The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1898, Morning, Image 1

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    jI'V Jil4'v
: . 6
The Navy Department Decides to
Send Warships to Spain.
Commodore Watson Receives Orders to Sail as Soon as
Possible Straight for the Mediterranean, with the New
ark, Iowa, Oregon, Three Fast Auxiliary Cruisers and
Three Colliers, There to Prey on Spanish Commerce and
Reduce Spanish Coast Fortifications This Moye Is
Hastened by Gamara's Attempt to Make for Philippines.
Washington, Juno 27 The ndminis
tratlon today Anally came to a decis
ion to bend an Amcilcnn squadron to
the Spanish coast and Into the .Medi
terranean. Several times since the war
hroke out minora to this effect h.ive
circulated hut the project had not ma
tured, it requited the Spanish move
ment toward the .Philippines by Oi
inaras Miuadron to decide the navy
depaitment to adopt this hold stroke.
The tlrst announcement today through
n bulletin posted at the navy depart
ment of the government's Intention
Mas received with Incredulity. There
was a suspicion that the stoiy was
being floated to deceive the Spanish
However, when Inter In the day the
detail of the 'vessels selected to con
stitute Commodore Watson's eastern
squadron was nnnounied, and olllciul
oideis were Riven to provision the fleet
for four months, it became nppaicnt
to the last doubter that the gov em
inent was In earnest In this purpose to
dispatch the lleet to Km ope.
The vessels selc( ted are the cruiser
Newark, which will be the flagship:
the battleships Iowa and Oregon, the
cruisers Yosemlte, Yankee and DKIe,
and the colliers Scendla, Abarenda and
Ab xander. The tlnee vessels selected
are already on their way to Now pott
News to take on a largo supply of coal.
It will require about a week to get this
down to Sampson's tleet. so. If the
start Is to be made from that point, It
will bo Impossible for Commndoio Wat
son to get away before the Fouith of
J u iv This would seem to be an nus
puious date for the beginning of an
expedition that will, for the fit .st time
In the world's hlstoij, stait fiom the
new w 01 Id to attack continental Hu-
No attempt Is made to deny that the
government Is influenced in ordering
this movement by a deshe to check
the progress eastward of the Cadi,:
fleet It was not believed that the
Spanish admltnl could be guilty of the
folly of uncoveilng his home ports In
this fashion, but inasmuch as he seems
determined to do so, the naval strate
gists lould not do less than to take
advantage of the magnificent oppoi
tunlty afforded to mi ike a ciushing
blow at Spain and theieby peihaps
save much loss of time and inonev in
the conduct of the tedious campaign
In Cuba,
The determination to jer.d this squad
lcn against Spain was the outcome if
dlieet official advices which have ie.u li
ed the state and invy dcmitments as
to the progiess of dmlral Cnmnra's
squadron Those advices give n lit o'
the Spanish ships now nenrlrg the Sues
coual v.hlch dlfffis somov hut fiopj
the list given In the pics dispatches
and at Llovcl's. The ofUclol list is as
follows Pelayo, Cailos V, A111I117. Os
ftda, Prosperplna. Patriot.!. Haj Ido,
Huonos Ayret, lsln do P.tney. Colon,
Covp.ndunga and San rrnnelsc
The additional information comer
from oiilclal souices that this squadron
is at P"tt Said, and expects to take on
boanl ten thousand tons of ti il liefon
entering the iwz canal. Such a hc-uv
coaling win take home time It dls
duscs also that the admlial is doubt-
Hoy Leader ol tlio Democracy lint
fled in His Attempt to Crack Caucus
Whip 0er Democrats rnvornblo to
Ilnunlliiit Annexation,
Washington, June 27 The postponed
meeting of tho Democratic (aucus ad
join ned to December tonight without
disposing of the resolutions Introduced
by Mr. Bailey and amended by Mr.
Mi Rao, of Arkansas, pioposlng to
make future nctlon of Demociatlc
caucuses binding upon nil paitlclpants.
A vote upon the resolutions was taken
and resulted In 47 for and 2 against
Mr. Lewis, of Washington, made tho
point of no quotum, which the lesult
sustained. It was manifest that no
quorum could he secured, and upon
motion of Mr. lialley adjournment wits
taken to December. Tho opposition to
the resolutions cither remained away
from tonight's caucus, or. being pies
ent, did not vote. Hach bide claims It
will ultimately win.
Debate on tho .Vcirlnuds Resolution
(Joe Merrily On.
Washington, June 27. At 11 o'clock
this morning the senate convened and
a few minutes afterwards adopted the
resolution of Mr. Davis, chairman of
the foreign relations committee-
less headed for the Philippines, a point
which olllclals doubted at Hist.
