The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 29, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Hun Down by a Horse nnd Carriage
Whllo Returning from School Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. W. Miller Entertained
Friends nt Their Homo on North
Main Avenue Rock Drilling Con
test Has Beon Arranged for Oct. 9
That Promises to Be Interesting.
Pcrsonnl Notes of Interest.
Kvrlyn. the youtiR son of Tlov. 11. S.
Jones, D. D had a narrow escape from
Injury after being knocked down by
a horse on West Market street yes
terday afternoon. The boy had Just
been dismissed from school, anil with
n number of youths ran across the
street. An approaching horse nnd car
riage coinlnK at n fair rate of speed
escaped his notice and ho was knocked
to the ground.
Fortunately the horse's fei t missed
liltn, and he was Just as fortunate In
passing under the carriage. Ills In
juries consisted of a few bruises of a
plight nature.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W. Miller, of North
Main avenue, entertained a party of
friends nt a leceptlon held at their
pleasant home last evening." The oc
casion was one of great pleasure for
nil present. The guests were: Alma
Clancey, Hertha Clancey. Jennie Fields.
Minnie Klees, Lizzie Davis, lUichel
Davis, llnchel Evans, Corn Harvey,
Mattle Huntsman, Hannah Davis, Mrs.
Fred Phillips, Mi's. Irwin, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hnrry Freas nnd Messrs. Fred
JIartsell, Harry Danvers, William Ig
ler, "William Lewis, Thomas Enos,
Thomas Evans, William Evans,
Edwin Evans, Hurt Klees, Uenlnmln
Thomas. Alvln Morgan, Harry Freas,
Henry J. Danvers, John Payne, Rich
ard Ascot t.
The sweeping challenge for a rock
drilling contest, Issued by David John
nnd Wllllnm Nichols, loenl experts,
through Tho Tribune some time ago,
has been tho cause of matching Messrs.
Nichols nnd John with Lewis Heaven
and George Dixon, of Miners Mills, in
a roclt drilling contest for a purse of
Tho contest will take place at the
Talentlne hotel, uear the Driving park,
Oct. 8, nt 2 o'clock In tho afternoon.
Tho stipulations call for dry holes and
one man nt hammer. Ten minutes Is
the specified time. James Neary will
ndjudlcate tho match.
The Christian Endeavor choir will
meet for rehearsal In tho Providence
Presbyterian church this evening at
7.30 o'clock.
Ted Prltcliard, of Court street, has
gone to a hospital in Buffalo for treat
ment. Miss Margaret Mornn has returned
from a long Visit with relatives in
Mrs. Patrick Devors, of Davenport,
Conn., Is visiting West Maiket street
The attention Of the strci cleaning
department Is called to the condition
of tho sewer basin In front of the Ilrls
tol house. Lack of cleaning has left
tho refuse standing rtnd tho unbear
able gases which arise from tho mat
tor Is causing many peoplo to beat a
hasty retreat to escape H. It should
bo renovated at once.
Misses Hertha Ileeso and Gertrude
Harris, of Taylor, were the guests of
Miss Maine Thomas, of Spring Btrect,
Mrs. Randolph Crlppen, of Dalton,
called on relutlvcs In this place yes
terday. Daniel Price, of Dlufjlmmton, Is vis
iting friends here.
Mrs. Frank 0'Hrlvn, of IJrooklyn, N.
v., is (uuo ill at the homo of her sIb
ter, Mrs. William .Ourlte, of West Mar
ket street.
lor I ho past three or four weeks a gang
it boys imvo been raising considerable
disturbance along Drinker street, tho
iHsturbaneoprtnclpnlly being In the nclgli.
bnrhood of Allison's hotel. The olllccra
have tuiillkil them on several occasions
and hud ohnsod them several times. Last
night they were still at It and Olllccr
Heaver gave rhnso and mamtged to cutch
oik; of them and took him to Jnll. ills
father interceded nnd arter giving the boy
n MTrro talking to Uurgcs Powell al
lowed him to go home, This will probably
Im the meant of bmiklng up the gang.
Tin' Kpworth knguo society of tho
Methodist Episcopal church gave u har
vest home social In the church parlors
last night. Fully two hundred peoplo
were In attendance. The church wus b
comlngly decorated, pumpkins, corn
stalks, srituinhcn and other articles large
ly grown on farms being conspicuous.
During tho evening an Interesting rro
gramme was rendered.
