The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    i -Or
tTho Carbondale correspondence of Tho
Tribune has been placed In tho hands of
Mr. C It Munn, Salem avenuo and
Church street, to whom news Items may
bo addressed. Alt complaints as to Ir
regular delivery, etc., should be made to
Ttoborts & Reynolds, news agents.
Fulthlcsi XVI Njd Her Consort An
Tnki ouiityJnll.
A nalr of .overs were sent to
tho county J yesterday In default of
ball. Bert Thornp made the complaint
that brought them to grief. The stoiy
has Its origin away back In January.
1897. At that time Thorne, who Is a
resident of this city, appeared before
Alderman Jones and gave Information
on which a warrant was Issued for a
man named John Miles. Miles, Thorne
alleged, had alienated his wife's affec
tions. And not content with winning
Mrs. Thome's heart, lie had Induced
her to tun away with him and leave
her forlorn husband to ponder on the
Insult added to his Injury.
The warrant for the arrest of Miles
has been In the possession of Con
stable E. J. Neary ever since, because
the runaway pair had so completely
lost themselves. Recently the otllcer
received Information that they were
living up In Susquehanna county, be
yond Lcnoxvllle. Miles was started for
this city and his Infatuated partner
chose to accompany him.
At the hparlng tho Injured husband
told his story anew. Miles offered no
defense nor denial. Mrs. Thorne at
tempted to Justify her actions, and her
husband, who tip to this time had made
no charge against hci, decided to in
clude her In tho prosecution. A war
rant charging her with unfaithfulness
was Issued. She tried to Justify her
self by sajlng that she had as much
right to live with nnothcr man as her
husband had with another woman, and
she alleged that ho has been doing so
since the warrant was Issued for Miles.
That, however, had nothing to do with
tho case.
Dull Times us Shown In the Tnlling
Oirin t'ostollicp Receipts.
The Inability of Uncle Sam to supply
the demand for war tax stamps is ma
terially Increasing the postal revenue.
The local banks and many Individuals
luivo been islng postage stamps on
their checks to avoid any possibility
of Incurring the penalty of the inter
nal levenue law.
When this fact was Incidentally men
tioned to Assistant Postmaster Nealon
yesterday he said the department needs
all the busintss It can got from what
ever source. Continuing he declared
that the Cirlionilalc olliee lan ?-00 be
hind In May and Juno. During April
tho business was up to tho standard.
The pobtofilco Is a pretty good baro
meter of the general tiaae conditions
of a (own and without becoming an
ahumlst It may be confessed that Its
Indications are not favoiable.
However, changes of the past few
Uas have pioduced hopo. The mines
and Gravity aie working thi co-quarters
time, though any day may see
them go back to half.
Harry Stephens, the 11-year-old son
of James Stephens of Darto avenue,
wus severely wounded today by the ex
plosion of a railroad torpedo. The boy
found the dangeious contrivane this
morning about 11 o'clock, and being de
sirous to hear Its report pounded It
with a stone. The flying particles that
were sent In all directions by the ex
plosion struck him In the face and
lipped his left cheek open, tore off the
top of the little finger of his right hand
and badly lacerated the thumb, and
cut the palm seveiely The wound In
his cheek icqulied eighteen stitches to
close up. Di. Maik Ballcv dressed the
wounds. The torpedo is of the vailety
used on railroads for signalling. They
are placed on the rail and exploded by
the engine wheel, warning the train
crew of something ahead.
whoi ill get the postoffico That is
a question that very naturally arises.
It Is a notictablc fact that President
McKinley has found time between war
bu'letlns to make some appointments,
and as the Oaibnndalc appointment
was expected In June much fuither
delay doesn't seem probable. Among
the aspirants aie: Irving Davis, XV. D.
Evans, both ictlied. and 11. 1). Lath
rop, manager of the Leadei, with
chances In favoi of John II. Thomas.
