SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1898 01 HE : Thlt Vole Not dooil Alter Oct 141 1893. TWO PERRY SPECIALS. THE RED GUT STRING for all Instruments. The Bttongcst and best toned string for tho money tn the market. THE M'KINLEY 10c MUSIC 2 cents extra by mall. Send for catalogue. This edition contains such pieces ns Oottschalk's "Last Hope," "Czerny's Etudes lo la Veloclte." Leschetlzky's "Two Sky larks," Welr's "Invitation to the Dance," Fuure's "I'alms," Kchu mann's "Two Grenadiers." and hundreds of other compositions by Ilublnsteln, Heethoven, Liszt, Schu bert, Chamlnade, Moszkowskl, Hos covltz, Loeschhom nnd Clemcntl. PERRY BROS 205 Wyoming Ave. . . , just Received A new lot of the cele brated Florentine ware that will be sold at less than half the former prices. fill DR. A. A. UNDABURY, Specialties Surgery, Diseases of Women Ofllce Hours fl to lo a. m l to :J p. m At Residence 7 to rt p. m Ofllce William BuildlncOpp. rostolllco. Residence-'.!. O South Main Avcnuo. COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY DIME BANK BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Matter Pollolted Where Others Failed. Moderate Charges. I Baveopened a General Insurance Office In iMiiwiioiBisij, Beit Btook Companies represented. Large Zlnea capeclally (ollcited. Telephone 1803. MRQieCfliraiUiu Bouse f5!BH7iE Write or Call (or Price List. KEMP, 103 Wyoming Avenue. DDIfPQ not the lowest yet low I-IV.IVliO considering the CHAR ACTER of our work. We furnish the BEST, REGULARLY. A TRIAL usual ly convinces the most skeptical. L'T H B" ACKAWANNA LAUNDRY, 308 PENS AVE. A. B. WAR.UAN The Wllkes-Barre Record can bo had In Scranton at the lows stands of nets man Bros , 401 Spruco and 603 Llnd;n streets; Mac, Lackawanna avenue. SUMMONED BY MISTAKE. Men Who Had Not Been Challenged Were Subpoenaed. All except one of the eighteen wit nesses called by tho contestant at yes terday's session of tho con'test com missioners were well known central city men, residents of tho First dis trict of tho Sixteenth ward. They were Adam Schroeder, Harry Slay, Hdward Katatzvlck, George A. Connor. August Hangs, Nathan Suravltz, Abe Bloch, Joseph Ober, Charles Haugg, U. Atlas, Harry Swatsky, Louis Klein, W. A. Murphy. M. J. O'Hara, Ronnie Levi, Jacob Brandvvine, Harry Scheible. Most of these men were fcubpoenaed by mistake, the officer who Is serving the subpoenas evidently having used the old bill of particulars in making out his summons list, for yesterday ns the majority of the witnesses who pre sented themselves were not challenged under tho amended bill of paiticulars. They had to be dismissed. There was one witness from tho Twelfth ward, Thomas Stackpool, whom the contestant's attorneys ex pected to disqualify on naturalization papers, he having told tho officer who subpoenaed him, so It Is bald, that he was born In Ireland nnd had been vot ing for years on his first pnpets. He, however, took the stand and swore that he was born in I'lttsbutg. LACKAWANNA LODGE, I. O. O. T. Officers of Lackawanna lodge, No, 201, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, were Installed last night at tho lodge rooms In Odd Fellows' building on Wyoming avenue by District Deputy Grand Master David Cadwgan nnd staff The officers installed were: Noble grand, Bever T. Wolf: vice grand. D. B. Frederick: assistant secretary, II. H. Howard. The minor oincci were filled by appointments. PHor to tho Installation, tho Initiatory degree was woiKod by Lackawanna's team. Special Bargains In Oriental Hugs and Carpets, also fine Smyrna and Japanese Hugs, ut 124 Washington avenue. Do not miss these bargains. Chestnuts, 10 cents quart. Hughes' Market, 10G J'enu avee"". iflli 5SJuiialUkJUa.1agi FIREMBN BACK FROM LEBANON GIVErt A IIOYAL RECEPTION UPON THEIR ARRIVAL. Mot at the Station by a Number of tho City Tiremen and Escorted About tho Central City Streets. Speech-Making nt the St. Charles. What Chief Hlckoy Had to Say About tho Work of Securing the Convention for Scranton Home Ward Trip. U i o'clock yesterday afternoon the Scranton