Anthony Mot an, of Apple street, ap
peared before 'Siu'lre Krotzer yestord.u
afternoon to answer to tho charge ot de
sertion nnd non-support preferred by hit
wife. After talking tho matter over they
decided to try It over again and dividing
the costs between them left the ottlce to
gether. Frank Halleck Is moving his household
effects from Apple avenue to Depuc
E. K. Crawford, of Throop street, has
two children very sick with typhoid fever.
At a meeting of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows at their looms Inst night
tho following ollleers were elected: No
ble grand. Frank Spencer; vice nohlo
grand. John Wnddcll; secretary, llyron
llrndy; ussitant secretary, J. K. Dainty;
treasurer, Jumes A. Masters; trustee,
Christopher Vlckers; lepresentatlvo to
grand lodge, Arthur Spencer. At the next
meeting the third degree will be conferred
upon two of the members. On October 111
tho Installation of ollleers will take place,
Harlnnd l'lnkiiey has received a letter
from his sen, Victor, who Is ut Porto
Itieo. Tho letter says that he has been
unable to write owing to Illness and that
their surgeon. Dr. McAndrow, Is nblo to
do little lor him. He sees no chance ot
recuperating as ihe weather is Intensely
hot and tho sanitary conditions very ba I.
Tho sick roll of the Eleventh regular In
fantry, of which he Is a member. Is grow
ing larger each day.
Olenn Herring, who has been spending
tho past few weeks In the southern purl
of the state, has returned home.
-Miss Ella Bullock, of City avenue, !ett
Inst night for Iowa, where she will spend
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. John De (julek, of Pitts
ton, spent yesterday with Mr.and Mrs. 14,
J. Hughes, of South Hlakrly street.
Jacob Heisecker, of Luke Ariel, Is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Jones, ot
Urook street.
Mr. and Mis. E. W. lilshop and .Miss
Elslo Decker, who have- been spending tho
past two weeks at Big Pond, returned
homo last night.
Mrs. John Kohnkee, of Plttston, spent
yesterday with friends in town.
Howard Bono and Erastus Ames, spent
Tuesday nt Plttston.
Programme of the Exercises That
Has Been Arranged Alvln Conk
Hn Had His Right Wrist Frac
turedMembers of St. Bronden
Council Held a Progressive Euchre
Party Chnngo in Service on tho
Swetland Street Line Personals
and Minor News Notes,
I Globe
-- u,
High Art
That expresses it in a single phrase.
The fashion centers of Europe and
America have been ransacked to secure
distinctive styles and novelties for our
Annual Fall Exhibit,
Which Takes Place on
Wednesday and Thursday
Of this week. The display will be the
most elaborate we have ever made, and
we trust it will fully meet with your
approval, as neither expense nor
trouble have been spared to make it all
that it ought to be.
Special Show Days,
Wednesday and Thursday.
From a high point near public school
No. 13, of which David Owens is prin
cipal, a beautiful Hag 20x30 will he un
furled to the breeze this afternoon at
2.E0 o'clock with appropriate exorcises
In conjunction therewith. Long have
the preparations for this event been
under way nnd ably have tho pupils of
tho school, from the primary room up,
seconded tho efforts of Principal Owens
toward procuring this beautiful em
blem. Each pupil and teacher subscribed
nnd n fund of $.".2 was raised. The Hug
was purchased and Tuesday an eighty
four foot pole was erected and today
tho long-looked-for event of unfurling
will occur. Tho pupils of public school
No. 32, of which H. S. Morgan Is prin
cipal, have been dnvlted to participate
and will nttend In n body. The exor
cises will be very Interesting. Princi
pal Owens will act as chairman and
the several teachers under him will
Following Is the programme which
will be carried out:
Invocation Hev. S. F. Mathews
Pong, "On to Cuba," (Tune, "In tho
Prison Coll I Sit") School
Opening remarks Principal
Controller E. E. Evans, Fifteenth ward.
Song, "Fnr Away the Camp Fires
Hum" School
Recitation, "Destruction of the
Mnlne" Ellle Hrownlng
Unfurling of Hag... Miss Hessle Evans
Singing, "Star Spangled Hnnner,"
Remarks by visiting controllers.
