The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 01, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Exercises at Both l'lacos Were Inter
fered With By tho Bain Mrs.
John Lewis Had an Exciting Kx
perienco While Returning from
Wales Funeral of the Daughter
of Sir. and Sirs. John Boneda.
John Wethers Arrested at the In
stance of His Wife.
Two tins ralslnss occurred Saturday
nd in each Instance the elements came
down In such abundant quantities that
tho exercises were curtailed, The Ilrst
one was that of the employes of tho
Hrlsbln mine. Tho exercises attending
tho occasion were held at an opnortun
nblo time, so that the men employed in
and about the mine were able to be
present and Indulge In tho jubilant and
luspliliiK event alonp with their many
friends. A temporary platform had
been erected and from this the stir
ring features of the lias ralslnu were
conducted. They are related at lenRth
in another column. The tlnjr, a linnd-r-pme
affair, measuring SOxSti, was Hunt;
to the breeze on a pole tha reached an
usplrlnp holRlith.
At tho Rllss & Co. silk factory elab
orate preparations' had been prepared
for the event. Tho exercises had hard
ly Rotten under was when rain Inter
ferred. The tlag was purchased by the
employes of the Providence silk mill,
nnd Is a handsome one U'xlS feet. P.
It. T?llss presented the staff, which Is a
nice fifty-three-foot, spriiie pole. !5ev.
P. .1. MoManus made the presentation
speech. The programme observed was:
Overture Cumberland jtand
Knlslnp of l'lap, by tinhert T:,lur. of
Taylor Silk MamifacturniK Com
pany, Paterfon, X. .1.
Hind Star Spanptn! Rv liner
Address ltcv. Father !c.M:mus
Iteeltatlon .Mts Ccli.i More in
llecitatlnii Ms Mary ltussll
Sonp. "Cuban Heroes."
Cilia rnd ll.inn.ili Morgan
TtecltMlon Miss Acner KrveN
My Country "ris. of Thee Hand
Mrs. John Lewis, of Charle? street,
arrived home from an extended tour
through Wales, Saturday (fning. Cm
the homeward trip an incldoiu oeeurtvd
which struck terror into the hearts of
the passengers on board the vessel.
When directly opposite the Newfound
land banks tho shl: plimge.l Into a
dense for w hleh made It Innvsslble to
discern objects some illtnnv ahead.
While in this predicament a larso
ocean liner going eastward almost col
lided with them.
So close were the ships to each oth?r
that the officers of their vp(-ciie ves
sels brought them to a stands! I1!.
The death of Nelson Kemp, tho year
old child of Mr. and Mrs. Xtl-on Kemp,
of Deacon street, occurred Saturday
after a brief Illness. today.
The remains are t" be taken to Wells
vllle. X. Y.. for interment.
The funeral of Lena Honedo. you"g
daughter of Mr and Mrs John Pned.
took place yesterday afr-nm S.-r.
vices were conducted by the Rev. Join
Globe Warehouse
j aa"W l
WVS. .-N -X
August Has Come
And brought with it the List month of summer proper. Peo
ple's ideas nre changing, however, and in place of recogniz
ing four seasons as formerly, i. e Spring, Sumtner,-u-tumn
and Winter, many people content themselves with
preparing for two, viz. : Summer and Winter, and for the
short periods that intervene content themselves with one or
two inexpensive trifles in dress that come in handy at any
season of the year, wh en the temperature is moderate. It is
to such that we especially address ourselves now. although
tha same reasoning ought to be applicable to ladies who
contemplate traveling or sojourning by the seaside or the
mountain lakes.
Fabrics Especially Designed for Traveling
Suits, or Stylish Separare Skirts
V. . .. .N.'V..N,
All Wool Vigoreaux
In grey, green, blue and brown
mixtures. Right in weight and
finish and makes up most effective
ly. A 60-cent cloth for
39c This Week
Fine All Wool Berges
In green, "blue, grey and brown
mixtures that merit fashion's full
en requirement. This cloth usu
ally brings S5c.