The choice will b? awaited with Inter
est. All aie capable msn and conse
quently tho public Is not worrying over
the matter.
The Tostal Telegraph company have
had a gang of linemen at woik near
this city for tome time. They rw
stringing an additional wire fiom Xew
i'oik to Chicago.
DlBttict Attorney and Mis. John H.
Jones and family will make theii sum
mer home In one of the handsomest
cottages at Ciystal Lake.
Patrolman V. V. MoAndiew Is en
joying Ms annual vacation.
Constable Gllby advertises for sale
Hie household goods of James Ullas, on
a landlord's warrant. The goods will
be sold at public auction at tho house,
No. 172 Belmont stieet, Monday aftei
noon, July 11. at 3 o'clock.
William P. Williams, of South Chinch
street, who has been a ruffcier trom
lumbago for the past five months, will
upend a vvetk at Crvstal lake In tho
hope of recureratlng his falling health.
Miss Ressle Arnold 13 iho guest of
friends tn Honesdale.
Robert McMillan will return to Roch
ester today.
Mi, and Mrs. Duane Humphrey spent
last evening with Mr. and Mis. David
fcipruks, of Sctanton.
Justice and Mrs J Brewster MrCol
lum. of Philadelphia, Hon. and Mrs.
V. W. Searle, of Montrose, and Hon.
and Mrs. George A. Post, of Mew York
city, are sojourning at Fern Hnll,
Crystal Lak.. Mr and Mis, Post,
Mis. McCollum and Mrs. Seorlo drove
over to Forebt City on Wednesday and
made a brief call on Attorney James
Ths directors of the Carbondale and
Foicst City Traction company have
Substitute for Lemons.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
la cooling, quenches thirst, and acts
es a Tonic.
Shun Imltitlnnt. Bold 00)7 la bottUl.
accepted tho conditions of the fran
chise granted recently by the council
and express tho intention of having
cars running to South street by the
middle of August.
Mrs. O. F. Coyle Is very 111 with heatt
Little Rosa Smith, who was so terri
bly binned while lighting firo crackers
with blazing papei, died Tuesday af
ternoon. The funeral was held yester
day afUrnoon. Interment was made In
Kt. Agnes cemetery.
Mrs Julia McAvoy has been elected
to fill the remaining vacancy In the
coi ps of teachers at tho Forest City
giadcd school for tho coming year.
A Wedding Reception Tendered.
Intorctttna Game ol BnlI--Othcr
A most enjoyablo event was cele
brated at the hospitable home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. David Powell, of Taylor street,
on Wednesday evening, It being a re
ception tendered Mr. and Mrs. William
Rogers on their return from their wed
ding tour. About thirty couplo were
present. The evening was pleasantly
spent with a programme consisting of
singing, essays, etc., by a number of
the guests present, and jefreshments
wcro served. Mi. and Mrs. Rogers
weto recipients of many valuable and
useful articles. Mis. Powell previous
to her marriage was employed by
Clarke Bros., and was highly respected
by her associates. Mr. Powell Is one
of Taylor's most worthy young men
nnd Is at present n member of the
school board.
Quite un Interesting game of ball was
played on the school house grounds
yesterday uttcrnoon between the Tay
lor Rosebuds and tho Old Forge Blues,
Powell pitched for tho Rosebuds and
kept the hits well scatteied, while tho
opposing pitcher was hit quite hard.
The score was 12 to 6 in favor of tho
Rosebuds. Powell and Stone were the
batteries for the Rosebuds.
Mr. Daniel Davis, of Hyde Park, was
the guest of fi lends In this place yes
tot day.
Mr. Alfred Rundle, of Nicholson, Is
visiting his parents In this place.
Mr. and Mis. James GiIHUhs, of Main
street, left for Hazleton yesterday to
leside peimancntly.
The Tribune branch ofllce In Tnjlor
is In the Coblelgh building. Local Rcp
rcentatlve 13. G. Kvans In charge.
