The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 26, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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"-wn"mr 4f -?- ffi vt
Tho Carbondale correspondence of The
Tribune has been placed In the hands of
Mr. C n Munn. Salem avenue and
Church street, to whom news Items may
bo addressed. AH complalnU as to Ir
regular delivery, tc , should be tnado to
Roberta & Reynolds, news nrrents,
J. M. Alexander Looms Up fts n For
midable Post Office Candidate.
Up to the present date not a word
lias been said In the nubile prints
about J. M. Alexnnder In connection
Nvlth the postolllcc appointment noon
to be made J'or Cirhondalc He Is the
dark horse In the ruco nnd Is loomlnpr
up as one of the most formidable
candidates In the Held Several Influ
ential organizations have Interceded
In Mi behalf and he Is known to have
the support of several Individuals who
Btana very close to the powers that
be. Then he has u creditable war lec
ord a thing wotth considering aB was
shown when W, 1 Yarrlngton receiv
ed the plum.
There Is another fact Intejestlng to
mention In this connection, though It
will not be a determining and probably
not even an Influencing element In
the appointment and that Is that Pres
ident McKlnley and Mr. Alexander
are staunch members of tho Methodist
Episcopal church.
Fifteen years conscientious work on
the school board and the fathering of
Memorial park alone would faor Mr.
Alexander, If popular vote had any
thing to do with the matter.
The assurance that John H. Thomas
has not applied for the position and
the adding of "Monumental Joe's"
nnme to the list of aspli ants Messrs.
Evans, l.athrop nnd Davis all good
nnd true men; make this one of the
most Interesting postofnee fights In the
history of the city.
Postmaster Nealon's term expires on
the fourteenth of August.
Councils' Action in Letting Contract
Generally Pleasing.
The Tribune representative in mak
ing Inquiries concerning the letting of
pavlne tontinct Saturday night to a
local bidder at a slightly higher figure
than that of the lowest Didder, learned
that the action Is generally satisfac
tory Blair ii Kennedy, tho successful
bidders, were lower on curbing ind re
setting curb but on paving their bid
was fourteen cents a squaic yard
higher. The dlfterence is u little that
there Is probably not a property own
er afferted who would not rather sen
the local men get the Job. They w ill
employ local labor and the expenditure
if the money hero will be a dlicct
benefit to the city.
The only bad feature ahout it Is thtj
discouraging effect It will have on out
side contractors when new work comes
up. Tne mny refuse to bid nnd place
the city in a position absolutely de
pendent upon the few men of Carbon
dale who undertake big Jobs.
Word was received xesterday of tho
death of Nathaniel Pethick, an old
resident of this city, which occurred at
the home of his brother, Richard Peth
ick, In Honesdale, at S o'clock last
evening and was due to cancer of the
stomach. Deceased was born In Corn
wall, England, In 1821. He came to this
, country about forty years ago and had
resided In this city nearly all that
time. He was an employe of the Dela
ware and Hudson shops for many
years. He was veiy widely known nnd
by his cental disposition made friends
of all his acquaintances. His death
w-lli be generally regretted. He is sur
vived by three brothers: John, of Co
checton, 'William, of Tyler Hill, and
Richard, of Honesdale. Tho funeral
will be held Wednesday. Services will
be conducted In Honesdale, after which
the remains will be brought to this
city on the train arriving here at 2.10
P m. Interment will be made in Maple
The following delegates from this
city will participate in the Democratic
convention today :
First ward. Third district, Michael
Second ward, Second district, James
J. O'Neill.
Third ward, First district, Thomas
Third ward, Second district, Michael
J. Moran.
Third ward, Third district, John Car
den. . Fourth ward. First district, James
Second district, Michael Scanlon.
Fifth ward, First dlstricl.Hall Smith.
Fifth ward, Second district, Thomas
Sixth ward, Second district, Daniel
P. K. BarEar, sexton of tho First
Presbyterian church, was stricken with
aporlexy last evening while watering
the lawn In front of the church. Ho
fell in a helpless condition and had to
be Carried home, He Is about seventy
years old and very heavy. In falling
he dislocated or fractured his left
elbow. The left side is paralyzed. The
prognosis is unfavorable.
E. Van Pragg and company, of New
health is Wealth.
