The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Bones Supposed to Be Thoso of ft Bed- j
dler Who Disitppcaiotl About Forty
Yenis Ago Services iu Sonio of
tho City Churches Tomorrow.
Sndlu Owens Severely Buined by
Scalding Hot Coffo Tarty Given
by Miss Ciaile Evans to a Number
of Friends.
The- al.cletun of a man was un
eauhAr la't i-venlng about r, o'clock
near tfte old ltockwell pate house, by
a laboiei. IJenlt lluddy, who wan
(.n;:nf,b'L Hi i,icu.ttlnR tin- place for a
celHr rni M W MucUuy Uuddv was
busllv upturnltiR the earth und throw
Inn it Into u wagon, when John Oilllln
who ha dim go of the evacuations,
noticed the skull of it human being
His curiosity was .uouscrl und an In- i
entigattun followed, he with the help i
of Ruddy tcmoved thu other portion
nf thu human frame, wincn uroite m
several pieces, ilcsplte tne caieiui
liauoiing it receive u j measuieiuuui
was made and the eketeton indicated
that ho must have bent u man of 1m
inciisejipropottlons. It measured six
TlnrMlndliiR of the boes may
lad to a mysttiy of forty
M'uib standing. Heie, as the story
is told by tho-e who have u
leeollectlon of the occurence attend
Jiig tho dlbappiaiaiico of tho man.
Ills name could not be ascertained,
but hn tiavrled this valle, going fioin
plnce to plaro, celling his wines vihlch
were of a mlsi ellancous olleotion of
nrtli ks Tin- man was known to tntr
with htm a plentiful supply of mune.
nnd was lnbt seen going toward what
whm then known as the Dutch Gap
Seauh was made, but failed to dis
cover an thing that would lead to his
Seveial persons were accused of be
ing implicated In the strange affair,
but nothing definite was ever ferreted
out The fact that theie is a largo
dent In the forehead of the man a
skull Is evidence that he must have
been foull dealt with Whether tho
Fkull it covered jostcidnv was that of
the missing peddlt r or home other per
son will probnbl never be known. Tin
bones are now In John Glilllths' bain,
nnd he will at once notlf the pioper
The Tirst Welsh Raptlst chti'ch, at
Providence. Ktv W i Duls.
toi Priaching Eervlce tonione t
tne usual holii bv the pastor. Sl.bli tt
in the moinlng, Mi n s CI urns uj on
each other, and thi(. duties toiauis
each other." In the evening, "Chils
receiving authnilt.v In onKr to give
life Hlble "-ehool at - p m. Evan 15.
Ree3, supciinteiideiit. The doling lir
pie's society Tuesil.iv evening. t!-n.
ernl leheaiMil for i.intata ch,ir l"il
dny cvuiing. Geoige' Davies, imulu
tci Re. H" O Watklns will preach In
the With Alair Avniui P. iptlsi
chuich uiMinini. n d evening tomoi
row Th v oiling service will he nn
echo of the gieat ennvintimi which
wnt- held last wnk in Ruilalo
Porvlcts, in the WiNn 1 .iitlst church
r.v""c "-!
v. .wwv
r - .-.
a ti r
ufiini rnuonHmmc
These offering-, are devoted especially to Seasonable
Goods for Ladies and Children. The reductions are
such as to make it well worth while to make a big
effort to Ret to the store on Saturday, as the figures
quoted will not be duplicated on Monday or any
other day.
First Bargain
Luiies Pique, the gen
uine. Lorlesb, Coon & Co.'s
make, which bell all over this
citv at jt each,
Saturday Price, 12J4c
Second Bargain
Children s hiiicy Straw and
Mull Hats, dainty headgear
thaMve have got 7SC tor right
alon'g thioughout the season.
Saturday Trice, 45c
Third Bargain
Children's and Misses' 'I ami
and Hats that were considered
cheap at half a dollar.
Saturday Price, 25c
Fourth Bargain
Children's and Misses' White
Duck Tarns, the right shapes
in the best 25c. quality.
Saturday Price, 10c
Globe Warehouse
of Wfst Market uliect will be con
ducted bv the paxtor. Rev. J. A. livann.
Sunday school at 2 p. tn.