Mr. George Jcrmjn, of Soianton, was
a business visitor in this place yes
terday. Owing to the water being shut off
the electilc light plant was unable to
supply customers on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Reese W. Reese, of Main street,
is having her dwelling remodeled.
Painter Geoige Gordon has the con
tract. Mis. Daniel Jones, of Hyde Patk.
was tho guet of fi lends In this place
Mis M. C. Judge, of Lincoln Heights,
was tho guest of relatives In this place
This evening the Mm tin Luther lodge
will hold an Impottnnt meeting In their
rooms In Reese's hall. Business of
much Importance. The meeting will
be called at 7.30 sharp.
Members of Temple of Love lodge.
No. 7, True Ivorltes, aie making giand
picpai.itlmiH for their coming picnic,
which will be held in Webber's pail;
on Aug. 16.
Among the permanent guests of the
Lake house are: James J. Nealls and
D. Beck, of Seranton.
Charles Welchel. Dave Schoonover
and Henry Brannlng, of Peianton, aie
camping below the club house.
Twenty-four hundicd tickets were
taken up by the lle and Wyoming
Valley tnllioad on the Fourth. Al
though we hud heavy showeis the peo
ple dirt not seem In a hutry to get
home and many stayed until the last
tialn. Captain Paul Boynton went
through his performance according to
progi amine nnd every body was well
ple-.spil. The blow Ing up of the Maine
was the main featuie and elicited pro
longed applause.
Fitd lMwaids Is running the Lake
house this season.
Among the guests of the Hotel Pines
are: II. R. Mills and family, New
Yoik; John W. Lnmhait, Honesdale,
John McCounack nnd family, Biooklyn,
N. V.; R. N LaBar and family, J. L.
Council and family, V. II. Connell, V.
P. Chilstian and wife, John O. and
Marjorie Chilstian. A. L. Cunningham,
M.ugarct Thomas and Mis W. B. Hen
wood, of Seranton.
Hairy Blown, of the Seranton Acad
emy of Music, Is doik nt tho Hotel
Mis. George KHInm Is very 111.
Mr and Mis. Hatty Finn, of Seran
ton, spent the Fointh with friends of
this place.
The Seven Day Adventlsts have
erected two huge tents near the High
school and will Instruct those who will
attend tn their creed.
A series of lawn socials will be held
by our chuich people commencing a
week tiom .Satuiduy. It will be in
charge of John W. Andiews and com
mittee, who expect the Mitchell quar
tette Hum Seranton to sing for them.
Ralph Meguigel had his face badly
burned by the (lash from the vent of a
toy cannon.
Tho Lake Ailel Wheelmen expect to
take a um to Salctn Saturday night.
Get your Tilbune of Leslie Simons.
Dr. Cook, of Hawley, spent Wednes
day in town.
Miss Oia Rolllnson Is visiting friends
here. s,
The Tilbune Is the only Seranton
paper that has Ariel news in and is
the- first to be called for when our
agent makes his dellveiles.
Giant Kim hi? nnd family have te
tuined to Hawley after visiting ,1. F,
McFailund a few days.
K J. Hendiickson and 13. S. Whitney,
of Seranton, leglsteied at tho Columbia
William Llsk, of Seranton, is chef
at the Hotel Columbia.
Miss Mabel Glanvillc Is visiting
friends at Nantlcoko.
The Delaware and Hudson mines
stnrted up on three-quarter tlino hero
Corporal Bert Dlkcman, of Company
II, returned to Camp Alger yesterday
after a seven-days' furlough.
Miss Reba Slmpklns Is sojourning
with f 1 lends at Elmhurst.
The officers of Sheridan lodge,
Knights of Pythias, were Installed last
Wednesday evening.
A force of men started to work last
Wednesday morning to clean up the
ruins of tho llro of the Riverside
breaker, which burned down a few
weeks ugo, in order to erect another
new breaker on tho same foundation.
