The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 07, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Do You Cook the Right O
Way or the Wrong Way
That's the question and a young lady will answer
it here today at 3 o'clock. Miss Jane Blaisdell, a graduate
of the New Era Cooking School, of Worcester, Mass., and
a noted lecturer on culinary art, will give one of her cel
ebrated "talks." You may be a good cook, but she'll help
you to be a better one; show you how to prepare dainty
Lecture at 3 0 Clock,
In the Bio Food Show
You can't afford to miss
you can afford to miss this
crowds every day and everyooay nappy.
Programme for Saturday
Concert by Bauer's Celebrated Orchestra Afternoon at a O'clock.
Demonstration cf Stoves nnd Ranges-Afternoon from 2 Till 5 O'Clock.
Concert by Uaiur's Celebrated Orchestra Uenlnz at 7 O'Clock.
Big Bargains
'in Boys' Clothing
It's economy to keep your boy
well clothed if vou buy his
clothing here. Otherwise, we
cannot promise. Our clothing
is positively the best; comes
from the BbST factories, has lots
of style to it, and small prices
a happy combination. Sec these
values :
Q" OK for VMtpe Suits. 3 to 9 yen-9,
&Z..4.0 7 patterns to choose from,
llllalu Clotli count; imiiin iiiiiu.-u
trith linw iinrt buckle. Krcularlv M.uO.
O OR for nl'or Mouse Suits, 3 to
'O 12'". of fast color lil 10
cheviot, collar mid shield briililcl;
..... ...a.... ..... I.n.1.1 Onffllll rll'
Itllll liai: Ji.llt.-lll uaiiu. i.p,u..i. ij
i nn
61 Aft for Double Breasted Suits,
pJ.rO knee pants, ,s to 1U years.
Ton patterns In newest designs and
rnlnHntrs. Tlnrrtltnrlv J.YIM.
GLA Oft for Military Chips for Boys
4.VO unA c.Ms: full military
style, very nent nnd chic. In other
stores they re Jti.OO.
iTThe Carbondnlo correspondence of The
Tt-ibuno has been placed in the hands, of
lar. J, M. Forbes. All complaints as to ir
regular delivery, etc., t'lso news Items,
.notild bo addressed to Roberts & Rey
nolds, news agents.
District Deputy Commander Jonnh
W. Evans, of Green Klilgo castle, No.
196, Ancient Order Knights of tin Mys
tic Chain, puld a fraternal visit lo Pio
neer castle, No. 205, of this city, last
venlng. Mr. Evans is decidedly popu
lar with the members, of the various
lodrjes throughout the valley and Ills
remarks were attentively listened to.
lie complimented the oiriccrs on the
excellent standing: In which the local
organization Is and naked them to keep
th8 good work up untn the cattle will
be ore of the foremost in the state.
Mr. Evans but recently received his
nppolntment as district deputy, which
he admirably tills and the appointment
gives his friends much pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Case entertain
ed a large number of friends last ev
ening at their home on Tark street.
In honor of the annlvesary of their
son, George. The usual games as well
as dancing furnished amusement dur
ing1 the course of the evening. The
Symphony orchestra, of this city, were
present and dlcoursed sweet music.
Refreshments were served shortly
before twelve o'clock after which the
guests dispersed to their various homes
loud In their compliments of Mr. and
Mrs. Case's hospitality.
The Kennedy players, Including the
unlverml frvoritcs, Miss Nellie and
John J. Kennedy, will begin a week's
engagement at the Grand opera house
en Monday night, when the "Hand of
Kate" will be presented. The Kenne
dys are great favorites with Curbon
dalo audiences and will undoubtedly
draw larger houses than ever on pre
vious occasions. Matinees will be giv
en dally, commenclnp Tuesday.
Mrs. E. Y. Davis, who has been a
guest at the J. M. Alexander homo for
the past two weeks, left for hr home
In Bayonne, N. J., yesterday. Mrs.
Wlllarfi Chase, of this city, accom
panied her. Mrs. Davis" husband was
one time postmaster In this city and
for many years engineer at the head of
'JR, whence comes the title Davis' head.
Mr. Davis has many friends in this
city who regret her departure.
The Indians will line-up Saturday
against the St. Thomas college eleven
of Scranton. This game is always an
event In Carbondule and sure to draw
a WKe number of spectators to Alum
ni park. Both teams claim the cham
pionship of Northeastern Pennsylvania
and tomorrow's game will decide it.