delegation to tho state fito inoii'B convention letuined to the city with n older for the 1S&9 convention tucked safely In Chief Mickey's portly bienst. The time of their nrilvnl was ascer tained eniller In the day by Acting Chief Michael Mt Mantis nnd with a number of other enthusiasts he ai nnged to give the victors n lilting welcome. Five minutes befoie the scheduled time for the nrrlval of tho Jersey Central train, nn alarm wus sounded from box 14. which Is near tho station and when the tialn pulled In tho delegation found awaiting It all tho rompunles of tho central district, city olilclals, prominent citizens and a largf crowd that had assembled on a tun thinking that some big fire was under way. HSCOHTF.D Till.: Dni.nfJATKS. After the welcoming cheers had sub sided a procession was formed nnd tho delegates escorted through the central city streets. At the head of tho line rode Mayor Halley and Acting Chief MeMnmis In the chief's the rig. In another carriage were Street Com missioner O' Boyle and City Engineer Phillips. Then came Chief Hlckoy with a smllo Hint wns nearly as broad ns the "big fellow" himself' K. H. Hobathan, Select Councilman Simon Thomas nnd Detective John Molr, of tho booming committee. Hehlnd them marched a crowd of other delegates armed with brooms nnd carrying tho big banner. "Scranton ISro." which was efff ctlvely used In advertising this city's claim for tho convention. Next chine the Centurys and their handsome new uniforms, both a little the worse for wear. They were com manded by Captain James O'Hara nnd led by Bauer's band. Behind them came tho Nay Aug hose cait. Phoenix chemical engine. Nay Aug en gine. Crystal hose wagon, Crystal en gine, Neptune cart and engine, the Hook and Ladder truck and the Haglo iose wagon. HEARTILY CHUEKHD. All along the toute tho delegation was heartily cheered and econrlums ga lore were showered on the Century's for their excellent appearance nnd for having so creditably represented tho Scranton department at Lebanon. The session broke up nt tho St. Char les hotel with cheering and an address by Mr. Hobathan. Chief Hlckoy asked that Tho Tribune express for him and tho Scranton fire department and tho citizens of Scran ton In general, appreciation of assis tance rendered the Scranton delgates In their convention fight by Chief Baxter and his Philadelphia delegation nnd tho Harrlsburg delegation and to ex press thanks to tho new btate presi dent, Mr. Cohn, of Allentown, and the Good Will company, of that city, for their assistance and entertainment. Scranton, Chief Hlckoy says, Is pledged to Harrlsburg for tho 1000 con vention. A big key was taken along by the Scranton delegation nnd pre sented to Ex-State President Speer, of Heading, when Scranton -was selected. This will be brought along In 1S!)9 and used to "open the gates of the city," which will be erected on Lack awanna avenue. The Century's would have been given first prlzo for best appenrance, Chief Hlckey says, If It had not been that Scranton was accorded tho big prize, tho convention. They wcro given flat tering mention by the judges, which was as much ns saying that they won the prize, but It would hardly be wise to glvo Scranton both the big honors. The following is from tho Lebanon News: "Wednesday evening Bauer's elegant band, of Scranton, which has become very popular since its stay in this city, made a street parade cele brating Scrnnton's victory. They dis coursed charming music at tho various engine houses, plnying lively airs, nnd were followed by a largo crowd. They tendered a delightful serenade to L. B. Welmer, at his handsome Noith Hlghth street residence. After the band fin ished playing tho musicians were high ly complimented by Mr. Welmer." AT ALLENTOWN. The stay In Allentown was of a more enjoyable nature than at Lebanon. Great preparations were made for the entertainment of tho visiting delega tions. At tho banquet, held In the handsome quarters of tho Good-Will Hose company, Mnor Lewis, of Allen town, In introducing B. B. Hobathan. paid a glowing tiibuto to Scranton. her