The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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(Je cranlon CrtBune
Publlihad Dully, Kxcept Sunday, by lbs
Trluunal'ubllihlns Uompuy, at Fifty Cents
n Month.
Nw York Office! 15() Numru su
bole Agent (or Foreign Advertising.
Covcrnor-WILUAM A. STONE. .
Lieutenant Uocrnoi-J. 1. S. UO. Bl .v.
Secretary of Interna! Affulis-JAMbS w.
Judges of Superior Com I W. W. POR
Congressmen - at Largo SAMLLL . A.
Judge-P. W. UUNSTKR.
Coror.ei-JUltX J. ROBERTS. M V ,
Twentieth Dlst. JAMES I
Pust Distill t-JOUN H. PARR
fceoond Dim lit-JOHN SCIIEfElt, JR
'third Dlsttlet N. ; MACK1JV.
louilh Dlstllct-JUIIN P REYNOLDS
It will lit inj purpos-e when elected to
so lumluit imsclf as tu win tho respect
mid good will of thoe who havi oppoeil
me as wll hi thou- who liao given me
thetr 1 rl.nll Ik the governor
of tin vlmle pcopl or the btate Abuser
lmi' tipiloubti.lh kniiMi ul. In the legls
lntun whim are neither the limit ot one
part) ior the othei, hut ruthei Hie
Mouth of i umoiii. I'micccs'sat) Investi
gation have been authurlrtd 1 commit
tees tdiiltli g In unneicsm im"iio to
the stale. It -will be ttiv uire and mn
po'ci to i ii if tt tt-esi ami other evil's lit so
far hi I hyve the powet 1t will be ms
T'lnpoT while governoi of l'enii'ylvatila,
ns It Inn been n- purpof In th- liubllc
poltjns th'it I bue bold with Clod's
help to dlschaigo in) wliob- ilut Tho
people arc uicatu than the parties -o
which th' belong 1 nnt onlv Jealous of
tbclr favor I shall onl) attempt to win
theli npprovn' nnd in) evpeilenee has
taught me that thai inn 1 e't be done by
an honest, modest rtallv dlscbatge. of
public dut).
A good ti'plj to Dr. Swallow's cffti
lve i halleng" to I'ulnncl Stone would
lip to recall to the doitoi's attention
the oi did tendered upon his ctratle
i barge by the twelve good men anil
tine, his fellow citizen t evident In
Dauphin county, who sat ns a juiv In
his tilal for ulmlnul libel These men,
elt( ted among the nonest yeomnniy
of the lower Susquehanna allev, lieeid
the accusations and the evidence and
promptly voted the doctor's nseitloni
untrue. It Is not likely that n political
meeting swayed by excitement could
impiovo upon this calm deliberation of
n tegular and lespeeted tribunal of
strletcd authority to carry Its Investl
Bntlons to the fartlieit limit. Ilveiy
soldier and every civilian coimrctcd
In any way with the army mnnngc
merit will bo Instructed to tespond to
inquiries with tlio production of nil rer
cuds and tmpera anil the wlthlioldhiB of
nothlim. raptaln Howell, the flBMIns:
Atlanta editor and a Democrat of the
Mtalwurt type, would not consent I"
fpivp upon the committee until ho. had
Hint sntlufled hlmaelf by pergonal In
vestigation that tin: committee would
bp clothed with patamount Jurlndlc
tlon. No Innucunt man shall suffer,
hut no guilty man escape. This Is the
president's unalterable purpose.
The attempt which Is being made
by the Democratic leaders to pull a
free silver campaign vlotoiy out of a
war that In Its main tesults was tho
most successful short war In hlstoiy
will not succeed, for an obvious tcason.
The American people want tho war
management Investigated, as It Is go
ing to be under the plans of the war
piesldent; but they do not piopose to
have that Investigation turned Into a
party Issue and made In tho htespon
slblp and tecUless spltlt or campaign
OtmagoRlsni. It Is too seilous and too
s.u-ied n matte! Involving too Inti
mately the honor nnd safety of the
countty to be committed to the wind)
buffeting of blatheiskltes. The high
est (haiartci nnd thp ilpest executive
epeilencc nie tailed foi in the tieat
inent of so delicate n pioblem and
this Is wh.v the lommoii senp of the
lountiv, putting aside the spoutlngs
unu the shoutings of the demagogue"
will Htnnil by and sustain the leader
tiled and tine. Hon William McKln-
li'j. the president of the United Stules
In the adjustment of the many piob
leins glowing out of the war the ad
ministration of William McKlnle) hns
a i Ight to expect the support of ever)
Republican. Stand 1 the piesldent.