Thft South Side Athletic club and the
local High school eleven played a
gamo yesterday at Alumni park, the
Ettme ending 0 to 0.
Work was commenced yesterday lay
ing the concrete base for the Itlver
street pavement. Large crowds of
spectators congregate ench day to ob
serve the operations.
Miss Laura Chilton is visiting Miss
Jennie Chambers, of Providence.
TliomoN Campbell, Thomas Herbert
and Peter Wvenberg visited Carbon
dalanns at Camp Meade recently.
Mliis Mary Parker, of Wyoming
street, Is th guest of South Canaan
A new social club was formed last
hearing her, any more than
Big Food Show. . Bigger1
Bargains in Shoes
We give big bargains in shoes
because we can afford to. We
buy in big quantities from the
best factories, and at prices that
astonish the mercantile world.
Thus you get such bargains as ,
ff - no for Men's Ho Calf nnd Pal
'u cut Leather J.nce Shoes; reg
ularly Jt.OO.
ee on for Mens Finest 1'utent
iJJiJ.UU leather Shoes, hand.
sewed welt: all the newett styles;
eriunl to any $7 shoe In Scranton.
$" Sll fr Women's Soolma Kid,
.JJ cioth Koxed Uutton mill
Lace. Shoes, llexlhle Boles, patent tips;
positively worth j:i.M).
OO for Women s vlcl Kid nut-
'" ton nn
iikI Lace Shoes; over 15
styles In nil sizes and widths 11 to Eh,
i'osltively worth :s.uo.
QOf f"r Hoy's $1.50 Satin Calf School
"" Shoes, solid leather soles. Same
price for women s Kid Shies, .ill
styles, lace, and button. Worth $1.50.
night In the rooms of the Germanla
singing society.
District Attorney .Tonh V. Jones left
his Crystal Lake cottage yesterday.
Stanely Helton, of the Miners' and
Mechanics' Saving bank, is enjoying his
Jtov. and Mrs. A. Ti. Sawyer and
the latter's sister spent yesterday in
Miss Lucy lladcock nnd sister, Mrs.
Morse, spent yesterday In Scranton.
Mrs. Orvlllo Skeels and Mrs. Harry
Williams, of Dunmore avenue, spent
yesterday with I'nlondalo friends.
Mrs. Minnie Green nnd daughter,
Jessie, who have been RUests at the
home of George Shelly, on Salem ave
nue, returned to their home In Oneonta
Mrs.i 1'ell and daughter, of Park
street, are expected home from Elmlra
Joseph Ilurns, of Clinton, "Wayne
county. Is the guest of city relatives.
Miss Hattle Quintan has returned
from an extended visit with her parents
In Waymart.
Dr. F. 10. Jenkins has returned from
New York city.
A Mine Party Letters Remain Un
claimed Personals and Other
The following young people of this
town nnd Hyde Park viewed the Inter
ior of the Bi'llevue mines on Tuesday
evening: Ml-ses Sallle Williams, Susie
Hun is, Sadi" Carter, Mary Griffiths,
Lizzie Davis and Lillian Howells, and
Messrs. Frank Decker, T. .1. Hughes.
John It. Thomas and Adolph Urwcider,
of this place, and Air. and Mrs. Thos.
Jones, Miss Jennie Hoberts and Messrs.
Frank ISevan, David James and Mer
edith Jones, of Hyde Park. They were
chaperoned by Mr. Owens, of Uellevue.
After returning from the mines they
were entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Landis
street. Flashlight pictures were tak
en by Mr. Thomas. Delicious refresh
ments were nfterward served.
David Morgans, of Scranton, was a
business visitor In this place yesterday.
Mrs. John Hague, of Plymouth, has
been the guest of friends In this place
for the past few days.
A number of people from this town
visited the new convent nt Pittston on
Uev. D. 8. Jones, of Wales, arrived
here on Wednesday evening and Is the
guest of the Uev. Dr. and Mrs. II. II.
Harris. He will occupy the pulpit in
the Calvary Baptist church on Sunday
evening. He Is a brother of Uev. W.
S. Jones, of Hyde Park.
The following letters remain uncalled
for ut the postofflce for the week end
ing Oct. 1: C. S. Culver, Mrs. Fllzabeth
Davis, Miss Annie Juurer. J.W. Heese,
The many friends of Miss Marietta
Jones tendered her a reception at the
home of her parents on Second street
In North Taylor, on Wednesday even.
