TPIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1898. WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS STORY OP PARMER BILL BRAN NINO'S PET RATTLESNAKE. Editor Psalmucl More on a Ploat. Sunday Haps nnd Mishaps Blng hnmton Man's Patent Door Knob. Brief Bits of News from Susque hanna Suburbs All About tho Kail and Tie A Pow Side Lights. Bpeclnl Correspondence to Tho Tribune. Susquehanna, Sept. 8. Farmer Hill Brannlng's pet rattlesnake Is tho chief curiosity of tho Deep Hollow slaBhln'. Last sprint;, while Brannlnsr was blasting blue stone on the mountain, a big rattlesnake was blown high In tho air by the discharge of powder. The rattler was badly Injured, but Brannlng took It borne, placed It care fully in a box of cotton, and was glad to see It gradually recover. "When tho Btago of convalescence was reached, the reptile crawled about tho door Sjard, and in a few weeks ventured to come Into tho home. It was dubbed "Pete," nnd It became a household pet. The snake appeared to bo grateful for all the kindness and caro bestowed upon it, and In many ways tried to re pay Its benefactors. It will amuse tho baby for hours at a time by shaking Its rattles and twist Itself In fantastic forms to make tho llttlo one laugh. One day In July a big blacksnako crawled Into the bouse nnd wns about to attack the baby In the cradle, when "Pete" came quickly to the rescue, and nfter a Bovero struggle succeeded In killing the Intruder. Occasionally "Pete" will crawl into tho cradle, cod dle down close to the baby nnd dozo for hours. It has killed all tho rats nnd mice on tho premises, and It Is a terror to tramps and peddlers. A few nights ago, Farmer Brannlng and hl3 wife were awakened by tho furious rattling of tho snake, which had crawled upon tho bed nnd was terribly excited. Brannlng Immediately de scended the stairs nnd discovered that a barrel of rubbish had caught flro and threatened to destroy tho house. "Pete" had discovered the flames nnd given tho alarm. Brannlng has been offered a good stiff price for his pet, but it is not for sale. PSALMUEL AS A FLOATER. Easily the most prominent feature In tho recent "Peace Day" parade In Montrose was Editor Psalmucl More, of tho Great Bend Plain-Dealer, on a float, representing the "Signing of tho Protocol." Psalmuel had quite a tussle with tho committee in charge of tho parade. At first be wanted to don a bustle and some store hair and repre sent "Columbia," but the commltteo wns obdurato and refused point blank. Then lie said he was willing to repre sent either "Samson Carrying Away the Gates," "Ajax Defying tho Light ning." "Columbus Discovering Great Bend," "Rlenzl Addressing the Rum ones," or almost any old thing. Tho hnrd-hearted committee said if ho would find a partner they might poso as "Signing of the Protocol." Then the commltte rigged him up with a pen about four feet long and told him to look wise and hang to tho wagon for dear life. Ho was the cynosure of all eyes, and he kept the crowd guessing what he represented. Some are guess ing yet. Quito a number of people thought he was Admiral Cervera.whllo an old lady from Rush was willing to bet a pair of socks that he was one of the Plgrim fathers. Ho created more excitement than a living Hon let loose In the streets. It required the com bined efforts of sixteen" constables to keep tho crowd from upsetting the float. In the lurid language of the circus poster, tho spectacle was worth going miles to see. It was a glorious day for Psalmuel! SUNDAY HAPS AND MISHAPS. Tho Village Improvement society Is preparing to Improve. It never will dlo for lack of something to do. In Lanesboro, on Monday night, a barn belonging to Mrs. J. Van Horn was destroyed by fire, together with the contents. The origin of fire is un known. Insurance, $215. A horse belonging to George Ranlett nnd a buggy belonging to Mr. Grifllths were stolen from a barn In Brushvillo on Monday night. They were recovered on Tuesday at Clark's Green. A horse was stolen In Unlondale on Sunday night. The Lewis family reunion will bo held on Saturday In Riverside Park, Lanesboro. Miss Annie Kennedy, of tho Oakland Side, is gradually recovering from he" self-inflicted Injuries. On account of Labor Day, tho Erie Phops were closed on Monday. The schools of this place reopened on Monday, with a large attendance. Hon. nnd Mrs. Amos J. Cummlngs, of New York, who have been summer ing at Columbian Grove, have returned home. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The Great Bend-Hnllstead gold seek ers returned from the Klondike coun try, rich In experience! Tho shades of evening dally fall ear lier over the earth, nn unmistakable evidence that summer Is departing. Many people in this world are busy gathering together a handful of thorns to sit upon. The life mission of a black ant Is not fully accomplished until It has crawled down a girl's back at a picnic. Mr. Lauder, a Blnghamton man, has invented a door latch that does away with the door knob. Blnghamton never will be satisfied until one of her citiz ens invents a keyhole that doesn't re quire a key. It has been remarked that 'a girl never marries her Ideal." One reason Is that she seldom finds him, and when sho does she doesn't like him. Another reason Is the material man Is so dread fully unlike the one of her imagination. If women have