Flag salute Primary pupils
Address. .O. W. Howell, superintendent
Closing song, ".My Country, Tls of
Thee" Audience
Globe Warehouse
Owing to the necessity for n re-ar
rangement for the .time schedule of the
newly-extended and extending lines of
Swetland street and North Main nve-
nue, respectively, u new time service
has gone Into effect on these lines. This
change cnused u rumor that tho old
"swing" time would he Introduced on
nil lines, but this Is not so, as was
stated by a prominent street railway
The change, which will go Into effect
Immediately on tho above-mentioned
lines. Involve ndded cars, nnd ns a io
sult half-hour on Swetland street and
Luzerne street lines and llrteen-tnlnute
services on Petersburg will result. The
change will he us follow.: Cars on t lie
North Main avenue line will run from
the Commonwealth building, on the
AVnshlngton avenue corner to Weston's
switch, Providence, every half hour
from S5.S2 a. m. until 10.52 nt night. On
the Swetland and Luzerne street
branches ears will leave the Hyde Park
termini every half hour.
?ar-old Polish lad,
The little four
who was missed by his parents eaily
Tuesday morning, was discovered yes
terday morning at Duryea. The pa
lents reside at Oil Robinson street, and
were almost distracted. As was stated
in yesterday's Tribune, the lad left
home In company with two Italian lads
ot about his age, and whose parents
reside In the same hulldln;.
The Italian lads were found during
the afternoon nt Taylor, hut they were
unable to tell where their comrade was.
It seems that the facts surrounding the
case are rather mixed. On account of
the Inability of the parents to speak
English, little positive information
could be obtained. However, It seems
that a girl Is connected with the- es
capado and that It was she who took
tho children nway.
Patrolman Collins arrested a young
man on West Lackawanna avenue last
evening who was acting very strange
ly. After being brought to the West
Side station house the young man gave
his name as William Van Horn, and
said his wife resided at SG Keefe street,
Elmlrn, N. Y.
Often as he talked he would complain
of some person having put a stick be
neath his right foot, nnd this stick
flew up and struck him on tho hack
of his head. He also smoked many
cigarettes and had un extra complaint
about his teeth.
Alvln Conklln, 15 years of age, was
severely Injured yesterday at No. 18
school Just before the calling of tho
afternoon session. As a result of tl"
accident his right wrist wns badiy
fractured. Dr. F. C. Hall set the brok
en member.
It seems that Conklln was scuflllng
In play with an older and heavier lad,
John Travis. In some manner, young
Conklln was pushed from the lauding,
where the two lads wore playing, and
fell headlong down the stairs. The
fractured wrist was the result. Con
klln Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoscoe
Conklln, of North Garfield avenue.
f&fW a? tSV?v C AWv js
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f I
THIS BARE ANNOUNCEMENT will set all hearts agog. We had a big
exhibition of Food in February and March last ; Store was crowded
every day. Yet we can offer no comparison between that show
and this one. This shall be the biggest, the grandest, the finest exposition that it is
possible to hold. Five months of preparation have been devoted to it. Nearly fifty
of the biggest food concerns of the country have been preparing for it. And they'll
all be here, with their goodies to eat and their goodies to drink. The bic show will
occupy two-thirds of our basement over 21,000 square feet of floor space, think of it! Remember the day and
date of the opening. Come and bring your friends. Come prepared to stay the afternoon and evening.
The series of concerts to be given by Prof. Bauer and his musicians during this exhibition promises the
finest ever heard in Scranton, comprising all the new and popular selections.
B bat taCa 1
the well-known ventriloquist, Is the
guest of E-idros Howell, of Washburn
Miss Hertha Wettllng, of South
Hromley avenue. Is home from an ex
tended visit nt Stroudsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hughes.of North
Sumner avenue, have ns their guest the
former's mother, Mrs. W. W. Hughes,
of Danville, Pn.
Miss Helen Iing returned home Fri
day evening from a prolonged visit to
Altoonn. She was accompanied by her
aunt. Miss Emma lloyles, of that city,
who Will visit her sister, Mrs. J. C.
Long, 100 North Main avenue, for a
short time.
.Tared Cadner, of Dallas, Is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wall, of Wash
burn street.
Miss Mnrlo Donovan, of Nanticoke,
has returned home after a visit with
Miss Josephine Coleman, of Van Huren
Misses Kate and Minnie Jncoby, of
Portland, Pa,, are the guests of West
Scranton relatives.
Mrs. Elizabeth Evans and daughter,
Mrs. Mary A. Hamm, of Homer, Tioga
county, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry H. Jones, of Morris court.
Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, of Jackson
street, has returned from a visit In
New York cltv.
Mis Amanda Smith and niece. Miss
Ella Shaw, of North Hyde Park ave
nue, have returned from n visit In New
York city.
Martin Duggan, of Company F, Thir
teenth regiment, has returned to Camp
Meade, after a short visit with his pa
rents, on Price street.
Miss Winifred Huggerty, of Jackson
street. Is home from a visit in New
His Right Leg Came In Contact with
a Bar of Red Hot Steel That Was
Passing from the Rolls It Is Fear
ed the Xeg Will Have to Be Am
putated Funeral of John Leonard
from His Late Residence on River
Henry Lee, of Hrook street, was In
Jurel nt the oath works yesterday
mottling while at work, He is engaged
at the "rolls" and as the long pieces
of rod hot steel was passing through
that department, Loo's right leg, below
the knee, came In contact with the
steel, which burned the member to tin
bone. He wns unconscious when fel
low workmen came to his rescue. The
horrible odor of burning llesh almost
prostrated those about him.
Dr. AVnlsh was hastily summoned.
He allayed the excruciating pain and
the Injured man was removed to his
home. Further treatment was given
him. Developments ot today will tell
th true state of Lee's Injuries. It Is
feared that the leg will have to be am
putated. He Is very weak from loss
of blood and Intense suffering.
"Murder! Help! I nm being killed!"
nnd similar yells of distress awoke
tho echoes of Jackson street, near Its
intersection with Hoblnson street, last
evening about 9 o'clock. Instantly a
curious crowd congregated.
It wns only a very noisy "drunk,"
who wns being arrested by Patrolmen
Matthews and Collins. The follow,
who apparently was a llrst-elnss
"hum," was sleeping on a porch on
lower Juckson street and when aroused
ho objected. His objections were voci
ferous, and hence the startling cries.
Ho will be given a healing this morn
ing In police coutt and thus doth a
chance for a "murder" story end.
gN"S .1 i4ip
Mrs. 11. S. Storm, of South Main ave
nue. Is visiting friends In Waverly, Pa.
Ilruce Hurtman, of Denton, Pa., has
returned home after a visit hero with
Mrs. Sarnh Henjamln, of Nesquehon
Ing, Is the guest of Patrolman and Mrs.
Thomas Lowry, of South Sumner ave
nue. Miss Estella Yohe, of South Hromley
avenue, Is visiting at Delaware Water
Charles Hartley, of New York city.
The Mlses Sarah and Stella Mere
dith, of Jackson street, entertained nt
their residence Tuerday ovenlns: In
honor of their brother, Arthur Mere
dith, a member of Company F, Thir
teenth regiment, who Is home on a fur
lough. A pleasant evening was spent
by the guests. Those present were the
Misses Elizabeth Jones, J. Jenkins,
Sarah Dnvles, Marie Olllgoyle and
Esther Hughes, Frank lievan, David
Jones, Wllllnm Davis, Thomas Heese,
Edgar Meredith nnd Andrew Swans
ton. Several vocalists of local note will
leave here tomorrow for Selln's Orove,
Pa., to attend the eisteddfod which will
be held there dining the next two days.
The affair Is In charge of Dr. W. O.
Perkins, Mus. line., of lloston. Those
who form the party from this side nre
Miss Elisabeth Thomas (Lit Morganog)
and David Stephens and P. H. Warren.
All members of the Excelsior Glee
Vlub nre requested to be present at
the rehenrsal which will he held this
evening In their hall at 1J0 North .Main
The members of St. P.ronden's coun
cil, No. 213. Young Men's institute, en
Joyed a smoker nt their rooms, over
Jenkins' pharmacy, on South Main
avenue, last evening. In addition
tables were arranged and a game of
progressive euchre was gone through.
There wore twelve sets and John Dur
kln succeeded in leading them all. His
success was rewarded by the presenta
tion of a pair of handsome gloves. Tho
pilze was offered by President M. J.
Fltzglbhons, of the council. It is In
tended that a weekly serh-s of slmlllar
events shall be enjoyed.
