THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY. JUNE 27. 1808. I'ubllihert Dully, Kxcept Simrtuv. by tlm Tribune l'ubllalilng Company, at 1 Ifly Cents a Month. New York Office: 1 fin Nammi St., H H VHKKIANH, Pole Agent for Foreign Advertising. IMPIiril AT TIlK rOITOFFICK AT SCnANTO.S, IM AS (jFtOND-CJ.AHS MAIL MATTER. SCHANTO.V Jl'Ni: 27, 1S9. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. ST A I' I OoMnor WII.MAM A STONU lieutenant Gocrnor-J 1'. 8 (iOHIN Secretary nf Internal Affairs JAMLb W. I.A1TA. Jdilco of Superior Court-W. W. I'OR- TWl. Congressmen nt - Large SAMIM2I. A DAVUM'CIIT. liALl'SUA A. GKUW. m;;ihi,aii i:. AfGHAN Honnto. Twentieth nisi -I AM US C llOIISO. l'lrst nistrlct-JOHN It. TARIt. 1'ourtli Distilct-JOllX V nCNOLD3. coi,om:i, sror,'M n.vrroini It will bo mv purpco when elected to fo conduct mjtilf as to win the ie"pett and good will of thee who have oppose I mo as well as thoe who have given mo their support I fh.ilt be the governor of the whole rcoplo ot the Utc Alni'"" hne undoul.tidlv Mfn "P ' lno IfR1'" Intni-p which nre neither the fault of one partv nor the olhn but rathd tin growth of ptiMcm l'i rocessaiy Investi gations lnvo been authorized b commit tees resulting in tinnecesjr expend to the state It will bo in (.ire and pur pose to correct theFO and othei evils In i'o far as I Imp tho powu It will be my purpose while governor of P. nnvlvatua, as It has been my purpo-e In tho public positions tint I hae held with Clod's help, to discharge mv whole dut Tho people aro gi enter than tho parties to which the belong I am onl Jealous ot their favor I shall only attempt to win their approval and mv experience ins taught me that that ran bct be done bv nn honest, modest, dnllv discharge of public duty. We'll wager there Is one race of for eigners that Is learning not to call our army slow. m ' Torce the Traitors' Hands. Five enrs ago a tieatv of annexa tion between Hawaii and the fulled States, negotiated bv the Harrison nil mlnlbttatlon with infinite care, und, after public debate, appioved bv the overwhelming sentiment of the coun try. vas withdiawn smnniarily from the senate, viheie It was jet pending, by a Democratic president who aftei ward sent a paramount commissioner to Honolulu, with institutions to haul clown the American (lag and woik up a case aspeiMng the niemmy of tho American otlh l.ils under whoso aus pices Old Glory had hem hoisted there. The locoll of public opinion fiom this policy of Infamy Knocked Gtovor Cleveland's administration Into tho lowest depths of innocuous desuetude Today, with the sentiment fot annex ation mote ovei whelming than ovei, and with the tountij engaged iti a war the piogiess of which has death le vealed Hawaii's indispensable value to us as an outpost of defence nucl a stepping stone to futtiie lnlluence In the Pacific, not Uiovcr Cleveland but a knot c)f flllbiisteilng senatois tiy to Mock the way, saving by deed that they hold their Individual opinion to bo wot tli more than the wish and will of the ptoplp whom they seive, and vlitually commanding piesident, house of leptc-entatives, ainiv, navy, gcncrnl public and a laige niajoilty of their own colleagues to go to the devil. Shall this new conspiracy to thwart the populai wilt and nullify the ruludple of majority title succeed.' Polish the thought' ' When at 11 o'clock this morning the senate- of the t'nltcil States icMimes Its .sltiliiRs, tho chilli man of the com mittee on foreign lelatlons,, Mi Davis, with tho consent and approval of a niajoilty of the enatois, Miould nilse and Rive plain notice of an Intention nt tho expliatlon ot 7J bonis to do- mand a vote on the Now lands annexa tion icsolutlon. and to enforce that demand by ret using to adjourn until tho vote Is taken. Let us see whether this Is a rov ei nnu nt of. by and foi tho peoplu or ono of, by