4.r upon the lots owned by the Allls Me morial mission on Keyser avenue. The land Is free of any debt and the mis sion is possessed of a small amount of cash in their treasury, but consider able more Is needed and the Superin tendent W. H. Crawford has hem au thorized by the official board of the Methodist church to take subscrip tions. This mission is connected with the Simpson church and conies under Its Jurisdiction and protection. Since Its Inception In IS).", when only cottage meetings were held until now the needs of the congregation demand a larger and more commodious structure, the mission has grown wonderfully. The piece of land S0.200 feet was presented the church by AI. II. Dale, In memorial of his wife. Orlglnnlly the congrega tion numbered 3S but now It is very close to 100. The work being done is carried on among those who cannot come all the way Into town. In addition much good is being done among the foreign ele ment In that locality. The entire cost of running the mission during three years was $:'2n and. the total value approximates $1,300. Superintendent Crawford, since his connection with the mission, has done a noblo work. TWO YOUNG AIEN ARRESTED. Daniel AlcAullffe, of Sevpnteonth street, and Thomas Stone, of Luzerne street, were given a hearing before Alderman John last evening, charged with assault and battery and malicious mischief. Chief Gurrell appeared as prosecutor. Each defendant was held in $500 bail for his appearance at court. Thomas Cosgrovo nnd B. J. Neville qualified as bondsmen. The nlleged assault occurred last Tuesday night, about 0.30 o'clock, on Luzerne street, near the Seventeenth street Intersection. Aleat Alcrchant Samuel Aliller's butcher wagon stood near the curb. In It were seated Alor rls Allller, a son. and another lad. Air. Atiller was In u nearby house. The two accused young men drove up nnd get ting out began to tease the lads In the butcher wagon by pulling the horse uround. When interfered with, the torment ors assaulted the lads, and when the elder Allller ran out, hearing the noise, they mixed up with him. The harness was cut and one of the boys rode away on the nnlmal's back. The Allllers, father and son, fully Identified the two as their assailants. YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY. Following is the programme that will be observed nt the rally of the Bap tist Young People's union In the First Baptist church on Scranton street to morrow evening; Opening Exercises. Anthem liy choir Paper, "Our Object" Edwin Wilkes Recitation, "The Two Pictures," Alice Williams Paper, "Loyalty to Christ." A. Forest Dershlmer Singing By Congregation l'aper, "Is the B. Y. P. U. a Necessity to the Church," Mrs. Dr. Gates, Scranton Recitation, "Christ Died" Helen Long Solo via Jones Address by tho President of the 11. Y. P. U. of tho Abington Af-sociatlon. C. C. C By tho Pastor BOY BADIA INJURED. James Crane, the 14-year-old son of Patrick Crane, of Twenty-first street, was severely Injured at the Hyde Park breaker yesterday nfternoon while en paged at his work of "running out" cars from beneath the coal pockets, he fell In between two cars and was squeezed. Ho was extricated by fellow employes and removed to his home. Dr. J. J. Carroll is In attendance. His Irhirles are not expected to prove fatal. PERIOD OF DEVOTION. Beginning with the Into mass tomor row morning forty hours' devotion will begin at St. Patrick's church. The members of St. Loo's battalion nnd tho Hyde Park Father Matthew society will attend the 9.00 o'clock mass tomorrow morning to receive holy communion. The members are notified to meet at St. David's hall at 8.30 o'clock to proceed thence to St. Pat rick's In a body. PERSONAL J1ENTION. Wesley AlcCrncken, of Penn Ynn, has returned home after visiting his parents here. Miss Elizabeth