This squadron Is the most formidable
Spain has afloat, In total
strength of Individual ships, armor and
guns. Tho Pelayo is tho strongest of
the ships and Is the only battleship
In the Spanish navv. She Is :,!'00 tonr,
with n spied of JG7 knrts. Sue i al
lies 3,"i guns cf various calibre and has
seven totpedo tube The Cailos V U
of 9.0M tons, with u speed of 10 knots.
She carries 2S gun, and has also six
toipedo tubes. The Audnz and Osado
are totpedo boat destroyers, leccntly
finished In England hist befoie the war
As theie ate only two aimored ships
in the lot. Admiral Dewev's lleet of
protected but unaimoied ships piob
ably will take caie of this Spanish
squadiou. With the airlval of the Mon
terey, he could ccitalnly do so.
The cistern squadiou which the
United States will now send against
Spain far outinnks this Spanish squad
ion, th' Iowa and Oiegon exceeding the
1'c1jo and Cailos V at evei point,
while the other United States vessels
ate far supctlor, ship for hlp, to thos
of the Spanish scmadion, with the sin
gle exception of the two Spanish tor
pedo boat destroyer:'.
When the Amcilcan fleet sails for
Spain It will take with It complete In
foimatlou as to the entile stretch of
Spanish coast with detail maps of ev
ery harbor and its fortifications. The
war boa id had a mass of this Infoi ma
lion befoie It today and spent a good
part of the day studying Spanish
chaits and fortifications, with a view
to outlining the seiles of blows which
are to be dellveied to Spain at home.
In general the foi tlllcatlons of the
Spanish coast are relics of the medi
aeval gicatness of Spain, and many
of these old defences aie tumbling
One short teleginni teclved by Gen
eial Giooly from one of his signal
corps officers with tho nim under
Shafter was all that came to the war
department last night or today. That
i elated entirely to the management of
telegiaph and communicated no news
as to the movements of the mllltaij.
Theiefoie it Is assumed at the depait
ment that General Shafter Is simply
eatrjing toiwaid his plans of bung
ing foiward his ttoops fiom the sea
i oast and concentrating them at points
of vantage on the heights surrounding
Santiago. Ills niniy Is not to give bat
tle until eveiy piecautlou that prud
ence can suggest has been taken to
assute the suc( ess of the movement,
foi no one better than General Shafter
appieclates the tiemendous moral ad
vantage thai would accme to Spain
fiom even a tempotaiy cheek of Amer
ican aims at this time
London. June 2S The AVnshlngton
conespondent of the Dall Chionble
savs "Spain Is to be frightened Into
making peace. That Is the meaning of
Hie thentilenl announcement that an
Amciltun squadinn Is going to Spain
an announcement for vv libit the navy
depaitment, contiarj to custom, has
sought the widest publicity. Piesrl. nt
McKlnley sincerely hopes the lleet will
nevei sail."
vidlng that hereaftei. until furthir ac
tion shall be taken, the senate convene
dally at 11 a m. Consideration of the
Hawaiian annexation lcsolutlon was
i (sinned and during the session Mr.
Cla (Dem., Ga ), Mr. Hoach (Dorn.,
N. D ) and Mr. Caffrey (Dem.. La.) ntl
dressod the senate in opposition. Mr,
Cnffiey had not concluded his speech
when the sennte adjourned.
The house devoted today's session to
consldcintlon of legislation affecting
the Dlstllct of Columblu.
ADMIRAL CAMARA'S fleet Is denied tho
piivllc-go of ccallng nt Port Slid.
PRRSIDILNT ASKS congress to leward
Naval Constructor Hobson, Lleutt li
mit Newcomb and clew of the reve
nue cutter Hudson, who rescued tho
Wlnslow at Cardenas, Captain Hodge,
don who commanded the Hugh Mc
culloch nt Manila, and Cadet Povvill.
who look tho l.umdi Into Santiago
harbor to rescuo llohson and his men,
(lore Watson ordered to go to Spain.
It will conslHt of the Newurk, Ore
gon. Iowa, Yankee, Dixie, Yosemlte
and three colliers,
POUR THOISAND more troops leave
San Francisco for Manila.
GIJNDRAL GARCIA'H Cuban tioops nro
Joined to Shaftei's main forces.
posts nt Santiago are almost i-Iono
enough tototlicr to te tho whites of
each otlur'a cjea.
The President Asks Congress to I'ny
Tribute to Cimiplcuoiu llorolsm.