and foi the Sugar trust. a tellBlotm function, It must tccelve a formal public sanction as everybody knows. Marry Ins and being Riven In marrlat;? nro events In which the woild takes a natutal nnd pioper Intetcst. What Interests the public necessarily Interests the newspaper compiler as a matter of business. There Is no coun try In tho wot Id In which newspapers ethlblt such a tender regurd for the domestic susceptibilities of the people as wo do here. Tho public lives of public men may be attacked and aie attacked rationally or Irrationally on grounds of public expediency. It Is legitimate, It Is necessary, although It may sometimes be excessive In Its vli uleiue ot unjustlllable In Its lntemper nnee of langungc. Hut It stops there. The private lives of our citizens are not made public, even at times when there Is sufficient Justlfkntlon for do ing so The newspaper tecords ot oui dlvoice court proceedings, for Instance, are Immaculate computed with vctba tlm icports und tttisavoiy detail dished up In Kngllsh newspapers, which affect a puritanical vlrtunus ness In their editorial columns. Theie ate a few papeis In New Yoik, nnd pet haps nearei home, which Indulge In lewd sensationalism, but they do not much exceed a score among tho thous ands of newspapers thnt are published eveiy day thioughout the length and bieadth of the country. The Ameri can press as a whole Is exceptionally dean. Ml, Gordon's assailant thieatoncd hlni with mutder If he leportcd the cowardly attack of which he was tho victim. Mr. Got don nnd The Tilbune have iRnoied tho tin eat. They are not to be detcned by tin cats. The lesouues of civilization are not yet exhausted in Scinntnn. There exist in this state two excellent Institutions, the county jail nnd the penitentiary A sojourn in olther Is not a veiy au spicious tct initiation to a honeymoon In nil kindliness and slnccilty wo ad vise Kelpoi s f i lends to counsel thnt young und excitable man If they have any legard for his future happiness, to let Mi. Guidon or any othei repre sentative of The Tribune in the execu tion of his duty nlone. Spain they nro likely to nllennto Amer icans of German birth He adds: "Gcrman-Aniei leans arc pioud of their new fatherland, nnd know how to ap preciate Its advantages and grout tnial Itlcs. Now that war Is going nn they stnnd with their new country. Us fi lends nro their friends nnd Its en emies aie their enemies" Well said of Call. There Is hope for Mugwump ery yet. tho Biigtir ttust will ngtce to stop in sisting tho necessary annexation of Hawaii. Sngnsta, like nnother Mlcawuer, Is only waiting for something to blow up. Big Grou)lh in Oiir Oriental Trade The senator who obstmctlvely defies a majority Is little better In wnr time than tho ti allot- in camp. Annex Hawaii forthwith. Kven the mistakes of tho Anieilcnn soldier aie brave mistakes, which add to the lustie of Yankee arms. A Word of WnrnlnR. Mr,,John Gordon, the South bide tep rerentntlvo of The Tilbune, was hav ngcly and unexpectedly assaulted by a lusty luftlan named Kelper on l'll day evening An lltni of news, the Impending mmriage of this man to a young woman, became public property- through the medium of ono of Kelpei a friends, air. Goidon did not take up the report of the event upon Incspons. Ible heaisay. Ho was requested to publish It, nnd wns of couise meiely fulfilling his duty in doing so Such reports aro a matter of dally and con ventlonnl record In every newspaper In this ilty and In every other city. The business of a newspaper Is to publish news, and the business of a reporter Is to collect It Some few persons have a different notion. They seeni to Imagine that public events In which they figure affect them alone, nnd ttmt public proceedings In courts tf Justice nnd other places should bo held In secrecy ns long as they are discreditable or disagreeable to them