Ins;. Refreshments were served. In
attendance were' Misses Marietta
Jones, Annie and Lizzie Williams,
Mary A Davis, Sarah J. Hughes, Kata
Thomas, Jamle Davis, Owen Jones,
Annie and'Txnilfie Williams. Uosetta
Jones, Maud Davis. Maggie Risk, Sa
rah Jones and Messrs. Rlchaid Grif
fiths, Philip Watklns, Frederick Beach,
Thomas UrVdii, Emerson Jones, Wil
liam Evans, Anthony Williams, David
J. Davis, W. M. Morgans and Gar
lleld Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Jtlchanl J. Davis were
the quests of relatives In Hyde Park
Thnnuis Gannon, of Jermyn, was n
Taylor visitor yesterday.
Stanley Kane, a miner In the No, X
shaft of the Greenwood Coal company,
was painfully Injured Wednesday af
ternoon by a fall of roek.
Ths Tribune branch ofllee in Taylor
is in the Coblelgh building.
Mr. Michael Grogan, of North Main
street, is confined lo his home with
Invincible comtniindcry, No. 252,
Knights of Malta, will meet this even
ing In Reese's hall.
The Electric City Social club are pre
A Saturday
Chance at Ribbons
The center counters main,
. aisle, Wyoming avenue, will
flutter with ribbons tomor
! row, and at the prices there
1 will be some busy ribbon
' selling there. You can get
1 such ribbons here any dav,
at these prices :
in. yard for S-lncli single nnd
-"- double faced satin and
Ribbons; also nn exquisite rnnBO f
fancies, including plulds, stripes, etc.
90f yuni for the same styles nnd
'v imtterns In Illhlinnit. X Inches
In Width.
Qr ynrd for Tic nnd Hair Ribbons
A Triumph
In Book Buying
We've 2C,ooo books
waiting to find counter
room here. But a special
'lot came in yesterday must
go first. They're not the
soiled and damaged product
of a defunct publishing
'house, but elegant new
cloth bound volumes which
1 can be duplicated in style
,and titles. There are up
wards of two hundred ti-
; ties to choose from, and we
positively guarantee that
'such books cannot be
'bought in Scranton for 30
1 cents.
paring to hold a grand entertainment
and social on Thanksgiving evening in
the St. Joseph's h.ill, Mlnooka.
John T. Watkins, a former resident
of this place has succeeded Professor
Hayden Evans as musical Instructor In
St. Patrick's church at Scranton.
Misses Liz&ic Heese ngd Lizzie En
derllne, of Union street, have return
ed home from Wllkes-Barre, after vls
itlnsr relatives for the past few days.
What has become of the fire company
that was about to be organized In
Hendham some months ago?
Mrs,. John E. Evans and daughter
Mnrgaret. were the guests of friends In
Hyde Park yesterday.
The guldeless wonder of Funeral Di
rector J. E. Davis Is becoming quite
famous for racing without a driver.
She can trot a mile in 2.2.".
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fitch were the
guests ol friends in Hyde Park last
All those who are taking part In the
"Merry Milkmaid," a cantata, are re
quested to meet at the Calvary Bap
tist church this evening.
It is announced that the Lackawanna
Coal company's colliery In Blakely has
changed hands, and that F. E. Piatt
and E. B. Sturges, of Scranton, have
assumed control.
The entertainment to be given in the
Father Mathew opera house Monday
evening In honor of Father Mathew
promises to eclipse any yet given. The
affair will be under the auspices of the
Catholic Young Men's Total Absti
nence and Benevolent society. Follow
ing Is the programme to be rendered:
Piano selection. Miss Shearn; opening
remarks. President P. F. Walsh; song,
Miss Lizzie Dempsey; "The New Im
perialism," J. Hossa McCormac; "Two
Little Artists," Misses Lucy Mooney
and Molly McDonnell: recitation, Miss
M. Hannlck: song. Miss Nellie Gal
lagher; selection, Enoch Thomas and
party. "The Chariot Pace,' Miss U
Heffion: remarks, Uev. P, J, Murphy;
sons, Miss Anna Brown; orator of the
evening, Uev. M. 10. Lynott, Jermyn,
song. Miss L. McNulty; recitation, Miss
K. Galagher; selection. Brennan chil
dren; clog and reel, William Brennan;
song, Martin Heffron; song, Enoch
Thomas. At the conclusion of the pro
gramme a social will be held in the Club
of '95 hall.
