The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    W-- Tf! .'JCl-i
Clearing Sale of
We have a good assortment
of single volumes and
Odds and Knds of Lots,
New, Keecnt and Standard Hooks,
Many of them by Popular Writers,
which we wnnt to clear out,
and offer them at Half Price.
This Is a good opportunity to
get a lot of Good Hooks
at Unusually Low Pikes.
Call and look them over.
3:2 Lack. Ave., Scranton.
32 S.Main St, Wilkes-liarrc
For the
A Particularly Nica
Very Neat
case and beautiful finish, can he
purchased on the easy payments of
$25 down and ?io per month for
$250. You will be surprised when
you sec this Piano. It is equal to
any that the agent who carts them
about on trial would charge $350
for. You know it costs money to
peddle Pianos, besides they arc
never new when you get them.
There is a class of trade that buy in
a business-like manner and it is
this class that we want to have ex
amine our Pianos.
205 Wyoming Ave.
Matters Solicited Where Others Failed.
Moderate Charges.
Prepared according to tho prescription
of a prominent specialist. It Instantly re
lieves and permanently cures Catarrh,
Asthma. Hay Fever, Cold in the Head,
Soro Throat and Quinsy. Harmless,
pleasant, effectual. Head tills testimon
ial "Crown Catarrh Powder relieved and
cured my caso of Catarrh, which was a
very aggravated one of long standing."
John T. Coughlln (Department of State),
B14 B St.. N. E., Washington, D. C.
Prlco CO cents. Sold In all first class
drug stores. Liberal sample, with powder
blower complete, mailed on receipt of IS
Crown Catarrh Powder Co,
IS Clinton Place,
New York.
Uaveopened a General Insurance Office In
Beat Stock Companies represented. Large
-nc especially solicited. Telephono 1803.
Write or Cell for Price List.
KEMP, 103 Wyoming Avenue.
Dr. and Mrs. Gates nre enjoying a visit
flora Mrs. Gates' father, Itev, Ransom
Dunn. Yesterday was his eightieth birth
day, nnd telegrams und letters ot con
gratulation wero received from friends In
various parts of tho country. Dr. Dunn
has been over CO years In the ministry,
and moro than 44 years a professor in
HillsdJlo college. One of the features of
the commencement was tho presentation
to Dr. Dunn of a gold headed cane nnd
of a volume of autograph testimonial let
ters from many friends. These letters
from ministers whom ho has baptized
and prominent professional and business
men who have been under his Instruc
tion, are Interesting souvenirs of a long
und useful llfo with wide influence.
Friends who have met Dr. Dunn while
In the city called last evening nt the
home of Mrs. Gates to greet this able
and Interesting gentleman. They And
him far from an old man, but full of
vigor of Intellect and rich stores of
knowledge and a flno sense ot humor,
making him a most acreeablo compan
ion. He Is Hn eloquent public speaker.
Dr. Robinson, of this city, heard him
when a young man, and says that tho
sermon left a deep Impress on his llfo
and Influenced his decision to become a
preacher. Dr. Logan also knew of the
work of Dr. Dunn In tho days when both
were pioneer preachers In the wpst.
A recent Issue of tho Atlanta Constitu
tion an article about an Inter
esting collection of photographs of naval
officers owned by Hon, Henry T. Dunn,
present collector of customs for tho port
of Brunswick, Go., who Is an undo of
Attorney Arthur Dunn, of this city. .Mr.
Dunn was a member ot the naval cluss
of '61 at Annupolls and was closely as
sociated with Acting Admiral Sampson,
Captain Slgsbco and Captain Clark, men
who have done their full share to assist
the United States In making history dur
ing the last few months. .The photo-
(Trnh ir.r ttm lit, .. ....Inh-'H
u Me on Ci.J m House
were midshipmen. Tho lnte Cnptnln
flrldloy, of. tho Olympla, and Cnplaln
Taylor, ot tho Indiana, aro nUo In tho
If you wont to have your friend return
from 11 summer outlnc blosslnir your
thought nnd good tnsto clvo her tho
book by t. DwlRht Wollg, "Her Lady
ship's Klcplmnt," published by Henry
Unit & Co. It will do equally well ns a
Klft to .1 tnnn. In fact It Is not Improb
ublo that a mnn will Intitsh moro dfitlng
the day when he tends this hook than 110
hns In a lorn? time. Anything funnier
than tho ultuntlmis Involved In tho Ron
crnl mlx-up of two bridal pairs nnd the
elephant, would be dlfllcult to imagine.