65c This Week
Cotton Coverts, Etamines
and Bicycle Puttings. Our line is
complete. Prices are away dvwn
and begin at
10c This Week
While Summer Lingers and Sizzles
There is always a demand for White Wash Goods. Our line oj
Piques, India Linons, Victoria Lawns, etc, is still complete and
will be maintained at that point till the close of the season.
Globe Warehouse
Kowala, pastor of 'Emanuel Lutheran
church, nt the parental home on Hub
ert avenue. There was a largo num
ber of lloral offerings In evidence. In
terment was made In Dunmore ceme
tery. John Wethers was arrested on com
plaint of Hrldget Wethers, who alleges
he committed nn nssault and battery
upon her. Alderman Hobcrts heard the
case and held the defendant under ball
In the sum of $200.
Miss Lena Clark, of Wood street, Is
spending her vacation at Wclsport,
Clinton county, Pa.
Mortimer Christmas, son of Walter
Christmas, Is en route for Porto Hlco
with the Seventh rnltcd States artil
lery, of which he Is a member.
Clarence Steele and daughter, Lil
lian, have returned from Walton, X.
Y where they visited Mr. Steele's
Mrs. Edward Roderick, wife of Mine
Inspector Roderick, has returned from
a brief sojourn In Susquehanna county.
Misses Hannah Morgan nnd Annie
James, of Olyphant. called on Miss
Lizzie Davis, of Urlek avenue, yester
day. Mrs. William Havles nnd son, Charles,
of Hrlck avenue, are visiting relatives,
at Plymouth.
Mr. nnd Mrs. David X. Reese, of
Wayne avenue, are spending the heated
season at Lake Idlewlld, Susquehanna
Miss Mary Oakley, of Oak street, Is
visiting relatives In Connecticut.
Misses Kate and Mary Manley, of
Hrlck avenue, leave this morning for
Far Rookawny.
Mrs. Armlt Thomas. Mrs. Richard
Thomas, Mrs. Isaac Price and sons,
Frank nnd Rossar. and Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Thomas leave this morning
for Atlantic City. X. J.
Miss Lizzie Moses, of South ("ilbson,
Pa.. Is the guest of Miss Cora Roberts,
of Summit avenue.
Mrs. Sarah Teal Is at St. Louis, Mo.,
where she Is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Leslie Rlfenbury.
Miss Mav Davles. of Horatio, Jeffer
son county. Pa., is the guest of Miss
Esther Jones, of Mary street.
The Rev. Vauchan Davis, of Ne
braska, preached an excellent sermon
at the First Welsh Raptlst church,
West Market street, yesterday morn
ing to a large congregation; subject,
"The Unfruitful Tree."
Mrs. William Jervls nnd daughter,
Margaret, leave this moraine for At
lantic City.
The Green Rldgo library will bo
opened this afternoon again after be
ing closed for one month. All books
out should be returned at once.
Corporal Charles S. Geary, of Com
pany r. Thirteenth regiment, is visit
ing his parents on Capouse avenue.
Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Paterson, N.
J., who has been spending n few days
at the homo of Mrs. Hllss. of Capouse
avenue, returned homo-yesterday.
P. P. Smith and family, of Monsey
avenue, are spending the summer at
Atlantic City.
Warren Kimble and familv. of Ca
pouse avenue, who have been spending
the past week at Honesdale, have re
turned home.
Mrs. John Stone, of New York street,
is spending a few days at Foster.
Miss Lillian Perry, of Capouse ave
nue. Is spending a few days at Wilkes
Rarre. Attorney Charles Hawley. of Men
soy avenue, is spt-ndlng a few days at
Atlantic City.
Morns Shannon and Charles Geary
spent yesterday at Like Wlnola.
S. fc .W, N.
All Wool
Storm Serges
Every frvoman appreciates the
value of a really reliable storm
serge. In selecting the numbers
that follow we have kept In mind
the fact that our reputation Is at
stake, and consequently have
brought forward makes and quali
ties which we can positively guar
antee. These cvme in navy, black
and myrtle.