Inold under posltlvo 'Written Guarantee,
denoe.Herrouineai, Lassitude, all Uralna, Youth
ful Errors, or Exceseivo Uo of Tobacco, Opium,
or liquor, which lead to IJ leery. Consumption,
Ineanltj and Death. At atora or by mail, tt a
ooii aix tor wj with written Kuurantuo to
re or refund money. Hnuiplo pack.
B, containing lho das' treatment, with full
tractlont, ii cents. Ono sample only sold to
each person. AUtoroorbymall.
,t3rRed Label Special
Extra strength.
For Imnotenev. Loei ol
1 j
1'ower, iat Uanhoou,
or HarrenceesJ
1 h rinxi ! fnr 3. Tvlthlfr
written v uarantecCi1
L-locuremauQajs. At store
BC or bvmall.
For Salt by William U. Clark. .ia6 Pcnn Ave.
flrranton. Pa.
York city, have purchased the entire
stock of goods from H. C. Lucas, pro
prietor of tho New York store, on
Salem avenue, nnd shipped them
away. While Mr. Lucas' plans nro
not entirely formed, It is tindcratood
that he has accepted a position with
a well-known firm In Philadelphia. Ho
has made hosts of friends In Carbon
dale, who will regret his depatture.
James L. Stewart has returned from
n visit with iclatlvcs'In MldJletown,
N. Y.
Mrs. Dr. Leonard and sons, Leroy
nnd Clarence, of New York rlty, ate
guests ut S. A. Putdy's this week.
Mrs. V. Hnnklns nnd child are In
Norwich, N. Y visiting her husband's
relatives. They will return here before
taking their departure to their homo
In Duluth.
Dr. nnd Mrs, O. A. Place and daugh
tets, I.arlesa nnd Adelaide, loft this
morning for a summer vacation to be
spent at Sidney nnd Blnghamton, N.
Y. They will bo absent about three
w eeks.
Professor Hockenberry will take a
base hall team to Honesdale Wednes
day for the expressed purpose of de
feating tho Maple City's aggregation
of spoiled petfl.
Mr. and Mrs. George Giles and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Norrls, of this city,
and Mrs. Mary Mveis, of Poit Jervls,
are spending today at Elk Lake.
Itcv. Charles Lee and family will
return today In order to accompany
the Sunday school picnic to Jefferson
paik tomorrow.
The son of Thomas Ayers sustained
a painful Injury by running a piece of
Iron In his hand yesterday at the Del
aware and Hudson blacksmith shop.
A daughter has been born to Mr.
and Mrs. James Solomon, of Oak street.
Whooping cough Is quite prevalent.
The different Sunday schools nnd
Young Men Christian association run
an excursion to Elmlra today.
Professor C. P. Garrison, of West
rittston, was a caller amongold ac
quaintances In town last week
F. P. Carrnochan, of Sioux Falls, S.
D , is vetting In town
Mis. B. Holme and child! en, of Pitts
ton, have been spending several days
past with Mrs. Cathciine Glllls.
II J. Decker, a Lehigh Valley freight
conductor, last Tuesday broke his atm
by falling from his train at this place.
The Republican county convention
will be held hero on Aug. 6. The can
didates are' Legislature, Louis Plollet,
of Wysox; K. D. Lewis, of Wjaluslng:
It. S. Kdmlston,-nf Milan: L. T. Man
ley, of Alba; Thomas U Myer, of Wy
nlusing. Dlstilct attorney, L T. Hnvt,
of Athens, and J. C. Ingham, of Tc
wanda. Joseph Lynch, of this place, an em
ploye on the gravel train, while com
ing through Voburp tunnel on Thurs
day evening, fell off the train and was
Instantly killed. His remains were
brought horn' on Filday afternoon and
the funeral wni held at Saints Peter
and Paul's lunch, Sunday.
The Catholics are pioparlng for a
fair to bo held the middle of August.
Contestants for prizes are working?
The boys of this lclnity who en
l'sted in Company M, Ninth leglment,
aie. from all reports, enjoying them
selves at Chlckamauga park. Oa. The
company recently presented Captain
F. N. Moore with a handsome sword.
During a heavy thunder shower hero
last Filday afternoon, lightning struck
a chimney on the Ochs' house, dolns
but little damage.
J. A. Mason Is working faithfully
tow aids organizing a company of Pio
vIMonal National Guards at this place.
The Infant child of Mr and Mrs. F.