At a meeting of West Side conclave,
No. i. Improved Order of Hepta
sophs, held at Ivorlto hall, South Main
nvenue, last evening, a committee com
prising Professor D. W. Phillips, Louis
A. Howell, W. J, Morgan. D. Williams
and John T. Edwards, was appointed
to arrange for an entertainment and
social for the members nnd their male
friends, to bo held nt above hall on
Wednesday evening, Oct. Vi. It Is ex
pected that several prominent Hepta
sophs will bo present, nnd no doubt,
Judging from the pcrsonel of the above
committee, u royal good time will ensue.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The funeral of John Leonard took
place from his late residence, CIS Hlv
er street, yesterday morning. The line
of enrilages In the procession which
moved to St. Peter's cathedral at nine
o'clock was the largest seen In many
months, a fact which silently attested
the respect and admiration entertained
through life for the deceased.
Hev. J. J, 11. Feeley was cWobrnnt
of the mass offered for the repofo of
the soul of the deceased. At the close of
the services the corteges moved to the
Cathedral cemetery, where Interment
was made In the family plot. The pall
bearers were Thomas and Anthony
Hope, Mlcluud Leonard, Wllllnm Neal
on, William O'Huru nnd Anthony Kenton.
REIS & IlURQUNUnK. Lessees.
II. R. LO.NO, Manajer.
Friday and Saturday, Sept, 30. Oct, ut.
Special Saturday Matinee.
Kvnns nnd Hooy's Eversreen Succosi.
A Parlor Match,
Presented by a Phenomenal Cant of
Was always tho best. In still the bet.
Knough nld.
Prices regular. Spactnl Saturday Mntlnco
2T nnd 50c.
One Night, Monday Oct. 3.
Moving Pictures of th) War,
Depicting actual scenes at the front
rUIUKS-'j.'ic, ir,a, noe and 7,"c Sale
opens Friday tit ! o'clock.
nUROUNDGR & RCIS, Lessees.
II. R. LONQ, Manager.
Mrs. Philip Welehel, of 717 Plttston
nvenue was twenty-seven years of ug"
yesterday. To commemorate the hap
py event 11 reception wns given at her
home last night, which was attended
by n large number of her intimato
f 1 lends, '
The occasion wns pleasantly spent.
Mrs. Weichel was the recipient of use
ful and handsome gifts.
The Wllllnm Council hose company
will meet tonight In special session to
arrange for tho annual parade and In
spection of tho police nnd lire depart
ments to morrow. In which tho com
pany will participate. They will ap
pear for the first time In their hand
Ki'ino m w uniforms.
A this evening's session the dolgntes
who will represent the company at
Lebanon next week at the annual state
convention of llremen will receive their
last night before the annual parade to
morrow and the Jaunt to Lebanon next
week. The attendance was large and
(.nptnln O' I ura Is confident that his
men will make a creditable showing
on both occasions. Those who intend
to take part In tho parade 111 be at
the hosx' house tomorrow at : o'clock
the very latest. The company will
met In ndjonrned session Sunday af
ternoon. A political club to he composed of the
voters of the Second district of the
Twentieth ward, Irrespective of party
.imitations will he organized at John
Woelker's pool room, 114 Cherry street,
Saturday night,
Andrew Hccn, the lad who wns In
jured at the new Ko. 3 school building
Monday. In Improving it tho Lncka
wurna hospital. His escape from death
Is considered miraculous.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Henry Zelgler, Sr
have returned from 11 three months
sojourn In ftormnuy.
John Flaherty, the barber, left last
night for Hutte City, Montana, where
ho Is to engnge in tho hotel business.
Gomminoing Monday September 26
The World Ilonowned Actress
Playing for the first time at Peoples
Prices In this city. Dime Matinee
Dally, commencing Tuesday.
KVKNINQ PIllCES-10, 20, 30 cents, no
One Week Commenclne
Bears tho
Signature of
The educational committee of tho
f-'outh Side Young Women's Christian
association will give mi educational
reception tonight In tho association's
rooms, 1021 Cedar avenue, to which
all women .are Invited. Tho Orpheus
orchestra will furnish the music for
the evening and light refreshments
will be served. This will be a good
opportunity for the young women to
register for tho evening classes.
St. Aloysuls Total Abstinence society
will meet In regulnr Best-ton In Phar
macy hall tonight. Following the
meeting drill practice will tnke place,
preparatory to tho annual celebration
nnd parade of tho total abstinence so
cieties which will bo held on October 10
at Wllkcs-r.arre.
C. J. Huildy, John Urown. Frank
Gavin and John Vaughan attended a
dance at Plttston last night.