firemen and enviable reputation for hospitality. Tho response of Mr. Hobathan was In keeping with the magnlllcent efforts accomplished by blm during tho trip. He assured tho largo gathering that nt the "90 convention Scinnton would set a paco which no other city In tho state can surpass. Chief Hlckey, Wade Finn and Deputy City Tieasurer P. J. Huane were called on and gavo Intei eating talks. Yestciday morning was devoted to sightseeing, especially the appar atus and elegant quaiters of the nine hose companies, which cannot be ex celled in the state. The coutiast be tween the quarters of Allentown's lire men and tho major portion of the quar ters In this city was freely commented on. The special train conveying the party left Allentown at 1 o'clock, mak ing decidedly few stops. DONATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER. They Are Acknowledged by Man ngers of Home for the Friendless. During September the following do nations were gratefully tecelved at the Home for the Friendless: Mrs Thomas Arner, tomntoes; Mrs. B. G. Brooks, Jelly, linen: Mr. W. Bee mer, fiult; Mrs. Simon Bice, rolls, fruit, llowcrs, cake and slates: Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, linen, vegetables; Mrs. J. Bennett, Jellies und fruit, Miss Bit eta Moore, Hnmllnton, flowers; Jenkins & Mori Is, hat; Mrs. Joseph Ober, vegetables; n friend, vegetables; Mrs. B. M. Wlnton, eggs, vegetables; Mrs. J. B. Dlmmlck, nursety supplies; Miss Mary C. Dlmmlck, Miss Bessell, Miss Goldsmith, Miss Margaret Bus sell, flowers; Miss Elizabeth Sherer, box cocoa; Miss Mary Halght, bay runr. 1,,o. A. D, Stelle, one dozen little chairs; Huntington's bakery, largo quuntlty cakes; Zcldler's bakery, buns, cakes, etc.; Mrs. William Perkins, barrel apples and pears; Mrs, O. B. Jermyn. Clarke Bros., Calvin Seybolt, barrel flour; Mrs. E. Churchill, rend ing matter; Mrs. M. T. Goucher, cloth ing; "A friend of the little ones," quantity sweet corn and potatoes, Mrs. John Shcrer, half bushel grnpes- Mrs. W. W. Watson, tomatoes; Mis. Hoff man, glnghnm, Mrs. B. F. Marsh, nur sery food; a friend, quantity vege tables; Airs. Daniel Langstaff, barrel apples, box pears; Mrs. J. P, Dlckon, Miss Fannie Mnrvlne, Miss Alkman, one-halt bushel grnpes: Mrs. 13. H. Hippie, crapes; Mrs. B. Fish, bonnets, hats and underwear: Mrs. B. H. Bird, basket each of apples, grapes, peach es, rmnanns. .Mrs. 1;. H. Monnt, io grapes: Fi lends of tho Home, tea, jel ly, games nnd toys. Mrs. I. J. Wlnt, grapes; Mrs. S. B. Benjamin, bonnets; Mrs. W. . Watson, biscuits, cake, Jelly etc ; A. B. Dunning, fruit' Mrs. W. D. Russell, dresses, coats, waists, etc.; Mrs. .1. B. Cannalt, milk dally; Consumer's Ice Co . Ice dallv; Doctors Loot, Brewster, Sureth, Bea, Stevens, In attendance. Desserts were furnish ed by C. D. Wegmnn, four baskets peaches; Mrs. It. M. Boles, three bas kets peaches, J. T. Porter, two bas kets peaches. . FACTS IN THE CASE. Way Wllkes-Barre Delegates to Tire- men's State Convention Treated Scranton Instructions Given to Vote Against Us. The sensation of the dny was the vio lation of the ptomlsc of the Ilkes-Hartc delegates, who up to midnight j.eslenluy were pledged to Scinnton. This mum lug It was rumored that the Luzerne lies were for New Castle. Development proved that the mmor was well founded. -Special dispatch from Lebanon in Thursday's rilbunc. The paragraph Is entirely without foiin datlon All of tho Wllkes-Hnrre delegate worked hard for Scranton and did ev en thing lo have the convention go there neM jcni. which It will. The Set.uuon papeis In n number of things of Lite have dono Wllkes-Hnrre people an Injus tice In n wa. Yesterda s Wllkes-liaire Record. When Chief P. J. Hlckey, who was In charge of Scranton's tight for the con vention at Lebanon, returned to the city yestciday he was shown the Rec ord's comment by n Tilbuno reporter and nsked for the facts In the case. "Wllkes-Barie's delegates worked hard for Scranton, did they?" said the chief with a laugh. "That's a good joke. I'll give you the facts. When I reached Lebanon I had a conference with Chief St. John, of the Wilkcs Bairo depaitment, and he piofessed his willingness to do anything he could for Scranton. The two departments ought to be more closely united, ho said, and he would do whnt he could to bring It about. This was said In the presence of Assistant Chief Nollln ger, of Philadelphia. I was afterwards told by a number of persons that Mr. St. John was doing what he could against Sciantoiv. What 1 heard may or may not be true. I didn't hear of any woik ho did for us. "When I asked Delegute William Mauer, of Wllkes-Barre. to vote for Scranton he said. 