Washington, Juno 27. The president
today lit messages to congress recom
mended piomotlon for Xnvnt Con
sttuctor Uobson, the heio of tho Mor
rlinac, Lieutenant New comb and crow,
who rescued the gunboat Wlnslow at
Caidenas, Captain Hodgedon.vvho com
manded the revenue cutter Hugh Mc
culloch at Manila, mid Cadet Powell,
who commanded the launch nt Santl
ugo harbor that waited to pick up the
Alerrlinnc's crew. New comb and com
panions nie to get medals; Hodgodon
Is to be letlred on full pay and Powell
is to be made nn ensign.
It has not been determined by the
ndmlulstintlon what measure of re
ward shall be meted out to Constructor
Hobsoti. He will be transferted to the
line, but what place In the lino Is to
be given to him has not been settled.
It can bev said, however, that he will
not, as was at Hi st-proposed, be plated
in the grade of lieutenant command
ets With a full leallzatlon of tho
met Its of Hobson's achievement, tho
naval olllclals have concluded that so
gieat advancement as that, amount
ing to a promotion of over 350 lium
beis, would be unwise, so it Is likely
that Hobson will take his place well
tip among the lieutenants of the naval
set vice, which, olllclals believe, makes
his lew lid equal to that bestowed on
Cushlnc for his daring feat.
The Navy department, while not re
laxing In any degieo Its effoits to se
cuie Hobson's lelease fiom captivity
at Santiago, has concluded that noth
ing pia( tleablt! can be effected In that
dliectlon until the town Itself has been
Tho Police, It Is Hnid, Threaten to
ltcifolt--CI,-morlQK for Full Ha-
tloni--I'nmlue Imminent In tho
Clt--.HIIItnry I'orcos Liable to
(Cop.v right, 1!9S, by the Associated Puss )
Key West, Fla , June 27. The most
authentic and reliable news "t ob
tained of the true state of affairs In
Havana was today furnished to a rep
resentative of the Associated Press by
a llrltMli subjeit. who lelt Havana on
board the Uiitlsh ciulser Talbot, and
who aimed line csteiday. He says
a jelgn of tenor exists at the Cuban
capital. Captain Gencial Hhuuo has
Issued a pioelamatlcm announcing that
any one dating to epiess an unlavor
able opinion of, or suspected of being
dlssatlstled with the present policy or
the government, will be st'mmniily
bhot without or investigation. This
p'oelaiuation, It appears, iuiis"d dis
satisfaction among the members of the
Orden Publico, or Huvnnn police force,
who threateiiKl to revolt If full rations
were not seised out' to them, Seilous
trouble was expei led, as the Old mi
Publico Is a numeious and well-armed
body of men. The iesiu is that todov
the Orden Publico patiols thr city and
Its membeis ale themselves policed, the
Si anlsh infanliy and aitillery sotdli rs
mounting tjuard over them at every
Famine, It seems. Is immiiK nt and
the stoiles of th- anival ot supplies
at Havana via Hatabano are pionoiine
ed to be untitle. 'I he Infoinutiil of the
Assodated Piess thinks Havana cannot
possible hold out six weeks longer.
Klots aie e'.illy expected at Havana,
as the tioops nie tulfeiiug from hun
ger and the volunteers are sedng t hfl
wives and chlldien dying of want.
Under sue h ci lulltlons, the captain geli-
eial cannot much longer keep the mlll
taty fences in check mid a icbelllon Is
likelj to (hvastate Havana befoie tliu
eitv Is captuud by the Ameilcans.
Captain Geneinl Itlanco admits thut
th situation is despciate He iccoe
nlr.e.s his Inability to eontiol his ttoops
go ui"d by hunger, much longer, and
he Is lepoitcd to have said that he
will never leave Havana alive, an he
Is pi ei and to take his own life when
tho outbieak mi uis.
Hiookvllle, Pa.. Jum 7 The Jefferson
county 1) inociiitle convention met ho'o
tod.i. S. II White-hill was nominated
for conqreiis. A. C Smith for assetublv ,
John McMuir. V r. Gillespli S. M.
M( PoiiiiUl and Iluirj Giube weii- ap
pointed deli-gates to tho state convention
with W. M. ralrman. S It Cravvb-rd.
C M. Dinger and McKean Hurl its aliu
nuti s. The gubnnatcriil candld.n of
Hon. George A. Jenks ,as strongly en
.lorn d
JiihiiHinwn, Pn Jiuu 17 Tin Quay tol
lowcts catituied even thins in lb" Re.
publican loiiveiitioi' held this afunnun
In Rbensburg. Alvlu ICvans, of i:b. ns
burg, was endorsed fir cnngiess by ac
damitlon. and Captuin J. Swan Tailor,
of the rifth regltmit. IN nnslvuula vol
untefrs, and Homy 1. Rogers had a walk
ovc- for tho li-Rlsltture.