selves. This Is a theory which lannot ho (olerated ns long as u free press exists, There Is nothing wrong In getting mai ried, It Is a public ceienvony, made to by law with particular anxiety. As The State Campaign. A significant ndlon has been taken bv the Republicans of Allegheny coiin tv. Hefoie the lecent state convention thy were divided In prefcienccs on the gubernatorial question, a Iuirp niajoi lty of them bltteilv opposing the nomi nation of their fellow -townsman, Col onel Stone Into this opposition en teied nnny Lisping factional mein oiles; but now that Colonel Stone stands ns the choice of the party throughout the state, the Republicans of Allegheny have indented him unani mously and ate making piepniatlons to give hi in a lousing niajoilty This example of p.utv fidelity ls worthy of emulation throughout the commonwealth Pergonal and factional aspects of the situation should now be iiboidlnated to the laigei question of the paitv's welfaie. Republic anlsm as an active force In public affalis either Is wen thy of popul.n Indoisomcnt oi it is not. If it Is. the pcison.ility of the tcmpoiaiv nominee Is not to be com puiPd in Impoi tautc with the preset -union of the peiinanent prlnc Inlcs for which that nominee momenta! lly stands .Men who ns Republicans have dlffcicd as to nominees nnd who, in the open pailiaineut of public debate, have espoused nntngonlsth factions must now decide not a question of permissible vniintlon In piefetenco within the p.nty lines, but a vital point of loyalty to political doctrine Theie is no evasion of the i-sue. It must be met and faced and decided between this day and the eighth day of next Novembei. Dissatisfaction there Is and always has beem Twice before It has led tei p.nty revolution, with no other tesult than party emhanassment and public disappointment Hxpeilence has con duslvelv pioved to the ..itsfactlon of well-nigh eveiy Intelligent voter that the pioml-e of lefoim when utteied by tho Dcmociatle patty no redemptoiy value aftei election. Theie is confessedly no hope of betteiment from a political eugauizntiou whose own leadets publicly confess In their attacks upon each other that their one bond of union, apart fiom the fence ot life-long habit. Is an ineslstlble appe tite for spoils The Republican who, with hlsteuy before him, would aban don stone to ti ust In Goidon or Jenks would theieby confess himself a lnunoilht, and could no longer be taken seitously. Hope of n successful Independent movement tlieio Is none. Clicutu stanecs national In thelt chai.uter lenelet out of the eiuestlon the possi bility of scenting for u state canvass nt this lime the coiuentiatlou of popu lai attention on local matters neces saiy to the sepal ntlon of stnte fioni national issues. War makes paitlsaus Inevitably aien align themselves In local campaigns by an Irieslstlblo im pulse alemg the lines which divide them In tho lniger contests of tho nation. Anything savoring of detadied and in dependent politics Is at such times put unelei the ban Immediately. One ot thiee men will be the next gov et nor' Colonel Stone, tho Demo unt to he nominated at Altoona tills week very piobably Mr. Jenks en Dr. Swallow. Theso candidates icpresent respectively the policy of construction, the policy of obstruction nnd tho policy of desttuctlon In publlo nffnlrs Per sonnlly such difference ns theto mny be among them is not to the discredit of the first named, whose Individual record ns fatmer boy, student, soldier nnd civilian promoted step by step to eminent and responsible public trusts sustains the most exneting scrutiny. Hut ns repiesentntlves of past public achievement nnd present and futuie public piomlse theie can be no doubt among fair-minded men that lie who stands for Republican principles Is by far the worthiest of confidence, and this obvious fact will sulllce to