Tho author, who Is familiar with dip
lomatic service, vouches lor tho clcph mt
Incident ns having cccurred In his own
James Aimftrorc, n, Nicholson boiler
maker camo to town yesterday afternoon
to enlli't In the rcRUlar nrmy, under the
supposition that Lieutenant Oentler. w.i
still here recruiting. Ilo imiulrccl from
Patrolman llloch the way to tho recruit
ing olllce, and was norry to hear that tho
nearest one now Is In New York or Phil
adelphia. He had only n fnw dollars left.
and did not want to spend 11 for faro, for
fear ho might rot stand tho physical test
nnd then bo psnnlltt-s In n largo city. l'a.
trolman BIocli advised him to bo aboard
a freight train, adding that It would bo
an unpatriotic conductor who would put
him oft.
In honor of tho first anniversary of
their marriage Sir. ami Mrs. C. V. O'Mal
ley entertained tho following friends at
their home on Qulncy nvenuo Wednes
day: Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. I.ynett. Misses
Mary anil Nellie McCourt, Minnie Moore,
Mlnnlo Thompson, Nelllo und Kelly,
11. Glynn, Kato MrCawley, Messrs. John
J. I.oftus, John McCourt, John 'Jordan,
A. J. Duffy, treasurer at the Lyceum
theater, will go to Lake Ariel today
where he will act as assistant to Charles
Pehadt In managing tho business ot tho
Lake Ariel Improvement company, lie Is
a com Icons and obliging young man
whose services will be appreciated by
those who visit tho lake.
Those who knew Mrs. Nettle Clark,
formerly Nettlo Dunn, a Y. V. C. A.
secretary, nnd now n missionary In India,
will bo grieved to learn of tho death of
her boy, who passed nway quiet sud
denly as they were going to tho hills
for health and lest.
Mr. and Mrs. V II. Whylp have re
turned from a driving tour of one thou
sand miles. They left tho city Juno fi.
and their visit Included the states of
New "iork, New Jersey and Pennsylva
nia. Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Zlcgler gavo a
dunclng pat ty
9 o'clock to a
1 to
number of
Deputy Sheriff Jacob I'crbcr la nt
Hon. James HIrdsall, of Honesdalc, was
In the city yesterday.
Captain and Mrs. U. K. Morris aro
homo ufter a visit at Alford.
W. K. Laliar. proprietor of tho Valr
vlew hotel at Mt. Pocono, was In the city
Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Noack, ot rjre"n
Ridge, have returned from a two weeks'
visit at Ilonesdale.
Dr. Carl Vlseher. a prominent Phila
delphia surgeon. Is tho gutt ot Dr. Anna
C. Clarke, of Adams avenue.
Miss Delia Vosburg. of Mooslc, has re
turned from her visit with Mr. anil Mis.
W. C. Vosburg, on Sixth street.
Miss Mamn KInnerty, of South Seventh
street, has returned from tho Central
State. Normal school at Lock Haven.
(leorgo Miller, of Wllkes-Darre. for
mer manager of tho Academy of Music,
this city, spent yesterday In tho city.
Hon. and Mrs. H. M. Kdwards left yes
terday for Delaware Water flap, where
tho State liar association Is lu session.
Mm. J. S. Prltehard and Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. 11. Ackerman are visiting tho hitter's
daughter, Mrs. C. O. Ilrooks, of Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Joseph It. Mct.oughlin, of Shamokln,
Is the guest of his brother. Outside Su
perintendent McLoughlln, of Johnson's
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gates, of Thom
son, are visiting their son. Dr. L. M.