45-Inch Storm Serges, worth i.e.; for
31c This Week
4Mnch Storm Serges, worth 62'tc: for
49c This Week
50-Inch Storm Serges, worth Sic; for
69c This Week
Ceremony Performed Saturday Eve
ning nt the Homo of the Bride's
Parents An Attempt Made to
Burglarize tho House of Mr. and
Mrs. Shepherd Snow Intruder
Was Frightened Off Number of
Social Events Open Air Concert
Had to Be Postponed.
Many friends attended the ceremon
ies which mntked the marriage of Miss
Jennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Lewis, to Edward llarmei. Tan
nerEvllle, Saturday evening at die res
idence of the bride's parents, ai.i Tenth
At .30 o'clock, the bridal rart en
tered the parlor and the ceremony ut
performed by Rev. Hugh Davles, pas
tor of the South Main Avenue Welsh
Cnlvanlstlc Methodist church. The
wedding marches were pliycd by Mrs.
Elizabeth Hollrlng. The bride attired
In a pretty gown of cadet blue trim
meii with blue satin, was attended by
Miss Carrie Hellrlng ns bridesmaid.
Miss Hellrlng wore a handsome cos
tume of white organdie, over white
silk. Roth ladles carried roses. Wil
liam Lewis, a brother of the bride,
acted as groomsman.
The ceremony concluded, a reception
van held followed by the serving of a
nuptial repast. Mr. and Mrs. Har
mer are both well and favorably
krown. Mr. Harmer formerly resid
ed here. They will Immediately begin
housekeeping in a newly furnished
residence nt Tannersville. The guests
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
1.. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jon
Kins, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Sanford. Mrs.
Elizabeth Hellrlng. and the Misses
Carrie Hellrlng, Kate Williamson. Wil
liam Lewis, David Lewis. Richard
Lewis, Lewis Lewis, Thomas Williams,
William Williams, and Edward Jen
kins. From out of town. Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Walters, of Plttston.
An unknown Individual made a bold
but unsuccessful attempt to enter the
reld"noe of Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd
Snow, at 322 South Hyde nark avenue,
about o..W o'clock last Saturday morn
ing. The follow was discovered by
Mrs. Snow Just as ho put his head in
the open window, preparatory to climb
ing in. Her screams frightened the
prowler, roused her husband, nnd
startled the neighbors. In th.' midst
of the exclt-.-ment. the unknown man
aged to flee away.
Dl ers tales have been recorded
anent this incident but the tiue one
is thus told l.y the parties most con
cerned. Usually Mr. Snow, who is an
engineer on the Central Railroad of
New Jersey, is absent nights every
other week, and this was the week.
However, he had made an extra run
and had been relieved about mld
ligbt. Friday. He reached home about
32. -K o'clock and retired.
Owing to the extreme heat. Mr. and
Mrs. Snow h.'d made themselves com
fii table on couches In the sitting room
on the first door. The couch occupied
by Mrs Sn nv stood near a window
opening from an L on to a rear porch.
Through this window, the prowler on
evil Intent, tried to enter. Hi remov
al of the screen aroused Mrs. Snow
and she partially arose as he put hi
head Into the opening. He. seeing her.
threatened to shoot if she spoke. She
saw no rev fiver and. squirming Into
a bay window, promptly gave voice.
Her husband sprang for his revol
ver and th fellow cleaned out. The
reichlu-rs whose windows were all
open wore aroused nnd Mrs. Adam
Frounfelker. whoe room Is opposite
the bay window of the Snow residence,
fearing that th screams wore the re
sult of an attack upon Mrs. Snow,
opened her window and tired her re
volver to frifhten the fellow. It did
for he was h.-ard scrambling hurriedly
over the Kick fence.