Superintendent Howell's Repot t.
The annual report of Superintendent
Howell upon the condition of the city
schools, which appears elsewhere, mer
its perusal in both substance and man
ner. Without dilation, It puts the situ
ation In due perspective and touches
with special emphasis upon special
The teferences to what have been
done In culture of the sensibilities by
the use of music, pictures and llowers
In the school room and in the enlisting
of motheis' Inteiest aie not the least
Impoitant feattues of the tepott. We
dare suy that weie Supeiintendent
Howell called upon to elaborate his
Ideas In this diiectlon a valuable chap
ter could be contributed to public In
formation. It Is In the ethical and aes
thetic Influences with which the schools
sui round the pupils ciulte as much as
In the evict knowledge Imparted or
the set fonrts of Instruction observed;
that they have political value as nur
series of good citizenship; nnd we note
with pleasute the start which has been
made along these lines In the schools
of Huntiton.
Of kindled Inteiest Is the resume of
progress achieved In the pupils' saving
fund. With the hlstoiy of its Inception
our readeis ate familiar, but it Is gratl
f)ing to know that eight of our schools
now hae the savings system In oper
ation with a total deposit of $950. Here
is the germ of a lai,j;t development In
the Inculcation of habits of tin If t and
ft ugallt) habits quite as valuable to
the community as is a knowledge of
the laws of giammat oi the Intilcacies
of i-ube toot
Altogether the icpuit pt educes an cu
tout aging Impression and shows that
the management of school affalis on
their side Is not going for
ward without a well-defined put pose In
Mr Wan.inialter has printed his
speech" in book toim, but his most
' Ifectlve contilbutlon to political lltet
atuif will continue to be Ills check
Koosevelt's Valuable Object Lesson.
A valuable lesson It derivable from
the position which Hon. Theodor"
Roosevelt has taken in the canvass for
the Republican guhernatoilnl nomina
tion In New Yolk state. No citizen o'f
the United States stands higher than
he foi personal Integrity and moral as
well as ph)slcal coutage. He Is, In
these tespects, an ideal t)pp and moie
ovei he Is a livin of large and varied
expel lence both as n law -maker and a
l.tvv-enforcei. He nevei "woie a col
lat" or "cringed to a boss',' or did tiny
of the things the piofesslonnl
tefoimeis aie fond of holding up to
leptobatlon. jot when a gio'ip of citi
zens repiesentlng chlellv a, dissatisfied
element In the Republican patty sim
ilar In many wa)s to the element In
this state Identltletl polllitull) with
John Wanamnker met without his so
licitation and nominated him at the
head of an independent ticket he
pioinptly cilled on the leadeis ot the
regular Republican pait) otganlatlnn
and lnfoimecl them that he would ac
cept no nomination which did not come
fiom Republicans as Republicans and
cany with It cut dial ii.doisoment of his
associates on the Republican ticket.
This assutanee was oluntaty on the
part of Colonel Roosevelt and, ns he
has since explained, was dictated by
two consldeintions of high Importance
In th" tltst place, inasmuch as the leg
islatuio to be elected In New Yotk
stat j In Novembet is to choose a rep
resentative in the United Stftes senate
In place of Senator Muiphy he could
not as a Republican on national Is
sues encourage a multiplication of leg
islative tickets that would put in
jeopauly the opportunity to win the
senatoishlp for the Republican party,
unci, secondly, If elected governor he
would want at his back .it Albany a
Republican legislative majority which
would lend Its suppoit and the suppoit
of the Republican oiganlratlon to his
executive policy. This position takes
cognizance of the fact that one of tho
two gieal political oiganizatlons will
lnltnbly gain control of public nffalit;
and that the diversion of Republican
votes to an Independent or a Puelon
ticket Is Jut so much aid extended to
the Democracy.