Gates, and daughter, Mrs. J. W. IStown
Ing. They camo at this tlmo to greet
Dr. Dunn, an old friend on his eightieth
Mrs. S. L. Foulko and her two step
daughters will pass the summer at their
residence near Stroudsburg, Pu. Benja
min Foulko will tako his vacation In
October, which month ho expects to
spend In hunting anl bicycling In New
Word was received here by friends yes
tcrday announcing tho marriage ot Miss
Margaret Jeffries to Elmer Dakln, at
Milwaukee. Wis.. June III. Tho ceremony
was performed by the ltcv. Kdward Hey
non, of that city. Mr. and Mrs, Dakln
will reside In Milwaukee. Tho young la ly
formerly resided In North Scranton r.nd
Mr. Dakln was a Delaware. Lackawanna
nnd Western machinist and boarded at 144
Franklin avenue.
Milton Hawk Caught iletweou Cars
While .linking n Coupling In
tho 13, and IV, Yard.
While coupling cars Milton Hawk, an
Krle nnd Wyoming Valley railroad
brakemnn, was killed yesterday morn
ing In tho ynrd at Dunmore.
Hawk went between the cars to
inuko u coupling and gnvo tho signal
to the engineer to bring the cars to
gether. After waltlnsr for some time
for the signal to go ahead a workman
went to tho point where Hawk was
making tho coupling1 nnd found lilm
pinioned between tho two cars. Ho
was dead.
Hawk resided at Little England and
was u member of Dunmore lodge,
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen.
Soldiers' Roller Association Rccolv.
ing Jlnnv Applications lor Aid.
The announcement that a meeting of
tho executive committee of tho Sol
diers' Relief association was to have
been held yesterday was a mlstuke. It
was nut Intended to meet until Thurs
day of next week.
An evidence of the urgent need of re
lief was shown In tho live new appli
cations received yesterday. While they
have not been Investigated each case
appeared to bo a deserving one. The
relief comtnltteo lias at Its disposal
about $S00 in cash and $1,M0 In sub
scriptions. It is apparent that the cash
and subscriptions will be soon con
sumed and that tho relief committee's
responsibilities will increase the longer
the regiment remains away. On this
account an effort will be made at once
to secure new subscriptions.
While Hon. Alfred Hand, president
of the executive committee, is out of
the city, his oflleo will bo filled by the
vice-president, Captain W. A. May.
Through Sleeping Csr
and day coaches, New York to Chicago,
on Delawate, Lackawanna nnd West
ern train No. G, and train No. 7. Low
est rates, superb dining car srrvdoe,
Will Not Furnish School Board
Copy ol Assesiment.
th1j judiciary comm1ttkm by
mr. sandkrs.on - resolution
that accompanied tih3 rul'ort.
a copy of them will ui3
si:rvi:d on thk board of con
trol. As predicted by The Trlbuno after It
had given proper publicity to tho mat
ter, select council has given n black
eye to the board ot control's proposi
tion that tho city furnish for the
board's use In recording tho school tax
n copy of tho recent assessment, ino
resolution requesting tho copy Involves
an expenditure of $800 nnd much
trouble lnstend of n cost of $100 nnd
little work under the previous system.
Thu pertinent facts In the contro
versy nro contained In a report made
by tho judiciary committee of select
council last night. The report was
rend by Mr. Sanderson and Is, In l'art,
as follows:
The section of tho net on which the de
mand Is bni-ed Is in follows, viz.: "Tho
city clerk or other competent person nu
thorlzed by city councils shall make for
tho udo of the school board u truo copy of
tho completed assessment nnd shall duly
cettlfy tho same to tho said board."
Nowhere In the act docs It provide for
compensation for this work. Tho city
clerk Is nn nfllcer of the city created by
act ot legislation, elected as prescribed
therein and his duties aro clearly de
fined nnd his salary fixed. This act at
tempts to add to thoso duties, which. If
ho Is compelled to perform, ho must per
form under tho ralary ho now receives
In other words, bo must do tedious and
expensive work for another corporation,
which derives Its own taxes and Is sup
posed to pay Its own expenses, under tho
salary ho receives from the city.
No appropriation lias been made for this
purpose nnd ncno ought to be. except un
der the stress of necessity. It has been
decided that where additional duties arc
Imposed on an olllecr without provision
for compensation, ho must perform them
under hlr existing salary.