Foster, of Cherry Ridge, Wayne county, Is tho guest of her brother, Frnnk J. Foster, of Hamp ton street. Air. and Airs. Edward Davlfl, of Hampton street, are home from a visit at Wllkes-Barre. Miss Agnes McLaughlin, of Scran ton street, Is visiting In Honesdale. John Hester, of Jackson street, has You Can't Bj Sick II you keep the blood pure, the nerves ite'aly and the bowel liealtlilutly rej. ulnr with Hot tetter's Stom nch nitter.i. It will make your muscles rtrong, your head clear your sleep rest ful. Try It and tee. P CEtEBRATED 0 feh. .STOMACH, SITTER5 returned from a trip to New York city. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Burtley, of Rock street, have as their guests Mrs. Wil liam Schlmuk nnd daughters, tho Misses Stella and Myrtle, of Hazleton. Mrs. John Hllgert, of Chestnut street, Is attending a convention at Allegheny City. MINOR NEWS NOTES. T. A. McCoy, Walter McNIcholas, Frnnk McLaln. Daniel Lenlhan nnd John Murphy will represent St. Paul's Pioneer corps nt the Second district quarterly convention of the temper ance societies at Green Ridge tomor row. St. Cecelia's society, Catholic Total Abstinence, will be repicsentcd nt the convention by the Misses Mnmo McCarty. Lydla Burnett. Mnmo Flah erty, Julia Haggerty and Mrs. T. T. Kearney. The flftecn-mlnute service between West Scrunton nnd Petersburg goes Into" effect this morning. This sched ule affects Luzerne and Swetlnnd street and North Main avenue linos, and Is an Improvement of twenty-flve minutes over the old schedule. Part of the North Main avenue extension will be used, but transfers will be made at the Tripp culvert until the culvert walls are repaired. Thomas McIIale, of Lafayette street, was defeated yesterday afternoon by Loute Huntington, of the central city, In a pigeon shoot. Thirteen birds were flown for each man nnd Hunt ington got ten, while McIIale only got eight. Sixty dollnrs parsed to the winner. The two will shoot a match for $200 a side some time In the near future. SOUTH SCRANTON. A surprise party was tendered Miss Katie Huester, nt her home on Cedar avenue, Wednesday evening. Tho even ing was spent In games nnd music. At a seasonable hour refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Theresa Brill. Lizzie Scheuch, Maggie Reuther, Emma Holder, Minnie nnd Mamie LIdle, Emma Scheuch, Katie Huester, Messrs. Charles Hartman, Jacob Sclmnk, jr., Philip Rader, Jr., Fred. W. Terppe. Charles Schank, Peter, Fred, and Jacob Huester. MINOOKA. The amateur base ball season will be formally closed Sunday afternoon by the local team and the champion O'Sullvans, of Luzerne county. Tho contest will attract a large crowd, as both teams occupy a top notch In ama teur circles. O'Neill brothers will do the battery work for the local team. The St. Joseph's society will meet In regular session Sunday. The annual ball of the Daniel O'Con nell, Young Men's Institute, which takes place Monday evening nt Father Mathew hall, promises to eclipse all previous affairs conducted by the soci ety. OBITUARY. Mary, wlfo of Ross R. Chase, died at tho residence, 12:! North Sumner avenue, yesterday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock after an Illness of clern weeks. Deceased was born at Tamnquu April 21, ISls, and came to this city about thirty years ago. Sho was a member of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, nnd was possessed of many Christian traits. Funeral will bo held from the residence on Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment In tho Washburn Street cemetery. Slu Is survived by her husband and four chil dren, Beverly, Altcn, Kate and Clyde. Mary, 2-moiiths-o!d daushter of Mr and Mrs. Martin Regan, of MS Luzerno Mreet. died last evening. Tim funeral will bo held this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will