such Influence to make great men out of their husbands, why don't they make grent mep out of their brothers and fathers? There is plenty of rough material lying around. IN ALL SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY D. W. Wright, of Lenox, takes time by the front horn und announces that next year he will bo a Republican can- dldato for sheriff. And there nro others, The Tunklmnnock, Nicholson and Lanesboro railroad project appears n be about as dead as Socrates' great grandmother. Montrose Is Importuning the govern- Wakefulness MarsM's Acid Phosphate taken before rollrlna quiets the nerves u uuusss roircaninn sienp, riMnnUotinU-te. ahun Subttllul... ment to send homo her soldier boys. And why not? Having voted for electric lights, Great Bend will soon pass frnm tho material darkness Into the glorious light, Tho moral darknesa will remain unchanged. Thomson will on Saturday witness a presentation of "Undo Tom's Cabin" for tho ilrst time? A Susquehanna county young man, who was about to dlo, recently, willed his bothrothed to his best friend, a young ninn of tho neighborhood. The young lady was satisfied with the ar rangement, and there's happiness on tho cross roads. A Susquehanna county widow of 78 recently wedded a young man of G4. His parents think seriously of having her arrested for kidnapping. In Great Bend, some wags put a fish worm Into a gloss of gin In a saloon. A young man, who was about to drink tho gin, saw tho worm, imagined that he had tho Jams-Jams, gave a wnr whoop and fled from the tilncc. He forthwith signed tho pledge, and today ho drinks nothing except hard elder. RAILROAD PICKUP. Erie Operator James "White has tem porarily assumed tho management of tho Cnnawacta Homo. When tho Jefferson Park and Fiddle Lake railway is built, next summer, the name of Fiddle Lako will bo changed to Violin Beach. Tho prospec tive town will be dubbed Vlollnhurst. It Is probablo that next year the conductors' picnic will bo held nt Jef ferson park instead of nt Poyntclle. If we only had a monument to mark the spot where the first locomotive was run It would bo nn object of great In terest to strangers. Honesdale Inde pendent. Too true, my son, too truol And yet If you only had a track upon which trains could run up from the ramshackle station away out In Texas township to somewhere In the business part of the borough, strangers would be a mighty sight more Interested. Business on tho Erie In August Bhowcd a healthy Increase over tho previous month, and tho prospects are good for a tine run of freight this fall. SOME SIDE LIGHTS. Tho burning question of tho hour will soon bo the price of conl. Tho shortest day In the year Is pay dav. The Philadelphia Press recently had a very unkind cut of our popular townsman, C. Fred Wright, the Repub lican candidate for congress. Mr. Wright has not yet decided to bring an action for damages. Edward Dunkcr Is touring this sec tion on a wheel, making a lino collec tion of bags. Ho should tackle some of tho second-class boarding houses and third-class hotels. Hallstcad is enjoying a real hot newspaper war over the right of wheel men to use tho sidewalks. The ques tion Is being discussed in pulpits and prayer meetings also, and the hustling little borough Is shaken from center to circumference. And the end Is not yet. Mrs. David Barker, of Franklin town ship, while cutting some shavings with a draw-knlfc, three weeks ago, cut a gash in her knee cap. Blood poisoning ensued, and she died a few days since. Tho second nnnual meeting of tho Susquehanna County Teachers' asso ciation will bo held In Harford, Sept. 10-17. In Brooklyn, this county, a few days since, Foster Tripp, aged 12 years, while black-berrying, was attacked by a blacksnako. Tho reptile throw the boy to the ground, but the little fellow eventually escaped, and he will live to wrestle with a snake some other day. Whitney. . - . IN THE PLAY HOUSES. "Natural Gas." Pretty girls, lovely costumes, fine danc ing and excellent singing, combined with clever comedians In bright comedy work and high-class specialties brisk In action, witty conversation, funny burlesque and clevor hits at tho popular fads of tho day are said to compriso tho attractlvo pro gramme presented this season by Edward Girard and his excellent company In Don nelly & Glrard's "Natural Gas." Mr. Gir ard has a repertoire of new songs and is a pastmaster In dunces, jokes and oddi ties. Edward Garvie, tho clover come dian, Is seen and heard to ndvnntngc, nnd Jesslo Gardner, Frank O'Brien, ilolllo Thompson, Nina Bcrtollnl, Amy Ames and Gus Henncssy aro better than eer in their respective specialties. "Natural Gas" conies to the Lyceum theatre next Monday evening. Kennedy Players Next Week. Concerning tho Kennedy Players who will bo at tho Academy of Music all next week In a repertoire of high class dramas tho Troy Budget says: "The Kennedy liayors opened tho season at tho Grls. wold opera houso last week. This com pany of popular players drew good houses all tho week, notwithstanding tha weather was extremely hot. John J. Kennedy was as funny as ever, and ho was greeted with applause every tlmo ho appeared. Tho company has been changed somo since its last appearance here. Miss Ncllio K nucdy, tho charming daughter of J. J. Kennedy, is seen this season in leading roles. Alfred Hastings, a clever actor, who was with tho Margaret Math er company, plays male leads, und Is a good acquisition to tho company. .Mario Dale appears In f-peolaltles, us well as In comedy parts. William II. Dnnvcrs. ono of tho old-tlmo actors. Is still with tho company, and Is seen In old-man charac ters. Miss May Marshall nnd Miss Jbnnlo Cllno arc clever, and Harry Kennedy hus wonderfully Improved since his last ap pearance here." BASE BALL. NATIONAL LEAOUE. Boston, S; New York, 0. Brooklyn, S; Baltimore, G. Cincinnati. 