The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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V Ml JLlH -w Tfgf Sf3"5iS? -wflgpVVW
Cjje cranfon CdBune
I'tiblUhed Dully, Kxccpt Sunday, by tha
Tribune l'ublliulng Company, at t Ifty Oent
a Month.
- - -
New YorkOffice: jftONoMnuHL,
N.8. VIlKKli.VNI),
bole Aceut for foreign Advcrtltlng.
iMriiKi) ATTiir. rororncK AT SCKAKTON,
' ten" pages.
kernoi-WlUMAM A. STON12.
t..njnl Ciivnilini .1. 1. fl. (JOUIN.
pretary or Internal Affulta-JAMUS V.
LATTA. . ...
idRws of Hupoilor Court -W. . -run.
w. i). pciktui:.
Congressmen -at- Liurp SAMUKi A
CoiiRros-vVIl.l,lAM CONNM.U
judgc-r. v. urNsrnn. J. IIOMURTS. M V.
Burt)or-UKOUai: 1J. STHVliNriON.
Twentieth Dlst. JAMUS C
1'irst LMstrlet-JOlIN H. 1'AIUt.
fc-econd DIMrlct-JOIlN SCUJ'.Unn, J It.
Thtnl Dlttlct-N C MAUKIJY.
Fourth DIstrlct-JOtlN 1'. KUYNOl.Ds.
U will tie tny intiop when elected '."
fen '1)11(1111.1 mjs-tlf as to win thu lespect
hikI isuiul will of those who havn opposed
me at, well us tlio-o who huvu Klven mo
tlieT 1 thult bo the sovprnnr
ur the v. nolo pcopl- of the state. AbtfM
huo undoubtedly grown up In the leu's
Inline wh.i li .iiu neither the luult nt ono
party noi Hip other, but l.tther the
Kroulh of custom Pnni'iosnij invcs'-l-CJtlons
huo been nuthnrlsrid bv commit
loth, rchiiltli k In utine-ei"arv pxppiisp I"
the stale 11 will he iu hup and pui
inip to ooriiLt ll.t'e ti nd otlwi fvlW In n
Ihi ns 1 hfcr the powot. It will be my
purpose whlli guicnim of I'e-iins.vlvunla
fls it luii brm iiu pnipo-p in tin publlo
ro-lti ii" I have held, with Ciod'i
linlp. to iIImIi.ukp mv whnlp dut The
piople nrc Eteater than thp parties" o
whlili thov bi'lonir. 1 am onlv letlous of
their fjinr. I shall only attempt to win
their approval nnd my cmmtMico has
taticht mp that that can best be dono by
mi hont. modest, dally (U'clmiGO of
public dut
Tt lr well to lenie-mlier that thp per
son who rides a block1 on miv side
walk In the city of St-rnnton, day or
nlqht, lb now liable to a fine of not
less than $.' nor mnio than 10. rollee
men and other officers of the law
fchould govern themselves accordingly.
Produce or Desist.
Addressing the Commission of In
quhy Immediately after Its first con
vention President McKlnlcy said:
"There lias ticen In many quarters
severe criticism of the conduct of the
war with Spain. Charges of criminal
neglect ot the soldlets in camp and in
transports have been so persistent
that, whether true or false, thpy have
made a deep Impression upon the coun
try. It Is my earnest desire that you
shall thoroughly Investigate these
charges and make the fullest examina
tion of the administration of the War
depattment In nil its branches, with
the view- to establishing the truth or
falsity of these accusation". The people
of the rountiy ate entitled to know
whether or not the citizens who so
promptly responded to the call of duty
have been neglected or misused or mal
ticated by the government to which
they so willingly gave their services.
If there hae been wrongs commit
ted, the wrongdoers must not escape
conviction and punishment."
These picmedltated words express u
delibeiated purpose nnd give the com
mission thorough wntrant to nush Its
Investigations to the uttermost limits.