Ttcv. Horace PerUover will officiate
nt toinrriiu'n services In tho Puritan
rmiBrcKHtlonnt church. Everybody
w clcnmc.
llev. Dr. It. S. Jones will occupy tin
pulpit of the Welsh CoiiRrecatlonal
church, tnntutrow. Sutidav school lit
i: p m. Services at the Mlrslon Sun
day bcliool In Dutch Oap will bo in
tluiB 'f U.ivld Williams
At the Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist
rhurch of Wayne uvenue tho serviced
will ho ns usual and will lio under tho
Hurxirvfslon of the pastor, Itov. I). C.
I hllllps.
MIhs Cnrrio Evan, JailRhter of Mr.
and Mi 1'. N. Hvnni. entertained sev
en! of her young friends recently at
the family residence on LoRftett street.
The ponlng was spent In a Jovial
niauner with tho usual routlno oC
paineh Itefieshmunts were served at
a late hour.
Hadlo Owens, the 8-vear-old daugh
ter of Mi. nnd Mrs John Ovens, of
liiick avenue, wn-J pilnfully scalded
Thutsduy The child was In tho net
of penning cofee Into n cup when sh"
accident ly upset tho vessel which con
tained n larse nniount of the liquid
It inn ovnr her rlRht lep nnd foot,
r,luSnK intense pain. Tho burns were
trr.(ltl,() v m, ,,P customary antidotes,
., , ,,. Ilttlc. ch1(1 ls nr0crcsslng fa
James Hell and William Fltzfrcrnld
Mslted friends nt Wilkes-UaTre le
centli Alexander Hill has returned from
Elk Lake where ho spent his aca
tlon. John Henry, of Wnrren street, his
returned from South cSlhson. much
benefited in health
Mrs. Lewis 11 John, of Holtlstor
avenue. Is Mlghtly Indisposed
The ltpv. James It Hughe, late of
Kiinlictlv, South Africa, will deliver
hit oileliiatfd lecture on "Gladstone,
the On at rritish Stntesman." next
Monda evening, July 25, tit tho First
Welsh Jkiptlst church, Wayne avenue
The licture will tuimnonco nt 7.30 p.
m Admission frie, collection at the
dose Mi Hitches Is will known In
the city and nelghboiing towns as a
fluent and very pleasing speaker, and
no doubt a largo crowd will go to
hear him on the ' Grand Old Man"
Monday i veiling The lecture will be
delivered In Lncllsh.
Norman P.irke of the Governor's
t'oop Is spending a short furlough nt
the home of his parents on Green
Ridge street
Valentino Bliss, of the Providence
wilk m'll, will laie a large flag net
Saturday In fiont of the mill. Speeches
will be made by R"v. P J. McMnnus,
.Attorney E C. New comb nnd otheis.
oiu ill Necmes, of Plttsbuig. Is the
guest of Mis. Charlcsworth, of Marlon
MNs Ella Rooney, of Eest Market
tieet, ls spending a few daj3 at
thens. Pa.
MKs Cinmalt. of Sanderson avenue
has leturncd from a four months' IMt
in Euinie.
Mls Donev, of Monrey avenue. Is
spending a f w dajs nt Lake At lei.
Samuel Landau and Rav mond A.
Gioeley are spending a few das In
Ltiirp nt L ike A''ph
Mlssos Lillian Pfrrj, Mary Budgon
and Prod Gould and William Totter
villi spend toduy at Adelln, Pa.
Fifth Bargain
Infants' Swiss Umbroidered
Capa that sell generally for
33c and 50c each,
Saturday Price, 19c
Sixth Bargain
Our famous line of 25c White
Pique and Silk Puff Neckwear.
Saturday Price, 10c
Seventh Bargain
All 5-Inch Fancy Ribbons that
sold at 40c to 6jc only a few
days ago.
Saturday Price, 19c
Eighth Bargain
50 doen Ladies' Swiss Ribbed
Vests, derfect fitting shapes,
nice trim, and guaranteed
value tor 25c.
. Saturday Price, 15c
riogrammo That lias Been Anangcd
for tho Occasion New Ofllceis of
Couit Bride of Lackawanna of
1'orcstcrs Installed McDonough
Turned Ovor to the Tollce by His
Tathor Funeral of tho Child of
Mr. and Mrs. John Witzol nt St.