'My conscience would not allow me to do It. I could not go back nnd face my people If I voted for Scinnton.' "Delegate Amsmen, of the same city, flatly told me that he had been In structed by his company to vote against Scranton. T told them of my cu.weisatlon with Chief St. John and they replied that he had not spoken vlth them on the subject. Five other Ljycrne county delegates insisted that we should pay their state dues be fore they would vote for us. I believe that some of the AVIlkes-Barre dele nates voted for us, hut they were In tho minority. Oy yes those people were certainly Kind to us'" The conduct of Wllkes-Bnrre's rep resentatives is all the more contempt ible in view of tho fact that the entire Scranton delegation, upuardsof 30, voted for Wllkes-Barre nt Johnstown 2 years ago and A. J. Colbnin, Jr., who went along for the purpose of nominating Scranton seconded tho nomination of "Wllkes-Barne." Funeral of John Mornn. The funeral of the late John Mornn, of Taylorvllle, will be held this nfter noon from the residence of his sister. Mis. John I nngan, of Minooka, at 2 o'clock. Interment will bo made at the Minooka cemetery. JervU-Hardenbergh Piano School. It Is the aim of this school to make thoroughly artistic nnd musical play ers by tho use of the most modern. progressive and rapid methods. Test lesson free. Carter building. See Our Overcoats. Our stock embraces everything beau tiful, stylish nnd up-to-date. Richards. Wlith & Lewis, 326 Lackawanna ave. Knights Templar Triennial Conclave Pittsburg. One fare for lound trip via Lehigh Valley, Oct. fi to 13. Re turn limit Oct. 17. See Ticket agent. Wo have a few bicycles icri. Cash talks. Come and see us. Jurlsch & Co., 433 Spruce street. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley.231 Wyoming ave. Per Pound Golden Rio Coffee J5c Coursen's Breakfast Java 22c Coursen's Java Coffee 25c Coursen's Java and Mocha.... 28c Coursen's Triple Blend 32c Coursen's Old Mandehling .... 10c Best Coffee America. House in E. Q. Coursen Wholesale and Retail. EVERY DAY CAMPAIGN IS NOW IN FULL SWING DETAIL WORK OF THE CAM PAIGN IS WELL IN HAND. Judge E. N. Wlllard Spends n Good Portion of Each Day nt Headquar ters Whero Ho Has a Trained Corps of Helpers to Assist Him. Progiess of the- Cnmpalgn Up to Date Is Very Encouraging Dem onstration for the Next Governor of Pennsylvania. At Hepubllcnn county headquarters In the Price building on Washington avcnuo the work of the campaign Is now In full swing. Judge B. N. Wll lard, the county chaliman spends a good portion of each day at the head quarters nnd had already the details of tho work of tho campaign system atically arranged. In this task he Is receiving valuable assistance from Attorney Jamos B, Wntklns, secretary of the committee, whoso experience In that capacity makes him almost Invaluable. To fa cilitate the dispatch of the Immense nmount of work that devolves tlpon a county chnlrmnn, Lnyton M. Schoeh, who lecently returned from Porto Blco where he served ns an artillery man, has been engaged as stenographer. A long distance telephone hns also been placed In the rooms so that communi cation can be had with ull parts of tho county. Each day a large quantity of cam paign literature Is sent out from head quarters, it consists of the text book of the campaign nnd speeches by em inent Republicans on various phases of the Issues that aio claiming atten tion this year. COMMITTEE MEETING. Todny the executive committee will bold