R Lyke was burled at AVjsox on Sat
urday. Sherift Fell and wife enjoyed a few
dnvs'at Fasles Mcie last week.
The Salvation nrmv Is now in charge
of Lieutenant and Mrs Hull, who ar
rived last week. Thev are excellent
workcr3 and despite the warm even
lngs are beintf supported by the towns
people In geneial. Not only Mr. and
Mis. Hull ere first class cornctlsts but
their little son deserves mention as
well and the singing by their little
daughter Is also woithy of praise. The
leaders are earnest workeis and else
soul-btiiring addi esses before their
people at each meeting. They are ic
ccivins the hearty uppoit of Tnwan
uVf people, as the woik done .lnce
their organization here has been of
moe than great benefit to this com
munity. The new officers will receive
a warm welcome during their stay
E. B. Stone, J. C. Fuller, H. J. Hal
lock, William EllEworth and O. L.
Dyer have been prominent WynluslnT
Ites at the county beat the past week.
Miss Nellie Ochs Is entertaining her
friend, Miss Cassld, of Wilkc-Birre,
Mis N. N. Belts Is visiting telatlves
at Stroudsbuig.
Miss Nellie Bryant Is spending a
short time at Clifton. Springs.
Mrs. 01. N. Maxwell, of Lodl. N. Y
Is a puest of Towanda relatives and
Mia. Ira Snedlker and son, Arthur,
and Emery Cogswell, aie spending n
few days with tho latter's mother at
Jackson Valley.
Mis. George Cash and daughter, of
Philadelphia, are lsitors in town.
The Argus says that N. Loe
weiss' passenger elevator "runs like a
top." We are surprised, as It is sup
posed they weie used in conveying
customers to the dlffeient floors In
stead, it means that it whirls around
In some way.
Edith, tho 17-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mis George Laporte, at Ho
mct'B Feiry, died Saturday aftei an Ill
ness of five rlnys from the grip. Un
dertaker Campbell, of this place, had
charge of the remains.
Miss Maggie Drlslane goes to Lake
Carey this week to act as planltt at
one of the popular hotels.
The Touanda-Canton stage route
has "jeen puuhnsed by N. W Baker.
Tho Fifty-seventh Pennsylvania Vol
unteors will hold their annual reunion
at ysox, Saturduy, Sept. 3.
The next annual reunion of the One
Hundred and Forty-first regiment will
be held at Luceyvllle on Aug. 31.
Mrs. Thomas Ryan, of Washington,
I). C , Is being entertained by Towanda
nrqualntances. Her son, T. Tred Ry
an, has just been appointed quarter
master of the regular army.
Mrs. W. fi. Rickey and daughter,
Miss Ethel, are guebts of Wilkes. Barro
Mr. and Mrs, Manning Chclson spent
several days last week at Lakes Genoa
and Shawnnese.
Kdltor C F. Heverlv. of the Brad
ford Star, and an historian as well,
Is now havlnjt published a most valu
able work In tho Interest of the Brad
ford county soldiers. The book Is en
titled "Tho Boys In Blue" and its con
tents will contain wnr experiences,
reminiscences und other notahle fea
tures which will pi ova of great value
to the comlnir generation. There will
bo two volumes, fully Illustrated, and
the price has been placed within the
reach of all. The numuer being print
ed Is limited, therefore a large number
of orders are helm; rccolved.
Can friend Whitney beat this re
markable occurrence which Is told by
a Laceyvllllan: He says that seven
years ngo he left his vest containing n
gold watch hanging on n fence while
mowing the hack yard with a scythe.
A young pat calf wandered up and
proceeded to eat tho vest and swallow
lho watch with the voracity of an
ostrich. He gave It up for lost ot
course, nnd gave no further thought
to It. A short time ngo this calf, now
full grown, was slaughtered for beef.
The watch, now forgotten, wns found
In such a position between her lungs
that the respiration of the lungs clos
ing nnd filling had kept the stem wind
er wound up, nnd the watch had only
lost nbottt four minutes during the
seven vears.
Dr. Charles L. Codding, of Duluth, Is
visiting relatives In town.
Stewart Blnck, nsslstnnt secretary of
the Young Men's Christian association
at Sharpsburg, Is enjoying a few
weeks' visit at home.
Congressman Codding and family are
up from Washington, D, C spend
ing their summer vacation at their
residence here.
A Sunday excursion from this place
will soon be run to Shawanese lake.