Insuie Colonel Stone's tilumplial election, The Speakeasy Crusade., C. W, Travers lias at last succeeded In obtaining two V-onvIe lions In the nntl-spenk-Prty prosecutions In which ho acted ns Infoimer. Tho in -n who havo been convicted pleaded guilty, or attempted no defense. Hut the g:eut ninjorlty of his cttses havo fallen lluollgh and the costs been put upon the county, air Travers bus danced himself Into notoilety, If nothing moio substantial, and the people have to pay tho piper. We wonder how long this farce is to continue'' It Is no discredit for a mnn to go i mind on a mission of lefotm, ns Judge Kdwnids said. On the contrary, the refonneis who began the crusade against slaveiy and for the alleviation ot the tlnaldom of humanity In this and other countries wete obscure and unknown men who weie pioscrlbed ami j)eiccuted to within almost nn Inch of their lives; enthusiasts who were hounded from pillar to post nnd fiom post to pillar, who weie scoffed, Jeered at and levlled by the hirelings of those whoso vested Interests they attacked or were supposed to Uneaten As we have sniel on a funnel- occasion, tlie public does not believe that elthei Travers ot aialoney Is nctunted by nny such disinterested motives Indeed, neither of these men makes nny pie tentlons to such vlitue. Hut we do not lequire In modem lcformeis the fanntlclsm ot the nnclcnt uusadets All that Is wanted Is honesty of pur pose nnd liKoiiuptlbllity In dlschatg Ing obligations Imposed by tho olllce voluntarily assumed. It Is a notoilous fact that speak easies continue their Illicit career un interruptedly, without let or hlndianee fiom those whoso duty It ls to see Hip law eairied out. They letnll mote dt Ink piobably on the whole than the fully licensed saloons. Thev are far more deinoializing, because they can nffoid to give their ctistomeis long cieelit, and they aie under no obligation to disci Imlnnte between mlnois nnd men of legal age It would be mote equit able if the license laws of the state weie altogcthei abolished than that they should be violated with Impunity by any bod v who likes to set the com monwealth at defiance If It is notorious, and Judge Kdwaids declares that It 1, that speakeasies continue to trade In spliltuous liquors unlnteiiuptedly, how Is It that the waul constables nre 'not held respon sible0 Hvery notoilous speakeasy that ls fiequented by tho geneial public must be known to the constable of the waul. The fact of the matter Is, and theie is no sense In disguising the fact, that the wnid constables bring Into couit ictuins with their lips swollen with pel Jui y Theie Is not a district In the city in which even a stianger may not obtain what tliink he pays foi. Where is tho remedy? Wp can see only one We believe the license laws aie altogothci too high If they wete stile tiy enfoieed. the tinele In drink would be moio or less n mon opoly. Hut as these laws aie not or cannot be stilt tiy enforced, tho legiti mate saloonkeeper is taxed out of the l.ngcr p.ut of his pi tiflt. while the piei pi letor of the speakeasy has only 1 1 meet the blackmail levy of tho watd constable A license for a saloon Is nlmost as high In Scrnnton as it Is In New Yoik. We tio not say that licenses aie too hlsh If thev could be made opeiatlve lu the lesttlctlon ot the sale of intoxicating liquors What we do maintain Is that the high license act ns it Is opeiatlve In this community pi ac tually defeats the object feu which it wns Imposed If It weie placed nt such an amount as would bring it within the lesoutces of the piopiletois of the speakeasies gencially, they piobably would not lun the ilsk of detec tion and the giave penalties which the law Imposes, while the license holdeis themselves would form the nucleus ot nn effective trade association organ ized to pi event the Illegal sale of diluk. As it Is, licensed