The Delaware and Hudson company
paid nt the Grassy Island breaker yes
terday. Joseph Melbourne, who was overcome
Here Are Some Blocks
We Have Set Up to Be
Tumbled Down in a Day's Busy Selling-
: I oday
'4-in fancy stripe
1 that were 30c
yard, today
25c ?d-
Women's Fine? Men's
fCrash Skirts, inland Fancy ColoWaists, in Fine)ourLegHornhatsdized Jeweled'
pall sizes, werejored
749c, today Handkerchiefs, cales, were 59C,Cand 59c,
37c. 3 for
Women's Bike) 3-yard Ruf-
Legcritis, tan andSlled Cottage Cur-
black, weie $i.2tains, with polecies and black, lin Pillow Cases.5
now Candtixtures.nowr'wereSi.qS, nowCworth loc.touuylot
by the heat two weeks aKO, is still con
fined to his bed.
J. II. Snyder and family have moved
to ' Fern Crest," their new home.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres
bvteiian church met vilh JIiss. 0. W.
Klndler yesterday afternoon.
Miss Bertha Jenkins, or rialnlleld,
N. J., Is spending her vacation vvltn her
parents here.
ills.s Inez Blessintr, "f "ew .Mlltord,
Pa , vas the suest of Mrs. Byron Buck
InKham yesterday.
The Jllbsei Taylor, of Factoryvllle,
called on friends here 'Wednesday.
Mrf. W. H. Robinbon nnd chlldien
returned home Tuesday, after spending
i-eveinl days with tilends nt Glenburn
and Chinchilla.
Messis. H. D. Cooper, Hoi ace Tlnn,
Marshall Fince and Clarence Ilumls
tnn have enrolled nnd been sworn in
as, members of Company D, now being
formed as n pan of the lesinient to
n place the Thirteenth.
The festive inttlesnakc seems to be
attracting considerable attention on
the I'oulevaul Jut now. Gaiheld i:d
vvards ended the caieer of onp July 4
near the spot vvheie Alex Dunn killed
one on Sunday.
The picnic and clambake given by
the ladles of the Methodist Episcopal
church In Ithodes Grove July 4. was a
pionouiued Miccehs, about thirty dol
lurc being icnllzed. Quito a number
from Scianton vvcie piepent. Among
the number vveie A. 15. Dunning nnd
Mr and Mrs. Byron Buckingham
were guests of Mr. and Mis. F. S.
I'eltnn, at Moscow, on fcundny.
Bov. C. A. Spalding was among the
number fiom this place who witnessed
the wonderful fonts of Paul Boynton at
Lake Ariel July A
Tho Ladles' Aid Fociety of the Bap
tist chinch will hold a social In the
home lately vucated by Mr. J. II. Sny
der, on Tuesday evening, July 11. Cake
and J D. Williams S.- Bios.' celebrated
lie cicjm will be served nnd home
made candy will be for sale.
Tne lesldents of the East Side were
suothed to sleep on Wednesduy evening
by the beautiful sttalns fiom Colonel
Schoonmakei's gramophone nt "Oak
Terrace," nearly half a mile away, and
yet the music from this wonderful in
strument was wafted to us so distinctly
that the vvoids of the songs could be
easily distinguished.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Patrick
Lane, of the Bast Side, was held yes
teiday morning at 10.30 o'clock, Ser
vices weie held In St. Thomas' church
by Itev. T. J. Comcifoid and intciment
wus made In the Catholic cemetery.
The pall-beaieis were Michael Mcllale,
si-.. Patrick Corcoian, John Mullen,
John Mcllale, John J. Kearney and
BJchard Gllroy.
Tonight and tomonow night a lawn
festival will bo held In St. Thomas'
Pdik for the benefit of St. Thomas'
The conti actors are rapidly complet
ing the tower on St. Thomas' church.