The woik of this commission is alto
gether ii Hide fioin such special investi
gations of particular petitions of the
war management as t-hall be ordered
bj tongies-s for Its enlightenment In the
formulation of legislation. This, above
Mil, li a tilliuuul of tni people, chosen
directly tiom among the people to take
cognizance of the people's complaints
and act as a highly Intelligent and c.x
lurlcnced Jury to icport a finding of
It Is now for the people themselves
to facilitate Its woik by coming for
ward to it with pertinent and authen
ticated Infoimntlou. If the war has
been mismanaged there must lie defi
nite knowledge as to who did It, when,
and where Those who have this know
ledge or a part of it owe it to the coun
try at laige, to those authoiltles who
within their piinir have done their
level best, and to the Interests of living
victims nnd the inemoiy of the dead to
Mep forth nnd produce. That Is the
iinnly, the Anglo-Saxon way. Wo have
had enough general howl and sputter,
Hip work very hugely of polltlcnl
malevolence; It Is lime now for the
honest, nutnlv, courageous tpe ot war
critic to appear with his budget, nut of
Miimisf, Imagination or malicious ex
uagctatton. but of hard lact.
Judge Grant Herring is now In pro
per condition to become a political re
former. An Inspiring Opportunity.
During recent dedicatory exercises
of an agricultural experiment btntlon
the shrewd and level-headed gentleman
who sits in the piesent cabinet ns sec
retary of agrtcultute presented some
thoughts upon tho subject ot expan
sion which are worthy of widespread
currency. The time Impresses him as
auspicious for pushing education along
scientific lines. "Peace Is soon to be
formally proclaimed. The vigor with
which we made war will be equalled
by the energy with which we will pur
sue education, production, transporta
tion, manufacturing, mining and com
merce. We will have an enlarged navy
that will carry our flag to evcr sea
to protect every American and every
pound ot freight our merchant marine
may carry. The products of fauns nnd
facloiy will sock markets In every
clime. The watchful eye mid steady
hand of Ptcsldent McKlnlcy, that lmvo
guided the nntlnn successfully thmugh
war, will take the same absorbing In
terest In the pursuits ot peace. Ho
ha done much to bring the sections ot
our country together In fraternal har
mony. He will be as much himself
In guiding our Industries to commer
cial supremacy nnd to better things
for the woiker In every calling In
"We have been giving exclusive at
tention to the development of our In
ternal tesources. Our competitors
abroad attest hnw .thoroughly that
has been done. Crops grown bcond
the .Missouri affect the value of land
on the niiln" and tho Danube. Our
coastwise trade exceeds that upon
the high cns. AVc are tho most ex
tensive manufacturers on earth. Our
people ate so highly educated that
Chtlstcndutn might be challenged to
match them wltlra like 70.000.UOO. c
have been quite cxeluslvo In our deal
ings with the outdli'.o world. The
eighteen bundled million dollars' wotth
of goons imported and exported In the
last fiscal year veie fetched tind car
lled ulmost pxcluslvely In foreign ves
sels When the sun tine over the
China vca on Ma 1 we did not own
a hitching post In those wutets to
which to moor nn American warship.
When the sun set on May 1 American
sailors hnd enlaigcd our borders, our
horizon, our umbltlons, our privileges
and our lesponslbllltles.
Wo have passed beyond exclusive
attention to internal affairs. We have
graduated, as It wcie. Our commence
ment pjceiclsei, which were held In
Manllu anl Santiago, were uncommon
ly Inlef-stlng. We will have a foreign
policy ery soon, and It will divide at
tention with home nffnlis, and the
studeiK of agricultural science will
Ime a wider field and the farmer more
maikets. The Islands ol tho Caribbean
son nnu the Pacini: ocean, lying near
the twentieth imiallel of north latitude,
will ofltr outlets nnd make markets for
the fnim products of i.ior northern
latitude1. Our gtalus, meats and dairy
product will find markets theie. They
tuodui'e nothing prolltnbly that wi
product, wp produce very llttlp that
they gtow with ptoflt. These islands
will feel the quickening Inrtuence of
contact with the United States. The
scientist will espetlmont for them and
crops that have never been solrtcd or
Toss-fertlllzed will get attention and
bo grown nt an aiUantage In these
Islands over similar crops elsewhere
In the tropl.s
"These islands will make us 'Inde
pendent ot the woild. They complete
our latitudes of production. Our (lag
Poats ftoni Point Hanow In the Atctlc
zone and oer Islands near the equator
in tin- Philippine aichlpelago, and in
troduces American conunetce to new
pop!e That is the scope of out Jur
isdiction, and it elevates and expands
the mind to contemplate it. It Is not
of so muih impoitancp what the total
area Is as the uu to which wo pi't It.