saloonkeopeis are too few and too Indlfleient to co-operate for sdf-piotectlon The licensed saloons ociupy as a lule the moio central pans of the dty, while the speakeasies stud tho outposts They do not theiefoie come much Into seiious opposition and competition docs not array one sharply agnlnst the othoi. The time has ni lived, we think, when the obligation of detecting bleaches of the license laws should be taken out of the liuuds nnd fiom under tho le spunslblllty of the waicl constables and placed In bettei hands Hotter n state license commission than no attempt at law enfoi cement whatsoever. THH growth of American com with Japan and especial American ixports to that try ls dlMUi'sed nt consld GOLISMI nn T Ply 111 tw' "(S. BAZAAR. fan f eater w arable Srigoant Hamilton Tlsh of Roose velt's Rough Riders, who met hl death lu Cuba tho other day. was over nix feet in height with a frame herculean In piopoitlon May tho tuif lav llsnt ly on his bi.ue henit. Home and friends and worldly advancement wer- socrl- llced foi the cause of freedom and then life Itself The tree of liberty Is nur isheel by the blood of patriots. Geneial Shatter evidently believes in tho U. S. Giant Idea of lighting along u straight lino fiom statt to finish. If ho Isn't cuieful hlstoiy, repeating Itself, will also make a heio of him. A scnatoilal Vesuvius Is needed to toss n few catthquakes among tho Popotrats who ate trying to bottlo up tho administration's war polity of Hawaiian annexation. The German empeior may not tucklo Cncle Sam but ho has every provoca tion to seek a fall or two out of tho sensational fuiclgn eoucspondents. Pail Sthui, warns the people of Ger many that In espousing the cause of Gieat men are not so numcious these ilays that the tar heels of Maine can uffoid to turn Tom Reed down. As a matter nf economy If not of Pilnclplc It might be bettor fiankly to nscerlnln Hnd pay tho price for which HH growth of American commerce uy en conn- Idetahle lpnrth In it recent number of the nrltlh diplomatic nnd consular reports Just recelvcil by tho bureau of statistics nt Washington. Tho siiilcmcnt Is In the form of a report from Mr A If l.n. assistant Japanese secretary to her maj esty s legation at Toklo The icport dis cusses tin foreign Undo of Japan dining tho yeat PIT, and after showing thut On-it III Main's Impoi ts Into Japan In rio.itr.rl in 1S17 bv about u Per criit. anil that those from Grrumny amounted to onlv 8 tur cent, of the total Instead of 10 per cent ns In the previous year, says 'The rnitcd Stntcs bus acquired a very largely Increased shale of both the Im port nnd export trade the values of her Imports nnd exports hiving risen no less thnn U und ST. per cent, icspcctlvely.' o Tho table showing the total Imports into ond pxpntts from Japtn bv counlilcM shows tint the lmpmls from thp fnltcd States Incicnsed 1 ;i S3ri pounds steriins against .ll-Ms pounds sterling Incicuse from Great Hrltuln Ctilj pounds sterl ing Inereasp from Hrltlsh India, in 130 pounds sterling Ircreisp from Germain, 617 7M Ireriosn f r. m 222 603 In cicise from Hong Kong nnd a deercaso of "01 (ill prutds sterlh-g 111 the Imports fiom Trailer It will thus be seen tint the Incteaso In lmpotts from tho I'nlted States Into Jnran wns greater In 1WT than fiom any othei ceiuntiy. o Discussing the details of the gilns mtilo b tho I'nlted States In lmpoits Into Japan, tho repot t snvs. "'Hip In e tease In the Import or law cotton amounted to 11 Oil tons to the total vnlae of W1271 pounds sterling. 1'rom HrltMi India comes the largest supply, numely, POOM'iOO poutds; Lhln.i was next with G"l.'l,0 pounds, then the t'lilted States with 1'iWitn" pounds l'lentli India sent 2 111 200 pounds 1 he I'lilted Si iti s sho.vs much the laigest incrcTso owing to the fall In the nuotntlons for Ann lie an cot- ton caused by the unusual 1 irgeness t f the ctop. Pig lion imported amounted to ?, "0 tons more than In P03 and pile es have lnct eased to a largo e (piit owing to hcivlcr freights n pig lion the 1 nited States appeal fur Hip flru time being credited with a value of 1. 