bo made In the Cathedral cemetery. M'CONNELL MEETINGS. Oreen nidge Baptist Church Packed Last Night. Last night at an early hour the Green Ridge Baptist church was pack ed with an nudlenco anxious to hear Will J, McConnell's seventh address on temperance. The music which was begun at 7.15 was a pleasing and In teresting fenturo of the exercises. Rev. Young, of Clark Summit, offered nn earnest nnd Impressive prayer nnd Rev, J. W, Ford read the scripture lessons. Red ribbons worn by tho new pledge signers and white ribbons worn by the members of the W. C. T. U., were noticeable on a large part of the au dience. Mr. McConnell although much worn from weeks of constant speak ing, spoke for an hour nnd n half on his own struggle from the drink de mon. He began by telling of his Pennsylvania nativity and among oth er things said that ho was born In Saxenburg, Butler county, Pennsylvan ia, no gave nn interesting account of some of his many experiences. TO SEE THE SOLDIERS. Excursion to Camp Meade Will Leave This Morning. The excursion to Camp Meade will leave tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western depot at 7 o'clock this morn ing, and It has been so arranged thnt tho visitors will have tho entire after noon with the soldier boys. About 30,000 men are encamped at that place, but will soon bo gent south, perhaps to Cuba or Porto Rico. All who desire Pullman car transportation should arrange for the same today. General Graham has ordered a re view of the entire corps for 2.30 o'clock this ntternoon In honor of Gov ernor Hastings. The governor has ac cepted and will be accompanied by Adjutant General Stewart and other members of his staff. The Philadel phia councllmnnlc committee, which will visit the camp tomorrow to ar range for tho shipment of 10,000 troops to the Quaker City to take part In the peace Jubilee, are expected to remain to witness the review. HAPPINESS VS. MISERY. Dr. Churcufa TonloTnlileti, l'nr. I'lnn remeilv, la a RiinruntreJ cure for the Drlult Kalilt; ulso nervousness and meluu. clioly caused tiy oveMmlulgouce. It I) stroys til 9 Appetlti lor Alcoholic and u1 1 lntoxlcutlnir, HaveriKOt, and leavei uinii as ho NUould ho. It can he ndtntiiUterei without the knowledge of the patient where uecesnary, Houd for pamphlet. Wm. 0. Clark, j6 Penn Ave,, Scranton, I'a DAY'S DOINGS OF DUNMORE BOROUGH EVANGELIST COBB EDIFIES WITH HIS DISCOURSES. Officers of St. Mark's Episcopal Church Chosen for tho Ensuing Year Edward Butler Injured on a Polntod Picket Party in Honor of Miss Margaret Imvis, of Du Bols. Death of Frank Jones Party nt the Homo of Mr. Letchworth Told In a Few Lines. Evangelist Cobb, who Is conducting tho great revival now In progress In tho new Assembly hall on Drinker street, Dunmore, spoke last evening on the subject "Ho Cnlloth Thee." He said: "In this beautiful story of Blind Bartlmneus are two great objective points, first God's enregy, second man's duty. Jesus called but It was In answer to the blind man's call. God has some blessings which he bestows with Im partial hand upon his children on earth, legardless of their gratitude or Ingrat itude. Tho rnln descends, the sun shines on theevlle as well as the good. But there are higher blessings which can be secured by complying with the law enunciated by Christ. "Ask und Ye Shall Receive." Bartlmaeus asked and received. Recall the circumstan ces. A great throng, a king going ns all believed to be crowned, a blind beg gar daring to ask for help, tho obse quious courtiers trying to silence the clamor, the beggar crying nut louder: "Jesus thou son of David have mecry upon me." Oh that men nnd women cared as much today for their soul's salvation as this blind man cared for his sight. How easily some people are discouraged In their effots to follow Christ. An unkind word, n