Mark's Church.
After many dclnjs, owing to the dif
ficulty In procuring a large sized flag
from the manufacturers, tho long ar
ranged for fag raising will be held
this afternoon nt tho Dellovue iol
Ileiy. Over a month ago a subscrip
tion was taken up among the employes,
Inside and outside of the colliery nnd
Superintendent H. C. Green was In
structed to procuic n flag und arrange
for n nilslng.
The pole, lio feet In length, v as
placed In position boiiio time ago
Pew If any poles occupy ns unique a
position It Is pi iced in the centru
of the rhocse box top of the reservoir
which stands about ."00 feet north of
tho bleaker and Is used to feed the
bolleis of the eollleiy At the base
of the polo Is a fcmall squate htand
with a low artistic railing. Yet Into
this viand Is a wuter-pioof leceptncle
in which the flag can be placed on
stormy or windy dais.
This titnnd Is nppioached by a flight
of steps leading up over the roof This
root villi be painted red. white nnd
1 lite. The top of the pole Is capped
with a large brass globe surmounted
with a bronze ic-preentatlon of the
Aintrhan eagle. Piom the ttand at
the fool of the pole n commanding
view Is icadlly obtained up and down
tne valle. 'I lio observatory at Falr
vlev cen bo teen on a clear day. Su
peiintendent Green sais ho has count
ed about 000 flags, fllng nt dlffeient
points, fiom this stand.
A bilge platfonn has been erected
ne.a'bv and planks so an.inged as to
seat several bundled. Inside Foreman
John Halo will act as chairman and
Stenner's band will provide tho music
A. chorus of about 100 voices, all chil
dren from Bellevuo Heights, will sing
several selections Exercises begin at
2 30 o'clock. The following pro
rrammc villi be cntricd out in connec
tion with tho unfuillng:
Selection Rand
Opening Remarks Crnlrman
Selection, "Stai Spangled Ilnnncr,"
Children n C'lioru3
Recitation, "Destruction of the Maine '
Miss Ellle Uiownlng
Remarks, "History of Our PI ig,"
Superintendent IJ C Green
Solo Mi-s Mjia Daviea
Selection . . Hand
Oration l'rote&sor U. Howell
Selection. "On to Cuba,"
Mrs. G. V. Powell nnd Children's moi'is
Recitation Miss Stomal
Selection Rand
At the conclusion of the exercises, a
game ot ball vi III be played In ths
Hold neaiby b the Inside nnd outside
teams of the rolllei.v Following are
tho members of the team:
lncide W. Warner, c ; P. Rogan, p.;
Jams Gerrlty, ss : P. Graham, lb ;
P. Hawkins, 2b; T. Morgan, Sb.; L
Prosser, if; J. Thomas, cf.; U
Reese, If.
Outside W. Duffy, c P. Gallagher,
p ; J. rummlngs, s ; W. Hogan, lb.;
T. Mnlone, M ; V Cotello. 3h.; M.
Cummlngs, lf.j J. liurkc, of; J. Wil
liams, if.
Tho funoial services of the late
George Hanimct, who a3 fatally In
jured In last Thuisday's collision on
tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
em railroad, will he held tomonow
afternoon. The sen ices will be held
at the .Simpson Methodist church at
2 30 o'clock Intel ment will bo mado
at tho Washburn htrect cemetery
Mis. J. Henry Jones, 50S South Hydo
Park avenue, who has Just recovered
from hei recent Illness, has yono to
Lako Henry, MapUwood, to pend her
Tho f uner ii services for tho child
of Mr. and Mrs. John Wltzal were held
efUPrday afternoon at St. Mark's
Lutheian ch-jreh. The pastor, Re. 1.
A. Itamer, Ph. D , ofliciated. Many
friends of the bereft parents wero In
attendance and tho floral tilbutei
were ery beautiful. Intel ment was
mado at the Washburn street ceinc-te-y.
Ofllcers-elect for the ens-uins term
weie Installed at the regular meetlns
of Court Pride of Lackawanna lodge.