Women Llccled to Oflice.
Denver, Colo., Juno 27. The national
federation of womui's clubs today elect
ed olllee-rs tor the ensuing jeur: Pie-.1-dent,
Mr.(, Wllllum II. Love. of Atlanta,
Ga.; vice president. Mis. Satan S. 1 latt,
of Denver. Colo; recording seiritniy,
Mrs Charlm U Ko, of Mluiignn; cone
pponillng secu-taiy, Mis. Gcoisc y, jv -n-drlck,
jr.. of Pennsylvania, treasure-,
Mis. Philip N. Mioie, cr Missouri; aud
itor, Mrs. O P. Hums, of Kentuek).
ltnding Ntateiiicint for Ma .
Philadelphia, June 27. The statement of
the Philadelphia and Heading Railway
company for M, lMh. Compaicd with
Hie samo period of IS'iS shows. Increase,
grous receipts, $sl, Inirease In ex
penses, $ir,it;,sO; nit larnlngs. Increase,
H2.8I7.51. Statement of the -oat and Iron
company for tho same periods follows:
Receipts, Increase, $103,21! S3, expenses,
1121,213.31. A decrease In net loss of $13,
02i.ll. Tim Wnge of Sin.
Wilmington, Del., Juno 2"i. Thomas ).
Chirk, convicted In the fedctu! ciurt
here for aiding and abetting and con
spiring with William N. Hoggs, default
ing teller of the First Natior.ul bank of
Dover, was iditencid to live cura' Im
prisonment and a tlio of $3,000.
Morgan II, t IlllaiiiB i Candidate
Wllkc'S-noric, June 27, Congiessm in
M. II. U'iIIImtih stated In an Inteivlitw to
day that he would bo u candlduto for le-nbtnlnaliou.
Third Fleet of Trnnsporlo Slnrts to
Reinforce Dewey,
moves oru-roun thousand
San Fiancltco, June 27. Another fleet
of transports sailed out through the
Golden Gate to tho liiftad Pacific This
nfteinoon the thhd lleet of vessels
londcd with soldleis nnd supplies for
the Philippines hoisted anchor and
amid the screeching ot a bundled
whistles, the dinging of bells and the
booming of cannon, proceeded down the
bay tow aid the ocean, nnd by nlht
win- well on their way ti the Philip
pines About 2.P.0 o'clock the anehots of the
trinsports were hdsted and the pio
pelleis set In motion. Thf 'lrst move
ment of the vessels compiling the tleet
was the- signal for the trowels which
gathered along the clocks to commence
cheering the detiartlng soldleis, and
for the steam whistles along the city
front to set cam their good bves to
the ships and men. The scene on the
transports- was a thrilling one; the men
were perched In the tigging like so
many Insecia nnd handkei chiefs and
lings waved and fluttered fiom eveiv
pott hole and spat. As the verels pto
cecded low ly down the liny the nclsy
demonstiatlons on the shore inet eased.
Added to the noise of whlflhs and bells
was the booming of many cannon fiom
the balteiles of Fort Mason
The ships which left today carried
about 4 010 .pen under the command
cf General Aitbtir McArthur, who
made the ste-mier Indiana his flagship
'I he- City of Para, the Ohir, and tho
Moigan Cltv, were- the other steamers
to sail with ihe Indiana. Tho steamer
Valencia was not ready for spa today
and probably will sail with the steai"er
Newport on Wednesday. Giperal Me-r-rltt
and his staff will proceed to the
Islam's In the Newpoit. which has been
especially pi -'pared for the service.
One Dlspnlch Hays tho Americans
ISombiirdcil Aqundores lor I'lvo
Hours nnd Mounded I'our Span
iards--()ther Druanm.
Madtld. June 2.' -A dispatch re
ceived fiom Havana nnnoundng that
the Ameilcans ate 'still encamped at
Slbomj" has mused nn excellent Im
pression In ofildal elides at this cap
ital, It being Interpreted as indicating
that the Ameilcans aiu "meeting with
a stubborn u-slstance."
The government, according to an an
nouncement he-re, has foi warded In
stiuctlons to the gov n nor of Santiago
de- Cuba, "piovldlng foi the event of
the cable being ( ut "
An oiilclal dlspati h lrom Havana
Just received here says the insui gents
have been beaten in soveial cneount
eis In the provinces of Havana and
Plnnr del Rio, during which ::i of tho
Cubans were killed. Anothei dispatch
from the same souue sa.vs. "The
Amei linns have bombarded Aguadorcs
from 10 o'i lock In the morning until
3 o'cloi k lu the afternoon. Four Span
laids were wounded "
:t,(HM) Cubans Added to tho I'orco to
Cn-opernte Against Snntlngn.