Privates George Twaddle and An
thony Murphy, of the Eleventh United
States infantrv, who have been home
for the past month on a furlough, were
tendered a social by their friends In
the Club of '03 hall Wednesday even
ing. The two soldiers will leave on
Saturday to join their regiment at
Governor's Island.
Miss Florence Mitchell Is visiting
friends at Lake Ariel.
Edward Curtis and George Morgan,
two drivers, employed at the Lacka
wanna Coal company's colliery, were
injured while attending to their duties.
Curtis was riding on top of a car of
coal In the "tunnel," when he was sud
denly thrown from the car against a
pillar, sustaining painful injuries about
the body. Morgan was riding a car
down an Incline, when the car became
uncontrollable, throwing him violently
to the ground. His side and back were
Mrs. lOdward Matthews and daugh
ter, Miss Sadie Matthews, have re
turned home from an extended visit to
The Young People's Christian En
deavor society of the Presbyterian
church will hold a rally In that edifice
this evening. Uev. W. F. Gibbons, of
Dunmore, will be present and deliver
an address. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to all.
Miss Dora Levy, who has been the
guest of her slBter. Mrs. J. Shultz, for
the past two months, has returned to
her home In New York.
Miss Irena Hall la spending the week
witli Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Britten of
Leonard Kelly has gone to Kentucky,
where he will remain during the win
ter. Miss Lizzie Madden, of Susquehanna,
Ib visiting her brother, Daniel .Madden,
at this place.
They were standing before a perfum
ery shop In Broad street as I passed
them, two young ladles of manifestly
good society, so retlned was their ap
pearance and so perfectly correct their
tenue. I could not help turning half
around, nnd who should they be but the
nrch-tcase of n cousin of mine, Sybil
Vane, nnd her bosom friend, Owen
O'Hara. It was Sybil that had spoken
nnd she had said:
"Fancy that little fool throwing her
self away on n man like that when
eho knows he only wants her for her
"What little fool of a man?" I ask
ed, ns t raised my lint by way of an
apology for the intrusion.
"Oh, you men. You never know any
thing," said Sybil when she had re
covered from the shock my question
had evidently occasioned.
"Then tell me," I rclolued. "You
never have any secrets from me you
know at least not for long."
"Why, Honor Beaumont and Captain
Fnulklner, to be sure."
"Are they engaged to bo married?"
"Of course they are, and ho hasn't
n penny, while she has mil 1 Ions."
"Well, he Is a very handsome fellow,
and she Is passable."
"They say that ho cheated at rards,
that he's In everybody's debt, and that
he Is nothing short f ' a mere adven
turer. And yet Ho r Beaumont has
accepted him. I say It's really to bad
of her."
I had known Fnulklner for some
years, and I nm bound to say I had
very little to urge In his defense. He
had never been actually caught in any
nefarious proceeding, but It was known
that he had run through most of his
friends, that he was wonderfully lucky
nt faro, and that ho was anxiously
looking for nn heiress,
The wedding day took place nnd
about four months afterwnrds Mr. and
Mrs. Fnulklner were back In town,
apparently the happiest people to bo
found at Belgravla.
As for Faulklner, ho seemed com
pletely changed. There was n manli
ness about him that one never no
ticed before; his eyes wore a frank
expression that was truly refreshing
to see. He was clearly devoted to his
wife, nnd they seemed to perfectly
understand nnd trust each other.
What could it mean?
Gradually I got to really like Faul
klner. He made a splendid host, was
a pattern of the domestic, virtues and
Impressed one as being the soul of hon
or. Our acquaintance finally ripened
Into a close friendship, and the Intim
acy developed until at length I found
myself how I know not on terms of
real confidence with the man whom,
only a few months before, I had been
Inclined to look upon very much In the
light In which he was regarded by my
cousin Sybil.
One evening he expounded the mys
tery. "Shall I tell you the story of my
courtship, Jack?" he asked.
"As you will, my dear fellow," I re
plied, "if It isn't too sacred a subject
for a third party."
"That's just It It Is a sacred sub
ject, as you will see."
He lit a cigar and proceeded:
"All that the world thought tind said
of me before I was married was true,
and more than true, I was a 'regular
bad lot.' And It Is true also that in
proposing to Miss Beaumont I was ac
tuated by the most mercenary motives,
and those alone.