The employes of the Delaware and
Hudson In this place were put on thice
quaiter time yesterday, to be continued
until fuither oideis.
T. F. Munley, Jr., John Furrell and
John F. Bolund announce themselves
us candidates to the next Democratic
county convention from tho Second
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
school board was held last evening
with all members piesent except My
ers. After the reading of the previous
meeting tho following business was
transacted: Mr. McAndicw leportcd
that all the members of the boaid met
last Sunday ufteinoou and visited all
the schools In tho boiough, nnd stated
that there aro many Imprnvemt nta
which they see lit to bo made, es
pecially In the Thlid ward school. Tho
icport was received. On motion It was
decided to give the work of repairing
the various buildings out by contract.
It was decided to have the board meet
Ladies' Pure
fsioo Linen
'Collars and
Mull length
)White Pique
Cuff Scarf, lor
17-Qiiart Aerate Pans.) Mason's One
)for preserving. TheySFruit Jars, at a
been 64 cents.ipnce, loday
they are are
49C doz.
j All our Men's) 32-inch Fringed?
r-Taffeta Ribbonsoc Neckwear, Towels, would
aJPuffs. Scarfs ancUbc cheap at 10c, i
Call styles, C today )
5c. 5
t i
White Women's Shirt J The balance of Gilt and Oxi-;
Bordered? Lawns and Pei-dthatvere3QC,4oc'(jirdlcs, were
25c 39c. 25c.
Women's Silk) Good quality
Skirts in Fan-Sand full size
$2.95. 6YzC. I
Lonsr's Sons
some day In the near future to get an
estimate of the cost on the work to bo
done. It was moved and seconded that
nn extract of the auditors report be
printed. Mr. McAndrew stated that
there was a minor current throughout
town that they aie to hire an extia
teacher in the First waid school. lie
wished It understood, as did all the
other members, that the attendance at
the schools last year would not var
iant It. It was decided to meet on
next Monday evening for the purpose
of electing teachers, etc.
The steamer Teutonic with 1,168 pas
sengers, among them being Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Bellas, of Jermvn, ar
rived in Liverpool July 6.
Miss Lucy Gnriison, of Luzerne, is
v Islting Mrs. HemllriBht, on '.Second
Frank "Welch is at Tunkhannock vis
iting his mother, who Is very 111 and
not expected to live.
Misses Baglev and VanBergan, of
Carbondale, called on Jeimyn fi lends
last evening.
A special meeting of the council will
be held this evening, to tako action on
the sidewalk ordinnnce.
Prof. Taggai t returned home last
evening after having visited Philadel
phia and Nonlstown.
A fire on Third street yesterday
called out the flte department, but was
extinguished before much damage was
The Delaware and Hudson breakers
aie working three-quarter time.
Superintendent Hutchlngs, of Mooslc,
was a caller In town "Wednesday.
Thomas Bray, of South Main street,
has bought the livery business of Osar
On Saturday at 2 o'clock tne Stars
and Stilpes will be hlosted at Heidel
berg's No. 1 colliery by the employes.
An Interesting piogromme will be ten
dered. All are Invited to be present.
The Women's Foielgn Mlsslonaiy so
ciety will hold Its monthly meeting nt
the home of Mis. James Webber on
Tuesday afternoon,
Miss Mary Davis, of York avenue,
Is seriously HI.
Messrs. W B and A. P. Curran are
visiting friends In Wilkes-Barre.
Miss Bllz.ibeth Monle, a nurse of the
Ptesbyterlan hospital at Philadelphia,
is visiting at the home of her parents
In Mooslc.
Tho Sons of Temperance gave a
pleasant social to their many friends
In O'Malley's hall last evening.
Misses Agnes Mornhan and Nettle
Dtuffner aro spending a few days at
the residence of Mr. and Mis. C. Steg
muler, of Wilkes-Barre,
The marriage of Miss Kate Thomas
to James Best, of Seranton, was sol
emnized In St, Peter's cathedral on
"Wednesday afternoon by Ilev. J. J. B.