a meeting at which a plan for holding public meetings will be adopt ed. The meetings will begin about the middle f October nnd between that time and election orntots will speak in all parts of the county. During the last days of October Col onel W. A. Stone nnd the other stnte delegates will pay a visit to this city. A big demonstration In honor of their visit will be arranged. The details of It have not yet been decided upon. Bepoits leeelved from the committee men scattered over the county Indicate that the Bepubllcan party Is In excel lent shape for the November battle. The Swnllow movement seems to have spent n good deal of Its force and un less something Is clone to revive it be fore election day the vote will be n dis appointment to those who have his campaign In this county In chnrge. It Is conceded that Congiessman Wil liam Council deserves a reelection and he will be accorded It by a plurality that will make the honor all the moie gratifying. Cornelius Smith's effort to have Judge (Junster's name removed fiom the Republican column of the official ballot hns been an Ill-advised move. It has convinced a large num ber of persons who vveie Inclined to sympathize with him that his last move was obviously n grand sjand play. A man who has displayed such a meagre knowledge of the law Is either unqunlllied for the Important of flcoof Judge or descending ton tilck that should be beneath the consideration of a man who aspires to such an exalt ed office. CANDIDATE FOR CORONER. Dr. J. J. Roberts, the candidate for coroner. Is developing great strength. He is a physician and surgeon of more thnn ordinary ability and possesses a genial personality which enables him to easily make friends nnd retain them. George E. Stevenson is a man whoso knowledge of all branches of engineer ing gives him a high place in his pro fession. He is nn excellent candidate. The legislative candidates are nil earnestly engaged with their campaigns and there seems little reason to doubt that they will be successful. Hon. J. C. Vaughan. with the ener gy that Is chaiacterlstlc of him, Is mak ing a canvass that Is meeting with ev ery encouragement. His splendid rec ord In the sennte duilng the four years he represented this dlstilet has greatly endeared him to the people and made his election almost a foregone conclu sion. POLITICAL JOTTINGS. "The contest for the appointment ot ad ditional law Judge commenced yesterdaj afternoon In earnest.' s.ijs jesterdaj'i U'ilkcs-Bnrro Nc ws Denier. "Petition weio circulated turning the members of tho bar, asking for tho appointment if a Judge by the governor. H.-l)strlct At torne D. A. Fell circulated a petition asking for tho upoliitmenl of K. W Wheuton. Oeoigc I'rquh.irt was In charge of tho Ferris petition and B. It. Jones and Joseph Monro sought tho favor ot their brethren for G. L. Halsev. The law era wcro very much interested In the affair and lined up for their favorites. At the time of closing tho otllccs ot tho attor neys, tho friends of Mr. Hulscy, wero in tho lead In number of names. Tho gen tlemen nbovo nnrrcd for appointment are among tho most tcspectcd members of tho Luzcrno "ounty bar. They all havo their friends and supporters, but there Is ment of any of them. Tho governor public will be satlslied with tho appoint ment of either of them. The governor ought to make tho appointment nt onco ns tho condition of the business Is such that no delay ought to bo made." The appeal ot Dr. J. J. Snijlhe, of Wilkes-Bane, against tho nomination of Dr. Singer, of Potty Fott, as tho Dcino cratlo candidate tor coroner was argued before Judgo Woodward. Tho couita decision Is expected In a day or two. Dr Smytho claims that ho was given tho double cross nt 'the last convention nnd desires to have his r.amo go on the ticket instead of Dr. Singer's. Hon. W. II. Illnes In opening for Dr. Smytho declared that at tho convention sover.ty-ilvo of tho delegates voted for Dr. Smythe, but tho tellers credited him with only forty voles, and at tho snmo tlmo tallied sixty votes for Dr. Singer, which gavo him tho nomi nation. Mr. Illnes designated thoso who had charge of the convention as tho "tricksters" nnd "rlngtters" who annual ly meet In the ofllce on Public Squaio and nominate tho ticket. Ho said It was tlmo they should bo taught a lesson. Ho con tended that tho net of ISO J gavo tho judge solo power to dccldo tn enscs of this nature, and there was no other trl. bunal having jurisdiction. Tho Democratic county commltteo will havo Its headquarters In tho Guernsey building on Washington avenue. Tho committee will meet there tonight nt 7.10, The Last of the Season. 