110 pounds sterling ns agilnst So 071 pounds sterling vvoith from Great Britain Amei Ican Iron dos not ippenr to hive met with vtrv tnuih favor 'Iltilenr' and other Hrltlsh btanels being prefetred So far the shipments hivt been experiment il, but It ls understood Hrge quantlt! s will arrive monthly In future shipped In combination with cotton e.iigoes dl lect from Ponsacol 1 it ills have been Imported vtrv Hrgely but he. 0 Great Hrltain s shne is decreasing, while thnt of othei countries excepting Plant p Is huieaslng ond as teient 1 irgu contiacts lnvp bTii obtilned mos,tlv bv thp Pnlteel States t s prohibit- that lsiS will see a still 1p-s propoitlon of this tritlo In the binds of Hiltl-h makeis 't has aluavs been alleged tint American turs or the suppliers lost monev over these tall contiacts but Judging bv their peislstent bidding for the husliu ss this would not appear to lie collect. " N'eills fiom tho I'nlted States have pra -tlrtllv ill hen out of the market those from Geimanv and Iitlgliim but Insiifll rlnnev of picking his mused much loss on wire Halls shipped overland bv wav of Pacific ports The demand tor knosone Is still lncteaslng about f nun 000 gellons mole than In IS'ii, having been impoi ted Stocks at the end of the v ir wie not laice About 70 per cent of th oil was Atrei lean 21 per cent, II is slan and 7 per cent l.inckal ' o Commenting further upon the g'llis mitde bv the Pnlteel States lu the sales of her pinelucts and minufactures to Japan, the icport s.ivs. 'The appearance of the I nltocl States as a serious ennipotltnr with Kuropp was mentioned lu the list ippnit In l'iti tli's was attiibuted to llvi lt ev Tiling dPincMon In the stales but the same reason will not account for tin continued giovvth of this competition In lc'7 nnil other causes must bp sought "In thp first nliico It would seem tint tho n rlocl of piosperlty t xpeilenc t-d In the states until about Pii or li ended with a consldeialilo ovcrpioductlon in every hi .inch ot uuuufic lure 'I he de pression which ensiit d liiiiiight about alt er 1 of economy and stimulated the dp vtlopnicnt of laboi -saving miihliiPiv and nppllani ps of evpry description and by tilth adoption Hip Ameilciu inakT has bren able not only to meet the lower prices offend to him b his own countrv men but lu nnnv eases to eieate a de malid nhiotd bv selling hln sill plus at co-t price and thus ficelng the home m.u ket trom inn exeesv In thp m-c ond pi 1 a the elevelopmmt of ,111 expoit trade fiom the I'lilticl Stutts has bten tvken up bv laige combinations of varied luteiesis having as tlnlr oblect the collection .iiul ilisstmli.utlou ot suih practical lufoimi tlon u-spritlng the worlds requliements as will lead to nn extrusion of commerc Thesi, h stltutlnns stal d le.uU to tumMi siatls all details with lcgaiel to the n- souiecs and Industries of tho stales and there can bp llttlo doubt but that this broad and eeuupiphcn'-lve policy Is of in calculable) assistance to those conccund In Ameilcan tridc Another point to be nentloned Is the development of ellret t steamship lltns fiom New Yoik. wlureis formerly goods wpio sent to I.lveipool or London for tra-ishlpinent lo Japan o "While tho relative (.rowth of Japan's lmpoits from the I'nlted Stutcs shows a vn lalf,p Incicaso In lecent years tho amount of expoits from Gieat llillaiu has Increased by a lugcr total value, but It must be homo In mind that tho American Invasion has only just com menced that tho ground has been pre ptred for laige extensions In tho fuluie, and that unless some unforeseen changes tako place the tondrrcy will be towards encroachment upon the