Feeley. Tho bride nnd her attendant,
Miss B, Heffron, were handsomely at
tired In dark blue gowns. Tho groom
was w nlted upon by John Norton, of
Sci union. After the ceremony the
bridal couple were tendered a recep
tion at the home of the bride's sister,
Mis. Patilck Corcoran, of Avoca. Mr.
and Mrs. Best will leave this morning
for Butto City, where they will make
their future homo.
A farewell party was tendered Mr.
Harry Fleming at tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. M. F. Whcilon on Wednes
duy evening, pievious to his dcpartuio
for Philadelphia, to which place, ac
companied by John AVhalen, ho left
for yesterday morning.
At the Driving park this nfternnon tho
Kurekas and Young Men's Christian as
sociation teams will battle for tho cham
pionship of tho clt.
The North Bnd Stars ncccpt tho chal
lenge of the West Side Alumnls and will
play them on tho lattor's grounds Mon
day aftemoon at 3.30 o'clock.
The Hobctte3, of the South Side, would
Boys' Washa-:
ble Pants, nearly
so styles that
were 35 and 50c,
- Now21c
now ?o8c, now
1847 Rogers) Men's Gauze
Mus-?Bros'Teaspoons,SShirts, short and'
worth $1.50 setJl ong sleeves;.
six, today cwere 35c, now
85c. 21c.
like to hear from the Eighth Strict Stars
for Sunday, July 10, on our ground, lor us
much money as they can put up. An
swer In The Tribune.
Tho Dlgnllled base ball club, of Arch
bald, challenge tho Crescents, of Iin"
Brook, to a game of ball on the Crescents
grounds for any day next weeks Ant-wcr
in Tno Tribune. S. V. Munley, manager.
Tho Mlnookas accept the Crescents'
challenge for former's grounds July 10.
Let us know If s.itlsfaetoiy. M. F. Judge,
The Actives, of Providence, accept the
challenge of the Sunsets, of Archball,
for July 10, to meet them at the City Line.
J. Lynch, mamger: A. Golden, captain.
Tho West Sldu Browns would like to
play tho Mlnookas, South Side or Har
monies a cimo of ball July lu on any
ginunds. Please answer as soon us dos
sible. Health is Wealth.
la soldundor positive "Written Guarantee,
byanthorliod ngenta only, to euro Weak Memory,
Dizziness. Wakefulness, Fits, Hietena, Quick
ness, Nieht Losses, Evil Dreams. Lack of Confi
dence, Nervousness, Lassitude, al I Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Ezcoesivo Uco of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At etoro or by mail, $1 a
box; six for?'); with written Kiiaratitee to
care or refund money. Hnmplo pack
age, containing fivo dnjsr treatment, with full
instructions, 25 cents. Ono sample only sold to
eacupureuu. msioroor Dyinuu.
dTRcd Label Special
txtra strength.
For Imnotencv. Loss of'
i'ower. ijosl oiamiooa.
UAl6n nn IlAmAnhAaa t
fcJIsOlillkjT Vi IVailOUUODDj.
Si a box; eix lor ;, vntif,
written cuarnnteei
n .,..nln 4lHavi A cnAn
BFOREorbvmall. AFXEN
For Sole by William 0. Clark, 326 Penn Ae ,
Sera it on, Pa
f Man's Negllgeo Shlrts
at 37 cents each while they last.
Sizes 14 to 18. This is a job lot
so come early and select best pat
terns. Gillette Bros.
Auctioneers and Hrokcrs.
227 Washington Ave.
Opp. Court House.
Rooms 1 ana 2, Com'lth B'l'rt'g.
Mining and Blasting
Made at Mooslo and Iluabdals Work.