(Cip right. 1?S. liv the Assort ited Pies)
Jiiingua. June 2fi, via Kingston, June
27. Geneial Calixto Garcia, with Il.OOO
Cuban Insurgents from the mountains
west of Santiago de Cuba, was landed
here today. The Cuban tioops were
brought here on bonid the American
tinnsports. rully .".000 Insurgents,
nearly the entire nvallable fighting
foice of the Insurgents In the southern
pait of Santiago de Cuba province,
nit- now cone entiated at or near Juia
gua. Throe-foul ths of them aie mined
with modem titles and have abundant
supplies of ammunition. The soldleis
am lagged, almost to nakedness. Most
of these men aie thorough! hi cus
tomed to the hush-w line king methods
of the Spanlnids, anil aie perfectly
familiar with eveiy trail lu the vlcln
lt of Snntlngn de Cuba.
A confeience between Major General
Shafter and General Gun In will be
held tomorrow. The plnn of to-opera-tlon
of Ameilrnu and Cuban nimles
hns been agieed upon, not only In tho
campaign In Santiago but the subse
quent movement on Havana and Mn
tunzns. General Gaicla's plan Is to
mnrch his entire mm overland, nnd
along the northern coast of Cuba, keep
ing In touch so far as possible with tho
United States at my. Ah soon as pos
sible he will effect a Junction with tho
Insurgent foiccs under Geneial Max
imo Gomez. Other bodies of Insur
gents. It Is said, will also be biought
In, It being the plan of the Cuban
lendciM to have at least 20,000 men be
foie Havana when the time comes for
the Invest men t of that city.
The alarm ot lire from box 223 nt 2.13
this morning vvas caused b tho binning
of n dwelling houso on tho corner of Fif
teenth and Luzerne streets. Tho I10113Q
was completely desttoyed.
Torpedoes for Cnmnrn,
Loudon Juno 27. A special dispatch
from Flume, the senpnit town of Austin
Hungary, suys an Austrian vessel Is on
her way to the Philippine Islands with
live hundred torpedoes "Intended for the
SpanlDh fleet."
The Nun I'rniiclNCn ShIIv South.
Ronton, June 27 Tho nimt Kutahdln
and cruli-or S-111 Fianelscn I.tvo sailed
south from Piovlncotown. Tho mm goex
to Humptou Rouds aiid tho cruiser to
Key Wet,
Thor and Thoir Cuban Allloi Rotting
Along Nicely Together.
(Copyilght, ISfs, by the Associated Press v
Off Marine Camp, Guuntnnnmo Hay,
Cuba, June 20. via Port Antonio. Re
ports from inland ngree In picturing
tho Spanish situation as desperate. The
military governor ot Santiago tniido
peremptory demand tlnee days ago on
Guantauamo for food and iclnforce
ments. The reply, which was Inter
cepted, said that Ouantniiamo wns
worse off than Santiago, and nothing
could he sent.
The Cubans watch every cieek and
crossroad, gathering In Spanish cour
iers nnd bringing them In to McCalla
or Sampson, ns the case may be. The
Cubans are win -Mt; giadually the ii
spect of the American regulars de
spite certain diawbacks nnd national
differences. So far as in evidence their
forces consist of about O'i per cent, ne
groes, usually with white (Cuban) of
ficers. The officers are Intelligent, nnx
lous for the good opinion of the Amer
icans as to their duskv troops, and
ready for any set vice. The negroes
hnve the faults and virtues of their
race In Its primitive state. Hut they
are unmatched bush fighters, skilled
In wood craft and Invaluable guides
when they are In their own section of
countiy. Most of the trouble that hns
been had with them as guides so far
hns been when they attempted too
much and undertook to do pioneer duty
outside their own hunting gtound. Al
most every one of them has a blood
debt against Spain.
Admiral Sampson Is reported to have
been Impressed favoiably with his In
terview w Ith the veteran General Gar
Swell, nt Least, Is tho Htatomcnt
Credited to Spain's Minister ol
Mnrine-'Cadi. Tleot Held Vp at
Port Hnid.
London, June 27 A special dispatch
from Madild says the mlnlstei of ma
llne, Senor Aunon. has made a state
ment to the effect that Admiral C.
inuia'i! squndion will leave Poit Said
today for the Philippine islands. He
Is also ei edited with snjlng he believes
the suuudion is poweiful enough to
defeat the ships under the command
of Hear Admit al Dewey.
Poit Said, June 27. i"pon the appli
cation of the 1'nlted States consul bete,
unlets have been Issued foi bidding the
coaling at this poit of Admiral Ca
maia's fleet until further ordeis.