Tho attempt was particularly bold,
as the milkman had just left the resi
dence next door where he delivered
mill:, ard was only 300 feet away when
Mrs. Snow screamed He ran back
and was so.n Joined by Patrolman
MoCollican who was only two blocks
distant on Main avenue. Tho neigh
borhood wa scoured but no peron
was found, the fellow havlnc made
pood his escape. Only the week pre
vious some fellow unconcernedly
walked into the house by the rear
door. Mrs. Snow was sitting up wait
ing for hr husband, w ho had not come
In yet. When she called, the fellow
walked out. She thought it was some
man who hid mistaken his house. It
would not be advisable for nnvone to
try to enter the Frour.felker residence,
as Mrs. Frounfelker though alone most
of the time, her husband being a rail
roader. Is a dead shot and absiluteh
Jearlefs. If she had known the fel
low was outside she could easily have
shot htm.
A delightful lawn social was given
last Friday evening by Miss Mamie
Sloane to a large party of her friends
at her residence at 221 Meridian street.
The lawn, which is a spacious one,
was brilliantly illuminated with Chi
nese lanterns.
After heartily enjoying dancing and
othir pleasant diversions refreshments
were served. The guests present
were: The Misses Mamie Kelly.Joseph
me OMalley. Nellie Gerrtty. Nellie
Dunn, Minnie Noone. Margaret Ploane,
W. Barnes. Katie Kearney, Pentriee
Gallagher. Annie O'Neil. Mamie Sloan,
Norah Tighe. Jennie Raines. Katie
Canavan. Annie Gnffney. Wjnifrei
I'-unn. Katie MePonough. Cassle
Clarke, Mamie Kennedy. Mamie Neal
on and Jennie Kearney, of Plttston.
Messrs. Joe Timlin. Thomas Foley.
John Swift. Peter Gallagher, Michael
May, Evan Jones. John Langan, Will
Norton John R. Jones. Dave Morgan,
Eddie Baines, James Hennlgan. Tonv
Moane. Michael Earley, Patrick Ho
bar. and John Hlggins. of this city,
and Joseph Pannon John Judge and
Tohn Nealon. of Pittston.
Dr and Mts. G. P. Reynolds, of
North Main avenue tendered a fare
well reception to the friend of their
guests, the Misses Brltton. of Reading.
1 in honor of their departure. The af
fair was held last Friday evening at
j the residence. About thirty young peo-
4 .- 1'itc ic-ptju miu a imri vu,wj amc
evening was spent. At a seasonable
hour dainty refrhments were served
by Mrs, Reynolds. The Misses Tnt
ten left for Vine Mouqt Saturday,
where they will visit the remainder of
the t ummer,
A jarty of young people from thU
Throo Women Rollovod of Fomalo
Troubles by Mrs. Plnkham.
From Mrs. A. W. Smith, 60 Summer
St., 1) hide ford, Me.:
" For several years I suffered with
rarlous diseases peculiar to my sex.
Waa troubled with n burning sensation
across tho small of my back, that nil
gone feeling, was despondent, fretful
and discouraged: tho least exertion
tired me. I tried several doctors but
received little benefit. At last I de
cided to give your Lydla E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Compound n trial. The ef
fect of the first bottle was mnglcnl.
Those symptoms of weakness that I
was aftlictcd with, vanished like vapor
before tho sun. I cannot speak too
highly of your valuable remedy. It is
truly a boon to woman.''
From Mrs. Mkuspa Piiiu.irs, Lex
ington, Ind., to Mrs. Plnkham:
"Before 1 began taklngyour modiclno
I had suffered for two years with that
tired feeling, headache, backache, noap
petite, and n run-down condition of tho
lystein. I could not walk across tho
room. I have taken four bottles of tho
Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver
Pills and used one package of Sanative
Wash, and now feel like a new woman,
and am able to do my work."
From Mrs. Mollis E. IlEnnEL, Pow
ell Station, Tenn.:
"For three years I suffered with such a
weakness of the back, I could not
perform my household duties. I also
had falling of the womb, terrible bearing-down
pains and headache. I have
taken two bottles of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound and feel
line a new woman, l recommenuyour
medicine to every woman I know."
side enjoyed the novelty of a "straw"
ride Friday evening. They drove to
reckville, where they became the
?uests of Miss Elizabeth Beck. A
plasant evening was spent and the
party rt turned at a seasonable hour.