We will give lessons ot mnny kinds
to th" sialics. Wo w 111 crosb fertil
ize their pineapplo, select their coffee
plants and study thrdlseases to which
they nie subject. We will improve
their sugar and find better rite seed.
We will discover the principles that
underlie the production of fine tobacco
and give them reasons foi the methods
that have been hnnded from father to
non for generations. We will teach the
Asiatics better ways of ptoduclng and
upon thut as a basis civilization may
bo forwarded. Tho Far East w 111 learn
that the Ani"ilcan Is as potent behind
education, commeice and ngilcultuial
science as he is behind the gun."
It is altogether so great and unique
an opportunity that It ought to bring
out the best that Is In tho Ameilcan
chaiactei, as we believe It will.
"All the combinations that can be
muds between Tunimiinv and the odds
and ends of the kickers cannot beat
on? side of him," is the Judgment or
tlv Philadelphia Times respecting the
nomination of Colonel Roosevelt. For
once our contempoiaiy Is likely to
prove a tine ptophet.
".wallow's Stock In Trade.
Dt Swallow's claim that a private
citizen cannot bring suit against state
odVjhils for malfeasance In oftlce, that
such yctlon must originate with the
attorney general, nfeets only a part of
the sweeping accusations made In his
letter of Sept. 21. The grand Jury of
Dauphin county Is competent to biltnj
In a true bill for nison as nlleged by
Dr. Swallow In tho matter of the cap
Uol lire; likewise for theft, perjury
and false representation, which form
tho groundwork of the bulk of his
charges; and wo ventute to gay that
If Dr. Swallow shall succeed In con
vincing the grand Jury of his home
county of the truthfulness of a major
ity of his riceusatlons the attorney
general will r.ot tusltate to take up the
remainder and push them to a decision.
The fact, though, Is that Dr. Swallow
does not care to have his campaign
thunder put under judicial examina
tion. It Is too valuable an asset in his
pm sill I of notoriety to be subjected lo
probable demolition In a com I of jus
tice, as was his libel against Major
Delaney. He has mistaken the vote
given him on" year ngo to mean n per
manent licence for defamation and
abuse. That vote was given under un
erroneous popular feeling of sympathy
which he by pestiferous persistence
and "damnable reiteration" of vituper
ation hiiH since verv largely alienated.
Not until the people show by their
votes on Nov. S thlr Ineteaslng weari
ness of his uncontrollable tongue will
he subside Into the obscurity whence
hu came.
Meanwhile trust him to Meer clear
of grand Jutles nnd every other tribu
nal where recklers denunciation and
Intemperate abuse are sifted and pun
ished. - .i-i
Dr Swallow's demonstrations these
days seem to Indicate that he Is neg
lecting to boil his drinking water.
A Man Who Dares.
Tha recovery of the Funken Spanish
cruder, tho Mai la Theresa, at Santiago
calls attention to another man who
"does things." When the nlllcerss of
the Merrltt Wiecklng company who
had nccepted the contract to turrnsh
men and machinery for the purpose of
saving this ship reached the scene of
operations and looked matters over
they unanimously agreed that It would
bo useless to try to do anything. Rut
Lieutenant Holxon, tho hero of the
Morrimae, had lotmed a different con
clusion, and to'.uy the ship la afloat
nnd ready for repairs, nftor which It Is
likely that she will lake n permanent
place In the United States navy.