Cadi, June 27. It Is announced heie
that the Spanish ciulseis Vlttoila and
Alfonso XIII. have left the arsenal and
that the Caiacas and Isle do Luzon are
ready for their armament. It Is further
lepoitcd that an additional fotce of
men has been ordered to hasten the
completion of thearmoicd ciulsei Piln
ces.i de Astutlas The nuxlllaty cruiser
Motel oro Is said to have received her
new at moment and the aimoied ciulser Clsneros is announced to have
loft l-'errol The Spani.'l olllclals e
piess th houc thnt the third Spanish
squudion will be leady for si a In live
weeks The mllltaiy governor of Cadiz
Is mounting new guns and Is prepar
ing additional defences between Forts
Itota and Candelatia. owing to rumois
of a contemplated Ametlcan Invasion.
Madtld, June 27. A dispatch has
been lecelved heie fiom Admit nl Ca
milla announcing his anival at Poit
Said. He adds that tho ships under
his command bad a '(apltal voyage"
and averaged a speed of ten miles an
It was announced heie this after
noon that Camnra In com
mand of the Spanish squadron now at
Poit Said has been ordered to pioeeed
IhiitiKh the Suez canal with the war
ships undei his command.
New Yoik, June 27. A dispatch to
the Tilbune from Cairo, Hcypt, sajs:
"The Hgvptlan government has In
stall ted Its authoiltles at Poit Said
to pi event the IM stokers engaged
there bv Admiral Cnmnin foi his fleet
fiom embaiklng on Spanish ships, and
has coin teoush Informed Admiral Ca
111.11 a that so doing would be an in
fringement of the laws of neutinllty,
whk h Uglpt Intends ilgldly to ob
seive The Ad.iuz's machinery requites
1 1 pahs and Camnra has slgnllled his
Intention of lemalning at Port Said for
Hit eo dajs "
London, June 2S. The Times, com
menting edltoilally on the movements
of Admlial Camaia's stiundion, sas:
"This singular naval promenade Is
piobably of a theatrical character, de
signed to serve the double put pose of
Impiesslng the 1'nlted Stntes and of
satlsfjlng public opinion In Spain. It
will certainly fall to attain the flrst
of these- objects.
"The million pesetas tequlred to pay
for the passage of the squadron
through the Suez canal might be more
usefully einploed than lu a demon
stuitioii that alarms nobody and that
is too late to relieve Manila.
"Doubtless, howevei, the Spanlnids
are justified In declining to be gieatly
frightened by tho of an Amer
ican expedition to the peninsula,
though this may stimulate tho demand
for the conclusion of peace."
llriiun Must I'erlnh.
New Yoik. Juno 27 Adilan Ilraun,
who while ncnlng a ti rm In the Sing
Sing state prison, murdered Ills wife lu
the pilsoi, uieptlor. toom, wheie she h.i i
gouo to visit him on Match u at this,
was today sentenced in the Supremo
court at White Plains to he executed dur
lug the vick cdiinunclng Augiibt 7.
Drauu's defense was ii-sanlty.
Illnnco I'rnliC" Hough Itidrm.
Madrid, Ji tie 27. Private dispatches re
ceived bet, from Iliiwna declare Til
d.i's light ithe battle of La ijuimlmi) was
"f.ivomblo to the- Spanlnids," but the ad
vices ucelvid credit Colonel Wood's
rough ildcr and Lieutenant Colo ie-1
Thfodoro ltctievelt with tho giiatos;
Our Troop nt Honolulu.
San Francisco. June 27 -The officers of
tho Iiennlgtoii speak lu the highest terms
of the eonduct of the American soldleis
111 Honolulu. They were not allowed to
spend h cent, and thoy got nil they want.
id to cut and drink. Theto was not a
slnglo Insuiuo where tlio hospitality of
tho Islund was ubusui
Spanish Admiral Reconsered His
Plan to Make a Dash Out.
When Admiral Sampson Caught Od, the Wily Castilian Sub
sided Shatter's Troops Are Almost Within Spp.aking
Distance of Santiago, but the Dons Have Dug a Lot of
Rifle Pits Which Are Strongly Defended and Artillery Is
Needed to Root Them Out.
(Copyright, lb93, by
Off Santiago de Cuba Sunday, Juii
26, via Kingston, Jamaica. June 27.