Colonel Roosevelt's example bears di
rectly upon the political situation In
Pennsylvania since It wains the Re
publicans of this state that they, too,
must fatand firmly by their patty. The
Republican vote thrown to Dr. Swal
low oi to a Wanamnker fusion candi
date for the legislature is a oto
thrown eontiaty to the best Interests
of the Itepubllcan party and wasted so
far ns ptactlcal tesults aie concerned.
Tho time for those who wish to Insti
tute changes In the Republican party
management to make their put pose ef
fective Is at the party primaries and
in tho pail) conventions, righting
outside of pmty lines Is helpful onl)
to the Democracy, and it would be far
mote manly for those who Indulge lr.
It to go all the way over Into the Dem
ociatlc camp and take their place
boldly under the Democratic banner
than to engage in guerrilla watfaie be
tween the Hues while still professing
to be Republicans
who fought bravely At Manila bay as
long as ho hud a ship loft, has made
Augustlit a little uncertain as to what
his wtlcomo will be when ho reaches
the locality where scapegoats are In
demand. It Is ptobablc that before
many weeks Augustln will be convinced
that the "Inst ditch" at Manila was
n safer place, for him than Madrid,
It Is Interesting to note Hint Dr.
Swallow's paper so far hedges In Us
defense of scandal In politics as to ad
mit that rlvul candidates ought not per
sonally to blackguard nnd defame each
other. That paper, however, still holds
that the peddling of scandal in a.
candidate's behalf Is proper provided
he doesn't do It hlmsplf. In other
wot ds, while a doctor of divinity ought
not, vv hen seeking public office, to use
sewer sweepings against an adversary
the use of them Is nil right on the part
of his undci strappers. The rctteat Is
not veiy ninstetly, nevtttheless It Is a
tetreut. Our contempniar) has our
The nomination of Hon M. F. Sando
for cotiBtcss by Hip Lackawanna Demo
crntlc committee Insuics a contest In
this district which will duubtloRs grow
In Interest as the campaign advances.
On the eve of it The Tribune desires to
expiess Its Biatlflealloti that the nomi
nee whom It will oppose Is to be a
gentleman pel sunnily so amiable and
accomplished AVe assume that Mr.
Sando's nomination assuies a clean and
mi honorable campaign testing not up
on personalities but on political nigu
inent. On this footing we are toady to
give or take.
With Its best pationnge )et to come,
the Omaha exposition Is now $15,000
uhcad of all expenses and Is giving the
Bi ?atcst show of its kind that the peo
ple west of the .Mississippi river have
ever sen. This speaks well for the
piospcilty of n people Just enieiglng
trom a fotelgn wai.
The new nichblshop of Santiago, Rt.
Rev. Louis Musteliei, Is a native Cu
ban whom Spain for many )eais forced
Into exile. His designation for this
Important ecclesiastical post is an In
teresting indication of the Vatican's
quickness to meet changing condi
tions'. Colonel Roosevelt sas he does not
believe much In the lasting qualities of
Independent political movements. He
Is not alone in this opinion.
The Due d' Oilcans does not seem
to tealUe the danger liuuried In at
tempting to handle the live wires in
the Dieyfus case.
It has turned out to be the German
admlial Instead ofAgulnaldo who needs
watching at Manila.
It Is a time fot Republicans evpty
whete to too the mails and stand firm.
nnd the Philippines, all of them being
transported over long distances by nea,
Involving an Infinitude of arduous tie.
tails, all ot them landlnir succcssrullv,
and nil of them accomplishing tncu pur
pose, so that only four months after tbu
declaration of war hostilities vera
brought to n conclusion nnd negotiations
fur peaco begun, It was a teat or whleti
even a nation orRitnlacd on a military
barls, with n grout army ulwa)s at liiind,
might well have hud tea son to be proud.