Mrs. Elmer Whltaker, of Brooklyn.
N. Y., Is spending a. few weeks here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rutty, of Wllkes
L'nrre, are lsltlng relatives In town.
Steven Vallskl was arraigned before
Justice of the Peace Mason on Satur
day night on the charge of robbery.
Vallskl Is a Russian, nnd resides In
Prlceburg. Last Thursday night S. M.
Snook, of this place, delivered a parcel
of laundry to the tesldence of Mis.
Jane Davis, of Blakely, to be washed.
The lady not being home, the parcel
was left at the door. Later In the
evening Vallskl came along and, seeing
the package, picked It up and carried
It away The theft was not noticed
until the next morning. Offlcer Benja
min Hnirls was notllled and, from de
scriptions from parties who had seen
Vallskl acting suspiciously around the
premises on the night previous, tracked
him to rilceburg, where he was cap
tured. The officer searched tho house
and In a trunk were found the missing
articles, and many others which have
not been Identified. He was taken be
fore the justice and plead guilty. He
was committed to the county Jail In
default of ball.
John O'Malley Is enjoying a week's
outing at Keeno's pond, Wayne county.
Miss Etta Loftus, of Scranton. spent
yesterday with Miss Jennie MeAndrew.
Tho remains of the late Mrs. Mar
garet Garrett were Interred In Union
cemetery Sunday afternoon. A brief
service wns held at her late home on
Hill street, after which the lemalns
were coneved to the Congregational
church, where an eloquent sermon was
preached by Rev. Peter Robeits. There
were many beautiful floral tokens.
The members of the Presbvterlan
church will enjoy a day's outing in the
woods on the East Side today.
The following letters remain un
claimed at the postofllce for tho week
ending July 25: Mrs. B. Coleman.
Coulthard Thomas, Miss Sarah M.
Clark, Miss Mertle Hunt, Thomas
Jones, Mr. Tom Murphv, Miss Mary
Reese, Mrs. Jane Thomas.
Mrs. Ada Green, who has been the
guest of Mrs. D. A. Van Sickle for the
past thiee weeks, returned to her home
In Buffalo, X, Y yesterday.
Misses Maggie Mitchell and Katie
Connois. of West Scranton, visited
fi lends In town on Sunday.
Miss Mame Morrison, of Blakely,
while on an exclusion at Lake Poyn
tello. fell fiom a swing to a distance
of seveial feet, breaking her leg. She
was brought to her home In Blakely,
where she lerelvcd medical attention.
Postmaster S. J. Matthews and niece.
Miss Georgia Thomas, spent the Sab
bath at Wavcily.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans, of Jer
myn, attended the funeral of the for
mer's mother, Mrs. Garrett, of Hill
street, Sundav.
Mrs. Catherine Thomas Is visiting
relatives rtt Spring Biook.
Misses B. Sheridan and Katie Relliy,
Joseph McDcrmott nnd Harry Alex
ander, of South Scranton; Alfred and
Walter Griffiths, of Jermyn, and
Ai thur C. Parry, of Hyde Park, spent
Sunday at the home of the latter's
aunt. Mrs. John M. Evans, of Lacka
wanna street.
Mrs. Samuel Goodman and Mrs. John
Hopkins, of Carbondale, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wat
kins, of Fern Hill, Sunday.
Miss Minnie Apt and Joseph Carr, of
Pittston, visited friends heie Sunday.
Charles Evans, of Duryea, spent yes
terday with his brother, D. C. Evans,
of Susquehanna street.
Prof. T. F. McHale Is spending his
vacation In Elmlra, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and chil
dren, of Albany, N, Y are cuests at
the Mahon House.
Georgp Berry Is at Crystal lake for
a week's stay.
The Spaniards are After You Here
is an Escape.
You can't bathe In the Atlantic
Ocean for the Spaniards will catch
you, but the same delightful salt water
bathing Is obtainable at Salt Lake City
In tho waters of the Great Salt Lake.