Those comprising the party were:
The Misses Klizaheth Michael. Amelia
Koch, Elizabeth Young. I'llzaheth Km
mel, Lena Koch and Devlne; John
Leber J. Pfelffer. Teter Koch, Christo
pher Hess, Martin Dlmor, Peter Young,
Otto Schllllnger and George Steinecke.
"Glad Children's Day" to the heart
of a child so dear was observed last
evening at the Jackson Street Baptist
church, of which Rev. Thomas Do
Gruchy Is pastor. The exercises were
arranged and carried out by the mem
bers of the Sabbath school, and sub
stituted the regular preaching service.
The pulpit platform was profusely
and beautifully decorated with ferns,
palms and potted plants. The national
colors were so arranged as to lend
beauty and color to the decorations.
Superintendent George W. Nichols act
ed as chairman and Chorister Lewis
Davles acted as accompanist.
An anthem sung by the choir, the
reciting of the Lord's prayer In unison,
and chorus by the chnuren formed the
opening numbers. Prayer was offered
by the pastor. Recitations and respon
sive readings, Interpersed with chor
uses, formed the remainder of the ex
ercises. Recitations were given by the
Misses Elizabeth Wlddick. Freda Lew
is. Gertrude Zertlich. Elols Thomas,
Annie and May Thomas. Flossie De
Gruchy. Hattie Ellis. Elizabeth Thom
as and Edith Evans. The exercises
were concluded by the pronouncing of
the benediction by the pastor.
Substituting the regular preaching
service last evening at the Scranton
Street Baptist church, a short song ser
vice was conducted oy the members
of the Baptist Young People's union
of the church.
The pastor. Rev. S. F. Matthews,
presided, and Mrs. G. B. Beddoe was
nccompanlst. The choir assisted, ren
dering the anthem. "Oh! Had I the
Wings of a Dove." In addition to
hymns and choruses, reports were
made by delegates who represented the
union at the recent national conven
tion, held at Buffalo July IT.
Miss Edith Williams read a paper
upon the convention and she dealt with
her subject in a vivid manner. Her
hearers, were carried to Buffalo ment
ally and could almost see and feel the
enthusiasm of the convention, so com
plete was Miss Williams' report.
George Asbury, In an equally Interest
ing and also humorous manner, told
of the "Impressions of the Trip and
the Reception of the Delegates." Miss
Ada Dagger described the pleasures of
the side trip to Cleveland and Toronto
arranged for and taken by the dele
Mrs. Mary E. Angell. of 102S Jackson
street, received the sad intelligence
Saturday that her only son was dead
at Tampa. Florida. Early in June she
bid him good-bye. as he left her to
fight for his country In the ranks of
the regular army, but within a few
weeks Is compelled to mourn his death.
He was badly wounded In camp by
the accidental discharge of a gun in
the hands of a comrade. His left knee
was so badly shattered that amputa
tion was necessary. The accident oc
curred July 23, and two days later he
died from the effects of the amputa
tion. He was buried in the cemetery
at Tampa with military honors. The
grave where lies this soldier Is care
fully marked and recorded.
The communication which notified
the mother was sent by Assistant Sur
geon W. Reynolds, In charge of the
field hospital. No more striking proof
that war Is hard could be found than
that communication- It simply relates
the fact of death, cause and burial, and
asks what shall be done with the per
sonal effects of the deceased.
John Angell was born in Montrose
and was 27 years of age. He had re
sided here with his widowed mother
for over a year. He was employed as
a teamster. On June 13 last he Joined
the regular army as a recruit under
Lieutenant Dentler and left here with
the first detail. He was assigned to
Company B, Eleventh Infantry. Unit
ed States army. Fourth Army eorp.
Captain P. R. M. Travis. This com
mand was awaiting orders to proceed
to Porto Rico, and Private Angell was
eagerly waiting the movement- A
friend. W. Stone, who Joined at the
same time, was yith him when he
died, and he was so weak that speech
was impossible, so no loving lat mes
sage could be sent.