fancied slight nnd wo give up without another trial. Not so with Bartlmaeus. He calls and keeps on calling until Jesus commands him to lie brought and grants him his request. So should tho sinner long for snlvatlon nnd lay hold of Christ. Tonight's subject Is "Cod's Command." The subject for tomorrow night In the tabernacle will be "The Good Con fession;" tonight, "God's Command, Repent." PARTY FOR MISS DAVIS. Miss Margaret Davis, of DuBols, Pa., who Is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Margaret Davis, of Hyde Park, was tendered a reception nnd banquet In Keystone hall Inst evening by a largo number of friends. The hall was taste fully trimmed with Hags and bunting. Those present to make up tho happv throng were Misses Nellie Calpln, Delia. Mooney, Lucy Morrison, Catherine Harris, Nellie Langan, Mary Richard son, Margaret Moran, Mary Luby, Mag glo Langun, Lottie Piper. Margaret Morgans, Nellie Praynon, Ethel Piper, Sarah German, Annie RIeby, Mary and Nellie Tigue, Mary Recs, Emma Gaff ney, Margaret Langan, Lottie Werth, Louise Scholl, Rebecca Howells, Louise Jenkins, Louise Evans, Mary Evans, Mamie Form, Norma Andrews, Olive P. Jones, Addlo Joseph Leta Sterns, Mnttle Mechlcr. Annie Sterns. Mary Honin, Nellie Hornn, Jennie Williams, Lizzie Haggerty, Lizzie Joyce, Lllllo Davis and Miss Cossie Dice, Messrs. Matthew Spatt, Edward Sprangel, Wil liam Klzer, Fred. C. Miller, Roy Jones, John Swingle, Theodore Sargeant, Wil liam Gibbons. A. Thomas, Harry H. Gardner. Fred. C. Jones, G. W. Recr, George Phillips, Edward May, Henry F. Davis, Gwilym Hopkins, B. Conns, Comer Davis, Robert Allen, Given Da vis, Michael May, William Hlnes, W. P. Flex, of Wllllnmsport: William G, Davis. Joo Luby, P. Kelley, Daniel Langan, Clarence Doyle, John Ruane, William Mooney, Edward R. Gorman, William II. Bahr. PLEASNT HKC'KPTION. The homo of Mr. T. P. I.etchworth, of Chestnut street, presented a very pretty appearance Inst ovenlncr when n reception was held. The house wns decorated with (lowers, ferns and au tumn vines in nn nrtlstlcal manner. Music, vocal and Instrumental, was provided, and at mldnlcht the fruests ndjourned to the dining- room where elRht small tables were filled with de licious eatables. After partakinp of the supper tho merry party dlvldld, Bolntr to their homes nfter thanklnu the hostess for so pleasant an cvenlnp. Following composed tho party: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Heynnds, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Rog ers, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Finn, Mrs. B. Evans, Mrs. V. Rogers, nnd Mrs. nert Rogers, of Philadelphia: Mrs. D. J. Roblnsoi of Carbondale: M. F. Kennedy, of Has ten: Mrs. J. C. Brown, Miss Jennlo Bedow, Miss Lizzie Redow, Mr. Oscar Hennopp, F. E. rtllckens. CHURCH OFFICERS ELECTED. Tho following officers were elected last evening nt the meeting of the teachers nnd olllcers of St. Mark's church, to serve one year: Superin tendent, William R. Wilson: assistant superintendent, James McKane; secre tary, Clarence Wntrous; assistant sec retary, Roy C. Sly; treasurer, Leslie Marsh; organist, Miss Sadie Warfel. THE DEADLY IRON PICKET. Edward Butler, of Elm street, wns nulto seriously Injured while playing with several companions yesterday. They were playing tag. He climbed upon a fence to catch ono of his com panions and slipped and fell upon one of the sharp Iron pickets. NEWS NOTES. Word has been received from V. If. Plnkney, who is with the Eleventh United States Infantry, stating thnt he Is recovering rapidly from his Ill ness. This Is good news nnd wns glad ly received. Edward Early of Bloom street wns arraigned before Justice of tho Peaco Krotzer yesterday ofternoon on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Patrick Carey, of Blakely street. Early denied