It Is a novelty to bathe In salt water,
a mile above sea level. Moreover, the
summer climate of Salt Lake City is
incomparable. The attractions in and
about this quaint and picturesque city
now familiarly termed the "Zlon of
the New World" Include within a
radius of a few miles, Hot Springs,
Warm Sulphur Springs, Sea bathing at
tho inagnlllcent resort know'n as Sal
talr. Parks, Drives and Canyons as well
as tho historic edifices of the Mormon
Church the far-fnmed Tabernacle and
the Gteat Temple, Salt Lake City la
tho boclal and commercial conter of
tho Intcr-mountaln district and also
the til voicing point for the great gold,
silver and copper mines of Utah, Mon
tana and Nevada, It Is a delightful
stopping place for those en loute to tho
Pacific Coast. The only trans-continental
lino pasBlng directly through
Salt Lake City is the Rio Giande
Western Railway. It offeis choice of
three distinct routes thiough the
Rockies and the most magnificent
scenery In the world Write to F, A.
Wadlelgh, General Passenger Agent,
Salt Lake City, for copies of litera
ture. CASTOR I A
For Infants and Children.'
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of Cez y
Business Here Is
This July month is a record-breaker. We never saw its equal from a trade standpoint. Crowds every day
buying crowds, enormous crowds, and when we say enormous, we mean a hard, cold fact that any pair of eyes can
see, Our store is cool and comfortable; easy of access.and once here, BARGAINS are ready to attract and keep you busy
Special Prices on
mack Kock Musiin.soici i
at 7C This week . .
Full yard wide, Unbleached
Muslin, worth 5c. I his -j
week . . . "2i
36-inch Light Percales in many
pretty patterns; also 32-inch La
belle 1'ercales, worth up r-j
to 15c. This week . . ' 2r'
Two cases of Lancaster and
Amoskeag Apron Ginghams
best made, worth oc yard. a
This week . . 2S'
10-4 Unbleached Sheeting that
elsewhere you II pay 13c qT r,l
a yard for. This week. . " '2r'
Special Prices on
White Goods.
White India Linon,
30 different patterns in
Checked Nainsooks very
effects and worth 15c yard,
This week,
White India Linon one of
most desirable materials for sum
It is to your advantage to buy here, for we deliver
our store is the low prices. Other houses, giving credit,
you've money to spend,
Mrs Hannah Griffin and daughter,
of North Scranton, were tho guests ot
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Thompson last Sun
day. Mrs. William T Budd, who has been
Indisposed for the past few days, Is
Mis. William Gilbert and daughter,
of Olyphant, called on Mrs. S. M. Rog
ers yesterday.
Huckleberries are a good crop In this
vicinity and large shipments are be
ing made over the Delaware and Hud
son every day.
Miss Kose Bray returned home last
Sunday, after a three weeks' visit at
Misses Florence Miller nnd Jennie
Griffith, of South Hde Park avenue,
and Mr. Northrup, of Green
Ridge, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Graham last Sunday.
The picnic held by the Ontario Acci
dental fund at the Indian Grove at
Jessup last Saturday evening, proved
a grand success socially and finan
cially. The new Odd Fellows hall, -which is
being elected on Depot street, Is pro
gressing rapidly, and when completed
will be the best equipped hall for sec
ret society purposes In the borough.
Sheridan lodge. Knights of Pythias,
are talking of holding a picnic on the
evening of August the twentieth.
Joseph P White, who has been visit
ing his parents for the past two weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. S' F. White, will leae
today for his home in Kansas.
Mis. Wlllard Lathrup, of Chicago,
is visiting at the home of D. It. Lath
rup. G. L. Keller, W. J, Rogers and Floyd
Keller took a spin on their wheels to
Lake Ariel last Sunday.
R. J. Taylor, who has been conduct
ing a shoemaker's and harness shop in
town for the past several years, will
move to Scranton on Aug. 1.
Charles White, who has charge of
the New York Tribune department of
Brooklyn, N, Y Is spending a few
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. F. "White.
Miss Blanche Wermouth Is suffering
from an attack of tonsolltls.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert James, of the
West End. spent Sunday with friends
at Herrlck Center.
Harry Card, of Forest City, Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffany.
AVIlllam Johns Is Improving the lookB
of his property by putting a new picket
fence in front of his house.
The absorbing topic of tho town at
present is the coming picnic of the
Taylor Fire company which Is to be
held In Weber's park on Tuesday, Au
gust 16. Tho boys are out In full at
tire to make the affair a grand suc
cess, and Judging from tho present In
dications It surely will be. A pro
gramme of sport has been arranged
Vy tho committee for the day First
class music will bo in attendance.