His widowed mother and one mar
ried sister remain to mourn his sad
Despite the fact that a heavy show
er was Imminent Mrs. Catherine Mad
docks, of 1J0 South Rebecca nvenue,
hnd her flag unfurled nt ner. residence
Saturday evening as nnnounced. Tho
event occurred in the presence of n
cheering multitude, who Joined In the
singing of the "Star Spangled Banner"
as the glorious emblem unfolded. Five
grandsons of this patriotic woman
hoisted the flag.
The pole, 3 feet high, stands on the
lawn and the flag Is 6x10 In size. A
the rain began to fall, the Immediate
relatives and friends retired to the
house nnd a pleasant evening w-as
spem. A patriotic speech was made
by Qwllym Davles. Solos were sung
by Miss Mabel Thomas, Henry Jones,
Owllym Davles, Owilynt Maddocks
and Frank Lewis. Ice cream and cake
vvero served.
The funerni services for the infant
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Eynon, of
621 North Bromley avenue, will be held
this afternoon from the residence. In
terment will bo mnde at the Wash
burn street cemetery.
At nn early hour yesterday morning
several shots were tired on Luzerne
street several blocks from Mnln ave
nue. Patrolman McColllgan, in whose
territory this section Is. Immediately
investigated but could Hnd no person
nbout. It was said yesterday that a
gentleman residing on Luzerne near
Fourteenth street had fired out of his
window to frighten several drunken
men who had gone in on his lawn to
have a set to. The shooting had the
desired eftcet and also produced a
Rev. B, I. Evans, who for the last
sixteen years has conducted a small
variety and confectionery store nt 107
South Main avenue. Is about to retire,
having disposed of his business re
cently. Many will miss Rev. Evans,
who is a well known and much re
spected gentleman, now that he Inn
decided to give up tho active pursuits
of a business life.
It has beer, decided that the bicycle,
purchased by the Joint committee of
Irish Catholic Benevolent unions of
this side, for the purpose of being
chanced off nt the picnic held by the
societies at Laurel Hill park recently,
will bo drawn for t next Thursday
eveninf nt St. David's hall. A social
will be held that evening and the
price of admission, 10 cents, will entitle
th holder tc a chance on the wheel.
The many friends of Henry M. Wil
liams note the many improvements ho
has recently made at his parlcr at
110S Jackson street. Papered, painted
and ilttedi with new mirrors and chairs.
Mr. Williams now has a very pleasant
Preparations nre being made for the
annual picnic of the Tripp Slope Acci
dental fund which will be held this
year at Tripp's grove, North Main
Several fi lends ot Miss l.oretta
Pagan were pleasantly entertained last
Friday evening by Miss Fagan at her
residence, 159 South Van Buren ave
nue. Dancing and other diversions
were enjoyed and at a seasonal le hour
refreshments were served. Those In
attendance v,-ere: Misses Mary Jordan.
Joephlne Hess, Mary and B. Tigue,
Nellie Coleman nnd Cella Connell;
John Houlihan. James CusUk. M. F.
ard John cukin and John Tigue.
John Reld, of North Sumner avenue,
emplojed as a driver boss at Bricgs
mints, expects to resume work today,
after a severe illness of over seven
The open air concert which was to
have been given Saturday evening by
Bauer's band on North Main avenue,
opposite Clarke Bros.' stores, wns post
poned on account of the heavy down
pour of rain.
Judging from the sale of tickets, a
large number of persons will attend
the annual excursion of the Simpson
Methodist church which will be run
this year to Lake Ariel. Thursday. Au
gust 4. The several committees are
making every preparation for a big
The srholars of C. E. Wetdaw's Sun
day school class of the Calvary Re
formed church gave a lawn social at
the home of Mr. Robert Foresman on
Qulney avenue. Friday night, which
wa well attended, fully SCO people be
ing present. Japanese lanterns were
hung around in a pleasing manner,
which with the tables and chairs plac
ed in convenient places and the lawn
dotted here nnd there with people,
made a pleasing picture. Mr. Weidaw
and his class did the serving and at
tended tn the wants of the people in
an able manner. The programme was
well rendered and very interesting.