"All that I wanted was her money
her money, Juck, do you hear? The
world said so, and the world was per
fectly right. My chief anxiety was to
prevent her getting any inkling of the
truth, nnd so I never ceased to dance
constant attendance on her, nnd espec
ially to withdraw her ns far as pos
sible from her lady friends. All went
well until one evening nt the Vllller's
ball she took me on one side, saying:
" 'Fritz' she always called me Fritz,
rather than Frank 'I want to speak
to you."
" 'What is It. darling?'
" 'You are not to call me darling any
more till this matter is cleared up.'
" 'What matter, dear?'
" 'Just this. People are saying that
you are marrying mo merely for my
money; Is that so?'
" 'Of course, not; I love you for your
self " 'Stop, stop! I nm going to put you
to the proof. You know my solicitors
Messrs. Hopkins & Dicey, in Lincoln's
" 'Yes.'
" 'Well, meet me there tomorrow at
noon sharp; and now, good-night!'
"In a moment she was gone. I passed
a sleepless night, and with great diffi
culty nerved myself in the morning to
keep the mysterious appointment.
"Old Dicey I call him that because
he is now one of my dearest friends
received me coldly.
" 'I have been favored, Captain Faul
klner,' he said, 'with some very extra
ordinary instructions from my client
your fiancee Miss Beaumont. I must
entirely disclaim all responsibility In
the matter. I have simply given effect
to Miss Beaumont's wishes, and the
final Issue of them must rest entirely
with yourself. If you please, we will
go to the adjoining room, where Miss
Beaumont awaits us.'
"We found her seated near a window.
She did not rise, but simply bowed, and
I saw that her face was pale, and that
it wore an expression of apparent en
forced calm.
" 'Fritz, I told you last night that
people are saying you are marrying mo
merely for my money. It matters little
to me now whether they speak the
truth or not. If they do, then, whether
or not you become my husband, is the
light gone out of my life indeed. You
know, Fritz, how I love you! If you
have done this cruel thing, nothing can
undo it now. If you have designed to
beggar me, under the pretext of affec
tion, fortune or no fortune, husband or
no husband, can make no difference to
me. But It shall never be said that
you uctually did marry me for my
money, and so, Fritz, I have asked Mr.
Dicey to draw up u deed, which
which' and here the poor darling
broke down completely and could say
no more.
" 'The deed, Captain Faulklner,' said
Mr. Dicey, with frigid solemnity, is
an uncommon one; I know, Indeed, of
no precedent. But It relates that, In
consideration of Captain Francis Ar
thur Faulklner of the Second Life
Guards releasing Miss Honor Beau
mont, of Hurstfleld house, Hertford
shire, from her engagement to. marry
him, the said Miss Honor Beaumont
herewith mukes over to the said Cap
tain Francis Arthur Faulklner all her
real and personal property, as sche
duled herewith, save and except the
residence known us "The Grove," Isle
worth, In the County of Middlesex,
and as much of her Midland Hallway
debenture stock as will suffice to pro
vide an annuity of $1,500 a year.'
"I turned half mechanically to Hon
or. Sho was still calm nnd pale, but
her eyes were brimful of tears.
"'It Is impossible!' I, exclaimed, And
r '
Rare Millinery Values
CLP- v
Second Floor Attractions. ffiainsSStc.
Beautify your home. If you desire to do so at little cost you will .find
here the very BEST values obtainable. If you desire a special estimate on
Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades, or any other interior decorations it will
pay you to let us figure on the same, as we know from past experience that we
can save you money.
iqc Fish 1 15c Sash t 7c Scrims .
Net for 1 2,2 Swisses for I l)C 40-inch, for 4C
"A ' "A "A 'A 'A "A "A'A'A'A "A 'A 'A 'A "A "A "A "A
Just at that moment something seemed
to struggle within me, for out of the
depths of my sinful heart there came
welling the tiny, feeble remnnnt of the
little good It ever held.
"I felt as If I could give not only
love but life to that noble woman who
had proposed to herself this mad, this
fearful sacrifice In order to put to
proof the sincerity of the man she
loved. Disregarding the presence of
the man of law I clasped her In my
arms, and we yes, Juck, we wept to
gether. "I treasure now that sacred parch
ment which awakened to new life the
little good ihat was left in me which
aroused the deadened sense of unsel
fish love nnd gave me riches greater
far than my villainy had ever dreamed
of. Do you wonder, Jack, that I am a
changed man?"