500 baskets of peaches, all sound nnd high color, will sell today at POc., 7Cc. and $1 per basket. Hughes' market, 100 Penn avenue. Dr. W. E. Allen Has moved his offices to rooms 20S and 203 Council building, Washington ave LECTURE ON COOKING. Delivered by Miss Jane Blalsdcll nt Big Food Show. A large gathering of Scranton wo men were present at the big food show yesterday afternoon to hear the first of a series of lectures on cooking, de livered by Miss Jnno Blalsdcll, a grad uate of the New Era Cooking school of Worcester, Mans. Miss Blnlsdell may Indeed be said to be a genius In the cullnnry art. She has at her com mand all the science of cooking, nil the nrt of preparing food, nnd a great deal of genius In concocting special and tasteful dishes. Her "talk" of yesterday, for such It might bo called, as her simple and effective manner of address Is so dif ferent from the routine lecturer, vvns confined principally to the rudiments of cooking ns applicable to the uses of eggs, milk and ao forth. And to her Interesting words was added tho use of a chafing dish, with which she gave practical demonstrations. Miss Blalsdcll was assisted In her work by Mrs. C. E. Develle, and tho two ladles held the attention of their large audience for nearly nn hour. The next In the series of lectures will take place Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Blalsdcll hopefl to proiiurc and serve some dainty dishes of her own orig ination. FALL CLOTHING. The Cool Weather Reminds Us of Heavier Garments. Our brand new stock of stylish and thoroughly reliable ready-made suits nnd overcoats can't fall to answer every requirement of fashionable dressers. Wo have everything In tho newest fabrics, cut In tho latest pat tern, nnd every gaiment In our stor. Is union made. If jiou are thinking of buying look us over. Our prices are tho lowest that pan consistently ba given for guaranteed first-class cloth ing. Rlcliatds, Wlrth & Lewis, 32 Lackawanna nvo. Perleo V. Jervis Will give a course of Instruction In Virgil Clavier nnd Mason Methods, be ginning Oct. 12, particularly designed to meet the lequltoments of teachers. Also lessons to regular students. For terms, etc., call or address, Jervis Hardenbeigh Piano school. Fireman Lost His Life. E. B. Bacon, of Tunkhannock. a fire man on a Lehigh Valley engine, sus tained 11 compound fractuie of tho base of the skull nt Penn Haven Junction Thuisdny evening and died three hours nfter arriving at the WIlke3-Barie city hospital. Jervls-Hardenbergh Piano School. The Virgil nnd Mason Methods of Instiuctlon, which arc revolutionizing piano teaching, a specialty. Can you nffoid to study olci methods? Cuter building. Special Bargains In Oriental Hugs and Carpets, also fine Smyrna nnd Japanese Rugs, nt 121 Washington nvenuc. Do not miss there bargains. Chestnuts, 10 cents quart Hughes' Market, 108 Penn avenue. A Good Set or Teeth for... $3.00 Our Best Sets of Teeth 5.00 Including the Painless Extraction. DR. S.C.SNYDER 321 Spruce Street, Opp, Hotel Jermyn Maloney Oil and TELEPHONE 622. 