Electrlo Dntterles, L'leclrlc Exploders,
lor exploding blasts, Hafety Fine and
Repauno Chemical Co's cxplomvgs
rtJttm v y?E '-lig. -e-n-i
vi m
Summer Furnishings
Here Arc a Few Special Values:
everything to bo had worth tho having,
New designs. Unlquo color effects. Spe
cial values at
50c, 65c, 75c.
Straw Hatting.
All this season's Importations, Tho
coolest, most sanitary covering to be
found. Hero aro sample values:
China Matting.
$4.50 roll, lOynrdi, value 50.00.
$6.00 roll, .10 yarns, vnluo $8.00.
$8.00 roll, in yard!), vnluo $10,00.
127 Wyoming Avenue.
SUCIl PRICES as these are
shoes only for a tew days we
Men's Tan or Black, 6 to n 98c
Men's Bicycle Shoes, 6 to io.k..r.i 98c
Men's Tennis, High Shoes, 6 to io 59c
Boys' Tan Shoes, 2 to $' 98c
Youths' Tan Shoes, 8 K to 2 89c
Misses' Tan Shoes, n to 2 98c
Ladies' Tan and Black Shoes, z4 to 7 98c
These shoes are worth from
are not complete they go now
Handiest Store in the
Special Attention Given to Btisl.
ncss nnd Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Ex
tended According to Balances and
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Capital, -Surplus,
W3I. CONNELL, President.
HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice Pres.
The vault of this bank Is pro
tected by Holmes' Electric Pro
tective System.
Our $20.00 rintss for $10.00
Our 18.00 I'lalosfor I) oil
Our Pla os for r.iio
Our 1 1.00 Plntes for . 7 oo
Our '2.00 l'lntos lor (too
Our 10.00 I'latea for fi.oo
Our 8.00 Plates for 4 oo
Our O.oo Plates for a.oo
Hrldgenork u OO
(iolrt l routiH, 'J'jk il.Oll
Oold Fllllnss. 1.00 up
Platinum rilllngi 76o
hllver I'llUngs boo
Porcelain rilllnr; fiOo
Cement Killings l!6o
Boston Dental Parlors
Corner Lackawanna and W joining Aves.
(Over Newark Shoo Store.)
Dally (except Sunday) via
Central Railroad of New Jerss
Beginning June 27, ISrS, leave Seranton
nt S 30 a. m. for
UGLMAR (Ocean Beach),
Returning leave Point Tleasant 11 40 a
m . Spring Lake 1J.5S a. m., Helmut- ll.r.7
a m., Anbury Park and Ocean Grovo U.Oj
noon. Long liruuch l.'.Si p. m. An ho
Seranton S.10 p m.
This will bo kept up for tho entlro sea
son especially for tho accommodation of
families. n It will ennhlo passengers to
eccuro and retain comfci table, seats tho
entlro Journey.
UAME Villi Sor" Throat, Pimples, Cop.
MMVU IUU per Colored Snots, Aches
Old Sores, Ulcers In .Mouth, Hair Falling?
Write COOK KBMUDY CO., 6m Masonic
Temple, Chicago, III., for proofs of cures
Capital, $500, ouo. Worst cases cured 1 15 to
33 days, loo-page book tree,
GomtKBu neeli a reliable, monthly, rcjulstlny medicine. Only hwmlcMaSl
the purest drugs should be usiJ. It jou vanl t&o boil, gt
Or. Real's; PaBiroirasal PflEHs
Tbcr ara prompt, stle and certain In nnlhTbe reanlne (Dr. Teal's) nsTer41nmi
nolat, Beittojrwhere.fl.bO. Adirea ftux Uxbicoms Ce CertUadLJ,
For Salo by JOHN H PHELPS,
opruoo street.
Japanese Hatting.
Roe our lino at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35o and
4Qo per yard. Discount by the roll.
Tokio &ugs.
Highest quality hand-mado samo ni
Turkish goods. Now lino Just opened,
specially udapted for tho cottago or tho
veranda. All tho sizes.