And that was the sequel of the con
versation In Horn! street.
Ten Buildings Are Destroyed Loss
About 1.30 o'clock yesterday morn
ing the Interior of the McKenna Hros.'
cooper shop was found to be on fire.
Three alarms were hounded which
brought out the fire company with two
engines. The wind was blowing strong
and the fire had gained such headway
that before the fremen had the fire
under control the following buildings
uero burned: McKenna Bros.' store
house, cooper shop and engine house;
Mrs. McKenna's dwelling house and
barn; Henry Friend's dwelling house
and barn; Mr. Beers' paint shop; Mar
tin Caufold's marble works, two build
ings. The above buildings were in
sured for a small amount. Comirlght's
livery stable caught fire several times,
but was saved with slight damage.
Most of the household goods wen re
moved from the dwellings. The plate
glass windows on the opposite side of
the street were broken by the heat.
Caufold's works are a complete wreck
and fifteen men are out of employ
ment. McKenna brothers had just complet
ed an engine house and plared a new
boiler. Their works are a total wreck
and a, number of men are out of work
It was over two hours bufore the fire
was under control. The loss to all will
be heavy. The large maple trees prob
ably saved the fire from extending
across tho street. The loss la about
Wednesday evening about 8 o'clock a
fire was discovered In an outbuilding
In the rear of the Opera house. An
alarm was sounded but the fire which
originated in an ash barrel was ex
tinguished by a bucket brigade before
tho fire company arrived.
Captain Hunt, of the Third Pjnnsyl
vanla volunteers, now stationed at
Philadelphia, was in town' yesterday.
Fred liunucl, of the Cruiser Prairie,
is visiting his mother on Third street.
Miss Carrie Weston is visiting friends
at Paterson, X, J.
Mrs. Billlngton, of Mooslc, visited
friends in Mlnooka yesterday.
Elmer Davis attended a farewell par
ty at the homo of Mrs. Fahey, in honor
of her son Frank's departure for camp
Private Jumes Hart returned to
Camp Meade yesterday ufUv being
home on u seven day furlough.
The Greenwood colliery, No 1, was
compelled to stop work yesterday at
10.30 o'clock through the breuk down
In the machinery, but will reaumo to
day. The Dewey Glee club had a ruhoar
ral last night at the home of Thomas
G. Kvuns,
The society of Christian Endeavor
held its regular meeting last, night at
the Greenwood Presbyterlun cl.utch,
W. F. Ketohum was a Scranton visit
or yesterday.
The members of the Wlloij Fire
company are highly pleased that
Scranton Store,
and 126 Wyoming Avenue.
There is more exclusiveness in our four dollar hats
than you will find elsewhere in hats of double the
price. We shall continue on Friday and Saturday the
special sale which was announced several days ago.
Our workrooms are making new hats continually for
this special counter, and every one of them is a marvel
of good value. The newest Fall shapes and the most
up-to-date trimming equal to models at double the
$3.50, $3.98, $4.50.
Others at $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $8.98, $10.98,
and $12.98. Some still higher. Every taste is ca
tered to and every fashion represented,
Regular 75c value Nottingham Curtains, full length
for -r . and u" w'dth, w'th which we will give you the pole
C 7 ClirtainS and trimmings complete GRATIS. Other good values
'i,c in curtains up to $15 per pair, pole and trimmings
gratis in every instance.
Lebeck & Corin
"A 'A 'A'A'A A "A 'A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A 'A "A 'A A A
Scranton was chosen as the convention
city for tho state firemen's convention
for 1SH9. The Wilson's delegate to
Lebanon was Instructed to vote for
Mrs. Edward Histed, of Waymart,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Pierce yesterday.
Edward Barnes was a Montrose vis
itor Wednesday.
.1. C. AVittlg, of Carbondale, Is
spending a few days In town.
The miners' certificate examining'
board of the Second dbirlct will con
vene at the borough building on Mon
day, Oct. 10, from 1 to 6 p. m. The ex
amining board is composed of Jlessrs.
Thomas Flnnerty, Archbald; George
Moutes. Pecl-.ville, and George Wil
liams, Olyphant.
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm,
Eczema Itch, Barber's Itch, Ulcers,
Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots,
Prurigo, Psoriasis, or other eruptions of
tho skin whnt Dr. Agnew's Ointment has
dono for others It can do for you euro
yoit One application gives relief. 33
cents. Sold by Matthews Bros, and W.