6; Chicago. 4. Philadelphia, S; Washington, 5. EASTERN LEAGUE. Wllkes-Barre, ; Syracuse. 0. "rocldenve, 10: Spilngfleld, 4, Toronto, fi; Ottawa, 0. Buffalo, 10; Montreal, S. ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Lancaster, 5j Newark, J. Richmond, fi; Heading, 5. Allentown, 8; Patcrson. fi (Ilrst gamei. Allentown, 6; Paten.on, 1 (second gome). Hartford, 0; Norfolk, 2. AMATEUR BASE BALL. Tho South SMo Sampsons will play tl.o Moroons, of Mlnooka, Sunday, September 11, John Murray, captain. Tho Mooslo Populars and tho Eureka, of Ncrth Scruntnn, will cros3 bats toduy for a purto of (100. POOT BALL NOTES. The Jolly Eleven foot ball team have reorganized for tho coming season and would llko to hear frorn.any team in the county whoso average 'weight does not exceed 14S pounds. Wo will not be ablo to play before October S. M. A. Butter, manager, Tho original Jolly Eleven, of Eand Banks, challenge the Keystone second team to a game of foot hall on tho Jolly Elevens' ground? for Sunday, September 11, nt 3.30. John Mortimer, muuagcriiPat rick Hopkins, iT.ptuln. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Now York, Sept. O.-Thcro wns further drastic liquidation In tho stock market toduy at an expenso to prices of stocks of botwecn (t nnd J2 per sharo In a great many cases. Disappointment over the fixing or tho St. Paul dividend nt only i',i per cent, continued tho prevailing Inllu tnco and no attention was paid to fo vorablo developments or to tho Indica tions of an easier condition In money. Thcro was a short lived period of firm ncss to prices early In tho day on a do mand to cover somo of tho shorts put out yesterday, but tho advance In prlcej was mot by continued heavy offerings and by noon tho movement to throw over stocks wus In full forco usnln and prices wcro tumbling throughout tho list. Early gains In a fow special cases wero almost completely wiped out. Tho distinctly easier tono of money In tho afternoon brought llttlo recovery In prices aside from that duo to covering by tho room traders. Tho total sales wero 570,000 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALLEN & CO,, stock brokers, Mcars' building, rooms 705-700. Open- High- Low. Clos ing, est. est. Ins. Am. Cot. Oil SB 37V4 3."V5'i M Am. Sug. Bo'g Co 13S',i 130'.$ lSo's 1364 Atch., To. & S. Fo .. 13"! A., T. A; S. F Pr .. 55i 30 3I',S 31T4 Am. Tobacco Co ...,13!)',i 130!i 133Va 127 Am. Spirits 12T 12? h)k 12?, Am. Spirits, Pr 3.V.4 37 S.& i7 Unit. & Ohio A2 Ai"i 4Uli 414 Brook. B. T 63'4 C3H ft!',4 63 Bay State Gas S'i Can. Southern M',4 fcl', S3 1)3 N. J. Central 01 91 M M Chic. & O. W 1SV4 15 11T4 15'4 Chic. & N. W 133Mj M!i 13U4 13t!i Chic, B. & Q 110H 1W4 Bl'j UV.i Chicago Gas 103U 10354 NMi 101 Chic, Mil. & St. P ..Hl',4 lllli lOSi JOO-J Chic, It. I. & P 103",4 103-i 10214 102'4 Chic, St. P. M. & O. S214 K214 Stli S2 C. C. C. & St. L .... 42 42 II 4114 Delaware & Hud ...107?i N. Y I,. E. & W .. 13H - - Gen. Electric 4114 W,i 43 4114 Louis. & Nash B714 tiS C7 5714 Manhattan Elo M',4 T4 M?4 0614 M. K. & Tex., Tr .. 3.14 3PJ 33?i .11 Mo. Pacific 3.V4 3'1 32'4 3314 Nat. Lead 3514 "3". 35 Ei N. Y. Central 11734 117?4 B64 117 Ont. Sr West 16 fi isi ir,sj North. Pacific 3S3J 3STJ 37'i SS Nor. Pacific. Pr .... 774 77'4 76'i '.7 Pacific Mall 31 34 3:114 3314 Phil. & Bend 1S14 IS'i IS 1S4 Southern It. R n n s"4 ST4 Southern It. It., Pr.. 3I4 311 31'4 M'i Tenn., C. & lion .... 2014 ."ii 2S-1; 2 Texas & Paclllc .... 1114 liu y. it' Union Pacific, Pr .. 6"; cr, " eii tlJ IT. S. Rubber 4214 43'4 40U 40'i IT. S. Leather 714 U. S. Leather, Pr .. 7014 S0?i 65 69'4 Wabash S'i Wabash, Pr 213 21al avj 'MH West. Union 03 03Ti 03 "ij-'i W. & L. E ;... yt, cia oi '21'i W. & L. K., Pr W4 .- dies. & Ohio r.Vi 2.1U 23 ?3tj Met. Traction Co ..137" 130?j 13614 1W4 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open- HIch- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. tng. December fill', (214 citj f,2 May 63J CI-1; 6,! U1U con.v. December 3014 3014 304 May 32'4 3314 3214 OATS. December W4 2014 10'j 3014 20 uay. -'l?i 22 4 21i 22'i POBK. " December. S.33 S.57 S.I3 5.57 January a.30 0.23 9.7j LAUD. December, 5.02 5.02 4.02 493 January 5.12 5.12 4.97 502 Puts, 01; calls, 62v4. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did. Asked. Scranton & Iittston Trac. Co, ... 