No. C, Order Foresters of America, at
tho tegular meeting held Thuisda"
eenlng nt Co-operative hall, North
Main avenue. Grand Secretary Cush
nian of Philadelphia, was present and
n,ade 'an address. Worthy Deputy
Gi ind Chief Hanger William Chailes
ai tea as. Installing ofTlcer. and tho fol
lowing were seated: Chief, William
Krembcrg, sub-chief, Itobert How ley,
financial recietary, George 'Watklns,
recording secretary. John D. Lewis;
ticibuior. John L. Lewis; woodward,
Hopkln Hopkins, beadle, Morgan W.
Da Is
Klpplo division. No 15, Sons of Tem
perance, will meet In Evans' hall on
South Main avenue, this evening at
7 30 s-hatp.
David T. Jenkins, of 356 North P.e
hecca avenue, is collector of state and
county taxes for 1S0S for the Fourth
Numerous complilnts are belns mado
of tho continuous barking of dogs In
the neighborhood of Edwards touit be
tween Luzerne und Oxford streets. If
the parties, whos-e dogs ramblo about
that jeglon Jo not l.etp them at might
they w 111 bo t-hot
Aswcll Ira Daviea with recently
elected secretin y ot Sumner Avenue
Picbteilan Sabbath school.
The members of tho West Sldo Re
publican league met In special session
last evening In their looms, over Da
vles' pharmacy, on South Main ave
nue Considerable business of import
ance wus transacted.
Thomas McDonough, Jr., of South
Main avenue, was arrested by Chief
ot Police Gurrell last evening, his
father, Thomas McDonough, sr., hav
ing withdraw n hla ball. Young Mc
Donough ls ouo of the two who burg
larized the Free Press ollh p several
weeks nu'o. He la now at tho West
hide polko station.
A family of Italians by the namo ot
Dunne, residing at 901 Jackson street,
reported tho loss of their 11-year-old
son to the West Side police at an early
hour yesterday morning. Yesterday
they went over to tho cential police
quarters and got him. Ho was picked
up by tho central patrolmen In Center
street. Tho lad had been wandering
around and, crowing tired, laid down
In a dark place and went to sleep. He
4 has stayed nway from homo before.
A Hound mind
I n infom of
coort hiuiltii.Thli
in Hccurcd with
Kidney Trouble,
undue wnste of
tlio tlBSiies.
Mrs. Annie Collins, of Sport Hill,
died of general debility at 2 o'clock
esterday afternoon, aged 75 years.
She Is survived by two sonp. James
nnd Michael Collins. The funeral will
occur Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Interment will be made In St. Mnry's
Mr nnd Mrs. E. W. Bishop and Mr.
nnd Mrs Oscar Yost and daughter,
Ruby, enjoyed a drive to Mooslc lake
Mr. and Mrs. E J. Hughes, of South
Hlakely street, have returned from a
short visit with friends In Plttston.
Mr. C E. Weldaw's Sunday school
class of tho Calvary Reformed church
will hold a lawn social at the home of
Mr. Robert Porsman, 114.2 Qulncy ave
nue, Pi Ida j. Julv 20 A literary and
musical prog! ammo will be rendered
und rcfieshments will be served.
Miches Minnie and Sadie Keogh. of
Carbondnle, are the guests of their
cousin, Miss Margaret Clary, of Chest
nut stieet.
Miss Hannah Brcnnan. of Bunker
Hill, ls summering at Popham beach,
Mr. anil Mrs. Abram Morris, of Grove
street, are rejoicing over the ai rival
of a baby bo.
Mlscs Elsie Powell and Annie Hen
wood are visions fi lends at Jcrmyn.
Mis. William Stewart, of Cheity
street, who has been seilously 111 for
the past few weeks, ls convalescent.
The Epworth league of tho Methodist
Episcopal church will hold a "Dowe"
social at the home of Harry E. Spen
cer, of Webster nvenue, Wednesday,
August .1 During the evening Mr.
Spencer will raise a large American
flag. An Intel estlng programme will
be rendered and refres'hments will be
John Munley was arrested Thursday
night, charged with drunkenness nnd
disorderly conduct. At a hearing be
fore Burgess Powell jesterday he was
fined $2 23 He could not pa the line
and unless It ls paid he will be re
manded for thirty dais.