Mrs. James Robinson, of Webster
avenue, gave a tea in honor of her
niee. Miss Nana Gillespie, of Green
ville, In Laurel Hill park Saturday
afternoon. Among those who nttend
ed were: Misses Bessie Shepherd, Lil
lian 'Warden, Inez Iney, Julia Bishop,
1 2a Doty. Miss Kpp, Miss Anna George,
of NantlcoUe; Miss Gillespie, Mesdames
James Robinson and George Maloney
and Messrs. Henry Smith and Charles
Thomas, the 4-year-old son cf Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas John, died at 5
o'clock Saturday afternoon. The fu
neral will occur from the house today.
Interment will be made at Wanawle,
Luzerne county.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jeffrey and chil
dren and Mrs. John McMillan and chil
dren, who have been spending the past
two weeks at Lake Winola, returned
home Saturday.
Mtee Bessie Seagraves. of Phllllps
burg. is spending her vacation with
hr mother. Mrs. C. V. Seagraves. of
Grove street.
Frank BUckens. of Chestnut street,
is spending a two weeks' vacation at
Crystal lake.
Miss Mabel Christ, of Dudley street,
who has been the guest of friends nt
Tunkhannock for the past month, has
returned home.
Buhnell P-ronson, of Kim street,
pent Saturday with friends in Carbon
dale. Letters reiralnlng unclaimed during
the period ending July 30. Persons
calling for these letters will please say
Advertised:" Anthony Bear, H4 Tay
lor avenue 2); Mlis Maggie Barrett.
Taylor avenue; Mr. Carolina Oynra,
Lawrence Finch, KUa K. Hedglln, Miss
Lizzie Jeffrey. Oak street. Mrs. Jas.
McLane. Mis. William Miller, Ah
street; Mr. M. P. Mitchell. Miss Kliz
aheth M. Robinson Mis. Prank Slippy,
Quir.ey n.enue; Mr. J. W, Suvmm.
Webster Tetwilllger, Miss Kli-.abeth
Vv .'..;, Delaware street; Mr. Anna
Wall. Majk Kornuezlk. John Uarvat.
John Roban. l.r. Anvmry, Leonardo
Aeiigiallllo, lenotv PosKor.
Sfvvjees ovi-r the reiimivu uf Thmiws,
the jonng son if Mr and Mm Thomas
RlBly. of Drinker street, iveurnM at
the residence Saturday morning. In
terment was made at Mosevv.
The funeral of the late John Kelley
occurred yesterday afternoon. Rev. M.
B. Ponton ofllelatlng. Interment ws
made in Mt. (Mrmcl cemetery.
Mrs. Ulnlev was the plain
tiff In two cues, which were heard be-
Summer Furnishings
llero Arc a Few Special Values'.
Everything to be had worth the having.
New designs. Unique color effects. Spe
cial values at
50c, 65c, 75c.
Straw Hatting.
All this season's Importations. The
coolest, most sanitary covering to bo
found. Here are samplo values:
China Matting.
$4.50 roll, 40ynrd, value $0.00.
$6.00 roll, 40 ynrct. vnlue SfU)i.
$8.00 roll. -10 yards, value f 10.00.
127 Wyoming Avenue.
House Gleaning Sale-August.
All good house-keepers clean their homes, throughout, at
stated intervals; all good storekeepers do the same. This
month is when this cleaning process is thoroughly carried out
here. All shoes, FOR SU.U.UKK, will be cut to prices which
will send them out of stock immediately. Their room we MUST
have for fall goods. Don't forget this.
If the people of this city
value this sale offers them, they
in the store before twentv-four
Into This Sale.
Handiest Store in the City. 217 Lacka. AveJ
504 Lackawanna Avenue.
fere 'Seuire Krtzer Saturday night,
one against her husband for assault
nnd battery and the other agiinst
Martin O'Boyle. who conducted the
"My Place" hotel on Drinker street,
for selling liquor to her husband after
fhe had requested him not t . Both
men furnished J300 bail for their ap
pearance at court.