tiaelo hlthcito be longing to Great Hrltuln A glance nt tho figures given below will show how lapldlv the Import tiario to Japan of iho I'nlted Stati s ls growing pjrilctilarlv in maeliltierv. locomotives und railvvav mi te rial articles foi which tho I'nlted Kingdom has hltlierto held a mnnopnlv Thlspoitlon of tho report cannot bo closed without a lefercnce to the qulik deliv eries which tan always be obtuliied from America As an iustai ce, Hngllsh loco motive builders required two venrs for tho delivery of an extensive order, while tho Baldwin locomotive works turiiPd them nut at tho rate of two a day mid shipped th whole quantity wlthlng eight or ten weeks Anothei case leiently ce curred where tho Kngllsh time for ship ment of live locomotives was ten months nnd tho pilco about 112,000 gold delivered In Japan, and American mukers offered to ship in fouitcen weeks ut about jsooo gold The samo specification was sub mitted to both countt leg The tlmo al lowed for execution of ordeis by tho Jap.inrso buyer Is nlvvays shott nnd Iho tendency Is to make It shniter still. Consequently prompt shipments ma a great advantage and when In addltl-m the shoitness of the will and sea route via tho Pacific coast U taken Into consldeia tiou, it Is apparent that tho Hiitlsh maker must, oven on tho same terms as to price, offer slicing eountor indues ments to ensure successful competition. At tho same time theie seems to M no doubt In tho minds nf the Japanese as lo the supeilaiity of the Hi ltisli-niaelo en Bine." The total lmpoits from tho United A bargain budget. Bright, breezy batches of coolness and comfort. A store full of sensible, seasonable merchandise suited to your summer needs, AH priced to push the business far in advance of previous records, The Wash Goods Stock Is now at its best, assortments most complete, qualities reliable, prices lower than you'd expect. At J cents you can buy beautiful Lawns, worth double. At 10 cents you can buy Dimities, Madras aud other thin goods that will surprise you, The Shirt Waist Stock No stock in this store will give better account of itself for the next sixty days j no stock better equipped to add to your summer satisfaction. White Lawn Waists at 2jc, 49c aud 73c that are worth double. Printed Lawn, Dimity aud Madras Waists at 49 cents and upwards. tinier Separate Skirts The economy of the Summer Wash Skirt is to be commended. The style and comfort of these popular garments there's no gainsaying. The prices put them within easy reach of all. Linen Crash Skirts, 45 cents and upwards. White Duck Skirts, 9S cents and upwards. White Pique Skirts, $1.98 and upwards. Lewis, Reilly t& Davnes. AIAV.US BlbY. MILL k CQMEIX 121 N. Washington Ave. 1 . . 0 Our Korrect Shape Shoes lOIt CK.NTI.hMEN. HAM: MOlth. t KlKXUa 'I II V. A.N V Ol II EK bllOKft MADE. Lewis, Rclily & Myles, HI AMI 110 WMUIIVC, AVK.NLK States and Oreat Untnln in l'W Hi", 15 and Is''", are shown as follow Imports from the t'nlted States an 1 Great Urltaln lulu Japan Impirt lmpoits tmm tho from iho United tlrcat Sttttes. Hrltnln Yen Yen lv1 667IWI Jb,6ni'J2 H03 0,27(1,360 45,17.' 110 lsil 10:73.111 MJSIUO li'17 S7.030E37 05 I . BRASS BEDSTEADS. In buylns ft bra nedatend, be sure that fou get the belt Our ban Hedtcids nro all made with seamlc brat tubln; and fiamo wort Is nil of steel. Tboy cost no more thai many bedsteads mnrteof the open 6oimlc tubing. ICvery beUntead Is hlshly finished and lacquerel under a peculiar method, nothlns over hav ing been produced to equal It Our new Bprlng Patterns aro now on exhibition. FINLEY II 2' a yard for Floe Freed! Qreaodiies that have retailed throughout the season for Hill & CoirraeU At 121 North Washington Avenue. Scranton, Pa. The follow Iuk summar.v of the items which formed iho I nltccl Mates' totals lu thei eni will slve an Idea of the changes tint ImvVi taken and are taking place: Imports into Japan fiom the United States, by leading artlclci. isr). 