The St. Joseph's society held a meet
ing last evening to complete arrange
ments fo their excursion to Farvlow
on Monday, July 23 The main attrac
tion will be a base ball game between
the South Side and Mlnooka teams,
for a puiac of Jl.OoO
The Maroons will Journey to Durvea
to pi ly a team ftom that place tomor
row. Tho Eurekns and the Rome team will
battle for honois on the grounds of tho
latter July 24 A good contest may
be expected, as both teams -are evenly
matched. .
Tho Sunday school of tho Green
wood 1' terlan church wIU go to
Mountain Park todaj.
m ,
MIbs Rosa Phillips, 21 e.irh of age, died
last evening at o o clock at the resilience,
l6 North Rebecca, avenue, after a lius'r
lng Hlns. Deceacil was a well known
and popular voting lirtj and bore lie:
trials with great fortitude She was a
member of tho Scranton Street ISaptlot
church and for four vears was picsident
of tho Haptlht oung Peoples union ot
that church. Sho wuh alwajb actively en
gued In Christian woik nnd ho contlnuod
until her ill hevlth prevented Evei af
terward so great was her influence tint
hei adviso and counsel was soubIU by the
joung piople who had been associated
with her In thi woik Three slsicrs and
two biothers turvivo her They arc tho
Mlhses Sarah, Alice und Eva and William
and Geoige Dei cased was a daughter
of tho lace Geoigt Phillips, master ham
mersmith of the Deliware, Lackawanna
and Western company shops, who en
Jojcd the distinction of being the only
one then in this c'ty. The funeral ar
rangements for tho deceased have not
jet been ariangcd.
Mrs. Dorothy James, 42 years, of age,
died lato Wednesday night at the resi
dence, OftS North Main avenue nftei an
illness of a tew dais Death was due to
rastrltis. Detected was born In West
Scranton and has always rtsidtd here
Sho was a kindly dlspositloned womin
and much beloved by those who Know
her Sho was a member rf the I-irst
Welsh Congiegatlonal church. Two ls
tcrs and one brothe survive her They
are Mrs, Lewis Phillips. Mrs. Stephen
Djcr and John T Jones, prlniipal of No
IS school Tho funeral will bo held to
morrow afternoon Services will bo heli
at the Tlrst Welsh Congregations church
on South Main avenue at 20 o rlotk In
terment will be made at the Washburn
street cemetery.
Mrs John Laird, of 122 Grove str;:,
Dunmore, died Filday morning, nf,ed 4t
vears Sho was born In Inverness Scot
land and was tho daughter of the lato
James Mcintosh of that place Mcs
Laird wis a member of tho Dunmnie
Preshj terlan church nnd led a most ex
emplary life Sho had no relatives In
this country fsavo Mrs Nlcol, of Green
Illdge, who was related to her by mar
rlige. Tho funeral will take place on
Monday afternocn at 2 o'clock and will
bo private It Is respectfully requested
that no floral emblems be given.
Mrs. Mary Evans died at her resi
dence on Plttston avenuo yctcrday ar
ternoon at 3 o'clock Mrs. Evans was t8
years of ouc Tho past two jenrs she
has suffered greatli Sho Is survived by
her children. Mia Charles Pierce, Mrs.
John RlacK Mrb. Joseph Decker, Arthu-.
William nnd John Evans The funeral
will take place tomoi row afternoon Rev
E J Houghton, neting pastor of St.
Luke's Eplf-copal church, will ofllelnte at
the services, which will be held at tho
house, Infrment will bo mado at the
Dunmoro ttmeterj.
Mrs. Thomas Gallagher, of 10 Twen
tieth street, died lest night at 0 o'clock.
Tuncral anounecment later
Companies Consolidated.
At tho meeting of tho stockholders
of tho Delaware Valley Electric rail
road, the East Stroudsburg and Mata
morrts rallioad and tho Delaware Val
ley, Hudson and Lehigh railroad, held
in tho Indian Queen hotel, Strouds
burg, on Wednesday afternoon, con
solidation of the three was permanent
ly effected.