141 to 149 Meriaidn Streaf, Scrantoi, Pa. NG AND LUBRICATING OILS. PAINT DEPARTHENT.Pure White Lead, Colors and Varnishes. A Heart of The Season Sale Right in the heart of the season circumstances lorce us to cut prices. When we bought the Kerr stock we were obliged to buy the store lease, too. So that up to date we've had plenty of room. Today we Rented the Old Kerr Store Koom to some parties who will open a candy store therein. We promised them quick possession, and as a consequence We Must Get Out in One Week Anybody who has seen our own store knows we keep it well stocked. Knows, too, that we simply can't put the contents of another store into it. Wc Simply haven't f?ot the room. Especially is this true ot the more bulky goods. So whether we want to or not, we're obliged to sacrifice these goods. The sale is bona-fide, the bargains are genuine. Here's a few ol the more bulky goods we want to move quickly : Parlor Rockers Real golden oak and ma hogany finished rockers, back upholstered in flemish tapestry, Sold usu- cp-j qa ally for $6. Now.. pjU Fancy Tables Oak finish tables. Top is 24 inches square, with fan cy curved edge. A pretty table and easily dM o worth 2.00, for.. plJJ Tabarets Or Jardiniere Stands, quite a lot of pretty ones to sac rifice. Nice ones as cnr low as 3" Siebecker & Watkins, 406 Lackawanna Avenue. Low Rates to Omaha nnd Return Trnns-Misslsslppi and Interna al Exposition. On Oct 3, 10, 17 nnd 24, the Nickel Plate road will sell excursion tickets to Omaha nnd return at rate of J28.75 from Buffalo. Tickets sold Oct. 3 and 10 are good to return within twenty one dnvs, while those sold Oct. 17 nnd 24 are good to return until Nov. 3. If your ticket ngent ennnot give you In formation desired, nddress F. J. Moore, general ngent. Nickel Plate road, 291 Main street, Buffalo. Y. Sportsmen will save money by buy ing direct from us. Jurlsch & Co., .433 Spruce street. A Rare Bargain in Men's Suits. We bought abont 200 Men's All-wool Suits recently from a New York man ufacturer of high reputation, nt a very low price This lot of Clothing con sists of men's Arte Mi-wool Black or Blue Clay Worsted and Unfinished Cheviots; also some beautiful fancy Fall mixtures; good heavy weight, all sizes, correct styles nnd perfect lif ting Suits, worth $10.00 per suit, Our Prici $7.98 par Suit- OUR SPECIAL ROR FALL, 189B, FULL LINE OF NECKWEAR. BELL& SKINNER Hotel Jermyn Dullding. Manufacturing: Go. Corduroy Couch Nicely upholstered, tufted couch that sells for $12 in our big furniture stores. To go during this sale o Oft Tapestry Couch Fancy wood frame couch, prettily carved and uphol stered in good tapestry cov ering, best ol work manship. Worth tt 1 a nn $20.00. Now...Pl4.7U Paper Baskets Work stands, tripod ta bles, screens, fire screens, and all other goods in old store at a big reduction. Bfr J JT m'jliJPr JUr vv0 i I SI., 20 Lackawanna Avi, Scranton Pi Wholesale and Kctull DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC Rcndy nixed Tinted Paints, Convenient, Economical. Durable. I Vnrnlsh Stains, rroduclne Perfect lmltntlonofExpenslTi Woods. Raynolds' Wood Finish, Especially Deslguod for Inside Work. Marble Floor Finish, Durable and Dries Quickly. Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. pur; unseed oil and turpentine. We nro offering an extra inducement In fall shirts Just to start tho season. 1'our ncgligo shirts will bo out of dato and jouil really need theso good things wo nro offering. Come In and look into tho matter. Hand & Payne 203 Washington Ave. At Tea Parties The Indies are quite apt to grow enthusiastic over our baking if it Is deserving. Every house vvlfo enjoys tho pleasant com ments of her friends, nnd that Is tho kind sho will surely get If sho uses "Snow White" Flour It makes beautiful whlta biscuits nnd tho most delicious of enkes. It makes bread that is light nnd wholesome. Your Grocer Sells It. "We Only Wholesale It." THEWEST0NMILLC0 Scranton. Curbondale, Olyphant. WRITING II LETTER Iu order to introduce my new Hue of Kimball Pianos and organs I will pay FIV DOLLARS to auy one who will send mc the name of auy par ty who will buy a piano or organ of me. This will be paid when first payment is made ou the instrument and to the first one who sends me the name. If you know of a neighbor who talks of getting one send the name iu. Address George H. Ives No. 9 West JIarkct Street, WIlkcs-Rarrc. OF ANY KIND, Straight Business. Cash or Credit. Houses Finnish )d Complst). BARBOUR'S HOMECREOITHOUSE 425 LACKAWANNA AVE.