The experts who stand off and ctltl
clzo what others do hnd nlfro mndo up
their minds that the Cristobal Colon Is
lost for good and that It would be
money wasted to try to lift her. Uut
llobson ngnln has Ideas of his own and
promises, If given the chance, not only
to lift tho ship but to rde upon her
from Santiago Into New York huibor.
The Mnrln Theresa was badly damaged
by shot and shell, but tho Colon Is
prnctleully unlujuted save ns a result
ot her long submersion, nnd It lifted
could nt slight expense bo converted
Into n flrst-ilass armored cruiser ot a
type In which our navy at piesent Is
strikingly deficient.
It will grJtlf. nil admirers ot pluck
to know that tho navy department at
Washington has Infoimcd llobson to
go ahead and co what he enn do with
His Colon. He mny fall; tho balance
of expert opinion is even more strong
ly against him In this case than tt was
In the case ot the .Maria Theresa. IJul
trying and falling would be Infinitely
preferable to the timidity ot making
no effort whatever to recover this su
perb ship. If Hobson should again
succeed no reward within the ndmlnls
tintlon's gift would be excessive ns a
tribute to his healthy Yankee genius
and grit.
Jf Columbus hnd known that his
ashes would have been turned over to
GcnernI Blanco at this late day he
would probably have hesitated about
discovering America.
Unjust to MeKinlay.
Says the Philadelphia Pre3: "The
mock hysterics which some of our ma
chl'ie contompntarles in dlffeicnt parts
of the state are suffering lest the fu
sion movements should result In a
Democratic legislature are not likely
to affect any Intelligent citizen The
legislative nominations are now sub
stantially made In nil the districts; of
the state. It cvtry fusion candidate
so far agreed upon were elected It
would not come anywhpie neai put
ing the legislature in the hands of tho
It dees not justify pai ty treachery
that It is likely to tail In Its aim. The
lclous Intent is none tho less censur
able because not able to effect Us pur
pose. It the principle Is admitted that
fusion with the enemy Is a pardonable
method of Republican rivalry carried
beyond tho patty prltnaties and con
ventions, an end must soon come to all
effective paitv otpauizallon.
Mr. Wanamaknr went bpforo tho
people as a candidate llrst for senator
and then for governor, each time pio
fesslng Republicanism and his willing
ness to abide the decision of the Re
publican ttlbunals; yet now he Is using
his time, erorg and vast fortune to
break that pledge by setting up fusion
campaigns against regular Itepubl'nan
nominees-. We know well enough thai
ho cannot succeed that tho people at
largo are "on to his game" and have
no use for the sore-head In politics;
but what glieves us Is to see the Phila
delphia 1'ress, hitherto accounted a
trustwoithy supporter of Republican
principles, engaged now In scattering
seeds of paity revolution that tend to
hinder and embatrass the partv cause
nt a time when every Republican Influ
ence should be tallied to the support
of the nation administration.
This Is no time to put personal
grievances above party loyalty und
Figures collected by the Treasury
bureau of statistics show that the sav
ings banks of the world contain an ag
gregate ot 6,601, 516,173 in deposits to
the credit of 4j,i36.iG"i depositors nn
aveiage of JUl.?! apiece. Uut In the
Havings banks of the United Slates
$1,9,,.9,376,0.?5 Is on deposit to the credit
of 3,201, lli2 deposltois, an average of
J372 SS and this takes no notice of
building and loan deposits, endowment
Insurance or investments of savings In
Interest-bearing securities. In both
wage-earning and wage-saving oppor
tunities the citizen of the United
States Is tho tno&t fottunate individual
The secretary of the Democratic con
gressional campaign committee pre
dicts that the next national house of
tepres-eutatlves will bo nntl-McKlnlcy
by thiee majoilty. Unless a majority
of the people of the United States have
temporarily gone daft It will be nothing
of the kind; and we don't think they
are crazy.
The Republican who Is scaud or
lured this fall Into deserting his arty
will i-how tcant gratitude and worse
judgment. A party worth rc'cnowl
edging is worth supporting. If it has
faults, correct them, but don't ocsert.
Party desertion nver yet brought
about real reformation.