But the act allows tho authorization by
city councils ot another "competent per
son." It seems to your committee, there
foie, that, as this Is work for the benefit
of the board of control, that competent
person Is tho crctnry or other person
designated by the board nnd wo herewith
report a resolution to that effect.
As the city, If It acceded to the de
mand of th" school hoard and directed
tho city clerk to do the work, might pos
sibly bo put to heavy expense, as a mat
ter of Justice to Its clerk und as we can
not think the board was awaro of the re
sults, we tako tho liberty of laying be
fore councils somo or" them: Heretofore
n column has been left In tho tax dupli
cate for the Insertion ot school taxes
which has been done by tho secretary
of tho board ot a cost of $100. In this
shape they have been handed over to thu
city treasurer and have facilitated the
work In his office by having but one set
of books to refer to. If tho board fol
low their present intention, the city ircas
urcr will havo to search two sets nt boo;s
or go to the expense of money and time
In having them copied into one book.
Wo aro by the city clerk thnt
tho copying of tho assessment books
would Involve an expense of nt least $100;
that tho cost to the school beard of mal
ing the duplicate would amount to as
much more and thus nn additional cost
to tho taxrnycrs of $700 over tho cost
of the old method, which was J100, would
be Incurred. Wo nro further Informed
that copies could not bo furnished Inside
ot twenty-five days, that twenty days
would be consumed In making the dupli
cate and at least ten days would be nec
essary for the city treasurer to copy th'-'tn
Into one book, or nearly two months
before taxes could bo coleeted. If ono
person attempted to copy the assess
ments nnd make the duplicates It would
take three months.
In view of these facts It Is difficult
for your committee to realize the Jus
tlco of the demand of tho school board.
It seems to us that the heard was not
awaro of the attendant cxpenso to the
taxpayers and that due regard for their
Interests would at least permit the fol
lowing of the (del method at a cost of JIM
against a cost of $S00 If tho new Is fol
lowed. The following resolution recom
mendeil by the committee accompanied
the report: "That the secretary of tho
board of control of the Scranton City
School district or any other compe
tent person designated by said board
Is hereby authorized to make copies
for the use of said board, of the city
assessment books for tho current year;
provided 'thai said copies must bo
made In the city clerk's office from
which the assessment books must not
bo removed, and, provided further, that
tho city shall bo liable for nnd put to
no expense on account of said copy
ing." The report and resolution were ad
opted along with Mr. Roche's amend
ment that a copy bo served on the
board of control.
Would Ue Unnble to Accept Command
o( tho New Itoglmont.
Captain W. A. May, ex-commander
of Company D, Thirteenth regiment,
who hah been suggested for tho colonel
cy of the regiment that Is to succeed
the Thirteenth, would not accept the
post If It was tendered him. He made
that statement to a Trlbuno reporter
who questioned him yesterday on tho
"While I feel honored by being men
tioned for such a eionsplcuous and re
sponsible position," said Captain May,
"I could not accept It. My duties ns
a business man are too exacting to per
mit even a consideration of the thing
and they are steadily increasing. If I
war, moro independently situated I
would feel differently ubout it."
Captain May remarked, os a com
ment, that Ills position in the matter
was so well understood that his name
would never be formally suggested for
the command, much less would it ho
offered him.
Are Gratefullr Acknowledged by tho
Alnnncort of I'lorenco .Mission.
The managers of tho Florence Crit
tenton Home, 712 Harrison avenue,
gratefully acknowledge the following
donations for the month of June:
Dr. Anna Law, medical services; dally
puiiers for the year, Tribune, Times,
Truth, Republican; Consumers' Ice com
pany. Ice dally; Scranton Milk company,
milk dally; Gere's dairy, milk dally; Mrs.
M. H. Bols, Scrlpturo text; Huntington's
bakery, bread, cake, rolls; Lindner's bak
ery, bread; Price's market, lettuce, rad
ishes, peas; Miss Mattto Horn, Mrs. John
Fritz, literature; Mrs. W. W. Scranton.
two sets baby clothes; O, R. Clark and
company, forty plants for balcony; Mis-
flowers! Needlo Work Guild, of Dun
more, 1 comfortable, 1 pair blankets, 3
skirts, 4 vests, soap, 1 slip. 2 pairs
bootsi Mrs. Edward Kccse, baby car
riage; a friend, Converted Catholic for PS;
a friend, (luldo to Holiness for 'PS! Mrs.