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Slgnaturo of
I Unmercifully Slaughtered in Price! g
5 Ml
1 A Startling Sale and Startling Bargains
mm i- ii i..m wm
I The greatest opportunity Scranton has ever known for big values. See our windows,
5 and see the line of Tailor-Made Suits we aie selling for E
1 '6.85, 1 .15, '8.40, '9.60, '10.90 u '12.90 1
5 Until this week these Suits were selling for $10, $, $18, $20, $22.0, $2$. 2
I We have made the price as above to quickly close them out. The qualities are of the 5
S finest Cheviots and Worsteds, used by the better class of custom tailors, who would a
5 charge you from $25 to $40 if made to your order. A positive bargain for any one 5
5 contemplating or needing a Suit, if there are any among these to fit you. These Suits
were cut by skillful tailois, made, lined and tiimmed in the best manner, and are of 5
5 unusual value. Remember, we make any alteration necessary to insure a perfect fit.
I All goods kept in repair one year free. 5
5 Open Tonight Until 11 O'clock. 427 Lackawanna Avenue. 5
Thomas Wall Committed to tho
County Jail by Alderman Ruddy
for Wife-Beating John Woelkers
Committed to Answer a Series of
Charges Members of Branch 222,
.Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Asso
ciation, Give a Dance to Then
Fi lends in Bhatmacy Hall.
A well organized movement ls under
w ly to foim a company of tho nation
al guard, on this side, in the event
that Company U, or the old Thirteenth
legiment, does not ic-oiganlo to join
the guaid, now being formed, of which
two companies of tho Tlnst battalion
of this citv, have been mustered In.
Great efforts have been mado to have
Ccmpany B lc-organlze, but tho work
hau been nnv thing but encou. aging to
the piomotois. This fact has led many
cx-membeis of tho old guard, residing
hi this section, to et about to bilng
a company on this edde.
Ex-Councilman Gcoigo Wlrth, of the
Nineteenth waid, Is specially nctlvo
in the movement. To a Tiibune repor
er last night he btated that If thu op
rnrlunlty Is afforded to have Com
pany H on this side, no dlfllculty would
be cpcienced in bccuing excellent
joung men.
From here there are about twenty
five who have passed the ph steal ex
amination for membership In Com
pany A, which has not been mufitcied
in. Tho major portion of that number
have signified their desire to Join the
proposed South Side company
Mr. Wilth, who ls or tne numoer re
ferred to, Is averse to the scheme of
taking tho proposed men fiom Com
pany A. Ho feels that It would almost
kill the movement to re-organlze that
Thomas Wall, a plasterer by occu
pation, was arrested vesterday on a
warrant Issued by Alderman Ruddy.
Wall is charged with assault nnd bat
tery. His wife. Rrldget, ls the prose
cutor. She In her Information alleges
that her husband beat her yesterday
morning. Weie It tho first otfense,
she bald, she would bo disposed to for
give him. So fteauent has been the
attacks that sue resolved to i'.f: him
In Jail. Tho alderman gave his opin
ion in foicible terms of wire-beaters,
and then committed him to Jail in de
failt of bail.
John Woelkers, whose arrest was
mentioned in jesterday's Tiibune, u
called for a trial before Alderman
Ruddy yesterday afternoon. He was
held in $1,000 ball, $300 for assault and
battery. $500 for selling liquor without
a license, and $200 for selling on Sun
day, He was committed to Jail also.
Uranch 224, Ladies' Ca'.hnllc Ilitiov
olent ni'f-oclatlon, gave a danie last
night In Pnarnuvv hall, to a number
of friend. The society was In chaige
of ,i table at tho recent plcnla of ot.
John's tuiiiegalliin and last night's
affair win to give PNpiession uf the
appioc'atnn of thu lad'ej for tho f-i-vois
arf-.rUd them. It w.'s a plMsint
tvont .Miss Nell e Cumin furnished
tho m iilc.
The .iiiiui'i picnic of th" Foi-'-'t har.d
will be hi Id this afternoon nnd own
ing at Aitivian Well i.iovt, i pref.y
woodland to tho left of CcM.eil path.
Nature dfgned tho s,pot fo- su-h pur
poses. A fihiure !. tho afternoon will
Ic the had gnmo between tho KuteKi
and South fctrantuR team, on tho 1 it
tei 3 groiiM's. in the uwnini; con
icrts will bo given by Crump a, Cu'ii
ta rland and Moosio bands
The club houso of the TK'r Hunting
club, mi No. r) mountain, near hlnier
son's road, will be opened for tho sea
son tonight. A and supper will
tnaik tho occasion.