Misses Maiy and Cella McDonald
attended tho reception tendered Miss
Josephine Coleman, of Hyde Paik, Fri
day. Messrs. John Owens, William Wil
liams, David Bow en. James Inglls and
Frank Freldcl left for a two weekV
encampment at Lake Ariel yesterday.
Tho Tribune bianrh ofllee In Taylor
Is In the Coblelgh building where ad
vertisemontb may be left with our rep
resentative. Tho '93 committee from the Junior
Order United American Mechanics of
this county who nre endeavoring to
have the session of lb99 meet In Scran
ton, will hold an Important meeting In
the council rooms of No, SI tomorrow
Mr. and Mn. Earnest Brownwell anJ
Mrs. ThomaH Thomas were tho guests
of friends In Hyde Park on Sunday,
Lackawanna lodge, No, 113, Ameri
can Protestant association, will meet
this evening In Reese's hall.
This (Tuesday) morning tho grand
consolidated excursion of the Metho
dist and Presbyterian churches of Old
Forge will run to Harvey's lake. By
special arrangement the train will run
upon the Lehigh Vnlley branch near
C. II, Freymlcr's store to accommodate
the people of Duryea, The train will
be at the above place at 7.30 a. m.
Tho collieries of the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western company will
mer waists and dresses, 40 inches.
wide and worth 15c nl v
yard. This week . v2l
White Figured Piques, in neat
and delicate patterns of dots and'
cnecKs, worm 25c yara. o '
his week . . Jt
'Special Prices on
Frinced Huck and Damask
iTowels that you'd
(Ordinarily pay 18c n
for. This week ..11 2;
Hemmed Huck Towels, 17x34,
inches, would be cheap at
I2c. I his week . .
Something better than water
dor the bath a good rub with a
1 1 urkish 1 owel. 1 his week s
'chance gives you an unbleached1
one, 19x42 inches, "i r
iand extra heavy, for. '"'JL
Special Prices on
mason s rruu jars, qt, ACn
size. Ihis week. dozen, t
work live davs 'ach In this place and
vicinity this week.
Mr. William Rossar, of North Tay
lor, has moved his household effects to
Miss Mary A. Dcsklns, of Bellevue,
spent the Sabbath with Miss B. Mc
Donald, of North Taylor.
Tickets for the excursion of the Rip
ple division, Sons of Temperance. Au
gust 8 aie for sale at the T. A. Evans
news stand.
The Item concerning the furlough of
Sergeant John H Thomas should have
read sixty days instead of six, as It
The Reese's hulldlrg on Main street
is being benutlfled with a coat of paint
Painter George Gordon Is doing the
Mrs. Mary Davis, of Hlcksville, L
I., and Miss S. Frances Davis, of
Lldgefcld, Conn., are the guests of
bcrough relatives.
Mrs. J, M. Brown and son, Montelth,
have been visiting friends at Dunmoro
for several days past.
Frank II. Hlnes yesterday moved his
family and household goods to Scran
ton. William Jennings, of Company D,
Thlrtepnth regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, has been Jiome on a fur
lough for the past week.
B. F. Mnxey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Maxey, of this place. Is now
filling the position of apothecarv at the
Vanderbllt clinic in New York city.
Tomorrow evening the Young Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor of
the Presbyterian church, will hold an
Ire cream social In the church lecture
Sunday morning about 2 15 o'clock
fire was discovered In the barn In the
rear of the Allen building on Main
street. An alarm was given and soon
Lntei prise Hose company was on the
ground and had made connection with
the Main street plus nearest the lire.
Hv moans of Its Siamese coupling the
company quickly had two streams
playing on the burning structure. The
Hillside Fire company was not far be
hind and making attachment at a
near-by plug on Railroad street, began
to threw water on the flames. The
building burned fiercely and although
the flames were kept well under con
trol, It was soon reduced to a few
charred timbers. The dwelling house
noith of It, owned by Dr.W. R. Blakes
lee, was saved, but the upper story
was quite badly damaged. The siding
of the house on tho south of the barn
wns considerably burned, but tho loss
was not great. T. J. Pentecost, who
runs a general store in the Allen block,
occupied the barn. He had in It a
quantity of hay, a pair of sleighs and
a cutter, a horse and wagon The
horse and wagon were saved. His loss
vU be about 1100. The barn was own
ed by the Allen estate Mr Pentecost
had no Insurance and it Is said that
there was none on the bulldlns. The
cnute of the fire is unknown. Had the
wind been high there would have been
a fierce tight to have saved much val
uable propci ty In that section, of the
Jeweler B. O. Dodson Is quite 111 with
malaria and has been unable the past
few days to attend to business
A supper will be served on Wednes
day evening at tho home of William
J. Davies, on Wyoming avenue, by the
Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist
church. All the ladles of the church
and congregation are Invited to at
tend. The Mt. Lookout colliery Is working
at about full time for the present.