Dr. Robinson, berries; Mrs. Hnckctt,
sandwiches, cokes: Mtw. Albert Naglcy. 3
quarts berries: Mr. Knufold, wood, bal
cony box; Mrs. Gere, cottngo cheese!
Farmlngton Sewing society, two sets
baby clothes; 15. a. Coursen, nsparugus,
lettuce; Hopeful Workers band, Dun
more, J3.00; H. Drake nnd company,
Plantain: C. P. Matthews, 1 barrel flour;
Mrs. Dlehl, shirt waist, skirt, flags; Jen
kins & Morris, bats: Cnrr's, Mnrburgers,
Cornish's, Wormser's, Alysworths, Arm
bursts, Jr. Dlehl, meat! Plerco's mar
ket, fish, vegetables.
Ilenrr Thoinpinil Says lie Is
End ofn Curious Wngcr.
Another "globe trotter" Is In our
city. His name Is Henry Thompson,
and ho halls from .San Frnnclsco.whlch
town lie left four years ago to follow
a schedule Inlet down for him, which
will net him, he says. $20,000. He is
confident of lining tho terms of his
contract and Is duo in Snn Francisco
November SO, 1S9S.
Since starting out he has crossed this
broad continent live times, once In tho
Dominion of Canndn, and has per
formed Puck's trick of girdling the
Since leaving homo, ns per orders,
he has sent 17,600 messages, thus bplng
easily followed by tho two wealthy
men who have placed tho wager.
Ho Is a well-built fellow nnd carries
scars from bullet wounds and other
dnngerous things. His best walk was
80 miles In 2ti hours. Ho has passed
through temperatures rnnglng Jrom 30
degrees below to IIS degrees above zero
Fahrenheit. When ho gets back, draws
his $20,000 now only In prospect, he says
ho will go to a town up In Canada nnd
marry a charming French-Canadian
BkL whose father Is a Judge.
Tlrst Installment of Gucsti Will Be
Received Today Subscription
Aro Coming In Vory Slowly.
The summer home for convalescents
near Cresco, conducted by St. Luke's
parish, was opened yesterday by the
rector and a few members of St. Luke's
church, who went down to prepare It
for tho occupancy of applicants who
will bo received today and thereafter
to the end of the season. Rev. Rogers
Israel wns nce'ompnnled by his curate,
Rev. M. B. Nash. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. B.
Dermnn, Mrs. Thomas Sprague, Miss
Saul and Miss Hutton. Among the
new gifts which will brighten the wide,
lovely rooms aro two lino photographs
sent by the Pennsylvania. Railroad
company representing scenes along
that beautiful road. It will be re
membered that a room was furnlshpd
by this corporation.
A description of tho handsome old
country placed secured by tho parish
was given in these columns lint sum
mer soon after the purchase was made,
t Is, perhaps, two miles distant fiom
Cresco station at a point calleel Moun
tain Horse and overlooks tho fair
Paradise valley, where Joseph Jefferson
thought out an ideal Rip Van Win-,
kle that has made two continents
laugh and weep. It will accommodate
about thirty guests and is in charge
of Miss Saul, assisted by Miss Hut
ton, both Krnduates from th Lacka
wanna hospital and pecullnr'y fitted
for this work.
Tomorrow the first installment ot
guests will be received to the number
ot twenty women and children, who
will remain at the Home for ubout
ten days. While many applicants
have been received for tho benefit ot
this delightful shelter and rest, tho
subscriptions to support it are coming
In very slowly, indeed. It should be
remembered that women nnd children
of- all denominations and sects are
welcome, and that friends in every
church may send their aid to brighten
the lives of those less favored. Just
what It means to some of these over
worked, tired and ill mothers who
spend a few days at the Home can
scarcely be conceived.
Applications for admission may be
sent to Mr. C. B. Derman, Brother
Francis or Mrs. Duggan.
Contributions per last report J1S0
Received from Rufus J. Foster
Received from Mrs. AY. 11 Smith
Received from a parUhlontr ....