Tho military section of tho Century
hoijo coinpuny hold their flnul drill
The (Jreen Itldge Woman's Christian
Temperance iinlun will meet at the library
ThuiMlay afternoon nt 2 o'clock Instcucl
of I!. All members are requested to tie
present, as business of a very Important
nntiiro will he transacted.
George I.lndsey, of .Mousey avenue, left
yesterday for Michigan, where he expect'
to spend some time.
Jlri. a"ace Lewis and sons, Lewis
and Leon, of Chicago, are upending a low
days with It. W. Kellow, or .Mousey ave
nue. The Loyal Temperance Legion of Ureen
Itldge will hold an entertainment at Kct
tletou's lull on Green ltidgo street this
evening. Mrs. Preston, state superinten
dent of tho Loyal Temperance Legion,
will mako an address. Ice cream and
cake will be served after tho entertain-meat.
Bryant and Watson.
Smoking Concerts.
Matinees Monday Tuesday ThariJcy
and Saturday,
PUICES 10c, '2Uc, itoc. fiOc, box seats 730.
Michael Murtaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Murtaueh, of Oak street, died
yesterday morning at 3.20 o'clock after an
illnms of a year's duration. He was a
htudent at St. Mary's college, Kmmcts
burg. Mil., but owing to tailing health had
to return home. After 11 mouth's rest, bo
felt strong enough to resume his studies
and entered St. .Mlchnel's college. Toron
to, Canada. It was not long before his
henlth again began to decline nnd
more ho was compelled to relinquish his
college work. He continued to grow
worse till death called him. Ho was t'l
years of age and had hoped to enter tho
priesthood at the completion of his stdles.
Ho wns an exemplary young man and In
every way lilted for the holy ofllee to
Jwhlrh he aspired. The funeral will
take place tomorrow morning fiom Holy
Unitary church.
Mrs. Henrietta Weiss died at her home,
021 locust street. South Kcranton, yester
dny nt tho nge of 71 years. She wns born
In Germany and came to this country
when a girl of 18 years, Tho deceased is
survived by three sons nnd 11 daughter,
who urc: Mrs, Joseph Woelksrs, Henry
Weiss, August nnd Albert Fey, tho latter
two children of her first marriage. The
funeral will take place Saturday at 2.7)
o'clock. Services, which will be held nt
the house, will be conducted by Hev. W.
A. Nordt, pastor of iho Hickory Street
Presbyterian church. Interment will be
made in the Plttston avenuu cemetery.
t:. L. Wolf died yesterday at his horns,
2IS Hallstoad court, after n three weeks'
Illness with pneumonia. He was M yeam
of age. Th funeral will take place from
the residence Friday. Sept. SO, nt 1 p m.
Intel ment In Dunmore cemetery. Itev. G.
L. Alrlch. of the Grace Heformed ISplsco
pal church, will olllelate.
Andrew Kl'inm ry died nt the home ot
his sun. A. J. Flannery, 514 Fourth street,
yesterday. Funeral notice later.
Mr. Hamilton Wanted to Dictate, But
Wasn't Allowed.
The mnjorlty of the voters examined
nt yesterday's session of contest com
missioners were from Dickson City.
They were: William T. Pervls. Bryan
Fallon, Luke Hall, John Germunder, S.
J. Barrett, H. M. Barrett. James Cay
glll, Joo Buckford, Matthew McPher
son, Matthew M. Gettrick, Jacob Wll
lard, Martin Walsh, J. J. McGuIre,
George Smith. James Logan, Harry Mc
Gerrity, P. H. Gallagher, John Mullen,
John Lurk, John Mullen, Thomas Ma
lum, P. J. O'Connor, Patrick Langan.
August Smith, William Shea. Michael
Mahon, Thomas Mannlon, John Caw
ley. The average number of Illegal votes
were disclosed.
Thero was a lively scene enacted dur
ing the morning, when Mr. Hamilton,
In opposition to the directions of Com
missioner Duggan, Insisted on the sten
ographer making note of his objection
to n certain ruling. The attorney
waxed exceedingly wroth and wanted
to take the commissioner and stenog
rapher before court to have them told
their duties In the premises. They de
clined to go. The stenographer, Mr.
Battenbcrg, acknowledged the suprem
acy of tho commissioner and declined
to take Mr. Hamilton's dictation ex
cept for extra pay at tho regular rates.
Mr. Hamilton didn't engage him,
A list of the witnesses who have
failed to answer subpoenas Is being
made out and court Is to be asked to
Issue attachments for them.
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