Monday, (11 n. m.) It is believed Ad
miral Cervera contemplated meklng a
dash out of the hatbor last night Pour
(ol'imtis of smoke were seen, nt sun
down, advancing towards the mouth
of the haiboi- and two small boats, be
lieved to b" torpedo boat dot-trovers,
we-ie observed In the neighborhood of
(he sunken Merrlmao. Cnns"Ucntly
Hear Admiral S'lmpsnn onleied evtui
piecautlons to be takm. The totpedo
bo-its 1'ilccson and Poiter tood v-'tv
dose into the harbor all night, but no
ships (,im out.
Slim try after mldr-lght the dvnaniit
ciulser Vesuvius fired thtte gur cotton
shells in the direction of M-uro c istle.
Th-y exploded on the ildge and behind
the eastern hill. The damage done Is
not known. The blockade- continues
without other Incidents.
On the Itlo Gt'atna. Sinilav. June 20
(noon), via Kingston, Jamaica, Mon
day, June 2" ( : .1. in.) The advance
force of the Vmerlcnn nrmv rests on
this stioam, vsith the illy of Stntlnno
do Cuba foui and a halt miles wtst
ward, In pljln sight
Last night ilu- outposts, consisting of
two companlis of the Seventh Irfuntiy,
ntwInH lln(ji,i Cri.ilt,ln.r ntuiiir-il titi.fl t I'ltid
l(,,,ti-l ,.,J1 V.',l,rt-.-'l"-'v-- I' .'-,
' at light nngles to the load guanllng the
ciossing a mile ana a 11,111 neyonn m-io.
anllla where thiie u-glments of Gen
eial Law tor's division camped, the
Klrst. roi-rth and Seventeenth. The
Klghth, Second and Twenty-second
Mnssnchusseils, with rough ildeis,
Tenth cavhj i'tid portions of several
other regiments strung out 1 chlnd them
towards Jurngu.i. Abou' S00 Cul ans.
under Geneial Gonznb-s. wero canuied
atoiind Lawton's headqiiart us.
Geneial Wheeler todav with file
First. Second and Tenth caviltv and
the tough tlders. with dynamite guns,
moved up to where Genet il Ltw ton's
outposts vei" l.t't night and ti-tu bat
teries of the Third uttllbrv and fair
flatting cuns with a special detail under
Lieutenant I'.irkei wile brought up
Dowel's Reinforcements Wnro Ex
pected Lust Wednesday--I'rosotico
ol Gorman Ships Cheers SpnniiirtlH.
(Copyright iys, b the Assoil ltd Press)
Miinlla, Phillpplm Islands. June 12,
via Hong Kong. June 27.-The Spnu
laids claim they have dilven the icb
els back, but icall.v the position Is un
changed. The arrival of the Ameilian
tioops Is awaited and thev nie expected
The Spanish outposts have prepared
to tetln- promptly to the walled citadel
and will piobablv make only a nomi
nal H-slstanie. All tood is held at
famine' pi Ices
Two thousand Spaniards nre wink
ing on the sand-bag defences outside
the moat, on the Calle de las Agundus.
The Insurgents ato woirylng the Span
lards, but theie Is no advance, though
desultoiy ilring goes on nt viulous
points. The Insurgents are tiling ex
plosive shells nt Santa Ana thuiches.
Hong Kong, June 27. General Aguln
nldo, accoiding to letters brought hero
fiom Ctivlte bj a Get man steamer, oc
cupies tho mansion of the lato govei
1101 of Cavlte, but will shortly move to
Imus to make 100111 for the Aineriian
troops. Tho Insui gents now have five
thousand pilsoueis. A bundled and
eighty-seven of tho 'Spanish wounded
have been sent to Manila wl-h a flag
of tiueo by pel mission of Admiral
Weather Indication Toiliyi
Pair to Tartly Cloud) i Sultrj .
1 Geneial Suuadioii of Cncle Sams
Warships Will Attack the Spanlth
Admlial Cevcra's Not Shrowd Ihiough
for Sampson.
Third expedition Off for the. Philip
pines. 2 General-aatherlng of tho Democrntli)
clans at Altoona.
Il.ise Hall Games of a Day.
Financial nnd Commt-U'lul.
I IMItnrinl.
Comment of tho Press.
5 Local Hard Coal Advocates In tho
P.01111I of Control Shott of Funds.
6 Local West Scrantou and Subuihan,
7 Nows Hound About U.
S Goneral News of tho Day at Camp
Interesting Talk on Armenia,
the Associated Press)
and planted on tho brow of tin? hill
overlooking the basin In vvhlcn San
tiago de Cuba lies.