Tlio original purpose of tho administra
tion, ns expressed In the Hull bill for the
reorganization ot the army, was to pro
vide for an Inctcase of the regular urmv
to a strength which would have furnished
a trained foiea sutllclent for tho necessi
ties of uctlve campaigning without en
forced i ell nice upon the tnllltla or volun
teers. The history of the failure ot thut
bill hns been lehitcd bv Mr. Hull, fader
a mistaken apprehension of Its purpoh,
tnllltla olllctis In ninny slates protested
against It to their congressmen, on the
Bround that It would deprive them ot a
share of the clorv of tho war, ami uc
coullnglv tlio house of representatives inn
avvny from tills wise nnd necessary Mil
nlmust In a panic: and consequently an
Insuflltlent Increase of the regular army
was voted. That was a great mistake;
but In spile of It, American ulnr, In-
genuit) and resource carried through the
war In four mouths to complete victory,
and with a telntivc lofs small almost be
yond precedent. It was a ningnlliccnt
achievement and the American people
huve reason for boundless pride and un
ceasing thnnrtliilnccs because of It.
JSo &
Dally Hoioscope Dtnwn by AJacchus,
The Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe Cast- '-'..M n. ni , loi 't liuisuav,
Sept'-mbcr --. 1W.
A child boi n on this day will notice
that an honet man does not need o
place a lag on hlmscll announcing th i
The cindl'latc who neslttts to lei p a
meni'ii.iinlun. of the dates ot tounty talis
is sadl.v in need of a manager.
Some pel sons --pcnil so mm It time
making tun of the werther prophets that
they never enjoy a pleasant cl y.
l'i isons who cieate seldom have time to
Summer with the oi option of the In
dian varletv, should have ended jester-da).
l'min tho St. Lous tilobc-Demoerat
ho congress which will bo elected m
November will have to deal with mote
nutations of great Impoitance than pie
sentid themselves to ail) oongiess whleti
hns mot since tho civil war and recon
stitictton dj)s. It will have to devise n
svstcm of government for oath ot our
now possessions, with the possible ex
ception of Hawaii, which ma) be, nttend"d
to In the coining short session ot tho
pies"iit eongre-ss. The wotk of forming a
permanent army to meet the new needs
which enlarged tcrrttoi) will lmpoe mav
poslbl) be tiaHFUcted 111 the coming lour
mouths' seslon of tho existing congress,
but the chances are that It wilt go ove
to the noxt bod). Then, too, n stun" oi
gunlzallou for the arm) In line with mod
cm tesiulicmciits will have to be devised.
The old isue of the stalt anil line wrangle
In the navv will have to bo settled, nnd u
new system of naval promotions must
be created.
o -Woik
enough to kiep a coiiRiess busy
during nearly nil of its term, nslilo alta
gothcr from thu routine) business ot the
government, has hero been cited the
task of framing governments which will
recognize the local capabilities and meet
tho peculiar nooels of tho people ot Cuba,
Pcrtp Rico and the Philippine demands
tlmo nnd Intelllpenee. In a eonsldeiablu
de glee tho conditions here are now. Some
ot the peoples to bo dealt with may ha.e
to lemaln In a state of depetiilt nte lor
ever. Tho full teiiltotlnl status which Is
ciijovctl b) New Me.xlto, Arizona and Ok
lahoma i.innot be extended to ail) ot our
new possesions immediate!), though tlio
Indications aro It may bo safely
given to Poi to Rico before man )ears
have passed. An entirely illfteient and a
less advanced sort of government will
have to be lnovlilcd fui th" Philippines.
Government for Cuba will involve some
delicate iiuestlous of a different ordir
from those which will tome up In the
Porto Rledii and Philippine mat let,
Tor the adjustment of all these compl x
questions the Republlttn paitv will be
liclil primarily n sponsible The neces.
sit), therefore, for the Republicans to
elect a maiorllv of the next house ot rep
rtsentatives and to gain the two or thre
seats which will give thiin contlol of the
senate Is partlculnilv urgent A Repub
lican congriss should lm iliosin to nsslst
the Republican piesldent In dealing with
these dollcnto issues Jsot since lSif,
when Georgia, tho last of the seceded
states, was restoied to her old lelatlons
to the Union, has congress been called
upon to deal with so many questions re
qulrlng discrimination, balance and tact
as will present themselves to the con
gress which Is to be elected a little less
than two months he use
Oyr Big September
Has outstripped all previous efforts in this direction.
Why? Because Blankets bought during this sale
means a saving that you cannot afford to let pass.
We wanted to to make a Blanket selling record and
we have done it, because we have the stock and
prices to do it with.
Fall weight Canton Blankets from 35c to $1.49 a pair.