20 lirst National Bank S00 Elmhurst Boulevard 100 Scranton Savings Bank 22J Scranton Packing Co 9; Lacka. Iron & Steel Co 23 Third National Bank 33 Throp Novelty Mfg. Co so Scranton Traction Co is Dimo Dep. '& Dls. Bank 1C3 Economy Light Heat & Pow er Company ',3 Scranton Illuminating, Heat & Power Company S3 Scranton Forging Co 100 Traders' National Bank 130 Lacka. Lumber Co 151 Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co.. 150 170 Mooslc Mountain Coal Co 11514 Scranton Paint Co so" BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, duo 101S 113 Pcoplo's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Towrshlp School 5 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 102 Mt. Vernon Coal Co S3 Scranton Axle Works 100 Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Sept. 9. Wheat-Firm and llic higher; contract grade, September, 07'4nG71,sc. Corn Firm and 4e. hlghtr; No. 2 mixed, September, SfUaatfic Oats Firm; No. 2 white, 2Sa20c. ; No. 3 do., 2314a20c; No. 2 mixed, 25a2tic. Butter Firm; fancy western creamery, 10c; do. prints, 20c Eggs Steady; fresh, nearby, JGe. ; do. western, 13al6c. ; do. southern, lie Cheese Quiet but steady. Refined Sugar Unchanged. Cotton Steady. Tal lowDull; city prime, in hogsheads, 3jc.; country, do. do., barrels, .1'ic; dark, do., 3c; enkes, 314c; grease, 2hc Live Poul trySteady; fair demand; fowls, 10c; old roosters, c. ; spring chickens, 10al2c; ducks, Sc. Dressed Poultry Firm: fowls, choice, 10'4c; do. fair to good, OljalOc. ; old roosters. Cc. ; spring chickens, nearby, 13al3c. ; western do., large. Ilal3c. ; small nnd scalded, do., SalOc Receipts Flour, 3,000 barrels and S.500 sacks; wheat, 23,000 bushels; corn, 33,000 bushels; oats, 23,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 45A0 bush els; corn, 7,000 bushels; oats, 17,000 bush els. New York Produce Market. New York, Sept. 5. Flour Quiet but firmly hold. Wheat Spot strong; No. 2 red, 70!4a7OHc. f. o. 1 afloat to arrive; options btrong nnd closed lal'ie, net higher; No. 2 red Mny closed 6Shc; Sep. tember, 69c; Decombcr, 66540. Corn Firm; No. 2, 3$!c. f. o. b., afloat; op tions firm nnd higher, closed strong at sic not advance May closed 37?4c; Sep tember, 33c; December, 35Uc. Oats Quiet: No. 2. 23c; No. 3, ic; No. 2 white. 27c; No. 3 do., 25V; c; options firm nnd closed at ?c net advance; September closed 2314c Butter Firm; creamery, 114 al9c; fuctory, llluHc; Klgms, 19c: imi tation creamery, 13al6c: statn dairy, 13a 17c; do. creamery, ll'ialOc Eggs Firm; state and Pennsylvania, lealS'Ac; western fresh, 16c East Liberty Cattle Market. East Liberty, Pa.. Sept. 9. Cattle Steady: extra, $3.2'n!i,40; prime. t3a5.13: common, f 3.75a I. Hogs Steady: prime mediums,,; best Yorkers, $l.03a 5.10; heavy, Mal.05; comomn to fulr York ers, $3.93u4; grussers, I3.sou3.90; bent pig, $3.75u4; skips and comomn pigs, $:'.73u3.'j0; loughs, J2.60a3.60. Shcei Steudy; choleo. Jl.60al.ri5; comomn. $1.S2u3.7S: chnlrn spring lambs, J3.60n5.S0; common to good, Jlao.50; veal calves, $7u7.f.O, Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept. !. Cattle Active, prices steady: choleo steers, J3.13a5.G3j medium, JI,63ut.S0; hecf steers, J3.75ai.50; btockers nnd feeders, 93.1I.CU; cows und heifers, J3.50u4.23; calves, 9I.CO.i7: western rang ers. J2.S3al.IO; fed western steers, JUO.-il; Texuns, J3.23al.S3, Hogs Good demand THE TRIBUNE'S 0PP0RT0NITY BOREflU ONE INSERTION A WORD. FOR RENT FOR RENT-SKCOND FLOOR 210 PENN avenue, eight rooms; bath; modern Improvements. P. W. Stokes, Attorney, 136 yomlng avenue. FOR RENT-A DWELLING II0US2 with eleven rooms, in Mudlson ave nue, inquire 422. FOR RENT - NICELY FURNISHED front nnd side rccm. 529 Adams avo. FOR RENT-EESK ROOM OR SHARE , of ofllces second floor front, Coal Ex change. Call nt room 15. FOR RENT - SECOND FLOOR, 701 Qulncy. FOR SALE NEW SLOT MACHINES. EARN THEIR cost few days: J6.00 each. Investlguto quick. Western Co., SS State street, Chi cago. 1'OR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS LIVERY, with a good trado established. Call or address "A." Tribune oilicc. FOR SALE-NEW SINGLE HOUSE on Webster nvenue, near Gibson street; nlso houso on Qulncy avenue. Terms easy. G. F. Reynolds, L. I. & S. Co.'h olllcc. FOR SALE A TEAM OF BLACK horses; slngl horse und carriage, trap and harness; all In first class condition. Apply at Mrs. John II. Phelps, 713 Lin don street. tOR SALE-A FINE UPRIGHT PIANO but little used. Guaranteed and monthly payments accepted. Address P. O. Box 217. FOR SALE-TEN R-I-P-A-N-S FOU5 cents at druggists. Ono gives relief. FOR SALE-ONE 20-HORSE POWER -.poller, as good as new. THE WES TON MILL CO. FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE OR RENT - 8-ROOM house ut Dalton; 5 minutes from station, or will exchange for property In any town between Scranton and Great Bend. 20S Mcars Building. THE FREAR FOUNDRY AND PLOUGH works for salo or rent. Inquire of W. II. Patterson, administrator, Eighth street, West Wyoming, Fa., REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE-40-ACRE FARM NEAR Dalton; salo or exchange. Brown, At torney, Mears Building. HELP WANTED. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. Commission or salary. 520 Spruce street, Room 12. HELP WANT ED-FEMALE. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED NURSE girl to assist in second work. Must have reference. Apply 533 Monroo ave nue. AGENTS WANTED "THE CONFLICT WITH SPAIN;" BY Henry F. Keunan. Tho only genuine History of tho War. Over GOO pp., over J 50 Illustrations. Authentic, accurate, of ficial, complete. Of thrilling interest. Outfit now ready. Agents wanted. Lib eral terms. P. W. .luglcr & Co,, 221 Lo cust street, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED-OUR LINE OF advertising thermometer novelties for 1S9S-1S99 Is now ready. We pay liberal commission to competent salesmen; sent 10 centb In stnmps for catalogue, sample and terms. TAYLOR BROS. CO., Roch ester. N. Y. BOARD AND ROOMS. TWORONTRo"6MB'"'TLEf1rT board. Tho Aldine, 20 Adams avenue. DALE'S INVESTMENTS ARE THE most profitable and conservative plan of progressive speculation; $7S prollt aver aged monthly on J100. same percentage en larger and smaller nmountb. Proof posl tlvo before Investing. Dale & Co., 13 W. 2Sth St., New York. PERSONAL. WILL GIVE ANY PERSON OK 1N fbicneu one hundred to one thousand dollars to carry out a chain t adver tising by writliifcl friend Honorable business at home. Send ten cents for In structions and sample. Address The Dewey Club, Unionvllle, Conn. nt nn advance of 5c; fair to choice, $3.S74a4; packing lots, J3.70a3.87'.: butch ers, J3.90al; mixed, J3.i5a3.9214; light, J3.63 al.03; pigs, J2.90a3.70. Sheep-Supply ex ceeded demand and prices ruled weak; r.utlvo sheep, $3.75a4.20; culls, J2.i3.50; na tive lambs, Jl.50a5.23, choleo lots, JO. Re ceipts Hogs, 20,000 head; cattle, 2,000 head; sheep, 12,000 head. Oil Market. ' Oil City, Pa., Sept. 9.-Credlt balances. Jl; certificates, sales, 3,000 cash at 9994c; 18,000 barrels at 9914c; closed, 991ic bid lor cash. Total sales, 21,000 barrels, shipments, 103,313 barrels; runs, S3,1S2 bar icls. m CO-OPERATION DOES IT. John E. Kelil, consul at Stettin, tells why thi German farmer Is prosperous despite tha fuel Hint he bus poorer hind and less land thun his American brother nnd no labor-saving machinery worth tho mention. Co-operation Is the secret of his success. Ho has co-operative credit banks, co-operallvo dairies, co-opcratlvo steam plows and co-operation In drainage und Irrigation, in both of w hlch ho ts an expert. Ho is also an Intensive farmer, and yets out of tho ground pretty much everything of which It is capable. Farm laborers get 33 cents a day, with a small houhe to live In nnd a half-acre of land to cultivate for their own utc. In harvest seasons they get 50 cents a day. How He Escaped. Sparc Moments. Thcro Is a girl In London who tells this story on herself. She Is a zealous mem. ber of tho Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Seeing In tho street one duy a cab driver cruelly maltreating his horse, sho went up to him, nnd show ing her badge, demanded his number. "Lor, miss." said tho man, In a conde scending voice, nnd with a ccmmlserntlng smile, "ir I wuz ter tell yer, It would go out of thut pretty head afore ycr go to the next corner." Then ho drovo on, leaving the girl torn between conflicting cmotlonB, anger nnd tho desire to laugh. Heal Estate. Wallace "Wo don't want Hawaii. Wo wnnt no heathen land." Ferry "Hawaii Is no heathen land. It has had missionaries for ono hun drad years, und whllo the natives may be heathen, the land Is In possession of tho Christians." Cincinnati Enquirer. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tho Benefit of Alt Who Havo Houacj Kenl Estnto or Other Property to Sell or Exchnngc, or Who Wnnt or Help llicso Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, Which Are Inserted Free- to keep nwuy from M. A. Caddcn's Jobs, as a strlko Is declared on samo on account of his non-cotnpllanco with semi monthly pay agreement. Carpenters' Unions, C63-1SI. J. M. Knowlton, Business Agent. SOSTHENES LODGE, NO. 1760, OF Scranton, will hold nn cntortnlnment at Flntey's Hnll Thursday evening, Sep tember 13. Admission 15 cents. WANTED. WANTED-CASE OF BAD HEALTH tuat R-l-p-A-N-S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Ripans Chemical Co., Now York, for 10 samples nnd 1,000 testi monials. EDUCATIONAL. ADAMS AVENUE SCHOOL AND KIN dcrgnrten will begin its nineteenth year September 12th. All branches, ln ludlng German, thoroughly taught. M. L. TORRY, Prln. CHIROPODIST CORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWING nntls cured without the least pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advice given free. E. M. HETZEL. Chlropo dlst, 330 Lackawanna avenue. Ladlea at tended at their residence if desired. Charges moderate. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREAT ment, 50c: shampooing, 50c; facial massage, manicuring, 23c; chiropody. 701 Qulncy. CITY SCAVENGER A.B.BR1QGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumpB used. A. BR1GG3, Proprietor. Leave orders E00 North Main avenue, or Elckes' drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone 6040. LEGAL. MARGARET FLYNN VS. CHARLES Flynn. In the court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna courty. No. 110, Jla:-ch Term, 1S9S. To Charles Flynn, respondent' Tho subpoena nnd alias subpoena In tho nbovo case having been returned non est Inventus for tho reason that ou could not be found In tho county of Lackawan na, you nro hereby notified to bo und ap pear at the next term of tho court rf Common Pleas of said county, to bo hell In tho city of Scranton on tho 19th day of September. 