Take Place at tho linse
Pnrlc Hntnrdny. July 9.
The postponed Irish-American games
will tako place at the base ball park
Saturday, July 10, beginning at 2 p. m.
The tug-of-wur four teams will come
off at 7 p. m.
rhntniiqun Excursion.
Tho Lehigh Valley railroad an
nounces special excursion from Scran
ton to Chautauqua Lake nnd return;
rate of $10.00 for round trip. Tickets
will be sold and good going on nil
trains of July S, 1S98, except the Black
Diamond Express. Good to return be
tween July 18 and August C.
Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents
for further particulars.
Reduced Rates to IIiifTnlo
on account of tho B. Y. P. U. conven
tion, July 11 and 17, 1S9S, via Lehigh
Valley. Consult ticket agents for
rates, trains nnd further particulars.
Direct Shipments,
E. Q. Coursen
Wholesale and Retail.
It Is Probable Tbat Every One of Them
Twenty-three persons from this coun
ty were aboard tho Trans-Atlantic
French liner, La Bourgogno, that whs
sunk at K o'clock on tho morning of
July Fourth off Sable Island, Halifax.
They secured passage at the olllce ot
Joseph Cnsscssc, of Lackawanna ave
nue, who is tho agent of the company
In this nnd Luzerne counties.
Mr. Cnsscsse informd n Tribune re
porter last evening that tho twenty
three from this section nro undoubted
ly lost, for if any ot them wero saved
the company would send him Immedi
ate notice. The very first thing the
company does as soon ns Information
Is obtainable in to notify its ngents,
especially those who sold passage on
the doomed ship, of the persons from
their respective territories who wero
saved. Ho had not lionrcl up to C
o'clock yesterday afternoon from tho
company, nnd docs not expect any fa
vorable news, since It has not already
arrived. Tho twenty-three from this
county nro as follows:
LUG! NASONE, his wife and four chil
dren, of Connellton.
Al'RELIA OAVAKZt, his wifo and four
children, of Duryea.
ABRAMO GAVAZZI, his wife and thrco
children, of Connellton.
nnd 4-year-old nephew, of Connellton.
tle children, of tho "Ridge," Arch
bald borough.
Mrf. Mollnnrlo's case Is a sad 'one.
She was a handsome young woman, 27
years old. antl well-educated. Her
husbaml some months ago decided to
abandon the mines and go to Cnllfomla
to seak bettor employment. They had
enough money saved to allow her and
the children to take a trip to Genoa, the
city of her birth, and the day she left
last week for New York, he went to
San Francisco.
Sho did not want to take passage on
tho La Bourgogno, preferring a German
Lloyd steamship, which would land In
tho harbor ot her native city. Tho
French liner's destination was Havre,
and the journey from there to Genoa by
rail takes two days and two nights.
But lu view of tho number of Ital
ians nround hero who were going on
the La Bourgogne, sho dlssmlssed her
preference for the other line, saying as
she wns buying her ticket that she
knew she would regret It. She expect
ed to stay until tho fall in Genoa ami
roturn to join her husband In Califor
nia. Her youngest child was a baby,
three months old, and the other was 2
years of age. She has a sister, whose
husband conducts a saloon In Arch
bald. Tho husbands of tho four other fam
ilies lost wero employed In the mines
of William Connell & Co., at Duryea.
Lulgl Nasono was 10 years old and his
wife 33. Their four children were G
yenry 4 years. 2 years, and C months
ol.l, resrectlvely. They wero bound for
Milano, an Inland city of Italy, nnd
expected to return in tho course of a
few months.
Aurello Gavazzl was 2S years old and
his wife 27. Their children were 10
years, 6 years, 3 years, and 7 months
old, respectively. He was a first cousin
of Abramo Gavazzl, who was 30 yeais
old, whose wife was 29, and whose chil
dren were 5, 2 and i years, respectively.
Th.'se two families hoped to return in
the fall. They were bound for Milano
Ferdinando Staftaronl and wife; were
the only ones of tho party bound for
their native land to stay. They wero
In the evening- of life, both over 60
years of ago. They had a small sum
of money saved and were looking for
ward to spending their declining years
in comfort. The -1-year-old nephew
they had with them was a son ot Mrs.