the charges at tho hear ing, so 'Squire Krotzer hold him under $300 hall for his uppearnnce at court, his mother going his ball. Miss Bessie Webber, of Avoca, Is tho guest of Mrs. John Webber, of Har per street. The Pennsylvania Coal company will pay Its employes today. Andrew Allen, of Dudley street, will give the surveyors and their families n day's outing at Farvlew today, and has left nothing undone to havo It a Brund success, Horry Belnap, of Butler street, had his foot badly smashed while at work In Hotel Jennyn yesterdnv. Mr. Frnnk Jones, of Brook street, one of Dumnors's most respectable and AMUSEMENTS. JYCEUM THEATRE, UDIA & HUROUNDER. Lessees. It, k. LONll, Manager. Two Nights, Friday and Saturday and Satur day Matinee, October, 7 and 8. DIroct from l-ltii HU Theatre Now York City Raul Gllmoro, THE DAWN "flF FREEDOM A romantic heart atory of tho Hnntil'h American Wnr. Incorporating thohlstorio ovetiti nnd military nnd finvul engagements on land nud sen. PRICES 2fte. noe, 7fto, 8lo of BeaU opens Wednesday October r. Tuesday Oct. 11 ONB NldilT ONLY. Smyth & Rice, Tresont Another Bcrenmlnc Bit A Misfit Marriage Ily H. A. Du Bouctiot, nuthor of My Friend From Indln, The Jinn From Mexico, etc. Funnier than My Friend From India, SatB open Saturday October B. PIIIOES-20C, 50, 7f.c, (11.110. One Night, Wednesday, -Oct 12, Cunrles Frohmnn's Now Madison Square Theater Comedy Company, from tha A! (Hit .on Bqunro'ihenlcr, New York, I'reiontlns for the First Tlmo lu Engllau the Farce Untitled ON AND OFF Hy Alexander Hlsion, Author of "Tho Mnskod Hull." Thocait includes F.dwnrd Holland, Fritz Wllllama, Hitmuol Heed, Byron Dougla", .lames Kearnoy, Keuben Fax, Amelia Hlug ham, Knthrlue Florence. Augusta Otiose, MnKidfi Fisher, Anita Until. May Lambert, JInyCallycr. Haloofaeuts opens Oct. 10. PIUCKS 26c, 60c, 76c, 8 1.00 HOWH A-ll S1.60 Big Reductions in Brass Band Instruments, Drums and Uniforms. Write for caulop, 44!,in. FPEG: It rive Band Music & Instructions for Amateur Dands. LYON & HEALY.76 Adams St., Chicago. well-thought-of younrr men, died at hts home Inst evening nt B o'clock, after an Illness of seven weeks with pneu monia. He was 10 years old. Funeral notice will bo given later. FIVE CASES OF INSANITY Reported at Yesterday's Meeting of the Poor Board Wives Complain That Their Husbands Do Not Support Them. Brim full of exceptional Incidents was yesterday's meeting of the Scranton poor board. Insanity cases were In tho majority with "deserted" wives, seek ing redress, n close second. In addi tion, Superintendent Beemer submitted ills report for the month of September and Dr. J. It. Murphy a report as out door physician for tho same month. Even Attorney Scrugg brought c,onsId-. crable business before the board for its consideration. Every member of the? board was pro sent when President Langstaff opened the session. Since the last meeting of the board five Insane patients were sent to tho home from this dlsOlpt. Two from Director Shotten's" sphere of not ion," tho same number from Director Murphy's and ono from Director Palne's. The board concurred In the action of the several directors In each instance. N i less than four women made np flliatton for the use of the board P nttorney to compel recalcitrant hus bands to produce sufficient support for them and their children. In three of the cases, orders from court had not been obeyed and tho women wero too poor to compel payment thereof. AH rases were referred to Attorney Scrags for investigation. Superintendent Bcemer's report for September indicates nn increase of thtve inmates for the month. Twenty five wpre admitted, twenty-two dis charged and one died. Admissions were: Sane males, 11; females, 4; In sane males, 7; females 3; total Increase 23. tlschnrged, sane males, 3; females, 4; died, sane males, 