The Scranton Athletic club's eaily
flam bake will tuUo placo tomorrow
at tho "Meadow s" the "UucU
aid" read Thcso afiuli.i of the club
nro always a source of much enjoy
ment Miss Mary Casey, of Cedar avenue,
t;ave a party last night.
Harry Rochert will nsum-i Ills duties
today at Louts Lohmnnn's restaurant,
after n ten days' vacation.
Jacob Rocn will leave tor a sojourn
In Grmany Wednesdny next.
A spiial and Important meeting of
the Century Hoso company wilt bo
held Monday night.
leoige Rosen, August Gelrer nnd
Long Nagle returned from Mnplnwood
vesterdiy with cood catches of fish.
A boy was born to George Uav(s, of
Orchard street, yesteiday.
Constable J. C. Mown, of the Twelfth
ward, lo recovering from s. sever" Ill
ness. Miss Hopkins, of New York city, is
being entertained by Miss Anna Toy,
of PUUton avenue.
In Police Court.
Bridget Naughton, of the Pyne. was
committed to tho county Jail yesterday
for thirty days Immediately after the was
released from a similar term. She was
Allinist ! to 13.
One Fare for Round Trip
Via Lshlgli Valley Railroad.
Tickets on sale August 7 nnd 8,
Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents
for fuither particulars.
arrested for singing and swearln
Penn avenue She Is 70 years old
Charles Snelltmn was the name given
bv tho 1 citizen who was arres'ed
bv Marlon Stuart Cann. He was com
mitted for thirty dajs, but a friend wen
up to Jail and raid his fine.
Our beautiful town ls fast filling with
people from tho cities who find here a
cool and shady town, which ls located
so high that It enjovs constantly cool
breees nnd fresh, pure air. The ready
furnished summer cottages belonging
to Mrs Palmer Smith and Mr. Carlton
are filled as well as seveial unfur
nished houses, and the hotel and pri
vate boarding homes have their share
of guests.
Mr. Clarence Finn, our popular mer
chant, spent last Sunday In Blngham
ton. In nccotdanco with tho proclamation
of President McKlnley, thanksgiving
services weie held In each of the
churches Sunday last. Thoso In the
Raptlst church were conducted by Rev.
Weighnss in tho morning. At the
Methodist church, In the evening, the
service consisted of special music by
the choir, and appropriate remniks by
Mr. Roy Decker, Mr. James Dickson,
Rev. J. B. Santee and tho pastor, Rev.
J. C. Lcucoek.
Misses Mary and Elizabeth Dickson
are visiting their grandmother, Mrs.
Thomas Dickson, at Norrlstown, N, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Worden, who wero for
mer icsldents of this town, are visit
ing their daughter, Mis3 Anna Wor
den. Dr. and Mrs. Price spent part of Sun
day last nt Lake Wlnola.
Miss Decker, of Scranton, Is visiting
at tho home of Mrs. Stoll.
Miss Edith Santee went to New York
Thuisday, from which city she will go
to Ocean Grove and Philadelphia be
fore her return home.
Mrs. Shupp, of Plv mouth, Pa., who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lea
cock, retutnpd home Thursday
Miss Msy C Rejnoldrv of South
Gibson, Pa , visited at the home of
Rev J. 15. Santee recently. Miss Rey
nolds was a member of the class of
'OS at Wvomlng seminary.
Mis Dr. Ives, of Scranton. recently
called at Mr. Albert Ives' and and Mr.
Mr. Frank Colvln and family wen,,
to Binghamton Friday on the excur
Robert Gardner, of Scranton, Is vi
Itlng his siandmother, Mrs. Sarah
Feature of the Education
Young Birds.
From tho Philadelphia Inquirer
It is a common ciror tn believe that
with birds the krowlcdo of building
their nests Is innate. It Is a trade that
is taught to every bhd by its parents
and in Jut as i-vstematlc a manner ns
men are tiaincd to bo builders Birds
ar5 bom with the instinct to carry lit
tle twigs and the materials of which
nets aro made, but unless they nre
lnstiucted In the i.rt of building they
will just drop them In a pile and never
attiinpt to weave them Into nests.