1S98, to answer llbcllant'j complaint In the ubove case. V. E. PRYOR, Sheriff. G. M. WATSON. ESQ.. Attorney for Llbellant. ESTATE OK ANDREW NICOL, LATE of Scranton, Lackawanna county, de ceased. Letters testumentury upon the cstute of Andrew Nlcol, lato of tho lit of Scran ton, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, deceased, having gcen granted to the un dersigned by tho Register or Wills of Lackawanna county, all persons indebted to said cstato are required to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims against said cstato aro requested to present them for payment without de lay to HELEN NICOL. Executrix, Ml', Dickson avenue, Scranton, Fa. L. A. WATRES. Attorney for Estate. Aug. 12, 1S9S. AFTER TIBS DATE I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts contracted by any one except my son, O. A., and my self. Patrick Donnelly. Scranton. P.i., Sept. . 1S9S. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED-BY A MAR rled man to do any kind of work, ilrhlnt preferred. Address O. J., 337 South Decker's court, Hyde Park. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE- aged woman Ir. first-class small fami ly, to do housewoik; thoroughly compet ent. Address "L.." Tribune olllcc, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lady to do general housework. C20 Birch street. South Side. SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRST class grocery clerk; temperate, good hnblts; can furnish reference. J. J. B., care Tribune. SITUATION WANTED YOl 'NO LADY as bookkeeper or olllce help; experi enced; good references. A. B. SITUATION WANTED - BY YOUNG lady as cashier or olllce clerk; experi enced, Al reference. C. J'. M., Tiibuno olllce. WAS I UNO TAKEN IN AND WORK done by tho day. Call at llti Franklin avenue. A YOUNG COLORED MAN OK GOOD habits wants a position at driving for a prlvntu family or doctor. Call at 110 Franklin avtruo Situation - wanted by day, washing, honing, cleaning, scrubbing. 420 Franklin aenue, side dcor. SITUATION WANTED - BY SINGLE man as driver or taking caro of horses; references given when required. Address 519 Maple street, Scruntnn. SITUATION WANTED-A WOMAN 10 years of auo wishes a position ns houseke-per. Ilrst class manuger and cook. Children no objection. Addr'ss Mrs. Allco Cary, Trlbuno cflice. SITUATION WANTED-BY A SINGLE man at anv honorable employment. Havo had five years' experlenco In gro cery store. Al references can bo fur nished. Address R. C. Ward, General Delivery, Scranton, Pa. WANTED-BY A MIDDLE AGED LADY 11 place us housekeeper; a widower's homo preferred; city or country. Address J. II., Trlbuno ofllce. PROFESSIONAL. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK. tin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W passenger depot. Conducted on tho Etw ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. MIDWIFE MRS. GABLE. GRADUATE MIDWIFE 1518 Washburn street. Scranton. En gagements solicited. Rooms and best attendance for a limited number of pa tients. SEEDS n. R. CLARK & CO, SEEDMEN AND Nurserjmen; storo 146 Washington ave nuo; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone 782. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opeim Sept. 12. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann, LL. D., Waiter H. Buell, A. M. WIRE SCREENS JOH. KUETTEL. REAR 51t LACKA- wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. 1 PROFESSIONAL ARCHITEOTS EDWARD It. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Conuell Building, Scranton. II L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of 608 Washington nvenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, av., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT. Price Building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. I T. I. LACEY & PON, ARCHITECTS. Traders' Nntlonal Bank. . OCNTIST3 DR. I. O. LYMAN. SCRANTON Fill vnto Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. If. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. I'. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming ave. WELCOME C. SNOVER. 331 Washing ton avenue. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 tO'C. LAWVERS FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor - at - Law. Burr building, rooms 13 and II, Washington avenue OKELL & DUNN, ATTORNEYS. 5 TO It Coal Exchanges building, Scranton. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneya and Counsellors-at-Law. Re publican building. Washington avenue, Scranton, Pu. JAMES H. TORREY, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-nt-Law. Rooms 413 and 411 Commonwealth building. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth wealth building. Rooms 1, 3) and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY- Law. Rooms 514, 613 nnd 516, Board ,VT- of """" uuimmg, D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real cstato security. Mcars building, corner Washington ave. nue and Spruco street. JAS. J. ir. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law, 301 Commonwealth building, Scranton. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 903-904 9th floor. Mears building. L- ,A-T WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 4.3 Lackawanna ave., Scranton. Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth Building. Sernnton, Pa. I'ATTERSON, & WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bank building. C. COMEGYS, 231 SPRUCE STREET. A. W. BERTHOLF, Atty., Mears bldg. PHYSICIANS AND SURQEONS Dn' S- '."i ,Kni:v. SCRANTON SAVINGS Bank bldg.. v:i Wyoming avenue. MARY,'V SHEPHERD. M. D.. HOME opathlst, No. Tii Adams avenue. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 512 NORTlMVASff Ington avenue. V " tiVAPOI'1. SPECIALIST IN Diseases or Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruco street. Scranton. Ottlco hours Thursday and Saturdays. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. DB. L. M. GATES, ROOMS 207 AND 203 Board of Trade building. Oltlcu hours, 8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 3 und 7 to 8 p. m. Resll denco 309 Mndlson avenue. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fnt Reduc tion. Olllce telephone 1303. Hours :10 to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to 9. DR. S. W. L'A.MOREAUX, OFFICE 331 Washington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urlnary or gans a specialty. Hours: 1 to 4 p. m. W. G. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon. Hordes, Cattle and Dog. treated. Hospital, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2'72. MISCELLANEOUS LATEST FROM PHILIPPINE Is lands. Greatest Navul Battle. Shoes all blown to pieces und landed In Nut tletcn's Shoe Store, Washington avemii. Ladles' Hue button shoes, lusset and don gola, cost J2.50. ut J1.49; ladles' fine $2.'.i0 shoes for 9Sc. Ladles' Oxfords, cost J1.50, for 79c Men's J2.50 calf nnd russet Bhoei for $1.49; J3.00 shoes for J1.9S, etc. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC POR bulls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms ur'diess R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbcit's music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Wurehouse. 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Central Railroad of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Stutlons In Nuw York Foot of Liberty street, N. It., uiid South Ferry Whltthail btreet. Anthraclto coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleuullness und comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 2(3. '93. Trulns leavo Scranton for Iittston, Wllkes-Barre, etc., ut 8.B0. 10.W a. in., 1.20, 2.33, 3.20, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m. 1,00. 2.15. 7.10 p. m. For Mountain Park 8.30 a. m., 3.20 p. m. Sundays. 9.00 a. m,, 1.00, 2.13 p. m. For Lakewood and Atlantic City, 8.30 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.C0 (express) n. m., 1.20 (express), 3.20 tex press) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. in., arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 7.03 p. m. and New York 7.03 p. in. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Enston and Philadelphia, 8.30 u. in., 1.20, S.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Baltimore and Washington and points South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m.. 1-20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. in., For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc, at 8.30 (through car) o. m. and 1.20 p, m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown. 8.S0 u. in., 1.20 p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.30 a. in., 1.20 p. m Returning, leave New ork foot of Lib crty street; North River, at 4.00, 9.10 (ex press) a. m., 1.30 (express) p, m, Sunday, Loa'veNew York. South Ferry, foot Whitehall street, nt 9.08 a. m.. .25 p. m. Passengers nrrlvlng or departing from this terminal can connect under cover with all tho elevated railroads, Broadway rablo cars, nnd ferries to Brooklyn nnd Stnten Islands, making quick transfer to nnd from Grand Central Depot and Long Iaea(veIphiradelphln. Beading Terminal, 0 21 a. m.. 3.00 p. m. Sunday. 6.15 a. m. 'Through tickets to all points ut lowest rate may be had mi application In ad vance to tho ticket ncent at tho statl m. II. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass Agt. J. H. OLHAUSF.N. Gen. Bupt. Eric and Wyoming Valley. In Effect June 26, 189?. Leave Scianton for Huwley and points on or via Erlo II. R. nt 6.00 u. m R.43 u. m nnd 2.28 p. m. For Lake Ariel at 5.20 p. m. Arrive nt Scranton from nbovo points at 8.17 a. m.. 3.1S p. m. and 9.03 p. m. From Lake Ariel nt 7.43 p. m. Sunday trains to Lake Ariel leave at 8.13 a. m, and 1.S0 p. m. SIX INSERTIONS A WORD. to Rent, Situation for 1'lvo RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Elfect Mayip, 189S. Trains Leavo Wilkes-Barro as Fol. lows: 7.30 a. m., wook days, for Sunbur Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Bait!. more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and tho Wost. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton, Pottsvlllo, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, HarrisburR, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho Wost. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris burg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Pittsburg ani tho West. 0OO p. m., wook days, for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. . ...-'' WOOD, Oen'l Pas. AzenL J. D. HUTCHINSON, General Mtatjtr. Del., Lacka. and Western. Effect Monday, June 20, 1S9S. Trains leavo hcrunton as follows: Ex press lor New York und all points East. 1.40, 3.00, 6.10, 8.00 and 10.05 a. ra.j 12.55 and 3.33 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and tho South, 6.10. 8.00 and 10.05 a. m.. 12.55 and 3.33 p. m. Manunka Chunk and way stations, 2.50 Tobyhanna accommodation. G.10 p. m. Lxpress for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Buth, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35, 3.00 a. m. 1.60 and 5.60 p. m., making close connec tions at Buffalo to all points In tho West, Northwest and Southwest. Blnghamton and way stations, 1.05 p. m. Factoryvillo accommodation, 4.00 and Nicholson accommodation COO p. m. Express for Utlca nnd Richfield Springs, 2.33 a. m., and 1.65 p. m. Ithaca, 2.33. 