2; Insane males, 3; females, 1; total decrease, 22. The clas sification Is, sane mnles, 133; females, 'S: total sane, 191; Insane mnles, 124: fenules, 124; total Insane, 24S; grand total 414, for month ending September 31. Out-door Physician Dr. J.'R. Mur phy's report showed that he had 'mndo llftcen visits, written forty-four pre scriptions, examined three Insane pa tients and attended two confinements. In one part of his report one Visit was to a woman, vagrant Insane, and right next, man, gentleman, Insane. The dl seaso is no respecter of persons. Charles Sargeant, of Nicholson, again appeared beforo the board. Old request "want my boy." The lad, Charles Sergeant, fourteen years old, Is now with James McDavItt, of Da mascus, Wayne county, nnd doing nice ly. He has been there over a year and has apparently broken off his Incendiary Jnstinct. Tho father, who so persls ten In his efforts, will In all probabil ity be given the child. It is only re cently he has shown such an earnest desire to take the boy to his own home. Attorney Scragg's business with the board was to have Its ratlflcptlon of and consent to Feveral proposed neces sary actions on his part with refer ence to tho board's business. This was promptly and cheerfully given. SICK SOLDIERS GLADDENED. Dr. Shoemsl ')' Sends Thnnks for Aid from Here. The following letter received by J. II. Frutchey from Dr. Shoemaker, of tho Medlco-Chlrurglcal college at Philadel phia, Is in acknowledgement of dona tions sent to the sick soldiers: Medico Chlrurglcul Hospital, Cherry btreet. beloAr BlBliteenth, Philadelphia, Oct. 6, ISM. My Dear Mr. Frutchey: I must link your pnrdon for not replying to your Inst totter which was duly re ceived. I Imvo been so busy looking ut ter the flck thnt I have not had the op pot tunity of answering ni.y of my loiters. Your llrst us well as your lnit boxes were duly received nnd ver much appre ciated. We,nlso had through the clorgy nmu the check for fl&O. all of which has helped to gladden tho hearts of many of tho foldlers In the 1 opltiiln. The gon'le. man named In your letter w.ih certainly wrong lu his conception that we din not iifcd anything more for the sick sohliors In the hotpltul. Wo are r.ddlng every day to our present number, by many who ara seht or brrvght from tho different camps to our Institution. We can utilize all tliat can bo collected or sent and these poor fellows will certainly obtain tho beneht. (fflt AMUSEMENTS, ACADEMY OP MUSIC, DUR0UNDI3R &.RUIS. UistM, II. K. LONO, Manjer. rtNimrra Ti7T--,i -kx i COMMHNCINO '" ay WU U.4UAL MATINEES i The creatcit laughing sucoen of the jest "A Cheerful Idiot' v "luu'itu l lion n l)UUI)HU)' . ni-lfuia InlPAitnnlnrr Vrl ntwl flKt.1 l.iC?iJ llluntiiimiMiii.iHB tiM aiu DIUUI UIUUUQ nud a host of other recognized people. KVKNINa PIttCRH IftC, 25c, 35V5 MATINKB rittCKH .......mmIAcI.Si c&ffiS Monday OcJt.M Edward T. Spears, COMEDY AND DRAMATJC CI Supporting tho Napoleon or itepartolrt CLARENCE BENNETI jlsslsted by a Concert Orchestra. evening rniCES .... ;igc,2bo, a DAILY MATINEE, lob, except Saturdl when reserved seats tyltl ho 120 cents, i. GAIETY THEATRI Ono Week Commencing MONDAY NIOHT OCT. 10; The High Roller! A SENSATION IN BUnLESQUEi" And BYLVIA ST Altlt, tho Ideal Amorlcit Vonus, Who rosed for J.lndatrom's tit all of "Light." Smoking Concerts Matinees Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday, , 1'RICES-lOo, 20c 300. coc. Box iata'7(1 NOTE No Matlaea Monday, THE DICKSON M'FG CO,, Bcranton and WHkes-rtarra, fn. Manufacturers or LOCOMOTIVES.STATiONARYENGINEl Boiler, llolstlnjrand Pumping MatUhje'r General Office, Gcranton, JCai a Wo havo already had over 431 sick sol dlors In our Institution. I am happy to bo ablo to wrlto, yot that your brother is progressing1 raptdlj and I will socn bo ablo to placo him upoi