I) x 12 nt -.-.$12.00
1 0 0 x 7.H nt 9.0 O
11 X 0 nt - - 6 O O
I x 7 nt 5.0 O
!l x U nt - 1. 5 O
Bomo special hall rugs, 3x0, 3x12, 3x15.
nverythlnc to bo found In a first-class
stock at right prices.
59c. t
usually found on VERY cheap
put them on a GOOD shoe.
$1.25 to $1.75, but as the lines
hence the reduction.
City. 217 Lacka. Ave.
Old roat-omco Bulldlns,
Cor. Spruce St., and Pcnn Ave-, Seranton. Pa
lias returned from his Western Trip,
and will now remain peimanent-
ly at his homo olllce.
The doctor nnd his staff of English and
l.erman phalclnns make a specialty of all
form of Chronic Nervous Diseases, Bkla,
vvomb. Blood Diseases.
Including Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Hys
terla, St. Vitus' Dance, Wakelulnesj.
BRAIN WORKERS, both men and wo
men, whosj nervous systems have been
broken down and shattered from over
work, no matter from what cause, can
bo lestnred by my method.
All who call upon the Doctor from now
on will receive advice, examination, ser
vice and examination free. Dr. Grew en
nigh standing In tho Stato will not allov
blm to accept any Incurablo rasei. If
they cannot cure you they will frankly
tell jou so.
Diseases ol the Nervous Sjstem,
Tho symptoms of which are dizziness,
lack of confidence, sexual weakness in
men and women, ball rising In the throat,
spots floating before tho eyes, loss of
memory, unablo to concentrate tho inlnct
on ono subject, easily startled when spok
en suddenlv to, and ami, dlstiessed mind,
which unfits them for performing tho
actual duties of life, making happlnesi
Impobblble, distressing tho action of th
heart, causing flush of heat, depression ot
spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear,
dreams, melancholy, tire easy of com
pany, feeling as tired In the morning 03
when retiring lack of energy, nervous
ness, constipation, weakness of tho llmb
etc. Those so affected should consult ua
immediately and bo restored to perfect
Lost Manhood Restored, Weakness ol Young
Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your phy
slclan call upon the doctor and be exam
ined. Ho cures the worst kind of Nervoui
Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores. Catarrh.
Piles, Femalo Weaknebs. Affections of the
Ee, Ear, Nose, Throat, Asthma, Deaf
ness nnd Cripples of every description.
Tumors, Cancers and Goiters removed
without tho use ot knife or painful caus
tics by our newly devised aborbent mem.
od known as the "ELECrRO-OERMI-CIDE."
And our OZO-NITE GAS cures Catarrh
and Catarrhal Deafness.
Consultation free and strictly sacred
nnd confidential. Offlco hours dally from
10 a. m to 4 30 p. m,: 7 to 8 30 p. in. Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
jtZXJierrou Ui-i Failing Mem
cry, I m potency, HleeplesiacMa, etc . cun d
by Abuto or other ilx ceases ana Indlt
c ratio nil, jny yuuitft antf surety
restore Loit italilr in old or young, and
lit a man for study, bu?ineaaor znarHaff.
l'rbvant InunltT AnO (Vincnmntifiii If
t&itra in time. Ibotrues thowa in; mediate fmproTs
meat and euocU a CUKE where all othpr fail In
ftirt npou having tho vonntno Aax TabUta, They
have oared tboutandi and willcnroyoa Waairapo
itlTfi written Hanrtnuo to ftfltet a cure CJ fi6 In
eaehcaMor refund tfce money. PrtoelAf ll lOirjer
nockarei or tiz pkaa (full Uentmentt for (300. by
rnall. In plain wrnpper. nron recolrt of rripa. Circular
For Bale In Seranton, Pa., by Matthew
Ilros. nnd 11 U. Sanderson, druggists.
Phrmclt, con WrpmlnavorHi stf
' ' ,H
K ?1