9.00 u. in., and 1.55 p. m. For Northumberland. Iittston, Wllkes Barro. Plymouth, Bloomsburg nnd Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllltamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington nnd tho South. .Northumberland nnd intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 10.03 a. m., and 1.55 and 5.40 p. m. Nnntlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.0S nnd 11.10 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.35 and 8.50 p. m. For Kingston. 12.55 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket of fice. Delaware anil Hudson. On Sunday, July 3rd, trains will leava Sernnton as follows: For Carbondale-6.20, 7.63, S.53, 10.13 a. m.; 12 noon; 1.23, 2.20, 3.62, 5.25, 0.25, 7.57, 9.15. 11.00 p. m.; 1,16 a. m For A'bany. Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England Points, etc. 6.20 a. m., 2.20 p. m For Honesdale 6.20, 8.53, 10.13 a. m. ; 13 noon; 2.2(1. 5.23 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre. C.43, 7.18, 8.43, 9.33. 10.43 n. m.; 12.03, 1.23, 2.18, 3.33, 4.27, 6.10, 7.13. 10.41, 11.33 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., vt.l Lcblgh Valley Rnilrond 6.4S a. m., 12.03. 1.2S, 4.27 p. m.: with Black Diamond Ex press. 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania Railroad Points 6.4a, 9.3S n. m.; 2.1S, 4.27 p. m. ,,,, For Western Points, via Lehigh Valley Railroad 7. 48 a. m.; 12.03. 3.33. Vrlth Black Diamond Express, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive In Scranton as fol- From Cnrbondale nnd the North 6.40, 7.43. 8.3S, 9 34, 10.3S. 11.58 a. m. 1.23, 2.15, 3.SS, 4.23, R.!3. 7.43, 10.n8, 11.27 p. m. From Wllkes-Burro and the South 6.15, 7.48. 8.48, 10.03, 11.63 n. m.; 1.18. 2.14, 3.1S. 5 20 6.21. 7.53, 9.03, 10.05 p. m.t 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Cnrbondale 9.07, 11.33 a. m.; 1.53, 3.52, 5.53, 9 33 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 9.38, 11.43 a. m.: L58, 3.2S, 6.43, 7.48 p. m. ... . Lowcct rates to all points In United States nnd Canada. J W. BURDICK. G. P. A.. Albany. N Y. H. W. CROSS, D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad System Anthracite Coal Used, Ensuring Cleaall- AC ness and Comfort. In Effect May 13, 1S93. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON, For Philadelphia and New York vlaD. & II R it., at 6.45 a. m and 12.03. 2.18, 4.J7 (Black Diamond Expiess) and 11.30 p. m. For Pitt Hton und Wllkes-Barro via D., L. & W. R. R.. 000, 11.10 a. m., 1.55, 3.33, ' For' Whlto Haven, Hazloton, Pottsvllle, ... f nrinclpal points In tho coal regions ? a D & H b! R. 6.45. 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. Knr Bethlehem, Gaston, Reading. Har riii.iire and principal Intermediate sta- r nns via D- & " " 0J3 " "' 12-05' 2.18? 4.27 (Black Diamond Express). 11.30 '''For Tunkhannock. Towanda. Elmlra. nhnon Geneva and principal Intermedi ate station", via D., L. & W. R. R.. 8.0S i.-nr Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo. Nla-i-nrn Fnll. Chicago und all points west via n H B.H., 1205, 3.33 (Black Diamond Pxnrcss), 10.28 and 11.30 p. m. PuUniah purlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vnllev parlor cars on all trains between wikcB-Borre and New York. Phtladel nhla Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. P"1 rOLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Siipt. CHA8 S I EE, Pass. Agt.. 26 Cortlandt Rtrpet. New York. AW. NONEMACHER. Division Pass enger Agent. South Bethlehem, Pa. SCKANTON DIVISION. Ill lUfvct Juno fit!i, 181)8. NouUi lionnd, Stations ..ip u Arrive- Leavei u u ... 7 85 n. y. FrankUn St. -. 7 401 ...7 in. West 4nd street . 755 . . 700 weenawken ... BID 1 mIp up i Arrive Leave li-r m1 r u 10 45 1040 fi 2-A 1 151 cailosU Hancock StarllKUt Preston Park Wluwooa I'oyntelle Orson Pleasant -Mt. Unlondale Forest city carbondale Wiuto Iirldge Mnyneld Jeruiyn Archibald Wlnton reckvllle olri'hant Frlceburg Throop Providence I'ark l'laca 0 18 1 09 l l 10 31 10 81 6 oris SB' 6 0018 46 28 irti 10 15 10 00 II JO 9 40 5 6418 40 4& S4K 8)4 Sit 5 4118 W! 5 4118 11 est Eta 34 ftftt ftS1303 5 8611 5I S 1611 49' 9C6 9 2d 9 10 ?M 119, 6 43 r34l StUl 5 641 7J7fS3S!fM 748i8'4SJ frU 744.34M 1103 ro in a.w 763 364 13 7 ssj a mS ia err 404 6Ji boi 407 aw 8 0S 419 67 810 4J4J6SI 8 u,f rrj 613 aiipt-iHaio oo;it 34, 4 57,11130 4 BlfllSM 4 4SII83 4 4? 11 is! 4 4011151 4 Mil It' 4 El 11 (C 4 88 1101 4 as it oj 4 221100 4 1911067 907 SO) 8 63 8 5d 8 46 8 40! 8 8S 8 51 S3. 8 831 4 15,10 55 pcranton A u r u a u Leavo Arrive 'A ulr V u t. signifies that trains stop on Bignai tor pafc eengerg. i rains 8m and Wl Sunday only, other traros dally except Sunday. t-ecure rates via Ontario & Western before pui chasing tickets and save money. mroufli Wagner Dutlet sleeper and tree r. cltnlng chair car New York to CMciso. fai kcucer llntrs Itcdiicod t Xivo Cent I'erSIlle. J. C, Anderson, Oen.?as. Ajt. T, Flltcrott, l)iv. Vass, Agt.Scrantoo, fa. North Hound. JtlJsiaoaTaoiT 3 5 a a m' -'OUiXtMflOfl 6.16,? Ill 4U S 2CK.4-48 etufsau 6 411 6Ui 70W '7 V If