1M, Yen Kerosene . . . 4 l-'i I0D Itiw cotton CM S75 Leather .. . IJI.MO Watches. clocks and paits of . 327 101 Locomotives . l5SS Machinery und In struments . . . mi 111 7S1 511 Steim boll?r.s .... So,31l 51 dbJ Hour :.'0.7in OSIO.'I Yen. 1 252,'pjD 4 Zii.'ifo M5.0J7 Z.M.V2 197. Yen. S 971 V5 7,273,221 43i,277 sji in 2,J3,JSj 1 IT) 721 211 7'i0 1,15'-' 3.S ;nami:kican amkiucans. Geneial nirnej in WaMilngton Tost Among our own people I am vtiy soriy tu say thoro nre a few peisons who slm the C'ubiiiH as untiustworthv, and who aro endeavoring to m ike our govern rani filthless to lis pledges to glvo ni di pendente anil a liable BoviTiuuent to t'uba to persii ide the United Stati s to step Into the shoes of Spain and attempt to govern that Island ns Spain ins done. These advocates ot nation il cINhondi are blind to Hi" fact that Spanish methods Inn! to Pppiisa letblth, rebellion, icvo lutlon, and chronic gueiilli warfare Thrj appeal to our na'tonal vanity by telling us It would le easy for us to co ereo both Cula-m nnd Spaniards' Impo. slble Su'h a task In mill a eountiv would irqulie a stunillng nnnv of sooooo men Such ar Infamous violation of m tlonal pledges would make Americans more hated In Cuba than Spinl.erds aro now-. Kverv cl dpparal wculd be dfd with American blood No! tho path of honor Is tho pith of safetv 1 -a us tr at tho L'ubins according to thcli great merits franklv, genciouslv Let 113 ac cept them n nuxlllnrles without raising fine, pettifogging points about Ilag3, etc. Let both go In and whip the Spaniards without splitting hairs on questions of precedences In this spirit we will free Cuba and lay tho found itlons of a stable government m un mill 110 ir. Reveemie CancellatlQe it amps Made to Order0 20 Will be our '"special drive' for a lew days of this week. Pieces selected from stock will be sac rificed at this price for only a few days longer. They are this season's goods, all choice designs, and are undoubtedly The Biggest Bargaans in Organdies Ever Onered Here or Elsewhere, From the Washington Tost fieneral Miles has his oppoitunlty nt hist The United Stntes, Is at wai and Important military operations are on foot. Ho will have every clnnce to ellstlngiilsh himself as a leader, a soleller, and 11 strategist. Tlieio Is no 0110 lo block tho wn of his advancement or dim tho ln,s li 1 of his deeds Let him muzzle the lob bies that am elamnrlns fot his promo tion In advance of his achievement, let hlni lav tint TeiNcdo coat In its llttlo nest of nnth-balls, dispense with the dazzling pagciintrv In which he nstiallv moves go lo the front lu the simple, sol dlcrly fashion which heroines tho tuily great warrior and which gleal vvatilois In th past have generallv adopted-ln ft vvoul, let him phi 11 tho Lieutenant Oen- Icrdlny as his piedecessord did. Reynolds Bros Stationers and Engravers, HOTUL JUlt.MY.S" BUILDING. 130 Wyoming Avenue. Our import line of (Mcestt Organdies Manufactured by Koechlin, Baumgarter & Cie, is unex celled. We show them in a large variety of designs, all exclu sively our own, and they ara selling freely, HAMMOCKS, REFEIQEtATOES WATER MtERS AND FILTERS. WHITE MOUNTAIN AND OHIO ICE CREAM FREEZERS AT JIAIU) TAN !'mCE3 TO SUIT TIIKTIMKS. TEE CLEMONS, FEREER, WAIXEY CO. Also One Odd Lot of French Organdies in Dress Patterns at 18 cents a yard to close. 530 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUB HENRY BEL1N, JR.. General Arcnt for tho Wyomlni Ulitrlctfj; POIDER. Mlnlnc, Hlatlns Sporting SmoUe'.sil Bad Iba Kepauoo Chemtca. Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. fcafety Ku.e, Caps and KxplodMJ. Iloom 101 lonnell liulldto:. bcraatoa. 4'i'i Lsckavranns Aveung AOUNClha. THO1, FOUD, JOHN II. SMITH AdON, W. K. MULLia.VN, nttitott riyinoutb Wtlkes-Barrs