It is after the voung birds havo learn
ed to fly that tho oldei ones legularly
teach them the process of Interweav
ing and lining that is necessary to con
htiuct nest j This is most complicated
and a trade peculiarly their own. it
cannot bo Imitated even by men To
arrange the little tvvU's no that they
will be hymnietrieal and strong enough
to hold tho weight of the mother bird
and four or five little ones to a branch
of a tiee requites good engineering
nbllty. Tho lining of tho nest is usu
ally at a much totter materlnl tnan that
of which the outside is made, and to
place this neatly Is nlso taught bj tho
ollr birds Humming birds will often
follow cows for dajs to pick up theli
t-oft hair with which to line their nests
and they weave It as compactly as a
plcco of flannel. 'Ircis that havo al
ways been In cages can never make
nesta nnd are pitiably clumsy even
with Mitton, wool and material that
ha been given to them
That nest building Is taught is also
tiue of those that squirrels and mice
build, ts well ns tecs, wasps and ants.
The green ant of Australia Is very
clever In the building of Its nest It
appearr to consldoi it an Irksome duty
that inn he hired out A small pplder
is thcreforo tialnrd to do this work and
acts as a servant In nil things Tho
green ants pay tho spideVs for their
labors in a coin that they enjoy It Is
by giving them to eat a portion of the
Innumerable little eggs that they, the
ants, lay. This is a most agieeable
arrangement for all, man Included, as
otherwise tho green ants would rival
ths rabbits In overrunning Australia,
On Pocono Mountain, 8th Year.
Latge lawn und plenty of shade. Rooms
large and nir, furnished neatlv. Splen
did bath rocms A table abundantly sup
plied An altitude of 2.400 feet above tho
sea. The air during summer comes fiom
the noith and northwest through densa
plno forests, giving a healthy and un
ubuhI combination of n high, dry and
plney air. No swamps, and the country
Is absolutely frco from malaria and al
vajs n good bteezo blowing during the
hottest dns further Information given
by addressing CHAS II. SMITH.
Mount Pocono, Monroe Co , Pa.
On the Ocean Front.
t-evo i miles below I.ous Branch
Monmouth House
Write for desi rlptlvi puinphlet containing
terms nnd Information.
11 11. Yard. Prop. II. M. Clark, M'g'r.
Hotel Devonshire,
ASBlirtY, N. J.
Delightfully Hltuated ono block from tho
ocean. Kvorytulus navv. All modern Im
provements. J. II IIAMDLKN, JR, Manager.
The Arlington,
The lcndln; no'ol. (Ijions June 2T to
October Cutsluo and service unetcellod.
sianllarv arrauBemeniH perfect. Orchestra,
ltntes f'20 to S35. two In room Special
rules to rumlllCK. Bond for booklet.
C. II. MlLLAIt, Proprietor.
The St. Denis
Drcidnay and eleventh St., New York.
Opp. Urace Church. European Plaa.
Rooms Ji.oo a Day and Upwards.
In a modost and unobtruslro way thera ar
few butter conducted aotols in ths metropolis
til an tho St Donis
The groat popu arity It his acquired can
readily be traced to its unique location, Ita
liomoltkn atmosphere, tho peculiar excellence
ato prices
Cor. Sixteenth SL and Irvlog Plica,
Day and Upwards.
Day and Upwards.
$ For Business Men
: la the heart o( the wholesale district,
For Shoppers
6 inioutes wall, to vvanamalcers 8 :
luiuules to SIckcI Cooper s IHg itore
ni oi acccas to me great ury cooas
For Sightseers.
One block from B way Can civ Incr eav
trausportutiou to all points, ot interest.
Onlv Oue Dloclc froui Broadway.
tnuuuis, ,j5 (j uy. PR1CC3 RrSoNBtc i
Koouis I and 2, Com'ltn BTd'g.
Alining and Blasting
Made ut Mooslc and llushdale Work.
I lectrio tlatterle. Klectrlo Exploders,
lor oiplodlot blast, Safety 1' use und
Repauno Chemical Co's gxhlomvb
Hotel Albert.