J. H. Spain assumes the management
of the Dunmore Electric Heat, Light
nnd Power campar.v today in place of
Mr. Courtright, resigned.
Jchn Reirdon. the 10-year-old sen of
Charles Reitdon, of Little Fngland,
was badly bitten about the arm and
hip by a dog belonging to Oscar Ran
dolph Saturday afternron. Dr. Garvey
attended to the boy's viounds and latr
in the evening Patrolman Beaver shot
the dog.
The employes of Gipsy Grove colliery
of the Pennsylvania Coal company not
wishing to be behind the times In the
line of patriotism. purch.ted a largi
edition of "Old Glory" and announced
the exercises for Saturday afternoon.
A large number of people were In at
tendance. The programme was replct
with patriotic songs and speeches and
vi as very Interesting. Ri'V. A. J. A at
Cleft, of the Methodis-t Kpiseopal
church, and James Swift were anient;
the speakers.
Thomas Gannon, a resident of Olyphant,
died at the hospital Sat
urday afternoon, where he had be?n
taken for treatment. Mr. Gnnnon was a
member of the olyphant council and a
31 years of ape. He Is survived by his
father and two sifters. The remains wre
removed to his late home at dyphant
from where the funeral will take place
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
will be made in St. Patriot's cemetery.
Martin McManamy died at the home
of his nephew, James McManamy. ol Oak
street, Frldas evening after a brie! 'II
ness. The dee . wed was a well known and
respected resident of North Scranton. Fu
neral this morning. A high mass of re
..m win ha .,,ihr.ii.i nt Hol Rotary
church. Burial In Hyde l'ark Catholic
Mrs. Mary C Sullivan, aged years, re.
siding at 1 Kvnon street, died yester
day. Funeral notice later.
WHEN TOP ARK OITT of sorts, feel
tired, languid nnd dull you need Hood's
Sarsaparllla. It will brace you up and
give yon strength and energy, vigor
and vitality.
HOOD'S PILLS are the best family
cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, re
liable, sure.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of C6krffflc&&J&.
Japanese Hatting.
Be our line at 15c. 20e, 25c. 35o and
40c per yard. Discount by the roll.
Tokio Rugs.
Highest quality hand-made samo as
Turkish goods. Now line Just opened,
specially adapted for tho cottago or tho
veranda. All tho sizes.
Ox 12 at $12,00
10 (I x 7.0 nt - 9.0O
il x 0 nt - 6 OO
t i"t - 9,00
3 x (I nt - 1.50
Some special hall rugs, 3x9, 3x13, SxlS.
Everything to bo found In a first-claw
stock at right prices.
of Values.
KNEW, as AVE know, the actual A.
would buy every summer shoe X
It Will ray to Look
Have removed to No.
J04 Lackawanna Ave
nue, where they will
carry a complete line
of electrical machin
ery. Special motors
made to order. All
kinds of electrical ap
paratus repaired.
Quality Rather
Than Quantity. :
Pretldent Eliot ol Mirvard. ia: ;
"The International is a wonderfully com- ,
pact storehouse of accurate information." ,
Best for the Household.
Wordj are easily found. Pronunciation q
U easily ascertained. Meanices are O
1 easily learned. The growth of words it 9
, easily traced, and excellence ot quality 5
' rather than superfluity cf quantity char- o
acterlrea ito every department. $
49-SjWriinm pntfM (.' ji ,jjp,ir"K.;i 10 c
G. fie C MERRIAM CO., Publishers, 9
Scrbrfield, Mas:. w 5
Hand Bags,
Suit Cases
and Trunks.
Trices Kight
305 Lacka. Ave.
Bcrunton nnd Wllkes-Ilarre, I'a.
Manufacturers of
Boilers, Hoisting nnd Pumping Machinery.
General Ofllce, Scranton, I'a
Clm. Dill'. Swift.
Oeo. At. Ilallstcad,
Pdw, Swift,
C, II. Van Iluiklrk.
& CO.,
Telephone, Number, 5S2.
Room 306 Connell UullJIng, Scranton,