The war Inquiry commission organ
izes In secret so that Its plans of In
vestigation may not be discounted In
advance: but when it gets down to
business the doors will bo thrown open
und all the world can sep nnd hear.
Tho Ainei lean peace commission at
Paris will do well to avoid being Inter
viewed as to Its opinions on the Drey
fus tafe.
The calamity howler will soon need
to take vocal lessons In order to be
heard above the hum ot ptospeiity.
The powers evidently failed to put a
special delivery stamp on thnt last ul
timatum to the sultan ot Turkey.
Editor of Tho Tilbune
Sir: 1 note, frcm an edltoilal In jour
paper todav, thut thu Commonwealth, or
this city, purporting to spt-uk tor Dr.
Swallows suya regarding tho tcanaalous
stories served up to the leaders or the
New Yoik Voice, that ho "had no more
to do with their formulation, publication
cr circulation thnn either .Mr. Jcnks cr
Mr. Stono himself."
There Is no evidence that Dr Swallow
assisted In formulating the stories. 'J fiat
he is tntcscstcd In iluir publication and
circulation ia piovpd by thu lact that
copies ot the Voice, having the Unties re
ferrccl to In, aro displayed In conspicuous
places In the Methodist Hook rooms, tuiJ
1110 for Kilo on the counter ot thu Meth
odist Itook ConcMti, of which Dr. Swal
low Is stipcilutenilf ill.
Yuur ifvpecifully
-N. K. JiauKe.
iiiiii'Uiims,', i'.i., supt, :i).
If May Become a
Dangeroiis Issiie.
From the Indianapolis News (Intl.)
U WOULD remind our Democratic
friends that tho wur horror Issue
has two attics. Bo Inr thcro lm
been no serious attempt by mo
Republicans to make politic ll
capital out of .the war or to claim credit
for it that was not fulrly theirs. Presi
dent McKlnlcy has throughout borne
hi mi-elf, not n3 a lender of a party, but ns
the head of k united nation. The Itcputi.
llcans In congress acted In tho samo way.
All ot us, Republicans and Democrats
alike, felt that the war was one for the
honor or the nation, ns It was and Is, and
all rejoiced over tho wiping out ot social
and sectional lines and tho obliteration,
at least temporarily, of party divisions.
Tho country presented to tho world an
unbroken front much, lie It said, to tho
world's surprise.
Hut now, with tho approach or the fall
elections, n decided tendency appears
among tho Democrats to uso tho mistakes
nnd blunders In the conduct of tho var
for political pfTcct. And with this polit
ical animus lias tonio the grossest exag
geration. Another result Is sure lo fol
low. The peoplo have not forgotten how
much was nchlovcd In a very short time.
And If the Democrats persist in going to
the country on tho wat Issue, tho Repub
licans will meet them by claiming credit
for all the great I'i'ii'js that have been
clone under tho lcadcishlp of a Republi
can administration. The story ot W1-15
will bo repeated, and we shall be told that
this Is a Republican war though It is In
icallty no such thine;.
It tho Itcinibllean pauy Is to be
attacked and denounced for everj thing
that wont wioug, It will be entirely Justi
fied In claiming credit lor everything linn
went ilrht and how many things did go
right' No amount of crlllclkm can dim
the glories of Santlagound Manila. What
ever the mismanagement, It Is. still true
that tho administration organized unci
equipped a vast nrniv, and fnit under tho
direction ot the administration two iSpa".
sh fleets wero pntlicly dcstiovcil, tlio
eastern end of Cuba was concluded, sj.'juii
Spanish soldiers were captured end do
ported, Cuba nnd Porto Rico were both
wrung from Spain, the authority ol the
I 'lilted tjtates was established at Manila,
and nil this was done tir lour Mioit
months with an amazingly small loss or
life. The people are In no danger or tor
getting these things.
o -There
never was a more successn.l war
than that which wo waged ucsalnst Spain.
Wo may admit as absolutely true every
ehargn that has been made without in
any way weakening the general conclu
sion that the war has reflected gieat
credit on tin- nntlnn and Its government.