soft food. I am exceedingly 'sorry ! dl not see you when you wero In tho cltyv Ycura truly,. . ,, John V. Shoemaker. BOY'S SKULTj CRACKED. .. A Horse Kicked James Connor, fll Archbald, Over tho Bight Eye James, the 12-year-old son of Bryan Connor, of Archbald,""wa3 Kicked over tho right eye by a'horso owned by hla uncle, Edward Lynn, at 230 o'clock; yesterday afternoon and the skulMvaa fractured. Ho was brought to1"" tho Lnckifwanna hospital, Where a trepnhn tng operation was performed and .i pled4 " of bono as -largo as a' 25-ce'nfc piece 'was removdd: Tho doctors haVa every hope of hl3 recovery. -1 The horse was running loose' oft thos street, and the boy' Chased It 'into a lot. While he was trying' to chase' it Intq a corner whero' thero was some' pasi ture, the accident happened," " J SPOUTING NOTES, 1 Tho afternoon thexo will bo an oppor tunity for lovers of baso ball to see a." well contested Rama At Athletic park- -tho Eurokas, of Provldenco, will playa team composed of professionals. Tha make up of the teams will bo as follows: Eurekas Cannon, c,; Regan, p.: Kcc hanan, lb.; Gallagher,- 2b.: Hums; s.; Cleary, 3b.; Hastings, rf.; Kelly, lfi; Mc Donald, cf. All Professional J. O'Nell. c; M. O'Nell, p.; Logan, lb.; Dean. 2b,; Ward, ss.; Coughlln, 3b.; Glllcrn, irf.; Nolan, If.J Gnughan, cf. Tho gamo will bo called at 3.15 p. m. The Mooslc Popular baso ball club nnd tho South Sldo team, of Scranton, wilt cross bats at Wllkes-Barro Base Ball Park, Monday, October-10, for a purse- o $100. Ladles udmltted free. GamccalleU at 3 p. m. Hha'p. James Lowry, of Ml nooka, will umplro tho game. Tlin Keystones, of Green Ridge, ncecpB tho challenge of tho Lackawanna, or Dun more, for Sunday, October J. and rwonld llko to meet the manager of. tho Lacka wannas on tho James Hoys' grounds Sun day at 10 a. m. Sam Holtham, manager. Tho Orientals," Jrs.,' of tho South Sldo, challentjo tho Alerts foot ball team of tha West Side for a gatno on tho Orientals' grounds October lti or 23. I'eter Xavelle, captain. , Tho Park Hill Stars foot ball team ac cept tho challenge of the No. S3 school second team for a gamo Saturday after noon on tho Clover Field grounds: Will nu'.'t you at Calpln's hotel. Dan Costello, manager. Tho Excelsior Athletic club of this city, ono of tho oldest und best known sportlns clubs In this part of tho state, has" en gaged James Campbell, of Brooklyn, N. V., to manago Its affairs for the winter months. Mr. Campbell comes to this city highly recommended by sonio of tho best known sporting men In Greater New York ind assures the officials of tha local club that ho will bring to this city some, of the best known boxers In tha country. Mr. Campbell' comes to this city on Monday and will remain until nfter tho llrst of bis exhibitions takes plac when Jack Lynch, of Urooklyn, N. Y nnd John Tiglic, of this city, will meet In a 20-round contest on Thursday even ing. October 13, lu Music hall. Tlgho and party left for Plttston on Tuesday, whiro he will finish his training and return to this city on Thursday morning. Mr. Lynch nnd his trainers will arrive In this city today and go to James Twiss' hotel 111 Prlceburg. where they will do thoiv final work. Two good preliminaries will precede f'e main event. r'OSSIL PILLS. Tho demand Is prooe of their worth Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are beating out ninny fossil formulas aC n quarter a box They're better medlclna Easier doses and 10 cents a vial, A thou sand ailments may arise from a disor dered liver. Keen the liver right nna you'll not havo Sick Headache, Bilious ness, Nausea, Constipation und 'Sallnwr; Skin. Sold by Matthews Bros, and W, T. Clark.-: I. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children.. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears tho tf&fa Signature