T. tiark.-23.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
health is Wealth.
Is soldundor positive Written Guarantee,
by authorized agents only, to euro Weak Memory,
Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick
ness. Nisht Losses. Kvil Dreams, Lnck of Confi
dence, Nervousness, Lassitude, nil Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excossivo Uf e of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At store or by mail, SI a
box; six forthwith written irunrantue to
euro or refund money. Hainplo imcli
UBS containing fivo daysr treatment, with full
instruction!, 5 cents. Ono sample only sold to
eacn person. Atstorooroymau.
ES"ncd Label Special
Extra stronntn.
For Tinnotoncv. Loss ol'
Pnwflr. IiOBt Manhood.
Ufnrllitt, nf riArrniinAR.t
.SI n box: eix for $5. niths&M
wniieu iiuuruuiuruev
tnflnTAlnSlnRtl. Af ftfrtrarlHiV
fiBFOn&orbvmal!. AP'
For Saleby William O. Clark, 316 Penn Ave
Scranton, I'a.
Scrap Iron, Second-Hand Machin
ery. Old Metals, etc. We sell second-hand
Boiler Tubes, Stacks,
Tanks, etc., write us for anything
in this line.
709 West Lackawanna Avenue
yfcvlgor to the whole beloe. All drains
Y5. ate properly cured, their
e properly cured, their condition
Mailed sealed. Price Jl perboi; 6 Send (order, book,
For Sal
c hyjuiitv II. rilUM'is,
CaMrS MBPlD 'WffP''
Spruce street.
35c White Enam-
eled Poles for 1 9C
"A "A "A "A 'A A "A 'A "A "A 'A "A A A "A "A 'A 'A 'A
Special Attention Given to Bust
ncss and Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodation Ex
tended According to Balances and
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Surplus, -
Undivided Profits,
WW. CONNELL, President.
HENRY BELIX, Jr., Vice Prcs.
The vault of this bank is pro
tected by Holmes' Electric Pro.
tcctivc system.
avinss Bank
and Trust Oo.
428 Lackawanna Ava,, Scranton, Pa.
Capital $100,000.00
Surplus 55,000.00
Pays Interests on savlnes dcpolti.
Acts as Trustee, Administrator, Uuardlan.
I- A. WATHP.S. President.
I). S. JOHNSON. Vice President
A. II. CHRISTY. Cashier.
Wm P. Hallstead. Hverett Warren.
August Rnblnson, K. P. Kingsbury,
Mllo J. Wilson. O. S. Johnson.
L. A. Walro.
Mt, Pleasant Goal
At Retail.
Coal of tho best quality for domestic usj
and of all stze3, Including Buckwheat and
nirdseye, delivered in any port ot ths
city, at the lowest price.
Orders received at the office, first floor.
Commonwealth bulldlnar, room No. 6;
telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele
phono No. 272. will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at tho mine.
ZiAVrl'OUJ X)tlwUrFnlllncr Mnm
orjf, Impotency, Sleep I est nes. eta, cauBed
by Abma or other Excestea and Indis
cretions They tiuiohty ami surely
roBtore Loftt VlcuUtr In old or rounff. and
fit a man for fctudr, btiflneu or marriage,
i'revent Insanity nnd Conkumnttan it
taken in time. Their ut.e chows irxmedlate fmprore
mentand effects n tJUHC where alt other fall In
lit upon bavin 8 tho genuine A J ax Tablets, They
havaourea thousands and will cure you. WaKtveapos
ltlfo written Ruarunteo to effwt a cure Cj) PTQ la
eaohoauaor refund tha money, Price vU U IOipr
luckuee or six pktfn (full treatment) for 92.60. Bi
mail, In ila! n wrapper, upon r nceipt of rrtre. flrculsr
,roo AJAX REMEDY CO., HssftrTit
For Palo In Scrnntcn, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and II. C. Samlcrrcn, druggists.
They have stood the tett of year!.
aaQ nave cureo ingusanus of
caiei of Nervous Dltcaics, such
at Debility, Dilnei,Slcepleii
neii and Varicocele.
i ocy near me Drain, iirengthcn
the circulation, make digenloti
Serfect, and impart a healthy
tfrtrtaHtntlv. Unteti mH.nt
and lones are check
oitcn wornei tnem Into Insanity, tjonnixnpt on or Deith.
boiei, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund ih
Addreit, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0,
I'liarinaclst. cor. Wvomlim nv,.,