Rev. R. C. II. Catterall and wife and
Thomas Reldy spent Sunday at the
Wyoming camp ground,
Mrs. Arthur Craig Is quite sick at
her home on West Eighth street.
Mrs. Sadio Pettebone and children,
of Fortv Fort, were the guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Wilson, yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith have re
turned from a brief sojourn at Atlan
tic City.
John Shulde, In company with his
wife, took a drive on Sunday on the
Wlllces-Barre boulevard, when his
horse from some cause took fright. The
antmal Jumped over the side of an em-
Clothes Bars the
strong and serviceable
98 cents. This
Mason's lar Caps and Rubbers'
that aie worth 39c doz. rn
This week
18 qt. Porcelain
denies, wortn 85c. mis CCV
Ready Mixed Paints, in most
any color you want, worth -j rv
15c can. This week . . IvJC
Earthen Pie Plates, large
size, worth 10c. I his week
15 gal. Earthen Crocks.
'To close this week at
Toilet paper large rolls.
'To go this week at . .
.Special Prices on
Wash Fabrics.
Lace Grenadines, very hand
some patterns. Make up a dress
Ifrom one of these, over a colored
Jining, and you'll have a stylish
outfit ; worth up to 1 2 c a r.
yard. This week . t" ' 2
Arcadia Novelties, they're
.called. In reality, French Or
all goods free, no matter where
cannot possibly compete wtth us.
On Pocono Mountain, 8th Year.
Large lawn and plenty of shide. Rooms
largo and airy, furnished neatly. Splen
did bath rocms. A table abundantly sup
plied An altitude of 2,400 feet above the
sea. The air during summer comes from
the north and northwest through dense
pine forests, giving a hcnlthy and un
usual combination of a high, dry and
plney air. No swamps, and the country
Is absolutely free from malaria and al
ways a good brcezo blowing during the
hottest days Further Information given
by addressing CHA8. II. SMITH.
Mount Pocono, Monroe Co , Pa.
On the Ocean Front.
Seve i miles betow Long Branch.
Monmouth House
Write for descriptive pamphlet containing
term and Information.
B. II, Yard, Prop. H. M. Clark, M'g'r.
Hotel Devonshire,
ASnt'RY, N. J.
Delightfully situated one block from the
ocean. Ever) thing new. All modern Im
provements. J. B HAMBLEN, Jr.., Manager.
ocean anovE, n. j.
The Arlington,
The lead I ii.' tiotel. Opens June 23 to
October Culslno nnd service unexcelled.
Sanitary arrancements perfect. Orchestra.
Hates ?20 to S3S. two In room Special
rates to families. Send for booklet
C. II. .MILLAlt, Proprietor.
bankment and In doing so threw Mrs.
Shulde out. She was stepped on by
the hoise, but only slightly injured.
Besides tills, no other damage was
Mrs. Charles H. McKeehan and
daughters, Kulatla and Mary, of Val
paraiso, Indiana, are visiting Mrs,
Hobert R, Thompson.
A mass meeting of the United Mine
Workers of America will be held In
Johnson's hall this evening for the
purpose of effecting a new local oi
ganlzatlon. The national and district
organizers vlll be present and deliver
A letter from Camp Thomas, Chlcka
mauga rark, states that the Wyoming
boys are getting along fine. The most
of them have had an attack ot sick
ness but have recovered.
The Baptist Sunday school will pic
nic In the grove back of the Presby
terian Institute on next Saturday.
No services will be held In the Pres
byterian church on Sunday evenings
during tho excessive warm veather
Sei vices will begin In the Methodist
and Baptist churches at 7 o'clock In
stead of 7.30, so that the lighting
lamps will be unnecessary.
C. D. "Winter, who spent about three
months of the present year traveling
In tho old world, mostly through the
Holy Land, delivered n lecture on
"Palestine" to tho Sunday school at
Tompklnsvlllo lnst Sunday,
Joseph Monahan nnd the Misses
Monahan, of Carbondale, were, the
guests of the Misses .Roche, on Slain
stieet, last Sunday.