And it will he well lor us to glvt -ome
thought to out triumph'- as well as to out
failures. At the present moment the ad
ministration Is confronted with grave
problems in f'ubj, j'orto Hlco. and the
Philippines. Though nctuai lighting has
ceased, the war will not dp over till tlioo
questions have been settled and u ticaty
signed. It is. therefore, the duty or all
patriotic citizens to sustain tho adminis
tration with thp samo loyalty that was
manifested In the eaily days of the strug
gle. o
We do not mean to say that the charges
that have been made, tomo or which ha-e
been fairly proved, should be IgnoreJ.
Uut ot this thero Is no danger. Tho prcs-1-dent
has announced his intention to in
vestigate tho conduct of the war, nnd It
Is certain that there will be a congres
sional Investigation It Is the duty c-r
good citizens to point out cases or mis
management, but nothing Is to be gained
by wholesale denunciation or by tho
senseless and passionate repetition 1 1
stories with which we arc now all la
mlllar. The case Is virtually made up.
It will be tried at tho proper time, and in
tho piopcr way. We know that thcro was
unnecessary suITerlng In tho camps and
on tho transports' that theie were many
incompetent otllters, for some or whom
the iidmlnlstintiou is lesponsible, and tor
some ot whom it Is not responsiolc; that
theio was at times a tad lack ot co-operation
among the various departments, but
we do not know and cannot know, as yet,
who Is to blame for these things 'the
Investigations will show, nnd If they aie
properly conducted they will also show
what reforms are needed In our army
Thero need be no fears that the peoplo
will allow anv thing to be covered up
They want, and will lnlst on having, iho
whole truth. Uut they will not take as
true cvciy accusation made by sensa
tlonal und partisan newspapers. Nor will
they lose tight of tho fact that tho war
us a wholo Is ono of which they may well
bo proud. For our patt, we prefer to ic
Rard it not as a Republican war oi a
Democratic war, but us tho nation s war
in behalf of liberty and honest govern
ment. It Is for that reason that we aic
sorry to seo politics brought Into the dls-cus-hlon.
It tho partisan spirit shall
triumph, the Investigation will be made
tho more difficult, for the people will di
vide on party lines, and no verdict that
Is rendered will command the popul ir
From tho Washington Star
Let us begin our work In Cuba with no
undervaluation ot ils difficulties. To ac
complish what wo have In view and have
advcitlsed to tho world calls lor the co
operation ot the Cuban people. We shall
need tho friendship of those who openly
defied tho Spanl&h power as well as or
those who for one reason cr another re-
rnalned passive, and as their property in
terests dictated played first ono side and
then tho other far favoilte. An fnd,
therefore, should bo put to that crusado
of detraction which, Iniuurntcd by Sernr
do Lome, has already too long survived
tho disappearance ot that smooth and
professional Juggler. If we call to our
side men like 5enernl Garcia and take
them frankly nnd fully Into our confi
dence, wo shall do a wise nnd a just
Prom tho New York Hun.
We 1110 to see In tho next decado lower
rates of Interest und u dcuith of high
class securities. What the effect will bo
on tho merchant, manufacturer, and men
ot other lines of business, may bo lett to
thoso interested, but It Is a financial axiom
that a plethora of money means hlgho
prices for tho latter The money going
Into tho treasuiy will soon flow back
Into tho loan market. With peace se
cured upon satisfactory terms an era or
prosperity may bo looked foiwuid to
with confidence. And It will doubtless be
an era which will see Income Horn abso
lutely safo Investments reduced to j
per cent, per annum or lets, and pi tecs
readjusted on that basis.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
If Dr Swallow, tho Prohibition candi
date for governor of l'enusylvanld, can't
prove his charges or crlmo nnd thievery
in state affair except through tho mo
dluin of a Joint debalo with coier.ol Stone,
the Republican candidate, it la tali to pre
sume that he can't prove them ut all. tr
ho could, he would tako them Into the
courts. Dr. Bwullovv seems to bo sonio
thin of a windbag, or h wouldn't want to
try his ca p nn th stump, vvhrio irre
sponsible talk can run riot. Instead or
beforo n proper legal tilbnunl, where
witnesses must swear that they will tell
the exact truth.