Half Wool Blankets from $1.98 to $2,98 a pair.
All Wool Blankets from $2.98 to $5.98 a pair.
The Finest California Blankets from $7.98 to $12.98 a pair.
Syit9 Jackets aed Capes wm Be our Next stor
Always Busy
Will Stand by the Piesldent.
The piesldent has received from
seven gentlemen acceptances of his In
vitation to act as a committee to In
vestigate the executive management
bf the wai. Two othet invitations have
not yet been answered The commit
tee will ceitalnly consist of Gencial
Granville M. Dodge, of Now York, Col
onel James A. Sexton, of Chicago,
commander-in-chief of the Gtand
Army of the Republic; President D. C.
Oilman, of Johns Hopkins university;
Dr. W. W. Keen, the noted bactoilolo
gist of Philadelphia; Charles Denby,
of Indiana former minister to China;
Captain Kvan P. Howell, of the Atlunta
Constitution and ex-Governor Wood
bury, of Vermont. Mr. Whiting, of
Massachusetts, the paper manufac
turer, and General W. II. Jackson, ot
Tennessee may accept. If they do the
bouid will consist of 5 Republicans
and 4 Democrats; If they do not, It will
comprise 4 Republicans and 3 Demo
crats; but In no Instance Is' it believed
that party politics will be Instrumental
In deflecting honest Judgment. These
men have been (.elected pilmarlly for
their high peisonal character and wide
This committee will lecelvo from the
president as commander-in-chief of the
army and executive head of every
branch of the military amice unte-
Genoial Garcia, whom Shatter need
less!) offended at Santiago, is coming
to the United States to visit a daugh
ter who Is 111 Having disbanded his
foices and relinquished hlB command,
Geneial Garcia Is now a pi hate citi
zen As such he was honoied at San
tiago yesterday b) a public leceptlon
held In the palace under Genetul Luw-
ton's diteetlou; and when he l cue lies
this cuuntrv tt Is announced by nu
thoilt) that Piesldent McKlnley will
be glad to receive him at the Whit
house and center with him telatlvo to
Cuba's 'future. All of which tends to
couth m our oilglnul suspicion that the
public bus not yet heaid every side of
the Gatcla-Shafter episode nor gained
as vet u ttue estimate of this line old
Cuban's chaiacter.
A good purpose will be sotved by let
ting the Iowa and Oregon, while going
to Manila, stop nt ports In South
American countiles. like Argentine nnd
Chile, that have been unnecessarily
Spanish In their s)mpathles duilng the
war. Thu Inhabitants of those coun
tiles need a visual reminder of Ameil
can power. It will do them good.
Geneial Augustln, who (led from the
Ante) leans nl Manila, has I cached Aia
bla on his Journey home, and has been
dropping oiuislona! Intel views along
the loute by vvn of explanation The
J puulflhment accurded Admiral Montijo,
Greatest Triumph
in All History.
Prom the New Ycrk Sun
HEN It became appaient, eaily
last spring, that war wltn
Spain was at hand, this country
was woefully delltlenl in pp pa
latums for tho Inevitable era"!-
gonej. Yet the tactics of tho president,
obvious!) pursued In older to gain time to
tush through nil possible prcpaiatlons tor
supplvlng these delltlenels In troops and
tho material of war, provoked violent
outcries against him In the very news
papers which aro now bitterest In thrir
vituperation of him because of the suiter
lug which has resulted trom this neces
saiy haste. Our legular nrmy of about
S."0U0 men only wus scattered In small
bodies far and near, and only the sup
plies esM'iitlnl for so small a foice had
been provided, or could have been pro
vlded, under the narrow appioprlutlnns
for the purpose made by congress. 'J his
was tho condition In which we were nt u
time when wo weto on the eve of war
with a fully equipped mllltnr) state with
a largo and thoroughl) sensoned army
all rady In the Held and supplied with ev.
eij icqulslto foi modem mllltniy service
That wo should have suimountitl the ipr.