Staffaronl's brother, who resides In Du
ryea. The boy was to stay with tho
old folks for some years, and return
when some ono went after him, or
A Good ScJ or Tcctli for... $3.00
Our Best Sets of Teeth 5.00
Including the Painless Extraction.
311 Spruce Street, Opp. Hotel Jermyn
Closing Days.
The Rocker Sale draws to a close. You'd better come
and quickly too. Perhaps you don't realize that this sale is
genuine and that the goods are going cheap. If so, come
in, we'll soon convince you. Don't let this opportunity go
by you'll regret it if you do.
Stained in several colors, back
and seat upholstered with Japan
ese goods. Worth $5, for $3.90.
oni; LOT
Fine ten and twelve dollar rock
ers go at $7.50.
Stained Bamboo Taborats that
ought to sell for 2.50, arc here
for $1.50.
406-408 Lackawanna Avenue.
141 to 140 Meridian fcStrect.Scranton, l'x V hone b'.'S.
VarnUh. Dryers, Japan and HbtnslaRtaln
come out with soma friend hither
Mr. Casstsso's olllce was besieged
from morning till night yesterday with
anxious friends, hoping ngalnst hope
for pome good newB of tho voyagers,
hut ho had no comfort to give them.
A Success.
The elegant through service of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
and Nickel Pinto roads has proved a
great success, and next time you go
west try Delaware, Lnckawanna and
Western train No. r. or No. 7, and rldo
through to Chicago in conch or sleeper
without change of cars.
Trnus-Mliiltslppi and International
Exposition, Omaha. Nebraska.
Reduced rate tickets on sale June 10th
to October 13th, via Lehigh Valley rail
road, to Omaha or Kunsns City. In
quire of ticket agents for particulars.
Stcnm Ilcntlng nnd Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howloy.231 Wyoming ave.
Complete assortment of this season's
latest production of new, stylish Car
riages. Tho lino includes all tho latest
and newest Ideas of scientific construc
tion, Insuring safety, durability and
beauty. Call and see our line. Prices
range from
$4.98, SG.98, $9.08 up to
$14.98 eacli.
Clarke Bros
Mahogany finish. High arms
and back. Saddle scat. Worth
$5.00, for $2.25.
Mnhonany finish, or Golden
Oak Rockers, upholstered in
Flemish Tapestrv and worth
$7.50, for $4.75
Upholstered seat and back.
Worth $7.50, for $5.25.
Turpentine, Wnlto bead. Coil ar, Tltstt
Assortment 1 1
I High i
I Grade
I Hand
il Bicycles !
i at Your j
Own 1 1
Price. I
nn in
S20 Lackawanna Arc, Scranton Pi.
Wholesales nrnl Retail
Ready fllxcd Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Economical, Durable.
Varntsli Stains,
rroduclne Perfect ImltatlonofExpenstT
Rnynolds' Wood Finish,
Especially Designed for Insldo Worte
Marblo Floor Finish,
Durable nnd Drloi Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kat
sominc Brushes.
We are showlnK the latest styles In
Straw Hats at
$1.50 and $2.00.
Hand & Payne
203 Washington Ave.
Is made right. We havo special
machinery which cleans nil tho
wheat thorouRhly beforo It la
ground so that not tho least
ppock of dirt can possibly get
"Snow White"
Flour, reoplo who llko to
know that their food Is clean
can bo sure that anything mado
ot "Snow White" Flour la.
The Best Cooks Use lu
All fjrocers Sell It.
We Only Wholesale It.
Scnnton, Carbondate, Olyplunt.
In order to introduce
my new line of Kimball
Pianos and organs I will
any one who will send
me the name of any par
ty who will buy a piano
or organ of me.
This will be paid when
first payment is made on
the instrument and to
the first one who sends
me the name. If you
know of a neighbor who
talks of getting one send
the name in.
George H. Ives
No. 9 West Market Street,
Having added l.ZOO feet to our stora
room, wo aro now prepared to show aj
liner assortment of
than ever. You aro cordially Invited ta
call and Inspect our goods und compara
prices. CASH Oil CItKDIT.
Hats OH ! THe Flog is Passing By."
t. JUL i