Puncture Pi oof.
Wrathful Buyer "Look here! You call
this u punctuio pioot the; J.ook how tt
ha, flattened nut."
Viae Id Deslcr "Yes. That Is the punc.
lure woof." Cincinnati icmiuticr.
Aniotlhier Series of
Oreat Attractloes .'
lo Home FtareSsSiSe
Genuine Antique Lace Curtains at $2.49 a pair.
New Effects in Nottingham Lace Curtains from 39 cents
a pair upwards.
New Styles in Irish Point Curtains from $1.98 upwards.
In Silkolines, Art Crepes, Denims, Tapestries, Sash Nets,
etc., at popular prices.
Always Buiisy
M s, Boys' aM YmM
iMiMe Soles,
Lewis, EeSily k Mvies,
Bio tier Sets
New, Beautiful Patterns,
just opened. Special
Prices on same,
422 Lackawanna Avenue
'J to Adams Ave, Opp. Court House.
Sole Acents for RIchariUoa-Hoyatoa's
furnaces and Ranges.
HoteJ and
U TSi ItPjfi
Hot Water Stoves, Mot Plates, Oyster
Fryers, Oyster Boilers, Coffee Pots,
Hotel Trays, Hotel Dishpans, Sabaters'
Knives, Enterprise iYleat Choppers,
American Meat Choppers. Bread Slic
ers, Waffle Jrons, Meat Forks, Brooms
and Brushes.
All hotel supplies we do
short notice and save you money. Give us a tnal.
HME k SHEAR CO., 119 Washington Aye
No such magnificent display
furniture has ever been thovvn
Scranton as that now presented In
our Fall exhibit.
Nowhere can equal choice or equal
values In Furniture be found.
Latest designs In Bedroom, Parlor,
Library, Dining room and Hall Furni
ture. Furniture to suit every taste and
prices to suit every purse, with the
satisfaction of knowing that what
ever may be selected will bo the very
best In the market for the money.
Inspection of our stock and prices
Hill 4
fmmM At 121
North Washlnston
Scranton, Pa.
The Largest line of Office Supplies In North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Which Inks the per
. forations with in
g delible ink.
2 Has a positive and
& automatic feed. Gv
p ery machine guar
w an teed. Only
This price will not
last long..
Rey molds Bros
lionil. JEKMYN IIUlLUINfl.
J 30 Wyoming Avenue.
Tbe Largest line of Olllce Supplies In North
eastern Pennsylvania.
not carry in stock, we can get on V
5898 RI1J IPY9
These two dcp.'.itmcnts are now
replete with the latest and best
makes and newest designs for Fall
wear, both in imported and domes
tic maiuilactuie. We arc sole
agents lor the following celebrated
makes, ol Kid Gloves :
f. Ccatsmerl & Co,,
Persia Frcrc & Co.
of which we cany the most com
plete line and newest color assort
ment. New line
Ladies' Castor Gloves,
In grey and tan, for street weat.
Entirely new. New line La Mure
in shades of green, armv blue and
ted, to match our new Fall Color.'
in Diess Coods.
Special Line English
Pique Walking Gloves
An elegant glove for service and
duiability at $i.oo.
The following are some of this
leading makes always in stock:
hJer Majesty's, Fasso,
C. P., P. D.f Royal
Worcester, R. &. Q.
Thompson's Glove Fit
ting, also Warner's
68 Model, a new num
ber, and warranted
not to rust.
In addition to the foregoing wa
cairy a lull line of popular priced
goocis that for A i value cannot be
Special Fall Opening
5ale during the next ten
510 and 512
OciieriU Aetnt for the Wyoming
District fo;
illnlnz, IllastlncSportlne, Bmokelwi
aud tho ltcpauno Chemical
tafcty J' use. Cap! and Exploder.
Kooin 101 Connrll llulldios.
ruo Form