licult), so that in four months wo com
pelled Spain to suo for pence nttcr a
rapid und continuous series of victoiles
by us on sea and land, was one of the
most brilliant achievements of gclierul
shlp and military administration which Is
afforded by tho hlstoiy of war
Our Initial vlctoi). tho sulcndld tri
umph of Dewey at Manila, wns mado po?-
slble by the rapldit) with which suppiu.s
wrro sent across this continent to ha
ionve)id to our slatlc squadron. It wns
a task requiring tho ablest administration
In the navy department, and was per
formed qulctl). systematical!), without
undue publicity; and It was done thor
oughly and successfully. Sensationil
newspapers wcio crying out madly tor nn
immediato assault on Havana, Impieg
nable against any such attack as we
could then have attempted, and suie to
Involve us In awful and probably tuttio
losses. Instead, the (list assault was
mado on the other side cf the wot Id, und
Its complete and bloodless success shut
tercd tho power of Spain at one blow and
changed the whole course of American
hlstoi). The Philippines wore our proper
objective, but sensational newspaper
strategists had overlooked It Dcwe) s
ttlumph gavo renewed conlldence to our
wholo navy and titled It with the Inspira
tion of victor)'. The vaunted power of
tho Spanish navy, previously runka
above our own In strength, wus proved
hi a slnglo engagement to ba a delusion,
1'orelgn opinion and even timorous home
misgivings had looked for disaster for
us at the beginning or the hostilities, but,
Instead, victory attended our anus trom
tho first stroke to tho Inst, with never a
variation. Neither on sea nor on land
did we suffer a single inverse u single
delay In our vlcloilous progiess
The strength of our regular mm) was
'X.i'1 on April 9) During May, June and
July It was leerulted up to !il.s.i7, or I'bonl
10U0u less than the maximum strengtn
allowed uuclci the bill for the Increase or
the fuico passed by tongiess. 1'ioni this
army chiefly were iliavvn the mice iv
pedltlons sent by us to Cuba, t'urlo Klto,
1898, Fall Exhibit. 1898
Koi Every Member of the t'nmll).
Lewis, Eellly k Mvks,
Ithaca Dispatch In the Sun
1'. T. Dodge, a well known patent at
tome) of New York city and or Wash
ington, has piesented to Cornell unlvei
slt), thiough Dr. Thurston, ot Sibley col.
lege, what Is said to bo tho costliest piece
of machinery ever contracted. It Is the
oilglnnl Paige typesetting machine, the
only one of Its kind ever built, and was
const! uctcd at an expense ot neail) (2
000,000. Beldes being tho costliest piece
of machlnei) In the woild, It is at tlio
same tlmo one of tho most icmnikihlo.
and Ingenious It consists of over luo
parts, and Is In every detail beuutltull)
pel feet In Its wet king It Is not built on
the plan of the ordinal y Dpcsottlng ma
chine, which moulds Its own t)pe, but
like a human being handles ordinary
t)pe, sets It, leads It and distributes It
as though It were a ptisan.
The Invention wns a tulluie hi a com
mercial sense, for even alter the tirst ma
chine was perfected it was impot slble to
build tho machine so that it could be
sold Tho machine occupies door spat-v
113 by ,1'a feet, and lias a maximum
height of UC3 fi et 1 ho new gift to Cor
nell Is all the more Intt resting Inasmuch
as It was In tho construction of this ma
chine that Mark Twain sunk some of his
fortune. It Is not known )ct when the
machine will reach Ithaca, but Dr Thuis.
ton expects It In a short time As soon
ns It arrives It will bo placed In the Sib
ley museum.
Torm tho Philadelphia Bulletin
Tor the twelve months which came to
an end with thu close of last month our
exports amjunted to H.LMCCQO.IMU about
four millions of dollais for every work
ing day In tho year. Part of this unpar
ulleled Increase was due to the enor
mous volume of bicadstulfs sent abioad
to teed tho millions ot Eutopc, but not
all. Practically one-quarter of tho whole
was in manufactured goods pioduced in
American fuctorlcs by skilled American
Ten yeais ngo the man who pirdictcil
that beforo tho closn of tho eeiitui) the
I'nltcd States would be exporting Us
manufactured pioducts at tho lute or
about a million dollars u day would have
been regarded as an optimistic lunatti
Yet this Is precisely whut mis happened
Better still, thero Is ovciy reason to be
lieve that this cxtraoidlutuy trade de
velopment will not only bo maintained
but will grow steadily ns tho )enrs go by
and forelgii'is leant by expeilenco that
American fabrics ot tho highest class are
the best In the world.