Not a shot was llred ftnin the Ameri
can side last night, though tho fiont
of the Ameilian line was not 2,v00
yards from the entteiiehmenls wheie
the Spaniards proposed to cnmhuL the
advance on Santiago do Cuba. Tho top
of eveij- hill and mountain noith and
east of Santiago Is occupied by block
hoiis s, fiom vv hence the Spanlaiils can
view the movements of the Ameilcan
inmv as It advances beyond Sabnnllla,
while to the eastwaid of the city, gash
ing every knoll and bit of high ground,
nie Spanish Intrene hnii-nts. Spies re
lort that Inside the Intrem hments are
foui parallel lines ofillle pits, shoulder
deep and lu front of them nie 111 allied
ranges and sevnal lows of baibed wi'iv
fences. No olllcer who hns surveed
the field over which the advance must
be made undei estimates the task
ahead of the Ameilcans, although our
bovs still epiess the most loiiU'inptu
ous opinion of theli adversaries.
The geneial opinion Is that more nr
tllhuy will be necessaiy befoie It will
be safe to attempt to make an assault
upon the Spanish winks, as the Hie of
the lille pits must necessailly bo dead
ly and sufficient to demoialize any
force, no matter how billllniit In Its
courage, when halted by wire obstruc
tions. Some otlloeis believe It will ho.
necessar.v to lay u tegular siege to San
tiago and advance with a line of eaith
woiks until the llfle pits can be shelled
with shrapnell bv the light aitillery.
However gratifying to the national
pi Ido Is the eateless attitude of our
enlisted men, the giave fear remain
that thej mn need a 11101 e severe les
son than the ambush of the rough
rldeis before they jeallze the deadly
possibilities of modei 11 win faro, even
In Spanlb huuds. Tin- outlook heto Is
tlueatenlng liven body believes a
great battle Is Imminent. With tin
Spanish and Aineilcnn advance posts
almost close enough to see the whites
of eni h otlui's oes, a collision may
oi-( 111 at anv moment
Dewey. The wounded Spanish ofllceis.
with one I'Mi-ptiiin, are at Cavlte. The
Spanish Inlgadler, Moiet. vias killed at
San Fernando in an attempt to foteo
the lebel Hues
An Ameilian oiilclal at Cavlte vviltes
as follows. ' If gieat bloodshed and
ilesiruitlon come to Manlln, Spain may
justly blume the Gentians. Manila
would have suiH-ndeied befoie the 111
ilval of the Get man squadron without
bloodshed, but now, owing to the moinl
suppoit of Its presence, the cltv ic
tuses to suit emit r."
On June 2H. ni cession day, the for
eign wan ships saluted the Spanish coi
tus It was believed that the bom
bardment had begun, but the panic
was soon quelled. A French warship
left the hnrbor, after saluting tho
Spanish Hug. The shore battel les
answered and this gave rim- to a fnls
nlaini of the urrlvul of the American
The Spaniards believe thnt Great
Hi Until intends some port of action, it
is reported that they will bum ull th'
houses at Malute to clear tho gtound
for defence.
m '
Another Lie .Nnilud.
Washington June 27-A siory wu. atl .it
todav to the effect that the big douole
turntid monitors Purltun und Mlamo
liomoh had bet-n slrink and Injured nerl
ousl by Spanish hIuIU off Iluvuim. At
the navy dipariirent It was learned thnt
both monitors are ut Key West, vvheio
the have been ut um-hor for itomc tuna
Uepubllcuii Lrnuuo Convention.
O nut hi, Neb. June 27. The nlllclnl call
wus iBSiied tonight to tin Iiepubltcail
lutgiie e-luhs of the 1'nlted Stutcs for th
eleve-nth annual convention of the na
tional Hepubllian league of tho Fnltetl
Stuit-s to meet In Unitilut Wednesday,
July U
l'eiiiiR)lviiiiin Pensions.
Washington, June 27 These I'enusvl
viiniu pinslons have Ictn Uxued: Origi
nalLemuel S. Kvetet. Ntw Mllford. S-n-quehnnna
$10. Hinry Stark. I'lttston.
Luzerne. J8 Asher M Fell. iVtlUos-Uarr.
$12.7.'i. llc-ur) W. U.irdwoll, Tunklwn
nock, J17.
Projectiles nnd Shells Shipped.
Heading Pa June 27 -The Curprntcr
Fuel winks ti daj. mad- oi" ot ihe luig
est shipment 01 projectiles nnd shells
for many weeks. They numbered ovir
Vf 4--f ---- -f-f-t-r-f -t"M"r
New York, Juno 25.-(Heiald's
-f fnretastl In the middle stutea und
New Fngliind, tod.i. e-ioud), sultry
4- weather will pievall wiib lUht and
fresh southerly and niihwoittcrly
4- winds followed b rllnr. lempers
-- ture, and local tain 1 1 thunder
f storms,
ttt ttttttt -Hi-tt-t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1