Miss Radio Timlin has returned homo
nfter having spent a few weeks visit
ing friends in Syracuse, N. Y.
Miss Nora Mulally, of Forest City, Is
visiting M13S Mamo Brady.
James Collins, of Wllkes-Barre, spent
Sunday with his patents on South
Main street.
Mr. Thomas Wch and daughter, Em
ily, Miss Alice Hocking and Miss An
nie Henwood and Hlslo Powell, of Dun
more, spent yesterday at Ciystal lake,
Mis. Julius Lord died at her homo
on Second street, yesterday morning.
Crystal Fire company are drilling
every Monday evening preparatory to
their excursion to Blnghamton, Au
gust 19, where they will Join the New
T:crk State Volunteer Firemen In their
annual jarad
igandies with American Print
ings; wortn 15c a yard.
To cro at . . . OC
French Organdies, meanincr
beautiful and exclusive designs
penect pnntincs: we ve
'sold them up to 45c yard. Not
iinany left and they j
'go at 1 42S'
Special Prices on
. Bicycles.
This is positively the final call on
wheels for this year. With fair
selling, this week will clean us out.
is the price we have put on nine
wheels (6 men's and 3 women's),
which must be sold at once. Made
by a concern renowned for relia
bility. You'll find nothing cheap
about them, They haven't their
equal in Scranton for $30. Ready
the lirst comers.
Then there are 8 other wheels
.such as the famous "Monarch,"
and the truly good "Anthracite."
which we have put move quick
prices. Come in and see them.
you live. The attraction of
Remember THAT when
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York.
Opp. draco Church. European Plan.
Rooms $1.00 Day and Upwards.
In a modest and unobtrusive way there arc
few bettor conducted hotels la the metropolis
than tho St. Denis.
Tho great popularity it baa acquired on
readily bo traced to ita unique location, 1U
bcmollke atmosphere, the peculiar oxcellano
ot Us cuisluo and service, and lta Tsrjr mod,
ate prices.
Cor. Sixteenth SL and Irving Place,
Day and Upwards. Vi
Day and Upwards. jf
For Business Men t
J In the heart of the wholesale district, 'f
$ For Shoppers '4
A 3 minutes walk to WammaUers; 8
.. minutes to Slcgel Cooper s Dig Store,
.'. l!asy of access to the great Dry Goods !
.j. Stores. .'.
For Sightseers. J
y One block from B'way Cars.glvlngeisy JC
,ta transportation to all points ofinterebt. ,t.
! Hotel Albert, !
y .. w - y
V Only One Block from Droadnay. Y,
Rooms 1 and 2, Com'lth BTd'g.
Mining and Blasting
Made at MoojIo and Ilushdale Works.
Electric flatteries Electrlo Exploders,
lor exploding blabU, bafety Fuse and
Repauno Chemical Go's
JLLhiSerxou JJieaif Fulling Mem
orr. Impotence, Hleepleuoeei, etc . oautwj
tj Abuse or other Kicetees &nd Ind It
creuoni. J.nty quvctuv ana urecu
rtoraXotiulu la old or young, and
tit a man for etudj, bat lnew or marriage.
Pravent Int&nitr find Ooniamotion if
taken iatuae. Tneirat tbowe immediate) fmprota.
nentand effects CUKE when all other rail In
etit upon having the genuine Ajax Tablet!. They
have cared thoutande and will rare you. Waplveapot
Uivewritten guarantee toeffect a cure CA PTC
oechoaeaor refund tho money. Wio wl U I O per
packesei or elx pkges (fall treatment) for f2C0, uy
mall. In plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular
For sale In Scranton, 1'a., by Matthew
liros. and II O. Ban dor J on, drugsliti.
UAUC Vfl I boro Throat, Pimples. Cop.
HMVC lUU per Colored Bpots, Achej.
Old Horea, Ulcera In Mouth, Hair Kalllntf?
Write COOK KUA1UDY CO., 651 Majonlt
Temple, Chicago, III., for proof of curea.
Capital, $500,000. Wont cases cured I -. it
3S day. ioo-page book tiy
fcfatUeiAl' - fc.1, Ai'j&jm&ii.A&.i'i,'"bM,A fc (ilu'..:.sfi..'