All this means prosperity better limes
for the wage-earner, higher pikes for
the farmer, a comtant growth in the peo
ple's savings, and more comfort In Amei
lean homes.
Difiieer Sets
New, Beautiful Patterns,
just opeued. Special
Prices ou same,
No such magnificent dlspUy of
furniture has ever been shown In
Scranton as that now presented In
our Fall exhibit.
Nowhere can equal choice or equal
values In Furniture be found
Latest designs in Bedroom, Pat lot.
Library, Dining room nnd Hall Furni
ture. Furniture to suit every taste and
prices to suit every purse, with the
satisfaction of knowing that what
ever may be selected will be the veiy
best In the market for the mono).
Inspection of our stock and prices
Hill &
At 121
North Wuhla;tou
Scranton, Pa.
Blank Books,
Tyyewrtto' Supplies,
Letter Presses,
0 1 n1W7P' and
These two department: are now
replete with the latest and best
makes and newest designs for Fall
wear, botli in imported and domes
tic maiuitacture. We are solo
agents lor the following celebrated
makes ol Kid Gloveb :
f; Ceilemeiri & Qu
Ferna Frcre & Co.
.it which we cairy the most com
jlctc line and newest color assort
ncnt. New line
IMes9 Castor Gloves,
'n grev and tan, for street wear.
Entirely new. New line La Mure
in shades of green, army blue and
red. to match our new Fall Colors
.11 Dress Coods.
Special Line English
Pique Walking GJoves
An elegant glove tor set vice and
durability at $1.00.
4'J'' LacUawanua Aveuu
Prom the Portland Oregonlan.
Events of tho past few months have
demonstrated fully the claim that science
Is tho servant ot wur. The engineering
skill that builds roads and bridges, makes
and records topograrhltal snrvc)s and
strings electric wires, fouid largo menus
for a display of Its talents In tho Cii
ban campaign, Tho quick adaptation of
means to end un adaptation learned
amid tho arts of peace strung an dec
tilo whe from tho commanding general s
ten In tho Cub&n Jungle to government
headquarters In Washlrgton, laid sub
marine cables with nutonlshlng celerity
developed wonderful speed In battleships,
and sompelK'd quick results. It Is this
adaptation that has made war a stlcntllln
game, grandly effective In tho settlement
of nat'onal controversies and Infinitely
less watc." At;u Uua In fotmer years
J40 Adaini Ae, Opp Court Home
tactical Timers
mq! Plumbers,
Bole Agents for Rlcbardum .BoyatouVi
lurnncM aud Haages.
tie largest Mae of
office supplies mi sta
tionery Si E E Peaaa,
Reynolds Bros
Stationers and
130 Wyoming Avenus.
Foote & Shear Count pany
Special Prices for the Canning Season,
Maslia Kettles,
4-Quart 23c
5-Quart 25c
6-Quart 28c
8-Quart 30c
30-Quart 36c
32-Quart 40c
14-Quart 45c
Enamel Preserving Kettles
4-Quart 23c
5-Quart 24c
G-Quart 27c
30-Quart 38c
32-Quart 45c
The following aie some of tho
leading makes, always in stock:
Tier Majesty's, Fasso,
C. P., P. D Royal
Worcester, R. & Q.
Thompson's Glove Fit
ting, also Warner's
68 Model, a new num
ber, and warranted
not to rust.
In addition to the foregoing wo
cairvattill line of popular priced
goods that for Ai value cannot ba
Special Fall Opening
Sale during the next ten
titueial Agent for tua W'yomlnj
District Dr
.14-Quart 54c
We have a large assortment of Fruit Presses,
Jelly Sieves and Jelly Strainers. The above goods
are all first quality. No seconds.
F00te & Shear GOo, Washington Ave
Mining, Ulastlng, Sporting, SmokeUti
and tua IUpauuo ouemlcal
tafety 1'ute. Cnp and Kxplodsri.
Hoom lot Conned Uulldlng.
thos, rorm,
.,.,.....1. ..,
' T 1 Tfll ' iljluHlJl 'ilw
n m iMi.iii nil.